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Mdulo 4 Places Apresentao do Mdulo Jessica est de frias nos Estados Unidos e, apesar de ter um conhecimento bsico da lngua

a inglesa, ainda no tem uma boa fluncia. Ela est hospedada em um hotel na West Street e precisa ir ao supermercado na East Street. Perguntou ao recepcionista do hotel onde fica o supermercado mais prximo e ele mostrou no mapa a localizao do supermercado, assim como outros lugares pblicos mais prximos. E agora? Como Jessica vai chegar at o supermercado? Como vai pedir informaes para chegar at l? Que situao, no mesmo? Neste mdulo voc aprender sobre lugares pblicos, direes, a perguntar onde fica um lugar que voc deseja conhecer, a obter, pedir e dar direes e a utilizar um mapa. Isso tudo vai acontecer de uma maneira bem natural, atravs do uso de um vocabulrio especfico da lngua inglesa. Est preparado? Ento vamos l!

Para ouvir as direes que o recepcionista do hotel falou para Jessica, acesse o site (http://www.esl-lab.com/dir1/dir1.htm) Aproveite tambm para responder as perguntas e veja se voc tambm ficaria perdido nesta situao. Boa sorte!

Objetivos do Mdulo Ao final do estudo deste mdulo, voc ser capaz de: Identificar os lugares pblicos de uma cidade; Usar as preposies de lugar para dar e perguntar direes; Reconhecer e utilizar diferentes maneiras de se dar direes; Utilizar um mapa para descrever diferentes direes. Estrutura do Mdulo Este mdulo est dividido em 4 classes (aulas): Class 1 (Aula 1) Public Places (Lugares pblicos). Class 2 (Aula 2) Where is the ....? (Onde fica o/a ..?). Class 3 (Aula 3) Directions (Direes). Class 4 (Aula 4 ) A concert in the park (Um concerto no parque).

Class 1 (Aula 1) Public Places Drag and drop. airport, beach, church, fire station, harbor, mall, park, police station, river, shop, stadium, supermarket,

Complete: The Amazon and Tiet are examples of Brazilian ________.RIVERS/POLICE STATIONS Maracan is a famous _________.SHOP/STADIUM Galeo and Cumbica are international __________. AIRPORTS/CHURCHES Praia do Francs and Ipanema are fantastic ___________.BEACHES/MALLS Tubaro in Vitria/ES is an important __________.SUPERMARKET/HARBOR

Pensando no Assunto! [caderno de anotaes ] Write the name of public places in your city.

Write the words. urchch rrvie oiepcl Study. bridge traffic light street highway crossroad pedestrian crossing avenue down roundabout bus stop road across opsh eachb tatsion ma pkar ahrobr frei tatsion

Complete the crossword. 2 1 6 3 7 8 5 4 *

Class 2 (Aula 2) Where is the .........?

Important! on behind next to in front of between across from on the corner of

Listen and click. {next to; across from; behind; between; on; next to; in front of; across from; on; in front of; behind; on the corner of}

Look at the map. Read the sentences and click TRUE or FALSE.

The museum is across from the Aquarium. The park is on Pine Street. The Art gallery is on the corner of 3rd Avenue and Oak Street. The bus station is on 1st. Avenue.


The High School is across from the Post Office. The hospital is between the aquarium and the department store.


Agora leia e observe: H vrias maneiras de se dar direes. Uma maneira comum dar o nome da rua e mencionar algum lugar pblico ou prdio por perto. Veja o exemplo abaixo:

Example: A: Do you know where I can get a cup of coffee? B: Sure. You could try the Starry Caf. A; Where is that? B: Its on 2nd Avenue across from the pharmacy. A: Thanks.

Now is your turn. Drag and drop the correct words from the box, to complete the dialogue. (Agora a sua vez. Escolha a(s) palavra(s) correta(s) da caixa abaixo para completar o dilogo).

Drag and Drop the pharmacy National Bank What Where

on the corner of Elm Street and 2nd Avenue

Across from the Post Office

A: Do you know where I can get some aspirin? B: Sure. You could try the Pharmacy. A: Where is that? B: It is on the corner of Elm Street and 2nd Avenue. A: Thanks. (Caderno de anotaes) Escreva um dilogo semelhante ao do exemplo acima, respondendo: Do you know where can I mail a letter? Do you know where can I work out? Complete: Money | Go to the ______________.

Fruit and drinks | Go to the _______. Gas for the car | Go to the _______. E-mails | Go to the _______. A good movie | Go to the _____. Students and teachers | Go to the ______

Police officers | Go to the _______ Shops, restaurants, movie theaters | Go to the _______ Class 3 (Aula 3) Direction Study.



turn left

turn right

go ahead


Listen and repeat. Class 4 (Aula 4) A Game at the Stadium Drag the boxes and drop them in the correct place to make a dialogue. (Arraste as caixas e solte-as no lugar correto, de maneira a construir um dilogo).

Please, help me.

Its in front of the church.

I think I am lost.

Excuse me, wheres the stadium?| Oh, just across the street.

Let me seeCan you help me, please!

Asking for information Please, help me. Excuse me, wheres the stadium? Can you help me, please! I think I am lost.

Giving information Let me see Oh, just across the street. Its in front of the church.

Choose the correct answer according to the pictures showing on the dialogue. (Escolha a resposta correta de acordo com a figura mostrada no dilogo).

Dialogue 1

Man: Excuse me. Is there a

a) supermarket near here? b) school c) bank

Woman: Let me see your map. Yes, there is one near here. Man: Thank you.

Dialogue 2 Mary: Excuse me, sir. How do I get to the bank? Man: At the traffic lights, take the first left and go straight on. Its on the a) left b) right c) straight on

Mary: Is it far? Man: Not really. Mary: Thank you, sir. Man: Dont mention! City Map Douglas Street SCHOOL PARKING LOT HIGH SCHOOL

F i r s t Market Street CITY HALL S t r e e t




Main Street one way


Look at the map above, read the questions and choose the correct word from the box to complete the answers. (Olhe o mapa acima, leia as questes e escolha a palavra correta da caixa para completar as respostas.)

Drag and drop. cross on next to across from left between on the corner of

1. Where is the parking lot? It is __ Douglas Street. 2. How can I get to the TV Station? (You are at the parking lot.) Go down the First Street, ___ the Market Street, pass the Police Station and the TV Station is on your ____. 3. Wheres the church? It is __ the park. 4. Where is the school? It is ____ the hotel. 5. Where is the hotel? It is ___ the school and the High School. 6. Where is the hotel? It is ____ First Street and Market Street. Finalizando

Neste mdulo voc estudou os nomes dos lugares pblicos e as preposies de lugar, exercitou a compreenso de pequenos textos e j capaz de solicitar e obter informaes sobre direes e a perguntar olhando em um mapa onde fica o lugar desejado.

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