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Referências bíblicas e outras nas tabelas abaixo também podem ser encontradas em uma lista separada de Anjos e Demônios .

Muito obrigado a Esotérica Arquivos , que forneceu grande parte da informação-prima para a medieval seção.

Bíblico / Apócrifos / gnósticos

Os Arcanjos | Líderes que levaram 200 Anjos Para escolher esposas humanas | Condutores Celestes | Anjos que ensinavam Humanos | Anjos Caídos | Demons vinculados por
Salomão construísse seu Templo | Esdras | Bartolomeu | Gnóstica
Os Arcanjos dos Sephiroth Santo | Anjos das Horas | Anjos das Horas Por Dia | Anjos dos Dias | Anjos dos meses | Anjos das Estações | anjos do vento | Anjos e Deus-
Nomes | Anjos das 7 Heavens | Secundária Inteligências (Presidentes dos planetas) | Anjos dos graus de The Zodiac | Anjos de A Bússola | Anjos das alturas | Os Arcanjos do
Punição | Os anjos de punição | 9 ordens da hierarquia celestial e seus príncipes regentes | A Sarim | Anjos Governando As 28 mansões da Lua | O Amuleto
Anjos | Shemhamporae | Shemhamphorash | Pseudomonarchia Daemonum | Magia Sagrada de Abramelin o Mago | Os guardiões do anjo dos 7 Halls Celestes | Olympick
Espíritos | Scripts Angelicais
Anjos islâmica | Patrono Anjos | Anjos Caídos | Os 100 santos nomes de Deus

Bíblico / Apócrifos / gnósticos

Os Arcanjos
Fonte Nomes
Bartolomeu Satanael Michael Gabriel Uriel Raphael Natanael
Dionísio, o Michael Gabriel Raphael Uriel Chamuel Jofiel Zadkiel
1 Enoque Lista Uriel Raphael Raguel Michael Saraqael Gabriel Remiel
Definir sobre o Definir sobre Toma vingança Situado sobre a Situado ao Definir Situado ao
Mundo e Tártaro os espíritos contra os humanidade e Caos longo dos sobre longo Aqueles
dos homens luminares Espíritos Paraíso que se
Lista Michael Raphael Gabriel Fanuel
O Misericordioso Definir sobre Definir sobre Definir sobre o
e longo Doenças e todos os arrependimento para a
sofrimento Ferimentos poderes esperança de quem
herdar a vida eterna
2 Enoque Michael Gabriel Pravuil Samuil ou Raguil ou
Sariel Raguel
3 Enoque Michael Gabriel Shatqiel Baradiel Shachaqiel Baraqiel Sidriel ou
ou Pazriel
Lore geonic Michael Gabriel Raphael Aniel Kafziel Samael ou Zadkiel
Gnósticos Michael Gabriel Raphael Uriel ou Baraquiel Sealtiel Jehudiel
Gregório Magno Michael Gabriel Raphael Uriel Simiel Orifiel Zachariel
Hierarquia dos Raphael Gabriel Chamuel Michael Adabiel Haniel Zaphiel
Anjos Beato
Salomão Michael Gabriel Uriel Sabrael Arael Iaoth Adonael
Talismã Zaphkiel Zadkiel Camael Raphael Haniel Michael Gabriel

Parsee Asha Khshathra Armaiti Huarvatat Ameretat Vohu Sraosha

O Spentas Vairya
Amesha Verdade Realm Observância Perfeição Imortalidade Visto de Obediência
(Imortais desejado som
Islâmico Jibril ou Mikal ou Azrail ou Israfil
Jibra'il Mika'il Izrael ou

Líderes angelicais que levaram 200 Anjos escolher esposas humanas (chefes de dezenas) a partir de 1 Enoque
Tradução 1 Semjaza Samiazaz Arakiba Rameel Kokabiel Tamiel Ramiel Danel Ezeqeel Baraqijal
Asael Armaros Batarel Ananel Zaqiel Samsapeel Satarel Turel Jomjael Sariel
Tradução 2 Samjaza Samyaza Urakabarameel Rameel Akibeel Tamiel Ramuel Danel Azkeel Saraknyal
Asael Armers Batraal Anane Zavebe Samsaveel Ertael Turel Yomyael Arazyal

Condutores celestes das estações a partir de 1 Enoque

Tradução 1 Tradução 2
Condutores de Estrelas
Elome'el Adnar'el Ijasusa'el ' Adnarel Jyasusal Jyelumeal
Os condutores dos bairros
Milki'el ou Melkejal ou Tam'aini & o sol Melkel ou Melkyas ou Tamani & Zahay
Hel'emmelek Helammelak
Mel'ejal Meliyal
Narel Narel
Condutores de árvores e de milho e Flores
Berka'el Zelebs'el Hilujaseph Barkel Zelsabel Heloyalef
Chefes de mil
Gida'ljal Ke'el He'el Asfa'el Gedaeyal Keel Heel Asphael

Anjos que ensinavam Humanos (The Watchers / A Grigori / A Irin) a partir de 1 Enoque
Nome Craft
Tradução Tradução
1 2
Azazel Azazyel Facas Espadas Shields couraças Metais e Ornamentais metalwork Pulseiras de antimônio Olho-Cosméticos Pedras
Preciosas corantes Tinturas
Semjaza Amazarak Encantos e Raiz corte-
Armaros Armers Encantos & Sorcery
Baraqijal Barkayal Astrologia
Kokabel Akibeel Constelações
Ezeqeel Nuvens
Araqiel Sinais da Terra
Shamsiel Tamiel Sinais do Sol
Sariel Asaradel Curso da Lua
Anjos caídos a partir de 1 Enoque
Anjos Chefe de mais de 100s & 50s e 10s Anjos
Tradução Tradução Atributos Tradução 1 Tradução 2
1 2
Jeqon Yekun Desviaram os Filhos de Deus e Samjaza Artaqifa Armen Kokabel Turael Samyaza Arstikapha Armen Kakabael
trouxe-os até a Terra e os Rumjal Danjal Neqael Turel Rumyel Danyal Kael
desviou do caminho através das Baraqel Azazel Armaros Batarjal Barakel Azazel Armers Bataryal
Filhas dos Homens Busasejal Hananel Turel Simapesiel Jetrel Basasael Ananel Turyal Simapiseel
Asbeel Kesabel Comunicada aos Filhos Santo Tumael Turel Rumael Azazel Yetarel Tumael Tarel Rumel Azazyel
de Deus maus conselhos e os
desviou do caminho para que se
contaminaram seus corpos com
as filhas dos homens
Gadreel Gadrel Mostrou os Filhos da Esperança
todos os golpes da Morte e
desviados Eva e mostrou as
armas de morte para os Filhos e
Filhos dos Homens
Penemue Penemue Led Astray e Eva ensinaram aos
filhos dos homens as Bitter &
Sweet & a todos os segredos de
sua sabedoria e humanidade
Instruídos por escrito, com tinta
e papel
Kasdeja Kasyade Mostrou os Filhos da Esperança
todos os ímpios Smitings de
Espíritos e Demônios e do
embrião e da Alma
Kasbeel Kasbel Chefe do juramento que ele
mostrou aos anjos antes que
veio à terra para acasalar com
as filhas dos homens

Demônios vinculados por Salomão construísse seu Templo de o Testamento de Salomão

Nome Aparência Poderes e atributos Bound To / frustrados por Trabalho do
Ornias Assume a forma Brinca com homens no seu Aquário Pedra cortes
de uma mulher sono; Offspring de Uriel , ferro
para apaziguar Fears
Belzebu ou Ruler of Demons Destrói Reis; Deus Traz outros
Belzebu Aids Exterior Tiranos; demônios
Conjuntos Demons sobre os
homens; faz os homens
Invejoso & Murderous &
Bélico e cometem sodomia; irá
destruir o mundo
Onoskelis Uma mulher formosa bunda Lua Gira Hemp
com caracteres de Pernas Salomão
mutável; garrotilho Homens Joel
com um laço; vive em cavernas
e ravinas; Precepices consorcia
com os homens de pele escura,
nascida de um eco
Asmodeus Conspirações contra recém- Criança Dragão (Ursa Maior / Ursa Maior) Transporta água
casados para que sejam Raphael / Sheatfish
estranhos; faz os homens
casados cobiçar mulheres e
cometer assassinato
Tephras Pó-diabo / Espírito das Cinzas trazer trevas Azael Carrega pedra
Whirlwind para homens; Conjuntos
Campos on Fire; Destrói
Homesteads; convidados para
conter convulsões de febre
Pleiades: Sete belas Engana os homens e Snares Lamechalal Fundações
Engano mulheres unidas tece; aguça e Heresia excita escavações
Pleiades: Traz Madeiras & Stones e Baruchiachel
Contenda Ganchos e Armas
Pleiades: Causas Guerras Marmarath
Pleiades: Leva os homens a esquecer a Balthial
Ciúme sua sobriedade e moderação;
Divide Homens em partes
(facções); Divide famílias
Pleiades: Aumenta tiranos; derruba Reis; Asteraoth
Poder Mobília rebeldes com o Poder
Pleiades: Leva os homens Astray, de Uriel
Erro modo a intrometer-se Graves
Pleiades: Torna os homens piores do que Um gafanhoto
"O pior de eles são; impõe as obrigações
todos" deArtemis
aHécate )
Inveja Homem sem Faz Crianças mudo; Crossroads Relâmpago (Mantido
Cabeça Haunts; emite fogo do Oriente; comBelzebu )
mutila Pés; Sores inflige
Rabdos Cão Grande Papelaria uma pedra verde Brieus Marble cortes
(Pessoal) Lançado Para & Fro em uma
região montanhosa
Temporão Roaring Lion Faz homens doentes fraco; Emmanuel Carrega Madeira
demônios Cilindros
"Crista de 3-Cabeças Dragão Persianas nascituros e Twirls os a escrita do Gólgota Faz Bricks
Dragons" ouvidos e faz com que os
surdos e mudos; faz os homens
têm crises / Convulsões
Obizuth Cabeça da mulher Estrangula crianças e faz os Afarot ( Raphael ) (Obrigada pelo
com cabelo surdos e Dumb & Mad & na seu cabelo)
desgrenhado, sem Dor
um corpo
"Dragão alado" Dragão com Face Combina com belas mulheres e Bazazeth Marble cortes
Humana & Mãos faz com que eles Fart
Enepsigos Mulher com mais Vive em lua; invocadas como Rathanael (Preso)
de 2 Cabeças e Kronos, predisse a queda do
mãos em seus Templo de Salomão e da
ombros Crucificação
Kuno (s) Frente e traseira do Greedy de Gold & Silver; Iameth (Preso)
Paston cavalo Fish Viagens sobre o mar e causa
ondas de Smother Navios
[Não indicado] Homem com olhos Vive em cemitérios, homens Cristo (Preso)
brilhantes emboscadas e quer mata-los ou
carregando uma faz com que eles sejam
lâmina possuído por um demônio
Ephippas Define Incêndios e causa a Cristo Carrega pedra
morte; Remove Montanhas;
derruba reis; Withers Árvores
Abezithibod Fomenta Lotes e endurece o
coração dos homens
Os 36 elementos - governantes mundiais
Ruax Homens com Preenche as mentes dos homens Diga " Michael aprisionar Ruax " Trabalho Heavy /
Chefes disformes com pensamentos ociosos e Preso / Tende
como os cães e os pilhagens suas testas Fornos de
Barsafael rostos de Avaliar Enxaqueca Diga " Gabriel aprisionar Barsafael " Metalwork
bois e aves
Arotosael Harms olhos e fere gravemente Diga " Uriel aprisionar Aratosael "
[...] [...] [...]
Iudal Ouvidos bloqueados e Surdez Diga "Uruel Iudal"
Sphendonael Os tumores da glândula Diga "Sabrael aprisionar Sphendonael"
parótida; inflamações das
amígdalas; recurvato Tetânica
Sphandor Enfraquece ombros; Paralisias Diga "Arael aprisionar Sphandor"
dos nervos nas mãos; ossos do
pescoço Breaks e contusões;
suga fora de Medula Óssea
Belbel Torce os corações e mentes dos Diga "Arael aprisionar Belbel"
Kurtael Cólica do Cólon & Pain Diga "Iaoth aprisionar Kurtael"
Metathiax Rédeas Dores [rins, mas Diga " Adonael aprisionar Metathiax "
também do coração]
Katanikotael Strife & Wrongs em casas dos Escreva em 7 folhas de louro o "nome do anjo que
homens; Temper rígido frustra" com "iae Ieo filhos deSabaoth , em nome do
grande Deus, deixe-o calar a boca Katanikotael ",
então você deve lavar as folhas de louro em água e
polvilhe a sua casa com a água do interior para o
para fora
Saphathoraél Partidarismo em Homens e Escrever no papel os nomes dos anjos Iaco Iealo
prazer em causar-lhes Stumble Ioelet Sabaoth Ithoth & Bae, em seguida dobrá-la e
usá-lo em volta do seu pescoço ou contra seu ouvido
Bobel Doenças nervosas Diga " Adonael aprisionar Bothothel "
Kumeatel Tremendo Ajustes e torpor Diga "Zoroel aprisionar Kumentael"
Roeled Cold & Frost & Dores de Diga "não IAX esperar não ser aquecido para
estômago Salomão é mais justo do que onze pais"
Atrax Febres irremediável & Nocivo Pique o coentro e manchá-la em seus lábios, em
seguida, recite o seguinte encanto "A febre que é de
sujeira Eu te exorcizar pelo trono do Deus Altíssimo
retiro da sujeira e do recuo da criatura feita por
Ieropael Convulsões no banho e na Diga aos aflitos em sua orelha direita três vezes
estrada; Onde quer que um "Iudarize Sabune Denoe"
homem é encontrado, ele é
jogado para baixo
Buldumech Separa esposas de seus maridos Anote os nomes de seus touros Salomão em papel e
e traz uma Grudge entre Eles coloque-o na ante-câmara da sua casa e escrever o
seguinte comando: "O Deus de Abrão, eo Deus de
Isaac eo Deus de Jacó te comandos - aposentar a
partir de casa em paz "
Naoth Os joelhos de homens Escreva no papel "Phnunoboeol partem Nathath e tu
não tocar o pescoço"
Mardero Febre incurável Escrever sobre a folha de um livro "Sphener Rafael
aposentar me arrastar não sobre esfolar não me" e
amarrá-lo em volta do seu pescoço
Alath Tosse e dificuldades Escreva no papel "Rorex não te perseguir Alath" e
respiratórias em crianças fixá-la em volta do seu pescoço
[...] [...] [...]
Nefthada Rédeas Dores [rins, mas Escrever sobre uma placa de estanho "Iathoth Uruel
também o coração] & Dysury Nephthada" e fixá-la em volta dos lombos
Akton Dores nas costelas e músculos Grave em cobre tomada de um navio que perdeu sua
Lumbic ancoragem "Marmaraoth Sabaothperseguir Akton "e
fixá-la em volta de seus lombos
Anatreth Queimadas e febres nas Diga "Arara Charara"
Enenuth Mentes roubos dos homens; Escreva "Allazool perseguir Enenuth" e amarrar a
Mudanças seus corações e os rodada papel
torna Toothless
Pheth Consumo & hemorragia Exorcizar vinho de cheiro doce e separada pelo
décimo primeiro aeon, em seguida, dizer "eu te
exorcizar pelo décimo primeiro aeon para parar Eu
exijo Pheth (Axiopheth)" depois beber
Harpax Insônia em homens Escreva "Kokphnedismos" e vinculá-lo em torno de
seus templos
Anoster Mania uterina & Dores na Faça um pó em óleo puro de três sementes de louro
bexiga e manchá-la a dizer "eu te exorcizar Parar Anoster
por Marmarao"
Alleborith [Não mencionado] Comer um peixe e engolir um osso em seguida,
tomar um osso do peixe e tosse
Hephesimireth Doença persistente Jogue sal esfregado na mão em óleo e smear-lo e
dizer "Serafim Querubim me ajude!"
Ichthion Paralisias Músculos e Contuses- Diga " Adonaeth ajuda! "
Agchonion Situa-se entre Swaddling- Escrever em folhas de figueira "'Lycurgos" remover
roupas e no Precipício uma letra de cada vez e escrevê-lo invertendo as
letras "Lycurgos ycurgos kurgos yrgos gos os"
Autothith Rancores e combate Anote o Alfa eo Ômega
Phthenoth Lança mau-olhado em cada Se os seus olhos sofrem devem ser redigidos
Bianakith Ressentimentos contra o corpo, Escrever sobre a porta da frente de sua casa "Melto
devasta a Casas; Carne Causas Ardu Anaath"
à cárie

Esdras da revelação de Esdras

Nome Michael Gabriel Uriel Raphael Gabuthelon Aker Arphugitonos Beburos Zebuleon

Bartolomeu do Evangelho de Bartolomeu

Anjos dos Nome Oertha ou Kerkoutha ou Naoutha [Não Mermeoth [Não [Não [Não
Ventos Alfatha Cedro indicado] indicado] indicado] indicado]
Estação Norte Sul Sudoeste Oceano Granizo Neve Trovão Relâmpago
Ministros Mermeoth Onomatath Douth Melioth Charouth Graphathas Oethra Nephonos Chalkatoura
Demônios Beliar Melkir
Pistis Sophia / Barbelo
de O Apócrifo de João (os cinco primeiros nomes também de O Evangelho dos egípcios de Protennoia
aparecem em Melquisedeque) trimorfas
Luz-Aeons Luz-Aeons Luz-Aeons
Nome Atributos Nome Atributo Ministro Consorciar Nome
Armozel Formulário de Verdade Graça Harmozel Graça Gamaliel Memória Armedon
Janela saliente Memória Percepção Conceição Oroiael Percepção Gabriel Amar Phaionios Ainios
Daveithai Compreender Idea Amor Davithe Entendimento Samlo / Paz Mellephaneus
Samblo Loios Daveithai
Eleleth Sabedoria Paz Perfeição Eleleth Prudência Abrasax Imortalidade Mousanios
Amethes Eleleth
Poderes criados pelos Arcontes
Nome Aparência
Athoth Cara de ovelha
Eloaiou Cara burro
Astaphaios Cara hiena
Yao Cara serpente de sete cabeças
Sabaoth Rosto do Dragão
Adonin Cara de macaco
Sabbede Brilhante fogo face
Filhos de Samael Filhos de Samael
Nome Atributo Nome
Athoth ceifeiro Athoth
Harmas olho de inveja Harmas
Kalila-Oumbri Galila
Yabel Yobel
Adonaiou ( Sabaoth ) Adonaios ( Sabaoth )
Caim o sol Caim
Abel Abel
Abrisene Akiressina
Yobel Yubel
Armoupieel Harmupiael
Melceir-Adonein Archir-Adonin
Belias Régua de Hades Belias
Poderes que criaram Características da Humanidade
Atributo Alma
Bondade Osso
Presciência Tendão
Divindade Carne
Senhoria Medula
Reino Sangue
Inveja Pele
Entendimento Cabelo
Criadores angelicais da Humanidade
Poderes sobre estas: Michael Ouriel Asmenedas Saphasatoel
Aarmouriam Richram Amiorps
Nome Parte do corpo
Eteraphaope-Abron cabeça
Meniggesstroeth cérebro
Asterechme olho direito
Thaspomocha olho esquerdo
Yeronumos orelha direita
Bissoum orelha esquerda
Akioreim nariz
Banen-Ephroum lábios
Amém dentes
Ibikan molares
Basiliademe amígdalas
Achcha úvula
Adaban pescoço
Chaaman vértebras
Dearcho garganta
Tebar ombro direito
[...] ombro esquerdo
Mniarcon cotovelo direito
Abitrion cotovelo esquerdo
[...] axila direita
Evanthen axila esquerda
Krys direita
Beluai mão esquerda
Treneu dedos da mão direita
Balbel dedos da mão esquerda
Kriman unhas
Astrops mama direita
Barroph peito esquerdo
Baoum ombro direito
Ararim ombro esquerdo
Areche barriga
Phthave umbigo
Senaphim abdômen
Arachethopi costelas do lado direito
Zabedo costelas esquerdas
Barias quadril direito
Phnouth quadril esquerdo
Abenlenarchei medula
Chnoumeninorin ossos
Gesole estômago
Agromauna coração
Bano pulmões
Sostrapal fígado
Anesimalar baço
Thopithro intestinos
Biblo rins
Roeror tendões
Taphreo coluna
Ipouspoboba veias
Bineborin artérias
Atoimenpsephei respirações que estão nas extremidades
Entholleia toda a carne
Bedouk nádega direita
Arabeei nádega esquerda
Eilo testículos
Sorma órgãos genitais
Gorma-Kaiochlabar coxa direita
Nebrith coxa esquerda
Pserem rim direito
Asaklas rim esquerdo
Ormaoth perna direita
Emenun perna esquerda
Knyx direito shin-óssea
Tupelon esquerda shin-óssea
Achiel joelho direito
Phnene joelho esquerdo
Phiouthrom pé direito
Boabel dedos do pé direito
Trachoun pé esquerdo
Phikna dedos do pé esquerdo
Miamai toenails
Labernioum [...]
Anjos do Corpo
Nome Atributo
Archendekta Sentidos
Deitharbathas Recepções
Oummaa Imaginação
Aachiaram Composição
Riaramnacho Impulso
Phloxopha Calor
Oroorrothos Frio
Erimacho Aridez
Athuro Umidade
Onorthochrasaei Importância
Anjos das emoções
Nome Atributo
Aesthesis-Ouch-Epi- A Mãe de todos
Ptoe Chefe da alma material
Anaro (Maldade & Orgulho Vazio) prazer
Ephememphi Desire (Anger & Ira Amargura & Bitter
Yoko & Passion & Unsatedness)
Nenentophni (Inveja e ciúme e Distress & Problemas
Blaomen & Pain & insensibilidade e Ansiedade &
Mourning) Grief
(Dread & Adulação & Agony & Shame)

Os Arcanjos do Sephiroth Santo
Nome Metatron Ratziel ou Tzaphqiel ou Tzadqiel ou Khamael Raphael Haniel Michael Gabriel Methattron
ou Raziel Tzaphkiel Tzadkiel ou
Methattron Sandolphon
Sephira Kether Chokmah ou Binah Chesed Geburah Tipareth Netzach Hod Yesod Malkuth ou
Hokmah ou Malkruth
Significado Coroa Sabedoria Entendimento Misericórdia Força Beleza Vitória Esplendor Fundação Reino
Atributo Sustentador Conhecimento Strife Mercy & Strength Brilho e Amor & Esplendor Verdade Approacher
Humanidade e Espiritual Benificence & Beleza Harmonia & &
Coisas ocultas Contra o Mal Coragem Sabedoria Prince Of

Na Cabala, havia também 10 'profano' Sephira:

Sephira Thaumiel Ghogiel Satariel Agshekeloh Golohab Tagiriron Gharab & Samael Gamaliel Lilith
Significado As duas O Os The Breakers Os Os lados Os corvos O Os Rainha da
forças rivais Dificulta Corretivo em pedaços queimadores tenha da morte Mentiroso obscenos Noite e
ou Demônios
Veneno de
Anjos das horas de Ars Paulina - Livro III do Lemegeton (Chave Menor de Salomão)
Tempo Nome hora Anjo Comandos (entre muitos outros)
1 da [Não Samael Amenial Charpon Darosiel Monasiel Brumiel Nestoriel Chremas Meresyn
manhã indicado]
2 da Sovormi Anael Menerches Sarchiel Cardiel Orphiel Elmoijm Ruosiel Ermosiel Granijel
3 da Danlor Veguaniel Ansmiel Persiel Mursiel Zoetiel Drelmech Sadimel Parniel Comadiel Gemary Xautiel Serviel Euriel
4 da Elechin Vachmiel Amiel Larmiel Martfiel Ormijel Zantiel Emertiel Permiel Queriel Serubiel Daniel Fermiel Thuzez
manhã Vaaesiel Zasviel Harmiel
5 da Tealeach Sasquiel Damiel Aramiel Maroch Serapiel Putrsiel Jameriel Futuniel Ramesiel Amisiel Omezach Lameros
manhã Zathiel Fustiel Bariel
6 da Genphorim Samiel Arnebiel Charuch Medusiel Nathmiel Pemiel Jamiel Jenotriel Sameon Trasiel Zamion Nedaber
manhã Permon Brasiel Comosiel Enader
7 da Hemarim Banyniel Abrasiel Nestori Namiel Sagiel Harmiel Naustrus Varmay Thusrnas Crosiel Pastiel Venesiel Enarisn
manhã Dusiel Kathos
8 da Jenamin Osmadiel Serfiel Amatim Chroel Mesiel Lantrhes Demaros Janosiel Larfuti Vemael Thribel Mariel Remasin
manhã Theoriel Framuin Ermiel
9 horas Carron Uvadriel Astromiel Charnis Pamorij Damiel Madriel Chromos Menos Brasiel Nesarin Zoijmiel Trubas Zarmiel
Lameson Zasnoz Janediel
10 horas Lamathon Janela Armasi Darbiel Penaly Mefriel Choreb Lemur Oymas Charnij Zazior Naveron Zantros Busiton
saliente Nameron Krunoti Alfrael
11 horas Manelohim Bariel Almarizel Parlimiel Chadros Turmiel Lamiel Menafiel Demasor Omary Hehuas Zemoel Ahuas
Perman Comiel Temas Lanifiel
Meio-dia Nahalon Beratiel Camaron Attrafrd ou Attrafrel ou Altrafrel Penatiel Demarec Famaris Pamiel Nerostiel Emarson
Uvirix Sameron Edriel Chorion Romiel Tenostiel Uamary
01:00 Omalhavien Sabrachon Domaros Amerany Penoles Mordiol Nastul Ramasiel Omedriel Frandedac Charsiel Darnason
Hayzoim Enalon Turtiel Uvonel Rimaliel
02:00 Ponazur Taktis Almodar Famoriel Nedros Ormozin Chabril Praxiel Parmaz Vomeroz Emariel Fromezin Ramaziel
Granozy Gabrynoz Mezcoph Tamariel Venomiel Janaziel Zemizim
15:00 Guabrion Sarquamech Monarim Chrusiel Penergoz Amriel Deminoz Noztozoz Evamiel Sarmezyrs Haylon Uvabriel
Thurmytzol Fromzon Vanoir Lemaron Almonayzod Janishyel Mebrotzed Zanthyozod
04:00 Ramersi Jdfischa Armesiel Iudoruan Manoij Lozor Mael Phersiel Remozyn Raisiel Gemezin Frosmiel Haymayzod
Gapuviel Jasphiel Lamodiel Adroziel Zodrel Bromiel Coreziel Etnatriel
05:00 Sanayfor Abasdashon Moniel Charaby Appinel Dematron Necorin Hameriel Vulcamiel Semelon Clemary Venesear
Samerin Zantropis Herphatzal Chrymos Palrozin Nameten Baymasos Phaytiel Neszomy Uvesalor
Carmax Vinariel Kralina Habalon
18:00 Thaasoron Zaazenach Amonzij ou Amonzy Menoyik Pronestix Ivamendor Chorahol Dramazod Tuberiel Humaziel Lenaziel
Lamerotzod Xerphiel Zeziel Pammon Dracon Gemetzol Gnaviel Rudozer Satmon
07:00 Venador Mendrion Mumiel Choriel Genaritzos Poudroz Memesiel Someriel Ventariel Zachariel Dubraz Marchiel
Jonadriel Pomoniel Rayziel Fornitzod Amapion Imonyel Framoch Machmag
08:00 Ximalim Narcriel Cambiel Nedarim Astrecon Marifiel Dramozin Lustision Amolzom Lemozar Xernisiel Kanorfiel
Bufanotzod Jamodroz Xanoriz Pastrion Thomax Hobrazim Zimeloz Gramsiel
09:00 Zeschar Pamiel Demnnameals Adyapon Chermel Fenadross Vemasiel Crnary Matiel Xenoroz Brandiel Evandiel
Jamriel Befranzij Jachoroz Xanthir Armapi Orucas Saraiel
10:00 Malcho Iasgnarim Laphoriel Emerziel Nameroizod Chameray Hazariel Vramiel
11:00 Alacho Dardariel Cardiel Permon Armiel Nastoriel Casmiros Damoriel Fumarel Masriel Hariaz Damer Alachus Emeriel
Mavezoz Alaphar Hemas Druchas Carman Elamiz Iatrziul Lamerly Hamerytzod
Meia- Xphan Sarandiel Adomel Damasiel Ambriel Meriel Denaryzod Etharion Kbriel Marachy Chabrion Nestorel Zachriel
noite Naveriel Damery Namael Hardiel Nefrias Irmanotzod Gerdriel Dromiel Ladrotzod Melanas

Anjos das Horas Por Dia A seqüência Heptameron é o mesmo que Clavicula Salomonis & a arte do desenho Espíritos em cristais, mas
deslocado a fim de que o domingo no Heptameron é quinta-feira em Clavicula Salomonis, segunda-feira na Heptameron é sexta-feira
em Clavicula Salomonis, etc , e para além da ligeira mudança de hora-Nomes como descrito abaixo, Zamael aparece como Samael .
de A Grande Chave de Salomão - Clavicula Salomonis & The Art Of Spirits Desenho em cristais por de Heptameron por Peter
Johannes Trithemius de Abano
Tempo Nome Domingo Segunda- Terça- Quarta- Quinta- Sexta- Sábado Nome hora
hora feira feira feira feira feira
1 da Yayn Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Yayn
2 da Yanor Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Janor
3 da Nasnia Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Nasnia
4 da Salla Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Salla
5 da Sadedali Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Sadedali
6 da Thamur Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Thamur
7 da Ourer Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Ourer
8 da Thainé Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassael Michael Gabriel Zamael Tânico
9 horas Neron Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Neron
10 horas Yayon Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Jayon
11 horas Abai Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Abay
Meio-dia Nathalon Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Natalon
01:00 Beron Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Beron
02:00 Barol Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Berol
15:00 Thanu Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassael Michael Gabriel Zamael Thanu
04:00 Athor Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Athir
05:00 Mathon Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Mathon
18:00 Rana Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Rana
07:00 Netos Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Netos
08:00 Tafrac Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Tafrac
09:00 Sassur Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Sassur
10:00 Agla Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassael Michael Gabriel Zamael Aglo
11:00 Cäerra Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Calerna
Meia- Salam Cassiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Salam

Anjos dos Dias

Dia Domingo Segunda-feira Terça-feira Quarta-feira Quinta-feira Sexta-feira Sábado
de A Grande Chave de Salomão - Clavicula Salomonis
Arcanjo Raphael Gabriel Khaniael Michael Tzadiqel Haniel Tzaphqiel
Anjo Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
Planeta Sol Lua Marte Mercúrio Júpiter Vênus Saturno
Metal Ouro Prata Ferro Mercúrio Estanho Cobre Conduzir
Cor Amarelo Branco Vermelho Roxo Azul Verde Preto
de Heptameron por Peter de Abano
Anjos Michael Dardiel Gabriel Michael Sam Samael Sata Raphael Miel Sachiel Castiel Anael Rachiel Sachiel Cassiel
Huratapal ael el Amabiel Seraphiel Asasiel Machatan Uri
Air Anjos Varcan Arcan Samax MEDIAT ou Suth Sarabotes Maymon
Ministros Tus ANDAs Bilet Missabu Carmax Suquinos Maguth Gutrix Amabiel Aba Abalidoth Abumalith
Cynabal Abuzaha Ismoli Sallales Flaef Assaibi
Paffran Balidet
Vento Norte Ocidente Oriente Sudoeste Sul Ocidente Sudoeste
Anjos 4ª 1º 5ª 2ª [Não há anjos 3 ª [Não há anjos
dominant do céu acima do céu acima
es da Air: do céu 5 º] do céu 5 º]
Anjos Samael Baciel Gabriel Gabrael Friagne Mathlai Setchiel Chedusitaniel
dominant Atel GabrielVionair Madiel Deamiel Guael Tarmiel Corat Tamael Tenaciel
es da Air: aba Janael Damael Baraborat
Leste Calzas
Anjos Anael Pabel Ustael Sachiel Zaniel Lama Jeresous Turiel Coniel Babiel
dominant Burchat Suceratos Habaiel Bachanael Astagna Mitraton Kadie Maltiel
es da Air: capacitações Corabael Lobquin Huphaltiel
Oeste Soncas
Isiael IREL
Anjos Aiel Aniel velAquiel Mael Vuael Valnum Rahumel Thiel Rael Peniel Pemael
dominant Masgabriel Sapiel Baliel Balay Hyniel Jariahel PenatRaphael Raniel
es da Air: Matuyel Humastrau Rayel Venahel Doremiel
Norte Seraphiel Velel Abuiori
Mathiel Ucirnuel
Anjos Haludiel Machasiel Curaniel Dabriel Sacriel Milliel Porna Sachiel
dominant CharsielUriel Naro Darquiel Hanun Janiel Nelapa Babel ChermielSamael Santa
es da Air: miel Anayl Vetuel Galdel Caluel Vel nael Famiel
Sul Osael Laquel
Perfume Trigo vermelho Aloes Pimenta Mastick Açafrão Pepperwort Enxofre
Compêndio de Heptarchiæ Mysticæ por John Dee
Rei Bobogel Carmmara Blvmaza Bnaspol Bynepor Baligon Bnapsen
Príncipe Bornogo Hagonel Bralges Blisdon Bvtmono Bagenol Brorges
O Liber Juratus por Honório de Tebas
Anjos Daniel Olyeill Semhazylin Samayelin Michael Beer Satquiel Hasuayeil Barneyeil Myeraton
Saffiell Dargoyeill Semyhylim Yasrozin Tartalin el Dafngel Ahyell Yebel Verday Heill Alzeyeill Pacrifon
Yelbrayeiell Agrasnydin Aymsylin Doppeil Aryhyriel Aneniel Szeyeill Bacapel Polypon
Cemaguill Cathneylin Racyelin Boel Bariel Jumiel Juniel Zelfayeill Morayeill Capeiell
Gebarbaya Faceyeill Alrasachysin Cabin Meriel Amiel Amiel Faniel Borayeill Alpheyeill Eheniton
Caram Neyeill Abrachasin Farabin Aol Semeol Ramuel Arobilin Canofilin Alfiton
Talgylueil Bethtaez Layralosin Lang Asymolin Aaen Berion Sanfael Ourilin Zaryalin Cherion
Raneil Salha Hyeill Hasin Anaenim Mabareilin Sarinon Sacciniel Marilin Bacoraye Sandalson
Armaquieyeill Niangarorin Aezonin Tralyeilin Keinerion Galbiel Lafiel Kolfayelin Azrayeilin companheira
Romail Gybrill Montazin Labelas Rubbelin Feynon Maziel? Ymra Ambayeirin Mayeilin Almion
Zemail Mychaze Mafatin Feya Rachin Marmarin Aneinin ell Memiell Cabueirin Alseirin Erpion Paxon
Zarsayeill Amail Cadanagin Tafanyelin Zamazinin Pariel Asueirin Alneirin Calirxon
Antorayeill Laeradonin Fuheilin Cananin Aall Pamhiniel Nenanrin Rayorin Horrion
Ronayeill Reniayeill Caffrnbrin Bachramin Ruffar Merygall Toupiel Orinin Gedulin Harerin Melison
barhil Marhill Varthalin Aneilin Pegal Vitela Ambaniel Namilin Halilin Reffilin Unrion
Rarorhill Merhill Amnanyneylin Rabsilin Gabal Omiell Orfiell Hymeilin Narraabilin Tonelin
Zarafill Zaraill Um Hacoylin Eralin Aumeal Ael Hearel Hahyeilin Landelin Refaebilion
Quyhim Ceytatinin Balganaychin Pyrteplin Faranyeal Memiel Ynel Esfilin Thefelin Moniteon
Ezniah Vehich Aryeylin Badeylin Brofilin Gebin Syumeliel Patnelin Keyalin Nailin Bornailon
Dunedryneylin Abranorin Cacyrilin Caribifin Tranfiel Leyraiell Ablayeill Paxilon
Yedemkieil Tarmanydin Naffreinin Autarilin Mefeniel Talraylanrain Barkalin Lelalion
Esmaadin Amdalysin Nupurin Metorilin Antquiel Bahorael Onoxion
Elbedagrin Sahgragynin Raffilin Nabyafsin Quisiell Quibon
Zamaanel Yocaleme Adyanienin Nyrilin Fysfin Cumiriel Quiron
Detryeill Aryeil Sacstoyein Nyenyolin Barsslilin Rofiniel Vixasmion
Arnaeill Veremedin Latebayfanisin Nybirin Caruphilin Rubyeiel Beell Relion
Vnaraxi Caybeininin Nabyalin Celabrill Danyturla Bariel Cassilon
Cyzamanin Tubeilin Fenyturla Cheduriel Tifonion
Abramacin Haain Veia Geumyturla Murion
Laryagathin Paafirin Amia Dapsion
Bofealyquin Cetenoilin Alnamia Degion
Bayealadin Gasorin Letytyeilin Tabinia Nafia Lenaion
Asaphin Daryenin Rarafeill Myacha Orleunion
Macnayelin Canueil Tyagra Bec Foilion
Gomraorin Marybin Bastailin Alacaorinill Monichion
Yebirin Arilin Costirin Benenonill gabião
Faryelin Nepenyelin Montyelin Paxonion
Banyelin Astyeilin Albilin Pinsilon
Cerada Parachbeill Lepiron
Alyeill Loeloon
Vaceill Saron Salion
Zalcicill Pion
Amadiell Nargeron
Vsararieill Aaron
Lyncodoneil Selyypon
Daffripeil Pinmibron
Vnlilin Raconcall
Carfzoneill Zelibron

Anjos dos meses

A partir de Magus por Barrett O Liber Juratus por Honório de Tebas
Mês Zodíaco Anjo Mês Régua Anjos
Janeiro Aquário Gabriel ou Nisan Janela Oriel Malaquiram Acya Zaziel Paltifur Yesmachia Yariel Araton Robica
Cambiel saliente Sephatia Anaya Guesupales Seniquiel Sereriel Malquia Aricasom Pacita
Abdiel Ramasdon Cafiel Nascyasori Sugni Aszrus Sornadaf Admiel
Necamia Caysaac Benyh Q ~ uou Adziriell
Fevereiro Peixes Barchiel Iyar Sasuyell Safuelor Sasnyeil Santon Cartemat Aliel Paltnia Bargar Galmus Necpis
Aarom Manit Aadon Quenanel Quemon Rasegar Affrie Absamon Sarsall
Aspin Carbiel Regnia Athlas Nadis Abitasi Abitan Pal
Março Áries Malahidael Sivan Amariel Amariel Tabriell Casmuch Nastifa Almur Naamab Mamica Zicaran
ou Samisarach Naasein ANDAs Paltamus ABRIS Borzac Saforac Yayat
Machidiel Dalia Aziger Nabsuf Abuifor Zenam Dersam Cefania Maccasor Naboon
Adiell Maasiell Szarzir Tartalion Adyysar
Abril Touro Asmodel Tamuz Noriel Noriel Safida Asaf Mazica Sarsac Adryyaac Nagron Galuf Galgal Danroc
Saracu Remafydda Lulyaraf Nedylar Tyaf Taanat Lafayel Genida Nedir
Delqua Maadon Samiel Amrael Lezaydi Como Ohoc Nasyby Razyarsady
Yadna Caspa Garitan Elysafan Pastama Maday
Maio Gêmeos Ambriel ou Av. Beraquiel Beraquiel Manhy ou Haya Amarya Byny Madrat Aman Tuliell Cossuro
Ambiel Fartis Nactif Nekyff Pegner Tablic Manuat Amasya Guatiell Reycat
Gnynzy Paliel Gadeff Nesgnyraf Abrac Animiter Carnby Nachall Cabake
Loch Macria Sase Essaf
Junho Câncer Muriel Elul Magnyuya Manyny Arabiell Haniell Nacery Yassar Rassy Boell Mathiall
Naccameryf Zacdon Nafac Rapion Saspy Salhy Rasersh Malquiell
Sanytiell Yoas Gualaly Danpy Yamla Golum Zasziell Satpach Nassa
Myssyn Macratyf Dadiell Carciell Effygmato
Julho Leão Verchiel Tishrei Suriel Surgell ou Suriel Sarycam Guabryza Szncariell Sabybiall Ytrnt Cullia
Dadiel Marham Abercaysdon Sacdon Pagnlan Arsabon Asyramon Agniel
Sastyracnas Altym Masulaef Salamiel Sascuniel Barcaran Yahnt Alycas
Vlysacyaia Abry
Agosto Virgem Hamaliel Heshvan Barfiell Barbits ou Barfiell Tylzdiell Raamiell Nehubaell Alysaf Baliel Arzaf
marquesnan Rashiel Alson Naspiell Becar Paliel Elysu Aiguap Nacpas Sansany Aesal
Maarym Sascy Yalsenac Mabint Magdiell Saneinas Maaliel Arsafael
Nanyseyorar Becabalaf Napybael Suciel Nabnell Sariell Sodiel Marenell
Setembro Libra Uriel ou Kislev Adoniel Edoniel Radiel Maduch Racino Hyzy Mariel Azday Mandiel Gumiel
Zuriel Seriel Kery Sahaman Osmyn Sechiel Pazehemy Chalchyphay Gey Idael
Necad Mynael Arac Ararygugel Galnel Gimon Satuel Elynzy
Outubro Escorpião Barbiel Tevet Anael Anael Amiel Acior Naclia Rapines Raacpel Pacrel Halion Guanrynasnihe
Aslaom Naspaya Neapry Sanihay Hasasylgason Gastaset Man Yfaryamy
Polimas Sarananuf Olyab Sariel Canel Raziell MPLA Nisquem Sarman
Malysan Asyzat Marimoe
Novembro Sagitário Advachiel Shevat Gabriel Gabriel Ysrael Natriel Gasziel Nassam Abrysaf Zefaell Zamiel Mamiel
ou Taliel Myriel Sahiniel Guriel Samhiell Dariel Banorsasty Satymn Nasiel
Adnachiel Ransiel Talguaf Lebrachiel Daliell Gandriel Sahuhaf Myschiel
Dezembro Capricórnio Hanael ou Adar Romiel Romiel Patiel Guriel Azriel Paamiel Cartiel El Anunalbeh Parhaya Ysael
Anael Beriel Laell Tenebiel Panten Panteron Faniel Falason Manciel Pataron
Labiel Ragael Cetabiel Nyazpatael
Büsextilis Laciel Laciel ou Lantiel Ardiel Nosmiel Ardiel Celydael Amiel Malquiel
Gabaliel Susuagos Barylaguy Yabtasyper Magos Sangos Yayell Yel
Yasmiel Steluiel Garasyn Ceyabgos Sacadiel Garacap Gabanael Tamtiel

Anjos das estações de Heptameron por Peter de Abano

Temporada Nome Temporada Anjos Administração Anjo Nome da Terra Nome dom Nome Lua
Primavera Talvi Caratasa Núcleo Amatiel Commissoros Spugliguel Amadai Abraym Agusita
Verão Casmaran Gargatel Tariel Gaviel Tubiel Festativi Athemay Armatus
Outono Ardarael Tarquam Guabarel Tarquaret Rabianara Abragini Matasignais
Inverno Farlas Amabael Ctarari Altarib Geremiab Commutaff Affaterim

Anjos dos ventos Meteorologica Cosmica por Robert Fludd

Direção Arcanjo Demônio Elemento Anjo Demônio
Oriente (Oriens) Michael Oriens Fogo Serafim Samael
Sul (meridies) Uriel Amaymon Ar Querubim Azazel
West (Occidens) Raphael Paymon Água Tharsis Azael
Norte (Septentrio) Gabriel Egyn Terra Ariel Mahazael

Anjos e Deus-Nomes de Meteorologica Cosmica por Robert Fludd

Nome de Deus Sephira Ordem Angelical Anjo Chefe Círculo Ethereal
Ehieh Kether Serafim Metetron Primum Mobile
Iah Hokhmah Querubins Ruziel Estrelas Fixas
Elohim Binah Tronos Zabkiel Saturno
El Hesed Dominações Zadkiel Júpiter
Elohim Gibor Geburah Poder Samael Marte
Eloah Tifereth Virtudes Michael Sol
Jeová Sabaoth Netsah Principados Anael Vênus
Elohim Sabaoth Hod Arcanjos Raphael Mercúrio
Sadai Yesod Anjos Gabriel Lua
Adonai Malkuth Almas Alma do Messias Elementos

Anjos das 7 Heavens

Céu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nome Shamain ou Raquie ou Sagun ou Machonon ou Mathey ou Zebul Araboth
Shamayim Raqia Shehaqim Machen Machon
Régua Gabriel Zachariel & Anahel Michael Sandalphon ou Zachiel Cassiel
Aphael Sammael
Princes subordinados Jabniel & Zebul (diurno) e
Rabacyel & Sabath (noturno)
Secundária Inteligências (Presidentes dos planetas) de De Septem Secundeis por Iohn Tritemivs
Planeta Saturno Vênus Júpiter Mercúrio Marte Lua Sol
Nome Orifiel Anael Zachariel Raphael Samuel Gabriel Michael
Não. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Anjos dos graus de O Signo da Ars Paulina - Livro III do Lemegeton (Chave Menor de Salomão)
Zodíaco Áries Touro Gêmeos Câncer Leão Virgem Libra Escorpião Sagitário Capricórnio Aquário Peixes
Planeta Marte Vênus Mercúrio Lua Sol Mercúrio Vênus Marte Júpiter Saturno Saturno Júpiter
Elemento Fogo Terra Ar Água Fogo Terra Ar Água Fogo Terra Ar Água
Portaria Anjo Aeil Tual Giel Cael Ol Violl Jael Sosol Swaiaseh Casuiasah Ausim Pasel
Anjo de cada grau Dentro Entrar
1° Bial Letiel Latiel Sachiel Mochiel Coliel Ibaich Toliel Taliel Chahel Chamel Lachiel
2° Gosiel Niyael Najael Motiel Satiel Lonael Eagiel Joniel Jamael Tomael Tosael Nohiel
3° HACL Sachiel Sachael Stiel Aiel Nosael Lahael Cosiel Casiel Jaajah Jaajah Sanael
4° Ganiot Gueliel Gualiel Sachiel Mochiel Sangiel Uaviel Laugael Laugael Casmel Camiel Gnasiel
5° Zaciot Ponoel Pamel Moliel Satiel Knaphel Saziel Naphael Naphadel Lamajah Lashiel Pangael
6° Cognel Toxisiel Tzisiel Aniel Aniel Patziel Gnachiel Satziel Satziel Naajah Naajah Tzophal
7° Taphael Kingael Kingael Sasael Masiel Tzakiel Gatiel Gnakiel Gnakiel Sasaial Samael Kphiel
8° Hael Raphoel Raphiel Magnael Songael Kriel Tzajael Poriel Poriel Gnamiel Gnashiel Ratziel
9° Caliel Tozael Gnetiel Athiel Aphiel Rathiel Rohiel Tzathel Tzaugel Paajah Paajah Taraziel
10 ° Lariot Gonhiel Bahiel Sobael Motziel Tangiel Raliel Kingiel Kabiel T?iel Tzaniel Mathiel
11 ° Nathel Boriel Goriel Makel Sokel Gnabiel Tavael Robiel Rogael Kiniel Kahiel Bongael
12 ° Sagnel Gothiel Dathiel Ariel Ariel Bagiel Gnamel Tagiel Tadiel Riajah Raajah Gobiel
13 ° Gabiel Dagnel Hogael Sothiel Mothiel Godiel Bangiel Gnadiel Gnahoel Tashiel Tamiel Dagiel
14 ° Pegiel Vabiel Vabiel Magnael Sagel Dahiel Gophel Bovael Bovael Gonamiel Gonastiel Hadiel
15 ° Gadiel Zegiel Zagiil Abiel Abiel Hovael Datziel Goziel Goziel Baajah Baajah Vahasah
16 ° Khoel Chadiel Chadiel Sagel Magiel Vaziel Hokel Dachiel Dachiel Cashiel Gacniel Zavael
17 ° Loviel Tohiel Tahoel Madiel Sadiel Zachiel Varziel Hophiel Hophiel Damiel Dashiel Chaziel
18 ° Hazael Javiel Javiel Ahiel Ahoel Chotiel Zethel Vajael Vajael Haajah Haajah Tachael
19 ° Gociel Chaziel Chazael Lavael Mukel Tijel Chongel Zachiel Zachiel Vashiel Vamiel Jabael
20 ° Botiel Bachiel Bachael Maziel Saziel Jochiel Tobiel Chabiel Chabiel Zannel Zashiel Cajoal
21 ° Giel Gotiel Gotiel Achiel Achiel Cabiel Jagiel Tagiel Tagiel Chael Chael Bachiel
22 ° Dachael Dajel Dajoel Sotiel Matiel Bagiel Codiel Jadiel Jadiel Tashiel Tamiel Gabael
23 ° Habiel Hachael Hachael Majel Goel Gadiel Bohel Chael Cahael Jmojah Jashiel Dagiel
24 ° Vagel Vabiel Vabiel Achael Achael Dahiel Sael Baviel Baviel Ciajah Ciajah Hodiel
25 ° Zadiel Zagiel Zagiel Sabiel Mabiel Hovael Daziel Gozael Gozael Boshael Bomiel Vahoiah
26 ° Chael Chadiel Chadiel Magiel Sagiel Vasiel Hochiel Dachael Dachael Gamiel Gashiel Zavael
27 ° Tavael Tohael Tahiel Adiel Adiel Zachiel Vatiel Hatiel Hatiel Daael Daael Chazael
28 ° Jozel Javael Daiel Sahiel Mahiel G?otiel Zael Vagael Vadael Hoshael Homiel Tachiel
29 ° Chiel Chaziel Hoziel Moviel Savael Tazael Chochiel Zachiel Zahael Vannel Vashiel Jalael
30 ° Heriel Sachael Vachael Aziel Aziol Jachiel Tohiel Casiel Chanel Zaajah Zaajah Cajael

Angels Of The Compass from Theurgia Goetia - Book II of The Lemegeton (Lesser Key Of Solomon)
Nome Direção Comandos Chief Dukes
Carnesiel Oriente 1000 Great Dukes Orvich Benoham Vadriel Bedary Zabriel Arifel Armany Myrezyn Bucafas
100 Lesser Dukes Cumerzel Capriel Laphor
Ministering Spirits
60000000000000 Dukes
Caspiel Sul 200 Great Dukes Chariel Temol Camorr Ariaiel Ambri Otiel Vusiel Maras Budarijm Larmol
400 Lesser Dukes Geriel Camor
Ministering Spirits
Amenadiel Ocidente 300 Great Dukes Camiel Musiriel Lamael Carifas Codriel Nadroc Vadras Luziel Rapsel Zoeniel
500 Lesser Dukes Amesiel Balsur
Ministering Spirits
Demoriel Norte 400 Great Dukes Armbiel Cabarim Burisiel Mador Dubilon Churibal Chomiel Monandor Diriel
600 Lesser Dukes Carnol Moder Dabrinos
Nome Régua Direção Comandos Commands (amongst many others)
Pamersiel Carnesiel E 1000 Spirits Madriel Sotheans Abrulges Itules Hamorphol Aneyr Ebra Madres Ormenu
Rablion Itrasbiel
Padiel Carnesiel E by S 10000 Spirits for Day [not given as all Spirits have Power only given to them by Padiel]
200000 Spirits for Night
Camuel Carnesiel SE [Não indicado] Day : Orpeniel Chamijels Budiel Night : Asniels Calyms Dobiels Nodars
Elearys Citgaras Pariels Cariels Neriels Phaniels Moras [not given] Todiel
Daniels Omiels Moriel(s) Tuaros
Asteliel Carnesiel S by E 10 Chief Spirits for Day Day : Mariol Parniel Cubiel Otiel Night : Sariel Aroam Chamos Bufar
20 Chief Spirits for Charas Aratiel Aniel Othiel Asahel Euriel Asphiel Melas
Barmiel Caspiel S 10 Dukes for Day Day : Sochas Cleansi Barbil Tigara Night : Berbis Acereba Gabir Marques
20 Dukes for Night Kiriel Carpid Aclerorv Morcaza Ashib Carnet Baabal
Gediel Caspiel S by W 20 Chief Spirits for Day Dia: Cotiel Sadiel Assaba Reciel Naras Noite: Sariel Araon Aglas Rantiel
20 Chief Spirits for Agra Sabas Anael Cirecas Vriel Mishel Bariel
Asyriel Caspiel SW 20 Dukes para o dia Dia: Olitors Buniels Arisat Cuopiel Noite: Amiel Marott Buter Fiascua
20 Dukes para Noite Carga rabas Ariel Malugel Cusrel Onuel Aspiel Hamas
Maseriel Caspiel W por S [Não indicado] Dia: Mayhue Zeriel Azimel Assuel Noite: Arach Sarmiel Baras Rabiel
Roviel Atmot Chares Aliel Earviol Naras Amoyr Eliol Atriel Nogoiol
Vescur Patiel Espoel Badiel Eras Sdvar
Malgaras Amenadiel W 30 Dukes para o dia Dia: Carimiel Agor Udiel Meliel Noite: Arac Aspiel Cubi Asper Libiel
30 Dukes para Noite Casiel Oriel Rabiel Alisiel Boras Caron Deilas Deilas Zamor Basiel
Cabiel Barfas Arois Dodiel Amiel
Darochiel Amenadiel W por N 40 Dukes para o dia Dia: Magael Carciel Gudiel Abriel Noite: Naliel Soriel Patiel Vreniel
40 Dukes para Noite Choriel Tubiel Asphor Danael Arlino Ofisel Darbori Gayres Pelusar Budis
Corua Emuel Lomor Etiel Morach Paniel Narsiel Abael Momel Curfas
Sovial Easgel Mamel Alshor Cavron Mosiel Meroth Pasiel Liel Aroziol
Buciel Suriel Omiel Diviel Lorgat Chadriel Gariel Maziel Cusijnd Lobiel
Usiel Amenadiel NW 40 Dukes para o dia Dia: Alimoris Ameta Amém Herne Noite: Anfel Godiel Barfos Burfa
40 Dukes para Noite Sadfar Potiel Seafar Mapui Amandiel Saddiel (1) Ofsidiel Adan Asurel
Barfu Garnafu Hisiam Fabariel Vsimel Almod Pathir Narad Lasphoron Ethiel
Saddiel (2)
Cabariel Amenadiel N por W 50 Dukes para o dia Dia: Satifiel Joio Etimiel Elitel Cupher Noite: Aforiel Elijsam Aniel Mador
50 Dukes para Noite ou Cuphir Peniel Thalbor Ladiel Parius Ugiel Orijm Morias Cazsul Dubiel
Godiel Pandor
Rasiel Demoriel N 50 Dukes para o dia Day : Baciar Thoac Sequiel Sadar Night : Thariel Paras Arayl Culmar
50 Dukes para Noite Teragh Astiell Ramica Dubarus Lazaba Aleasy Sebach Quibda Belsay
Armena Alhadur Alhadur Fursiel Morael Sarach Arepach Lamas Lamas
Betasiel Melcha Tharas Vbiel
Symiel Demoriel N by E 10 Dukes for Day Day : Asmiel Chrubas Chrubas Night : Mafrus Apiel Curiel Molael
1000 Dukes for Night Malgron Romiel Larael Achot Boniel Arafes Marianu Narzad Murahe Richel
Dagiel Musor Malad
Armadiel Demoriel NE [Não indicado] Alferiel Orariel Orin Samiel Massar Parabiel Asmael Iaziel Pandiel Carasiba
Laiel Caluarnia Asbibiel Mafayr Mafayr
Beruchas Demoriel E by N [Não indicado] Buita or Quita Sarael Melchon Cauayr Aboc Cartael Ianiel Pharol Baoxas Geriel
Monael Chubor Lamael Dorael Decaniel
Geradiel Carnesiel ESE 18150 Servants [Não indicado]
Carnesiel SE by E
Amenadiel NNW
Demoriel NNE?
Buriel Carnesiel SE by S [Não indicado] Day : [none] Night : Merosiel Almadiel Cupriel
Demoriel NNE Busiiel Saruniel Casbriel Nedriel Futiel
Demoriel NE by N Drusiel Carmiel Drubiel Nastros
Hidriel Carnesiel SE by S 100 Great Dukes Morfatiel Chalmoriel Pesariel Musuziel Lameniel Brackiel Samiel Dusiriel
Carnesiel SSE 200 Lesser Dukes Chamiel Arbiel Lusiel Chariel
Demoriel NE by
Demoriel N
NE by E
Pirichiel Amenadiel NW by [Não indicado] Damarsiel Cardiel Almasor or Almariel Nemariel Menaziel Demediel Hursiel
Amenadiel W Cuprisiel
NW by
Emoniel Amenadiel NW by 20 Dukes Ermeniel Panuel Edriel Carnodiel Dramiel Pandiel Vasenel Masinel Cruhiel
Amenadiel N Armisiel Caspaniel Musiniel
Icosiel Carnesiel SSE 100 Dukes Machariel Psichiel Tlanatiel Zosiel Acapsiel Lerphiel Amodiel Tianabriel
Caspiel SSW 300 Companions Zachariel Nathriel Athesiel Vrbaniel Cumariel Heraciel Munetiel
Demoriel NE by E
Demoriel ENE
Soteriel Carnesiel ESE 200 Dukes Inachiel Proxel Proxel Amodar Nadiusiel Cobusiel Amriel or Ainoel Prasiel
Caspiel SSW 200 Companions Axosiel Caroel Mursiel Penader
Caspiel SW by
Demoriel S
Menadiel Caspiel SW by 20 Dukes Dukes : Larmel Brassiel Chamor Under Dukes : Barchiel Armasiel
Caspiel S 100 Companions Chamor Charsiel Charsiel Baruch Nedriel Curaijn Tharson
SW by
Mecariel Caspiel SW by 40 Dukes Chaniel Drusiel Drusiel Caroel Amadiel Remijel Naustuel Verpiel Germel
Caspiel W Thirsiel Burfiel Aromusij
Uriel Caspiel WSW 10 Dukes Chabri Darbos Narmiel Frasmiel Brymiel Dragon Curmis Darpios Hermon
Amenadiel WNW 100 Under Dukes Adrnsis
Bidiel Amenadiel WNW 20 Chief Dukes Mudriel Crucham Bramsiel Armoniel Lemoniel Charobiel Andrucha Manasael
Amenadiel NW by 200 Other Dukes Persifiel Chremo

Angels Of The Altitudes (Choras) from Ars Almadel - Book IV of The Lemegeton (Lesser Key Of Solomon)
Chora Cor Anjos Aparência God-Names
Oriente Lilywhite Alimiel Gabriel Barachiel Lebes Helison. Angel carrying Flag with White Cross wearing Adonaij Helomi Pine
a Cloud & Crown of Roses.
Sul Rose-vermelho Aphiriza Genon Geron Armon Gereimon Young Child wearing Rose-red Satin & Crown Helion Heloi Heli
of Gilly Flowers.
Ocidente Green & whitish Eliphaniasai Gelomiros Gedobonai Children or Girls wearing Crowns of Bay Jod Hod Agla
silver Taranava Elomina Leaves.
Norte Black & green Barachiel Gediel Gedial Deliel Capitiel Boys wearing Black & Green carrying Birds. Tetrgrammaton
Shadai Jah
Os Arcanjos The Angels Of Punishment
Of Punishment (Malake Habbalah)
Nome Atributo Nome Attribute of God
Kezef Wrath & Destruction Kushiel Rigid One
Af Anger & Death of Mortals Lahatiel Flaming One
Hemah Death of Domestic Animals Shoftiel Juiz
Mashhit Death of Children Makatiel Praga
Meshabber Death of Animals Hutriel Vara
Pushiel or Fogo
Rogziel Ira

9 Orders Of The Celestial Hierarchy & Their Ruling Princes

Ordem Significado Atributos Spirit Of Ruling Princes from Angels A to Z by Matthew Bunson
Serafim Makers of Fire or Total Understanding of God; Amar Michael Seraphiel Jehoel Uriel Kemuel Metatron
Carriers of Warmth Paz; Nathanael Satan
Querubins Fullness of Record-Keepers for God; Harmonias Gabriel Cherubiel
Knowledge Guardians of the Light & Stars; Ophaniel Raphael Uriel Zophiel Satan
Spirits of the Harmonies.
Tronos Ophanim or Always in God's Presence; Vontade Orifiel Zaphkiel Zabkiel Zophiel Raziel
Galgallin Represents those seeking
Celestial court to consider God's
Dominions Lords or Regulates Angels; Sabedoria Zadkiel Hashmal Zacharael or Yahriel Muriel
or Kuriotetes Governs Physical Plane &
Dominations Kingdom of Nature & Elements;
Decides how to Accomplish
God's Goals.
Virtudes Shinning Ones or Grants Courage to those who Movimento Uzziel Gabriel Michael Peliel Barbiel Sabriel Haniel
Brilliant Ones Performs Noble & Virtuous Hamaliel Tarshish
Deeds against Evil.
Atribuições Potentiates Patrols for the Forces of Forma Camael Gabriel Verchiel Satan
Dynamic Darkness;
Authorities Maintains Balance between Good
& Evil.
Principados Principais Potências Watchers of Earthly beings; Personality Nisroc Haniel Requel Cerviel Amael
Governs the Rise & Fall of &
Nations; Tempo
In charge of Religions.
Arcanjos Liaises between God & Man; Livre Metatron Raphael Michael Gabriel Barbiel Jehudiel
In charge of Heaven's armies in Barachiel Satan
their Battle against Hell;
Oversee Guardian Angels.
Anjos Sons of Life Messengers between God & Phaleg Adnachiel or Advachiel Gabriel Chayyliel
Guardians & Protectors;
Adminsiter to Humans' Needs.

The Sarim (Chief Celestial Angel-Princes)

Nome Atributo
Akatriel or Revealer of the Divine Mysteries & Angel of Proclamation.
Anafiel Chief of the Crown Judgement Angels of the Merkabah.
Azbuga or One of the 8 great Throne Angels of Judgement who clothes with the Garment of Righteousness those deemed worthy
Azbugah among the new arrivals in Heaven.
Barakiel or Ruler of the Order of the Seraphim ; Governer of February and one of the 7 Archangels.
Barkiel or
Camael or Chief of the order of Powers ; one of the Holy Sephiroth; personification of Divine Justice; among the 7 that stand in the
Kemuel presence of God.
Chayyiel Chief of the holy Hayyoth (Cherubim).
Gabriel Angel of Annunciation Resurrection Mercy & Vengence; ruling Prince of the 1 st Heaven; Chief of the Angelic Guards
over Paradise.
Galgaliel Eponymous head of the order of Galgalim (chariots of the Merkabah); Chief Angel of the Wheel of the Sun.
Haniel or Chief of the orders of Principalities & Virtues ; one of the 7 Archangels ; Governor of December; reputed to have
Anael transported Enoch to Heaven.
Iofiel Preceptor Angel of Shem; a prince of the Torah (like Yofiel Zophiel Yefefiah); one of the 7 Archangels ; Chief of the
Order of Thrones .
The Irin Twin Angels who together with the twin Qaddisin constitute the Supreme Judgement Council of the Heavenly Court;
among the 8 exalted hierarchs that enjoy a rank superior to that of Metatron.
Jehoel or Mediator of the Ineffable Name Prince of the Prescence
Metatron Chancellor of Heaven Prince of the Ministering Angels; Sustainer of Mankind.
Michael Chief Angel of the Lord; Deliverer of the Faithful; Tutelary Prince of Israel; Angel of Repentance etc.
Phanuel or Archangel of Penance; Prince of the Prescence; Identified with Uriel & Ramiel.
The Qaddisin Twin Angels who together with the twin Irin constitute the Supreme Judgement Council of the Heavenly Court.
Radueriel or The Recording Angel; Leader of the Celestial Choirs; Creator of the lesser Angels.
Raphael Angel of Healing Science & Knowledge; one of the Princes of the Prescence; Regent of the Sun.
Raziel or Chief of the Supreme Mysteries; One of the Archangelic governers of the Briatic World; Perceptor Angel of Adam Herald
Galizur of Deity and reputed author of The Book Of The Angel Raziel .
Rikbiel Chief of the Dvine Chariot; Prince of the Merkabah Angels.
Sopheriel Two of the Supreme Angels of the 8 Merkabah; Keepers of the Books of Life and Death.
Mehayye &
Soqed Hozi Keeper of the Divine Balances; One of the 8 Supreme Angels of the Merkabah; appointed by God to the Sword
Sandalphon Angel of Power and Glory; Twin brother of Metatron.
Shemuil The Great Archon Mediator between the prayers of Israel and the Princes of the 7 th heaven.
Suriel Benevolent Angel of Death; Instructor of Moses; Also a Prince of the Presence.
Tzadkiel Angel of Divine Justice.
Uriel Archangel of salvation; Regent of the Sun; Overseer of Tartarus .
Yefefiah or Angel of the Torah; Instructed Moses in the Mysteries of the Cabala.
Zagzagel Angel of Wisdom; Chief Guard of the 4 th Heaven; Angel of the Burning Bush.

Angels Ruling The 28 Mansions Of The Moon

List 1 : List 2 :
1. Abdizuel 1. Abdizuel
2. Abrinael 2. Abrinael
3. Adriel 3. Amnediel
4. Amnediel 4. Amnixiel
5. Amnixiel 5. Amutiel
6. Amutiel 6. Anixiel
7. Anixiel 7. Ardifiel
8. Ardifiel 8. Atheniel
9. Atheniel 9. Athiel
10. Athiel 10. Azeruel
11. Azariel 11. Aziel
12. Azeruel 12. Barbiel
13. Aziel 13. Bethnael
14. Barbiel 14. Dirachiel
15. Bethnael 15. Egibiel
16. Dirachiel 16. Enediel
17. Egibiel 17. Fdriel
18. Enediel 18. Gabriel
19. Ergediel 19. Geliel
20. Gabriel 20. Geniel
21. Geliel 21. Jazeriel
22. Geniel 22. Kyriel
23. Jazeriel 23. Neciel
24. Kyriel 24. Requiel
25. Neciel 25. Tcheliel
26. Requiel 26. Tagriel
27. Scheliel 27. Zachariel
28. Tagriel 28. Zadkiel

Amulet Angels from The Book of the Angel Raziel [References mention there being 70 but only list 68 (Gazriel is repeated at 15 from 13)]
 Ahaniel  Diniel  Katchiel  Neria  Ramiel  Shebniel  Udriel
 Ahiel  Gabriel  Katzhiel  Nuriel  Ramuel  Sniel  Variel
 Aniel  Gazriel  Kenunit  Ofiel  Rigal  Sturi  Yeruel
 Azriel  Gediel  Kidumiel  Janela  Raphael  Tahariel  Yezriel
 Briel  Gazriel  Lahal saliente  Rsassiel  Tatrusia  Ygal
 Chachmal  Griel  Lahariel  Padiel  Rumiel  Tsirya  Yofiel
 Chachmiel  Kadal  Machnia  Psisya  Samchia  Tsuria  Zechriel
 Chafriel  Cadmiel  Malchiel  Rachmiah  Samchiel  Tzadkiel  Zumiel
 Chaniel  Kaniel  Malkiel  Rachmiel  Schachniel  Tzartak  Zuriel
 Chaskiel  Karkiel  Michael  Rachsiel  Sensenya  Udrgazyia
 Ramal

The 72 Angels Bearing The Mystical Name Of God (Shemhamporae) The names of these spirits were obtained by
combining the 72 letters of three verses from the book of Exodus in the Bible (chapter 14 verses 19 20 & 21). The name Shemhamporae is
sometimes spelt Shemhamporasch. This word means the Divided Name. The "name" is Tetragrammaton: IHVH commonly called Jehovah. He is
the supreme Lord of the Four Elements which fundamentally are the whole universe. There are three verses in Exodus each containing 72
letters. By writing down the first of these and underneath this the next verse backward and under this again the last verse forwards 72 columns of
three letters each are obtained. These are read downwards and the terminations "al" or "ah" according as they are male or female appended.
There is also an attribution of these intelligences one to each of the quinaries or segments of five degrees of the Zodiac; but there are also
innumerable other Angels Demons Magical Images Lords of Triplicities Lesser Assistant Angels and so on with Demons to correspond. It is well
to bear in mind that all Angels whatever their state of grace indeed no matter how christologically corrupt and defiant - are under God even when
to all intents and purposes they are performing under the direct orders of the Devil. Evil itself is an instrumentality of the Creator who uses Evil for
his own divine if unsearchable ends. Angels perform a multiplicity of duties and tasks. Preeminently they serve God. They also carry out missions
from God to Man. But many serve man directly as Guardians Counselors Guides Judges Interpreters Cooks Comforters Match-makers and
Não. Nome Quinário Poderes e atributos
1 Vehuiah 0-5° Helps Receive Enlightenment & Expand Consciousness; Dominates the Sciences; Influences the
2 Jeliel 6-10° Helps Repress unjust Revolts; Aids conjugal Peace; Dominates Kins & Princes; Influences all
3 Sitael 11-15° Protects against Adversity and Calamity; Dominates Magnanimity & Nobility; Influences Lovers of
4 Elemiah 16-20° Helps against Spiritual Torment; Reveals Traitors; Dominates Sea voyages; Influences Discoveries.
5 Mahasiah 21-25° Helps All to live in Peace; Dominates occult Magic & Ttheology; Influences Learning.
6 Lelahel 26-30° Serves to acquire "light"; Cures contagious Diseases; Dominates Love & Fame & Fortune;.
Influences the Sciences.
7 Achaiah 31-35° Helps discover Natural Secrets; Dominates Patience & Temperance; Influences the spread of Light
and Industry.
8 Cahetel 36-40° Serves to obtain blessing and protection against evil spirits. Dominates agricultural produce.
Influences the hunt.
9 Aziel 41-45° Helps keep Promises & obtain the Friend-ship of the Great; Dominates Good Faith; Influences
Sincerity and Faith.
10 Aladiah 46-50° Helps hide Secrets; Dominates Plague and Rabies; Influences healing.
11 Lauviah 51-55° Protects against Lightning; Serves to obtain Victory; Dominates Fame; Influences the famous
12 Hahaiah 56-60° Protects against Adversity; Helps those in Need; Dominates Dreams; Influences Wise & Spiritual
13 Iezalel 61-65° Helps Reconciliation & Conjugal Faithfulness; Dominates Friendship & Affability; Influences
Memory & Shrewdness.
14 Mebahel 66-70° Protects against those wishing to Usurp the Fortunes of others; Dominates Justice; Influences &
protects Truth.
15 Hariel 71-75° Serves against the Ungodly & Defeatists; Dominates the Sciences & Arts; Influences Discoveries &
new Methods.
16 Hakamiah 76-80° Helps against Traitors; Serves for Victory over Enemies; Dominates Arsenal; Influences Frankness.
17 Lauviah 81-85° Helps refreshing Night-time; Helps against Sadness; Dominates the High Sciences; Influences
Musicians & Poets.
18 Caliel 86-90° Serves to reveal the Truth; Aids the Triumph of Innocence; Dominates Trials; Influences Witnesses.
19 Leuviah 91-95° Protects & Helps in obtaining Grace; Dominates the Memory; Influences Joviality & Intelligence.
20 Pahaliah 96-100° Helps Conversions; Dominates Theology & Religion; Influences Chastity & Morals.
21 Nelehael 101-105° Protects against Unfavourable Spirits & Slanderers;. Dominates Mathematics & Geometry.
22 Ieialiel 106-110° Protects against Storms & Shipwrecks; Dominates Business Fortunes; Influences Business Trips.
23 Melahell 111-115° Protects against Weapons & Perils of Travel; Dominates Medicinal Herbs & Water.
24 Hahuiah 116-120° Serves to obtain Grace; Dominates the Exiled; Protects against Thieves & Murderers.
25 Nith-haiah 121-125° Serves to obtain Wisdom & Dream Revelations; Dominates the Ooccult Sciences & the Wise.
26 Haaiah 126-130° Protects those Seeking the True Light; Dominates Peace Ttreaties; Influences Ambassadors.
27 Jerathel 131-135° Protects against Unjust Attacks; Confounds one's Enemies; Dominates Civilisation; Influences
28 Seeiah 146-140° Protects against Fire & Ruin & Collapse; Dominates Health & Longevity; Influences Prudence.
29 Reiiel 141-145° Helps & Protects against Enemies both Visible and Invisible; Dominates Mystic Feelings & Sacred
30 Omael 146-150° Helps against Desperation & Trouble; Strengthens Patience; Dominates the Generation of Men and
31 Lecabel 151-155° Casts Light on one's Job; Dominates Vegetation; Influences Aastrology.
32 Vasariah 156-160° Helps against False & Unjust Accusations; Dominates Justice & Jjudges; Influences the Word.
33 Iehuiah 161-165° Uncovers Plots & Traitors; Undoes their Plans; Dominates & Influences Just Rulers.
34 Lehahiah 166-170° Maintains Peace & Harmony between Countries; Dominates Faithfulness & Respect & Devotion.
35 Chevakiah 171-175° Recovers the Friendship of Those we have Offended; Dominates Wills; Influences Friendly
36 Menadel 176-180° Protects against Slander; Releases Prisoners; Dominates the Return of Exiles.
37 Aniel 181-185° Helps Conquer & to obtain Release from Siege; Dominates the Sciences & Arts; Influences
Meditation of the Wise.
38 Haamiah 186-190° Protects against Lightning and Infernal Spirits; Dominates Creeds; Influences & Protects Those
who Seek the Truth.
39 Rehael 191-195° Protects from & Cures Disease; Dominates Health & Longevity; Influences Paternal Love.
40 Ieiazel 196-200° Helps Release Prisoners & Releases from Enemies; Dominates the Press & Books; Influences
41 Hahahel 201-205° Helps against the Ungodly & Slanderers; Dominates Missionaries; Influences Priests & Prelates.
42 Mikael 206-210° Helps & Protects the Safety of Journeys; Dominates the Powerful; Influences Curiosity & Politics.
43 Veuahiah 211-215° Helps Destroy Enemies; Frees from Slavery; Dominates Peace; Influences Prosperity.
44 Ielahiah 216-220° Helps win Lawsuits; Dominates Victory; Influences Courage in Battle.
45 Sealiah 221-215° Helps Confound the Evil & the Proud; Dominates Vegetation; Influences Education.
46 Ariel 226-230° Helps uncover Hidden Treasures; Dominates Night-time Visions; Influences Difficult Solutions.
47 Asaliah 231-235° Helps Those who wish to Raise themselves Spiritually; Dominates Justice; Influences
48 Michael 236-240° Helps preserve Harmony & Union between Spouses; Dominates the Ggenerations; Influences Love.
49 Vehuel 241-245° Helps find Peace against Trouble; Dominates Great Personalities; Influences Humility.
50 Daniel 246-250° Protects & Consoles; Inspires Decisions; Dominates Justice; Influences Judges.
51 Hahasiah 251-255° Helps Those who wish to Know the Occult Mysteries; Dominates Cchemistry; Influences Abstract
52 Imamiah 256-260° Destroys Enemies; Protects Prisoners; Dominates Vigour; Influences Research.
53 Nanael 261-265° Obtains Enlightenment; Dominates the Higher Sciences; Influences Teachers & Men of Law.
54 Nitael 266-270° Obtains Mercy & Longevity; Dominates Dynasties & Stability.
55 Mebaiah 271-275° Helps in Consolation & Those who Wish to have Children; Dominates Morals & Religion & Piety.
56 Poiel 276-280° Obtains What is Asked for; Dominates Fame & Success & Ffortune; Influences Moderation.
57 Nemmamiah 281-285° Helps Prosper & release Prisoners; Dominates Generals; Influences Combatants.
58 Leialel 286-290° Helps against Trouble; Heals Eye Diseases; Dominates Iron; Influences Locksmiths & Knife-
59 Harakel 291-295° Protects against Female Sterility & Rebellious Children; Dominates Treasures & Archives;
Influences the Press.
60 Mizrael 296-300° Heals the Ills of the Spirit; Releases from Persecutors; Dominates Men of Virtue; Influences
61 Umabel 301-305° Obtains the Friendship of a Person; Dominates Astronomy & Physics; Influences the Sensitivity of
the Heart.
62 Iah-hel 206-310° Obtains Wisdom & Knowledge; Dominates Philosophers & the Enlightened; Influences Virtue in
63 Anianuel 311-315° Protects against Accidents; Maintains Health & Heals; Dominates Ttrade & Businessmen;.
Influences Business.
64 Mehiel 316-320° Protects against Rabies & Fierce Animals; Dominates the Learned & Orators & Authors; Influences
the Press & Books.
65 Namabiah 321-325° Aids against Sorcery; Obtains Wisdom; Dominates the Waters; Influences Sailors & Fishermen.
66 Manakel 326-330° Protects against & Heals Leprosy & Anger; Dominates Vegetation; Influences Sleep & Dreams.
67 Etaiel 331-335° Helps and Consoles in Adversity; Obtains Wisdom; Dominates Change; Influences the Occult
68 Xabuiah 336-340° Helps Maintain Health & Cure Disease; Dominates Fertility & Agriculture & the Earth.
69 Rochel 341-345° Helps Find Lost or Stolen Objects; Dominates Laws & Judges; Influences Fame.
70 Jabamiah 346-350° Protects & Regenerates; Leads to Inner Harmony; Dominates Pphilosophical Knowledge;
Influences Nature.
71 Haiel 351-355° Confounds Evil; Grants release from Enemies; Gives Victory; Dominates Weapons & Soldiers.
Influences Iron.
72 Mumiah 356-360° Brings every Experience to a Happy Conclusion; Dominates Medicine & Influences Longevity.

Shemhamphorash from Goetia - Book I of The Lemegeton (Lesser Key Of Solomon)

Não. Nome Posição True Appearance Powers & Attributes (Spirit Legions Commanded)
1 Bael Rei Cat or Toad or Man. Invisibilidade. (66)
2 Agares or Duque Old Man on a Crocodile carrying a Makes people Run; returns Runaways. (31)
Agreas Goshawk.
3 Vassago Príncipe Old Man on a Crocodile carrying a Reveals things Past & Future; Discovers the Hidden & Lost. (26)
4 Samigina or Marquês Horse or Ass. Liberal Sciences; Accounts Dead Souls that Died with Sin. (30)
5 Marbas Presidente Lion. Reveals Truths & Hidden Things; Causes & Cures Diseases;
Wisdom in Mechanical Arts; Changes Men to Other Shapes. (36)
6 Valefor Duque Lion with Ass's head. Tempts people to Steal. (10)
7 Amon Marquês Wolf with Serpent's tail vomiting Fire Reveals things Past & Future; Creates & Solves Feuds. (40)
or Man with Raven's Head (&
sometimes Dog's Teeth).
8 Barbatos Duque Accompanied by 4 Kings & their Teaches the Language of Birds & Other Creatures; Reveals the
Troops. Hidden Treasures of Magicians; Knows things Past & Future;
Reconciles Friends with Those in Power. (30)
9 Piamon Rei Crowned Man upon a Camel. Teaches Art & Science & Secret Things. (25)
(attended by
Labal &
10 Buer Presidente Saggitarius. Teaches Philosophy & Logic; Heals Distempers. (50)
11 Gusion Duque Xenophilus. Reveals things Past & Present & Future; Reconciles Friends;
Gives Honour & Dignity. (40)
12 Sitri Príncipe Leopard's head & Gryphon's wings. Inflames people with Love; Causes them to go Naked. (60)
13 Beleth or Rei Rides a Pale Horse attended by Causes Love. (85)
Bileth or Trumpets.
14 Leraje or Marquês Archer clad in Green. Causes Wars & Battles; Putrifies Wounds made by Arrows. (30)
Leraikha or
15 Eligos Duque Knight carrying a Lance Ensign & Knows things Future; Knows Wars & how Soldiers will Meet;
Serpent. Causes the Love of Lords & Great People. (60)
16 Zepar Duque Soldier clad in Red with Armour. Causes Women to Love Men. (26)
17 Botis President & Viper or Man with Great Teeth & Reveals things Past & Future; Reconciles Friends & Foes. (60)
Earl Horns carrying a Sword.
18 Bathin Duque Strong Man with Serpent's Tail sitting Gives Knowledge of Herbs & Stones; Transports People suddenly
upon a Pale Horse. from one Country to another. (30)
19 Sallos or Duque Soldier wearing a Crown riding a Causes Men and Women to Love one another. (30)
Saleos Crocodile.
20 Purson Rei Man with Lion's face carrying a Viper Knows things Hidden; Discovers Treasure; Reveals the Past
riding a Bear. Present & Future. (22)
21 Marax Earl & Bull with Man's face. Teaches Astronomy & Liberal Sciences; Herbs & Stones. (30)
22 Ipos Earl & Angel with Lion's head Goose's foot & Knows things Past Present & Future; Makes Men Witty &
Prince Hare's tail. Bold. (36)
23 Visar Duque Handsome Man with 3 Heads (Serpent Makes people Witty & answers Private matters Truly. (26)
Man with 2 stars on Forehead & Calf)
riding a Viper carrying a Firebrand.
24 Naberius Marquês Black Crane. Makes Men cunning in Arts & Sciences particularly Rhetoric;
Restores lost Dignity & Honour. (19)
25 Glasya- President & Dog with Gryphon's wings. Teaches Art & Science instantly; Author of Bloodshed &
Labolas Earl Manslaughter; Teaches things Past & Future; Causes Love of
Friend & Foe; Makes a Man Invisible. (36)
26 Bune or Duque Dragon with 3 Heads (Dog Gryphon & Changes the Place of the Dead; Causes Spirits to gather on
Bime or Man). Sepulchres; Gives Riches & Wisdom & Eloquence to Man;
Bim Answers Demands Truly. (30)
27 Ronove Marquis & Monster. Teaches Rhetoric; Provides good Servants & Knowledge of
Earl Tougues & Favours with Friends or Foes. (19)
28 Berith or Duque Soldier wearing Red riding a Red Reveals things Past & Present & Future; Transmutes all metals to
Beale or Beal Horse wearing a Gold Crown. Gold. (26)
Bofry or
29 Astaroth Duque Angel riding a Dragon-like beast Reveals things Past & Present & Future; Discovers all Secrets;
carrying a Viper in his Right Hand with Reveals why Angels are Fallen; Gives Knowledge of Liberal
foul breath. Sciences. (40)
30 Forneus Marquês Great Sea-Monster. Teaches Rhetoric; Causes Men to Have Good Name; Teaches the
Understanding of Tongues. (29)
31 Foras Presidente Strong Man. Gives Knowledge of Herbs & Stones; Teaches Logic & Ethics;
Makes Men Invisible & Long-lived & Eloquent. (29)
32 Asmodayor Rei Man with 3 Heads (Bull Man & Ram) Gives the Ring of Virtue; Teaches Arithmetic & Astronomy &
Asmodai with a Serpent's tail & Goose's feet Geometry & Handicrafts; Answers Demands Truly; Makes a Man
breathing Fire sitting upon a Dragon Invincible; Reveals & Guards the Places of Treasure. (72)
carrying a Lance.
33 Gaap President & Man leading 4 Mighty Kings as if a Makes Men Insensible or Ignorant; Teaches Philosophy & Liberal
Prince Guide. Sciences; Causes Love & Hatred; Delivers Familiars from other
Magicians; Reveals things Past & Present & Future; Carrys Men
speedily between Kingdoms. (66)
34 Furfur Conde Hart with Fiery tail. Urges Love between Men & Women; Causes Lightning &
Thunder & Blasts & Storms; Answers things Secret &
Divine. (26)
35 Marchosias Marquês Wolf (or possibly an Ox) with (30)
Gryphon's wings & Serpent's tail
breathing Fire.
36 Stolas or Príncipe Raven. Teaches Astronomy; Gives Knowledge of Herbs & Stones. (26)
37 Phenex or Marquês Phoenix with Child's voice. Speaks marvellously of Sciences; Good & Excellent Poet. (20)
38 Halphas or Conde Stock-Dove. Builds Towers; Furnishes them with Munitions & Weapons;
Malthus or Sends Warriors to their Appointed Place. (26)
Malthous or
39 Malphas Presidente Crow. Builds Houses & High Towers; Imparts knowledge of Enemy's
Desires & Thoughts. (40)
40 Raum Conde Crow. Steals treasures from King's Houses; Destroys Cities &
Dignitaries of Men; Reveals things Past & Present & Future;
Causes Love between Friends & Foes. (30)
41 Focalor or Duque Man with Gryphon's wings. Slays & Drowns Men; Overthrows Ships of War (30)
Forcalor or
42 Vepar or Duque Sereia. Governs Waters; Guides Ships laden with Arms & Armour &
Vephar Munitions; Causes Storms at Sea & Imaginary Fleets; Kills Men
by Putrefying Wounds & Sores & Infestations. (29)
43 Sabnock or Marquês Armed Soldier with Lion's Head riding Builds High Towers & Castles & Cities; Furnoshes them with
Savnok a Pale Horse. Armour; Afflicts Men with Wounds & Sores and Infestations. (50)
44 Shan or Marquês Stock-Dove. Removes Sight or Hearing or Understanding; Fetches Horses;
Shax or Discovers Hidden Things not kept by Wicked Spirits.(30)
Shaz or
45 Vine or Rei Lion (or Man with Lion's Head) riding Discovers things Hidden & Wizards & Witches and things Past &
Vinea a Black Horse carrying a Viper. Present & Future; Builds Towers; Overthrows Walls; Causes
Storms at Sea. (36)
46 Bifrons or Conde Monster. Knowledge of Astrology & Geometry & Arts & Sciences;
Bifrous or Teaches the Virtues of Stones & Wood; Changes Dead Bodies &
Bifrovs lights Candles upon their Graves. (6)
47 Uvall or Duque Dromedary speaking imperfect Procures the Love of Women; Reveals things Past & Present &
Vual or Egyptian (or Coptic). Future; Procures Friendship between Friends & Foes.(37)
48 Haagenti Presidente Bull with Gryphon's wings. Makes Men Wise; Transmutes all metals to Gold; Changes Wine
to Water and back again. (33)
49 Crocell or Duque Angel. Teaches Geometry & liberal Sciences; Warms Waters & Recovers
Crokel Baths. (48)
50 Furcas Cavaleiro Cruel Old Man with long Beard & Teaches Philosophy & Astrology & Rhetoric & Logic &
hoary Head riding a Pale Horse Cheiromancy (Divination from Palms) & Pyromancy (Divination
carrying a Sharp Weapon. from Fire). (20)
51 Balam or Rei Man with 3 Heads (Bull Man & Ram) Reveals things Past & Present & Future; Makes Men Invisible &
Balaão with Serpent's Tail & Flaming Eyes Witty. (40)
Riding a Bear carrying a Goshawk.
52 Alloces or Duque Soldier riding a Horse with a Red Face Teaches Astronomy & Liberal Sciences.
Alocas & Flaming Eyes.
53 Camio or Presidente Thrush. Teaches the language of Birds & Animals; Reveals things
Caim Future. (30)
54 Murmur or Duque Warrior riding a Gryphon wearing a Teaches Philosophy; Constrains Deceased Souls to answer
Murmus or Crown. Questions. (30)
55 Orobas Príncipe Cavalo. Discovers things Past & Present & Future; Gives Dignities &
Prelacies (Office of Prelate) & Favours of Friends & Foes. (20)
56 Gremory or Duque Beautiful Woman riding a Camel with Reveals things Past & Present & Future & Hidden Treasures;
Gamori a Duchess's Crown around her waist. Procures the Love of Women. (26)
57 Ose or Presidente Leopard. Makes Cunning in Liberal Sciences; Reveals things Divine &
Oso or Secret; Changes a Man into any other Thing even to his
Voso Thoughts. (30)
58 Amy or Presidente Fire. Teaches Astrology & Liberal Sciences. (36)
59 Oriax or Marquês Lion with Serpent's Tail riding a Horse Teaches the Virtues of Stars & Mansions & Virtues of Planets;
Orias holding 2 Serpents in his Right Hand. Gives Dignities & Prelacies (Office of Prelate) & Favours of
Friends & Foes. (30)
60 Vapula or Duque Lion with Gryphon's wings. Teaches Handcrafts & Professions & Philosophy & other
Naphula Sciences. (36)
61 Zagan King & Bull with Gryphon's wings. Makes Men Witty; Changes Wine to Water and back again and
President Blood into Wine; Transmutes all metals into coins; Makes Fools
Wise. (33)
62 Volac or Presidente Child with Angel's wings riding a 2- Reveals Hidden Treasures & Locations of Serpents. (38)
Valak or Headed Dragon.
Valu or
63 Andras Marquês Angel with Raven's Head riding a Sows Discords. (30)
Black Wolf carrying a Bright & Sharp
64 Haures or Duque Leopard. Reveals the Creation & Divinity & How Spirits Fell; Destroys
Hauras or Enemies. (36)
Havres or
65 Andrealphus Marquês Noisy Peacock. Teaches Geometry & Mensuration (Measurement) & Astronomy;
Transforms a Man into a Bird. (20)
66 Cimejes or Marquês Warrior riding a Black Horse. Teaches Grammar & Logic & Rhetoric; Discovers things &
Cimeies or Treasures Lost or Hidden. (20)
67 Amdusias or Duque Unicorn. Causes Musical Instruments to be Heard & Trees to Bend. (29)
68 Belial Rei 2 Angels in a Fiery Chariot. Distributes Presentations & Senatorships; Causes Favours of
Friends & Foes. (50)
69 Decarabia [Não Star in a Pentacle. Discovers the Virtues of Birds & Stones; Creates Illusions of
indicado] Birds. (30)
70 Seare or Príncipe Beautiful Man riding a Winged Horse. Comes & Goes; Carrys Things to & fro; Reveals Thefts & Hidden
Sear or Treasures. (26)
71 Dantalion Duque Man with many Faces (both Men's and Teaches Arts & Sciences; Declares Secret Counsels; Changes the
Women's) carrying a Book in his Right Thoughts of Men & Women; Causes Love; Creates the Illusion of
Hand. any Person & Place. (36)
72 Andromalius Conde Man holding Great Serpent. Returns Thieves & Stloen Goods; Discovers Wickedness &
Underhand Dealings; Punishes Thieves & Wicked People;
Discovers Hidden Treasures. (36)

Pseudomonarchia Dæmonum from Præstigiis Dæmonum by Johann Weyer

Não. Nome Posição Aparência Powers & Attributes (Devil Legions Commanded where a
legion is 6 6 6 6)
1 Baell or Rei Man with 3 Heads (Toad Man & Cat). Makes Men Invisible & Wise. (66)
Baëll or
2 Agares Duque Fair Old Man riding a Crocodile carrying Teaches Languages; Returns Runaways & makes still People
a Hawk. run; Overthrows Dignities; Makes Earthquakes.(31)
3 Marbas or Presidente Lion. Reveals Hidden Things; Brings & Cures Diseases; Promotes
Barbas Wisdom & Knowledge of Mechnical Arts; Changes Men to
Other Shapes. (36)
4 Pruflas or Prince & Flame outside Tower of Babylon with Author & Promoter of Discord & War & Quarrels &
Bufas Duke Raven's Head. Falsehood. (26)
5 Amon or Marquês Wolf with Serpent's tail breathing Fire or Understands Things Past & Future; Procures Favours;
Aamon Man with Dog's Teeth & Raven's Head. Reconciles Friends & Foes. (40)
6 Barbatos Count or Appears with 4 Kings & many Troops. Understands the Languages of Animals; Finds Hidden
Conde Treasures; Knows the Past & Future; Reconciles Friends &
Powers. (30)
7 Buer Presidente [Não indicado] Teaches Moral & Natural Philosophy & Logic & Herbs; Heals
Diseases. (50)
8 Gusoin or Duque Xenophilus Answers all Questions of Present & Past & Future; Reconciles
Gusoyn Friends; Distributes Honours & Dignities. (45)
9 Botis or Presidente Viper or Man with Great Teeth & two Answers all Questions of Present & Past & Future; Reconciles
Otis Horns carrying a Sword. Friends & Foes. (60)
10 Bathin or Duque Strong Man with Serpent's Tail riding a Understands Herbs & Precious Stones; Transports Men from
Bathym or Pale Horse. one Country to Another. (30)
Mathim or
11 Purson or Rei Man with Lion's Face carrying a Viper Knows Things Hidden & Present & Past & Future; Assumes a
Pursan or riding a Bear heralded by Trumpets. Human or Aerial body; Answers truly Things Earthly &
Curson Secret. (22)
12 Eligor or Duque Handsome Knight carrying a Lance & Answers of Hidden Things & Wars & Soldiers meeting;
Abigor Ensign & Sceptre. Knows Things to come; Procures FAvours of Lords &
Knights. (60)
13 Leraie or Marquês Handsome Archer carrying Bow & Authors battles; Putrifies Wounds caused by Arrows. (30)
Loray or Quiver.
14 Valefar or Duque Lion with Barking Head. Befriends People before Leading them to the Gallows. (10)
Malephar or
15 Morax or Earl & Bull. Makes Men cunning in Astronomy & Liberal Sciences;
Foraii President Knows Herbs & Precious Stones. (36)
16 Ipos or Earl & Angel with Lion's head & Goose's feet & Knows the Future & Past; Makes Men Witty & Bold. (36)
Ipes or Prince Hare's tail.
Ayporos or
17 Naberius or Marquês Crow with Hoarse Voice. Make Men Amiable & Cunning in Arts especially Rhetoric;
Naberus or Procures the Loss of Prelacies & Dignities. (19)
18 Glasya Presidente Dog with Gryphon's Wings. Knows Arts; Understands the Present & Future; Gains the
Labolas or Mind & Love of Friends & foes; Makes Men Invisible. (36)
19 Zepar Duque Soldier. Makes Women love Men & Changes their Shape & Makes
them Barren. (26)
20 Bileth or Rei Rides a Horse accompanied by Music. [not given] (85)
21 Sitri or Príncipe Man with Leopard's Face & Gryphon's Makes Men love Women & Women love Men; Discloses
Sytry or Wings. Women's Secrets & Mocks them to make them Naked. (60)
22 Paimon Rei Effeminate Man riding a Camel wearing Teaches the Disposition of the Earth & Water & Wind; Gives
accompanied a Crown preceded by Men with Trumpets Dignities & Confirmations. (200)
by & Cymbals.
Beball &
23 Bune Duque Dragon with 3 Heads (? ? & Man) Moves the Dead & Gathers Devils upon Sepulchres; Makes
Men Eloquent & Wise. (30)
24 Forneus Marquês Sea-monster. Gives Men Rhetoric & Knowledge of Languages; Makes Men
Loved by Friends & Foes. (29)
25 Ronove or Marquês Monster. Gives Men Rhetoric & Faithful Servants & Knowledge of
Roneve Languages; Procues Favours of Friends & Foes.(19)
26 Berith or Duque Soldier in Red wearing a Red Crown Reveals Things Present & Past & Future; Lies; Changes
Beall or riding a Red Horse. Metals to Gold. (26)
Berithi or
Bolfry or
27 Astaroth Duque Foul Angel with Stinking Breath riding a Reveals Things Present & Past & Future; Speaks of Fallen
Dragon carrying a Viper. Angels ; Gives Knowledge of Liberal Sciences.(40)
28 Foras or Presidente Strong Man. Knows Herbs & Precious Stones; Teaches Logic & Ethics;
Forras or Makes Men Invisible & Witty & Eloquent & Long-lived;
Forcas Recovers Lost Things; Reveals Treasures. (29)
29 Furfur Conde Hart with Fiery Tail. Lies; Raises Thunder-storms. (26)
30 Marchosias or Marquês Female Wolf with Gryphon's Wings & Fights well; Answers Questions Truly. (30)
Marchocias Serpent's Tail spitting (urine / faeces?).
31 Malphas Presidente Crow. Builds Houses & High Towers; Brings Artificers Together;
Destroys Emeny's Buildings. (40)
32 Vepar or Duque Sereia. Guides Ships laden with Armour; Creates Storms at Sea & the
Separ Illusion of many Ships; Kills Men by Putrifaction &
Maggots. (29)
33 Sabnacke or Marquês Armed Soldier with Lion's Head riding a Builds Towers full of Weapons & Castles & Cities; Gives
Sabnac or Pale Horse. Men rotten Wounds for a Month. (50)
34 Sidonayor or Rei Man with 3 Heads (Man Bull & Ram) Teaches Geometry & Mathematics & Astronomy &
Sydonay or belching Fire with Goose's feet riding a Mechanics; Makes Men Invisible; Reveals Hidden Treasures
Asmoday Dragon carrying a Lance & Flag. and Guards them. (72)
35 Gaap or President & [Não indicado] Teaches Philosophy & Liberal Sciences; Makes Men Love &
Torneira Prince Hate & Insensible & Invisible; Reveals Things Present & Past
& Future. (66)
36 Shax or Duke & Stork with a Hoarse & Subtle Voice Takes Sight & Hearing & Understanding from Men; Steals
Chax or Marquis King's Gold for 1200 years & Horses. (30)
37 Procell Duque Angel. Teaches Geometry & Liberal Arts; Makes great Noises;
Causes Water to Roar & become Warm. (48)
38 Furcas Cavaleiro Cruel Man with Long Beard riding a Pale Teaches Philosophy & Rhetoric & logic & Astronomy &
Horse carrying a Spear. Chiromancy (Palmistry) & Pyromancy. (20)
39 Murmur Duke & Earl Soldier riding a Gryphon (or Vulture). Teaches Philosophy. (30)
40 Caim or Presidente Thrush. Teaches the Language of Animals and Waters. (30)
41 Raum or Conde Crow. Steals King's Possessions; Knows Things Present & Past &
Raim Future; Reconciles Friends & Foes. (30)
42 Halphas Conde Stork with a Hoarse Voice. Builds Towns of Munitions & Weapons; Sends Soldiers to
their Wars. (26)
43 Focalor Duque Man with Gryphon's Wings. Kills & Drowns Men; Sinks Warships; Commands Winds &
Waves. (3)
44 Videira King & Earl Lion riding a Black Horse carrying a Destroys Stone Walls; Makes Waters Rough; Reveals Hidden
Viper. Things & Witches & Things Present & Past & Future. ([not
45 Bifrons [Não Monster. Teaches Astrology & Geometry & Measurements; Knows
indicado] Herbs & Precious Stones & Woods; Moves Corpses; Lights
Candles upon Sepulchres. (26)
46 Gamigin or Marquês Small Horse. Teaches Liberal Sciences; Gives Aerial Bodies to those
Gamygyn Drowned or in Purgatory. (30)
47 Zagan or King & Bull with Gryphon's Wings. Makes Men Witty; Turns Metal into Coins & Water into Wine
Zagam President & Blood into Wine & WIne into Blood & a Fool into a Wise
Man. (33)
48 Orias Marquês Lion riding a Horse with a Serpent's Tail. Teaches Astrology; Gives Dignities & Prelacies &
Confirmations & Favour of Friends & Foes. (30)
49 Valac or Presidente Man with Angel's wings riding a 2- Reveals Hidden Treasure & Serpents. (30)
Volac Headed Dragon.
50 Gomory Duque Fair Woman riding a Camel. Reveals Things Present & Past & Future & Hidden Treasure;
Procures the Love of Women. (26)
51 Decarabia or [Não [Não indicado] Knows Herbs & Precious Stones; Commands Birds. (30)
Carabia indicado]
52 Amduscias Duque Unicorn. Causes Music to be Heard but not their Instruments Seen &
Trees to Bend. (29)
53 Andras Marquês Angel with Raven's Head riding a Black Killer; Author of Discords. (30)
Wolf carrying a Sword.
54 Andrealphus Marquês Peacock. Teaches Geometry & Measurement & Astronomy; Makes
or Men Subtle Disputers; Transforms Men into Birds.(30)
55 Ose or Presidente Leopard. Teaches Liberal Sciences; Transforms Men's Shapes; Makes
Oze Men Sane or Insane. ([not given])
56 Aym or Duque Man with 3 Heads (Serpent Man with 2 ? Sets Fire to Castles & Cities. (26)
Haborim or & Cat) riding a Viper carrying a Brand.
57 Orobas Príncipe Cavalo. Speaks of Divine Virtue; Knows Things Present & Past &
Future & of Divinity & Creation; Gives Dignities & Prelacies;
Favours Friends & Foes. (20)
58 Vapula Duque Lion with Gryphon's Wings. Teaches Mechanics & Philosophy & Sciences. (36)
59 Cimeries Marquês Man (?) riding a Black Horse Rules parts of Africa; Teaches Grammar & Logic & Rhetoric;
Discovers Hidden Things; Makes Men appear to be
Soldiers. (20)
60 Amy Presidente Chama. Teaches Astrology & Liberal Sciences. (36)
61 Flauros Duque Leopard. Reveals Things Present & Past & Future; Lies; Speaks of
Divinity & Creation & the Fall. (20)
62 Balam Rei Man with 3 Heads (Bull Ram & Man) Reveals Things Present & Past & Future; Makes Men
and Serpent's Tail riding a Bear carrying Invisible & Wise. (40)
a Hawk.
63 Allocer or Duque Soldier with Lion's Face riding a Horse. Teaches Astronomy & Liberal Sciences. (36)
64 Saleos or Conde Handsome Soldier riding a Crocodile. [not given] ([not given])
65 Vuall or Duque Camelo Procures the Love of Women & Friends & Foes; Reveals
Wal Things Present & Past & Future. (37)
66 Haagenti Presidente Bull with Gryphon's Wings. Makes Men Wise; Changes Metals into Gold & Water into
Winde & Wine into Water. (33)
67 Phoenix Marquês Phoenix. Reveals Sciences; Excellent Poet. (20)
68 Stolas Príncipe Raven. Teaches Astronomy; Knows Herbs & Precious Stones. (26)

The Sacred Magic Of Abramelin The Mage

Título Name : List 1 Name : List 2
Princes & Superior Lucifer Leviathan Satan Belial Lucifer Leviathan Satan Belial
Sub Princes Astarot Magot Asmodee Belzebud Oriens Paimon Astaroth Magoth Asmodi Beelzebub Oriens Paymon
Ariton Amaimon Arito Amaymon
Spirits Common To Hosen Saraph Proxosos Habhi Acuar Tirana Alluph Moreh Saraph Proxonos Nabhi Kosem Peresch Thirama
Oriens & Paimon & Nercamay Nilen Morel Traci Enaia Mulach Malutens Alluph Neschamah Milon Frasis Chaya Malach Malabed
Ariton & Amaimon Iparkas Nuditon Melna Melhaer Ruach Apolhun Yparchos Nudeton Mebhaer Bruach Apollyon Schaluah
Schabuach Mermo Melamud Poter Sched Ekdulon Myrmo Melamod Pother Sched Eckdulon Manties
Mantiens Obedama Sachiel Moschel Pereuch Deccal Obedamah Jachiel Iuar Moschel Pechach Hasperim
Asperim Katini Torfora Badad Coelen Chuschi Tasma Katsin Phosphora Badad Cohen Cuschi Fasma Pakid
Pachid Parek Rachiar Nogar Adon Trapis Nagid Helel Marah Raschear Nogah Adon Erimites Trapis
Ethanim Patid Pareht Emphastison Paraseh Gerevil Nagid Ethanim Patid Nasi Parelit Emfatison Parasch
Elmis Asmiel Irminon Asturel Nuthon Lomiol Imink Girmil Tolet Helmis Asmiel Irminon Asturel Flabison
Plirok Tagnon Parmatus Iaresin Gorilon Lirion Plegit Nascelon Lomiol Ysmiriek Pliroky Afloton Hagrion
Ogilen Tarados Losimon Ragaras Igilon Gosegas Permases Sarasim Gorilon Afolop Liriel Alogil
Astrega Parusur Igis Aherom Igarak Geloma Kilik Ogologon Laralos Morilon Losimon Ragaras Igilon
Remoron Ekalike Isekel Elzegan Ipakol Haril Kadolon Gesegas Ugesor Asorega Parusur Sigis Aherom Ramoras
Iogion Zaragil Irroron Ilagas Balalos Oroia Lagasuf Igarag Geloma Kilik Romoron Negen Ekalak Ilekel
Alagas Alpas Soterion Romages Promakos Metafel Elzegar Ipakol Nolom Holop Aril Kokolon Osogyon
Darascon Kelen Erenutes Najin Tulot Platien Atloton Ibulon Haragil Izozon Isagas Balabos Nagar Oroya
Afarorp Morilen Ramaratz Nogen Molin Lagasaf Alpas Soterion Amillis Romages Promachos
Metoseph Paraschon
Spirits Common Amaniel Orinel Timira Dramas Amalin Kirik Bubana Amamil Orinel Tinira Dramas Anamalon Kirik
ToAstarot&Asmodee Buk Raner Semlin Ambolin Abutes Exteron Laboux Bubanabub Ranar Namalon Ampholion Abusis
Corcaron Ethan Taret Dablat Buriul Oman Carasch Exenteron Taborix Corcavion Oholem Tareto Tabbat
Dimurgos Roggiol Loriol Isigi Tioron Darokin Horanar Buriub Oman Carasch Dimurgos Kogiel Pemfodram
Abahin Goleg Guagamon Laginx Etaliz Agei Lemel Liriol Igigi Dosom Darochim Horamar Ahabhon
Udaman Bialot Gagalos Ragalim Finaxos Akanef Yragamon Lagiros Eralyz Golog Leniel Hageyr Udaman
Omages Agrax Sagares Afray Ugales Hermiala Bialod Galagos Bagalon Tinakos Akanef Omagos Argax
Haligax Gugonix Opilm Daguler Pachei Nimalon Afray Sagares Ugalis Ermihala Hahyax Gagonix Opilon
Dagulez Pachahy Nimalon
Spirits Common To Hauges Agibol Rigolen Grasemin Elafon Trisaga Harog Agebol Rigolen Irasomin Elafon Trisacha
Amaimon & Ariton Gagalin Cleraca Elaton Pafesla Gagolchon Klorecha Yritron Pafesla
Spirits Common Toun Magog Diopos Disolel Biriel Sifon Kele Magiros Magog Sochen Diopos Lamargos Disolel Siphon Kelef
ToAsmodee& Magot Sartabakim Lundo Sobe Inokos Mabakiel Apot Opun Magyros Mebaschel Sartabakim Sobhe Inokos Biriel
Spirits OfAstarot Aman Camal Toxai Kataron Rax Gonogin Schelagon Aman Camal Texai Kataron Rax Schelegon Giriar
Ginar Isiamon Bahal Darek Ischigas Golen Gromenis Asianon Bahal Barak Golog Iromenis Kigios Nimirix
Rigios Nimerix Herg Argilon Okiri Fagani Hipolos Hirih Okirgi Faguni Hipolepos Iloson Camonix Alafy
Ileson Camonix Bafamal Alan Apormenos Ombalat Apormanos Ombalafa Garsas Ugirpon Gomogin Argilon
Quartas Ugirpen Araex Lepaca Kolofe Earaoe Lepacha Kalotes Ychigas Bafamal
Spirits Common To Nacheran Katolin Luesaf Masaub Urigo Faturab Nacheran Natolico Mesaf Masadul Sapipas Faturab
Magot & Kore Fersebus Baruel Ubarin Butarab Ischiron Odax Roler Fernebus Baruel Ubarin Urgido Ysquiron Odax Rotor
Arotor Hemis Arpiron Arrabin Supipas Forteson Dulid Arator Butharuth Harpinon Arrabim Kore Forteson
Sorriolenen Megalak Anagotos Sikastin Petunof Serupulon Megalleh Anagnostos Sikastir Mechebber
Mantan Meklboc Tigrafon Tagora Debam Tiraim Irix Tigraphon Matatam Tagora Petanop Dulid Somis
Madail Abagiron Pandoli Nenisem Cobel Sobel Lotaym Hyrys Madail Debam Obagiron Nesisen Lobel
Laboneton Arioth Marag Kamusil Kaitar Scharak Arioth Pandoli Laboneton Kamusel Cayfar Nearach
Maisadul Agilas Kolam Kiligil Corodon Hepogon Masadul Marag Kolan Kiligil Corocon Hipogon Agilas
Daglas Hagion Egakireh Paramor Olisermon Rimog Nagan Egachir Parachmon Olosirmon Daglus Ormonas
Horminos Hagog Mimosa Amchison Ilarax Makalos Hagoch Mimosa Aracuson Rimog Ilarak Mokaschef
Locater Colvam Batternis Kobhan Batirmiss Lachatyl
Spirits OfAsmodee Onei Ormion Preches Maggid Sclavak Mebbesser Iemuri Mebhasser Bacaron Hyla Enei Maggid Abhadir
Bacaron Holba Hifarion Gilarion Eniuri Abadir Presfees Ormion Schaluach Gillamon Ybarion
Sbarionat Utifa Omet Sarra
Spirits OfBelzebud Alcanor Amatia Bilifares Lamarion Diralisen Licanen Altanor Armasia Belifares Camarion Corilon Diralisin
Dimirag Elponen Ergamen Gotifan Nimorup Carelena Eralicarison Elpinon Garinirag Sipillipis Ergonion Iotifar
Lamalon Igurim Akium Dorak Tachan Ikonok Kemal Mynymarup Karelesa Natalis Camalon Igarim Akahim
Bilico Tromes Balfori Arolen Lirochi Nominon Iamai Golog Namiros Haraoth Tedeam Ikon Kemal Adisak
Arogor Holastri Hacamuli Samalo Plison Raderaf Bilek Iromas Baalsori Arolen Kobada Liroki Nominon
Borol SorosmaCorilon Gramon Magalast Zagalo Iamai Arogor Ipokys Olaßky Hayamen Samalo Aloson
Pellipis Natalis Namiros Adirael Kabada Kipokis Ergosil Borob Ugobog Haokub Amolom Bilifot Granon
Orgosil Arcon Ambolon Lamolon Bilifor Pagalust Xirmys Lemalon Radarap
Spirits Of Oriens Sarisel Gasarons Sorosma Turitel Balaken Gagison Gazaron Sarisel Sorosma Turitel Balachem Gagison
Mafalac Agab Mafalac Zagal
Spirits Of Paimon Aglafos Agafali Dison Achaniel Sudoron Kabersa Ichdison Sumuran Aglafys Hachamel Agasaly Kalgosa
Ebaron Zalanes Ugola Came Roffles Menolik Tacaros Ebaron Zalanes Zugola Carah Kafles Memnolik Tacaros
Astolit Rukum Astolit Marku
Spirits Of Ariton Anader Ekorok Sibolas Saris Sekabin Caromos Anadir Ekorok Rosaran Nagani Ligilos Secabim
Rosaran Sapason Notiser Flaxon Harombrub Calamosi Sibolas Forfaron Andrachos Notiser Filaxon
Megalosin Miliom Ilemlis Galak Androcos Maranton Harosul Saris Elonim Nilion Ilemlis Calach Sarason
Caron Reginon Elerion Sermeot Irmenos Semeot Maranton Caron Regerion Megalogim Irmenos
Spirits Of Amaimon Romeroc Ramison Scrilis Buriol Taralim Burasen Ramiuson Sirgilis Bariol Tarahim Bumahan Akefeli
Akesoli Erekia Illirikim Labisi Akoros Mames Glesi Erkaya Bemerot Kilikimil Abisi Akorok Maraos Glysy
Vision Effrigis Apelki Dalep Dresop Hergotis Nilima Quision Efrigis

The Angel Wardens Of The 7 Celestial Halls (Hechaloth / Hekhaloth)

Salão Nome
1 Suria Tutrechial Tutrusiai Zortek Mufgar Ashrulya Sabriel Zahabrieli Tandal Shokad Huzia Deheboryn Adririon Khabiel (Head
Supervisor) Tashriel Nahuriel Jekusiel Tufiel Dahariel Maskiel Shoel Sheviel
2 Tagriel (Chief) Maspiel Sahriel Arfiel Shahariel Sakriel Ragiel Sehibiel
3 Sheburiel (Chief) Retsutsiel Shalmial Savlial Harhazial Hadrial Bezrial
4 Pachdial (Chief) Gvurtial Kzuial Shchinial Shtukial Arvial or Avial Kfial Anfial
5 Techial Uzial Gmial Gamrial Sefrial Garfial Grial Drial Paltrial
6 Rumial Katmial Gehegial Arsabrsbial Egrumial Parzial Machkial or Mrgial or Mrgiviel Tufrial
7 Zeburial Tutrbebial

Olympick Spirits from Arbatel Of Magick

Nome Planeta Poderes e atributos Commands (a
legion is 490)
Arathon Saturno Converts Anything to Stone; Converts Treasures into Coles [Soup or Money] & back again; Teaches 49 Kings
Alchemy & Magic & Physics; Reconciles Subterranean Spirits to Man; Makes Men Hairy; Makes 42 Princes
Men Invisible; Makes the Barren Fruitful; Gives Long Life 35 Presidents
28 Dukes
21 Ministers
14 Familiars
7 Messengers
36000 Legions of
Bethor Júpiter Opens Treasures; Reconciles the Air Spirits; Transports Precious Stones; Makes miraculous 42 Kings
Medicines; Prolongs Life to 700 years 35 Princes
28 Dukes
21 Counsellors
14 Ministers
7 Messengers
29000 Legions of
Phaleg Marte Gives Honours in War-like affaires
Och Sol Prolongs Life to 600 years with Perfect Health; Gives Great Wisdom; Teaches Medicine; Converts all 36536 Legions of
Things into Gold Spirits
Hagith Vênus Makes People Fair & Beautiful; Converts Copper into Gold & back again 4000 Legions of
Ophiel Mercúrio Teaches all Arts & the ability to convert Quicksilver (Mercury) into the Philosopher's Stone 100000 Legions
of Spirits
Phul Lua Changes all Metals into Silver; Prolongs Life to 300 years; Heals Dropsy

Angelic Scripts from The Greater Key Of Solomon - Clavicula Salomonis

Islamic Angels
Nome Christian Posição Atributo Aparência
[hamalat al- Throne- Carry God's Chair There are 4 Bearers : Man & Bull & Eagle & Lion
'arsh] bearers
[karubiyun] Querubins Querubins Louvado seja Deus
Jibril ou Gabriel Arcanjo Bearer of Revelation 600 Wings stretching from East to West; Sitting on a Chair
Jibra'il between Earth & Heaven
Mikal ou Michael Arcanjo Providência Wings of Emerald-Green
Azrail ou Arcanjo Morte 4000 Wings; Body formed from as many Eyes & Tongues as
Izrael ou there are People
Israfil Raphael Arcanjo Blows the Trumpet of Hairy Body covered with Mouths and Tongues; 4 Wings : 1
Doom at the Last protects his Body 1 shields him from God while the others
Judgement extend from East to West
[hafazah or Anjos da
hafza] Guarda
Ridwan Guards Paradise
Malik Guards Hell
Keraman & Records Honest &
Katebin Dishonest deeds
Munkar & Questions the Dead
Ash- Satanás
Shaytan or
As-Shaitan or

Patron Angels from Angels A to Z by Matthew Bunson

Atributo Nome
Aborto Kasdaye
Adversidade Mastema
Agricultura Rismuch
Ar Chasam
Alquimia Och
Raiva Af
Aniquilação Harbonah
Apocalipse Orifiel
Aves Arael
Chance Barakiel
Caos Michael or Satan
Cometas Aiqiel
Compaixão Raphael
Concepção Lailah
Amanhecer Lúcifer
Dia Shamshiel
Destino Janela saliente
Sonhos Duma
Poeira Saphlatus
Terremotos Rashiel
Embrião Sandalphon
Medo Yroul
Fertilidade Samandiriel
Fogo Natanael
Florestas Azphlas
Livre vontade Tabris
Amizade Mihr
Glória Sandalphon
Graça Ananchel
Granizo Bardiel
Cura Raphael
Saúde Mumiel
Esperança Fanuel
Os furacões Zaapiel
Insônia Michael
Justiça Tradkiel
Conhecimento Raphael
Luz Isaac
Relâmpago Baraqiel
Amar Theliel
Memória Zadkiel
Mountals Rampel
Música Israfel
Noite Leliel
Obediência Sraosha
Esquecimento Purah
Ordem Sadriel
Paciência Achaiah
Penitência Phamuel
Poesia Israfel
Orgulho Raabe
Progresso Raphael
Prostituição Eisheth
Pureza Tahariel
Chuva Macariel
Arrependimento Uriel or Michael or Raphael
Revelação Gabriel
Justiça Michael
Mar Raabe
Silêncio Shatetiel or Duma
Snow Salgiel or Michael
Estrelas Kokabiel
Força Zeruel
Lágrimas Sandalphon or Israfel
Trovão Uriel or Ra'amiel
Tesouros Parasiel
Verdade Amitiel or Michael or Gabriel
Crepúsculo Aftiel
Guerra Michael or Gavriel
Fraqueza Amaliel
Whirlwind Zaamiel
Vento Ruhiel
Útero Armisael

Fallen Angels from A Dictionary Of Angels by Gustav Davidson &The Complete Book Of Devils & Demons by Leonard Ashley
Serafim  Adirael  Armaros
Abaddon  Atarculph  Azaradel
Asmodeus  Azael  Batarjal
Astoroth  Azaradel  Busasejal
 Azibeel  Dagon
 Azkeel  Daniel
 Azza  Flauros
 Badariel  Hakael
Semyazza  Baraqel  Jetrel
Querubins  Batarel  Kokabel
Azazel  Chobaliel  Mulciber
Belzebu  Ertrael  Penemue
Balberith  Exael  Rimmon
Lauviah  Ezeqeel  Samsawiel
Marou  Gadreel  Saraknyal
Tronos  Gurson  Sariel
Focalor  Hosampsich  Shamsiel
Forneas  Iomuel  Simapesiel
Gressil  Jeqon  Tabaet
Murmur  Junier  Thammuz
Nelchael  Kasdaye  Tumael
Pruflas  Kasbeel  Turael
Raum  Mamona  Urakabarameel
Sonneillon  Moloch
Verrine  Omiel
Dominions  Orus
Balam  Phenex
Marchosias  Regente
Nilaihah  Rugziel
Oeillet  Sameveel
Paimon  Samsapeel
Rosier  Seriel
Virtudes  Shaftiel
Agares  Tamiel
Ariel  Thausael
Barbatos  Tiril
Barbiel  Xaphon
Belial  Yomyael
Beliar  Zavebe

The 100 Holy Names of God from Liber Juratus by Honorius of Thebes [There are actually 99, as Saday is repeated at 25 from 9]
Version 1 :
AglA monhon tetragramaton olydeus Ocleiste Amphinetho lamtara Ianemyer Saday Hely
Horlon portenthymo Ihelur Gofgamep emanuel Em Admyhel Honzmor Ioht Hofob
n p
Rasamaratho Anethi erihona Iuestre Saday maloht Sethœ elscha Abbadaia Alpha et
n omega
leiste Oristyon Ieremon Hosb merkernon elzephares egyryon betha Ombonar Stymulamatho
Orion eryon noymos peb nathanothasy theon ysyston porho Rothon lethellethe
ysmas Adonay Athionadabir Onoytheon Hosga leyndra nosulaceps tutheon Gelemoh paraclitus
Occymomyo erchothas abracio anepheneton Abdon melche Sother usiryon baruch Sporgongo
Genonem messyas panteão zabuather Rabarmas Yskyros Kyryos Gelon Hel Rethel
Nathi Ymeynlethon Karex Sabaoth Sallaht cirhos Opyron nomygon Oryhel theos
ya Horha christus Holbeke tosgac Occymomos elyorem Heloy Archyna rabur

Version 2 :
Agla Monhon Tetragrammato Olydeus Ocleiste Amphinetho Lamtara Ianemyer Saday Hely
n n
Horlon Portenthymo Ihelur Gofgamep Emmanuel Em Admihel Honzmor Ioht Hofob
n p
Rasamaratho Anethi Erihona Iuestre Saday Maloht Sethoe Elscha Abbadaia Alpha &
n Omega
Leiste Oristion Ieremon Hosb Merkernon Elzephares Egirion Betha Ombonar Stimulamathon
Orion Erion Noimos Peb Nathanothas Theon Ysiston Porho Rothon Lethellethe
Ysmas Adonay Athionadabir Onoytheon Hosga Leyndra Nosulacep Tutheon Gelemoh Paraclitus
s t
Occymomion Erchothas Abracio Anepheneto Abdon Melche Sother Usirion Baruch Sporgongo
Genonem Messias Panteão Zabuather Rabarmas Iskiros Kyrios Gelon Hel Rethel
Nathi Ymeinlethon Karex Sabaoth Sallaht Cirhos Opiron Nomigon Orihel Theos
Ya Horha Christus Holbeke Tosgac Occimomos Eliorem Heloy Archina Rabur


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