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14 de outubro de 2019 |por: ELETRONOOBS | Visualizações 3237

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 Visualizações 3237

controlador Rádio RC Arduíno NRF24 Impresso em 3D

Sim, fiz outro controlador de rádio. Por que? bem, eu queria ter um visual mais comercial. Então, projetei um case

3D, depois usei alguns joysticks de alta qualidade para ter uma melhor leitura analógica. Tem uma tela OLED para

que possamos ver os dados que enviamos e também ajustar digitalmente os dados. Também possui 2 modos,

linear e exponencial.

PARTE 1 - Transmissor esquemático

Abaixo você tem o esquema deste projeto com todas as conexões e
valores dos componentes. Verifique também tudo o que você precisa
para este projeto na lista completa de peças abaixo. Certifique-se de
definir os conversores Buck para 12,6 V e 3,3 V antes de conectá-los ao
circuito. Isso é muito importante. Para o transmissor você precisa de
um módulo NRF24 com antena amplificada de potência para obter
maior alcance.
PARTE 2 - Caso 3D
The case is made out of 2 main parts, the top and bottom part. Then
we need 9 plastic push buttons, 4 push button double support and one
single support. We also need the sliding switch button. To close the
case I've sued 3 3mm screws, two on the top part and one more on the
bottom. I've used 2 perimeters and 20% infill for all the parts and PLA
material. There's no need for supports. The parts are already oriented
and ready to print. My printer has a 0.4mm nozzle, and the layer height
was set to 0.3mm.
 PART 3 - Mounting the transmitter 
First, I connect in series the batteries and glue them to the back part of
the radio controller. Then I solder wires from the DC jack to the big
boost/buck converter and I plug in the main adaptor. Then I set the
converter to 12.6V and glue the potentiometer so it will stay that way.
Now I connect the batteries to the 3S BMS and the output from the
buck convrerter to the BMS input/output. I glue everything on the case.
 Part 3.2 
Step 2 is to add all the small push buttons. Place 2 buttons on each
support as you can see below. Also, one button on the small support.
Then, add a small plastic push button in each hole on the top aprt of
the case and then we screw in place all the supports on the top part of
the 3D printed case.
 Part 3.3 
Now, add wires to the potentiometers of the joysticks for GND, 5V and
signal. Then screw in place the joysticks and also the sliding switch in
the middle of the controller. Add the toggle switchs and the
potentiometers on the top side. Finally, glue in place the Arduino NANO
on one corner.
 Part 3.4 
Ok, now, very important you have to set the small buck converter to 3.3V
and then glue the potentiometer. Then connect that to the NRF24
module. Finally, connect all wires to the Arduino as in the schematic.
Add the i2c OLED display as well and glue everything inside the case.
Connect power from the other part of the case and that's it. You could
now close the case and program the Arduino.

NRF24 library 
 PART 4 - Transmitter code 

Ok, for the code, make sure you downlaod and install the OLED and
NRF24 libraries from the link below as well. Then, download the code,
compile and uplaod it to the Arduino. For more details read the
comments in the code in order to know how to tune all the values for
the joystick read and the battery read as well.

Transmitter code 

Libraries you need 

 PART 5 - Schematic PWM receiver 
The receiver is very simple. All we need is another Arduino, the NRF24
module, the voltage regulator and some pins for GND, Vcc and also
PWM signal out. Solder everything on a PCB and upload the receiver
code that you will find below.
 PART 6 - Receiver PWM code 
This code will receive the values from the transmitter and create 6 PWM
signals on some digital pins of the Arduino.

Receiver PWM code 

 PART 7 - PPM receiver 

This code will receive the values from the transmitter and create 1 PPM
signal on digital pin D2 of the Arduino. And that's it. now you have a full
radio transmitter and reciver. In the menu you could select the mode
from lineal to exponential and fine tune each value. Have in mind that
the middle value of each joystick should be 127. You can download all
you need in this tutorial. Consider supporting me on my PATREON
Receiver PPM code 

 Video 
3D printed Radio Controller - Arduino&NRF24

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Rangana Tennakoon
about 4 years ago

Rangana Tennakoon
about 4 years ago
This is one of the best great tutorial I have ever seen, i LOVE this project Andrei !
Rangana Tennakoon
about 4 years ago

Rangana Tennakoon
about 4 years ago

Noob 2041
about 3 years ago
Hi Guys, I need a small help most of you would think this is a simple thing not worth asking. But i really
want to know. In a previous video in electronoobs, he made a few videos on how to make arduino based
RC receivers and controllers. So in the receiver part, there are 3 pin per channel. (Signal, 5V, GND), If i am
using a coreless motor. in the motor there are only 2 wires, (5v, GND). How how do i connect the motor
to the receiver? Can i do this without using an ESC?

Noob 7062
about 3 years ago
Здравствуйте , Подскажите пожалуйста как мне сделать управления 4 серво моторами
джойстикам , но если я нажал вверх он повернулся и там остался ..нажимаю в низ он крутится в
обратном направлении ... я мне не как не запрограммировать подскажите пожалуйста ..

Noob 7062
about 3 years ago
Здравствуйте , Подскажите пожалуйста как мне сделать управления 4 серво моторами
джойстикам , но если я нажал вверх он повернулся и там остался ..нажимаю в низ он крутится в
обратном направлении ... я мне не как не запрограммировать подскажите пожалуйста ..

Rainer Mueller-Knoche
about 2 months ago
Hello guys, I build that transmitter, but I found the wireing a little bit messie so i created an PCB for it.
That works fin but I hat to made some modifications on the top cover, I think it would be better to
modify the original part. Modifying the ST file of a complicated part like this is nearly impossible. So can
you please provide the original construction file, I will return the modified with all you need for the PCB.
Second I also have made a PCB for the corresponding receiver. I can provide too Third I need to transmit
the full 10 bit values, so I modified the code, that works fine in linear mode, but in exponential mode I
do not really understand your formula, can you please explain or give a link to the source. Thanks very
much Regards Rainer

Noob 16021
about 1 month ago
Meu amigo eu montei também mas os servos estão travando o movimento só resolve
quando eu desacoplar a atualização do display no código Você pode me ajudar estou usando
no transmissor o código que ele fornece aqui na página
Noob 16021
por volta de 1 mês atrás
Olá, construí seu maravilhoso projeto de controle de rádio com display OLED, mas apresenta um
problema. Os movimentos dos servos no receptor estão travando, descomentei a atualização do display
e os servos funcionam normalmente. Estou usando o software que você disponibilizou em sua página.
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