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1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020

1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020

1º Simulado Colégio Naval

Matemática e Inglês

• Este Simulado é composto por duas provas aplicadas em dias distintos com 40 questões cada;
• A prova deste sábado é composta de 20 questões de Matemática e 20 questões de Inglês;
• As questões são inéditas e foram elaboradas pela nossa equipe de professores.
• Os participantes terão das 08h30min às 13h30min (horário de Brasília) para responder às questões e enviar
o gabarito com as respostas;
• O seu gabarito deve ser enviado através de um formulário eletrônico. O link para o formulário ficará
disponível nesta prova e, também, em um artigo no blog do Estratégia Militares.
• Basta acessar e preencher o formulário com suas respostas. O formulário estará disponível para
preenchimento durante toda aplicação da prova;
• Todos os participantes que enviarem seus gabaritos dentro do horário de aplicação estarão concorrendo a
bolsas de estudos no Estratégia Militares;
• Só serão considerados (para critérios de premiação) os gabaritos enviados dentro do prazo de aplicação da
• Gabaritos enviados após o envio do horário de aplicação serão automaticamente desclassificados da
premiação, mas não ficam de fora do ranking geral classificatório que montamos com todos os candidatos;
• Para fins de desempate, será considerado o horário de envio do gabarito;
• O resultado com o desempenho dos candidatos será divulgado durante a correção da prova;
• A correção da prova acontece a partir das 14h00min, no canal do Estratégia Militares, no YouTube;
• Os candidatos que estiverem dentro dos critérios estabelecidos pelas regras de premiação precisam enviar
e-mail para vemsercoruja@estrategiamilitares.com.br para requerer seu prêmio;
• As premiações serão feitas seguindo à risca a tabela que indica a distribuição dos descontos a seguir;
✓ até 50% de acertos: 20% de desconto;
✓ acima de 50% e até 60% de acertos: 30% de desconto;
✓ acima de 60% e até 75% de acertos: 50% de desconto; ou
✓ acima de 75% de acertos: 70% de desconto.

Preencha o Gabarito!

1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
Considere o seguinte número O número de quadrados perfeitos compreendidos
4 7
N = 1234567891011121314...585960 entre 7 e 4 é igual a:

Seja A o menor número obtido ao suprimirmos (A) 78

cem dígitos de N e seja B o maior número obtido (B) 79
ao suprimirmos cem dos dígitos de N. A soma dos (C) 80
algarismos da soma A + B é igual a: (D) 81
(E) 82
(A) 60
(B) 62 QUESTÃO 05
(C) 64
1 1
(D) 66 Se √𝑎 + = √2 + √2 + √2 o valor de 𝑎4 + 4 é
√𝑎 𝑎
(E) 68
igual a:
a) 2
Os números naturais a e b são tais que a + b = b) 4
2007, b ≠ 0 e na divisão de a por b obtém-se resto
c) 2
igual ao quociente. A soma de todos os valores
d) 0
possíveis de a é:
e) 1
(A) 4261
(B) 4263 QUESTÃO 06
(C) 4265 Dado o número racional
(D) 4267
(E) 4269 M = (20212 − 2020).(20192 + 2020)

QUESTÃO 03 é correto afirmar que o seu antecessor é igual a:

Uma operação denotada por  define para cada a) 20204 + 2021

par de números ( x, y ) um número x  y de b) 20204 + 20202
modo que para todos x, y e z tem-se que: c) 20202 + 2022
d) 20204 + 20202 + 1
x  x = 0 e x  ( y  z) = ( x  y) + z
e) 20204 + 20202 − 1

O valor de 2016 1948 é igual a:

(A) 60 Seja x, y números satisfazendo a equação
(B) 62
x2 + xy + y 2 = 0. O valor de
(C) 64
2019 2019
(D) 66  x   y 
  +  é igual a:
(E) 68  x+ y  x+ y
(A) -2
(B) -1
(C) 0
(D) 1
(E) 2
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
QUESTÃO 08 (A) 250
(B) 300
Se 0  x  1 o valor máximo de x 1 − x 2 é igual
(C) 500
a: (D) 700
(A) 0 (E) 750
(B) 1
2 1
Se y = x + , então a expressão
1 x
4 x 4 + x3 − 4 x 2 + x + 1 = 0 se converte em:
1 (A) y 2 − 2 y + 6 = 0
8 (B) y 2 − y − 6 = 0

QUESTÃO 09 (C) x 2 ( y 2 + y − 6) = 0

O maior valor de a para o qual ambas as raízes (D) x 2 ( y 2 + 2 y − 6)2 = 0

da equação x 2 + ax + 6a = 0 são inteiras é igual a: (E) x 2 ( y 2 − y + 6) = 0

(A) 24 QUESTÃO 13
(B) 25 Considere dois triângulos equiláteros de lado 𝑙.
Dentro de um triângulo existe um círculo e do
(C) 27 outro um quadrado. Sabendo que esse círculo e
esse quadrado são de máxima área possível
(D) 32
dentro dos triângulos, a razão entre as áreas do
(E) 49 quadrado e do círculo é igual a:

O número de valores dos naturais n para os quais 24(7−3√3)
21n + 4 𝜋
a fração é irredutível é igual a: 12𝜋(7−4√3)
14n + 3 (C)
(A) 0 25(13−4√3)
(B) 1 (D)
(C) 2 20(7−3√3)
(D) 3 (E)
(E) maior que 3
QUESTÃO 11 O perímetro de um triângulo qualquer 𝐴𝐵𝐶 vale 𝑥
O mercadinho LAMENTABLE, situado em unidades. Um outro triângulo 𝐷𝐸𝐹 é semelhante
Engenheiro Pedreira – RJ, trabalha com os tipos ao triângulo 𝐴𝐵𝐶 e sua área é 81 vezes a área do
X, Y, Z e W de fubá, cujos teores de impureza são triângulo 𝐴𝐵𝐶. Nessas condições, a solução não
0,08 ; 0,12 ; 0,167 e 0,107 respectivamente. Para nula em 𝑥 da expressão: 𝑥2 =
fabricar o tipo W, Waguinho, funcionário do (𝑝𝑒𝑟í𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑜 𝑑𝑒 𝐷𝐸𝐹) é:
mercadinho, mistura uma certa quantidade de
fubá X com 300 gramas de fubá Y. Em seguida, (A) 8
substitui 200 gramas dessa mistura por 200 (B) 9
gramas de fubá do tipo Z. A quantidade, em (C) 10
gramas, de fubá do tipo X utilizado foi: (D) 11
(E) 12
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
QUESTÃO 15 condições, a porcentagem da área clara em
relação à área total será:
Se considerarmos um triângulo equilátero inscrito
em uma circunferência e circunscrito a uma outra
circunferência menor, a razão da área externa ao
triângulo e interna ao círculo maior, pela área
interna ao triângulo e externa ao círculo menor é:

3√3−5𝜋 (A) 30%
4𝜋−√3 (B) 25%
√3−𝜋 (C) 27%
(D) 35%
QUESTÃO 16 (E) 20%
Na figura abaixo temos um triângulo equilátero
𝐴𝐵𝐶 e o retângulo 𝐶𝐷𝐸𝐹. 𝐴, 𝐶 𝑒 𝐷 estão na mesma QUESTÃO 18
reta, 𝐴𝐶 = 𝐶𝐹 e 𝐶𝐷 = 2𝐷𝐸. Com centro em 𝐶 e No paralelogramo descrito abaixo, traça-se a
raio 𝐶𝐷 traça-se o arco de circunferência que partir do vértice 𝐷 a altura 𝐷𝐻 relativa ao lado 𝐴𝐵,
intersecta 𝐸𝐹 em 𝐺. Por 𝐹 traça-se a reta 𝐹𝐻 ∥ 𝐶𝐺, encontrando a diagonal 𝐴𝐶 no ponto 𝐼. Dessa
de modo 𝐷, 𝐺 𝑒 𝐻 estejam sobre a mesma reta. É maneira, determine o valor de 𝐷𝐼² e marque a
dado que a área do triângulo 𝐶𝐷𝐺 é 16, o valor alternativa correspondente:
das áreas dos triângulos 𝐶𝐵𝐹 𝑒 𝐹𝐺𝐻 são,

(A) 5 e 8 108
(B) 4 e 12 25
(C) 9 e 12 169
(D) 4 e 14 16
(E) 4 e 8 196
Na imagem abaixo, o arco 𝐴𝐶 mede 90°. 𝑀 é o
ponto médio do diâmetro 𝐴𝐵 do semicírculo em
preto. Sabendo que um designer gráfico usará
essa figura como ponto de partida para a
construção de um logotipo de uma empresa. Após
uma análise, ele decide escurecer 40% da área
clara para finalizar o logotipo. Nessas novas
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
Um triângulo retângulo 𝑃𝑄𝑅 é reto no vértice 𝑃, o
ângulo 𝑅 mede 30°, a hipotenusa mede 2cm e o
segmento 𝑃𝑀 é a mediana relativa à hipotenusa.
Por um ponto 𝐴, exterior ao triângulo, traçam-se
os segmentos 𝐴𝑃 𝑒 𝐴𝑄, com 𝐴𝑄 ∥ 𝑃𝑀 e 𝐴𝑃 ∥ 𝑄𝑀.
Sabendo que a área, em cm², do quadrilátero
𝑃𝐴𝑄𝑅 é da forma 𝑟 com 𝑚, 𝑟 ∈ ℕ primos entre
si, então 2𝑚 + 𝑟 é igual a:

(A) 13
(B) 12
(C) 11
(D) 10
(E) 9

Seja 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 um quadrado de lado 1, em que 𝐴𝐶 é
uma de suas diagonais. Na semirreta 𝐵𝐶, onde 𝐵
é a origem, marca-se 𝐸 de modo que 𝐵𝐶 = 𝐶𝐸.
Seja Γ a circunferência de centro em 𝐶 e raio 1, e
𝑃 o ponto de interseção de 𝐴𝐸 com a
circunferência Γ. Sendo assim, a área do triângulo
𝐴𝐷𝑃 é:
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
Read Text I to do questions 21 to 28 based on it. 'Safety first'
TEXT I A spokesman for Facebook said protecting the
wellbeing of children on its platform was "critically
Child-protection organisations say Facebook's important" to it.
decision to strongly encrypt messages will give "We have led the industry in safeguarding children
offenders a place to hide. from exploitation and we are bringing this same
The company is moving ahead with plans to commitment and leadership to our work on
implement the measure on Facebook Messenger encryption," he said.
and Instagram Direct. "We are working closely with child-safety experts,
But more than 100 organisations, led by the including NCMEC [the US National Center for
NSPCC, have signed an open letter warning the Missing and Exploited Children], law enforcement,
plans will undermine efforts to catch abusers. governments and other technology companies, to
help keep children safe online."
Home Secretary Priti Patel said she "fully
supported" the move. In 2018, Facebook made 16.8 million reports of
child sexual exploitation and abuse content to the
In a statement to the BBC, she said: "Tech NCMEC.
companies like Facebook have a vital
responsibility to balance privacy with the safety of The National Crime Agency said this had led to
vulnerable children." more than 2,500 arrests and 3,000 children made
"Following my letter to Mark Zuckerberg, I met with
Sheryl Sandberg and emphasised that Facebook's But, the NCMEC estimates, if Facebook
encryption plans cannot be allowed to hamper their implements end-to-end encryption, it could mean
ability to protect young people from paedophiles 70% of these vital reports are lost.
online. We have also submitted detailed evidence In October, Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg said
to the US Senate about these concerns. the increased risk of child abuse "weighed heavily"
"I fully support the continued efforts of the NSPCC on him when considering the company's end-to-
and children's charities around the world to engage end encryption plan.
Facebook on this issue." A BBC News investigation last year found
End-to-end encryption, already used on encrypted apps were taking over from the dark
Facebook-owned WhatsApp, means no-one, web as a place to host criminals.
including the company that owns the platform, can But WhatsApp boss Will Cathcart has previously
see the content of sent messages. posted on Hacker News: "End-to-end encryption
Those signing the letter say Facebook has failed protects that right for over a billion people every
to address concerns about child safety. day."

The missive urges the company to stop the rollout And Jo O'Reilly, digital privacy advocate at
of its plans until "sufficient safeguards" are in ProPrivacy, said many users would probably
place. welcome Facebook's plans.

"At a time when we could be looking to build upon "It will make it significantly less likely that hackers
years of sophisticated initiatives, Facebook will be able to intercept messages, going a long
instead seems inclined to blindfold itself," the letter way to protect users from phishing and cyber-
says. stalking," she said.

"We urge you to recognise and accept that an "It is the kind of decisive action users will be
increased risk of child abuse being facilitated on or looking for to reassure them that their private
by Facebook is not a reasonable trade-off to make. conversations really are private in the wake of
privacy scandals."
"Children should not be put in harm's way either as
a result of commercial decisions or design
Among the other signatories were Barnardo's,
5Rights, the International Centre For Missing and
Exploited Children, and Child USA.
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
Read the extract from the text. Read the sentence below.
“But more than 100 organisations, led by the It is the kind of decisive action users will be looking
NSPCC, have signed an open letter warning the for.
plans will undermine efforts to catch abusers.”
What’s the plural form of the sentence?
Mark the option that can replace the word (A) These are the kinds of decisive action users
will be looking for.
(A) Help (B) They are the kinds of decisive actions users
(B) Strengthen will be looking for.
(C) Threaten (C) Those are the kind of decisive actions users
(D) Tighten will be looking for.
(E) Enhance (D) Those are the kinds of decisive actions users
will be looking for.
(E) Those are the kind of decisives actions users
will be looking for.
Read the extract from the text.
“In 2018, Facebook made 16.8 million reports...”. QUESTÃO 25

What’s the correct question referring to the Read the extract from the text.
underlined information? “Home Secretary Priti Patel said she "fully
(A) How much reports have Facebook made in supported" the move.”
Mark the option that can replace the underlined
(B) How many reports has Facebook made in sentence.
(C) How much reports has Facebook made in (A) couldn’t disagree more with
2018? (B) dispised
(D) How many reports did Facebook made in (C) disliked
2018? (D) hated
(E) How many reports did Facebook make in (E) couldn’t agree more with
QUESTÃO 23 Mark the sentence that does not represent an
Read the extract from the text. advantage of end-to-end encriptions.
(A) Users will have more privacy
"It is the kind of decisive action users will be
(B) children will be safer
looking for to reassure them that their private
conversations really are private in the wake of (C) people’s accounts will be more secure
privacy scandals." (last paragraph) (D) It will protect users against phishing and cyber-
The subject pronoun “it” refers to: (E) It will keep private information private
(A) Facebook
(B) Implementation of end-to-end encription
(C) Whatsapp
(D) ProPrivacy
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
According to the text, children’s safety Mark the option which is false about the text.
(A) would be enhanced with Facebook’s plans (A) Scientists discovered stress turns our hair grey
(B) would thrive over paedophiles (B) Stress afects colour-regenerating stem cells
(C) would be compromised by Facebook’s plans (C) The research have confirmed a centuries old
(D) would improve with Facebook’s plans belief
(E) would be the main reason for Facebook to put (D) The loss of the pigment-regenerating stem
its plans into practice cells is reversible
(E) Stress could make people older faster
The Facebook QUESTÃO 30

(A) intends to make changes to make children What two examples of people turning grey
because of stress did the text mention?
(B) is concerned about users privacy and (A) mice and presidents
experience (B) mice and Marie Antoinette
(C) will not implement any changes due to (C) Marie Antoinette and presidents
chlidren’s abuse problems (D) scientists and presidents
(D) will help catching paedophiles because of end- (E) Marie Antoinette and scientists
to-end encription
(E) will substitute the police and families to take QUESTÃO 31
care of children’s safety Mark the option that fills in the blanks I and II,

Read the text II to do items 29 to 31. (A) their/our

(B) them/their
(C) them/ they
Scientists have found that stress turns our hair grey, (D) their/them
white or silver in mice. Stem cell biologists from Harvard (E) them/your
University did a series of tests on mice to find the effects
of stress on ___I____. The scientists injected the mice
with the ingredient in chili peppers that gives them QUESTÃO 32
____II___ heat. This made the mice stressed. It caused
a hair-colouring pigment in the mice to overwork as a Read the statements.
reaction to the stress. It used up all colour-regenerating
I. Jack doesn’t like to step on the snow.
stem cells and the mice's hair rapidly turned white. A
II. Eli is very aggressively.
researcher said: "The detrimental impact of stress that
III. Johnnie likes to play ball.
we discovered was beyond what I imagined."
IV. Thor is a well behavior dog.
For centuries , people have believed that stress turns It’s correct to say that only the
hair grey. France’s Queen Marie Antoinette’s hair
supposedly turned white the night before she was (A) sentences I and IV are correct
beheaded during the French Revolution. More recently, (B) sentence II is correct
the hair of presidents and other world leaders have
(C) sentences I and III are correct
quickly lost colour. The strains of leadership have gone
to the roots of things, especially hair follicles. The (D) sentences II and III are correct
researcher said the loss of the pigment-regenerating (E) sentence III is correct
stem cells cannot be reversed. She said: “You can’t
regenerate pigment any more. The damage is
permanent.” She thinks stress could accelerate the
aging process.
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
QUESTÃO 33 It’s correct to say that the
Read the dialogue below. (A) the Hospital is between the Smith Park and the
A: Hello, Johnnie! bus station.
B: Good morning, Sally! (B) the bus station is close to the history museum.
A:Tell me, honey, ________ you go to Andrea’s (C) the hospital is across of the fire station.
bday party last night? (D) The city hall is located beside the city park.
B: Oh, yes, I _______. It was awesome! I _______
(E) The state college is located on A street.
so much fun!

Mark the option that completes the dialogue QUESTÃO 36

correctly. Read Garfield, a comic strip, by Jim Davis.
(A) were / was / did
(B) did / did / had
(C) will / will / am having
(D) were / were / did
(E) did / did / was having

Mark the sentence that is not true.
(A) Students go to the school so they can learn.
(B) Bodybuilders work out so they get stronger.
(C) When you need to rest, you lay down.
(D) When you need to buy medicine, you go to the
(E) If you are hungry, you eat some food.

Observe the map.


It’s correct to say that Garfield

(A) thinks it is important to think about the future.
(B) always thinks about the future himself.
(C) likes to have this conversation.
(D) is excited about his future.
(E) thinks that thinking about the future is useless.
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020
Read the statements. Read and complete the sentence below.
I. How’s Jack? ______ USA has shown off uniforms for its new
II. What does Johnnie do? Space Force. _______ U.S. Space Force (USSF)
III. Whose son is Joe? was created in December alongside the U.S.
IV. How much meat does Eli have on a Space Command. _______ uniforms were
regular meal? designed for ______ Space Force personnel. The
V. How many friends do Leo and Emma design has created quite a stir on social media. It
have on Facebook?
is ______ regular green, black and brown army
( ) A few. camouflage.
( ) He’s hers.
( ) He’s fine. Mark the option which best completes the blanks
( ) A little. respectively.
( ) He’s an english teacher. (A) the / X / the / X / X
Mark the option that shows the correct order of (B) the / the / the / the / the
answers. (C) the/ the / the / X / the
(D) X / X / the / X / the
(A) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
(E) the / the / X / the / X
(B) (IV) (I) (II) (III) (V)
(C) (V) (III) (I) (IV) (II) QUESTÃO 40
(D) (IV) (I) (III) (V) (II)
(E) (II) (V) (IV) (I) (III) Mark the option that fills in the blanks I and II,
Complete the sentences using the correct verb
tense for the verbs in brackets.
Astronauts have _______(make) the first space-
baked cookies. They ______(look) out of this
world. They are the first food _______(bake) in
space from raw ingredients. Space food is usually
______(make) on Earth. It is then _______(heat
up) in space. Freshly baked food will make
astronauts happy. It will _______(remind) them of
home. This is important if they _____(go) to Mars.
(A) make / look / bake / made / heat up / reminds
/ went
(B) made / look / baked / made / heated up /
remind / go https://freethoughtblogs.com/singham/2017/02/12/this-old-peanuts-
(C) made / looked / baked / make / heated up /
reminds / gone (A) brings/prepared
(D) make / looked / bake / make / heated up / (B) bring/prepared
remind / go (C) brings/ prepare
(E) made / look / baked / made / heat up / remind (D) bring/prepare
/ go (E) brought/prepare
1º Simulado Colégio Naval - Estratégia Militares – 15/02/2020

Preencha seu gabarito!


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