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Aula 15 - Revisão Simple Past


O que é o simple past?

É um tempo verbal utilizado para retratar ações que se iniciaram no passado e

terminaram no passado. Normalmente quando especificamos quando algo ocorreu,
utilizamos o simple past.


Two weeks ago we had our last English class. It was, before Ana changed her work hours.

Estruturas do Simple Past:


Para formar frases afirmativas no Simple Past, geralmente utilizamos o verbo principal no
passado simples.


I walked to the store yesterday.

Yesterday, I ate a bunch of esfihas at Aldebarã. But before that, I got caught in the rain, and It
was a heavy rain.


Para fazer perguntas no Simple Past, geralmente utilizamos o verbo auxiliar "did" seguido do
sujeito e do verbo principal no infinitivo sem "to".


Did you watch the movie last night?

Did you sleep well yesterday?
Did you go to the gym last week?

Para formar frases negativas no Simple Past, geralmente utilizamos o verbo auxiliar "did not"
(ou a forma contraída "didn't") antes do verbo principal.


She didn't call me yesterday.

He didn’t sleep well last night
I was at the shopping this week end, therefore I didn’t buy anything

Tabela de Conjugações de Verbos Irregulares:

Verbo Presente Simples Passado Simples

be (ser/estar) am/are/is was/were

have (ter) have/has had

do (fazer) do/does did

go (ir) go(es) went

come (vir) come(s) came

see (ver) see(s) saw

eat (comer) eat(s) ate

take (pegar) take(s) took

make (fazer) make(s) made

give (dar) give(s) gave

find (encontrar) find(s) found

write (escrever) write(s) wrote

speak (falar) speak(s) spoke

do (fazer) do(es) did

read (ler) read(s) read (pronuncia-se "red")

say (dizer) say(s) said

get (obter) get(s) got

know (saber/conhecer) know(s) knew

see (ver) see(s) saw

think (pensar) think(s) thought

take (pegar) take(s) took

come (vir) come(s) came

want (querer) want(s) wanted

Verbos Regulares

1. Verbos terminados em "-ed":

- play (jogar) → played

- dance (dançar) → danced

- love (amar) → loved

Justificativa: Esses verbos seguem a regra geral de adicionar "-ed" ao infinitivo do verbo para
formar o passado simples.

2. Verbos terminados em "-e":

- bake (assar) → baked

- close (fechar) → closed

- invite (convidar) → invited

Justificativa: Verbos que terminam em "-e" têm apenas "-d" adicionado ao infinitivo para
formar o passado simples.

3. Verbos monossilábicos com uma vogal seguida por uma consoante:

- stop (parar) → stopped

- plan (planejar) → planned

- rob (roubar) → robbed

Justificativa: Quando um verbo é monossilábico (possui apenas uma sílaba) e termina em uma
vogal seguida por uma consoante, dobramos a consoante final antes de adicionar "-ed" para
formar o passado simples.

4. Verbos terminados em "-y" precedido por uma consoante:

- carry (carregar) → carried

- study (estudar) → studied

- worry (preocupar-se) → worried

Justificativa: Verbos que terminam em "-y" precedidos por uma consoante têm o "-y"
substituído por "-i" antes de adicionar "-ed" para formar o passado simples.

5. Verbos terminados em "-y" precedidos por uma vogal:

- play (brincar) → played

- annoy (irritar) → annoyed

- enjoy (aproveitar) → enjoyed

Justificativa: Verbos que terminam em "-y" precedidos por uma vogal simplesmente
adicionam "-ed" para formar o passado simples.

Traduzam as frases:

1. I bought a new car yesterday / I’m buying a new car today

2. She cooked dinner for her family last night. / She is cooking dinner for her family this evening/night

3. They watched a movie together on Saturday. / They are watching a movie together for now

4. He called his friend after work. / He’s calling his friend right now

5. We visited our grandparents last weekend. / We are visiting our grandparents today
6. She sent an email to her boss this morning. / She send an email to her boss every morning

7. They had a party at their house last Friday. / They will have/are going to do/to have a party this
Friday // They are having a party today/this Friday

(will - would) (can - could)

Tarefa - Plantão

8. I met my old classmates for lunch yesterday.

9. He sold his old bike to buy a new one.

10. We ate pizza at that restaurant last week.

11. She gave her sister a birthday present yesterday.

12. They found a lost dog in the park last night.

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