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Técnico bancário Novo

Língua Inglesa

Conhecimento de um vocabulário fundamental e dos aspectos gramaticais básicos

para a compreensão de textos...................................................................................... 1
Exercícios...................................................................................................................... 32
Gabarito......................................................................................................................... 43

Língua Inglesa

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Conhecimento de um vocabulário fundamental e dos aspectos gramaticais básicos para
a compreensão de textos


T-shirt camiseta
Sweatshirt Blusa de moletom
Shirt camisa
Suit terno
Pants calça
Tie gravata
Wedding dress vestido de noiva
Jacket jaqueta
Skirt saia
Coat casaco
Shorts Bermuda
Dress vestido
Underpants cueca
Panties calcinha
Bra sutiã
Nightgown camisola
Pajamas pijama
Robe roupão

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Scarf cachecol
Uniform uniforme
Singlet regata
Swimming Trunks sunga
Swimsuit maiô
Bikini biquíni
U.S. Money
U.S. Money
US$ 1 Dollar 100 cents
bills $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100
Coins 1c, 5c, 10c, 25c, $1
Penny 1 cent
Nickel 5 cents
Dime 10 cents
Quarter 25 cents
Ways to pay
Check cheque
Cash em dinheiro
Note/bill nota
Coin moeda
Credit card cartão de crédito
Acrylic acrílico
Cotton algodão
Denim brim
Fleece/wool lã
Gold ouro
Leather couro
Linen linho
Plastic plástico
Rubber borracha
Silk seda
Silver prata
Nursery School pré-escola
Elementary school ou Primary School Ensino fundamental I
Secondary school Ensino fundamental II
High school Ensino médio
College/University Faculdade/universidade

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Inglês English
Matemática Mathematics (Math)
História History
Geografia Geography
Química Chemistry
Física Physics
Ciência Science
Biologia Biology
Educação Física Physical Education (P.E.)
Artes Arts
Música Music
Literatura Literature
Redação Writing
Português Portuguese
Espanhol Spanish
Diversão e mídia
Movies/cinema cnema
Theater teatro
Bar/Pub bar
Restaurant restaurante
Café lanchonete
Park parque
Concert show
Play peça de teatro
Cellphone/mobile phone celular
Laptop notebook
Personal computer(PC) Computador
Printer impressora
Keyboard teclado
Mouse mouse
Television televisão
Meio ambiente
Environment meio ambiente
Ozone layer camada de ozônio
Water água
Tree árvore
Weather clima
Animals animais
Air ar
Wind vento
Rain chuva

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Snow neve
Fog neblina
Hurricane furacão
Storm tempestade
Lightning relâmpago
Thunder trovão
Comida e bebida
Bread Pão
Butter Manteiga
Cake Bolo
Cheese Queijo
Chicken Frango
Chips Salgadinhos
Chocolate Chocolate
Corn flakes Cereal
Egg Ovo
Fish Peixe
French fries Batata-frita
Ham Presunto
Ice cream Sorvete
Jam Geleia
Jello Gelatina
Margarine Margarina
Mashed potatoes Purê de batatas
Meat Carne
Pancacke Panqueca
Pasta Macarrão
Peanut Amendoim
Peanut butter pasta de amendoim
Pepper Pimenta
Pie Torta
Pizza Pizza
Popsicle Picolé
Potato chips Batata-frita
Rice Arroz
Salt Sal
Sandwich Sanduíche
Sliced bread Pão fatiado
Soup Sopa
Sugar Açúcar
Toast Torrada
Water cracker Bolacha de água e sal

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Meat (carne)
Bacon Bacon
Barbecue Churrasco
Beef Carne de vaca
Beef Jerky Carne seca
Blood sausage Chouriço
Carp Carpa
Chicken Frango
Chicken legs Pernas de Frango
Chicken wings Asas de Frango
Cod Bacalhau
Crab Caranguejo
Duck Pato
Fish Peixe
Grilled fish Peixe grelhado
Ground beef Carne moída
Hamburger Hambúrguer
Lobster Lagosta
Meatball Almôndega
Mortadella Mortadela
Pork chops Costeletas de porco
Pork legs Pernas de porco
Pork loin Lombo de porco
Rib cuts Costela
Roast chicken Frango assado
Salami Salame
Salmon Salmão
Sausage Linguiça
Shrimp Camarão
Sirloin Lombo
Smoked sausage salsicha defumada
Squid Lula
Steak Bife
Stew meat Guisado de carne
T-bone steak Bife t-bone
Tenderloin Filé mignon
Tuna Atum
Turkey Peru
Veal Vitela
Vegetables (vegetais)
Anise Anis
Asparagus Espargos
Beans Feijão
Beet Beterraba

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Broccoli Brócolis
Cabbage Repolho
Carrot Cenoura
Cauliflower Couve-flor
Celery Aipo/Salsão
Corn Milho
Cucumbers Pepinos
Eggplant Berinjela
Garlic Alho
Ginger Gengibre
Green onion Cebolinha
Heart of Palms Palmito
Leeks Alho-poró
Lettuce Alface
Manioc Mandioca
Mushroom Cogumelo
Okra Quiabo
Olives Azeitonas
Onion Cebola
Pepper Pimenta
Pickles Picles
Potato Batata
Pumpkin Abóbora
Radish Rabanete
Rucola Rúcula
Snow pea Ervilha
Spinach Espinafre
Sweet potato Batata doce
Tomato Tomate
Turnip Nabo
Watercress Agrião
Yams Inhame
Fruits (frutas)
Apple Maçã
Apricots Damascos
Avocado Abacate
Banana Banana
Blackberry Amora
Blueberry Mirtilo
Cashew nut Castanha de Cajú
Cherry Cereja
Coconut Coco
Figs Figos
Grapes Uvas

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Guava Goiaba
Honeydew melon Melão
Jackfruit Jaca
Kiwi Kiwi
Lemon Limão
Mango Manga
Orange Laranja
Papaya Mamão
Passion fruit Maracujá
Peach Pêssego
Pear Pera
Pineapple Abacaxi
Plum Ameixa
Prune Ameixa-seca
Start fruit Carambola
Strawberry Morango
Tamarind Tamarindo
Tangerine Tangerina
Watermelon Melancia
Drinks (bebidas)
Beer Cerveja
Brandy Aguardente
Champagne Champanhe
Chocolate Chocolate
Cocktail Coquetel
Coffee Café
Coffee-and-milk Café-com-leite
Draft beer Chope
Gin Gim
Hot chocolate Chocolate quente
Juice Suco
Lime juice Limonada
Liqueur Licor
Milk Leite
Mineral water Água mineral
Red wine Vinho tinto
Rum Rum
Soda Refrigerante
Sparkling mineral water Água mineral com gás
Still mineral water Água mineral sem gás
Tonic water Água tônica
Vodka Vodca
Water Água
Whiskey Uísque
White wine Vinho branco

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Yogurt Iogurte
Tempo livre, “hobbies” e lazer
Bowling boliche
Camping acampar
Canoeing canoagem
Card games jogos de baralho
Chess xadrez
Cooking cozinhar
Crossword puzzl palavras cruzadas
Dancing dançar
Drawing desenhar
Embroidery bordado
Fishing pesca
Gardening jardinagem
Hiking caminhar
Hunting caçar
Jogging corrida
Knitting tricotar
Mountaineering escalar montanhas
Painting pintar
Photography fotografia
Playing video games jogar vídeo games
Reading leitura
Riding a bike andar de bicicleta
Sculpting esculpir
Sewing costurar
Singing cantar
Skating andar de patins ou skate
Skiing esquiar
Stamp collecting colecionar selos
Surfing surfar
Working out malhar

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Saúde e exercícios

Health Problems and Diseases (problemas de saúde e doenças)

Skin occurrences (Ocorrências na pele)
Blemish mancha
Bruise contusão
Dandruff caspa
Freckle sarda
Itching coceira
Pimple espinha
Rasch erupção da pele
Scar cicatriz
Spot sinal, marca
Wart verruga
Wound ferida
Wrinkle ruga
Aches (Dores)
Backache dor nas costas
Earache dor de ouvido
Headache dor de cabeça
Heartache dor no peito
stomachache dor de estômago
Toothache dor de dente

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Cold and Flu (Resfriado e Gripe)
Cough tosse
Fever febre
Running nose nariz entupido
Sneeze espirro
Sore throat garganta inflamada
Tonsilitis amigdalitis
Other Diseases (Outras doenças)
Aneurism aneurisma
Appendicitis apendicite
Asthma asma
Bronchitis bronquite
Cancer câncer
Cirrhosis - cirrose
Diabetes diabetes
Hepatitis hepatite
High Blood Pressure hipertensão (pressão alta)
Pneumonia pneumonia
Rheumatism reumatismo
Tuberculosis tuberculose
Povos e línguas

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Sentimentos, opiniões e experiências
Happy feliz
Afraid com medo
Sad triste
Hot com calor
Amused divertido
Bored entediado
Anxious ansioso
Confident confiante
Cold com frio
Suspicious suspeito
Surprised surpreso
Loving amoroso
Curious curioso
Envious invejoso
Jealous ciumento
Miserable miserável
Confused confuso
Stupid burro
Angry com raiva
Sick enjoado/doente
Ashamed envergonhado
Indifferent indiferente
Determined determinado
Crazy louco
Depressed depressivo
Frightened assustado
Interested interessado
Shy tímido
Hopeful esperançoso
Regretful arrependido
Scared assustado
Stubborn teimoso
Thirsty com sede
Guilty culpado
Nervous nervoso
Embarrassed envergonhado
Disgusted enojado
Proud orgulhoso
Lonely solitário
Frustrated frustrado
Hurt magoado
Hungry com fome
Tired cansado
Thoughtful pensativo

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Optimistic otimista
Relieved aliviado
Shocked chocado
Sleepy com sono
Excited animado
Bad mal
Worried preocupado
Identificação pessoal
First name Primeiro nome
Middle name Nome do meio
Last name Último nome
Full name Nome completo
Date of Birth Data de nascimento
Age Idade
Sex Sexo
Place of Birth Local de nascimento
Nationality Nacionalidade
Occupation Ocupação/profissão
Address Endereço
City Cidade
Country País
Zip code/Post code Código postal (CEP)
Phone number Número de telefone
E-mail address Endereço de e-mail
Lugares e edificações
Airport Aeroporto
Amusement park Parque de diversões
Aquarium Aquário
Art gallery Galeria de arte
ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) Caixa eletrônico
Auto repair shop ou Garage Oficina mecânica
Avenue Avenida
Baby store Loja infantil ou bebê
Barber shop Barbearia
Bakery Padaria
Bank Banco
Beach Praia
Beauty salon/parlor/shop Salão de beleza
Block Quarteirão
Bookstore ou Bookshop Livraria
Bridge Ponte
Building Edifício ou Prédio
Bus station Rodoviária
Bus stop Ponto de ônibus

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Butcher shop Açougue
Cabstand ou Taxi stand Ponto de taxi
Capital Capital
Cathedral Catedral
Cemetery Cemitério
Chapel Capela
Church Igreja
Circus Circo
City Cidade
Clothing store Loja de roupas
Club Clube
Coffee shop Cafeteria
College Faculdade
Computer store Loja de informática
Concert hall Casa de espetáculos ou Sala de concertos
Convenience store Loja de conveniência
Corner Esquina
Costume store Loja de Fantasia
Quadra de esportes ou pode ser Tribunal
Court ou comumente chamado de Fórum, depen-
de do contexto.
Crosswalk/Pedestrian crossing/
Faixa de pedestres
Zebra crossing
Cul-de-sac ou Dead end street Beco ou Rua sem saída
City hall Prefeitura
Clinica dentária ou Consultório Odontológi-
Dental clinic
Downtown Centro da cidade
Driving school Auto escola
Drugstore Farmácia ou Drogaria
Factory Fábrica
Field Campo
Fire station Posto ou Quartel de bombeiros
Fishmonger’s Peixaria
Flower show Floricultura
Food Truck ou Caminhão que vende comi-
Food Truck
Gas station Posto de gasolina
Glasses store ou Optical store Loja de Ótica
Greengrocer Quitanda
Grocery store Mercearia
Gym Academia de ginástica
Hair salon Cabeleireiro
Hardware store Loja de ferramentas
Health Clinic/Center Clinica ou Posto de saúde
Hospital Hospital

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Hotel Hotel
House Casa
Ice Cream Shop/Parlor Sorveteria
Intersection ou Crossroad Cruzamento
Jail ou Prison Cadeia ou Prisão
Jewelry store Joalheria
Kiosk Quiosque
Lake Lago
Laundromat ou Laundry Lavanderia
Library Biblioteca
Lottery retailer ou Lottery kiosk Casa lotérica
Mall Shopping center
Metropolis metrópole
Monument Monumento
Mosque Mesquita
Movie theater Cinema
Museum Museu
Neighborhood Bairro
Newsstand Banca de jornal
Office Escritório
One-way street Rua de mão única ou sentido único
Outskirts ou Suburb Periferia ou Subúrbio
Park Parque
Parking lot Estacionamento
Penitentiary Presídio ou Penitenciária
Perfume shop Perfumaria
Pet Shop Pet Shop
Pizzeria Pizzaria
Place Lugar
Playground Parque infantil
Police station Delegacia de polícia
Port Porto
Post office Agência de correios
Pub Bar
Real estate agency Imobiliária
Reference point ou Landmark Ponto de referência
Restaurant Restaurante
River Rio
Road Estrada
Rotary ou Roundabout Rotatória
School Escola
Shoe store Sapataria
Sidewalk Calçada
Snack bar Lanchonete
Square Praça

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Stadium Estádio
Station Estação
Stationery store Papelaria
Steak House Churrascaria
Store Loja
Street Rua
Subway station Estação de metrô
Supermarket Supermercado
Synagogue Sinagoga
Temple Templo
Town Cidade pequena ou Município
Toy store ou Toy shop Loja de brinquedos
Train station Estação de trem
Travel agency Agência de viagens
University Universidade
Zoo Zoológico
Relacionamento com outras pessoas
Parents pais
Father pai
Mother mãe
Son filho
Daughter filha
Siblings irmãos
Brother irmão
Sister irmã
Halfbrother meio-irmão
Halfsister meia-irmã
Only child filho único
Wife esposa
Husband esposo
Fiancé noivo
Bride noiva
Uncle tio
Aunt tia
Cousin primo e prima
Nephew sobrinho
Niece sobrinha
Grandparents avós
Grandfather avô
Grandmother avó
Grandson neto
Granddaughter neta
Great grandfather bisavô
Great grandmother bisavó
Great grandson bisneto

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Great granddaughter bisneta
Father-in-law sogro
Mother-in-law sogra
Brother-in-law cunhado
Sister-in-law cunhada
Stepfather padrasto
Stepmother madrasta
Stepson enteado
Stepdaughter enteada
Foster parents pais adotivos
Foster father pai adotivo
Foster mother mãe adotiva
Transporte e serviços

Avião comercial (Aviões maiores geralmente chama-

dos de boeing)
Airplane ou apenas plane Avião
Bike Bicicleta
Boat Barco ou bote
Bus Ônibus
Canoe Canoa
Car Carro
Carriage Carruagem
Cruiser Cruzeiro
Ferry Balsa
Glider Planador
Helicopter ou chopper (informal) Helicóptero
Jet Jato ou como falamos às vezes, jatinho
Motocicleta ou mobilete (Patinete também pode ser
Moped ou scooter
chamado de scooter)
Motorbike Motocicleta ou simplesmente moto
Motorboat Lancha
Ocean liner Transatlântico
On foot A pé
Pickup truck Caminhonete
Raft Jangada
Roller skates Patins
Sailboat Veleiro ou barco à vela
School bus Ônibus escolar
Ship Navio
Skateboard Skate
Streetcar ou trolley Bonde
Subway ou metro (inglês americano)
ou The underground ou informal- Metrô
mente the tube (inglês britânico)
Taxi ou cab Táxi

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Train Trem
Truck Caminhão
Van Furgão ou van
Algumas placas com informações importantes
Out to lunch Horário de almoço
Pague um, leve dois. BOGOF (sigla para a mes-
Buy one get one free Outras formas de passar ma expressão) e two for
essa mesma ideia são one (dois por um).
Clearance sale/Reduced to cle-
ar/Closing down sale
Conversando com atendentes
Licença, eu estou procu-
Excuse me, I’m looking for…
rando por…
I’m just looking/browsing, Estou só olhando, obriga-
thanks. do(a).
Você tem isso em… A bigger size (um tamanho
Do you have this in… Complete com o que você maior)? / Yellow (amarelo)?
precisa que mude na peça / Pink (rosa)?
Could I return this? Eu poderia devolver isso?
Could I try this on? Posso provar?
What are the store’s opening Qual o horário em que a
hours? loja abre?
Individual Sports Esportes Individuais
Athletics Atletismo
Automobilism Automobilismo
Artistic Gymnastics Ginástica Artística
Boxing Boxe
Bowling Boliche
Canoeing Canoagem
Cycling Ciclismo
Equestrianism Hipismo
Fencing Esgrima
Golf Golfe
Jiujitsu Jiu
Judo Judô
Karate Caratê
Motorcycling Motociclismo
Mountaineering Alpinismo
Olympic Diving Salto Ornamental
Skiing Esqui
Sumo Sumô
Surfing Surfe
Swimming Natação

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Table tennis Tênis de mesa/Pingue
Taekwon Do
Tennis Tênis
Triathlon Triatlo
Weightlifting Halterofilismo

Team Sports Esportes Coletivos

Badminton Badminton
Baseball Beisebol
Basketball Basquete
Beach Soccer Futebol de Areia
Beach Volleyball Vôlei de Praia
Football Futebol Americano
Footvolley Futevôlei
Futsal Futsal
Handball Handebol
Hockey Hóquei
Polo Polo
Rhythmic Gymnastics Ginástica Rítmica
Rugby Rúgbi
Soccer Futebol
Synchronized Swimming Nado Sincronizado
Volleyball Vôlei
Water Polo Polo Aquático
Mundo natural
Animais em inglês principais animais domésticos (pets)
Bird Pássaro;
Bunny Coelhinho;
Cat Gato;
Dog Cachorro;
GuineaPig Porquinho da Índia;
Mouse Rato/Camundongo;
Parrot Papagaio;
Rabbit Coelho;
Turtle Tartaruga.

Animais em inglês principais nomes de aves

Chicken Galinha;
Rooster Galo;
Pigeon Pomba;
Peacock Pavão;
Hawk Falcão;
Swan Cisne;
Sparrow Pardal;
Duck Pato.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Animais em inglês principais animais selvagens
Alligator Jacaré;
Bat Morcego;
Bear Urso;
Crocodile Crocodilo;
Deer Viado;
Elephant Elefante;
Eagle Águia;
Giraffe Girafa;
Hippo Hipopótamo;
Kangaroo Canguru;
Lion Leão;
Monkey Macaco;
Owl curuja;
Pig Porco;
Snake Cobra;
Squirrel Esquilo;
Stag Cervo;
Tiger Tigre;
Zebra Zebra;
Wolf Lobo.

Animais em inglês principais insetos

Ant Formiga;
Mite Ácaro;
Bee Abelha;
Beetle Besouro;
Butterfly Borboleta;
Caterpillar Lagarta;
Cockroach Barata;
Cricket Grilo;
Fly Mosca;
Flea Pulga;
Firefly Vagalume;
Grasshoper Grilo;
Ladybug Joaninha;
Louseorlice Piolho;
Mosquito Pernilongo/Mosquito;
Snail Caracol;
Spider Aranha;
Tick Carrapato;
Termite Cupim.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Animais em inglês principais animais marítimos
Crab Caranguejo;
Dolphin Golfinho;
Fish Peixe;
Octopus Polvo;
Penguin Pinguim;
Seal Foca;
Shark Tubarão;
Whale Baleia.

Animais em inglês principais tipos de peixes

Carp Carpa;
Dogfish Cação;
Dried Salted Cod Bacalhau;
Flounder Linguado;
Hake Pescada;
Scabbardfish PeixeEspada;
Tuna Atum;
Tilapia Tilápia;
Trout Truta.

Animais brasileiros em inglês

Capivara Capybara;
Boto Cor-de-rosa Pink Dolphin;
Lobo guará Maned Wolf;
Mico Leão Dourado Golden Lion Tamarin;
Onça Pintada Jaguar;
Tamanduá Bandira Giantanteater;
Tatu Armadilo;
Tucano Toucan;
Quati Coati.
Plantas em inglês

Português Inglês
árvore tree
alecrim rosemary
ameixieira plum tree
arbusto bush / shrub
azaleia azalea
azevinho holly
açafrão turmeric
bordo maple
bromélia bromeliads
bétula birch

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

canela cinnamon
carvalho oak
horse chestnut
caule stem
cebola onion
cebolinha green onion
cedro cedar
cerejeira cherry tree
coentro cilantro
colorau red spice mix
cominho cumin
coqueiro coconut tree
cravo clove
erva herb
ervas finas fine herbs
figueira fig tree
folha de
bay leaves
gengibre ginger
girassol sunflower
grama grass
lírio lily
macieira apple tree
manjericão basil
margarida daisy
melissa melissa
musgo moss
noz moscada nutmeg
oliveira olive tree
orquídea orchid
orégano oregano
papoula poppy
pereira pear tree
pinheiro pine tree
planta plant
páprica paprika

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

rosa rose
salgueiro willow
salsa parsley
samambaia fern
tulipa tulip
violeta violet
vitória-régia waterlily
Viagens e férias

Time off. Tempo fora do trabalho.

Day off. Dia de folga.
Vacation. Férias.
Go away. Ir viajar.
Travel. Viajar.
Take a trip. Fazer uma viagem.
Take time off. Tirar um tempo fora do trabalho.
Go to the beach. Ir para a praia.
Go to the country. Ir para o interior.

Como foram suas férias

How was your vacation? Como foram as suas férias?

It was good. Foram boas.
It was amazing. Foram demais.
It was very relaxing. Foi muito relaxante.

Para onde você foi

Where did you go? Onde você foi?

We went to the beach. Nós fomos para a praia.
I went to the country with my family. Eu fui para o interior com minha família.
We took a trip to Hawaii. Nós fizemos uma viagem para o Hawaii.
We went to visit our family in France. Nós fomos visitar a nossa família na França.
Who did you go with? Com quem você foi?
I went with my sister and brother. Eu fui com a minha irmã e meu irmão.
I went with my husband and kids. Eu fui com meu marido, esposo e crianças.
I went with my wife and kids. Eu fui com a minha esposa e crianças.
I went with my classmates. Eu fui com os meus colegas de aula.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Como você viajou

How did you go? Como que você foi?

We went by plane. Nós fomos de avião.
We went by car. Nós fomos de carro.

Coisas para fazer nas férias

Read. Ler.
Read. Leu. (Só muda a pronúncia)
Go swimming. Ir nadar ou nadar.
Went swimming. Fui ou foi nadar.
Play beach soccer. Jogar futebol de areia ou de praia.
Played beach soccer. Jogou futebol de areia.
Make a bonfire. Fazer uma fogueira.
Made a bonfire. Fez uma fogueira
Play the guitar. Tocar violão.
Played the guitar. Tocou violão.
Throw a bonfire party. Dar uma festa com fogueira.
Threw a bonfire party. Deu uma festa com fogueira.
Write messages in the sand. Escrever mensagens na areia.
Wrote messages in the sand. Escreveu mensagens na areia.
Walk on the boardwalk. Caminhar no calçadão de madeira.
Walked on the boardwalk. Caminhou no calçadão de madeira.
atch free summer concerts. Assistir shows de verão gratuito.
Watched free summer concerts. Assistiu shows de verão gratuito.
Have a picnic. Ter um piquenique.
Had a picnic. Teve um piquenique.
Play frisbee. Jogar frisbee.
Played frisbee. Jogou frisbee.
Look for seashells. Procurar por conchas do mar.
Looked for seashells. Procurou por conchas do mar.
Watch the sunset. Assistir o pôr-do-sol.
Watched the sunset. Assistiu o pôr-do-sol.
Search for historic sites. Procurar por lugares históricos.
Searched for historic sites. Procurou por lugares históricos.
Get a tan. Pegar um bronzeado.
Got a tan. Pegou um bronzeado.
Go sunbathing ou go tanning. Ir tomar banho de sol, se bronzear.
Went sunbathing. Foi se bronzear.
Get a sunburn. Pegar uma queimadura do sol.
Got a sunburn. Pegou uma queimadura do sol.
Get sunburn. Se queimar, ser queimado pelo sol.
Got sunburn. Se queimou do sol.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Wear sunscreen ou wear
Usar protetor solar.
Wore sunscreen. Usou protetor solar.
Use tanning lotion. Usar bronzeador.
Used tanning lotion. Usou bronzeador.

As horas em inglês podem vir acompanhadas de algumas expressões de tempo como
Day dia
Today hoje
Yesterday ontem
The day before anteontem
Tomorrow amanhã
The day after to- depois de amanhã
Morning manhã
Afternoon tarde
Evening noite
Night noite
Tonight esta noite
Midday meio-dia
At noon ao meio-dia
Midnight meia noite
At midnight à meia-noite

Para informar as horas em inglês usa-se o “it is” ou “it’s” e os números correspondentes (da hora e dos
Exemplo­_ 4­_35 ­_ It is four thirty-five.
A expressão “o’clock” é utilizada para indicar as horas exatas­_
Exemplo­_ 3­_00 ­_ It is three o’clock.
A expressão “past” é usada para indicar os minutos antes do 30­_
Exemplo­_ 6­_20 ­_ It is six twenty ou It is twenty past six.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

A expressão “a quarter” é usada para indicar um quarto de hora (15 minutos)­_
Exemplo­_ 3­_15 ­_ It is three fifteen ou It is a quarter past three.
A expressão “half past” é usada para indicar meia hora (30 minutos)­_
Exemplo­_ 8­_30 ­_ It is eight thirty ou It is half past eight.
Note que depois dos 30 minutos, em vez da expressão “past”, utilizamos o “to”­_
Exemplo­_ 8.45 _
­ It is eight forty-five ou It is a quarter to nine.
Utilizamos as expressões a.m. e p.m. para indicar quando o horário em inglês ocorre antes ou depois de
a.m. ­_ antes do meio-dia
p.m. ­_ depois do meio-dia
Trabalho e empregos
Accountant contador
Actor ator
Actress atriz
Administrator administrador
Agronomist agrônomo
Anthropologist antropólogo
Archaeologist / archeologist arqueólogo
Architect arquiteto
Astronaut astronauta
Astronomer astrônomo
Athlete atleta
Babysitter, baby-sitter, sitter, nanny (ame) babá
Baker padeiro
Bank clerk bancário
Banker banqueiro; bancário
Bank teller caixa de banco
Barber barbeiro
barista (quem tira café em casas especializa-
Bartender barman
Bellhop, bellboy mensageiro (em hotel)
Biologist biólogo
Biomedical scientist biomédico
Blacksmith ferreiro
Bricklayer, mason pedreiro
corretor (de seguros, de investimentos etc.,
menos de imóveis)
Butcher açougueiro
Butler, major-domo mordomo
Buyer comprador
Cabdriver, cab driver, taxi driver, cabby,
Cabinet-maker marceneiro

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Carpenter carpinteiro
Cartoonist cartunista
Cattle breeder, cattle raiser, cattle farmer,
cattle rancher
Cashier caixa
Chef chef
Chemist (bre) farmacêutico
Chemist (ame) químico
Civil Servant servidor público, funcionário público
Clerk auxiliar de escritório
Coach treinador, técnico esportivo
Cobbler sapateiro
Comedian comediante
Commentator comentarista (rádio e TV)
Composer compositor
Computer programmer programador
Conference interpreter intérprete de conferência
Contractor empreiteiro
Consultant consultor
Cook cozinheiro
Dancer dançarino
Dentist dentista
Designer designer, projetista, desenhista
Diplomat diplomata
Doctor, medical doctor, physician médico
Doorman porteiro
Driver motorista, piloto de automóvel
Economist economista
Editor editor; revisor
Electrician eletricista
Engineer engenheiro, maquinista
Farmer fazendeiro; produtor rural; agricultor
Filmmaker cineasta, produtor de cinema, diretor de cinema
Firefighter, fireman bombeiro
Fisherman pescador
Flight attendant comissário de bordo
Foreman capataz; encarregado
Garbageman (ame); dustman (bre) lixeiro
Gardener jardineiro
Geographer geógrafo
Geologist geólogo Geographer Geógrafo(a)
Glazer vidraceiro
Graphic designer designer gráfico
Gravedigger coveiro
Guide guia

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Hairdresser, hairstylist cabeleireiro
Headmaster, principal (ame) diretor (de escola)
Historian historiador
Housewife dona de casa
Illustrator ilustrador
Interior designer designer de interiores, decorador
Interpreter intérprete
Jailer carcereiro
Janitor, superintendent, custodian zelador
Journalist jornalista
Jeweller (bre), Jeweler (ame) joalheiro
Judge juiz (de direito)
Lawyer advogado
Librarian bibliotecário
Lifeguard salva-vidas, guarda-vidas
Locksmith serralheiro; chaveiro
Maid empregada doméstica
Male nurse enfermeiro
Manager gerente
Mathematician matemático
Mechanic mecânico
Medic militar do Serviço de Saúde; médico
Meteorologist meteorologista
Midwife parteira
Miner mineiro
Milkman leiteiro
model modelo
Musician músico
Nanny (ame) babá
Nurse enfermeiro, enfermeira
Occupational therapist terapeuta ocupacional
Optician, optometrist oculista
Painter pintor
Paleontologist paleontólogo
Paramedic paramédico
Personal TRAINER personal
Pharmacist farmacêutico (ame) Cf. CHEMIST
Philosopher filósofo
Photographer fotógrafo
Physicist físico
Physiotherapist fisioterapeuta
Pilot piloto (menos de automóvel), prático
Playwright dramaturgo
Plumber encanador, bombeiro (RJ)
Poet poeta

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Police officer, officer, constable policial
Politician político
Porter porteiro
Postman, mailman carteiro
Producer produtor (em geral artístico)
Professor professor (universitário)
Proofreader revisor
Psychiatrist psiquiatra
Psychologist psicólogo
Publisher editor
Real estate agent, realtor corretor de imóveis
Receptionist recepcionista
árbitro, juiz (esportes), perito (responsável por
análise de artigos científicos)
Reporter repórter
Researcher pesquisador
Sailor, seaman marinheiro
Salesman* vendedor
Sales representative, sales rep vendedor
Saleswoman* vendedora
Scientist cientista
Screenwriter roteirista
Sculptor escultor
Seamstress costureira
Secretary secretária
Shopkeeper (ame), storekeeper (bre), shop
lojista, comerciante
owner, merchant
Singer, vocalist cantor
Social worker assistente social
Speech therapist fonoaudiólogo
Statistician estatístico
Systems analyst analista de sistemas
Tailor alfaiate
Teacher professor
Operator operador
Operator, telephone operator telefonista
Teller caixa (geralmente de banco)
Trader trader, operador (em bolsa de valores)
Translator tradutor
Travel agent agente de viagens
Treasurer tesoureiro
Valet manobrista
Vet, veterinarian veterinário
Waiter* garçom
Waitress* garçonete
Welder soldador

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Writer escritor
Zoologist zoólogo
A Marinha
Proa Bow
Popa Stern \ astern
Bombordo port
Boreste starboard
Convés deck
Linha d aqua water line
Castelo de Proa forecastle
Boca beans
Comprimento (LOA) length overall
Obras Vivas botton
Obras Mortas topsides
Pontal depth
Calado de Vante Draught forward
Tombadilho Fanny
Calado a ré draught forward
Costado ribcage
Plano diametral diametral plane
Bochecha tack
Alheta wing \ quarter
Passadisso gangway \ bridge
Casco hull
Borda livre free board
Displacement tonelagem
Notice to marine aviso aos navegantes
List of Lights lista de faróis
Full Load plena carga
Fuel combustível
Cruising speed velocidade de cruzeiro
Draft projeto
Length comprimento
Inland Waters águas interiores
Bússula compass
Ship navio
Ocean liner navio transatlântico
Tug rebocador
Gross Tonnage arqueação bruta
Tanker Ship Navio Petroleiro
Plataform Ship navio plataforma
Vessel navio embarcação
Broken quebrado
Rope cabo
Boom pau de carga

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Starboard boreste
Port bombordo
Speed velocidade
Ahead a frente
Crew tripulação
Stern popa
Fire fogo
Fireman bombeiro
Hose mangueira
Fire Hose mangueira de incêndio
Tonnage Length comprimento tonelagem
Scend Caturro
Heel adernar (mesmo que ban-
Bulkhead Antepara
Flush Deck convés corrido
Hold porão
Bollard cabeço no cais
Bitt cabeço no navio
Profissões a bordo no navio
Captain of Long Haul capitão de longo curso
Auxiliary Health auxiliar de saúde
Steward taifeiro
Cook cozinheiro
Pumpman bombeiro (trabalha com bombas)
Nurse enfermeiro
Officer oficial
Skipper patrão
Helmsman timoneiro
Bo’sun mestre ou contra mestre
Seaman homem do mar
Sailor marinheiro
Engineer chefe de máquinas
Mid Ship meio navio
Ship’s Articles rol de equipagem
Ship’s Log diário de bordo
Insurance Certificate certificado de seguro
Customs Clearance aduaneiro
Charter Party Fretamento
Bill of Health certificado de saúde
Charts cartas hidrográficas
International Convention for the Sa- convenção internacional de salvaguarda
fety of Live at Sea da vida humana no mar. (Solas)

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

sobre normas
Standards of training certification and de formação
watchkeeping certificação
e service de
quarto para
EPI equipa-
EPP personal projective equipament mento de prote-
ção individual.
Fire Extinguisher extintor de incêndio
Rudder leme
Helm timão
Bosun’s Locker paiol do mestre
Oars remos
Buoy boia
Fire Alarm alarme de incêndio
Rope Ladder escada de quebra peito
Gangway passadiço
Ports portos
Port Captaincy capitania dos portos
Yacht Harbours docas de recreio
Coast Guard guarda costeira
Watch Tower posto de vigia
Life Boat Station Estação de Salva Vidas
Dependências a bordo
Galley cozinha
Crew Mess refeitório da tripulação
Stateroom cabine de dormir
Amarração de cabos
Rope cabo \ corda
Dock line cabo de amarração
Warp lais de guia
Reef Knot nó direito
Volta do Fiel clove hitch
Fisherman’s Bend volta do Anete
Kink coca (nó na mangueira)
Yarn fibra
Order ordem
Anchor ancora

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Estivagem de carga
Rope Sling linga de cabo
Bags Balles bolsas de fardos
Steel plates chapas de aço
Homem ao mar man over board
Merchant Ship Navio mercante
Chamadas e comunicações
Não especificado unspecified
Explosion explosão
Alagado flooding
Collision colisão
Grounding encalhando
Adernado listing
Capsizing emborcando
Sin King naufragando
Disabled sem governo
Adrift a deriva
Abandonar o navio abandoning
Piracy pirataria
Ataque armado armed attack
Grande big


1. CESGRANRIO - 2023 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova A”

Fed’s Jefferson says inflation is U.S. central bank’s most worrisome problem
Inflation is the most serious problem facing the Federal Reserve and “may take some time” to address, Fed
Governor Philip Jefferson said on Tuesday in his first public remarks since joining the U.S. central bank’s gover-
ning body.
“Restoring price stability may take some time and will likely result in a period of below-trend growth,” Jeffer-
son told a conference in Atlanta, joining the current Fed consensus for continued interest rate increases to battle
price pressures.
“I want to assure you that my colleagues and I are resolute that we will bring inflation back down to 2% ... We
are committed to taking the further steps necessary.”
Monetary policy that stabilizes inflation “can produce long-term, noninflationary economic expansions ... that
economic history suggests is an ideal framework or environment for inclusive growth,” Jefferson said. “So, it is
important that we get back to that kind of economy. And that is what I think the intent of the Fed is.”
Fed Chair Jerome Powell has admitted that the central bank’s intent to slow economic growth will cause eco-
nomic “pain” and likely increased unemployment, but that the worst outcome would be to let inflation take root.
In his remarks, Jefferson said there are reasons to think rigid conditions in the labor market are already ea-
sing. Indeed new data on Tuesday showed a severe decrease in job openings in August that began to bring the
number of workers sought by companies more in line with the numbers of unemployed.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

That could help reduce salary growth, Jefferson said, and there were indications as well that “supply bottle-
necks have, finally, begun to resolve,” and could also help slow down price increases.
But it remains uncertain how that will work, and in the meantime “inflation remains elevated, and this is the
problem that concerns me most,” Jefferson said. “Inflation creates economic burdens for households and busi-
nesses, and everyone feels its effects.”
Available at: https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/feds-jefferson- first-remarks-calls-inflation-most-concerning-
-problem- 2022-10-04/. Retrieved on: Oct 4, 2022. Adapted.
The main purpose of the text is to
(A) argue that slowing the economic growth will definitely cause inflation to take root.
(B) indicate that inflation is a serious problem, and it needs to be adequately dealt with.
(C) suggest that restoring price stability will certainly increase inflation.
(D) show that controlling inflation is a minor concern, compared to unemployment.
(E) inform that the U.S. central bank’s monetary policy has already decreased inflation to 2%.

2. CESGRANRIO - 2023 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova B”

Impacts of new age technology
New age technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have radically transfor-
med the way banking works today.
Thanks to AI, it is possible to conduct real-time data analysis from a large volume of data sets and provide
customized solutions to banking customers.
With powerful AI tools, banks can make informed decisions faster by using predictive analysis, which is the
central point of AI and ML. As soon as a potential customer searches for something online, the AI tools pick it up
and serve related content that leads to quick sales. This improves customer service tremendously as customers
find tailor-made solutions without much human intervention.
Banks’ lending processes have also improved considerably as they can analyze customers’ spending pat-
terns, study different customer data points, and determine borrowers’ credit conditions. So, there is much less
Customer-centric banking has become indispensable with the introduction of different kinds of software that
utilize Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read, process and understand text and speech. Banks have suc-
cessfully installed digital tools to answer customer questions, which has helped them reduce the time and effort
of human capital and provide quick and consistent service. Using those resources, banks are expected to save
$7.3 billion in operational costs.
The changing profile of banking depends a lot on the Internet-age generation. Their expectations from their
banks to provide an omni-digital experience have enabled the shift, allowing them to fulfil their banking needs sit-
ting from a remote location. Appropriately, banks quickly jumped onto the digitalization movement and refreshed
their services in line with their requirements.
Mobile banking, for example, is very popular among millennials. An Insider Intelligence’s Mobile Banking
Competitive Edge study indicated that a surprising 97% of them use mobile banking! Transferring funds, che-
cking their transactions online, downloading their account statements or even applying for a loan is possible
through a click of fingers on their mobile phones. This has also eliminated the need for physical branches, ena-
bling banks to operate in a lean manner and cut unnecessary costs.
The usage of credit cards, debit cards, mobile banking apps, mobile wallets, third-party payment apps, etc.,
have all increased considerably, indicating an essential shift in the customers’ preferences. Banks have moder-
nized their processes and broken the barriers between the different entities involved, such as branches, ATMs,
and online banking, to create a continuous flow for their customers.
The changing customer profile inclines towards bringing both physical and digital worlds closer, and this is
influencing the finance and banking sector favorably. Banks give attention to this need for digitalization to retain

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

their customers in the long run.
The pandemic of Covid-19 helped the banking industry to depend heavily on digital technology and tech-ena-
bled systems to stay alive. The result of the pandemic, however, resulted in new beginnings in the form of huge
digital transformation and newer business models for the banks.
The favorable impact of technology is obvious across banking institutions. Even though the banking arena
has advanced in achieving digital involvement, many more unexploited opportunities exist for banks. The banks
must maintain the sanctity of their customers’ data and serve them with better solutions without having to sacrifi-
ce their security. The few challenges the banking sector still has are data breaches or escapes, lack of e-banking
knowledge amongst their customers, and the permanent technological landscape that requires constant training
and updating. Plausible solutions to the above are available with a positive partnership between all stakeholders
involved, such as government, industry professionals and, of course, different banking institutions.
Available at: https://www.idfcfirstbank.com/finfirst-blogs/beyond- -banking/what-is-the-impact-of-it-on-the-
-banking-sector. Retrieved on: Dec. 9, 2022. Adapted.
The main purpose of the text is to describe the association between
(A) banking publicity and profits
(B) digital technology and banking
(C) banking hierarchy and efficiency
(D) banking processes and corruption
(E) banking tradition and customers’ confidence

3. CESGRANRIO - 2023 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova B”

Impacts of new age technology
New age technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have radically transfor-
med the way banking works today.
Thanks to AI, it is possible to conduct real-time data analysis from a large volume of data sets and provide
customized solutions to banking customers.
With powerful AI tools, banks can make informed decisions faster by using predictive analysis, which is the
central point of AI and ML. As soon as a potential customer searches for something online, the AI tools pick it up
and serve related content that leads to quick sales. This improves customer service tremendously as customers
find tailor-made solutions without much human intervention.
Banks’ lending processes have also improved considerably as they can analyze customers’ spending pat-
terns, study different customer data points, and determine borrowers’ credit conditions. So, there is much less
Customer-centric banking has become indispensable with the introduction of different kinds of software that
utilize Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read, process and understand text and speech. Banks have suc-
cessfully installed digital tools to answer customer questions, which has helped them reduce the time and effort
of human capital and provide quick and consistent service. Using those resources, banks are expected to save
$7.3 billion in operational costs.
The changing profile of banking depends a lot on the Internet-age generation. Their expectations from their
banks to provide an omni-digital experience have enabled the shift, allowing them to fulfil their banking needs sit-
ting from a remote location. Appropriately, banks quickly jumped onto the digitalization movement and refreshed
their services in line with their requirements.
Mobile banking, for example, is very popular among millennials. An Insider Intelligence’s Mobile Banking
Competitive Edge study indicated that a surprising 97% of them use mobile banking! Transferring funds, che-
cking their transactions online, downloading their account statements or even applying for a loan is possible
through a click of fingers on their mobile phones. This has also eliminated the need for physical branches, ena-
bling banks to operate in a lean manner and cut unnecessary costs.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

The usage of credit cards, debit cards, mobile banking apps, mobile wallets, third-party payment apps, etc.,
have all increased considerably, indicating an essential shift in the customers’ preferences. Banks have moder-
nized their processes and broken the barriers between the different entities involved, such as branches, ATMs,
and online banking, to create a continuous flow for their customers.
The changing customer profile inclines towards bringing both physical and digital worlds closer, and this is
influencing the finance and banking sector favorably. Banks give attention to this need for digitalization to retain
their customers in the long run.
The pandemic of Covid-19 helped the banking industry to depend heavily on digital technology and tech-ena-
bled systems to stay alive. The result of the pandemic, however, resulted in new beginnings in the form of huge
digital transformation and newer business models for the banks.
The favorable impact of technology is obvious across banking institutions. Even though the banking arena
has advanced in achieving digital involvement, many more unexploited opportunities exist for banks. The banks
must maintain the sanctity of their customers’ data and serve them with better solutions without having to sacrifi-
ce their security. The few challenges the banking sector still has are data breaches or escapes, lack of e-banking
knowledge amongst their customers, and the permanent technological landscape that requires constant training
and updating. Plausible solutions to the above are available with a positive partnership between all stakeholders
involved, such as government, industry professionals and, of course, different banking institutions.
Available at: https://www.idfcfirstbank.com/finfirst-blogs/beyond- -banking/what-is-the-impact-of-it-on-the-
-banking-sector. Retrieved on: Dec. 9, 2022. Adapted.
From paragraph, one can conclude that the pandemic of Covid-19
(A) helped control inflation.
(B) attracted new customers.
(C) interrupted bank services.
(D) created new bank branches.
(E) enriched bank digital technology.

4. CESGRANRIO - 2023 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova C”

How To Teach Your Kids Good Money Habits
As a parent, you want the best for your children.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you want them to have the best clothes, the latest toys or coolest gadgets.
Most likely, it means you want to lay a foundation that they can build upon to do well in life. “Without a working
knowledge of money, it is extraordinarily difficult to do well in life,” says Sam X. Renick, cocreator of Sammy
Rabbit, a children’s character and financial literacy initiative. “Money is central to managing life, day-in and day-
-out. Where we live, what we eat, the clothes we wear, the car we drive, health care, education, child-raising, gift
giving, vacations, entertainment, heat, air-conditioning, insurance—you name it, money is involved.” If you want
to play a key role in shaping your children’s feelings, thinking and values about money, you need to give them
the gift of financial literacy from an early age. Lessons should begin before age seven, Renick says, because
research shows that money habits and attitudes are already formed by then. Actually, showing them how money
works is more effective, so let them see you buying things with cash.
Your kids’ early interactions with money will likely involve spending. They see you using it to buy things, inclu-
ding things for them. So it’s important to teach them from a young age that money isn’t just for spending— they
should be saving money regularly, too. “Saving teaches discipline and delayed gratification,” Renick says. “Sa-
ving teaches goal-setting and planning. It emphasizes being prepared, and it builds security and independence.”
Help your kids get in the habit of saving by giving them a piggy bank or savings jar where they can deposit coins
or cash.
Kids need to have money of their own so they can learn how to make decisions about using it. An allowance
can accomplish that. However, you should consider requiring your kids to do certain tasks to earn their allowa-
nce. “Just about everyone values money they earn differently than money they receive,” Renick says. There

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

are some kinds of housework the kids have to do without pay because they’re expected to help out as part of a
family. But they can have specific activities they need to complete if they want to get paid.
In addition to wanting his kids to understand that money is earned, it is important that they can learn to live
within a budget. “My two youngest children would constantly ask for money and spend like drunken sailors,”
says Tim Sheehan, co-founder and CEO of Greenlight, a debit card for kids with parental controls. “When I
started paying them an allowance, I told them that was all the money they would get and that it was up to them
to manage it. Amazingly, it worked,” he says. They track how much they have coming in and going out and how
much they’re saving using the Greenlight app. Learning how to budget now will help them when they enter the
real world, Sheehan says.
A key reason that it is important for you, as a parent, to teach your kids financial lessons is because you can
share your money values through those lessons. If you value giving to others, you can introduce that value to
your children by helping make it a habit for them from an early age. You could do as Chase Peckham – from the
San Diego Financial Literacy Center – did with his kids, when they were little, and create spending, saving and
giving jars.
Then help your children plan their giving by discussing what groups or causes they want to support.
Just as important as the lessons you teach your kids about money are the ways you discuss and handle mo-
ney when you’re around them. For example, if you complain about having to spend too much on certain things
and then take your kids out for compulsive shopping, you’re sending mixed messages. If you want your children
to develop good spending and saving habits, they need to see you making smart spending and saving choices.
In short, practice what you preach. And preach with consistency. Educating your children about personal finance
is a process that can take time. But if you put in the effort and continuously communicate a clear message about
money, you will instill good habits that will serve your children well.
Available at: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/how-to-teach-your-kids-good-money-habits/
Retrieved on: Jan. 2, 2023. Adapted.
The main purpose of the text is to
(A) demonstrate the ineffectiveness of teaching small children how to deal with money.
(B) show parents the importance of teaching children how to use money and ways to do it.
(C) prove the point that giving children money will have a negative effect in their adult life.
(D) list the biggest difficulties and challenges of teaching personal finances to children.
(E) affirm that money habits can’t be taught to children as effectively before their teens.

5. CESGRANRIO - 2023 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente de Tecnologia

From Bartering to Bitcoin
By Rich Beattie
What we call “money” has always been a moving target. It changes appearance and value. Here are five key
developments in the history of money that have impacted how we earn, save and spend today.
Cash Cows - Before humans had money, they had stuff. In ancient times, when you had stuff other people
wanted, you bartered it for stuff you wanted.
Around 9000 BC, the most popular commodities included things like cattle, sheep and camels. This was fine
when people bartered close to home, but bulky creatures are cumbersome and difficult to transport. As people
started to venture farther afield to trade, a more portable option became essential.
In 1200 BC people started using cowries—the shells of marine mollusks taken from oceans. They were
recognized as precious, and their use spread across Asia, Africa, Oceania and Europe. Having been in use for
centuries — even into the 20th century in some places—cowries win the prize as the world’s longest-running

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Three Coins in the Fountain - The issue with bartering became assigning value: Just how much was a cowrie
or a cow worth? So, agreeing on the value of money became essential. It was the Lydians, around 600 BC, who
get credit for a critical step in this process: fashioning the first known coins, which were made of a gold and silver
The metal used to make a coin—along with its weight—was important, as it denoted the money’s value. Mo-
reover, as coins gained popularity, so did the idea of adorning them with locally inspired designs.
Coins were money, but they now doubled as a historic record. Eventually, they took on even more uses: Pe-
ople flipped them to make decisions and tossed them into wells while making wishes. They may be used less in
2020, but coins have been an integral part of our culture for centuries.
The Paper Chase - Coins were obviously lighter and easier to transport than cows, but carrying bags of hea-
vy metal still wasn’t very practical. China’s Tang Dynasty, in the seventh century, came up with a smart solution,
namely, paper money. It was super-light and could feature even richer designs than coins, and it promised a
certain amount of purchasing power.
Gold Rush - One of the problems, though, was that counterfeiters had great success with paper bills.
The bigger problem came when governments faced economic crises; it was far too easy to print more paper
money, which led to skyrocketing inflation.
Paper needed a backup—something universally valued yet not easily replicated. Something like gold.
The “gold standard” let governments create a fixed price for this precious metal that was tied directly to the
value of their currency. In the United States, the idea took root in the late 17th century, and it spread to Europe
in the 19th century. But confidence in the gold standard crumbled during World War I, and it soon became appa-
rent that in order to thrive, currencies needed the freedom to fluctuate dynamically against each other. The gold
standard was dropped in the United States in 1933, and a global economy started to take shape.
The E-Buck Stops Here? - Cows, cowries, coins, paper, gold: Money has always had a physical presence.
But today, it is quickly evolving into numbers that float through the ether. This modern era of money began in
1946 with the first bank-issued charge card. Credit cards followed some 12 years later, still related to dollars.
However, technology, with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is changing the world’s definition of “money.”
Now, social media companies and entire countries are considering digital currencies of their own. Meanwhi-
le, artificial intelligence is growing eversmarter, and perhaps one day soon your budget and expenses will be
managing themselves. The debate rages about exactly where we are headed, but with history as our guide, the
one thing we can absolutely count on is the inevitability of change.
Available at: https://www.synchronybank.com/blog/brief-history-of-money/. Retrieved on: Sept 10, 2022. Adap-
The main purpose of the text is to
(A) present a brief history of money.
(B) relate the history of money with wars.
(C) regret society’s attitude regarding money.
(D) deny the importance of money to humankind.
(E) describe the relevance of money in the world.

6. CESGRANRIO - 2023 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente de Tecnologia

From Bartering to Bitcoin
By Rich Beattie
What we call “money” has always been a moving target. It changes appearance and value. Here are five key
developments in the history of money that have impacted how we earn, save and spend today.
Cash Cows - Before humans had money, they had stuff. In ancient times, when you had stuff other people
wanted, you bartered it for stuff you wanted.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

Around 9000 BC, the most popular commodities included things like cattle, sheep and camels. This was fine
when people bartered close to home, but bulky creatures are cumbersome and difficult to transport. As people
started to venture farther afield to trade, a more portable option became essential.
In 1200 BC people started using cowries—the shells of marine mollusks taken from oceans. They were
recognized as precious, and their use spread across Asia, Africa, Oceania and Europe. Having been in use for
centuries — even into the 20th century in some places—cowries win the prize as the world’s longest-running
Three Coins in the Fountain - The issue with bartering became assigning value: Just how much was a cowrie
or a cow worth? So, agreeing on the value of money became essential. It was the Lydians, around 600 BC, who
get credit for a critical step in this process: fashioning the first known coins, which were made of a gold and silver
The metal used to make a coin—along with its weight—was important, as it denoted the money’s value. Mo-
reover, as coins gained popularity, so did the idea of adorning them with locally inspired designs.
Coins were money, but they now doubled as a historic record. Eventually, they took on even more uses: Pe-
ople flipped them to make decisions and tossed them into wells while making wishes. They may be used less in
2020, but coins have been an integral part of our culture for centuries.
The Paper Chase - Coins were obviously lighter and easier to transport than cows, but carrying bags of hea-
vy metal still wasn’t very practical. China’s Tang Dynasty, in the seventh century, came up with a smart solution,
namely, paper money. It was super-light and could feature even richer designs than coins, and it promised a
certain amount of purchasing power.
Gold Rush - One of the problems, though, was that counterfeiters had great success with paper bills.
The bigger problem came when governments faced economic crises; it was far too easy to print more paper
money, which led to skyrocketing inflation.
Paper needed a backup—something universally valued yet not easily replicated. Something like gold.
The “gold standard” let governments create a fixed price for this precious metal that was tied directly to the
value of their currency. In the United States, the idea took root in the late 17th century, and it spread to Europe
in the 19th century. But confidence in the gold standard crumbled during World War I, and it soon became appa-
rent that in order to thrive, currencies needed the freedom to fluctuate dynamically against each other. The gold
standard was dropped in the United States in 1933, and a global economy started to take shape.
The E-Buck Stops Here? - Cows, cowries, coins, paper, gold: Money has always had a physical presence.
But today, it is quickly evolving into numbers that float through the ether. This modern era of money began in
1946 with the first bank-issued charge card. Credit cards followed some 12 years later, still related to dollars.
However, technology, with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is changing the world’s definition of “money.”
Now, social media companies and entire countries are considering digital currencies of their own. Meanwhi-
le, artificial intelligence is growing eversmarter, and perhaps one day soon your budget and expenses will be
managing themselves. The debate rages about exactly where we are headed, but with history as our guide, the
one thing we can absolutely count on is the inevitability of change.
Available at: https://www.synchronybank.com/blog/brief-history-of-money/. Retrieved on: Sept 10, 2022. Adap-
In the paragraph of the text, the author mentions that paper money first circulated in
(A) Italy
(B) China
(C) England
(D) Australia
(E) Germany

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

7. CESGRANRIO - 2021 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova B”
Revolution Accelerated
How Digital Transformation is Shaping the Future of Banking
Like all businesses, banks have had to act fast to respond to the unprecedented human and economic im-
pact of Covid-19.
First, they needed to keep the lights on and ensure business continuity. Second, they had to meet the chan-
ging ways customers wanted to engage. Finally, they sought to balance their business priorities with a respon-
sibility to support society. Previous crises cast the banks as part of the problem — this time they are part of the
Banks who have embraced modern banking technology have fared better in meeting these challenges.
They’ve moved seamlessly to remote working, kept up service for their customers, coped with huge increases in
demand and quickly adapted their products. In contrast, banks using legacy ‘spaghetti’ software have struggled.
Covid-19 has accelerated the need for modern banking technology, but it didn’t create it. Before coronavirus,
the 2020s were already being framed as the decade for digital in the banking industry. Banks’ return on equity
were too low and their cost-income ratios were too high. Meanwhile, regulation like open banking was disrupting
the industry and increasing competition from new entrants like the GAAFAs (Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Face-
book, Apple).
Providing seamless digital customer experiences was therefore already a ‘must’. Every year, Temenos part-
ners with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for a global study on the future of banking. More than 300 banking
leaders are interviewed from retail, commercial and private banks. Over half of these are at C-suite level.
In 2020, the study took place amid the Covid-19 crisis. The results give a fascinating insight into banking le-
aders’ approach during these unprecedented times. But they also show how they see their industry in the years
to come.
And the findings suggest three trends which will shape the future of banking:

1. New technologies will be the key driver of banking transformation over the next 5 years. 77% of respon-
dents strongly believed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the most game-changing of these technologies.
They see a diverse range of uses for AI — from personalised customer experience to fraud detection.

2. Banks will overhaul their business models to create digital ecosystems. 80% of respondents believe that
banking will become part of a platform of services. 45% are committed to transforming their business models
into digital ecosystems.

3. The sun will set on branch banking. World Bank data shows that visits to branches have been steadily
declining globally over the last decade. As a result of coronavirus, customers are now more concerned about
visiting their branch, and so even more people are willing to try digital applications. This combination of pande-
mic and increasingly transformative advanced technology has led a majority of respondents (59%) to our survey
with the EIU to state that traditional branch-based banking model will be dead in just five years. That’s a 34%
increase from last year.
The current environment is undoubtedly challenging for banks. But they have the capital, customer rela-
tionships and customer data. They are regulated. And most importantly: they still enjoy their customers’ trust.
In short, banks are best-placed to succeed if they commit to end-to-end digital transformation. That means a
fully digital front office which creates hyper-personalized experiences and ecosystems. And a back office driving
efficient operations and rapid innovation. By embracing modern banking technology, banks can support their
customers today, create new value for the future and drive new levels of future growth.
Available at: <https://www.cnbc.com/advertorial/how-digital--transformation-is-shaping-the-future-of-banking>.
Retrieved on: July 13th, 2021. Adapted.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

The overall purpose of the text is
(A) to explain how the banking industry works.
(B) to discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the health system.
(C) to launch new investment opportunities in the banking industry.
(D) to state that digital transformation in banking has been accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic.
(E) to promote new AI technology that will change the future of banking.

8. CESGRANRIO - 2021 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova C”

U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology
in Flying Objects, but can’t rule it out, either
WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomena observed
by Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain the unusual movements that have
mystified scientists and the military.
The report determines that a vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not
originate from any American military or other advanced US government technology, the officials said. That de-
termination would appear to eliminate the possibility that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft
might have encountered programs the government meant to keep secret.
But that is about the only conclusive finding in the classified intelligence report, the officials said. And while
a forthcoming unclassified version, expected to be released to Congress by June 25, will present few other firm
conclusions, senior officials briefed on the intelligence conceded that the very ambiguity of the findings meant
the government could not definitively rule out theories that the phenomena observed by military pilots might be
alien spacecraft.
Americans’ long-running fascination with UFOs has intensified in recent weeks in anticipation of the release
of the government report. Former President Barack Obama encouraged the interest when he gave an interview
last month about the incidents on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” on CBS.
“What is true, and I’m really being serious here,” Mr. Obama said, “is that there is film and records of objects
in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are.’’
The report concedes that much about the observed phenomena remains difficult to explain, including their
acceleration, as well as ability to change direction and submerge. One possible explanation — that the pheno-
mena could be weather balloons or other research balloons — does not hold up in all cases, the officials said,
because of changes in wind speed at the times of some of the interactions.
Many of the more than 120 incidents examined in the report are from Navy personnel, officials said. The re-
port also examined incidents involving foreign militaries over the last two decades. Intelligence officials believe
that at least some of the aerial phenomena could have been experimental technology from a rival power, most
likely Russia or China.
One senior official said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology. He said
there was worry among intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hyper-
sonic technology.
He and other officials spoke about the classified findings in the report on the condition of anonymity.
Available at: <https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/us/politics/ ufos-sighting-alien-spacecraft-pentagon.html>.
Retrieved on: July 7, 2021.
One of the purposes of the text is to confirm that the report determines the
(A) existence of life on other planets
(B) imminent possibility of aliens’ attack
(C) superiority of American technology

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

(D) authorities’ ignorance about unusual aircraft
(E) danger of enemy nations’ attacks to the US

9 CESGRANRIO - 2021 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova C”

U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology
in Flying Objects, but can’t rule it out, either
WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomena observed
by Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain the unusual movements that have
mystified scientists and the military.
The report determines that a vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not
originate from any American military or other advanced US government technology, the officials said. That de-
termination would appear to eliminate the possibility that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft
might have encountered programs the government meant to keep secret.
But that is about the only conclusive finding in the classified intelligence report, the officials said. And while
a forthcoming unclassified version, expected to be released to Congress by June 25, will present few other firm
conclusions, senior officials briefed on the intelligence conceded that the very ambiguity of the findings meant
the government could not definitively rule out theories that the phenomena observed by military pilots might be
alien spacecraft.
Americans’ long-running fascination with UFOs has intensified in recent weeks in anticipation of the release
of the government report. Former President Barack Obama encouraged the interest when he gave an interview
last month about the incidents on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” on CBS.
“What is true, and I’m really being serious here,” Mr. Obama said, “is that there is film and records of objects
in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are.’’
The report concedes that much about the observed phenomena remains difficult to explain, including their
acceleration, as well as ability to change direction and submerge. One possible explanation — that the pheno-
mena could be weather balloons or other research balloons — does not hold up in all cases, the officials said,
because of changes in wind speed at the times of some of the interactions.
Many of the more than 120 incidents examined in the report are from Navy personnel, officials said. The re-
port also examined incidents involving foreign militaries over the last two decades. Intelligence officials believe
that at least some of the aerial phenomena could have been experimental technology from a rival power, most
likely Russia or China.
One senior official said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology. He said
there was worry among intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hyper-
sonic technology.
He and other officials spoke about the classified findings in the report on the condition of anonymity.
Available at: <https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/us/politics/ ufos-sighting-alien-spacecraft-pentagon.html>.
Retrieved on: July 7, 2021.
In the 7th paragraph of the text, in the fragment “Intelligence officials believe that at least some of the aerial
phenomena could have been experimental technology from a rival power, most likely Russia or China”, the re-
port’s authors express
(A) strong desire
(B) irrefutable fact
(C) equivocal probability
(D) reasonable possibility
(E) unrealistic hypothesis

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90

10.CESGRANRIO - 2021 - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/”Prova C”
U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology
in Flying Objects, but can’t rule it out, either
WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomena observed
by Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain the unusual movements that have
mystified scientists and the military.
The report determines that a vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not
originate from any American military or other advanced US government technology, the officials said. That de-
termination would appear to eliminate the possibility that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft
might have encountered programs the government meant to keep secret.
But that is about the only conclusive finding in the classified intelligence report, the officials said. And while
a forthcoming unclassified version, expected to be released to Congress by June 25, will present few other firm
conclusions, senior officials briefed on the intelligence conceded that the very ambiguity of the findings meant
the government could not definitively rule out theories that the phenomena observed by military pilots might be
alien spacecraft.
Americans’ long-running fascination with UFOs has intensified in recent weeks in anticipation of the release
of the government report. Former President Barack Obama encouraged the interest when he gave an interview
last month about the incidents on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” on CBS.
“What is true, and I’m really being serious here,” Mr. Obama said, “is that there is film and records of objects
in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are.’’
The report concedes that much about the observed phenomena remains difficult to explain, including their
acceleration, as well as ability to change direction and submerge. One possible explanation — that the pheno-
mena could be weather balloons or other research balloons — does not hold up in all cases, the officials said,
because of changes in wind speed at the times of some of the interactions.
Many of the more than 120 incidents examined in the report are from Navy personnel, officials said. The re-
port also examined incidents involving foreign militaries over the last two decades. Intelligence officials believe
that at least some of the aerial phenomena could have been experimental technology from a rival power, most
likely Russia or China.
One senior official said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology. He said
there was worry among intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hyper-
sonic technology.
He and other officials spoke about the classified findings in the report on the condition of anonymity.
Available at: <https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/us/politics/ ufos-sighting-alien-spacecraft-pentagon.html>.
Retrieved on: July 7, 2021.
After reading the last paragraph of the text “He and other officials spoke about the classified findings in the
report on the condition of anonymity”, one can infer that the officials
(A) kept secrets.
(B) hid their names.
(C) invented stories.
(D) omitted the truth.
(E) said who they were.

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90


1 B
2 B
3 E
4 B
5 A
6 B
7 D
8 D
9 D
10 B

Apostila gerada especialmente para: RODRIGO MOURA DA SILVA 060.000.864-90


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