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Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Rufus Rabbit, who had soft, fluffy fur

and a velvety nose. He was perfectly proportioned according to rabbit standards, and all his rabbit friends had generally the same body shape and size as he did.

Era uma vez um coelhinho chamado Cac Coelho, muito fofinho, com um pelo longo e macio, e um focinho aveludado. Ele era perfeitamente proporcional segundo os padres dos coelhos, e seus amigos coelhos de modo geral tinham o mesmo tipo e tamanho de corpo.

One day, however, Rufus Rabbit wandered far from home and encountered a family of hares. These hares were larger than he was, and seemed stronger too. Rufus Rabbit felt a stirring of envy in his little rabbit heart. He began to search for ways to become as large and strong as the hares he had seen. After some deliberation, he concluded that his normal fare of carrots and lettuce would not do, so he started to search for other foods that would help him to increase his size and strength. After rummaging around a few camp sites, he found various morsels left lying around, which he quickly consumed.

Certo dia, porm, Cac Coelho perambulou para longe de casa e conheceu uma famlia de lebres. Essas lebres eram maiores do que ele, e pareciam mais fortes tambm. Cac Coelho sentiu uma ponta de inveja em seu coraozinho. Comeou a procurar maneiras de ficar maior e mais forte, como as lebres que havia visto. Depois de pensar bastante chegou concluso que sua poro normal de cenouras e alface no era suficiente, de modo que comeou a buscar outros alimentos que o ajudassem a crescer em tamanho e fora. Depois de vasculhar alguns campos, encontrou vrios bocados em um certo lugar, e logo os comeu.

Soon, he encountered a beaver with remarkably large and sharp teeth. He liked his own teeth, but surely these tusks of the beaver were far grander. He observed the beavers traits, and saw that the beaver chewed trees. Aha! Maybe this was the secret to longer, sharper teeth! Rufus Rabbit Added tree chewing to his to-dos list.

No demorou muito encontrou um castor com dentes impressionantemente grandes e afiados. Ele gostava dos prprios dentes, mas com certeza aquelas presas do castor eram bem maiores. Observou o que o castor fazia e viu que mordia as rvores. Aha! Talvez este seja o segredo para ter dentes maiores e mais afiados! Cac Coelho acrescentou morder rvores sua lista. Logo Cac Coelho no se comportava mais como um coelho. Ele tinha adotado o estranho estilo de vida que no era nem de castor, nem de lebre, e certamente no de coelho, mas algo diferente de tudo o mais.

Very soon Rufus Rabbit was not behaving like a rabbit at all. He had adopted an odd lifestyle that was not really that of a beaver, or of a hare, and certainly not that of a rabbit, but something different altogether.

While he had been obsessing about his looks, his other rabbit friendswho werent aware of how they looked from non-rabbit eyeshad married and started families of their own. Rufus Rabbit became a disillusioned rabbit and lived a very unhappy life. Moral: Its best to happy with all that you have, And not try to be what youre not. Instead of comparing with others around, Remember what this story taught: Cheer up and be happy, Be the best that you can be, And be thankful for what you have got!

Enquanto vivia to obcecado com sua aparncia, seus outros amigos coelhos que no se preocupavam com o que pensavam deles quem no era coelho casaram-se e construram suas prprias famlias. Cac Coelho se tornou um coelho desiludido e viveu uma vida infeliz. Moral: melhor ser feliz com o que voc tem e no tentar ser outro algum. Ao invs de estar sempre a se comparar, a histria nos mostra to bem; seja alegre e feliz, d o melhor de si, agradecido pelo que voc tem!

histrias bilnges para crianas - www.freekidstories.org

Written by Tomoko Matsuoka and originally published on www.just1thing.com. The Family International.

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