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I eu
You voc
He ele
She ela
It ele ou ela

We ns
You vocs
They Eles ou elas

Sempre que formos usar os pronomes, precisamos prestar ateno nos detalhes abaixo:
I sempre escrito com letra maiscula, em qualquer lugar da frase em que ele se encontre.
Ex.: I am a student. (Eu sou um estudante)
It forma neutra de se dizer ele ou ela, em ingls, e no existe em portugus. Sua funo substituir,
sempre no singular, nomes de coisas, objetos e animais.
Ex.: It is a nice dog. (Ele um bonito cachorro)
You quer dizer voc ou vocs. Os verbos que o acompanham sempre estaro no plural. Como saber
se YOU se refere apenas a uma pessoa ou a mais de uma? Basta ler o resto da frase e procurar a
resposta, mas saiba que, s vezes, preciso conhecer a histria toda ou ver as figuras para descobrir.
Ex. You are good boys. (Vocs so bons garotos)
You are a beautiful girl. (Voc uma bonita garota)
They o plural de he, she e it. Portanto, se temos um grupo de nomes, isto , mais de uma pessoa,
coisa ou animal, estes nomes sempre sero substitudos por THEY, no importando se so s meninos,
s meninas ou se h mistura entre meninos, meninas, animais e objetos. THEY serve para todos,
Ex.: Peter, Paul, John, Andy and Mac are nice. They are good boys.
(Peter, Paul, John, Andy and Mac so legais. Eles so bons garotos.)
Julie and Ellen are classmates. They are in the classroom now.
(Julie e Ellen so colegas de classe. Elas esto na sala de aula agora.)
and: e
or: ou
the: o, a, os, as

Mr. (Mister): Sr. (Senhor)

Mrs. (Mistress): Sra. (Senhora)
Miss: senhorita

1) Write the equivalente of: (Escreva o equivalente de:)

a) Bruno: ________________________
b) Animal: _______________________
c) Dog: __________________________
d) Lion and zebra: _________________
e) Lucy: _________________________

f) Cow: _____________________________
g) Luan: ____________________________
h) Maiana: __________________________
i) Julie and Michele: ___________________
j) Lion: _____________________________

2) Replace the underlined words with HE, SHE, IT, or THEY. (Substitua as palavras sublinhadas por
a) My camera is from Japan. It is from Japan.
b) Leo is twelve years old.______________________________________________________
c) Daiane dos Santos is from Brazil. ______________________________________________
d) Kitty and Sayuri are friends. __________________________________________________
e) The cat is black. ____________________________________________________________
f) My mother and I are Americans. _______________________________________________

Aqui est o princpio de todo estudo da Lngua Inglesa. Por isso deve ser muito bem estudado.
O verbo TO BE significa SER ou ESTAR. Tudo depende do contexto em que ele for utilizado. Logo,
tanto para dizer que eu sou uma professora (I am a teacher), quanto para dizer que eu estou na
escola (I am at school), deve-se utilizar o verbo to be.
AM, IS e ARE so as formas do presente do verbo to be.
Veja a conjugao:

1) Complete with AM, IS or ARE.
(Complete com AM, IS ou ARE)

a) I am a good secretary.__________________
b) They are doctors.______________________
c) He is not well today.___________________
d) We are late.__________________________
e) We are not students.____________________

a) I __________ student.
b) It _______ a dog.
c) He _________ a teacher.
d) I __________ happy.
e) You _______ my friend.
f) Rose __________ a secretary.
g) Steve __________ from England.
h) Edward ________ from Canada.
i) Sayuri _________ from Japan.
j) Kitty and Sayuri _______ friends.
k) They ______ in the classroom.
l) I ________ from Tokyo, Japan.
m)You _____________ a bad boy.
n) She ___________ a dentist.
o) This cat ___________ very pretty.

3) Change to the INTERROGATIVE FORM.

(Mude para a forma interrogativa):
a) He is an engineer. ____________________
b) She is a secretary._____________________
c) You are a singer.______________________
d) We are teachers.______________________
4) Change to the NEGATIVE FORM. (Mude
para a forma negativa):

2) Rewrite the sentences using the contracted

form of the verb to be. (Reescreva as frases
usando a forma abreviada do verbo to be):

Jack is an architect.____________________
We are teachers.______________________
They are good students.________________
Rose is a secretary.___________________

Who: quem
Who is that man? (Quem aquele homem?)
Who are those people? (Quem so aquelas pessoas?)
Who wants to drink coffee? Quem deseja tomar caf?)
What: o que, qual (empregado tambm para perguntar profisso ou cargo).
What is she? She is a secretary. (O que ela? Ela uma secretria)
Whats your name? My name is Bob. (Qual seu nome? Meu nome Bob)
What is that? (O que aquilo?)
Where: onde
Wheres the book? (Onde est o livro?) Its on the table. (Ele est sobre a mesa)
Where are you? (Onde est voc)
How: como
How are you? (Como vai voc)

How is your father? (Como vai seu pai?)

How old are you? (Que idade voc tem?) Im twenty. (Eu tenho vinte)
How old is she? (Que idade ela tem?) Shes fifteen years old. (Ela tem quinze anos)
What color are the pencils? (Que cor so os lpis?)
They are blue. (Eles so azuis)

1- Complete using WHAT, WHO, HOW OLD, WHAT COLOR or WHERE.
a) ________________ is the teacher? She is in front of the students.
b) ________________ is Paul from? He is from Mexico.
c) ________________ is this? Its a pineapple.
d) ________________ are those women? Theyre my cousins.
e) ________________ is Sheilas occupation? She is a nurse.
f) ________________ is your mother? Shes thirty-nine years old.
g) ________________ is the pen? Its red.
cousins: primos(as)
from: de
in front of: em frente de
nurse: enfermeira
pen: caneta

pineapple: abacaxi
teacher: professor(a)
this: isto, este, esta
those: aquilo, aqueles, aquelas
women: mulheres

O modo imperativo usado para dar conselhos, instrues, ordens ou fazer pedidos. Ele tambm pode
ser usado para dar sugestes.
Os verbos no modo imperativo ficam sempre no incio da orao, e a frase no tem sujeito (o sujeito
quem est recebendo a ordem, a sugesto, o conselho, etc.).
Nas frases afirmativas, o verbo no sofre alterao, ficando no infinitivo (sem o to).
Forget! (esquea)
Do! (faa)
Win! (vena)
Sempre acrescentamos o dont em frente a esse infinitivo.
Dont be lazy! (No seja preguioso!)
Dont take! (No leve!)
Dont sleep! (No durma!)
Dont break! (No quebre!)
A forma Let's no modo imperativo usada para expressar uma proposta ou um convite;
Lets play soccer! (Vamos jogar futebol!)
Lets swim! (Vamos nadar!)
Quando aparecem em frases imperativas, estes dois advrbios sempre sero colocados antes do verbo.
Eles servem para enfatizar a ordem.
Ex.: Never do it again.


Para se abrandar a dureza de uma ordem ou para se fazer um pedido de uma maneira delicada, polida,
usa-se a palavra please (por favor), no comeo ou no fim da frase.
Shut the door, please. (Feche a porta, por favor.)
Please, speak aloud! (Por favor, fale alto)

1) Rewrite the sentences giving negative commands. (Reescreva as frases dando ordens negativas)

Dont be quiet.
a) Be quiet. __________________________________________
b) Raise your hand. __________________
c) Write your name. __________________

d) Take out your book. _______________

e) Sit down. ________________________

2) Coloque os verbos entre parnteses no Imperativo Afirmativo ou Negativo de modo que as frases
fiquem corretas.
a) (to be) honest and sincere.________________

d) (to do) your best to achieve your goals._____

b) (not to cheat) on tests.___________________

e) (to make) efforts to learn languages.________

c) (not to arrive) late.______________________

f) (not to deceive) people.__________________

3) Use a palavra please no comeo ou no fim das frases.

c) Dont smoke! _________________________
d) Drive slowly!__________________________

a) Come in! _____________________________

b) Stand up! _____________________________

4) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence. (Escolha a alternativa que completa
corretamente a frase.)
__________ watch TV. There is a good film tonight
a) (

) Not.

b) ( ) Dont.

c) (

) Do.

d) (

) Lets.

5) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence. (Escolha a alternativa que completa
corretamente a frase.)
__________ disturb her. She is sleeping:
a) Not.
b) Dont.

c) Do.
d) Let.

Look: (Olhe):

1- Bob bought the products of first, so he will pay: (Bob

comprou os produtos da primeira coluna, ento ele pagar):
a) $ 19,99.
b) $ 358, 98.

c) $ 1,75.
d) $ 174,99.

2- We can deduce that the man is: (Ns podemos deduzir que o homem est):
a) Working.
b) Sick.

c) In love.
d) Happy.


Conjunto de contedos disponveis em uma pgina da internet.


Pgina inicial de um site da internet.


Gyga = Unidade quantitativa.

Byte = Tipo de dado relacionado memria do computador.


Correio eletrnico.


Ligao . Em informtica, o caminho para se chegar a um site.


Indivduo inescrupuloso, pirata da internet.

Pen drive

Dispositivo para armazenamento e transporte de dados de um computador para outro.

Micro computador

Computador domstico

Rede (daWeb)



Obter informaes, dados e dispositivos da internet.


Infeco de um computador que danifica uma parte orgnica, como arquivos, memrias, etc.

1) Utilizando o seu conhecimento prvio, responda as questes abaixo.
a) O que Modem ?
b) O que necessrio para fazer o login em um E-mail ?
c) O que um Chat ?
d) O que Lan House ?
e) Voc acha que a internet uma evoluo ou coisa desnecessria ? Justifique sua resposta.
f) Qual o site mais acessado para pesquisas ?
g) O que Internets?

I was here - Beyonc

I want to leave my footprints.
On the sands of time.
Know there was something there and something
that I left behind.
When I leave this world.
I'll leave no regrets.
Leave something to remember.
So they won't forget.
I was here. I lived, I loved. I was here.
I did, I've done everything that I wanted.
And it was more than I thought it would be.
I will leave my mark so everyone will know.
I was here...
Activities about the Music (Atividades sobre a Msica):
1- The text is:
a) Comic strip.
b) Song.



2- The finality is:

a) To shake.
b) To buy.


To watch.
To fun.

3- In the phrase: When I leave this world The underlined word gives idea of:


4- The text shows that a person:


Wanted to leave their mark on the history of someone.

Wanted to meet someone and love again.
Wanted to find and live a great love.
Wanted the worlds end soon and go in search of something better.

5- In the sentence: Know there was something there and something that I left behind. The underlined
gives idea of:
a) Time.

b) Opposition.



6- The author is:

a) A singer.
b) An actress.

c) An engineer.
d) A boy.



7- The person wanted:

a) Walk in the street.
b) Show that was in the right place.

c) To be called cool.
d) To be happy.

8- We know that the author is:

a) A national star.
b) A bright star.

c) A pop star.
d) A small star.

9- In the sentence: I was here The reticence gives ideas of:

a) Time.
b) Continuity.

c) Irony.
d) Stopped.

10- In the sentence: Leave something to remember. So they won't forget. The underlined word refers
a) All world.
b) Me.

c) The men.
d) The women.

Read na answer: (Leia e responda as questes):

1- The text is a:
a) Cartoon.

b) Tale.



d) Charge.

2- The finality of this text is:

To satirize.
b) To read and laugh.

c) To satirize
d) To ridicule.

3- We generally find this text in:

a) All supports.
b) Newspaper.



4- Whats happening in the text:

a) The ship is sinking.
b) The ship is going to hit.

c) The ship is making a turn.

d) The ship is out to sea.

5- The movie Titanic:

a) Tell the history of an impossible love and a ship that flew.
b) Tell the history of an possible love and a ship that broke
c) Tell the history of an impossible love and a ship that sank.
d) Tell the history of a possible love and a ship that sank.
6- In the sentence: Not now The reticence gives idea of:
a) Continuity.
b) Time.
c) Irony.
d) Addition.
7- The balloons indicate:

An imagination.
A thought.
A question.
A speaks.

Trabalho final da Apostila:

Pesquisar a biografia de um jogador de futebol.
Escrever um trecho de msica que tenha a palavra INTERNET.
Escreva algumas palavras usadas sobre futebol. Em ingls com traduo.

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