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tmosFFRPS Terceira Edio Regras Bsicas Dados de Porcentagem (d%): Testes usando d% contra uma Chance de Sucesso (CdS).

. Testes resultando entre 95 e 100 so falhas crticas e testes entre 1 e 10 so sucessos crticos. ESTATST !AS Termo estatsticas (stat) descreve as habilidades de um ersona!em. "ividem#se em $tributos e %statsticas de Combate. Atri"#tos: &ariam entre 1 e '0. Fora (F$R): &i!or e massa muscular( essencial ara determinar o dano causado or armas de combate cor o#a#cor o. %ita&idade (% T): )esist*ncia e toler+ncia. ,ersona!ens com mais &italidade so mais resistentes a danos fsicos e fadi!a. Agi&idade (A' ): "estre-a fsica e coordena.o. "etermina danos com armas de combate a dist+ncia e a reciso das mesmas. %e&ocidade (%E(): )a ide-( tanto em termos de velocidade de corrida como velocidade e rea.o. )gica ()A'): Controle sobre ener!ias internas e for.as e/ternas. 0ndiretamente 1 a inteli!*ncia. 2ede a efetividade de 3eiti.os e 4abilidades. Es*+rito (ESP): "etermina.o e for.a mental. )ais resist,ncia a danos mgicos- ndiretamente . o carisma!&asses e /o"s: Classes determinam as habilidades b5sicas( 6obs so es eciali-a.7es das Classes (8uerreiro 9 "ra!oon). 0a"i&idades: $s 4abilidades so um !ru o de talentos :ue diferenciamos 6obs do resto da Classe. ; ersona!em come.a com uma <nica habilidade e !anha com o aumento de nvel. Per+cias= )e resentam as habilidades do ersona!em em e/ecutar um certo ti o de a.o( desde coisas sim les como co-inhar at1 coisas com le/as como fa-er uma o.o. $ rofici*ncia de um ersona!em em uma certa ,ercias 1 medida de 1 a 100( Se!undo a tabela. ,ercias so dividas em sete !ru os $rtsticas( 8erais( Sociais( T1cnicas( >adina!em( $rmas e Silvestres( de endendo da 5rea de a lica.o. 1+2e& Pro3ici,ncia 1#10 0niciante 11#?5 @ovato ?A#B0 0ntermedi5rio B1#C0 $van.ado C1#90 %s ecialista 91#100 2estre 'ERA1D$ 4) P! DE 15%E( 6 1 !onceito de Personagem: Para g#iar a criao1ome: %ssencial ara um ersona!em marcante. dade: %ntre 5#1' o ersona!em 1 considerado novo. 2ais de A0 ele 1 considerado velho. A*ar,ncia: Caractersticas fsicas (olhos( altura( etc) e DestiloE do ersona!em. Pertences: $l1m dos e:ui amentos do ersona!em( al!uns obFetos de valor sentimental. 1ascimento: Com uma data em dia#e#m*s. %stabelece o Si!no %stelar do ersona!em. !a*ricorn#s (77 de De8em"ro 69 de /aneiro): ,ra!m5ticos( ti icamente ambiciosos( trabalhadores( conservadores e escru ulosos( mas odem ser facilmente teimosos( e!otistas arro!antes com tend*ncia ao mal#humor e fatalismo. A:#ari#s (7; de /aneiro 6< de 3e2ereiro): 0nventivos( inde endentes( lG!icos e com reensivosH entretanto( tendem a serem afastados( desa ai/onados( im revisveis e e/c*ntricos. Pisces (69 de Fe2ereiro 7; de )aro): %m 5ticos( intuitivos( com assivos( emotivos e sacrificados. 2as tendem a serem essimistas( e/cessivamente falantes( emocionalmente constran!idos ou ouco r5ticos. Aries (76 de )aro 69 de A"ri&): 0m ulsivos= cora>osos= inde*endentes e im etuosos( mas so avios#curtos( im acientes e comumente violentos. Ta#r#s (7; de A"ri& 7; de )aio): %st5veis( fidedi!nos( r5ticos e nte!ros( entretanto( odem ser irascveis( teimosos( ossessivos( e!ostas e materialistas. 'emini (76 de )aio 76 de /#n?o): &ers5teis( soci5veis( e/ ressivos( in:uisitivos( inventivos e inteli!entes. ,or outro lado( eles tamb1m tendem a serem ausentes( coniventes e a!itados( com uma e:uena falta de aten.o. !ancer (77 de /#n?o 77 de /#&?o): 0ncentivadores( sensveis e emotivos( mas odem ser muito e!ostas( taciturnos e mani uladores. (eo (7@ de /#&?o 77 de Agosto): 0m onentes( rom+nticos( carism5ticos( ambiciosos( se!uros de si e idealistas( mas tem uma cruel( vaidosa e infantil veia correndo neles. %irgo (7@ de Agosto 77 de Setem"ro): ,erfeccionistas( r5ticos( analticos( e/atos e dili!entes. %ntretanto eles odem facilmente se tornarem enFoados( cnicos( esnobes e e!oc*ntricos em determinados momentos. (i"ra (7@ de Setem"ro 7@ de $#t#"ro): Soci5veis( discretos( ersuasivos( acficos( sofisticados e cort*s..%les odem( entretanto( serem indecisos( inconsistentes e facilmente intimidados. Scor*io (7A de $#t#"ro 76 de 1o2em"ro): 0ntensos( motivados desembara.adamente individuais( mas assam or cima dos outros sendo tem eramentais( intolerantes( dominantes( desconfiados e fechados. Sagittari#s (77 de 1o2em"ro 76 de De8em"ro): $mantes da liberdade( honestos( rece tivos( filosGficos( 1ticos( otimistas e entusi5sticos. "o lado ne!ativo( eles tamb1m odem ser bri!uentos( insensvel( im aciente( comodistas e cabe.a#:uente. Ti*o Sang#+neo: Tamb1m determina o tem eramento das essoas. $Es so conformistas( dando !rande valor ara re!ras e costumes. IEs( de outro modo( so criativos e ouco convencionais. ; raro $I combina as ectos dos doisH so muito em 5ticos e tem uma !rande ca acidade de analise( mas tendem a serem solit5rios. 3inalmente( ;Es so lideres e a:ueles :ue tomam as decis7es( dominantes e o ortunistas. ?a B Raa: 4umanos odem ser mais comuns( mas e/istem muitas outras ra.as. ?b 9 /o": !omo > dito anteriormente ' B Atri"#tos: ,ersona!ens iniciantes t*m B0 ts ra distribuir nos seis atributos. "evendo res eitar os limites )aciais( os 6obs am liam esses limites (:ue sG odem ser ultra assados atrav1s da evolu.o do ersona!em). A: Adicione %antagens e Des2antagens: Com re ara dar um to:ue es ecial ao ersona!em e !anhar al!uns bJnus. 5= "etermine 4, e )P: C #m *asso "astante 3ci& no 1+2e& 6- 1ote :#e #m /o" sem dado de )P 2ai ter sem*re ; de )P= a des*eito do ESP4, K '0 L &0T L (Mm Fo!ada do dado de 4, do 6ob) 2, K 10 L %S, L (Mm Fo!ada do dado de 4, do 6ob) A= 'ere Per+cias:

,ontos de ,ercias= ,ontua.o total a !astar (dita ,,)( !ato um# or#um. ,ercia de $finidade= %ssa 1 a 5rea em :ue seu 6ob se sai melhor. 8astar um ,, nesse !ru o com ra dois or cento. ,ercias 0niciais= $s ercias :ue automaticamente se sabe or ser do 6ob. @o conta como !asto de ,,s. @enhuma ercia ode come.ar com mais de 50%N ,ercia (00%) >in!ua!ens e Conhecimentos= Todo ersona!em tem 1?0 ,, ara !astar em >in!ua!ens e Conhecimentos a enas. @enhuma ercia com rada com esses ontoa ode come.ar com mais de ?0% (mas odem ser am liadas com os ,,s normais) ,ercias de Custo "u lo= Certas ercias ("uas $rmas( %nsinar( 0nventar) tem um custom de acordo com seus valorosos efeitos. Cada dois ,,s !astos na ,ercia com ram a enas 1%. Tem afinidade com o !ru o de uma dessas ercias torna o custom dela normal( um# or#um). $ta:ue% # IJnus de $ta:ue est5 listado em seu 6ob. Mse a formula. $ta:ue% K (,ercia de Combate) L (IJnus de $ta:ue) L (@vel) L ($80 / ?) 4abilidades de %s ecialistas 9 $l!uns es ecialistas usam ,ercias em suas 4abilidades de combate. $ formula 1 similar a de $ta:ue%( mas sem o IJnus de $ta:ue e( Os ve-es( usando outro atributo :ue no $80. %s ecialista% K (,ercia de %s ecialista) L (@vel) L ($trib. / ?) C= !om*re E:#i*amento: 8aste 500 8il ara com rar e:ui amento( esse valor ode mudar de acordo com vanta!ens e desvanta!ens. P= 8ere as %statsticas de Combate= $rmadura ($rm) K ($rm total da $rmadura) L ($rm total da $rmadura) / (IJnus de &0T) $rm. 25!ica (2$rm) K (2$rm total da $rmadura) L (2$rm total da $rmadura) / (IJnus de%S,) "efesa ("ef) K &%> L $80 "ef. 25!ica (2"ef) K 2$rm L %S, 2a!ia% K 100 L @&> L (2$8 / ?) Lembre que os decimais so sempre arredondados para baixo. B Ta"e&a de Bene3+cios de % T D ESP B % TDESP BEn#s de 0PD)P BEn#s de ArmD)Arm 1 L0 5% ? L1 5% ' L1 10% B L? 10% 5 L? 15% A L' 15% C L' ?0% P LB ?0% 9 LB ?5% 10 L5 ?5% 11 L5 '0% 1? LA '0% 1' LA '5% 1B LC '5% 15 LC B0% 1A LP B0% 1C LP B5% 1P L9 B5% 19 L9 50% ?0 L10 50% ?1 L10 55% ?? L11 55% ?' L11 A0% ?B L1? A0% ?5 L1? A5% ?A L1' A5% ?C L1' C0% ?P L1B C0% ?9 L1B C5% '0 L15 C5% Q@ote :ue os bJnus de 4, e 2, sG so a licados :uando o ersona!em avan.a de nvel( no valendo ara ersona!ens iniciantes. 9: Pr.Bca&c#&e Feitios= 0a"i&idades e Dano de Ata:#es: ; dano 1 sem re calculado como ($tributo / %scala de "ano)L"adoH ode ser <til r1# calcular esses efeitos. %A1TA'E1S E DES%A1TA'E1S %antagens e Des2antagens Sociais: ;s ersona!ens come.am com um ,onto de &anta!em (,&) e ode !anhar mais com "esvanta!ens. (8astar de 1 onto ativa uma vanta!ens( ativar uma desvanta!em concede 1 onto( sistema ori!inal( toda sesso -era os ontos da sesso anterior( come.ando sem re com 1 novamente( nesse sistema voc* ode ter :uantas &anta!ens e "esvanta!ens :uiser). %antagens A&iado 9 ; ersona!em conhece al!u1m :ue ode ser de al!uma aFuda. 8astar 1 ,& !arante assist*ncia tem or5ria deste aliado ele ode rover informa.7es( acesso a e:ui amentos raros ou coisas arecidas. !arismtico 9 ; ersona!em facilmente convence as essoas. Ruando ne!ociando( debatendo ou :ual:uer coisa arecida ele ode usar essa &anta!em ara !anhar um bJnus de L?5% na ,ercia relacionada ou ser automaticamente bem sucedido (de acordo com o Ful!amento do 82) Faci&mente Es:#ecido 9 ; ersona!em costuma sim lesmente desa arecer da mente das essoas. 2esmo tendo seu nome e feitos famosos( seu rosto sim lesmente no 1 reconhecido. Msar essa vanta!em ermite ao ersona!em esca ar de ser reconhecido.

)emFria Eid.tica 9 ; ersona!em ossui uma memGria foto!r5fica e conse!ue lembrar de coisas nos mnimos detalhes. ; uso desta vanta!em ermite ao ersona!em se lembrar de al!uma coisa nos mnimos detalhes( mesmo :ue o 6o!ador tenha es:uecido. maginati2o 9 ; ersona!em tem uma !rande ima!ina.o e sem re conse!ue ver outra forma de fa-er as coisas. ; uso desta vanta!em ermite ao ersona!em uma se!unda Fo!ada no caso de falha num teste $rtstico ou T1cnico. nt#iti2o 9 ; ersona!em tem facilidade ara saber como fa-er as coisas( mesmo sem treinamento. Ruando fi-er um teste com uma ercia na :ual ele no tenha ontos( o uso desta vanta!em ermite fa-*#lo com o dobro do valor adro (ou seFa( $trib/B( ao inv1s de $trib/?). Re*#tao 9 $ fama do ersona!em( em sua re!io natal( 1 ositive e de !rande aFuda. $o usar essa vanta!em( o ersona!em ode e/trair favores dos habitantes locais( como abri!o( comida e informa.7es. Stat#s 9 ; ersona!em ossui uma osi.o social elevada( seFa atrav1s de uma osi.o nobre na corte ou uma atente militar. Msar essa venta!em ermite obter vanta!ens atrav1s dessa osi.o social. EGc,ntrico 9 ; ersona!em ossui conhecimentos ouco usuais( obscuros e de ouca valia no dia#a#dia. 2as ele 1 de !rande valia :uando lidando com Sconhecimentos es:uecidosT. ; uso desta vanta!em !arante com reenso si!nificativa :uando lidando com tais conhecimentos. Des2antagens Amn.sia ; ersona!em( devido a ma!ia ou trauma( es:ueceu boa arte do seu assado. ; ersona!em adi:uire um ,& toda ve- :ue es:uecer al!uma informa.o im ortante sobre seu assado ou falhar automaticamente num teste or Des:uecerE como fa-er al!o. !aado 9 ; ersona!em 1 rocurado e tem sua cabe.a a remio. ; ersona!em !anha um ,& sem re :ue al!u1m estiver o rocurando ara conse!uir a recom ensa ou al!o arecido. !om*#&so 9 ; ersona!em tem al!um tico de com ulso (fumar( beber( colecionar( etc) :ue deve ser constantemente satisfeita. Sem re :ue a com ulso colocar o ersona!em em uma situa.o eri!osa ou muito arriscada( ele !anha um ,&. Distinto 9 ; ersona!em tem al!uma caracterstica fsica :ue o torna e/tremamente f5cil de reconhecer (e sG ode ser escondida com muito esfor.o). %ssa desvanta!em concede um ,& toda ve- :ue atra alhar bastante o ersona!em. ng,n#o 9 ; ersona!em 1 um !rande ot5rio( ele acredita em :ual:uer coisa :ue no seFa uma mentira Gbvia. Sem re :ue o ersona!em cometer um !rande erro( ou arranFar uma !rande confuso or causa e sua in!enuidade( ele !anha um ,&. 1otoriedade 9 ; ersona!em tem uma re uta.o( uma m5 re uta.o. $s essoas odem no reconhec*#lo de vista( mas com certe-a sabero seu nome. Sem re :ue al!u1m reconhec*#lo e isso causar !randes roblemas( voc* ad:uire um ,&. Fo"ia 9 ; ersona!em tem um medo terrvel de al!o. Sem re :ue confrontado com seu medo ele tentar5 fu!ir ou al!o arecido. Sem re :ue o meda atra alhar o ersona!em no decorrer de uma tarefa( o ersona!em ad:uire um ,&. Estigma 9 ; ersona!em ertence a al!uma minoria esti!mati-ada ou al!o arecido. %le 1 vitima de um reconceito( talve- infundamentado. ; ersona!em !anha 1 ,& sem re :ue esse reconceito causar roblemas em Fo!o. En>Eo de %ia>em 9 ; ersona!em fica facilmente enFoado com movimento( sem re :ue no estiver se movendo com os rG rios 1s. Ruanto mais r5 ido o movimento( ior o enFJo. %ssa desvanta!em d5 1 ,& sem re :ue im edir o ersona!em de reali-ar a.7es im ortantes. %A1TA'E1S E DES%A1TA'E1S DE !$)BATE ;s ersona!ens devem balancear o custo das vanta!ens e desvanta!ens( obtendo um valor i!ual ou menor :ue -ero e no odendo ter mais de 10 ts em vanta!ens. $s vanta!ens e desvanta!ens de combate esto sem re ativas( no trabalhando com o sistema de ,&s. %antagens 0"i& (7BH) 9 ; ersona!em 1 e/tremamente treinado em uma determinada arma( usando a a!ilidade em seus ata:ues em ve- de for.a. Ruando usando uma arma do ti o escolhido( o dano 1 calculado usando $80 no lu!ar de 3;). ; custo desta vanta!em 1 de acordo com o dado usado ara calcular o dano da arma( se!undo a tabela= dA ? ts dP ' ts d1 B ts 0 d1 5 ts ? Am"idestro (@) 9 ; ersona!em 1 i!ualmente h5bil com as duas mos( no tendo enalidade ara usar a mo in5bil e com rando "uas $rmas elo re.o normal( no dobrado. !om*an?eiro Anima& (H) 9 &oc* tem um !rande ami!o animal( :ue te aFuda em combate. Sem re :ue voc* for !ol eado or um ata:ue( h5 '0% de chance de seu com anheiro te aFudar( fa-endo voc* receber a enas 50% do dano. $dicionalmente o seu com anheiro far5 um contra ata:ue( usando o seu $ta:ue% ara calcular o acerto e causando um dano de acordo com a se!uinte fGrmula= (@velUB)/(3;))L(@velU10)/(dA). %ste ata:ue 1 considerara uma )ea.o sendo desabilitada or stati como 0mobili-ado. Re3&eGos em !om"ate (7) 9 ; ersona!em nunca 1 sur reso em combate( estando ronto a :ual:uer momento. Se os inimi!os a!irem no turno de $nteci a.o ele tamb1m a!ir5. %le tamb1m 1 imune ao status 0nadvertido. )arca da De#sa (A) 9 ; ersona!em 1 aben.oado com uma fonte de ener!ia vital( se recu erando incrivelmente r5 ido. Sem re :ue um item( feiti.o ou efeito de cura for usado nele ele recu era ?5% a mais de 4,. 0sso no afeta "renos ou recu era.o de 2,. A3ort#nado (7BA) 9 o ersona!em ossui uma !rande sorte. %ssa sorte se reflete num n<mero de Fo!adas :ue o Fo!ador :ue controla o ersona!em ode refa-er em caso de falha= uma Fo!ada (custa ? ts)( duas Fo!adas (' ts) ou tr*s Fo!adas (B ts). %ssas Fo!adas odem ser usadas em :ual:uer caso( desde :ue seFa um teste feito elo ersona!em. %sse n<mero de Fo!adas 1 restabelecido sem re :ue o ersona!em sobe de nvel( no sendo cumulativo. End#recido (6B7) 9 ; ersona!em 1 mais resistente a danos fsicos. Sem re :ue subir de nvel ele !anha um numero de 4,s adicional= um (vanta!em de um onto) ou dois (vanta!em de dois ontos). 0erana (@) 9 ; ersona!em ossui um item oderoso( :ue est5 na famlia a !era.7es. %sse item 1 um acessGrio de at1 ?500 8il e no ode ser vendido( doado ou Fo!ado fora. ; ersona!em sG ode dese:ui 5#lo de ois do 11V nvel. morta& (A) 9 ; ersona!em transcende a vida e a morte. ; ersona!em( sem re :ue redu-ido a 0 de 4,( retorna a vida com 1 4, de ois do combate. "urante o combate ele estar5 tecnicamente morto. %ssa vanta!em no remove efeitos similares a morte( como ,etrifica.o. )atador de )onstro (6B7) 9 ; ersona!em se es eciali-ou( atrav1s de treinamento( no combate contra um ti o de criatura. ,or 1 t ele se es eciali-ou em uma ra.a es ecifica (como lobos( !oblins ou bombas). ,or ? ts ele se es eciali-ou em uma cate!oria de monstros (como "ra!7es e 2ortos#&ivos( a esar da cate!oria $normal( no oder ser e!a). Ruando atacando esse ti o de criatura( ele considera como se tivesse o atributo 2atador de 2onstro a ro riado e causa o dobro de dano numa a.o de $ta:ue.

E&emento Pessoa& (@BH) 9 ; ersona!em ossui uma rofunda li!a.o com um dos elementos universais. %scolha um elemento durante a cria.o (3o!o( 8elo( rel+m a!o( W!ua( &ento( Terra( Sa!rado( Trevas ou Iio). ,or ' ts( o ersona!em causa 10% a mais de dano com ata:ues desse elemento. ,or B ts( ?5% de dano e/tra. %ssa vanta!em custa 1 t a mais se o ersona!em for um aladino e escolher Sa!rado ou for um Cavaleiro @e!ro e escolher Trevas. %sse efeito no 1 cumulativo com a habilidade D0ntensificar %lementoE. A&ma P#ra (6B7) ; ersona!em tem uma reserve de ener!ia mistica :ue os outros no tem. Sem re :ue ele subir de nvel ele !anha um numero e/tra de 2,s= um (vanta!em de 1 t) ou dois (? ts). Es*+rito Forte (@BH) $trav1s de meios msticos o ersona!em ad:uiriu uma resist*ncia es ecial a um determinado !ru o de status. Ruando for alvo de um desses status a CdS 1 redu-ida ela metade de ois de calculada a "efesa ou "ef. 25!ica. Cada cate!oria de status tem um custo diferente= 0luso= 5 Tem o= 5 &eneno= ' Trasformar= B Selo= B 3ra:ue-a= 5 Arma de Assinat#ra (@ o# H) 9 $trav1s de muito treinamento( o ersona!em se es eciali-ou em uma arma es ecifica( Ruando fa-endo um ata:ue com essa arma( o ersona!em obt1m um Critico com menos de 15 (' ts) ou menos de ?0 (5 ts). @o 1 cumulativo com CritcoL e CriticoLL. Treinamento Es*ecia& (@ o# H) ; ersona!em a renedu( atraves de treinamentos anormais( a usar armas :ue no s.ao ermitidas normalmente ara seu 6ob. %scolha um !ru o de armas ara :ue voc* ossa us5#las sem enalidades (mas ainda 1 necess5rio o !asto de ,, na arma). %ssa vanta!em custa ' ts normalmente( mas custar5 5 caso o !ru o escolhido use outro atributo :ue no for.a ara definir o dano (como os 0nstrumentos) ou use dados maiores do :ue :ual:uer arma :ue a sua 6ob ermita. Rec#rsos (7BH) 9 ; ersona!em ossui outros meios de obter dinheiro( al1m de ilhar monstros. %le recebe mais 8il do :ue o usual de cada encontro 9 ele !anha 5% a mais ara cada onto !asto nessa vanta!em al1m do rimeiro. 0sso no altera a :uantia :ue o !ru o recebe( a enas sua arte. 0sso no 1 cumulativo com a habilidade 8ilL. Des2antagens !o2arde (A) 9 ; ersona!em teme a morte mais do :ue tudo. Sem re :ue estiver com menos de ?5% de 4, ele tentara fu!ir de combate. Caso a a.o de fu!a falhe( ele continuar5 tentando at1 conse!uir ou ser recu erado( ficando com mais de ?5% de 4,. )arca do DemEnio (A) 9 ; ersona!em 1 amaldi.oado e a sua sentelha de vida brilha mais fraco. Sem re :ue for alvo de uma ma!ia( item ou habilidade de cura( ele recu era ?5% 4, a menos. 0sso no afeta "renos ou recu era.o de 2,. De3ici,ncia E&ementa& (@) 9 ; ersona!em 1 vulner5vel a al!um %lemento. %sse elemento causa 50% a mais de dano no ersona!em. Se tornar )esistente a esse elemento( redu- o dano ao normal (100%)( se tornar 0mune redu- o dano a 50%( se tornar absorvente a enas ne!a o dano (0%). FIria (7B@) 9 ; ersona!em tem uma besta selva!em dentro de si. Conforme ele erde 4, ela aflora. Ruando ele estiver com ?5% ou menos de seu 4, ele 1 automaticamente afetado elo status IerserX( i!norando :ual:uer imunidade. 0sso dura en:uanto ele estiver com menos de ?5% de seu 4,( no odendo ser curado de outra forma. %ssa desvanta!em concede ? ts ara 8uerreiros e ,eritos e ' ontos ara 2a!os e %s ecialistas. !aado (6B7) 9 ,or al!uma ra-o o ersona!em 1 resa de um ti o de monstro. ,or 1 t ele 1 erse!uido or uma determinada ra.a (lobos( !oblins( bombas( etc). or ? ts ele 1 erse!uido or um !ru o de criaturas (2ortos#&ivos( lantas( "emJnios( etc). Rual:uer monstro desse ti o atacando o ersona!em causara o dobro de dano automaticamente. 0onra (7) 9 Mm senso de honra nem sem re 1 bom. ; ersona!em se o 7e a atacar o onentes indefesos( nunca usando a vanta!em da sur resa. @unca ataca um o onente sofrendo o status 0nadvertido e nunca a!ir5 no turno de $nteci a.o. A8arado (7BA) 9 ; destino cons ira contra o ersona!em. %m certos intervalos o ersona!em tem uma falha autom5tica de al!um ti o. 0sso acontece :uando o 82 deseFar. ,or ? ts essa vanta!em 1 ativada uma ve- or nvel. ,or ' ts uma ve- or sesso. ,or B ontos uma ve- or encontro. Desa>eitado (@) 9 "evido a uma incrivel falta de cordena.o o ersona!em no conse!ue se desviar de ata:ues. $ "ef e 2"ef natural do ersona!em 1 efetivamente -ero e ode a enas ser am liada atrav1s de bJnus de e:ui amentos e feiti.os. En3ermidade (6BH) 9 ; ersona!em sofre de al!uma enfermidade :ue o atra alha. %ssa enfermidade 1( efetivamente um status ermanente e no ode ser curado (a menos :ue dito o contr5rio). 0nadvertido 9 ; ersona!em come.a todo combate com esse status. %le 1 removido assim :ue ele for !ol eado ou restar aten.o na luta. 1 t. %nvenenado 9 ; ersona!em tem uma chance de 10% a cada turno de erder 4, (10%) como se estivesse %nvenenado. ? ts. Ce!o 9 ; ersona!em 1 Ce!o. %ssa desvanta!em vale B ts ara 8uerreiros e %s ecialistas( ' ara ,eritos e 1 ara ma!os. 2udo 9 ; ersona!em 1 2udo. %ssa desvanta!em vale B ts ara ,eritos( ' ara %s ecialistas e 1 ara 8uerreiros. 2a!os no odem t*#la. 2aldi.o 9 ; ersona!em 1 amaldi.oado e 1 inca a- de usar 4abilidades ativas. %ssa desvanta!em vale 1 t ara 2a!os e B ara as outras classes. Sono 9 ; ersona!em come.a toda batalha com o status Sono. %sse status 1 cancelado assim :ue ele sofrer :ual:uer :uantia de dano fsico. 1 t. 0mobili-ado 9 ; ersona!em 1 mutilado( sendo inca a- de correr e im edido de ativar 4abilidades de )ea.o. 1 t ara ma!os( ? ara outras classes. >ento 9 ; ersona!em 1 lento ara a!ir e rea!ir( ficando atr5s dos outros nas a.7es. ' ts ara !uerreiros e %s ecialistas e 1 t ara ,eritos e 2a!os. >a so de Tem o 9 %m cada turno o ersona!em tem 10% de chance de come.ar a sofrer 5 ts de dano (no elemental) ara cada onto de iniciativa nessa rodada( como se sofresse >a so de Tem o. B ts. )edu-ido 9 ; ersona!em 1 e:ueno e sofre os efeitos de redu-ido. 5 ts ara 8uerreiros e ,eritos( ? ts ara %s ecialistas e 1 ara 2a!os. Yumbi 9 Mma criatura das tumbas( o ersona!em est5 sem re sobre o efeito de Yumbi. B ts. 3undi.o 9 Com o ersona!em fundindo automaticamente( nada ode rote!*#lo de danos. 5 ts. D+2idas (6BH) 9 ; ersona!em no ode manter todo o dinheiro :ue !anha. ,ara cada onto nessa desvanta!em( o ersona!em erde 5% da 8il :ue receberia em cada encontro. 0sso no afeta o dinheiro do !ru o( a enas a arte do ersona!em. Paci3ista (7) 9 ; ersona!em 1 inca a- de matar. Sem re :ue seu !ol e deveria redu-ir o o onente a 0 4, ou matar automaticamente( a vitima ermanece com 1 4,. %m circunstancia al!uma ele ode matar al!o em combate. A&2o A&eatFrio (6) ; ersona!em 1 alvo da lei de 2ur hZ. $ chance dele ser afetada or efeitos de alvo aleatGrio 1 dobrada. 0a"i&idade B&o:#eada (6BH) 9 ; ersona!em fica ara tr5s em rela.o aos seus com anheiros :uando se fala de habilidades. Mm ersona!em com 1 t nessa desvanta!em tem o nvel de acesso de suas habilidades am liadas em ?. ,or ? ts elas so retardadas em B nveis. ,or ' ts elas so retardadas em C nveis. ,or B ts elas so retardadas or 11 nveis. ,or 5 ts( elas so atra-adas em 1A nveis. Doente (6B7) B ; ersona!em tem o or!anismo fraco. Sem re :ue sobe de nvel o ersona!em recebe menos 4, do :ue deveria. %ssa :uantidade 1 de 1 4, (1 t de desvanta!em) ou ? ts de 4, (? ts de desvanta!em). Es*+rito Fraco (@BH) 9 ; ersona!em 1 vulner5vel a um certo !ru o de status. $ CdS :uando o ersona!em for alvo de um desses status 1 sem re dobrada de ois de calculada a "ef ou 2"ef. Se o ersona!em se tornar 0mune a esse status( a CdS 1 somente redu-ida ao normal. 0luso= 5 Tem o= 5 &eneno= ' Transforma.o= B Selo= B 3ra:ue-a= '

Desa>eitado com Armas (@) 9 ; ersona!em no se d5 bem com armas. Todas as ercias de armas com radas custam o dobro e :ual:uer afinidade ara o !ru o de $rmas 1 erdida. ; ersona!em tamb1m Famais ode obter um Crtico numa a.o de ata:ue. RAJAS 0#manos 9 Sem re os mais comuns( devido a sua facilidade ara chamar de lar at1 mesmo os mais inGs itos locais. F$R % T A' %E( )A' ESP 10 10 10 10 10 10 AnKes 9 $n7es esto habituados a vida no subsolo. Seus cor os so com actos e eludos( ossuindo !rande for.a. Sua ele 1 comumente ene!recida. F$R % T A' %E( )A' ESP 1? 1? P P 10 10 n3ormaKes Essenciais Altura Tpica: 1(? 9 1(B m (macho) U 1(1 9 1(' m (femea) Peso Tpico A1 9 C0 X! (macho) U B5 9 50 X! (f*mea) Cabelos Comuns: 2arrom( louro( cin-a( branco Olhos Comuns: "ourados Habitats: 2ontanhas( Colinas( Subsolo Longe idade: 100 9 1A0 anos Sociedade $n7es ossuem uma sociedade r!ida( :uase feudal( dividida em cls( mini#civili-a.7es auto#suficientes. ;s ofcios dos an7es so assados de ais ara filhos. $n7es t*m sua sicolo!ia baseada na virtude( or isso criminosos so raros. %les so ferreiros e construtores habilidosos( mas tamb1m so Gtimos !uerreiros( devido O necessidade de defesa. Tamb1m so bastante h5beis no uso de ma:uinaria. Sua economia 1 auto# sustent5vel( mas tamb1m se baseia em trocas( tanto com outros cls como com criaturas da su erfcie. Ro&e*&aLing %stGicos( vi!orosos( a tos a um monte de sofrimento. Tem fortes la.os com os anci7es do cl e com com anheiros de via!em. 3alam numa varia.o arcaica do $n!licano( mas :ual:uer falador e/ eriente ode driblar o vocabul5rio e ronuncia idiossincr5ticos. ;s anos subterr+neos t*m uma Gtima viso noturna e reconhecem v5rios ti os de edras e estruturas subterr+neas. ,odem ficar bastante desorientados na su erfcie( at1 a resentando a!orafobia( 2as tudo assa em al!uns dias( a esar de causar dano ermanente em oucos casos. ; maior roblema :ue os an7es enfrentam na su erfcie 1 a ouca toler+ncia a lu- do sol( devendo rote!er sua viso ara no ficar ofuscado. ;s cls da su erfcie F5 no t*m esse roblema. ;s nomes de an7es vem do in!l*s cl5ssico( com o nome do cl como sobrenome. ; nome do cl re resenta a es ecialidade deles( rendendo nomes como "avid 4eaven!uard( 2atthe[ \atchman( "erricX Stonehammer( "arcZ SXZ[atcher e 6inXus %m tZbottle. E&3os 9 ;s elfos so uma ra.a morta( :uase totalmente e/tinta e/ceto elas suas( lendas( artefatos e raros individuos. %lfos lembram bastante os humanos( mas so altos( ossuem esco.os lon!os e faces ovais. Sua ele varia de um leve bron-eado at1 a cor de cobre. ,ossuem orelhas lon!as e ontudas (15 a ?0 centmetros)( sendo muito !raciosos. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, 11 10 1? 11 P P n3ormaKes Essenciais Altura Tpica: 1(P 9 ?(1 m (macho) U 1(C 9 ?(0 m (femea) Peso Tpico P0 9 9C X! (macho) U C1 9 P0 X! (f*mea) Cabelos Comuns: >ouro( ne!ro( cin-a( vermelho Olhos Comuns: Cin-as( verdes( marromns Habitats: Rual:uer um Longe idade: 110 9 1C0 anos Sociedade $ sociedade dos elfos 1 altamente or!ani-ada e desenvolvida( um e/em lo da e3ici,ncia draconiana- (ei= ordem e o"edi,ncia ao estado so 2irt#des- As naKes e&3icas contam com #ma es*.cie de Mser2io mi&itar o"rigatFrioN= 3a8endo com :#e sem*re contem com #m eGtenso eGercito de *&e"e#s- $ *oder na nao e&3ica se di2ide entre a aristocracia e o c&ero- )#itas intrigas esto *or trs dos tronos e a 3am+&ia rea& ainda a3irma :#e detem o direito di2ino so"re o trono= tam".m de2ido a se#s ancestrais- "evido aos eri!os de monstros( as cidades elficas se tornaram fortale-as( eles se es eciali-aram em arcos e( com a descoberta das in<meras ro riedades m5!icas do mZthril( se tornaram famosos ela :ualidade de seus artefatos( havendo muitos elfos trabalhando com isso. @um !rande esfor.o ara esca ar da e/tin.o um !ru o de elfos adotou a 2a!ia @e!ra e outros oderes ne!ros. %sse elfos foram corrom idos e( at1 hoFe( odem ser encontrados em cavernas e masmorras( com o nome de %lfos @e!ros. Sua forma se tornou monstruosa( e hoFe so an5temas aos DverdadeirosE elfos. Ro&e*&aLing 9 %lfos so arro!antes ara a:ueles :ue no conhecem( mas mesmo com a:ueles :ue eles em :uem confiam e res eitam( so infle/veis e no a resentam humor. ,ossuem !rande amor ela sua ra.a e cultura( sendo esse um onto fraco. %lfos !ostam das DnobresE es adas mais do :ue e:ui amentos modernos de !uerra. Contendas entre indivduos e famlias so constantes e raramente so resolvidas acificamente. Com a o ula.o de elfos encolhendo( eles tem se tornado cada ve- mais /enofGbicos( e aventureiros se tornam raros( e/eto em miss7es es ecificas. ;s nomes elfico t*m( em !eral( influ*ncia francesa. @omes masculinos tendem a ser maiores e mais ele!antes :ue os femininos. %/em los de nomes masculinos so 8uilerme( %/cenmille( )oFaireaut( e 3aurbellantH nomes femininos incluem $shene( >usiane e Camereine. )it?ra 9 Mma ra.a de $ma-onas felines( as 2ithra so ca.adoras natas( com sentidos refinadoe e nature-a !raciosoa. "iferente dos ;Xami e >abaZu( 2ithra so mais humanos :ue animais. $ esar de suas fei.7es terem nature-as felines 9 orelhas vul inas( rabo fino e nari- de !ato 9 seus cor os tem ele lisa e so com letamente humanos em ro or.o. %ntre as 2ithra( a cada 10 nascimentos( a enas um filhote 1 macho. 0sso muda com letamente o com ortamento das tribos. 2ithra !ostam de rou as coloridas e leves ara combate. ,inturas faciais e tatua!ens( so smbolos de res eito e status( sendo comuns entre f*meas mais velhas. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, P 9 1? 1' 10 P n3ormaKes Essenciais Altura Tpica: 1(B 9 1(A m (macho) U 1(5 9 1(C m (femea) Peso Tpico 50 9 A5 X! (macho) U 55 9 C5 X! (f*mea) Cabelos Comuns: Iranco( cin-a( marrom( ur ura Olhos Comuns: Cin-as( verdes( marrons Habitats: Selvas e 3lorestas Longe idade: 50 9 C0 anos Sociedade So matriarcais e se or!ani-am em e:uenas tribos. ;s machos( muito im ortantes ara serem e/ ostos a eri!os( ficam com as tarefas domesticas. $s f*meas( treinadas desde bem e:uenas ara ca.a( esca e trabalhos manuais( raramente abandonam o ambiente tribal ara se tornarem aventureiras. $s tribos so unidades centradas em sua sobreviv*ncia e no so necessariamente amistosos nem mesmo com outros de sua ra.a. %sto re arados ara com etir or territGrio( ca.a e outros recursos. Cada tribo desenvolve sua rG ria arte marcial( com *nfase em retirar o m5/imo otencial destrutivo de uma determinada condi.o e no em am liar os limites do cor o. %ssas artes marciais incluem tanto combate armado como desarmado e esto em constante desenvolvimento e a 2ithra estar5 sem re a rendendo e ada tando sua t1cnica. 2ithra tamb1m so !randes nave!adores( escultores e astrJnomos. So um ouco avessos ao avan.o tecnolG!ico( ois referem manter a harmonia com a nature-a.

Ro&e*&aLing 9 2ithra so aventureiras naturais( ]cheias de ener!ia( e/tremamente curiosas e brincalhonas( so Gtimas com anias ara via!em( mas costumasm testar a aci*ncia de seus com anheiros. ,ela condi.o de sua ra.a( 2ithra costumam ser muito rotetoras em rela.o a seus com anheiros machos. %las amam Fo!os e histGrias( !ostam muito de dan.a e teatro( res eitando muito contadores de histGrias e mmicos habilidosos. $o conhtrario do :ue sua nature-a felina oderia insinuar( 2ithra so Gtimas nadadoras e adoram 5!ua. %las tem um ouco de dificuldade em a render $n!licano devido a sim licidade de sua rG ria ln!ua. Costumam u/ar os DrEs. Seus nomes costumam ter um to:ue indon1sio( e/em los= ^ocho ,hunaXcham( Soun $bralah( 8hosa "emuh-o( e 3Zi Chalm[oh. ; rimeiro nome tende a ter duas silabas( sendo f5cil de !ritar em momentos de necessidade. %las adoram ttulos cerimoniais. )oog&e B 2oo!les so e:uena criaturas eludas( arte !atos( arte filhotes de urso. Sua a ar*ncia( !eralmente definida como Sencantadoramente fofaT( 1 com letada or um ar de en:uenas asas de morce!o 9 fortes o suficiente ara su ortar o vJo dos menores e mais leves moo!les 9 e um olhar tendencioso. $inda mais distinta 1 a bola vermelha :ue adorna o to o da cabe.a dos moo!les( cuFo ro Gsito 1 desconhecido( talve- m5!ico. ; elo deles 1 redominantemente branco e fel udo( mas muitas varia.7es (as ve-es de acordo com o clima( como os :ue ossuem um DcachecolE) e/istem. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, A P 1? 1? 1? 10 n3ormaKes Essenciais Altura Tpica: 0(P 9 1(? m (macho U femea) Peso Tpico ?B 9 '0 X! (macho U f*mea) Pelugens Comuns: Iranco( cin-a( marrom( ur ura Olhos Comuns: ,retos( a-uis Habitats: 3lorestas( montanhas( subsolo e cidades Longe idade: '0 9 50 anos Sociedade 9 $s tribos moo!le costumam se isolar em florestas e cavernas( revelando sua e/ist*ncia a enas ara um ou dois estran!eiros :ue !anharam sua confian.a. @esses !ru os( de 10 a 15 moo!les( o mais velho costuma a!ir como tomador de decis7es( embora as decis7es seFam tomadas em consenso. $ vida dos moo!le 1 bucGlica( des reocu ada( tomando tudo o :ue a nature-a oferece( com ou:ussimas as ira.7es. $ maior arte das outras ra.as considera os moo!les como ouco mais do :ue animais selva!ens. 2uitos deles saem ara se aventurar no mundo( uns voltam ara suas vilas de ois de al!uns sustos( outros adoram a com anhia de outras ra.as e at1 a vida nas cidades. "emonstrando sua boa nature-a( os moo!les se ada tam a :ual:uer sociedade( a rendendo seus costumes e ci*ncias. %les usam essa com reenso e ada ta.o ara suas rG rias e/ eri*ncias. $ssim :ue os moo!les descobrem todas os sinais de civili-a.o= artes de !uerra( en!enharia( al:uimia( m5!ica( finas artes e literatura( tem erando todas com seu rG rio ecletismo. $s tribos moo!les (conhecidas coletivamente como 2o!ri) mantem um forte elo comunal e suas tradi.7es no so abaladas ela Dcivili-a.oE. Ro&e*&aLing 9 2oo!les so ada t5veis( af5veis e em 5ticos. 2oo!les so com anheiros bem vindos( ainda :ue travessos( atrevidos e ocasionalmente sarc5sticoH raros so os ca a-es de al!uma malicia ou crueldade !enuna. Toda a 2o!ri 1 muito otimista( mesmo na ior das circunstancias. Sentimentos ne!ativos( como Gdio( deseFo e viol*ncia( so alien!enas ara a 2o!ri( a enas moo!les e/ ostos a esses sentimentos or muito tem o 1 :ue costumam e/ibi#los. 2oo!les no vem muito uso ara fama( ttulos e dinheiroH uma boa ami-ade e a satisfa.o de aFudar bastam. $ chave ara a sobreviv*ncia dos 2oo!le na vida selva!em 1 a habilidade de e/ercer uma calma sobrenatural nas bestas selva!ens. %ssa es 1cie de Dcontrole s:uicoE 1 instintiva nos moo!les e e/istem criaturas (como o "evorador de 2oo!les) es eciali-adas em resistir a eles. @a civili-a.o( essa habilidade 1 DconvertidaE num !rande senso de di lomacia e em atia( somada a uma !rande habilidade com ln!uas( caracteri-ada elo ocasional uso do teimoso D^u oE 9 a <nica( ultravers5til( alavra na ln!ua 2o!. ;s nomes 2oo!le tradicionais costumam ser ermuta.7es de D2o!E ou D^u oE 9 2o!uta( ^umo ( 2o!rZo( ^u eX( 2o!riXa e Chimomo. 2o!!les e/ atriados costumam adotar nomes mais ade:uados a suas atuais sociedades. O# 0nchados( seres brancos com uma face de !randes olhos e massivas e re!ui.osas ln!uas. ;s asse/uados Ru( so talve- a mais estranha ra.a e/istente. ;nvoros or nature-a( se ada taram as vidas nos +ntanos atrav1s da ca acidade de comer :ual:uer coisa( no im orta :uo re ulsiva( a esar de sua comida referida ser sa o do +ntano( eles se contentam com :ual:uer coisa= arvores( animais mortos( edras( monstros... $ esar da cren.a o ular( eles no !ostam de comer coisas inteli!entes( e referem no fa-*#lo. Seu cor o se ada tou as suas necessidades( ln!uas lon!as e musculosas ca turam as resas e eles ossuem tr*s estJma!os se arados ca a-es de e/ andir at1 5 ve-es o tamanho ori!inal e rodu-ir um 5cido estomacal ca a- de abrir um buraco atrav1s de adamantina. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, 9 11 P P 1? 1? n3ormaKes Essenciais Altura Tpica: 1(5 9 1(P m Peso Tpico ?B 9 '0 X! (macho U f*mea) Cabelos Comuns: @enhum Olhos Comuns: Irancos Habitats: ,+ntanos Longe idade: C0 9 P0 anos Sociedade B The Ru tribes maXe their homes in isolated marsh enclaves across the [orld( bandin! to!ether in numbers from a fe[ do-en to several hundred( de endin! on ho[ manZ ravenous Ru the area in :uestion is ca able of su ortin!. Ru societZ is hedonistic to a faultH other than eatin! and rocreatin! 9 thanXfullZ( the intricacies of Ru re roduction are a closed booX to the outside [orld ## the avera!e Ru has little care or concern in the [orld. $s a result of this( their culture has atro hied to the oint [here the entire Ru hiloso hZ can be summed u in one sim le statement= _\orld onlZ have t[o thin!s= Thin!s Zou can eat and thin!s Zou no can eat._ Social interaction bet[een tribes is limited to monthlZ e/chan!es of reci es and in!redients and irre!ular contests of cooXerZH for the remainder of the Zear( each tribe lives in isolation( taXin! care of its o[n affairs. `oun!er Ru are a renticed to a more e/ erienced 2aster at an earlZ a!e( under [hose tutela!e theZ are e/ ected to learn the all#im ortant Sart of eatin!TH the findin!( re arin! and consumin! of all varieties of foodstuffs. "urin! this time( the a rentice is onlZ ermitted to eat [hat theZ themselves catch and cooXH in this [aZ( the Zoun!ster is encoura!ed to be self#sufficient( rather than er etuallZ s on!in! off his elders. ;nce their Xno[led!e is Fud!ed to be sufficient bZ their tutor( theZ too become a full#fled!ed 2aster( readZ to ass their o[n culinarZ sXills on to a ne[ !eneration of Ru. 4o[ever( this is a rocess that can taXe manZ Zears( if not decadesH fre:uentlZ( those students [ho fail to ass muster [ill be sent out into the [orld bZ their mentors in the ho e that a chan!e of environment 9 and a little sam lin! of international cuisine 9 [ill s ur the errant u il bacX on to the ri!ht ath. $ccordin!lZ( most Ru [ill rarelZ venture outside their native marshes( e/ce t [here lured bZ the romise of a articularlZ rare delicacZH such DodZsseZsE are considered art and arcel of a 2asterEs duties to his art( and serve as a tribeEs main conduit to the outside [orld. ;thers leave in voluntarilZ e/ile( dis!runtled [ith the com lacent( self#absorbed Ru lifestZle or findin! themselves ostracised bZ their fello[s for darin! to contem late that thereEs more to life than Fust catchin! thin!s and eatin! them. ;nce outside( ho[ever( anZ Ru [orth its salt can earn to coin as a chef to the [ealthZ and decadentH indeed( in certain circles( the Ru Xitchen#master is as much a sZmbol of oneEs status as the !ilded coach and estate.

Ro&e*&aLing # The avera!e Ru is a natural !ourmand( al[aZs searchin! for ne[ tastes and e/citin! culinarZ e/ eriences [ith almost sin!le#minded -ealH converselZ( material [ealth is of little im ortance to a Ru( e/ce t [here it hel s s eed the [aZ to culinarZ enli!htenment. 0t should come as no sur rise( then( that manZ Ru 9 articularlZ the Zoun!er( less [orld#[ise 9 tend thinX [ith their stomach first and their mind lastH a fact that tends to land them in hot sou more often than not. \hen cou led [ith the avera!e RuEs shaXZ !ras on s oXen $n!lic and overt naivete( this tends to !ive Ru a re utation as relativelZ dim[itted( sim le#minded creatures amon! other racesH the lacX of distinctive !enders maZ also be roblematic to a RuEs com anions( [ho [ill often unconsciouslZ assi!n a male or female identitZ to the creature. Ru ada t to other environments relativelZ easilZ( but refer to s end as little time as ossible outside their s[am H homesicXness and lon!in! for those ever#tastZ marsh fro!s [ill brin! even the most determined [aZfarer bacX before lon!. This maZ e/ lain [hZ most Ru outside the s[am [ill continue to retain the traditional chefEs#hat#and#a ron in their dress even if theZ choose to ursue other rofessionsH [here theZ are used( [ea ons are almost inevitablZ atterned after eatin! im lements liXe Xnives and forXs( acXno[led!in! the fact that their [ielders are eaters first and foremost. Ru names universallZ be!in [ith aRua. 'a&Pa 33b0 3;) 1' &0T 15 $80 10 &%> P 2$8 C %S, C

Tar#tar# B $ diminutive race of ma!icallZ#active bein!s( the Tarutaru 9 or DTaruE for short 9 are characterised bZ round( babZish faces( lar!e eZes( ronounced %lfin ears and bear#liXe features. 0n ro ortion theZ are e:uivalent to human children( lar!e heads to in! a ud!Z( short#limbed bodZ 9 a combination [hich a ears utterlZ harmless u until the oint the fireballs start flZin!. Some s eculate the TarutarusE innate masterZ of ma!ic is a Xind of ac:uired survival traitH lacXin! the endurance and stren!th to be serious [arriors( the little creatures have little else rotectin! them from the dan!ers of the [orld around them. The Tarutaru themselves call it a marX of divine favorH [hile not all of their number tread the s ellcasterEs ath( those [ho do do so [ield o[ers most races onlZ dare to dream of. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, A P P 10 1' 15 n3ormaKes Essenciais Altura Tpica: 0(P 9 1(0 m (macho U femea) Peso Tpico 'B 9 'P X! (macho) U '? 9 'A X! (f*mea) Cabelos Comuns: 2arrom( louro( vermelho( a-ul( verde ( cin-a Olhos Comuns: 2arrons( a-uis Habitats: 3lorestas Longe idade: C0 9 90 anos Sociedade # The Tarutaru o erate in a ri!id technocracZ ruled bZ scientists( sa!es( thinXers and other e/ erts on [orldZ mattersH in the eZes of the Tarutaru( [hat one Xno[s defines everZthin! 9 resti!e( social standin!( rivile!es. $ccordin!lZ( com etition for [isdom is fierce and those in ositions of authoritZ live in constant fear of bein! usur ed bZ Zoun!er( more Xno[led!eable individualsH this in turn creates an enormous ressure to activelZ ursue ne[ ideas and innovations( rimin! the en!ine that drives Tarutaru societZ as a [hole to ro!ress. 0t is the studZ of ma!ic( ho[ever( [hich occu ies the most rominent ositionH s ellcasters are the dimunitive raceEs first line of defence a!ainst the dan!ers of the [orld( and thus source of much admiration and res ect( the ultimate meetin!# lace of martial ro[ess and intellectual accom lishment. Social advancement rovides the im etus for most travel and e/ lorationH ultimatelZ( the easiest [aZ to lure anZ Tarutaru into the outside [orld is throu!h loftZ romises of lost s ells( rare alchemical in!redients or ancient !rimoires Fust [aitin! to be discovered. $s com etitive as theZ maZ be( ho[ever( Tarutaru are also hi!hlZ !rou #orientedH Dstren!th in numbersE is the abidin! mantra. Tribes fre:uentlZ band to!ether into lar!er federations for rotection( deferrin! authoritZ to a rulin! council com osed of the [isest members of each tribe. >eadershi of the council in turn is !ranted to the most Xno[led!eable of their number( as decided bZ mutual consensusH a role !enerallZ more ri-ed for its resti!e than for its attached o[ers( [hich tend to be minimal at best. 2ost tribes activelZ FocXeZ for the leadershi role( recallin! and re lacin! re resentatives at the dro of a hat [henever a more suitable candidate emer!esH the end result is a fairlZ fluid( mutable !overnmental structure. $s mi!ht be e/ ected( ma!ic is an everZdaZ fact of Tarutaru lifeH it o[ers mechanical constructs( !ives ne[ life to [orn#out fields( enhances cro s and even rotects tools and clothin! from [ear and tear. "es ite bein! seen as somethin! of a menial occu ation [hen com ared to the !lamor of hurlin! offensive ma!ics in the name of the Tarutaru nation( manZ able ma!es maXe rofitable careers out of such mundane a lications. ;nlZ metal[orXin! is !enerallZ shunnedH as a rule( Tarutaru favor or!anic materials such as [ood and cloth( findin! such resources far easier to alter via ma!ic than their intractable metallic counter arts. $s a result( almost everZ metal#based item found in Tarutaru lands is the [orX of outside hands. Ro&e*&aLing # "es ite their child#liXe a earance( Tarutaru are rational bein!s( albeit ones ossessed bZ an ine/haustible curiositZ about anZthin! and everZthin! in life. @o self#res ectin! Tarutaru [ill ass u the o ortunitZ to obtain ne[ Xno[led!e 9 or sho[ off an alreadZ#established bodZ of facts [henever o ortunitZ allo[s it. ;ther races maZ dismaZ at the fact that the Tarutaru maXe little distinction bet[een the trivial and the life#savin! [hen it comes to information( but learn to :uicXlZ a reciate that their intellectual osturin! can come throu!h at the most une/ ected times. 3urther strainin! atience are the TarutarusE i in!( mousZ voicesH [hile more than ca able in $n!lic( the avera!e Tarutaru has a tendencZ to sli in the [ord DtaruE [herever a solitarZ DtE maZ be found. $n additional irritant is their habit of sli in! into child#liXe rhZmeH the results arenEtaru rettZ# [ittZ bZ anZ stretch of the ima!ination. \ith Taru societZ servin! as a shinin! e/am le of the benefits of bandin! to!ether for mutual rotection( thereEs no sur rise in the fact that the little creatures !o throu!h !reat len!ths to find com anions and allies( and even !reater ones to Xee them. \hile not as outri!ht distrustful as the 2ithra of advanced technolo!Z( Tarutaru do tend to be [arZ in the resence of non#ma!ical machinerZH to them( !rindin! !ears( steam and clocX[orX are ruthless( soul#less thin!s( lacXin! the innate [armth and vitalitZ of a ma!ic#driven device. 0tEs a testament to the raceEs lon!#lived traditions of mZsticism that even !iven names are stee ed in occult si!nificance. 2ale names are dra[n from the ancient incantations used in ritual Tarutaru sorcerZH these tend to be hZ henated [ith both arts rhZmin!( !ivin! rise to monicXers liXe `un!# `aam( 6atan#,aratan( Iaren#2oren and ^Zume#)omeh. Such names are not onlZ chosen for aesthetic valueH Taru folXlore holds that !rantin! a boZ a articularlZ o[erful s ell#name increases his chances of becomin! an accom lished s ellcaster in his later Zears. \ith Tarutaru females( names are com osed of onlZ one art( endin! [ith t[o rhZmin! sZllables 9 e/am les of these sorts of names include 3inene( Chomomo and ^erutoto. The endin!#sZllables are usuallZ chosen bZ the arents accordin! to the childEs time of birth( and are said to be an indicator of the !irlEs future ersonalitZ and success in life. $Pami ((o"o) B 33&( >one \olf (33&0) 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, 1? 11 10 11 P P

(a"aL# (Former&L Raion) B The >abaZu are a tall( roud#looXin! race resemblin! humanoid lionsH as ma!icallZ active as theZ are hZsicallZ im ressive( their shar cla[s and thicX( muscular bodies !ive little doubt as to their ro[ess in battle. 2ales of the s ecies are characterised bZ their flo[in! manes of hair and often#massive beardsH females( thou!h smaller and more com act( are no less a!!ressive than their male counter arts in battle( and shoulder a substantial share of the fi!htin! and huntin!. 2ales also ossess a lon! horn [hich !ro[s from their foreheadH it is the >abaZusE belief that this cherished sZmbol of manhood is the source of a [arriorEs o[ers( and its loss is treated as seriouslZ as that of an arm or le!. "ishonored [arriors have their horns cut as a matter of custom( thou!h onlZ the most serious crimes rovoXe such an act. Mnsur risin!lZ( such ritual DcastrationE is fre:uentlZ accom anied bZ e/ile. 2ales and females dress s arin!lZ( mostlZ for the saXe of modestZ than anZthin! elseH the hot climate the >abaZu refer to d[ell in maXes anZthin! heavier im ractical. 6e[elrZ( charms and ban!les are a common art of a >abaZuEs ensemble( some of [hich maZ even have occult si!nificanceH more su erstitious [arriors maZ au!ment these throu!h the a lication of ma!ical oils. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, 1? 9 10 10 11 P n3ormaKes Essenciais Altura Tpica: ?(B 9 ?(A m (macho) U ?(1 9 ?(' m (femea) Peso Tpico 1?5 9 150 X! (macho) U 95 9 115 X! (f*mea) Cabelos Comuns: @e!ro( cin-a( marrom( vermelho( louro( branco Olhos Comuns: $marelos( a-uis( verdes( marrons Pelugens comuns: $-ul( dourado#areia( marrom( bron-eado Longe idade: 50 9 C0 anos Habitats: 2ontanhas( tundra Sociedade B The >abaZu live in isolated familZ#tribes called rides( sustainin! themselves as hunter#!atherersH theZ rarelZ ac:uire manZ ossessions( Xee in! onlZ [hat theZ need and movin! [herever food and o ortunitZ taXe them. Social standin! [ithin the tribe is de endent on a com licated mi/ture of fi!htin!# ro[ess and hZsical a earanceH this standin! in turn translates to food#share and breedin! ri!hts. ;ther races maZ vie[ the >abaZusE bodZ#cult as nothin! short of fascistic( but for a >abaZu it is onlZ natural that the stron! and beautiful be !iven first share of the tribeEs meat and the best( most fertile mates 9 in this fashion( both tribe and race are Xe t in best ossible sha e. 6uvenile >abaZu are e/ ected to Dshado[E the elder hunters( learnin! their survival sXills throu!h observation and imitationH their rite of assa!e is to best their erst[hile teachers in ersonal combat( or at least ut u a fi!ht res ectable enou!h to assure their elder counter art that theZ are readZ to taXe on the ri!ours of the hunt alone. Such challen!es unctuate a >abaZuEs ro!ress [ithin their tribe time and a!ainH those [ho [ant leadershi must fi!ht hard for it( and fi!ht even harder to retain it. Those [ho are too [eaX to meet the challen!es are almost universallZ shunned( and maZ be driven out of the tribe entirelZ if other members of the ride feel the offendin! >abaZuEs [eaXness is a liabilitZ to the rideEs survival as a [hole. %/ce tions are made for the a!ed( [ho fre:uentlZ become advisors and teachersH older >abaZu [ho are no lon!er in a osition to defend their o[er [ill fre:uentlZ bo[ out voluntarilZ rather than risXin! the humiliation of bein! defeated bZ a Zoun!er challen!er. 0f com etition [ithin the ride is fierce( com etition bet[een rides is outri!ht brutalH each >abaZu tribe laZs claim to a ti!htlZ#defined territorZ and defends it to the death. Thou!h alliances bet[een tribes are common( such alle!iances are ever#shiftin!( sometimes lastin! onlZ for the duration of a sin!le hunt. Strate!ic intermarria!e for!es more lastin! bonds( but is a rare occurrence( involvin! much com etition bet[een the t[o !rou s as both trZ to !au!e their counter artEs stren!thH no ride [ould consider ollutin! its bloodline bZ allo[in! it to min!le [ith those [eaXer than themselves. $ltruism is almost unheard ofH a tribe [hich finds itself in trouble neither asXs for nor e/ ects assistance from others. The reli!ious as ects of >abaZu life are va!ue and relativelZ rimitiveH the lion#mensE [orld is a s irit#haunted one dominated bZ !reat and invisible forces. To them( s irits are thin!s to be res ected and fearedH thou!h a o[erful [arrior maZ attract o[ers from beZond the earthlZ veil( such forces are never deliberatelZ courted and famed for their ficXle natures. Tribal folXlore s eaXs of daZs [hen [arriors ossessed the abilitZ of communicatin! [ith native s irits bZ means of their hornH if such tales are true( this Xno[led!e has nonetheless lon! since faded into obscuritZ. Ro&e*&aLing B >abaZu [ho have e/ erienced the harsh( unfor!ivin! u brin!in! of the nomadic rides tend to lace !reat im ortance in dis laZs of stren!th and martial ro[ess( and [ill !o throu!h over[helmin! len!ths to ensure their bodies are honed to face do[n anZ challen!e theZ maZ encounter. $dventurin! arties [ho ha en to icX u a >abaZu member [ill find them to be dedicated [arriors and honorable 9 if uncom licated 9 combatants( fiercelZ loZal to their char!es and friendsH at the same time( theZ sho[ little atience for [eaXness or indecisive leadershi ( and can cause articular friction [ithin the !rou as a result. SimilarlZ( the ever# resent fear of losin! face maZ s ur them into taXin! on more than theZ can handleH fe[ >abaZu [ill [illin!lZ acXno[led!e their limits( let alone act u on them. >abaZu have a hi!h natural bodZ tem erature( allo[in! them to thrive in colder climatesH other races find them unusuallZ [arm to the touch( sometimes uncomfortablZ so. 0n [armer climates( rodi!ious s[eat roduction Xee s the lion#men from overheatin!( resultin! in a o[erful( musXZ bodZ#odor articularlZ re ellant to[ards creatures [ith a finelZ#tuned sense of smell. Their horns are innatelZ sensitive to[ards ma!ical ener!ies( and maZ tremble or vibrate sli!htlZ in the resence of such forces. Thou!h theZ can learn to s eaX $n!lic( most >abaZu [ill do so in a !ruff( cli ed manner( [astin! as fe[ [ords as ossibleH Dstron! but silentE describes their attitude to[ards lan!ua!e to a tee. $ccordin!lZ( >abaZu names are short( rarelZ e/ceedin! t[o sZllables in len!thH tZ ical monicXers include Iiran( Yam-i( 8a-na( $r!ai and Yev. $ >abaZuEs Dlast nameE is their tribal name( and shared [ith all other members of their res ective ride. !reimire (Former&L 1e8#mi) B Smaller and sli!hter than humans( Creimire trace their ancestrZ to rats and mice( a fact made readilZ a arent bZ their hZsical a earanceH at first !lance( an unXind observer [ould be tem ted to dismiss them as vermin [hoEve mastered the art of [alXin! u ri!ht. Closer ins ection reveals a fe[ XeZ differences( ho[ever. Creimire teeth are shar ( but lacX the elon!ated incisors so tZ ical of most rodentsH their sXin is smooth and almost entirelZ hairless( and tends to[ards !raZ or bro[n in coloration. Thou!h retainin! the sensitive snounts of their ancestors( Creimire do not s ort [hisXersH their ears are lar!e and u raised( !ivin! them a certain rabbit#liXe air. 0n combat( theZ are more liXelZ to relZ on hearin! than their com arativelZ oor eZesi!ht( a fact that !ives them an ed!e in darX and confined :uarters. Mnusual( too( are the double#Fointed le!s and [ide feet ca able of absorbin! tremendous Xinetic ener!ZH [ith trainin!( a Creimire can lea distances nearlZ three to four times hi!her and [ider than their human counter arts and survive substantial dro s [ith almost no ill effects. &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, 10 1' 1? P P n3ormaKes Essenciais 1(5 9 1(C m (macho U femea) Peso Tpico C' 9 9B X! (macho) U A9 9 PP X! (f*mea) >ouro( marrom( cin-a( branco( ne!ro Olhos Comuns: Cin-as( verdes( marromns 3lorestas( montanhas( subsolo Longe idade: 50 9 C0 anos 3;) 9

Altura Tpica: Cabelos Comuns: Habitats:

Sociedade B Creimire are a hi!hlZ communitZ#oriented raceH to them( ties of familZ( nei!hborhood and settlement are stron!er than iron. %ven in lar!er to[ns and cities( Creimire [ill looX after a nei!hborEs children as if theZ [ere their o[n( [ith the firm understandin! that said nei!hbor [ould do the same for them. `oun! Creimire thus !ro[ u in a [ide net[orX of DauntsE and DunclesE( manZ of [hich [ill continue to offer su ort to the child in his later Zears. )eli!iouslZ( the Creimire still hold bZ the same animistic nature#[orshi ractised bZ their ancestors( the adherents of [hich fall into three !rou s. Seniormost are the seers and oracles( those trained to reco!nise the flo[ of the future in the movement of clouds and sand( in the cZcle of the moon and sun( in the health and sicXness of the land. >on! eriods of trainin! are re:uired to even divine from one such natural henomenonH as a result( seershi tends to be fiercelZ s ecialised( [ith each oracle staXin! out a claim to a !iven area of divination earlZ in their careers. IZ tradition( the onlZ ones allo[ed to infrin!e on this DterritorZE are the oracleEs o[n chosen successor( and then onlZ for the duration of their trainin!H should the oracle die [ithout a ointin! someone to re lace them( the eldest seer assumes control of their duties. The second 9 and lar!est 9 bodZ of ractitioners are the Creimire riesthood. The lot of the riest is a more do[n#to#earth oneH theirs is the res onsibilitZ of mediatin! communitZ dis utes( of advisin! Xin!s and leaders in times of strife. TheZ also serve as the communitZEs historians and cultural !uardiansH Creimire Xee little si!nificant [ritten historZ( referrin! instead to ass such matters do[n in an oral fashion. ;nlZ throu!h a riestEs memorZ can a communitZ retain its linX [ith their ancestorsH for this reason( theZ are subFect of much veneration. The third !rou is also the one encountered most fre:uentlZ in daZ#to#daZ Creimire life= bards and dancers. 2uch of the im ortance Creimire culture laces on dance and son! can be traced bacX to ancient reli!ious rituals in raise of sun and nature( manZ of [hich have been carefullZ reserved bZ the Creimire riesthood. ;ver the !enerations( ho[ever( ne[ dances have been derived from the old ones( re[orXin! the ma!ic [hich em o[ered circle ceremonies and solstice celebrations into the demands and occasions of everZdaZ life. $t births( such rituals ensure the ne[born a healthZ and ros erous lifeH at [aXes and funerals( a safe assa!e into the ne/t [orld. %ven mere social dancin! 9 derived from these rituals( thou!h lacXin! in occult otencZ 9 is an im ortant cement for the com le/ and cordial relationshi s Creimire develo H such events( usuallZ undertaXen to the accom animent of i es or har ( form the hi!hli!ht of almost anZ social calendar. $s mi!ht be e/ ected( the three#tiered reli!ious sZstem creates a delicate sZstem of interde endencies that re:uires all arties to [orX to!ether for the communitZEs benefit. The start of the so[in! season sees SXZ ;racles search the clouds for future si!ns of rain and drou!ht [hilst %arth ;racles monitor the fertilitZ of the soilH once the daZs of lantin! have been established( elaborate dis laZs of son! and dance aim to ensure a healthZ( rich cro in the comin! months. Similar !rou efforts marX the harvest season and oncomin! [inter. Ro&e*&aLing B \hile !enerallZ friendlZ( common Creimire tend to be forthri!ht and action#oriented( a fact that has !iven them a re utation as im ulsive( u!ilistic creatures amon!st other races. TheZ have little atience for subterfu!e and double#talX( s eaXin! their mind [ith onlZ scant re!ard to the conse:uences. )are( too( is the occasion [hich sees them bacX do[n from a challen!e( even [hen the odds are stacXed a!ainst themH com etitions and !ames of sXill are a articular dra[. 3or their art( riests and oracles are a little more aloofH in the case of riests( the air of indifference theZ carrZ about them is a vital art of their role in their communitZ( indicatin! the absolute neutralitZ e/ ected of a reliable arbiter and la[maXer. Those [ho can !et ast these initial hurdles [ill find the Creimire to be an accommodatin! and !re!arious raceH hos italitZ( articularlZ to[ards stran!ers( is considered a social norm. \hile committed as fi!hters( more rela/ed times sho[ them as fun#lovin!( social and [rZlZ humorous creatures( fittin! readilZ into almost anZ artZ of adventurers. Smell laZs an im ortant role in social interactionH to a Creimire( a ersonEs odor can otentiallZ send as manZ messa!es as their a earance does( if not moreso. $lthou!h no lon!er ca able of roducin! the otent( com le/ chemical si!nals of their animal ancestors( manZ Creimire use erfumes and colo!nes to accom lish the same ur ose. Creimire s eaX $n!lic [ith a mild accentH names tend to lean to[ards traditional %n!lish and 8aelic. 4ere are all the current 6ob [riteu s. $s [ith all material listed on the \iXi board( the contents are in beta and maZ be chan!ed at $@` time. !(ASSES '#erreiro ARCHER Since the first hunters invented the bo[ to hunt animals( it :uicXlZ became one of the most rominent [ea ons in the armies. ;ver the course of historZ( the bo[ evolved into more technolo!icallZ advanced forms( such as crossbo[s and firearms. $s time ro!ressed and the hunters became soldiers( those [ho mastered the bo[ became $rchers. $rchers can ran!e from bo[#[ieldin! infantrZ to rifle#[ieldin! sni ers trained to erform lon!#ran!e assassinations( de endin! on the era. )arelZ [ould $rchers need to ut their o[n bodies on the line as fre:uentlZ as melee [arriors( as theZ can fire and be [ell out of ran!e of most conventional counterattacX methods. 4avin! such an advanta!e comes at a rice( thou!h= the number of attacXs theZ can erform is limited to the amount of ammunition theZ are carrZin!. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, L15 L10 L15 L10 L5 L5 !ado de HP: Armas: #$nus de Ataque: Pericias de A%inidade: d10 Ioomeran!s( $rcos( Iestas( )ifles L'0 Silvestres !ado de "P: Armaduras: Pontos de Percia: Pericias &ecess'rias: @enhum Iraceletes( Cha 1us( Coletes( %scudos ?B0 )astrear( Mma $rma

S1 PE The $rcher Fob s eciali-es in fi!htin! [ith virtuallZ anZ tZ e of ran!ed [ea on throu!h sXill and a fe[ subtle tricXs. \ith such a [ea on at hand( theZ can focus their [ill into their shots to increase their accuracZ( cri le enemies bZ aimin! for s ecific arts of their bodies( and utili-e other abilities that maXe them invaluable in anZ artZ. !?arge c>evel 1d TZ e= Slo[ Tar!et= Sin!le $nother method $rchers use to increase the effectiveness of their assaults is sim lZ bZ [aitin! for a erfect shot. The lon!er theZ [ait( the more dama!e theZ inflict. $s the $rcher increases in level( he becomes more atient and recise [ith his assault( char!in! lon!er and inflictin! a ercenta!e of additional dama!e. Table b#b= Char!e >evel "ama!e Ionus Char!e Time 1 L?5% ? ?9 L50% 10 B' LC5% 1B AB L100% ?0

3or e/am le( a shot that normallZ inflicts ?00 4, of dama!e [ill inflict '00 4, of dama!e [ith Char!e L50% at a char!e time of 10. $ll Char!ed shots are reduced bZ the tar!etas $rmor. (eg Aim c>evel Pd TZ e= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Sin!le CarefullZ taXin! aim( the $rcher fires off a shot at the enemZas le!( trZin! to cri le the vulnerable Foints there. There is a (50 L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance that the enemZ [ill be inflicted [ith the status 0mmobili-e (B)( due to the [ell#aimed striXe to the le!. Arm Aim c>evel 15d TZ e= Slo[ (A) Tar!et= Sin!le $!ain aimin! [ith recision( the $rcher this time fires at the enemZas arm. 8oin! for a shoulder( elbo[( [rist or other critical Foint( the $rcheras intent is to dama!e the foeas abilitZ to fi!ht and remove them from the battle. There is a (50 L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance that the tar!et is inflicted [ith "isable (B) because of the hit. )ind"&oQ c>evel ??d TZ e= Slo[ (P) Tar!et= Sin!le The $rcher aims at the enemZas sXull( and fires a concussion#inducin! shot. Since the $rcheras intention [asnat to inflict cranial ain( but to scramble their brains a little bit( this $bilitZ inflicts 100%( 2.$rmor 2, dama!e. (ocP $n c>evel ?9d TZ e= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!le ;ne of the $rcheras most o[erful abilities( >ocX ;n uses trainin! and atience to find the erfect moment to attacX. The $rcher is able to tracX his tar!et erfectlZ( ca able of landin! shots even in situations [here it [ould seem im ossible. \hen usin! >ocX ;n( the $rcher maXes a normal $ttacX action. This attacX automaticallZ hits( inflictin! normal dama!e( taXin! $rmor into account. $lso( anZ statuses [hich maZ be inflicted bZ the [ea on or anZ s ecial ammunition bein! used !ain a L'0% chance to taXe effect (unless the tar!et is 0mmune). Re2erse S?ot c>evel 'Ad TZ e= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= Sin!le Msin! dead#eZe aim and accumulated Xno[led!e( the $rcher fires a shot [hich striXes the enemZas armor. The im act causes the enemZas o[n defense to [orX for the $rcher( inflictin! normal [ea on dama!e. 4o[ever( instead of subtractin! the tar!etas $)2 from the dama!e done( that amount is added. ArroQ '#ard c>evel B'd TZ e= Su ort $fter re eatedlZ bein! on the business end of ran!ed assaults( the $rcher eventuallZ learns to be able to see incomin! )an!ed assaults( !ivin! him more of a fi!htin! chance to dod!e that other[ise fatal shot. The $rcher is !ranted a "efense bonus e:ual to his >evel in re!ards to anZ )an!ed attacX focused solelZ on him. 0n this res ect( $rro[ 8uard does not !rant bonuses a!ainst anZthin! modified bZ 2. "efense or $bilities that tar!et 8rou s( ,arties( or the entire battlefield( re!ardless of the assaultas method of defense. ArroQ Rain c>evel 50d TZ e= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= 8rou 4arnessin! the o[er of the >ocX ;n sXill and lettin! loose [ith everZthin! heas !ot( the $rcher can unleash a ra id fire barra!e of attacXs to his o onents. \hen usin! $rro[ )ain( the $rcher hits each tar!et in the enemZ !rou once( automaticallZ striXin! the tar!et for normal dama!e. 3or each individual tar!et( ho[ever( the $rcher maZ o t to use s ecial ammunition. $ different tZ e of ammunition maZ be selected for each tar!et( and if anZ s ecial effects of that ammunition are a lied( as if $rro[ )ain [ere a normal $ttacX action. $nZ s ecial ammunition chosen for $rro[ )ain is consumed as normal. 0rres ective of the ammo used or the number of tar!ets( each of the shots hits its desi!nated tar!et onlZ. 3or e/am le # [hen facin! do[n t[o Iombs( an $damantoise and a 3lan( the $rcher can select to use an 0ce $rro[ on each of the Iombs to do e/tra dama!e to them( [hile usin! a Samurai $rro[ to unch throu!h the $damantoiseas e/tra#thicX shell better and a 2ute $rro[ to revent the 3lan from castin! further s ells. Total ammunition use for that articular use of $rro[ )ain [as t[o 0ce $rro[s( a Samurai $rro[ and a 2ute $rro[( all of [hich are removed from the $rcheras inventorZ. Tri*&e Fo#& c>evel 5Cd TZ e= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= Sin!le ;ne of the $rcheras ri-ed cri lin! techni:ues( the $rcher focuses on his shot for a fe[ moments( then shoots. The shot divides off into three fra!ments( each tar!etin! a different ortion of the bodZ. This attacX [ill inflict no dama!e( ho[ever( the $rcher simultaneouslZ inflicts the statuses Confusion (A)( "isable (A)( and Silence (A). %ach of these effects has a (50 L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance of bein! inflicted. %ach status is checXed for se aratelZ. !ontin#o#s S?ot c>evel ABd TZ e= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= 8rou %ven the $rcher anics sometimesN 0n a Fam( the $rcher maZ sim lZ unload as manZ shots as theZ can( not [orrZin! about [hom or [hat theZ hit. Iecause the $rcher is not concentratin! as he should( each shot hits a random enemZ tar!et( and !raduallZ loses accuracZ. The first shot automaticallZ hits the tar!et. The second shot has a flat 90% chance to hit( i!norin! "efense. %verZ subse:uent shot subtracts 10% from this number. Therefore( the third shot has a flat P0% chance to hit( the fourth has a flat C0% chance( etc. $fter enou!h shots( the CoS hits a minimum of 10%. The $rcher maZ continue to shoot until he misses the tar!et. %ach shot inflicts normal [ea on dama!e and is reduced bZ $rmor. DRAGOON "ra!oons are [arriors [ho have been trained to mimic the actions of a dra!on bZ use of their internal ener!ies. \hereas most 6obs are !round#bound( "ra!oons have the ca abilitZ to lea unbelievable hei!hts( earnin! a lace in le!ends as _those that flZ liXe a dra!on._ TheZ are also Xno[n for invoXin! the s irits of dra!ons( assistin! them in erformin! feats that maZ not necessarilZ com are to those of 2a!es and Summoners( but are res ectable in their o[n ri!ht. The "ra!oons are elite [arriors [ho have a re utation of com letin! even the most suicidal missions. ;ften theZ serve as soldiers ositioned [ithin an armZas cavalrZ or infantrZ( but some "ra!oons maZ find it more feasible to hone the su ernatural as ect of their "ra!on arts outside the realm of the militarZ. 0n some re!ions( the "ra!oon maZ be referred to as a a"ra!on ^ni!hta( often bein! one that lends his services to roZaltZ. 3;) &0T $80 &%> 2$8 %S, L15 L1? L10 L10 LP L5 !ado de HP: Armas: d10 2a/ados( 3acas( $rmas de 4aste( %s adas !ado de "P: Armaduras: @enhum 2ano las( %lmos( Cotas( %scudos

#$nus de Ataque: Pericias de A%inidade:

L'0 $rmas

Pontos de Percia: Pericias &ecess'rias:

?B0 $crobacias( Mma $rma

DRA'$1 The fundamentals of the "ra!oonas trainin! come from the studZ of the o[ers of dra!ons. \ith their e/tensive trainin! in both !round and aerial combat( "ra!oons are ca able of usin! their "ra!on arts to launch attacXs from the sXies as [ell as lendin! their su ort on the !round. /#m* c>evel 1d TZ e= S ecial Tar!et= Sin!le Throu!h lon! ractice( the "ra!oon is ca able of Fum in! hi!h into the air and comin! do[n [ith fri!htenin! force. This $bilitZ actuallZ re:uires t[o 3ast $ctions to erform= the first $ction is used to lea hi!h into the stratos here( often out of lain vie[ from the !round( remainin! there until the "ra!oonas second $ction( [hich is used to land on the enemZ( striXin! [ith his [ea on at the same time. "es ite the time needed( the attacX inflicts ?00%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. The second action ha ens on the "ra!oonas rolled turn # no [aitin! or delaZin! to land on a later initiative. (ancer c>evel Pd TZ e= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Sin!le 0nvoXin! the o[ers of the )ed "ra!on( the "ra!oon enchants his [ea on [ith a blood red !lo[. 4e then attacXs the enemZ( inflictin! 1?5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e in 4,( and ?5% [ea on dama!e in 2,. The dama!e to the tar!etas 2, i!nores $rmor [hen bein! calculated. RLrmPi&&er c>evel 15d TZ e= Su ort 3rom the intense trainin! of the "ra!oon( his mind thinXs in the same mode of a dra!on. 0n combat a!ainst dra!onXind( the "ra!oon is e/tremelZ deadlZ( bein! able to antici ate a dra!onas movements and find their [eaXest oints [ith ease. \ith this abilitZ( the "ra!oon !ains the inherent abilitZ "ra!on ^iller( and does double dama!e to anZ "ra!on#tZ e monster [hen maXin! an $ttacX action. !?errL B&ossom c>evel ??d TZ e= Slo[ (P) Tar!et= 8rou The "ra!oon thro[s his [ea on to[ards the center of the enemZ area( [hich e/ lodes into a barra!e of cherrZ blossoms that s read out and slash all enemies re eatedlZ for C5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. ReisS Rind c>evel ?9d TZ e= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= ,artZ The "ra!oon invoXes the o[ers of )eis( the 4olZ "ra!on. 4er s irit embraces the artZ( slo[lZ healin! all [ounds( !rantin! the )e!en Status (B). Dragon S*irit c>evel 'Ad TZ e= )eaction M on !ainin! this abilitZ( the "ra!oon can call forth the s irit of the "ra!on of >ife to come to his aid u on bein! inFured. 0f the "ra!oon is inFured bZ an action( there is a flat '0% chance of the "ra!oon instantlZ bein! !ranted the )eraise Status. @ote that "ra!on S irit can onlZ be invoXed once er battle re!ardless of ho[ manZ times the "ra!oon is reduced to 0 4, and revived. R?ite DraQ c>evel B'd TZ e= Slo[ (1B) Tar!et= S ecial The "ra!oon calls forth the o[ers of the \hite "ra!on. 0ts s irit surrounds a sin!le enemZ( si honin! 2, e:ual to the "ra!oonas [ea on dama!e( less the tar!etas 2.$rmor. The s irit then flies around the artZ( dividin! the ool of 2, evenlZ bet[een all the "ra!oonas 2,#usin! allies. PoQer /#m* c>evel 50d TZ e= S ecial Tar!et= 8rou $n advanced version of the standard "ra!oonas 6um ( this re:uires three Slo[ $ctions( each $ction re:uirin! a #1A 0nitiative ,enaltZ. ;n the first $ction( the "ra!oon lea s hi!h into the air( noticeablZ hi!her than a standard "ra!oon 6um . ;n the second $ction( [hile still in the air( the "ra!oon !enerates !olden ener!Z versions of his [ea on( hurlin! them as roFectiles to[ard the enemZ !rou for 150% dama!e modified bZ 2$8 and the enemZas 2. $rmor instead of ST) and $rmor. 3or e/am le( usin! a ,artisan [hich normallZ inflicts (15 / ST)) L Bd1?( $rmor dama!e( [ith ,o[er 6um ( the dama!e to the enemZ !rou is no[ ((15 / 2$8) L Bd1?) / 1.5( 2. $rmor. The "ra!oon [ill remain in the air until the third $ction( in [hich he [ill a!ain launch ener!Z versions of his [ea on to[ards the enemies( a!ain inflictin! 150% [ea on dama!e modified bZ 2$8 and 2. $rmor. ;n the same $ction( immediatelZ follo[in! this final aerial assault( he [ill land on the center tar!et for ?00% [ea on dama!e( modified bZ ST) and $rmor. Dragon Breat? c>evel 5Cd TZ e= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= Sin!le The "ra!oon calls forth the o[ers of a t[o#headed dra!on( in [hich the heads rest on the "ra!oonas shoulders. The dra!ons breathe out a divine mist that en!ulfs the enemZ( doublin! the amount of ain theZ have received on a CoS of (50 L >evel L ($80 / ?))( 2."efense. 3or e/am le( if the enemZ has alreadZ taXen '00 4, of dama!e( the mist inflicts another '00 4, of dama!e. Mnder no circumstances can "ra!on Ireath inflict more than 999 4, of dama!e. This abilitZ i!nores $rmor [hen calculatin! dama!e. Dragon 0orn c>evel ABd TZ e= S ecial Tar!et= 8rou This is the ultimate version of the "ra!oon 6um ( named after the re eated striXin! attacXs of a dra!on usin! its horn to destroZ its reZ. This version of 6um re:uires t[o Slo[ $ctions( each $ction re:uirin! a #?0 0nitiative ,enaltZ. ;n the first $ction( the "ra!oon Fum s hi!h in the air( readZin! his [ea on for the ne/t $ction to bounce off the landin!. \hen the "ra!oon lands on the second $ction( he [ill land on his tar!et( bounce off his [ea on bacX into the air a short distance( and land on a random enemZ tar!et [ith his [ea on. The initial im act is !uaranteed( but roll 1dP to determine the number of times the "ra!oon [ill bounce u and land additional hits= 1= once( ?#B= t[ice( 5#C= three times( and P= four times. The initial landin! inflicts ?00%( $rmor [ea on dama!eH ho[ever( since the "ra!oon does not have as much of a vertical fall to aid the dama!e of the bounces( these additional attacXs onlZ inflict C5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e each. FIGHTER The 3i!hter is a combatant [ithout roots or restrictions( [ith incarnations ran!in! from !ri--led soldiers and mercenaries to [anderin! adventurers and their ilX. \here other [arriors s end their lives erfectin! a sin!le techni:ue or honin! their talents in a articular tZ e of [ea on( the 3i!hteras

trainin! !round is the battlefieldH their sXills those mastered bZ virtue of necessitZ and ra[ survival. Thou!h their attacXs lacX the finesse and flash of their com atriotsa re etoire( an e/ erienced 3i!hter is nonetheless a formidable resence in anZ combat situation. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L15 L15 L10 L10 L5 L5 )e resentatives= 3i!hter 6ob (330( 33000)( \arrior 6ob (33b0)( S:uire 6ob (33T)( Soldier 6ob (33T$)( 8ladiator 6ob (33T$) 4, "ie= d1? 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= $/es( 3lails( ^nives( ,olearms( 8loves( )ods( Staves( S[ords( 8reats[ords( >i!ht S[ords( Io[s( @inFa ^nives( S[allo[s( Ioomeran!s( Crossbo[s( Thro[in! \ea ons $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( 2ail( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= 0ntimidation( ;ne \ea on SXill BATTLE SKILL The 3i!hteras forte lies not in their trainin! but in their e/ erienceH rather than committin! themselves to a articular [ea on or combat stZle( theZ adFust their techni:ues to the demands of the battle( res ondin! and reactin! accordin! to the circumstances at hand. S ecial note= [hile [ea on abilities are cancelled out bZ most \arrior abilities ($rcheras locX#on is an e/am le of an e/ce tion)( everZ sin!le one of the 3i!hteras offensive abilities usin! [ea on dama!e continue to maXe use of their [ea on abilities. )ig?tL StriPe c>evel 1d TZ e= Slo[ (?) Tar!et= Sin!le Concentratin! on a sin!le o onent( the 3i!hter !athers their stren!th( re arin! to char!e for a sin!le all#or#nothin! blo[ in the ho es of striXin! some [eaX oint on his tar!et ## a rent in the armor( a loose scale( a vulnerable underbellZ. )oll for 2i!htZ StriXe as Zou [ould for a normal $ttacX $ctionH the 3i!hteras $ttacX% is reduced bZ half after modifZin! for "efense. Thus( a 3i!hter [ith an $ttacX% of 1P0 attacXin! a tar!et [ith "%3 '0 [ould onlZ have a C5% chance to hit [hen usin! 2i!htZ StriXe. Should the attacX be successful( it inflicts ?00%( $rmor [ea on dama!e to the tar!et. $nZ s ecial effects of the [ea on used a lZ to the attacX( as if this abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action. 0f the [ea on has the abilitZ CriticalL or CriticalLL( the CoS for 2i!htZ StriXe is increased bZ 10 or ?0 oints( res ectivelZ( and the CoS is increased bZ 5 or 10 oints if the 3i!hter has the Si!nature \ea on advanta!e( res ective of the ' and 5 oint versions. ;nlZ the lar!est one of these bonuses is a lied( ho[ever. 0f the 3i!hter is [ieldin! t[o [ea ons( onlZ one of the 3i!hteras choice can be used to e/ecute 2i!htZ StriXe [ith. T?ird ELe c>evel Pd TZ e= 3ast To survive in a fi!ht( the 3i!hter must sometimes move instinctivelZ to avoid harm. TaXin! a moment to focus his concentration( the 3i!hter [ill !ain better a[areness of the area around himself( and be able to evade attacXs [ithout Xno[in! it. $fter usin! Third %Ze( the ne/t hZsical attacX that [ould normallZ hit the 3i!hter [ill instead miss( no matter the success roll. This effect lasts for a duration of (?) after the 3i!hter uses Third %Ze( or until one attacX is dod!ed. Mntil such ha ens( the 3i!hter maZ not use Third %Ze a!ain. Scream c>evel 15d TZ e= 3ast 3ocusin! all his o[er and internal reserves of ener!Z( the 3i!hter !athers his stren!th. Then( [ith a ear#shatterin! battlecrZ( the 3i!hter releases the ener!Z( !ivin! himself the statuses ,o[er M (B) and $!ilitZ M (B). O#icP 0it c>evel ??d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le StriXin! out and focusin! on s eed rather than o[er( the 3i!hter lea s to the attacX. \ith a sin!le s[i e( the 3i!hter inflicts C5% [ea on dama!e( [ith anZ s ecial effects of the [ea on added on to the attacX( as if this abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action. $fter erformin! RuicX 4it( the 3i!hter receives a bonus of LP to his ne/t initiative roll. This bonus can onlZ be a lied once to a turn( and multi le uses of RuicX 4it [ill not conveZ added initiative bonuses. Do#"&e !#t c>evel ?9d TZ e= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!le 0n a fla[less dis laZ of s eed( stren!th and accuracZ( the 3i!hter delivers a devastatin! double attacX a!ainst a sin!le o onent. The tar!et is automaticallZ hit bZ t[o attacXs for normal [ea on dama!e each time. $dditionallZ( anZ s ecial effects of the [ea on used a lZ to the attacX( as if this abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action. 0f the 3i!hter is [ieldin! t[o [ea ons( onlZ one of the 3i!hteras choice can be used to e/ecute "ouble Cut [ith. First StriPe c>evel 'Ad TZ e= Su ort $ trained 3i!hter learns to re are themselves for combat at anZ and everZ o ortunitZH accordin!lZ( [hen the time for battle arrives( the 3i!hter is al[aZs amon!st the first to striXe a blo[. 3irst StriXe allo[s a 3i!hter to al[aZs act durin! the ,reem tive )ound( even if no other combatant is entitled to do soH beZond this( the 3i!hter must roll for 0nitiative as normal. Bonecr#s?er c>evel B'd TZ e= )eaction Thou!h slo[ to rovoXe( the 3i!hteras refle/es leave them ca able of retaliatin! a!ainst incautious o onents [ith bone#shatterin! force. \henever the 3i!hter is hit for hZscial dama!e( resolve dama!e and then maXe a ercentile roll. Ionecrusher has a CoS of (>evelU') L $80% of allo[in! the 3i!hter to maXe an immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst the enemZ [ho strucX the blo[( inflictin! 150%( $rmor dama!e if successful. )oll to hit as normal. S&as?BA&& c>evel 50d TZ e= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= 8rou 8atherin! their chi( the 3i!hter dissolves into a blur of movement( circlin! around their o onents to rain blo[s from everZ side and an!le( striXin! each enemZ [ith a sin!le [ell# laced attacX. $ll enemies are hit for 100%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. $dditionallZ( anZ s ecial effects of the [ea on used a lZ to the attacX( as if this abilitZ [ere a normal $ttacX action [ith Tar!et= 8rou instead of Tar!et= Sin!le. 0f the 3i!hter is [ieldin! t[o [ea ons( onlZ one of the 3i!hteras choice can be used to e/ecute Slash#$ll [ith.

Fina& AttacP c>evel 5Cd TZ e= )eaction %ven on the ver!e of defeat( ado[n but not outa is the 3i!hteras [atch[ord. )e!ardless of ho[ !rievous their inFuries are( the 3i!hter al[aZs has enou!h ener!Z for one last blo[ before theZ !o do[n( oftentimes nastilZ sur risin! o onents [ho thou!ht the 3i!hter to be out of commission. \hen reduced to 0 or fe[er 4, bZ an attacX( the 3i!hter can taXe one more $ction before fallin!H resolve the effects of this $ction immediatelZ( even if it [ould normallZ re:uire an 0nitiative ,enaltZ on the 3i!hteras art. @ote that durin! the effects of this action( the 3i!hter is considered to be at 0 4, and alreadZ fallen # a ,otion [ould fail to Xee the 3i!hter alive( so a ,hoeni/ "o[n [ould be re:uired to maintain the 3i!hter at 1 4,. Finis?ing To#c? c>evel ABd TZ e= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= Sin!le 8atherin! all remainin! reserves of ener!Z( the 3i!hter s rin!s for[ard to deliver a sin!le cri lin! attacX( en!ulfin! their o onent in a chaotic e/ losion of uncontrolled chi ener!Z. 3inishin! Touch has a CdS de 50 L @vel L ($80 / ?)%( "ef. 25!ica to instantlZ reduce the tar!et to 0 4,( re!ardless of their current 4, score and $rmor ratin! # treat this as a "eath#tZ e Status Condition for ur oses of calculatin! 0mmunities. Should this fail( the 3i!hter still has a CoS of 50 L >evel L ($80 / ?) %( 2."efense of inflictin! the status conditions Stone (M) and Sto (B) on the tar!et. )oll se aratelZ for each Status Condition. KNIGHT ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L15 L15 L10 L10 L5 L5 )e resentatives= ^ni!ht 6ob (33000( 33&( 33T)( >eo (33&0)( Steiner (330b)( $uron (33b)( Soldier 6ob (33T$) 4, "ie= d10 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= $/es( S[ords( 8reats[ords( 3lails( 8loves( ^nives( ,olearms $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( 2ail( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on SXills )e:uired SXills= Command( ;ne \ea on SXill SR$RD ART )in#s StriPe c>evel 1d TZ e= Slo[ (?) Tar!et= Sin!le ,art of a ^ni!htas trainin! is the [illin!ness to fi!ht to the bitter end( and to stand stron!( even [hen it seems ho eless. This techni:ue holds to that( harnessin! the ^ni!htas o[n [ounds to inFure the enemZ. 4arnessin! his o[n vital life ener!Z( the ^ni!ht !athers o[er in his [ea on( and slashes at the victim( causin! a blast of o[er to rise u and ri throu!h the tar!et. \hen 2inus StriXe is erformed( it deals one enemZ dama!e e:ual to the difference bet[een the ^ni!htas ma/imum 4, and current 4,. Thus a ^ni!ht [ith onlZ 5A of his ossible 1?0 4, [ill do AB 4, dama!e to their tar!et. "ama!e from this attacX is not modified bZ the tar!etas $rmor ratin!. Armor BreaP c>evel Pd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le ^eZ to inflictin! !reat dama!e to an o onent is not onlZ to hit hard( but to maXe Zour tar!etas defenses [eaXer. \ith a sin!le o[erful blo[( the ^ni!ht has a (50 L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance of shatterin! the victimas armor and render them defenseless( inflictin! $rmor IreaX (A). )enta& BreaP c>evel 15d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le \hile the ^ni!ht is a master of hZsical combat( manZ of the ^ni!htas allies are more o[erful in the [aZs of ma!ic. To assist them in combat( the ^ni!ht has learned ho[ to devastate mZstical defenses( as [ell as hZsical ones. ;n a (50 L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance( the ^ni!ht can inflict 2ental IreaX (A) to a tar!et. PoQer BreaP c>evel ??d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The best defense is often times is to revent the enemZ from striXin! at all. StriXin! at an o onentas [ea on( the ^ni!ht has a (50% L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance to breaX the enemZas offensive ca abilities( inflictin! ,o[er IreaX (A). )agic BreaP c>evel ?9d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le @ot all o onents relZ on hZsical attacXs to do dama!e. 0n order to halt an offensive( the ^ni!ht must also learn ho[ to handle ma!ic as [ell as steel. TaXin! a s[in! at the tar!etas head( the ^ni!ht has a (50% L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance of inflictin! 2a!ic IreaX (A). T?#nder S&as? c>evel 'Ad TZ e= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= Sin!le The ^ni!ht focuses all his ra!e into one [ide arced slash( [hich sends a barra!e of cracXlin! ener!Z forth( inflictin! 150%( $rmor Thunder %lemental dama!e to one enemZ. !&im?a88ard c>evel B'd TZ e= Slo[ (1B) Tar!et= 8rou The ^ni!ht brandishes his [ea on in a threatenin! manner before slashin! throu!h the air( sendin! a [ave of ener!Z at all enemies( inflictin! 1?5%( 2.$rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. ai StriPe c>evel 50d TZ e= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= Sin!le The ^ni!ht rears bacX and hits the enemZ [ith one massive( all#or#nothin! blo[ [ith all their mi!ht [hich has a flat '0% chance of instantlZ Xillin! anZ o onent (undead and boss#tZ e o onents are immune to this attacX). 0f the tar!et is not instantlZ Xilled( the residual force of the blo[ inflicts 100%( $rmor hZsical dama!e. S?ocP c>evel 5Cd TZ e= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= 8rou The ^ni!ht holds his [ea on to the sXZ( usin! it as a rod to direct a straZ bolt of ener!Z into the sXZ. This tri!!ers a sudden rain of destructive bolts( dealin! 150%( $rmor hZsical dama!e to the entire enemZ artZ.

StocP BreaP c>evel ABd TZ e= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= 8rou The ^ni!ht focuses all his accumulated Xno[led!e into a sin!le brutal blo[. Char!in! for[ard( the ^ni!ht striXes once in the midst of the enemZ( sendin! a o[erful shocX[ave out[ards. %ach enemZ has a (50% L >evel L ($80 / ?))( "efense chance of bein! inflicted [ith $rmor IreaX (A)( 2ental IreaX (A)( ,o[er IreaX (A) and 2a!ic IreaX (A). )oll onlZ once er tar!et # either all statuses are inflicted( or none are. MONK Sometimes referred to as IlacX Ielt( the 2onX is master of the [orldas unarmed combat stZlesH a tou!h( u!nacious combatant formed bZ Zears of hard e/ercise and ri!orous trainin!. MnliXe other [arriors( 2onXs esche[ the use of [ea ons entirelZ( instead choosin! to [reaX havoc on their o onents [ith feet( fists and anZ other art of their bodZ theZ can thro[ into an attacXH their control over their internal ener!ies is no less absolute than that over their bodies. 4o[ever( these talents re:uire the 2onX to remain almost entirelZ unencumbered( to the e/tent of maXin! heavZ armor more of a hindrance than a benefitH an e/ erienced 2onX thus learns to relZ on their o[n a!ilitZ and fortitude more than anZ iece of rotective !ear. There are other tradeoffs as [ellH the 2onXas hermetic lifestZle( [ith its em hasis on sim le livin! and a re!imen of demandin!( re etitive e/ercises( taXes its toll on the Zoun! and im atientH onlZ one in ten trainees ever ascends to the coveted ranX of ^arateXa( and masterhood [ith it. The maForitZ breaX off their education [ith onlZ a handful of Xata under their belts( cullin! the numbers of [ould#be 2onXs more effectivelZ than anZ foe could ho e to. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L15 L15 LC LP L10 L5 )e resentatives= IlacX Ielt (330)( ^arateXa 6ob (33000)( `an! (330&)( Sabin (33&0)( Tifa >ocXheart (33&00)( Yell "incht (33&000)( 2onX 6ob (33000( 33&( 33T) 4it "ie= d1? 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= Cla[s( 3lails( and 8loves $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( Suits $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= $crobatics( ;ne \ea on SXill P41!0 ART $s a master of unarmed combat( the 2onXas bodZ is as dan!erous a [ea on as anZ s[ord or s ell( combinin! cri lin! bare#handed blo[s( s ectacular ener!Z attacXs( and s iritual disci line to devastatin! effect. ,unch $rt maZ be used in conFunction [ith anZ dA or dP [ea on that the 2onX [eilds. 4o[ever( if the 2onX is ca able of [eildin! a d10 or d1? [ea on( ,unch $rt maZ not be used [ith that [ea on. )artia& Arts c>evel 1d TZ e= Su ort 0n anZ other rofessionas trainin!( hand#to#hand fi!htin! is a matter of last resortH res ectable in a bar#bra[l( but of little use a!ainst the thicX hide of the avera!e monster. 2onXs( ho[ever( are tau!ht to relZ on their fists from daZ one( over time honin! their roficiencZ to the oint [here even a sim le unch can become a force to be recXoned [ith. 2artial $rts allo[s a 2onX to striXe t[ice [hen maXin! an $ttacX $ction a!ainst a tar!et [ith a sin!le 3lail( or a set of Cla[s or 8lovesH calculate dama!e as if the 2onX had made t[o se arate attacXs( rollin! to hit for each. P#nc? R#s? c>evel 1d TZ e= Slo[ (?) Tar!et= Sin!le The 2onX attacXs a sin!le tar!et [ith a flurrZ of ra id#fire unches( fists movin! faster than the eZe can follo[ to inflict 150%( $rmor dama!e. )eteor StriPe c>evel Pd TZ e= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Sin!le 0n an im ressive dis laZ of stren!th( the 2onX forcefullZ lifts an o onent above their head before violentlZ su le/in! them into the !round( inflictin! 150%( $rmor dama!e in the rocess. 0n addition( the force of 2eteor StriXeas im act has a CoS of (50 L >evel L ($80 / ?))%( "efense of inflictin! the Status Condition Confuse (B) on the tar!et. Eart? S&as? c>evel 15d TZ e= Slo[ (A) Tar!et= 8rou The 2onX !athers their chi( releasin! the accumulated ener!ies in a [ave of !olden ener!Z [hich sur!es alon! the !round before eru tin! in a sho[er of rocXs and debris( inflictin! (10 / 2$8) L 'dA( 2.$rmor %arth %lemental dama!e to all tar!ets. !o#nter c>evel ??d TZ e= )eaction 2ovin! [ith su erior s eed( the 2onX is able to marshall their o[ers to maXe a devastatin! counterattacX. \henever the 2onX is successfullZ hit bZ hZsical dama!e( resolve the dama!e and then maXe a ,ercentile )oll. Counter has a CoS of (c>evelU?d L c$80/?d)% of allo[in! the 2onX to maXe an immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst the enemZ [ho strucX the blo[H roll to hit as normal. A#ra Bo&t c>evel ?9d TZ e= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!le The 2onX fires a o[erful beam of blue#[hite ener!Z from their alms( cuttin! into the tar!et for (19 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 4olZ %lemental dama!e. Fire Dance c>evel 'Ad TZ e= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= 8rou \ith a com le/ Xata( the 2onX creates an e/ losive release of chi ener!Z( sendin! lines of fire scorin! across the battlefield to inflict (1C / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor 3ire %lemental dama!e on all enemies. S*ira&er c>evel B'd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= ,artZ 0n a [hirl of life force( the 2onX converts their o[n vital essences into a healin! [ave [hich sur!es over the artZ( revitalisin! and restorin!. S iraler restores 4, to the 2onXas allies at the e/ ense of the 2onXas o[nH the 2onX must declare ho[ much of their 4, theZ [ish to sacrifice [hen the $bilitZ is used. )educe the 2onXas 4, bZ the a ro riate amount and then consult the table belo[ to see ho[ much 4, the 2onXas allies re!ain in turn. Table B#1= S iraler %ffects

2onXas &0T 4, )estored er 1 4, Sacrificed 5#9 ? 10#1B ' 15#19 B ?0#?B 5 ?5#?9 A '0 C 3or e/am le( a 2onX [ith &0T ?? sacrificin! a total of B0 4, throu!h S iraler [ould restore ?00 4, to all allies. Air S&as? c>evel 50d TZ e= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= 8rou The 2onX be!ins to s in on the s ot( char!in! u their chi to release a series of of crescent#sha ed air blasts [hich cut into the enemZ( inflictin!. (?1 / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor \ind %lemental dama!e to all tar!ets. Demi S?ocP c>evel 5Cd TZ e= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= Sin!le The 2onX be!ins to char!e a s here of crushin! !ravitational ener!Z bet[een their hands( ourin! in more and more o[er before finallZ hurlin! the roFectile at their o onents. "emi ShocX has a CoS of 50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?)%( 2. "efense to instantlZ dra[ a[aZ 50% of the tar!etas current 4,H re!ardless of ho[ much 4, the tar!et currentlZ ossesses( "emi ShocX [ill never taXe a[aZ more than 999 4,. This is a 8ravitZ#tZ e effect. 1o )ercL c>evel ABd TZ e= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= Sin!le Throu!h intensive concentration( the 2onX transcends the limitations of their o[n bodZ in a sin!le burst of chi( seemin! to be in four laces at once as theZ mercilesslZ ummel the tar!et [ith barra!e of unches and XicXs( inflictin! '00%( $rmor dama!e in the rocess. "ama!e from this abilitZ is not restricted bZ the dama!e ca and breaXs the dama!e limit( meanin! that it is allo[ed to sur ass 999 dama!e. SAMURAI Samurai are tradition#bound [arriors [ith a mZstical bentH thou!h their firm code of chivalrZ leads to inevitable com arisons [ith their brothers#in# arms( the ^ni!hts( [here the ^ni!ht relies on brute force( the Samuraias true o[er stems from their su ernatural allies. ;n their o[n( a Samurai is a versatile combatantH thou!h manZ Samurai are also trained in the arts of mounted combat and archerZ( able to en!a!e their o onents u close as [ell as at a distance( their [ea on of choice is the Xatana. SXilled s[ordsmen( the secret of the Samuraias success [ith their [ea on of choice lies in its constructionH the metal of the Xatana entra s a nature s irit( or Xami( bound to the [ea on durin! the for!in! rocess. >earnin! ho[ to free these im risoned s irits in order to channel their ener!ies into an attacX is an inte!ral and lon!#[inded art of the Samuraias trainin!H those Samurai [ho distin!uish themselves throu!h their accom lishments in battle [ill eventuallZ learn to e/ and this talent into harnessin! the o[er of free#roamin! Xami of earth and the elements into ever#more devastatin! effects. $ fe[ have even !one beZond this( movin! bare#footed over laXes on cushions of [ater s irits or travellin! throu!h the bitterest cold cloaXed bZ fire XamiH such masterZ( ho[ever( is onlZ seen on the rarest of occasions. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L1' L1? L10 L10 L10 L5 )e resentatives= $uron (33b)( Samurai 6ob (33&( 33T( 33b#?( 33b0) 4, "ie= d10 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= ^atana( S[ords( ^nives $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( 2ail $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill B4S0 D$ >iterallZ translatin! to athe ath of the brave [arriora( the Samuraias code of martial conduct is one [hich stresses braverZ( honor and self#disci line in as [ell as out of battle. DraQ $#t c>evel 1d TZ e= Slo[ (&ariable) Tar!et= &aries $ Samurai maZ call on a ^atanaas resident s irit for assistance at anZ oint in battle # rovided theZ have the desired ^atana to hand. %ach ^atana has its o[n uni:ue effectH consult the table belo[ for the relevant details. 4o[ever( this talent is not [ithout its rice ## each time "ra[ ;ut is used on a ^atana( there is a ('0 L "ra[ ;ut )atin!) # Samuraias >evel)% CoS that the s irit inside the ^atana [ill be e/hausted after the use of the "ra[ ;ut. $s a result( the Samurai is inflicted [ith the status Curse (B)( i!norin! anZ immunities to the status. $ ,ercentile )oll must be made immediatelZ after the effects of the "ra[ ;ut have been calculatedH these !o throu!h re!ardless of [hether or not the ^atana is e/hausted. This CoS maZ never be lo[er than 10%( re!ardless of the Samuraias current >evel. Table B#?= "ra[ ;ut %ffects @ame TZ e )atin! Tar!et %ffect $shura Slo[ (?) 1 8rou $ series of !hostlZ s[ords materiali-e( slashin! at all enemies for (? / 2$8) L ?dA( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental "ama!e. ;borotsuXi Slo[ (?) 1 Sin!le The [orld seems to darXen as the Samurai ro els a !lo[in! silver s here of ener!Z at the tar!et for (B / 2$8) L ?dA( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e e has a '0% flat chance to cause the status condition Ilind (B). ^otetsu Slo[ (B) 5 8rou $ chillin! banshee#ho[l enetrates all enemies for (B / 2$8) L 'dA( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental "ama!e. 2outsuru!i Slo[ (B) 5 Sin!le $ series of !host striXe out at the enemZ to form the XanFi for the [ord _3uin_ (Seal). The Samurai has a c50L>&>L(2$8/?)( 2"%3d% chance to inflict 2a!ic IreaX (A). @amaXura Slo[ (A) 10 Sin!le

$ [arm( calm [ind be!ins to blo[( !rantin! the )e!en Status Condition (A). 2uXademeru Slo[ (A) 10 Sin!le The area is lit !reen as strin!s of li!ht assault the tar!et for (P / 2$8) L BdA( 2. $rmor dama!e and form a s ideras [eb. There is also a '0% chance to cause the status condition ,oison (M). 0chimonFi Slo[ (P) 1P 8rou $n unearthlZ [his er removes (1? / 2$8) L BdA( 2. $rmor 2, from all o onents. )aiXoumaru Slo[ (P) 1P 8rou ,otent li!htnin! bolts striXe the enemies for (1? / 2$8) L BdA( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. Ii-enas ,ride Slo[ (10) ?B Sin!le $ ethereal crane taXes fli!ht( inflictin! the 4aste Status Condition (A). ;niXiri Slo[ (10) ?B Sin!le $n ethereal lion char!es from the blade( causin! (15 / 2$8) L 5dA( 2. $rmor non#elemental dama!e. 2urasame Slo[ (1?) '5 ,artZ $ [ee in! s irit a ears( restorin! (15 / 2$8) L 5dA 4, to all allies. 0Xu-atachi Slo[ (1?) '5 8rou $n an!rZ s[arm of red and blue emer!e from the ^atana( ri in! into the enemies for (1A / 2$8) L 5dA( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. ^iZomori Slo[ (1B) BB ,artZ $n armZ of s ectral soldiers a ears( !rantin! the Shell (A) and ,rotect (A) Status Conditions to all allies. 6ZuroXusaXura Slo[ (1B) BB Sin!le IlacXness surrounds the tar!et as "eath a ears. The tar!et has a '0% chance to be reduced to -ero 4,. 0f unsuccessful( the "ra[ ;ut causes (19 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. 4eavenas Cloud Slo[ (1A) 50 8rou $ screamin! s irit char!es at the enemZ for (?B / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental "ama!e. ^a!eshibari Slo[ (1A) 50 Sin!le 3ive !hosts circle the enemZ [ith ethereal fire causin! (?C / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and has a '0% chance to cause Sto (B). Shiranui Slo[ (1P) 55 Sin!le 0ntan!ible cherrZ#blossoms s[irl around the tar!et( drainin! out ('0 / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. Chaos Ilade Slo[ (1P) 55 8rou $ tem est of !hosts emer!e from the ^atana [ith a '0% chance of causin! each of the follo[in! status conditions= Ilind (A)( ,oison (M)( Confusion (A)( and Slo[ (A). )oll se aratelZ for each condition. 2asamune Slo[ (?0) A0 8rou $ confla!ration of blue flames bla-es the enemZ for ('5 / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental "ama!e. 8enFi Ilade Slo[ (?0) A0 ,artZ 8old li!ht surrounds the artZ( !rantin! the status conditions 4aste (A) and )e!en (A). So#& B&ade c>evel 1d TZ e= Slo[ (&ariable) Tar!et= Sin!le IZ tem erin! the o[er of the bladeas s irit( a Samurai Xno[s ho[ to release the ener!Z tra ed in their ^atana in short( steadZ bursts to inflict Status ailments on their foes. $s [ith "ra[ ;ut( each bladeas s irit has its o[n o[erH the Status Conditions listed belo[ have a CoS of 50 L >evel L 2$8/?)%( 2. "efense of affectin! the chosen tar!et. Table B#1= Soul Ilade %ffects ^atana TZ e )atin! %ffect $shura Slo[ (?) 1 IerserX (A) ;borotsuXi Slo[ (?) 1 Ilind (A) ^otetsu Slo[ (') 5 Confusion (A) 2outsuru!i Slo[ (') 5 S irit "o[n (A) @amaXura Slo[ (5) 10 Slee (A) 2uXademeru Slo[ (5) 10 ,oison (M) 0chimonFi Slo[ (C) 1P Silence (A) )aiXoumaru Slo[ (C) 1P \eaXness= >i!htnin! (B) Ii-enas ,ride Slo[ (P) ?B Slo[ (A) ;niXiri Slo[ (P) ?B "isable (A) 2urasame Slo[ (9) '5 Time Sli (A) 0Xu-atachi Slo[ (9) '5 $rmor IreaX (B) ^iZomori Slo[ (10) BB "is el # all statuses are cancelled. 6ZuroXusaXura Slo[ (10) BB Condemned (B) 4eavenas Cloud Slo[ (11) 50 Curse (B) ^a!eshibari Slo[ (11) 50 Sto (B) Shiranui Slo[ (1?) 55 2eltdo[n (?) Chaos Ilade Slo[ (1?) 55 Charm (B) 2asamune Slo[ (1B) A0 Slo[ (A) L $!ilitZ IreaX (A) 8enFi Ilade Slo[ (1B) A0 ,o[er IreaX (A) L 2a!ic IreaX (A) ;ne immediate advanta!e is that these small releases of o[er are far less dan!erous to the [ea on itself # each time Soul %d!e is used( there is a (?0 L "ra[ ;ut )atin!) # Samuraias >evel% CoS that s iritas release [ill leave the ^atana e/huasted. $s [ith "ra[ ;ut( the ,ercentile )oll must be made immediatelZ after calculatin! the effectsH the CoS maZ never be lo[er than 5%( re!ardless of the Samuraias current >evel. SQord S&a* c>evel Pd TZ e= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Sin!le Char!in! their ^atana [ith s iritual ener!Z( the Samurai smacXs an o onent [ith the flat of the blade [ith thunderin! force. The suddenness and im act of the striXe has a (50 L >evel L $80/?)( "efense chance of nullifZin! the tar!etas ne/t action. S[ord Sla automaticallZ fails if the tar!et is 0=

Seal. %ach time S[ord Sla is used( there is a (?P # Samuraias >evel)% CoS that the ^atana is e/hausted from the blo[H the usual 10% minimum a lies. )eat"one S&as? c>evel 15d TZ e= )eaction Tar!et= Sin!le 0n times of crisis( the Samurai is able to snatch victorZ from the Fa[s of defeat. 0f the Samurai is strucX [hile belo[ ?5% of their ma/imum 4,( theZ have a flat 50% chance of counter#attacXin!. )oll to hit as er an $ttacX $ction( but the dama!e inflicted( if it hits( is e:ual to the Samuraias ma/imum 4,. Dragon Fang c>evel ??d TZ e= Slo[ (P) Tar!et= 8rou The Samurai lun!es their blade into the earth( releasin! an an!rZ s[arm of fire s irits [hich en!ulf their o onents for (1B / 2$8) L 5dA( 2. $rmor 3ire %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( the attacX also has a flat '0% CoS of reducin! each affected tar!etas initiative bZ 50%H roll se aratelZ for each tar!et in the 8rou . $s [ith "ra[ ;ut( each time "ra!on 3an! is used( there is a (A? # Samuraias >evel)% CoS that the ^atana is e/hausted from the sudden release of ener!ZH the usual 10% minimum a lZ. TQo 0ands c>evel ?9d TZ e= Su ort $bilitZ IZ [ieldin! a [ea on in t[o hands( the Samurai can ut additional o[er into their blo[s. $nZ time the Samurai maXes an $ttacX action [ith a one# handed [ea on and has the e/tra hand free( the laZer can o t to cause 1?5% [ith the $ttacX. This can not be done if the Samurai is [ieldin! a t[o# handed [ea on or other[ise does not have the second hand free. S?ooting Star c>evel 'Ad TZ e= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= Sin!le The Samurai calls u on the o[er of the storm s irits( !eneratin! a cracXlin! arraZ of electrical s heres around the ed!es of their blade as theZ char!e their tar!et [ith the intention of launchin! it into the sXies in a sin!le forceful blo[. Shootin! Star striXes [ith the char!ed blade for (1P / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! %lemental dama!e. Should the tar!et survive( the Samurai has a CoS of (50 L >evel L $80/?)( "efense% to instantlZ remove the tar!et from the battlefieldH ho[ever( note that monsters defeated in this fashion do not a[ard b, or treasure as normal # theZ are merelZ dis laced( rather than !enuinelZ defeated. $s [ith "ra[ ;ut( each time Shootin! Star is used( there is a (CA # Samuraias >evel)% CoS that the ^atana is e/hausted from the sudden release of ener!ZH the usual 10% minimum a lZ. ParrL c>evel B'd TZ e= Su ort $bilitZ $t this oint in the Samuraias career( theZ have come to a oint [here their masterZ of the ^atana that theZ can e/ ertlZ blocX incomin! melee striXes [ith their blade. 0n !ame terms( the Samurai !ains a bonus to their "efense stat e:ual to their >evel [hen strucX [ith anZ $ttacX action bZ an enemZ. The bonus from ,arrZ does not( ho[ever( [orX a!ainst anZ attacX or abilitZ that has the )an!ed or 8rou modifiers. 0t also has no effect a!ainst s ells or status attacXs resisted bZ 2a!ic "efense. Banis?ing B&ade c>evel 50d TZ e= Slo[ (1A) Tar!et= Sin!le The Samurai taXes a dee breath( !atherin! the o[er of Xami [ithin themselves before e/halin! a va or of destructive ener!Z onto the surface of their blade. $ttracted bZ this dischar!e of o[er( a horde of s irits a ears( assaultin! the enemZ in a [ailin! rush of violent( chaotic o[er. Ianishin! Ilade striXes the tar!et for (?P / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e from the force of the s iritsa assault. 0n addition to this( there is a CoS of (50 L >evel L $80/?)( "efense% of inflictin! the statuses $rmor "o[n( 2ental "o[n( ,o[er "o[n and 2a!ic "o[n (A)H roll se aratelZ for each of the four statuses. $s [ith "ra[ ;ut( each time Ianishin! Ilade is used( there is a (90 # Samuraias >evel)% CoS that the ^atana is e/hausted from the sudden release of ener!ZH the usual 10% minimum a lZ. '#st Rind c>evel 5Cd TZ e= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= 8rou The Samurai raises their blade sXZ[ards( summonin! a ho[lin! vorte/ of [ind s irits to surround them. \ith a s[in! of their ^atana( the Samurai sends the resultin! [hirl[ind to[ards their o onents before rammin! their blade dee into the earth to unleash a s[arm of fire Xami in the direction of the advancin! tornado. The t[o !rou s of s irits mer!e( creatin! a flamin! vorte/ [hich blasts the enemZ for (1B/2$8)L'd10 3ire %lemental dama!e and (1B/2$8)L'd10 \ind %lemental dama!eH in this case( 2. $rmor is i!nored for the ur oses of calculatin! dama!e. $s [ith "ra[ ;ut( each time 8ust \ind is used( there is a (9C # Samuraias >evel)% CoS that the ^atana is e/huasted from the sudden release of ener!ZH the usual 10% minimum a lZ. Fast DraQ c>evel ABd TZ e= Su ort $bilitZ The 3ast "ra[ is a techni:ue not to be taXen li!htlZH as much as the Samurai value their ^atana( circumstances maZ force them to sacrifice their [ea on to unleash the full force of the bladeas tra ed s irit. 3ast "ra[ maZ be declared in conFunction [ith anZ $bilitZ [hich [ould normallZ have a chance of e/haustin! the Samuraias ^atanaH the e/act results de end on the $bilitZ bein! used. 0f the Samurai uses 3ast "ra[( the $bilitZ !oes into effect immediatelZ( bZ assin! anZ CT and actin! as a 3ast action. 4o[ever( this automaticallZ e/hausts the ^atana( re!ardless of anZthin!. $dditionallZ( the e/haustion from a 3ast "ra[ action can not be cured or removed throu!h anZ means other than the statusa duration e/ irin! normallZ. SWORDMASTER ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L15 L15 L10 L10 L5 L5 )e resentatives= CZan (33&0)( Cloud (33&00)( S:uall (33&000)( Tidus (33b) 4, "ie= d10 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= ^atana ( ^nives( >i!ht S[ords( S[ords( 8reats[ords $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( 2ail( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill SR$RD TE!01 O4ES

Dis*atc? c>evel 1d TZ e= Slo[ (?) Tar!et= Sin!le Their first abilitZ( the "is atch( allo[s the S[ordmaster to focus their Xi ener!Z into a more forceful slash. This increases the dama!e normallZ inflicted bZ the S[ordmasteras blade to 1?5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. De&aL AttacP c>evel Pd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Iuildin! u on the masterZ of Xi ener!Z that be!an [ith "is atch( the "elaZ $ttacX allo[s the S[ordmaster to reduce their tar!etas initiative score bZ 50%. Fated !irc&e c>evel 15d TZ e= Slo[ (A) Tar!et= 8rou The S[ordmaster s[in!s his blade around slo[lZ clocX[ise to form a circle. M on reachin! a1? oaclocXa( the S[ordmaster erforms a slash that ri s into their enemies in unison. %ach enemZ tar!eted bZ 3ated Circle sustains C5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. Pro2oPe c>evel ??d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Throu!h the choice use of bra!!in!( challen!in! and ossiblZ a fe[ taunts( the S[ordmaster can stir an enemZ into a ra!e. There is a (50 L >evel L (2$8/?)( 2."efense% chance that the tar!et [ill chan!e tactics s ecificallZ and e/clusivelZ attacX the S[ordmaster until either the S[ordmaster or the tar!et is dead. There is no restriction in ho[ the tar!et can do this( but all offensive attacXs must either be directed at the S[ordmaster( or include the S[ordmaster amon! the tar!ets. 0f the S[ordmaster can not be tar!eted( the enemZ maZ attacX freelZ( but [ill continue to !o after the S[ordmaster( if the o ortunitZ resents itself. !ross S&as? c>evel ?9d TZ e= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!le The S[ordmaster delivers t[o s[ift slashes that forms a cross attern. Cross Slash counts as one attacX (des ite the descri tion above) and has t[o immediate effects. 0t inflicts 150%( $rmor [ea on dama!e and has a (50 L >&> L $80/?( "%3)% chance to inflict "isable (B). S*ira& !#t c>evel 'Ad TZ e= Slo[ (1?) Tar!et= Sin!le The S[ordmaster sho[s off their athletic talents bZ erformin! a series of somersaults to[ards their o onent. ;n the final fli ( the S[ordmaster delivers a o[erful striXe that ri s throu!h the enemZas armor. The enemZas armor has no effect on the dama!e bZ the attacX( [hich is increased to 150% [ea on dama!e. B&ade Beam c>evel B'd TZ e= Slo[ (1B) Tar!et= S ecial The S[ordmaster unleashes a [ave of Xi ener!Z throu!h their blade at a sin!le enemZ for 150%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. M on striXin!( it e/ lodes into smaller [aves inflictin! 1U? the dama!e of the ori!inal blast to all of the other enemies. The dama!e done bZ the secondarZ [aves remains constant re!ardless of the tar!etas $rmor ratin!. E2ade T !o#nter c>evel 50d TZ e= )eaction Tar!et= Self The S[ordmasteras e/ ertise [ith their blade has reached a oint [here theZ can blocX incomin! attacXs e s[iftlZ retaliate. TheZ have a flat '0% chance to counter anZ melee attacX made u on them( not onlZ inflictin! dama!e u on the enemZ but interru tin! their attacX. This abilitZ has no effect a!ainst missile attacXs from [ea ons such as Io[s and 8uns( from offensive ma!ic s ells or from attacXs [hich tar!et the entire artZ instead of Fust the S[ordmaster. O#adra S&ice c>evel 5Cd TZ e= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= S ecial This abilitZ is amon! the most infamous attacXs in the S[ordmasteras re ertoire. The Ruadra Slice allo[s the S[ordmaster to blinX in e out of ran!e of their o onent and deliver an attacX each time. $ hi!h initiative enaltZ aside( Ruadra Slice delivers four striXes that inflict normal (100%( $rmor) [ea on dama!e to four random tar!ets. !&ea2e c>evel ABd TZ e= Slo[ (?0) Tar!et= 8rou The innacle S[ord Techni:ue( Cleave uses everZthin! that theZ have mastered to deliver a erfect slash that slaZs all of the S[ordmasteras foes instantlZ. The attacX has a (50 L >&>L $80/?( "%3)% to reduce all of the enemies to -ero 4, instantlZ. 4o[ever( this has no effect u on enemies that are immune to death attacXs such as undead monsters or bosses. Especialistas Bard The master entertainer( the Iard can be found in most laces= the roadside tavern sin!in! ba[dZ son!s for the locals( the villa!e s:uare tellin! stories to the children( or in the throne rooms of Xin!s and em erors( tellin! and sin!in! the le!ends and tra!edies of times and laces lon!#!one. The Iard is ca able of s[aZin! the emotions and o inions of others throu!h their [ords and son!s( [eavin! ta estries of music and emotion that can enra ture even the hardest of hearts and chan!e their attitudes to the bardas liXin!. 4o[ever( the Iard is also :uite o[erful( ca able of learnin! son!s and melodies that can enhance the o[ers of others( or theZ can channel the o[ers of ma!ic throu!h their son!s. Iecause of this the Iard is both a useful member of an adventurin! artZ and [onderful com anionshi durin! the most trZin! of times. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) LC LC L11 L11 L1? L1? )e resentatives= 8ilbert (330&)( Iard 6ob (33000( 33&( 33T( 33b0) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= 0nstruments( ^nives( Io[s $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes( Suits $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= $rtistic )e:uired SXills= Sin!in!( ;ne \ea on SXill

4ide U(e2e& 6V TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le ;ne tactic available to a successful Iard is sim lZ ut( _@ot !ettin! hit._ This maZ be a co[ardlZ tactic( but the Iardas allies should be better e:ui ed to taXe dama!e anZ[aZ. \hen usin! 4ide the Iard taXes cover out of si!ht of everZone( friend and foe aliXe( and cannot be tar!eted or affected bZ anZ actions in the battle # liXe[ise the Iard cannot taXe anZ actions [hile hidin!. The bard must remain in hidin! until the ne/t Status ,hase [hen he automaticallZ emer!es. Sin! U(e2e& 6V TZ e= 2a!ic (&arZin! Char!e Time) Throu!h their near#ma!ical o[ers( the son!s of the Iard are ca able of a [ide varietZ of different effects ran!in! from uttin! monsters to slee to summonin! dra!ons to blo[ their o onents to smithereens. $s he increases in level( the Iard slo[lZ !ains access to stron!er son!s alon! the [aZ. Sin!% is (Sin!in!U? L >evel L S,)/?). First RanP Songs c>evel 1d %le!Z TZ e= 2a!ic (? CT) Tar!et= 8rou This slo[ son! !ives raise to fallen heroes of the ast( inundatin! the field [ith sad notes that reduce the enemZ to a cra[l. 3or each successful (Sin! %)( 2."efense checX( the a ro riate member of the enemZas artZ has their current initiative reduced bZ ?5%. \ater )ondo TZ e= 2a!ic (? CT) Tar!et= 8rou )isin! liXe the tides( this son! s[irls as the :uicX tune is re eated over and over( summonin! u a small [hirl of [ater that inflicts (1/2$8) L 1d1?( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e to all enemZ tar!ets. 2ambo TZ e= 2a!ic (? CT) Tar!et= ,artZ $n enthusiastic dance tune( this son! ins ires those [ho listen to dance # and this dancin! rovides the artZ members e/tra s eed and a!ilitZ in their movements( effectivelZ !rantin! the status condition $!ilitZ M (B). 3ocus Chant TZ e= 2a!ic (? CT) Tar!et= ,artZ \ith a li!ht accom animent( this chant rin!s out clearlZ throu!h the air( creatin! a oint on [hich the artZ is able to focus and concentrate on as a mental anchor. $ll artZ members [ithin hearin! !ain the status condition S irit M (B). Second RanP Songs c>evel 10d >ullabZ TZ e= 2a!ic (B CT) Tar!et= 8rou Soothin!lZ :uiet( this son! lulls those [ho hear it into a dee ( eaceful slumber( !ivin! them a calm res ite from the harsh [orld around them. ;n a successful (Sin!%)( 2."efense checX( the tar!et is ut to Slee (B). "emonas )e:uiem TZ e= 2a!ic (B CT) Tar!et= 8rou ,laZin! for those beZond the [orld( this tune summons u ima!es of demons and devils that embodZ the [orst evils ima!inable in the [orld. So horrifZin! are these ima!es that those hearin! the son! suffer (B/2$8) L 1d1?( 2. $rmor Shado[ dama!e( as [ell as havin! a '0% chance of sufferin! from the status condition Curse (B). 2inne TZ e= 2a!ic (B CT) Tar!et= ,artZ Msin! a son! of love( the Iard creates ima!es of !reat rotectors throu!h historZ( ins irin! the artZ to steel themselves a!ainst the enemZas striXes( much as the rotectors shielded others. Iuildin! their defenses( the artZ is !ranted the status condition $rmor M (B). 2ZsterZ 2elodZ TZ e= 2a!ic (B CT) Tar!et= ,artZ Thou!h the melodZ of this son! is familiar to all those [ho listen( there is somethin! about it [hich is beZond com rehension that none can lace or fullZ !ras . 4o[ever( it does shar en the s irits of the listeners( rovidin! anZ artZ members [ho hear it the status condition 2ental M (B). T?ird RanP Songs c>evel 19d "usX )e:uiem TZ e= 2a!ic (A CT) Tar!et= 8rou Shado[Z ima!es of t[ili!ht s[irl throu!h this solemn tune( antomimin! the settin! sunas raZs. 3rom this lifts the settin! sun of the victimas life force as [ell( and those failin! a!ainst a (Sin!%)( 2."efense roll are inflicted [ith ,oison (M). Silence Son! TZ e= 2a!ic (A CT) Tar!et= 8rou This son! # or more accuratelZ( lacX of son! # maXes no actual noise. 0t sim lZ is an echo that [ashes over the field( cancelin! out all other sounds. Then( [ith a rush( normal hearin! returns( crashin! over the enemZ artZ to cause (C/2$8) L ?d1?( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and havin! a '0% chance of XnocXin! the abilitZ to s eaX from them and cause the status condition Silence (B). ,o[er Son! TZ e= 2a!ic (A CT) Tar!et= ,artZ Callin! u ima!es of old heroes and the stren!th of armies( the Iard [eaves an ins irational tale that hel s bolster the artZas mi!ht. Those [ho hear this son! are !ranted the status condition ,o[er M (B). %tude ;f 2a!ic TZ e= 2a!ic (A CT) Tar!et= ,artZ This difficult iece challen!es the Iardas sXill to laZ it. 4o[ever( successfullZ done( it creates an artisticallZ beautiful tune that ed!es into the su ernatural. Those hearin! it are !ranted the status condition 2a!ic M (B)( as the son! ermeates them [ith unreal ener!ies. Fo#rt? RanP Songs c>evel ?Pd Scare TZ e= 2a!ic (P CT) Tar!et= 8rou Startin! out :uiet and calm( this son! ha ilZ moves alon!( as the Iard sin!s a storZ of eaceful life and love. 0t all ends suddenlZ as the music Farrin!lZ striXes a discordant chord( and the storZ chan!es from eace to instead summonin! u the most fri!htenin! and fearsome ima!es the Iard

can ima!ine. IroXen bZ the scarZ ima!es summoned bZ this( all tar!ets belo[ ?5% 4, have a (Sin!%)( 2."efense chance of bein! %Fected( retreatin! from the battle in blind fear. Son!lance TZ e= 2a!ic (P CT) Tar!et= 8rou $ shar burst of sound( this son! forms a veritable s ear of solid sound [aves that thrust out[ards( crashin! throu!h anZ defenses that are encountered. 0t inflicts (10/2$8) L ?d1? @on#%lemental dama!e to the enemZ artZ( and this dama!e i!nores 2. $rmor as [ell as anZ defensive status conditions e/ce t Shield. 2inuet TZ e= 2a!ic (P CT) Tar!et= ,artZ $ s eedZ dance number( this tune envelo s the artZ( !ivin! each of them a beat to dance to. The ste s danced in( ho[ever( are actuallZ ma!ical sZmbols that imbue the artZas striXes [ith elemental o[er. $ll artZ members that hear this son! !ain an elemental attribute (B) to their $ttacX actions of the Iardas choosin!. )esistance Carol TZ e= 2a!ic (P CT) Tar!et= ,artZ 3illed [ith FoZ( this son! raises the s irits of those [ho listen( re arin! them for comin! times. The Iardas re ertoire usuallZ contains a [ide varietZ for each season and situation( !ivin! the son! a number of effects. \hen listenin! to this son!( all artZ members !ain )= %lement (B)( element of the Iardas choosin!. Fi3t? RanP Songs c>evel 'Cd >ast Son! TZ e= 2a!ic (10 CT) Tar!et= 8rou Cree in! for[ard( this son! seems to slo[ time itself as it laZs( taXin! all the actions of the enemZ and forcin! them to move in slo[ motion. ;n a successful (Sin!%)( 2."efense checX( the tar!etas current initiative is reduced bZ 50%. 3orest Suite TZ e= 2a!ic (10 CT) Tar!et= 8rou @ot one son! but several laZed in concert( these com le/ tunes summon u ima!es of far#off trees and [ilds( teemin! [ith life. 0n a burst( the eaceful ima!es turn violent( in a massive [ave#liXe assault of those hantasmal [oodland creatures( [ho inflict (1'/2$8) L 'd1?( 2. $rmor @on# %lemental dama!e on the victims( and have a '0% chance of tan!lin! them u to cause the status condition Slo[ (B). 2adri!alas 8reat S[ord TZ e= 2a!ic (10 CT) Tar!et= ,artZ $ three# art son!( this harmonious tune shar ens the focus of the listeners( hel in! them to s ot their o onents [ith recision and find Fust the ri!ht s ot to attacX for the !reatest Zield. $ll artZ members [ho hear it have their $ttacX% boosted to ?55 (B)( and !ain CriticalL (B). ,astoral ;f 4erb TZ e= 2a!ic (10 CT) Tar!et= ,artZ $ rural tune( ra[ and eaceful( this son! brin!s forth ima!es of o en fields [here herbs !ro[( [aftin! curative fumes across the artZ( rotectin! them from harm. $ll artZ members !ain the inherent abilities of 0= IerserX( Ilind( ,oison( Slee ( Yombie (B). SiGt? RanP Songs c>evel BAd ; eretta ;f $necdote TZ e= 2a!ic (1? CT) Tar!et= 8rou $ musical short storZ( the mini#drama ra idlZ laZs bZ as the Iard sin!s. $t the clima/( it s rin!s into action( as the finale brin!s [aves of tinXlin! lau!hter that [ash over the enemZ. The Iard has a (Sin!%)( 2."efense chance [ith each tar!et to reduce their 2, bZ 50%. )e:uiem TZ e= 2a!ic (1? CT) Tar!et= 8rou $ dir!e for the dead( this son! rumbles across the battlefield. 0t has no effect on the livin!( but in the dead( it reminds them of their former lives. These memories cause a [ells rin! of life to a ear [ithin them( disru tin! the darX flo[s of ener!Z that sustains unlife. 0f the Iard is successful on a (Sin! %)( 2."efense checX( the Mndead creatureas 4, is reduced bZ 50%. $n!el Son! TZ e= 2a!ic (1? CT) Tar!et= ,artZ Callin! do[n bri!ht li!hts from above [ith a heavenlZ salm( the Iard bathes the artZ in !lo[in! [hite li!ht that surrounds everZone and revitali-es their s irits and bodies. 4earin! the music and feelin! the [armth of the li!ht( all artZ members !ain the status condition )e!en (B). @ameless Son! TZ e= 2a!ic (1? CT) Tar!et= ,artZ This son! has no name( because it is never erformed the same [aZ t[ice. $ chaotic mi/ of sound( the Iardas son! creates a ha ha-ard mass of ener!Z that is unleashed on the artZ. \hile it is al[aZs to their benefit( Fust ho[ it benefits them is sus ect. \hen @ameless Son! is used( roll 1dP for each artZ member. %ach artZ member !ains a ositive status condition from the table belo[( corres ondin! to the number rolled. 1= Shell (B) ?= ,rotect (B) '= )e!en (B) B= )eraise (M) 5= $ura (B) A= 3loat (B) C= 4aste (B) P= &anish (B) Se2ent? RanP Songs c>evel 55d 0m Son! TZ e= 2a!ic (1B CT) Tar!et= 8rou Irin!in! u ima!es of hordes of tinZ roto#humanoids( this son!as [ild and s irited music s a[ns a chaotic storm of little !reen im s that run [ild over the enemZ. Those unlucXZ enou!h to fall to a successful (Sin!%)( 2."efense roll bZ the Iard are inflicted [ith 2ini (B) as theZ are transformed into similar tinZ !reen bein!s.

>ove Sonata TZ e= 2a!ic (1B CT) Tar!et= 8rou This cascade of music [ashes over the enemZ( brin!in! u ima!es of true love( [ild assion( and faithful friendshi throu!hout the a!es. So o[erful are these ima!es( that theZ have a '0% chance of causin! the status condition Confusion (B)( obscurin! [ho is friend and [ho is foe. $dditionallZ( the enemZ taXes (19/2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e from the force of the musical blo[. $rchma!eas SZm honZ TZ e= 2a!ic (1B CT) Tar!et= ,artZ $n orchestral iece( this sZm honZ is dedicated to ancient [i-ards( tellin! the storZ of !reat e/ eriments in the arcane arts. $mon! the stories is a dramatic o[er in and of itself # unlocXin! hidden mZstical ener!ies that flo[ from the son! itself( fuelin! the artZas ma!ical e/ loits. 3or the ne/t four turns( all s ells cast bZ the artZ have their 2, cost reduced bZ ?5%. 3antasia ;f >i!ht TZ e= 2a!ic (1B CT) Tar!et= ,artZ 3ree#flo[in! and ever#chan!in!( this an!elic son! summons forth !reat s[aths of li!ht that surround the artZ( shieldin! them from outside harm and blocXin! a[aZ anZthin! that [ould hurt them. \hen under the ae!is of this son!( all artZ members are !ranted the status conditions ,rotect (B) and Shell (B). Eig?t? RanP Songs c>evel ABd Srenodi TZ e= 2a!ic (1A CT) Tar!et= 8rou \ith a flourish( the Iard summons u [aves of tinZ fairZ#liXe s rites that rise from the !round and s[arm the enemZ artZ. $s a mass( theZ overrun the o onents( latchin! onto them and conductin! the force of further attacXs to aid the Iardas artZ. 0f the Iard is successful on a (Sin!%)( 2."efense checX( the tar!et is rendered \eaXened (B) to the Iardas choice of element. %arth Ilues TZ e= 2a!ic (1A CT) Tar!et= 8rou $ rumblin! son!( based off of a sim le three#note chord( this tuneas o[er dives dee into the !round( causin! massive s iXes of stone to slam u [ards from the !round( im alin! the enemZ artZ for (??/2$8) L 5d1?( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e. %ven beZond that( each of the enemZ has a '0% chance to be [ra ed in the stone( inflictin! the status condition ,etrifZ (B). 4eroas Sa!a TZ e= 2a!ic (1A CT) Tar!et= ,artZ ,erha s the !reatest son! of all Iards( this musical number conFures u ima!es of lon!#dead heroes in their !reatest moments # slaZin! dra!ons and demons( con:uerin! evil( savin! to[n( nation and [orld( and brin!in! forth all that is ri!ht. The force of these ima!es are so movin! that theZ ins ire all those [ho listen to the hei!hts of stren!th( lettin! them ush on throu!h anZ obstacle to achieve !reatness. $ll artZ members are !ranted the status conditions ,o[er M (B)( 2a!ic M (B)( $rmor M (B)( 2ental M (B)( $!ilitZ M (B) and S irit M (B). 3u!ue ;f The S[ift TZ e= 2a!ic (1A CT) Tar!et= ,artZ \hile startin! at a decent s eed( this son! accelerates ra idlZ( s iralin! u [ards faster and faster( !oin! com letelZ out of control. $s it moves :uicXer( it brin!s the artZ [ith it( acceleratin! them as the son! does. $t the eaX( the artZ is !ranted the status condition 4aste (B)( as the tune [ildlZ careens alon!. CHEMIST 0n the Chemistas [orld#vie[( the flasX is mi!htier than the s[ord. 4e does not [ield flashin! [ea ons of [ar( and he maZ be forced to fore!o the ma!eas fine silX robes for more fire roof leather smocXs( but [oe betide the oor villain [ho underestimates this four#eZed combatant. $rmed [ith !lass vials and bottles( and [ith an e/tensive Xno[led!e of herbal and alchemical lore( the chemist can create an im ressive varietZ of otions( oultices( and oisons that have effects ran!in! from sim le [ound closure to fireballs as bi! around as houses. \hile the chemist maZ use ma!ical in!redients in his concoctions( his methods are urelZ scientific ## the e:uations and ro ortions involved in his mi/tures obeZ strict hZsical la[s( and this is a matter of ride to the chemist. 0n a [orld [here ma!ic often taXes center sta!e( it is the chemistas mission to rove to his com anions ## and erha s more im ortantlZ( his enemies ## that [hile bendin! realitZ is a o[erful sXill( it is no match for maXin! realitZ [orX for Zou. The Chemistas [ea on is his mind( moreso than anZ other Fob. 4e can smite his o onents as [ell as anZ [i-ard [ith his :uicXlZ#mi/ed e/ losives( acids( and oisons( and he ossesses the added fle/ibilitZ of bein! able to heal his allies of dama!e and other afflictions( as [ell. The monster that mistaXes the s indlZ chemist for an easZ meal is in for a ainful four#course lesson. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) LP LP L1? L1? L1? LP )e resentatives= Ianon (33&0)( )iXXu (33b)( Chemist 6ob (33&( 33T( 33T$) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= ^nives( Staves( 8loves( Io[s( )ifles $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( Suits( )obes $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= Technical )e:uired SXills= $lchemZ( ;ne \ea on SXill P0AR)A!$'1$SW The Chemistas rimarZ area of e/ ertise is [ith otions and items. 4ere( e/ erience !ained from far too manZ hours s ent crouched over an alembic can have stran!e and useful effects. Treatment c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= ,artZ 0n a [ash of blue articles( the Chemist directs a [eaX stream of vital ener!Z over his comrades( cancelin! all ne!ative Status conditions currentlZ affectin! the ,artZ. This recoverZ( ho[ever( is not ermanentH anZ Status condition removed bZ Treatment durin! a )ound is re#added to the tar!et durin! the Status ,hase of the ne/t. 3urthermore( this $bilitZ does not rotect the tar!et from additional Status Conditions inflicted after Treatment has been usedH these continue to affect the tar!et as normal. \hile under the effects of Treatment( all Statuses continue to count do[n in their duration( [ith the e/ce tion of ,etrifZ and Condemned. Those instead have their countdo[ns sto ed for a turn.

Do#"&e c>evel 11d TZ e= Su ort Chemists have a cannZ XnacX [hen it comes to fi!urin! out ho[ to coa/ ma/imum otencZ out of almost anZ item( boostin! its beneficial o[ers far beZond the manufactureras ori!inal intentions. "ouble is automaticallZ a lied anZ time a Chemist erforms an 0tem $ction [ith a )ecoverZ 0tem ## the e/act effects de end on the item bein! administered( as sho[n in the table belo[. The "oubled %ffect re laces the ori!inal effect( unless it is refaced bZ aLaH in this case( both the ori!inal effect and the "oubled %ffect a lZ. Table B#B= "oubled %ffects 0tem "oubled %ffect Tonic )estores 50 4, to one tar!et ,otion )estores 100 4, to one tar!et 4i#,otion )estores 500 4, to one tar!et b#,otion )estores one tar!etas 4, to ma/imum Tincture )estores '0 2, to one tar!et %ther )estores A0 2, to one tar!et 4i#%ther )estores '00 2, to one tar!et b#%ther )estores A00 2, to one tar!et %li/ir )estores ,artZas 4, and 2, to their ma/imum values. ,hoeni/ "o[n L )estores 4, to ?5% of ma/imum )emedZ L 0mmunitZ to Status $ilmentsQ (B) $ntidote L 0mmunitZ to ,oisonQ and &enomQ (B) %cho Screen L 0mmunitZ to SilenceQ (B) Soft L 0mmunitZ to StoneQ and ,etrifZQ (B) %Zedro L 0mmunitZ to IlindQ (B) Cornuco ia L 0mmunitZ to 2iniQ (B) 2aidenas ^iss L 0mmunitZ to ToadQ (B) 4olZ \ater L 0mmunitZ to CurseQ and YombieQ (B) 2a!ic Ta! L 0mmunitZ to YombieQ (B) Tran:uili-er L 0mmunitZ to IerserXQ (B) Distri"#te c>evel ??d TZ e= )eaction Tar!et= ,artZ IZ carefullZ mana!in! the dosa!e of a )ecoverZ 0tem and adFustin! the flo[ of healin! ma!ic( the Chemist can [rin! a little e/tra life out of almost anZ curative effect. \henever a ,artZ member # includin! the Chemist # recovers 4, or 2,( the Chemist [ill automaticallZ redirect anZ ae/cessa from the recoverZ effect to be divided e:uallZ amon!st all other hurt ,artZ members. The distributed amount is al[aZs e:ual to the difference bet[een the allZas ma/imum 4, and the amount restored ## a character recoverin! ?50 4, [hile needin! onlZ 10? 4, to reach their ma/imum 4, value [ould !ive the Chemist 1BP 4, to divide. The one e/ce tion to this are afull#recoverZa effects such as the %li/ir( [hich restore a characteras 4, and 2, to its ma/imum value. 0n this case( the 4, ## or 2, ## available for distribution [ill be e:ual to the characteras current 4, rior to bein! restored. %/cess remainin! after the first distribution is not s lit further. 3or e/am le( an allZ [ith ?B0 4, out of a ma/imum of A0B [ould !ive the Chemist ?B0 4, to s lit evenlZ bet[een all ,artZ members [ho are inFured. 4o[ever( if one artZ member is onlZ hurt bZ 1 4,( theZ [ould still recover as much as everZbodZ else( and anZ e/cess this time [ould be lost. )iG c>evel 'Bd TZ e= 3ast The Chemistas si!nature abilitZ rests in their talent for blendin! hitherto#harmless in!redients into a concoction that can easilZ turn the tide of battle. 3or more information on 2i/( consult the section on 2i/tures in $ endi/ 0. RB tem c>evel BCd TZ e= Su ort $bilitZ `ears of handlin! delicate vials and e/ ensive !lass[are have !iven the Chemist a certain nimbleness in the fin!ers thatas seen them throu!h more than one ti!ht situation. \#0tem allo[s a Chemist to erform t[o 0tem $ctions at the cost of onlZ one $ction. A#toBPotion c>evel A1d TZ e= )eaction $t the innacle of his o[ers( the Chemistas masterZ of otions and curatives is [ired to hair#tri!!er refle/esH even as inFurZ striXes( the Chemist has Fust the ri!ht item at hand to administer blessed relief. $s a result( the Chemist maZ automaticallZ use one )ecoverZ 0tem in their 0nventorZ on themselves everZ time theZ taXes dama!e or are inflicted [ith a ne!ative Status Condition durin! the course of a battle. This )ecoverZ 0tem must be one that hel s the Chemist recover from the dama!e or Status Condition [hich tri!!ered $uto#,otion. DANCER The "ancer is a stran!e si!ht on the battlefield. "ressed li!htlZ and movin! [ith a sensuous !race( theZ seem out of lace. $lmost as if some [ealthZ but naive erson had stumbled into the middle of a fierce en!a!ement. Then theZ be!in to move( erformin! the ste s of mZstic choreo!ra hZ that are their livelihood. SuddenlZ the enemZ finds themselves entranced( the hZ notic movements seemin! to drain their stren!th and [ill to fi!ht. Some even become ho elesslZ dra[n to the "ancer and find that theZ are doin! anZthin! theZ can to rotect them( even if that means turnin! on their friends and alliesN %ven monsters( ma!ical bein!s and other inhuman creatures are not immune to these mZstic charms. This Fob is closelZ linXed to the Iard( as it uses a medium normallZ associated [ith art to create ma!ical effects. TheZ should not be underestimated ho[ever( as theZ can turn the tide of the battle. There have been no Xno[n a lications of the "anceras o[ers that directlZ benefit allies (unliXe the Iard). $ll "ance o[ers are meant to hinder and cri le the enemZ. 0t should be noted here that [hile the maForitZ of "ancers are female (and in some societies a male "ancer is a taboo)( not all of them are. Still most Zouall encounter [ill be female( and theZ refer li!ht [ea ons and armor to heavZ arms. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L10 L5 L1B L1B L9 LP )e resentatives= "ancer 6ob (33&( 33T)( Son!stress (33b#?) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= ^nives( Cla[s( 8loves( )ods( Staves( 3lails

$rmor= $rm[ear( Suits( )obes( 4ats $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ffinitZ= $rtistic )e:uired SXills= "ancin!( ;ne \ea on SXill F&irt c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The first o[er all "ancers learn is the sim le flirt. 0t is not reallZ ma!ical in nature( and involves the "ancer maXin! herself looX both harmless and friendlZ to[ards the tar!et. The "ancer [ill instinctivelZ be able to reco!ni-e( from bodZ lan!ua!e and verbal cues( [hat [ould best [orX in this re!ard. \ith a (50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?))( 2."efense chance to succeed( the "ancer can flirt [ith a tar!et( causin! her to avoid dama!e. 0f successful( the victim [ill not directlZ attacX the "ancer( unless there are no other tar!ets available. Collateral dama!e (such as 8rou or randomlZ tar!etin! attacXs) can still ha en( but the monster [ill not attem t to s ecificallZ tar!et the "ancer. This effect lasts for a duration of (B). Tar!ets [hich are 0= 2ZstifZ are not affected bZ 3lirt. DA1!E The rimarZ abilitZ of the "ancer is the abilitZ to channel mZstical forces throu!h their movements and meditation. This o[er is artlZ e/ternal (as ma!ic) and artlZ internal (as [ea on arts). $ "ancer can be revented from usin! this abilitZ throu!h the status conditions Curse or 0mmobili-e. To erform a dance( the laZer decides [hat ranX of dance she [ishes to erform. To determine [hich dance [ithin that ranX is erformed( the laZer rolls a dA. %ach dance listed e:uates to a number( 1 throu!h 5. 0f the dance erformed has a sin!le tar!et( the "ancer can select [hat enemZ is hit. ;n a A( the "ancer fails to erform a s ecial move( and instead erforms a standard $ttacX action a!ainst a random enemZ( doin! C5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. "ance% is ("ance sXillU? L >evel L $80/?). Ran ! Dances c>evel 1d 6) )ocPing )am"o TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The "ancer s ins and t[irls( [ith each motion maXin! the rudest ossible !estures and actions. @o [ords are needed # the "ancer is Fust as ca able of bein! infuriatin! as bein! flirtatious. ;n a successful "ance%( 2."efense checX( the tar!et is inflicted [ith IerserX (B). 7) SicPening S?#33&e TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le S innin! around and around [ildlZ( the "ancer t[ists and turns in a dance [hich is madlZ chaotic in the movements. The dance is so di--Zin!( that vie[ers [ill feel ill from the t[irlin! and s innin!. 0f successful on a "ance%(2."efense checX( the "ancer is able to maXe one tar!et so sicX from the motion that the victim is inflicted [ith ,oison (M). @) Tem*tation Tango TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le This [hirlin!( t[irlin! dance imitates the matin! dance of Chocobos # filled [ith movements that are tem tin!( sur risin! and eni!matic all at the same time( combined [ith [ild flashes of color. So utterlZ disorientin! is this dance( those [ho vie[ it often lose tracX of the [orld around them. 0f the "ancer maXes a "ance%(2."efense checX( the tar!et is affected bZ Confusion (B). A) Ritc? 0#nt TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The "ancer channels mZstical forces into her ste s( sendin! ma!ical shocX[aves to[ards the tar!et [ith each stom in! ste . The tar!et is strucX bZ the shocX[aves and taXes 50% [ea on dama!e in 2, from this assault. This dama!e i!nores $)2 [hen bein! calculated( and uses the "anceras $80 stat( re!ardless of the [ea on bein! [ielded. H) Tri* Tango TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le \hile most of this danceas movements are dramatic and fierZ( the true heart of this dance is in the lo[ movements. 3rom time to time in this assionate( a!!ressive dance( the "ancer [ill s[in! her le!s out alon! the !round( XnocXin! the tar!et off itas feet and disablin! them. 0f successful on a "ance%(2."efense checX( the tar!et is inflicted [ith 0mmobili-e (B). Ran " Dances c>evel 15d 6) S&oQ Dance TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Startin! out :uicX( the "anceras movements be!in to decelerate. SimilarlZ( the tar!et( after a "ance%(2."efense checX( be!ins to also come to a cra[l( !ainin! the status Slo[ (B). 7) /itter"#g TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le "ancin! ra idlZ( [ith a furZ of :uicX ste s( the "ancer sucXs the tar!etas vitalitZ a[aZ( usin! it to enhance the "anceras motions. The "ancer inflicts 50% [ea on dama!e( all of [hich is drained. This dama!e i!nores $)2 [hen bein! calculated( and uses the "anceras $80 stat( re!ardless of the [ea on bein! [ielded. @) )isdirecting )as:#e TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The "ancer( s[aZin! and dod!in!( moves u ri!ht ne/t to her o onent( and starts to dance around them( staZin! as close as ossible. 0f the "ancer is successful on a "ance%("efense roll( she is considered to be occu Zin! the same hZsical s ace as the tar!et. $ll hZsical attacXs [hich are aimed for the "ancer automaticallZ tar!et the victim of the 2as:ue instead. $nZ s ell [hich affects one also affects the other. The "ancer can sustain this dance( as lon! as she maXes a similar "ance%("efense roll everZ turn. 3ailin! that checX means the o onent has esca ed and the "ancer has returned to her revious osition. \hile erformin! the 2isdirectin! 2as:ue( the "ancer maZ act normallZ( but can not erform another dance [ithout !ivin! u the benefits of 2isdirectin! 2as:ue. A) Disarming Der2is? TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le S[irlin! and s innin!( the "ancer s irals madlZ in a [hirl of confusin! motions and [ild !Zrations. The utter un redictabilitZ of this dance confuses the tar!et( causin! defenses to be misdirected and leavin! [eaX oints e/ osed. 0f em loZed( there is a "ance%(2."efense CoS that the tar!et [ill lose anZ Iarrier ositive status ossessed( aside from Shield (this means ,rotect( Shell( \all or )eflect).

H) RicPed Ra&t8 TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le This devilish dance sends the "ancer in circles around the tar!et( in three ste bursts. %verZ third ste sends a slash of darX ener!Z throu!h the tar!et( blastin! a[aZ life force. 0f successful on a "ance%(2."efense checX( this dance removes ''% of the tar!etas current 4,. This is a 3atal#tZ e effect( for taXin! status immunities into account. Ran # Dances c>evel '0d 6) Time Rar* TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le \ith FerXZ movements and sudden bursts of s eed inters ersed [ith no movement at all( the "ancer is able to shaXe the tar!etas erce tion of and osition [ithin time( inflictin! the Time Sli (A) status if a "ance%(2."efense checX is successful. 7) Ri8nai"#s TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou 3uriouslZ s innin! around( the "ancer moves at s eeds [hich turn her into a livin! ma!net for ener!Z. \hen she sto s suddenlZ( this ener!Z [hich has been attracted flies off( striXin! all nearbZ o onents. %ach o onent is strucX bZ a blast( causin! 100%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. "ama!e from this attacX is calculated usin! the "anceras $80 stat( re!ardless of the [ea on bein! used. @) BreaP Dance TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le ,oundin! her feet on the !round( the "ancer causes a !eZser of rocX and dirt to eru t from beneath the tar!et. These debris [ra around the victim( inflictin! them [ith ,etrifZ (B)( if the "ancer is successful on a "ance%(2."efense checX. A) Po&Pa Po&Pa TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou The "ancer sho[s off her a!ilitZ( disillusionin! the tar!et of the notion that muscle o[er is trulZ better. $s a result( after a "ance%(2."efense checX( the tar!et is inflicted [ith ,o[er "o[n (B)( s[aZed a[aZ from hZsical mi!ht. )oll a se arate checX for each tar!et. 0f the CoS roll is a ?0 or belo[( and successful( the tar!et is inflicted [ith ,o[er IreaX (B) instead. H) Disi&&#sion TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou Combinin! a hi!hlZ !eometrical dance attern [ith thou!hts of the scientific( the "ancer has a "ance%(2."efense chance of dra[in! the tar!etas mind a[aZ from matters of the ma!ical( causin! 2a!ic "o[n (B). )oll a se arate checX for each tar!et. 0f the CoS roll is a ?0 or belo[( and successful( the tar!et is inflicted [ith 2a!ic IreaX (B) instead. Ran $ Dances c>evel B5d 6) 1ame&ess Dance TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou This dance has never been !iven a name. 2ainlZ this is due to the fact that it rarelZ seems to roduce the e/act same effect and it never involves the same motions t[ice. \hen usin! this dance the "ancer rolls 1dP( consultin! the table belo[ to find [hat status ailment is inflicted on the tar!et. )oll se aratelZ for each tar!et. 1dP )esult 1 ,oison (M) ? Ilind (A) ' Silence (A) B Slo[ (A) 5 Sto (B) A Toad (M) C Confuse (A) P Slee (A) 7) Dead&L D#et TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Channellin! the mZstical forces of the \itch 4unt into her [ea on( the "ancer striXes out at the tar!et( landin! a blo[ that does 100%( $rmor [ea on dama!e to the tar!etas 4,( [hich is drained( lus 50% [ea on dama!e that is done directlZ to the tar!etas 2,( i!norin! $)2. "ama!e from this attacX is calculated usin! the "anceras $80 stat( re!ardless of the [ea on bein! used. @) )iniat#re )in#et TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Curlin! u ( the "ancer mimics the [orld becomin! smaller as she dances. The tar!et( similarlZ( has a "ance%(2."efense chance of shrinXin!( !ainin! the 2ini (M) status. A) For"idden Dance TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le This darX dance channels ure ne!ative mZstic ener!Z from the nether[orld into the "ancer. Thou!h outla[ed for the dan!erous ma!ical o[er( the "ancer maZ call on it and( [ith a sim le touch( unleash the forces into a tar!et. ;n a successful "ance%(2."efense checX( the tar!et is instantlZ reduced to -ero 4,. 2onsters [hich are 0= "eath and bosses of all sorts are automaticallZ immune to this. H) De"i&itating Disco TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le 3lashin! li!hts come alon! [ith this dance( fillin! the air around the "ancer [ith a multitude of colors as she s[aZs and !Zrates. 0n the midst of it all( the li!hts suddenlZ all turn a sin!le color at once( and streaX off to surround the tar!et instead. 0f successful on a "ance%(2."efense checX( the "ancer causes the tar!et to become more vulnerable to an element of her choice (\= %lement( B)( the e/act element indicated bZ the color of the li!hts surroundin! it. This status is resisted bZ 0= \eaX( [hen accountin! for status immunities. Ran % Dances c>evel A0d 6) SQord Dance TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le

S[in!in! her [ea on around [ith !reat flourish( the "ancer becomes a dervish of destruction( striXin! the tar!et over and over a!ain( rainin! do[n blo[s. The tar!et taXes ?00%( $rmor [ea on dama!e from this devastatin! assault. "ama!e from this attacX is calculated usin! the "anceras $80 stat( re!ardless of the [ea on bein! used. 7) (ast Dance TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou Considered bZ manZ to be the ultimate dance( >ast "ance involves a hi!hlZ com le/ series of ste s that( if erformed erfectlZ( can actuallZ free-e armies in their tracXs. \hen this intense dance is erformed( all o onents have a "ance%(2."efense chance of bein! stunned( their ne/t action nullified unless theZ are 0= Seal. @) DirtL Dancing TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Sometimes( the best [aZ to defeat an o onent is to hit belo[ the belt. The "ancer e/cels at this. %ven in situations [here none e/ists( the "ancer is ca able of creatin! a [eaX oint # and hittin! it. 2aXin! a flourishin! attacX( the "ancer striXes the tar!etas [eaXest s ot # doin! no dama!e but directin! all others to find the ri!ht lace to hit for ma/imum dama!e. \ith a "ance%(2."efense CoS( the "ancer inflicts 2eltdo[n (?) on the tar!et. This status is a lied( even if the tar!et is 0= \eaX. A) Fata& F&amenco TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The "anceras dance( in this case( is one of flourishes and fast( shar ste s. 3lZin! around( the "ancer holds a thornZ rose in her teeth as she ra s off ta in! ste s. \ith a !rand turn( she taXes the rose out and thro[s it at the tar!et. 0f successful on a "ance%(2."efense checX( the rose striXes the tar!et( unchin! into them and inflictin! the status &enom (B) from oisons on the flo[eras stem. H) Do#"&etime TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= S ecial 0n a sudden( manic burst of acceleration( the "ancer moves at s eeds reviouslZ unheard of. 0n this furZ of motion( the "ancer is able to blend the motions of t[o different dances to!ether( combinin! their effects [ithout interru tin! the intricacies of either. \hen this result a ears( the "ancer selects t[o dance ranXs (theZ can be the same ranX or different ones) and rolls once for each choice. The t[o resultin! dances are erformed immediatelZ. \hen rollin!( if the "oubletime result is !ained( the "ancer must reroll. ENGINEER ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L1' L10 L1' LP L10 LA )e resentatives= Cid (33B)( %d!ar (33A)( Cid (33C)( )iXXu (33b)( 2ustadio (33T)( 8ad!eteer (33T$) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= Cla[s( Crossbo[s( 8loves( >i!ht S[ords( S[ords( ,olearms( )ifles $rmor= 8auntlets( Shields( Suits( 4ats $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= Technical )e:uired SXills= 0nvent( ;ne \ea on SXill T$$(S \ith uncannZ technical sXill the %n!ineer is one to be feared [ith tools in hand. \hether disablin! a mechanical foe or constructin! [ea ons of mass destruction( the %n!ineer uses his im ressive Xno[led!e and sXilled hands to com lete anZ tasX. The e/ ert sXill Tool% is used for several %n!ineer abilities. Tool% is determined bZ (0nvent SXill L >&> L $80/?) n2ention c>evel 1d TZ e= S ecial Tar!et= S ecial The %n!ineer is able to field an im ressive number of 0nventions as desi!ned bZ the 0CS. $n %n!ineer !ains a number of sZstems (invention bases) everZ fe[ levels. Tool creation and to a less de!ree( modification is no sim le tasX and can onlZ be erformed durin! rest eriods or [henever the 82 dictates. $n %n!ineer is onlZ able to use 0nventions he ersonallZ created( other %n!ineeras inventions are sim lZ too alien to use. 0n addition the level 1 sZstem a startin! %n!ineer !ains 100 !il [orth of arts to build his first invention( anZthin! e/tra comes from his normal !il su lZ. This moneZ maZ onlZ be used for arts( and maZ not be immediatelZ resold bZ the %n!ineer. SZstem >evel >evel 8ained 1 1 ? P ' 15 B ?? 5 ?9 A 'A C B' P 50 9 5C 10 AB Pee* c>evel 11d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le \ith a hardened eZe for detail an %n!ineer can e/amine almost anZthin! for its stren!ths and fla[s. \ith a successful (Tool% # 2"ef) checX the %n!ineer can estimate a monsteras >evel( 4,( 2, and anZ [eaXnesses. Sca2enge c>evel ??d TZ e= Su ort @ot ever one to turn do[n anZ ossible arts an %n!ineer is able to scaven!e the remains of 2achina based enemies. $fter a battle [here 2achina# tZ e enemies [ere defeated( assumin! the offendin! machine did not esca e( the %n!ineer has a (Tool% #100) chance to recover a sin!le art of a ro riate raritZ( chosen at the 82as [him. This art is in addition to anZ of the battleas normal item dro s( and is not affected bZ or effect them.

Disassem"&er c>evel 'Bd TZ e= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!le \ith e/ ert Xno[led!e the %n!ineer can tam er [ith anZ 2achina based monster in an attem t to short#circuit them. "isassembler has a (Tool% # 50 # %nemZas >evel) to cause instant death to anZ 2achina monster. 2onsters [ith 0= "eath are not affected bZ this attacX. )aintenance c>evel BCd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= ,artZ \ith an eZe to detail the %n!ineer maXes sure his artZas e:ui ment is al[aZs in ti #to condition to avoid anZ otential dama!e. %ffectivelZ( [hen used this !rants each artZ member a (Tool% #100) CoS to !ain 0=\eaX(B) RB n2ention c>evel A1d TZ e= S ecial Tar!et= S ecial 8ro[in! more sXilled in 0nvention usa!e the %n!ineer is no[ able to use his sim ler inventions [ith !reater ease. The %n!ineer is able to select t[o inventions of level 5 or less to be tri!!ered in the %n!ineers turn. $ll effects and defects are combined and calculated once. GAMBLER The 8ambler is the !amer( the bi! s ender( and the e itome of lucX and fate. 8amblers believe in lacin! obFects or sums of !reat value on the line( ho in! to [in even !reater ri-es. %ven outside the casino( bi! decisions in their lives are often made bZ the mere fli of a coin. >on! term lannin! and strate!ic thinXin! mean nothin! to the carefree 8ambler( as theZ erceive everZthin! in life as a bet. \hen these bets aZ off( ho[ever( theZ can brin! the arties theZ accom anZ anZthin! from access to reviouslZ inaccessible laces to rare and otent items. 4o[ever( Fust as theZ liXe to [in bi!( theZ maZ also lose bi!. The 8ambleras $bilities in battle are un redictable( for their attacXs( [hile otentiallZ the most o[erful amon! anZ adventurer( relZ [hollZ on chance. 6ust as theZ can [in the battle [ith their $bilities( theZ can slaZ everZone involved in the fi!ht. %ven as theZ save the artZ from certain doom( theZ could com letelZ fail to do anZthin!. \hat [ill >adZ >ucX brin! to the adventuref )oll the dice( s in the reels( and find outN ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) LP LP L10 L1? L1? L10 )e resentatives= Set-er (33&0)( Cait Sith (33&00)( Sel hie Tilmitt (33&000)( \aXXa (33b) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= ^nives( Thro[in! \ea ons( 8loves( Crossbo[s( >i!ht S[ords( Ioomeran!s $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( Suits and Shields $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= ThieverZ )e:uired SXills= 8amblin!( ;ne \ea on SXill (4!X 8ames of chance have al[aZs been the forte of the 8ambler. $ 8ambler in this !ame can count on >adZ >ucX to roduce a [ide varietZ of different effects de endin! on [hich [aZ the dice (literallZ) fall. Dice c>evel 15d TZ e= Slo[ (A) Tar!et= Sin!le The 8ambler learns the use of a air of ma!ical dice( [hich can be used to (sometimes) inflict dama!e on enemies. \hen this abilitZ is used( roll ?dA. 0f the dice come u doubles( no dama!e is done to the enemZ. 0n addition( if the dice come u double 1s( the 8ambler immediatelZ loses half his current 4,. 0f anZthin! other than doubles are rolled( add the t[o dice to!ether and multi lZ bZ the 8ambleras current level. That much dama!e is done to the enemZ( i!norin! $rmor and all statuses e/ce t for Shield. (xample: )alina* a Le el ++ ,ambler* uses !ice and rolls a - and a .. The dice deal --/ damage to the enem0. 1% )alina had rolled t2o .s* no damage 2ould ha e been done. 1% )alina had rolled t2o -s* she3d ha e dealt no damage and lost hal% her o2n HP as 2ell4 (#cPL Se2en c>evel ?9d TZ e= )eaction Seven is a common lucXZ numberN The 8ambler taXes this conce t one ste further. 0f the 8ambler !ets attacXed( and the attacX results in the last di!it of his 4, endin! [ith C( the 8ambler can counterattacX and inflict C( CC( or CCC 4, of dama!e to the o onent [ho inflicted the ori!inal dama!e( i!norin! $rmor and 2. $rmor ratin!s. \hen the 8ambler uses this abilitZ( the 8ambler must roll a checX of (8amblin! SXill L >evel L (2$8/?)( 2"efense. The follo[in! results maZ occur= 0f the checX fails( but the roll is not a botch (95#100)= tar!et taXes C 4, dama!e. 0f the checX succeeds( but is not a critical success (1#10)= CC 4, dama!e. 0f the checX is a critical success (1#10)= CCC 4, dama!e. 0f the roll is a botch (95#100)= roll a!ain usin! the 8ambleras 2."efense( and the dama!e striXes the 8ambler instead. $ second botch means the 8ambler has ushed his lucX too far( and is instantlZ reduced to 0 4,. Bri"e c>evel 'Ad TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The 8ambler taXes Zet another chance [ith his life( attem tin! to maXe a deal [ith the enemZ in ho es that it [ill let him and his artZ live. 0f the 8ambler offers enou!h moneZ( the enemZ [ill leave the artZ alone( runnin! a[aZ [ith his ne[ s oils( [hile inadvertentlZ dro in! s oils as [ellN The standard amount of !il to be successful [ith a Iribe( havin! the enemZ run a[aZ from the battlefield( is e:ual to (%nemZas >evel / %nemZas 4it Iase) for everZ 1% CoS. 3or e/am le( Zou maZ have a 50% CoS to Iribe a >evel A5 2onster( 4it Iase= ? [ith A500 !il( but a 100% CoS [ith 1'000 !il. 0n addition( some modifiers maZ a lZ= %nemZ is [ounded (belo[ ?5% 4,)= #?5% 8il %nemZ is outnumbered at least t[o to one= #?5% 8il %nemZ is intelli!ent= L?5% 8il %nemZ is a 2iniboss( Ioss or Su erboss= Cannot be Iribed

)e!ardless of the 8ambleras success or failure [ith Iribe( that moneZ s ent is lost. 0f the 8ambler fails a Iribe attem t( he can trZ and offer more moneZ on his ne/t $ction( but [ith a L5% modifier in addition to anZ modifiers above. 0f successful( the monster is considered to be %Fected. 0t also automaticallZ dro s its &erZ )are (01#0C) item. S*are !?ange c>evel ABd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou $s a last ditch effort( the 8ambler can use his [innin!s as a [ea on to save his o[n life. Throu!h a lon! time of [heelin! and dealin!( the 8ambler becomes so ade t at handlin! !il that he can no[ thro[ it at enemies [ith enou!h sXill and aim to inflict some maFor dama!e. %verZ 10 !il thro[n e:uals 1 4, of dama!e. There is no limit to ho[ much of his !il he can thro[ at the enemies( as lon! as he has enou!h !il for the assault. The dama!e caused is a lied to each tar!et [ithin the enemZ !rou ( and [ill i!nore enemZ $rmor and 2. $rmor ratin!s. 3or e/am le( if the 8ambler thro[s 5000 !il at a !rou of three enemies( the 8ambler [ill inflict 500 dama!e to each enemZ( re!ardless of their $rmor and 2. $rmor ratin!s. S are Chan!e cannot inflict more than 999 4, dama!e to a sin!le enemZ in one $ction. S($TS Slots are( in a sense( the essence of bein! a 8ambler # maXin! Zour o[n lucX as it comes u . \hile most eo le consider slot machines to be uncontrollable( the 8ambler has learned to laZ them liXe an instrument to ma/imi-e the chances of a bi! aZoff # and this sho[s in his abilitZ effects. 3or most Slot abilities( the first of the three reels is al[aZs random # determined bZ a dieroll. The outcome of the other t[o reels( thou!h( can be influenced bZ the 8ambler( bZ maXin! a air of 8amblin! sXill checXs. (These checXs maZ be made at a bonus or a enaltZ( de endin! on the result on the first reel # some si!ns on the slot machines are harder to control than others.) 0f both these checXs are successful( the 8ambler has lined u a FacX ot( and !ets to unleash the slotsa full o[er. 0f one or both of the 8amblin! checXs fail( the 8ambler must be satisfied [ith the boobZ ri-e. %b$2,>%= 2arcus( a level 10 8ambler [ith a 8amblin! sXill of C0( decides to use the 2oo!le )eels slots effect in a battle a!ainst some 8oblins. 4is first attem t at usin! the )eels !ets a 4eart (1d10= A)( and he maXes t[o sXill checXs each at #?0. The first succeeds ('B) but the second fails (CP)( and ToZ Io/ !oes off( im alin! a 8oblin under some icicles. The second round( 2arcus tries a!ain. This time( he !ets a Star (1d10= ?)( and both his follo[in! sXill checXs (made at L0 this time)( succeed. $ 2o! "ance !oes off( healin! his allies. The third round( 2arcus !ets the 2o! 8ambleras 3ace. 4is first sXill checX fails (at #50( it is :uite a lon! shotN)( but the second is a Iotch # and 6oXer "oom !oes off. 3ortunatelZ( there are a QlotQ of 8oblins on the field( so the )oulette effects onlZ hit them rather than 2arcus and his allies. 2arcus breathes a si!h of relief( and [onders if his odds of !ettin! a Cro[n ne/t round and !unnin! the 8oblins do[n is [orth the risX... 4o[ever( most )eels also come [ith a rice # each Slot has an associated cost in 8il to use it. This moneZ must be aid out each time the Slot is used( no matter [hat the results mi!ht be. That is art of the cost of the 8ambleras o[er. E&ement Ree&s c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= &aries This is a custom reel set created bZ a nameless 8ambler [ho [as also a tournament fi!hter. 4e enFoZed the thrill of e/ loitin! enemZ stren!ths and [eaXnesses( re!ardless of [hether or not the result [as hel ful. _\hatever >adZ >ucX !ives me( 0 [ill follo[(_ he saZs to nonbelievers. %verZ adventurin! 8ambler learns to utili-e this reel set in the memorZ of this rather eccentric 8ambler. $fter aZin! 10 8il and rollin! 1d10 to determine the element( t[o 8amblin! sXill checXs are rolled. Ioth are erformed at #10%. 0f both checXs fail( the 8ambler e/ecutes a normal $ttacX $ction on a random tar!et. 0f onlZ one checX succeeds( the 8ambler erforms a normal $ttacX $ction on a random tar!et( but [ith the elemental attribute that [as randomlZ determined. 0f both sXill checXs succeed( the 8ambler attacXs the entire enemZ artZ [ith a 8rou effect( inflictin! 100%( $rmor dama!e of the rolled element. @o matter [hat element is rolled( it al[aZs overrides anZ elemental ro ertZ inherent in the 8ambleras [ea on. Table b#b= %lement )eels SZmbol )oll IlacX (Shado[) 1 )ed (3ire) ?#' Ilue (\ater) B#5 8old (>i!htnin!) A#C Silver (0ce) P#9 \hite (4olZ) 10 )oog&e Ree&s c>evel Pd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= &aries This is a custom reel set named for a 8ambler lon! a!o that had an obsession [ith moo!les. \hen the 8ambler strucX it rich one daZ( he decided to o en a casino and have it run com letelZ bZ moo!les. 4e even made a stuffed moo!le costume for himself so the !eneral ublic [ouldnat notice that he [asnat a moo!le at all. %ventuallZ the casino [ent out of business( but this reel set [as desi!ned in res ects to this 8ambler( Xno[n onlZ as _The 2o! 8ambler._ $ hint of this 8ambleras identitZ is even hidden [ithin the reel set. \hen usin! 2oo!le )eels( the 8ambler must aZ ?5 8il( then roll 1d10 to determine the initial sZmbol. The 8ambler then maXes t[o 8amblin! sXill checXs( modified bZ the sZmbolas a ro riate bonus or enaltZ. Table b#b= 2oo!le )eels )oll SZmbol SXill 2odifier 1#' Star L0 B#5 Cro[n #10 A#C 4eart #?0 P 2oo!le #'0 9 I$) #50 10 283Q #50 = The _283_ is the 2o! 8ambleras face( or at least a art of it. Three of these [ill reveal the 2o! 8ambleras entire face. 6acX ot )esults= # Star (checX at L0)= 2o! "ance Tar!et= ,artZ $ series of moo!les a ear in front of the artZ( restorin! each character bZ (B / 2$8 L 'dP) 4,. # Cro[n (checX at #10)= ToZ Soldiers Tar!et= 8rou

$ series of toZ soldiers a ear( and o en fire on the 8ambleras foes( inflictin! (A / 2$8 L 'dP( 2$rm) @on#%lemental dama!e on all enemies. # 4eart (checX at #?0)= >ucXZ 8al Tar!et= Sin!le $ !irl dressed in a bunnZ suit a ears( and blo[s a Xiss at a artZ member of the 8ambleras choice. The Xiss raises the tar!etas $ttacX% to ?55( and doubles his chance of inflictin! a critical hit( for the remainder of the battle. # 2oo!le (checX at #'0)= Combine Tar!et= Self The 2o! 8ambleras moo!le suit a ears( rovidin! the 8ambler [ith added unch and staZin! o[er in combat. The follo[in! effects occur= # $)2 and 2$)2 are doubled. # $ttacX% increases to ?55. # The character !ains a ,unch attacX( [hich deals 150%( $rmor normal [ea on dama!e( and a ^u o @ut attacX( [hich deals 1?5%( $rmor normal [ea on dama!e and is )an!ed. \hile in the suit( the 8ambler can onlZ erform attacX actions( and is immune to all statuses (either ositive or ne!ative). $t the end of the battle( the suit disa ears( leavin! the 8ambler barelZ conscious at 1 4,. # I$) (checX at #50)= Summon Tar!et= &aries \hen this effect comes u ( one of the [eaXer Summons is called to visit the battlefield. The Summon [ill dis ense their usual Call effect (no Ioost included( and based on the 8ambleras 2$8)( and then leave. To determine the Summon invoXed( roll 1d10= 1#?= 0frit # (A / 2$8 L ?d10( 2$rm) 3ire dama!e to 8rou '#B= )amuh # (A / 2$8 L ?d10( 2$rm) >i!htnin! dama!e to 8rou 5#A= Shiva # (A / 2$8 L ?d10( 2$rm) 0ce dama!e to 8rou C= SZl h # (10 / 2$8 L 'd10( 2$rm) @on#%lemental dama!e to oneH total dama!e is divided evenlZ amon! the artZ and used to restore 4, P= Titan # (10 / 2$8 L 'd10( 2$rm) %arth dama!e to 8rou 9= ^irin # )e!en (A) to artZ 10= Cait Sith # Confuse (A) to 8rou # 2o! 8ambler 3ace (checX at #50)= $ll ;ver Tar!et= 8rou TheZ saZ that those [ho see the 2o! 8ambleras face shall not live to tell about it. \hen the entire face is matched u ( it reveals a blacX tabbZ catas face. The catas eZes !lo[ Zello[( and all enemies [ithin ran!e are instantlZ reduced to 0 4,. 2inibosses( Iosses and Su er#Iosses are immune( as are anZ o onents [ho are 0= "eath. # 6oXer "oom (S,%C0$>) Tar!et= 8rou TheZ also saZ that those [ho attem t to see the 2o! 8ambleras face maZ not live to tell about it. This abilitZ taXes effect if the 8ambler rolls a Iotch (9A#100) on a 8amblin! checX [hen trZin! to line u the 2o! 8ambleras 3ace. 0f this occurs( the Ilue 2a!ic s ell )oulette is cast( and all [ithin ran!e are subFect to this s ell( friend and foe. The s ell is cast a number of times e:ual to g the number of combatants on the battlefield( rounded do[n. # ToZ Io/ (S,%C0$>) Tar!et= &aries The ToZ Io/ is the boobZ ri-e of the 2oo!le )eels set( and taXes effect [hen the 8ambler fails one or more 8amblin! checXs [hen usin! 2oo!le )eels (unless 6oXer "oom taXes effect instead # see above). \hat comes out of the ToZ Io/ is itself random # roll 1d10= 1#?= 1 Ton \ei!ht lands on a Sin!le enemZ of the 8ambleras choice( inflictin! (? / ST) L 'dA( $rm) ,hZsical dama!e. '#B= 0cicles slam into a Sin!le enemZ of the 8ambleras choice( inflictin! (? / 2$8 L 'dA( 2$rm) 0ce dama!e. 5#A= $ small 4ouse lands on a Sin!le random enemZ( inflictin! (' / ST) L 'dP( $rm) ,hZsical dama!e. C#P= $ 3at Chocobo char!es a Sin!le random enemZ( inflictin! (' / 2$8 L 'dP( 2$rm) @on#%lemental dama!e. 9= $ 2a!ic 4ammer materiali-es( reducin! a Sin!le random enemZas 2, bZ 10% of their current total. 10= $ Comet falls on a Sin!le random enemZ( inflictin! (B / 2$8 L BdA( 2$rm) @on#%lemental dama!e. Stat#s Ree&s c>evel ??d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= &aries @othin! is Xno[n about this custom reel set. 0t is rumored that this set [as created bZ 4ades himselfN ;nlZ a select fe[ adventurin! 8amblers Xno[ about this reel set( and re:uire that the 8ambler have a lot of e/ erience( else theZad be cursed [ith bad lucX and misfortune forever. The sZmbols on these reels re resent various Status ailments. $fter aZin! 50 8il( the 8ambler rolls 1d10 to determine the status in :uestion. The 8ambler maXes t[o sXill checXs # both at #50%. 0f neither is successful( nothin! ha ens. SucXer. 0f onlZ one checX is successful( the 8ambler automaticallZ inflicts the status on a random enemZ tar!et( unless that tar!et is immune to the status. 0f both sXill checXs are successful( the effect tar!ets 8rou ( and affects all non#immune members of the enemZ artZ. $nZ statuses inflicted have a duration of (B). Table b#b= Status )eels SZmbol )oll 8lasses (Ilind) 1 SXull (,oison) ? Stars (Confuse) ' N2ove (0mmobili-e) B N$ct ("isable) 5 ClocX (Slo[) A b b b (Curse) C . . . (Silence) P Y Y Y (Slee ) 9 )ed Cloud (IerserX) 10 !?oco"o Ree&s c>evel B'd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= &aries

This is a custom reel set created bZ a nameless 8ambler [ho [on bi! late in his career. 4e claimed that his !ood lucX charms [ere chocobos( and al[aZs had them bZ his side [henever he !ambled( hence the name of this reel set. )umor has it that he maZ be seeXin! out a !old chocobo( ho in! that it [ill !rant him !ood lucX eternallZ. $ll adventurin! 8amblers can eventuallZ utili-e this )eel set( aZin! res ects to this chocobo#obsessed 8ambler and his FourneZ. \hen usin! Chocobo )eels( the 8ambler must aZ ?00 8il( then roll 1d10 to determine the initial sZmbol. The 8ambler then maXes t[o 8amblin! sXill checXs( modified bZ the sZmbolas a ro riate bonus or enaltZ. Table b#b= Chocobo )eels )oll SZmbol SXill 2odifier 1#' Chocobo #B0 B#5 $irshi #50 A#C "iamond #50 P "ra!on #A0 9 I$) #A0 10 C #C0 6acX ot )esults= # Chocobo (checX at #B0)= Chocobo Tar!et= Sin!le $ sin!le Zello[ chocobo runs across the battlefield( onlZ to be follo[ed bZ the rest of a massive herd of chocobo. The herd tram les the victim [ith a chorus of _\arXN_( doin! (?1 / 2$8 L 5dP( 2$rm) @on#elemental dama!e. # $irshi (checX at #50)= 4#Iomb Tar!et= 8rou 3ar overhead( an airshi flies ast. $ small bomb falls out of it( descendin! ra idlZ. >andin! amidst the enemZ artZ( the bomb detonates( causin! (?1 / 2$8 L 5dP( 2$rm) 3ire elemental dama!e. # "iamond (checX at #50)= 3lush Tar!et= Sin!le 3ive !lo[in! [hite cards rise out of the !round. TheZ s in in the air( surround the tar!et( and then shoot throu!h the tar!etas bodZ( inflictin! (?B / 2$8 L Bd10( 2$rm) 4olZ elemental dama!e. # "ra!on (checX at #A0)= Sun 3lare Tar!et= 8rou 3rom above( a !reat dra!on a ears( and unleashes a [ave of o[erful ener!Z on the enemZ artZ. %/ losions detonate( shaXin! the area and inflictin! (?B / 2$8 L Bd10( 2$rm) @on#elemental dama!e. # I$) (checX at #A0)= )andom Summon Tar!et= &aries \hen this effect comes u ( a more o[erful Summon arrives on the battlefield. The Summon [ill dis ense their usual Call effect (no Ioost included( and based on the 8ambleras 2$8)( and then leave. To determine the Summon invoXed( roll 1d10= 1= 6ormun!and # (1P / 2$8 L Bd1?( 2$rm) %arth dama!e to 8rou ?= CarbunXle # )eflect (A) to ,artZ '= 8olem # \all (A) to ,artZ B= Sera him # (?? / 2$8 L Bd1?) 4ealin! to ,artZ 5= $rX # (?? / 2$8 L Bd1?( 2$rm) \ind dama!e to 8rou ( (2a!ic% # 50( 2"ef) to add Confuse (A) A= "oomtrain # (?? / 2$8 L Bd10( 2$rm) Iio dama!e to 8rou ( (2a!ic% # 50( 2"ef) to add Ilind (A)( 2eltdo[n (?)( and ,oison (M)( roll se aratelZ for each status. C= ^Fata # (A / 2$8 L 1d10) 3ire dama!e to 8rou ( (A / 2$8 L 1d10) 0ce dama!e to 8rou ( (A / 2$8 L 1d10) >i!htnin! dama!e to 8rou ( (A / 2$8 L 1d10) %arth dama!e to 8rou P= $le/ander # (?A / 2$8 L 5d10( 2$rm) 4olZ dama!e to 8rou 9= $nima # (?A / 2$8 L 5d10( 2$rm) Shado[ dama!e to 8rou 10= Cerberus # ,o[er M (A) and 2a!ic M (A) to ,artZ # C (checX at #C0)= $ll ;ver Tar!et= 8rou The number C is e/tremelZ lucXZ for 8amblers. \hen the Chocobo )eels s its out tri le Cs( the FacX ot bell rin!s. The [ords $>> ;&%) a ear( concealin! the enemZ artZ. \hen theZ disa ear( the enemZ artZ is no[here to be seen. $ll enemZ tar!ets are reduced to 0 4,. 2inibosses( Iosses and Su er#Iosses are immuneH no other immunitZ( [hether natural or aided bZ a s ell or a iece of e:ui ment( [ill rotect the enemies from this fate. # 6oXer "oom (S,%C0$>) Tar!et= 8rou 6ust as the number C is lucXZ( it can also be a terrible si!n. 0f >adZ >ucXas !ood [ill is abused( the number C can become a si!n of misfortune. $nZ time the 8ambler rolls a Iotch (95#100) on a 8amblin! checX [hile trZin! to line u Cs( the )eel instead o s u a C and t[o 's # unlucXZ 1'. 0f this occurs( the Ilue 2a!ic s ell )oulette is cast( and all [ithin ran!e are subFect to this s ell( friend and foe. The s ell is cast a number of times e:ual to g the number of combatants on the battlefield( rounded do[n. #>a!omor h (S,%C0$>) Tar!et= ,artZ $s a boobZ ri-e( a small inX rabbit in a stra[ hat a ears. 0t does a ha Z little dance before disa earin!( healin! all members of the artZ for (10 / 2$8 L 'dP) 4,. AttacP Ree&s c>evel 50d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou This is a custom reel set named for a martial artist [ho [as a com ulsive 8ambler. MnliXe those that she trained [ith( she believed in >adZ >ucX more than the la[ful beliefs of her teachin!s. %ventuallZ( she [as dismissed from her doFo onlZ to thro[ most of her finances a[aZ in a casino( until one daZ( she strucX it rich and built her o[n doFo. _;nlZ if Zou are lucXZ( can Zou be the !reatest martial artist in the [orld( Fust liXe mZself(_ she saZs to her students. %ventuallZ( the unorthodo/ teachin!s combined [ith her o[n com ulsive !amblin! habits drove her out of business( and her

[hereabouts to this verZ daZ are unXno[n. 2anZ 8amblers remember this [oman( mainlZ for her !ood looXs and as an ins iration to become an adventurer under the rofession of a 8ambler. This reel set [as made in her memorZ. $fter the 8ambler aZs B00 8il( a random enemZ tar!et is determined and three checXs are rolled( usin! (8amblin! SXill L >evel L (2$8 / ?))( "efense. 0f the 8ambler is Ilinded( onlZ half of 8amblin! SXill is used. %ach checX is erformed individuallZ. 0f the checX fails( the 8ambler !ets a 2iss result. @o dama!e is inflicted. 0f the checX succeeds( the 8ambler !ets a 4it result. C5%( $rmor of normal [ea on dama!e is inflicted. 0f the checX criticallZ fails( the 8ambler !ets a I;TC4N result. C5%( $rmor of normal [ea on dama!e is inflicted to the 8ambler. 0f the checX criticallZ succeeds( the 8ambler !ets a `%$4N result. 150%( $rmor of normal [ea on dama!e is inflicted. )agic Ree&s c>evel 5Cd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= &aries This is a custom reel set named for an a rentice 2a!e [ho could not master the art of s ellcastin!. ;ut of frustration( his teacher scolded him for not havin! enou!h dedication to his )ed 2a!ic. $fter months of lacXin! ro!ress( his teacher decided that he [as not cut out to be a ma!ician. 4avin! no ur ose in life( the former a rentice !ambles his savin!s. ;n his first visit( he [on bi!. $lthou!h he [as ha Z that he [on his moneZ bacX a hundredfold( he [as still discoura!ed at his lacX of s ellcastin! abilitZ. 4e [ent to the casinos a!ain to trZ and relieve his stress. \hile he [as laZin! the slots( a fe[ bandits tried to steal his [innin!s. Mnder ressure( he cast a 3ire s ell( [hich not onlZ destroZed the bandits( but burned the entire casino do[n as [ellN 4e [as roud that he [as able to cast a s ellH ho[ever( dama!es [ere another storZ. \hen he tried to demonstrate his s ell in front of his former master( he [as able to cast a s ell once a!ain# turnin! himself into a fro!. $shamed( he ho ed a[aZ( never to be seen a!ain. 4is master( of all eo le( created a reel set based on his former u ilas random s ellcastin! abilities and donated it to the rebuilt casino that his u il had reviouslZ burned do[n. This reel set [as eventuallZ tau!ht to manZ adventurin! 8amblers. Msin! this reel set( the 8ambler can ta into some )ed 2a!ic [ithout e/ endin! 2,. 4o[ever( the 8ambler is too im ulsive to have anZ control over this o[er. Therefore( liXe the a rentice 2a!eas a[X[ard s ellcastin! abilities in [hich this reel set [as modeled after( the s ells that are cast are totallZ random. The mechanics of this reel set are a bit unusual. MnliXe the other )eels( there are no sXill checXs( and there are no re eated sZmbols to match u . The >eft reel determines [hat level )ed 2a!ic s ell the 8ambler [ill cast (u to >evel A)( the Center reel determines ho[ manZ of that s ell [ill be cast (u to three times)( and the )i!ht reel determines e/actlZ [hat s ell [ill be cast (out of a ossible nine s ells). This s ell [ill be cast at no 2, cost( thou!h startin! the )eels costs 500 8il. The s ell [ill al[aZs be beneficial to the 8ambler= offensive s ells [ill tar!et the enemZ( [hile su ort s ells [ill tar!et allies or the 8ambler. Table b#b= 2a!ic )eels SZmbols d10 >eft Center )i!ht 1 >vl 1 1/ 1 ? >vl 1 1/ ? ' >vl ? 1/ ' B >vl ? 1/ B 5 >vl ' ?/ 5 A >vl B ?/ A C >vl B ?/ C P >vl 5 '/ P 9 >vl A $n!el 9 10 T 4 % % @ " Table b#b= )i!ht )eel )esults )eel >vl 1 >vl ? >vl ' >vl B >vl 5 >vl A 1 $ero IerserX $era Iio $era!a Charm ? Ilind IlinX Ili--ara Confuse Iarrier %suna ' Ili--ard %.S iXes Cura "rain Ili--a!a 3lare B Cure 3loat 3ira 4aste Cura!a 2.Iarrier 5 3ire >ocX ,rotect >ife 3ira!a RuaXe A ,oison )as )e!en )use 2ini Si hon C ,oisona Slo[ Silence Shell Stone Sto P Slee Stona Thundara \ash Thunda!a \ater!a 9 Thunder \ater Yombie \atera Time Sli &anish Consult Cha ter C for the e/act effects of the resultin! s ell. Ie carefulN $s these are( indeed( s ells( if the 8ambler is inflicted [ith the Silence Status( all 2a!ic )eel s ins [ill fail. 3ra!ments of T 4 % % @ " are [ild. TheZ can be made into anZthin! the 8ambler [ishes( u to the ma/imum result. 3or e/am le( T 4 [ill allo[ the 8ambler to choose [hat level s ell [ill cast u to Ath >evel( % % [ill allo[ the 8ambler to choose ho[ manZ times the s ell [ill be cast u to three times or choose the $n!el( and @ " [ill allo[ the 8ambler to choose from anZ of the nine s ells for the s ell level that is s un on the >eft reel. 4o[ever( there are e/ce tions to this rule that taXe recedence( resultin! in miscellaneous effects( as o osed to )ed 2a!ic s ells= T 4 % % @ "= The %nd Tar!et= 8rou $n entire area consistin! of the 8ambler( his allies( and the enemies transforms into a serene !arden [ith a tombstone in the center of the enemZ area. The enemies slo[lZ disa ear( as the tombstone reads in lar!e letters= T4% %@". @o instant death immunities( [hether natural or !ranted bZ e:ui ment or s ells( [ill rotect the enemies from this fate. 2inibosses( Iosses and Su erbosses are not immune to this effect. T 4 $n!el @ "= )a ture Tar!et= Mnfocused $n!el [in!s slo[lZ s rout on everZone in the entire battlefield. The battle must be finished in si/ rounds( or else the [in!s [ill fullZ form( and everZone [ill flZ a[aZ from the battlefield( fall( and be reduced to 0 4,. @o instant death immunities( [hether natural or !ranted bZ e:ui ment or s ells( [ill rotect anZone from this fate. 2inibosses( Iosses and Su erbosses are immune to this effect. T 4 $n!el( no @ "= \allN Tar!et= ,artZ 2a!ical [alls a ear before each artZ member( blocXin! all hZsical attacXs( !rantin! the \all Status (B). $n!el @ "( no T 4= 3ull CureN Tar!et= ,artZ The entire artZ is fullZ healed of all [ounds. $ll 4, are restored.

$n!el( anZ other combination= The Center )eel is s un a!ain( automaticallZ landin! on lau!hin! "evilas face. @o s ell is cast( sim lZ [astin! the 8ambleras $ction. MEDIATOR The 2ediator is an odd Xind of adventurer. \hereas most adventurers fi!ht their battles throu!h brute stren!th or an incantation of a s ell( the 2ediator fi!hts [ith mere [ords. ;ften the 2ediator [ill hold a status of nobilitZ amon! roZaltZ or olitical arties( as theZ are usuallZ resent in conferences or treatZ ne!otiations( servin! to resolve or settle differences bet[een o osin! factions( but occasionallZ the 2ediator [ill use his unmatched social sXills for his o[n ersonal !ain. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) LP LP L1? L10 L10 L1? )e resentatives= Trainer 6ob (335)( Ieastmaster 6ob (3311)( 2onster Tamer 6ob (33T$)( )eis "ular (33T)( 2ediator 6ob (33T) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= ^nives( 3lails( 0nstruments( )ifles $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes( and Suits $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= Social )e:uired SXills= @e!otiation( ;ne \ea on SXill TA(X SX (( The 2ediator Xno[s not the meanin! of the hrase _actions s eaX louder than [ords._ ;ften res onsible for the resolution of the most heated debates( the 2ediator has a [aZ of s eaXin! that comes off to be erce tivelZ more o[erful than the conventional s eech of various societies. The 2ediator can use his [ords in such a convincin! manner that enemies [ill often become allies( allies [ill have a reason to continue fi!htin! in the most dire of circumstances( or enemies maZ end u convincin! themselves of their doomN %ven [hen those around the 2ediator do not understand his lan!ua!e( the meanin! of his [ords are s oXen loud and clear to the intended reci ient( [hether theZ [ant to hear his [ords or not. TalX% is (@e!otiation sXillU? L >evel L S,)/?). !a*t#re c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le Ca ture allo[s the 2ediator to astorea a monster as a s ecial attacX. \hen a monster is reduced to 0 4, in battle( the 2ediator has the o tion to catch it as a 3ast action in the same turn the monster is Xilled. $t a later oint in battle( the 2ediator maZ choose to release a ca tured monster as a 3ast action. The ca tured monster [ill a ear on the battlefield( use a s ecial abilitZ determined bZ the 82 that benefits the 2ediatoras artZ( and then esca es a[aZ. The 2ediator can have onlZ one monster ca tured at anZ a time to start( and anZ !iven s ecific monster maZ onlZ be ca tured once. 2ini#( su er# and normal bosses are immune to bein! ca tured. %/ erience and 8il for a ca tured monster are a[arded as normal. $s the 2ediator !ains levels( more monsters maZ be ca tured and held at the same time. $t levels 1A( '1( BA and A1( the 2ediator !ains the abilitZ to hold one e/tra ca tured monster( u to 5 total. These are released se aratelZ( Entr#st c>evel 10d TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le \hen the 2ediatoras turn comes u ( he maZ choose to s[itch laces [ith another artZ member or monster. 0f the tar!et is hostile (an enemZ( or a CharmedUConfused artZ member)( the chance of success is (TalX%)( 2."efense. ;ther[ise( success is automatic. 0f successful( the 2ediatoras lace in the initiative order is s[a ed [ith the other ersonas. This has different effects( de endin! on if the other erson has acted Zet or not. 0f theZ have not( theZ act immediatelZ( and the 2ediator acts later( on [hat [ould have been their turn. 0f theZ have alreadZ( the 2ediator effectivelZ !ives u his turn to allo[ the other erson an e/tra action on the 2ediatoras initiative. 3or e/am le( in a battle( )obin the 2ediator (initiative 15) has t[o teammates [ho could be %ntrusted # the S[ordmaster Ioris (initiative 1?)( or the $rcher %ri:ue (initiative ?0). )obin could %ntrust to Ioris # she [ould act on initiative 1?( [hile Ioris [ould act earlZ( on initiative 15. ;r she should %ntrust [ith %ri:ue # she [ould !ive u her action( and he [ould act for a second time on initiative 15. 0f %ri:ue had used an abilitZ [ith Char!e Time( such as $rm $im ([hich [ould cause him to act on initiative 1B)( thin!s [ould be sli!htlZ different. 0f %ntrusted( %ri:ue acts on initiative 15 and )obin acts on initiative 1B # %ri:ueas Slo[ action isnat com leted [hen his turn comes u a!ain( and never ha ens( disa earin! [ith no effect. Par&eL c>evel 19d TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le 0f an enemZ is at ?5% 4, or less( the 2ediator maZ attem t to talX them into !ivin! u . ;n a successful (TalX%)( 2."efense checX( the victim [ill be %Fected from battle( retreatin! to safetZ rather than risX death. The 2ediator has the o tion to immediatelZ Ca ture anZ monster [ho leaves the battle throu!h ,arleZ( if so desired( [ithout havin! to s end an e/tra action to do so. Ad2ice c>evel ?Pd TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le 8ivin! careful direction and su!!estions from observin! the enemZ in action( the 2ediator is ca able of doublin! an allZas chance to !et a critical hit [ith an $ttacX action. This effect lasts for B turns. T?reaten c>evel 'Cd TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le 4urlin! a [ave of threatenin! remarXs( the 2ediator is ca able of unnervin! an o onent( leadin! to a !reater number of errors. 0f successful on a (TalX%)( 2."efense checX( the victimas liXelZhood to botch attacXs [ill vastlZ increase( from 95#100 to CA#100. $dditionallZ( the victim can not criticallZ succeed. This effect lasts for B turns. )ani*#&ate c>evel BAd TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le ;n a successful (TalX%#50)( 2."efense checX( the 2ediator can inflict the status Charm (B) on a tar!et( usin! er le/in! lo!ic and firm orders to convince the victim to defend the 2ediator in battle. n2ite c>evel 55d TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le 0n battle( the 2ediator can attem t to convince an o onent to s[itch sides in battle. There is a (TalX%)( 2."efense chance of success to do this. 0f it [orXs( the enemZ becomes an allZ( chan!in! sides to fi!ht for the 2ediator. $fter battle( the invited creature [ill [ait for the 2ediatoras call. $s a 3ast action( the 2ediator maZ call the invited beast to hel . 0t [ill immediatelZ a ear in battle and act as an inde endent combatant( on the

2ediatoras side. 0t [ill act inde endentlZ and fi!ht to the best of itas abilities until the end of the battle( at [hich oint it [ill [ander off and leave. The 2ediator must then invite another( different creature. The 2ediator maZ onlZ have one 0nvited monster at a time( and each invited beast [ill onlZ fi!ht at the 2ediatoras call once. 2ini#( Su er# and normal Iosses( as [ell as monsters [ith 0= 2ZstifZ are immune to bein! invited. !?argeY c>evel ABd TZ e= 2a!ic Tar!et= Sin!le The 2ediator rallies u his artZ and re ares them for battle. The 2ediator [ill Zell _Char!eN_ and u to four of his artZ members can maXe an $ttacX $ction simultaneouslZ off of the 2ediatoras 0nitiative( havin! no effect on their o[n 0nitiative scores and effectivelZ !ivin! them a free $ttacX action. The artZ members that [ill attacX on the 2ediatoras Char!eN order [ill de end on their 4,. To determine [hich artZ members attacX off of the Char!eN( everZ artZ member must roll a d% [ith a CoS based on the artZ memberas current 4,= ,artZ member has over C5% 4, remainin!= B0% CoS. ,artZ member has C5% or less 4, remainin!( but is still above 50%= A0% CoS. ,artZ member has 50% or less 4, remainin!( but is still above ?5%= P0% CoS. ,artZ member has ?5% or less 4, remainin!= 100% CoS. 0f more than four artZ members are successful( the four artZ members [ith the lo[est d% rolls [ill Char!eN and erform an $ttacX $ction [ith [hatever [ea on theZ have e:ui ed. MIME ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L9 L9 L9 L9 L9 L9 )e resentatives= 8o!o (33&0)( )iXXu (33b) 2ime 6ob (33&( 33T) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= dA \ea ons= ^nives( )ods( Staves( 3lails( 8loves( Io[s( Crossbo[s $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( Suits( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= @one )e:uired SXills= $ctin!( ;ne \ea on SXill ))! Those [ho can( do. Those [ho canat( teach. Those [ho donat [ant to( [rite flavor te/t. Those [ho [atch those [ho do( mime. The 2ime is Xno[n for his astoundin! abilitZ to co Z the thin!s he sees and erform them in the same manner. 0t taXes a stran!e adventurer to live the life of 2imicrZ. 4o[ever( the 2ime is not totallZ de endent on others. Ca able of sim le actions liXe everZdaZ life( attacXin!( usin! items( the fact remains that the 2ime is onlZ at full o[er [hen heas surrounded bZ some o[erful friends...or enemies. \hen 2imicin! an abilitZ( the 2ime does not have to ossess anZ abilitZ#s ecific e:ui ment. $n $rcheras abilities can be erformed [ith a Xnife( for e/am le. 0f the abilitZ in :uestion is e:ui ment#de endent( such as the Samuraias "ra[ ;ut( the 2ime is considered to be [eildin! the same [ea on as the ori!inal character currentlZ is usin!. $ 2ime co Zin! a Samurai [ho is usin! ^iZomori is considered to be usin! that [ea on for anZ 2imiced abilities( thou!h the 2ime still does dama!e as er [hatever [ea on he is usin! normallZ for $ttacX $ctions. The onlZ time a 2ime must have an item or iece of e:ui ment to 2imic an effect is [hen the item is consumed. The 2ime does not !et free ,otions( ShuriXen or the liXe [hen 2imicin! an 0tem action( or the @inFaas Thro[( for e/am le. 0f a sXill#based Fob abilitZ is bein! 2imiced( use $ctin! in lace of the Fobas normal sXill in the SXill % formula. )imic c>evel 1d TZ e= &aries "urin! battle( a 2ime can observe othersa actions and 2imic them. \hen usin! this abilitZ( the 2ime [ill erform the last action before his initiative. $ll initiative enalties a lZ. $nZ rolls for the attacX are determined bZ the 2imeas stats. SXill#based checXs (such as Steal) use the 2imeas $ctin!% in lace of [hatever sXill [ould normallZ be used. 4o[ever( [hen usin! 2imic on a randomi-ed abilitZ (8ambleras )eels( 8eomanceras %lements( etc)( do not reroll for the effect. The action is erformed on the same tar!et(s). 0f the 2imic does not have enou!h 2,( then the s ell cannot be 2imicXed. 3or actions [ith a Char!e Time( the 2imic does not 2imic the action until it has alreadZ !one offH Thus( an abilitZ [ith a Char!e Time of B used on 0nitiative 1A [ill !o off on 0nitiative 1?. The 2imic cannot 2ime the abilitZ until 0nitiative 11( after the move has actuallZ !one off( and then 2imicas action does not !o off until C. )irror )imic c>evel 9d TZ e= Su ort So the enemZ Iehemoth Fust used a reallZ nastZ attacX( and Zou [ould liXe to trZ it out. MnfortunatelZ( if Zou do( Zouall most liXelZ be smacXin! around Zour o[n allies. 2imic is used on the same tar!et( so that ShaXedo[n Fust shooX do[n the artZ 2a!e once a!ain. \ith 2irror 2imic( this is no lon!er the case. \hen usin! 2imic( if an abilitZ is 2imicXed( the tar!et maZ be either the ori!inal tar!et( or the ori!inal user. !ommand )imic c>evel 1Cd TZ e= 3ast S ontaneous 2imicrZ( [hile effective( leaves much u to random chance. Command 2imic allo[s the character to taXe anZ one abilitZ or level of s ells available to anZ of her allies for the remainder of combat. ;ut of combat( there is no time limit on ho[ lon! Command 2imic lasts. 0f an abilitZ is taXen( all rolls are made as accordin! to the 2imeas stats. 0f a level of s ells is taXen( onlZ the s ells available to the co ied allZ maZ be used. Ilue 2a!ic and Summons are handled differentlZH the 2ime can taXe a number of s ells [ith an 2, value e:ual to his o[n 2, that the co ied s ellcaster has access to. ;nlZ one abilitZ or level of s ells maZ be taXen at anZ one time( and cannot be chan!ed durin! combat. ;nlZ 3ast( Slo[ or 2a!ic abilities maZ be taXen in this fashion # not Su ort or )eaction abilities. )emorL )imic c>evel ?5d TZ e= Su ort Sometimes itas more than a little risXZ to 2imic the last thin! Zouave seenH at this oint( it [ould be nice to taXe a icX of the actions throu!hout the round. ;nce a 2ime !ains the abilitZ to 2emorZ 2imic( he can 2imic anZ action made reviouslZ in the round. $s al[aZs( anZ and all rolls are made usin! the 2imeas stats. Fina& )imic c>evel ''d TZ e= )eaction

There isnat al[aZs a friend around to aven!e Zour death. 0n that case( Zouall have to do it Zourself. \hen the 2ime is defeated in battle( he has a (50LS,))% chance to 2imic the attacX used to defeat him. The attacX is tar!eted a!ainst the erson [ho Xilled the 2ime. 0n cases [here the 2ime dro s to a non# erson (such as the &enom status)( 3inal 2imic al[aZs fails to activate. !ommand )imic c>evel B1d TZ e= 3ast The 2imic can no[ use an additional action to taXe one additional abilitZ or level of s ells from an allZ. This acts as one additional slot to store an abilitZ or level of s ells( and can be taXen from anZ allZ. $ll other restrictions from the ori!inal Command 2imic a lZ. )imic Target c>evel B9d TZ e= Su ort There comes a time( durin! a life of 2imicrZ( [hen erfect imitation Fust doesnat cut it. %ven the best erformers [ant to add their o[n little s in on a roFect. Msin! the art of 2imic Tar!et( the 2ime can no[ choose to tar!et a 2imic action freelZ( rather than bein! restricted to onlZ usin! it on the ori!inal tar!et or the mimiced erson. !o#nter )imic c>evel 5Ad TZ e= )eaction $fter havin! s ent all of her adventurin! life co Zin! the actions of others( eventuallZ a 2ime starts to reco!ni-e [hatas !oin! to ha en lon! before it does. Counter 2imic !rants a 2imic a flat '0% chance to avoid anZ one attacX and then 2imic it ri!ht bacX at the enemZ [ho used it. $ttacXs that are Tar!et= 8rou cannot be Counter 2imicXed. /o" )imic c>evel ABd TZ e= 3ast The better a 2ime !ets to Xno[ his allies( the better off heall be in the lon! run. \hen a 2ime reaches this level of sXill( he can start imitatin! the 6obs of his allies. The 2imic !ains all abilities of the 6ob in :uestion( [hile retainin! his o[n stats and sXills. 4o[ever( the 2ime is not that 6ob( no matter ho[ hard he tries. @o abilities over >evel 50 maZ be used # Ilue 2a!ic is limited to s ells of 100 2, or under( Summons and Calls are limited to those 150 2, or under. )eaction and Su ort $bilities cannot be 2imedH these abilities are the trademarX of trainin! for Zears in one class. \hen usin! this abilitZ on a character [ith access to ma!ic( the 2imic can cast anZ s ell available to the imitated character. The 2ime does not !ain the statUdie ro!ressions of the 6ob or its [ea onUarmor availabilitZ. $lso( he maZ onlZ 2imic one 6ob at anZ one time. 6ob 2imic lasts for B combat roundsH one round to activate( and three rounds available for use. ;utside of combat( there is no time limit. THIEF $ master at misdirection and confusion( the Thief emer!es from the shado[s that !ive her shelter( re ared to steal [hat he [ishes( or to striXe [ith short s[ord and da!!er a!ainst those [ho detect her. Thieves move [ith the !race and sXill that is re:uired to ractice their art. To the Thief it is an art form to steal( both in the heat of battle and out of it( and it is an art theZ have mastered to erfection. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) LP LP L1' L15 LP LP )e resentatives= Thief 6ob (330( 33000( 33&( 33T( 33T$( 33b#?)( >ocXe (33&0)( Yidane Tribal (330b)( )iXXu (33b) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= Ioomeran!s( ^nives( >i!ht S[ords( @inFa ^nives( S[allo[s $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( Suits $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= ThieverZ )e:uired SXills= ,icX ocXet( ;ne \ea on SXill S1EAX TheZ saZ the hand is :uicXer than the eZeN The Thief al[aZs has a ba! of tricXs u her sleeve( ran!in! from stealin! items from those a[are of them to deceivin! eo le to looX the o osite direction so their victims are not a[are of them at allN TheZ can even use their ro!uish charm to mani ulate others to do their biddin!N Several sXills reference a term called Steal%. This is the combat a lication of the sXill ,icX ocXet( and is calculated usin!= Steal% K ,icX ocXet L >evel L $80/? Stea& c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The hallmarX of the Thief is the abilitZ to Steal from anZone( anZtime( anZ[here # includin! in the midst of battle. The Thief attem tin! to steal has a Steal%( "efense chance to !rab an item from her tar!etH if successful( the Thief rolls 1d100 and !ets a re[ard as follo[s= 51#100= Common 0tem ?5#50= Mncommon 0tem 0P#?B= )are 0tem 01#0C= &erZ )are 0tem The articular item de ends on those assi!ned to the tar!et bZ the 82( follo[in! the rules outlined in the 2CS. 0f a Thief maXes a subse:uent attem t to Steal on the same tar!et and rolls [ithin the ran!e for an alreadZ obtained 0tem( the Thief !ets nothin!. 'i& TaPing c>evel Pd TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= 8rou The Thief !ains the abilitZ to steal a small :uantitZ of 8il from her un[arZ o onents. 4er chance to succeed is (Steal%)U? and she !rabs an amount of 8il e:ual to the total 8il value of the encounter divided bZ P. This amount is not deducted from the re[ards !iven after combat. $nZ subse:uent attem ts at usin! 8il TaXin! after a successful attem t [ill automaticallZ failH 8il is a finite resource( after all. !atc? c>evel 15d TZ e= )eaction $n indirect method of stealin! doublin! as a means of rotection( the Thief can attem t to catch incomin! roFectile attacXs as theZ are comin! to[ards herN ^ee in mind that this $bilitZ can onlZ be used to catch thro[n or launched [ea ons that are tan!ible( such as ShuriXen( $rro[s( or $mmunition. 0ntan!ible items (such as needles from the 1000 @eedles s ell) cannot be cau!ht( as theZ are not in a state of matter that can be almed [hen theZ reach the Thiefas !ras . %verZ time the Thief is successfullZ tar!eted [ith a roFectile attacX( there is an unmodified 50% chance of

catchin! it before it hits. 0f successful( she [ill taXe no dama!e and [ill no[ o[n the cau!ht roFectile. 0f the attem t fails( the Thief [ill taXe dama!e as usual( and the item [ill be unaffected bZ the attem t to catch it. Distract c>evel ??d TZ e= Slo[ (P) Tar!et= Sin!le $ master of dece tion( the Thief can uses anZthin! [ithin her environment( such as a rocX( a flashin! li!ht( smoXe( or [hatever is around to distract the o onents into turnin! around and vie[in! the obFect. The suddenness of the action has a (50 L >evel L $80/?)( "efense chance of inflictin! the Status Condition Mna[are on the tar!et (1). )#g c>evel ?9d TZ e= Slo[ (10) Tar!et= Sin!le The Thief can attem t to striXe a blo[ [ith her [ea on as she attem ts to steal( inflictin! normal [ea on dama!e( minus the tar!etas $rmor. 0n mechanical terms( the Thief maXes an $ttacX $ction follo[ed immediatelZ bZ usin! the abilitZ Steal. 0f used bZ a Thief [ieldin! t[o [ea ons( onlZ one [ea on of the Thiefas choice maZ be used to attacX [ith 2u!. Detect c>evel 'Ad TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Throu!hout her adventures( the Thief develo s a si/th sense for [hat she [ants( [ho has it( and ho[ sheas !oin! to !et it. The Thief can detect [hat 0tems are available on her tar!et for stealin! and thus increase her odds of sna!!in! the rarer ones. 3or the duration of the battle( the re[ard ran!es for ri-es u on successfullZ stealin! from or mu!!in! the detected tar!et are= CA#100= Common 0tem B1#C5= Mncommon 0tem 15#B0= )are 0tem 01#1B= &erZ )are 0tem Stea& 0eart c>evel B'd TZ e= Slo[ (1B) Tar!et= Sin!le The Thief( [ith her ro!uish air and charmin! manner( can attem t to mani ulate innocent fools to do her biddin!( effectivelZ _stealin! their hearts._ There is a (50 L >evel L $80/?)( "efense chance of the tar!et bein! Charmed (A) as a result. $!ainst humanoid tar!ets( this is onlZ effective a!ainst tar!ets of the o osite !ender. $!ainst anZ other tZ es of monster( this $bilitZ [ill [orX re!ardless of !ender. !o#nter Stea& c>evel 50d TZ e= )eaction The Thief has no[ become to !ood [ith her hands that she can even steal from someone rushin! ri!ht at herN \hen she is subFected to a 2elee attacX [hich tar!ets the Thief onlZ( the Thief automaticallZ uses Steal a!ainst her assailantH roll for success and a re[ard based on the Steal $bilitZ( modified accordin!lZ for "etect if it has been used. Ro""erSs E2idence c>evel 5Cd TZ e= Slo[ (1P) Tar!et= Sin!le This abilitZ is a marX of the Thiefas e/ loits used to an offensive advanta!e. The thief roduces a s ecial coin from her sleeve and tosses it at the tar!et. 0t e/ lodes u on im act( causin! (\ea on dama!e L cSteal%d/?)( $rmor ,hZsical dama!e. FootQorP c>evel ABd TZ e= Su ort The Thiefas le!s move so fast that she can e/ecute actions before almost anZ of the other combatantsN The Thief no[ calculates 0nitiative as (S," L ?0 L 1d10) for everZ round of combat. Ma&'s BLACK MAGE 2asters of elemental and destructive ma!ic( IlacX 2a!es can sto even an armZ in its tracXs. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L5 L5 L10 L10 L15 L15 )e resentatives= IlacX 2a!e 6ob (330( 33000( 33&( 33b#?( 33b0( 33T$)( \i-ard 6ob (33T)( ,alom of 2Zsidia (330&)( &ivi ;rnitier (330b)( >ulu (33b) 4, "ie= dA 2, "ie= d10 \ea ons= Io[s( ^nives( )ods $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes $ttacX Ionus= L10 SXill ,oints= ?P0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill B(A!X )A' ! B&acP )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic IlacX 2a!ic focuses on the offensive side of ma!ic # elemental o[er( destructive assaults and status inflictin! attacXs. IlacX 2a!es start [ith anZ three level one IlacX 2a!ic s ells. $s theZ !ains levels( IlacX 2a!es !ain more o[erful ma!ic to roduce a varietZ of effects that can clear the battlefield in one s[ift action. Com lete details of IlacX 2a!ic are !iven in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. S*e&& (e2e& (e2e&s 1 '( 5( C ? 9( 11( 1'( 15 ' 1C( 19( ?1( ?' B ?5( ?C( ?9( '1 5 ''( '5( 'C( '9 A B1( B'( B5( BC C B9( 51( 5'( 55

P 5C( 59( A1( A' )eturn to Cha ter 3our= 6obs BLACK CALLER Msers of elemental and destructive ma!ic alon! [ith the a[esome o[ers of summoned beasts( IlacX Callers maXe o[erful ma!ical allies. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L5 L5 L10 L10 L15 L15 )e resentatives= )Zdia (330&) 4, "ie= dA 2, "ie= d10 \ea ons= Io[s( 3lails( ^nives( )ods( Staves $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes $ttacX Ionus= L10 SXill ,oints= ?P0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill B(A!X )A' ! B&acP )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic IlacX 2a!ic focuses on the offensive side of ma!ic # elemental o[er( destructive assaults and status inflictin! attacXs. MnliXe most other ma!es( IlacX Callers onlZ start [ith t[o first level IlacX 2a!ic s ells. $s theZ !ains levels( IlacX Callers !ain more o[erful ma!ic to roduce a varietZ of effects that can clear the battlefield in one s[ift action. Com lete details of IlacX 2a!ic are !iven in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. S*e&& (e2e& (e2e&s 1 '( A( 9 ? 11( 1'( 1A( 19 ' ?1( ?'( ?A( ?9 B '1( ''( 'A( '9 5 B1( B'( BA( B9 A 51( 5'( 5A( 59 !A(( )A' ! !a&& c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic (A) The IlacX Caller calls u on a Summoned Ieast to unleash its o[er onto the battlefield. This is the traditional form of 3inal 3antasZ summonin!( [here the beast a ears and instantlZ unleashes itas effect # be that healin!( dama!e( indirect attacXin! or su ort # and leaves as :uicXlZ as it a eared. IlacX Callers start [ith access to one Summoned Ieast [hose 2, cost is less than or e:ual to the IlacX Calleras startin! 2,. The one e/ce tion is `oFimbo # des ite a -ero 2, cost( it maZ not be taXen as a startin! summon. Summoned Ieasts are !ained throu!hout the !ame solelZ at the discretion of the 82. Com lete details of all Summoned Ieasts are !iven in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. Boost c>evel '0d TZ e= 2a!ic (P) $s the IlacX Caller !ains a ractical Xno[led!e of callin!( he !ains the abilitZ to increase the o[er unleashed bZ his Summoned Ieasts. \hen boosted( anZ Summoned Ieast [hich restores 4, or deals dama!e [ill increase its effect to 1?5% of normal. To com ensate for this boost in o[er( the IlacX Caller must also increase the standard 2, e/ enditure (or 8il cost( for `oFimbo) to 1?5% of normal. SAGE 2asters of multi le forms of ma!ic( Sa!es are the onlZ ones ca able of full use of )ed ma!ic. Their versatilitZ comes at the cost of o[er( reflected in their attributes. Iut o[er is never the !oal of a Sa!e( as most refer to dedicate their lives to the ursuit of Xno[led!e and sXill( Fust for the saXe of learnin! it. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L5 L5 L10 L10 L10 L10 )e resentatives= Sa!e 6ob (33000)( Tellah (330&)( 3usoZa (330&) 4, "ie= dA 2, "ie= d10 \ea ons= )ods( Staves $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes $ttacX Ionus= L10 SXill ,oints= ?P0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= 0n:uirZ( ;ne \ea on SXill RED )A' ! Red )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic \hile most ma!es are content to focus on a articular form of ma!ic( the Sa!e refers !ain as much uni:ue Xno[led!e as ossible. )ed 2a!ic combines the elemental o[er of IlacX 2a!ic( the healin! and defense of \hite 2a!ic and even a little dimensional mani ulation from Time 2a!ic. The Sa!e starts [ith three level one )ed 2a!ic s ells and learns more as levels are !ained. MnliXe the )ed 2a!e( the Sa!e is ca able of taXin! )ed 2a!ic to levels that rival IlacX( \hite and Time 2a!ic. MnfortunatelZ due to their o[erful ma!ical Xno[led!e( Sa!es never !et the o ortunitZ to ac:uire b 2a!ic. "etails of all )ed 2a!ic s ells can be found in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. S*e&& (e2e& (e2e&s 1 '( B( 5( C ? 9( 11( 1?( 1'( 15 ' 1C( 19( ?0( ?1( ?' B ?5( ?C( ?P( ?9( '1

5 A C P

''( '5( 'A( 'C( '9 B1( B'( BB( B5( BC B9( 51( 5?( 5'( 55 5C( 59( A0( A1( A'

SUMMONER 2anZ ma!es ar!ue over [hich school of ma!ic is more useful # the destructive o[er of IlacX( the eerless su ort of \hite or the indis ensible mani ulation of Time. Iut all a!ree on one oint # that none can com are to the limitless otential of Summonin!. To aZ for this otential( Summoners must endure !ruelin! trials to obtain the o[er of even the [eaXest of beasts. Summonin! the beasts themselves re:uires lar!e amounts of ma!ic o[er and time. Iut the aZoff is e/traordinarZ # healin!( status effects( su ort s ells( and all tZ es of dama!e( in ma!nitudes that eventuallZ sur ass even the most advanced s ells of the standard schools of ma!ic. 0tas a lon! and hard road that the Summoner # and her artZ # must endure( but the end results are al[aZs [orth[hile. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L10 LA L10 LC L1? L15 )e resentatives= `una (33b) 4, "ie= dA 2, "ie= d10 \ea ons= Io[s( 3lails( ^nives( )ods( Staves $rmor= $rm[ear( )obes( 4ats $ttacX Ionus= L10 SXill ,oints= ?P0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= $[areness( ;ne \ea on SXill S4))$1 )A' ! S#mmon c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic \here a Caller focuses on usin! Summoned Ieasts alon! [ith standard ma!ic( the Summoner taXes her art to an ama-in! level. The Summoner has the abilitZ to summon a beast into the hZsical lane and sustain its e/istence for a short eriod of time # u to si/ (A) rounds of combat. The Summoner maZ onlZ summon beasts [hose o[er she has alreadZ !ained( and must s end the same amount of 2, re:uired for to Call it. \hen the beast taXes form in the hZsical lane( the Summoner taXes a abacXseata in the battle as she is too busZ maintainin! the beastas e/istence. %ach Summoned Ieast has its o[n 4,( 2,( $ttributes and Statistics # based on those of the Summoner # and these values are used in lace of the Summoneras for the duration of Summon. "urin! its time manifested in the hZsical lane( the beast maZ taXe normal attacX actions( defend( use a S ell or $bilitZ or unleash its o[erful Summon abilitZ. The Summon abilitZ is a s ecial attacX uni:ue to each Summoned Ieast( usuallZ an enhanced form of its normal attacX. The Summon abilitZ costs C5% of the Summoned Ieastas standard 2, cost and carries a CT of A. Iecause of the linX bet[een Summoned Ieast and Summoner( the Summoner [ill return to battle [ith either her o[n 4, from before Summon or the 4, of the Summoned Ieast once it leaves( [hichever value is lo[er # meanin! the Summoner [ill die if the Summoned Ieast dies. The Summoneras remainin! 2, is not affected bZ the remainin! 2, of the Summoned Ieast. Summon can be cancelled at at the start of anZ round re!ardless of time remainin! for its duration. 3ull details for all Summoned Ieasts can be found in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. 'rand S#mmon c>evel A0d TZ e= 2a!ic (15) 8rand Summon is the reali-ation of the limitless otential of Summonin!. The Summoner must taXe time alon! [ith an increased 2, e/ enditure (1?5% of standard cost) to release this abilitZ( but the aZoff is [orth it. 8rand Summon unlocXs everZ S ell and $bilitZ available to a Summoned Ieast( includin! its ultimate 8rand Summon abilitZ. Iecause of the o[er of the 8rand Summon abilitZ( the 2, cost to the Summoned Ieast is :uite heftZ (150% of standard cost) and it taXes some time to release (CT 10). 0f a Summoned Ieast uses its 8rand Summon abilitZ( it is immediatelZ dismissed from the battlefield after the abilitZas effects are resolved( re!ardless of remainin! duration. The Summoneras 4, is adFusted in the same manner as Summon. TIME MAGE 2asters of dimensional ma!ic( Time 2a!es can create s acial anomalies or even alter the flo[ of time. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L5 L5 L10 L10 L15 L15 )e resentatives= Time 2a!e 6ob (33&( 33T( 33T$) 4, "ie= dA 2, "ie= d10 \ea ons= Io[s( ^nives( )ods( Staves $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes $ttacX Ionus= L10 SXill ,oints= ?P0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill T )E )A' ! Time )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic $ uni:ue t[ist on the dichotomZ of \hite and IlacX 2a!ic( Time 2a!ic uses dimensional fundamentals to roduce a [ide ran!e of effects. $ Time 2a!eas main o[er lies in the mani ulation of time and s ace to attacX( heal( rotect himself or even halt the flo[ of time for his enemiesN Time 2a!es start [ith three level one Time 2a!ic s ells( and learn manZ more as theZ !ain levels. $ll of the Time 2a!ic s ells are listed in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. S ell >evel >evels 1 '( 5( C ? 9( 11( 1'( 15

' B 5 A C P

1C( 19( ?1( ?' ?5( ?C( ?9( '1 ''( '5( 'C( '9 B1( B'( B5( BC B9( 51( 5'( 55 5C( 59( A1( A'

WHITE MAGE 2asters of defensive and healin! ma!ic( \hite 2a!es are a necessitZ for anZ !rou of travelers. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L5 L5 L10 L10 L15 L15 )e resentatives= \hite 2a!e 6ob (330( 33000( 33&( 33b#?( 33b0( 33T$)( ,riest 6ob (33T)( )osa 3arrell (330&)( ,orom of 2Zsidia (330&) 4, "ie= dA 2, "ie= d10 \ea ons= Io[s( Staves $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes $ttacX Ionus= L10 SXill ,oints= ?P0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= 4ealin!( ;ne \ea on SXill R0 TE )A' ! R?ite )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic \hite 2a!ic utili-es the [arm and lovin! side of ma!ic( develo ed to rotect life rather than destroZ it. \hile there is limited offensive ma!ic( the o[erful healin!( defensive and utilitZ s ells are [hat maXe the \hite 2a!e a must have for anZ serious adventurin! artZ. \hite 2a!es start [ith anZ three level one \hite 2a!ic s ells( and learn more as theZ !ain levels. "etails of all \hite 2a!ic s ells can be found in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. S*e&& (e2e& (e2e&s 1 '( 5( C ? 9( 11( 1'( 15 ' 1C( 19( ?1( ?' B ?5( ?C( ?9( '1 5 ''( '5( 'C( '9 A B1( B'( B5( BC C B9( 51( 5'( 55 P 5C( 59( A1( A' WHITE CALLER Msers of healin! and rotective ma!ic alon! [ith the a[esome o[ers of summoned beasts( \hite Callers are a o[erful ma!ical su ort for anZ artZ. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L5 L5 L10 L10 L15 L15 )e resentatives= "a!!er (330b)( %iXo (330b) 4, "ie= dA 2, "ie= d10 \ea ons= Io[s( 3lails( ^nives( )ods( Staves $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( )obes $ttacX Ionus= L10 SXill ,oints= ?P0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= 4ealin!( ;ne \ea on SXill R0 TE )A' ! R?ite )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic \hite 2a!ic utili-es the [arm and lovin! side of ma!ic( develo ed to rotect life rather than destroZ it. \hile there is limited offensive ma!ic( the o[erful healin!( defensive and utilitZ s ells are [hat maXe the \hite Caller a must have for anZ serious adventurin! artZ. MnliXe most other ma!es( \hite Callers onlZ start [ith t[o level one \hite 2a!ic s ells( thou!h theZ learn more as theZ !ain levels. "etails of all \hite 2a!ic s ells can be found in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. S*e&& (e2e& (e2e&s 1 '( A( 9 ? 11( 1'( 1A( 19 ' ?1( ?'( ?A( ?9 B '1( ''( 'A( '9 5 B1( B'( BA( B9 A 51( 5'( 5A( 59 !A(( )A' ! !a&& c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic (A) The \hite Caller calls u on a Summoned Ieast to unleash its o[er onto the battlefield. This is the traditional form of 3inal 3antasZ summonin!( [here the beast a ears and instantlZ unleashes itas effect # be that healin!( dama!e( indirect attacXin! or su ort # and leaves as :uicXlZ as it

a eared. \hite Callers start [ith access to one Summoned Ieast [hose 2, cost is less than or e:ual to the \hite Calleras startin! 2,. The one e/ce tion is `oFimbo # des ite a -ero 2, cost( it maZ not be taXen as a startin! summon. Summoned Ieasts are !ained throu!hout the !ame solelZ at the discretion of the 82. Com lete details of all Summoned Ieasts are !iven in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. Boost c>evel '0d TZ e= 2a!ic (P) $s the \hite Caller !ains a ractical Xno[led!e of callin!( he !ains the abilitZ to increase the o[er unleashed bZ his Summoned Ieasts. \hen boosted( anZ Summoned Ieast [hich restores 4, or deals dama!e [ill increase its effect to 1?5% of normal. To com ensate for this boost in o[er( the \hite Caller must also increase the standard 2, e/ enditure (or 8il cost( for `oFimbo) to 1?5% of normal. (erit' BLUE MAGE 2onsters have a form of ma!ic unXno[n in standard ma!ic academies. Ilue 2a!es maXe a livin! of learnin! their craft from these monsters. TheZare trained in melee combat to survive encounters [ith the ferocious beasts( but their true o[er shines once the uni:ue ma!ic has been ac:uired. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L10 L10 LP LP L1? L1? )e resentatives= Ilue 2a!e 6ob (33&( 33T$)( Stra!o 2a!us (33&0)( Ruistis Tre e (33&000)( Ruina Ruen (330b)( ^imahri )onso (33b)( 8un 2a!e 6ob (33b#?) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= dP \ea ons= 3lails( 8loves( ^nives( >i!ht S[ords( Crossbo[s( ,olearms( )ods( S[ords $rmor= $rm[ear( 8auntlets( 4ats( 2ail( )obes( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= \ilderness )e:uired SXills= ,oach( ;ne \ea on SXill B(4E )A' ! B&#e )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic Ilue 2a!ic cannot be learned bZ standard means( as it relies mostlZ on intuition and instinct. Ilue 2a!es must feel the effects of the s ell to be!in to understand and use its o[er. \henever a Ilue 2a!e is successfullZ hit bZ a s ell desi!nated as Ilue 2a!ic( he instantlZ learns the s ell # rovidin! he survives the effect. The sZstem shocX resultin! from dZin! revents the mind from understandin! the s ell. Status effects from s ells( as [ell as anZ resistance( immunitZ or absorbance to the s ells( [ill not interfere [ith s ell learnin!. Ilue 2a!es have no limit to ho[ manZ s ells theZ maZ learn. $ Ilue 2a!e starts [ith s ells [hose 2, costs add to e:ual or less than the Ilue 2a!eas startin! 2,( but no startin! s ell maZ have an 2, cost above 15. $ com lete listin! of Ilue 2a!ic s ells can be found in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. %is#a& (earning c>evel 1d TZ e= )eaction The instinctive nature of Ilue 2a!ic allo[s a Ilue 2a!e to occasionallZ learn a s ell bZ sim lZ observin! the effect rather than e/ eriencin! it( maXin! it much easier to learn the more :uirXZ and deadlZ s ells . \henever a Ilue 2a!e is able to fullZ observe a s ell desi!nated as Ilue 2a!ic( he has a (>evel)% chance to learn it as if he had been affected bZ it. Iecause of the intense concentration needed( the Ilue 2a!e cannot utili-e &isual >earnin! if heas currentlZ affected bZ IerserX( Ilind( Charm( Confuse( Curse( 3ro-en( 4eat( Slee ( Stone( Sto ( Toad( Mna[are or Yombie. DARK KNIGHT %ven as there is !ood in the [orld( so must there be evil. Thus( even as the ,aladins are the ^ni!hts of >i!ht( so there are ^ni!hts of "arXness to match them. The "arX ^ni!ht is a 3i!hter [ho has chosen to serve the s irits and deities of darXness and evil. MnliXe the ,aladin( the "arX ^ni!ht does not have to !o throu!h tests of s irit and emotion to rove their [orth( in that res ect theZ claim su erioritZ to their li!ht brethren. The o[ers of evil !ladlZ aid those [ho [ish to serve them. 4o[ever( not all "arX ^ni!hts are trulZ evil. There are some that are s ecificallZ marXed bZ the evil forces and then are coerced into servin! them. These "arX ^ni!hts are often miserable( and usuallZ [ill trZ to leave behind the darX [aZs( often as irin! to ,aladinhood. TheZ have ho e in this( because verZ often the o[ers of !oodness have itZ on these oor souls and [ill consent to let them taXe the tests to become a ,aladin. 2ost "arX ^ni!hts activelZ serve the forces of evil( ho[ever. "arX ^ni!hts( liXe their ,aladin o osites( e:ui armor and [ield s[ords( :uite often dedicated to the evil forces theZ serve. TheZ can channel the unholZ ener!ies of the masters of the darXness throu!h their s[ords. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L1? L10 L9 LP L9 L1? )e resentatives= Cecil (330&)( "arX ^ni!ht 6ob (33b0)( 8af!arion (33T) 4, "ie= d10 2, "ie= dA \ea ons= $/es( ^nives( >i!ht S[ords( ,olearms( S[ords( 8reats[ords $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( )obes( 2ail( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= 0ntimidation( ;ne \ea on SXill DARX SR$RD DarPside c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le The "arX ^ni!ht rushes at the tar!et( his blade burnin! [ith a blacX fire. $s he striXes( the fire ri s throu!h the tar!et [ith a fierceness that burns a[aZ ?00%( $rmor Shado[ elemental dama!e. \hile o[erful( "arXside has a rice # the "arX ^ni!ht suffers non#elemental dama!e e:ual to ?5% of the "arX ^ni!htas ma/imum 4,. The dama!e done to the "arX ^ni!ht i!nores $rmor and all defensive statuses( e/cludin! Shield. B&acP Ra2e c>evel Pd TZ e= 2a!ic (19 2,) Tar!et= 8rou

The "arX ^ni!ht unleashes a [ave of ne!ative ener!Z that tears a[aZ C5%( $rmor Shado[ elemental dama!e from everZ tar!et. The blacXness also carries a '0% chance to add the Ilind status (Mnlimited)H this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etas "efense or 2. "efense. )oll se aratelZ for each eli!ible tar!et. 1ig?t SQord c>evel 15d TZ e= 2a!ic ('B 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The "arX ^ni!ht oints her s[ord at the tar!et as an ethereal darX red blade ri s throu!h them from belo[. The attacX inflicts 100%( $rmor dama!e to the tar!etas 4,( half of [hich is used to restore the "arX ^ni!htas 4,. Zom"ie AttacP c>evel ??d TZ e= 2a!ic (B0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The "arX ^ni!ht dashes at the tar!et( his slashin! s[ord follo[ed bZ an arc of mottled blacXness resemblin! rotted flesh. The tar!et suffers 100%( $rmor Shado[ elemental dama!e alon! [ith a '0% chance to succumb to the Yombie status (Mnlimited)H this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etas "efense or 2. "efense. DarP SQord c>evel ?9d TZ e= 2a!ic (B5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The "arX ^ni!ht oints his s[ord at the tar!et as an ethereal ur le blade ri s throu!h them from belo[. The attacX inflicts 100%( $rmor dama!e to the tar!etas 2,( half of [hich is used to restore the "arX ^ni!htas 2,. Beast F&are c>evel 'Ad TZ e= 2a!ic (A5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou 3ocusin! the o[ers of feral beasts of the ni!ht into his [ea on( the "arX ^ni!ht summons forth an unholZ bla-in! blade that e/tends ast the end of his s[ord. \ith a s[i e( he bathes the entire battlefield in a [ave of darX( ra!in! fire( inflictin! (1C / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor 3ire elemental dama!e to all enemies. Des*air Ra2e c>evel B'd TZ e= 2a!ic (C0 2,) Tar!et= 8rou The "arX ^ni!ht sends a [ave of darX articles at her enemies( surroundin! them in a blacXness that ri s a[aZ their s irit. \ith a chance of (2a!ic %#50)%( 2. "efense( the enemZ !rou [ill lose all ositive status conditions e/ce t Shield. )oll se aratelZ for each tar!et affected. 1ig?tmare c>evel 50d TZ e= 2a!ic (90 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The "arX ^ni!ht levels his s[ord at his victim( summonin! a cloud of blacXness to rise around it. The blacXness sa s a[aZ 100%( $rmor Shado[ elemental dama!e and carries a '0% chance to inflict Curse (B)( 2ini (Mnlimited)( ,oison (Mnlimited) and Slee (B) statusesH this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etas "efense or 2. "efense. )oll se aratelZ for each status. Demon S&ice c>evel 5Cd TZ e= 2a!ic (150 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The "arX ^ni!ht oints her blade at the tar!et( and an orb of blacX ener!Z flies to[ards her victim. "emon Slice has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of inflictin! (Tar!etas Current 4, U ?) @on#elemental dama!eH re!ardless of current 4,( "emon Slice [ill never taXe a[aZ more than 999 4,. 0n addition( "emon Slice has a CoS of '0% of inflictin! the Status Condition Time Sli on the tar!et (B)H this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etas "efense or 2. "efense. Satan m*act c>evel ABd TZ e= 2a!ic (??5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou The "arX ^ni!ht dro s to his Xnees( lun!in! his s[ord into the earth and invoXin! the o[ers of his darX lords. SuddenlZ the !round beneath the tar!ets be!ins to rise and taXe the form of a !iant demonic sXull( [hich e/ lodes into ethereal ener!Z that has a '0% chance to instantlZ reduce all tar!etsa 4, to -eroH this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etsa "efense or 2. "efense. )oll se aratelZ for each eli!ible tar!et. 0f anZ survive the blast( theZ suffer 150%( $rmor Shado[ elemental dama!e from the residual evil ener!Z. GEOMANCER ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L10 L10 L10 L10 L1? LP )e resentatives= 8eomancer 6ob (33&( 33T)( 2o! (33&0)( %lementalist (33T$) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= nUa \ea ons= 0nstruments( $/es( ^nives( ,olearms( S[ords( >i!ht S[ords $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( 4elmets( Suits( )obes( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= \ilderness )e:uired SXills= Survival( ;ne \ea on SXill 'E$)A1!W TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= &aries This o[er allo[s a 8eomancer to !ain limited control over the verZ elements of nature. The e/act effect de ends on [hat form of terrain theZ are in contact [ith or are around him. $ 8eomancer on a Sand "une could use "esert o[ers( [hile a character on a boat could dra[ u on the \ater o[ers. $ll uses of 8eomancZ (includin! 8eotrance) are sin!le#round 3ast actions. To determine the e/act effect of usin! 8eomancZ( roll 1dP and consult the follo[in! table # once the )anX of the 8eomancZ effect has been determined( the 8eomancer can select a tar!et for the effect and maXe anZ necessarZ die rolls for 2a!ic% and effect. $ 8eomancer can choose to function as a character of a lo[er level in order to im rove the chances of !ettin! a lo[er#ranXed o[er( but must maXe the declaration of [hich art of the chart is bein! used before the result die is rolled. >evel= 1#C P#?1 ??#'5 'A#B9 50#AB A5L ###### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### )anX 1 1#P 1#B 1#? )anX ? 5#P '#A 1#? )anX ' C#P '#A 1#? )anX B C#P '#A 1#B )anX 5 C#P 5#P

'E$ARARE1ESS U(e2e& 6V TZ e= Su ort \hile the 8eomanceras most effective o[ers can onlZ be used [hile in a combat( 8eomancers still have a !eneral abilitZ to harness the o[er of the [orld around them for their o[n ur oses. This manifests itself as a bonus of (S,)/?) to all sXill checXs in a s ecific sXill. The sXill bonus de ends on the natural terrain around the 8eomancer= ,lains # )idin! 3orest # TracXin! 2ountains # Climbin! To[n # Tra s "un!eon # Tra s S[am # 4ealin! "esert # @avi!ation \ater # S[immin! Sno[ # Survival >ava # Survival $t >evel 1( the 8eo[areness bonus a lies onlZ to the 8eomancer. $t >evel '0( this e/ ands to include all artZ members. 8eoa[areness cannot be combined [ith 8eotrance to rovide bonuses to sXills that donat match the terrain the artZ is currentlZ in. 'E$TRA1!E U(e2e& 6V TZ e= Su ort 8eomancers can also learn to call u on and control the o[ers of a terrain so [ell that theZ can actuallZ mana!e to use the effects of that terrain even [hile in a different location. To use this abilitZ( a 8eomancer must declare the intent to 8eotrance( and the terrain thatas bein! invoXed( before usin! 8eomancZ. The 8eomancer than uses the standard 8eomancZ chart and results( but rolls a 1dA rather than a 1dP to determine the effect. To successfullZ use 8eotrance( a 8eomancer must maXe a successful Survival sXill checX. This checX is unmodified bZ the 8eomanceras level or attribute ratin!s( or tar!et "ef or 2"efH itas Fust a strai!ht sXill checX. 3ailure on this sXill checX means that the 8eomancer taXes no action. 0t does taXe time and effort for a 8eomancer to learn a terrain [ell enou!h to Trance it. \hen laZ be!ins( a 8eomancer can onlZ use 8eotrance to call u on the o[er of ,lains( 3orest( and To[n throu!h 8eotrance. %verZ P levels( the 8eomancer can ado t one additional terrain to use in Trance. The terrain must be one that the 8eomancer has adventured in before. $*tiona&: !?oosing Starting 'eotrance terrains \ith the 82as consent( a startin! 8eomancer maZ choose the terrains he can use [ith 8eotrance. The character receives three a ointsa for terrain selectionH ado tin! ,lains( 3orest( 2ountains( or To[n costs 1 oint er( [hile ado tin! "esert( S[am ( \ater( or "un!eon counts t[o oints er. @o startin! character can ever taXe Sno[ or >ava as a Trance o[er. 'E$)A1!W EFFE!TS P&ains Le el -: Plasma. Tar!et= Sin!le $ cZlinder of multicolored ener!Z rotates u from the !round( doin! (?Q2$8)L1dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! to a tar!et. Le el +: 5indstorm. Tar!et= Sin!le 8ale#force [inds ri to[ards the tar!et( inflictin! (PQ2$8)L?d10( 2. $rmor \ind dama!e as [ell as havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Slo[ (A). Le el 6: Pit%all. Tar!et= 8rou The !round o ens u beneath the feet of the enemZ !rou ( causin! (1?Q2$8)L5dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e lus a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance 0mmobili-e (A). Le el .: )un #ath. Tar!et= ,artZ 8olden li!ht shimmers and dances over the battlefield( rovidin! (1AQ2$8)LBd10 4ealin! to all artZ members. Le el 7: Tornado. Tar!et= Sin!le $n unsto able cZclone ri s to[ards a sin!le enemZ tar!et. The attacX has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to reduce the o onent to 1 4, (as er the @ear#3atal status)( as [ell as cause the 2eltdo[n status (?). )oll se aratelZ for each status. Forest BB Le el -: Lea% !ance. Tar!et= Sin!le >eaves of all sha es and si-es are s[e t u [ards and sent hurtlin! for[ards( causin! (1Q2$8)L1dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e to a sin!le tar!et and also havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to cause Slee (A). Le el +: (l% 8ire. Tar!et= Sin!le Ilue#[hite flames a ear in midair around a sin!le enemZ. TheZ dance around for a fe[ seconds( burnin! for (PQ2$8)L'dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e and also havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Confuse (B)( and then vanish. Le el 6: 5ild #ear. Tar!et= Sin!le $ lar!e( blue#furred bear s irit a ears( blesses a sin!le artZ member( and then vanishes. The s iritas blessin! acts as an %suna effect( healin! the tar!et of all ne!ative status conditions. Le el .: Hell 1 0. Tar!et= 8rou ThicX#vined ivZ [ith shar ( barbed thorns s routs u all over the battlefield and striXes at everZ o onent standin!. The vines deal (1AQ2$8)LBd10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and have a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to cause Sto (B).

Le el 7: #ranch )pears. Tar!et= S ecial Trees shaXe and shiver( almost seemin! to come alive( and hu!e shar ened branches rain do[n onto the field from overhead. $ total of 1dA striXes( each one dealin! (10Q2$8)L5dP @on#%lemental dama!e( are made( each one striXin! a randomlZ#determined enemZ tar!et. )o#ntains Le el -: (arth3s #lessing. Tar!et= ,artZ \ith a soft entreatZ( the 8eomancer convinces the mountain s irits to release their !ri on the artZ. $ll allies !ain 3loat (B). Le el +: (arthspi9e. Tar!et= Sin!le $ [icXedlZ shar stala!mite eru ts from the !round underneath one o onent( dealin! (PQ2$8)L'dP( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e as [ell as havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to ,etrifZ (A). Le el 6: Local :ua9e. Tar!et= 8rou The o[er of the 8eomancer causes the earth to shaXe violentlZ( dealin! (1?Q2$8)L5dP( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e to all o onents as [ell as havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Confuse (A). Le el .: )onic #oom. Tar!et= 8rou $ tremendous thundercla echoes across the battlefield( distractin! and disorientin! all enemies. There is a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance that all o onents [ill lose half their 4, (as er the "emi s ell)( as [ell as bein! Silenced (A). )oll se aratelZ for each status. Le el 7: Landslide. Tar!et= 8rou This e/ertion of o[er causes stones( dirt( and debris of all Xinds to be sent cascadin! across the battlefield. The [ave of matter deals (?BQ2$8) L5d10( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e to all o onents( as [ell as havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to reduce the victimas initiative bZ 50%. Desert Le el -: )irocco. Tar!et= Sin!le $ small but fierce !ust of shar [ind and stin!in! sand s[ee s to[ards one enemZ( inflictin! ('Q2$8)L1dP( 2. $rmor \ind dama!e. Le el +: :uic9sand. Tar!et= Sin!le The dune beneath one enemZas feet turns to li:uid !oo( [hich tries to in the o onent in lace and slo[lZ smother him. The effect has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to cause both 0mmobili-e (A) and Time Sli (A). )oll se aratelZ for each status. Le el 6: )and )torm. Tar!et= 8rou $ lar!er [ind icXs u and s[ee s across the battlefield( tearin! loose both sand and small rocXs to striXe all o onents. The attacX deals (1BQ2$8) L5dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to Ilind (A). Le el .: Antlion. Tar!et= Sin!le $ monstrous antlion burro[s into lace beneath one o onent and tries to ull them do[n and consume them. The enemZ has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef of sufferin! both "eath and IerserX (A). )oll se aratelZ for each status. Le el 7: !esert )torm. Tar!et= 8rou Ila-in! [inds and sand are called into e/istence and striXe at all o onents( dealin! (?AQ2$8)L5d10( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e and havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Slo[ (A). SQam* Le el -: Poison "ist. Tar!et= Sin!le $ small cloud of vile#smellin! mist drifts to[ards one o onent and en!ulfs it. The attacX deals ('Q2$8)L1dP( 2. $rmor Iio dama!e and has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to ,oison (M). Le el +: )2amp ,as. Tar!et= ,artZ $n eerie mZstical ha-e rises to envelo the battlefield( reducin! the effectiveness of enemZ ma!ical attacXs. The 8eomancer and all allies !ain a L'0 bonus to 2"ef (B). Le el 6: "orass. Tar!et= 8rou Solid !round turns to li:uid and o en [ater con!eals all across the battlefield( threatenin! to over[helm and consume all o onents. The initial shocX of the transition deals (1BQ2$8)LBd10( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e( and the effect also has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to Condemned (B). Le el .: )2amp Touch. Tar!et= Sin!le $ !hostlZ( ominous sha e slo[lZ materiali-es and a roaches the combat. 0ts striXe has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to &enom (B) and Yombie (B) one o onent( after [hich it disa ears. )oll se aratelZ for each status. Le el 7: )2amp #ane. Tar!et= 8rou \ith a shudder and a scream( the s[am itself seems to come aliveN Tree branches( cra[lin! vines( unidentifiable scalZ thin!s( and the !round itself all seeX to lash out( dealin! (?AQ2$8)L5d10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to inflict "isable (A). Rater Le el -: Plasma. Tar!et= Sin!le $ cZlinder of multicolored ener!Z rotates u from the !round( doin! (?Q2$8)L1dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! to a tar!et.

Le el +: Ocean3s #lessing. Tar!et= ,artZ $ soft blue !lo[ surrounds all artZ members( rovidin! (AQ2$8)L'dP 4ealin!. Le el 6: !a;;le. Tar!et= 8rou Iri!ht li!ht refracts in a mZsterious attern throu!h the [ater( disorientin! and dama!in! all enemies. The effect has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Confusion (B) and Ilind (B). )oll se aratelZ for each status. Le el .: 5ater #all. Tar!et= 8rou $ !lobe of !reenish li:uid ener!Z forms and shoots for[ard at the enemZ !rou ( dealin! (1BQ2$8)L5dP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e lus havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to cause Toad (B). Le el 7: (l &ino. Tar!et= 8rou The an!er of the ocean itself a[aXes( [ashin! over all enemies in an unsto able tidal [ave. The attacX deals (?AQ2$8)L5d10( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e and has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Confuse (B). D#ngeon Le el -: )hado2pet. Tar!et= Sin!le $ small( vicious creature sha es itself from the surroundin! darXness and darts for[ard at a sin!le o onent. 0ts attacX deals ('Q2$8)L1dP( 2. $rmor Shado[ dama!e and has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to Ilind (A). Le el +: (l% 8ire. Tar!et= Sin!le Ilue#[hite flames a ear in midair around a sin!le enemZ. TheZ dance around for a fe[ seconds( burnin! for (PQ2$8)L'dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e and also havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Confuse (B)( and then vanish. Le el 6: ,nome3s <espite. Tar!et= ,artZ 8reenish#bro[n dust s[irls forth from no[here( settlin! onto the artZ members. $ll allies receive (1BQ2$8)L5dP 4ealin!. Le el .: Car e "odel. Tar!et= 8rou 8raZish ener!Z collects on the battlefield( trZin! to constrict u on and tra each o onent. The attacX deals (?0Q2$8)LBd10( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e and has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Stone (M). Le el 7: Ca e=1n. Tar!et= S ecial \ith a roar and a rumble( the ceilin! of the location be!ins to colla se( and hu!e boulders rain do[n from overhead. $ total of 1dA striXes( each one dealin! (10Q2$8)L5dP ,hZsical dama!e( are made( each one striXin! a randomlZ#determined enemZ tar!et. ToQn Le el -: 5atcher. Tar!et= Sin!le Some of the !athered [isdom laZered into the stones underfoot reveals itself to the 8eomancer( rovidin! information e:uivalent to the Scan s ell for a sin!le o onent. Le el +: (l% 8ire. Tar!et= Sin!le Ilue#[hite flames a ear in midair around a sin!le enemZ. TheZ dance around for a fe[ seconds( burnin! for (PQ2$8)L'dP 3ire( 2. $rmor dama!e and also havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Confuse (B)( and then vanish. Le el 6: >amaitachi. Tar!et= 8rou S arXs of sudden electricitZ shoot u [ards from the floor( shocXin! and stunnin! all o onents. (1?Q2$8)L5dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e is dealt out( lus (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to "isable (A). Le el .: Tapir. Tar!et= ,artZ $ small( stran!e creature [ith faintlZ#!lo[in! fur a ears and blesses all artZ members( after [hich it disa ears. The effect rovides the benefits of %suna to all allies. Le el 7: Tornado. Tar!et= Sin!le $n unsto able cZclone ri s to[ards an enemZ. The attacX has a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to reduce the o onent to 1 4, (as er the @ear#3atal status)( as [ell as cause the 2eltdo[n status (?). )oll se aratelZ for each status. (a2a Le el -: (mber. Tar!et= Sin!le $ small mass of red#hot stone shoots for[ard and striXes a sin!le o onent for (AQ2$8)L?dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e. Le el +: Heat )himmer. Tar!et= ,artZ Clouds of heat and steam cover the battlefield( hinderin! the o onentsa attacXs. $ll artZ members !ain a LB0 "ef bonus (B). Le el 6: 8lame >iss. Tar!et= Sin!le The s irits of fire infuse one allZ [ith a small ortion of their o[er and vitalitZ. This !ift !rants the tar!eted character the )eraise (M) status. $nZ one tar!et maZ not benefit from this effect more than once er battle. Le el .: La a #all. Tar!et= 8rou

$ !lobe of constantlZ#flicXerin! red( oran!e( and Zello[ streaXs across the battlefield. $ll enemies taXe (?BQ2$8)LBd1?( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e( and have a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef to be subFected to 4eat (?). Le el 7: 8ire )oul. Tar!et= Sin!le \hite#hot furZ e/ lodes a!ainst a sin!le enemZ tar!et( dealin! (?PQ2$8)L5dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e as [ell as havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to cause \eaXen= 3ire (A). SnoQ Le el -: 1ce <abbit. Tar!et= Sin!le $ small flo Z#eared sno[ bunnZ a ears( rubs noses [ith a sin!le character( and then vanishes. The touch rovides ('Q2$8)L?dA 4ealin!. Le el +: 1ce )hard. Tar!et= 8rou Ilades of e/treme cold s[ee u [ards from underfoot( dealin! (10Q2$8)LBdP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e to all o onents. Le el 6: #li;;ard. Tar!et= 8rou Sno[( ice( and stin!in! cold envelo all o onents( dealin! (1AQ2$8)L5dP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e and also havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to Silence (A). Le el .: A alanche. Tar!et= Sin!le Sno[( ice( rocXs( and a fe[ other unidentifiable substances ile onto a sin!le o onent from above( and have a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to inflict the 3ro-en (?) and Curse (A) statuses. )oll se aratelZ for each status. Le el 7: 1ce )oul. Tar!et= Sin!le 2idni!ht#blue contem t taXes visible form and striXes a sin!le o onent( dealin! (?PQ2$8)L5dP ( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e and also havin! a (2a!ic% # 50)( 2"ef chance to cause \eaXen= 0ce (A). MAGIC KNIGHT $s an alternative to various ^ni!hts that use their [ea ons for o[erful techni:ues( the 2a!ic ^ni!ht uses his [ea on to channel ma!ic. Their rimarZ abilitZ is the use of %nchantment( [hich allo[s a 2a!ic ^ni!ht to add o[erful ma!ical effects to his [ea on. 2a!ic ^ni!hts are also able to ada t their o[ers into formidable ma!ical defenses [hen near death. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L1? L10 L10 L10 LA L1? )e resentatives= Sorceror 6ob (33&)( Steiner (330b)( \arrior (33b#?) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= dP \ea ons= $/es( Io[s( 3lails( 8loves( ^nives( >i!ht S[ords( ,olearms( )ods( Staves( S[allo[s( S[ords( 8reats[ords $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( 2ail( )obes( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill E1!0A1T)E1T Enc?antment c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic %nchantment is the s ecial ma!ic accessed bZ the 2a!ic ^ni!ht. 0t allo[s him to char!e his [ea on [ith various elements( statuses or other effects [hen maXin! attacXs. MnliXe standard 2a!ic( [hich is divided into levels of increasin! o[er( %nchantment is divided in tiers based on similar effects. 0tas u to the 2a!ic ^ni!ht to rovide the increasin! o[er( throu!h hZsical stren!th and o[erful [ea ons. %nchantment [orXs bZ usin! the s ell to maXe one immediate $ttacX $ction usin! the effect of the !iven %nchantment s ell. The $ttacX $ction is rolled and resolved mostlZ as normal( but the %nchantment overrides certain [ea on abilities that [ould directlZ affect the attacX. Some effects # namelZ $uto#Status( $ttribute Lb( IreaX "ama!e >imit( %nhance and Sensor # [ill still [orX. $ 2a!ic ^ni!ht usin! T[o \ea ons can onlZ maXe an %nchantment attacX [ith one of his e:ui ed [ea ons. The 2a!ic ^ni!ht !ains more %nchantments as he !ains levels( choosin! s ells to add to his re ertoire from the currentlZ available tiers. ;nce the 2a!ic ^ni!ht has access to the more o[erful tiers( he is still restricted from choosin! certain %nchantments until reachin! a hi!her level. The 2a!ic ^ni!ht must choose additional %nchantments as soon as he achieves a level that allo[s him to learn more s ells # theZ cannot be asaveda for a later time( [hen more %nchantments are unlocXed. "etails of all %nchantments can be found in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. [P (e2e& 1eQ Enc?antments 'ained >evel 1 ;ne Status( ;ne %lemental >evel P ;ne Status( ;ne %lemental >evel 15 T[o Status( ;ne %lemental >evel ?? ;ne Status( ;ne %lemental( ;ne %ffect >evel ?9 ;ne Status( ;ne %lemental( ;ne %ffect >evel 'A T[o Status( ;ne %lemental( ;ne %ffect >evel B' T[o Status( ;ne %lemental( T[o %ffect >evel 50 ;ne Status( ;ne %lemental( ;ne %ffect( ;ne Mltimate >evel 5C ;ne Status( ;ne %lemental( ;ne Mltimate >evel AB T[o Status( ;ne Mltimate S$S SX ((S S$SBS?e&& c>evel 1d TZ e= Su ort

@ot all of a 2a!ic ^ni!htas trainin! focuses on offense. TheZ are also trained to defend themselves [hen near death. \hen hit [ith sufficient force to dro current 4, belo[ ?5% of ma/imum( the 2a!ic ^ni!ht [ill instinctivelZ erect a ma!ical barrier that !rants the Shell status. The instant current 4, is raised above ?5% of ma/imum( Shell e/ ires. S$SBProtect c>evel 15d TZ e= Su ort $s theZ !ain true battle e/ erience( the 2a!ic ^ni!ht learns the value of sto in! more than ma!ic [hen death is a roachin!. \hen hit [ith enou!h force to dro current 4, belo[ ?5% of ma/imum( the 2a!ic ^ni!ht [ill be surrounded bZ a cloaX of li!ht that !rants the ,rotect status. This abilitZ [orXs in conFunction [ith S;S#Shell( !ivin! the dZin! 2a!ic ^ni!ht a solid defense [hile he restores his stren!th. The ,rotect status e/ ires alon! [ith the Shell status as soon as current 4, is raised above ?5% of ma/imum. S$SB0aste c>evel B0d TZ e= Su ort $n advanced 2a!ic ^ni!ht Xno[s that s eed is of the essence [hen death is near. \hen hit [ith enou!h force to dro current 4, belo[ ?5% of ma/imum( the 2a!ic ^ni!ht [ill be envelo ed bZ :uicXlZ movin! red stars that !rant the 4aste status. This abilitZ [orXs in conFunction [ith S;S# Shell and S;S#,rotect( !ivin! the dZin! 2a!ic ^ni!ht a solid defense [hile he restores his stren!th. The 4aste status e/ ires alon! [ith the Shell and ,rotect statuses as soon as current 4, is raised above ?5% of ma/imum. NIN)A Mnderneath a cover of all#concealin! blacX silX( the @inFa combines the talents of inflitrator( s Z and assassin in one finelZ#trained bodZ( ruthlesslZ inde endent bZ nature and o[in! alle!iance to no#one. @inFa are schooled from earlZ on in the virtues of silent action and caution( the art of Xillin! from a distance as [ell as a hairas breadth a[aZ ## fe[( if anZ( s end much time [orrZin! about the moralitZ of their actions( sellin! their sXills out to the hi!hest bidder [ithout a second thou!ht. Their cold#hearted attitude and a athetic disre!ard for life accounts for most of their o[er and mZsti:ue # indeed( a @inFa [ould ha ilZ commit deeds anZ other [arrior [ould balX at # but at the same time maXes them un redictable allies at best. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L10 LP L1? L1? L10 LP )e resentatives= %d[ard 8eraldine a%d!ea %blan (330&)( ClZde aShado[a $rro[nZ (33&0)( @inFa 6ob (330( 33000( 33&( 33b0( 33T( 33T$) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= dA \ea ons= ^nives( @inFa ^nives( Cla[s( 3lails( Ioomeran!s( ^atana $rmor= $rm[ear( 4ats( Suits $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= ThieverZ )e:uired SXills= Stealth( ;ne \ea on SXill 1 1/4TS4 @inFutsu( the @inFa $rt( is a diverse blend of mZsticism and martial techni:ue( em hasi-in! the destruction of an o onent at anZ cost. Thou!h the basis of @inFutsu is firmlZ rooted in the hZsical ca abilities of the @inFa( time and e/ erience allo[s its ractitioners to ta into the su ernatural ener!ies of their surroundin!s( brin!in! the o[ers of heaven( earth and under[orld into their actions and movements. T?roQ c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le \henever a fast and incons icuous attacX is needed( the @inFaas natural affinitZ for thro[in! [ea ons comes to the fore. Thro[ allo[s the @inFa to launch a sin!le [ea on [ith devastatin! force and accuracZ at an o onent # treat this as a normal $ttacX $ction [hich automaticallZ hits re!ardless of the tar!etas "%3( striXin! for ?00%( $rmor dama!e. "ama!e is al[aZs calculated usin! the @inFaas ST) $ttribute( even in case of [ea ons [hose dama!e code normallZ defaults to 2$8 or $80. This techni:ue does comes [ith a rice( ho[everH anZthin! used in conFunction [ith Thro[ # includin! $rtifact and Mni:ue [ea ons # [ill be irretrievablZ lost and maZ not be recovered after the battle is over. $nZ dama!e inflicted [ith Thro[ is not limited bZ the dama!e ca ( and can e/ceed 999 4,. \ea on abilities do not affect this attacX( e/ce t [hen the [ea on in :uestion is a Thro[in! \ea on (ShuriXen( "art( SXean or Iall). TQo SQords c>evel 1d TZ e= Su ort $bilitZ @inFa traditionallZ o erate alone( but their innate abilitZ to dual [ield more than evens out the odds. T[o S[ords maZ be used to e:ui t[o [ea ons at once( one in each hand. 0f the @inFa taXes advanta!e of this facilitZ( theZ striXe t[ice [hen maXin! an $ttacX $ction a!ainst a tar!etH calculate dama!e for each [ea on as if the @inFa had made t[o se arate attacXs( rollin! to hit for each. $nZ [ea on [hich can be used [ith the T[o \ea ons sXill can be used bZ the @inFa( and in anZ combination bet[een different [ea on tZ es. 0iPo#ido# c>evel Pd TZ e= Slo[ (B) Tar!et= Self $fter a brief momentas meditation( the @inFa be!ins to move( !atherin! s eed until their outline is nothin! more than a shado[Z blur too :uicX for the naXed eZe to follo[. \hen used( 4iXouidou adds the status $!ilitZ M (A) to the @inFa. Xaton c>evel 15d TZ e= 2a!ic (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le Channelin! a brief burst of ma!ical ener!Z( the @inFa causes a sudden( stabbin! Fet of flame to eru t underneath the tar!et( inflictin! (P / 2$8) L 'dA( 2$)2 3ire %lemental dama!e on it in the rocess. 0n addition( ^aton has a CoS of 50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?)%( "efense of inflictin! the status Confuse (B) on the tar!et. mage c>evel ??d TZ e= Slo[ (P) Tar!et= Self The @inFaas outline be!ins to [aver( becomin! more and more indistinct until no lon!er one( but a [hole host of assassins( darX and obscure( stands readZ to confront their foes. 0ma!e !enerates B asilhouettesa around the @inFa (A)H the @inFa !ains a L5 bonus to their "efense ratin! for each double still in e/istence. \henever the @inFa taXes dama!e( reduce the number of silhouettes bZ oneH 0ma!e maZ not be used a!ain until all doubles have e/ ired or been destroZed. S#iton c>evel ?9d TZ e= 2a!ic (BA 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le

"ra[in! on the o[er of the surroundin! elements( the @inFa unleashes the mi!ht of the tide in a torrent of o[erful ocean [aves( rushin! over the tar!et for (1A / 2$8) L 5dA( 2$)2 \ater %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( Suiton has a CoS of 50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?)%( "efense of inflictin! the status Silence (B) on the tar!et. S?adoQ Stitc? c>evel 'Ad TZ e= 2a!ic (AA 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The @inFa cla s their hands shar lZ( creatin! a burst of tinZ needles to stitch an o onentas shado[ to the !round( tra in! them in lace. \hen used( Shado[ Stitch has a CoS of 50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?)%( "efense of inflictin! the statuses "isable (B) and 0mmobili-e (B) on the tar!et. )oll for both statuses at onceH either the tar!et is affected bZ both or it is affected bZ neither. Rai>in c>evel B'd TZ e= 2a!ic (C0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le Summonin! the mi!ht of the storm and sXies( the @inFa creates an arcin! barra!e of li!htnin! [hich violentlZ earths itself in the tar!et( inflictin! (?0 / 2$8) L Bd10( 2$)2 >i!htnin! %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( )aiFin has a CoS of 50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?)%( "efense of inflictin! the status Ilind (B) on the tar!et. S#nPen State c>evel 50d TZ e= )eaction Tar!et= Self IZ tem orarilZ touchin! on the darX ener!ies of the under[orld( the @inFa seems to sinX into the !round( leavin! onlZ their shado[ behind and avoidin! harm. \hen strucX bZ an action [hich causes dama!e to the @inFa( there is a flat '0% chance that SunXen State [ill activate( besto[in! the status &anish on the @inFaH this remains in effect as lon! as the @inFa does not maXe anZ $ctions. ;nce theZ do( ho[ever( theZ are forced to leave the SunXen State( automaticallZ cancelin! &anish. &anish also immediatelZ sto s if the @inFa is strucX bZ a ma!ical attacX. Doton c>evel 5Cd TZ e= 2a!ic (PA 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le Ta in! the !round [ith one alm( the @inFa creates a intense tremor [hich shaXes the earth dee to its core( rattlin! the tar!et for (?? / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 %arth %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( "oton has a CoS of 50 L >evel L (2$8 / ?)%( "efense of inflictin! the status Slo[ (B) on the tar!et. E&an c>evel ABd TZ e= Su ort The @inFa is ca able of sli in! into a trance#liXe state as theZ be!in to soaX in su ernatural o[er( infusin! their 6utsu [ith additional ener!Z. \hen usin! ^aton( Suiton( )aiFin( "oton or Shado[ Stitch( the @inFa maZ choose to add a Char!e Time of 10 to the $bilitZas 2, cost to em o[er the techni:ue [ith %lanH if theZ do so( the $bilitZas Tar!et is chan!ed from Sin!le to 8rou for that action onlZ. (ALADIN ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L1? L1' L9 LP LP L10 The ,aladin is the sacred Xni!ht( consecrated to the o[ers and deities of !oodness and li!ht. ,aladins are chosen bZ the o[ers of !oodness( not the other [aZ around. $lthou!h there are manZ [ho have one or several of the :ualities that maXe a ,aladin( onlZ those [ho are trulZ the e itome of the o[ers of li!ht are so blessed to become a ,aladin. ,aladins( much liXe Samurai( follo[ a strict code of honor and nobilitZ. ,aladins usuallZ [ear heavZ armor and [ield s[ords. ;ften( their [ea ons and armor are consecrated to the li!ht even as theZ themselves are and thus add even more unch to their alreadZ formidable talents. ,aladins are ca able of shieldin! another artZ member from dan!er and can channel the holZ ener!ies of the masters of the li!ht throu!h their s[ords( maXin! them a[esome [arriors indeed. )e resentatives= Cecil (330&)( ,aladin 6ob (33b0)( $!rias (33T)( ,aladin 6ob (33T$) 4, "ie= d10 2, "ie= dA \ea ons= $/es( ^nives( >i!ht S[ords( Staves( S[ords( 8reats[ords $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( 2ail( )obes( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= %ti:uette( ;ne \ea on SXill 0$(W SR$RD !o2er c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Sin!le Thou!h a o[erful natural combatant( a ,aladinas trainin! also taXes into account the [ell#bein! of their fello[s( teachin! them to sacrifice their o[n attacXs if anotheras life is at staXe. \hen usin! Cover( the ,aladin chooses an allZ to be coveredH for the remainder of the battle( the ,aladin [ill automaticallZ lea in front of the allZ in :uestion [henever theZ are strucX bZ an $ttacX $ction( re!ardless of the distance bet[een the t[o. $ll Covered dama!e that [ould be taXen bZ the allZ is instead a lied to the ,aladin ## modifZin! for $rmor and 2.$rmor as normal ## after [hich oint the ,aladin [ill return to their ori!inal location. ;nce Cover has been used( the ,aladin has no choice in [hether or not theZ [ish to taXe the dama!e( unless the ,aladin is belo[ ?5% 4,. The ,aladin maZ onlZ Cover one allZ at anZ time. 0f the ,aladin is belo[ ?5% of their ma/imum 4,( Cover automaticallZ ceases( and the allZ is no lon!er rotected bZ the ,aladin. $dditionallZ( [hen ever the ,aladinas turn comes u ( theZ maZ choose to sto Coverin! their allZ( rior to taXin! their action as normal. Sentine& c>evel 1d TZ e= )eaction The ,aladin [ill automaticallZ ste in and instantlZ Cover anZ allZ [ho is at ?5% or less 4, [henever such an allZ is strucX bZ an $ttacX $ction. 4o[ever( if the ,aladin hisUherself is at ?5% or less 4,( then Sentinel does not taXe effect. 0f multi le ,aladins are resent( Sentinel activates onlZ for the one [ith the hi!hest 4,. $ctivation of Sentinel does not affect the ,aladinas abilitZ to Cover a different tar!et( or to other[ise act. (ig?tning Sta" c>evel Pd TZ e= 2a!ic (?? 2,) Tar!et= 8rou The ,aladin holds hisUher s[ord to the heavens as a li!htnin! bolt slams do[n( earthin! itself in the blade. 0n a sin!le s[ee in! arc( the electrical ener!Z is dischar!ed( tearin! into all enemies for C5%( $rmor >i!htnin! %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( >i!htnin! Stab is so a[e#ins irin! that it has

a CoS of '0% of inflictin! the Status Condition Silence on the tar!ets (B)H this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etas "efense or 2. "efense. )oll se aratelZ for each eli!ible tar!et. 0ea&ing Rind c>evel 15d TZ e= 2a!ic ('B 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ The ,aladin summons a [arm !ust of vital ener!Z to surround the artZ and taXe care of them( recoverin! their health in the rocess. This restores (9 / 2$8) L ?dA 4, to all allies. S*&it P#nc? c>evel ??d TZ e= 2a!ic (B0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The ,aladin holds their blade at an armas len!th( dischar!in! continuous ulses of holZ ener!Z [hich attem t to batter the tar!etas s irit from its bodZ and cracX it ermanentlZ( striXin! for 1?5%( $rmor 4olZ %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( S lit ,unch has a CoS of '0% of inflictin! the Status Condition Condemned on the tar!et (B)H this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etas "efense or 2. "efense. Astra c>evel ?9d TZ e= 2a!ic (BA 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le 3ocusin! to create a ma!ical shield( the ,aladin is ca able of rotectin! an allZas health. The affected allZ is 0= $ll statuses( either for a duration of (B)( or until strucX bZ an attacX or effect [hich [ould cause a status. $stra rotects a!ainst all statuses inflicted bZ a sin!le attacX( but onlZ rotects the allZ once er castin!. Sea& E2i& c>evel 'Ad TZ e= 2a!ic (5' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le Sealin! evil in a rison of stone( the ,aladin is able to revent the undead from risin! a!ain( or demonic bein!s from returnin! to this [orld. \hen used( Seal %vil has a flat A0% chance to inflict Stone (M) on one Mndead or "emon tar!et. 0o&L !irc&e c>evel B'd TZ e= 2a!ic (A1 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ The ,aladin raises their s[ord to the sXZ( artin! the clouds to encase the artZ in a beam of divine li!ht. The circle rotects the artZ a!ainst harm and encoura!es them in their love for the li!ht. This !ives ,rotect and %= 4olZ to the artZ (B). Stasis SQord c>evel 50d TZ e= 2a!ic (90 2,) Tar!et= 8rou The ,aladin s[in!s their s[ord in a full circle( dischar!in! a !olden ri le of ener!Z [hich a ears to slo[ time in its [aXe( s[ee in! into the enemZ for 1?5%( $rmor 4olZ %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( Stasis S[ord has a CoS of '0% of inflictin! the Status Condition Sto on the tar!ets (?)H this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etas "efense or 2. "efense. )oll se aratelZ for each eli!ible tar!et. 0o&L EG*&osion c>evel 5Cd TZ e= 2a!ic (155 2,) Tar!et= 8rou The ,aladin char!es u their blade [ith holZ ener!Z( releasin! the !athered o[er in an arc#sha ed slash [hich forms into a !olden [ave( s[ee in! into the enemZ in a series of cataclZsmic e/ losions for 150%( $rmor 4olZ %lemental dama!e. 0n addition( 4olZ %/ losionas mind#bendin! o[er has a CoS of '0% of inflictin! the Status Condition Confuse on the tar!ets (B)H this CoS is flat and not modified for the tar!etsa "efense or 2. "efense. )oll se aratelZ for each eli!ible tar!et. 'reat 'os*e& c>evel ABd TZ e= 2a!ic (?00 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ $fter a brief incantation( the ,aladinas bodZ is surrounded bZ brilliant silver aura( !raduallZ e/ andin! to cover the entire artZ [ith a rotective barrier of sacred ener!Z. 8reat 8os el restores (1C / 2$8) L BdP 4, as [ell as addin! the Status Condition \all (B) for the ,aladin and allies. RED MAGE 6acX of all trades # but masters of none. )ed 2a!es have hZsical and ma!ical a titudes but never reach ultimate o[er [ith either melee ro[ess or )ed ma!ic. Iut their diverse abilities more than com ensate for their lacX of ultimate o[er in most situations. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L10 LP L10 L10 L1? L10 )e resentatives= )ed 2a!e 6ob (330( 33000( 33&( 33b0( 33T$) 4, "ie= dP 2, "ie= dP \ea ons= Io[s( 3lails( ^nives( )ods( Staves( >i!ht S[ords( S[ords $rmor= $rm[ear( 8auntlets( 4ats( 4elmets( 2ail( )obes( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L?0 SXill ,oints= ?A0 SXill $ titude= Scholastic )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill RED )A' ! Red )agic c>evel 1d TZ e= 2a!ic \hile most ma!es are content to focus on a articular form of ma!ic( the )ed 2a!e refers to taXe a bit of each tZ e # Fust in case. )ed 2a!ic combines the elemental o[er of IlacX 2a!ic( the healin! and defense of \hite 2a!ic and even a little dimensional mani ulation from Time 2a!ic. The )ed 2a!e starts [ith three level one )ed 2a!ic s ells and learns more as levels are !ained( albeit much more slo[lZ than a dedicated ma!e. "etails of all )ed 2a!ic s ells can be found in Cha ter %i!ht= 2a!ic. S*e&& (e2e& (e2e&s 1 '( A( 9

? 11( 1'( 1A( 19 ' ?1( ?'( ?A( ?9 B '1( ''( 'A( '9 5 B1( B'( BA( B9 A 51( 5'( 5A( 59 [ )agic c>evel 50d TZ e= 2a!ic (A) The diverse nature of the )ed 2a!e limits ma/imum s ellcastin! ca abilities com ared to ma!es dedicated to a articular form of ma!ic. To com ensate for this )ed 2a!es have develo ed b 2a!ic( a method to simultaneouslZ cast t[o s ells. $nZ t[o s ells the )ed 2a!e currentlZ Xno[s can be cast usin! b 2a!ic( and must be chosen immediatelZ. The )ed 2a!e must then s end a small amount of time to fullZ form the ener!ies re:uired for the s ells( and must have enou!h 2, for both s ells before castin!. RUNE KNIGHT The )une ^ni!ht is an odditZ amon! the $de ts in that theZ are trained in usin! an enemZas ma!ic a!ainst them in battle. Their uni:ue o[ers allo[ them to re!ain lost 2,( or even use the o[er from the attacX bacX a!ainst the ori!inal caster. 0n most cases( )unic ^ni!hts develo small orders or !rou s to train ne[ Xni!hts and for mutual rotection. Such orders tend to find themselves in the service of various monarchs [ho desire their uni:ue talents or bZ bountZ hunter !uilds that s eciali-e in huntin! dan!erous criminals or ro!ue ma!icians that are usin! their o[ers for evil ends. To su lement their runic o[ers( each )unic ^ni!ht is trained in [ea on use as [ell as a moderate use of ma!ic of their o[n for bacX#u measures. )une ^ni!hts can be distin!uished bZ the tZ e of rune used on their [ea on as [ell as a du licate rune that is often tattooed on to the Xni!htas bacX in a lar!er fashion. %ach order tends to have a uni:ue rune( [hich must be used bZ those that are trained in their use. The rune on their bacXs( embedded there bZ arcane ma!ic( cannot be removed bZ anZ means and theZ are tau!ht earlZ on in ho[ to en!rave the orderas rune on the [ea on. ;ften manZ )une ^ni!hts develo their o[n uni:ue rune and lace it as [ell on their [ea on. ST) &0T $80 S," 2$8 S,) L1? L10 L10 L10 LP L10 )e resentatives= Celes Chere (33&0) "Zcedar! Ieoulve (33T)( Yalba! Ieoulve (33T) 4, "ie= d10 2, "ie= dA \ea ons= S[ords( >i!ht S[ords( 8reats[ords( ^nives( $/es( 3lails $rmor= 8auntlets( 4elmets( )obes( 2ail( Shields $ttacX Ionus= L'0 SXill ,oints= ?B0 SXill $ titude= \ea on )e:uired SXills= ;ne \ea on SXill R41 ! R#nic c>evel 1d TZ e= 3ast Tar!et= Self The )une ^ni!ht uses their [ea on in conFunction [ith the runes on their bacX as a sort of ma!ical li!htnin! rod( focusin! a s ellas o[n ma!ic o[er into their bodZ to re lenish their o[n s ent s iritual o[er. )unic absorbs the first s ell cast in the )une ^ni!htas resence( be it from friend or foe( and the )une ^ni!ht !ains the 2, used to ori!inallZ cast the s ell. Mse of )unic lasts until the )une ^ni!ht either successfullZ absorbs a s ell or maXes another action. Mnfocused s ells and Summoned monsters( ho[ever( can not be ca tured bZ )unic( causin! the abilitZ to remain active until a different s ell comes alon!. Ret#rn )agic c>evel 'Ad TZ e= )eaction Tar!et= Sin!le The )une ^ni!ht no[ has ultimate control over his abilities. )ather than merelZ bein! able to absorb and refocus a s ell to restore s ent s iritual o[er( the )une ^ni!ht no[ has a chance e:ual to (c>evelU?d L cS irit/?d) to be able to recast anZ s ell of an offensive nature cast on him bacX at the tar!et( free of 2, cost. 4o[ever( [here )unic sto s the s ellas effects( the )une ^ni!ht must [eather the s ell cast and survive in order to react to it. )eturn 2a!ic onlZ [orXs if the s ell actuallZ affects the )une ^ni!htH a s ell absorbed bZ )unic or bounced [ith )eflect also cannot be )eturned. )eturned s ells onlZ affect the ori!inal caster( even if it [as ori!inallZ a 8rou s ell. Summons and Mnfocused s ells are not affected bZ )eturn 2a!ic. The )une ^ni!ht also has the o tion to not return the s ell( and instead !ain 2, e:ual to that used in castin! the s ell ori!inallZ. "ama!e is still taXen as normal. )eturn 2a!ic can not activate if the )une ^ni!ht is Silenced. O#adra )agic c>evel ABd TZ e= Su ort $n enhancement of )eturn 2a!ic( Ruadra 2a!ic is the eaX of )unicas o[er. \hen )eturn 2a!ic activates( the )une ^ni!ht has the o tion of activatin! Ruadra 2a!ic instead. 0n that case( the s ell [hich affected the )une ^ni!ht is recast four times( each bein! fired randomlZ at the ori!inal casteras artZ. \hile the )une ^ni!ht is able to absorb one s ellas [orth of o[er from the ori!inal castin!( the )une ^ni!ht has to aZ the 2, cost for the additional three castin!s. 0f the )une ^ni!ht does not have the 2, for all three castin!s( Ruadra 2a!ic can not activate( and )eturn 2a!ic [orXs as normal instead. S ells cast bZ the )une ^ni!htas o[n artZ can not be recast [ith Ruadra 2a!ic( nor can Summons or Mnfocused s ells. %ach recastin! [ith Ruadra 2a!ic is onlZ sin!le tar!et( even if the ori!inal s ell affected a 8rou . DESTR$W SR$RD F#rL Brand c>evel Pd TZ e= 2a!ic (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le Concentratin! hard( the )une ^ni!ht traces an arcane attern in the air( leavin! a series of hot( searin! red lines hoverin! before them. The !lZ hs( once com leted( rocXet out[ards and burn into the tar!et( doin! 100%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. $dditionallZ( the ain and an!er maZ drive the tar!et into an unrestrained furZ( [ith a flat '0% chance of IerserX (B). Stard#st RaL c>evel 15d TZ e= 2a!ic (?C 2,) Tar!et= 8rou IlacX bursts of ener!Z sha ed liXe arro[s stream from the )une ^ni!htas [ea on. %ach blacX arro[ is stre[n [ith small stars as it flies( stabbin! into the tar!ets for C5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e( at the same time that the o[er of the void envelo es the victim. There is a flat '0% chance that the tar!et [ill be inflicted [ith S irit IreaX (B) from the void of des air.

S?e&&"#rst Sta" c>evel ??d TZ e= 2a!ic ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le The )une ^ni!htas ener!Z !athers on the !round for a moment( before it rises u in the form of a cruel( curved [hite and red scimitar blade. Stabbin! u [ards( the attacX shreds the tar!etas life force( as [ell as itas ma!ical o[er. The tar!et taXes dama!e to itas 4, e:ual to the current amount of 2, it ossesses. This dama!e i!nores the tar!etas $rmor ratin!( but can not ass 999 oints of dama!e( even if the tar!et has more than that manZ 2, remainin!. B&astar P#nc? c>evel ?9d TZ e= 2a!ic (5A 2,) Tar!et= 8rou $ !lo[in! [hite a/eblade descends from the heavens( striXin! do[n onto the enemZ artZas heads [ith brain#shatterin! force. 0n an instant( the tar!ets suffer a brutal 100%( $rmor [ea on dama!e( as [ell as a flat '0% chance of 2a!ic IreaX (B) from the ain of the blo[. %enom Fang c>evel B'd TZ e= 2a!ic (C0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le $ sicXlZ !reen !lo[ surrounds the )une ^ni!htas [ea on as the o[er !athers. 0t lea s from the blade and attacXs the tar!et( sna in! and tearin! liXe a hantom set of [olfas Fa[s( bitin! for 1?5%( $rmor [ea on dama!e( and a flat '0% chance of &enom (B). 0e&&crL P#nc? c>evel 50d TZ e= 2a!ic (95 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le 4ellcrZ ,unchas use causes the !round tremble under the tar!et [hen the )une ^ni!ht drives his [ea on into the earth. $s he does( a massive blue t[o#handed s[ord stabs u [ards( enetratin! throu!h the tar!et for 150%( $rmor [ea on dama!e. %ven beZond that( the striXe has a '0% chance of inflictin! ,o[er IreaX (B) and a '0% chance of Silence (B). )oll se aratelZ for each status. ceQo&3 Bite c>evel 5Cd TZ e= 2a!ic (110 2,) Tar!et= 8rou 0ce[olf Iite summons u the o[er that is stored in the )une ^ni!htas [ea on to create a sin!le destructive burst. $t the command( a [ave of s ears( !lo[in! blood red and fierZ oran!e( Fab u [ards from the earth in a battlefield#coverin! cascade. Stabbin! throu!h the tar!etas defenses( it enetrates to the verZ soul and ierces the victimas core. This devastatin! assault automaticallZ inflicts 150%( $rmor [ea on dama!e( as [ell as ?00%( $rmor [ea on dama!e to their 2, scores. S ills # SXill ChecXs= # SXill >evel L 2odifiers (as er sXil descri tion and 82 Fud!ement). # "efault SXills= ("efault $TT))/?. # SXills at >evel 1= # $ll characters receive a ool of oints to s end on sXills at >evel 1( [hich maZ be distributed as desired. @o sXill maZ start at a value belo[ ?0 or above 50. # $ll \arriors= Start [ith ?B0 sXill oints. # ,aladin( "arX ^ni!ht( )une ^ni!ht( 2a!ic ^ni!ht( @inFa= Start [ith ?B0 sXill oints. # Ilue 2a!e( )ed 2a!e( 8eomancer= Start [ith ?A0 sXill oints. # $ll %/ erts= Start [ith ?A0 sXill oints. # $ll 2a!es= Start [ith ?P0 sXill oints. # $ll characters receive 1?0 bonus oints s ecificallZ for >ores and >an!ua!es( lus an additional 50 oints for the characteras native lan!ua!e. These oints maZ onlZ be s ent on >ore Q and on >an!ua!e Q sXills. >iXe all other sXills( these maZ not start at a value belo[ ?0 or above 50. # @e[ SXills (after Cam ai!n Start)= >earned at either ?0 or at ("efault $TT))/?( Q [hichever is hi!her Q. # >earnin! ne[ SXills taXes an e/ enditure of 8il # this !oes to instruction( te/tbooXs( e/ erimental materials( and so on. 4alve this cost if the character has an $ffinitZ in the sXillH double it if the sXill costs /? to advance. # 82s can rule that a sXill cannot be ac:uired in a articular location or at a articular time. The chance to learn a sXill for reduced cost( or for free( maZ also be one of the re[ards of an adventure or :uest. # Cost of ac:uirin! ne[ sXills= # Character >evel 1#10= 500 !il # Character >evel 11#?0= ?000 !il # Character >evel ?1#'0= B500 !il # Character >evel '1#B0= P000 !il # Character >evel B1#50= 1?500 !il # Character >evel 51L = 1P000 !il # $dvancin! SXills= # Characters receive 10 oints to advance sXills at each level. These maZ be distributed as desired( [ith the follo[in! restrictions= # $ sXill [ith a value of 50 or more can be raised bZ no more than ?. # $ sXill [ith a value of less than 50 is not restricted to ? er level( but it can be raised to 50 and no hi!her in this manner. ;nce it reaches 50( the ? er level restriction comes into laZ. # 0f a character has an affinitZ in a sXill( that sXill maZ be raised bZ ? [ith the e/ enditure of a sin!le sXill oint( but maZ QnotQ be raised further. $ffinities maXe sXills increase [ith less effort( not at a faster rate than [ould other[ise be ossible. # Characters also receive A bonus oints to advance >ores and >an!ua!es( onlZ. $!ain( no sXill belo[ 50 can be raised to more than 50( and no sXill at or above 50 can be raised bZ more than ?. # @o sXill maZ be raised beZond 100. # $ttribute ChecXs= # &erZ %asZ= $TT)/? LA0. # %asZ= $TT)/? L 50. # @ormal= $TT)/? LB0.

# 4ard= $TT)/? L '0. # "ifficult= $TT)/? L ?0. # &erZ "ifficult= $TT) /? L10. # @earlZ 0m ossible= $TT)/? L0. # $ttacX%= (\ea on SXill) L 6ob Ionus L $80/? L >evel. # $ll \arriors= 6ob Ionus K L'0 # ,aladin( "arX ^ni!ht( )une ^ni!ht( 2a!ic ^ni!ht( @inFa= 6ob Ionus K L'0 # Ilue 2a!e( )ed 2a!e( 8eomancer= 6ob Ionus K L?0 # $ll %/ erts= 6ob Ionus K L?0 # $ll 2a!es= 6ob Ionus K L10 SPi&& !ontests $ SXill Contest comes into laZ [hen t[o or more characters attem t to use the same SXill for the same end( usuallZ a!ainst the same tar!et ## e/am les of this mi!ht include t[o arties ne!otiatin! for a articular item [ith the same buZer( a !rou of %n!ineers com etin! to see [ho can come u [ith the best invention in a certain s ace of time( or a air of s eaXers trZ to brin! an undecided cro[d over to their res ective sides. The 82 a lies an individual modifier to each artZ involved( de endin! on the circumstancesH all artici ants in a SXill Contest maXe their rolls at the same time. \hoever scores the farthest belo[ their modified CoS for that SXill Test [ins ## thus( a roll of ?A a!ainst a CoS of B0 [ould al[aZs beat a roll of ?? a!ainst a CoS of '0( des ite bein! the hi!her roll. $ Iotch or a failure [ill automaticallZ removes that artici ant from the contest( unless the other artici ants Iotch or fail as [ellH in this case the lo[est dice roll [ins. SimilarlZ( a Critical Success automaticallZ [ins the contest unless other artici ants also score a Critical Success( in [hich case the lo[est roll a!ain determines the [inner. 'ro#*QorP @ot everZ SXill Test [ill be a solo effort ## occasionallZ( a character maZ collaborate [ith others( either fello[ laZers or @,Cs( in accom lishin! a s ecific tasX. 0n situations such as this( one character f usuallZ the one [ith the hi!hest SXill )atin! for the SXill in :uestion f must be nominated as the su ervisorH theZ serve as the leader durin! the effort( directin! the other [orXers as needed( and maXe the actual SXill Test. 0n order to coordinate the effort( the su ervisor must first maXe a successful SXill Test a!ainst either Command or Teachin!( de endin! on [hich of the t[o theZ have access toH if theZ lacX either( theZ must roll a!ainst their "efault SXill )atin! instead. Iasic su!!ested modifiers for this roll have been !iven belo[H the 82 is at libertZ to add additional modifiers for time constraints( oor [orXin! environments( or si!nificantlZ lar!e numbers of assistants [here a licable. 'ro#*QorP )odi3iers ,er assistant [hose SXill )atin! is more than 1.5 times the su ervisorfs= L?0 3or each assistant [hose SXill )atin! in re:uired SXill is e:ual to su ervisorfs= L10 3or each assistant [hose SXill )atin! in re:uired SXill is half or less of su ervisorfs= 0 3or each assistant lacXin! re:uired SXill= #?0 The results of this e/ercise de end on the results of the su ervisorfs SXill Test. 0f this SXill Test succeeds( the su ervisor !ains a bonus e:ual to ($ssistantfs )elevant $ttributeU?) for each character assistin! on their subse:uent SXill Test( [here the $ttribute in :uestion is the one the SXill defaults to. 0f the SXill Test fails( the su ervisor maZ still attem t to ass the second Test( but does so [ith a enaltZ of e:ual to (\orXerfs )elevant $ttributeU?) for each [orXer resent. The results of a Iotch are left to the 82fs discretion( but [ith such lar!e numbers of characters involved( the results [ill almost certainlZ be catastro hic. @ote that not everZ SXill and situation can be used in a !rou [orX conte/t ## !rou [orX is onlZ an o tion [here the assistants [ould not normallZ be re:uired to maXe SXill Tests of their o[n. SuccessfullZ sta!in! an o eretta( for instance( [ould demand a Sin!in! or $ctin! roll from each artici atin! character and @,CH the lead baritone [ould thus be unable to use these to bolster the effect of his o[n erformance. \hile characters can !ain benefits from re arin! beforehand in situations liXe these( theZfre on their o[n [hen it comes to maXin! the actual SXill Tests. $s an e/am le( a situation [here several characters s lit u to canvas the to[n in search of the location of the elusive \ind Cavern [ould net a bonus to each character searchin! if theZ !ot to!ether beforehand to lan their activities. 4o[ever( [hen it comes do[n to actuallZ findin! the information in :uestion( theZfre on their o[nH as a result( theZ [ould not be able to use !rou [orX to s eed their tasX alon!. Ta"&e HBA: )aster SPi&& (ist (A&*?a"etica&) SXill Cate!orZ $ttribute $crobatics 8eneral $80 $ctin! $rtistic S,) $lchemZ Technical 2$8 $nimal Trainin! \ilderness S,) $rt $rtistic S,) $[areness 8eneral 2$8 $/es \ea on $80 Io[s \ea on $80 Ira[lQ \ea on $80 Climbin! \ilderness ST) Command 8eneral S,) Concealment ThieverZ 2$8 CooXin! 8eneral 2$8 Craftin!Q Technical 2$8 Cud!els \ea on $80 "ancin! $rtistic $80 "is!uise ThieverZ 2$8 %sca e ThieverZ $80 %ti:uette Social S,) %/ losives Technical 2$8 3lails \ea on $80 8amblin! ThieverZ 2$8 8uns \ea on $80 4ealin! Scholastic 2$8 0n:uirZ Scholastic 2$8

0nstrumentQ $rtistic S,) 0ntimidation Social S,) 0nvent Technical 2$8 ^nives \ea on $80 >an!ua!eQ Scholastic S,) >ocX icXin! ThieverZ $80 >oreQ Scholastic 2$8 @avi!ation \ilderness 2$8 @e!otiation Social S,) ,erce tion 8eneral S,) ,icX ocXet ThieverZ $80 ,oach Scholastic( 2$8 \ilderness ,olearms \ea on $80 )e air Technical 2$8 )idin! \ilderness $80 Seduction Social S,) Sin!in! $rtistic S,) Staves \ea on $80 Stealth ThieverZ $80 Street[ise ThieverZ S,) Survival \ilderness 2$8 S[immin! \ilderness ST) S[ords \ea on $80 SZstems Technical 2$8 Teachin! Scholastic( S,) Social Thro[in! \ea ons \ea on $80 TracXin! \ilderness 2$8 Trade 8eneral 2$8 Tra s ThieverZ 2$8 T[o \ea ons 8eneral $80 \ea on SZstems Technical( $80 \ea on &ehiclesQ Technical $80 SPi&& (ists "L !ategorL SXill $ttribute ART ST ! $ctin! S,) $rt S,) "ancin! $80 0nstrumentQ S,) Sin!in! S,) 'E1ERA( $crobatics $80 $[areness 2$8 Command S,) CooXin! 2$8 ,erce tion S,) Trade 2$8 T[o \ea ons (/?) $80 S!0$(AST ! 4ealin! 2$8 0n:uirZ 2$8 >an!ua!eQ S,) >oreQ 2$8 ,oach 2$8 Teachin! (/?) S,) S$! A( %ti:uette S,) 0ntimidation S,) @e!otiation S,) Seduction S,) Teachin! (/?) S,) TE!01 !A( $lchemZ 2$8 Craftin!Q 2$8 %/ losives 2$8 0nvent (/?) 2$8

)e air 2$8 SZstems 2$8 &ehiclesQ $80 \ea on SZstemsQ $80 T0 E%ERW Concealment 2$8 "is!uise 2$8 %sca e $80 8amblin! 2$8 >ocX icXin! $80 ,icX ocXet $80 Stealth $80 Street[ise S,) Tra s 2$8 REAP$1 $/es $80 Ira[lQ $80 Io[ $80 Cud!els $80 3lails $80 8uns $80 ^nives $80 ,ole $rms $80 Staves $80 S[ords $80 Thro[in! \ea ons $80 \ea on SZstems $80 R (DER1ESS $nimal Trainin!Q S,) Climbin! ST) @avi!ation 2$8 ,oach 2$8 )idin!Q $80 Survival 2$8 TracXin! 2$8 S[immin! ST) Artistic SPi&&s $s their name im lies( $rtistic SXills re resent a characteras talents in and a reciation of the finer thin!s in life. TheZ form the foundation for rofessions such as Iards and "ancers( [ho turn them into devastatin! [ea ons on the battlefield. Acting (S,)) $ character [ith this SXill has the trainin! to faXe emotions and devise ne[ ersonalities for themselves( thou!h it re:uires a rare combination of ersonal charisma and natural talent to sustain the illusion in a convincin! manner. \ith a successful SXill Test( the character maZ attem t to use $ctin! to bluff( im rovise( im ersonate or conH a Iotch [ill al[aZs e/ ose the characteras ruse. $ successful $ctin! roll maZ be ne!ated bZ use of the $[areness SXill. Su!!ested 2odifiers Tar!et 3riendlZ= L5 Tar!et \arZ= #?5 Tar!et 4ostile= #B5 ,erformance scri ted= 0 ,erformance im rovised= #10 Art (S,)) $ !eneral a reciation and Xno[led!e of the arts ## aintin!( sXetchin!( scul ture( architecture( and all techni:ues and ractices associated [ith the liXe. $ character [ith this SXill maZ create their o[n art( attem t to identifZ the [orXs of others( or even for!e an e/istin! iece to ass off as the ori!inal. Su!!ested 2odifiers 0dentifZin! [ell#Xno[n master iece= L10 0dentifZin! [ell#Xno[n artist= L5 0dentifZin! obscure artist= #'5 3or!in! obscure artist= #15 3or!in! [ell#Xno[n artist= #50 3or!in! Xno[n master iece= #C0 Dancing ($80) $ character [ith this sXill is liXelZ to be able to tell a \alt- from a 8avotte( and Xno[s enou!h of the !eneral eti:uette and re:uired ste s to avoid ste in! on eo lesa toes in the rocess. 0n case of articularlZ lon! dances( multi le SXill Tests maZ be re:uired. Su!!ested 2odifiers Slo[ rhZthm= L5 3ast rhZthm= #10 "ance does not have fi/ed rhZthm= #15

Com le/ or intricate dance= #'0 %:uallZ sXilled artner= 0 MnsXilled artner= #B5 nstr#ment\ (S,)) This SXill allo[s a character to laZ( tune and maintain a articular instrument( as [ell as havin! a re etoire of son!s at hand to laZ on it. 0nstrument is s ecific to certain tZ e of instrument ## a Iard( for e/am le( mi!ht have the SXill 0nstrument= >ute instead of a !eneric 0nstrument SXill. 0n case of articularlZ lon! son!s( multi le SXill Tests maZ be re:uired. This is also the [ea on sXill for 0nstrument [ea ons. Su!!ested 2odifiers Son! [ritten bZ character= 0 0nstrument not ro erlZ tuned= #10 Com licated melodZ= #'0 0m rovisin! melodZ or a laZin! bZ eara= #15 ,laZin! one tune on t[o instruments= #50 ,laZin! t[o tunes on t[o instruments= #C5 Singing (S,)) \hile not everZone is born [ith a !ood sin!in! voice( careful trainin! can more than maXe u the shortfall. Characters [ith this SXill Xno[ all about roFection and ran!e( and have a fe[ melodies on ta for almost anZ occasion. 0n case of articularlZ lon! son!s( multi le SXill Tests maZ be re:uired. Su!!ested 2odifiers Son! [ritten bZ character= 0 >Zrics in forei!n or unfamiliar lan!ua!e= #10 ,oor acoustics or bacX!round noise= #15 Com licated melodZ= #'0 0m rovisin! lZrics= #?0 2elodZ outside sin!eras ran!e= #B0 'enera& SPi&&s 8eneral SXills are talents common to all adventurers( re!ardless of class or bacX!round. $ ro riatelZ( theZ a lZ to a [ide varietZ of situations. Acro"atics ($80) $ character [ith this SXill has refined their coordination( balance and fle/ibilitZ to the oint of bein! able to e/ecute com le/ acrobatic manuevers as if theZ [ere second nature. $ sin!le SXill Test is made for each manuever( "ifficultZ )atin! de endin! on both the com le/itZ of the manuever and the circumstances. Conse:uences for failure varZ de endin! on the feat bein! attem ted. Su!!ested 2odifiers Sin!le Somersault= #10 "ouble Somersault= #?0 Tri le Somersault= #B0 IacXfli = 15 $erial Cart[heel= #?5 "ouble $erial Cart[heel= #B0 Three consecutive maneuvers in one )ound= #50 AQareness (2$8) Characters [ith this SXill ossess a certain si/th sense [hen it comes to s ottin! otential dan!ers or noticin! [hen somethin! isnEt :uite ri!ht ## [hether in the form of one articularlZ stealthZ Thief or a do-en slaverin! monsters [aitin! in ambush around the corner. $[areness reflects !eneral alertness to the environment around the character( as [ell as reaction s eed in s ottin! thin!s Fust in the nicX of time. This isnat even al[aZs conscious a[areness( and sometimes is com letelZ bZ instinct( trainin! or e/tra#sensorZ erce tion. Su!!ested 2odifiers $lien or e/tremelZ forei!n environment= #'0 %/tremelZ familiar environment( such as the characteras home= L?0 Character is on !uardUsentrZ dutZ and e/ ectin! somethin!= L10 Characteras attention is focused else[here= #15 SicXness( into/ication( or other[ise havin! the characteras senses im aired= #?5 !ommand (S,)) $ character [ith this SXill Xno[s the ins and outs of lar!e#scale combat( coverin! everZ to ic from troo morale to battlefield de loZment. $ successful SXill Test maZ be used to create a de loZment lan or res ond a ro riatelZ to une/ ected events on the battlefieldH durin! articularlZ lon! battles( multi le SXill Tests maZ be necessarZ. 0n addition( a character can use their Command SXill to motivate or encoura!e othersH this does not necessarilZ have to be restricted to troo s under the characteras command. Su!!ested 2odifiers ,revious victories= L5 >oZal troo s= L5 ;utnumberin! o osin! armZ ? to 1= L10 Sides evenlZ matched= 0 ;utnumbered ? to 1= #?5 ;utnumbered B to 1 and !reater= #50 "isloZal or mutinous troo s= #'5 Mnfamiliar terrain= #?0 Coordinatin! lar!e number of units= #15 !ooPing (2$8) Thou!h some maZ deride haute cuisine( theZare liable to chan!e their tune [hen the onlZ alternative is another [eeXas [orth of dried meat. $ character [ith this SXill Xno[s ho[ to re are and identifZ all tZ es of dishes [ith a successful SXill Test. $ fullZ#fled!ed meal maZ re:uire multi le SXill Tests( de endin! on the com le/itZ of the dishes involved. Su!!ested 2odifiers

"ish reviouslZ re ared= 0 0m rovisin! for missin! in!redients= #'5 Sensitive or demandin! dish= #50 Perce*tion (S,)) Characters [ith this SXill have a far Xeener a[areness of sounds( si!hts( smells and other sensorZ in utsH amon!st other thin!s( this can be used to s ot hidden items( secret assa!es and other thin!s that mi!ht not be immediatelZ noticeable at first !lance. 3ocused searches and observation use ,erce tion( and it comes into laZ [hen the character is s ecificallZ looXin! for or [atchin! somethin!. Su!!ested 2odifiers ;bFect is obvious and in the o en= L10 ;bFect is [ell concealed= #10 ;bFect has a distinctive or flashZ a earance= L15 ,oor conditions (darXness( a cro[d of eo le( etc)= #?0 Character is trZin! to tracX one of several identical obFects= #'0 Trade (2$8) $ character [ith this SXill Xno[s their [aZ around the art of buZin! chea and sellin! dear. $ successful SXill Test can be used in lace of a re!ular $vailabilitZ roll to locate a articular iece of e:ui mentH the amount of time s ent tracXin! the item do[n and the final rice are laced at the 82as discretion. $ similar test can also be made to locate merchants or sho s in a to[n or citZ. 0n addition( a character [ith Trade [ill have a !ood eZe for details( and can easilZ a raise items of value to determine their true [orth and authenticitZ. \hen attem tin! to bar!ain do[n rices [ith Trade( a successful sXill checX [ill result in a 5% discount. $ critical success on the checX !ives another 5%( for a 10% total discount. 3ailures and critical failures alter the rice at the 82as discretion( de endin! on ho[ badlZ the character failed the sXill checX. Su!!ested 2odifiers 0temas [orth easilZ assessable or [ell#Xno[n= L5 $ssessin! rare or e/otic item= #B0 ShoddZ or obvious for!erZ= 0 3or!erZ of hi!h :ualitZ= #50 3or!erZ e:ual to ori!inal in :ualitZ= #C0 TQo Rea*ons ($80) T[o \ea ons is a s ecial SXill [hich allo[s a character to fi!ht [ith more than one [ea on at a time( [ieldin! a [ea on in each hand. ;f course( this is subFect to feasibilitZ= Io[s( ,olearms( )ifles( and anZ other [ea on re:uirin! t[o hands to use maZ not be used in conFunction [ith T[o \ea ons. >i!ht S[ords also can not be used in conFunction [ith T[o \ea ons. T[o \ea ons is a double#cost sXill( and re:uires t[ice as manZ sXill oints as usual to advance. SXill $ffinities cannot reduce this( thou!h the $mbide/trous $dvanta!e maZ. 0n addition to this SXill( the character must have the a ro riate SXill for the [ea on ## for instance( a character [antin! to use dual ^nives [ould need ^nives and T[o \ea ons. \hen maXin! an $ttacX $ction [ith T[o \ea ons( the character striXes the tar!et t[ice instead of once( essentiallZ maXin! t[o se arate $ttacX $ctions a!ainst the same tar!et. Mse the lo[er#rated of the t[o SXills # T[o \ea ons or the relevant \ea on SXill # [hen calculatin! 4it%. "ama!e is resolved as normal. Sc?o&astic SPi&&s 0ea&ing (2$8) $ character [ith this SXill Xno[s enou!h about the bodZ and its [orXin!s to dia!nose and treat most Xinds of sicXness and inFurZ. $ successful SXill Test is re:uired for a correct dia!nosisH another SXill Test for the treatment if the character has the means to carrZ it out. 3ailure in either could have drastic conse:uences for the atient. This sXill is used to cure diseases( heal lon!#term inFuries and reduce the effects of [ounds. 0t can not be used to restore 4, lost in battle( or remove status effects. Su!!ested 2odifiers Common or harmless disease= 0 Mncommon or mali!nant disease= #15 Settin! broXen limbs= #?0 Com le/ sur!erZ= #B5 @eurosur!erZ= #C0 0nstallin! cZbernetics= #50 n:#irL (2$8) \hether itas the location of an ancient tomb( an obscure local le!end or Fust the address of the nearest inn in to[n( characters [ith the 0n:uirZ SXill are ade t of di!!in! u the information theZ need as :uicXlZ and ainlesslZ as ossible. ;ne SXill Test must be made for each iece of information the character [ishes to locateH the amount of time taXen for the search can varZ bet[een half an hour and several daZs( de endin! on the breadth of resources available to the character. $ failure sim lZ means the character has not been able to locate the information and maZ continue trZin!H a Iotch means the fact is unavailable alto!ether. Su!!ested 2odifiers 0nformation is s ecialised Xno[led!e= #?5 0nformation is obscure Xno[led!e= #B0 0nformation is e/tremelZ obscure Xno[led!e= #C0 Sources of oor :ualitZ= #?5 Sources of hi!h :ualitZ= 0 Small ran!e of sources available= #15 (ang#age\ (S,)) The character has an abilitZ to s eaX and converse in a s ecific lan!ua!e. 3luencZ in a lan!ua!e is not a verZ difficult sXill to master # even the most unlearned s eaXer can usuallZ !et bZ( and hi!h ranXin!s in a >an!ua!e sXill !enerallZ indicate an e/ anded vocabularZ coverin! manZ rarelZ#used as ects of the lan!ua!e rather than anZ noticeable increase in conversational abilitZ. >an!ua!e sXill checXs !enerallZ donat need to be made for most interactions. ;nlZ checX the sXill [hen time or circumstances absolutelZ re:uire that [hatas s oXen is understood immediatelZ and accuratelZ. Su!!ested 2odifiers 8eneral and basic information bein! communicated= L50

%verZdaZ conversation= L?0 Some technical or s eciali-ed discussion on!oin!= L0 4i!hlZ technical details or stron! otential for misunderstandin!= #?5 "iscussion uses an unfamiliar dialect( or archaic version of the lan!ua!e= #'0 4i!h bacX!round noise or similar distractions= #?0 (ore\ (2$8) \here 0n:uirZ allo[s a character to looX throu!h available sources to uncover information( >ore re resents a characteras direct e/ erience and studZ of a articular field. >ores can be either S ecific( dealin! [ith a com arativelZ narro[ to ic( or more 8eneral and rovidin! less detailed information over a [ider ran!e of subFects. "ra!on >ore and Time 2a!ic >ore [ould be e/am les of S ecific >oresH 2onster >ore and $rcane >ore [ould be the corres ondin! 8eneral to ics. $ 82 can veto a laZeras selection of anZ >ore sXill as too 8eneral (or too S ecific) for the cam ai!n. _>ore= %verZthin!_( for instance( is a bit too nons ecific to be allo[ed in the !ame. Su!!ested 2odifiers S ecific >ore sXill directlZ a licable to the current situation= L?0 8eneral >ore sXill directlZ a licable to the current situation= L0 S ecific >ore sXill related to the current situation= #10 8eneral >ore sXill related to the current situation= #'0 ;bvious clues or identifZin! marXs on the obFect bein! studied= L0 @o clear identifZin! marXs on the obFect under studZ= #?5 Sna decision needed on the matter= #?0 0nformation on the obFect studied deliberatelZ concealed bZ some a!encZ= #50( S ecific lore sXill re:uired for success Poac? (2$8) $ talent essential to anZ monster hunter looXin! to maXe a rofit on their activities( this SXill allo[s a character to identifZ and e/tract items of value from the carcass of a monster ## hide( horns( teeth( scales ## [ithout dama!in! them in the rocess. To erform these tasXs( the character uses a varietZ of tools( includin! Xnives( hammers and other im lements that de end on Fust [hat the monster is and [hat is bein! e/tracted. Iefore the 82 rolls for random dro s after battle( a ,C maZ elect to use this sXill on one of the defeated monsters. ;nlZ one ,oach checX maZ be erformed er battle bZ the ,C. 0f the sXill checX is successful( the 82 rolls t[ice [hen determinin! the monsteras random dro ( and the ,C [ho oached it icXs [hich roll to use [hen determinin! [hat item the monster left behind. 0f the sXill checX is failed( the monsteras random dro is lost entirelZ( and no roll is made. Su!!ested 2odifiers Tou!h or other[ise armored monster= #?5 2onster is an $mor h= #'0 0tem small or easZ to destroZ= #'5 Character does not have a ro riate tools= #15 Teac?ing (S,)) This SXill allo[s the character to im art their Xno[led!e ## in the form of a articular SXill ## to another erson. \hen a fello[ artZ member levels u ( a character [ith Teachin! maZ attem t to hel that artZ member learn. The teachin! character must select a sXill [hich is ossessed at a hi!her level than the artZ member has. 0f the Teachin! sXill checX is successful( the levelin! artZ member maZ raise the chosen sXill bZ u to B oints( if the sXill is rated at over 50 for that articular level u . $ failed Teachin! sXill checX means the artZ member maZ onlZ raise that sXill bZ 1 oint at ma/imum for that level u . \hen a fello[ artZ member learns a ne[ sXill( the character [ith Teachin! maZ attem t to maXe a Teachin! sXill checX as [ell. 0f the character [ith Teachin! has the sXill bein! learned alreadZ( and is successful at the Teachin! checX( the learnin! character aZs onlZ C5% of the normal cost for the ne[ sXill. Mse of Teachin! in this [aZ does not stacX [ith the 2entor advanta!e # a character maZ onlZ learn the ne[ sXill from one source. Su!!ested 2odifiers ,u ilas 2$8 less than 5= #?0 ,u ilas 2$8 bet[een ?0 and '0= L5 ,u il is a ,rodi!Z in the sXill= L10 ,u il has a >earnin! IlocX= #15 Socia& SPi&&s Social SXills focus e/clusivelZ on a characteras interactions [ith othersH a characterfs e/ erience in these SXills [ill be essential in everZthin! from [innin! allies to them into devastatin! [ea ons on the battlefield. Eti:#ette (S,)) This SXill !ives a character the abilitZ to act and s eaX di lomaticallZ re!ardless of the circumstances( observin! and res ectin! the sensibilities of others. $ successful SXill Test allo[s a character to discern the most a ro riate code of conduct in a !iven situation( and act accordin!lZH a failure results in the character misinter retin! the situation( [ith otentiallZ disasterous results. Iotches [ill al[aZs result in a di lomatic !affe of the first order. Su!!ested 2odifiers Characteras native home or societZ= 0 MnXno[n countrZ or societZ= #'0 ;bscure or detailed rotocols= #B0 Tar!et 3riendlZ= L5 Tar!et @eutral= 0 Tar!et \arZ= #?5 Tar!et 4ostile= #B5 ntimidation (S,)) 0ntimidation and bro[beatin! are o[erful tools if used correctlZ( establishin! the character as a force to be recXoned [ith ## even if theZ arenat. $ successful SXill Test is re:uired to intimidate a tar!et( after [hich the character can maXe their demandsH failure means the tar!et is unim ressed. $ Iotch( on the other hand( sho[s the character for the [eaXlin! theZ are( otentiallZ resultin! in a nastZ turnaboutf Su!!ested 2odifiers Tar!et is of hi!her >evel= #5 er >evel

Tar!et is stron!erUlar!er than intimidator= #?5 Tar!et is [eaXerUsmaller= 0 1egotiation (S,)) # The fine art of !ettin! Zour [aZ. $ character [ith this SXill can use their o[ers of ersuasion to do anZthin! from barterin! for an item to convincin! that troublesome Ca tain of the 8uard that( no( the character isnat an 0m erial sZm athiser( thanX Zou all the same. @e!otiation is al[aZs used in form of a SXill ContestH [hen maXin! their SXill Test( the laZer must first declare their aoffera to the other artZ( [ho in turn roll a!ainst either their o[n @e!otiation SXill or an a ro riate "efault SXill )atin! ## the [ei!ht of the characteras offer [ill determine the basic CoS. 0f attem tin! to ne!otiate over rices( use Trade instead. Su!!ested 2odifiers "esired outcome beneficial to tar!et= L5 "esired outcome has no effect on tar!et= #15 "esired outcome troublesome for tar!et= #'0 "esired outcome disasterous for tar!et= #50 Tar!et 3riendlZ= L5 Tar!et @eutral= 0 Tar!et \arZ= #?5 Tar!et 4ostile= #B5 Sed#ction (S,)) # This SXill allo[s a character to use their natural acharmsa to !entlZ ersuade an un[ittin! victim into doin! their biddin!. ;ne successful SXill Test is re:uired for the character to ensnare the tar!etH additional SXill Test [ill be re:uired for each re:uest the character maXes to the tar!et. $nZ failure breaXs the characteras hold over the tar!et( forcin! them to start ane[. $ successful Seduction roll maZ be ne!ated bZ use of the $[areness SXill. Su!!ested 2odifiers Tar!et attracted to character= L10 Tar!et 3riendlZ= L5 Tar!et @eutral= 0 Tar!et \arZ= #?5 Tar!et 4ostile= #B5 Teac?ing (S,)) # This SXill allo[s the character to im art their Xno[led!e ## in the form of a articular SXill ## to another erson. \hen a fello[ artZ member levels u ( a character [ith Teachin! maZ attem t to hel that artZ member learn. The teachin! character must select a sXill [hich is ossessed at a hi!her level than the artZ member has. 0f the Teachin! sXill checX is successful( the levelin! artZ member maZ raise the chosen sXill bZ u to B oints( if the sXill is rated at over 50 for that articular level u . $ failed Teachin! sXill checX means the artZ member maZ onlZ raise that sXill bZ 1 oint at ma/imum for that level u . \hen a fello[ artZ member learns a ne[ sXill( the character [ith Teachin! maZ attem t to maXe a Teachin! sXill checX as [ell. 0f the character [ith Teachin! has the sXill bein! learned alreadZ( and is successful at the Teachin! checX( the learnin! character aZs onlZ C5% of the normal cost for the ne[ sXill. Mse of Teachin! in this [aZ does not stacX [ith the 2entor advanta!e # a character maZ onlZ learn the ne[ sXill from one source. Su!!ested 2odifiers ,u ilas 2$8 less than 5= #?0 ,u ilas 2$8 bet[een ?0 and '0= L5 ,u il is a ,rodi!Z in the sXill= L10 ,u il has a >earnin! IlocX= #15 Tec?nica& SPi&&s \hether throu!h [ood[orXin! or dZed#in#the#[ool en!ineerin! and chemistrZ( Technical SXills allo[ a character to manifest their creative as [ell as ractical sides. 2ore information on SXills lacXin! Su!!ested 2odifiers can be found in $ endi/ 0. A&c?emL (2$8) # Throu!h their intimate Xno[led!e of the reactions of com ounds( a character [ith this SXill can attem t to bre[ u a [ide varietZ of useful mi/tures( otions and tinctures. !ra3ting\ (2$8) # $ character [ith this SXill can create items of varZin! si-e and com le/itZ from scratch usin! a [ide ran!e of materials and methods. Craftin! is s ecific to a tZ e of manufacture( the five most rominent of [hich are Craftin! (Car entrZ)( Craftin! (%n!ravin!)( Craftin! (Smithin!)( Craftin! (Tannin!) and Craftin! (Tailorin!). The a lications and s ecifics of each of these are discussed in more detail in $ endi/ 0. EG*&osi2es (2$8) # This SXill allo[s a character to lant and detonate e/ losive devices in a recise fashion( usuallZ for tar!eted demolitions [orX. ;ne successful SXill Test is re:uired to set u the e/ losiveH adaisZ#chainin!a a series of e/ losives re:uires multi le SXill Tests. $ failure [ill naturallZ onlZ reveal itself [hen the e/ losives are detonatedf Su!!ested 2odifiers Tou!h or reinforced tar!et= #?5 $ttem tin! recise or controlled destruction= #B5 Msin! timed detonation or set fuses= #15 Msin! remote detonation= 0 n2ent (2$8) \ith a bit of tinXerin! and a fe[ bouts of divine ins iration( characters [ith this SXill can create useful machines and mechanisms from scratch. $ll non#%n!ineers urchase this sXill is bou!ht at t[ice the normal cost( includin! modifiers for $ titudes. Re*air (2$8) \ith enou!h su lies and time( a character [ith this SXill can mend almost anZ breaX( bend or bum their e:ui ment maZ incur durin! the course of an adventure. Cost and time naturallZ de end on the severitZ of the dama!e. SLstems (2$8) $ multi ur ose SXill allo[in! a character to [orX [ith com le/ mechanisms( includin! electrical [irin!( robots( constructs( and com uters. $ successful SXill Test can be used to either set u ( interru t( or tam er [ith a sZstemH failure [ill dama!e the sZstem but allo[s the character enou!h lee[aZ to attem t to re air the roblem. ,redictablZ( a Iotch [ill destroZ the sZstem beZond the oint of salva!e. 2ulti le SXill Tests maZ be re:uired for articularlZ com licated sZstems. Su!!ested 2odifiers Iasic sZstem= #15 0ntermediate sZstem= #'0

$dvanced sZstem= #50 Iasic rotective measures in lace= #?0 4eavZ rotective measures in lace= #B0 %/treme rotective measures in lace= #A0 %e?ic&es\ ($80) This SXill enables a character to helm a certain tZ e of vehicle [ith a reasonable de!ree of reliabilitZ( thou!h in adverse conditions( thin!s mi!ht be a little bit more difficult. S ecial manuevers naturallZ re:uire an advanced level of abilitZ to ull off [ithout [recXin! the vehicle in :uestion in the rocess. &ehicles is s ecific to certain tZ e of trans ortation ## a character mi!ht( for e/am le( have the SXill &ehicles= $irshi or &ehicles= 2otorcZcle instead of a !eneric &ehicles SXill. Su!!ested 2odifiers &ehicle heavilZ#laden or dama!ed= #B0 Travellin! throu!h ha-ardous terrain= #?5 Iasic manuever (roll( [heelie)= #?0 $vera!e manuever (loo in!( s in)= #'5 T?ie2erL SPi&&s ThieverZ SXills involve stealth( secrecZ( and dishonest action. Thou!h most useful in an urban environment( theZ have their a lications else[here. !oncea&ment (2$8) @ot everZthin! a character o[ns is !oin! to be [elcomed in lain si!ht. $ character [ith this SXill can conceal obFects of varZin! si-es ## such as [ea ons or contraband ## about their erson to esca e detectionH a se arate SXill Test is re:uired for each obFect bein! concealed. $nother SXill Test must be made in order to retrieve the obFectH besides the more obvious uses( Concealment can also be used for small acts of slei!ht#of#hand or restidi!itation. $ successful Concealment roll maZ be ne!ated bZ use of the $[areness SXill. Su!!ested 2odifiers ;bFect less than 5cm in si-e= 0 ;bFect ?0 to 50cm in si-e= #?5 ;bFect A0cm to 1m in si-e= #50 ;bFect !reater than 1m in si-e= #C0 Iein! [atched bZ others= #10 er observer >oose#fittin! clothin! or other hidin! lace= L5 SXinti!ht or scant clothin!= #?5 Disg#ise (2$8) The abilitZ for a character to assume a ne[ a earance( ran!in! from a sim le chan!e of clothin! to a full#blo[n transformation. The character must state their intended atar!etaH a successful SXill Test allo[s the character to taXe on the tar!etas a earance. @ote that this onlZ covers the alooXsa of the tar!etH the actions a character maXes [hile dis!uised are covered bZ a se arate SXill Test a!ainst $ctin!( and Fust as im ortant in maintainin! the illusion( if not more. $ successful "is!uise roll maZ be ne!ated bZ use of the $[areness SXill. Su!!ested 2odifiers ,ortraZin! different !ender= #10 ,ortraZin! other near#human race= #?0 ,ortraZin! non#human race= #50 ,ortraZin! tar!et 50cm taller or shorter than character= #?5 "is!uise reviouslZ re ared= 0 2aterials for dis!uise readilZ available= L5 "is!uise im rovised= #?5 "etailed dis!uise re:uired= #'5 Esca*e ($80) %verZone !ets cau!ht sometimes ## for this reason( the abilitZ to sli out of a ti!ht bind can rove to be a valuable asset. $ character [ith this SXill can use a successful SXill Test to [orm their [aZ out of a [ide varietZ of restraints( includin! ro e( manacles and chains. Su!!ested 2odifiers 4astZ or shoddZ bonds= 0 Com le/ Xnots or bonds= #?0 4andcuffs or reinforced bonds= #'5 Character bein! [atched= #B0 Character under time constraint= #B5 'am"&ing (2$8) $ character [ith this SXill is a storehouse of Xno[led!e [hen it comes to !ames of chance ## articularlZ those involvin! moneZ. Iasic !amblin! taXes the form of a SXill Contest( [ith a ro riate modifiers de endin! on the com le/itZ of the !ame bein! laZed. $side from bein! able to Xno[ basic rules and techni:ues( characters maZ also attem t to use 8amblin! to ti the odds in their favor bZ cheatin! [herever ossible. 0n this case( the character must declare that theZ are doin! soH a successful SXill Test is re:uired for each ahanda or round laZed( and is substituted for the normal rollH if the character succeeds( theZ [in the round( re!ardless of the other artici antsa scores. This can be ne!ated bZ either $[areness or another 8amblin! roll ## after all( thereas no !uarantee that the character [ill be the onlZ one trZin! to ahel a their lucX alon!. $ failure maZ result in the characteras cheatin! bein! e/ osed( but a Iotch al[aZs [ill blo[ the scam [ide o en. Su!!ested 2odifiers ,re arations made before !ame= L5 ,oor li!htin! or laZers other[ise distracted= L5 ;ne o onent= 0 2ulti le o onents= #10 for each laZer above t[o (ocP*icPing ($80) $ character [ith this SXill can o en locXs on doors( treasure chests and anZthin! else others consider [orth securin!( !iven a fe[ sim le tools( a little elbo[ !rease and a successful SXill Test. $ Iotch results in the locX bein! broXen or other[ise dama!ed( reventin! future attem ts at icXin! it. Su!!ested 2odifiers

Character lacXs ro er tools= #?0 >ocX rustZ or ne!lected= 0 >ocXin! mechanism basic= # #10 >ocXin! mechanism com le/=# #'0 >ocXin! mechanism electronic= #50 PicP*ocPet ($80) The abilitZ to sneaX small items out of their o[nersa ocXets [ithout them noticin! and raisin! alarm is art of anZ sXilled thiefas re etoire. \ith this SXill( a character can trZ to a alma an obFect u on a successful SXill TestH one SXill test must be taXen for each obFect taXen. $ Iotch [ill al[aZs result in the character bein! cau!htH a successful $[areness roll can also counter this SXill. This sXill maZ onlZ be used out of combat( and a!ainst una[are tar!ets. Su!!ested 2odifiers Tar!et is other[ise occu ied= 0 ;bFect less than 5cm in si-e= #10 Tar!et is bein! [atched bZ others= #B0 Tar!et is unoccu ied= #?0 ;bFect A0cm to 1m in si-e= #50 ;bFect ? to 'm or !reater in si-e= #P0 Stea&t? ($80) This SXill !ives characters a basic understandin! of subterfu!e( allo[in! them to secrete themselves in darXened corners to esca e detection and sneaX around [ithout arousin! too much sus icion. $ character [ill al[aZs thinX a SXill Test is successful re!ardless of actual outcome( thou!h a successful Stealth roll maZ be ne!ated bZ use of the $[areness SXill. Su!!ested 2odifiers @o li!htin! or itch darXness= L10 ,oor li!htin!= L5 Cover readilZ available= 0 4arsh or bri!ht li!htin!= #?0 \earin! heavZ armor= #?5 Cover scarce= #50 @o immediate cover or o en area= #C0 StreetQise (S,)) $ Xind of a urban survival SXill( Street[ise allo[s a character to navi!ate their [aZ around a citZas criminal under!round. $ successful SXill Test can allo[ a character to obtain a iece of information( locate illicit !oods and services( or find a contactH the amount of time taXen for the search can varZ bet[een half an hour and several daZs. $ 3ailure sim lZ means the character has not been able to locate the obFect of their search and maZ continue trZin!H a Iotch( ho[ever( [ill alert local !an!sters to the characteras search ## [ith otentiallZ disasterous conse:uences. Street[ise can also be used as the criminal e:uivalent of %ti:uette if the character does not have that articular SXill available to them. Su!!ested 2odifiers Character member of local under[orld= 0 Character Xno[n enemZ of local under[orld= #B0 Ti!ht#Xnit criminal fraternitZ= #?5 ;btainin! ille!al or restricted !oods= #55 Tra*s (2$8) $n essential talent for anZ successful thief( this SXill allo[s a character to find and disarm tra s of varZin! com le/itZ and lethalitZ. $ basic SXill Test must be made to locate a tra H another SXill Test disarms the tra . 3ailin! either has a !ood chance of tri!!erin! the tra H a Iotch [ill al[aZs set the tar!eted tra off. Tra s [ith multi le com onents maZ re:uire several subse:uent SXill Tests to successfullZ neutralise. Su!!ested 2odifiers Crude or oorlZ#dis!uised tra = 0 Small or [ell#dis!uised tra = #?5 Com le/ tra = #'0 %lectronic tra = #50 Rea*on SPi&&s %verZone can [ield a [ea on( but to do so [ith finesse taXes considerable time and dedication on the art of the [ielder. 3or this reason( \ea on SXills are the bread and butter of virtuallZ all rofessions( !overnin! the usa!e of everZthin! from Thro[in! Ialls to S[ords. The tZ e of [ea on not covered bZ \ea on SXills are 0nstruments ## a characteras roficiencZ in these is measured bZ the $rtistic SXill 0nstrumentQ. AGes ($80) This SXill covers the usa!e of the heavZ and often cumbersome $/es. BraQ&\ ($80) Ira[l is basic unarmed combatH inele!ant but effective in a inch( it allo[s the character to relZ on their bare hands in a fi!ht if no other [ea ons are available. S ecialisations for Ira[l add a articular fi!htin! stZle ## Ira[l= Street 3i!htin! or Ira[l= ^arate are some ossibilities. BoQ ($80) This SXill allo[s a character to dra[( fire and reload Io[s of all tZ es. !#dge&s ($80) Covers all [ea ons [hich inflict crushin! as o osed to iercin! or slashin! dama!e. F&ai&s ($80) The SXill covers the usa!e of [hi s( nunchuXa( ribbons( and other [ea ons consolidated in the 3lails cate!orZ. '#ns ($80) This SXill covers technolo!icallZ so histicated ballistic [ea ons such as Crossbo[s and )ifles( as [ell as more com le/ %n!ineer inventions [ith a ran!ed effect ## see $ endi/ 0 for more details.

Xni2es ($80) This SXill covers smaller bladed [ea ons such as ^nives and @inFa ^nives. These maZ be also used as ran!ed [ea ons in conFunction [ith the Thro[in! \ea ons SXill. Po&e Arms ($80) This SXill concerns itself [ith bladed melee [ea ons ossessin! a si!nificantlZ !reater reach than ordinarZ S[ords and $/esH this includes both ,ole $rms and S[allo[s. Sta2es ($80) This SXill allo[s a character to [ield :uarterstaves and their ilX. SQords ($80) This SXill covers lar!er bladed [ea ons( includin! S[ords( 8reats[ords( >i!ht S[ords and ^atanas. T?roQing Rea*ons ($80) This SXill allo[s a character to use thro[n [ea ons of various sha es and si-es( ran!in! from Ioomeran!s to @inFa Stars and SXeans. Rea*on SLstems ($80) This SXill !overns the use of anZ [ea on too lar!e to be feasiblZ man# ortable. Some obvious e/am les of this [ould be a cannon mounted onboard an airshi or a 2a!iteX $rmoras TeX 2issile [ea on. Ri&derness SPi&&s \ilderness SXills are ractical talents concerned [ith the travel and e/ loration of the !reat outdoors. $n adventurer [ho s ends anZ amount of time in the [ild is liXelZ to ac:uire at least a fe[ of these SXills in the rocess. Anima& Training\ (S,)) \ith enou!h time and atience( a character [ith this SXill can train an animal to understand and act on basic commands. $nimal Trainin! is s ecific to a certain tZ e of animal( such as $nimal Trainin!= "o! or $nimal Trainin!= "ol hin. $ se arate SXill Test must be made for each [ord of command the character [ishes to teach the animal( such as asita( astaZa( or aXilla. $ basic command taXes around one [eeX to masterH more com le/ commands [ill be harder and more time#consumin! for the character. 3ull trainin! is assumed to taXe t[o monthsa time( uninterru ted. This SXill also allo[s a character to subdue and restrain most tZ es of animals u on a successful SXill Test [ith a ro riate modifiers. Su!!ested 2odifiers $nimal domesticated or reviouslZ trained= 0 Iasic command= #10 Com le/ or abstract command= #B0 $nimal [ild or stubborn= #?0 $nimal enra!ed or [ounded= #'5 $nimal si!nificantlZ lar!er than character= #10 !&im"ing (ST)) \hether li!ht free#climbin! or full#fled!ed mountaineerin!( a character [ith this SXill can scale vertical surfaces [ith a reasonable de!ree of success. ;ne or more SXill Tests maZ be needed for a successful ascentH in the event of a failure( no ro!ress is made. $ Iotch [ill al[aZs result in a fall( thou!h the severitZ of the dro is left for the 8amemaster to decide. Su!!ested 2odifiers Climbin! !ear or handholds available= 0 SlicX or icZ surface= #?5 Sheer surface= #?0 3e[ or no handholds available= #B0 Character carrZin! heavZ [ei!ht= #?0 $dverse conditions or [eather= #?5 1a2igation (2$8) Throu!h the use of landmarXs( the stars( and other environmental features( a character [ith this SXill can travel from location to location [ithout losin! their [aZ. 0n addition( the characteras [ell#honed sense of direction can be a valuable asset in ma-es and other confusin! situations. ;ne SXill Test is re:uired for the character to find their [aZH subse:uent SXill Tests maZ also be re:uired in the case of articularlZ lon! or com le/ routes. Su!!ested 2odifiers Mnfamiliar terrain= #15 @o visible landmarXs or features= #?5 ;vercast [eather or mild interference= #?0 Iad [eather or severe interference= #'5 Mnder!round or sub#surface= #B5 Poac? (2$8) $ talent essential to anZ monster hunter looXin! to maXe a rofit on their activities( this SXill allo[s a character to identifZ and e/tract items of value from the carcass of a monster ## hide( horns( teeth( scales ## [ithout dama!in! them in the rocess. To erform these tasXs( the character uses a varietZ of tools( includin! Xnives( hammers and other im lements that de end on Fust [hat the monster is and [hat is bein! e/tracted. Iefore the 82 rolls for random dro s after battle( a ,C maZ elect to use this sXill on one of the defeated monsters. ;nlZ one ,oach checX maZ be erformed er battle bZ the ,C. 0f the sXill checX is successful( the 82 rolls t[ice [hen determinin! the monsteras random dro ( and the ,C [ho oached it icXs [hich roll to use [hen determinin! [hat item the monster left behind. 0f the sXill checX is failed( the monsteras random dro is lost entirelZ( and no roll is made. Su!!ested 2odifiers Tou!h or other[ise armored monster= #?5 2onster is an $mor h= #'0 0tem small or easZ to destroZ= #'5 Character does not have a ro riate tools= #15 Riding\ ($80) $ character [ith this SXill Xno[s the basics of staZin! on and controllin! a certain tZ e of mount. )idin! is s ecific to a tZ e of animal ## a character [ould thus have )ide= "ra!on or )ide= 8old Chocobo instead of a !eneric )ide SXill. ;ne SXill Test must be taXen initiallZ [hen mountin! u H de endin! on the conditions( additional SXill Tests maZ need to be made durin! the course of the ride. Su!!ested 2odifiers

2ount sXittish or stubborn= #?0 $ttem tin! to ride and [ield [ea on= #15 $ttem tin! to ride barebacX or free#handed= #?5 Standin! on mount= #50 S#r2i2a& (2$8) $ character [ith this SXill is a storehouse of Xno[led!e in the [ilds( able to locate drinXin! [ater( fora!e food( and avoid natural ha-ards that could easilZ taXe the life of a less#e/ erienced traveller. Survival is s ecific to a certain tZ e of terrain( such as Survival= "esert or Survival= Mnder!roundH u on a successful SXill Test( a character can sustain themselves for one daZ at a time. 3or each additional erson beZond that( a se arate SXill Test er erson must be made at half the basic CoS. Su!!ested 2odifiers ,articularlZ harsh terrain= #?5 MnXno[n terrain or climate= #50 TracPing (2$8) $nimal( human( or other[ise f bZ combinin! clues [ith old#fashioned instinct( a character [ith this SXill can tracX almost anZ :uarrZ. Characters maXe an initial SXill Test to be!in tracXin! a tar!etH eriodic SXill Test maZ be re:uired to ensure theZ staZ on the trail. $nZ failures durin! the tracXin! rocess mean the character loses the trailH a 82 maZ allo[ them to maXe another SXill Test to attem t to taXe u ursuit a!ain at an a ro riate modifier. Su!!ested 2odifiers Trail minutes old= 0 Trail hours old= #15 Trail daZs old= #B0 Trail [eeXs old= #C0 RuarrZ s[itchin! trans ortation= #?5 RuarrZ successfullZ coverin! its tracXs= #'0 SQimming (ST)) $ character [ith this SXill has the trainin! to float( s[im and dive in [ater. @ormal s[immin! re:uires a successful SXill Test to staZ afloatH more SXill Tests maZ be re:uired for lon! or difficult stretches of s[immin!. 0f the character fails the roll( theZ immediatelZ submer!e( runnin! the dan!er of dro[nin!H theZ maZ surface a!ain on another successful SXill Test [ith a ro riate modifiers. "ivin! re:uires t[o SXill TestsH one to submer!e( the other to surface. Su!!ested 2odifiers )ou!h [aters= #?0 Character heavilZ laden or encumbered= #B0 Character [eaXened or e/hausted= #?0 \ater clo!!ed [ith debris or other obstacles= #15 ($s [ith all thin!s on the \iXib board( all the content on these a!es is in its beta sta!e and is rone to chan!e at $@` time.) The 500 8il characters receive durin! character !eneration are onlZ the ti of the iceber!H before lon!( theZall have the moneZ to set about seriouslZ armin! and armorin! themselves a!ainst the dan!ers [hich a[ait them in their travels. This cha ter covers the most essential ortions of an adventureras !ear( from the humblest >on!s[ord to the finest 8enFi $rmor 9 and beZond. !#rrencL The 8il (8) is the standard currencZ of the 3inal 3antasZ universe. Iarrin! inflation( a sin!le !il iece is ocXet chan!eH C0 !il buZs a hi!h#:ualitZ meal for one( '00(000 a [ell#a ointed beachfront house. ,rices do( ho[ever( fluctuate [ildlZ from [orld to [orld 9 and even from re!ion to re!ion 9 in accordance to the demands of scarcitZ and ros eritZ. Countries and nations tend to mint their o[n individual !il currencZH [hile these maZ be Xno[n bZ articular names [ithin that countrZ( at the end of the daZ( a !il is a !il is a !il 9 li!ht[ei!ht( easZ to s end( and readilZ acce ted the [orld over. The latter is due to the !ilEs com ositionH traditionallZ( a !il iece is made of ure !old 9 indeed( the name D!ilE itself laZs on this tradition. Chan!in! times and !ro[in! o ulations maZ force !overnments to D[ater do[nE the currencZ( ho[ever( re lacin! the scarcer material [ith more common metals such as bron-e and silver. ,a er bills are also increasin! in o ularitZ as an easilZ#concealable alternative to the bulXZ( often inconvenient coins. \here such chan!es taXe lace( theZ usuallZ do so on a [orld[ide scale( ensurin! a continued and universal acce tance for the currencZ. "enominations varZ from lace to lace( but are tZ icallZ issued in units of 1( 5( 10( ?5( 100 and 500 8( both to sim lifZ transactions and cut do[n on the amount of coina!e the avera!e erson has to carrZ. Store TL*es @o matter [here Zou are in the [orld( s ecialised stores e/ist for nearlZ everZ form of merchandise ima!inable ## even in the remotest re!ions( small traders and travellin! merchants [ill be more than ha Z to do business [ith anZone able to afford their !oods. $s the name im lies( Rea*on Stores stocX \ea ons of all tZ es. $ !ood ortion of these stores manufacture their inventorZ in#house( incor oratin! se arate for!es and [orXsho s beneath the remises. Armor Stores cover $rmor of everZ tZ e( from 2ail to $rm[ear. $s [ith \ea on Stores( it is not uncommon to find sXilled metal[orXers attached to the storeas remises( roducin! !oods for sale. $n Arsena& is a lar!e( [ell#stocXed em orium tZ icallZ found in maFor cities( sellin! \ea ons as [ell as $rmor. $side from locallZ manufactured [ea ons( these stores also carrZ im orted items and other e/otic e:ui ment. 'enera& Stores service the o ulation at lar!e( sellin! )ecoverZ and ;ne#Shot 0tems as [ell as 2iscellaneous %:ui ment. 0n smaller to[ns( a 8eneral Store maZ also stocX a limited selection of basic \ea ons and $rmor if no other stores in the area sell them. Re&ic Stores tend to be rarer fi/tures in settlementsH most of their stocX comes from items recovered bZ adventurers and e/ lorers. $s the name im lies( theZ deal in curios and unusual items( includin! $ccessories of all sha es and si-es. F#r= )eat and Bone Stores s ecialise in the rocessin! of monster remains into usable items( a !rim and onerous trade rife [ith sXinnin!( tannin! hides and boilin! venoms and acids. @onetheless( stores of this Xind do a steadZ business( and [ill liXelZ be amon!st the first orts of call for anZ serious monster hunter. B#Ling E:#i*ment

0t should be fairlZ obvious that a laZer cannot Fust [alX into anZ !iven [ea on store and rin! u a do-en %/caliburs ## %:ui ment $vailabilitZ also factors into urchases. Sim lZ ut( certain tZ es of e:ui ment [ill be more or less readilZ available than others( [hether due to rare materials( a articularlZ com le/ manufacturin! rocess or sim le technolo!ical limitations. 3or e/am le( a lain >on!s[ord could be urchased at anZ re utable [ea on store( [hereas the le!endarZ 2asamune [ould obviouslZ be onlZ found in the darXest and dee est dun!eon of the land( no matter ho[ much moneZ a character [ould be [illin! to aZ for it. To re resent this( everZ iece of e:ui ment listed over the ne/t fe[ a!es is denoted [ith an A2ai&a"i&itL Rating ran!in! from 1 to 100. The $vailabilitZ )atin! serves t[o ur oses. ;n one hand( it offers an convenient [aZ of determinin! com arative raritZ bet[een itemsH [hile it maZ be obvious that a 2ain 8auche ^nife is harder to find than a lain "irX( assessin! its availabilitZ in com arison to a 4i#,otion or a Survival &est is some[hat [hat more difficult. SecondlZ( it offers 82s a convenient shortcut for creatin! store selection on the flZ 9 those [ho refer to Xee more control over the available e:ui ment are encoura!ed to dra[ u stocX lists for stores ahead of time( but those ressed for re aration time [ill find this an invaluable tool in !uidin! their laZersE urchases. The 82 be!ins bZ assi!nin! the store a basic O#a&itL Rating ran!in! from 1 to 100( de endin! on the si-e and selectionH the lo[er the establishmentEs RualitZ )atin!( the better the charactersE chances of findin! that iece of e:ui ment theZEre after. 3or referenceEs saXe( the full ran!e of ossible RualitZ ratin!s 9 and their in#!ame im lications 9 are !iven belo[. Rating Store O#a&itL '0 or less ;utstandin!H often carries sam les of the best [ea ons or armor moneZ can buZ. '1#50 %/cellentH maZ not be able to reliablZ !et hold of to #line e:ui ment( but !enerallZ has the ne/t#best thin!. 51#C5 8oodH able to meet the needs of most adventurin! !rou s. CA#90 2ediocreH some s ecial items available( but effective u !rades thin on the !round. 91L ,oorH onlZ su lies the most basic e:ui ment. 4o[ever( :ualitZ onlZ rovides the baseline for the storeEs selection. %ach storeEs $vailabilitZ also has a random com onent to it( called )eliabilitZH this is measured bZ rollin! one or more dice( and re resents the !eneral volalitZ of the storeEs stocX as sho[n belo[. Ro&& Re&ia"i&itL @one ;utstandin!. The storeEs selection is constant to a fault. 1dA( 1dP %/cellent. The store [ill !enerallZ be able to offer the same !oods on everZ occasion. 1d10( ?dA 8ood. The store maZ have some trouble Xee in! its best e:ui ment in stocX. ?dP( ?d10( 'dA 2ediocre. The e:ui ment available is hi!hlZ variable( and sometimes dro s belo[ the items that one [ould e/ ect. ?d1?( 'd10 ,oor. The !rade of e:ui ment available can sometimes chan!e on a dailZ basisH assin! travelers aZ be able to maXe a steal( but those looXin! for a solid u !rade are out of lucX. Thou!h the t[o are usuallZ interlinXed( :ualitZ and reliabilitZ do not necessarilZ !o hand#in hand. 3or instance( a reliable but oor store in the [orldEs boondocXs mi!ht have a RualitZ )atin! of 90 and a )eliabilitZ 2odifier of 1dAH converselZ( a master s[ordsmith stranded in a [ar#torn Xin!domEs other[ise#im eccable RualitZ )atin! of ?0 mi!ht be marred bZ a reliabilitZ modifier of 'd10. \hen the laZers first enter the store( the 82 should select an a ro riate number of dice to roll and add the result of the roll to the basic RualitZ )atin! 9 all items [ith an $vailabilitZ )atin! e:ual to or !reater than the final result [ill be available for urchase( thou!h the ,Cs should have to find out at their o[n time and trouble if a s ecific iece of e:ui ment is actuallZ in stocX. This ratin! remains in lace until the 82 feels enou!h time has assed to allo[ the store to re#stocX and su lZ( at [hich oint a fresh $vailabilitZ is !eneratedH this maZ taXe anZ[here bet[een a fe[ daZs or the best art of a Zear( thou!h the 82 remains at libertZ to introduce or disallo[ s ecific items of e:ui ment if needed. @ote also that the urchase rices listed [ith each item are onlZ arecommendeda valuesH less scru ulous merchants maZ increase the rice of an item to u to double its value( de endin! on raritZ( demand or old#fashioned !reed. Arti3acts and 4ni:#es \hile most of a laZerEs e:ui ment [ill end u comin! from over#the#counter sales( the verZ best items taXe a little more effort to obtain 9 the Xind of effort that tZ icallZ involves !oin! toe#to#toe [ith demon lords or traversin! ancient( monster#haunted ruins. %:ui ment of this tZ e is denoted throu!h t[o s ecial $vailabilitZ codes 9 $rtifact and Mni:ue. $rtifacts are e/tremelZ rare items( tZ icallZ crafted throu!h lon!#lost techni:ues or fashioned bZ e/tinct racesH thou!h theZ cannot be readilZ re licated( theZ maZ have been manufactured in some numbers in the ast. $s a result( characters can obtain several of these 9 thou!h DcanE does not necessarilZ translate to D[illE. ;ne ste u from these are the Mni:ue itemsH these are trulZ one#of#a#Xind relics( and enFoZ le!endarZ 9 or notorious 9 status. $s the name im lies( Mni:ue items maZ never found more than once on anZ !iven [orld. Se&&ing E:#i*ment $s characters u !rade to better e:ui ment( theZ maZ [ish to sell their older !ear to merchants. These [ill tZ icallZ aZ around 50% of the listed rice for items( roundin! do[n( thou!h this maZ be adFusted for [ear and tear 9 or anZ number of other factors 9 at the 82as discretion. 3or e/am le( a )ondell "a!!er urchased for '?008 [ould onlZ be [orth a ma/imum of 1A00 8 if sold( rovided it [as still in !ood condition at the time. @ote that the avera!e trader [ill not buZ $rtifact items( as fe[ [ill have the resources to even afford the rices such items commandH as a result( characters maZ not attem t to sell these e/ce t under s ecial circumstances. !arrLing E:#i*ment $ll characters have si/ basic %:ui ment slots 9 one for each hand for holdin! \ea ons and Shields( and one each for 4ead!ear( $rmor( $rm[ear and $ccessories. ;nlZ one iece of e:ui ment can be e:ui ed in a slot at anZ !iven time. 0f a character e:ui s a t[o#handed [ea on( theZ are automaticallZ recluded from e:ui in! a shield as [ellH the same a lies to characters [ho e:ui t[o one#handed [ea ons. $ll other e:ui ment( includin! anZ \ea ons or $rmor not currentlZ used bZ the character( is carried in the characterEs n2entorL. 0nventories technicallZ have an unlimited ca acitZ( actin! somethin! liXe a localised ocXet dimension from [hich thin!s can be retrieved at anZ !iven time( even in the midst of a ra!in! battle. 0n ractical terms( this means characters [ill be able to carrZ around as much e:ui ment as theZ need to 9 99 ,otions( '1 %thers( B' 4i#,otions and ' 4i#%thers maZ be ushin! thin!s to an e/treme( but is still entirelZ feasible. !arrLing A&ternati2es 0f Zou refer a more realistic a roach( assume that the character has fifteen %:ui ment Slots( and that everZ item( accessorZ( iece of armor( [ea on and recoverZ item( [hether [orn( [ielded or not( taXes u one Slot. ;nce all fifteen Slots have been filled( the character must dro or sell some of their e:ui ment before theZ are able to taXe on more. )E(EE REAP$1S

AGes SXill Cate!orZ= $/es 4eavZ( unsubtle and fearsome in the hands of a trained [arrior( $/es are articularlZ favored bZ "[arves( [ho use them to devastatin! effect in the close confines of their under!round homes. $/es re:uire t[o hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 Iron-e $/e 150 9' ? / ST) L d1? ### ,oison $/e 'A5 91 ? / ST) L d1? ,oison Touch ? Iattlea/e 9B0 PC B / ST) L d1? ### 0nferno $/e 1'00 P5 B / ST) L d1? 3ire StriXe ' 2Zthril $/e ?150 P1 A / ST) L ?d1? ### )a-or $/e ?A00 CP A / ST) L ?d1? L1 ST) B Ione $/e B150 C0 9 / ST) L ?d1? ### Slasher BC50 AP 9 / ST) L ?d1? Slo[ Touch 5 Tabar A500 A? 11 / ST) L 'd1? ### >i!ht $/e C900 A0 11 / ST) L 'd1? 4olZ StriXe A 4eavZ $/e 10000 5B 1' / ST) L 'd1? ### &enom $/e 11?50 5? 1' / ST) L 'd1? ,oison StriXe C 8reat $/e 1'B00 BB 15 / ST) L Bd1? ### &iXin! $/e 1BP00 B? 15 / ST) L Bd1? CriticalL P ^heten 1C500 'B 1C / ST) L Bd1? ### $rcanabane 1P?50 '1 1C / ST) L Bd1? $rcana ^iller 9 6u!!ernaut ### $rtifact 19 / ST) L 5d1? L' ST) %isenthn-er ### $rtifact 19 / ST) L 5d1? L1 ST) L $uto $!ilitZ M 10 %/ecutioner ### Mni:ue ?1 / ST) L 5d1? "eath StriXe )am a!er ### Mni:ue ?1 / ST) L 5d1? CriticalL e ,iercin! !&aQs SXill Cate!orZ= Ira[lQ The lo!ical evolution of the a!e#old s iXed XnucXle( Cla[s are favored bZ 2onXs and @inFa for the e/ ress ur ose of close#ran!e combat. Consistin! of lon! reinforced blades e/trudin! from the [ielderas XnucXles( most Cla[s are either built into a !love or XnucXle#duster desi!ned to comfortablZ sli over the characteras hand. Cla[s are sold as airs( and re:uire both hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 0ron Cla[s 100 95 ? / ST) L dP ### "aZdreamer ?50 9' ? / ST) L dP Slee Touch ? 2Zthril Cla[s AB0 P9 ' / ST) L dP ### Storm Cla[s 900 PC ' / ST) L dP >i!htnin! StriXe ' Catas Cla[s 1B50 P' 5 / ST) L ?dP ### Ton!ue 4older 1C50 P1 5 / ST) L ?dP Silence Touch B 4ell Cla[s ?P00 C? A / ST) L ?dP ### 0ce Cla[s '?50 C0 A / ST) L ?dP 0ce StriXe 5 ,rism Cla[s BB50 AB P / ST) L 'dP ### Scissor 3an!s B900 A? P / ST) L 'dP ,oison Touch A 2ira!e Cla[s AC00 55 10 / ST) L 'dP ### IloodZ Cla[s P?00 5? 10 / ST) L 'dP 4, "rain C Ti!er 3an!s 9100 BA 11 / ST) L BdP ### Ianisher 10100 BB 11 / ST) L BdP "emon ^iller P ^aiser Cla[s 11900 'A 1' / ST) L BdP ### @inFa Cla[s 1'C00 '' 1' / ST) L BdP "eath Touch 9 0ronside ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP ,iercin!( L? ST) Colossus ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP Stone StriXe 10 ;verload ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP CriticalLL e Tri le Critical Tem est Cla[s ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP Ilind StriXe e ,oison StriXe F&ai&s SXill Cate!orZ= 3lails "es ite differences in construction( all 3lails allo[ their [ielder to attacX from a comfortable distance. The most basic form of these is the [hi ( [hich can fall under one of t[o cate!ories. >eather [hi s are constructed bZ [ra in! thin strands of leather into a lon! ta erin! lash( [hereas chain [hi s sim lZ consist of interconnected iron linXs. %ither version tZ icallZ measures bet[een Aa to 10a( !ivin! them a considerable reach in combat. ;ther variations include 3lails( @unchuXa( and )ibbons( most of [hich add [ei!ht to the end of the lash to inflict heavZ blud!eonin! dama!e. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 >eather \hi 100 95 ? / ST) L dP ### 2anticore Tail ?50 9' ? / ST) L dP ,oison Touch ? Chain \hi AB0 P9 ' / ST) L dP ### Ilit- \hi 900 PC ' / ST) L dP \ind StriXe ' ' ,art )od 1B50 P' 5 / ST) L ?dP ### "ancin! \hi 1C50 P1 5 / ST) L ?dP L1 S," B 2ornin! Star ?P00 C' A / ST) L ?dP ### 3lame >ash '?50 C1 A / ST) L ?dP 3ire StriXe 5 )ed Scor ion BB50 AB P / ST) L 'dP ### Tameras >ash 5B00 A? P / ST) L 'dP Ieast ^iller A SlaZin! Tail AC00 55 10 / ST) L 'dP ###

>amia Tail C?00 5' 10 / ST) L 'dP 2, "ama!e Crescent \ish 9100 BA 11 / ST) L BdP ### Ser ent \hi 10100 BB 11 / ST) L BdP >i-ard ^iller P Stran!e &ision 11900 'A 1' / ST) L BdP ### 0ron 8ri 1?P50 'B 1' / ST) L BdP Slo[ StriXe 9 ,ersia ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP 0mmobili-e StriXe &ictori/ ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP CriticalLL 10 "ra!on Tail ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP "ra!on ^iller e ,iercin! Mntouchable ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP CriticalL e "isable StriXe '&o2es SXill Cate!orZ= Ira[lQ $nother characteristic 2onX [ea on. \hether a sim le added !love or a variation on the time#honored brass XnucXle( 8loves allo[ a character to ut more [ei!ht into their unches [hilst minimisin! dama!e to their o[n fists in the rocess. 8loves are sold as airs( and re:uire both hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 >eather 8love C5 9A ? / ST) L dA ### Sonar 1P0 9B ? / ST) L dA Sensor ? 2etal ^nucXle B50 90 ' / ST) L dA ### "usX ^nucXle A'0 PP ' / ST) L dA %arth StriXe ' 2Zthril 8love 1050 PB 5 / ST) L ?dA ### S eed 8love 1?50 P? 5 / ST) L ?dA L1 S," B 2otor "rive ?000 CB A / ST) L ?dA ### 4ot ^nucXles ?'00 C? A / ST) L ?dA 3ire StriXe 5 ,o[ersoul '1?0 A5 C / ST) L 'dA ### 2a!ic 8love 'B50 A' C / ST) L 'dA L1 2$8 A Survivor BC50 5A 9 / ST) L 'dA ### >i!hts ;ut 5B00 5' 9 / ST) L 'dA Slee StriXe C 2avericX A500 BC 10 / ST) L BdA ### IreaX ^nucXle CP00 BB 10 / ST) L BdA Stone Touch P ^aiser ^nucXle PB00 'C 11 / ST) L BdA ### ClocXhand 9100 '5 11 / ST) L BdA Slo[ StriXe 9 \ar 2on!er ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA L? ST) e $80 "evastator ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA "isable StriXe 10 8odhand ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA CriticalLL e Tri le Critcal 0nfinitZ ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA L' S,"( $uto 4aste Xatana SXill Cate!orZ= S[ords ^atana are the mainstaZ of the Samurai and @inFa 6obs. Their blades are formed bZ re eatedlZ foldin! a sin!le sheet of metal( creatin! a li!ht[ei!ht Zet durable [ea on. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 $shura 1'0 9B ? / ST) L d10 ### ;borotsuXi '00 9? ? / ST) L d10 Ilind Touch ? ^otetsu P00 PP B / ST) L d10 ### 2outsuru!i 1100 PA B / ST) L d10 L1 2$8 ' @amaXura 1C00 P? A / ST) L ?d10 ### 2uXademeru ?100 P0 A / ST) L ?d10 ,oison Touch B 0chimonFi ''00 C? P / ST) L ?d10 ### )aiXoumaru '900 C0 P / ST) L ?d10 >i!htnin! StriXe 5 Ii-enas ,ride 5?00 A' 10 / ST) L 'd10 ### ;niXiri A500 A1 10 / ST) L 'd10 "emon ^iller A 2urasame P000 5B 11 / ST) L 'd10 ### 0Xu-atachi 9000 51 11 / ST) L 'd10 L? ST) C ^iZomori 11000 B5 1' / ST) L Bd10 ### 6ZuroXusaXura 1'000 B' 1' / ST) L Bd10 "eath Touch P 4eavenas Cloud 15000 '5 15 / ST) L Bd10 ### ^a!eshibari 1A100 '' 15 / ST) L Bd10 Slo[ StriXe 9 Shiranui ### $rtifact 1C / ST) L 5d10 ,iercin!( L? S," Chaos Ilade ### $rtifact 1C / ST) L 5d10 Confusion StriXe 10 2asamune ### Mni:ue 19 / ST) L 5d10 $uto#4aste 8enFi Ilade ### Mni:ue 19 / ST) L 5d10 L? ST) e 2$8 Xni2es SXill Cate!orZ= ^nives $lso Xno[n as dirXs or da!!ers( ^nives can be easilZ secreted u a sleeve or underneath a cloaX to !ive the [ielder an une/ ected ed!e in combat( [ielded or thro[n. $ tZ ical Xnife measures bet[een A_ to 10_. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 "irX C5 9A ? / ST) L dA ### Ilind ^nife 1P0 9B ? / ST) L dA Ilind Touch ? Iaselard B50 90 ' / ST) L dA ### ,oison "a!!er A50 PP ' / ST) L dA ,oison Touch ' 2Zthril ^nife 1050 PB 5 / ST) L ?dA ### C

2a!e 2asher 1'00 P1 5 / ST) L ?dA Silence Touch 2ain 8auche ?000 CB A / ST) L ?dA ### $ir >ancet ?'00 C? A / ST) L ?dA \ind StriXe 5 )ondell "a!!er '?00 AA C / ST) L 'dA ### 2an %ater B000 A' C / ST) L 'dA 4uman ^iller A ,latina "a!!er 5000 5A 9 / ST) L 'dA ### $s ir ^nife 5P00 5' 9 / ST) L 'dA 2, "rain C Yorlin Sha e A500 BC 10 / ST) L BdA ### Tonberrian C?00 B5 10 / ST) L BdA L? S," P Cin:uedea P500 'C 11 / ST) L BdA ### 8ladius 9?00 'A 11 / ST) L BdA CriticalL 9 S[ordbreaXer ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA "isable StriXe $ssassin ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA "eath StriXe 10 &aliant ^nife ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA See notes belo[. ;richalcon ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA CriticalLL e Slee StriXe &aliant ^nife= The &aliant ^nife reacts to its [ielderas health( turnin! more dan!erous as the character usin! it comes closer to death. \hen a character usin! the &aliant ^nife is reduced to ?5% or fe[er of their ma/imum 4,( all dama!e inflicted bZ the Xnife on a successful striXe is doubled before modifZin! for the tar!etas $rmor. (ig?t SQords SXill Cate!orZ= S[ords Slender( ele!ant [ea ons favoured bZ the more stZle#conscious s[ordsman. >acXin! the cuttin! ed!e of their lar!er com atriots( these blade relZ on their [ielderEs de/teritZ and accuracZ to hit their marX. "ue to their unusual construction( >i!ht S[ords maZ not be used in conFunction [ith the T[o \ea ons SXill. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 % ee 110 95 ? / $80 L dP ### Stin!er ?50 9' ? / $80 L dP ,oison Touch ? 2Zthril )a ier A50 P9 ' / $80 L dP ### Scarlette 900 PC ' / $80 L dP 3ire StriXe ' %stoc 1B50 P' 5 / $80 L ?dP ### "Finn 3lZssa 1P00 P1 5 / $80 L ?dP L1 S," B Silver )a ier ?P00 CB A / $80 L ?dP ### IloodZ )a ier 'A00 C1 A / $80 L ?dP 4, "rain 5 3lamber!e BB50 A5 P / $80 L 'dP ### 2ailbreaXer 5500 A' P / $80 L 'dP ,iercin! A 3leuret C000 5A 10 / $80 L 'dP ### Colichemarde P000 5' 10 / $80 L 'dP L? S," C $daman )a ier 10000 BA 11 / $80 L BdP ### 4olZ "e!en 11500 B? 11 / $80 L BdP L1 $80U4olZ StriXe P 6oZeuse 1?500 'A 1' / $80 L BdP ### TZrvin! 1B000 'B 1' / $80 L BdP "ra!on ^iller 9 3emme 3atale ### $rtifact 1B / $80 L 5dP "eath StriXe % e rism ### $rtifact 1B / $80 L 5dP $uto#)eflect 10 >ast >etter ### Mni:ue 1A / $80 L 5dP L? $80 e S," "iaboli:ue ### Mni:ue 1A / $80 L 5dP Shado[ StriXe e Curse StriXe 1in>a Xni2es SXill Cate!orZ= ^nives >on!er and li!hter than ordinarZ Xnives( @inFa ^nives share the unusual construction of ^atana and are a firm favorite [ith the rofession theZ derive their name from. Their blades( some as lon! as ?a( match favorablZ in combat to the avera!e s[ord. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 Tanto 110 95 ? / ST) L dP ### `araimeru ?B5 9? ? / ST) L dP Slee Touch ? ^unai A'0 P9 ' / ST) L dP ### %tenmaru 910 PC ' / ST) L dP 3ire StriXe ' Short %d!e 1BB5 P' 5 / ST) L ?dP ### Iasara 1CB5 P1 5 / ST) L ?dP L1 2$8 B 4ibari ?P00 C' A / ST) L ?dP ### )e u '?'0 C1 A / ST) L ?dP \ind StriXe 5 ^odachi BB50 A5 P / ST) L 'dP ### 2uXetsu BP50 A' P / ST) L 'dP 4, "rain A ^o!a ^nife AC00 55 10 / ST) L 'dP ### "arX %d!e CA50 5' 10 / ST) L 'dP Ilind StriXe C 0!a ^nife 9000 BA 11 / ST) L BdP ### ^ororito 10000 B' 11 / ST) L BdP ,oison StriXe P ,etalchaser 1?000 'A 1' / ST) L BdP ### 2oXuto 1'?00 'B 1' / ST) L BdP Silence StriXe 9 StriXer ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP "eath StriXe Charfire ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP 0mmobili-e StriXe 10 SasuXe ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP ,iercin! e Slo[ StriXe SilXmoon ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP CriticalL e "isable StriXe B

Po&earms SXill Cate!orZ= ,olearms The basic rinci le behind the ,olearm is the abilitZ to inflict dama!e at a res ectable distance in melee combat ## to this end( ,olearms consist of a len!th of [ood or metal 5a to Pa in len!th( to ed bZ a heavZ blade. S ears( lances( iXes( halberds and na!inata are all rime e/am les of this tZ e of [ea on. ,olearms re:uire t[o hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 0ron S ear 1B0 9' ? / ST) L d1? ### 4unteras S ear 'A0 91 ? / ST) L d1? Sensor ? 2Zthril ,iXe 900 PC B / ST) L d1? ### \ind S ear 1'00 P5 B / ST) L d1? \ind StriXe ' 8old >ance ?100 P1 A / ST) L ?d1? ### \eb >ance ?A00 C9 A / ST) L ?d1? Slo[ Touch B Slash >ancer B100 C1 9 / ST) L ?d1? ### 0ce >ance BP00 A9 9 / ST) L ?d1? 0ce StriXe 5 Stout S ear A500 A? 11 / ST) L 'd1? ### 4ar oon C?00 A0 11 / ST) L 'd1? ,iercin! A 6avelin 10000 5' 1' / ST) L 'd1? ### "ra!on 4air 11'00 51 1' / ST) L 'd1? "ra!on ^iller C ,artisan 1'B00 BB 15 / ST) L Bd1? ### Trident 15000 B? 15 / ST) L Bd1? L? ST) P &i er 4alberd 1C500 '5 1C / ST) L Bd1? ### IerserXer 19500 '' 1C / ST) L Bd1? IerserX StriXe 9 ^ainas >ance ### $rtifact 19 / ST) L 5d1? CriticalLL 8un!nir ### $rtifact 19 / ST) L 5d1? "eath StriXe 10 $ura >ance ### Mni:ue ?1 / ST) L 5d1? Mndead ^iller e CriticalLL 4i!h[ind ### Mni:ue ?1 / ST) L 5d1? CriticalL e ,iercin! Rods SXill Cate!orZ= Cud!els \ea on of choice for IlacX 2a!es. )ods are shorter than Staves( and can be [ielded in one hand much liXe a cud!el or maulH the [ei!hted ti acts as a solid( crushin! [ei!ht. >iXe Staves( most )ods contain innate ma!ical ro erties that can be focused and unleashed bZ a ro erlZ#trained ma!ic user. >evel @ame Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 CZ ress )od C0 9A ? / ST) L dA ### )od of "arXness 1C0 9B ? / ST) L dA Ilind Touch ? 2Zthril )od B50 90 ' / ST) L dA ### )une )od A50 PC ' / ST) L dA L1 2$8 ' 8lo[ \and 1000 PB 5 / ST) L ?dA ### )od of Silence 1'00 P? 5 / ST) L ?dA Silence Touch B StriXe )od ?000 CB A / ST) L ?dA ### 3lame )od ?900 C? A / ST) L ?dA %= 3ire 5 2onX Cane '?00 A5 C / ST) L 'dA ### %ntan!lin! )od 'B50 AB C / ST) L 'dA 0mmobili-e Touch A 2usX )od BC00 5A 9 / ST) L 'dA ### 3rost )od 5500 5B 9 / ST) L 'dA %= 0ce C $urora )od AB00 BC 10 / ST) L BdA ### "eath \and CP00 BB 10 / ST) L BdA "eath Touch P ,o[er Cane PP00 'C 11 / ST) L BdA ### 8ravitZ )od 9100 '5 11 / ST) L BdA Slo[ StriXe 9 )od of )oses ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA "isable StriXe 3aith )od ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA \eaXen StriXeQ 10 2ace of Yeus ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA %= >i!htnin!( L' 2$8 $rc $rcana ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA %= 3ire e 0ce 3aith )od= inflicts a random \eaXness to an element on a se erate dice roll of 1#A0 each time the laZer character successfullZ attacXs. )oll a 1dP= 1) 4olZ ?) >i!htnin! ') %arth B) 3ire 5) 0ce A) \ind C) \ater P) Shado[ 2ulti le uses( such as !ettin! a result of B t[ice (3ire) or !ivin! a monster a \eaXness theZ alreadZ ossess have no accumulative effects. $nZ \eaXness resultin! from the 3aith )od lasts si/ rounds. Sta2es SXill Cate!orZ= Staves 2ade of bound [ood or metal( a Staff can inflict a res ectable amount of dama!e if [ielded bZ a sXilled user( thou!h most contain a small :uantitZ of ma!ic [hich can be ta ed on [hen [ielded bZ a ma!e. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities

;aX Staff 100 95 ? / ST) L dP ### Silence Staff ?B0 9' ? / ST) L dP Silence Touch ? 2Zthril Staff A'0 P9 ' / ST) L dP ### 2a!e Staff 900 PA ' / ST) L dP L1 2$8 ' 8old Staff 1B00 P' 5 / ST) L ?dP ### S ritual Staff 1C00 P1 5 / ST) L ?dP IerserX Touch B Iattle Staff ?P00 C' A / ST) L ?dP ### \ind Staff 'A00 C0 A / ST) L ?dP %= \ind 5 ,o[er Staff BB00 AB P / ST) L 'dP ### Calcite Staff A?00 A0 P / ST) L 'dP Stone Touch A StriXin! Staff AC50 55 10 / ST) L 'dP ### 0m asse C?00 5' 10 / ST) L 'dP "isable Touch C \hite Staff 9100 BC 11 / ST) L BdP ### "ream \atcher 10100 B5 11 / ST) L BdP Slee StriXe P ,rism Staff 1?000 'A 1' / ST) L BdP ### 6ud!ement 1'000 '' 1' / ST) L BdP %= 4olZ 9 ,rincess 8uard ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP $uto#Shell ,unisher ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP "eath StriXe 10 @irvana ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP %= 4olZ( L' 2$8 4eavenlZ $/is ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP %= )ecoverZ SQa&&oQs SXill Cate!orZ= ,olearms Sometimes referred to as aThief S[ordsa( S[allo[s are a variation of olearm looXin! not unliXe t[o s[ords Foined at the ommel. "ue to their unusual dual blades( all $ttacX $ctions made [ith a S[allo[ rolls to hit t[ice( a lZin! the better result of the t[o. S[allo[s re:uire t[o hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 0ron S[allo[ 1?0 9' ? / ST) L dP ### Side[inder '00 91 ? / ST) L dP ,oison Touch ? IutterflZ S[ord C00 PC ' / ST) L dP ### Stillblade 950 P5 ' / ST) L dP Slo[ Touch ' The ;!re 1A00 P1 5 / ST) L ?dP ### Ii--arre Ilade ?'00 C9 5 / ST) L ?dP IerserX Touch B %/ loda ?900 C? A / ST) L ?dP ### Coral S[ord 'B00 C0 A / ST) L ?dP >i!htnin! StriXe 5 )une Tooth BP00 A? P / ST) L 'dP ### T[in Sonar 5'00 A0 P / ST) L 'dP Silence Touch A Cluster C000 5' 10 / ST) L 'dP ### $scalon P050 51 10 / ST) L 'dP Mndead ^iller C 4alcZon Ilade 9?00 BB 11 / ST) L BdP ### \in!ed &ictorZ 10500 B? 11 / ST) L BdP L? S," P $n!el Iless 1?500 'B 1' / ST) L BdP ### 8ravestone 1B500 '? 1' / ST) L BdP Stone Touch 9 Sarta!anas ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP CriticalLL "anse 2acabre ### $rtifact 1B / ST) L 5dP "eath StriXe 10 The To[er ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP $uto#,rotect The @ameless ### Mni:ue 1A / ST) L 5dP CriticalL e ,iercin! SQords SXill Cate!orZ= S[ords The [ea on of choice for adventurers everZ[here. \hile S[ords come in manZ sha es and si-es( the humble lon!# or broads[ord is bZ far the most [idelZ#usedH the Xeen ed!e and versatilitZ of these [ea ons !o a lon! [aZ to accountin! for their o ularitZ. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 Short S[ord 1?0 9B ? / ST) L d10 ### T[ili!ht Steel ?90 9? ? / ST) L d10 Ilind Touch ? >on! S[ord C50 PP B / ST) L d10 ### 3lame Saber 1050 PA B / ST) L d10 3ire StriXe ' 2Zthril S[ord 1C00 P? A / ST) L ?d10 ### $ncient S[ord ?050 P0 A / ST) L ?d10 0mmobili-e Touch B )e!al Cutlass ''00 C? P / ST) L ?d10 ### 0ce Irand 'P00 C0 P / ST) L ?d10 0ce StriXe 5 &i!ilante 5?00 A' 10 / ST) L 'd10 ### Ilood S[ord A'00 A1 10 / ST) L 'd10 4, "rain A 3alchion C900 5B 11 / ST) L 'd10 ### Soul Sabre 9000 51 11 / ST) L 'd10 2, "rain C Sonic Ilade 10C00 B5 1' / ST) L Bd10 ### Scimitar 1'000 B' 1' / ST) L Bd10 "eath Touch P "iamond S[ord 1B000 '5 15 / ST) L Bd10 ### %nhancer 15A00 '? 15 / ST) L Bd10 L' 2$8 9 )a!naroX ### $rtifact 1C / ST) L 5d10 $uto#Shell 4eartbreaXer ### $rtifact 1C / ST) L 5d10 CriticalLL

10 Mltima \ea on ### Mni:ue 19 / ST) L 5d10 S ecial( IreaX "ama!e >imit Caladbol! ### Mni:ue 19 / ST) L 5d10 CriticalL e ,iercin! Mltima \ea on= this articular s[ord( ri!htfullZ named( ossesses a dama!e bonus e:ual to the laZeras (Current 4,U5) [hen @ormal $ttacX actions are made. 'reatsQords SXill Cate!orZ= S[ords $lternativelZ Xno[n as ^ni!ht S[ords. >ar!er and heavier than ordinarZ s[ords( !reats[ords are inele!ant but o[erful [ea ons [hose [ei!ht re:uires considerable effort on the [ielderas art to use [ith anZ de!ree of success. $s the name im lies( 8reats[ords re:uire t[o hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vail "ama!e $bilities 1 0ron S[ord 150 9' ? / ST) L d1? ### Ser ent S[ord 'C0 91 ? / ST) L d1? ,oison Touch ? Iuster S[ord 950 PC B / ST) L d1? ### $rc S[ord 1B00 P5 B / ST) L d1? >i!htnin! StriXe ' 2Zthril Ilade ??00 C9 A / ST) L ?d1? ### 3orce Stealer ?A00 CC A / ST) L ?d1? 2, "ama!e B 4ard %d!e B1?5 C1 9 / ST) L ?d1? ### >i:uid Steel BP00 A9 9 / ST) L ?d1? \ater StriXe 5 IutterflZ %d!e A500 A? 11 / ST) L 'd1? ### ^in!as Ilade C150 A1 11 / ST) L 'd1? L1 ST) A ;r!anics 9900 5B 1' / ST) L 'd1? ### ,unishment 10A00 5? 1' / ST) L 'd1? Shado[ StriXe C ,latinum S[ord 1'500 BB 15 / ST) L Bd1? ### @i!htbrin!er 15000 B? 15 / ST) L Bd1? Ilind StriXe P CrZstal S[ord 1C500 '' 1C / ST) L Bd1? ### &endetta 19500 '1 1C / ST) L Bd1? "isable StriXe 9 Save the Rueen ### $rtifact 19 / ST) L 5d1? $uto#,rotect >ionheart ### $rtifact 19 / ST) L 5d1? CriticalLL 10 $ ocalZ se ### Mni:ue ?1 / ST) L 5d1? ,oison StriXe e Slo[ StriXe %/calibur ### Mni:ue ?1 / ST) L 5d1? CriticalL e ,iercin! Rea*on A"i&ities: @ot all [ea ons are created e:ualH some have s ecial ro erties that can !ive their [ielder a [elcome ed!e in a fi!ht. \here resent( [ea on abilities [ill be !iven in the a@otesa section of each [ea ons listin!. @ote that these s ecial effects onlZ a lZ for normal $ttacX $ctions( and cannot be used in conFunction [ith an $bilitZ unless e/ licitlZ stated other[ise 9 even those [hich taXe an $ttacX $ction as a basis( as is the case [ith @o 2ercZ and Ruadra Slice. ,ossible [ea on abilities include= A#to (Stat#s) M on e:ui in! the [ea on( the laZer character automaticallZ benefits from a ositive status condition u on enterin! battle. This condition cannot be canceled throu!h the use of s ells or abilities such as "is el. ,ossible conditions include 4aste( )e!en( ,rotect( )eflect( and Shell. This bonus a lies as lon! as the [ea on is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. (Attri"#te) ]G: \hile [ieldin! the [ea on( the $ttribute in :uestion increases bZ the indicated amount for the [ielder 9 thus( a character [ith ST) 1B usin! a L? ST) [ea on [ould have an effective ST) of 1A [hile usin! it. This bonus onlZ a lies as lon! as the [ea on is held bZ the characterH once theZ s[itch [ea ons or dro the [ea on( theZ lose anZ benefit associated [ith it. BreaP Damage (imit: The characteras attacXs( s ells( and abilities can breaX the 999 dama!e ca ( doin! full dama!e after $rmor. This bonus a lies as lon! as the [ea on is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. !ritica&]: The laZer character erforms a critical hit on a natural roll of 1 to ?0 [hen erformin! $ttacX actions durin! battle. This bonus isnat cumulative [ith anZ other bonuses to a critical hit( unless the other bonus saZs other[ise. !ritica&]]: The laZer character erforms a critical hit on a natural roll of 1 to '0 [hen erformin! $ttacX actions durin! battle. This bonus isnat cumulative [ith anZ other bonuses to a critical hit( unless the other bonus saZs other[ise. This abilitZ is onlZ found u on $rtifactUMni:ue [ea ons. (E&ement) StriPe: The [ea on has an affinitZ to one of the ei!ht combat elements= 3ire( %arth( \ater( \ind( 4olZ( Shado[( 0ce( or >i!htnin!. 0f the [ea on is used a!ainst a monster or similar enemZ that has a [eaXness to the element that the [ea on has an affinitZ to( the dama!e is increased bZ 50%. 3or instance most ice monsters have a [eaXness to fire attacXs. Thus if the character slashes an ice monster [ith a 3lame Sabre (a s[ord [ith a fire affinitZ) that [ould normallZ do ?00 dama!e( the attacX does '00 dama!e. En?ance (E&ement): The [ea on is sZm athetic to a articular Xind of elemental ener!Z( dramaticallZ raisin! the o[er of all attacXs associated [ith that element. $nZ $bilitZ or S ell [hich deals %lemental dama!e belon!in! to the tZ e enhanced bZ the [ea on inflicts 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as the [ea on remains e:ui ed. 3or instance( a character [ieldin! an $rc $rcana Thus a character usin! $rc $rcana (%= 3ire e 0ce) that inflicts 500 dama!e [ith a 3ira!a s ell (3ire element) inflicts A?5 dama!e instead (500 / 1.?5 K A?5). This bonus a lies as lon! as the [ea on is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. 0P Drain: 0n addition to the dama!e done bZ the attacX( the character re!ains an amount of 4, e:ual to 1U? the dama!e done bZ the [ea on. Thus if the character does 1?0 oints of dama!e( theZ re!ain A0 4,. This \ea on $bilitZ reverses (character loses 4,( tar!et !ains 4,) if the tar!et ha ens to have the Mndead monster abilitZ. )P Damage: The [ea on does additional dama!e to the monster or o onentfs 2a!ic ,oints as [ell as 4,. $ll dama!e done is s lit evenlZ bet[een 4, and 2,. Thus a [ea on that inflicts 1?0 dama!e causes A0 4, dama!e and A0 2, dama!e. This s lit occurs iafteri the enemZas $rmor ratin! is factored in.

(xample: ?ean uses the )oul )abre against a monster in%licting 67- points o% damage. A%ter the monster3s Armor rating o% 7/ is ta9en out* ?ean in%licts a total o% -7/ HP damage and -7/ "P damage. )P Drain: 0n addition to the dama!e done bZ the attacX( the character re!ains an amount of 2, e:ual to 1U? the dama!e done bZ the [ea on. Thus if the character does 1?0 oints of dama!e( theZ re!ain A0 2,. This \ea on $bilitZ reverses (character loses 2,( tar!et !ains 2,) if the tar!et ha ens to have the Mndead monster abilitZ. ()onster) Xi&&er: The [ea on has a s ecial !ift for inflictin! e/tra dama!e. \hen used a!ainst a s ecific tZ e of monster( the dama!e done bZ the [ea on is doubled. 3or instance a 2an %ater ^nife (4uman ^iller abilitZ) [ould inflict double dama!e a!ainst anZ 4uman tZ e enemZ. Piercing: The [ea on cuts throu!h enemZ armor as if it [as a hot Xnife slicin! throu!h butter. \hen determinin! dama!e done bZ the laZer character( the tar!etas $rmor stat is reduced bZ half. Sensor: This abilitZ( often found on lo[ :ualitZ [ea ons( allo[s the laZer character and his artZ to vie[ the current 4, and elemental status of the enemZ. $ @ormal $ttacX action a!ainst anZ o onent [ill( in addition to normal dama!e( reveal the tar!etas current 4, and elemental [eaXnessesUresistancesUimmunitiesUabsorbances. 2onster >evel( ma/ 4,( ma/Ucurrent 2,( >evel( and similar stats arenat revealed. (Stat#s) StriPe: 4as a flat A0% chance to inflict the a ro riate status condition each time the [ea on is used in battle. ,ossible conditions include IerserX( Ilind( Confusion( "eath( "isable( 0mmobili-e( ,oison( Silence( Slee ( Slo[( and Stone. The duration of all statuses inflicted is (B)( e/ce t for ,oison and Stone [hich are (M) and "eath( [hich is not technicallZ a status and thus has no duration. (Stat#s) To#c?: 4as flat '0% chance to inflict the a ro riate condition each time the [ea on is used. ,ossible condition include IerserX( Ilind( Confusion( "eath( "isable( 0mmobili-e( ,oison( Silence( Slee ( Slo[( and Stone. The duration of all statuses inflicted is (B)( e/ce t for ,oison and Stone [hich are (M) and "eath( [hich is not technicallZ a status and thus has no duration. Tri*&e !ritica&"ue to its o[er( anZ Critical 4its caused bZ this [ea on inflict '00% dama!e( rather than the normal ?00%. ) SS (E REAP$1S Boomerangs SXill Cate!orZ= Thro[in! \ea ons ChaXrams( boomeran!s and oversi-ed shuriXen all maXe e/cellent thro[in! [ea ons( [ith !ood ran!e and a Xeen ed!e that al[aZs returns to the thro[eras hand re!ardless of ho[ far theZ are thro[n. >evel TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ "ama!e $bilities 1 Ioomeran! P0 95 ? / ST) L dA #### Scout 190 9? ? / ST) L dA Sensor ? ,oint ShuriXen B95 P9 ' / ST) L dA ### IlacXout A90 PC ' / ST) L dA Ilind Touch ' 3ull 2oon 11?0 P' 5 / ST) L ?dA ### @oisebreaXer 1'50 P0 5 / ST) L ?dA Silence Touch B 4a[XeZe ?1P0 C' A / ST) L ?dA ### \ind Slash ?500 C1 A / ST) L ?dA \ind StriXe 5 Crescent 'B00 AB C / ST) L 'dA ### )iot %d!e B?00 A? C / ST) L 'dA Confusion Touch A )isin! Sun 5?00 55 9 / ST) L 'dA ### Timeout A000 5? 9 / ST) L 'dA Slo[ StriXe C ,in[heel C000 BA 10 / ST) L BdA ### T[in &i er C900 BB 10 / ST) L BdA ,oison StriXe P Sni er 9?00 'A 11 / ST) L BdA ### S iral ShuriXen 10000 '' 11 / ST) L BdA Tri le Critical 9 \in! %d!e ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA "eath StriXe )a-or \in! ### $rtifact 1' / ST) L 5dA CriticalLL 10 CrZstal Cross ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA CriticalL e ,iercin! 4urricane %d!e ### Mni:ue 1B / ST) L 5dA ,oison StriXe e IerserX StriXe BoQs SXill Cate!orZ= Io[s Short bo[s and lon!bo[s both re:uire their share of stren!th and atience to master( but once a character has learned the ins and outs of marXsmanshi ( their abilitZ to deal dama!e from a distance can rove invaluable in manZ situations. Io[s re:uire t[o hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ "ama!e $bilities 1 >on!bo[ 1'0 9' ? / ST) L d10 ### ? Silver Io[ P?5 PC B / ST) L d10 ### ' Thorn Io[ 1PC0 P1 A / ST) L ?d10 ### B @ail Io[ 'A50 C1 9 / ST) L ?d10 ### 5 ,o[er Io[ 5C00 A? 10 / ST) L 'd10 ### A 3eZ Io[ PC00 5' 11 / ST) L 'd10 ### C Crescent Io[ 1?000 BB 1' / ST) L Bd10 ### P ^iller Io[ 15B00 'B 15 / ST) L Bd10 ### 9 `oichi Io[ ### $rtifact 1C / ST) L 5d10 CriticalLL 10 $rtemis Io[ ### Mni:ue 19 / ST) L 5d10 "ra!on ^iller( ,iercin! !ross"oQs SXill Cate!orZ= 8uns

Crossbo[s trade the muscle o[er of their lo[#tech com atriots for mechanical force( launchin! a sin!le bolt at armor#bustin! s eed. \hile com act( the time#consumin! reload rocedure maXes this a [ea on best suited for e/ erts. >evel TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ "ama!e $bilities 1 Io[ 8un 110 9B ? / $80 L dP ### ? 2Zthril Shot C?0 PP ' / $80 L dP ### ' @i!ht ^iller 1C00 P? 5 / $80 L ?dP ### B 4untin! Io[ '100 C? A / $80 L ?dP ### 5 Crane:uin B900 A' P / $80 L 'dP ### A 8ale Io[ CB00 5B 10 / $80 L 'dP ### C YamburaX 10000 B5 11 / $80 L BdP ### P 2arduX Io[ 1'000 '5 1' / $80 L BdP ### 9 $rbalest ### $rtifact 1B / $80 L 5dP CriticalLL 10 8astra hetes ### Mni:ue 1A / $80 L 5dP CriticalL( ,iercin! Ri3&es SXill Cate!orZ= 8uns IulXZ but o[erful( )ifles re resent the ultimate in lon!#ran!e offensive ca acitZ( able to deliver a sin!le bullet across !reat distances [ith in# oint accuracZ via a lon!( rifled barrel. )ifles re:uire t[o hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ "ama!e $bilities 1 RuicXsilver 1A5 9? ? / $80 L d1? ### ? ,eacemaXer 10'0 PA B / $80 L d1? ### ' &aliant ?'B0 C9 A / $80 L ?d1? ### B MlZsses B5B0 C0 9 / $80 L ?d1? ### 5 Silver )ifle C150 A1 11 / $80 L 'd1? ### A IismarX 10900 5? 1' / $80 L 'd1? ### C \inchester 1BC00 B' 15 / $80 L Bd1? ### P ;utsider 19?50 '' 1C / $80 L Bd1? ### 9 %/eter ### $rtifact 19 / $80 L 5d1? CriticalLL 10 "eath ,enaltZ ### Mni:ue ?1 / $80 L 5d1? CriticalL( ,iercin! A))41 T $1 The prices listed %or ammunition are %or 3pac9s3 o% ten. Pla0ers should note that onl0 special ammunition must be purchased. PCs are assumed to ha e an in%inite suppl0 o% standard ammunition %or normal Attac9s Actions 2ith a #o2* Crossbo2 or <i%le. Arro2s are used %or #o2s* #ullets are used %or <i%les* and #olts are used %or Crossbo2s. ArroQs @ame Cost $vail $bilitZ $n!el $rro[s A00 A5 Confusion Touch $nti#2a!ic $rro[s ?00 AC 2, "ama!e $rtemis $rro[s B00 CC L? "S Iolt $rro[s 100 PB >i!htnin! StriXe "arXness $rro[s 1?5 PP Ilind Touch 3ire $rro[s 100 90 3ire StriXe 4olZ $rro[s 150 P5 4olZ StriXe 0ce $rro[s 100 90 0ce StriXe 2edusa $rro[s 1500 BP Stone Touch 2ute $rro[s ?50 A5 Silence Touch ,oison $rro[s ?00 PP ,oison Touch Samurai $rro[s 500 A9 ,iercin! \ind $rro[s 100 90 \ind StriXe B#&&ets @ame Cost $vail $bilitZ $, $mmo 500 AP ,iercin! "arX $mmo 150 P5 Ilind Touch "emolition $mmo 1?00 BB 4eat Touch( 3ire StriXe 3ast $mmo ?00 AA L5 0nitiative ne/t )oundH can onlZ be a lied once er )ound 3ire $mmo 100 PP 3ire StriXe ,ulse $mmo 500 CP L? "S Shado[ $mmo 150 CB Shado[ StriXe Shot!un $mmo 900 55 C5% dama!e( Tar!et= 8rou Stone $mmo 100 PP %arth StriXe Tainted $mmo B00 AB Curse Touch Bo&ts @ame Cost $vail $bilitZ $cid Iolt 500 AA $rmor IreaX Touch Ilind Iolt 100 P9 Ilind Touch Ilood Iolt 500 A5 4, "rain Critical Iolt 1?00 B5 Tri le Critical 8old Iolt 150 PA L10 $ttacX% 4olZ Iolt 150 P5 4olZ StriXe 4Zdro Iolt 100 90 \ater StriXe Slee Iolt ?50 P? Slee Touch

&enom Iolt ?00 PP ,oison Touch \eb Iolt '00 CC Slo[ Touch SPE! A( REAP$1S )#sica& nstr#ments SXill Cate!orZ= 0nstruments TrademarX [ea on of the Iard. $ll 0nstruments have at least a little ma!ic in themH most inflict dama!e bZ tunin! into a certain fre:uencZ to roFect a o[erful blast of sonic ener!Z. The c/d in the listin!s should be re laced bZ the characteras instrument of reference ## the most common tZ es used are >utes( 4ar s( 3lutes and Iells( but there are manZ other ossibilities. 3or instance( a a>amiaas c/da could become a >amiaas 4armonium or a >amiaas 2e!a hone. 0nstruments re:uire t[o hands to use. >evel TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ "ama!e $bilities 1 ;ld c/d 11? 9? ? / 2$8 L dP ### "ream c/d ?C0 P9 ? / 2$8 L dP Slee Touch ? Silver c/d C10 PA ' / 2$8 L dP ### 2adora c/d 990 PB ' / 2$8 L dP ,oison Touch ' Iattle c/d 1590 P0 5 / 2$8 L ?dP ### Starli!ht c/d 19?0 CP 5 / 2$8 L ?dP 2, "ama!e B 2Zthril c/d '100 C1 A / 2$8 L ?dP ### 8olemas c/d '5A0 A9 A / 2$8 L ?dP %arth StriXe 5 2asteras c/d B900 A? P / 2$8 L 'dP ### IloodZ c/d AB00 59 P / 2$8 L 'dP 4, "rain A ,latinum c/d CB00 5? 10 / 2$8 L 'dP ### )une c/d C900 50 10 / 2$8 L 'dP Slo[ Touch C "iamond c/d 10000 BB 11 / 2$8 L BdP ### $ ollo c/d 10A00 B? 11 / 2$8 L BdP "ra!on ^iller P CrZstal c/d 1'100 '' 1' / 2$8 L BdP ### >amiaas c/d 1BA00 '0 1' / 2$8 L BdP Confusion StriXe 9 >oXi c/d ### $rtifact 1B / 2$8 L 5dP "eath StriXe Sirenas c/d ### $rtifact 1B / 2$8 L 5dP IerserX StriXe 10 8oddess c/d ### Mni:ue 1A / 2$8 L 5dP 4olZ StriXe 3airZ c/d ### Mni:ue 1A / 2$8 L 5dP Charm Touch T0R$R 1' REAP$1S Thro[in! [ea ons are uni:ue in that theZ do not need to be e:ui ed for use( and in that anZ Fob maZ use thro[in! [ea ons in combat. %ven [hen the characteras hands are other[ise full [ith other e:ui ment( a thro[in! [ea on maZ still be used( directlZ from the characteras inventorZ as if it [ere an e:ui ed [ea on. 4o[ever( there is a dra[bacX to thro[in! [ea onsH theZ are consumed after each use( no matter ho[ theZ are used u . $ dart maZ onlZ be thro[n once before becomin! useless( for e/am le. Darts SXill Cate!orZ= Thro[in! \ea ons $ o ular choice in conFunction [ith contact oisons( darts re:uire a considerable amount of accuracZ on the thro[eras art to inflict anZ si!nificant dama!e( thou!h their relativelZ li!ht [ei!ht and chea ness does offset this dra[bacX. "arts '0 9A ? / ST) L dA ### ,oison "arts 95 PC B / ST) L ?dA ,oison Touch Tran:uil "arts 150 P1 5 / ST) L ?dA Slee Touch ,aralZsis "arts ?10 C0 A / ST) L 'dA Sto Touch &enom "arts ?A5 A1 P / ST) L 'dA &enom Touch "oom "arts '15 5? 9 / ST) L BdA "eath Touch SPeans SXill Cate!orZ= Thro[in! \ea ons SXeans are double#ed!ed short da!!ers [hose curved blades afford the thro[er additional distance and accuracZ. $dditional enchantments laced on the sXean ensure o timal sto in! o[er for minimal cost. 3lame SXean 95 90 B / ST) L ?dA 3ire StriXe Iolt SXean 150 PB 5 / ST) L ?dA >i!htnin! StriXe \ater SXean ?00 CB A / ST) L 'dA \ater StriXe %arth SXean ?50 AA P / ST) L 'dA %arth StriXe 0ce SXean '00 5A 9 / ST) L BdA 0ce StriXe \ind SXean 'C5 BC 10 / ST) L BdA \ind StriXe )une SXean BC5 'A 1? / ST) L 5dA Ilind StriXe e Silence StriXe T?roQing Ba&&s SXill Cate!orZ= Thro[in! \ea ons Thro[in! Ialls are small( solid metal s heres ca able of inflictin! heavZ concussive dama!e [hen thro[n [ith enou!h force at a tar!et. Some tZ es au!ment this [ith the addition of s iXes( blades( or elemental ma!ic. Sno[ Iall 95 90 B / ST) L ?dA 0ce StriXe 8aia Iall 150 P5 5 / ST) L ?dA %arth StriXe $ero Iall ?00 CB A / ST) L 'dA \ind StriXe >i!htnin! Iall ?50 A5 P / ST) L 'dA >i!htnin! StriXe 4Zdro Iall '00 5A 9 / ST) L BdA \ater StriXe 3ire Iall 'C5 BC 10 / ST) L BdA 3ire StriXe Su er Iall 1000 'C 1? / ST) L 5dA Tar!et= 8rou T?roQing Stars SXill Cate!orZ= Thro[in! \ea ons

$ classic @inFa [ea on. The Thro[in! Star( or shuriXen( is a small( shar metal disc [ith multi le cuttin! ed!es [hich can be thro[n at a tar!et in ra id succession. \hile the dama!e inflicted is normallZ far from !revious( a trained hand can turn them into an accurate and deadlZ [ea on. ShuriXen 50 9? ' / ST) L dA ### @inFa Star 1B0 P5 5 / ST) L ?dA ### TacX Star 1P5 C5 A / ST) L 'dA ### 6uFi ShuriXen ?'5 AC P / ST) L 'dA ### 2anFu ShuriXen ?P0 A0 9 / ST) L BdA ### 3uuma ShuriXen '50 5? 10 / ST) L BdA ### `a!Zu "arXness C00 B0 1B / ST) L 5dA ,iercin! Rea*on A"i&ities: These abilities increase the characteras natural attributes or rovide e/tra bonuses [hen attacXin!. Mnless other[ise noted( these abilities onlZ a lZ [hen the character is maXin! a @ormal $ttacX action( and not at anZ other time or [hen the character is maXin! a different action. A#to (Stat#s) M on e:ui in! the [ea on( the laZer character automaticallZ benefits from a ositive status condition u on enterin! battle. This condition cannot be canceled throu!h the use of s ells or abilities such as "is el. ,ossible conditions include 4aste( )e!en( ,rotect( )eflect( and Shell. This bonus a lies as lon! as the [ea on is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. (Attri"#te) ]G: \hile e:ui ed( the [ea on !rants a small attribute bonus ran!in! from L1 to L'. This bonus a lies as lon! as the [ea on is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. BreaP Damage (imit: The characteras attacXs( s ells( and abilities can breaX the 999 dama!e ca ( doin! full dama!e after $rmor. This bonus a lies as lon! as the [ea on is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. !ritica&]: The laZer character erforms a critical hit on a natural roll of 1 to ?0 [hen erformin! $ttacX actions durin! battle. This bonus isnat cumulative [ith anZ other bonuses to a critical hit( unless the other bonus saZs other[ise. !ritica&]]: The laZer character erforms a critical hit on a natural roll of 1 to '0 [hen erformin! $ttacX actions durin! battle. This bonus isnat cumulative [ith anZ other bonuses to a critical hit( unless the other bonus saZs other[ise. This abilitZ is onlZ found u on $rtifactUMni:ue [ea ons. (E&ement) StriPe: The [ea on has an affinitZ to one of the ei!ht combat elements= 3ire( %arth( \ater( \ind( 4olZ( Shado[( 0ce( or >i!htnin!. 0f the [ea on is used a!ainst a monster or similar enemZ that has a [eaXness to the element that the [ea on has an affinitZ to( the dama!e is increased bZ 50%. 3or instance most ice monsters have a [eaXness to fire attacXs. Thus if the character slashes an ice monster [ith a 3lame Sabre (a s[ord [ith a fire affinitZ) that [ould normallZ do ?00 dama!e( the attacX does '00 dama!e. En?ance: This lar!elZ effects onlZ 2a!es and those $de ts that focus on usin! certain elemental forms of dama!e. \hen the character erforms a s ell or abilitZ that uses the element that the [ea on enhances( the dama!e is increased bZ ?5%. Thus a character usin! $rc $rcana (%= 3ire e 0ce) that inflicts 500 dama!e [ith a 3ira!a s ell (3ire element) inflicts A?5 dama!e instead (500 / 1.?5 K A?5). This bonus a lies as lon! as the [ea on is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. 0P Drain: 0n addition to the dama!e done bZ the attacX( the character re!ains an amount of 4, e:ual to 1U? the dama!e done bZ the [ea on. Thus if the character does 1?0 oints of dama!e( theZ re!ain A0 4,. This \ea on $bilitZ reverses (character loses 4,( tar!et !ains 4,) if the tar!et ha ens to have the Mndead monster abilitZ. )P Damage: The [ea on does additional dama!e to the monster or o onentfs 2a!ic ,oints as [ell as 4,. $ll dama!e done is s lit evenlZ bet[een 4, and 2,. Thus a [ea on that inflicts 1?0 dama!e causes A0 4, dama!e and A0 2, dama!e. This s lit occurs iafteri the enemZas $rmor ratin! is factored in. (xample: ?ean uses the )oul )abre against a monster in%licting 67- points o% damage. A%ter the monster3s Armor rating o% 7/ is ta9en out* ?ean in%licts a total o% -7/ HP damage and -7/ "P damage. )P Drain: 0n addition to the dama!e done bZ the attacX( the character re!ains an amount of 2, e:ual to 1U? the dama!e done bZ the [ea on. Thus if the character does 1?0 oints of dama!e( theZ re!ain A0 2,. This \ea on $bilitZ reverses (character loses 2,( tar!et !ains 2,) if the tar!et ha ens to have the Mndead monster abilitZ. ()onster) Xi&&er: The [ea on has a s ecial !ift for inflictin! e/tra dama!e. \hen used a!ainst a s ecific tZ e of monster( the dama!e done bZ the [ea on is doubled. 3or instance a 2an %ater ^nife (4uman ^iller abilitZ) [ould inflict double dama!e a!ainst anZ 4uman tZ e enemZ. Piercing: The [ea on cuts throu!h enemZ armor as if it [as a hot Xnife slicin! throu!h butter. \hen determinin! dama!e done bZ the laZer character( the tar!etas $rmor stat is reduced bZ half. Sensor: This abilitZ( often found on lo[ :ualitZ [ea ons( allo[s the laZer character and his artZ to vie[ the current 4, and elemental status of the enemZ. $ @ormal $ttacX action a!ainst anZ o onent [ill( in addition to normal dama!e( reveal the tar!etas current 4, and elemental [eaXnessesUresistancesUimmunitiesUabsorbances. 2onster >evel( ma/ 4,( ma/Ucurrent 2,( >evel( and similar stats arenat revealed. (Stat#s) StriPe: 4as a flat A0% chance to inflict the a ro riate status condition each time the [ea on is used in battle. ,ossible conditions include IerserX( Ilind( Confusion( "eath( "isable( 0mmobili-e( ,oison( Silence( Slee ( Slo[( and Stone. The duration of all statuses inflicted is (B)( e/ce t for ,oison and Stone [hich are (M) and "eath( [hich is not technicallZ a status and thus has no duration. (Stat#s) To#c?: 4as flat '0% chance to inflict the a ro riate condition each time the [ea on is used. ,ossible condition include IerserX( Ilind( Confusion( "eath( "isable( 0mmobili-e( ,oison( Silence( Slee ( Slo[( and Stone. The duration of all statuses inflicted is (B)( e/ce t for ,oison and Stone [hich are (M) and "eath( [hich is not technicallZ a status and thus has no duration. Tri*&e !ritica&: The ,laZer inflicts an astoundin! tri le dama!e each time theZ achieve a critical hit in combat on an $ttacX action. AR)$R ArmQear

>evel @ame Cost $vail $)2 2$)2 "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 >eather \rist A0 95 1 ? L0 L0 ### Serum \rist 1B5 9? 1 ? L0 L0 ,oison ,roof Chocobracelet 1C5 9? 1 ? L5 L0 "efense L5 ? Iron-e Ian!le 'C0 90 ' B L0 L0 ### 8uardian Iracer 5?0 PP ' B L0 L0 L1 $80 )une )in! A00 PP ' B L0 L5 2."efense L5 ' 0ron Ian!le PB0 PB 5 A L0 L0 ### >ocomotion Ian!le 1000 P? 5 A L0 L0 0mmobili-e ,roof %cho \rist 1?50 P? 5 A L0 L0 Silence ,roof B Silver $rmband 1A50 C5 P P L0 L5 ### Cerulean Ian!le 1900 C' P P L0 L5 \ater \ard 4olZ $rmlet 1900 C' P P L0 L5 4olZ \ard 5 2Zthril $rmlet ?A50 A5 11 10 L0 L5 ### Shell Ian!le '150 A' 11 10 L0 L5 S;S#Shell \i-ard Iracelet '?00 A' 11 10 L0 L5 L?0 2a!ic% A 8old $rmlet B000 55 1' 1' L0 L5 ### %!oistas $rmlet 5100 5' 1' 1' L0 L5 Confuse ,roof Thief 8love 5100 5' 1' 1' L0 L5 S;S#4aste C "iamond $rmband 5B00 BA 1A 1A L5 L5 ### ,earl $rmband 5950 BB 1A 1A L5 L5 4olZ ,roof 2aidenas \rist A?00 BB 1A 1A L5 L5 Toad ,roof P ,latinum Ian!le C000 'A 19 19 L5 L10 ### Serene $rmlet P050 'B 19 19 L5 L10 Charm ,roof 8i!as Ian!le P?00 'B 19 19 L5 L10 L? ST) 9 CrZstal Ian!le ### $rtifact ?? ?? L10 L'0 2."efense L?0 4ot $rmlet ### $rtifact ?? ?? L10 L10 3ro-en ,roof( 0ce ,roof Tou!h )in! ### $rtifact ?? ?? L10 L10 L?0% 4, 10 Ilessed \rist ### Mni:ue ?5 ?5 L10 L15 2ZstifZ ,roof 3lo[er Iracer ### Mni:ue ?5 ?5 L10 L15 $uto#)e!en( \ater %ater 2inerva Ian!le ### Mni:ue ?5 ?5 L10 L15 Transform ,roof 'a#nt&ets >evel @ame Cost $vail $)2 2$)2 "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 >eather 8auntlet A5 9A ? 1 L0 L0 ### Iri!ht 8auntlet 150 9B ? 1 L0 L0 Ilind ,roof 8lit 8loves 1A5 9B ? 1 L0 L0 8ilL ? Iron-e 8loves B15 91 5 ? L0 L0 ### @inFa 8loves 5P0 P9 5 ? L0 L0 L1 $80 Sava!e 8auntlet 5P0 P9 5 ? L0 L0 L10 $ttacX% ' 0ron 8auntlet 900 P5 P B L0 L0 ### &iXin! 8auntlet 1150 P' P B L0 L0 S;S#$!ilitZ M "efense 8loves 1'00 P' P B L0 L0 "isable ,roof B Silver 8auntlet 1P00 CA 11 A L5 L0 ### $de tas 8auntlet ?100 CB 11 A L5 L0 L1 S," >i!ht 8auntlet ?'00 CB 11 A L5 L10 2."efense L10 5 2Zthril 8auntlet ?900 AA 1B P L5 L0 ### ,rotect 8loves '?00 AB 1B P L5 L0 S;S#,rotect 2oon 8auntlet 'B50 AB 1B P L5 L0 L?0 $ttacX% A 8old 8auntlet B'00 5A 1C 10 L5 L0 ### CarbunXle 2itts BP00 5B 1C 10 L5 L0 $uto#)eflect 2elee 8loves 5000 5B 1C 10 L5 L0 S;S#,o[er M C "iamond 8loves 5900 BC ?0 1? L5 L5 ### $bZss 8auntlet AB50 B5 ?0 1? L5 L5 Shado[ ,roof Cornuco ia 8loves AP50 B5 ?0 1? L5 L5 2ini ,roof P ,latinum 8auntlet CP00 'C ?' 15 L10 L5 ### >ucid 8loves P'50 '5 ?' 15 L10 L?0 2."efense L15 $lert 8loves P550 '5 ?' 15 L10 L5 Sto ,roof 9 CrZstal 8auntlet ### $rtifact ?A 1P L'0 L10 "efense L?0 Cold 8loves ### $rtifact ?A 1P L10 L10 4eat ,roof( 3ire ,roof Yeus 8auntlet ### $rtifact ?A 1P L10 L10 %= >i!htnin!( >i!htnin! ,roof 10 8enFi 8loves ### Mni:ue ?9 ?1 L15 L10 L? ST)( L? 2$8 %scort 8uard ### Mni:ue ?9 ?1 L15 L10 Time ,roof "ra!on >ord ### Mni:ue ?9 ?1 L15 L10 $uto#Shell( \ind %ater )ai& >evel @ame Cost $vail $)2 2$)2 "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 >eather ,late 110 9' 5 ' L0 L0 ### 3ire $rmor ?A0 91 5 ' L0 L0 3ire \ard Cuirass B50 91 5 ' L0 L0 Slo[ ,roof ? Iron-e $rmor AC5 PP 11 C L0 L0 ###

Ione ,late 950 PA 11 C L0 L0 Shado[ \ard 0ce ,late 950 PA 11 C L0 L0 0ce \ard ' ,late 2ail 1550 P? 1A 11 L0 L0 ### &iXin! $rmor 1A00 P0 1A 11 L0 L0 S;S#IerserX Thunder ,late 1P50 P0 1A 11 L0 L0 >i!htnin! \ard B Silver 2ail ?9C0 C' ?1 15 L0 L0 ### Soldieras $rmor 'B50 C1 ?1 15 L0 L0 L1 ST) Cara ace 2ail 'B50 C1 ?1 15 L0 L0 Iio \ard 5 2Zthril $rmor BC00 A' ?A 19 L0 L0 ### )eflect 2ail 5'00 A1 ?A 19 L0 L0 $uto#)eflect 3orce $rmor 5C00 A1 ?A 19 L0 L10 2."efense L10 A 8old $rmor C100 5' '? ?' L5 L0 ### )ubZ ,late PA50 51 '? ?' L5 L0 3ire ,roof $urora 2ail PA50 51 '? ?' L5 L0 \ind ,roof C "iamond $rmor 9A00 BB 'P ?C L5 L0 ### Shield $rmor 10500 B? 'P ?C L?0 L0 "efense L15 %dincoat 11050 B? 'P ?C L5 L0 $uto#$!ilitZ M P ,latina $rmor 1?A00 'B BB '1 L5 L5 ### Carabini 2ail 1'A00 '? BB '1 L5 L5 L? S," Crimson ,late 1B500 '? BB '1 L5 L5 3ire %ater 9 CrZstal $rmor ### $rtifact 51 '5 L'0 L5 "efense L?0 $e!is $rmor ### $rtifact 51 '5 L10 L5 Stone ,roof( ,etrifZ ,roof( %arth ,roof 2a/imillian ### $rtifact 51 '5 L10 L5 L? ST)( L10% 4, 10 8enFi $rmor ### Mni:ue 5P '9 L'0 L?0 "efense L15( 2."efense L15 "ra!on 2ail ### Mni:ue 5P '9 L15 L5 3ireU0ceU>i!htnin! ,roof ,eZtral ### Mni:ue 5P '9 L15 L5 L? S,"( $uto#,o[er M Ro"es >evel @ame Cost $vail $)2 2$)2 "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 Cotton )obe 95 9' ' 5 L0 L0 ### Sno[ )obe ?'0 91 ' 5 L0 L0 0ce \ard 2istle )obe B00 91 ' 5 L0 L0 Silence ,roof ? >eather )obe A00 PP C 11 L0 L0 ### Tem le Cloth P50 PA C 11 L0 L0 4olZ \ard Thunder )obe P50 PA C 11 L0 L0 >i!htnin! \ard ' >inen )obe 1'A0 P? 11 1A L0 L0 ### 2ist SilX )obe 1500 P0 11 1A L5 L0 "efense L5 )ed )obe 1AB0 P0 11 1A L0 L0 3ire \ard B SilX )obe ?AB0 C' 15 ?1 L0 L0 ### 2a!ician )obe '0C5 C1 15 ?1 L0 L0 L1 2$8 Silver Coat '150 C1 15 ?1 L0 L10 2."efense L10 5 ,oet )obe B1A0 A' 19 ?A L0 L0 ### ^arate )obe BA00 A1 19 ?A L0 L0 L1 $80 ,eace Ca e 50B0 A1 19 ?A L0 L0 IerserX ,roof A Scholar )obe A'00 5' ?' '? L0 L5 ### ,riestas )obe CC00 51 ?' '? L0 L5 L'0 2a!ic% $:ua )obe CC00 51 ?' '? L0 L5 \ater ,roof C Tao )obe PA00 BB ?C 'P L0 L5 ### Chamelon )obe 9000 B? ?C 'P L15 L5 "efense L15 $n!el )obe 10500 B? ?C 'P L0 L5 $uto#)eraise (once) P >i!ht )obe 11?00 'B '1 BB L5 L5 ### \hite )obe 1?900 '? '1 BB L5 L5 4olZ %ater IlacX )obe 1?900 '? '1 BB L5 L5 Shado[ %ater 9 >umina )obe ### $rtifact '5 51 L5 L'0 2."efense L?0 3ar lane )obe ### $rtifact '5 51 L5 L10 $uto#S irit M ( $uto#2ental M 8luttonas )obe ### $rtifact '5 51 L5 L10 Iio %ater( To/in ,roof 10 )obe of >ords ### Mni:ue '9 5P L5 L15 L? 2$8( L? S," %lement )obe ### Mni:ue '9 5P L5 L15 3ireU0ceU>i!htnin!U\aterU%arthU\ind \ard ,rotect Ca e ### Mni:ue '9 5P L5 L'0 $uto#,rotect( 2."efense L15 S#its >evel @ame Cost $vail $)2 2$)2 "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 >eather ;utfit 100 9B B B L0 L0 ### Trainin! Suit ?B0 9? B B L0 L0 Slee ,roof Storm 6erXin ''0 9? B B L0 L0 >i!htnin! \ard ? Iron-e &est AB0 P9 P P L0 L0 ### @omadas Tunic 900 PC P P L0 L0 \ind \ard )ed 6acXet 900 PC P P L0 L0 3ire \ard ' Chain &est 1B50 P' 1' 1' L0 L0 ### 2a!na 6erXin 1C50 P1 1' 1' L0 L0 %arth \ard 3rost ;utfit 1C50 P1 1' 1' L0 L0 0ce \ard

Survival &est ?P00 CB 1P 1P L0 L0 ### Chocobo Costume '?50 C? 1P 1P L0 L0 L1 2$8 ,o[er Sash ''00 C? 1P 1P L0 L0 ,o[er "o[nUIreaX ,roof 5 2Zthril &est BB50 AB ?' ?' L0 L0 ### 2ira!e &est B900 A? ?' ?' L10 L0 "efense L10 Scor ion 4arness 5'50 A? ?' ?' L0 L0 Iio ,roof A Iri!adine AC00 5B ?P ?P L' L' ### 6ud!e Coat C?00 5? ?P ?P L' L' L? 2$8 8aia 8ear C?00 5? ?P ?P L' L' %arth ,roof C "iamond &est 9000 B5 '' '' L' L' ### @inFa 8ear 10C00 B' '' '' L' L' L? S," Secret Clothes 11100 B' '' '' L' L' S;S#&anish P ,latina &est 11900 '5 'P 'P L5 L5 ### Iehemoth Suit 1?900 '' 'P 'P L5 L5 L? ST) )ubber Costume 1'000 '' 'P 'P L5 L5 >i!htnin! %ater 9 $daman &est ### $rtifact B' B' LP LP 2eltdo[n ,roof( %arth ,roof "evil &est ### $rtifact B' B' LP LP %= Shado[( Shado[ ,roof )ea er CloaX ### $rtifact B' B' LP LP "eath ,roof 10 Iraver &est ### Mni:ue BP BP L10 L10 L? ST)( L? S," Sno[ 2uffler ### Mni:ue BP BP L10 L10 3ireU0ce %ater \Z!ar ### Mni:ue BP BP L10 L10 3atal ,roof 0e&mets >evel @ame Cost $vail $)2 2$)2 "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 >eather 4elm C0 95 ' 1 L0 L0 ### Soldier 4elmet 1C0 9' ' 1 L0 L0 L10 $ttacX% ,arade 4elm 1C0 9' ' 1 L0 L0 0mmobili-e ,roof ? Iron-e 4elm B50 90 5 B L0 L0 ### S iral 4elm P10 PP 5 B L0 L0 IerserX ,roof ;nZ/ 4elmet 900 PP 5 B L5 L0 "efense L5 ' Iarbut 1000 PB 9 C L0 L0 ### &iXin! 4elm 1150 P? 9 C L0 L0 S;S#S irit M Cross 4elmet 1?50 P? 9 C L0 L0 L1 ST) B Silver 4elmet 19P0 C5 1' 10 L0 L0 ### 2a!eas 4elm ?'00 C' 1' 10 L0 L0 L1 2$8 )ubber 4elm ?'00 C' 1' 10 L0 L0 >i!htnin! \ard 5 2Zthril 4elm '1?0 A5 1C 1' L0 L0 ### ,aladin 4elm 'P00 A' 1C 1' L0 L0 Curse ,roof %ternal 4elm B100 A' 1C 1' L0 L10 2."efense L10 A 8old 4elm BP00 55 ?1 1A L0 L0 ### $rai 4elm 5C50 5' ?1 1A L0 L0 L? S," ^ni!ht 4elm 5B00 5' ?1 1A L0 L0 L10% 4, C "iamond 4elm A500 BA ?5 19 L5 L0 ### "ra!oonas 4elmet C150 BB ?5 19 L5 L0 L'0 $ttacX% Sa hire 4elmet C150 BB ?5 19 L5 L0 \ater ,roof P ,latina 4elmet PB00 'A ?9 ?? L5 L0 ### "usX 2asX 9AA0 'B ?9 ?? L5 L0 %arth %ater 4eal 4elm 10000 'B ?9 ?? L5 L0 $uto#)e!en 9 CrZstal 4elm ### $rtifact '' ?5 L'0 L0 "efense L?0 ^aiser 4elm ### $rtifact '' ?5 L10 L0 L? ST)( L1 $80 4anZa 4elmet ### $rtifact '' ?5 L10 L0 \eaX ,roof 10 8enFi 4elm ### Mni:ue 'C ?P L?5 L?0 "efense L15( 2."efense L15 8rand 4elm ### Mni:ue 'C ?P L10 L5 L? $80( L? ST) "ra!on 4elmet ### Mni:ue 'C ?P L10 L5 >i!htnin! %ater( L10% 4, 0ats >evel @ame Cost $vail $)2 2$)2 "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 Ca P0 9A 1 ' L0 L0 ### )ed 4at ?00 9B 1 ' L0 L0 L10 2a!ic% Stra[ 4at '50 9B 1 ' L0 L0 Slo[ ,roof ? >eather 4at 5?5 91 B A L0 L0 ### Trian!le 4at C'5 P9 B A L0 L0 L1 2$8 Traveleras 4at PC5 P9 B A L0 L0 8ilL ' ,lumed 4at 1190 P5 C 9 L0 L0 ### 2a!us 4at 1'00 P' C 9 L0 L5 2."efense L5 2antra Iand 1B'5 P' C 9 L0 L0 L1 S," B Iandana ?'10 CA 10 1' L0 L0 ### T[ist 4eadband ?AA0 CB 10 1' L0 L0 L1 ST) \in!ed Ca ?500 CB 10 1' L0 L0 $uto#3loat 5 Stee led 4at 'AB0 AA 1' 1C L0 L0 ### 8reen Ieret '990 AB 1' 1C L0 L0 L10% 4,

Scholar 4at B150 AB 1' 1C L0 L0 2a!ic "o[nUIreaX ,roof 4ead!ear 55'0 5A 1A ?1 L0 L0 ### Thief 4at A'00 5B 1A ?1 L0 L0 L? $80 )ed 4ood AC?0 5B 1A ?1 L0 L0 L10% 2, C IlacX 4ood C500 BC 19 ?5 L0 L5 ### 4eadband of Yeal C900 B5 19 ?5 L0 L5 S;S#2a!ic M 3lash 4at P'00 B5 19 ?5 L0 L5 \ind ,roof P $damant 4at 9P00 'C ?? ?9 L0 L5 ### Cat 4ood 105C0 '5 ?? ?9 L0 L5 L'0 $ttacX% Ti!er 2asX 11000 '5 ?? ?9 L0 L5 L? S," 9 Coronet ### $rtifact ?5 '' L0 L10 L? $80( L1 S," 8olden `armulXe ### $rtifact ?5 '' L0 L10 $uto#2a!ic M 4olZ 2itre ### $rtifact ?5 '' L0 L10 L' 2$8 10 )itual 4at ### Mni:ue ?P 'C L5 L10 L? S,"( L? ST) )e!al Cro[n ### Mni:ue ?P 'C L5 L10 8ravitZ ,roof( $uto#)eraise (once) $cacia 4at ### Mni:ue ?P 'C L5 L10 0ce %ater( L10% 2, S?ie&ds >evel @ame Cost $vail "%3 2"%3 @otes 1 IucXler P0 9B LB L1 ### %scutcheon 195 9? LB L1 L1 $80 ? Iron-e Shield 500 P9 L9 L' ### $lert Tar!e C00 PC L9 L' Slee ,roof ' 4eavZ Shield 11'0 P' L1B L5 ### ; al Shield 1B00 P1 L1B L5 %arth \ard B Silver Shield ??00 CB L19 LC ### )ainbo[ Shield ?P00 C? L19 LC Yombie ,roof 5 2Zthril Shield 'BC0 AB L?B L9 ### 3orce Shield B050 A? L?B L19 2."efense L10 A 8old Shield 5?C0 5B L?9 L11 ### Shell Tar!e AB00 5? L?9 L11 S;S#Shell C "iamond Shield C?00 B5 L'B L1B ### Soul Shield CP00 B' L'B L1B Condemn ,roof P ,latina Shield 9'00 '5 L'9 L1A ### ^aiser ,late 10100 '' L'9 L1A L? ST) 9 CrZstal Shield ### $rtifact LAB L19 "efense L?0 &enetian Shield ### $rtifact LBB L19 3ireU0ceU>i!htnin! \ard 10 8enFi Shield ### Mni:ue LAB L'C "efense L15( 2."efense L15 $e!is Shield ### Mni:ue LB9 L?? Seal ,roof AR)$R AB ( T ES A#to (Stat#s) M on e:ui in! the armor( the laZer character automaticallZ benefits from a ositive status condition u on enterin! battle. This condition cannot be canceled throu!h the use of s ells or abilities such as "is el. The solo e/ce tion is the $uto#)eraise status condition [hich onlZ activates once a battle. ,ossible conditions include 4aste( )e!en( ,rotect( )eflect( and Shell. This bonus a lies as lon! as the armor is e:ui ed( re!ardless of actions taXen in combat. (Attri"#te) ]G \hile e:ui ed( the armor !rants a small attribute bonus ran!in! from L1 to L'. De3ense] The armor benefits from a bonus of 5 to ?0 oints to their "efense ratin!. This bonus is alreadZ factored in the listed ratin! for "efense. (E&ement) Rard \hile [orn( the $rmor reduces the dama!e done bZ a s ecific element bZ 1U? rior to adFustment bZ the laZer characteras 2. $rmor stat. This includes 3ire( %arth( \ater( \ind( 4olZ( Shado[( >i!htnin!( Iio( and 0ce. (E&ement) Proo3 \hile [orn( the $rmor maXes the laZer character immune to the effects of s ecific element. This includes 3ire( %arth( \ater( \ind( 4olZ( Shado[( >i!htnin!( Iio( and 0ce. (E&ement) Eater \hile [orn( the $rmor reverses the effect of an elemental attacX so that rather than inflictin! dama!e( it heals the intended tar!et. This includes 3ire( %arth( \ater( \ind( 4olZ( Shado[( >i!htnin!( Iio( and 0ce. 'i&] $ll 8il !ained bZ the character [hile this armor is e:ui ed is increased bZ 5%. This bonus does not stacX [ith the S onsorshi advanta!e or anZ other 8il increasin! bonuses. 0n the case of multi le bonuses onlZ the one bonus [ith the hi!hest value is considered. 0P] \hile the armor is e:ui ed( the characteras ma/imum 4, increases bZ a ercenta!e. 0f the character is usin! other 4, increasin! e:ui ment( add the ercenta!es to!ether [hen calculatin! 4,. Thus( a character [earin! the 8reen Ieret (4, L10%) and ,o[er Ielt (4, L?5%) [ill enFoZ a '5% bonus. )- De3ense] The armor benefits from a bonus of 5 to ?0 oints to their 2a!ic "efense ratin!. This bonus is alreadZ factored in the listed ratin! for 2a!ic "efense. )P] \hile the armor is e:ui ed( the characteras ma/imum 2, increases bZ a ercenta!e%. 0f the character is usin! other 2, increasin! e:ui ment( add the ercenta!es to!ether [hen calculatin! 2,. Thus( a character [earin! the ,aladin 4elm (2, L10%)and 8lass ;rb (2, L?5%) [ill enFoZ a '5% bonus. A

(Stat#s) Proo3 This abilitZ !rants the laZer character [ith immunitZ to a s ecific status condition. ,ossible condition include IerserX( Ilind( Charm( Confusion( Curse( "eath( "onat $ct( ,oison( Silence( Slee ( Slo[( and Stone. S$S (Stat#s) \hen the laZer character enters the [ounded condition (loses C5% of their 4,)( theZ automaticallZ !ain the benefit of a s ecific ositive status condition. ,ossibilities include 4aste( ,rotect( )eflect( )e!en( )eraise( and Shell. This condition remains on for as lon! as character is in the [ounded condition and durin! this time cannot be removed throu!h effects similar to the s ell "is el. ;nce the character recovers 4, enou!h to re!ain normal status( the condition [ill immediatelZ disa ear. @ote= S;S#)eraise can onlZ be tri!!ered once er battle. %/am le= 6ean has 500 4,( ?5% of [hich is 1?5. ^nocXed around a bit( the S;S ,o[er M abilitZ on his 2elee 8loves XicX in liXe clocX[orX as his 4, di s to CP. $s lon! as 6eanas 4, staZs under 1?5( an enemZ cannot dis el the ,o[er M condition. 0f( ho[ever( 6ean do[ns a 4i ,otion thus increasin! his current 4, over 1?5( the ,o[er M status immediatelZ disa ears and 6ean must no[ deal [ith not hittin! so hard. Stat#s Accessories 6;< Beads (1'000 8il( $vailabilitZ= 'P) # $n armlet [eavin! to!ether one hundred and ei!ht luminous beads. The 10P Ieads !rant the character [earin! them immunitZ to the Toad( ,oison( &enom and Yombie Status Conditions. Aegis Ring ($rtifact)= $ materite rin! in the sha e of a circular shield( laZered and la:uered. \hile [orn( the $e!is )in! !rants its [earer )esistance to %arth( 3ire( 4olZ( 0ce( >i!htnin!( Shado[( \ind and \ater %lemental attacXs. Am#&et (AA;; 'i&= A2ai&a"i&itL: ^H) B $ small silver enta!ram [orn around the characteras necX. \hile [orn( the $mulet !rants its [earer 0mmunitZ to the ,oison( Ilind and Yombie Status Conditions. A:#a Ring (67H; 'i&= A2ai&a"i&itL: <7) B $n latinum rin! inter[oven [ith carved a:uamarines. \earin! the $:ua )in! !rants the [earer \ater %lemental )esistance. Bead Brooc? Cost= '?50 8il $vailabilitZ= C1 $ decorative brooch made of do-ens of colorful raZer beads. \earin! the Iead Irooch renders a character 0mmune to the Status Conditions Silence and Ilind. B&acP !?oPer Cost= ?000 8il $vailabilitZ= CC $n ornamental choXer made of darXmetal( sha ed to resemble a nest of coiled ser ents [aitin! to striXe. The IlacX ChoXer !rants its [earer 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition Confuse. B&i88ard Ring Cost= B000 8il $vailabilitZ= A' $ metal band embedded [ith small circular diamonds. The Ili--ard )in! !ives its [earer 0ce %lemental )esistance( as [ell as !rantin! 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition 3ree-e. !er#&ean Ring Cost= 5B00 8il $vailabilitZ= 59 $ rin! of adamantium alloZ sha ed to resemble a breaXin! [ave. \earin! the Cerulean )in! !rants the [earer \ater %lemental $bsorbance. !ora& Ring Cost= ?500 8il $vailabilitZ= C5 $ lain rin! carved from a fra!ment of fire coral. The Coral )in! !rants the [earer >i!htnin! %lemental 0mmunitZ. Desert Boots (6;;; 'i&_ A2ai&a"i&itL: <7) # 4ard#[earin! leather boots [ith e/cellent traction. The "esert Ioots !rant their [earer %arth %lemental )esistance. De3ense Ring (6H;; 'i&_ A2ai&a"i&itL: `9) # $ lain( darX iron band carved [ith si!ils of mZstic si!nificance. \earin! the "efense )in! !ives a character 0mmunitZ to the Status Conditions Slee and Condemned. Ec?o Bang&e Cost= 1A00 8il $vailabilitZ= C9 $ luminous metallic ban!le adorned [ith small bells [hich ca ture and reflect surroundin! sounds. The %cho Ian!le !ives the [earer 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition Silence. FairL Ring Cost= 1?50 8il $vailabilitZ= P1 $ finelZ#[rou!ht silver rin! en!raved [ith tinZ [in!ed fairies. \earin! the 3airZ )in! confers immunitZ to the Ilind and ,oison Status Conditions. Fire Ring Cost= B000 8il $vailabilitZ= A' $ mZthril band decorated [ith ei!ht small !arnet stones. The 3lame )in! !rants the [earer 3ire %lemental )esistance( as [ell as 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition 4eat. F&ame Ring Cost= CA00 8il $vailabilitZ= 5B $ olished brass rin! [hose sin!le inset rubZ ossesses a distinct inner li!ht. \earin! the 3lame )in! !rants the [earer 3ire %lemental 0mmunitZ( as [ell as 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition 4eat. '&ass B#cP&e Cost= 1?000 8il $vailabilitZ= B'

$ !audZ( oversi-ed belt#bucXle blo[n from !reen !lass. The 8lass IucXle !rants its [earer Iio %lemental 0mmunitZ as [ell as 0mmunitZ to the Status Conditions ,oison and &enom. 'ogg&es Cost=B50 8il $vailabilitZ= 90 Solid smoXed#!lass !o!!les. 8o!!les !ive the [earer 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition Ilind. 'o&d !?oPer Cost= 1?50 8il $vailabilitZ= P1 $ heavZ !olden choXer studded [ith small semi recious stones. The 8old ChoXer !rants its [earer \ind %lemental )esistance. 'ra2itL Ring Cost= 'A00 8il $vailabilitZ= AP $n adamantite rin! [hose inset stone hovers millimeters above the metal( bound Zet free. The 8ravitZ )in! !ives its [earer 0mmunitZ to all 8ravitZ# tZ e S ells and effects. 0ead Band Cost= 500 8il $vailabilitZ= PP $ colorful stri of fabric Xnotted around the characteras head. \earin! the 4ead Iand renders a character 0mmune to the Status Condition Slee . ce Ring Cost= CA00 8il $vailabilitZ= 5B $ latinum rin! to ed [ith a sa hire of articular luster( cool to the touch even in the midst of a ra!in! fire. The 0ce )in! !ives its [earer 0ce %lemental 0mmunitZ( as [ell as 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition 3ree-e. /ade Arm&et Cost= 10000 8il $vailabilitZ= B5 $ recious artifact made out of a rare !reen stone. \earin! the 6ade $rmlet maXes a character immune to the Status Conditions Slo[( ,etrifZ and Stone. /eQe& Ring Cost= AB00 8il $vailabilitZ= 5A $n ornamented !old rin! inset [ith a series of olished !emstone. \hen [orn( the 6e[el )in! !rants a character 0mmunitZ to the Ilind( ,etrifZ and Stone Status Conditions. )agic !?arm Cost= 1A00 8il $vailabilitZ= C9 $ sim le ivorZ charm [orn around the characterEs necX( covered in cra[lin! runes. The 2a!ic Charm !rants its [earer 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition Curse. )agic Ring Cost= BB00 8il $vailabilitZ= AB $n inlaid ornamental rin! of ancient ori!ins. \earin! the 2a!ic )in! maXes a character immune to the Status Conditions Silence and IerserX. )ind# /eQe& Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue $ recious brooch( crafted from an unusual silverZ !em re ortedlZ recovered from the ocean floor. The 2indu 6e[el !rants its [earer >i!htnin! %lemental )esistanceH in addition( the [earer !ains 0mmunitZ to the Status Conditions ,oison( Confuse( Stone( Ilind( Toad and Silence( and a L' bonus to both "efense and 2. "efense. 1BXai Arm&et Cost= 1'000 8il $vailabilitZ= 'P $ iece of ceremonial Fe[elrZ made of corroded brass. The @#^ai $rmlet rovides 0mmunitZ to the Status Conditions Charm and Confusion( as [ell as Shado[ %lemental )esistance. $c?re Ring Cost= 5B00 8il $vailabilitZ= 59 $n im ressive iece cut from a sin!le chunX of to a-( carved to resemble a movin! stormfront. \earin! the ;chre )in! !rants the [earer >i!htnin! %lemental $bsorbance. Peace Ring Cost= 15000 8il $vailabilitZ= '5 $ rin! carved from ure#[hite ivorZ( de ictin! a flocX of birds in fli!ht. \earin! the ,eace )in! !rants a character 0mmunitZ to the Confusion( Charm and IerserX Status Conditions. P?antom Ring Cost= 5?00 8il $vailabilitZ= A1 $ silver band to ed [ith a nondescri t darX stone( reflectin! the li!ht in [aZs that maXe it a ear almost insubstantial. \earin! the ,hantom )in! maXes a character immune to all \eaX#tZ e Status Conditions.

Poison Ring Cost= 1'000 8il $vailabilitZ= 'C $ darXsteel rin! in the sha e of a coiled vi er. The ,oison )in! !rants its [earer Iio %lemental $bsorbance( as [ell as 0mmunitZ to the Status Conditions ,oison and &enom. Rage Ring Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ crude bone ornament darXened bZ a!e. The )a!e )in! increases a characteras ST) bZ L'( as [ell as !ivin! them 3ire %lemental $bsorbance and >i!htnin! %lemental 0mmunitZ. Ri""on Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ decorative ribbon of ruffled [hite silX( [orn as a hair ornament. \earin! the )ibbon maXes a character immune to all ne!ative Status Conditions. Rosetta Ring Cost= 1?000 8il $vailabilitZ= '9 $n elaborate rin! to ed bZ a fire rubZ carved [ith column after column of intricate [ritin!. \earin! the )osetta )in! !rants the [earer 3ire %lemental $bsorbance( as [ell as 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition 4eat. R#""er Boots Cost= 10000 8il $vailabilitZ= B? 4eavZ !aloshes [ith a reinforced rubber sole. \earin! the )ubber Ioots rotects a character from the Status Condition Sto ( as [ell as conferrin! >i!htnin! %lemental 0mmunitZ. R#"L Earrings Cost= 15000 8il $vailabilitZ= '5 ,aired earrin!s decorated [ith smooth( teardro #sha ed rubies. )ubZ %arrin!s rotect a character from the Status Conditions Charm and Confuse( as [ell as conferrin! Shado[ %lemental 0mmunitZ. Sa3etL Bit Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $n incons icuous little rotective device [orn close to the heart( the SafetZ Iit !rants its [earer 0mmunitZ to all 3atal#tZ e Status Conditions. Scara" Cost= 9A00 8il $vailabilitZ= BA $ sim le silver charm de ictin! a [in!ed beetle [hich !listens liXe oil in sunli!ht. The Scarab confers 0mmunitZ to the Status Conditions "isable( 0mmobili-e and Toad. SnoQ Ring Cost= 1?000 8il $vailabilitZ= '9 $ cool ivorZ rin! inlaid [ith a sin!le brilliant earl. The Sno[ )in! !ives its [earer 0ce %lemental $bsorbance( as [ell as !rantin! 0mmunitZ to the Status Condition 3ree-e. Star Arm&et Cost= 9A00 8il $vailabilitZ= BA $n enchanted armlet that sli s snu!lZ under the characteras clothin!. \earin! the Star $rmlet rovides immunitZ to the Status Conditions Slo[ and Sto . Star Pendant Cost= A00 8il $vailabilitZ= P9 $ tarnished lain silver endant cut in the sha e of a star. \earin! the Star ,endant renders a character immune to the Status Condition ,oison. Tetra E&ementa& Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue $ !old endant en!raved [ith emblems re resentin! a mote of flame( a sin!le sno[flaXe( a stone and a li!htnin! bolt. \earin! the Tetra %lemental besto[s a character [ith 3ire( 0ce( >i!htnin! and %arth %lemental 0mmunitZ. Rater Ring Cost= ?500 8il $vailabilitZ= C5 $ small silver rin!( unornamented save for a sin!le teardro sha e set out in a:uamarine. \earin! the \ater )in! confers \ater %lemental 0mmunitZ u on the character. R?ite !a*e Cost= 1'500 8il $vailabilitZ= 'A 2ade of soft but durable material( the \hite Ca e is al[aZs da--lin! re!ardless of ho[ much dirt it is dra!!ed throu!h. \earin! the \hite Ca e !rants a character 0mmunitZ to the Status Conditions Silence( 2ini and Toad( as [ell as a L5 bonus to both the [eareras "efense and 2. "efense. )agic Accessories

Ange& Ring Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ beautiful albaster rin! carved in the sha e of a cherub. \earin! the $n!el )in! confers a character [ith Shado[ %lemental and "eath Status 0mmunitZ. 0n addition( the $n!el )in! inflicts the )eraise Status Condition on its [earer once at the start of everZ battleH this is a one#off benefit and [ill not be rene[ed in the event of the character bein! resurrected. Barrier Ring Cost= P00 8il $vailabilitZ= PA $n unusual rin! of solid metal se!ments chained to!ether bZ thin [ires of silver. The Iarrier )in! automaticallZ adds the Status Condition Shell to the [earer [hen their 4, is reduced to ?5% of its ma/imum value # this effect onlZ [ears off at the end of the battle or [hen the [earerEs 4, is restored beZond the ?5% marX( and maZ not be removed bZ anZ other means. !?er#" DoQn Cost= 1P00 8il $vailabilitZ= CA $ [hite feather( so fine as to be racticallZ invisible( set into a ornamental locXet. \hilst [orn( Cherub "o[n automaticallZ adds the Status Condition 3loat to its [earerH this effect remains until the $ccessorZ is une:ui ed a!ain( or until the Status is removed. !#re Ring Cost= PB00 8il $vailabilitZ= 5? $ a!e#[orn rin! made of darX( hardened [ood surrounded bZ a muted !reen !lo[. The Cure )in! adds the Status Condition )e!en to its [earer at the start of everZ battleH unless removed durin! the course of battle( this effect onlZ [ears off after its [earer is out of immediate dan!er and the battle is over. )oon Ring Cost= 1A00 8il $vailabilitZ= CP $ olished !lass rin! in the sha e of a lon!#tendrilled orchid. The 2oon )in! automaticallZ adds the Status Conditions ,rotect and Shell to the [earer [hen their 4, is reduced to ?5% of its ma/imum value # this effect onlZ [ears off at the end of the battle or [hen the [earerEs 4, is restored beZond the ?5% marX( and maZ not be removed bZ anZ other means. '#ard Ring Cost= P00 8il $vailabilitZ= PA $ silver rin! [ith an en!raved seal. The 8uard )in! automaticallZ adds the Status Condition ,rotect to the [earer [hen their 4, is reduced to ?5% of its ma/imum value # this effect onlZ [ears off at the end of the battle or [hen the [earerEs 4, is restored beZond the ?5% marX( and maZ not be removed bZ anZ other means. Star Bang&e Cost= 1P00 8il $vailabilitZ= CC $ !lass ornament( dee blue in color and seeded [ith tinZ s ecXs of !old. The Star Ian!le automaticallZ adds the Status Condition )e!en to the [earer [hen their 4, is reduced to ?5% of its ma/imum value # this effect onlZ [ears off at the end of the battle or [hen the [earerEs 4, is restored beZond the ?5% marX( and maZ not be removed bZ anZ other means. Pod Brace&et Cost= 1?(000 8il $vailabilitZ= B? $ s lendid mother#of# earl bracelet covered [ith com le/ carvin!s. The ,od Iracelet automaticallZ adds the Status Conditions ,rotect and Shell to its [earer at the start of everZ battleH unless removed durin! the course of battle( this effect onlZ [ears off after its [earer is out of immediate dan!er and the battle is over. Protect Ring Cost= '?50 8il $vailabilitZ= CB $ small mithril band to ed [ith a faceted emerald. The ,rotect )in! automaticallZ adds the Status Condition ,rotect to its [earer at the be!innin! of a battleH unless removed durin! the course of battle( this effect onlZ [ears off after its [earer is out of immediate dan!er and the battle is over. Re"irt? Ring Cost= 5500 8il $vailabilitZ= 5C $n to a- rin! [hose !emstones s ell out a hZ notic( [indin! attern. The )ebirth )in! adds the Status Condition )eraise to its [earer once at the start of everZ battleH this S ell is a one#off benefit and [ill not be recast in the event of the character bein! resurrected. Re3&ect Ring Cost= '500 8il $vailabilitZ= A9 $n orichalcum band en!raved [ith o[erful counter#ma!ic runes. The )eflect )in! automaticallZ adds the Status Condition )eflect to its [earer at the be!innin! of a battleH unless removed durin! the course of battle( this effect onlZ [ears off after its [earer is out of immediate dan!er and the battle is over. R#nning S?oes Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,olished darX shoes [ith an indistinct outline( as if blurred around the ed!es. The )unnin! Shoes add the Status Condition 4aste to their [earer at the start of everZ battleH unless removed durin! the course of battle( this effect onlZ [ears off after its [earer is out of immediate dan!er and the battle is over.

S?e&& Ring Cost= '?50 8il $vailabilitZ= CB $ decorative latinum band set out in a s ectrum of !emstones. The Shell )in! automaticallZ adds the Status Condition Shell to its [earer at the be!innin! of a battleH unless removed durin! the course of battle( this effect onlZ [ears off after its [earer is out of immediate dan!er and the battle is over. %anis? )ant&e Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue \oven of silver threads( this mantle reflects and distorts li!ht as it striXes it. The &anish 2antle adds the Status Condition &anish to its [earer at the start of everZ battleH unless removed durin! the course of battle( this effect onlZ [ears off after its [earer is out of immediate dan!er and the battle is over. Attri"#te Boosters Batt&e Boots Cost= 1500 8il $vailabilitZ= P0 Tou!h( solid boots made of overla in! laZers of leather. The Iattle Ioots !rant a L1 bonus to their [earerEs S," $ttribute. Beads Cost= 1500 8il $vailabilitZ= P0 $ Xnotted strin! threadin! throu!h a series of ornamental beads. The Ieads increases their [earerEs $80 bZ 1. !?am*ions?i* Be&t Cost= 1A(000 8il $vailabilitZ= '' $ massive( !audZ !olden belt( as mi!ht be a[arded to a articularlZ successful ri-e fi!hter. The Cham ionshi Ielt increases its [earerEs ST) $ttribute bZ 'H in addition( their ma/imum 4, value is increased bZ 10% for as lon! as the Ielt remains e:ui ed. !?oco Feat?er Cost= BP00 8il $vailabilitZ= AB The lu/uriant tail#feather of the fabled \hite Chocobo( set into a silver brooch. \earin! the Choco 3eather increases a characteras $80 bZ ?. !irc&et Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $n adamantine headband lovin!lZ sha ed into a series of intert[ined roses. The Circlet raises its [earerEs 2$8 bZ 5. Earrings Cost= 1500 8il $vailabilitZ= P0 Small( discreet silver earrin!s a ro riate to either !ender. \earin! %arrin!s raises a characteras 2$8 bZ 1. 'a&e 0air*in Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ mZthril hair in ti ed [ith an e/:uisite o al stone. \earin! the 8ale 4air in raises a characteras $80 bZ 5. 'erminas Boots Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact %le!ant militarZ boots shod [ith mZthril for additional durabilitZ. The 8erminas Ioots !ive their [earer a L5 bonus to their S," $ttribute. 0ero Ring Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue $ ma!nificentlZ#crafted adamantine rin! de ictin! a roostin! dra!on. The 4ero )in! !rants L5 to its [earerEs 2$8 and ST) $ttributes. 0L*er Rrist Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ bracer of solid ivorZ s ortin! raised !old lines [hich shine brilliantlZ [hen e/ osed to li!ht. The 4Z er \rist !ives its [earer a L5 bonus to their ST) $ttribute. 0L*no !roQn Cost= 1A(000 8il $vailabilitZ= '' $ !lass coronet formed from stran!e sha esH these a ear to be constantlZ rearran!in! themselves u on closer e/amination. The 4Z no Cro[n !rants its [earer L' to their 2$8 $ttributeH in addition( anZ character [ith a 2a!ic "ie also increases their ma/imum 2, value bZ 10% [hile the Cro[n remains e:ui ed. )agician S?oes Cost= 1P000 8il $vailabilitZ= '? )aXish silX sli ers colored ni!ht blue( s ecXled [ith tinZ silver stars arran!ed in constellations. The 2a!ician Shoes !rant their [earer a L' bonus to their $80 and S," $ttributes. )agic 'a#nt&et Cost= BP00 8il $vailabilitZ= AB

$n outsi-e silX !love circled [ith stri s of orichalcon( arran!ed into sZmbols of mZstic si!nificance. The 2a!ic 8auntlet raises its [earerEs 2$8 bZ ?. PoQer Rrist Cost= BP00 8il $vailabilitZ= AB Iracers of inter[oven blacX leather( studded [ith silver ins. The ,o[er \rist !ives its [earer a L? bonus to their ST) $ttribute. Red S?oes Cost= BP00 8il $vailabilitZ= AB %le!ant embroidered leather shoes dZed a vibrant shade of red. The )ed Shoes !rant their [earer L1 to their 2$8 and S," $ttributes. S*rint S?oes Cost= BP00 8il $vailabilitZ= AB >i!ht( airZ foot[ear distin!uished bZ a tinZ air of [in!s fitted to each heel. The S rint Shoes !rant a L? bonus to their [earerEs S," $ttribute. We&&oQ Scar3 Cost= 1500 8il $vailabilitZ= P0 $ lon! silX scarf( dZed an eZe#[aterin! shade of Zello[. The `ello[ Scarf !ives its [earer a L1 bonus to their ST) $ttribute. Statistic Boosters Be?emot? )ant&e Cost= 9000 8il $vailabilitZ= BP The distinctive ur le leather of this [ell#[orn ca e identifies it as bein! of !enuine Iehemoth#hide. The Iehemoth 2antle raises the [earerEs "%3 and 2."%3 values bZ '0 and ?0 res ectivelZ. B&acP !a*e Cost= ?B00 8il $vailabilitZ= CA $ floor#len!th ca e made of midni!ht blue silX( voluminous enou!h to conceal the [earerEs bodZ in its entiretZ. The IlacX Ca e raises the [earerEs 2. "%3 and "%3 bZ 15 and 9 res ectivelZ. B&ood Stone Cost= ?C00 8il $vailabilitZ= C? $ carved runestone han!in! from a sim le hem ro e( enchanted to !lo[ a dull shade of red in the resence of blood. $nZ character [earin! the Ilood Stone increases their ma/imum 4, value bZ 10% [hile the Stone is e:ui edH thus a character [ith 100 4, [ould have 110 4,. !otton !a*e Cost= B00 8il $vailabilitZ= 9? $ soft cotton travellin! ca e desi!ned to com lement almost anZ outfit. The Cotton Ca e raises the [earerEs 2. "%3 and "%3 values bZ 5 and ' res ectivelZ. !rLsta& $r" Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue $ orb made from a sin!le iece of smoXZ( rosZ :uart-. $nZ character [ith a 2a!ic "ie increases their ma/imum 2, value bZ 50% [hile the CrZstal ;rb is e:ui edH a character [ith 100 2, [ould thus have 150 2,. E&2en )ant&e Cost= 1?00 8il $vailabilitZ= PB $n enchanted %lven heirloom assed do[n over !enerations. The %lven 2antle raises the [earerEs 2. "%3 and "%3 values bZ 10 and A res ectivelZ. Feat?er )ant&e Cost= A000 8il $vailabilitZ= 5P $ beautifullZ#crafted( colorful ca e [oven from the feathers of rare and e/otic birds. The 3eather 2antle raises the [earerEs 2. "%3 and "%3 values bZ ?5 and 15 res ectivelZ. Force Be&t Cost= 10B00 8il $vailabilitZ= BB $ heavZ( lac:uered belt [ith t[in bucXles. $nZ character [earin! the 3orce Ielt increases their ma/imum 4, value bZ 10%H in addition( anZ character [ith a 2a!ic "ie also increases their ma/imum 2, value bZ 10% [hile the Ielt remains e:ui ed. (eat?er )ant&e Cost= 1?00 8il $vailabilitZ= PB $ [arriorEs mantle made from stri es of hard#[earin! blacX leather. The >eather 2antle raises the [earerEs "%3 and 2."%3 values bZ 10 and A res ectivelZ. )agic Bang&e Cost= ?C00 8il $vailabilitZ= C? $ beautiful amethZst ban!le carved in the sha e of a butterflZ. $nZ character [ith a 2a!ic "ie increases their ma/imum 2, value bZ 10% [hile the 2a!ic $rmlet is e:ui edH a character [ith 100 2, [ould thus have 110 2,.

)#sc&e Be&t Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue $ heavZ leather belt set off bZ a massive !olden bucXle( clearlZ desi!ned to looX as im ressive as ossible. $ character [earin! the 2uscle Ielt increases their ma/imum 4, value bZ 50% for as lon! as it is e:ui ed # thus( a character [ith 100 4, [ould have 150 4, [hen usin! the 2uscle Ielt. PoQer Be&t Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ studded belt made of dZed red leather. $nZ character [earin! the ,o[er Ielt increases their ma/imum 4, value bZ ?5% [hile the ,o[er Ielt remains e:ui edH thus a character [ith 100 4, [ould have 1?5 4, [hen [earin! the ,o[er Ielt. Prism !a*e Cost= 9000 8il $vailabilitZ= BP $ ca e of luminous( ever#shiftin! colors. The ,rism Ca e raises the [earerEs 2. "%3 and "%3 bZ '0 and ?0 res ectivelZ. Sma&& )ant&e Cost= B00 8il $vailabilitZ= 9? $ hide mantle desi!ned to be dra ed over either shoulder. The Small 2antle raises the [earerEs "%3 and 2."%3 bZ 5 and ' res ectivelZ. SorcerL Bang&e Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $n abstract !lass desi!n the color of midni!ht blue. $nZ character [ith a 2a!ic "ie increases their ma/imum 2, value bZ ?5% [hile the SorcerZ Ian!le is e:ui edH a character [ith a ma/imum of 100 2, [ould thus have 1?5 2,. Tiger )ant&e Cost= 'A00 8il $vailabilitZ= AA $ dashin! shoulder mantle made of sno[ ti!er fur. The Ti!er 2antle raises the [earerEs "%3 and 2."%3 values bZ ?0 and 1? res ectivelZ. Ri8ard )ant&e Cost= 'A00 8il $vailabilitZ= AA 3ine silXs and an im ressive arraZ of arcane si!ils marX this as a ma!eEs ossession throu!h and throu!h. The \i-ard 2antle raises the [earerEs 2. "%3 and "%3 bZ ?0 and 1? res ectivelZ. Ro&3 )ant&e Cost= ?B00 8il $vailabilitZ= CA $ thicX( [arm mantle made of [olfEs fur. The \olf 2antle raises the [earerEs "%3 and 2."%3 values bZ 15 and 9 res ectivelZ. Ze*?Lr !a*e Cost= A000 8il $vailabilitZ= 5P The folds of this ca e flutter dramaticallZ even in the sli!htest of bree-es. The Ye hZr Ca e raises the [earerEs "%3 and 2."%3 bZ ?5 and 15 res ectivelZ. Action Accessories Ange& Earrings Cost= 5000 8il $vailabilitZ= A5 Small silver#and#moonstone earrin!s [hich shine [ith an unusual li!ht. \hen [orn( the $n!el %arrin!s em o[er the [earerEs 4olZ %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e. Arc?eras Ring Cost= 'A00 8il $vailabilitZ= C' $ rin! crafted from the a!in! hide of an $hriman. The $rcherEs )in! increases the [earerEs accuracZ si!nificantlZH [hilst [orn( $ttacX% increases bZ ?0. 0n addition( all [ea ons [ielded bZ a character [earin! the $rcherEs )in! !ain the attribute Sensor for as lon! as the $rcherEs )in! remains e:ui ed. Barette Cost= '000 8il $vailabilitZ= C? $n incons icuous hair#clas encrusted [ith sa hire shards. The Iarette boosts the [earerEs 0ce %lemental attacXs( allo[in! them to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as it is [orn. B&acP Earrings Cost= 5000 8il $vailabilitZ= A5 T[inned earrin!s [rou!ht from a sin!le iece of onZ/. IlacX %arrin!s allo[ all of the [earerEs Shado[ %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as theZ remain e:ui ed. !ac?#s?a Cost= '000 8il $vailabilitZ= C? $ lon! iece of rubZ carved into a decorative hair# in. $s lon! as it remains e:ui ed( the Cachusha allo[ its [earerEs 3ire %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e.

!er#&ean Pendant Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ silver choXer( feather#li!ht in s ite of its heavZ Fe[el studdin!. The Cerulean ,endant boosts all of its [earerEs >i!htnin! and \ind %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as it remain e:ui ed. !?ain !?oPer Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact @ecX[ear made from laZers of interlinXed silver( set off bZ a sin!le varicolor Fe[el of unXno[n ori!in. The Chain ChoXer boosts the [earerEs >i!htnin! and \ater %lemental attacXs( allo[in! them to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as it is [orn. !&ear Earrings Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact 8lassZ( olished( and cool to the touch. "ecorative earrin!s sho[in! off bicolor !ems blendin! shades of amethZst and !old. $s lon! as theZ remain e:ui ed( the Clear %arrin!s allo[ its [earerEs 0ce and \ind %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e. Detector Cost= P00 8il $vailabilitZ= PP $ sXZ#blue stone en!raved [ith crosshairs( desi!ned to attach to almost anZ [ea on [ith the barest minimum of effort. $ll [ea ons [ielded bZ a character [earin! the "etector !ain the attribute Sensor for as lon! as the "etector remains e:ui ed. Economi8er Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue The %conomi-er taXes on the a earance of a solid steel bo/( lid ti!htlZ sealedH to this daZ( none have !lim sed its contents. The %conomi-er reduces the 2, cost of all S ells and 2a!ic $bilities bZ 50%( roundin! u H \ater( for instance( [ould onlZ cost 9( rather than 1P 2, to cast. EGtension Cost= '000 8il $vailabilitZ= C? $ hair#cli made of orichalcum( s ortin! lon! threads of leated metal [hich !ive the illusion of len!thenin! the [eareras hair. \hilst [earin! the %/tension( all of the characterEs >i!htnin! %lemental attacXs [ill inflict 1?5% dama!e. FairL Earrings Cost= '000 8il $vailabilitZ= C? 4ollo[ ivorZ earrin!s [hich rattle [hen shaXen. 3airZ %arrin!s allo[ all of the [earerEs \ind %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as theZ remain e:ui ed. 'o&d 0air*in Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact $ small( !ilded in en!raved [ith s iral atterns. \earin! the 8old 4air in reduces the 2, cost of all S ells and 2a!ic $bilities bZ ?5%( roundin! u H 3ira( for instance( [ould onlZ cost 1C( rather than ?? 2, to cast. (a*is Earrings Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ;rnamental Fe[elrZ chainin! to!ether a series of ale !reen stones [ith thin linXs of silver. >a is %arrin!s allo[ all of the [earerEs 3ire and \ater %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as theZ remain e:ui ed. Sni*er Sig?t Cost= PP00 8il $vailabilitZ= 51 $n o a:ue( darX lens desi!ned to fit over either of the [earerEs eZes. The Sni er Si!ht !reatlZ enhances its [earerEs accuracZ and hand#eZe coordinationH as a result( all [ea ons [ielded !ain the attributes CriticalL and Sensor for as lon! as the Sni er Si!ht remains e:ui ed. S*?ene Earrings Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact "ecorative earrin!s sho[casin! !ems [ith a uni:uelZ metallic luster. S hene %arrin!s allo[ all of the [earerEs %arth and >i!htnin! %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as theZ remain e:ui ed. To*a8 Armring Cost= '000 8il $vailabilitZ= C? $ !olden hoo desi!ned to be [orn as an armband( inlaid [ith finelZ#carved to a-. \hilst [earin! the To a- $rmrin!( all of the characterEs %arth %lemental attacXs [ill inflict 1?5% dama!e. T#r:#oise Ring Cost= '000 8il $vailabilitZ= C? $ silver ceremonial rin! inlaid [ith a sin!le fla[less tur:uoise as blue as the oceanEs de ths. $s lon! as it remains e:ui ed( the Tur:uoise )in! allo[ its [earerEs \ater %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e. Ring Pendant Cost= nUa $vailabilitZ= $rtifact

$ !old charm taXin! the sha e of a air of birdEs [in!s( framin! a brilliant violet !em. The \in! ,endant boosts all of its [earerEs %arth and \ind %lemental attacXs to inflict 1?5% dama!e for as lon! as it remain e:ui ed. TE)S Reco2erL tems TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ %ffect Tonic ?5 99 )estores ?5 4, to one tar!et. ,otion 50 9B )estores 50 4, to one tar!et. 4i#,otion '00 CP )estores ?50 4, to one tar!et. b#,otion C50 59 )estores 500 4, to one tar!et. Tincture C5 9' )estores 15 2, to one tar!et. %ther 150 CP )estores '0 2, to one tar!et. 4i#%ther A50 59 )estores 150 2, to one tar!et. b#%ther 1B00 B0 )estores '00 2, to one tar!et. %li/ir 5000 ?0 )estores one tar!etas 4, and 2, to their ma/imum values. 2e!ali/ir ### $rtifact )estores artZas 4, and 2, to their ma/imum values. ,hoeni/ "o[n 500 PP )evives one Mnconscious tar!et( restorin! them to 1 4,. $ntidote 50 95 )emoves ,oison or &enom Status Condition from one tar!et. %Ze "ro s 50 95 )emoves Ilind Status Condition from one tar!et. %cho Screen 100 PP )emoves Silence Status Condition from one tar!et. Cornuco ia ?50 C5 )emoves 2ini Status Condition from one tar!et. 2aidenas ^iss ?50 C5 )emoves Toad Status Condition from one tar!et. Soft B00 P0 )emoves ,etrifZ or Stone Status Condition from one tar!et. Tran:uili-er 500 PB )emoves IerserX Status Condition from one tar!et. 4olZ \ater 1000 C0 )emoves Curse or Yombie Status Condition from one tar!et. )emedZ 1500 AB )emoves all ne!ative Status Conditions from one tar!et. S#**ort tems TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ Tar!et %ffect 4ealin! S rin! B00 C0 Sin!le $s )e!en S eed "rinX 500 A0 Sin!le $s 4aste >i!ht Curtain '00 AC Sin!le $s ,rotect >unar Curtain 500 AC Sin!le $s Shell >i!ht &eil 1?00 5B ,artZ $s Iarrier >unar &eil 1500 5B ,artZ $s 2. Iarrier Star Curtain B000 B0 Sin!le $s )eflect &am ire 3an! BP0 AA Sin!le $s "rain 8host 4and B50 AA Sin!le $s ;smose Soul S rin! 1PA0 B? Sin!le $s Si hon ,urifZin! Salt 1B50 50 Sin!le $s "is el $damant Shard ### $rtifact Sin!le $s \all 4ero "rinX ### $rtifact Sin!le See notes belo[. )P(C1AL <@L() 0ero DrinP= This otent bre[ adds the Status Conditions ,o[er M ( 2a!ic M ( $!ilitZ M and S irit M to the tar!et (A). Batt&e tems TZ e Cost $vailabilitZ Tar!et %ffect $rctic \ind 100 9P Sin!le $s Ili--ard $ntarctic \ind '00 PA Sin!le $s Ili--ara 0ce 8em P50 A5 Sin!le $s Ili--a!a Iomb 3ra!ment 100 9P Sin!le $s 3ire Iomb Core '00 PA Sin!le $s 3ira 3ire 8em P50 A5 Sin!le $s 3ira!a %lectro 2arble 100 9P Sin!le $s Thunder >i!htnin! 2arble '00 PA Sin!le $s Thundara >i!htnin! 8em P50 A5 Sin!le $s Thunda!a Iird 3eather 100 9C Sin!le $s $ero Shear 3eather '00 P5 Sin!le $s $era \indmill P50 AB Sin!le $s $era!a 3ish Scale ?A0 9? Sin!le $s \ater 3ish 3in 5B0 CC Sin!le $s \atera \ater 8em 9P0 5C Sin!le $s \ater!a %arth "rum 1BP0 BP Sin!le $s RuaXe "eadlZ \aste A?0 AA Sin!le $s Iio 2alboro Tentacles 1C50 'P Sin!le $s &enom Stardust A?0 AC 8rou $s Comet Shinin! 8em 1'?0 BB Sin!le $s 3lare 8raviball '50 PP Sin!le $s 8ravitZ TUS Iomb C00 AP Sin!le $s "emi Shado[ 8em 1500 51 Sin!le $s Ruarter 2ute 2asX 900 A5 8rou $s Silence 0nX '00 P5 8rou $s Ilind

"ream ,o[der B00 PB 8rou $s Slee \ar 8on! CP0 CC 8rou $s IerserX >oco \eed 950 AC 8rou $s Confuse Silver 4our!lass 10?0 A0 8rou $s Slo[ Shrivel 11P0 5P Sin!le $s 2ini 0m aler 15?0 B9 Sin!le $s Toad Yombie ,o[der PB0 A9 Sin!le $s Yombie IasilisX Cla[ 1'50 5C Sin!le $s Stone Candle of >ife 1B?0 5B Sin!le $s "eath $baddon Stone ### $rtifact Sin!le $s @uXe IlacX Stone ### $rtifact Sin!le $s 3ree-e 2eteor Stone ### $rtifact 8rou $s 2eteor %arth 4ammer ### $rtifact Sin!le $s IreaX "arX 2atter ### $rtifact Sin!le $s 6ihad Ilessed 8em ### $rtifact Sin!le $s 4olZ Su reme 8em ### $rtifact Sin!le $s Mltima 8olden 4our!lass ### $rtifact 8rou $s Sto Cauldron ### $rtifact 8rou $s Iad Ireath 8iven the sheer number of fiendish monsters and evil %m ires [aitin! to be van:uished in the name of Fustice( combat is an unavoidable art of daZ# to#daZ life in the la[less [orlds of 3inal 3antasZ. This section covers these encounters ## and more im ortantlZ( ho[ to emer!e from them alive. TWPES $F TAR'ET Three tZ es of tar!ets e/ist in combat= The ,artZ sim lZ consists of the ,Cs and all immediate allies in the area. The tZ ical ,artZ [ill have bet[een three and si/ members( thou!h lar!er or smaller ,artZ si-es maZ be encountered. ,arties should be limited to 1? at most for balance reasonsH if the ,Cs should find themselves at the head of a ?00#stron! armZ( the last thin! a 82 needs to deal [ith is Cura!a healin! an entire batallion at once. $ 8rou is a formation of monsters u to nine stron!( and can be made u of anZ combination of monster. Ioth ,arties and 8rou s have a DcoherencZE [hich assumes that all members of that res ective formation Xee rou!hlZ [ithin three or four meters of one another( but this does not need to be strictlZ enforced unless lar!e distances are involved. 0t assumed that most battles [ill onlZ involve one enemZ !rou at a timeH if more than nine monsters are occu Zin! the battlefield( decide [hich nine are affected bZ the attacX. 3inallZ( a Sin!le tar!et is 9 as the name im lies 9 a sin!le combatant( friendlZ or enemZ. Such tar!ets maZ be icXed out of a lar!er formation( or e/ist sim lZ because the ,artZ is fi!htin! a!ainst one o[erful foe. (S0"%I$)) Dea&ing Rit? )#&ti*&e 'ro#*s The S8rou T desi!nation is ur osefullZ limited in numbers to avoid overXill [ith area effectsH as such( it is not recommended that these limits be i!nored. 3or lar!er combats( multi le 8rou s maZ be used to s lit encounters of more than nine monsters into se arate tar!ets( but the amount of booX#Xee in! involved in these lar!e#scale battles maZ bo! do[n the flo[ of the !ame. $s an alternative( attacXs bZ lar!er !rou s of o onents can be laZed out as S[avesT 9 the first 8rou attacXs the laZersH once theZ have been defeated( the second 8rou enters combat( and so forth. This Xee s the number of combatants in a mana!eable ran!e [hilst still doin! a reasonable Fob of simulatin! the effects of attrition [ith a lar!e number of o onents. (US0"%I$)) RA1D$) TAR'ETS Certain effects liXe Confuse maZ call for a D)andomE tar!et. 0n such cases( sim lZ roll a d% for everZ eli!ible combatant 9 the combatant [ith the hi!hest roll is the one affected bZ the effect in :uestion. \ho Zou roll for de ends on [hat the effect in :uestion calls for= a Drandom o onentE means rollin! for all o onents on the battlefieldH a Drandom allZE means rollin! for all allies. 0f neither is e/ licitlZ stated( maXe a roll for all active combatants. T0E 1 T AT %E P0ASE $t the be!innin! of everZ )ound( all combatants involved in the battle f ,C( @,C or other[ise f roll a d10( and add the result to their S," $ttribute. The total of this is called the combatantas 0nitiative( and determines ho[ far into the )ound theZ [ill act. 0tfs easiest to visualise the order of 0nitiative as a timer( startin! at the hi!hest 0nitiative and ticXin! do[n to[ards 0. \hen it reaches the lo[est 0nitiative f or 0( [hichever comes first f the )ound is over. nitiati2e n Action ?ean* Ha0es and "int ha e been exploring a local cr0pt in search o% treasureA barel0 into the %irst chamber o% the ault* a trio o% )9eletons suddenl0 springs upon them* initiating a battle. ?ean and Ha0es both ha e a )peed o% B* "int3s )peed rating is -/* and the three )9eletons each ha e )peed 7. <olling a d-/* ?ean3s pla0er comes up 2ith a C* Ha0esD 2ith an +* and "intDs 2ith a B. The ," rolling %or the )9eletons scores a -* 7 and 6. Adding these to the combatants3 respecti e )peed ratings results in the %ollo2ing order o% 1nitiati e: (1) 2int (10 L P K 1P) (?) 6ean (P L A K 1B) (') 4aZes (P L ? K 10) (B) SXeleton I (5 L 5 K 10) (5) SXeleton C (5 L ' K P) (A) SXeleton $ (5 L 1 K A) The <ound3s timer begins at -B tic9s D "int3s 1nitiati e D 2ith "int ma9ing the %irst Action. )he is %ollo2ed b0 ?ean* Ha0es* and then the three )9eletons. A%ter )9eleton A %inishes its Action* the <ound is o er and the pla0ers once again roll %or 1nitiati e to determine next <ound3s order. !on3&icting nitiati2es The above e/am le oses an interestin! :uestion ## [hat ha ens [hen t[o or more combatants !enerate the same 0nitiative scoref \hile the combatants in :uestion [ill still taXe their turns on the same ticX( the combatant [ith the hi!hest S," automaticallZ has the first turn( the combatant [ith the ne/t#hi!hest S," the second( and so forth. 0n the e/am le( both 4aZes and SXeleton $ started [ith an 0nitiative of 10( Zet 4aZes acted first( as he had the hi!her S," value of the t[o. 0f 4aZes and the SXeleton had had identical S," $ttributes( ho[ever( theZ [ould have been deadlocXed. 0n this case( 4aZesf laZer and the 82 [ould have had to each roll a d10 to resolve the situationH [hoever rolled hi!hest [ould then act first( follo[ed bZ se:uentiallZ bZ the others. EGtreme nitiati2es

Mnder most circumstances( each combatant onlZ acts once er )oundH a barrier onlZ broXen bZ the use of $bilities such as 3oot[orX and the Time 2a!ic S ell RuicX. 4o[ever( there are times in [hich a combatant can sur ass the one#$ction limitation throu!h virtue of sheer s eed alone. $nZ combatant [ith an 0nitiative value hi!her than '5 at the end of the 0nitiative ,hase is considered to have an %/treme 0nitiativeH in !ame terms( this means that theZ are otentiallZ eli!ible for additional $ctions durin! their turn. \hen the combatantas turn comes u ( erform an $ction as usualH for $ctions [ith an 0nitiative ,enaltZ( the !iven ,enaltZ is subtracted from the combatantas total 0nitiative( [ith the $ction bein! erformed on the adFusted 0nitiative count as normal. $fter the $ction has been carried out( reduce the combatantas remainin! 0nitiative bZ '5H should this leave them [ith an 0nitiative !reater than 0( theZ maZ act a!ain at the ne[ 0nitiative count( subtractin! a further '5 from their 0nitiative after the com letion of each subse:uent $ction until their 0nitiative is less than or e:ual to 0. 3or instance( if a Thief [ith an 0nitiative of 50 decided to use "ug (Slo[( 10) on the enemZ( "ug [ould come into effect at B0 ticXs( after [hich the Thiefas 0nitiative count [ould be reduced bZ '5 to 5. $s this is !reater than 0( the Thief could taXe another $ction at 5 ticXs. \hile there is no enaltZ associated [ith reducin! onefs 0nitiative to a ne!ative value as a result of taXin! an additional 3ast $ction( all Slo[ $ctions that reduce the combatantas 0nitiative count to less than -ero carrZ over into the ne/t )ound as normal. Actions AttacP )oll 1d100. Subtract the result of this roll from Zour characteras $ttacX%. Com are the result of this subtraction to the tar!etas "%3. 0f the tar!etas "%3 is e:ual to or !reater than the result( the attacX does not hit( but is instead a miss. 0f the tar!etas "%3 is less than the result( the attacX hits. 0n the event of a hit( roll the dice of the [ea onas dama!e. Then( se aratelZ( multi lZ the [ea onas "S bZ the characteras ST). ;ne maZ find it convenient to re#calculate "SQST) beforehand. 3inallZ( add the result of the dice and the multi lication to!ether. The shorthand formula for this is ("S Q ST)) L "ice. Subtract the tar!etas $)2 from the dama!e to determine ho[ much 4, the tar!et loses. $s a result of certain s ecial Fob abilities or advanta!es( ST) maZ otentiallZ not be the stat used. $n e/am le is the $droit advanta!e( [hich uses $80 instead. $lso( some [ea ons use $80 instead of ST). 0f the [ea on bein! used for the $ttacX $ction utili-es ammunition( the tZ e bein! used must be declared before rollin! to hit. The laZer maZ choose anZ s ecial tZ e of ammunition theZ have( or maZ use \ooden $rro[sU@ormal Iullets [hich do not have anZ s ecial ro erties. 0n combat( Iotches and Critical Successes o erate a little differentlZ than theZ [ould under normal circumstances. \hen rollin! to hit durin! an $ttacX $ction( a result of 1 to 10 on a d% is considered to be a Critical 4it= the dama!e dealt bZ the attacX is doubled before modifZin! for the tar!etas $rmor ratin!( striXin! [ith an unusuallZ flamboZant visual effect in the rocess. $ roll of 95 to 100( on the other hand( is al[aZs an $utomatic 2iss( re!ardless of the characteras \ea on SXill )atin! and the tar!etas "efenseH additional enalties maZ be a lied at the 8amemasteras discretion. @ote that this a lies to $ttacXs onlZH Iotches and Critical Successes have no effects on S ells or $bilities. tem $n 0tem $ction maZ be used to do anZ of the follo[in!= Mse an 0tem. $nZ character [ith an %/ losive( Iattle( Su ort or )ecoverZ 0tem in their 0nventorZ maZ e/ end an 0tem $ction to use it. Standard tar!etin! rules and restrictions a lZ. "ra[ or )etrieve a \ea on or Shield= 0f a character does not have a [ea on or Shield to hand( but has one in their 0nventorZ or [ithin easZ reach( theZ maZ e/ end an 0tem $ction to e:ui it. )e lace( )eturn or "ro a \ea on or Shield= $n 0tem $ction maZ be used to re lace a currentlZ#e:ui ed [ea on or Shield [ith one in the characterfs 0nventorZ or the !eneral vicinitZ( or return a [ea on or Shield to the inventorZ. The iece of e:ui ment in :uestion maZ also be dro ed or discarded instead. "ro an 0tem= ;ne 0tem $ction maZ be used to dro or ermanentlZ remove an 0tem from a characteras 0nventorZ. De3end 0n a "efense $ction( a combatant braces for the [orst the enemZ can thro[ at them. "efense $ctions must be declared at the be!innin! of the combatantEs turn( before anZ other $ctions are made 9 in doin! so( the character automaticallZ forfeits all $ctions for that )ound. 0n e/chan!e( all dama!e theZ receive for the remainder of the )ound is reduced bZ 50% after adFustin! for $)2 and 2.$)2. Rait 0f everZthin! else fails( a character maZ choose to sim lZ [ait. \hen doin! so( the laZer declares ho[ manZ ticXs their character s ends [aitin!( and adFusts his or her 0nitiative count accordin!lZ. 3or e/am le( a character [ith an initial 0nitiative of ?B maZ decide to [ait 5 ticXs and taXe their turn at an 0nitiative of 19 instead. 0f the character does not [ish to act at their ne[( reduced 0nitiative count( theZ maZ continue to [ait rather than taXe an $ction. Should this eventuallZ reduce the characteras 0nitiative count to 0 or less( theZ [ill automaticallZ forfeit all remainin! $ctions for that )ound. @ote that anZ effects [ith a Char!e Time use the characterEs reduced 0nitiative as a basis. $fter all $ctions have been resolved( the )ound moves into the Status ,hase. This hase closes the )ound( and is used to taXe care of the booX# Xee in! involved [ith the effects of anZ and all Status Conditions currentlZ affectin! the combatants. 1. $dFust Timers. 2ost Status Conditions onlZ have a limited duration in combat( indicated bZ a atimera of either ?( B or A )ounds. "urin! the Status ,hase( reduce the value of each active Status Conditionas atimera bZ one. Should this !ive the timer a value to 0( the Status Condition is automaticallZ cancelled. ?. )esolve %ffects. Certain Status Conditions such as ,oison and )e!en affect their tar!ets on a )ound#to#)ound basisH for instance( ,oison reduces a victimas 4, bZ 10% of its current value each )ound. These effects are all calculated and a lied durin! the Status ,hase. '. )efresh $uto#Status Conditions. 0n addition to Status Conditions inflicted durin! the course of the )ound( combatants maZ also be affected bZ $uto#Status Conditions of one sort or another. 0f the Status Condition in :uestion has been cancelled durin! the course of the )ound( it is automaticallZ re#a lied to the combatant durin! the Status ,hase. ;nce all active Status Conditions have been addressed( the )ound ends. Stat#s E33ects Combat in the 33),8 isnat limited to dama!e and healin!. Status effects laZ Fust as !reat a role. 2anZ are conse:uences of indirect offensive strate!ies( but some are desi!ned to defend and enhance the laZer to !ive an ed!e in a tou!h battle. The follo[in! section deals [ith both ositive and ne!ative status conditions( detailin! their effects and remedies. The ne!ative statuses are divided into seven cater!ories based on similartZ of effectH ositive statuses have onlZ one s ecial cater!orZ. $nZthin! noted [ith j is a ma!ic s ell. 2ost statuses have a set duration( [hich is noted in the descri tion of the s ell or abilitZ that inflicts the status. These statuses e/ ire immediatelZ after battle. Statuses [ithout a set duration [ill endure after battle and last until healed bZ items( ma!ic or slee in!. 1egati2e Stat#ses

3$T$> # 0nstant death and death#related statuses Condemned # The characteras life :uicXlZ fades [hen condemned to death. $fter B rounds( the Condemned status [ill Xill the character( reducin! him or her to -ero 4, re!ardless of current 4,. \hile the status cannot be removed bZ conventional means( it [ill mZsteriouslZ fade if the combat situation has been resolved (i.e. all enemies are Xilled) before the character is Xilled. 3ro-en # `ouad best be fro-enN The character is fro-en solid( unable to move( act or communicate in anZ [aZ. 4is or her mind still functions and is fullZ a[are of the current situation( but cannot do anZthin! about it. 0f strucX bZ hZsical dama!e [hile fro-en( the characteras sZstem is shocXed to the oint that all current 4, is lost. The character can be tha[ed bZ j%suna( anZ amount of 3ire dama!e or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. 4eat # 0ntense heat over[helms the character( ushin! him or her to the oint of e/haustion. 0f the character maXes anZ movement or action( he or she faints from the heat and loses all 4,. 0f a character chooses to act or is alreadZ committed to an action (e.!. char!in! an abilitZ) [hen 4eat is inflicted( the action [ill not be erformed before dZin! from 4eat. The character can cool do[n bZ j%suna( taXin! anZ amount of 0ce dama!e or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. ;ther %ffects # Some other effects are cate!ori-ed as 3atal but not e/actlZ statuses. TheZ are "eath (i.e. instant death attacXs liXe j"eath( not Fust bein! reduced to -ero 4, bZ re!ular attacXs)( %Fect (bein! thro[n out of the battle but not Xilled) and 8ravitZ (a drastic reduction in 4,( but never to -ero). These effects [ill all be neutrali-ed bZ 0=3atal( but individuallZ are nullified bZ 0="eath( 0=%Fect and 0=8ravitZ res ectivelZ. 2`ST03` # 2ind alterin! statuses IerserX # $n uncontrollable ra!e over[helms the character( taXin! a[aZ their abilitZ to fi!ht strate!icallZ. The ra!e also affects attacX o[er( increasin! dama!e bZ 50% before a lZin! $)2. The berserX character [ill launch a hZsical attacX a!ainst the nearest enemZ everZ round until the condition is removed bZ a Tran:uili-er( a )emedZ( j\ash( j%suna or status e/ irZ. Charm # The character is be!uiled bZ hisUher enemZ. \hile in this condition( the charmed character [ill obeZ the commands of the charmer( re!ardless of the outcome. @ote that the charmer does not control the victimas actions( but onlZ influences them. The charm can be removed bZ j%suna( anZ amount of hZsical dama!e or status e/ irZ. Confuse # The victimas mind becomes clouded( severelZ distorin! their erce tion of realitZ to the oint of mistaXin! friends for foes # and vice versa. 8enerate 0nitiative as normalH [henever the character is eli!ible to maXe an $ction( roll a dP and consult the table belo[ to determine [hat the character does. \ith onlZ one e/ce tion( all of the effects listed here tar!et randomlZH in order to determine [hich combatant is affected( maXe a ,ercentile )oll for each eli!ible tar!et. The tar!et [ith the hi!hest roll is the one to [hich the effect is a lied to. Confusion can be removed bZ a )emedZ( j%suna or anZ amount of hZsical dama!e. dP Characteras $ction 1 Mse S ellU$bilitZ a!ainst allZ. The victim uses either their [eaXest $bilitZ or one randomlZ determined S ell of the lo[est available >evel( tar!etin! one allZ. 0f neither is an o tion( re#roll and a lZ the ne[ result instead. ? )ecover allZ. The victim uses a )ecoverZ 0tem or S ell on one randomlZ#determined allZH this [ill al[aZs be the most e/ ensive 0tem or 2,#intensive S ell at their dis osal. 0f neither is an o tion( re#roll and a lZ the ne[ result instead. ' $ttacX random allZ. The victim maXes an immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst a randomlZ#determined allZ( usin! [hatever [ea on theZ currentlZ have to hand. )oll to hit and calculate dama!e as normal. B $ttacX self. The victim maXes an immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst themselves( usin! [hatever [ea on theZ currentlZ have to hand. )oll to hit and calculate dama!e as normal. 5 $ttacX random o onent. The victim maXes an immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst a random o onent( usin! [hatever [ea on theZ currentlZ have to hand. )oll to hit and calculate dama!e as normal. A $ttacX random allZ. The victim maXes an immediate $ttacX $ction a!ainst a randomlZ#determined allZ( usin! [hatever [ea on theZ currentlZ have to hand. )oll to hit and calculate dama!e as normal. C )ecover o onent. The victim uses a )ecoverZ 0tem or S ell on one randomlZ#determined o onentH this [ill al[aZs be the [eaXest 0tem or least 2,#intensive S ell at their dis osal. 0f neither is an o tion( re#roll and a lZ the ne[ result instead. P Mse S ellU$bilitZ a!ainst o onent. The victim uses either their stron!est $bilitZ or one randomlZ determined S ell from the hi!hest available >evel( tar!etin! one random o onent. 0f neither is an o tion( re#roll and a lZ the ne[ result instead. 41ARARE The combatant has been distracted from the battle( leavin! themselves o en to attacX. 3or as lon! as the victim remains Mna[are( all hZsical attacXs deal ?00% dama!eH if the victim is able( theZ maZ s end an $ction to return their attention to the battlefield( cancellin! the Status. !ance&&ed "L: ,hZsical "ama!e( $ction T;b0@ # To/ic statuses ,oison # $ nauseatin! oison floods the characteras sZstem( turnin! the sXin a ale shade of ur le and causin! him or her to become li!htheaded. %ach round the character taXes non#elemental dama!e e:ual to 10% of current 4,. \hen out of combat( the victim of ,oison suffers non#elemental dama!e e:ual to 10% of current 4, everZ 10 minutes. 0f the affected tar!et also suffers from &enom( the effects of ,oison are i!nored. ,oison can be removed bZ an $ntidote( a )emedZ( j,oisona( j\ash or j%suna. $ monster sufferin! from ,oison [ill never taXe more dama!e than the dama!e ca allo[s( re!ardless of ma/imum 4,. &enom # $ articularlZ nastZ oison s reads throu!hout the characteras sZstem( turnin! the sXin a sicXlZ shade of !reen. %ach round the character taXes non#elemental dama!e to 4, e:ual to 10% of ma/imum 4,( and 2, dama!e e:ual to 10% of ma/imum 2,. &enom can be ur!ed [ith an $ntidote( a )emedZ( j,oisona( j%suna or [aitin! for the venom to run its course. $ monster sufferin! from &enom [ill never taXe more dama!e than the dama!e ca allo[s( re!ardless of ma/imum 4, or 2,. S%$> # Statuses desi!ned to seal a[aZ form and function Ilind # 0nXZ blacXness envelo s the characteras field of vision( blocXin! si!ht almost com letelZ. \hile blinded( $ttacX $ction rolls are reduced bZ half( and maZ never result in a Critical hit. $nZ sXill checXs for actions re:uirin! si!ht are also reduced bZ half. Ilind even causes abilities usin! [ea on dama!e to no lon!er automaticallZ hitH instead( the character must roll a 1d100 and succeed [ith a flat CoS of C5% [hile under the influence of Ilind. $n %Zedro ( a )emedZ( j\ash or j%suna [ill restore the characteras si!ht. Curse # $n evil curse is laced on the character( sealin! a[aZ all $bilities e/ce t for 2a!ic( )eaction and Su ort $bilities. 0t can be lifted bZ usin! 4olZ \ater( )emedZ( j%suna( !ainin! the $ura status or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire.

,etrifZ # $ uni:ue tZ e of venom that solidifies the sXin is inFected into the character. Startin! at the feet and [orXin! its [aZ u the bodZ( the venom [ill chan!e the characteras status from ,etrifZ to Stone [hen ,etrifZ e/ ires. The etrification can be sto ed [ith a Soft( a )emedZ( jStona or j%suna. >iXe Condemned( this status [ill mZsteriouslZ vanish if combat has been resolved before the character fullZ chan!es to Stone. Silence # @o matter ho[ loud he or she screams( the character under Silence [ill never be heard. $ll 2a!ic $bilities are sealed [hile sufferin! from this condition. $n %cho Screen( a )emedZ or j%suna [ill remove this status( as [ill [aitin! for the silence to ass. Slee # The character feels so tired( he or she canat resist a little na . The character cannot move or maXe anZ actions [hile aslee . The character can be a[oXen [ith a )emedZ( j\ash( j%suna( anZ amount of hZsical dama!e or Fust slee in! until the status e/ ires. Stone The victim is turned into solid stone= im ervious to all dama!e and Status Conditions( but unable to maXe anZ $ctions 9 movement included 9 until Stone has been cured. !ance&&ed "L: Soft( )emedZ( jStona( j%suna. T02% # Time alterin! statuses "isable # $ numbness infuses the character( reventin! the character from maXin! $ttacX( 0tem or "efend actions. The condition can be reversed bZ usin! a )emedZ( j%suna or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. 0mmobili-e # The characteras bodZ feels liXe lead and finds it im ossible to lift their le!s. \hile affected bZ 0mmobili-e( the character is unable to maXe %sca e $ctions or use )eaction $bilities. This status can be removed [ith a )emedZ( j%suna or [aitin! for it to e/ ire. Slo[ # The characteras erce tion of time is slo[ed. The Slo[ status revents the character from actin! as :uicXlZ as he or she normallZ [ould( [hich is reflected as a lo[er initiative. $ 50% reduction is a lied to total initiative at the start of each round. Slo[ can be removed bZ j%suna( !ainin! the 4aste status or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. Sto # The characteras erce tion of time is halted. 4e or she cannot move( act( thinX or communicate( effectivelZ fro-en in time. %ven S;S effects are halted under Sto ( thou!h ma!ical effects cast bZ other artZ members [ill still [orX. The effect can be removed immediatelZ [ith j%suna( but [ill naturallZ e/ ire after a eriod of time. Time Sli # The character is sli!htlZ out of sZnc [ith the normal timeframe( and suffers some mild dama!e the lon!er he or she staZs that [aZ. $t the end of each round( the character in Time Sli suffers 5 non#elemental dama!e for everZ 1 oint of total initiative that round. This dama!e i!nores 2.$rmor and anZ defensive statuses. Time Sli can be reversed [ith a )emedZ( j%suna or bZ [aitin! for it to e/ ire. T)$@S3;)2 # IodZ alterin! statuses 2ini # The character shrinXs to one foot tallN $rmor and 2. $rmor are reduced bZ half in this state( re!ardless of anZ armor e:ui ed. $ll hZsical attacXs made in this state are reduced to one dama!e( re!ardless of the e:ui ed [ea on or abilitZ used. $ll ma!ic and non#[ea on abilities are unaffected. The character can be returned to normal si-e [ith a Cornuco ia( a )emedZ( j%suna or j2ini. Toad # The character chan!es into a toadN $rmor and 2. $rmor are reduced bZ 50% in this state( re!ardless of anZ armor e:ui ed. $ll hZsical attacXs made in this state are reduced to one dama!e( re!ardless of the e:ui ed [ea on. $ll ma!ic and abilities are sealed e/ce t for the IlacX 2a!ic jToad. The character can be returned to normal form [ith a 2aidenas ^iss( a )emedZ( j%suna or jToad. Yombie # $ t[isted form of life ener!Z distorts the character into a seudo#cor se. \hile affected bZ Yombie( the character [ill suffer dama!e from healin! s ells and [ill reverse the effects of "rain attacXs made a!ainst him or her. Iecause of the death#liXe status( Yombie also reverses all instant death effects( i.e. instant death acts as the s ell 3ull Cure. Yombie does not affect other 3atal cater!orZ statuses and effects. @ormal life functions can be restored [ith 4olZ \ater( a )emedZ( j\ash or j%suna. \%$^ # Statuses that [eaXen the character $!ilitZ IreaX # The tar!et feels verZ slu!!ish and clumsZ. "%3 and $ttacX% are lo[ered bZ 50% for the duration of the status( and S," is lo[ered bZ B oints for the ur ose of calculatin! 0nitiative. $!ilitZ IreaX can be removed [ith j%suna( status e/ irZ or bZ !ainin! $!ilitZ M or $!ilitZ "o[n. $!ilitZ "o[n # $ [eaXer version of $!ilitZ IreaX. $!ilitZ "o[n lo[ers "%3 and $ttacX% bZ ?5% for its duration( and S," is lo[ered bZ ? oints for the ur ose of calculatin! 0nitiative. 0t can be removed bZ j%suna( status e/ irZ or !ainin! $!ilitZ M or $!ilitZ IreaX. $rmor IreaX # The tar!et becomes more frail( and its natural defenses are [eaXer. 3or the duration of the status( its $)2 is reduced bZ 50%. $rmor IreaX can be removed bZ j%suna( status e/ irZ or bZ !ainin! $rmor M or $rmor "o[n. $rmor "o[n # $ [eaXer version of $rmor IreaX. The status causes $)2 to be reduced bZ ?5% for its duration. $rmor "o[n can be removed bZ j%suna( status e/ irZ or !ainin! $rmor M or $rmor IreaX. 2a!ic IreaX # The tar!et feels ma!icallZ drained( unable to focus its mind. 2a!ic IreaX reduces all 2$8 based attacXs and abilities bZ 50% for its duration. 0t can be removed [ith j%suna( the 2a!ic M and 2a!ic "o[n statuses or status e/ irZ. 2a!ic "o[n # $ [eaXer form of 2a!ic IreaX. 0t reduces all 2$8 based attacXs and abilities bZ ?5% for its duration. 2a!ic "o[n is removed [ith j%suna( the 2a!ic M and 2a!ic IreaX statuses or status e/ irZ. 2eltdo[n # The characteras bodZ becomes [eaX as his or her defenses are melted a[aZ. \hile affected bZ 2eltdo[n( the characteras $rmor and 2. $rmor are reduced to -ero. 2eltdo[n status maZ be removed bZ j%suna or [aitin! for it to e/ ire. 2ental IreaX # The tar!etas resistence to ma!ic is com romised( resultin! in a loss of 50% of 2.$)2 for the statusas duration. 2ental IreaX can be removed bZ !ainin! 2ental M or 2ental "o[n( j%suna or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. 2ental "o[n # $ [eaXer form of 2ental IreaX( 2ental "o[n reduces 2.$)2 bZ ?5% for its duration. 2ental "o[n can be removed bZ !ainin! 2ental M or 2ental IreaX( j%suna or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. ,o[er IreaX # The tar!et feels incrediblZ [eaX( resultin! in all ST) and $80 based attacXs and abilities bein! reduced bZ 50%. ,o[er IreaX can be removed bZ j%suna( !ainin! ,o[er M or ,o[er "o[n or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. ,o[er "o[n # $ [eaXer version of ,o[er IreaX( ,o[er "o[n reduces all ST) and $80 based attacXs and abilities bZ ?5%. ,o[er "o[n can be removed bZ j%suna( !ainin! ,o[er M or ,o[er IreaX or [aitin! for the status to e/ ire. S irit IreaX # The tar!et feels dull#[itted and ho eless( as if its s irit had been drained. 3or the duration of S irit IreaX( the tar!et [ill suffer a 50% reduction in both 2."%3 and 2a!ic%. S irit IreaX can be remedied [ith j%suna( status e/ irZ or !ainin! S irit M or S irit "o[n. S irit "o[n # $ [eaXer form of S irit IreaX( S irit "o[n reduces 2."%3 and 2a!ic% bZ ?5% for its duration. S irit "o[n can be remedied [ith j%suna( status e/ irZ or !ainin! S irit M or S irit IreaX. Positi2e Stat#ses I$))0%) # Status effects that defend ,rotect # $ barrier that reduces hZsical dama!e. $ll hZsical dama!e is reduced bZ 50% after a lZin! the characteras $rmor. ,rotect can be removed bZ j"ebarrier or j"is el and [ill e/ ire after a !iven time eriod. )eflect # $ dome of li!ht that reflects ma!ic a[aZ from the character. 2anZ ma!ic s ells (i.e. IlacX( \hite( Time( )ed and Ilue 2a!ics) aimed at the )eflect rotected character [ill bounce bacX at the s ellas caster. 0f the )eflect rotected character casts a s ell on himUherself( it [ill bounce to[ards a random enemZ tar!et. @ote that a multi le tar!et s ell [ill onlZ reflect to sin!le tar!ets( once for each ori!inal tar!et rotected bZ )eflect. $ !iven

castin! of anZ s ell maZ onlZ be reflected once( so )eflect [ill not rotect the character from a reflected s ell. @ot all s ells are affected bZ )eflect( as indicated bZ their s ell cater!ories. 3or the ur oses of )eflect= )eflectible= Iarrier( %lemental( )ecoverZ( Status (e/ce t 3atal) @on#)eflectible= @on#%lemental( Status (3atal)( Su ort There are some e/ce tions( [hich are noted [ithin the a ro riate s ell descri tions. )eflect can be removed [ith j"ebarrier or j"is el and [ill e/ ire after some time. Shell # $ bubble of li!ht that absorbs some ma!ical dama!e. $ll ma!ical dama!e aimed at the character [ill be reduced bZ 50% after his or her 2. $rmor is a lied. The Shell can be broXen [ith j"ebarrier or j"is el and [ill disa ear after a !iven amount of time. Shield # $ s arXlin! nimbus surround the character( blocXin! everZ sort of effect that comes near him or her. $ll tZ es of dama!e are blocXed( as is anZ healin!. $ll statuses # ositive and ne!ative # are blocXed as [ell. @othin! can affect the character [hile in this state. The status cannot be removed bZ anZ means( but it is short lived and [ill fade verZ :uicXlZ. \all # $ [all of ener!Z that resists hZsical dama!e. \hile rotected bZ \all( the character [ill reduce all hZsical dama!e to -ero. The [all can be shattered [ith j"ebarrier or j"is el and [ill fade after some time. 20SC%>>$@%;MS # &arious other ositive statuses $!ilitZ M # The tar!et becomes more nimble and de/trous [hile influenced bZ this status. The tar!etas "%3 and $ttacX% are both increased bZ ?5% for the duration of the status( and S," is increased bZ ? oints for the ur ose of calculatin! 0nitiative. 0t can be removed [ith j"is el( status e/ irZ or bZ bein! afflicted [ith the $!ilitZ "o[n or $!ilitZ IreaX statuses. $rmor M # The tar!etas sXin feels tou!her as his natural defenses are enhanced. 3or the duration of the status( the tar!etas $)2 is boosted bZ ?5%. This can be removed [ith j"is el( status e/ irZ or bZ bein! afflicted [ith the $rmor "o[n or $rmor IreaX statuses. $ura # $ blessin! from above !rants the character the abilitZ to use all $bilities [ith su erb sXill. \hile blessed( all initiative enalties a lied to the characteras $bilities are reduced bZ 50%. $ura can be removed bZ !ainin! the Curse status( j"is el or status e/ irZ. %lement S iXes # $ ha-e forms manZ ro[s of s iXes surroundin! the tar!et( colored accordin! to the element chosen u on activatin! the status. \hen an enemZ successfullZ hits [ith a melee attacX( the s iXes sur!e out[ard and im ale it for (? / 2$8) dama!e of the chosen element. This dama!e is not adFusted for the tar!etas 2. $rmor( but elemental modifiers a lZ as usual. %lement S iXes are limited to one of the elements 3ire( 0ce or >i!htnin!. F($AT The combatant hovers a half#meter off the !round( sus ended on nothin! but thin air. \hile in this state( the combatant can move over ha-ardous terrain 9 such as lava flo[s and s iXed floors 9 [ith no ill effects. 3loat maZ also rotect a!ainst certain attacXs and $bilitiesH if so( this [ill be noted in the relevant descri tion. !ance&&ed "L: "is el 0ASTE The tar!et is surrounded bZ a red aura( movin! fast enou!h to a ear liXe a blur to the untrained eZe. Tar!ets affected bZ 4aste double their 0nitiative scores durin! the 0nitiative ,hase [hen determinin! the order of combat( and maZ !ain additional $ctions as a result of this 9 see the rules on %/treme 0nitiative on a!e // for more details. !ance&&ed "L: "is el( Slo[ 2a!ic M # The character feels a sur!e of ma!ical o[er [hile affected bZ 2a!ic M ( and all 2$8 based attacXs and abilities are boosted bZ ?5%. 2a!ic M can be removed bZ j"is el( status e/ irZ or sufferin! the statuses 2a!ic "o[n or 2a!ic IreaX. 2ental M # The characteras ma!ical resistance is au!mented( boostin! 2.$)2 bZ ?5% for the statusas duration. 2ental M can be removed bZ sufferin! 2ental "o[n or 2ental IreaX( j"is el or status e/ irZ. ,o[er M # The character feels a sur!e of hZsical stren!th [hile affected bZ ,o[er M ( and all ST) and $80 based attacXs and abilities are boosted bZ ?5%. ,o[er M can be removed bZ j"is el( status e/ irZ or sufferin! the statuses ,o[er "o[n or ,o[er IreaX. )e!en # $ cure s ell modified to heal over time is the basis of )e!en. The character [ill be healed each round in the amount of 10% of his or her ma/imum 4,( to a ma/imum of 999 4, er round. )e!eneration can be sto ed [ith j"is el and [ill cease after a certain time eriod. @ote that if a tar!et is currentlZ affected bZ both )e!en and ,oisonU&enom( the dama!e of ,oisonU&enom is a lied before the healin! of )e!en. )eraise # $ reversal of Condemned( )eraise is a !uard a!ainst death. 0f a character affected bZ )eraise is reduced belo[ -ero 4,( )eraise [ill revive him or her [ith j>ife durin! the Status ,hase. This status disa ears as soon as it is tri!!ered. 0f the combat situation ends before )eraise is tri!!ered( the status mZsteriouslZ disa ears. S irit M # The tar!et feels her mind and soul invi!orated [hile affected bZ S irit M . 3or the duration of the status( the tar!et !ains ?5% to both 2."%3 and 2a!ic%. S irit M can be removed bZ bein! afflicted [ith S irit "o[n or S irit IreaX( j"is el or status e/ irZ. &anish # $ tricX of li!ht removes the character from si!htN The character cannot be tar!eted [ith anZ attacXs or most abilities because he or she is invisible. \hile invisible( the tar!et maZ onlZ be strucX bZ 2a!ic $bilities [hich are Tar!et= 8rou ( ,artZ or Mnfocused. Iein! strucX bZ one of these 2a!ic $bilities results in immediate loss of invisibilitZ. The status [ill also [ear off after a certain amount of time. ST$TMS%S ;MTS0"% ;3 C;2I$T $ fe[ statuses can ersist outside of battle( harmin! the ,Cs. 4ereas the effects of those statuses on adventurin!. @ote that if a battle be!ins( these statuses affect characters under the normal Status ,hase rules. Some statuses affect use of sXills outside combat. These enalties are @;T a lied to use in combat of %/ ert $bilities based on a sXill (or anZ other use of sXills in combat( for that matter). The effects of these statuses in combat is cri lin! enou!h. I%)S%)^ # The characteras reasonin! and abilitZ to concentrate are cri led. S ell use or abilitZ use outside of combat is im ossible( and all Scholastic sXills and sXill checX bonuses are halved. (,enalties still fullZ a lZ.) I>0@" # $ darX ha-e settles over the combatant( severelZ im airin! their abilitZ to locate o onents. Their $[areness sXill and all \ea on sXills( as [ell as all sXill checX bonuses used bZ these sXills( are halved. CM)S% # $ Curse on a character revents anZ use of $bilities other than 2a!ic( )eaction( or Su ort abilities. 0n addition( the taint of the curse clin!s to the character( attractin! un[anted attention and causin! all ThieverZ sXills and sXill checX bonuses to be halved. "0S$I>% # $ character under "isable has serious roblems holdin! obFects and erformin! fine motor functions. $ll Technical sXills and sXill checX bonuses are halved. 3);Y%@U4%$T # The character is unable to move( s eaX( or act under their o[n o[er. Travel re:uires the character to be carried (either bZ another character( or in a vehicle). These statuses [ill onlZ a lZ outside of combat in the most drastic of situations (such as the "esert of 3lame( a lace [here nobodZ [ithout the best ma!ical rotection can ho e to survive). 022;I0>0Y% # $ character under 0mmobili-e has !reat difficultZ movin! around. Travel time on foot is doubled( and enemies receive a L?0 bonus to their chance of sur risin! the artZ. 20@0 # $ character under 2ini has almost no hZsical ro[ess at all. $nZ sXill that defaults to ST) or S," cannot be used( and anZ sXill checX re:uired on sXills that default to ST) or S," is an automatic failure.

,;0S;@ # ,oison is less virulent outside of combat( but still dan!erous. The character taXes 10% of their current 4, in dama!e er encounterH in the case of lon! eriods bet[een encounters( the character taXes 10% of their current 4, in dama!e( cumulative( for everZ hour under the status. @ote( thou!h( that ,oison [ill never reduce a character belo[ 1 4,. S0>%@C% # The character is unable to s eaX. S ell use outside of combat is im ossible( and all Social sXills and sXill checX bonuses are halved. (,enalties still fullZ a lZ.) ST;@% # The character is turned to stone. @o movement( s eech( actions( nada. The stone is verZ li!ht and orous( so the bodZ can be icXed u and carried bZ a sin!le allZ (a!ain( no more than one carried bodZ er erson). T;$" # $ character under Toad is almost com letelZ cri led. TheZ cannot use anZ ma!ic other than the IlacX s ell Toad( or anZ abilities. $ll sXill checXs are automatic failures. M@C;@SC0;MS # The character is unconscious and near death. @o movement( s eech( actions( nada. The bodZ can be icXed u and carried bZ an allZ (no more than one carried bodZ er healthZ erson). There are more rules about dealin! [ith dead or dZin! characters in the S,%C0$> S0TM$T0;@S section of this cha ter. Y;2I0% # $ character affected bZ Yombie has had their life force masXed and thus anZ )ecoverZ or "eath effects directed at the character [ill be reversed. The character cannot even recover 4, or 2, bZ restin! [ith a Tent or at an 0nn. 0n addition to this( anZ sXill that defaults to S,) cannot be used and anZ sXill checX re:uired on sXills that default to S,) are an automatic failure. $nZ status not listed above automaticallZ e/ ires at end of combat and can never have a (M) duration. Esca*e %verZ so often( a character maZ find themselves in a seemin!lZ ho eless situation( fi!htin! a!ainst over[helmin! odds. )ather than staZ and be [i ed out( then( theZ maZ instead [ant to trZ and cut their losses and esca e. %verZ attem t to run from a battle re:uires the combatant to !ive u all $ctions for the )oundH [hen their turn comes( theZ must maXe a @ormal difficultZ $ttribute ChecX a!ainst their S," ratin!. 0f successful( theZ mana!e to flee the battlefield and taXe no further art in combatH other[ise( theZ maZ trZ a!ain ne/t )ound. %sca ed o onents a[ard no 8il or b, at the end of the battleH similarlZ( bZ fleein! from a fi!ht( a character automaticallZ forfeits anZ 8il or b, theZ [ould have other[ise earned from the encounter. $s [ith all $ttribute ChecXs( additional modifiers maZ be a lied( de endin! on the situation. Sam le modifiers have been !iven belo[. Table A#'= %sca e 2odifiers Condition 2odifier ; onentsa avera!e >evel t[ice that of combatantas #10 Combatantas >evel t[ice that of o onentsa avera!e L10 ; onent 2ini#Ioss or hi!her #15 The 82 should feel at libertZ to rule out the ossibilitZ of esca e if the situation demands it. S ecial combat situations liXe ,incer $ttacXs( Ioss and %nd Ioss battles in articular are !ood laces to enforce this( thou!h sometimes it maZ sim lZ be a :uestion of hZsical considerations ## if Zouare bacXed u a!ainst a sheer cliff and the onlZ [aZ out is throu!h the monster Zouare fi!htin!( itas a safe bet to saZ Zouare not !oin! anZ[here fast. T?e RisPs o3 R#nning $s an o tional rule( 82s [ho [ish to introduce a little more dan!er into the act of esca in! for a battle are at libertZ to force each esca in! laZer to roll a d% after a successful esca eH on a roll of '0 or lo[er( theZ have mana!ed to dro (>evel / 50) 8il in their haste. ; 0P and BeLond 4nconscio#s: \hen a characteras 4, reaches 0 or less( theZ are rendered Mnconscious ## not in anZ immediate dan!er of death( but in no osition to continue fi!htin!. Mnconscious characters !enerate no 0nitiativeH therefore( theZ maXe no $ctions or movement durin! the course of the )ound for as lon! as theZ remain in this state. $t the same time( all Status Conditions affectin! the character ## e/ce tin! the Condition Stone( and all Transform# tZ es ## are automaticallZ cancelled( re!ardless of their remainin! timersH $uto#Status Conditions resume effect normallZ once the character is bacX on his or her feet. Curin! an Mnconscious character in the middle of combat re:uires the usa!e of an item liXe the ,hoeni/ "o[n or a s ell liXe >ife. $fter combat( if the artZ [as not [i ed out( anZ characters still unconscious can immediatelZ recover to e/actlZ 1 4,. Fata&: Should a character be reduced to a ne!ative 4, value e:ual to half of their ma/imum 4,( or #50%( theZ are considered to be in 3atal condition ## once this ha ens( itas a race a!ainst time to revive the character before theZ shuffle off this mortal coil. The same rules !iven above a lZH as [ith Mnconscious characters( all Status Conditions affectin! the character ## [ith the e/ce tion of Stone and all Transform#tZ es ## are immediatelZ cancelled( but a four#)ound timer be!ins. "urin! each Status ,hase( reduce the value of the timer bZ oneH [hen it reaches -ero( the characteras [eaXenin! life essences finallZ de art. TheZ are "ead. @othin! short of divine or 8amemaster intervention can revive them at this oint. 0f the combat is finished before this timer is u ( and the artZ [as not [i ed out( then anZ characters in a 3atal condition maZ be tended to bZ their artZ members and sim lZ be Mnconscious. MnliXe normal unconsciousness( ho[ever( the unconsciousness comin! out of 3atal cannot be healed bZ anZthin! else besides a ,hoeni/ "o[n( >ife s ell( or e:uivalent. ;bviouslZ( this has serious im lications on the !ame( articular in the case of an established rota!onist in a lon!#term cam ai!n. 0f the 82 isnat [illin! to ull strin!s to sto a character from dZin!( a number of alternate su!!estions can be found in the section "eath and Sacrifice on a!e bb. (@;T% # $ fair bit of the te/t bein! added here belon!s in either Cha ter Seven= Combat or Cha ter @ine= 82in!. 0am onlZ [ritin! it here for the ur oses of havin! ma!ic#related rules stated on the [iXi for laZtestin! ur oses. 3or!ive the oor or!ani-ation # 0am hammerin! this out on the flZ.) \here it e/ists in the universe( ma!ic is a fundamental and natural art of the [orld( manifest in all thin!s animate and inanimate. The flo[ of ma!ical ener!ies in the [orld as a [hole is essential to its [ell#bein!H onlZ so lon! as the o[er of the elements is unchecXed can the [ind continue to blo[( the earth continue to be fertile( the cZcle of life and death !o on. $ll of the [orldas inhabitants( [hether conscious of it or not( have some small art of this force inside themH [ith trainin!( it can be turned into a [ea on more o[erful than mere blade or bra[n( more devastatin! than all but the farthest#reachin! technolo!ies. 2ost [orlds contain at least some de!ree of DbacX!round ma!icE 9 enou!h to sustain life on the [orld itself( but a far crZ from the sheer amount of free ener!Z needed to fuel true s ellcastin!. The e/istence of 2a!es( then( de ends heavilZ on the resence of obFects [hich reinforce and am lifZ this [eaX level of natural ma!ic to the oint [here it can be activelZ sha ed. CrZstalline items and formations have been found to be curiouslZ sZm athetic to the flo[ of ma!ic( able to focus( store and even am lifZ natural elemental forcesH the most reno[ned of these are the %lemental CrZstals( [hose o[erful ma!ical reservoirs can raise and destroZ nations [ith e:ual ease. >ess o[erful( if still otent( variations include Yodiac Stones and 9 far more commonlZ 9 ma!ic stones( [i-ard stones( shaman stones( ma!icite( crZstal fra!ments and life stones. Such items can be used for anZ number of ur oses( from o[erin! machinerZ to rovidin! the ra[ in!redients for a [ide ran!e of )ecoverZ 0tems. 2ost ma!icallZ#em o[ered e:ui ment is constructed bZ bindin! the rush of ener!Z freed bZ the destruction of such obFects into the item durin! the creation rocessH more o[erful arms and armor maZ be made of ure crZstal ca able of absorbin! and channel si!nificant amounts of ma!ical o[er. )a[ ma!ic can also tem orarilZ be ca tured in the form of Iattle 0temsH in some instances( such items maZ be DcreatedE u on a monsterEs death if the creature [as in the rocess of channelin! a si!nificant :uantitZ of ma!ical ener!Z at the time of its demise. Such Dfro-enE ma!ic is tZ icallZ more

common in the remains of creatures of arcane ori!in( such as IombsH virtuallZ anZ fra!ment of their bodies can be used to unleash a small s arX of offensive s ellcastin! in the ri!ht hands. %ven as it sustains life( ma!ic in turn creates its o[n ecolo!Z( ran!in! in scale from the animal#liXe Xami s irits 9 [ho travel the streams of ma!ic liXe so manZ schools of fish 9 to the rimitive elementals( a creature abirtheda bZ lar!e( concentrated masses of elemental ener!Z comin! to!ether in one location. Ti of the roverbial totem ole are the Summons( Xno[n bZ a million and one names throu!hout the universeH such creatures tZ icallZ d[ell on lanes of ure o[er connected to a [orld bZ onlZ the most tenuous of linXs( dra[n into material e/istence bZ the ersuasive talents of Callers and Summoners aliXe. The environment( too( interacts [ith ra[ flo[s of ma!ic( resonatin! [here the elements are most sZm athetic. The heat of a volcano( for instance( can tie to!ether manZ streams of 3ire %lemental ener!Z( creatin! a reservoir of o[er favorable to arcane creatures and s ellcasters aliXe. SimilarlZ( a li!htnin!#striXe durin! a ferocious thunderstorm attracts >i!htnin! %lemental ener!ZH a torrential rainfall leads to the accumulation of \ater %lemental o[er. 3or those [ho relZ on the mi!ht of the elements( careful consideration of oneEs surroundin!s is an im ortant factor in effectivelZ sha in! these ener!ies. $ctive [ielders of ma!ical o[er varZ [ildlZ in sha e and sco e. \ith sufficient trainin! and hZsical disci line( [arriors can channel elemental flo[s into their techni:uesH to them( this force is Xno[n as chi and accounts for much of their o[er in battle. 4o[ever( such a lications are ri!id( de endin! as much on the [arriorEs hZsical ro[ess as on their a[areness of the ma!ical basis underlZin! them. $ true 2a!eas talent( mean[hile( lies in their abilitZ to activelZ t[ist and focus ra[ flo[s of ma!ic into hZsical( visible formsH darX mists( free-in! !ales( ho[lin! storms and scorchin! [aves of fire. The s ellcastin! rocedure itself de ends on the o[er and e/ erience of the ma!e in :uestionH [hile be!inners relZ heavilZ on sub#vocalised incantations to focus the o[er necessarZ to unleash their S ell of choice( more advanced ractitioners can invoXe ma!ic [ith nothin! more than a sim le hand#!esture. ;nce re ared( all S ells can be activated bZ a s oXen [ord 9 usuallZ the s ellas name ( such as aCuraNa 9 or a more !randiose command 9 aStar fire( a[aXen and deliver Zour Fud!ementN 3ira!aNaH usuallZ delivered more for intimidation value than actual racticalitZ. 0n both cases( the results are the sameH once the command [ords are s oXen( the effects taXe hold( tZ icallZ [ith devastatin! conse:uences. T?e E&ements o3 )agic The com artmentalisation and classification of ma!ic in its manZ and diverse forms has occu ied scholars for centuriesH even to this daZ( the finer details of ma!ical ta/onomZ can be fuel for considerable debate. Certain as ects( ho[ever( are considered to be universallZ a!reed on. $mon! them is the fact that %ner!Z is the basic buildin!#blocX of ma!icH thou!h further diversified and refined( ra[ %ner!Z itself can be used to drive a [ide varietZ of hel ful and harmful effects. 3rom here( all ma!ic can be broadlZ broXen u into three maFor forces 9 %lemental( Cosmic and >ife. %verZ stands in o osition to its siblin!s( but the total sum of their arts forms of the base of all ractical ma!ic. The %lemental forces are sometimes also called Dnatural forcesE( derivin! that desi!nation from the fact that theZ are ine/tricablZ tied to natural henomena. The most common of these involve the four basic elements 9 %arth( 3ire( $ir and \ater 9 [hich in turn combine to form the distinctive D ara#elementsE of >i!htnin! and 0ce. To these are added Iio( 4olZ and Shado[H the inclusion of the latter t[o is a bone of contention for those [ho see them as su ernatural rather than mundane forces. 0n some :uarters( the latter three are not considered elements at all( and sim lZ e/cised from the recXonin!. The collective !rou in! of these nine 9 %arth( 3ire( $ir( \ater( >i!htnin!( 0ce( Iio( 4olZ and Shado[ 9 is !enerallZ Xno[n as the Combat %lementsH s ells focusin! their o[er are intended for harm and destruction more often than not. ;utside the domain of the elements are the force of CosmosH its com onents are Time and 8ravitZ( the distortion of [hich forms the basis of the Time 2a!eEs curious o[ers. 0n manZ cases( the end result is a roundabout [aZ of accom lishin! [hat elemental ma!ic [ill easilZ do in sXilled handsH rather than launch a fireball( a Time 2a!e [ill t[ist the forces of Time and lucX a comet sho[er from distant anti:uitZ Fust lon! enou!h to bombard their o onents into submission. The final com onent of the ma!ical s ectrum is another overarchin! force( >ife( !iven o[er bZ the cZcle of birth and death and the mi!ration of souls. Thou!h not inherentlZ a ma!ical thin!( its interactions [ith ra[ ma!ic have allo[ed \hite 2a!es and other ractitioners of healin! to use it in the same fashion as its [ilder elemental counter arts. $s a result( its inclusion remains a oint of contention. !om"at The material resented in this cha ter is mostlZ combat#oriented. 3or a descri tion of non#combat related ma!ic use( checX out the section about 0ntuitive 2a!ic in Cha ter @ine= 82in!. (@;T% # rules for 02 do not Zet e/ist) Mnless other[ise s ecified( all s ells have the same Chance of Success (CoS)= CoS K (Casteras 2a!ic%) # (Tar!etas 2. "efense) "ama!e is resolved as er $ttacX $ctions( but [ith a ro riate chan!es made= "ama!e K kc("S / 2$8) L bd`d / 2odifiersl # (Tar!etas 2. $rmor) [here "S K "ama!e Scale( as determined bZ an individual s ell 2$8 K 2a!ic attribute of the s ell caster bd` K The number (b) and tZ e (`) of dice( as determined bZ an individual s ell 2odifiers K $nZ influence [hich [ould affect ma!ical dama!e such as a caster [ith 2a!ic M ( a tar!et under Shell( a tar!et [ith elemental resistanceU[eaXness or a s ell bein! s lit. S*e&& (earning 3or basic ma!ic tZ es (IlacX( \hite( Time( )ed)( s ells are learned at s ecific s ell levels as detailed in the Fob descri tions of Cha ter 3our= 6obs. @ote that a character can learn s ells u to and includin! the current available s ell level. Thus it is erfectlZ acce table to s end a s ell level P slot on( saZ( a level A or level C s ell. Ilue 2a!ic is learned [hen a Ilue 2a!e suffers and survives a Ilue 2a!ic s ell bein! used bZ an o onent # meanin! these s ells are handed out at a 82as discretion. TheZ can also be learned rarelZ bZ observin! the effect [ith &isual >earnin!. Some conditions a lZ( as outlined in the Fob descri tion. Summoned Ieasts # [hether for Summoners or Callers # are learned com letelZ at the 82as discretion. The method of earnin! these s ells (and learnin! Ilue 2a!ic) is outlined in Cha ter @ine= 82in!. (@;T% # this isnat [ritten Zet) %nchantment is !ained much liXe standard s ells( e/ce t instead of choosin! s ells from a level#bZ#level list( theZ choose s ells based on %/ erience level and a certain tier of o tions. $!ain( details are found in the 2a!ic ^ni!htas Fob descri tion. S*e&&s The bulX of this cha ter is resented in the follo[in! format= S*e&& 1ame (2, Cost) Tar!et TZ e

,rere:uisite S ell descri tion S*e&& 1ame # The name of the s ell. The usual tri!!er for a s ell is for the ma!e to Zell out the s ellas name( hence [hZ Silence is such a bothersome condition. )P !ost # The amount of 2, e/ ended to cast the s ell. 0f a ma!e does not have the 2, re:uired for a s ell( the s ell cannot be cast. Targeti # \hat Xind of tar!et the s ell can affect. There are si/ tZ es of tar!etin! o tions= )el% # The s ell can onlZ affect the caster. )ingle # The s ell can affect onlZ one tar!et( be it an allZ or enemZ. ,roup # The s ell can affect a !rou of tar!ets( either the allies or the enemies. Part0 # The s ell can onlZ affect the casteras allies. )ingleE,roup # The s ell can affect one tar!et or be s lit amon! a !rou of tar!ets. S littin! the s ell reduces the dama!e bZ addin! a modifer of (0.C5) to the dama!e calculation. All # The s ell affects all combatants( both allies and enemies. TL*e # The tZ e of effect the s ell roduces. This information is useful for manZ ur oses( most notable bein! resolution of s ecial defenses. $ s ell maZ have more than one TZ e if it has multi le effects. There are ff tZ es of s ell effects= #arrier # The s ell confers a Iarrier#tZ e status condition. (lemental # The s ell inflicts dama!e of a s ecific %lement tZ e. &on=(lemental # The s ell inflicts ra[ ma!ical dama!e of a non#s ecific tZ e. <eco er0 # The s ell recovers 4, to the tar!et. Mndead#tZ e monsters reverse these effects. )tatus # The s ell inflicts a ne!ative status condition. The tZ e [ill include the cate!orZ of status condition bein! inflicted( i.e. Seal or 2ZstifZ. Status (S ecial) indicates multi le status conditions can be inflicted bZ the s ell. )upport # The s ell confers a beneficial status condition other than a Iarrier#tZ e( or it has an effect beneficial to the caster but doesnat directlZ or indirectlZ act as offense. Prere:#isite # $ lo[er level s ell that a 2a!e or $de t must have learned before the s ell in :uestion can be learned. S*e&& Descri*tion # $ descri tion of the s ellas dama!e( effects and visual a earance [hen used. 0f the CoS is not standard( it [ill be included here. BLACK MAGIC (e2e& 6 B&ind (5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) \ith a fe[ shar [ords( the ma!e summons a cloud of dense( blacX fo! to form around the tar!et( [hich enshrouds the head and eZes. There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance this s ell [ill inflict the Ilind status (A). B&i88ard (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (0ce) The ma!e focuses his o[er into a ball of cold li!ht( from [hich a !ust of free-in! [ind assails the tar!et( frostin! the moisture on its surface. The chill inflicts (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e. Fire (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (3ire) \ith a !esture and a flicX of her [rist( the ma!e tosses a small s here of flame at a tar!et( sin!in! its surface. The tar!et taXes (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e from the burn. Poison (9 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (Iio)( Status (To/in) $s the ma!e chants( a uddle of vile oo-e bubbles u from the !round beneath the tar!et and releases to/ic fumes. These fumes inflict (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor Iio dama!e( and there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that this s ell [ill cause the ,oison status (unlimited). S&ee* (5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) \ith a brief lullabZ( the ma!e summons a cloud of li!ht mist that la-ilZ en!ulfs the tar!et. The s ell has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to inflict the Slee status (A). T?#nder (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (>i!htnin!) The ma!e looXs sXZ[ard and sna s his fin!ers( dra[in! a brilliant bolt of li!htnin! from the sXZ. The bolt striXes its tar!et for (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. (e2e& 7 DarP (1P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (Shado[) $ s here of com lete blacXness forms at the ma!eas flared fin!erti s. The s here launches itself at the tar!et( and disa ears into its form. The tar!et taXes (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor Shado[ dama!e from the consum tion of its essence. E&ement S*iPes (1A 2,) Tar!et= Self TZ e= Su ort Msin! his masterZ of the basic combat elements( the IlacX 2a!e can create a ha-e of ener!Z ca able of harmin! anZ enemZ foolish enou!h to come [ithin melee ran!e. This ha-e is the status condition %lement S iXes (A). The s ell must be cast [ith a articular element in focus= 3ire( 0ce or >i!htnin!.

(ocP (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) $t the ma!eas command( a set of crosshairs be!in to !lo[ around the tar!etas base. There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of the tar!et becomin! unnaturallZ a arent( causin! a #?0 enaltZ to its "%3 (A) and 2"%3 (A). Ras* (15 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental $ sho[er of brilliant orbs shoot from the ma!eas outstretched fin!erti s( bombardin! the tar!et [ith ma!ical ener!ies. The attacX overruns the ma!ical ca acitZ of the tar!et( and (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor 2, is autonomicallZ burned off to Xee the tar!et from frZin!. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( )as can be reflected. Rater (1P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (\ater) \ith a steadZ chant( the ma!e dra[s the moisture from the air into a ball around the tar!et( and com resses it. \hen the bubble bursts and frees the tar!et( the tar!et has taXen (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e. (e2e& @ B&i88ara (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (0ce) ,rere:uisite # Ili--ard The ma!eas u raised hand fills [ith ice( and he hurls it to[ards the tar!et. M on im act the fra!ments and shards of ice encase and im ale the tar!et( inflictin! (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e. Fear ('0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) IlacX fo! streams from the ma!eas outstretched fin!erti s( and it en!ulfs the tar!et( [hich has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to become verZ afraid of the ma!e and her allies. The fear adds the status condition ,o[er "o[n (A). Fira (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (3ire) ,rere:uisite # 3ire The ma!e molds a ball of red#hot fire in his hands and thro[s it to[ards the tar!et. M on im act( it e/ lodes into searin! flames that deal (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e. T?#ndara (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (>i!htnin!) ,rere:uisite # Thunder The ma!e oints sXZ[ard and summons a li!htnin! storm from the sXZ. The sXZas [rath is unerrin!( and delivers (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. Zom"ie ('0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Transform) Chantin! in a darX ton!ue( the ma!e calls forth a o[erful necromantic ma!ic. The evil ener!ies are focused on a livin! tar!et and have a (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense chance to t[ist the unfortunate soul into a Yombie (A). (e2e& A Bio (BB 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (Iio)( Status (To/in) ,rere:uisite # ,oison $ ool of vile oo-e forms beneath the tar!et as the ma!e drones( s readin! to cover the !round. The oo-e be!ins to bubble and froth( inflictin! (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor Iio dama!e [ith its oisonous s atter. There is also a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the tar!et [ill be affected bZ the ,oison status (unlimited). De"arrier ('0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ beam of da--lin! li!ht flies from the ma!eas outstretched fin!er. 0nstead of striXin! its tar!et( it slams into anZ ma!ical barrier rotectin! the tar!et and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to shatter it. ,rotect( \all( Shell( and )eflect statuses are all affected bZ the beam. Des*air ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) ,rere:uisite # 3ear \ith a !esture( the ma!e directs a thicX( darX ha-e to [ash over and throu!h her tar!et. The ha-e has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to inflict terrible fear u on the tar!et( shaXin! them to their core. Mnder the influence of this sort of des air the tar!et doubts her o[n sXill( conse:uentlZ !ainin! the ailments $rmor "o[n (B) and 2ental "o[n (B). Drain ('B 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ

$t the ma!eas command( blood#red orbs circle his tar!et( !ro[in! lar!er and more livid as theZ dra[ out the verZ essence of the tar!etas life. \hen full( the orbs return to the ma!e( vanishin! into him and refillin! his 4,. The tar!et loses (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor 4,( [hich the caster then !ains. The use of this s ell cannot allo[ the ma!e to e/ceed his ma/imum 4,( but this limitation does not affect the dama!e inflicted. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( "rain cannot be reflected. $smose (1 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ ;rbs of bri!ht !reen ener!Z form around the tar!et at the ma!eas command( !ro[in! lar!er and more viridian as theZ ull the ma!ical ener!ies from the tar!etas mind. \hen full( the orbs return to the caster and release their stolen ener!Z into her mind. The tar!et loses (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor 2,( [hich is used to re lenish the casteras o[n 2,. 2a/imum dama!e is not limited bZ the ma!eas ma/imum 2,( but she maZ never increase her 2, hi!her than her ma/imum 2, throu!h the use of this s ell. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( ;smose cannot be reflected. Ratera ('P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (\ater) ,rere:uisite # \ater %/ertin! his [ill( the ma!e ulls [ater from belo[ the !round beneath the tar!et. The !round bucXles and cracXs under the ressure( and a !eZser eru ts from the soilN The tar!et is hurled into the air( and u on landin! has taXen (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e from the hi!h# ressure stream. (e2e& H B&i88aga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (0ce) ,rere:uisite # Ili--ara The ma!e e/tends her hand above her( firin! a ball of ice into the sXZ. \ith a loud rumble( the sXZ roduces a vicious bli--ard( sho[erin! her tar!et [ith ice( sno[( and bitin! [inds. \hen the storm subsides( the tar!et has taXen (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e. !#rse (55 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) ,rere:uisite # "es air The o[er of the evil eZe has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of invisiblZ stainin! the soul of the tar!et and shroudin! them [ith a malevolent Curse (B). Sco#rge (A5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (Shado[) ,rere:uisite # "arX The ma!eas features are shado[ed( as thou!h the sun or moon has assed behind a cloud onlZ over [here he stands. \ith a fe[ muttered [ords( a cree in! oblivion darXens the !round beneath the tar!ets and slo[lZ en!ulfs them. $ll [ithin the area of blacXness feel the cold( hollo[ !ri of the void and taXe (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor Shado[ dama!e. Firaga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (3ire) ,rere:uisite # 3ira The ma!e e/tends her hands and roduces a hu!e s here of [hite#hot fire that screams to[ards the tar!et. M on reachin! its destination( the fireball e/ lodes( turnin! the earth to ma!ma and fillin! the air [ith unbreathable ash. The resultin! holocaust scorches the tar!et for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e. Stone (A5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) \ith a loud !roan the !round beneath the tar!et tears o en( flZin! stones and dirt eru tin! from the sudden crevasse. The tar!et is entombed in the verZ !round it [as standin! on( and there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance the tar!et [ill be left encased in the Stone condition (unlimited) [hen the rocXZ crZ t dissolves a fe[ moments later. T?#ndaga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (>i!htnin!) ,rere:uisite # Thundara CrZin! to the sXZ for aid( the ma!e summons a furious li!htnin! storm to smite the tar!et( blastin! it and the surroundin! terrain a art for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. (e2e& ^ Deat? (P0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # "ebarrier Ielieved bZ some to be the urest e/ ression of the blacX ma!ical arts( this s ell allo[s the ma!e to focus his o[er and cut the thread of life short. TaXin! the sha e of the 8rim )ea er itself( the ma!ic assaults the tar!etas life force( [ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to dra[ it out of their bodZ. 0f successful( the )ea eras scZthe ri s o en the tar!et( [ho is reduced to -ero 4, after emittin! a blood#curdlin! death crZ. MnliXe other "eath s ells( "eath can be reflected. F&are (PA 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental

The ma!e !ives a loud shout( en!ulfin! his tar!et in a furnace of ra[ ener!Z that ra!es around them until its fra!ile balance colla ses( devastatin! them [ith (?B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor oints of @on#%lemental dama!e. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( 3lare can be reflected. O#aPe (C0 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= %lemental (%arth) The ma!e crouches do[n( ressin! her hands to the earth( and ours ener!Z into the !round beneath her feet. 0t shaXes and eru ts [ith tectonic force( tossin! everZone about for (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e. RuaXe [ill not affect anZthin! ossessin! the 3loat status. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( RuaXe cannot be reflected. Si*?on (C0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ IZ combinin! the ma!ic of "rain and ;smose( the ma!e can attacX his o onentas mind and bodZ at once. ;rbs of !olden ener!Z dra[ both the hZsical and mental ener!Z of the tar!et out( !ro[in! lar!er and more brilliant as theZ do so. TheZ return this ener!Z to the ma!e( restorin! both his 4, and 2,. The tar!et suffers (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor dama!e( s lit evenlZ bet[een 4, and 2,( [hich the caster then !ains. The caster cannot absorb more ener!Z than his ma/imum 4, and 2, allo[( but these ma/imums do not limit the ma/imum dama!e inflicted. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( Si hon cannot be reflected. Raterga (CP 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (\ater) ,rere:uisite # \atera $n immense dome#liXe bubble is formed around the tar!ets as the ma!e concentrates( dra[in! [ater out from all nearbZ sources. \hen it is com lete( the bubble colla ses under its o[n [ei!ht and ressure( delu!in! those affected for (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e. (e2e& ` Free8e (115 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (0ce)( Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # Ili--a!a \ith a slo[ chant( the ma!e drains the ener!Z from the area around a tar!et( causin! the air to become verZ chill. 0cicles form on [et obFects( the earth be!ins to cracX as !round [ater free-es and even the air be!ins to fo! as ice crZstals form from airborne [ater va or. $fter sufferin! (?C / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e( there is an additional (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the tar!et [ill become 3ro-en (?). 1#Pe (115 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (3ire)( Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # 3ira!a \ith a sim le but e/ ressive !esture( the ma!e initiates a reaction bet[een the atoms of his tar!et [hich results in a massive e/ losion. The tar!et is en!ulfed in a tinZ sun( and is blasted a art bZ (?C / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e. 0f the tar!et survives( the intense heat involved has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to cause the 4eat status (?). Pain (P5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (S ecial) 3irin! shar needles infused [ith ma!ical ener!Z from her s read fin!erti s( the ma!e [racXs a tar!et [ith unthinXable levels of ain. \hile bein! tortured( the tar!et has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to succumb to each of the follo[in! status ailments= Ilind (B)( ,oison (unlimited) and Silence (B). Toad (C5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Transform) The ma!e s eaXs a rhZme in an odd croaXin! voice( and the tar!et suddenlZ feels cold. There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the tar!et [ill taXe on the Toad status (B). 0f the tar!et is alreadZ under the effects of Toad( it returns to normal. %enom (100 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (Iio)( Status (To/in) ,rere:uisite # Iio The earth beneath the tar!ets becomes foul and s[am Z( [ith fumes more no/ious than anZ real bo! could ever roduce. Iubbles of slime float u and burst in the air( and the horrible !ases are enou!h to overcome anZthin! cau!ht [ithin the area of effect. $ll tar!ets taXe (?B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor Iio dama!e and there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that theZ [ill also be affected bZ &enom (B). (e2e& < BreaP (150 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (%arth)( Status (S ecial) ,rere:uisites # RuaXe( Stone The ma!e dra[s out the full o[er of the earth [ith this s ell. The !round e/ lodes in a seismic ni!htmare( dirt and rocX batterin! the tar!et for ('0 / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e. 0f it survives the dama!e( the tar!et is then covered bZ the fallin! debris( [hich has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to turn it to Stone (unlimited). 0f successful( there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the violent shaXin! [ill shatter the statue( Xillin! the tar!et instantlZ. DoomsdaL (1C5 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= %lemental (Shado[) ,rere:uisite # Scour!e

$ darX celestial obFect slo[lZ forms in the sXZ( fed bZ the ma!eas o[er. TinZ ieces of it breaX a[aZ and fall to[ards the tar!ets( harbin!ers of the doom to come. \hen its mass is too much for it to remain sus ended( the obFect falls to earth( its si-e and nature aralZsin! all [ithin the area [ith terror. M on im act( the !round eru ts [ith darX ener!ies and everZthin! in ran!e suffers ('A / 2$8) L 5d1?( 2. $rmor Shado[ dama!e. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( "oomsdaZ cannot be reflected. )assacre (1C5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # "eath The ma!e calls u on the darXest as ects of her o[er and focuses it on a lar!e !rou of creatures. %ach has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be strucX do[n bZ the )ea eras harvest( their 4, instantlZ reduced to -ero. %ven if theZ survive( theZ must [atch in horror as the life ener!Z of their screamin! com anions is torn a[aZ bZ the )ea er. MnliXe other "eath s ells( 2assacre can be reflected. )e&tdoQn (150 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (\eaX) ,rere:uisite # 3lare TrulZ vast :uantities of ener!Z fill the concentratin! ma!e( [ho focuses them into a [all of ure heat. 4e unleashes the [all at the tar!et as a storm of li:uid fire. The [ave burns a[aZ ('' / 2$8) L 5d10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of addin! the 2eltdo[n status (B). 4&tima (?50 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # 2eltdo[n The sXZ !ro[s darX( and all becomes still. The [orld taXes on an eerie calm. The ma!eas eZes !lo[ [ith an unearthlZ !reen li!ht as he be!ins his forebodin! chant. $rcs of li!htnin! cross the darXness( and the !reen of the ma!eas eZes encom asses him in an aura of o[er. The li!htnin! becomes more fren-ied( and be!ins to striXe the !round near the ma!e. The ma!eas aura be!ins to e/ and( her chant becomes louder and more menacin!( and as :uicXlZ as the calm arrived( the storm is unleashed. ,o[er flo[s out[ards from the ma!e in all directions( the unsto able rush s[ee in! out[ards and obliteratin! everZthin! in its ath. $nZone cau!ht bZ the incredible destructive force is blasted for (B? / 2$8) L 5d1? @on#%lemental dama!e. Mltima is not affected bZ $rmor or 2. $rmor and maZ e/ceed 999 dama!e. WHITE MAGIC (e2e& 6 Aero (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental ($ir) \ith a t[ist of her hands( the ma!e releases a sudden !ust of air that [hi s viciouslZ around the tar!et. The Xnife#liXe [inds cause (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. !#re (5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ The ma!e s eaXs a fe[ soft [ords( and a cloud of s arXlin! blue li!hts surrounds and suffuses the tar!et. The soft li!ht feels [arm( and fills the tar!et [ith soothin! ener!Z that restores (B / 2$8) L 1dP 4,. E&ement '#ard (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort "ra[in! an intricate dia!ram in the air [ith her hands( the ma!e calls u on an ancient s ell of rotection that !rants a sin!le elemental resistance ()=%lement( A) to the tar!et. The s ell surrounds the tar!et [ith a trans arent shield of ener!Z in a color a ro riate to the element bein! resisted. $ second castin! of this s ell before the first has [orn off [ill nullifZ the benefits of the initial s ell. The s ell \eaXen( a lied to the a ro riate element( counters this ma!ic in its entiretZ. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( %lement 8uard can be reflected. Poisona (' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $ sim le [ave of the ma!eas hand frees the tar!et from natureas more no/ious defenses. $ slurrZ of ur lish li!ht [ashes over and throu!h the tar!et and rids him of anZ ,oison currentlZ in his sZstem. Scan (' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort The ma!e shuts her eZes( but rather than be blinded( she is bombarded [ith in ut from the [orld around her. 8hostlZ crosshairs settle u on her tar!et( and her mind is flooded [ith information. Scan reveals the tar!etas >evel( monster tZ e( current and ma/imum 4, and 2,( absorbances( immunities( resistances( [eaXnesses and status immunities. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( Scan can be reflected. Sig?t (' 2,) Tar!et= Self TZ e= Su ort 2uch liXe [hen usin! Scan( the ma!e closes his eZes and is resented [ith an uncannZ Xno[led!e of the surroundin! area. M on castin! this s ell( the ma!e finds himself able to aseea everZ detail of the landsca e [ithin 1000Q2$8 metres for '0 minutes. (e2e& 7 BerserP (1? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ) The ma!e lets out a rimal scream( blastin! the tar!et [ith a flash of an!rZ red li!ht from her outstretched hands. The s ell has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of inflictin! the IerserX status (A).

B&inP (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort \ith a brilliant flash of li!ht from the ma!eas fin!erti s( the tar!et suddenlZ be!ins to shift erraticallZ in and out of realitZ( th[artin! attacXersa sense of timin! and accuracZ. The tar!et !ains L?0 "%3 (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( IlinX can be reflected. Fade (1P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (4olZ) $s the ma!e chants( the !round beneath the tar!et be!ins to !lo[ [ith ure [hite li!ht. The li!ht :uicXlZ bursts forth( creatin! a bla-in! illar of li!ht that stretches into the sXZ and inflicts (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor 4olZ dama!e. Fait? (15 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ :uiet raZer envelo es the tar!et in a nimbus of !olden li!ht and fulfillin! certaintZ. This rene[ed confidence !rants $rmor M (B) and 2ental M (B). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 3aith can be reflected. Stona (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ This ancient s ell is invoXed [ith a barXed command( and softens stone into a sort of thicX mud. The real ur ose of the s ell( ho[ever( is to return stone that [as once flesh to its natural state( freein! victims of the Stone and ,etrifZ statuses. $nZ stone [hich is merelZ stone [ill be unaffected bZ this s ell. [BRaL (10 2,) Tar!et= Self TZ e= Su ort b#)aZ maXes inconvenient obstructions to vision such as [alls trans arent to the ma!e. IZ relZin! on his mindas eZe( he can see throu!h anZthin! that is less than (2$8U10) metres thicX for 10 minutes. Caution is re:uired [hen usin! this s ell( as the obFect bein! looXed throu!h chan!es in the vision of assersbZ( as [ell ## it a ears ha-Z( as thou!h vie[ed from the corner of the eZe( even [hen looXed at head on. (e2e& @ Aera (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental ($ir) ,rere:uisite # $ero The ma!e maXes a t[istin! motion [ith her hands and a small tornado forms around the tar!et. The [inds :uicXlZ s[irl out[ard to affect the surroundin! area. $nZthin! cau!ht [ithin the [hirl[ind suffers (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. !#ra (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # Cure $ soothin! !reen li!ht s reads to[ards the tar!et from the ma!eas outstretched arms and :uicXlZ e/ ands to fill the immediate area. $ll [ho feel the li!htas [armth are healed for (1? / 2$8) L 'dP 4,. )ig?t ('0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # 3aith The ma!e clenches his fists and a bri!ht !olden li!ht encom asses the tar!et( im rovin! stren!th and confidence. \hile the nimbus remains( the tar!et is affected bZ ,o[er M (B). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 2i!ht can be reflected. 1#&& E&ement ('0 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # %lement 8uard $ bri!ht halo of colored li!ht s reads out[ard from a mZstical dia!ram traced bZ the ma!e( !rantin! her and her com anions tem orarZ immunitZ to a articular element (0=%lement( A). The ma!e chooses the element as the s ell is cast( and anZ subse:uent castin!s of this s ell rior to the end of the s ellas duration [ill cancel the revious castin!. @ull %lement can be countered com letelZ throu!h the use of the s ell \eaXen( a lied to the a ro riate element. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( @ull %lement can be reflected. Protect (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier $t the ma!eas command( a s here of Zello[ li!ht a ears to surround the tar!et for a moment( leavin! behind the dull nimbus of the ,rotect status (A). Si&ence (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) The ma!e resses a fin!er to her li s( and a series of multi#colored rin!s of li!ht surround the tar!etas throat. The rin!s fade out as theZ be!in to constrict and have a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to render the tar!et mute( reventin! the use of ma!ic( son!s( and talX sXills (A). (e2e& A !on3#se ('? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ) 3lashin! stars and loud noises !reet the eZes of the tar!et( and these sensorZ ni!htmares carrZ a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the Confuse status (A).

Dis*e& (B' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort Silver li!hts slam the tar!et( blastin! a[aZ anZ and all beneficial effects. There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that all ositive status conditions e/ce t Shield [ill be removed. (i3e ('P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ The sXZ darXens for an instant [hile a da--lin! li!ht shines u on the tar!et. $n an!el descends from above( rainin! [hite li!ht on the deceased and restorin! his life [ith 10% of ma/ 4,. This s ell also has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ Xill an undead creature and cannot be used to revive anZthin! [ith Mndead or Yombie status. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( >ife cannot be reflected. R#se ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # IlinX $n e/tension of the IlinX s ell( )use creates mirror ima!es of the tar!et. She receives LB0 "%3 (A)( as her foes [ill s end their time attacXin! mira!es rather than her. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( )use can be reflected. S?e&& ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier $ s here of !reen li!ht encom asses the tar!et( and the soft !lo[ of the Shell status remains (A). Ras? ('A 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $ s ell develo ed bZ \hite 2a!es to cure several bothersome conditions at once. 0t cannot remove some of the more deadlZ status effects that have been documented( but it is useful a!ainst the more common minor effect. $ flood of !entle li!ht [ashes over the tar!et( removin! the conditions IerserX( Ilind( ,oison( Slee and Yombie. (e2e& H Aeraga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental ($ir) ,rere:uisite # $era $ ball of [ind forms at the tar!et( and small blades be!in to flZ to[ards nearbZ tar!ets. %verZthin! [ithin the area is blasted for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. Banis? (A5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (4olZ) ,rere:uisite # 3ade $ bla-in! [hite li!ht a ears beneath the tar!eted area( shinin! bri!hter than the sun. \ith a loud rush the li!ht soars into the sXZ( searin! the tar!ets and taXin! a[aZ (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 4olZ dama!e. Barrier (50 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # ,rotect 2ore effective than a sim le ,rotect s ell( this raises a silver#!reZ barrier around each tar!et and !rants them the ,rotect status (A). !#raga (5C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # Cura $ !eZser of ma!ic bursts from the ma!eas hands( sho[erin! her tar!et [ith a dome of healin! li!ht that restores (1P / 2$8) L 5dP 4,. )ini (55 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Transform) $ cloud of ha-Z smoXe surrounds the tar!et( maXin! her feel odd and disoriented. \hen the cloud fades a[aZ( there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the tar!et has been shrunX to the 2ini status (B)N 0f the tar!et is alreadZ under the effects of 2ini( she returns to normal. Reraise (A5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ :uicX !lance at someone affected bZ this s ell [ill cause a double#taXe( as there a ears to be a tinZ s arX of li!ht on her shoulder. This is the )eraise status( able to restore life the instant the tar!et dies. 0f combat is resolved before effect is needed( it is dis elled. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( )eraise can be reflected. (e2e& ^ A"sor" (P0 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # @ull %lement The ma!e forms the ener!ies of an @ull %lement s ell( but t[ists them so the affected allies no[ absorb elemental dama!e rather than blocX it ($=%lement( B)N The element must be chosen [hen the ma!e casts the s ell( and onlZ one $bsorb s ell maZ be active at a time. This s ell can be nullified com letelZ bZ the use of \eaXen a!ainst the absorbed element. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( $bsorb can be reflected.

A#ra (C5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # 2i!ht The tar!et !lo[s [ith a ma!nificent !olden li!ht as she is blessed [ith the status effect $ura (?). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( $ura can be reflected. !?arm (CC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ) ,rere:uisite # Confuse $ refined form of Confuse( this s ell clouds a tar!etas mind to[ards everZone but the ma!e. \ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of success( the ma!e can taXe control of the tar!etas [ill [ith the Charm status (B). Es#na (AC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $s ma!ic became more com le/ and deadlZ( a ne[ s ell to urifZ victims [as needed. This s ell [as %suna. 0ts multi#coloured li!ht can cure anZ ne!ative status condition. )-Barrier (A5 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # Shell $ reddish#oran!e [all of li!ht raises u around the tar!ets( !rantin! each a barrier that rotects from ma!ic bZ [aZ of the Shell status (A). %anis? (CC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # )use \ith a flash a li!ht( the tar!et disa earsN The tar!et !ains the &anish status (B) and cannot be activelZ tar!eted bZ anZone. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( &anish can be reflected. (e2e& ` F#&& !#re (110 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # Cura!a $ brilliant blue star descends from above and shines on the tar!et( restorin! all 4,. This s ell also has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ Xill an Mndead or anZthin! [ith Yombie status. F#&& (i3e (100 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # >ife The Xindest li!ht the ma!e has ever Xno[n be!ins to !lo[ over the deceased( carrZin! a flood of stars that restore life [ith full 4, to the tar!et. Msed a!ainst an undead creature( this s ell has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to Xill it instantlZ. This s ell cannot restore life to anZthin! [ith Mndead or Yombie status. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( 3ull >ife cannot be reflected. Re3&ect (P5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # 2.Iarrier $ bubble of !reen li!ht surrounds the tar!et( shinin! liXe a ma!ic mirror and !rantin! the )eflect status (B). )efer to individual s ell descri tions to see [hich s ells are reflectible. Resist (P5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # %suna The ounce of revention to %sunaas ound of cure. The tar!et is en!ulfed in a flood of multi#coloured li!ht that !rants immunitZ to all ne!ative statuses (?). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( )esist can be reflected. Ra&& (P5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # Iarrier $n u !raded ,rotect s ell( this s ell surrounds the tar!et in a s here of Zello[ li!ht that !rants the \all status (B). ReaPen (1?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) ,rere:uisite # @ull %lement $nother ada tation of @ull %lement( this s ell instead focuses on [eaXenin! a tar!et to an element (\=%lement( B). 2ulti le castin!s of this s ell can be used to !rant multi le [eaXnesses. $nZ [eaXness can be overcome [ith either an %lemental Iarrier( @ull %lement or $bsorb s ell to boost a!ainst the [eaXened element. (e2e& < 0o&L (150 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le

TZ e= %lemental (4olZ) ,rere:uisite # Ianish Sacred o[er is focussed into a ball of ure li!ht( thro[n bZ the ma!e at a verZ unlucXZ tar!et. \ith a flash the sXZ e/ lodes [ith li!ht that streams into the tar!et( buildin! into a s here of li!ht that eventuallZ colla ses in[ard and e/ lodes out[ard [ith heavenlZ furZ. The tar!et suffers ('A / 2$8) L 5d1?( 2. $rmor 4olZ dama!e from this attacX. Re"irt? (1C5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # 3ull >ife "ra[in! on the ma!ic of >ife and 3ull >ife( the ma!e summons a li!ht from above that covers her and all around her [ith [armth. $nZ dead [ithin the area are restored to life [ith half of their 4, and anZ undead [ithin the li!ht have a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be Xilled instantlZ. This s ell [ill not restore anZthin! [ith Mndead or Yombie status. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( )ebirth cannot be reflected. S?ie&d (?00 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # )eflect( \all The ultimate defensive s ell( the Shield status (?) forms a crZstalline barrier around the tar!et that absorbs all hZsical and ma!ical actions( leavin! the tar!et unharmed. MnliXe other Iarrier s ells( Shield cannot be reflected. R?ir&Qind (150 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= %lemental ($ir) ,rere:uisite # $era!a $ distant rumble is heard( not from across the land but from above it. The sXZ darXens and !ro[s stormZ as fierce [inds be!in to [hi around the caster. $ violent t[ister eru ts from the sXZ and everZone is shaXen bZ the tremendous [ind( sufferin! ('' / 2$8) L 5d10( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( \hirl[ind cannot be reflected. %accine (115 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # )esist $ ound of revention to %sunaas ound of cure. This s ell creates bubbles of li!ht around the artZ that !rant immunitZ to all ne!ative statuses (?). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( &accine can be reflected. TIME MAGIC (e2e& 6 Acce&erate (5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort TinZ [in!s a ear on the tar!etas feet and maXe the character move faster for the ne/t 10 minutes. 3or the ur oses of runnin! [hile out of combat and maXin! %sca e actions durin! combat( the tar!etas S," is considered to be doubled for the s ellas duration. \hen s rintin! [hile out of combat( S," is tri led but duration is halved. This aincreasea in S," does not a lZ to 0nitiative under anZ circumstances. Bom" (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The molecules in the air around the tar!et are condensed into a ball [hich suddenlZ e/ lodes. The tar!et is buffeted [ith the ener!Z( sufferin! (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( Iomb can be reflected. Di2e (' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort The tar!et feels a sli!ht coolin! sensation and their sXin be!ins to feel a little clammZ. The tar!et ac:uires !ills and the abilitZ to breathe under[ater for the ne/t '0 minutes. (et?argL (A 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) The tar!et feels tired( heavZ and Fust [ants to rest. The lethar!Z has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to cause $!ilitZ "o[n (A). Pa#se (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The ma!e hurls a bolt of ener!Z at the tar!et. 0t striXes the tar!et in the head( [ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of da--lin! him. 4is initiative is reduced bZ 50% because of the blo[. P?ase S?i3t (P 2,) Tar!et= Self TZ e= Su ort The caster almost fades out of vision( leavin! onlZ a translucent form. \hile hased( she can immediatelZ move (2$8U10) metres in anZ direction( even throu!h a solid obFect liXe a [all. 2ovement is not ossible if the destination is inside of a solid structure or occu ied bZ another erson or obFect. (e2e& 7 F&oat (15 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort

$ small air of [in!s a ear behind each tar!et and lifts them about half a metre into the air( a[ardin! them the 3loat status (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 3loat can be reflected. 'ra2itL (?5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) The ma!e holds out her hands and launches a bubble of ener!Z at the tar!et. The bubble isnat so much blacX as it is devoid of li!ht. \hen it hits the tar!et( it has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ eliminate ?5% of the tar!etas current 4,. )eteorite (1P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The ma!e raises his hand into the air and summons a small celestial bodZ to fall from above and crash into the tar!et( burnin! a[aZ (P / 2$8) L ?dP @on#%lemental dama!e. 2eteorite is not affected bZ $rmor or 2. $rmor. S&oQ (1? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The !round beneath the tar!et !lo[s as a silver clocX a ears. The hands of the clocX be!in to slo[ do[n( and the tar!et has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be afflicted [ith Slo[ (A). S*eed (1' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ sho[er of da--lin! li!hts surround the tar!et( !rantin! faster and more accurate movements. The tar!et !ains $!ilitZ M (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( S eed can be reflected. (e2e& @ mmo"i&i8e (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The tar!et is encased in a reddish#oran!e bubble of li!ht that has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to seal the tar!etas movement [ith 0mmobili-e (A). RaL Bom" (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # Iomb $ beam of intense ener!Z s rin!s forth from the ma!eas hands and sears a[aZ (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e from anZthin! cau!ht in its ath. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( )aZ Iomb can be reflected. Regen (?5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ s arXle of !reen li!ht a ears beneath the tar!et and ra idlZ encircles it( !rantin! the )e!en status (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( )e!en can be reflected. Reset ('0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort The tar!et of this s ell feels a little ha-Z( as if the [orld is la!!ed a little. \hen the tar!etas ne/t turn occurs( he sees everZone else as fro-en in time for e/actlZ one moment. 0n that moment( the tar!et can see the effects of his declared action and if he so chooses( erform the action a!ain for a better result (i.e. re#rollin! either a CoS or dama!e roll). This can onlZ be done durin! the tar!etas first action after the s ell has been cast( and if the tar!et chooses to Xee his ori!inal result the s ell [ears off [ith no effect. Rar* (10 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort The affected area !lo[s and a beam of li!ht bla-es u from beneath. \hen it is !one( everZthin! [ithin the area is lifted either one floor u or do[n in a dun!eon( cave( to[er or such. Iecause of the intense concentration and incrediblZ accurate mental ima!es re:uired( onlZ floors the castin! ma!e has seen maZ be moved to bZ [ar in!. (e2e& A !omet (BB 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # 2eteorite The ma!e reaches to[ards the sXZ and summons a comet to crash do[n on the tar!etted area. 0t s lits in t[o as it hits the atmos here and the ieces hit t[o random tar!ets( doin! (P / 2$8) L ?dP @on#%lemental dama!e to each. Comet is not affected bZ $rmor or 2. $rmor. %ach otential tar!et must roll 1d100 for each striXe # the lo[est roll for each striXe is the tar!et that !ets hit. Demi (50 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # 8ravitZ $ lar!e ball of li!htless ener!Z is thro[n from the casteras hands( envelo in! the tar!et in a s here of !ravitational ener!Z. 0t has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ dra[ a[aZ 50% of the tar!etas current 4,. F&ig?t (B0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le

TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # 3loat $ set of [in!s s rin! out of the tar!etas bacX( lar!e and stron! enou!h to su ort his [ei!ht. 3or 10 minutes the tar!et can soar to the hei!hts of an avera!e bird( at three time the tar!etas normal [alXin! s eed. This s ell sho[s no remorse to those [ho are still aloft [hen it e/ iresH theZ lummet to the !round liXe a stone. 0aste ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # S eed The !round beneath the tar!et !lo[s [ith a brilliant !olden li!ht as the outline of a clocX a ears. The hands be!in to move ra idlZ and !rant the 4aste status (B). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 4aste can be reflected. S&oQga (50 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (Time) ,rere:uisite # Slo[ $ !iant silver clocX a ears beneath the tar!eted area( [ith hands that continuallZ slo[ do[n. $ll tar!ets encom assed bZ the clocX have a (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense chance to be affected bZ the Slo[ status (A). (e2e& H Disa"&e (50 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The tar!et is encased in a !reenish#blue orb of li!ht that has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to seal it [ith the "isable status (A). 1o2a (A5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # )aZ Iomb IZ focussin! their mental ener!Z into the tar!et( the ma!e can com ress the air at the sub#atomic level and unleash a small art of the force of a dZin! star.The e/ losion ri s throu!h the air( creatin! a dome of ener!Z that sears a[aZ (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e from all tar!ets. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( @ova can be reflected. Remo2e (50 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) IZ [ar in! the fabric of realitZ( the ma!e has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to dis lace a tar!et from time and s ace. 0f successful( the tar!et is %Fected from battle. Te&e*ort (55 2,) Tar!et= Self TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # ,hase Shift IZ masterin! the art of dis lacin! his bodZ( the ma!e !oes a ste beZond hasin! and into the art of movement throu!h the fabric of realitZ. IZ focussin! on the [here he [ishes to travel( he can move u to (2$8U?) metres in the blinX of an eZeN 2ovement is not ossible the the destination is inside of a solid structure or occu ied bZ another erson or obFect. Time S&i* (B5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The tar!et seems to [aver and fade for an instant( as it is bein! momentarilZ ushed out of realitZ. $fter the initial hasin!( there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the tar!et could staZ in the Time Sli condition (A). (e2e& ^ EGit (B0 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # \ar $ [ave of Zello[ li!ht envelo s the area( buildin! to a flash that leaves em tiness in its [aXe. The tar!ets of the s ell are instantlZ trans orted to the entrZ[aZ of their current location( be it a to[er door( the mouth of a cave or such. 0astega (P0 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # 4aste $ !iant !olden clocX face a ears beneath the tar!ets( its hands movin! verZ ra idlZ. $ll tar!ets [ithin its ran!e are !ranted the 4aste status (B). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 4aste!a can be reflected. O#arter (C5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # "emi $ [ell of !ravitational ener!Z be!ins to form beneath the tar!et( and !ro[s into a dome of li!ht#de rived ener!Z that dra!s all [ithin to their Xnees. The intense ressure of the dome has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ remove C5% of the tar!etsa current 4,. O#asar (P? 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # Comet

Msin! the same cosmic o[ers for dra[in! do[n a comet( the ma!e tears a hole in the sXZ and dra[s do[n a celestial obFect of intense li!ht and radiation. The obFect dra!s four small meteorites throu!h the hole and the !ravitational forces cause them to collide [ith four random tar!ets( striXin! each for (P / 2$8) L ?dP @on#%lemental dama!e. Ruasar is not affected bZ $rmor or 2. $rmor. %ach otential tar!et must roll 1d100 for each striXe # the lo[est roll for each striXe is the tar!et that !ets hit. Sto* (AC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) ,rere:uisite # Slo[!a $ bri!ht metallic clocX is su er#im osed over the tar!et( its hands !raduallZ slo[in! until theZ donat move at all. The clocX then shatters and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the Sto status (B). (e2e& ` O#icPen (10' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort The tar!et momentarilZ slides for[ard in time and is allo[ed to maXe one action immediatelZ( rovidin! that action does not have a CT. This s ell has no effect on the tar!etas current or u comin! initiative values and is essentiallZ a free action. Ret#rn (P5 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # )eset This s ell [orXs e/actlZ as the )eset s ell( but can affect a small !rou instead of a lone tar!et. The s ell [orXs on an individual basis( so each tar!et can choose to re#roll( Xee their action or maXe a ne[ one. S?ocPQa2e P#&sar (100 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # @ova The tar!ets are dra[n into the sXZ bZ the ma!e and lifted to[ards a massive( ulsin! ball of ener!Z. The ball causes the air to s[irl( s ears of li!ht flZ out of the obFect and suddenlZ the ball e/ lodes. The tar!ets are thro[n to the !round( sufferin! (?C / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( ShocX[ave ,ulsar can be reflected. SLnc?roni8e (C5 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= Su ort $fter !ainin! a substantial Xno[led!e of Time( the Time 2a!e reali-es the im ortance of Xee in! tracX of it. Sometimes the heat of battle maXes this difficult( [ith some artici ants fro-en in time [hile others are movin! s[iftlZ beZond the rest. The Time 2a!e [ould liXe nothin! more than to set everZ clocX bacX to standard time( and that is the ur ose of SZnchroni-e # to reset everZ aclocXa bacX to real time. \hen cast( this s ell nullifies all Time alterin! conditions # "isable( 4aste( 0mmobili-e( )e!en( Slo[( Sto ( Time Sli ( unused )eset and )eturn effects and even RuicX( if a Time 2a!e is foolish enou!h to cast this durin! his first RuicX#induced action. [ Zone (1?5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # )emove The fabric of realitZ is ri ed o en around the tar!ets and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to dra! them into the b#Yone( a lane outside the realm of e/istence. $ll successfullZ affected tar!ets are %Fected from the battle. (e2e& < Aging (100 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) ,rere:uisite # Time Sli Msin! the same ener!ies as Time Sli ( the ma!e distorts the tar!etas lace in time to the oint [here the tar!et seems to !et 50 Zears olderN There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the conditions $!ilitZ IreaX (B)( $rmor IreaX (B)( 2a!ic IreaX (B)( 2ental IreaX (B)( ,o[er IreaX (B) and S irit IreaX (B). B&acP 0o&e (150 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # Ruarter The sXZ !ro[s darX above the ma!e as she forms a [ell of !ravitZ in the air( [hich slo[lZ !ro[s until it encom asses a hu!e area. The blacX hole formed be!ins to sucX in the surroundin! air( creatin! a s[irlin! fren-Z that suddenlZ colla ses onto the unfortunate tar!etN \ith a chance of (2a!ic %#50)%( 2. "efense( it [ill blast a[aZ 90% of the tar!etas current 4,( re!ardless of the dama!e ca . 'a&aGL Sto* (1?5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (Time) ,rere:uisite # Sto The tar!ets are shado[ed bZ a !iant clocX( the hands of [hich are no lon!er movin!. 0t shatters and sho[ers them [ith fra!ments that have a (2a!ic %#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the Sto status to each of them (B). )eteor (?00 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # Ruasar

Msin! the o[ers of time and s ace the ma!e dra[s an enormous celestial bodZ from the sXZ( almost lar!e enou!h to be a small lanet. The meteor descends from above( burnin! [ith the force of enterin! the atmos here. This force is eventuallZ enou!h to fra!ment the meteor into si/ smaller meteorites( [hich striXe si/ random tar!ets for (P / 2$8) L ?dP @on#%lemental dama!e each. 2eteor is not affected bZ $rmor or 2. $rmor. %ach otential tar!et must roll 1d100 for each striXe # the lo[est roll for each striXe is the tar!et that !ets hit. O#icP (?00 2,) Tar!et= Self TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # 4aste!a The ma!e is surrounded bZ a trans arent clocX that s ins so fast( it shatters. She is no[ able to maXe t[o actions before anZone else can move. The instant the second action is com lete( time resumes its normal assin!. 0f a second castin! of RuicX is a lied as one of the t[o actions( its effects are nullified. ;nce RuicX is com lete( the ma!eas initiative dro s to -ero( re!ardless of anZ e/tra actions she maZ have. RED MAGIC (e2e& 6 Aero (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental ($ir) \ith a t[ist of her hands( the ma!e releases a sudden !ust of [ind that blasts a tar!et for (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. B&ind (5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) \ith a fe[ :uicX [ords( the ma!e summons a cloud of thicX blacX fo! to enshroud the tar!et( [hich ra idlZ coalesces around her eZes. There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to inflict the Ilind status (A). B&i88ard (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (0ce) The ma!e focuses his ener!ies into a ball of blue li!ht( [hich roduces a !ust of free-in! [ind that [hi s around a tar!et( :uicXlZ frostin! his sXin and hair. The result is (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e. !#re (5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ S arXlin! blue li!hts surround the tar!et( s eedin! in and around his bodZ. The soft li!ht feels [arm( and fills him [ith soothin! ener!Z that restores (B / 2$8) L 1dP 4,. Fire (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (3ire) \ith a fe[ :uicX [ords and a flicX of her [rist( the ma!e tosses a tinZ ball of red#hot fire at a tar!et( sin!in! his clothes and hair. The tar!et suffers (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e from this assault. Poison (9 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (Iio)( Status (To/in) $ uddle of vile !reen oo-e is formed beneath the tar!et. $s the ma!e chants( the oo-e be!ins to bubble and rise( the fumes and slime coverin! the tar!et and inflictin! (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor Iio dama!e. There is also a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the ,oison status (unlimited). Poisona (' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $ sim le cantri used bZ healers for Zears to rid their atients of natureas more no/ious defenses. $ slurrZ of ur lish li!ht [ashes the tar!et and rids him of anZ ,oison or &enom currentlZ in his sZstem. Scan (' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort The ma!eas vision is clouded bZ a blue li!ht. $ set of crosshairs come into her field of vie[ and ra idlZ focus on the tar!et. 4er si!ht is suddenlZ flooded [ith information about the tar!et. Scan [ill reveal the tar!etas >evel( monster tZ e( current and ma/imum 4, and 2,( absorbances( immunities( resistances( [eaXnesses and status immunities. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( Scan can be reflected. S&ee* (5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) \ith a chant that resembles a lullabZ( the ma!e summons a ha-Z ur le cloud that slo[lZ en!ulfs the tar!et. \ithin seconds( the tar!et suffers a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be ut to Slee (A). T?#nder (C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (>i!htnin!) The ma!e looXs sXZ[ard and sna s his fin!ers( dra[in! a bolt of li!htnin! from above( [hich is :uite the im ressive si!ht on a cloudless daZ. The [hite#hot bolt striXes its tar!et for (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. (e2e& 7 BerserP (1? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ)

)$8% is all the tar!et feels [hen this s ell is cast. \ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to succeed( the ma!e blasts the tar!et [ith a flash of an!rZ red li!ht that inflicts the IerserX status (A). B&inP (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort \ith a brilliant flash of li!ht( the tar!et suddenlZ seems to blinX in and out of realitZ( distortin! an attacXeras timin! and accuracZ. The tar!et !ains L?0 "%3 (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( IlinX can be reflected. E&ement S*iPes (1A 2,) Tar!et= Self TZ e= Su ort Msin! his masterZ of the basic combat elements( the )ed 2a!e can create a ha-e of ener!Z ca able of harmin! anZ enemZ foolish enou!h to come [ithin melee ran!e. This ha-e is the status condition %lement S iXes (A). The s ell must desi!nate a articular element( and the )ed 2a!e is limited to choosin! from 3ire( 0ce or >i!htnin!. F&oat (15 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort $ small air of [in!s a ear behind the tar!ets and lift them about half a metre into the air( a[ardin! them the 3loat status (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 3loat can be reflected. (ocP (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) $ air of red crosshairs be!in to !lo[ around the tar!etas feet( [hich have a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of locXin! him to the s ot( thus causin! #?0 "%3 (A) and #?0 2"%3 (A). Ras* (15 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental $ sho[er of brilliant ur le orbs shoot from the ma!eas fin!erti s( bombardin! the tar!et [ith ma!ical ener!ies. The attacX overflo[s the ma!ical abilities of the tar!et( and as a [aZ to balance the ener!Z (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor 2, is blo[n a[aZ. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( )as can be reflected. S&oQ (1? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The !round beneath the tar!et !lo[s as a silver clocX a ears. The hands of the clocX be!in to slo[ do[n( and the tar!et has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be afflicted [ith Slo[ (A). Stona (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ This s ell [as develo ed in ancient times to reverse the curses of some of natureas more sinister creatures. The ma!ic softens stone to the oint of meltin!( but stone that [as once flesh [ill return to its natural state( thus freein! victims of the Stone and ,etrifZ statuses. $nZ stone [hich is merelZ stone [ill be unaffected bZ this s ell. Rater (1P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (\ater) The ma!e dra[s the moisture from the air into a ball around the tar!et( and lifts it u about a metre. \hen the bubble bursts the tar!et is dro ed and soaXed bZ the moisture( taXin! (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e as a result. (e2e& @ Aera (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental ($ir) ,rere:uisite # $ero $ small cone of air forms around the tar!et and :uicXlZ s[irls to affect the surroundin! area. $nZthin! cau!ht [ithin the small [hirl[ind feels (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. B&i88ara (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (0ce) ,rere:uisite # Ili--ard The ma!e holds his hand u ( dis laZin! a lar!e chunX of ice that a ears from no[here and tosses it to[ards the tar!et. M on im act the chunX fra!ments and shards of ice stab into the tar!et( resultin! in (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e. !#ra (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # Cure $ [arm( soothin! li!ht !ro[s at the tar!et and :uicXlZ e/ ands to affect the area immediatelZ around the tar!et. $ll [ho feels this [armth receive (1? / 2$8) L 'dP 4,. Fira (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (3ire) ,rere:uisite # 3ire The ma!e forms a ball of red#hot fire in her hands and directs it to[ards the tar!et. M on im act( it e/ lodes into a lar!e ball of searin! flames that deal (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e.

mmo"i&i8e (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The tar!et is encased in a reddish#oran!e bubble of li!ht that has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to seal the tar!etas movement [ith 0mmobili-e (A). Protect (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier $ s here of Zello[ li!ht surrounds the tar!et for a moment( shinin! bri!htlZ( then fadin! to the dull nimbus of the ,rotect status (A). Regen (?5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ s arXle of !reen li!ht a ears beneath the tar!et and ra idlZ encircles it( !rantin! the )e!en status (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( )e!en can be reflected. Si&ence (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) $ series of multi#coloured rin!s of li!ht surround the tar!et and be!in to enclose around its throat. These rin!s have a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to ruin its voice( thus renderin! ma!ic( son!s and talX sXills unuseable (A). T?#ndara (?? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (>i!htnin!) ,rere:uisite # Thunder The ma!e oints sXZ[ard and summons a hail of electricitZ to fall from the sXZ( once a!ain verZ im ressive on a cloudless daZ. @othin! can esca e the [rath from above [hich delivers (1? / 2$8) L 'dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. Zom"ie ('0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Transform) \ith a demonic chant the ma!e summons a ma!ic that is a t[isted abomination of both >ife and "eath ma!ic. The evil ener!Z is focussed on a tar!et and used [ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to t[ist the unfortunate soul into a Yombie (A). (e2e& A Bio (BB 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (Iio)( Status (To/in) ,rere:uisite # ,oison $ ool of vile oo-e forms beneath the tar!et and s reads to cover the !round. SuddenlZ the ool forms itself into a lar!e( no/ious bubble that bursts to inflict (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor Iio dama!e. The tar!et also suffers a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be affected bZ the ,oison status (unlimited). !on3#se ('? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ) 3lashin! stars and loud noises !reet the eZes of the tar!et( and these sensorZ ni!htmares carrZ a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the Confuse status (A). Dis*e& (B' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort Silver li!hts slam the tar!et( blastin! a[aZ anZ and all beneficial effects. There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that all ositive status conditions e/ce t Shield [ill be removed. Drain ('B 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ Ilood red orbs be!in to circle the tar!et( dra[in! out the verZ essence of life to !ro[ lar!er. \hen full( the orbs flZ to the ma!e and refill her 4,. The tar!et loses (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor 4,( [hich the caster then re!ains. The use of this s ell [ill not allo[ the ma!e to !ain more than her ma/imum 4, allo[s( thou!h the dama!e isnat affected bZ [hat the ma!e can absorb. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( "rain cannot be reflected. 0aste ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort The !round beneath the tar!et !lo[s [ith a brilliant !olden li!ht as the outline of a clocX a ears. The hands be!in to move ra idlZ and !rant the 4aste status (B). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 4aste can be reflected. (i3e ('P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ The sXZ darXens for an instant [hile a da--lin! li!ht shines u on the tar!et. $n an!el descends from above( rainin! [hite li!ht on the deceased and restorin! his life [ith 10% of ma/ 4,. This s ell also has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ Xill an undead creature and cannot be used to revive anZthin! [ith Mndead or Yombie status. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( >ife cannot be reflected. $smose (1 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ

;rbs of bri!ht !reen ener!Z form around the tar!et( !ro[in! lar!er and stron!er as theZ dra[ the ma!ical ener!ies out of the tar!etas mind. \hen full( the orbs flZ to[ards the caster and release their ener!Z into her mind. The tar!et loses (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor 2,( [hich is used to re lenish the caster. "ama!e isnat limited bZ [hat the ma!e can absorb( but she maZ never absorb enou!h to e/ceed her ma/imum 2,. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( "rain cannot be reflected. R#se ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # IlinX $n e/tension of the IlinX s ell( )use creates mirror ima!es of the tar!et. She receives LB0 "%3 (A)( as her foes [ill s end their time attacXin! mira!es rather than her. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( )use can be reflected. S?e&& ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier $ s here of !reen li!ht encom asses the tar!et( and the soft !lo[ of the Shell status remains (A). S&oQga (50 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (Time) ,rere:uisite # Slo[ $ !iant silver clocX a ears beneath the tar!eted area( [ith hands that continuallZ slo[ do[n. $ll tar!ets encom assed bZ the clocX have a (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense chance to be affected bZ the Slo[ status (A). Ras? ('A 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $ s ell develo ed bZ \hite 2a!es to cure several bothersome conditions at once. 0t cannot remove some of the more deadlZ status effects that have been documented( but it is useful a!ainst the more common minor effect. $ flood of !entle li!ht [ashes over the tar!et( removin! the conditions IerserX( Ilind( ,oison( Slee and Yombie. Ratera ('P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (\ater) ,rere:uisite # \ater The ma!e dra[s the [ater from belo[ the !round and focuses it to[ard the tar!et. The !round be!ins to cracX and bucXle under the ressure( and a !eZser eru tsN The tar!et into the air and u on landin!( receives a !ood soaXin! alon! [ith (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e. (e2e& H Aeraga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental ($ir) ,rere:uisite # $era $ ball of [ind forms at the tar!et( and small blades be!in to flZ to[ards nearbZ tar!ets. %verZthin! [ithin the area is blasted for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. Barrier (50 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # ,rotect 2ore effective than a sim le ,rotect s ell( this raises a silver#!reZ barrier around each tar!et and !rants them the ,rotect status (B). B&i88aga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (0ce) ,rere:uisite # Ili--ara The ma!e raises his hand into the air( firin! a ball of ice into the sXZ. \ith a loud rumble( the sXZ roduces a bli--ard the liXes of [hich mortals rarelZ survive. \hen the storm subsides( anZone tar!eted suffers (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e. !#raga (5C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # Cura $ !eZser of ma!ic bursts from the ma!eas hands( sho[erin! her tar!et [ith a dome of healin! li!ht that restores (1P / 2$8) L 5dP 4,. Disa"&e (50 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The tar!et is encased in a !reenish#blue orb of li!ht that has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to seal it [ith the "isable status (A). Firaga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (3ire) ,rere:uisite # 3ira The ma!e holds out her hands and roduces a massive ball of red#hot fire that screams to[ards the tar!et. M on reachin! its destination( the fireball violentlZ eru ts into a [ave of searin! heat that burns a[aZ (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e. )ini (55 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Transform)

$ cloud of ha-Z smoXe surrounds the tar!et( maXin! her feel odd and disoriented. \hen the cloud fades a[aZ( there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the tar!et has been shrunX to the 2ini status (B)N 0f the tar!et is alreadZ under the effects of 2ini( she returns to normal. Stone (A5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Seal) \ith a loud !roan the !round beneath the tar!et tears o en and eru ts. The flZin! stones and dirt are dra[n to[ards the tar!et( encasin! it in the verZ !round it [as standin! on. \ithin moments( the dirt mould crumbles( [ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance at leavin! the tar!et encased in the Stone condition (unlimited). T?#ndaga (A0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!leU8rou TZ e= %lemental (>i!htnin!) ,rere:uisite # Thundara \ith an e/clamation to the sXies the ma!e summons a furious round of li!htnin! to rain do[n on the tar!et( blastin! for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. Time S&i* (B5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) The tar!et seems to [aver and fade for an instant( as it is bein! momentarilZ ushed out of realitZ. $fter the initial hasin!( there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the tar!et could staZ in the Time Sli condition (A). (e2e& ^ !?arm (CC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ) ,rere:uisite # Confuse $ refined form of Confuse( this s ell clouds a tar!etas mind to[ards everZone but the ma!e. \ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of success( the ma!e can taXe control of the tar!etas [ill [ith the Charm status (B). Es#na (AC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $s ma!ic became more com le/ and deadlZ( a ne[ s ell to urifZ victims [as needed. This s ell [as %suna. 0ts multi#coloured li!ht can cure anZ ne!ative status condition. F&are (CC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The ma!e summons a massive amount of ener!Z from [ithin the verZ atoms of a tar!et( and dra[s out that ener!Z as an e/ losion. The tar!et is en!ulfed bZ a ball of ener!Z that !ro[s from [ithin and releases streams and bursts of the intense o[er. \hen the delu!e of ma!ic becomes too much( the tar!et is cau!ht in an e/ losion that blasts her for (?B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( 3lare can be reflected. 0astega (P0 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # 4aste $ !iant !olden clocX face a ears beneath the tar!ets( its hands movin! verZ ra idlZ. $ll tar!ets [ithin its ran!e are !ranted the 4aste status (B). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( 4aste!a can be reflected. )-Barrier (A5 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # Shell $ reddish#oran!e [all of li!ht raises u around the tar!ets( !rantin! each a barrier that rotects from ma!ic bZ [aZ of the Shell status (B). O#aPe (C0 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= %lemental (%arth) The ma!e crouches do[n and ours ener!Z into the !round beneath her feet. \hen enou!h ener!Z is fed into the earth( it be!ins to rocX and rumble [ith violent force( tossin! about everZone for (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e. RuaXe [ill not affect anZthin! [ith the 3loat status. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( RuaXe cannot be reflected. Si*?on (C0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ IZ combinin! the ma!ic of "rain and ;smose( the ma!e can attacX her o onentas mind and bodZ at once. ;rbs of !olden ener!Z dra[ out both the hZsical and mental ener!Z of the tar!et( !ro[in! lar!er and stron!er until theZ can hold no more. TheZ use this ener!Z to restore both 4, and 2, to the ma!e. The tar!et suffers (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor dama!e( s lit evenlZ bet[een 4, and 2,( [hich the caster re!ains in her 4, and 2,. ;nce a!ain( the ma!e cannot absorb more ener!Z than the ma/imum 4, and 2, allo[( thou!h these ma/imums do not limit the dama!e inflicted. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( "rain cannot be reflected. Sto* (AC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) ,rere:uisite # Slo[!a $ bri!ht metallic clocX is su er#im osed over the tar!et( its hands !raduallZ slo[in! until theZ donat move at all. The clocX then shatters and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the Sto status (B).

Raterga (C0 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (\ater) ,rere:uisite # \atera $n immense dome#liXe bubble is formed around the tar!ets as the ma!e dra[s out [ater from anZ nearbZ source. \hen it is filled( the bubble colla ses( delu!in! the affected creatures and [ashin! a[aZ (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e. %anis? (CC 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort ,rere:uisite # )use \ith a flash a li!ht( the tar!et disa earsN The tar!et !ains the &anish status (B) and cannot be activelZ tar!eted bZ anZone. MnliXe other Su ort s ells( &anish can be reflected. (e2e& ` Free8e (115 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (0ce)( Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # Ili--a!a The ma!e dra[s out all of the ener!Z from around a tar!et( causin! the air to become verZ chill. 0cicles form from the air( the !round be!ins to cracX as [ater free-es and lar!e crZstals of ice !ro[ on the tar!et. $fter sufferin! the chill of (?C / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor 0ce dama!e( the tar!et has an additional (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be 3ro-en (?). F#&& !#re (110 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # Cura!a $ brilliant blue star descends from above and shines on the tar!et( restorin! all 4,. This s ell also has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ Xill an Mndead or anZthin! [ith Yombie status. F#&& (i3e (100 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ ,rere:uisite # >ife The Xindest li!ht the ma!e has ever Xno[n be!ins to !lo[ over the deceased( carrZin! a flood of stars that restore life [ith full 4, to the tar!et. Msed a!ainst an undead creature( this s ell has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to Xill it instantlZ. This s ell cannot restore life to anZthin! [ith Mndead or Yombie status. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( 3ull >ife cannot be reflected. 1#Pe (115 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (3ire)( Status (3atal) ,rere:uisite # 3ira!a $n intense ball of [hite#hot fire is thro[n at the tar!et( en!ulfin! it [ith flames that could Xill most mortal creatures [ith (?C / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e. 0f the tar!et survives( the intense heat involved has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to cause the 4eat status (?). Pain (P5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (S ecial) 3irin! shar balls of ener!Z from her fin!erti s( the ma!e [racXs a tar!et [ith unthinXable levels of ain. \hile bein! tortured bZ ma!ic( the tar!et has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to succumb to the effects of Ilind (B)( ,oison (unlimited) and Silence (B). %ach status must be rolled se aratelZ to account for individual status immunities. Re3&ect (P5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # 2.Iarrier $ bubble of !reen li!ht surrounds the tar!et( shinin! liXe a ma!ic mirror and !rantin! the )eflect status (B). )efer to individual s ell descri tions to see [hich s ells are reflectible. Toad (C5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Transform) The ma!e chants in [hat seems to be a rather odd voice( and the tar!et suddenlZ feels cold. There is no[ a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that he [ill taXe on the Toad status (B). 0f the tar!et is alreadZ under the effects of Toad( he returns to normal. Ra&& (P5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # Iarrier $n u !raded ,rotect s ell( this s ell surrounds the tar!et in a s here of Zello[ li!ht that !rants the \all status (B). %enom (100 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (Iio)( Status (To/in) ,rere:uisite # Iio $ vile s[am forms beneath the tar!ets( [ith fumes more no/ious than anZ real s[am could ever roduce. Iubbles of slime float u and burst in the air( [hile the horrible fumes are enou!h to overcome anZthin! cau!ht [ithin the s[am . $ll tar!ets taXe (?B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor Iio dama!e and suffer a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to be affected bZ &enom (B). (e2e& <

Aging (100 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) ,rere:uisite # Time Sli Msin! the same ener!ies as Time Sli ( the ma!e distorts the tar!etas lace in time to the oint [here the tar!et seems to !et 50 Zears olderN There is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to add the conditions $!ilitZ IreaX (B)( $rmor IreaX (B)( 2a!ic IreaX (B)( 2ental IreaX (B)( ,o[er IreaX (B) and S irit IreaX (B). BreaP (150 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (%arth)( Status (S ecial) ,rere:uisites # RuaXe( Stone The ma!e dra[s out the full o[er of the earth [ith this s ell. The !round eru ts into a s raZ of dirt and rocX that batters the tar!et for ('0 / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e. 0f it survives the dama!e( the tar!et is then covered bZ the fallin! debris( [hich has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to turn it into Stone (unlimited). 0f successful( there is a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance that the violent shaXin! [ill shatter the statue( Xillin! the tar!et instantlZ. )e&tdoQn (150 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (\eaX) ,rere:uisite # 3lare %ner!Z of immense ro ortions is dra[n into the ma!e( [ho focuses it into a [all of ure heat. ;nce a [all of ener!Z several metres taller than the ma!e is built( it is unleashed at the tar!et in the form of a [hite#hot bar of li:uid fire. The beam burns a[aZ ('' / 2$8) L 5d10( 2. $rmor @on# %lemental dama!e and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of addin! the 2eltdo[n status (B). )eteor (?00 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental ,rere:uisite # IreaX Msin! the o[ers of time and s ace the ma!e dra[s an enormous celestial bodZ from the sXZ( almost lar!e enou!h to be a small lanet. The meteor descends from above( burnin! [ith the force of enterin! the atmos here. This force is eventuallZ enou!h to fra!ment the meteor into si/ smaller meteorites( [hich striXe si/ random tar!ets for (P / 2$8) L ?dP @on#%lemental dama!e each. 2eteor is not affected bZ $rmor or 2. $rmor. %ach otential tar!et must roll 1d100 for each striXe # the lo[est roll for each striXe is the tar!et that !ets hit. S?ie&d (?00 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Iarrier ,rere:uisite # )eflect( \all The ultimate defensive s ell( the Shield status (?) forms a crZstalline barrier around the tar!et that absorbs all hZsical and ma!ical actions( leavin! the tar!et unharmed. MnliXe other Iarrier s ells( Shield cannot be reflected. R?ir&Qind (150 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= %lemental ($ir) ,rere:uisite # $era!a $ distant rumble is heard( not from across the land but from above it. The sXZ darXens and !ro[s stormZ as fierce [inds be!in to [hi around the caster. $ violent t[ister eru ts from the sXZ and everZone is shaXen bZ the tremendous [ind( sufferin! ('' / 2$8) L 5d10( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( \hirl[ind cannot be reflected. BLUE MAGIC 'o"&in P#nc? (1 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The Ilue 2a!e launches himself at an o onent [ith unusual s eed and suddenness( [ea on at the readZ. 2aXe a standard $ttacX $ction [ith [hatever [ea on the Ilue 2a!e has to hand [hen 8oblin ,unch is castH calculate dama!e as normal unless the Ilue 2a!e and the tar!et are of e:ual >evelH in this case( the attacX inflicts B00% dama!e. This s ell overrides anZ s ecial effects the [ea on [ould add to an attacX. Pe* 4* (1 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ The 2a!e transfers their life force into tar!et in the form of a !lorious !olden beam. ,e M restores a sin!le tar!et to its ma/imum 4, valueH after the effects of ,e M have been resolved( the Ilue 2a!e is automaticallZ reduced to -ero 4,( re!ardless of current 4,. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( ,e M cannot be reflected. Re3&ectB1#&& (1 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (S ecial) $n iridescent ball of li!ht s eeds to[ards the tar!et( blastin! throu!h all barriers and rotective fields as it homes in. \hen used a!ainst a tar!et [ith the )eflect status condition( )eflect#@ull has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%%( 2. "efense of inflictin! a random status condition on the tar!etH roll ?dA and consult the table belo[ to determine the nature of the inflicted ailment. MnliXe other Status s ells( )eflect#@ull cannot be reflected. )oll Status Condition ? ,etrifZ (B) ' 0mmobili-e (A) B Toad (A) 5 Ilind (A) A Silence (A) C ,oison (unlimited)

P Slee (A) 9 Slo[ (A) 10 2ini (A) 11 "isable (A) 1? Sto (A) Se&3BDestr#ct (1 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The Ilue 2a!e instantlZ converts his life force into e/ losive ener!Z( creatin! a cataclZsmic blast [hich ri s throu!h the enemZ for (Casteras Current 4,) @on#%lemental dama!e. $fter dama!e has been resolved( the Ilue 2a!e is automaticallZ reduced to -ero 4,( re!ardless of anZ defenses or the dama!e ca . (aser ELes (B 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental Ieams of li!ht ener!Z ulse from the 2a!eas eZes( slashin! into the tar!et for (' / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( >aser %Zes can be reflected. !?oco Ba&& (A 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental 3ormin! a s here of ener!Z( the Ilue 2a!e launches a o[erful blast( much liXe Chocobos use for their o[n defense. This attacX inflicts (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. 0f the tar!et is the $erial tZ e( it inflicts 150% dama!e. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( Choco Iall can be reflected. Red Feast (A 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $ series of blood#colored orbs shoot out from the ti of the Ilue 2a!eas [ea on( latchin! onto the tar!et to drain its vital essences. 2aXe a standard $ttacX $ction [ith [hatever [ea on the Ilue 2a!e has to hand [hen )ed 3east is cast( calculatin! dama!e as normalH all dama!e inflicted after modifZin! for $rmor also restores the Ilue 2a!eas 4,( u to its ma/imum value. $nZ additional 4, recovered beZond that is lost. This s ell overrides anZ s ecial effects the [ea on [ould add to an attacX. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( )ed 3east cannot be reflected. (ea* (P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (\eaX) The Ilue 2a!e Fum s hi!h into the clouds( usin! the do[n[ard momentum to ierce their victimas defense( inflictin! (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e [ith a (2a!ic%#50)%%( 2. "efense chance of inflictin! $rmor "o[n (B). 0aste"reaP (10 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time) $s the Ilue 2a!e striXes the tar!et he ri s a slash into time( forcin! them to slo[ do[n to a cra[l. \ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to succeed( the tar!et is affected differentlZ based on itas current s eed. 0f 4asted or enhanced [ith $!ilitZ M ( the tar!et loses the status. 0f ossessin! no s eed modifZin! statuses( or suffers from $!ilitZ "o[n or $!ilitZ IreaX( it is inflicted [ith Slo[ (B). 0f Slo[ed( but does not have $!ilitZ "o[n or $!ilitZ IreaX( it is inflicted [ith $!ilitZ "o[n (B). 1ig?t (1' 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= Status (Seal) The Ilue 2a!e summons u a tinZ atch of ni!ht sXZ to hover above the area as soothin! sounds lull the tar!ets into a eaceful slumber. @i!ht has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense to inflict the status condition Slee (A)H roll se aratelZ for each tar!et affected. F&ame T?roQer (15 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (3ire) The Ilue 2a!e releases a blisterin! stream of fire from his fin!ers( scorchin! his intended tar!et for (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor 3ire %lemental dama!e. F&as? (15 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (Seal) $ blindin! [hite li!ht en!ulfs the Ilue 2a!eEs enemies( causin! intense ain to their bein! for (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense CoS of inflictin! Ilind (B) on the tar!ets. Poison 'as (1A 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (To/in) )eleasin! a !reen [ave of !as( the Ilue 2a!e has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense to inflict ,oison (unlimited) on all tar!ets. B&aster (1C 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (Time) The Ilue 2a!e builds u a collection of small [horls above their head that turns into a ball of ure force. The ball shoots to[ards his enemies and e/ lodes for (B / 2$8) L 1dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental "ama!e and the ashra nela from the ma!ical blast aralZ-es the tar!ets( havin! a (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense CoS of inflictin! 0mmobili-e (B) on the tar!ets. Stare (19 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (2ZstifZ)

Starin! at the enemZ artZ [ith eZes filled [ith madness( the Ilue 2a!e uses this otent attacX to set friends a!ainst one another. This s ell inflicts (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e and has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense CoS of inflictin! Confuse (A). 4&tra Ra2es (19 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (2ZstifZ) ,ur le [aves of ultrasonic ener!Z ri le from the Ilue 2a!eas bodZ( inflictin! (P / 2$8) L ?dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e on all tar!ets in ran!e. 0n addition the curious [avelen!th this s ell ta s on has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of inflictin! IerserX (A). Deat? Force (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ da--lin! crZstalline !lobe materialises around the tar!et # the sinister outlines of a screamin! sXull etched on its surface # and fades in an instant. "eath 3orce besto[s the tar!et [ith immunitZ to all "eath#tZ e s ells and status conditions (0=3atal( A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( "eath 3orce can be reflected. Dragon Force (?0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort $ shimmerin! crZstalline !lobe a ears around the tar!et( the etchin! of a dra!on brieflZ visible as it fades. "ra!on 3orce besto[s the tar!et [ith immunitZ to the elements of 3ire( 0ce and >i!htnin! (A). MnliXe other Su ort s ells( "ra!on 3orce can be reflected. 6;;; 1eed&es (?B 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental ;ne thousand stin!in! cactus thorns are shot from the Ilue 2a!eas bodZ at the tar!et in ra id succession. 1000 @eedles automaticallZ inflicts 100 @on#%lemental dama!e on the tar!etH 2. $rmor and $rmor have no effect on the dama!e inflicted. )agic 0ammer (?5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental $ !iant hammer materiali-es above the tar!et( dro in! onto its head [ith a shar cracX. 2a!ic 4ammer removes (Tar!etas Current 2,U10) 2, from the tar!etH re!ardless of ho[ much 2, the tar!et currentlZ ossesses( 2a!ic 4ammer [ill never taXe a[aZ more than 999 2,. $ll dama!e inflicted also restores the Ilue 2a!eas 2,( u to its ma/imum value. $nZ additional 2, recovered beZond that is lost. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( 2a!ic 4ammer can be reflected. Dri&& S?ot (?C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The Ilue 2a!e hefts her [ea on and oints it at the tar!et( issuin! a series of multi#colored s heres that collide [ith the tar!et and cause a o[erful e/ losion. 2aXe a standard $ttacX $ction [ith the Ilue 2a!eas currentlZ e:ui ed [ea on but i!nore the tar!etas $rmor and( if resent( i!nore the ,rotect status. This s ell overrides anZ s ecial effects the [ea on [ould add to an attacX. Force Fie&d (?C 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort The Ilue 2a!e summons a sudden flash of [hite li!ht to en!ulf her( !raduallZ s readin! out to cover her allies before fadin!. 3orce 3ield besto[s immunitZ to a certain element to all allies (A)H immediatelZ roll a dP and consult the table belo[ to find out [hich elemental defense is !ranted. )oll 0mmunitZ 1 %arth ? 3ire ' \ater B $ir 5 0ce A >i!htnin! C 4olZ P Shado[ Re2enge ('0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental $ [ave of invisible force crashes into the tar!et( inflictin! (Casteras 2a/imum 4, # Casteras Current 4,) @on#%lemental dama!e in the rocess. Ro#&ette ('0 2,) Tar!et= $ll TZ e= Status (3atal) $ll natural li!ht suddenlZ ceases as a sin!le s otli!ht be!ins to s in across the battlefield( dra[in! in ti!hter and ti!hter circles around the combatants until it sto s on a sin!le tar!et( Xillin! it stone dead. 0n order to determine the alucXZ [innera of this !rislZ fate( all combatants still alive should maXe an immediate roll once )oulette is cast. The lo[est#rollin! combatant is immediatelZ reduced to -ero 4,( re!ardless of anZ defenses e/ce t 0="eath and 0=3atal. (imit '&o"e ('? 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental $ sinister !lobe of ma!ical ener!Z emer!es from the Ilue 2a!eas [ea on( driftin! to[ards the tar!et at a leisurelZ ace before disa earin! into its bodZ [ith a muted sucXin! sound. 2aXe a standard $ttacX $ction [ith [hatever [ea on the Ilue 2a!e has to hand [hen >imit 8lobe is castH calculate dama!e as normal unless the Ilue 2a!e is currentlZ at ?5% or fe[er of their ma/imum 4,H in this case( the attacX inflicts B00% dama!e. This s ell overrides anZ s ecial effects the [ea on [ould add to an attacX.

0oming (aser ('' 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) $ salvo of searin! laser beams arcs out of the Ilue 2a!eas bodZ and blasts the tar!et in a s ectacular series of e/ losions. 4omin! >aser has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of inflictin! (Tar!etas Current 4,U?) @on#%lemental dama!eH re!ardless of ho[ much 4, the tar!et currentlZ ossesses( 4omin! >aser [ill never taXe a[aZ more than 999 4,. Seed !annon ('B 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The 2a!e ra id#fires a series of tou!h seed ods at blisterin! s eed( ummelin! the tar!et for (15 / ST)) L BdP( $rmor ,hZsical dama!e. !ondemned ('5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) $ cacXlin! red sXull a ears over the tar!et before slo[lZ fadin! a[aZ. Condemned has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to inflict the status condition Condemned (B) on the tar!et. MnliXe other 3atal s ells( Condemned can be reflected. Frost ('A 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) The Ilue 2a!e aims a stream of cold air at the tar!et( dro in! the tem erature surroundin! the tar!et close to free-in! oint. 3rost has a (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense chance of inflictin! the status condition 3ro-en (?). MnliXe other 3atal s ells( 3rost can be reflected. )atra )agic ('A 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental $ volleZ of tinZ !uided missiles burst from the Ilue 2a!eas bodZ( seeXin! out the enemZ before consumin! them in a o[erful e/ losion for (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. MnliXe other @on#%lemental s ells( 2atra 2a!ic can be reflected. T?r#st XicP ('C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (3atal) The Ilue 2a!e launches into an athletic flZin! XicX( surrounded bZ a faint nimbus of ener!Z as theZ slam into their tar!et [ith a sound barrier# breaXin! crash. Thrust ^icX has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense to instantlZ remove the tar!et from the battlefieldH ho[ever( note that monsters defeated in this fashion do not a[ard b, or treasure as normal # theZ are merelZ dis laced( rather than !enuinelZ defeated. Should the tar!et not be dis laced( theZ are instead strucX bZ the full force of the Ilue 2a!eas blo[( taXin! (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( $rmor ,hZsical dama!e in the rocess. Acid ('P 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (\eaX) $ s raZ of corrosive slime s lashes over the tar!et( eatin! a[aZ at its defenses and inflictin! (15 / 2$8) L BdP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. 0n addition( $cid has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of causin! 2eltdo[n (?). )#stard Bom" ('9 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) The Ilue 2a!e creates an e/ losive blast of fire and hot !ases( i!nitin! the area around the tar!et to infernal tem eratures. 2ustard Iomb has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense CoS of inflictin! 4eat (?) on the tar!et. MnliXe other 3atal s ells( 2ustard Iomb can be reflected. Sma&& )e&odL (B0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (S ecial) The 2a!e emits a blast of discordant notes( en!ulfin! their intended victim in a uff of s[eet#smellin! oran!e smoXe. Small 2elodZ has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of afflictin! the tar!et [ith 2ini (B) and Slee (A)H roll for each status. (A 0o&L (B1 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (4olZ) S ectacular blasts of [hite ener!Z assault the tar!ets( encirclin! them [ith earl#liXe starburstsH anZ tar!et [hose >evel is a multi le of B [ill taXe (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 4olZ dama!e from the attacX. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( >evel B 4olZ cannot be reflected. A:#a Breat? (B? 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (\ater) Torrential [inds assault the enemZ( buffetin! them about as e/ lodin! [ater bubbles sho[er the area( hittin! all tar!ets for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor \ater dama!e. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( $:ua Ireath cannot be reflected. E&ectroc#te (B? 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (>i!htnin!) The Ilue 2a!e hovers in mid#air( conductin! s arXs of ener!Z as !reen bolts of electricitZ blast throu!h the air at random intervals to devastatin! effect. $ll tar!ets cau!ht in the blast are strucX for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor >i!htnin! dama!e. Fire Breat? (B? 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (3ire) The 2a!e be!ins to !lo[ in a distressin! shade of oran!e as she o ens her mouth to release a sin!le solid ball of fire [hich bursts into a s[irlin! cloud of flames amidst the tar!ets( burnin! them for (1P / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor 3ire dama!e. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( 3ire Ireath cannot be reflected.

(@ )#dd&e (B' 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ) Small meteorites a ear above each tar!etas head( dro in! do[n [ith a comical a lunXa to release a riot of colored stars. >evel ' 2uddle has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of inflictin! Confuse (A) on all tar!ets [hose >evel is a multi le of '. MnliXe other Status s ells( >evel ' 2uddle cannot be reflected. R?ite Rind (B5 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ $ da--lin! constellation of earls hovers around the 2a!e( radiatin! [aves of bri!ht li!ht to restore (Casteras Current 4,) 4, to all allies. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( \hite \ind cannot be reflected. (@ De3B(ess (BP 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (\eaX) The Ilue 2a!e sends out a s[arm of ale inX !lobes to[ards the enemZ( brieflZ encasin! them in a field of rosZ ener!Z. >evel ' "ef#>ess has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of causin! $rmor IreaX (A) and 2ental IreaX (A) for all tar!ets [hose >evel is a multi le of '. MnliXe other Status s ells( >evel ' "ef#>ess cannot be reflected. Disc?ord (50 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (\eaX) The tar!et is surrounded bZ a coruscatin! aura of rainbo[#colored li!ht( ri lin! alon! the len!th of its bodZ several times before fadin!. "ischord has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of severelZ [eaXenin! the tar!et # addin! the statuses $!ilitZ "o[n (B)( $rmor "o[n (B)( 2a!ic "o[n (B)( 2ental "o[n (B)( ,o[er "o[n (B) and S irit "o[n (B). Frog Song (50 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (S ecial) The 2a!e emits a blast of discordant notes( obscurin! the tar!et in sicXlZ !reen va ors. 3ro! Son! has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of afflictin! the tar!et [ith the status conditions Toad (B) and Slee (A)H roll se aratelZ for each status. (A F&are (50 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental $ series of volatile articles -ero in on the enemZ( accom anied bZ a hi!h# itched [hineH anZ tar!et [hose >evel is a multi le of B [ill taXe (?B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e from the e/ losion that results from the bombardment. Degenerator (5C 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) The Ilue 2a!e emits a sin!le burst of blacX ener!Z [hich ri s the life ener!Z of out its tar!et. "e!enerator has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of instantlZ reducin! the tar!et to -ero 4,. MnliXe other "eath s ells( "e!enerator can be reflected. Eart? S?aPe (59 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (%arth) 4eavZ tremors burst throu!h the area( flZin! rocXs and hot !ases blastin! the aralZsed tar!ets for (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor %arth dama!e. %arth ShaXe [ill not affect anZthin! flZin! or anZ tar!ets [ith the 3loat status. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( %arth ShaXe cannot be reflected. Ange&Ss SnacP (A0 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ $ cascade of s arXlin! blue stars sho[ers do[n on the Ilue 2a!e and his allies( ne!atin! all ma!ic in the area. $n!elas SnacX cancels out all status conditions # beneficial or other[ise # currentlZ afflictin! the tar!ets. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( $n!elas SnacX cannot be reflected. TQister (A? 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental ($ir) The Ilue 2a!e summons a roarin! tornado to s[ee throu!h the area( taXin! everZthin! in its ath for a s in. $ll tar!ets in the affected area are hit for (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor $ir dama!e. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( T[ister cannot be reflected. Bad Breat? (A' 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (S ecial) The ma!e e/hales a stream of darX( billo[in! to/ic smoXe over his enemies( :uicXlZ movin! out to en!ulf the entire area. Iad Ireath has a (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense chance of inflictin! multi le status ailments on all tar!etH roll 1dA for each tar!et to determine the set of effect( then roll once to determine success of the entire set. MnliXe other Status s ells( Iad Ireath cannot be reflected. )oll Status %ffects 1 Curse (A)( 0mmobili-e (A)( ,oison (unlimited)( Silence (A) ? Ilind (A)( "isable (A)( ,oison (unlimited)( Slo[ (A) ' IerserX (A)( Condemned (B)( 2ini (B)( Slee (A) B Confuse (A)( Slo[ (A)( Time Sli (A)( Toad (B) 5 Confuse (A)( ,etrifZ (B)( Slo[ (A)( &enom (B) A IerserX (A)( Ilind (A)( ,oison (unlimited)( Yombie (A) Ri**&er (A5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (S ecial)

4a-Z s heres of blue ener!Z surround the 2a!e and her tar!et( !entlZ rotatin! as the !round bet[een the t[o be!ins to taXe on the a earance of a mercurZ laXe. $t once the orbs s[a ( in the rocess also e/chan!in! all status conditions ossessed bZ the Ilue 2a!e and tar!et( beneficial as [ell as ailments. 3or e/am le( a Ilind caster usin! )i ler on a 2ute tar!et [ith 4aste [ould end u 2ute and 4asted [hile the tar!et [ould be rendered Ilind. The durations for each status transfer alon! [ith the status. @ote that a ermanenta statuses( such as an $uto#effect !ranted bZ a iece of e:ui ment or 6ob $bilitZ( cannot be transferred. MnliXe other Status s ells( )i ler cannot be reflected. !rL in t?e 1ig?t (AC 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (S ecial) $ darX shado[ cree s across the battlefield( emittin! tendrils of !lo[in! inX ener!Z that drift amon! the combatants. $ ball of blood red ener!Z rises from the midst of the tar!ets( dra[in! in the inX tendrils and absorbin! their ener!Z. The ball !ro[s for a fe[ moments( becomin! surrounded bZ a ha-e of red ener!Z( and then e/ lodes. \ave after [ave of e/ losive ener!Z slam the tar!ets for (?1 / 2$8) L 5dP( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e. The e/ losion is accom anied bZ a stran!e ho[lin! noise( a chillin! sound [ith a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance of inflictin! both Curse (A) and Silence (A) on all tar!etsH roll se aratelZ for each status. 'at&ing '#n (AP 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= @on#%lemental The Ilue 2a!e e/tends her hand and sends a ra id barra!e of ma!ical ener!Z at one tar!et( e erin! it for multi le hits to inflict (?B / ST)) L Bd10( $rmor ,hZsical dama!e. Ra&& !?ange (C5 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Su ort The Ilue 2a!e summons a sudden flash of [hite li!ht to en!ulf an allZ( com letelZ surroundin! him before solidifZin! into an unZieldin! barrier. This rovides a solid resistance to all elemental dama!e ()= $ll %lements( A). 4o[ever( it comes at a rice. The allZ becomes [eaX to one s ecific element( [hich is constantlZ in flu/. "urin! the Status ,hase of each turn( the affected allZ rolls a dP and consults the table belo[ to find out [hich element (s)he is [eaX a!ainst for the u comin! round. @ote that this [eaXness overrides anZ elemental defenses the tar!et currentlZ has for that element. )oll \eaXness 1 %arth ? 3ire ' \ater B $ir 5 0ce A >i!htnin! C 4olZ P Shado[ (H Doom (P0 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (3atal) 8hostlZ !reZ sXulls materiali-e above the enemZ( lettin! out a mocXin!( hauntin! lau!h before disa earin!. >evel 5 "oom has a CoS of (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense of instantlZ reducin! anZ tar!et [hose >evel is a multi le of 5 to -ero 4,. (7 $&d (PB 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (\eaX) 8reZ clocXs a ear across the battlefield( chimin! midni!ht ominouslZ. 0f anZ tar!ets have a level [hich is a multi le of ?( there is a CoS of (2a!ic%# 50)%( 2. "efense that theZ [ill be inflicted [ith $!ilitZ IreaX (B)( $rmor IreaX (B)( 2a!ic IreaX (B)( 2ental IreaX (B)( ,o[er IreaX (B)( and S irit IreaX (B). 2aXe a se arate roll for each tar!et( but not for each status. MnliXe other Status s ells( >evel ? ;ld can not be reflected. Ange& R?is*er (90 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $ beautiful an!elic s irit descends from the heavens( hoverin! above the tar!et to sho[er it [ith !lo[in! articles of ma!ical ener!Z. $n!el \his er restores a sin!le tar!et to its ma/imum 4, value( as [ell as cancellin! out all status conditions # beneficial or other[ise # currentlZ afflictin! the tar!et. \hen used a!ainst a tar!et that is Mndead or has the Yombie status( this s ell has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to instantlZ Xill it. MnliXe other )ecoverZ s ells( $n!el \his er cannot be reflected. )agic Breat? (90 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lemental (S ecial) $ e/ andin! cloud of iridescent bubbles s[am the area( burstin! into hissin! s heres of fire( ice and electricitZ as theZ maXe contact [ith the enemZ. $ll tar!ets are hit three timesH once for (P / 2$8) L ?dP 3ire dama!e( once for (P / 2$8) L ?dP 0ce dama!e and once for (P / 2$8) L ?dP >i!htnin! dama!e. 2a!ic Ireath is no affected bZ $rmor or 2. $rmor( but individual hits can be adFusted for a ro riate enhancements and defenses. MnliXe other %lemental s ells( 2a!ic Ireath cannot be reflected. (A S#icide (91 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (S ecial) )ibbons of red ener!Z surround the tar!ets( [ra in! around them ti!htlZ before fadin! a[aZ. >evel B Suicide has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of instantlZ reducin! anZ tar!et [hose >evel is a multi le of B to one 4,( re!ardless of their current 4, score( $rmor( 2. $rmor or the dama!e ca . 0n addition( the S ell also has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of afflictin! the tar!et [ith 2ini (B)H roll se aratelZ for each effect. MnliXe other Status s ells( >evel B Suicide cannot be reflected.

0ea2enSs !ataract (9B 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (\eaX) The Ilue 2a!e reveals his namesaXe [hen he is surrounded bZ a ha-Z blue aura. The Ilue 2a!e a ears blurrZ( liXe a vision seen throu!h a fo!!Z [indo[. 8atherin! the aura( he casts the ha-e amon! his enemies and envelo s them in a similar aura laced [ith blacX smoXe. The tar!ets all suffer (?B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2. $rmor @on#%lemental dama!e from the choXin! smoXe and the ha-e has a (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense chance to disru t their defenses [ith $rmor IreaX (A) and 2ental IreaX (A). Stone Breat? (9A 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (Seal) The 2a!e e/hales a cloud of cree in! !reZ va ors [hich slo[lZ drift to settle over enemZ artZ. Stone Ireath has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of inflictin! the status condition Stone (unlimited) on the tar!ets. MnliXe other Status s ells( Stone Ireath cannot be reflected. S?adoQ F&are (100 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= %lemental (Shado[) ,ure [hite li!ht floods the area( outlinin! all combatants as starX blacX shado[sH a second later( a s[arm of darX articles homes in( blastin! the tar!et for (?C / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2. $rmor Shado[ dama!e. )ig?tL '#ard (1?0 2,) Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Iarrier( Su ort Irilliant !reen !lobes of ener!Z form around the 2a!e and her allies( fadin! into thin air a second later. 2i!htZ 8uard adds 4aste (B)( ,rotect (B) and Shell (B) to all allies. Anni?i&ator (1?5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental The Ilue 2a!e raises her hand to reveal a blacX !lobe of darX ener!Z floatin! a fe[ centimetres above her alm. \ith an underhanded toss she casuallZ lobs the ener!Z a!renadea into the midst of the enemies( [here it Fust hovers silentlZ for a moment. \ithout [arnin! the !lobe bursts( releasin! [aves of cracXlin! inX ener!Z that inflict ('0 / 2$8) L Bd1? @on#%lemental dama!e to all unfortunate tar!ets. )ortar (1?5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental The Ilue 2a!e raises her arms to the sXZ and launches a series of rubZ#red roFectiles # one for each tar!et in the enemZ !rou . The roFectiles soar throu!h the air and land s:uarelZ on the tar!ets( eru tin! into bursts of flame and smoXe that cause ('0 / ST)) L Bd1? ,hZsical dama!e. Deat? !&aQ (1B0 2,) Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (3atal) $ s iral of mali!nant ener!Z [inds around the tar!et in ever#ti!htenin! circles( dra[in! into a constrictin! bind before disa earin!. "eath Cla[ has a CoS of (2a!ic%#50)%( 2. "efense of instantlZ reducin! the tar!et to one 4,( re!ardless of the tar!etas current 4,( $rmor( 2. $rmor or the dama!e ca . 'rand Train (1C5 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental $ blacX [ave of celestial ener!Z assaults the tar!ets as the battlefield e/ lodes in rushin! starbursts( inflictin! ('A / 2$8) L 5d1? @on#%lemental dama!e on all o onents. $rmor and 2. $rmor have no effect on the dama!e dealt and 8rand Train is ca able of sur assin! the u er dama!e limit of 999. Storm !annon (?00 2,) Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental The Ilue 2a!e oints sXZ[ard and releases a beam of blindin! [hite li!ht into the heavens. The sXZ shimmers for a moment before [aves of [hite li!ht come crashin! do[n u on the tar!ets( en!ulfin! them in a ha-e of thicX [hite smoXe that melts a[aZ 15 / (Ilue 2a!eas >evel) @on#%lemental dama!e from all tar!ets. The dama!e inflicted bZ this s ell is not limited bZ the dama!e ca of 999. CALLING (aPs?mi (1B) ,roup Hug Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ $ beautiful [oman in flo[in! blue robes a ears [ith o en arms( creatin! a eaceful mood amon! the Calleras allies. TheZ all re!ain (' / 2$8) L 1d10 4,. %a&e3or (15) (nerg0 <a0 Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental The bird#liXe humanoid &alefor flies onto the battlefield( hoverin! over the Caller and assessin! the situation. \ith a iercin! crZ( &alefor o ens her mouth and emits a raZ of intense ener!Z directed into the enemZ !rou ( carvin! intricate atterns into the !round as it burns a[aZ (' / 2$8) L 1d10( 2$)2 @on#%lemental dama!e. Remora (1A) Latch=On Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= Status (Time)

The !round beneath the tar!et shimmers for a moment( as if it [ere a ri lin! ool of [ater. 3rom this a oola lea s the little sharX )emora( [hich latches to the tar!et and holds it do[n. The actions of )emora have a (2a!ic%#50)( 2"%3 chance to afflict the tar!et [ith both Slo[ (A) and 0mmobili-e (A). 3rit (?1) 1n%erno Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (3ire) The fireZ beast 0frit bursts out of the !round beneath the tar!ets( vaulted to[ards the sXZ on a [ave of fire and lava. $s he lea s out of si!ht( 0frit lets out a mi!htZ roar and one last eru tion of infernal flames burns the enemZ !rou for (A / 2$8) L ?d10( 2$)2 3ire dama!e. Ram#? (?1) Hea en3s Thunder Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (>i!htnin!) The sXZ becomes cloudZ and turbulent( [ith brief electrical arcs be!innin! to lea from cloud to cloud. The li!htnin! !od )amuh descends from the clouds and hurls his staff into the midst of the enemZ !rou ( [hich channels the electrical arcs into a burst of li!htnin! that fries the enemies for (A / 2$8) L ?d10( 2$)2 >i!htnin! dama!e. S?i2a (?1) )no2storm Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (0ce) $ cold [ind icXs u ( [hi in! fro-en crZstals of [ater onto the battlefield that :uicXlZ form into the beautiful :ueen of ice( Shiva. \ith a [ave of her hands( the heat in the air is ushed aside to maXe room for a cold sno[Z blast that chills the tar!ets for (A / 2$8) L ?d10( 2$)2 0Ce dama!e. SL&*? (?A) 5hisper o% the 5inds Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= )ecoverZ $ soft bree-e blo[s as a air of SZl hs flZ onto the battlefield. TheZ circle the tar!et( [hich be!ins to !lo[ a soft ale blue. This li!ht !ro[s into an intense blue s here of ener!Z( [hich the SZl hs thro[ at the Calleras artZ. The tar!et suffers (10 / 2$8) L 'd10( 2$)2 @on#%lemental dama!e. The dama!e inflicted is divided evenlZ amon! all artZ members and used to restore their 4,. Siren ('?) )ilent Foice Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental( Status (Seal) $n allurin! Zoun! [oman [alXs out of an ocean mist that rises across the battlefield( strummin! a small har . 4er enchantin! melodZ is mZsterious and o[erful( as it melts a[aZ (A / 2$8) L ?d10( 2$)2 @on#%lemental dama!e from all tar!ets. The son! also has a (2a!ic%#50)( 2"%3 chance to Silence (A) all tar!ets. Titan (B0) Terrestrial <age Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (%arth) The massive Titan bursts from the !round behind the Caller and lea s into the enemZ !rou ( slammin! his incredible fists as he lands. The im act bucXles the earth and creates a shocX[ave that to les the tar!ets for (10 / 2$8) L 'd10( 2$)2 %arth dama!e. Xirin (BA) Li%e ,uard Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort The ma!ical horse#liXe beast ^irin trots onto the battlefield and be!ins to emit a ale [hite aura. The aura [ashes over the Calleras artZ and blesses them [ith )e!en (A). !ait Sit? (5?) Cat <ain Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (2ZstifZ) $ stran!e bi edal cat [earin! boots and a ca e runs around the enemZ !rou ( s rinXlin! a stran!e dust that has a (2a!ic%#50)( 2"%3 chance to inflict the status condition Confuse (A). FairL (A0) Cr0stal Light Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ $ tinZ fairZ flies around the artZ and then hovers in the air behind the Caller. She clas s her hands around a crZstal that shines a ale inX li!ht that envelo s the artZ. The li!ht restores (1B / 2$8) L Bd10 4,. Atomos (AC) ,=8orce -GG Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (3atal) The [ormhole monster $tomos rises from the !round behind the tar!ets( its hideous !a in! ma[ shado[in! the battlefield. \ithin the blacX de ths of its enormous mouth( a sin!ularitZ forms that dra[s in dust and small obFects. The force of the !ravitational henomenon also has a (2a!ic%#50)( 2"%3 chance to instantlZ sucX out a ercenta!e of the tar!etsa current 4,. The ercenta!e of 4, drained is e:ual to 50% / (Calleras Current 4,UCalleras 2a/imum 4,). The dama!e maZ never e/ceed 999( re!ardless of ho[ much 4, the tar!ets currentlZ have.

Fenrir (C') Ho2ling "oon Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort The leashed [olf#beast 3enrir looXs to the sXZ and ho[ls( a[aitin! the daZ he is free to e/act his reven!e. The o[erful crZ ins ires a[e in the Calleras allies( drivin! them to fi!ht s[iftlZ and bravelZ bZ !rantin! the statuses $!ilitZ M (A) and S irit M (A). Dia"&os (C5) !ar9 "essenger Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (3atal) The sXZ is darXened bZ a colonZ of bats flZin! to[ards a lar!e blacX mass centered above the battle. The blacX obFect !ro[s and en!ulfs the bats until it e/ lodes to reveal the darX lord "iablos. \ith a [ave of his cla[s( the bat#liXe devil creates a massive !ravitational sur!e that [ei!hs heavilZ on the tar!ets( [ith a (2a!ic%#50)( 2"%3 chance to sucX out (Calleras >evel)% of their current 4,. The dama!e maZ never e/ceed 999( re!ardless of ho[ much 4, the tar!ets currentlZ have. BismarP (CC) )ea )ong Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (\ater) $ !reat [ave [ashes over the tar!ets( tem orarilZ submer!in! them. $ [hale the si-e of a battleshi s[ims alon! in the [ave( its son! resonatin! throu!hout the [ater. The unfortunate tar!ets cau!ht in the churnin! delu!e suffer (1B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2$)2 \ater dama!e. Pandemoni#m (CC) Tornado Hone Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (\ind) $ stran!e( va!uelZ humanoid beast a ears from a small [hirl[ind created bZ the Caller. She seems to stare at the Calleras enemies for a moment( then raises her arms and e/hales a o[erful tornado that hammers the tar!ets for (1B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2$)2 \ind dama!e. SL&dra (CC) Thunder )torm Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (S ecial) The !iant sea ser ent SZldra a ears in front of the Calleras artZ alon! [ith a formidable [ave. The motion of SZldraas tail ro els the [ave to[ards the tar!ets( crashin! into them ti inflict (A / 2$8) L ?d10 \ater dama!e. $s the [ave is recedin!( SZldra unleashes an electrical burst from its mouth( shocXin! the soaXed tar!ets for an additional (A / 2$8) L ?d10 >i!htnin! dama!e. As#ra (P0) $suraas effect is random( determined bZ [hich head is facin! the battlefield at the time she is called. M on choosin! $sura( the Caller rolls 1d100 and the effects are as follo[s= 1#50 = 3ace of `an! 51#P5 = 3ace of `in PA#100= 3ace of $sura 8ace o% Iang Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort $suraas o[erful [arrior face is turned to[ards the battle. Channelin! the rou!her( stron!er o[ers of the s irit( she builds a defense for the Calleras artZ that can endure the assaults of most fiends. The artZ !ains ,rotect (A) and Shell (A). 8ace o% Iin Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ $suraas eaceful ma!ician face is turned to[ards the battle. Msin! the Xinder( !entler o[ers of the s irit( she bathes the Calleras artZ in a [arm li!ht that restores (1P / 2$8) L Bd1? 4,. 8ace o% Asura Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ The face of $sura combines her [arrior s irit [ith her ma!ical [isdom to unlocX the o[er of life. \hen this face is turned to[ards the battle a !olden !lo[ surrounds the artZ( restorin! (10 / 2$8) L 'd10 4, to the inFured and revivin! the dead [ith 10% of their ma/imum 4,. )ist Dragon (P?) "ist #reath Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (0ce) $n icZ [ind blo[s in( carrZin! a cold mist that covers the battlefield. The mist resolves into the form of a o[erful dra!on that s raZs its chillin! breath at the tar!ets. The force of the breath is de endent on the health of the Caller( as sho[n in the follo[in! chart= Calleras 4, "ama!e 100#CA% of ma/ (1P / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 0ce dama!e C5#51% of ma/ (1B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2$)2 0ce dama!e 50#?A% of ma/ (10 / 2$8) L 'd10( 2$)2 0ce dama!e ?5#1% of ma/ (A / 2$8) L ?d10( 2$)2 0ce dama!e O#et8a&coat& (P?) Lightning #reath Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (>i!htnin!)

$ small( Zello[#!reen li-ard is [alXin! in front of the Caller [hen itas suddenlZ strucX bZ li!htnin!N $s the Caller blinXs a[aZ the afterima!e( the li-ard can be see !ro[in! and risin! into the air as the thunder bird Ruet-alcoatlN ;nce fullZ !ro[n and amon! the cloud( it o ens its beaX and releases a sho[er of electricitZ on the tar!ets( the force of [hich de ends on the Calleras health. Calleras 4, "ama!e 100#CA% of ma/ (1P / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 >i!htnin! dama!e C5#51% of ma/ (1B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2$)2 >i!htnin! dama!e 50#?A% of ma/ (10 / 2$8) L 'd10( 2$)2 >i!htnin! dama!e ?5#1% of ma/ (A / 2$8) L ?d10( 2$)2 >i!htnin! dama!e Sa&amander (P?) 8laming #reath Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (3ire) $ lar!e( brilliant red re tile [anders into the battle and stares at the Calleras o onents. \ith a sna of its head it o ens its mouth and releases a torrent of flames that scorch the unlucXZ tar!ets. The intensitZ of the flames de ends on the stren!th of the Calleras health. Calleras 4, "ama!e 100#CA% of ma/ (1P / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 3ire dama!e C5#51% of ma/ (1B / 2$8) L Bd10( 2$)2 3ire dama!e 50#?A% of ma/ (10 / 2$8) L 'd10( 2$)2 3ire dama!e ?5#1% of ma/ (A / 2$8) L ?d10( 2$)2 3ire dama!e !ato"&e*as (PB) !emon3s (0e Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (Seal) The cZclo tic bull demon ste s onto the battlefield and fi/es the Calleras enemies in its !lare. %verZ tar!et facin! this fearsome demon has a (2a!ic%# 50)( 2"%3 chance to suffer the status condition ,etrifZ (B). /orm#ngand (PC) (arth Aura Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (%arth) The [orld#s annin! ser ent crashes u throu!h the !round beneath the tar!ets and be!ins flailin! its bulX( crushin! and smashin! the earth around itself. The tar!ets are shaXen and battered for (1P / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 %arth dama!e. Tritoc? (90) Tri=!a;er Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (S ecial) The multi#elemental dra!on snaXe descends from the clouds and releases a burst of electrical furZ that slams the Calleras enemies for (A / 2$8) L ?d10 >i!htnin! dama!e. This is :uicXlZ follo[ed bZ a !ust of fro-en air that inflicts (A / 2$8) L ?d10 0ce dama!e and then a blast of fireZ breath that deals out a final (A / 2$8) L ?d10 3ire dama!e. P?antom (9') 8ader Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort The faint outline of a humanoid form is seen floatin! around the Caller( its eerie !a-e taXin! in its surroundin!s. \ithout maXin! a sound( it floats a[aZ but leaves a hatasmal residue in its [aXe that !rants &anish (A) to the Calleras artZ. 4nicorn (100) Healing Horn Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ $ ma!nificent Mnicorn casuallZ trots to[ards the Caller. ;nce near the artZ( its horn be!ins to !lo[ [ith a brilliant [hite li!ht that removes all ne!ative status conditions from the Calleras artZ. !ar"#nc&e (10C) <ub0 Light Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort $ hole o ens in the !round in front of the Caller and a small !reen li-ard [ith a rubZ in its forehead eeXs out. The creature furtivelZ looXs around( [ithdra[s for a moment and then lea s into the air( its rubZ scatterin! the ambient li!ht across the artZ and !rantin! them )eflect (A). 'o&em (10C) (arth 5all Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort The Caller dra[s a !i!antic man made of claZ and stone from the !round and inscribes a ma!ic [ord on its forehead. The 8olemas eZes li!ht u [hen the final letter is recorded and it assumes its mission # to defend its masters. The 8olem s reads its enormous arms out in front of the artZ( !rantin! them the status \all (A). Sera*?im (111) <e i er Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= )ecoverZ $n an!el descends from the heavens( accom anied bZ beautiful li!ht and a divine chorus. She turns to[ards the artZ and s reads her si/ sets of [in!s( refractin! the li!ht across the artZ and restorin! (?? / 2$8) L Bd1? 4,.

ArP (119) $rX can a ear in one of t[o forms [hen called. M on choosin! $rX( the Caller rolls 1d100 to determine [hich form a ears= 1#A0 = $irshi 3orm (uses ,ro eller \ind) A1#100= 2echa 3orm (uses 6et Iree-e) Propeller 5ind Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (\ind)( Status (2ZstifZ) The le!endarZ airshi $rX flies across the battlefield( the motion of its ro ellers creatin! a momentarZ vacuum amon! the tar!ets. The surroundin! air rushes in to fill the vacuum and creates a s[irlin! vorte/ that buffets the tar!ets for (?? / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 \ind dama!e and has a (2a!ic %#50)( 2"%3 chance to afflict them [ith Confuse (A). ?et #ree;e Tar!et= 8rou ( ,artZ TZ e= %lement (\ind)( Su ort The machina humanoid $rX s[iftlZ flies onto the battlefield( landin! bet[een the Caller and her o onents. 0t oints its massive arms # or more accuratelZ( the Fet thrusters attached to the arms # at the Calleras enemies and releases a blast of [ind that slams them for (?A / 2$8) L 5d10( 2$)2 \ind dama!e. The bacXdraft is enou!h to ro el the Calleras artZ into the air( !rantin! them 3loat (A). Doomtrain (1?B) <una2a0 Train Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (Iio)( Status (S ecial) The battlefield shifts to an abandoned railroad in the [ilderness( an eerilZ :uiet [ilderness. The rin!in! of the [arnin! bells suddenlZ sounds( si!nalin! the a roach of the runa[aZ "oomtrain. \ithout much time to react( the tar!ets are slammed bZ the demonic locomotive for (?? / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 Iio dama!e and have a (2a!ic%#50)( 2"%3 chance to suffer from Ilind (A)( 2eltdo[n (?) and ,oison (M). )oll se aratelZ for each status condition. 0ades (1?B) #lac9 Cauldron Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (Iio)( Status (S ecial) The sXZ fades to blacX and in the shado[s a menacin! fi!ure can be seen. $s he comes into focus( the man a ears to be s[athed in blood red robes and stirrin! somethin! in a lar!e blacX cauldron. The fumes from the cauldron [ash over the tar!ets( choXin! them for (?? / 2$8) L Bd1?( 2$)2 Iio dama!e. The no/ious odour also has a (2a!ic%#50)( 2"%3 chance to afflict the tar!ets [ith Curse (A)( 2ini (A) and Silence (A). )oll se aratelZ for each status condition. X>ata (1?5) Tetra=!isaster Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (S ecial) $ burst of flames eru ts from the !round( burnin! the tar!ets for (A / 2$8) L ?d10 3ire dama!e. $ cold air be!ins to s[ee in that romises :uicX relief( but turns to a ainful stin! as it coalesces into a blocX of ice that chills the tar!ets for another (A / 2$8) L ?d10 0ce dama!e. The ice is shattered bZ a volleZ of li!htnin! bolts that cruellZ stri a[aZ (A / 2$8) L ?d10 >i!htnin! dama!e and reveal the source of this miserZ # the massive elemental beast ^Fata. \ith a stom of its mi!htZ hooves ^Fata sends a ri le throu!h the !round that slams the tar!ets for a final (A / 2$8) L ?d10 %arth dama!e. A&eGander (1'0) ?ustice Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (4olZ) The tremendous robotic aladin $le/ander rises from the !round and settles behind the Caller. Iracin! itself [ith its arms( it o ens its aeZesa and scans for an area to tar!et. ;nce an area is chosen( the eZes release beams of intense [hite ener!Z that bombard the tar!etted area # and all [ithin # for (?A / 2$8) L 5d10( 2$)2 4olZ dama!e. Anima (1'0) Torture Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (Shado[) The darX tormented soul $nima bursts from the dirt around the Calleras o onents( ever stru!!lin! [ith her eternal chains. 4er futile stru!!lin! [hi s the chains to and fro( tan!lin! all nearbZ tar!ets as her iercin! ho[ls drive fear into even the boldest of hearts. The ain inflicted bZ this torture results in (?A / 2$8) L 5d10( 2$)2 Shado[ dama!e. !er"er#s (1'9) Counter <oc9ets Tar!et= ,artZ TZ e= Su ort The three#headed hound of 4ell( Cerberus( stands ever vi!ilant at 4ellas !ate. 0ts ho[ls and roars can sometimes be heard in the far reaches of the [orld( liXe rocXets of fear soundin! im endin! death. This fear strucX into the hearts of the tar!ets lends o[er to the Calleras artZ in the form of ,o[er M (A) and 2a!ic M (A). P?oeniG (1BC) Phoenix 8lame Tar!et= 8rou ( ,artZ TZ e= %lement (3ire)( )ecoverZ 3eathers( ashes and dro s of oil fall from the sXZ to form a small ile in the center of the battlefield. $fter a moment( a small red bird emer!es from the ile and shaXes off some debris( then s reads its [in!s and taXes to the sXZ. Circlin! once over the battle before de artin!( it trails ribbons of flame

everZ[here that scorch the Calleras o onents for (?A / 2$8) L 5d10( 2$)2 3ire dama!e and restore anZ of the Calleras fallen comrades to life [ith ?5% of their ma/imum 4,. TL*?on (155) !isintegration Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (\ind) The multi#headed beast soars over the battle( churnin! u a devastatin! [hirl[ind that ri s into the !round around the tar!ets. Cau!ht in the !ale and hammered bZ the [ind( stones and !ro[ls of the beast TZ hon( the tar!ets are slammed for ('0 / 2$8) L 5d10( 2$)2 \ind dama!e. (e2iat?an (155) Tsunami Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (\ater) The ser entine dra!on >eviathan !lides to[ards the battlefield( ridin! a tremendous [ave. The seismic henomenon crashes into the Calleras enemies and floods the battlefield for a moment( the force of the [ater causin! ('0 / 2$8) L 5d10( 2$)2 \ater dama!e. (ic? (1AP) )2arm o% ( il Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (Shado[) >ich( the sorceror [ho traded his soul for o[er( [alXs into battle as a [ave of blacX ener!Z obscures the sXZ. Channelin! the evil that re laced his life force( he oints a sXeletal fin!er at the tar!ets and releases another [ave of darXness that melts a[aZ ('A / 2$8) L 5d1?( 2$)2 Shado[ dama!e. )adeen (1AP) Chaos 5ing Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= %lement (4olZ) ,roud and stron!( the blessed lion#man 2adeen rides into battle on a [ave of brilliant li!ht. 4e roars as he flies ast( s readin! his arms and directin! a blast of the ure li!ht into the tar!ets. The li!ht burns a[aZ ('A / 2$8) L 5d1?( 2$)2 4olZ dama!e. $din (1CA) ;din refers to use his massive s[ord YantetsuXen [hen called. 0f the Caller is facin! a Ioss of anZ tZ e or a !rou of fiends [ith a maForitZ rotected bZ 0="eath or 0=3atal( then ;din [ill o t to use his s ear 8un!nir on a tar!et of the Calleras choosin!. Hantetsu9en Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= Status (3atal) The [ise !od ;din rides into battle ato his ei!ht#le!!ed steed Sle nir( his one eZe surveZin! his ne[ enemies. \ith a nod he s urs Sle nir on[ard and dra[s his mi!htZ s[ord YantetsuXen( char!in! into the enemZ ranXs. \ith no [asted motion ;din slashes [ith YantetsuXen( and there is a (2a!ic %#50)( 2"%3 chance the enemies [ill be instantlZ slain bZ the o[erful s[ord. ,ungnir Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= ,hZsical The [ise !od ;din rides into battle ato his ei!ht#le!!ed steed Sle nir( his one eZe si-in! u his foe. \ith a nod he s urs Sle nir on[ard and hefts his massive s ear 8un!nir( char!in! [ith un[averin! resolve. The resultin! collision drives the lance dee into the tar!et and inflicts ('' / 2$8) L 5d10( $)2 ,hZsical dama!e. Ba?am#t (??5) "ega=8lare Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental The mi!htZ dra!on lord soars throu!h the clouds( his massive [in!s obscurin! the li!ht as he hovers above the Caller. Starin! do[n at the tar!ets( Iahamut seems to lau!h as he rears bacX his head and a ball of ener!Z forms in his Fa[s. \hi in! his head for[ard( the ball of ener!Z is released as a stream of destructive ma!ic o[er that chars the tar!ets for ('9 / 2$8) L 5d1? @on#%lemental dama!e. The o[er of the dra!on lord is also ca able of breaXin! the 999 dama!e barrier. !r#sader (??5) Puri%ier Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= ,hZsical The sXZ dims as the lost soul of the ever [anderin! Crusader ha ens u on the battlefield. Summonin! some other lost souls to his side( the Crusader char!es to[ards the Calleras enemies [ith the intent of urifZin! the [orld from their taint. Msin! their tarnished steel( the Crusaderas cohorts rend the tar!ets limb from limb to inflict ('9 / 2$8) L 5d1? ,hZsical dama!e. The intensitZ of the Crusaderas -eal has onlZ !ro[n in death( and thus he is ca able of breaXin! the 999 dama!e barrier. )ag#s Sisters (?50) )ibling ?ustice Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= @on#%lemental Three li!hts a ear on the hori-on # one red( one blue and one Zello[. TheZ a ears to be !ro[in! bri!hter and movin! to[ards the tar!ets( and eventuallZ can be seen as three [omen !arbed in stran!e insectoid costumes. The three [omen circle the tar!ets before attacXin! # the tall one in red assaultin! [ith s ells( the lar!e one in blue#!reZ steel stom in! and smashin! and the small one in Zello[ launchin! stin!ers at the tar!ets. The sisters com lete their assault [ith a burst of ma!ical force and [hen the dust settles( all tar!ets have suffered (B? / 2$8) L 5d1?( 2$)2 @on#%lemental dama!e. Since the sisters ossess incredible ma!ical o[ers( the 999 dama!e barrier can be broXen bZ this attacX. Wo>im"o (0) MnliXe other beasts of memorZ( `oFimboas soul endures as an eternal mercenarZ and not a ma!ical creature. 0n order to call u on `oFimbo( the Caller

must offer a sum of 8il to contract his services. The minimum aZment is (10 / >evel) 8il( thou!h `oFimbo [ill erform better services for more !enerous benefactors( as sho[n in the follo[in! chart= 2inimum # ?999= "ai!oro '000 # B999= \aXi-ashi 5000L = ^o-uXa !aigoro Tar!et= Sin!le TZ e= ,hZsical `oFimbo is unim ressed bZ the sum offered and sends his do! to do the Fob. The !hostlZ hound "ai!oro lea s at a tar!et and mauls it for ((8il ,aidU150) / 2$8) L Bd1?( $)2 ,hZsical dama!e. The tar!et is one enemZ chosen at randomH all tar!ets should roll 1d100 and "ai!oro [ill attacX [hichever one rolled the hi!hest. 5a9i;ashi Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= ,hZsical `oFimbo is satisfied [ith the aZment offered and acce ts the Fob. 0n one fluid motion he dra[s the shorter of his t[o s[ords and slashes at the tar!ets. 4e auses for a moment to [i e the blood from his blade before sheathin! it and leavin!( [hile the monsters bleed out ((8il ,aidU150) / 2$8) L 5d1?( $)2 ,hZsical dama!e. >o;u9a Tar!et= 8rou TZ e= ,hZsical `oFimbo is leased bZ the aZment and a!rees to the tasX. ;nce on the battlefield he reveals a set of [ell#made Xnives that he deftlZ thro[s at three random enemZ tar!ets( striXin! each for ((8il ,aidU?50) / 2$8) L 5d10( $)2 ,hZsical dama!e. 3or everZ '000 8il aid above 5000( `oFimbo [ill thro[ an e/tra Xnife. Since the tar!ets are random( each tar!et should roll 1d100 for each Xnife thro[nH a Xnife [ill hit [hichever tar!et rolled hi!hest on each set of rolls. ENCHANTMENT E(E)E1TA( T ER The basic effects of %nchantment( and some claim the most versatile. %lemental StriXes are used to attacX an enemZas [eaX oint in an attem t to inflict e/tra dama!e( thus eliminatin! threats s[iftlZ. $s each element can ran!e from erfect to useless de endin! on the situation( all %lemental StriXes maZ be learned from >evel 1 on[ard. >evel 1= %arth StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts %arth dama!e >evel 1= 3ire StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts 3ire dama!e >evel 1= 4olZ StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts 4olZ dama!e >evel 1= 0ce StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts 0ce dama!e >evel 1= >i!htnin! StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts >i!htnin! dama!e >evel 1= Iio StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts Iio dama!e >evel 1= Shado[ StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts Shado[ dama!e >evel 1= \ater StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts \ater dama!e >evel 1= \ind StriXe # (5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts \ind dama!e STAT4S T ER $nother sta le of the 2a!ic ^ni!htas re ertoire( Status StriXes add a chance to inflict a Status Condition on an unlucXZ o onent. 3or combat situations [here a :uicX finish isnat ossible( a ro erlZ laced Status Condition can turn the tide in the 2a!ic ^ni!htas favor. Since some conditions are obviouslZ more valuable than others( there are b, >evel re:uirements for learnin! certain Status StriXes. >evel 1= Ilind StriXe # (10 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to Ilind (A) >evel 1= ,oison StriXe # (10 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to ,oison (M) >evel 1= Slee StriXe # (10 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause Slee (A) >evel P= IerserX StriXe # (15 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to IerserX (A) >evel P= Slo[ StriXe # (15 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to Slo[ (A) >evel 15= Silence StriXe # (15 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to Silence (A) >evel 15= Yombie StriXe # ('0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause Yombie (A) >evel ??= Confuse StriXe # ('0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to Confuse (A) >evel ?9= Curse StriXe # ('0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to Curse (A) >evel ?9= 2ini StriXe # (B5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause 2ini (A) >evel B'= Stone StriXe # (A0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to Stone (M) >evel B'= Sto StriXe # (50 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to Sto (A) >evel B'= Toad StriXe # (C0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause Toad (A) >evel 50= 3ro-en StriXe # (P0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause 3ro-en (?) >evel 50= 4eat StriXe # (P0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause 4eat (?) >evel 50= ,ain StriXe # (C0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause Ilind (A)( Silence (A) and ,oison (M)H roll se aratelZ for each status >evel 50= &enom StriXe # (C0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to cause &enom (B) EFFE!T T ER $s the 2a!ic ^ni!ht hones his sXills( he reali-es that some situations cannot be handled [ith a basic %lemental or Status StriXe. The %ffect StriXes [ere develo ed to fill these strate!ic !a s. TheZ cover a varietZ of oddball situations( and b, >evel re:uirements are in lace as these StriXes taXe time to learn and master. >evel ??= "is el StriXe # ('0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to dis el all ositive statuses e/ce t Shield. >evel ??= "rain StriXe # ('0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that uses dama!e to restore the 2a!ic ^ni!htas 4,. >evel ??= ;smose StriXe # ( 1 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that uses dama!e to restore the 2a!ic ^ni!htas 2,. "ama!e is divided bZ t[o [hen usin! ;smose StriXe and affects the

tar!etas 2, onlZ. >evel ?9= 8ravitZ StriXe # (50 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to immediatelZ cut the tar!etas 4, in half. There is no dama!e inflicted if the 8ravitZ effect misses. >evel ?9= )as StriXe # ('0 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that dama!es 2, instead of 4, >evel 'A= Si!net # (55 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that crZstalli-es the tar!et if this is the Xillin! blo[H roll 1d10 and consult the table for the tZ e of crZstal obtained. The crZstal maZ be used bZ the 2a!ic ^ni!ht or anZ of his allies( but it must be used immediatelZ after the battle has ended. 1#' # )ed= The characteras 4, is restored bZ 50% of his ma/imum value. B#5 # 8old= The characteras 4, and 2, are restored to full. A#P # 8reen= The characteras 2, is restored bZ ?5% of his ma/imum value. 9#10 # Ilue= The characteras b, re[ard for the fi!ht is increased bZ ?5%. >evel 'A= Si hon StriXe # (C5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that uses dama!e to restore the 2a!ic ^ni!htas 4, and 2,. The final result for dama!e is divided evenlZ bet[een the tar!etas 4, and 2,. >evel B'= 2eltdo[n StriXe # (C5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that i!nores $)2 and ,rotect >evel 50= "eath StriXe # (95 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to instantlZ Xill 4(T )ATE T ER \ith !reat o[er... comes even !reater o[er. The 2a!ic ^ni!ht [ho has trained for and fou!ht in manZ battles can unlocX the secrets of the ultimate forms of %nchantment. These attacXs focus on unleashin! such devastatin! o[er that nothin! but the tou!hest monsters could stand a!ainst them. $ccess to this tier re:uires a fairlZ hi!h b, >evel( as onlZ master 2a!ic ^ni!hts can safelZ [ield such a[esome s ells. >evel 50= RuaXe StriXe # ( C5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that striXes all allies and enemies [ith %arth dama!e. This %nchantment cannot affect 3loatin! or 3lZin! tar!ets. This effect is ran!ed( re!ardless of the e:ui ed [ea on. >evel 50= \hirl[ind StriXe # ( P5 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that striXes all enemies [ith \ind dama!e. This effect is ran!ed( re!ardless of the e:ui ed [ea on. >evel 5C= IlacX 4ole StriXe # (150 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction [ith a A0% chance to instantlZ Xill. 0f the "eath effect misses( there is a A0% chance of reducin! the tar!etas 4, to 1( re!ardless of the dama!e ca . 0f the 8ravitZ effect misses( there is no dama!e inflicted. >evel 5C= 3lare StriXe # (100 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that inflicts ?/ dama!e and i!nores the "ama!e Ca . >evel AB= Mltima StriXe # (?50 2,) 2aXe an $ttacX $ction that striXes all enemies( i!nores $)2 and ,rotect( inflicts ?/ dama!e and i!nores the "ama!e Ca . ,i en the nature o% this chapter* 2e still need more contributions in order to complete the 2or9. #elo2 is an outline 2ith the content 2e intend to include %or the %inal release o% the 6e C<. 1% 0ou 2ish to contribute == be it a complete section* a sub=section* or some additional in%ormation %or an existing dra%t == %eel %ree to post the material to the <,1 !e Labs %orum on the message boards 2ith a J,"K tag on the thread. $n outline of the 82C for those interested in contributin!. 1. )unnin! the 8ame a. Iasics of 82in! b. 2ana!in! Combat c. @oncombat %ncounters d. )e[ards and %/ erience e. Startin! Cam ai!ns IeZond >evel ;ne ?. The 3irst $dventure a. Startin! ;ff # settin! thin!s u b. The ;bFective c. Travels and Challen!es # the ameata of the adventure d. Iattles e. @,Cs f. )est and )ecoverZ '. Iuildin! a Cam ai!n a. 8ettin! Started # re arations b. Irin!in! the ,laZers To!ether # introductions and first ste s c. %/ erienced ,Cs d. $rc ,lot # buildin! a lar!e#scale meta lot e. The 2ac8uffin # settin! the lot in motion f. ContinuitZ and 3oreshado[in! !. 0nvolvin! the ,laZers # lon!#term immersion h. "eath and Sacrifice B. The 3inal 3antasZ 3eel a. % ic 3antasZ b. 4eroes and &illains c. )ealism b. Character $dvancement a. %/ erience Table b. \hat ha ens [hen a character levels u . Scenario ,oints RorP $rder

The follo[in! are tasXs not Zet com leted for the 82 Cha ter= 1. )unnin! the 8ame "ev Status >ast %dited a. The 8amemasteras )ole ### ### ### b. ^no[ `our 3oe ### ### ### c. Tellin! a StorZ ### ### ### d. 4ouse )ules ### ### ### e. 8amin! vs. 2eta!amin! "> $l ha ?U?BU0' f. 8amin! %ssentials ### ### ### ?. The 3irst $dventure "ev Status >ast %dited a. Startin! ;ff ### ### ### b. The ;bFective ### ### ### c. Travels and Challen!es ### ### ### d. Iattles ### ### ### e. @,Cs ### ### ### f. )est and )ecoverZ ### ### ### '. Iuildin! a Cam ai!n "ev Status >ast %dited a. 8ettin! Started )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' b. Irin!in! the ,laZers To!ether )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' c. %/ erienced ,Cs )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' d. $rc ,lot )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' e. The 2ac8uffin )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' f. ContinuitZ and 3oreshado[in! )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' !. 0nvolvin! the ,laZers )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' h. "eath and Sacrifice )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' B. The 3inal 3antasZ 3eel "ev Status >ast %dited a. % ic 3antasZ ### ### ### b. 4eroes and &illains )ob $l ha ?U0'U0' c. )ealism ### ### ### b. Character $dvancement ,at $l ha 0'U?CU0' a. The 8ame 2asteras )ole (comin! soon) b. ^no[ `our 3oe # laZer tZ es( and caterin! to the them (comin! soon) c. Tellin! a StorZ # descri tion and detail (comin! soon) d. 4ouse )ules (comin! soon) e. 8amin! vs. 2eta!amin! # immersion factors \hen runnin! a !ame( it is im ortant to refer gaming over metagaming. 2eta!amin! can best be defined as taXin! a detached a roach to role# laZin!. 0nstead of immersin! oneself in the [orld of the !ame( the laZer or 82 staZs behind the so#called _fourth [all(_ and refers to and uses out# of#character elements in !ame. 2eta!amin! detracts from the environment and feel of the !ame( and has a hi!h ossibilitZ of lo[erin! the enFoZment for all involved. \hich is better= a descri tion of a [arrior char!in! for[ard and slashin! at a Iehemoth [ith his s[ord( or a laZer com lainin! that the 82 thre[ a Iehemoth at the !rou [hile statin! that he is !oin! to roll his t[elve#sided dice to determine dama!ef The latter is an e/am le of meta!amin!( and it should be avoided. 0t is all about immersion. `ou [ant Zour !ame to be a com lete [orld( full of rich detail and o[erful characters. ; en and blatant out#of#character talX [ill disru t this( and detract from the feel of trulZ bein! a art of the !ame and involve in the storZ. ,erha s the best [aZ to avoid meta!amin! is to taXe the a ro riate mindset in 82in!( and encoura!in! Zour laZers to taXe a similar mindset. This mindset is to remember that Zou are tellin! a storZ( and usin! the rules of the 33),8( the dice( and other such eri herals as tools in tellin! this storZ # instead of laZin! a !ame [here the one that Xills the most monsters and racXs u the most e/ erience oints [ins. The easiest [aZ to maintain this mindset is to encoura!e Zour laZers to follo[ a fe[ sim le rules( and to live bZ these rules Zourself. @othin! teaches better than e/am le. These rules include never breaXin! character # it is fine to saZ that a dice roll is needed( but a dice roll alone does not state [hat occurred. 0t is sim lZ a tool that allo[s Zou # or the laZer # to determine [hat ha ened( and ho[ to describe it. The second rule is that both the 82s and laZers should lace the environment before the rules and mechanics of a !ame. 0nteraction and role# laZin! al2a0s come first( and remember the old ada!e of role# laZin! instead of roll# laZin!. The !oal is to maXe characters interact [ithin an environment( not to !et !ood dice rolls and Xill a lot of enemies in a hacX an slash fest. f. 8amin! %ssentials # [hat to brin! to the table (comin! soon) #* B+ildin& a Ca,pai&n ;ne of the manZ duties that come [ith the title of !amemaster includes craftin! a sta!e u on [hich the laZer characters act. This section [ill focus u on this tasX as [ell as ho[ best to create the ro s and tools that are necessarZ for it. P&anning 2s- $*enBEnded P&ot Design ,re aration is im ortant for the !amemasterin! of anZ role laZin! !ame# so much that the maForitZ of this section of the 82 Cha ter is about re arin! for a cam ai!n. Iut [hile it maZ be stressed throu!hout the te/t that re aration is verZ im ortant( it can also be verZ dan!erous to the success of the !ame if the !amemaster over# re ares. The !amemaster should al[aZs leave room for the une/ ected actions of the laZer characters [ho [onat al[aZs [ant to !o alon! [ith the direction the !amemaster [ishes to steer the lot. Their actions or [ords durin! a !ame maZ force the !amemaster to taXe the !ame in different directions in the lon! run at anZ time. Some thin!s Zou maZ [ish to avoid= # "onat trZ to [rite out ho[ the !ame ends before it even be!ins. \hile havin! a va!ue lan readZ before the !ame be!ins (see '.d= $rc ,lot later on) is hi!hlZ recommended( ma in! out [here the artZ !oes throu!hout the adventure and [ho theZ fi!ht [ill turn into a ticXin! time bomb bZ the start

of the first !ame session. Sooner or later( the artZ [ill choose o tion I instead of o tion $. $ !amemaster must be readZ for such instances. %ven lottin! more than one adventure in advance e/tensivelZ maZ a [aste of time. 8ivin! the laZers a destination to reach is fine( but the ath the laZers taXe maZ not al[aZs match [ith the !amemasteras intent. # 0n the same vein( trZ not to scri t @,C dialo!ue. 3or the same reasons as [ritin! ho[ the !ame ends( a !amemaster cannot al[aZs saZ [ith a 100% certaintZ [hat [ill o out of their laZersa mouth. Some notes on [hat the @,C maZ saZ in im ortant situations is a !ood idea( but anZthin! more e/tensive maZ be more trouble then it is [orth unless it is for a cutscene involvin! onlZ @,Cs. # $void directlZ steerin! the characters. $ de!ree of subterfu!e [ill !o a lon! [aZ for a !amemaster if the laZers feel that theZ are activelZ choosin! [hich direction the cam ai!n [ill taXe. 0t taXes some of the burden off the !amemasteras bacX and the laZer [ill enFoZ the cam ai!n more if theZ feel their choice have si!nificance to ho[ the lot develo s. $ sli!ht nud!e is fineH this can be done easilZ bZ lacin! a monster( @,C( or event in the ri!ht lace. Iut saZin! _`ouare !oin! here because 0 saZ so_ is !oin! to do nothin! but receive ne!ative reactions for the laZers. a- 'etting StartedB Pre*aration Iefore anZ cam ai!n can be!in( a de!ree of re aration is crucial to settin! u a lon! term !ame. This should be!in [ith a dialo!ue bet[een the laZers and the !amemaster to determine [hat tZ e of cam ai!n settin! the !rou as a [hole is interested in. 0t isnat much hel if the !amemaster [ants to do a hi!h fantasZ !ame [hen the rest of the laZers are rallZin! for a futuristic !ame. ;nce that is out of the [aZ the !amemaster can be!in to laZ the foundation for the settin! that [ill be used durin! the cam ai!n. 4e or she has one of t[o o tions available= use a [orldbooX or create an ori!inal settin!. $ [orldbooX is a !uide to an established settin! (such as one of the 3inal 3antasZ !ames) com lete [ith details for the cam ai!n [orld( su lementarZ rules uni:ue to the settin!( and information on the [orldas most im ortant @,Cs. %ach [orldbooX e/ist to taXe much of the !uess[orX out of usin! that articular settin! as [ell. 0f necessarZ for their cam ai!ns( the !amemaster can alter its contents [here necessarZ to suit their lans. $ll the [orldbooXs [ritten for the 33),8 can be found at the )eturner 8ames 0nc. \eb ,a!e (4tt =UU[[[.returner!ames.com). ((This( of course( is saZin! that [e have some [orldbooXs available [hen 'e comes out.)) The alternative of usin! a ublished \orldbooX is to create an ori!inal settin!( [hich comes [ith its o[n set of benefits and hindrances endin! ho[ much detail is desired. $n ori!inal settin! can ran!e from a collection of notes that s an several a!es to an e/haustive manual that uts the )8i [orldbooXs to shame in terms of sheer volume. Com lete [orldbooX desi!n is beZond the sco e of this cha ter( ho[ever( but [ill be e/ anded u on in the 8amemaster 8uide su lement. $t this oint( the settin! onlZ needs names for the maFor re!ions in the !ame and notes on [hat maXes each re!ion uni:ue. These [ill be necessarZ [hen the time comes to discussin! character creation [ith the laZer character. "- Bringing t?e P&aLers Toget?erB introd#ctions and 3irst ste*s The first ste s of anZ cam ai!n are often the hardest# theZ define [hether or not the !ame [ill be continued on a session#bZ#session basis. These lar!elZ involve uttin! the laZer characters on the ath to form a !rou that [ill [orX to!ether for a common !oal and (eventuallZ) creatin! the circumstances that start off the cam ai!nas lot. To maXe the tasX of brin!in! the characters to!ether( belo[ a short list of ossible [aZs to unite them into a artZ. T?e /o" %/am les= 3inal 3antasZ 0&( &00( &000( e 33T Ruite ossiblZ the most fre:uentlZ abused means for brin!in! a !rou of laZer characters to!ether ever used in a role laZin! !ame( aThe 6oba brin!s the artZ members to!ether to erform a s ecific tasX. The nature of the tasX can varZ from deliverin! acXa!es (330&) to mercenarZ [orX (33&00) to missions !iven bZ the artZas or!ani-ation that must be erformed (33&000 e 33T). )e!ardless of the [here the charactersa affiliation belon!s( the first Fob leads to further Fobs or missions that are all art of the overall lot scheme. The first Fob should al[aZs be relativelZ clear#cut [ith the !oal clearlZ defined. 0tas the rocess of !ettin! it done that should maXe it difficult.... A !rossing o3 Pat?s %/am les= 3inal 3antasZ & e 0b The aCrossin! of ,athsa method taXes a different route for XicXin! off the cam ai!n in that each artZ member be!ins the !ame se aratelZ. Throu!h a short series of role laZin! scenes( the artZ is brou!ht to!ether bZ their different causes into a oint [here theZ are forced to [orX to!ether. 3inal 3antasZ 0b is a erfect e/am le of ho[ this mi!ht [orX in a ),8. The maForitZ of the first hour of the !ame focuses on brin!in! Yidane( &ivi( Steiner( and 8arnet to a oint [here the four of them must esca e from $le/andria on the tantalaus (sic). %ach erson is there for verZ different reasons Zet are forced to [orX to!ether to save 8arnet [hen she is Xidna ed bZ a ,rison Ca!e. $ !amemaster that [ishes to unite their laZer characters throu!h this method can do so bZ role laZin! brieflZ [ith each laZer se aratelZ u until the oint [here the artZ convenes (sic) to the oint [here theZ must act to!ether. This method is verZ easZ to im lement via internet role laZin! since erformin! the scenes se aratelZ is a strai!htfor[ard matter. 0t maZ be more difficult in a tableto !ame unless the !amemaster !ets a chance to role laZ the scenes se aratelZ before the !ame session be!ins. For T?e Xing %/am les= 3inal 3antasZ( 3inal 3antasZ 0b $lon!side _The 6ob_( this is the most overused tactic for brin!in! to!ether a !rou of characters. _3or The ^in!_ brin!s the artZ to!ether throu!h a o[erful noble fi!ure. The mission is often of a ersonal and delicate manner and thus cannot be disclosed to the ublic at lar!e. Therefore( the ^in! (or other rulin! nobilitZ) must select a small !rou of adventurers to erform the mission # and discreetlZ. This method [orXs [ell for characters [ho seem to have nothin! in common but their abilitZ to !et the Fob done. ;nce theZave all !one throu!h the inevitable dan!er( theZall be that much closer to becomin! a real artZ. S?ared %i&&ain %/am les= 3inal 3antasZ 0&( 3inal 3antasZ &0( 3inal 3antasZ b &illains often donat discriminate in their evil ractices # Fust about anZone can be inFured as a result. \hat if a ra!#ta! band of heroes form due solelZ to the rava!es of a shared enemZf The need for reven!e can create stron! bonds of loZaltZ bet[een artZ members as theZ seeX out those [ho have [ron!ed all of them. \hether the villain is a corru t em eror (3inal 3antasZ 0&( &0) or Fust a !reat bi! evil( thereas !oin! to be someone [illin! to fi!ht to sto their lans. R?o Am b %/am le= 3irst :uarter of 33&0 e 33&00 This lot usuallZ relies on one character (thou!h ossiblZ several) [ho is a total mZsterZ. @obodZ # even that character # Xno[s [ho theZ are( [here theZare from( etc. Iut for some reason( a o[erful outside force [ants to ca tureUcontrol the character. This usuallZ leads into a lar!er arc once the secret is discovered( but it [orXs [ell for establishin! the threat as the artZ tries to both hel the amnesiatic character re!ain memories and evade ca ture.

!#riositL Xi&&ed t?e !at %/am le= 33000F (first cave) Sometimes the !rass isnat all that !reen on the other side of the hill # but Zou [onat Xno[ atill Zou !et there( ri!htf Sometimes characters Fust have to Xno[ [hatas around the bend. This often [orXs [ell for either one character (in conFunction [ith _\ho $m 0f_ U _2inions of 3ate_( or as a _0 \ant to See the \orld_ bacXstorZ). 0n conFunction [ith _3or the ^in!_( the artZ mi!ht be a !rou of e/ lorers sent out bZ the ^in! to con:uer ne[ lands and [hatnot. This can also tie into _0 ^no[ Too 2uch_( [here the artZUcharacter finds out some terrible secret( and some lar!er !rou [ants him silenced. XnoQ Too )#c? %/am les= 33&0 (Celes)( 330b (8arnet) Some thin!s are better off for!otten. 3or the artZ in this storZ( theZ [ish theZ never Xne[. _0 ^no[ Too 2uch_ !enerallZ has a character # or an entire artZ # [ith some Xno[led!e that someone else doesnat [ant them to have. This often causes the lar!er SomebodZ to send [aves of soldiers and commandos after the artZ( intent on either ca turin! or Xillin! the characterUs in :uestion. This can also be turned around in conFunction [ith _3or the ^in!_ # the artZ is a !rou of s ecial commandos that is sent out to silence somebodZ [ho Xno[s the secret. c- EG*erienced P!s @ot all characters necessarilZ have to be created at level one. 0n fact( the !amemaster maZ desire that the laZer characters are more e/ erienced or o[erful ri!ht off from the be!innin! of the !ame. This has been done in several instances in the 3inal 3antasZ series [here the character start off [ith a hi!her level. 3or instance( Cecil of 3inal 3antasZ 0& starts at >&> 10 [hile Terra of 3inal 3antasZ &0 started at >&> '. There is also the ossibilitZ of ne[ laZer characters Foinin! the cam ai!n after it has started or situations [here the !amemaster [ants to create a o[erful @,C allZ. $ sZstem is necessarZ for such situations. Ielo[ is a list of chan!es to the standard character creation sZstem outlined in Cha ter T[o= Creation. These rules are based on the 'e laZtest rules and have been battle tested in do-ens of fi!hts. Attri"#tes %ach character starts [ith cB0 L (>&>#1)d attribute oints. These oints maZ be s read as the character or !amemaster leases rovided theZ do not !o over the characteras attribute ma/imum. Stats The formulae for 4it ,oints and 2a!ic ,oints must be chan!ed in order to maXe the creation of an e/ erience character. The other stats should be calculated normallZ. 4it ,oints= (>&>)dQ L (>&>#1) / (&0TU?). The asterisX should be re laced [ith the characteras hit die as defined bZ their 6ob. $ 2onX [ould use a d1? for instance. Those [ith a dice rollin! ro!ram or the )8i m0)C dice scri t can easilZ roll u [ards of A0 or more dice easilZ. 3or those laZin! the 33),8 via tableto ( it [ould be efficient to roll the hit die once and multi lZ the result bZ the characteras >&>. 2a!ic ,oints= (>&>)dQ L (>&>#1) / (S,)U?). The astersX should be re laced [ith the characteras ma!ic die as defined bZ their 6ob. $ IlacX 2a!e [ould use a d10 for instance. Those [ith a dice rollin! ro!ram or the )8i m0)C dice scri t can easilZ roll u [ards of A0 or more dice easilZ. 3or those laZin! the 33),8 via tableto ( it [ould be efficient to roll the ma!ic die once and multi lZ the result bZ the characteras >&>. SPi&& Points 0n addition to the characteras startin! sXills and sXill oints( an e/ erienced ,C receives (10 / (>&>#1)) additional sXill oints to si!nifZ their hi!her e/ erience >&>. E:#i*ment %ach character should receive a set amount of !il durin! the creation rocess to cover the costs of their e:ui ment. The rocess of doin! so is not an e/act science. The table listed belo[ has recommended !il for level 1( 10( ?0( '0( B0( 50( and A5 characters. 0n the event the character is of an odd level (saZ( >&> ?5)( round u or do[n [here necessarZ. $ >&> ?A character mi!ht !et '0000 8il [hile a >&> ?B character >&> 8il 1 500 10 5000 ?0 15000 '0 '0000 B0 B0000 50 B0000 L 1 free artifact A5 B0000 L 1 free artifact L 1 free uni:ue d- Arc P&ot B "#i&ding a &argeBsca&e meta*&ot The 3inal 3antasZ series are famous for their stories and the maForitZ of the raise belon!s to the e ic lots that its creators have created. %ach !ame in the series offers the laZer a lon! and [indin! lot that chan!e the cast as theZ lod their [aZ throu!h [hat the !amemaster thro[s alon! their ath. \eall call this athe arc lota# 0tas the laZer characteras ultimate !oal in the cam ai!n. This can be clear cut or not( as the 3inal 3antasZ has roven. 3inal 3antasZ 0= Collect all four CrZstals and defeat Chaos 3inal 3antasZ 00= f 3inal 3antasZ 000= Collect all four CrZstals f 3inal 3antasZ 0&= Sto the ro!ue >unarian Yemus 3inal 3antasZ &= Collect all four crZstals and sto %/#"eath 3inal 3antasZ &0= ,revent the %m ire from obtainin! [orld domination 3inal 3antasZ &00= Sto the summonin! of 2eteor 3inal 3antasZ &000= "efeat Mltemecia (sic) 3inal 3antasZ 0b= ,rotect the CrZstal from ^uFa 3inal 3antasZ b= Sto the S iral of "eath in S ira 3inal 3antasZ Tactics= ,revent the resurrection of the Ilood $n!el ((@ote= 0 havenat laZed 33? e 33'. So somebodZ maZ [ant to fill in the arc lots for them)). Sounds sim le( nof %/ecution is a different matter entirelZ. There maZ be a fe[ teasers here e there( but in !eneral the laZers never learn the entire truth until near the end of the !ame. The arc lot( and in some cases the main villain( should not be e/ osed until later in the !ame. 0n 3inal 3antasZ 0&( the !ame be!ins [ith the raid on 2Zsidia bZ the Iaron armZ for its CrZstal. 4o[ever( the name aYemusa doesnat a ear until the laZeras first meetin! [ith 3usoZa. The main villain in most 3inal 3antasZ !ames laZs the role of the u eteer bZ usin! hisUher armZ of minions to hassle the laZers (0.%.= 331( 330&( 33&( 33&000( e 33b). These !ames also enFoZ usin! a a u et villaina that seems liXe the ultimate villain behind all the roblems the characters face( but turn out to have been used bZ the true villain for their o[n ends. %ven in cases [here the main villain is introduced

earlZ in the !ame (33&0( 33&00( e 330b)( the villain tZ icallZ doesnat reach their full o[er until later in the !ame e theZ (at the time) maZ ans[er to a hi!her o[er. %laborate cons iracies and schemes are the best [aZ to !o for a !ood arc lot. The more com le/ the cons iracZ( the better de endin! on the tZ e of cam ai!n. $ verZ basic 33),8 cam ai!n could include the ei!ht CrZstals (3ire( %arth( \ater( \ind( >i!htnin!( 0ce( 4olZ( and Shado[). The villains [ant to collect the ei!ht CrZstals for their o[n evil schemes. The maForitZ of the cam ai!n involves the laZers and villains fi!htin! each other in ursuit of each CrZstal. $lon! the [aZ the characters maZ lose some of the CrZstals or !ain the enemZas CrZstals as [ell as a fe[ [ell laced alliance chan!es to maXe thin!s interestin!. The rest should be ma ed out as the storZ ro!resses [ith a fe[ side:uests and other com lications to fill in the rest of the cam ai!n. 0n summarZ= # The arc lot should have a definite !oal (even if that !oal isnat defined until much later in the cam ai!n). # The main villain( and ho[ theZ are introduced in the storZ( should be considered. 0f the villain acts as a u eteer( its minions or the u et boss should be looselZ defined. ;ther[ise( [ho does the villain [orX for and [hZf e- T?e )ac'#33in B setting t?e *&ot in motion The 2ac8uffin is a movie term coined bZ $lfred 4itchcocX that means( essentiallZ( _the device that sets the lot into motion._ %ach 3inal 3antasZ !ame( if Zou looX closelZ( has such a lot device. 0n 3inal 3antasZ 0&( Zou have the raid on 2Zsidia. 0n 3inal 3antasZ &0( Zou have Terraas first meetin! [ith Tritoch. $nd in 3inal 3antasZ Tactics( Zou have the Iattle of 3ort YeaXden. %ach of these events can be looXed at later bZ the laZer and theZ can saZ that these [ere oints [here the !ameas lot trulZ be!ins. Settin! u Zour o[n 2ac8uffin is lar!elZ a :uestion of [hen e [here. The 2ac8uffin doesnat have to taXe lace at the be!innin! of the !ame( but it should taXe lace some[here durin! the earlZ sta!es of the cam ai!n# around >&> 10 to ?0. \ith a cam ai!n( laZin! out the 2ac8uffin later on rather than sooner has manZ benefits [orth considerin!. 3or one( it allo[s the laZer to have a chance to develo their characters further before the lot reallZ be!ins to heat u . $nother is that !ives the !amemaster more time to tailor the lot around the characters( es eciallZ no[ that the characters are more of a cohesive !rou . The 2ac8uffin should have these effects= # 0t should act as the afirst ste a of the arc lot as described earlier. # 0f theZ arenat alreadZ( it should cement the charactersa status as a solid !rou . TheZ mi!ht not necessarilZ !et alon!( but theZ should have sufficient reasons to fi!ht for the same !oals. 3- !ontin#itL and Fores?adoQing \ith the lot in motion( Xee in! it in motion [ill become a full#time Fob for the !amemaster. There a number of [aZs in [hich the !amemaster can maintain the lotas continuitZ. The sim lest [aZ to maXe sure the laZers to Xee the laZers on tracX is throu!h sim le role laZin!. 4ints can be dro ed bZ van:uished bosses or other enemies [here the ne/t destination maZ be or an elder @,C can su lZ the laZers [ith the occasional bit of information (thinX 8andalf from >ord of the )in!s). )e!ardless( the laZers should never be laced in a osition [here theZ have no clue [here the ne/t lace to !o maZ be. There should al[aZs be somethin! that oints the characters in the ri!ht [aZ. 3oreshado[in! is a storZ hooX that hints at events that maZ taXe lace later in the cam ai!n. $n e/am le of foreshado[in! is Cidas first time s eaXin! to Cecil in 3inal 3antasZ 0&. "urin! the conversation Cid raises the issue of [ho [ould the Xin! re lace Cecil [ith as ca tain of the )ed \in!s and ho[ he did not create the airshi s to be used as [ar machines. The laZer discovers later in the !ame that 8olbe- re laces Cecil and uses the )ed \in!s to attacX other countries for their crZstals. Cutscenes move the action a[aZ from the laZer characters brieflZ to a scene involvin! @,Cs. These can be villains or @,C heroes( it doesnat matter. $ cutscene( if used ro erlZ( can !ive the laZers an insi!ht into the minds of their enemies and [hat theZ are doin! else[here. 3inal 3antasZ !ames have been usin! them blatantlZ since 3inal 3antasZ 0& to varZin! de!rees of success. $lthou!h theZ maZ have the o osite of Zour intent( it hel s to create the occassional side:uest to !ive the laZers a breaX from the main lotline. These could be solo adventures or theZ could be a small set of adventures that come to an eventual conclusion before returnin! to the lot. $n e/am le of a side:uest [ould be !oin! to the land of summoned monsters in 3inal 3antasZ 0&. \hile not a mandatorZ art of the !ame( it !ives the laZer a chance to earn the summon ma!ic for $shura e >eviathan as [ell as some character develo ment for )Zdia. $n 33),8 side:uest !ives the !amemaster a !olden o ortunitZ to do some character develo ment theZ mi!ht not have time to do durin! !ames on the main lotline or thro[ in some foreshado[in! be it throu!h information the laZers come across or @,Cs theZ meet for the first time. g- n2o&2ing t?e P&aLers B &ongBterm immersion \hile the tasX of creatin! adventures and usin! the settin! to its fullest is a dutZ that falls s:uarelZ on the !amemasteras shoulders( some of that burden can be redistributed to the laZers. TheZ are alon! for the ride Fust the !amemaster and should have some saZ on ho[ the !ame advances. $sX the laZers [hat theZ [ant to do. 0t al[aZs hel s to !et some in ut from the laZers about [hat theZ [ould liXe to accom lish durin! the course of the cam ai!n. \hat Xind of adventures [ould Zou liXe to dof \hat Xind of monsters [ould Zou somedaZ liXe to fi!ht (or not fi!ht)f \ould Zou refer more drama or more comedZf 0s the cam ai!n so far too comical or too seriousf >et the characters feel their choices# both !ood or bad# have a direct effect u on the cam ai!n. @ot onlZ [ill it hel the laZers feel their charactersa are im ortant( but it [ill maintain a de!ree of realism. 0f a laZ decides save a child from a bunch of bandits maZ seem liXe a !ood idea( but it could lead to trouble. \hat if the bandits [ere after the Xid because the Zouth in :uestion stole from them in the first lacef ,rovided the Xid !ets a[aZ( theZ no[ have to deal [ith the local ma!istrate or the !an!as reinforcements. %ach choice theZ maXe can have re ercussions that theZ donat see. 0n !eneral( characters that do !ood deeds should be re[arded [hile those [ho do [ron! maZ have to ans[er to the o[ers that be. 2aXe &illains tailored to[ard the characteras ersonalities. 0f ossible( there should be at least one re#occurrin! villain that has a vendetta ( ersonal or not) [ith each of the laZer characters. The reasons for these can be Fust about anZthin! from rivalries (0am the !reatest s[ordsman in the [orld# Zou arenat [orthZ enou!h even taste mZ blade) to ast crimes (Zou Xilled mZ fatherN) to love trian!les (Zouare in mZ [aZ of [innin! 2imias heart# ,re are to dieN). These create s ecial moments [here the laZer !et a chance to further develo their characteras ersonalitZ and bacX!round. The same can be said about @,Cs( as [ell. Thereas al[aZs a su ortin! cast to anZ storZ and the laZer characters should earn a set of their o[n. These can !o u and do[n the s ectrum from Xids that looX u to the characters as idols to mentors and arent fi!ures that hel the laZers [henever ossible. These characters donat necessarilZ need statistics# Fust some notes on a earance( bacX!round( and ersonalitZ. ?- Deat? and Sacri3ice The 3inal 3antasZ series has roven on more than one occasion that there is a rice to be aid for victorZ. Sim lZ ut( athe !ood !uZs donat al[aZs [ina. "eath is al[aZs a ossibilitZ for anZ laZer character re!ardless of the circumstances theZ maZ be laced in. The death of a laZer character or im ortant @,C is an event that should never be taXen li!htlZ bZ a !amemaster. The death of a laZer character should al[aZs be a momentous occasion. 0t is a moment in the cam ai!n [here the laZers should looX bacX to later and feel tu!s at the heartstrin!s. Their death should have si!nificance to the overall lot# a form of sacrifice so that the other laZers maZ live even thou!h all the odds are a!ainst them. 4ence [hZ this is sometimes referred to as a a lot deatha. 0f the situation maZ arise [here a laZer character maZ

die( the !amemaster should discuss it [ith the laZer [ho maZ soon lose his character in de th. \atchin! a character Zou s ent months turnin! into a three#dimensional ersona die a a lot deatha is never easZ. The laZer can then create a ne[ laZer character or taXe over laZin! an im ortant @,C or a villain that chan!es sides because of the lost of the character to use for the rest of the cam ai!n usin! the %/ erience Character rules resented earlier in this cha ter. The same holds true for maFor @,Cs# allZ and enemZ aliXe# as [ell as it does for laZer characters. The death of a maFor @,C can create e ic shocX[aves that ri throu!h the entire settin!. $ erfect e/am le of this is the death of ^in! ;mdolia in 3inal 3antasZ Tactics. ;mdoliaas death created the succession roblems that eventuallZ led u to the >ion \ar. Similar events can occur durin! a cam ai!n in varZin! de!rees endin! on ho[ im ortant the @,C in :uestion is. $ loZal allZ [ho dies rotectin! the laZer characters should tu! at the heartstrin!s. The death of an im ortant enemZ# es eciallZ a reoccurrin! villain# should al[aZs be included [ith a short s eech and some reflection before theZ finallZ die. "eath( re!ardless of [hom it comes for( is best used to em hasi-e realitZ in a !ame [here it is normallZ for!otten amon! ma!ic( s ecial attacXs( and monster. 0f used correctlZ( the death of an im ortant @,C or laZer character can instill u on the laZer characters a feelin! that theZ are neither invincible nor that victorZ is !uaranteed. There is a rice to be aid for victorZ. $nd the rea er is the one that collects that rice. S&i**ing Deat? a )icPeL $n alternative to a ermanent lot death is a tem orarZ adeatha. The other laZers [ill thinX the character dead onlZ to find later than des ite all odds that theZ( in fact( lived someho[. $n e/am le= 6ean char!es into a sava!e fraZ [ith hundreds of monsters so that his artZ has time esca e in their airshi . $s theZ lift off( theZ [atch as blood and fire eru t amon! the monster as theZ s[arm u on their com anion. TheZ Xno[( as does 6ean( that the chances of his survival are non#e/istent. $s theZ ull a[aZ in safetZ( theZ remember the 2a!ic ^ni!ht [ho sacrificed himself so that theZ mi!ht live... Iut far belo[( 6ean is on his Xnees. $round him a veritable ocean of bodies( blood( and fire surround him. 4e raises his head and [aits as the ne/t [ave of monsters readZ themselves for another frantic char!e. IloodZ and [orn( he smiles at them content that his life [ill not be lost in vain. $s the monsters be!in their final attacX( a hu!e blacX [ave ri s throu!h their ranXs. _\ell met( sir Xni!htN_ hails a voice from some[here out of si!ht. _$ll men must die( but todaZ is not that daZN_ 3rom here( 6eanas laZer and the !amemaster can [orX on the side to establish a side storZ for 6ean and his eventual return to the artZ in a trulZ dramatic comebacX. a. % ic 3antasZ (comin! soon) b. 4eroes and &illains $ll stories are ultimatelZ defined bZ its heroes and villainsH an 33),8 cam ai!n is no different. 0t is im ortant to understand that the t[o are interchan!eable based on oneas ers ective. 0n one ersonas eZes( their actions mi!ht been as heroic [hile another maZ see it in a different li!ht. The heroes and villains of the 3inal 3antasZ series can be rarelZ described as a!ooda or aevila in the sense that theZ do [hat theZ do for the saXe of bein! one or the other. 0t is sim lZ a means to an end. 3inal 3antasZ bas SeZmour is undoubtedlZ a villain Zet he has his o[n Fustifications (ho[ever t[ister) for the actions he commits. ;n the fli side( the heroes are little better. 2ore than one hero of the 3inal 3antasZ series has committed atrocities that theZ have to live [ith. Cecil of 3inal 3antasZ 0& commanded the raid on 2Zsidia to ca ture the CrZstal of \ater. Terra [as used to slaZ enemies of the em ire. ;ther e/am les are available for those [illin! to looX. # 2otivation is the XeZ. \hile this is true for both for heroes as [ell as villains( it !oes double for villains. $ true villain should have a reason for the action theZ commit be it for [hat theZ see as the a!reater !ooda( dutZ to their su erior( or to rove that are more o[erful than the laZer characters. 0f ossible( avoid usin! fre:uentlZ abused shticXs such as me!alomania or a homicidal nature unless there is a reason. ,erha s the character [as abused as a child for their status and [ants to rule the [orld so that others liXe himself [ould not be abused as he [asf \hile some maZ vie[ their thinXin! as [ron!( the villain sees his intentions as a!ooda. $ stron! motivation( be it for !ood( evil( or some[here in bet[een( !ives a character a more humane side that the laZers can relate to in some[aZ. # $void e/tremes if ossible. @o matter ho[ a!ooda or aevila theZ maZ be( no character should be urelZ one or the other. @ot everZone can be liXe 8od or Satan. %ven the most saintlZ erson maZ have sXeletons in their closets [hile the darXest villain maZ have some traits that maXe redem tion ossible. There are lentZ of e/am les in all forms of media# be theZ video !ames( movies( booXs( or comic booXs# [here the a!ood !uZsa arenat necessarilZ !ood and the abad !uZsa arenat necessarilZ bad. )ubicant [as surelZ a villain loZal to 8olbe-( Zet he a olo!i-ed to %d!e for the atrocities that "r. >u!ae committed u on his arents. >eo( liXe[ise( is loZal to the em eror Zet treats his enemies [ith res ect. Shado[ is a silent assassin [ho onlZ [orXs for moneZ( but risXs everZthin! to hold bacX ^efXa lon! enou!h for the other 3inal 3antasZ &0 characters to esca e durin! their confrontation on the 3loatin! 0sland. c. )ealism (comin! soon) The remainder of the cha ter is devoted to character advancement. \hen a character !ains %/ erience ,oints (%b,)( the character !ets closer and closer to !ainin! a >&>. \hen the character !ains enou!h %b, to ass a certain marX on the %/ erience Table( the characteras >&> is incremented bZ one u to the ne/t >&>. To advance one >evel( a character must earn achieved an amount of b, e:ual to their current >evel times 500. @ote that b, totals are not cumulativeH earnin! 500 b, to advance to >evel ? does not mean Zou need onlZ 500 b, to reach >evel '. %/ erience Table O#ando #m *ersonagem gan?a #m 1+2e&= as se!uintes coisas acontecem= 1. The numerical value of the characteras >evel increases bZ 1( in case Zou are confused. This therefore also affects all formulae [hich use >&> in them( in case Zou [ere confused about that too. ?. The character !ains 1 attribute oint( [hich maZ be allocated to[ard anZ one attribute so lon! as this [ill not increase the attribute beZond the characteras )acial 2a/imum L 6ob Ionus. 0f the character has alreadZ reached )acial 2a/imum L 6ob Ionus in all stats( an attribute oint maZ be s ent to increase the ma/imum of a sin!le stat bZ one oint( so that the ne/t attribute oint !ained maZ be used there. @o stat ma/imum maZ ever sur ass '0 in this manner. '. The character !ains 10 sXill oints( [hich maZ be used to increase sXills( and A >ore oints( [hich maZ onlZ be s end on lan!ua!es and lores. 0t taXes 1 sXill oint to increase a sXill bZ 1. 0f the character has an affinitZ to a certain sXill cate!orZ( it taXes 1 sXill oint to increase a sXill in that cate!orZ bZ ?. @o sXill maZ be increased bZ more than ?. @o sXill maZ e/ceed 100. B. The character rolls 4it ,oint and 2a!ic ,oint dice and adds the results of these rolls to the ma/imum values of 4it ,oints and 2a!ic ,oints res ectivelZ. This does not increase the current amount [hich the character has. The character then adds (&0T U ?) to the ma/imum 4, and (S,) U ?) to the ma/imum 2,. This also does not increase the current amount of 4, or 2,.

b, )e:uired is the b, that is needed to reach that level on to of the b, that the character alreadZ has. Total b, is the total amount of b, that the character must have in order to reach that level. 0f this confuses Zou( Fust looX at Total b, and i!nore b, )e:uired. >et b, )e:uired be re resented bZ f(/) f(/)K500(/#1) >et Total b, be re resented bZ !(/) !(/)Kf(/)L!(/#1)( !(1)K0 >evel b, )e:uired Total b, 1 0 0 ? 500 500 ' 1000 1500 B 1500 '000 5 ?000 5000 A ?500 C500 C '000 10500 P '500 1B000 9 B000 1P000 10 B500 ??500 11 5000 ?C500 1? 5500 ''000 1' A000 '9000 1B A500 B5500 15 C000 5?500 1A C500 A0000 1C P000 AP000 1P P500 CA500 19 9000 P5500 ?0 9500 95000 ?1 10000 105000 ?? 10500 115500 ?' 11000 1?A500 ?B 11500 1'P000 ?5 1?000 150000 ?A 1?500 1A?500 ?C 1'000 1C5500 ?P 1'500 1P9000 ?9 1B000 ?0'000 '0 1B500 ?1C500 '1 15000 ?'?500 '? 15500 ?BP000 '' 1A000 ?AB000 'B 1A500 ?P0500 '5 1C000 ?9C500 'A 1C500 '15000 'C 1P000 '''000 'P 1P500 '51500 '9 19000 'C0500 B0 19500 '90000 B1 ?0000 B10000 B? ?0500 B'0500 B' ?1000 B51500 BB ?1500 BC'000 B5 ??000 B95000 BA ??500 51C500 BC ?'000 5B0500 BP ?'500 5AB000 B9 ?B000 5PP000 50 ?B500 A1?500 51 ?5000 A'C500 5? ?5500 AA'000 5' ?A000 AP9000 5B ?A500 C15500 55 ?C000 CB?500 5A ?C500 CC0000 5C ?P000 C9P000 5P ?P500 P?A500 59 ?9000 P55500 A0 ?9500 PP5000 A1 '0000 915000

A? A' AB A5 AA AC AP A9 C0 C1 C? C' CB C5 CA CC CP C9 P0 P1 P? P' PB P5 PA PC PP P9 90 91 9? 9' 9B 95 9A 9C 9P 99

'0500 '1000 '1500 '?000 '?500 ''000 ''500 'B000 'B500 '5000 '5500 'A000 'A500 'C000 'C500 'P000 'P500 '9000 '9500 B0000 B0500 B1000 B1500 B?000 B?500 B'000 B'500 BB000 BB500 B5000 B5500 BA000 BA500 BC000 BC500 BP000 BP500 B9000

9B5500 9CA500 100P000 10B0000 10C?500 1105500 11'9000 11C'000 1?0C500 1?B?500 1?CP000 1'1B000 1'50500 1'PC500 1B?5000 1BA'000 1501500 15B0500 15P0000 1A?0000 1AA0500 1C01500 1CB'000 1CP5000 1P?C500 1PC0500 191B000 195P000 ?00?500 ?0BC500 ?09'000 ?1'9000 ?1P5500 ??'?500 ??P0000 ?'?P000 ?'CA500 ?B?5500

@ote to other devs # 0 have no idea ho[ $ endi/ 0 [ill be or!ani-ed( so 0am Fust uttin! the 0CS in here for no[ rather than on its o[n a!e. 0all Xee icXin! a[aZ at this throu!h the [eeXend. # Ilair IN-ENTION CREATION S.STEM 0nventions are the mainstaZ of the %n!ineer. \hile \arriors are usin! s ecial combat moves a!ainst the enemies and 2a!es are hel in! friends or tar!etin! foes [ith combat ma!ic( the %n!ineer is em loZin! the results of technolo!Z to chan!e the battle. 0nventions can do manZ thin!s( de endin! on [hat the %n!ineer [ants # no t[o 0nventions are the same. Iut first the %n!ineer must desi!n and build the 0nvention. This section tells Zou ho[. R?at is an n2entionb 0n 33),8 !ame terms( 0nventions are the basic combat 6ob o[ers of an %n!ineer. ;ther Fobs have fi/ed abilities or s ells set bZ the !ame rulesH the %n!ineer !ets a more fle/ible set of abilities( that can be desi!ned bZ the character as necessarZ. $n %n!ineeras 0nventions are uni:ue to him # no other character can use another %n!ineeras 0nventions under anZ circumstances( even if the other character is also an %n!ineer. The best another %n!ineer can do is disassemble the first %n!ineeras inventions for ,arts. 0nventions are created bZ assemblin! ,arts. %ach ,art has one s ecific function in an 0nvention( and is useless alone # but [hen combined in the ri!ht [aZ theZ create o[erful devices. $ basic 0nvention has a set of %ffect arts that determine [hat the 0nvention does( as [ell as one Tar!etin! art that determines [hatas affected bZ the 0nvention and one Tri!!erin! art that determines the effectas chance of success. 2ore com le/ inventions maZ add S ecial arts that chan!e the effects of the 0nvention in additional [aZs. 3lavor @ote # The 33),8 doesnat !o into much detail about the overall flavor of ,arts and 0nventions( intentionallZ. This allo[s laZers and 82s the abilitZ to decide Fust [hat ,arts and 0nventions looX liXe in their !ames. The conventional vie[ of ,arts as !ears and mechanical bits assembled bZ a scientific !enius [orXs :uite [ell( but an oddball a%n!ineera character mi!ht use a some[hat more unusual tZ e of ,art # such as small bioen!ineered lifeforms( for instance. The 0nvention rules [orX Fust as [ell here. Designing an n2ention 1. Choose the concept. 3i!ure out [hat Zou [ant the 0nvention to do( [hat it looXs liXe( and ho[ Zour characteras !oin! to em loZ it in combat. "onat [orrZ about !ame details at this sta!e # this is urelZ an e/ercise in creative role laZin!. The arts available to Zou at this oint maZ !ive Zou an idea of [here to start( but !o beZond this # conce t is more than Fust decidin! [hat rules to use. ?. Part )election = choose a Targeting Part and a Triggering Part. %verZ 0nvention has one Tar!etin! ,art and one Tri!!erin! ,art # no more( no less. Choose these arts no[ from Zour available ,arts( and fi!ure out ho[ much S ace theZ taXe u . S aces not used bZ Zour Tar!etin! ,art and Tri!!erin! ,art can be used for Zour %ffect (and( o tionallZ( S ecials). %ach invention has enou!h S ace to accomodate 10 L 5 / >evel aslotsa [orth of ,arts.

'. Part )election = choose a set o% (%%ect Parts. This is the meat of 0nvention desi!n # fi!urin! out [hat Zour 0nvention does. 0nventions !enerallZ have one of three ossible effects # "ama!e( @e!ative Status( or Ieneficial Status. !amage # $ "ama!e effect is created bZ combinin! one or more "ama!e arts to!ether [ith an $ttribute Iase art. The resultin! 0nvention deals dama!e directlZ( liXe a [ea on or combat s ell. $dditional arts can be added to increase the 0nventionas effect. &egati e )tatus # $ @e!ative Status effect is created bZ combinin! a sin!le @e!ative Status art [ith a sin!le "uration art. The resultin! 0nvention inflicts the chosen status on one or more enemZ tar!ets. MnliXe a "ama!e effect( a @e!ative Status effect !enerallZ cannot be enhanced [ith additional arts. #ene%icial )tatus # $ Ieneficial Status effect [orXs liXe a @e!ative Status effect( e/ce t that the status is hel ful and !enerallZ tar!ets allies rather than enemies. This effect is also created bZ combinin! a sin!le Ieneficial Status art [ith a sin!le "uration art. B. (; tional) Part )election = choose )pecial Parts. S ecial ,arts are a[ildcardsa that increase the fle/ibilitZ and utilitZ of 0nventions. TheZare usuallZ rettZ rare( and most are available onlZ to hi!her# level %n!ineers. Some S ecial arts allo[ for additional %ffect arts to be added # [hen usin! these arts( maXe sure that s ace for QallQ the additional arts is available in the 0nvention. 5. Choose a !e%ect. The 0nventions made bZ an %n!ineer are bleedin!#ed!e science( and al[aZs have a dra[bacX. Choose one "efect from the list belo[= #ac9%ire # The 0nvention has a flat 10% chance to bacXfire [hen used( tar!etin! the %n!ineer and his allies [ith "ama!e and @e!ative Status effects and enemies [ith Ieneficial Status effects. Complex # The 0nvention is bulXZ( a[X[ard( or Fust lain difficult to activate in a fi!ht. %ach time the %n!ineer uses the 0nvention( thereas a flat chance that the 0nvention doesnat [orX( [astin! the %n!ineeras action. The chance de ends on the )anX of the 0nvention= )anX 1 # ?= '0% )anX ' # B= '5% )anX 5 # A= B0% )anX C # P= B5% )anX 9 # 10= 50% !ela0 # The sZstem is slu!!ish( and taXes a bit of time to [arm u [hen used. The 0nvention !ains a ? CT er )anX of the 0nvention (so a )anX 5 0nvention [ith this "efect [ould have a 10 CT( for instance). )urge # The sZstem is rone to overloadin! in combat( sealin! the %n!ineeras abilitZ to use 0nventions. %ach time the %n!ineer uses the 0nvention( thereas a flat chance that the Sur!e [ill inflict Curse (B) on the %n!ineer. This cannot be blocXed bZ effects that rovide status immunities( but can be cured normallZ. 0f a Sur!e occurs( the 0nvention still activates normallZ on the current action. The chance of a Sur!e de ends on the )anX of the 0nvention= )anX 1 # ?= ?0% )anX ' # B= ?5% )anX 5 # A= '0% )anX C # P= '5% )anX 9 # 10= B0% @p9eep # The 0nvention needs ammunition or re lacement arts on a re!ular basis in order to remain usable. 0n !ame terms( each use of the 0nvention re:uires the e/ enditure of a certain amount of !il( de endin! on the 0nvention )anX= )anX 1= 5 !il )anX ?= ?0 !il )anX '= B0 !il )anX B= C5 !il )anX 5= 150 !il )anX A= ?50 !il )anX C= B00 !il )anX P= A00 !il )anX 9= P00 !il )anX 10= 1000 !il (arts Lists Targeting Parts Se&3 Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= 100 ,rice= 0 8il The Self ,art allo[s the invention to onlZ tar!et the %n!ineer himself. ndi2id#a& Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The 0ndividual ,art allo[s the %n!ineer to tar!et a sin!le allZ or enemZ [ith the invention. Random Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The )andom ,art onlZ allo[s the %n!ineer to determine if the tar!et [ill be an allZ or enemZ. ;nce chosen( each tar!et rolls 1d100H the hi!hest roll is the tar!et of the invention. 'ro#* Part Slot Cost= A

$vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 100 8il The 8rou ,art allo[s the %n!ineer to hit all enemies or allies [ith the invention. MnfortunatelZ the 8rou ,art is easilZ overloaded and can onlZ be used [ith inventions u to and includin! )anX B. 'ro#*] Part Slot Cost= 9 $vailabilitZ= A5 ,rice= 500 8il The 8rou L ,art allo[s the invention to hit all enemies or allies. MnfortunatelZ the 8rou L ,art can be overloaded and can onlZ be used [ith inventions u to and includin! )anX C. 'ro#*]] Part Slot Cost= 1? $vailabilitZ= B0 ,rice= 1000 8il The 8rou LL ,art allo[s the invention to hit all enemies or allies. The 8rou LL ,art cannot be overloaded. 4n3oc#sed Part Slot Cost= B $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= ?00 8il The Mnfocused ,art is a double#ed!ed s[ord( allo[in! the %n!ineer to hit everZ enemZ but also hittin! everZ allZ in the rocess. \hile it occu ies less slots and costs less than most of the various 8rou arts( an %n!ineer reallZ has to consider [hether the benefits trulZ out[ei!h the costs. Triggering Parts Too&% Part Slot Cost= ' $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The Tool% ,art allo[s an %n!ineer to use his 0nvention sXill [hen usin! an 0nvention. The chance for the 0nvention to hit the tar!et becomes (Tool %)( "ef for "ama!e effects( or (Tool%#50)( "ef for @e!ative and Ieneficial Status effects. 4o[ever( the Tool% art has onlZ limited accuracZ( and ca s the useras Tool% at 1?5. %ven if the %n!ineer has a hi!her inherent Tool% than this( heas treated as havin! a 1?5 Tool% [hen usin! this 0nvention. Too&%] Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= C0 ,rice= C50 8il The Tool%L ,art allo[s an %n!ineer to use his 0nvention sXill [hen usin! an 0nvention. The chance for the 0nvention to hit the tar!et becomes (Tool %)( "ef for "ama!e effects( or (Tool%#50)( "ef for @e!ative and Ieneficial Status effects. Rea*on% Part Slot Cost= B $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 100 8il The \ea on% ,art allo[s an %n!ineer to use a \ea on sXill for tar!etin! [hen usin! the 0nvention. The \ea on sXill to be used must be chosen [hen the 0nvention is desi!ned. The chance for the 0nvention to hit the tar!et becomes ($ttacX%)( "ef for "ama!e effects( or ($ttacX%#50)( "ef for @e!ative and Ieneficial Status effects. 4o[ever( the \ea on% art has onlZ limited accuracZ( and ca s the useras $ttacX% at 1?5. %ven if the %n!ineer has a hi!her inherent $ttacX% than this( heas treated as havin! a 1?5 $ttacX% [hen usin! this 0nvention. Rea*on%] Part Slot Cost= P $vailabilitZ= A5 ,rice= 1000 8il The \ea on%L ,art allo[s an %n!ineer to use a \ea on sXill for tar!etin! [hen usin! the 0nvention. The \ea on sXill to be used must be chosen [hen the 0nvention is desi!ned. The chance for the 0nvention to hit the tar!et becomes ($ttacX%)( "ef for "ama!e effects( or ($ttacX%#50)( "ef for @e!ative and Ieneficial Status effects. 4o[ever( the \ea on% art has onlZ limited accuracZ( and ca s the useras $ttacX% at ?00. %ven if the %n!ineer has a hi!her inherent $ttacX% than this( heas treated as havin! a ?00 $ttacX% [hen usin! this 0nvention. To#c? Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= ?5 8il The Touch ,art allo[s for a flat '0% chance to activate an inventionas effect. StriPe Part Slot Cost= C $vailabilitZ= 50 ,rice= 1?50 8il The StriXe ,art allo[s for a flat A0% chance to activate an inventionas effect. XnocP Part Slot Cost= 1' )aritZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The ^nocX ,art allo[s for a flat 90% chance to activate an inventionas effect. Damage Parts

Damage Part Slot Cost= B $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 100 8il The "ama!e ,art determines the "S of anZ direct dama!e the invention causes. 3or everZ "ama!e ,art added to an invention( the attacX !ains L1 "S for its dama!e formula. $ll inventions use dP for the randomi-ed com onent of dama!e( startin! [ith 1dP and !ainin! an e/tra die for everZ B levels of "S. %/am le= $t 1? "S attacX [ould have t[elve divided bZ four lus one die( [hich is BdP. Damage] Part Slot Cost= ? $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= '00 8il The "ama!eL ,art determines the "S of anZ direct dama!e the invention causes. 3or everZ "ama!eL ,art added to an invention( the attacX !ains L1 "S for its dama!e formula. $ll inventions use dP for the randomi-ed com onent of dama!e( startin! [ith 1dP and !ainin! an e/tra die for everZ B levels of "S. %/am le= $t 1? "S attacX [ould have t[elve divided bZ four lus one die( [hich is BdP. Damage]] Part Slot Cost= ' $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= C50 8il The "ama!eLL ,art determines the "S of anZ direct dama!e the invention causes. 3or everZ "ama!eLL ,art added to an invention( the attacX !ains L? "S for its dama!e formula. $ll inventions use dP for the randomi-ed com onent of dama!e( startin! [ith 1dP and !ainin! an e/tra die for everZ B levels of "S. %/am le= $t 1? "S attacX [ould have t[elve divided bZ four lus one die( [hich is BdP. 4&timate Damage Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The Mltimate "ama!e ,art determines the "S of anZ direct dama!e the invention causes. 3or everZ Mltimate "ama!e ,art added to an invention( the attacX !ains L5 "S for its dama!e formula. $ll inventions use dP for the randomi-ed com onent of dama!e( startin! [ith 1dP and !ainin! an e/tra die for everZ B levels of "S. %/am le= $t 1? "S attacX [ould have t[elve divided bZ four lus one die( [hich is BdP. Agi&itL Based Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The $!ilitZ Iased ,art allo[ the invention to maXe use of the %n!ineeras $80 attribute to determine an inventionas dama!e( e.!. an $!ilitZ Iased ,art combined [ith three "ama!e ,arts [ould inflict ' / $80 L 1dP dama!e. )agic Based Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 100 8il The 2a!ic Iased ,art allo[ the invention to maXe use of the %n!ineeras 2$8 attribute to determine an inventionas dama!e( e.!. a 2a!ic Iased ,art combined [ith three "ama!e ,arts [ould inflict ' / 2$8 L 1dP dama!e. MnliXe ST) and $80 based dama!e( the 2a!ic Iased ,art determines that 2a!ic $rmor is used to blocX dama!e( not $rmor. Strengt? Based Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The Stren!th Iased ,art allo[ the invention to maXe use of the %n!ineeras ST) attribute to determine an inventionas dama!e( e.!. a Stren!th Iased ,art combined [ith three "ama!e ,arts [ould inflict ' / ST) L 1dP dama!e. Ranged Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The )an!ed ,art determines the attacX is done at a distance and thus does not tri!!er )eaction abilities. 0f the invention lacXs this( it is assumed to be a 2elee attacX. Damage Added E33ect Parts !ritica& StriPe Part Slot Cost= C $vailabilitZ= 50 ,rice= ?500 8il The Critical StriXe ,art is a com lement to anZ arran!ement of "ama!e arts. 0f the %n!ineer rolls bet[een 1 and 10 inclusive [hen maXin! a Tri!!erin! roll( the dama!e inflicted is doubled before a lZin! $)2 or 2$)2( as thou!h a critical hit had been scored. !ritica&] Part Slot Cost= 11 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The CriticalL ,art is an u !raded version of the Critical StriXe ,art. 0f the %n!ineer rolls bet[een 1 and ?0 inclusive [hen maXin! a Tri!!erin! roll( the dama!e inflicted is doubled before a lZin! $)2 or 2$)2( as thou!h a critical hit had been scored. !ritica&]] Part Slot Cost= 1A

$vailabilitZ= Mni:ue ,rice= @U$ The CriticalLL ,art is the hi!hest u !rade of the Critical StriXe ,art. 0f the %n!ineer rolls bet[een 1 and '0 inclusive [hen maXin! a Tri!!erin! roll( the dama!e inflicted is doubled before a lZin! $)2 or 2$)2( as thou!h a critical hit had been scored. E&ement A33initL Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The %lement $ffinitZ ,art allo[s an inventionas "ama!e ,arts to linX to anZ element#based S ecial ,arts also resent on the invention. The dama!e dealt !ains the elemental striXe as determined bZ the attached element art. $n attacX can onlZ be ali!ned [ith one element at a time( re!ardless of anZ S ecial ,arts [hich allo[ multi le %lement arts to e/ist on an invention. 0P Drain Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= B5 ,rice= '000 8il The 4, "rain ,art allo[s the %n!ineer to absorb 50% of the dama!e dealt as 4,. The 4, absor tion a les onlZ to the %n!ineer himself( and 8rou or Mnfocused attacXs [ill onlZ drain 4, from the tar!et that taXes the most dama!e. 0P Si*?on Part Slot Cost= 5 $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= 1000 8il The 4, Si hon ,art allo[s the %n!ineer to absorb ?5% of the dama!e dealt as 4,. The 4, absor tion a les onlZ to the %n!ineer himself( and 8rou or Mnfocused attacXs [ill onlZ drain 4, from the tar!et that taXes the most dama!e. )P Damage Part Slot Cost= 5 $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= 500 8il The 2, "ama!e ,art converts anZ "ama!e ,arts from inflictin! 4, dama!e to inflictin! 2, dama!e. Piercing Part Slot Cost= ' $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= ?000 8il The ,iercin! ,art allo[s "ama!e ,arts to i!nore 50% of a tar!etas $rmor (or 2.$rmor( if the dama!e is 2$8#based). )e&ting Part Slot Cost= 5 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 2eltin! ,art allo[s "ama!e ,arts to i!nore all of a tar!etas $rmor (or 2.$rmor( if the dama!e is 2$8#based). PoQer StriPe Part Slot Cost= 10 $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue ,rice= @U$ The ,o[er StriXe ,art is a verZ rare art that increases the dama!e of an invention bZ 150%. 1egati2e Stat#s Parts FATAL !ondemn Part Slot Cost= ?' $vailabilitZ= B5 ,rice= '000 8il The Condemn ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! condemn status. MnliXe other status effects the Condemn ,art has set duration of B and does not re:uire a s ecific duration art. Deat? Part Slot Cost= 'A $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue ,rice= @U$ The "eath ,art is an e/tremelZ rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the damnin! death status instantlZ taXin! all but immune tar!ets to 0 h . $ duration art is not re:uired for this com onent as death is al[aZs unlimited duration. E>ect Part Slot Cost= ?0 $vailabilitZ= 50 ,rice= 1C50 8il The %Fect ,art is an unusual art that [hen incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! status striXe and tar!et arts( removes the tar!et(s) from battle. @o b, or 8il is !ained from eFected o onents( liXe[ise ,Cas removed from the battle are not calculated [hen s littin! b,. Fro8en Part Slot Cost= ?C $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$

The 3ro-en ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the damnin! 3ro-en status. 0eat Part Slot Cost= ?C $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 4eat ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the damnin! 4eat status. M.STIF. BerserP Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= 1000 8il The IerserX ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! berserX status. !?arm Part Slot Cost= ?5 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The Charm ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the damnin! charm status. !on3#se Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= C5 ,rice= 1000 8il The Confuse ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! confuse status. TO/IN Poison Part Slot Cost= 9 $vailabilitZ= 90 ,rice= 100 8il The ,oison ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the oison status. MnliXe other status effect com onents the oison art does not re:uire duration and instead has duration unlimited automaticallZ. %enom Part Slot Cost= ?1 $vailabilitZ= B0 ,rice= B000 8il The &enom ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! venom status. SEAL B&ind Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The Ilind ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the blind status. !#rse Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= 1000 8il The Curse ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! curse status. Petri3L Part Slot Cost= ?1 $vailabilitZ= 50 ,rice= '000 8il The ,etrifZ ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! etrifZ status. MnliXe other status effects the ,etrifZ ,art has set duration of B and does not re:uire a s ecific duration art. Si&ence Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= 1000 8il The Silence ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the silence status. S&ee* Part Slot Cost= A

$vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= ?00 8il The Slee ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the slee status. Stone Part Slot Cost= '' $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The Stone ,art is a verZ rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the damnin! stone status. MnliXe other status effects the Stone ,art does not re:uire a duration art in the com onent( instead !ainin! an automatic unlimited duration. TIME Disa"&e Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= 1000 8il The "isable ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! "isable status. mmo"i&i8e Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= 90 ,rice= ?00 8il The 0mmobili-e ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the 0mmobili-e status. S&oQ Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= 90 ,rice= 50 8il The Slo[ ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the slo[ status. Sto* Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= '0 ,rice= 5000 8il The Sto ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! sto status. Time S&i* Part Slot Cost= ?1 $vailabilitZ= 50 ,rice= '000 8il The Time Sli ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! time sli status. TRANSFORM )ini Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= '0 ,rice= 5000 8il The 2ini ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! mini status. Toad Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= '0 ,rice= 5000 8il The Toad ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! toad status. Zom"ie Part Slot Cost= ?1 $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= 1?50 8il The Yombie ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the -ombie status. MnliXe other status effect com onents this does not re:uire a duration art !ainin! an automatic unlimited duration. WEAK Agi&itL DoQn Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The $!ilitZ "o[n ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the a!ilitZ do[n status.

Agi&itL BreaP Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= ?000 8il The $!ilitZ IreaX ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! a!ilitZ breaX status. Armor DoQn Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= 1000 8il The $rmor "o[n ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! armor do[n status. Armor BreaP Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= B5 ,rice= ?500 8il The $rmor IreaX ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! armor breaX status. E&ementa& ReaPness Part Slot Cost= 15 $vailabilitZ= 50 ,rice= 1500 8il The %lemental \eaXness ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration( element and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! \= %lement status. The element is determined bZ the element art in the com onent. ;nlZ a sin!le elemental art can be used [ith a sin!le %lement \eaXness ,art. )agic DoQn Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= C5 ,rice= 1000 8il The 2a!ic "o[n ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! ma!ic do[n status. )agic BreaP Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= B0 ,rice= 5000 8il The 2a!ic IreaX ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! ma!ic breaX status. )e&tdoQn Part Slot Cost= ?5 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 2eltdo[n ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the damnin! meltdo[n status. )enta& DoQn Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= 1000 8il The 2ental "o[n ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! mental do[n status. )enta& BreaP Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= B5 ,rice= ?500 8il The 2ental IreaX ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! mental breaX status. PoQer DoQn Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= C5 ,rice= 1000 8il The ,o[er "o[n ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! o[er do[n status. PoQer BreaP Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= B0 ,rice= 5000 8il The ,o[er IreaX ,art is a debilitatin! art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the demorali-in! o[er breaX status. S*irit DoQn Part Slot Cost= A

$vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The S irit "o[n ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the s irit do[n status. S*irit BreaP Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= ?000 8il The S irit IreaX ,art is a harmful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to inflict the tar!et [ith the hinderin! s irit breaX status. Positi2e Stat#s Parts A#ra Part Slot Cost= ?5 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The $ura ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the otent aura status. F&oat Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The 3loat ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the float status. 0aste Part Slot Cost= '0 $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue ,rice= @U$ The 4aste ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the otent haste status. Protect Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= 1000 8il The ,rotect ,art is a useful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the rotect status. Re3&ect Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= '5 ,rice= 5000 8il The )eflect ,art is a hel ful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the handZ reflect status. S?e&& Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= 1000 8il The Shell ,art is a useful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the shell status. %anis? Part Slot Cost= ?5 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The &anish ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the otent vanish status. Ra&& Part Slot Cost= ?9 $vailabilitZ= Mni:ue ,rice= @U$ The \all ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the otent [all status. E&ementa& Resistance Part Slot Cost= 11 $vailabilitZ= 90 ,rice= 500 8il The %lemental )esistance ,art is a art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration( tar!et and element arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et )= %lement corres ondin! to the linXed element art. ;nlZ a sin!le elemental art can be used [ith a sin!le %lement )esistance ,art. E&ementa& mm#nitL Part Slot Cost= ?1

$vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= ?000 8il The %lemental 0mmunitZ ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration( tar!et and element arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et 0= %lement corres ondin! to the linXed element art. ;nlZ a sin!le elemental art can be used [ith a sin!le %lement 0mmunitZ ,art. E&ementa& A"sor*tion Part Slot Cost= '1 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The %lemental $bsor tion ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration( tar!et and element arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et $= %lement corres ondin! to the linXed element art. ;nlZ a sin!le elemental art can be used [ith a sin!le %lement $bsor tion ,art. E&ementa& En?ancement Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= B5 ,rice= '000 8il This unusual art re:uires a status striXe( duration( tar!et and element arts to function. 0t effectivelZ !rants the tar!et %= %lement for a number of rounds e:ual to the duration. $ll dama!e done bZ the tar!et [ith that element does 150% dama!e durin! this status. ;nlZ a sin!le elemental art can be used [ith a sin!le %lement %nhancement ,art. mm#ne Fata& Part Slot Cost= ?A $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 0mmune 3atal ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et immunitZ to all 3atal based statuses. mm#ne )Lsti3L Part Slot Cost= ?? $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 0mmune 2ZstifZ ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et immunitZ to all 2ZstifZ based statuses. mm#ne Sea& Part Slot Cost= ?B $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 0mmune Seal ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et immunitZ to all Seal based statuses. mm#ne Time Part Slot Cost= ?B $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 0mmune Time ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et immunitZ to all Time based statuses. mm#ne ToGin Part Slot Cost= ?1 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 0mmune To/in ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et immunitZ to all To/in based statuses. mm#ne Trans3orm Part Slot Cost= ?' $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 0mmune Transform ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et immunitZ to all Transform based statuses. mm#ne ReaP Part Slot Cost= ?5 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The 0mmune \eaX ,art is a rare art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et immunitZ to all \eaX based statuses. Agi&itL 4* Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The $!ilitZ M ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the a!ilitZ u status. Armor 4* Part Slot Cost= 1'

$vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= C50 8il The $rmor M ,art is a useful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the armor u status. )agic 4* Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= '000 8il The 2a!ic M ,art is a hel ful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the handZ ma!ic u status. )enta& 4* Part Slot Cost= 1' $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= C50 8il The 2ental M ,art is a useful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the mental u status. PoQer 4* Part Slot Cost= 19 $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= '000 8il The ,o[er M ,art is a hel ful art that can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the handZ o[er u status. S*irit 4* Part Slot Cost= A $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 50 8il The S irit M ,art can be incor orated into a status effect com onent includin! a status striXe( duration and tar!et arts. \hen activated it has the chance to !rant the tar!et the s irit u status. D#ration Parts D#ration (7) Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The "uration (?) ,art is used in conFunction [ith status effects (both ositive and ne!ative). 0t allo[s the inflicted status to last for ? rounds( if not removed bZ the a ro riate means. D#ration (A) Part Slot Cost= ' $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= 100 8il The "uration (B) ,art is used in conFunction [ith status effects (both ositive and ne!ative). 0t allo[s the inflicted status to last for B rounds( if not removed bZ the a ro riate means. D#ration (^) Part Slot Cost= C $vailabilitZ= A0 ,rice= 1000 8il The "uration (A) ,art is used in conFunction [ith status effects (both ositive and ne!ative). 0t allo[s the inflicted status to last for A rounds( if not removed bZ the a ro riate means. D#ration 4n&imited Part Slot Cost= 1? $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The "uration Mnlimited ,art is used in conFunction [ith status effects (both ositive and ne!ative). 0t allo[s the inflicted status to last for an entire battle( if not removed bZ the a ro riate means. MnliXe other instances of unlimited duration( the "uration Mnlimited ,art does not allo[ status effects # either ositive or ne!ative # to ersist outside of battle. S*ecia& Parts D#a& E33ect Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= ?50 8il This art allo[s the %n!ineer to include t[o se arate sets of %ffect arts in a sin!le 0nvention. ;n each $ction( the %n!ineer can choose [hich %ffect to useH onlZ one %ffect can be used at a time. The chosen %ffect uses the 0nventionas Tar!etin! and Tri!!er art( and so is a !ood [aZ to !et e/tra milea!e out of a o[erful Tar!etin! or Tri!!er art as [ell as a [aZ to increase an inventionas versatilitZ. Tri*&e E33ect Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= B0 ,rice= 1500 8il This art allo[s the %n!ineer to include three se arate sets of %ffect arts in a sin!le 0nvention. ;n each $ction( the %n!ineer can choose [hich %ffect to useH onlZ one %ffect can be used at a time. The chosen %ffect uses the 0nventionas Tar!etin! and Tri!!er art( and so is a !ood [aZ to !et e/tra milea!e out of a o[erful Tar!etin! or Tri!!er art as [ell as a [aZ to increase an inventionas versatilitZ.

TQin E33ect Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= C5 ,rice= 1000 8il This art allo[s the %n!ineer to include t[o se arate sets of %ffect arts in a sin!le 0nvention. \hen the 0nvention is used( both %ffects are activated simultaneouslZ. Ioth %ffects affect the same tar!et or tar!ets (as dictated bZ the Tar!etin! art) and have the same base chance of success (as dictated bZ the Tri!!er art). 2aXe se arate CoS rolls for the t[o effects. Tri#ne E33ect Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ This art allo[s the %n!ineer to include three se arate sets of %ffect arts in a sin!le 0nvention. \hen the 0nvention is used( all three %ffects are activated simultaneouslZ. $ll the %ffects affect the same tar!et or tar!ets (as dictated bZ the Tar!etin! art) and have the same base chance of success (as dictated bZ the Tri!!er art). 2aXe se arate CoS rolls for the three effects. D#a& De3ect Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= C0 ,rice= 150 8il This unusual art allo[s the %n!ineer to choose t[o different defects to linX to the same 0nvention. The %n!ineer can choose [hich defect taXes effect each time the 0nvention is usedH onlZ one defect activates er use of the invention. 3or e/am le( an %n!ineer could lace a "ual "efect art into a )anX B invention( and choose both Com le/ and "elaZH [hen activatin! the 0nvention( the %n!ineer could choose [hether to taXe an P CT (the "elaZ enaltZ) or else use the 0nvention immediatelZ and suffer a '5% chance of a breaXdo[n (the Com le/ enaltZ). Tri*&e De3ect Part Slot Cost= ? $vailabilitZ= '0 ,rice= C50 8il This unusual art allo[s the %n!ineer to choose three different defects to linX to the same 0nvention. The %n!ineer can choose [hich defect taXes effect each time the 0nvention is usedH onlZ one defect activates er use of the invention. AnL E&ement Part Slot Cost= 10 $vailabilitZ= $rtifact ,rice= @U$ The $nZ %lement ,art is an unusual but otent element art. MnliXe the fi/ed nature of the other element ,arts( the $nZ %lement ,art is ada table to the %n!ineeras [him. IZ s endin! a full action the %n!ineer can s[itch the element of the $nZ %lement ,art to either 3ire( 0ce( >i!htnin!( %arth( \ind( \ater( 4olZ( Shado[ or Iio. The $nZ %lement ,art holds that element until it is ne/t chan!ed. Bio E&ement Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= 100 8il The Iio %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the Iio element. Eart? Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 90 ,rice= 50 8il The %arth %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the %arth element. Fire Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The 3ire %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the 3ire element. 0o&L Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= C0 ,rice= 500 8il The 4olZ %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the 4olZ element. ce Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The 0ce %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the 0ce element. (ig?tning Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The >i!htnin! %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the >i!htnin! element. Random E&ement Part Slot Cost= 0 $vailabilitZ= P0 ,rice= 50 8il

The )andom %lement ,art is an unusual element art. MnliXe the fi/ed nature of other element arts( the )andom %lement ,art chan!es its element fre:uentlZ durin! battle. Iefore everZ use of an invention [ith the )andom %lement ,art( roll 1d10 to determine the element currentlZ in use. )andom %lement ,art Table 1= 3ire ?= 0ce '= >i!htnin! B= %arth 5= \ind A= \ater C= 4olZ P= Shado[ 9= Iio 10= @on#%lemental S?adoQ Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= C0 ,rice= 500 8il The Shado[ %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the Shado[ element. Tri*&e E&ement Part Slot Cost= 1 )aritZ= )are ,rice= 150 This s ecial art doesnat linX an element to an 0nvention directlZ( but does allo[ the %n!ineer to add u to three other %lement arts to an 0nvention. The %n!ineer can then choose anZ of these three %lements [hen activatin! the invention( and can shift bet[een these three %lements freelZ. 3or e/am le( an 0nvention [ith the %lemental )esistance status and a Tri le %lement art linXed to 3ire( 0ce( and >i!htnin! arts could be used to besto[ )= 3ire( )= 0ce( or )= >i!htnin! as desired. %ach )= status [ould taXe one action to besto[. Rater Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= P5 ,rice= 100 8il The \ater %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the \ater element. Rind Part Slot Cost= 1 $vailabilitZ= 95 ,rice= 10 8il The \ind %lement ,art [orXs in conFunction [ith certain %ffect ,arts bZ adFustin! the inventionas effect to use the \ind element. Parts O#icP&ist Tar!etin! ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice >imit #### ##### ##### ##### ##### Self 0 100 0 @one 0ndividual 1 95 10 @one )andom 0 95 10 See belo[ Q 8rou A 95 100 )anX B 0nventions 8rou L 9 A5 500 )anX C 0nventions 8rou LL 1? B0 1000 @one Mnfocused B P0 ?00 @one Q )andom art= Tar!ets a sin!le random allZ if the invention has a ,ositive Status effectH a sin!le random enemZ other[ise. Tri!!erin! ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice %ffect #### ##### ##### ##### ###### Tool% ' 95 50 (Tool%)( "efH ca s at 1?5 Tool%L A C0 C50 (Tool%)( "efH no ca \ea on% B 95 100 (\ea on%)( "efH ca s at 1?5 \ea on%L P A5 1000 (\ea on%)( "efH ca s at ?00 Touch 1 95 ?5 3lat '0% StriXe C 50 1?50 3lat A0% ^nocX 1' $rt. ### 3lat 90% "ama!e ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice %ffect #### ##### ##### ##### ###### "ama!e B 95 100 L1 "S Q "ama!eL ? P5 '00 L1 "S Q "ama!eLL ' A0 C50 L? "S Q M. "ama!e A $rt. ### L5 "S Q $80#Iased 1 95 50 $80#based dama!e 2$8#Iased 1 95 100 2$8#based dama!e ST)#Iased 0 95 10 ST)#based dama!e

Q 2ulti le arts can be included for cumulative effect. "ama!e $dded %ffect ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice %ffect #### ##### ##### ##### ###### Crit. Str. C 50 ?500 Crit on 01#10 CriticalL 11 $rt. ### Crit on 01#?0 CriticalLL 1A Mn:. ### Crit on 01#'0 %.Q $ffinitZ 1 95 50 %lement#based dama!e 4, "rain 1' B5 '000 "rains 50% of dama!e done 4, Si hon 5 P0 1000 "rains ?5% of dama!e done 2, "ama!e 5 P5 500 "eals dama!e as 2, ,iercin! ' A0 ?000 0!nores 50% of $)2 on attacX 2eltin! 5 $rt. ### 0!nores 100% of $)2 on attacX ,. StriXe 10 Mn:. ### "eals 150% normal dama!e Q ,airs [ith one %lemental S ecial art @e!ative Status ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice "uration #### ##### ##### ##### ######## Condemn ?' B5 '000 (B) "eath 'A Mn:. ### M %Fect ?0 50 1C50 @U$ 3ro-en ?C $rt. ### &ar 4eat ?C $rt. ### &ar IerserX 1' P5 1000 &ar Charm ?5 $rt. ### &ar Confuse 1' C5 1000 &ar ,oison 9 90 100 M &enom ?1 B0 B000 &ar Ilind A 95 50 &ar Curse 1' P0 1000 &ar ,etrifZ ?1 50 '000 (B) Silence 1' P5 1000 &ar Slee A 95 ?00 &ar Stone '' $rt. ### M "isable 1' P5 1000 &ar 0mmobili-e A 90 ?00 &ar Slo[ A 90 50 &ar Sto 19 '0 5000 &ar Time Sli ?1 50 '000 &ar 2ini 19 '0 5000 &ar Toad 19 '0 5000 &ar Yombie ?1 A0 1?50 M $80 "o[n A 95 50 &ar $80 IreaX 1' A0 ?000 &ar $)2 "o[n 1' P0 1000 &ar $)2 IreaX 19 B5 ?500 &ar %.Q \eaXness 15 50 1500 &ar 2$8 "o[n 1' C5 1000 &ar 2$8 IreaX 19 B0 5000 &ar 2eltdo[n ?5 $rt. ### &ar 2%@ "o[n 1' P0 1000 &ar 2%@ IreaX 19 B5 ?500 &ar ,;\ "o[n 1' C5 1000 &ar ,;\ IreaX 19 B0 5000 &ar S,) "o[n A 95 50 &ar S,) IreaX 1' A0 ?000 &ar Q ,airs [ith one %lemental S ecial art ,ositive Status ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice "uration #### ##### ##### ##### ######## $ura ?5 $rt. ### &ar 3loat A 95 50 &ar 4aste '0 Mn:. ### &ar ,rotect 1' P0 1000 &ar )eflect 19 '5 5000 &ar Shell 1' P0 1000 &ar &anish ?5 $rt. ### &ar \all ?9 Mn:. ### &ar %.Q )esist 11 90 500 &ar

%.Q 0mmune ?1 A0 ?000 &ar %.Q $bsorb '1 $rt. ### &ar %.Q %nhance 19 B5 '000 &ar 0. 3atal ?A $rt. ### &ar 0. 2ZstifZ ?? $rt. ### &ar 0. Seal ?B $rt. ### &ar 0. Time ?B $rt. ### &ar 0. To/in ?1 $rt. ### &ar 0. Transform ?' $rt. ### &ar 0. \eaX ?5 $rt. ### &ar $80 M A 95 50 &ar $)2 M 1' P5 C50 &ar 2$8 M 19 A0 '000 &ar 2%@ M 1' P5 C50 &ar ,;\ M 19 A0 '000 &ar S,) M A 95 50 &ar Q ,airs [ith one %lemental S ecial art "uration ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice #### ##### ##### ##### "ur. (?) 0 95 10 "ur. (B) ' P5 100 "ur. (A) C A0 1000 "ur. (M) 1? $rt. ### S ecial ,arts= @ame Slots $vail ,rice %ffect #### ##### ##### ##### ###### "ual %ffect 0 P5 ?50 0nclude t[o se arate effects Tri le %ffect 0 B0 1500 0nclude three se arate effects T[in %ffect 0 C5 1000 0nclude t[o simultaneous effects Triune %ffect 0 $rt. ### 0nclude three simultaneous effects "ual "efect 1 C0 ?50 Choice of t[o defects [hen usin! Tri le "efect ? '0 C50 Choice of three defects [hen usin! %. $nZ 10 $rt. ### ,air [ith %lemental effect art %. Iio 1 P5 100 ,air [ith %lemental effect art %. %arth 1 90 50 ,air [ith %lemental effect art %. 3ire 1 95 10 ,air [ith %lemental effect art %. 4olZ 1 C0 500 ,air [ith %lemental effect art %. 0ce 1 95 10 ,air [ith %lemental effect art %. >i!htnin! 1 95 10 ,air [ith %lemental effect art )andom %lement 1 P0 50 ,roduces random element Q %. Shado[ 1 C0 500 ,air [ith %lemental effect art Tri le %lement 1 A0 150 >inXs to other %. arts %. \ater 1 P5 100 ,air [ith %lemental effect art %. \ind 1 90 50 ,air [ith %lemental effect art N'te0 RGi 1'+ld REALL. appreciate it i2 s+3,itted ,'nsters listed t4e 5ersi'n n+,3er '2 t4e MCS t4at 1as +sed t' ,a e t4e ,'nster* T4an 6'+* The 2aster 2onster >ists are a set of lists of virtuallZ all the monsters from 3inal 3antasZ !ames. TheZ have been se erated out into tZ e and or!ani-ed there to determine [hich monsters are alette s[a s of other monsters. MONSTER CONSTRUCTION S.STEM 7MCS8 -ERSION !*% 2onsters laZ an im ortant role in the 33),8. $n old line in fantasZ novels( movies( and 3inal 3antasZ !ames is that a!ood cannot e/ist [ithout evila. ;r li!ht [ithout darXness. ;r daZ [ithout ni!ht. $nd laZer characters cannot e/ist [ithout monsters. 2onsters offer laZer characters an element of e/citement to breaX u [hat could other[ise be a borin! set of events that can trans ire in the duration of a tZ ical 33),8 adventure. TaXe Zour tZ ical fairZ tale as e/am le= the hero savin! the rincess from the evil monster. "o Zou reallZ thinX anZone reallZ cares about the hero e the rincess livin! ha ilZ ever afterf ;f course notN \e [ant to hear about ho[ the hero mana!ed to slaZ the evil monster. "id he use his ma!ic s[ord to ierce its cold blacX heartf "id he sneaX ast the monster [hile it sle tf $nd Fust ho[ manZ e/ erience oints [as that monster [orth anZ[aZf $s the title im lies( the 2CS !ives the !amemaster all the tools necessarZ to create ori!inal monsters for the 33),8. "es ite the amonstera in the title( the 2CS can be used to create nearlZ anZ tZ e of o osition or allZ ima!inable# @,C allies( human o onents liXe enemZ Xni!hts( robots( undead( and so on. $bout the onlZ thin! the 2CS doesnat cover is vehicles ("oomtrain aside) since theZ have their o[n sourcebooX (the &ehicle 2anual). !* C'ncept $ll monster desi!ns invariablZ be!in [ith a basic outline of the creature( called its D rofileE. >iXe a characterEs bacX!round( the rofile hel s to establish the monsterEs D ersonalitZE and basic characteristics throu!h nine se arate headin!s= Cate!orZ( >ocation( $ earance( Si-e( 0ntelli!ence( Iehaviour( 3re:uencZ( %ncounter Si-e( )eaction and Senses. %ach of these ten [ill be e/ lained in detail over the ne/t fe[ a!es and in the later arts of this section. ntro B&#r" This is [here Zou aint the outline of the monster such as [hat it looXs liXe( [here it lives( and [hat is !enerallZ Xno[n about the critter in :uestion. $ earance( in articular( is im ortant to !ive the laZers an idea as far as [hat theZ ha en to be facin!. 0ts !eneral hei!ht( [ei!ht( coloration( and

bodilZ features liXe cla[s( fur( tail( [in!s( and so on are a !ood lace to start. %ven if Zou can rovide the laZers a icture of the monster( [rite as thou!h there [as none. 0t [ill hel im rove the :ualitZ of the descri tion [hen it is !iven to the laZer characters. )ole# laZin! !ames such as the 3inal 3antasZ ),8 are a vocal medium## sho[in! some icture of the critter that Zou found online to the laZers and saZin! _it looXs liXe this_ isnat nearlZ as im ressive as !oin! to a three minute lon! lecture on ho[ easZ it [ould be for a ^in! Iehemoth to turn the artZas S[ord 2aster into a tastZ snacX. The monsteras a earance should be stron!lZ considered [hen assi!nin! attribute oints and stat bases later on. $ '0a !iant is surelZ !oin! to have ama-in! Stren!th( &italitZ( and a verZ hi!h 4it ,oint Iase. ;f course( there are al[aZs e/ce tions. The TonberrZ is one of the smallest monsters ever to !race a 3inal 3antasZ !ame( Zet it can taXe an absurd amount of dama!e before it dies. )onster !ategories $ monster [ill inevitablZ fit into one or more of the fifteen 2onster Cate!ories outlined belo[H in desi!n terms( each offers a broad tem late from [hich the finer details of the monster can be [orXed out. 0n some cases the Cate!orZ mi!ht not be immediatelZ obvious( in [hich event this ste can be ost oned until the monsterEs other characteristics have been determined. ;ther[ise( select the Cate!orZ most a ro riate to Zour monster. $bnormal 9 D8enericE monsters [hich fit in no other cate!orZ( includin! uni:ue or one#of#a#Xind creatures. $erial 9 2onsters [ith the o[er to defZ !ravitZ( usuallZ throu!h [in!s( but occasionallZ throu!h more e/otic means( such as inflated bladders( !as sacs or ma!ic. $:uan 9 \ater#d[ellin! monsters. Thou!h usuallZ onlZ encountered in their native element( theZ maZ occasionallZ venture onto drZ land to terrorise its deni-ens. This cate!orZ includes fish( am hibians and other such creatures. $mor hs 9 Sha eless monsters [ith no discernible anatomZH all but im ervious a!ainst conventional [ea ons. Some $mor hs maZ be ca able of shiftin! from one form to another. $rcana 9 2onsters created of ra[ ma!ic( tZ icallZ as a result of a S ell. 0ncludes familiars and elementals. Ieasts 9 The DnaturalE inhabitants of the [orldH includes monstrous animals and other fauna t[isted bZ ma!ic. "emons 9 Su ernatural o onents( !enerallZ hi!hlZ ade t [ith the use of ma!ic. These are both servants of !ood and evil from beZond mortal realms. "ra!ons 9 2onstrous re tiles [ith a ser entine bent. Covers the classic [in!ed dra!ons as [ell as their !roundbound relatives( such as hZdras( draXes and [Zrms. 4umans 9 0n s ite of its name( this Cate!orZ encom asses humans as [ell as other DhumanoidE races such as %lves and 8oblins. 0nsects 9 0nsects of everZ sha e and si-e( tZ icallZ rotected bZ tou!h( chitinous shells. >i-ards ## )e tiles such as snaXes( these are different from "ra!ons in that theZ rarelZ have more than animal intelli!ence and lacX ma!ical fire o[er that most "ra!ons have. 2achina 9 $rtificial creations( animated bZ technolo!Z or ma!ic. 0ncludes such series stal[arts as !olems and robots. ,lants 9 $nimated and mutated lant matter as [ell as natural ha-ards such as carnivorous lants. Mndead 9 The livin! dead are creatures reanimated bZ foul sorcerZ or su ernatural circumstanceH shufflin! -ombies( creaXin! sXeletons( ven!eful !hosts( and everZthin! in bet[een. $ll Mndead monsters have the $uto#Yombie status at no cost. 3or the lar!est art( the monsterEs Cate!orZ onlZ determines vulnerabilitZ to the 2onster ^iller ro ertZ and its ilX. Iear in mind that these Cate!ories are not mutuallZ e/clusiveH dual#cate!orZ monsters such as "emonUIeast( 2achinaU$erial and "ra!onUMndead are all erfectlZ lausible. Be?a2ior @o[ [e add a touch of color. This should( essentiallZ( cover ho[ the monster acts both in and out of battle. 0s it a fierce redator that attacXs on si!ht( or a timid monster that runs and hidesf "oes it live in !rou s or alonef "oes it have com le/ motivations and can be reasoned [ith( or is it sim lZ a mindless beastf \hat senses does it use to detect the artZas a roachf $ns[erin! such :uestions hel maXe the monster sound three#dimensional rather than Zour tZ ical random monster. This is es eciallZ im ortant [ith reoccurrin! or common o onents( [ho [ill be encountered in a varietZ of different situations. "* /( 9 ('1er Le5els 2onsters( liXe laZer characters( have e/ erience levels to distin!uish their basic a o[er levela in com arison [ith each other. $ hi!her e/ erience level affects all of the monsters abilities# it increases the amount of attribute oints available to them( increases their stats( and increases the dama!e theZ can cause [ith each attacX erformed. 0t also im roves the amount of e/ erience and !il the monster is [orth if defeated in battle bZ the laZer characters. 0t is recommended to use monsters of the same e/ erience level as the hi!hest#level laZer character. So if the laZer characters are >&> ?0( the monsters theZ face should also be rou!hlZ >&> ?0. $ fe[ oints hi!her or lo[er are fine as lon! as it doesnat e/ceed three (0.%= 1C to ?' for a !rou of >&> ?0 characters). $nZthin! hi!her or lo[er maZ create a combat situation that maZ be either too difficult or too easZ. ,o[er level is another factor that can affect the monsteras abilities and traits. 2onsters come in four o[er levels that rovide a scale for more o[erful monsters. $t the bottom are normal monsters. These lo[lZ creatures are [hat are tZ icallZ encountered in random battles in 3inal 3antasZ !ames. TheZ maZ offer the laZer characters a difficult battle( but are other[ise inferior to their su eriors. These monsters should maXe u rou!hlZ C5% of the o onents the laZer characters face in battle. IeZond them are 2ini#Iosses. $ 2ini#Ioss is sli!htlZ better than the normal monster and is tZ icallZ the middle#man bet[een the cannon fodder and the Ioss. 2ost laZer characters [ill butt heads [ith a 2ini#Ioss in the middle of an adventure( as a relude to the boss battle( or at the end of a art of the adventure. 3or instance( the laZers maZ have to defeat a ^raXen on their [aZ from ,ort $ to ,ort I. $ Ioss tends to be the mastermind behind all the roblems the laZer characters have faced durin! the cam ai!n and is almost al[aZs a re#occurrin! villain in the !ame. ;r theZ are a member of a !rou of bosses [ho ans[er to an even hi!her o[er or more o[erful boss such as the >ucavi in 3inal 3antasZ Tactics or the 3iends of 3inal 3antasZ 0&. The ,laZer Characters tend to fi!ht Iosses at the end of an im ortant storZ arch or aCha tera of the cam ai!n. 3inallZ( there is the Su er Ioss. This tZ e of monster tends to be used onlZ at the end of a cam ai!n or at the end of a storZ arch as an e ic battle [here the laZer characters [orX [ith @,Cs to van:uish the beast. 0n !ame terms( 2ini#Ioss( Ioss( and Su er Ioss monsters have si!nificantlZ hi!her 4, ratin!s and ossess certain abilities for free such as 0mmunitZ= "eath. Several restrictions on attacXs and attacX modifiers are [aived for bosses such as the combination of ,o[er StriXe and the 8rou modifier. Thus( bosses are much harder to defeat and !ive ade:uate re[ards. The o[er level affects the amount of b, e 8il the monster is [orth u on defeatin! it and the tZ e of random items it dro s. %arnin! $rtifacts or Mni:ues from boss battles at hi!her levels is not uncommon. #* Attri3+tes %ach monster ossesses the basic si/ attributes= Stren!th( &italitZ( $!ilitZ( S eed( 2a!ic( and S irit. These si/ attributes function in the same e/act manner as theZ do for laZer characters# Stren!th( for instance( determines the dama!e done [ith most hZsical attacXs. $ll monsters ossess ('5 L >&>) oints and should be s read accordin!lZ bet[een each $ttribute. ^ee in mind that unliXe laZers( monsters do not have limitations for ho[ hi!h their attribute ratin!s maZ be raised. Thus( it is ossible for a monster to e/ceed a ratin! of '0( althou!h this should be verZ rare. Iecause a monster ossesses fe[er oints( overall( for attributes in com arison to laZer characters( it [ould be [ise to focus on at best t[o to three attributes. $ monster that is e/tremelZ stron! [ill have more oints in Stren!th e &italitZ than it [ould for the other four. 3or a monster( havin! no [eaXnesses

can be a [eaXness. $ !amemaster can craft a o[erful monster bZ reducin! certain aunnecessarZa attributes( im rovin! XeZ attributes( and desi!nin! the monsteras attacXs and abilities to follo[ suit. This is Xno[n bZ en e a er !amers as a2in#2a/in!a. 0t is usuallZ a laZer tactic to !ive their character as lo[ as ossible ratin! in an undesirable attribute so theZ can um a different attribute throu!h the roof or near their ma/imum. ThinX of a >&> 1 TaruTaru IlacX 2a!e [ith 1' 2a!ic and 15 S irit( but... ? ST)( ' &0T( ' $80( and ' S,". Such e/treme 2in#2a/in! should be heavilZ discoura!ed durin! character creation( but... it maZ become a necessarZ evil in monster creation in order to create a trulZ challen!in! monster. ;f im ortant notice are the main t[o aoffensivea attributes (Stren!th e 2a!ic) and the t[o adefensivea attributes (&italitZ e S irit). 0f Zou have a monster that mainlZ uses ST) for their attacXs( then the monster can !et bZ [ithout manZ oints laced in its 2a!ic attribute. The same can !o for S irit if the monster lacXs an 2, Iase# it becomes an unnecessarZ burden for them. Iut if the monster focuses on s ells and 2$8 based attacXs( 2a!ic e S irit become much more im ortant. Consider Zourself [arned( thou!h( if Zou min#ma/ monsters= it can bacXfire in Zour face. 0t isnat that hard to create a monster that is sim lZ too difficult for Zour laZer characters. The best recommendation [e can offer is to maXe sure not to minimi-e the inferior attributes too muchH one#half the main offensive attribute should be enou!h. $* Stat Bases Stat Iases are variables that dictate ho[ manZ 4it ,oints( 2a!ic ,oints( $rmor( and 2a!ic $rmor the monster ossesses. 0n !ame terms( theZ have a direct effect on the amount of b, and 8il earned from defeatin! the monster as [ell as increasin! the difficultZ of the battle. $ monster [ith an /A 4, Iase is !oin! to have si!nificantlZ more 4, than a monster [ith an /B 4, Iase. 0t cannot be stressed enou!h to be e/tremelZ careful [hen assi!nin! the Stat Iases for a monster. 0f the monsteras Stat Iases are too hi!h( it can maXe a normal battle harder than a boss battle. $nd if theZ are too lo[( the laZer characters [ill be able to easilZ stom the monsters [ithout breaXin! a s[eat. $lso( monsters [ith a hi!h $rmor Iase tend to have a tendencZ to have [eaXer 2a!ic $rmor base. $nd vice versa. This creates a balance that !ives the laZer character asomea form of ed!e [hen fi!htin! such monsters. The Stat Iases marXed [ith an asterisX (Q) are considered aavera!ea. 4, Iase b,& 8& %/am le 1 #1A #A 8oblin 1.5 #P #' \olf ?Q L0 L0 Commander B L1P LP 2arlboro A LB0 L19 Iehemoth P LA0 L'0 TonberrZ 2, Iase b,& 8& %/am le 0 L0 L0 8oblin 0.5 LP L' 8houl 1Q L15 LC IlacX 2a!e 1.5 L?? L10 "arX 3orce ? L'5 L1A IlacX \altB L50 L?P 2a!imaster $)2 Iase b,& 8& %/am le 0.5 #5 #? 8oblin 1Q L0 L0 \olf ? L10 L5 "ullahan B L19 L9 8olem A L?A L1P 0ron 8iant 2$)2 Iase b,& 8& %/am le 0.5 #5 #? 8oblin 1Q L0 L0 8houl ? L10 L5 IlacX 2a!e B L19 L9 "arX 3orce A L?A L1P 2a!imaster %* Stats \ith the bases selected( itas time to determine the monsteras stats. These are( for the most art( com letelZ unchan!ed from those listed in Cha ter T[o= Creation in the Core )ulebooX [ith the e/ce tion of ho[ theZ are calculated. 4it ,oints (4, Iase / &0T / >&>)= the amount of dama!e that the monster can sustain before dZin!. 2a!ic ,oints (2, Iase / S,) / >&>)= the amount of ener!Z the monster has on ta for s ells. %ach s ell costs a s ecific amount of 2, in order to use# if the monster cannot match the 2, cost of the s ell it cannot be used. "efense (>&> L $80 L S,")= the monsteras abilitZ to dod!e hZsical attacXs. The "efense stat acts as a enaltZ to the attacXeras [ea on sXill ratin!. Thus a monster [ith a hi!h "efense stat is harder to accuratelZ striXe. $rmor ($)2 Iase / >&> L &0TU?)= this stat allo[s the monster to shru! off a certain amount of dama!e each time theZ are hit bZ a hZsical attacX. 4i!her the stat( the less dama!e theZ taXe. 2a!ic "efense (>&> L 2$8 L S,))= the monsteras abilitZ to resist s ells and certain other attacXs. The 2a!ic "efense stat acts as a enaltZ to the attacXeras 2a!ic% ratin!. Thus a monster [ith a hi!h 2a!ic "efense stat is harder to accuratelZ cast s ells u on. 2a!ic $rmor (2$)2 Iase / >&> L S,)U?)= the monsteras abilitZ to [ithstand dama!e from s ells and certain tZ es of 6ob abilities. The hi!her the 2a!ic $rmor stat is( the more dama!e theZ can shru! off. $ttacX% (P0 L >&> L ($80/?))= this stat determines ho[ accurate the monsteras attacXs are. TheZ essentiallZ function in same manner as [ea ons sXills and 2a!ic% do# $ttacX% minus the tar!etas "efense e:uals the ratin! the monster must roll under on a 1d100 roll to hit. 0f the result is lo[er than the modified ratin!( the attacX succeeds and dama!e is dealt to the unfortunate tar!et. $nd if the result is hi!her( the attacX misses. 2a!ic% (100 L >&> L (2$8/?))= the 2a!ic% stat [orXs in the e/act same manner for laZers as it does for monsters. 0n order to successful cast a s ell u on a tar!etH the monster must roll under the modified result of its 2a!ic% subtracted bZ the tar!etas 2a!ic "efense. 0f the roll is lo[er( the s ell [orXs. 0f the roll is hi!her( than it doesnat. Certain status condition related s ells such as ,oison( Slee ( or Confuse have enalties to casteras 2a!ic% that must also be factored into the e:uation.

:* Attac s 9 A3ilities M until this oint( the 2CS has lar!elZ focused on definin! the monsteras basic stren!thH this ste [ill focus on [hat it can actuallZ do in battle. %ach monster has various abilities that it can erform durin! combat such as castin! a s ell( erformin! an $ction $bilitZ( and so on. To hel maXe the rocess of choosin! and creatin! the monsteras attacXs( this ortion of the 2CS is s lit into three sections= $ttacXs( $bilities and S ells. Aa. $ttacXs %ach monster ossesses at least sin!le aattacXa that theZ [ill use erha s t[o out of three times durin! a battle. 0n short( the monsteras default attacX action. $ monsteras normal attacXs cannot score Critical hits( unless the monster ossesses the Critical StriXe abilitZ (detailed in $bilities). @ote that a monsteras attacX can be sealed bZ the status condition "isable. IeZond the default attacX( a monster maZ also ossess other attacXs [hich are different from the base. These are each created se aratelZ but identicallZ to the monsteras default attacX( and maZ have com letelZ different dama!e dice( dama!e base or effects. These attacXs should be used less fre:uentlZ than the base attacX( but can still be useful in a fi!ht. 82s should be careful not to overload a monster [ith attacXs that [ill never be used( ho[ever( to avoid inflatin! the b, and 8il totals of a monster. $ttacXs [hich are not the monsteras default attacX are sealed bZ the status condition Curse( rather than the status condition "isable. The first ste in creatin! an attacX is to determine the dama!e die and the dama!e base for the attacX. The die chosen maZ be anZthin! from a dA to a d1? and [ill have a "S de endent on the die tZ e and the monsteras level # refer to the follo[in! tables for the b,&( 8& and dama!e rates of the attacXs. \hen determinin! [hat level to use for calculatin! dama!e( al[aZs round do[n. \hen choosin! [hich dama!e die to use( it maZ hel to consider the si-e and ur ose of the monster. $ monster as lar!e as the 0ron 8iant is easilZ !oin! to inflict more dama!e [ith its enormous s[ord than a si!nificantlZ smaller 3lan. 8ranted( attributes alreadZ laZ a role # the 3lanas talents laZ in ma!ic attacXs rather than ure stren!th such as the 0ron 8iantas # but si-e of the monster should be a consideration. This is onlZ a su!!estion for the !amemasterH e/ce tions maZ e/ist in the stran!est laces... Table b#b= "ama!e "ie "ama!e &alue b,& 8& @o dama!e L0 L0 "A dama!e LP L' "P dama!e L?0 LP "10 dama!e L'0 L10 "1? dama!e L'9 L15 The dama!e base for an attacX is chosen bZ selectin! [hat tZ e of attacX it is. $ttacXs [hich are hZsical melee striXes use the Stren!th statistic for determinin! dama!e. ;nes that are hZsical ran!ed use the $!ilitZ statistic. $nd those [hich are 2a!ical( [hether theZ are ran!ed or melee( use the 2a!ic statistic. \ith this in mind( the dama!e of the attacX can be determined. 3or instance( a >&> 10 monster usin! a d10 dama!e die and a Stren!th dama!e base [ould do B / (Stren!th) L ?d10 dama!e. Table b#b= "ama!e "ie L "ama!e Iase >&> 1dA dama!e 1dP dama!e 1d10 dama!e 1d1? dama!e 1 ? / c$ttributed L dA ? / c$ttributed L dP ? / c$ttributed L d10 ? / c$ttributed L d1? 5 ? / c$ttributed L dA ' / c$ttributed L dP ' / c$ttributed L d10 ' / c$ttributed L d1? 10 ' / c$ttributed L ?dA ' / c$ttributed L ?dP B / c$ttributed L ?d10 B / c$ttributed L ?d1? 15 B / c$ttributed L ?dA B / c$ttributed L ?dP 5 / c$ttributed L ?d10 A / c$ttributed L ?d1? ?0 5 / c$ttributed L 'dA 5 / c$ttributed L 'dP A / c$ttributed L 'd10 C / c$ttributed L 'd1? ?5 5 / c$ttributed L 'dA A / c$ttributed L 'dP C / c$ttributed L 'd10 P / c$ttributed L 'd1? '0 A / c$ttributed L 'dA C / c$ttributed L 'dP P / c$ttributed L 'd10 9 / c$ttributed L 'd1? '5 C / c$ttributed L 'dA P / c$ttributed L 'dP 9 / c$ttributed L 'd10 10 / c$ttributed L 'd1? B0 P / c$ttributed L BdA 9 / c$ttributed L BdP 10 / c$ttributed L Bd10 11 / c$ttributed L Bd1? B5 9 / c$ttributed L BdA 10 / c$ttributed L BdP 11 / c$ttributed L Bd10 1? / c$ttributed L Bd1? 50 10 / c$ttributed L BdA 11 / c$ttributed L BdP 1' / c$ttributed L Bd10 15 / c$ttributed L Bd1? 55 11 / c$ttributed L BdA 1? / c$ttributed L BdP 15 / c$ttributed L Bd10 1C / c$ttributed L Bd1? A0 1? / c$ttributed L 5dA 1' / c$ttributed L 5dP 1A / c$ttributed L 5d10 1P / c$ttributed L 5d1? A5 1' / c$ttributed L 5dA 1B / c$ttributed L 5dP 1C / c$ttributed L 5d10 19 / c$ttributed L 5d1? C0 1B / c$ttributed L 5dA 15 / c$ttributed L 5dP ?0 / c$ttributed L 5d10 ?1 / c$ttributed L 5d1? C5 15 / c$ttributed L 5dA 1A / c$ttributed L 5dP ?1 / c$ttributed L 5d10 ?' / c$ttributed L 5d1? P0 1A / c$ttributed L 5dA 1P / c$ttributed L 5dP ?? / c$ttributed L 5d10 ?B / c$ttributed L 5d1? P5 1C / c$ttributed L 5dA 19 / c$ttributed L 5dP ?' / c$ttributed L 5d10 ?5 / c$ttributed L 5d1? 90 1P / c$ttributed L 5dA ?1 / c$ttributed L 5dP ?B / c$ttributed L 5d10 ?A / c$ttributed L 5d1? 95 19 / c$ttributed L 5dA ?? / c$ttributed L 5dP ?5 / c$ttributed L 5d10 ?C / c$ttributed L 5d1? 100 ?0 / c$ttributed L 5dA ?' / c$ttributed L 5dP ?A / c$ttributed L 5d10 ?9 / c$ttributed L 5d1? ;nce the dama!e die and dama!e base have been determined( the 82 maZ o t to add anZ number of effects on to the attacX. %ach effect either adds an b,& or 8& to the attacXas value( or multi lies the total attacXas b,& and 8&. $l[aZs add all the values of the attacX effects u before multi lZin! the remainder. 3or e/am le( if a 8oblin has a dA attacX [hich striXes a 8rou and has Ilind Touch( the b,& is ( P L 10 ) / ?.0( or 'A. The follo[in! effects can be used= Stat#s AttacP b,&= &aries 8&= &aries This form of attacX can inflict ne!ative status u on its tar!et. 0t comes in three flavors= Status Touch( Status StriXe( and Status %ffect. Status Touch= this Status $ttacX has a '0% Chance of Success. 0t is often used as a abacXu a to do dama!e as [ell as otentiallZ inflict the tar!et [ith the status condition. Status StriXe= a more lethal version of Status Touch( it has a A0% Chance of Success. 0t is almost al[aZs found on mid to hi!h#level monsters (>&> '0L). Status %ffect= unliXe the other t[o Status $ttacXs( the Status %ffect is not usuallZ used [ith an attacX. 0nstead( it is tZ icallZ used on it o[n and benefits from a hi!her chance of success # (2a!ic% # 50 # Tar!etas 2"%3). $ Status %ffect can tZ icallZ be combined [ith certain 2odifiers to result in s ell#liXe Status $ttacXs.

%ach condition is also or!ani-ed into four classes based on their lethalitZ( and details of each status are available in Cha ter Seven. %ach status condition is listed [ith a default duration. The 82 maZ o t to chan!e these( but [ill have to maXe a ro riate modifications to the b,& and 8& numbers. Class 0= IerserX (B)( Ilind (B)( Curse (B)( "isable (B)( 0mmobili-e (B)( ,oison (M)( Silence (B)( Slee (B)( Slo[ (B) Class 00= Condemn (BQ)( Confuse (B)( ,etrifZ (BQ)( Stat "o[n (A)( Time Sli (B)( Mna[are (1) Class 000= %Fect( 2ini (B)( Toad (B)( Stat IreaX (A)( Sto (B)( &enom (B)( Yombie (M) Class 0&= Charm (B)( "eath( 3ro-en (B)( 4eat (B)( 2eltdo[n (?)( Stone (M) @ote= the duration for ,etrifZ and Condemned are the number of rounds until the tar!et develo s the Stone condition or are reduced to -ero 4, res ectivelZ. Table b#b= Status $ttacXs Status b,& 8& b,& 8& b,& 8& (Touch) (Touch) (StriXe) (StriXe) (%ffect) (%ffect) Class 0 L10 L' L?1 LC L1P LA Class 00 L1C LA L'5 L1' L'' L11 Class 000 L?5 LP L51 L1P LBP L1A Class 0& L'B L1? LAC L?? LAB L?1 A33initL b,&= /1 8&= /1 This effect !rants the abilitZ an elemental affinitZ such as 3ire( 0ce( or Shado[. This effect has no bonus or enaltZ because it technicallZ is both. 0t can inflict an e/tra 50% dama!e u on a tar!et [ith a [eaXness to that element( but it can also be resisted (1U? dama!e)( blocXed entirelZ (immunitZ)( or absorbed. A#toB0it b,&= /? 8&= /? \hen an attacX [ith this effect is used( no $ttacX% roll is re:uired to be made # the attacX automaticallZ hits the tar!et( re!ardless of "efense or rolls. 0t maZ still be affected bZ )eaction abilities (such as %vade e Counter). $nZ statuses must still roll for success as normal. This effect onlZ means that the striXe itself hits( not that anZ of the su ortin! effects automaticallZ activate. 'ro#* b,&= /?.0 8&= /?.0 The attacX chan!es from Tar!et= Sin!le to Tar!et= 8rou and thus affects all of the monsteras enemies. This effect should not be used [ith a ,o[er StriXe unless the monster is a boss. 'ro#nd Based b,&= /0.P 8&= /0.P $n attacX [ith this effect hu!s the !round( such as an earth:uaXe does. $s a result( anZ otential tar!et [hich is off the !round (such as [ith the 3loat status condition) is com letelZ immune to it. 0P Drain b,&= /1.5 8&= /1.5 The abilitZ( in addition to inflictin! dama!e( restores an amount of 4, e:ual to the dama!e inflicted. Thus an attacX that inflicts 150 dama!e restores 150 4, to the monster. This 2odifier cannot be combined [ith the 4, Si hon effect. 0t should not be used [ith the ,o[er StriXe or 8rou effects unless the monster is a Ioss. 0P Si*?on b,&= /1.?5 8&= /1.?5 The attacX( in addition to inflictin! dama!e( restores a ortion of the monsteras 4it ,oints e:ual to one#half of the dama!e done. Thus an attacX that inflicts 150 dama!e restores C5 4,. This effect cannot be combined [ith the 4, "rain effect. )agic Damage b,&= /1.1 8&= /1.1 This attacX is defended a!ainst usin! the tar!etas 2."efense and 2.$rmor( instead of "efense and $rmor. \hen rollin! to hit( use 2a!ic% instead of $ttacX%( as [ell. )P B#rn b,&= /0.C5 8&= /0.C5 \hen the abilitZ is erformed( the monster must aZ a certain amount of 2, for each time it is used. The amount re:uired is 50% the abilitZas b, &alue (before the 2, Iurn effect is a lied) L the monsteras >&>. )P Damage b,&= /1.?5 8&= /1.?5 The attacX inflicts dama!e u on the tar!etas 2a!ic ,oints rather than its 4it ,oints. S*&it Damage b,&= /1.?5 8&= /1.?5 The attacX inflicts dama!e u on both the tar!etas 4it ,oints and 2a!ic ,oints. $fter calculatin! for $rmor( 50% of the dama!e is a lied to the tar!etas 4,( and 50% of the dama!e is a lied to the tar!etas 2,. )P Drain b,&= /1.C5 8&= /1.A The attacX inflicts dama!e u on the tar!etas 2a!ic ,oints rather than its 4it ,oints and restores an e:ual amount to the monsteras current 2,. Thus an abilitZ that inflicts 150 dama!e to the tar!etas 2, [ould restore the monsteras 2, bZ 150 oints. This 2odifier cannot be combined [ith the 2, Si hon effect. 0t should not be used [ith the ,o[er StriXe or 8rou effects unless the monster is a Ioss. )P Si*?on b,&= /1.5 8&= /1.B The attacX inflicts dama!e u on the tar!etas 2, rather than its 4it ,oints and restores one#half of the result to the monsteras current 2,. Thus an attacX that inflicts 150 dama!e restores C5 2, for the monster. This effect cannot be combined [ith the 2, "rain effect. Piercing b,&= /1.?5 8&= /1.?5

The attacX is able to unch throu!h the tar!etas defenses. \hen calculatin! dama!e( the tar!etas $)2 onlZ counts for half normal. PoQer StriPe b,&= /? 8&= /? This attacX is meant to inflict heavZ dama!e to the unfortunate tar!et it connects [ith. The dama!e base and dama!e die are the same as if it [ere a re!ular attacX( but the "ama!e Scale ("S) of the attacX is increased bZ (? L (>&>U10)). Thus a >&> 15 monster that does (A / attribute) L1d10 dama!e [ith an attacX [ould do (9 / attribute) L1d10 dama!e instead [ith a ,o[er StriXe. ,o[er StriXe should not be combined [ith the 8rou modifier unless the monster in :uestion is a Ioss. The resultin! combination in most cases [ill result in an over o[erin! s ecial attacX that maZ be too much e/ce t in certain situations. S&oQ b,&= /0.C5 8&= /0.C5 The attacX re:uires additional time to erform resultin! in a Char!e Time enaltZ to its initiative. The CT scales [ith the monsteras >&>H the formula bein! >&>UB. Thus a >&> B0 monster [ith a Slo[ 2odifier attached to one of its abilities faces a CT 10. @o CT calculated in this matter maZ be less than ?. Random Target b,&= /0.C5 8&= /0.C5 MnliXe most attacXs( one [ith this effect does not icX a tar!et to start. $s er the random tar!etin! rules( it selects the victim at random. 0n a normal random attacX( it [ill hit one of the enemZ. 0f 8rou ( it striXes once for each member of the tar!eted !rou ( but e/actlZ [ho is strucX bZ each hit is randomlZ chosen. 0f Mnfocused( it can hit anZ one tar!et on the battlefield. 4n3oc#sed b,&= /1 8&= /1 The attacX chan!es from Tar!et= Sin!le to Tar!et= Mnfocused and thus affects everZthin! on the battlefield( friend or foe. The modifiers above onlZ a lZ if the monster does not have a Su ort abilitZ that rovides rotection from the modified attacX # if the monster is rotected( the cost is the same as a normal 8rou attacX. (3or instance( a lZin! the Mnfocused modifier to a Slee StriXe attacX used bZ a monster [ith 0= Seal [ould be a /?.0 modifier( not a /1.0. So [ould a lZin! the modifier to an %arth#affinitZ attacX [hen used bZ a monster [ith $uto#3loat or even )= %arth.) This 2odifier should not be used [ith a ,o[er StriXe unless the monster is a boss. Sometimes( a 82 [ill [ant to have an effect [hich is not listed here and is unusual. 0n these cases( the 82 [ill need to eZeball the b,& and 8& values of the effect( based on those alreadZ listed above. 3or e/am le( the monster Zou are creatin! has an attacX [hich dum s oil on to of the tar!et( maXin! it [eaX to 3ire. This [ould robablZ be a Status $ttacX( so it [ould need to be classified as a Status Touch( Status StriXe or Status %ffect. Iecause maXin! someone \eaX to an element can cause e/tra dama!e( it is verZ dan!erous( but it is not directlZ fatal. Thus it fits in best as a Class 00 status. 3inallZ( a duration of (B) seems the most reasonable( as it is the avera!e duration for a status condition and there is no articular reason to maXe this one last more or less time. $fter determinin! the attacXas dama!e( effects and the b,&U8&( it should be !iven a name to e/ ress [hat it is and [hat it does. $ttacXs do not need to be es eciallZ flashZ ## somethin! basic liXe aSlasha or a,uncha [ill do the do the Fob. The nature of the monster itself should laZ a art in choosin! the nameH a "ra!on( for instance( mi!ht have a Cla[ attacX [hile a 2arlboro maZ have a Tentacle attacX. Status $ttacXs( ,o[er StriXes( and so on often have flashZ( if not !audZ( names. T[o to three [ords should be enou!h and feel free to maXe it sound stu id ## S:uaresoft and other Console ),8 roducers have made a astime out of !ivin! their characters and monsters cheesZ titles for their abilities such as Colla se of 4eaven e %arth( Ilood 3east( or YantetsuXen (0ron Ilade). :3* A3ilties 0n addition to various attacXs( manZ monsters have other abilities available to them. Some are Su ort and )eaction $bilities( [hile others are $ction $bilities [hich are used in battle( much liXe attacXs. $ monster does not need to have anZ abilities at all( but theZ often add im ortant as ects to the monsteras combat ca abilties. /o" A"i&itL b,&= &aries 8&= &aries %ach of the 6obs that ,laZer Characters can choose to belon! to offer manZ uni:ue abilities. Some of those verZ abilities maZ also [orX [ell as monster $ction $bilities. 0f a monster is !iven such an attacX( it should usuallZ be at least seven levels hi!her than the level re:uirement for the abilitZ. 3or instance( a monster should be at least >&> 'A before theZ can be !iven the S[ord 2aster abilitZ Cross Slash. The reasonin! for this is to ensure that the laZers have a chance to use these verZ abilities in their o[n defense. 0n addition( remember that 6ob $bilities( liXe s ells( [ere desi!ned to be used a!ainst monsters and not the other [aZ around. 2odifiers cannot be used on a 6ob $bilitZ under anZ circumstance. $nZ abilitZ that [ould use a characteras [ea on dama!e in the formula normallZ( such as the S[ord 2aster abilitZ "is atch( should use the monsteras default $ttacX dama!e instead. 0f a sXill% is re:uired for the Fob abilitZ in :uestion( use the monsteras $ttacX% in lace of the sXill%. Table b#b= 6ob $bilitZ $bilitZ b,& 8& >&> 1#5 6ob $bilitZ L10 L' >&> A#1? 6ob $bilitZ L1P LC >&> 1'#19 6ob $bilitZ L?A L9 >&> ?0#?A 6ob $bilitZ L'? L1? >&> ?C#'' 6ob $bilitZ LBB L1A >&> 'B#B0 6ob $bilitZ L5' L19 >&> B1#BC 6ob $bilitZ LA1 L?? >&> BP#5B 6ob $bilitZ LC0 L?5 >&> 55#A1 6ob $bilitZ LCP L?P >&> A?L 6ob $bilitZ LPA L'1 Action A"i&ities $ction $bilities act much liXe $ttacXs in combat. Msin! one taXes u an action bZ the monster( and theZ cause direct effects in the battle. 4o[ever( theZ are not directlZ dama!in!( as that is the ae!is of $ttacXs. 0nstead( $ction $bilities are mostlZ utilitZ effects that aid the monster. $ction $bilities are sealed bZ the status condition Curse. [BAction b,&= LP0 8&= L'0

;nlZ available to bosses( b#$ction is incrediblZ o[erful( allo[in! the monster to maXe t[o actions in a sin!le turn. \hen b#$ction is used( the monster maZ select anZ t[o attacXs( s ells or $ction $bilities it Xno[s (aside from b#$ction) and erforms both in that turn at no e/tra enaltZ. 82s are verZ stron!lZ cautioned to be careful( as this abilitZ can be over[helmin!. The t[o effects can not be 8rou tar!etin!( and the same laZer character can not be tar!eted [ith both actions of b#$ction unless there are no other laZer characters remainin!. 1earBFata& AttacP b,&= LBA 8&= L?? $lthou!h it inflicts no dama!e( it can drive a laZer character to its Xnees. The attacX has a (50 L >&> L ($80/?))%( "%3 chance to automaticallZ reduce the tar!etas 4, to one oint. ,ossessin! 0= "eath [ill rotect the tar!et from the effect. This abilitZ is verZ rare and is often found on bosses or hi!h#level monsters (>&> B0 or hi!her). @ear#3atal $ttacXs al[aZs inherentlZ have the IreaX "ama!e >imit abilitZ. The @ear#3atal $ttacX can be combined [ith effects from the section on $ttacXs( but onlZ [ith Slo[( 2, Iurn and 2, "ama!e. These effects modifZ the cost of @ear#3atal $ttacX as theZ [ould anZ other attacX. S#mmon )inion b,&= L'? 8&= L1P @ot to be confused [ith Summon 2a!ic( this $ction $bilitZ allo[s the monster to summon to their aid a normal monster of e:ual or lesser o[er. The monster summoned cannot be of a hi!her b, >&> than the summonin! monster # a >&> ?0 monster cannot summon a >&> ?5 minion( for instance. @or can the monster [hich is summoned be a boss of anZ sort. The Summon 2inion abilitZ can be used to summon onlZ one monster at a time( [ill onlZ summon a s ecific monster( and cannot be used a!ain unless the minion is destroZed. To summon more than one minion to the field at once( multi le instances of Summon 2inion must be taXen. The use of this abilitZ also re:uires a full round before the summoned minion a ears. 0f the laZer characters defeat the minion( theZ receive b, and 8il for the Xill. 82s are advised to create the stats for the minion in advance. Summon 2inion can be aired [ith the Slo[ and 2, Iurn attacX effects( as [ell. 0ea&ing b,&= L?0 8&= L10 (?5%) b,&= LA0 8&= L?0 (50%) b,&= L100 8&= L'5 (C5%) The rare monster can be found [ith the ca abilitZ to heal itself or others. Iecause of the considerable difference bet[een character and monster 4,( normal Cure s ells usuallZ do not heal nearlZ enou!h. \hen the 4ealin! abilitZ is used( the tar!et is immediatelZ healed for ?5%U50%UC5% of their ma/imum 4,. Mndead monsters or anZthin! sufferin! from the Yombie status [ill suffer the a ro riate amount of dama!e instead. 4ealin! $ction $bilities maZ not be linXed [ith anZ )eaction abilities. Form !?ange b,&= L0 8&= L0 Some monsters have the ca abilitZ to shift bet[een radicallZ different forms in combat # such as the summon $rX bein! able to shift bet[een bein! an airshi and a !iant mecha. \hen creatin! such a monster( each form is built inde endentlZ. The onlZ restrictions are that all forms must ossess the 3orm Chan!e abilitZ( and that 4,U2, must be the same in all forms. \hen defeated( the monster [ill Zield %/ erience and 8il e:ual to the values of the hi!hest ossible form. $t anZ oint in combat( the monster maZ use an action to chan!e from one form to another. Status conditions carrZ over from one form to the ne/t( as does dama!e. 0f desired( the 82 maZ choose to use a sli!htlZ different sZstem for 3orm Chan!e. The forms can not be chan!ed throu!h an action( but at the end of each round of combat( the monster has the o tion to taXe on a different form at no action cost. 0f this method is used( the abilitZ adds L10% to the monsteras b,& and 8& in all forms. tem 4se b,&= L15 8&= L0 \ith this abilitZ( the monster is ca able of maXin! 0tem actions. The monster( [hen created( is !iven a s ecific inventorZ of available items bZ the 82( limitin! the number and tZ e of items that the monster maZ use. 0f anZ of these items are not used bZ the time the monster is Xilled( theZ are automaticallZ left behind after the battle( in addition to the monsteras normal dro ed items. Esca*e b,&= L5 8&= L? 2onsters [ho ossess this abilitZ are ca able of maXin! an %sca e action in battle. Should the monster successfullZ run a[aZ( the artZ !ains nothin!. @o b, or 8il are !ained( and there are no random dro s. S#**ort A"i&ities Su ort $bilities hel the monster bZ conferrin! it benefits automaticallZ [ithout re:uirin! an action in battle. TheZ cannot be shut off in anZ [aZ bZ the laZer characters or the monster itself. TheZ continue [orXin! until the monster is defeated. A#to Stat#s b,&= &aries 8&= &aries This Su ort $bilitZ !ives the monster a s ecific status that is automaticallZ on u on the be!innin! of the battle and cannot be dis elled or removed bZ either the laZer characters or the monster itself. 0t is verZ much a double#ed!ed s[ord as the status in :uestion can be either a ositive status or a ne!ative status. ,ositive Statuses Class 0= 3loat( $!ilitZ M ( S irit M Class 00= ,rotect( Shell( $rmor M ( 2ental M Class 000= 4aste( )eflect( ,o[er M ( 2a!ic M Class 0&= )e!en( $ura( &anish @e!ative Statuses Class 0= IerserX( Ilind( ,oison( Slee ( Slo[( Yombie Class 00= Confuse( Time Sli ( Mna[are Class 000= 2ini( Toad( &enom Class 0&= Condemn( ,etrifZ Table b#b= $uto#Statuses "escri tion b,& 8& Class 0 ,ositive L19 LA Class 00 ,ositive L'0 L10 Class 000 ,ositive LBB L15

Class 0& ,ositive LAB L?1 Class 0 @e!ative #19 #A Class 00 @e!ative #'0 #10 Class 000 @e!ative #BB #15 Class 0& @e!ative #AB #?1 SoS Stat#s b,&= &aries 8&= &aries \hen the monster reaches the a[oundeda status (have lost C5% of their 4,)( theZ immediatelZ !ain from one or more statuses that !o into effect immediatelZ. >iXe $uto Status above( an S;S Status cannot be dis elled or removed bZ the laZer characters under anZ circumstance # it [ill remain on until the monster is destroZed or is healed to above ?5% 4,. S;S Status is commonlZ used in conFunction [ith an arraZ of statuses so that once the monster (in most cases a boss) has been seriouslZ inFured( theZ a o[er#u a to their ultimate form. ,ositive Statuses 0= $!ilitZ M ( 3loat( S irit M 00= $rmor M ( 2ental M ( ,rotect( Shell 000= 4aste( 2a!ic M ( ,o[er M ( )eflect 0&= $ura( )e!en( &anish @e!ative Statuses 0= IerserX( Ilind( ,oison( Slee ( Slo[( Yombie 00= Confuse( Time Sli ( Mna[are 000= 2ini( Toad( &enom 0&= Condemn( ,etrifZ Table b#b= SoS Statuses Class b, 8& 0 ,ositive LC L? 00 ,ositive L1? LB 000 ,ositive L?0 LP 0& ,ositive L'A L1? 0 @e!ative #C #? 00 @e!ative #1? #B 000 @e!ative #?0 #P 0& @e!ative #'A #1? !ritica& StriPe b,&= LP 8&= L' (10%) b,&= L1' 8&= L5 (?0%) b,&= L1P 8&= LC ('0%) @ormallZ( monsters arenat able to score critical hits [ith attacXs in combat (thou!h theZ can still botch). \ith this abilitZ( a monsteras attacX becomes more deadlZ. $nZ normal attacX roll thatas less than or e:ual to the ercenta!e !iven is a critical hit for that attacX( and deals double normal dama!e. This abilitZ doesnat a lZ to $ction $bilities or sXill#based abilitZ checXs( such as @ear#3atal $ttacX or Steal. F&ig?t b,&= L?0 8&= L9 This abilitZ allo[s the monster to taXe off into the sXZ durin! battle. "oin! so [ill cost the monster its action for the round( but uts it out of ran!e of all close#ran!ed attacXs. 0t is the 82as Fud!ement [hat attacXs and abilities the artZ ossess that can reach the monster in this state. 0n !eneral( missile [ea ons (Io[s( Crossbo[s( etc) and ma!ic are able to( in addition to a varietZ of other effects. 0t also functions as the 3loat status for the ur ose of evadin! attacXs [ith the 8round Iased effect. 0ea2L Armor b,&= L15 8&= L5 This abilitZ rovides e/tra rotection a!ainst striXes that [ould normallZ unch clean throu!h a monsteras defenses. \hen strucX bZ anZ attacX or abilitZ [hich i!nores or reduces $rmor or 2. $rmor( the monsteras $rmorU2.$rmor is factored into the attacX as normal. \hile status effects such as $rmor IreaX or 2eltdo[n [ill still affect the monsteras statistics( no attacX or abilitZ [ill be able to bZ ass those defenses. Resistance (E&ement) b,&= LC 8&= L' The monster sustains one#half the normal dama!e [hen strucX bZ an attacX [ith an affinitZ to the a ro riate element. )= %lement can be taXen multi le times( but cannot be used if the monster has a \eaXness( 0mmunitZ( or $bsorb to that same element. Thus( a monster [ith )= 3ire canat have \= 3ire and vice versa. mm#nitL (E&ement) b,&= L15 8&= LC The monster taXes no dama!e [hen strucX bZ an attacX [ith an affinitZ to the a ro riate element. 0= %lement can be taXen multi le times for different elements( but cannot be used if the monster has a \eaXness( )esistance( or $bsorb to that same element. Thus( a monster [ith 0= 3ire canat have \= 3ire and vice versa. A"sor" (E&ement) b,&= L'' 8&= L15 The monster recovers 4, [hen strucX bZ an attacX [ith an affinitZ to the a ro riate element. $= %lement can be taXen multi le times for different elements( but cannot be used if the monster has a \eaXness( )esistance( or 0mmunitZ to that same element. Thus( a monster [ith $= 3ire canat have \= 3ire and vice versa. ReaPness (E&ement) b,&= #9 8&= #B The monster taXes an e/tra 50% dama!e [hen strucX bZ an attacX [ith an affinitZ to the a ro riate element. \= %lement can be taXen multi le times for different elements( but cannot be used if the monster has a )esistance( 0mmunitZ( or $bsorb to that same element. Thus( a monster [ith \= 3ire canat have )= 3ire and vice versa.

mm#nitL (Stat#s) b,&= &aries 8&= &aries ThanXs to !enetics( ma!ic( or divine intervention( the monster is com letelZ immune to the effects of a s ecific cate!orZ of status conditions # 3atal( 2ZstifZ( Seal( Time( To/in or Transformation. See Cha ter Seven= Combat for the full list of status conditions covered bZ the seven cate!ories as [ell as their effects. mm#nitLBA&& (Stat#s) b,&= LP0 8&= L'0 @o monster can osses this abilitZ unless it is a boss monster. \ith this abilitZ( the monster !ains immunitZ to all status conditions. 0= $ll is most commonlZ found amon! hi!h level Ioss and Su er Ioss monsters rather than 2ini#Iosses or lo[er level monsters. mm#nitL ($ne Stat#s) b,&= &aries 8&= &aries 2onsters can also have immunitZ to onlZ one or t[o statuses in a cate!orZ # immunitZ to Ilind but not the other Seal effects( for instance. The b, and 8il value of this abilitZ de ends on ho[ o[erful the status is= Class 0= IerserX( Ilind( 0mmobili-e( ,oison( Slee ( Slo[( Yombie Class 00= Condemn( Confuse( Curse( "isable( ,etrifZ( Silence( Time Sli ( Mna[are Class 000= %Fect( 2ini( Stat "o[nUIreaX( Sto ( Toad( &enom( \eaXen %lement Class 0&= Charm( "eath( 3ro-en( 4eat( 2eltdo[n( Stone "escri tion b,& 8& Class 0 L5 L? Class 00 L9 L' Class 000 L1? L5 Class 0& L1A LA S&a2e Part b,&= #'0 8&= #10 The monster has smaller ortions of their bodZ that act inde endentlZ of its amaina bodZ. %ach of these smaller ortions are slave arts. %ach slave art should be constructed se aratelZ as a normal monster [ith its o[n attribute ratin!s( stat bases( and at least one attacX. 0n addition( each should have the Slave ,art abilitZ that attached the art to a central core that does not have the Slave ,art abilitZ. \hen the desi!nated core dies( all of the attached slave arts also immediatelZ die( re!ardless of 4, or rotective statuses. 0f the 82 desires( a Slave ,art maZ also be auto#revivin!. Such a art( [hen destroZed( automaticallZ returns to life on the Status ,hase if the main bodZ is still alive( t[o rounds after bein! destroZed( and does so [ith full 4, and 2,. $n auto#revivin! slave art has an b,& of L0 and a 8& of L0. The multi le arts can onlZ be ossessed bZ a boss or su er boss monster. %ach individual art should have its o[n b, e 8il &alues !enerated se aratelZ from the core monster. %ach should be !enerated to fill a s ecific role in the battle. ;ne art maZ focus on defendin! the core monster throu!h healin! or status effects [hile another mi!ht focus on attacXin! the laZer characters [ith attacXs. 1o ScanDBad Scan b,&= L10 8&= LB (@o Scan) b,&= L1B 8&= LC (Iad Scan) $ monster [ith this abilitZ is effectivelZ immune to the effects of the Scan s ell and the Sensor [ea on effect. \hen the monster is tar!eted bZ either( the 82 either !ives no data at all (if the monster has @o Scan)( or information [hich is inaccurate (if the monster has Iad Scan). Mnder no circumstances [ill a Scan or Sensor effect [orX correctlZ on the monster( ever. Deat?&ess b,&= L50 8&= L1P Some monsters sim lZ [ill not die. Some forms of monsters (most often o[erful undead) are ca able of returnin! s[iftlZ from the !rave to fi!ht a!ain. \hen a monster [ith "eathless is Xilled (bZ reduction to 0 4, or bZ a "eath effect)( there is a 50% chance that it [ill be ermanentlZ Xilled. 0f it is not( it [ill automaticallZ be brou!ht bacX to life in the ne/t Status hase [ith 10% of the monsteras ma/ 4,. This effect can not be dis elled or revented in anZ [aZ. Reaction A"i&ities )eaction $bilities( as the name su!!ests( are tri!!ered endin! on the circumstances of the battle. 3or instance( the Counter $ttacX abilitZ [ill !ive the monster a free action if a laZer character inflicts hZsical dama!e on them. MnliXe Su ort $bilities( )eactions can be sealed [ith the 0mmobili-e status. !o#nter b,&= L1B 8&= LC (50%) b,&= L?? 8&= L11 (C5%) This )eaction $bilitZ comes in t[o forms# 50% and C5%. Counter allo[s the monster to counter#attacX each time it is strucX bZ a hZsical attacX. The 82 has the ri!ht to choose ho[ the monster counters from the list of attacXs( $ction $bilities and s ells( but one s ecific action must be associated [ith Counter and onlZ that action maXe be taXen in reaction. )agic !o#nter b,&= L15 8&= LC ('0% CoS) b,&= L?B 8&= L1? (A0% CoS) This comes in t[o forms# '0% and A0%. 2a!ic Counter allo[s the monster counter#attacX each time is strucX bZ either an offensive s ell such as 3ire or 2eteor or bZ 6ob abilities that are classified as 2a!ic or deals 2$8#based dama!e. The 82 has the ri!ht to choose ho[ the monster counters from the list of attacXs( $ction $bilities and s ells( but one s ecific action must be associated [ith 2a!ic Counter and onlZ that action maXe be taXen in reaction. De3end T !o#nter (P?Lsica& or )agic) b,&= L15 8&= LC IZ defendin! for the round( the monster automaticallZ counter#attacXs a s ecific tZ e of dama!e inflicted u on it until the ne/t round in addition to the normal benefits of defendin!. 3or instance( "efend e Counter (2a!ic) [ould counter all s ells and 2$8#based dama!e [ith an attacX of the 82as choosin!. E2asion b,&= L'5 8&= L?5

$ monster [ith this abilitZ is e/tremelZ ade t at evadin! incomin! attacXs( both hZsical and ma!ical. $ll attacXs that tar!et the monster have their chance of success reduced bZ half( althou!h critical hits maZ still be scored. $lso( all abilities and effects must roll to hit( thou!h this roll is not reduced # a monster [ith the %vasion abilitZ can not be automaticallZ hit. \hich abilities use $ttacX% and [hich use 2a!ic% to hit are left u to the discretion of the 82. 0tem usa!e is not affected bZ %vasion. Fina& AttacP b,&= L?0 8&= L10 $s the monster dies( it unleashes one final action a!ainst the laZer characters( [hich is al[aZs erformed unless )eaction $bilities are sealed. This attacX (or $ction $bilitZ or s ell) is re#selected( and the 3inal $ttacX maZ onlZ be this selected action. There [ill be times [ith the 82 [ill [ish to use an abilitZ [hich is not listed here. 0n these cases( the 82 [ill need to create the rules and values of the abilitZ( usin! [hat is alreadZ listed as com arison. 3or e/am le( the monster Zou are creatin! is a slime#liXe monster [hich ossesses an abilitZ similar to the monsters in 33000as Sealin! Cave that causes them to s lit into t[o [hen strucX. Callin! this abilitZ 3ission( [e can fi!ure out that it [ill be a )eaction abilitZ( based on the descri tion. The 82 decides that( [hen the monster is slain bZ a hZsical attacX( it [ill du licate( creatin! t[o brand ne[ monsters identical to itself. Com arin! this to other )eaction abilities( [e can see that it is similar to 3inal $ttacX. 3ission is less o[erful than 3inal $ttacX( because it onlZ activates a!ainst hZsical attacXs( but the results are actuallZ verZ o[erful # !ivin! the laZer characters t[ice as manZ monsters to fi!htN Iecause of this( a !ood rou!h value to use [ould be the same as 3inal $ttacX # L?0 b,& and L10 8&. :c* Ma&ic ,laZer Characters are not the onlZ ones that have access to ma!ic. 0n this case( these are sim lZ s ells taXen from the e/istin! ma!ic lists for IlacX 2a!es( Ilue 2a!es( )ed 2a!es( Time 2a!es( \hite 2a!es( and Callers. 0f a monster is !iven a s ell( it should usuallZ be at least seven levels lo[er than the normal level re:uirement for laZer characters to use that s ell. 3or instance( a monster should be at least >&> B1 before theZ can be !iven the IlacX 2a!ic s ell 3ira!a. The reasonin! for this is to ensure that the laZers have a chance to use these verZ s ells in their o[n defense. 0n addition( remember that s ells( liXe 6ob $bilities( [ere desi!ned to be used a!ainst monsters not the other [aZ around. S ells can be sealed bZ the status condition Silence. $uthoras note= itas im ortant to Xee in mind that the s ells that inflict dama!e [ere balanced e desi!ned to be used bZ laZer character ma!es on monsters rather than the other [aZ around. There are some cases [here usin! a lo[er level s ell [ill result in athetic dama!e [hile usin! a su erior s ell maZ be overXill [hen cast u on a sin!le character bZ a ma!ic usin! monster. TaXe 3ire e 3ira for e/am le# 3ire does B / 2$8 L 1dP dama!e [here 3ira does 1? / 2$8 L 'dP dama!e. $ monster [ith a 2$8 ratin! of 15 [ould do A0L1dP dama!e [ith 3ire... and 1P0L'dP dama!e [ith 3ira. Thatas a rather bi! Fum in terms of dama!e( Zesf 1P0 dama!e is enou!h to nearlZ one#shot most >&> 10#15 characters if theZ lacX a sufficient 2$)2 ratin! [hile 3ire is [eaX bZ this oint even [hen used bZ a monster [ith a verZ hi!h 2a!ic ratin!. 0n some cases( it maZ be better to create uni:ue attacXs that have similar ro erties to ma!ic s ells. Table b#b= 2a!ic $bilitZ b,& 8& >evel 1 S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 1 # 9 2,) LP L5 >evel ? S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 10 # 1P 2,) L15 L9 >evel ' S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 19 # ?C 2,) L?5 L1B >evel B S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( ?P # B0 2,) L'' L?1 >evel 5 S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( B1 # 5B 2,) LB5 L'0 >evel A S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 55 # AC 2,) L55 L'C >evel C S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( AP # PB 2,) LAB LBB >evel P S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( P5 2, or more) LP0 L55 Call 2a!ic (one Summon( ?5 2, or less) L?C L1B Call 2a!ic (one Summon( ?A # A0 2,) LB? L?9 Call 2a!ic (one Summon( A1 # 100 2,) LAB LBB Call 2a!ic (one Summon( 101 2, or more) LPP L59 ;* Finis4in& T'+c4es $lmost thereN $t this oint( itas a time for reflection. 0f there is anZ material that needs to be chan!ed( no[ should be the time to do so. 0t [ould also be a !ood idea to Fot do[n the monsteras non#combat stats. These are minor stats that are mostlZ of use to a !amemaster and (as the title su!!ests) have no effect on the monsteras combat erformance. TheZ are mainlZ listed here for their role# laZin! value. TheZ are= $ earance( 0ntelli!ence( Senses( 4abitat( )eaction( and 3re:uencZ. A**earance= \hat the monster looXs liXe. $!ain( the Cate!orZ chosen at the be!innin! [ill taXe most of the !uess[orX out of this 9 "ra!ons [ill be va!uelZ re tilian in a earance( $mor hs blobs and oo-es( 2achina tou!h and com osed of inor!anic materials. %ven [ithin a tZ e( ho[ever( thereEs tremendous otential for diversitZ. $ dra!on can Fust as easilZ be a nine#headed monstrositZ covered [ith !olden scales or a olZchromatic ser entH have si/ [in!s( chitinous armor or shinin! feathers. "onEt be afraid to taXe a fe[ risXs and mi/ thin!s u H manZ of the most memorable creatures inhabitin! the 3inal 3antasZ universe are those [ho straZ Fust a little from the norm. 4abitat( too( laZs a role in sha in! a earanceH creatures livin! in e/treme heat or cold [ill tZ icallZ have bodies ada ted to these conditions 9 sha!!Z fur and other natural insulation in the case of cold#d[ellers( heat#resistant and [ater#retainin! features for those maXin! their homes in deserts. )emember that a earance is rimarilZ a visual callin!#cardH a short( vivid set of details that sticX in Zour laZersE minds lon! after the encounter ultimatelZ [ill aZ !reater dividends than a lon!#[inded descri tion catalou!in! the si-e of everZ cla[ and talon. Si8e= The monsterEs overall si-e is measured in meters( and is more of a cosmetic consideration than a ractical one 9 [hilst si-e does !ive some indication as to the monsterEs overall resilience and o[er( small monsters are Fust as ca able of dealin! out !revious dama!e as lar!e ones( if not moreso. nte&&igence= the monsteras essential abilitZ to thinX. 3or sim licitZas saXe( 0ntelli!ence comes in si/ !rades= @one( $nimal( ,rimative( $vera!e( 4i!h and %lder. @one sim lZ means the monster is not ca able of inde endent action or thou!htH monsters of this tZ e are entirelZ de endent on another monster or @,C for !uidance. This Xind of intelli!ence tends to be characteristic of more rimitive 2achina and some tZ es of Mndead. $nimal intelli!ence indicates a creature driven almost e/clusivelZ bZ its instinctsH their actions and a!!ressions are motivated more bZ [here their ne/t meal is comin! from than anZ Xind of hi!her ur ose. ,rimitive creatures dis laZ a s arX of sentience( and maZ even be ca able of s eaXin! an actual lan!ua!e( albeit reluctantlZ 9 a s[ord is al[aZs far more efficient at !ettin! the messa!e across. $vera!e intelli!ence uts a monster at rou!hlZ human level in terms of reasonin! ca acitZH the maForitZ of demi#human races such as 8oblins and ;rcs tZ icallZ fall under this cate!orZ. 4i!h intelli!ence usuallZ desi!nates ma!es and other scholars of a articular s eciesH theZ can match [its [ith almost anZ member of the artZ( and have a more#than#

fair chance of [innin! the resultin! battle of minds. 2onsters [ith %lder intelli!ence are rare indeed( dis laZin! the Xind of fierce intellect normallZ reserved for the [isest of Sa!es. Such creatures usuallZ have the benefit of centuries of learnin! behind them( and maZ even be immortal. 0n order to denote minor differences amon! monsters of e:ual intelli!ence( certain monsters can be listed [ith a lus (L) or minus (#). SaZ [e have three humanoids [ith $vera!e intelli!ence= a 8uard( a 8oblin( and a 2a!e. The 8uard is Fust lain normal( but heas at least more intelli!ent than a standard 8oblin althou!h heas not :uite as smart as the 2a!e. This !ives the 82 an idea of ho[ the three monsters com are to each other in the brains de artment. Senses= ho[ a monster s ots and tracXs its tar!ets is a XeZ consideration in attacXin! 9 and circumventin! 9 it. 0n most cases( 33),8 monsters [ill use one or more of five tZ es of senses listed here. Si!ht is the default sense for most monstersH if it is their rimarZ means of locatin! an o onent( theZ maZ have unusuallZ Xeen eZesi!ht and the ca abilitZ of s ottin! tar!ets from lon! distances. 2onsters [hich detect based on Sound can either hear normal sounds or 9 in the case of burro[in! monsters 9 detect vibrations created bZ movement. Smell is !enerallZ used bZ Ieasts to tracX their reZ. "ue to the fact that scents left bZ a tar!et last lon!er than other sensorZ cues( monsters [hich relZ heavilZ on this sense can be hi!hlZ ersistent o onents. Mndead monsters and some tZ es of "evil and 2achina use >ife senses in lace of normal onesH theZ can DsmellE out livin! creatures( but have trouble locatin! artificial constructs. 2a!ic sense is common amon!st $rcanaH in this case( the monster can DseeE the aura !iven off bZ natural ma!ic#users 9 read= all 6obs [ith an 2, die 9 as [ell as items imbued [ith ma!ic( includin! $ccessories( \ea ons and $rmor [ith s ecial ro erties( Iattle 0tems and Su ort 0tems. \hen creatin! the monster( icX [hich senses the monster relies on( lacin! an asterisX (Q) ne/t to the monsterEs rimarZ means of locatin! an o onent. These [ill be a !uide as to ho[ the artZ can avoid a otentiallZ messZ encounter 9 if theZ have enou!h advance [arnin!. 3or creatures [hich relZ on Si!ht( sim lZ use the Stealth modifiers !iven in Cha ter 3our. CharactersE success in evadin! other senses de ends on ho[ successful the artZ is in masXin! themselves from the sense in :uestion 9 in !ame terms( the 82 [ill have to rule [hether characters are DunmasXedE( D artiallZ masXedE( or Dcom letelZ masXedE( and a lZ a modifier to the characterEs Stealth rolls accordin!lZ. Sam le modifiers have been !iven belo[. Su!!ested 2odifiers ,rimarZ sense unmasXed= L?0 ,rimarZ sense artiallZ masXed= #10 ,rimarZ sense com letelZ masXed= #15 SecondarZ sense unmasXed= L15 SecondarZ sense artiallZ masXed= #5 SecondarZ sense com letelZ masXed= #10 $s a rule of thumb( unmasXed characters are ones [hich maXe no additional effort [hatsoever to hide their a roach( relZin! fullZ on their cunnin! and careful movement instead. The difference bet[een artiallZ and com letelZ masXin! a sense( mean[hile( de ends on ho[ much effort the artZ s ends on trZin! to neutralise treacherous sensorZ cuesH itEs the divide bet[een attem tin! to [alX :uietlZ ast a monster [ith Xeen hearin! ( artiallZ masXin!) and divestin! Zourself of all heavZ( Fan!lin! armor beforehand (com letelZ masXin!). >ife and 2a!ic Senses are more difficult to controlH castin! Yombie is the onlZ surefire [aZ to masX Zourself from an o onent [ith >ife Sense( [hile adventurers maZ be for!iven for thinXin! that divestin! Zourself of Zour 2asamune Fust to sneaX bZ a lairin! $rcana#tZ e creature is more trouble than itEs [orth. (ocation= \here the monster is most liXelZ to be encounteredH usuallZ its referred habitat( or ran!e of habitats. The monsterEs basic conce t and Cate!orZ [ill taXe most of the !uess[orX out of this 9 $:uatic monsters( for instance( [ould be found in )ivers( >aXes and ;ceans( [hile ,lants are more at home in laces liXe 6un!les and 3orests. The environment a monster lives in [ill also rovide a lo!ical startin! oint for assi!nin! thin!s liXe %lemental )esistances and 0mmunities further alon! the creation rocess 9 obviouslZ( a monster maXin! its home in a Tundra is more liXelZ to be able to brave Ili--ard S ells than one inhabitin! a volcano. The fourteen !eneral cate!ories of >ocation are= "esert 9 4ot( arid( sandZ re!ions. "un!eons 9 2an#made com le/es and structures( such as to[ers and castles. 3orests 9 "ense( tem erate forests and [oodlands made u of timber trees. 4ills 9 8rassZ or [ooded hi!hlands. 6un!les 9 4ot and humid areas of tro ical rainforest( [ith heavZ rainfall and even heavier ve!etation. 2arshes 9 $lternativelZ Xno[n as s[am sH fetid [etlands notorious for their muddZ( unstable !round. 2ountains 9 )ocXZ hi!hlands characteri-ed bZ s arser( tou!her ve!etation and colder tem eratures. ,lains 9 $lso called ste e or veldt. TZ icallZ lar!e( unbroXen stretches of rollin! !rassland. ;ceans 9 The o en sea. )iversU>aXes 9 >ar!e( natural bodies of flo[in! or standin! fresh[ater located inland. )uins 9 "isused and abandoned buildin!s or areas of habitation. To[ns 9 $reas of civili-ation. Thou!h the term Dto[nE is used( this cate!orZ a lies to settlements of anZ si-e( from tinZ hamlets to lar!e cities. Tundra 9 DCold desertsE( marXed bZ s arse ve!etation( eriodic sno[fall and e/treme tem eratures. Mnder!round 9 Caves( caverns( tunnels( minesH areas tZ icallZ characteri-ed bZ ersistent lacX of sunli!ht and cool( dam environs. These are onlZ broad !enerali-ations( as the actual maXeu of these terrains [ill varZ from [orld to [orld. "e endin! on the circumstances( terrains such as divided u into tro ical( subtro ical( tem erate( sub#arctic( and arctic varietiesH similarlZ( a articular monster maZ be native to a one sin!le citZ than To[ns in !eneral. Reaction= The monsterEs )eaction !au!es ho[ the monster [ill react to the laZers [hen the inevitable encounter does taXe lace( and offers a useful ZardsticX for ho[ the encounter develo s from there. 3or 33),8 ur oses( )eactions are broXen u into five cate!ories= 3riendlZ monsters are a raritZ( but e/ist nonetheless( offerin! advice( directions( items or healin!( de endin! on the circumstances. $ fe[ rare tZ es maZ even hel the characters for free( thou!h most maZ e/ ect some Xind of com ensation for their troubles. @eutral monsters are assive( and [ill retaliate onlZ if threatened themselvesH [hile theZ [onEt !o out of their [aZ to hel the laZers( theZ [onEt attem t to hinder them either. 0f not attacXed or other[ise intimidated( theZ maZ be [illin! to barter or offer their assistance in e/chan!e for aZment or some other small favor. \arZ monsters [onEt ounce on the laZers outri!ht( but it [onEt taXe much to rovoXe their ill#[illH if theZ feel threatened bZ the ,artZ( theZ [ill almost certainlZ be the first to attacX. $ll 4ostile monsters [ill attacX on si!ht( re!ardless of the circumstances and odds. This maZ be for a [ide varietZ of reasons( ran!in! from territorial considerations to sim le hun!er. Fre:#encL= this is both ho[ often the monster is encountered( and ho[ lar!e of !rou s it travels in. The fre:uencZ of ho[ hi!h the liXelihood of the artZ accidentallZ stumblin! across the monster [hilst adventurin! is measured in five !rades= Common( Mncommon( )are( &erZ )are and Mni:ue 9 this last !rade is usuallZ reserved for Ioss monsters and their ilX( and means the monster [ill never be encountered unless the encounter is

remeditated bZ the 82. 4o[ manZ of the critters tend to be resent in combat situation is based on the number of characters in the artZ. The su!!ested ratios are 1.5=1( 1=1( 1=?( and 1='. TZ icallZ( smaller monsters tend to !rou to!ether [hile bi!!er monsters are often solitarZ. 0t [ouldnat be out of the ordinarZ for a artZ of si/ to run into ei!ht or so 8oblins( but itas unliXelZ (thanXfullZ) that anZ artZ of laZer characters [ill find themselves facin! more than one Iehemoth. The b, &alue and 8il &alue should also be considered [hen determinin! the number of monsters. $ monster that !rants (100 / >&>) in e/ erience oints is liXelZ to be 1=1 [hile a monster that !rants (B00 / >&>) should be enou!h for even a artZ of si/. <* /( and Gil -al+es `ou maZ have noticed the abbreviations ab,&a and a8&a thro[n about earlier durin! the 2CS such as in B. Stat Iases. The time has come to add all those numbers to!ether and calculate the %/ erience ,oint &alue and 8il &alue that the monster is [orth to laZer characters u on defeatin! it in battle. \e have to admit that his art maZ seem a bit intimidatin! to looX at. Ie sure to do each art of the calculation ste #bZ#ste and there should be no trouble. The b,&U8& calculations should be old hand after successfullZ [ritin! a fe[ monster desi!ns Ste* $ne: Determine PoQer (e2e& [P%D'% These t[o stats are de endent u on the o[er level of the monster# be it normal( mini#boss( boss( or su er boss. To this [e [ill( in the later ste s of the rocess( add the b,& e 8& of the Stat Iases( $ttacXs( $bilities and S ells. Table b#b= ,o[er >evel b,& e 8& 2onster TZ e b,& 8& @ormal 2onster B0 15 2ini#Ioss 100 ?5 (?/ normal 4,( free 0= "eath and 0= Condemn) Ioss ??5 55 (B/ normal 4,( access to Ioss#onlZ attacXs( free 0= 3atal) Su er#Ioss '50 90 (A/ normal 4,( access to Ioss#onlZ attacXs( free 0= 3atal) Ste* TQo: Determine Stat Base [P%D'% %ach of the Stat Iases ossesses their o[n b,& e 8&. 3or instance( a monster [ith a 4, Iase of /B has a b,& of L10 e a 8& of L?. $dd u the totals and Xee the result to the side for the time bein!. Table b#b= 4, Iase 4, Iase b,& 8& 1 #1A #A 1.5 #P #' ?Q L0 L0 B L1P LP A LB0 L19 P LA0 L'0 Table b#b= 2, Iase 2, Iase b,& 8& 0 L0 L0 0.5 LP L' 1Q L15 LC 1.5 L?? L10 ? L'5 L1A B L50 L?P Table b#b= $)2 Iase $)2 Iase b,& 8& 0.5 #5 #? 1Q L0 L0 ? L10 L5 B L19 L9 A L?A L1P Table b#b= 2$)2 Iase $)2 Iase b,& 8& 0.5 #5 #? 1Q L0 L0 ? L10 L5 B L19 L9 A L?A L1P Ste* T?ree: Determine [P% T '% o3 AttacPs= A"i&ities and S*e&&s %ach $ttacX or $ction $bilitZ the monster ossesses is [orth a certain amount of b,& e 8& endin! on the modifiers and nature of the attacX. Mse the charts belo[ to find the tZ e of attacX used first then multi lZ the result bZ the modifiers. 0f more than one modifier is resent( add the values to!ether. Table b#b= "ama!e "ie "ama!e &alue b,& 8& @o dama!e L0 L0 "A dama!e LP L' "P dama!e L?0 LP "10 dama!e L'0 L10 "1? dama!e L'9 L15 Table b#b= Status $ttacXs Status b,& 8& b,& 8& b,& 8& (Touch) (Touch) (StriXe) (StriXe) (%ffect) (%ffect) Class 0 L10 L' L?1 LC L1P LA Class 00 L1C LA L'5 L1' L'' L11

Class 000 L?5 LP L51 L1P LBP L1A Class 0& L'B L1? LAC L?? LAB L?1 Table b#b= Statuses IZ Class @e!ative Class 0= IerserX (B)( Ilind (B)( Curse (B)( "isable (B)( 0mmobili-e (B)( ,oison (M)( Silence (B)( Slee (B)( Slo[ (B) Class 00= Condemn (BQ)( Confuse (B)( ,etrifZ (BQ)( Stat "o[n (A)( Time Sli (B)( Mna[are (1) Class 000= %Fect( 2ini (B)( Toad (B)( Stat IreaX (A)( Sto (B)( &enom (B)( Yombie (M) Class 0&= Charm (B)( "eath( 3ro-en (B)( 4eat (B)( 2eltdo[n (?)( Stone (M) Table b#b= S ecial 2odifiers $bilitZ b,& 8& $ffinitZ b1 b1 $uto#4it b? b? 8rou b? b? 8round Iased / 0.P b 0.P 4, "rain b 1.5 b 1.5 4, Si hon b 1.?5 b 1.?5 2a!ic "ama!e b 1.1 b 1.1 2, Iurn b 0.C5 b 0.C5 2, "ama!e b 1.'' b 1.?5 S lit "ama!e b 1.?5 b 1.?5 2, "rain b 1.C5 b 1.A 2, Si hon b 1.5 b 1.B ,iercin! b 1.?5 b 1.?5 ,o[er StriXe b ? b ? Slo[ b 0.C5 b 0.C5 )andom Tar!et b 0.C5 b 0.C5 Mnfocused b1 b1 Table b#b= 6ob $bilitZ $bilitZ b,& 8& >&> 1#5 6ob $bilitZ L10 L' >&> A#1? 6ob $bilitZ L1P LC >&> 1'#19 6ob $bilitZ L?A L9 >&> ?0#?A 6ob $bilitZ L'? L1? >&> ?C#'' 6ob $bilitZ LBB L1A >&> 'B#B0 6ob $bilitZ L5' L19 >&> B1#BC 6ob $bilitZ LA1 L?? >&> BP#5B 6ob $bilitZ LC0 L?5 >&> 55#A1 6ob $bilitZ LCP L?P >&> A?#AP 6ob $bilitZ LPA L'1 Table b#b= $ction $bilitZ >ist $bilitZ b,& 8& b#$ction LP0 L'0 @ear#3atal $ttacX LBA L?? Summon 2inion L'? L1P 4ealin! (?5%) L?0 L10 4ealin! (50%) LA0 L?0 4ealin! (C5%) L100 L'5 3orm Chan!e L0 L0 0tem Mse L15 L0 %sca e L5 L? Table b#b= Su ort $bilitZ >ist $bilitZ b,& 8& $uto Status= Class 0 (,) L19 LA $uto Status= Class 00 (,) L'0 L10 $uto Status= Class 000 (,) LBB L15 $uto Status= Class 0& (,) LAB L?1 $uto Status= Class 0 (@) #19 #A $uto Status= Class 00 (@) #'0 #10 $uto Status= Class 000 (@) #BB #15 $uto Status= Class 0& (@) #AB #?1 S;S Status= Class 0 (,) LC L? S;S Status= Class 00 (,) L1? LB S;S Status= Class 000 (,) L?0 LP S;S Status= Class 0& (,) L'A L1? S;S Status= Class 0 (@) #C #? S;S Status= Class 00 (@) #1? #B S;S Status= Class 000 (@) #?0 #P S;S Status= Class 0& (@) #'A #1? Critical StriXe (10%) LP L'

Critical StriXe (?0%) L1' L5 Critical StriXe ('0%) L1P LC 3li!ht L?0 L9 4eavZ $rmor L15 L5 \=%lement(one) #9 #B )= %lement (one) LC L' 0= %lement (one) L15 LC $= %lement (one) L'' L15 0= 3atal L?5 L10 0= 2ZstifZ L1P LP 0= Seal L?? L9 0= Time L1? L5 0= To/in L1' L5 0= Transform L1P LC 0= \eaXen L19 LP 0= $ll Status LP0 L'0 0= Sin!le Class 0 L5 L? 0= Sin!le Class 00 L9 L' 0= Sin!le Class 000 L1? L5 0= Sin!le Class 0& L1A LA Slave ,art #'0 #10 @o Scan L10 LB Iad Scan L1B LC "eathless L50 L1P Table b#b= Statuses bZ Class for $utoUS;S $bilities ,ositive Statuses Class 0= 3loat( $!ilitZ M ( S irit M Class 00= ,rotect( Shell( $rmor M ( 2ental M Class 000= 4aste( )eflect( ,o[er M ( 2a!ic M Class 0&= )e!en( $ura( &anish @e!ative Statuses Class 0= IerserX( Ilind( ,oison( Slee ( Slo[( Yombie Class 00= Confuse( Time Sli ( Mna[are Class 000= 2ini( Toad( &enom Class 0&= Condemn( ,etrifZ Table b#b= )eaction $bilitZ >ist $bilitZ b,& 8& Counter 50% L1B LC Counter C5% L?? L11 2a!ic Counter '0% L15 LC 2a!ic Counter 50% L?B L1? "efend#Counter 100% L'' L1A %vasion L'5 L?5 3inal $ttacX L?0 L10 Table b#b= 2a!ic $bilitZ b,& 8& >evel 1 S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 1 # 9 2,) LP L5 >evel ? S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 10 # 1P 2,) L15 L9 >evel ' S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 19 # ?C 2,) L?5 L1B >evel B S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( ?P # B0 2,) L'' L?1 >evel 5 S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( B1 # 5B 2,) LB5 L'0 >evel A S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( 55 # AC 2,) L55 L'C >evel C S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( AP # PB 2,) LAB LBB >evel P S ell (Ilue 2a!ic( P5 2, or more) LP0 L55 Call 2a!ic (one Summon( ?5 2, or less) L?C L1B Call 2a!ic (one Summon( ?A # A0 2,) LB? L?9 Call 2a!ic (one Summon( A1 # 100 2,) LAB LBB Call 2a!ic (one Summon( 101 2, or more) LPP L59 Ste* Fo#r: t?e Fina& Res#&t $ll thatas left no[ is to add the revious results to!ether and multi lZ the total bZ the monsteras b, >evel. This is !round total in %/ erience ,oints and 8il the monster rovides the laZer characters u on defeatin! it in battle. This result should then be divided bZ the number of laZer characters involved to determine the e/act amount each artici ant in the battle [ill receive. IZ dividin! the total bZ the number of laZers( it re[ards smaller arties [ho defeat more difficult monsters. ^illin! a sin!le >&> 10 monster [ith five laZer characters is much easier than a sin!le laZer defeatin! five monstersN =* Ite, Re1ards 9 Stealin& 0n addition to the more obvious 8il and b, a[ards( monsters maZ also dro items and other ieces of e:ui ment on occasionH these can also be stolen bZ Thieves bZ means of the Steal and 2u! $bilities. There are t[o [aZs of handlin! the distribution of such re[ards. $t the end of a battle( each monster has a ?5% chance to dro an item( or maZ automaticallZ dro an item if the 82 decides. The most convenient method to decide [hat is

dro ed or stolen is to sim lZ fill out a treasure table and then have chance decide [hat items or e:ui ment the monster relin:uishes u on bein! defeated bZ rollin! a d% after the battle and checXin! the table in turn. %ach table has four entries( and is set out as follo[s= )oll 0tem 51#100 Common 0tem ?5#50 Mncommon 0tem 0P#?B )are 0tem 01#0C &erZ )are 0tem The classifications used here are relativelZ self#e/ lanatorZ= Common items [ill be those most fre:uentlZ dro ed bZ the monster( [ith each subse:uent slot re resentin! items of increasin! raritZ # and( tZ icallZ( value. $ filled#out table thus mi!ht looX somethin! liXe this= )oll 0tem 51#100 ,otion ?5#50 4i#,otion 0P#?B 4i#%ther 01#0C ,hoeni/ "o[n @ote that not everZ creature must have all four slots filled( nor does each slot have to be uni:ue # some monsters maZ onlZ dro a sin!le Xind of item( and infre:uentlZ at that. )ecoverZ 0tems( Iattle 0tems and ;ne#Shot 0tems [ill maXe u the vast maForitZ of monster lootH in most cases( these should be tailored to coincide [ith the monsteras ori!ins( ro erties and attacXs. Creatures [hich use ,oison and &enom should dro the occasional $ntidote as a matter of common courtesZH aerial creatures liXe the Thrustaevis( on the other hand( [ould be !ood candidates for items liXe Shear 3eathers and \indmills. \hen decidin! on the items in the list( 82s should Xee in mind the su!!estions listed in Cha ter @ine= 82in! for [hat is a ro riate to distribute at a !iven level. 8ettin! the >oot( ,art 0 4avin! narro[lZ survived a &ice ambush # and slain three of the vile creatures to boot # $mori and 2int decide itas time to share out the s oils. $fter rollin! d% three times and findin! out that all three monsters have dro ed items (a verZ lucXZ occurrence for the laZersN)( the 82 checXs his notes( findin! the &iceas item table to be set out as follo[s= )oll 0tem 51#100 ,otion ?5#50 %cho Screen 0P#?B %cho Screen 01#0C ,hoeni/ "o[n The 82 rolls a d% three times( once for each defeated monster( comin! u [ith a C9( a '5 and a PB # a ,otion( an %cho Screen and another ,otion. ,ocXettin! their [innin!s( the heroines ress on[ards. 0tem tables are also be used in conFunction [ith StealH in this case( maXe one roll on the table for each successful Steal attem t to see [hat the character mana!es to ilfer from the monster. To revent this from becomin! abusive( it is hi!hlZ recommended that each slotas item maZ onlZ be stolen once # if the Thief comes u [ith the same result on a successive Steal( theZare out of lucX and !ain nothin! from the attem t. This also a lies to the monsteras dro ed itemsH if the item has alreadZ been taXen [ith Steal( then it can not be dro ed. 0f the 82 rolls that result( no item is left behind for the artZ. 8ettin! the >oot( ,art 00 Several battles later( $mori and 2int are ounced on bZ a lone Yuu in search of an easZ mealH unfortunatelZ for the feathered menace( the t[o heroines arenat !oin! do[n that easilZ. \hile 2int distracts the redator [ith her "ances( $mori decides to maXe a !rab for the Yuuas valuables( narro[lZ # but successfullZ # assin! her Steal test. $!ain( the 82 consults his notes( findin! the Yuuas item table is set out as follo[s= )oll 0tem 51#100 SmoXe Iomb ?5#50 SmoXe Iomb 0P#?B Shear 3eather 01#0C \indmill )ollin! a d%( the 82 comes u [ith a A? # and $mori sna!s a SmoXe Iomb. The follo[in! )ound( $morias laZer decides to trZ his lucX a!ain( this time assin! his Steal test [ith ease. ;nce a!ain( the 82 rolls a d%( comin! u [ith a CP and hittin! the Common slot a second time. 4o[ever( since $mori has alreadZ stolen the Yuuas Common 0tem( the Zoun! Thief comes out em tZ#handed instead. !>* E?a,ple M'nster >etas start out bZ decidin! [hat Xind of monster to create. The artZ is comin! u to the end of a cavern com le/( so [e decide to maXe a challen!in! encounter at the end for them before theZ find the main bad !uZ and have a confrontation [ith him. 0t needs to be o[erful enou!h to challen!e the characters( and somethin! that [ill maXe them cautious. The best tZ e of monster to fit this role is a dra!on( [hich is a nice and classic o[erful monster. 0t should be lar!e( robablZ as bi! as the entire artZ combined( [ith lots of ointZ bits. Since this is !oin! to be dee under!round( [in!s [onat hel much( so a burro[in! earth dra!on of some sort mi!ht [orX best. Since this also is meant to be a challen!in! battle( [e can assume that the monster [ill attacX the artZ immediatelZ. 0t isnat much of a fi!ht if theZ can bar!ain [ith it. So [e finish section 1H [e Xno[ that the monster is a "ra!on tZ e( and an a!!ressive( dan!erous earth beast. The artZ is at level ?'( so the monsteras level should be around that as [ell. \e [ant it to be difficult( thou!h( so maXe it one level hi!her. \ait. 2aXe it t[o. Thatas Xind of hi!h in relation to the characters( but the artZas Ilue 2a!e has >evel B 3lare and that mi!ht maXe the fi!ht too easZ. 4e also has >evel 5 "eath( but even thou!h the dra!on is level ?5( it [onat be affected because [eare maXin! it a 2ini#Ioss and it !ets free immunitZ to instant death. That decision ends section ?. Section ' is easZ. Since the dra!on is level ?5( it !ets A0 stat oints. \e could !ive it 10 in each( but it [ouldnat be verZ o[erful( then. The first decision is to maXe is [hat the stats are that arenat needed. 0t needs to be able to taXe a lot of dama!e( and do a lot of dama!e in return( so [e canat sXim on &italitZ or Stren!th( and robablZ not 2a!ic. \e can robablZ slacX on $!ilitZ( since it [onat need to dod!e much( and S eed. \eall have to be careful [ith the S eed( so it isnat too slo[( but it can slacX a little bit. >etas ut 15 oints each into &italitZ and Stren!th. That leaves us '0 oints for the rest. \e [ant it to be decentlZ [ell#rounded for dama!e( so 1? oints !o into 2a!ic. The remainin! 1P oints can !et divided [ithout too much concern. P oints into S eed should be more than enou!h. A !o into S irit. Since it [onat be castin! a lot of s ells( it can !et a[aZ [ith havin! fe[ 2,. The remainin! B !o into $!ilitZ. 0t [onat dod!e much. There. "one [ith section '. @e/t [e decide the stat bases. 4, base is the most im ortant. \e Xno[ it has 15 &italitZ( that it is level ?5( and itas also a 2ini#Ioss( so it !ets a ?/ 4, multi lier. So it has C50 4, er multi lier in the base. $ ?/ base [ill !ive it 1500 4,( [hile a B/ [ill !ive it '000. Since the characters are onlZ

doin! ?00 oints of dama!e [ith an attacX ri!ht no[( anZ more [ould robablZ be overXill. Iut a ?/ base [ould onlZ let it survive seven or ei!ht attacXs liXe that( so it mi!ht be done too :uicXlZ. So letas !ive it a B/ 4, base. 0t doesnat need as manZ 2, as that. $ 1/ base [ill !ive it 150 2, # thatas enou!h for five or si/ third level s ells( [hich is more than enou!h. So [e sticX [ith a 1/ 2, Iase. \e could maXe thin!s harder no[ bZ !ivin! it a hi!her $rmor or 2a!ic $rmor base so it taXes less dama!e( but it has hi!h enou!h 4, to not need that. So [eall leave them at 1/ each. $nd thatas that. Section 5 is short( but has a lot of math in it. 3irst [e calculate the 4,. \e alreadZ did that in the last ste ( but letas double checX it. B / 15 / ?5 K 1500( then [e double it to '000 because itas a 2ini#Ioss. 2,( [e did alreadZ as [ell( but letas double checX a!ain. 1 / A / ?5 K 150. `e ( thatas ri!ht. "efense is easZ. ?5 L B L P K 'C. @ot that bad( thou!h it [ill still !et hit a lot. 2a!ic "efense [orXs Fust the same [aZ. ?5 L 1? L A K B'. Thatas a !ood bit better( so the dra!on [ill dod!e ma!ic more often. $rmor should be :uicX. 1 / ?5 L C K '?. $nd 2a!ic $rmor is almost e/actlZ the same. 1 / ?5 L ' K ?P. $ttacX% is !oin! to be a little bad( since [e sXim ed on the $!ilitZ. 0tas P0 L ?5 L (B / ?) K 11'. 2a!ic%( ho[ever( is !oin! to be rettZ !ood. 100 L ?5 L (1? / ?) K 1B9. ,he[. "one. Section A is the most com le/ of the ste s( and [ill be a lot of [orX. Iefore anZthin! else( [e should decide ho[ o[erful the dra!onas basic attacX is. 0t has lar!e cla[s and teeth( so the attacX should be o[erful. $ d10 should be !ood. ChecXin! on the chart( [e find that a level ?5 monster [ith a d10 attacX does C / $ttribute L 'd10. \e Xno[ [e [ant the basic attacX to use Stren!th( so it [ould cause C / 15 L 'd10( or 105L'd10 dama!e. ;uch. That [ill taXe a chunX out of the artZ. \e could sto there( but this monster is !oin! to be around for a lot of turns( so it needs to have more varietZ. 3irst letas add an earth:uaXe attacX of some sort. \e canat use the s ell RuaXe( because thatas a ranX A s ell that shouldnat be available until level B0N Thatas no !ood. Iut [e can match it. >etas maXe it a dP attacX this time( and base it off of 2a!ic. That means it [ould be A / 1? L 'dP( or C?L'dP. Thatas a little [eaX( but addin! ,o[er StriXe mi!ht maXe it too stron!. >etas leave it liXe that for no[. Since itas an %arth attacX( [e add an elemental $ffinitZ to it. Then [e maXe it Mnfocused( liXe the RuaXe s ell( and 8round Iased. Thatas rettZ !ood. >etas add one more( Fust to be throu!h. This time( letas have it simulate rocXs fallin! from the ceilin! onto the artZ. 0t [onat be verZ dama!in!( so [e can use dA for it. >etas leave it Stren!th based( thou!h. So that [ould be 5 / 15 L 'dA( or C5L'dA. To maXe u for it bein! so lo[( letas add a Status $ttacX to it. Since there [ill be rocXs all over( it can add 0mmobili-e( as the rocXs [ill im ede the characters from movin! around. Status Touch should be !ood enou!h for that. >etas also maXe it a 8rou attacX( since it [ould hit the entire artZ( and have it )andom Tar!et because thereas no controllin! [here the rocXs land. Those three attacXs should be more than enou!h. 3or abilities( [e need to thinX carefullZ. @one of the action abilities looX useful for us( and thereas no oint in addin! one if it isnat !oin! to be used. 3or su ort abilities( there are a fe[ thin!s that could be nice. >etas !ive it S;S#$rmor M . \hen it !ets badlZ hurt( it can burZ artiallZ under the rocXs to use them as a shield. That sounds !ood( and [ill maXe it a bit tou!her. 0t also needs to be $bsorb= %arth. 0tas an %arth dra!on( so anZthin! else [ouldnat maXe sense. ,lus this means that the RuaXe#liXe attacX from before [ill be able to heal it as it hurts the artZ. To trZ and balance it out( letas maXe it \eaXness= \ind in res onse. That [ill hel lo[er the b, and 8il values( and [ill let the artZas \hite 2a!e have a bit of fun bein! on the offensive for once. )eaction abilities shouldnat be needed. 0t looXs fairlZ tou!h as it is [ithout needin! more. \ith ma!ic( [e have to choose carefullZ. The characters are currentlZ usin! ranX ' s ells( so [e shouldnat !o anZ hi!her. "rill Shot [ould be nice. 0tas on the ed!e of the Ilue 2a!ic for that s ell ranX( the artZas Ilue 2a!e doesnat have it( and itas lo!ical for a burro[in! creature to have. $nd Fust to catch the artZ off !uard( letas also !ive it 8ravitZ as a sur rise. \ith 150 2,( thatas 5 castin!s of "rill Shot and A of 8ravitZ( so everZthin! is set u there. $nd that finallZ finishes off section A. \e reach Section C no[( and [eare almost there. $ earance !ives us a lot of room to [orX [ith. The %arth "ra!on should be bro[n( so it blends in [ith the dirt. $nd snaXe#liXe( so it can move throu!h the !round :uicXlZ. 6ust to maXe it a bit uni:ue( letas onlZ !ive it front le!s. TheZave !ot the bi! cla[s on them( but the bacX half is entirelZ snaXe#liXe. That should do for the basics. 3or si-e( [e alreadZ decided that itas about the same si-e as the entire artZ combined( so it robablZ [ei!hs around a ton and is around ten meters lon!. 0ntelli!ence is a hard one to decide. "ra!ons tend to be fairlZ smart( but [e alreadZ decided that this one is more of a redator than anZthin! else. To maXe sure theZ artZ canat reason [ith it and avoid the fi!ht( letas maXe it a bit dumber than avera!e # letas e! it at ,rimitive. Senses is relativelZ sim le. Since it burro[s and lives under!round( havin! it sense throu!h Sound (or vibrations( in this case) is lo!ical as the rimarZ sense. $s a secondarZ sense( Si!ht [orXs Fust fine. >ocation [e can i!nore( since [e alreadZ decided [here the laZers [ill encounter it. )eaction and 3re:uencZ can be similarlZ disre!arded. $nd thatas that. Section P is all math. \eare !oin! to have to total u everZthin! [eave had so far. \e start out [ith 100 b,& and ?5 8&( since itas a 2ini#Ioss. \e add L1P b,& and LP 8& for the B/ 4, base( L15 b,& and LC 8& for the 1/ 2, base( and L0 b,& and Lo 8& for the 1/ $rmor and 2a!ic $rmor bases. That uts it to 1'' b,& and B0 8&. The base attacX is a sim le d10( so itas [orth L'0 b,& and L10 8&. The RuaXe#liXe attacX is more com le/ # it starts out [ith L?0 b,& and LP 8&. These numbers are modified bZ the other modifiers # /1 b,& and /1 8& for the %arth $ffinitZ( /0.P b,& and /0.P 8& for the 8round Iased. 0t [ould normallZ !et /1 b,& and /1 8& for bein! Mnfocused( but it $bsorbs the %arth#tZ e dama!e( so that maXes it [orth /? b,& and /? 8&. The final [orth of that attacX is L'? b,& and L1? 8&. The fallin! rocXs attacX is Fust as com le/. 0t starts out as LP b,& and L' 8&( but it !ains L10 b,& and L' 8& for the 0mmobili-e Touch Status $ttacX. 8rou maXe it /? b,& and /? 8&( and )andom Tar!et maXes it /0.C5 b,& and /0.C5 8&. The final [orth of it is L?C b,& and L9 8&. So after addin! in the attacXs( [eare u to ??? b,& and C1 8&. \e add in the S;S#$rmor M (LC b,& and L? 8&)( the $bsorb= %arth (L'' b,& and L15 8&)( and the \eaXness= \ind (#9 b,& and #B 8&). 0t has 0= "eath and 0= Condemn because itas a 2ini#Ioss( but those are automatic so theZ cost nothin!. $fter abilities( [eare u to ?5' b,& and PB 8&. \e add in the final cost of the t[o s ells # L?5 b,& and L1B 8& for "rill Shot( and L15 b,& and L9 8& for 8ravitZ. \eare no[ at ?9' b,& and 10C 8&. \e multi lZ that bZ the monsteras level (level ?5( remember) to !et the final totals # C('?5 b, and ?(AC5 8ilN That finallZ finishes off section P( so Zou can ut Zour calculators a[aZ no[. Section 9 is relativelZ sim le. \e taXe a looX at the four slots and decide [hat to ut in each one. The most common slot is !oin! to be easZ to !et for the artZas Thief( so [e shouldnat maXe it verZ valuable. Since the %arth "ra!on casts 8ravitZ( letas maXe the most common item a 8raviball. 0tas somethin!( but it isnat a verZ !ood ri-e for the artZ. 3or the ne/t slot on the table( [e should u the !ain a little bit. Somethin! to hel the artZ out after[ards( maZbe. T[o 4i#,otions should be a !ood find( since one of those [ill robablZ fullZ cure a sin!le artZ member. The rare slot is !oin! to be hard to !et( even [ith the Thief constantlZ trZin! to steal it. 0t should be [orth the trouble. Since this is a boss fi!ht( [e can afford to !ive the characters some reallZ !ood re[ards( so letas looX at some e:ui ment instead of an item. The artZas $rcher uses a )ifle( so erha s a !ood stocX of Stone $mmo [ould [orX. ;ne acX is far too little( but five should Xee him [ell stocXed for a lon! time. 3or the last slot( it needs to be somethin! verZ valuable. The To a- $rmrin! is a verZ nice $ccessorZ that [ould definitelZ re[ard the artZ if theZ !rabbed it. That should be e/cellent. $nd [ith that( [eare done. The %arth "ra!on is no[ readZ to fi!ht the artZ( no matter [hat theZare acXin!. !!* Ga,e,aster N'tes E1!$41TER S ZE @ot everZ ,artZ [ill be the same si-eH as a result( an encounter [hich [ould challen!e a three# erson !rou [ill in liXelihood be easZ icXin!s for si/ characters. 3or the saXe of bein! able to lan encounters( monster entries should be !iven a recommended %ncounter Si-e to sho[ ho[ manZ monsters are needed to rovide a reasonablZ challen!in! encounter a!ainst a ,artZ of e:uivalent >evel. %ncounter Si-e is e/ ressed in terms of values liXe D1U5E( [ith the first number bein! the number of recommended monsters and the second the number of characters in the ,artZ. 1UA( for instance( means

Done monster er si/ characters if of e:uivalent >evelEH ?U1( on the other hand( reads Dt[o monsters for everZ one characterE. @ote that these numbers are liXelZ to be rou!h at bestH even [ith trial and error( the 82Es milea!e maZ varZ. 3or ,arties [ith e/cessivelZ o[erful e:ui ment and a healthZ stocX of recoverZ items( even hi!her#level monsters [onEt be as much of a challen!e as theZ should beH cash#stra ed !rou s( mean[hile( [ill find the inverse to be true. 6ob choice also affects thisH if a monster is rimarZ [eaX a!ainst hZsical attacXs and the ,artZ com osed rimarilZ of 2a!es( the resultin! challen!e [ill increase e/ onentiallZ. $im for the middle !round and assume a mi/ed artZ of hZsical and ma!ical attacXersH this !ives a better mar!in of error than sXe[in! the numbers to[ards either e/treme. ) [ 1' A1D )AT!0 1' %ncounter Si-e also offers a useful tool for uttin! to!ether mi/ed encounters com osed of several different monster tZ es. $ssume( for instance( that a 82 is settin! u a battle for their four#stron! ,artZ. The first monster theZ icX( the )ocX 4ound( has an %ncounter Si-e ratin! of ?U1( meanin! that the DbalancedE 8rou [ould com rise of ei!ht )ocX 4ounds. 4o[ever( for varietZEs saXe( the 82 also [ants to include at least one additional monster tZ e. >ooXin! throu!h their notes( theZ find another ?U1 monster( the Ilade 8uard. TheZ could no[ o t to use anZ mi/ of )ocX 4ounds and Ilade 8uards( u to a total of ei!ht 9 four 4ounds and four 8uards( si/ 8uards and t[o 4ounds( one 8uard and seven 4oundsm Iut the 82 also has a 1U? monster( the Yombie IasilisX. 0f theZ [ant to add a third monster to the mi/( theZ could build a 8rou out of one Yombie IasilisX( t[o )ocX 4ounds and t[o Ilade 8uards. $lternativelZ( theZ could substitute another 1U? monster in 9 the ossibilities are literallZ endless. !$1%ERT 1' )$1STERS \ith hundreds of fierce and fearsome o onents on offer( the 3inal 3antasZ e#!ames are a natural ins iration oint for monster creation. Convertin! an e#!ame monster to the 33),8 ruleset re:uires some careful decision#maXin!( but is a relativelZ strai!htfor[ard rocess [ith ractice. The first thin! to do is fill out the monsterEs rofile. TZ e( Si-e( 0ntelli!ence( )eaction and 4abitat [ill be either based directlZ on the information !iven in the !ame( or on a fe[ educated !uesses from the available data. 4ere( real#life sources maZ hel to flesh out details !lossed over bZ the !ame itself( articularlZ [hen dealin! [ith monsters based on actual flora or fauna. \hile most e#!ames [ill readilZ Xee tracX of monster >evels( each !ame has its o[n definition of Dhi!h#endEH in the 33),8( ,Cs eaX at or around >evel A5( [hereas the e#!ames maZ see characters tacXlin! their final challen!es at anZ[here bet[een >evel 50 and P0. 2aXe an a ro/imation bZ considerin! ho[ far into the e#!ame the monster [as most liXelZ to be encountered( and ho[ difficult it [as for the artZ at the time. 2onsters encountered near the be!innin! of the !ame [ill translate to >evels 1 throu!h 10 in the 33),8 sZstem( [hilst those near the end#!ame [ill be at >evels C0 and above. The >evels 90 to 100 should be reserved solelZ for end#of#!ame o onents and hi!h# o[ered Dchallen!e bossesE such as ShinrZuu( )ubZ \ea on( ;me!a \ea on and ,enance. "ue to the differences in $ttributes from !ame to !ame( such data 9 if available 9 should be onlZ used as a rou!h !uideline rather than as !os elH instead( observe ho[ the creature erforms in battle and note do[n the monsterEs dominant characteristics as theZ become a arent. $ttribute ,oints can then be assi!ned accordin! to Zour observations= Dtou!h and stron!(E for instance( means um in! u &0T and ST)H Dfast( o[erful ma!icE( on the other hand( [ould indicate that most of the monsterEs $ttribute ,oints !o to S," and 2$8. The same reasonin! e/tends to the monsterEs Combat Statistics. $ttacXs are( a!ain( a matter of observin! and maXin! a Fud!ment call based on the result. $s a rule of thumb( an evenlZ#matched monster should taXe off rou!hlZ 10% of a characterEs ma/imum 4, [ith each hitH adFust ST) accordin!lZ( addin! Status Conditions( s ecial ro erties and %lemental affinities as needed. 3or monsters [hich a ear in several e#!ames( thin!s can become either sim ler or more com le/( de endin! on ho[ fleshed#out each e/tant version is. The first rule of thumb is to al[aZs res ect uni:uenessH if a !iven monster is a alette#s[a ed variation on another creature in one !ame and a distinctivelZ individual creation in another( !o for the latterH the most interestin! and ori!inal the monster( the more [orth[hile it is. "ue to the fact that the 33),8 offers a middle !round bet[een several different e#!ames( it maZ be referable to icX#and#mi/ abilities and ro erties from several different !ames rather than attem tin! to use Fust one articular version as a benchmarX. %lemental )esistances( 0mmunities( $bsorbances and \eaXnesses can be orted over directlZH the same !oes for 0mmunities in re!ard to Status Conditions. Some allo[ances [ill inevitablZ have to be made for Status Conditions and %lements [hich do not a ear in the 33),8 or in the e#!ame in :uestion. 3or instance( the elements \ater and Shado[ are not stron!lZ defined until later in the series( and a distinct Shado[#tZ e S ell did not a ear until 3inal 3antasZ 0bH in cases such as this( Zou maZ need to !o bacX and retroactivelZ assi!n %lement 0mmunities and \eaXnesses as a ro riate( even if the ori!inal creature did not have them. ;ther Status Conditions Fust donat have an e:uivalent in the 33),8H e/am les of this include 3inal 3antasZ TacticsE ChicXen and ;il and 3inal 3antasZ 0bEs Trouble and &irus. \hile it maZ be tem tin! to include rules for such Statuses on !rounds of com leteness( it should be ointed out that manZ of these [ere deliberatelZ e/cluded from the 33),8 core rules due to balance and laZabilitZ concerns. The best e/am le of this lies [ith the various Transform#tZ e Status Conditions floatin! around the series 9 althou!h Toad is the most commonlZ#featured( 3inal 3antasZ 0& and &0 added their o[n s in to the transformation canon [ith the introduction of ,i! and 0m . 3rom a mechanical stand oint( ho[ever( there is no a reciable difference bet[een turnin! a character into a toad and turnin! them into a i!( save cosmeticsH there is no need for three se arate Status Conditions [hen Fust one [ill do.

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