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Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida

Metas da aula
Apresentar as questions tag e seu uso na emisso ou confirmao de uma opinio.
Introduzir os usos do Past Continuous.
Apresentar o uso de when, while e o vocabulrio relativo
a check out e a datas comemorativas.
Revisar os tempos verbais estudados ao longo do curso.

Objetivos da aula
Ao final desta aula, voc dever ser capaz de:
1. aplicar o past continuous;
2. identificar o uso de when e while;
3. aplicar simple present, present continuous, simple past,
future (be going to) e past perfect;
4. aplicar as tag questions.

Listamos, a seguir, as aulas em que se encontram os tempos verbais que esto sendo revisados:
Aula 2: Present Continuous;
Aula 3: Simple Present;
Aula 4: Simple Future (will e going to);
Aula 5: Simple Past;
Aula 8: Past Perfect.

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

You say goodbye and I say hello...

A viagem de Robert chega ao fim e, assim, tambm chegamos ao fim de
nosso curso. Mas, ao contrrio da visita de Robert a New York, que termina
de fato, esperamos que este curso seja apenas o comeo de sua viagem pela
lngua inglesa.
Tudo o que Robert viveu nesses dias ir ficar guardado em sua memria, pois
acredita-se que essa tenha sido uma viagem inesquecvel. Uma viagem cheia
de novidades, emoes, conhecimento e diverso.
Sua despedida no definitiva, pois Robert tem planos de retornar o quanto
antes, para poder desfrutar de outros passeios e outras atividades que ele
no conseguiu realizar.
No podemos nos despedir sem aprender mais e rever um pouco do que
estudamos. Ento, mos obra.
Nesta aula, veremos os usos das question tags, ou seja, perguntas de
acrscimo. Veremos ainda o past continuous e um apanhado geral dos
tempos verbais estudados em outras aulas.
Tambm no podemos deixar de lado vocabulrio tcnico do turismo. Nesta
aula, veremos vocabulrio relacionado a check out e despedida.

Check out
Fechar a conta e sair do

e-Tec Brasil

Checking out
Chegou o momento de Robert retornar ao Brasil. Robert vai at a recepo
do hotel para fazer o seu check out.



Print out
Arrange a taxi
Chamar um txi

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

Look! check out

No s na despedida, nem s no acerto de contas, que precisamos lidar
com dinheiro. O vocabulrio a seguir usado diariamente, faz parte do dia
a dia das pessoas.
Copernicus Johnson

Check (conta, em ingls americano)

Bill (conta, em ingls britnico)
Money (dinheiro)
Currency (moeda do pas)
Exchange rates (taxas de cmbio)
Selling rate (taxa de venda)
Buying rate (taxa de compra)
Total (total)

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/189321

Sub-total (total parcial, sem o servio)

Service charge / tax (taxa de servio)
Tip (gorjeta)
Receipt (recibo, nota fiscal)
Change (troco)

Past Continuous
O past continuous um tempo verbal empregado para descrever uma ao
que estava acontecendo quando outra ocorreu.
Para a construo de uma orao no past continuous, teremos:

e-Tec Brasil



Subj + to be (past) + verb ing

She was studying Biology. (Ela estava estudando Biologia.)


Verbo to be no passado: WAS, WERE.

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/326229

He was wearing a raincoat when we saw him.

ao que estava

outra ao

(Ele estava usando uma capa de chuva quando ns o vimos.)

Tambm usamos o past continuous para descrever aes que estavam acontecendo simultaneamente.

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

Michael R

Kinga Lipp

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/432224

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1212692

He was daydreaming while his mother was working.

aes que estavam acontecendo simultaneamente

(Ele estava sonhando acordado enquanto sua me estava trabalhando.)
No quadro a seguir, temos o verbo WORK conjugado no past continuous:



I was working
You were working
He was working
She was working
It was working
We were working
You were working
They were working

I wasnt working
You werent working
He wasnt working
She wasnt working
It wasnt working
We werent working
You werent working
They werent working

Was I working?
Were you working?
Was he working?
Was she working?
Was it working?
Were we working?
Were you working?
Were they working?

Aqui, voc pode ver algumas particularidades que precisam ser

bem aprendidas quando usamos o past continuous:
1. Veja como ficam os auxiliares do past continuous em sua forma
Contraes: was not = wasnt, were not = werent

e-Tec Brasil



Simple Past: expressa uma ao que aconteceu no passado (tempo
Past Continuous: expressa uma ao que estava acontecendo no
Past Perfect: expressa situao comeada no passado, estendida at
um determinado momento no passado e terminada no passado.

O past continuous frequentemente usado com conjunes temporais,

While (enquanto):
I was studying while she was playing. (Eu estava estudando enquanto ela
estava brincando.)
When (quando):
When my mother arrived I was sleeping. (Quando minha me chegou, eu
estava dormindo.)
As (como):
As she was resting, she heard a voice. (Enquanto ela estava descansando,
ouviu uma voz.)
By the time (at o momento):
By the time I called her, she was daydreaming. (At o momento que eu chamei, ela estava sonhando.)

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

Atividade 1
Atende ao Objetivo 1
Usando as palavras entre parnteses, forme frases no passado contnuo (past
continuous), mostrando o que estava acontecendo em determinado momento no passado:
Ex.: My grandmother was watching TV. (watch TV)

My friends were playing computer games. (play)

a) I

some drinks. (prepare)

b) My wife

sandwiches. (make)

c) The baby

. (sleep)

d) My grandmother
e) The children
f) We

. (read)
. (play)
a good time. (have)

Atividade 2
Atende ao Objetivo 1
Complete os espaos com os verbos no passado contnuo (afirmativo, negativo ou interrogativo.)
a) I saw Joe this morning.

(he / go) to the

b) What

(you / do) at the mall today?

(I / look for) a new jacket.


(it / rain) this morning, so we had to

take an umbrella with us.

e-Tec Brasil



d) Tom was home yesterday.


(he / fix) the

(you/park) your car just ten minutes

ago? I think I saw you at the parking garage.

f) Linda always wears skirts, but yesterday

(she / not / wear) skirts,
g) I saw Mark at the theater.
our friends.

(she / wear)

(he / talk) to

(Lisa / drive) your car this morning.

(she / go)?

Atividade 3
Atende ao Objetivo 2
Complete as frases com WHEN (simple past + past continuous) ou WHILE
(past continuous + past continuous):
a) I was taking a shower

my brother called me.

b) Nobody was working

I arrived there.

c) She was sleeping

d) We were having lunch
e) The children were having fun
were working.
f) I was studying

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida

you were studying.

Mrs. Clay rang the bell.
their parents

they were swimming.


e-Tec Brasil

Robert no poderia deixar de se despedir do seu amigo Bruno, que tanto o
acompanhou em seus passeios em New York. Veja um pequeno trecho da
despedida dos amigos.


Robert: Well, goodbye, Bruno. And thanks for everything.

Bruno: Goodbye. It was nice meeting you. And dont forget that
you now have my address and my phone number. So call me next
time youre here in New York.

If youre ever
Se voc for um dia

Robert: I will. And call me if youre ever in Brazil.

Bruno: Ok, goodbye then. Send hugs and kisses to Jlia.

Take care

Robert: Goodbye. Take care.

Look! Celebrations celebraes

Andrejs Pidjass

Nesta seo Look! temos agora algumas celebraes que so comemoradas

ao longo do ano. Observe que a maioria delas tambm comemorada aqui
por ns, no Brasil.

Fonte: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/962592

Easter pscoa

e-Tec Brasil



Simona Balint

Matthew Keogh

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/983535

Carnival carnaval

Mothers Day Dia das Mes

Simona Balint

Josephine Carino

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1050438

Fonte: http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1152328

Fathers Day Dia dos Pais

Childrens Day Dia das Crianas

Miira Tupala

Alcide Nikopol

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/983342

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/382785

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1122208

Halloween Dia das Bruxas

Christmas Natal

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

Joel Terrell

owais khan
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1139300

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/661386

New Years Eve Ano-Novo

Thanksgiving Day Dia de Ao de Graas

Ivan Prole

Verbal tenses (tempos verbais)

No quadro a seguir, foi feita uma apresentao com pequenas frases, exemplificando tempos verbais estudados
ao longo deste curso. Atente-se a ele:
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/





e-Tec Brasil





I work
You work
He works
She works
We work
They work

I am working
You are working
He is working
She is working
We are working
They are working

I have worked
You have worked
He has worked
She has worked
We have worked
They have worked

I worked
You worked
He worked
She worked
We worked
They worked

I was working
You were working
He was working
She was working
We were working
They were working

I had worked
You had worked
He had worked
She had worked
We had worked
They had worked



I will work
You will work
He will work
She will work
We will work
They will work

I am going to BH.
You are going to BH.
He is going to BH.
She is going to BH.
We are going to BH.
They are going to BH.


Atividade 4
Atende ao Objetivo 3
Use as palavras entre parnteses para formar frases em cada tempo verbal
pedido e na forma pedida. No se esquea de usar algum advrbio de tempo
ou expresso de tempo quando necessrio.
(She / write / a letter)
a) Simple Present

b) Present Continuous

c) Simple Past

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

Past Continuous

d) Future be going to

e) Present Perfect

f) Past Perfect

e-Tec Brasil



Question tag
Question tags ou tag endings so perguntas formuladas aps uma declarao com o propsito de confirm-la.
Ivan Petrov

Para fazer a question tag necessrio:

prestar ateno ao tempo verbal da orao;
saber o auxiliar do tempo da orao.
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/

Por exemplo, se a orao estiver no passado, faremos a question tag usando

o auxiliar did.
Verb to be auxiliar (is, are)
We are not as intelligent as Einstein, are we?

Present Continuous / Going to auxiliar (is, are)

You are studying English now, arent you?
She isnt going home, is she?
Simple Present auxiliar (do, does)
Your bus passes at 6:30, doesnt it?
They work at CEDAF, dont they?
Simple Past auxiliar (did)
Helen bought a new dress, didnt she?
They didnt travel to New York last year, did they?
Simple Future auxiliar (will)
Robert wont travel next year, will he?

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

Past Continuous auxiliar (was, were)

We were studying English, werent we?
She wasnt working that time, was she?
Alm disso, voc precisa saber que, se a sentena principal for afirmativa, a
question tag ter uma estrutura negativa.
It was Miss King, wasnt it? (Era Miss King, no era?)
You have an account with us, dont you? (Voc tem uma conta conosco,
no tem?)
Se a declarao for negativa, a question tag ter uma estrutura afirmativa.
You didnt try this dress on, did you? (Voc no provou este vestido, provou?)
The boys arent making an exercise, are they? (Os meninos no esto fazendo um exerccio, esto?)
Como voc pode perceber no exemplo da orao anterior, temos como sujeito the boys (os garotos). Quando formos fazer a question tag, teremos
que substituir o sujeito the boys pelo pronome pessoal que corresponde a
ele. E, nesse caso, o pronome que corresponde a the boys they.
Veja mais alguns exemplos:
Mary loves John, doesnt she?
My parents dont live in Brazil, do they?
Portanto, as question tags so usadas para pedir confirmao do que foi
dito. Veja algumas de suas caractersticas:
vm sempre no final da orao, aps a vrgula;
usa-se sempre um pronome pessoal, nunca o nome prprio;
orao negativa question tag afirmativa;
orao afirmativa question tag negativa (verbo na forma abreviada).

e-Tec Brasil



Atividade 5
Atende ao Objetivo 4
Use as question tags adequadas.
You saw it,

We go to the front door,

You didnt open the door,

The girls know the subject,

The object is interesting,

The boys are going to wake up at three o clock,

My sister didnt do anything,

The boy will go swimming,

You wont study Mathematics,

Mary buys meat,


Atividade 6
Atende ao Objetivo 4
Escreva (T) para True e (F) para False, corrigindo as question tags falsas:
( ) They dont speak English very well, do they?
( ) Im not playing this game, arent I?
( ) We cant go there, werent we?
( ) Betty wont go to Europe, will she?

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

( ) Its a lovely day, isnt it?

( ) The dog doesnt bite, is it?
( ) Rita wasnt feeling well, was she?
( ) Will and Bill had great vacations, werent they?
( ) Professor Routine can play chess, doesnt he?
( ) They arent sleeping, do they?
( ) Teacher Harumi and Kazuo werent in Japan, were they?

chegada a hora da despedida. Esperamos que voc tenha aproveitado
bastante essa etapa do curso Tcnico em Turismo. Queremos dizer que, para
o bom andamento de seus estudos na lngua inglesa, voc no deve parar
por aqui. Esta disciplina foi apenas uma semente que precisa ser germinada,
tratada e bem cuidada, para que bons frutos possam ser colhidos.
Lembre-se de que a cultura de lngua inglesa est inserida em nosso pas e,
principalmente, em seu curso de turismo. Por isso, voc pode vivenciar situaes que exijam um conhecimento mais aprofundado nessa rea. Por essa
razo, busque melhorar a cada dia o seu aprendizado.
Good luck! Boa sorte!

Question tags ou tag endings so perguntas formuladas aps uma declarao com o propsito de confirm-la.
As question tags so usadas para pedir confirmao do que foi dito:
1. vm sempre no final da orao, aps a vrgula;
2. usa-se sempre um pronome pessoal, nunca o nome prprio;

e-Tec Brasil



3. orao negativa question tag afirmativa;

4. orao afirmativa question tag negativa (verbo na forma abreviada).
Past continuous descreve uma ao que estava acontecendo num determinado tempo passado.
Tambm usamos o past continuous para descrever aes que estavam
acontecendo simultaneamente.
O past continuous frequentemente usado com conjunes temporais,
como: while, as, by the time e when.
Fizemos uma reviso geral dos tempos verbais.
Apresentao do vocabulrio relativo a check out e a algumas datas comemorativas.

Respostas das atividades

Atividade 1
a) I was preparing some drinks.
b) My wife was making sandwiches.
c) The baby was sleeping.
d) My grandmother was reading.
e) The children were playing.
f) We were having a good time.
Atividade 2
a) I saw Joe this morning. He was going to the supermarket.
b) What were you doing at the mall today? I was looking for a new jacket.

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

c) It was raining this morning, so we had to take an umbrella with us.

d) Tom was home yesterday. He was fixing the computer.
e) Were you parking your car just ten minutes ago? I think I saw you at the
parking garage.
f) Linda always wears skirts, but yesterday she was not wearing skirts, she
was wearing pants.
g) I saw Mark at the theater. He was talking to our friends.
h) Lisa was driving your car this morning. Where was she going?
Atividade 3
a) I was taking a shower when my brother called me.
b) Nobody was working when I arrived there.
c) She was sleeping while you were studying.
d) We were having lunch when Mrs. Clay rang the bell.
e) The children were having fun while their parents were working.
f) I was studying while they were swimming.
Atividade 4
a) Simple Present
Affirmative: She writes a letter every day.
Negative: She doesnt write a letter every day.
Interrogative: Does she write a letter every day?

e-Tec Brasil



b) Present Continuous
Affirmative: She is writing a letter now.
Negative: She isnt writing a letter now.
Interrogative: Is she writing a letter now?

c) Simple Past
Affirmative: She wrote a letter yesterday.
Negative: She didnt write a letter yesterday.
Interrogative: Did she write a letter yesterday?

d) Past Continuous
Affirmative: She was writing a letter that moment.
Negative: She wasnt writing a letter that moment.
Interrogative: Was she writing a letter that moment?

e) Future be going to
Affirmative: She is going to write a letter tomorrow.
Negative: She isnt going to write a letter tomorrow.
Interrogative: Is she going to write a letter tomorrow?

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

f) Present Perfect
Affirmative: She has written a letter.
Negative: She hasnt written a letter.
Interrogative: Has she written a letter?

g) Past Perfect
Affirmative: She had written a letter.
Negative: She hadnt written a letter.
Interrogative: Had she written a letter?

Atividade 5
a) You saw it, didnt you?
b) We go to the front door, dont we?
c) You didnt open the door, did you?
d) The girls know the subject, dont they?
e) The object is interesting, isnt it?
f) The boys are going to wake up at three o clock, arent they?
g) My sister didnt do anything, did she?
h) The boy will go swimming, wont he?
i) You wont study Mathematics, will you?
j) Mary buys meat, doesnt she?

e-Tec Brasil



Atividade 6
a) (T) They dont speak English very well, do they?
b) (F) Im not playing this game, am I?
c) (F) We cant go there, can we?
d) (T) Betty wont go to Europe, will she?
e) (T) Its lovely day, isnt it?
f) (F) The dog doesnt bite, does it?
g) (T) Rita wasnt feeling well, was she?
h) (F) Will and Bill had great vacations, hadnt they?
i) (F) Professor Routine can play chess, cant he?
j) (F) They arent sleeping, are they?
k) (T) Teacher Harumi and Kazuo werent in Japan, were they?

Referncias bibliogrficas
DI BIAGGI, Enaura T. Krieck; STAVALE, Emeri De Biaggi. Enjoy your stay!: Ingls bsico de
hotelaria e turismo. So Paulo: Disal, 2004.
RICHARDS, Jack C. New Interchange: English for international communication: students
book 1. 9. ed. United Kingdom: University Press, Cambridge, 2001.
ROLIM, Miriam. Insights into English. So Paulo: FTD, 1998. Coleo Insights into English.
VINEY, Peter; CURTIN, John. Survival English: International Communication for Professional
People. Spain: Heinemann, 1994.

Aula 9 | Checking out e despedida


e-Tec Brasil

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