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Coleo de bibliografias

Conexo Conselho Bblico

Discipulado e aconselhamento bblico

Atualizada em setembro 2016

Parte 1 - Bases para o ministrio

Parte 2 - Aprofundando o assunto: teorias e modelos de aconselhamento

Parte 1 - Bases para o ministrio

ADAMS, Jay E. Conselheiro capaz. So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 1982. 268 p.
Consciente da complexidade dos problemas humanos que requerem o auxlio de um
conselheiro capaz, o autor investiga as razes desses problemas e, sem ignorar as questes
patolgicas e cientficas, apresenta a Palavra de Deus como o mais rico e eficiente material
para a prtica do aconselhamento.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Resenha Resenha

ADAMS, Jay E. Manual do conselheiro cristo. So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 1984. 432 p.
Um manual prtico, que procura apresentar modelos e instrues que atendam s necessidades
dos aconselhados e sirvam para orientar o ministrio do conselheiro. O autor bastante
sensvel aos problemas complexos e s dificuldades com as quais o conselheiro se defronta e
insiste que a Bblia a melhor e mais confivel fonte para a prtica do aconselhamento.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

ADAMS, Jay E. Teologia do aconselhamento cristo: mais do que redeno. Eusbio, CE:
Peregrino, 2016. 432 p.
Este livro conecta a doutrina bblica com a vida prtica. A redeno, que a preocupao
central da teologia crist, muitas vezes limitada a "ser salvo das consequncias do pecado."
Mas ela muito mais. Deus est nos tornando novas criaturas em Cristo.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora
BROGER, John C. Autoconfrontao: um manual de discipulado em profundidade. So
Paulo: EBR, 2000. 477 p.
Autoconfrontao oferece ferramentas para um programa de discipulado amplo e profundo,
ensinando a estudar as Escrituras de modo a obter respostas para os problemas da vida. Cada
lio esboa os princpios bblicos para crescer espiritualmente e aconselhar/discipular outros
de maneira profunda.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

DEVER, Mark. Discipulado: como ajudar outras pessoas a seguir Jesus. So Paulo: Vida
Nova, 2016. 144 p.
Neste guia conciso, o pastor Mark Dever trata do fazer discpulos ajudar as pessoas a
seguir a Jesus de forma profunda, respondendo s perguntas: Quem, o que, onde, quando,
por que e como discipular? Seguindo o padro encontrado nas Escrituras, este livro explica
como os relacionamentos dedicados a fazer discpulos devem se conduzir no contexto da
igreja local, ensinando-nos a cultivar uma cultura de discipulado como parte normal da vida
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DODSON, Jonathan. Discipulado centrado no Evangelho. Niteroi, RJ: Tempo de

Colheita, 2015. 180 p.
Existem muitas ideias diferentes a respeito do que seja o discipulado. Jonathan Dodson
mostra como pratic-lo seguindo as diretrizes do Evangelho.
Links na web: Sinopse/Editora Resenha Resenha

EMLET, Michael. Conversa cruzada: onde a vida e a Escritura se encontram. So Paulo:

Cultura Crist: 2015. 192 p.
Este livro pode ajud-lo a ler a Bblia e a ler as pessoas de maneira a promover o uso da
Escritura centrado no evangelho e pessoalmente relevante na ministrao a outros. Ele
descreve uma maneira de usar as Escrituras para ajudar as pessoas a crescerem mais
plenamente no amor a Deus e aos outros em meio s complexidades enfrentadas por elas na
vida diria.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Resenha Sumrio Trecho

EYRICH, Howard, HINES, William. Cura para o corao. So Paulo: Cultura Crist,
2007. 192 p.
Com a moderna psicologia sendo to centrada no ego, o aconselhamento bblico nada contra a
corrente. Este livro, dividido em trs sees, prov um modelo que ser do interesse de todos
que, quando encontram pessoas sofrendo, perguntam a si mesmos: "O que eu devo dizer
agora?". A seo 1 argumenta que, para haver entendimento da criao, este deve vir do
Criador, que a designou com propsito. A seo 2 fornece um panorama, assim como
diretrizes, queles interessados em se tornarem conselheiros cristos. A seo 3 esboa o
processo de aconselhamento e apresenta planilhas de trabalho e normas de procedimento.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Resenha Resenha
FITZPARTRICK, Elyse (edit), CORNISH, Carol (edit.). Mulheres ajudando mulheres.
Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2001. 608 p.
Um verdadeiro guia para mulheres crists que desejam se dedicar ao ministrio do
aconselhamento feminino. As autoras apresentam as bases e os mtodos bblicos de
aconselhamento, uma viso da mulher na Bblia e os diferentes problemas que as mulheres
enfrentam na vida: mes adolescentes, aborto, problemas no casamento, adoo, filhos
rebeldes, divrcio e muitos outros.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

FITZPARTRICK, Elyse (org). Mulheres aconselhando mulheres. So Paulo: Nutra, 2013,

427 p.
Planejado para uso prprio e tambm como guia para o aconselhamento de outras pessoas,
este livro - que recebeu a contribuio de mais de 20 conselheiras bblicas - oferece respostas
que encorajaro e resistiro ao tempo porque a Palavra de Deus atemporal e repleta de
auxlio prtico para os problemas que as mulheres enfrentam.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Resenha

KELLEMEN, Robert, VIARS, Steve, MacDONALD, James. Aconselhamento bblico

cristocntrico: mudando vdas com a verdade imutvel de Deus. So Paulo: Editora
Batista Regular, 2016. 576 p.
Aconselhamento Bblico Cristocntrico um guia completo que ir equipar o povo de Deus a
usar a verdade bblica para mudar vidas. Mais do que isso, este livro aumentar sua confiana
na suficincia e relevncia da Palavra de Deus para resolver problemas da vida real em uma
infinidade de situaes de aconselhamento.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Trecho

LANE, Timothy, TRIPP, Paul David. Como as pessoas mudam. So Paulo: Cultura
Crist, 2012. 272 p.
As mudanas no ocorrem de uma hora para outra. Trata-se de uma jornada pra a vida toda.
Paul Tripp e Tim Lane nos orientam com maestria ao longo do caminho bblico que conduz
cruz e a um estilo de vida de f e de arrependimento.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Sumrio Prefcio Trecho Resenha

MacARTHUR, John, MACK, Wayne. Introduo ao aconselhamento bblico. So Paulo:

Hagnos, 2004. 440 p.
Este livro prope o resgate de um dos mais importantes ministrios da vida crist: o
aconselhamento e discipulado baseado em princpios estritamente bblicos, abordando suas
fundamentaes teolgicas, seus princpios e prtica. Analisando tambm as diversas terapias
atuais apresenta uma alternativa segura psicologia e psicoterapia contemporneas baseada
nas Escrituras Sagradas.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora
MacARTHUR, John. Nossa suficincia em Cristo. 2. ed So Jos dos Campos, SP: Fiel,
2007. 224 p.
Temos testemunhado um terrvel declnio nos valores da Igreja: nmeros tm se tornado mais
importantes do que a mensagem; as igrejas esto oferecendo uma religio de entretenimento
no lugar da pregao do evangelho puro; os pastores esto recorrendo indstria de marketing
para ajud-los a atrair pessoas para Cristo. Inclui captulo sobre o aconselhamento.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

MacARTHUR, John Jr. (edit.) Pense biblicamente: recuperando a viso crist de mundo.
So Paulo: Hagnos, 2006. 544 p.
O que pensamos molda quem somos. Em um mundo onde vozes diferentes disputam nossa
lealdade, viver conforme a bblia um desafio bem real. O autor e os demais colaboradores
confrontam vrias perspectivas ideolgicas existentes em nossa sociedade atual. O livro
possibilita a reflexo objetiva que orienta prtica crist. Aceite o desafio de pensar e viver
com uma mentalidade realmente bblica.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

MACK, Wayne. Tarefas prticas para uso no aconselhamento bblico. So Jos dos
Campos, SP: Fiel, 1986. 114 p.
Uma apresentao prtica e bblica a respeito de assuntos de grande relevncia. Neste volume,
o autor trata de problemas conjugais e familiares, abordando tpicos tais como: Comunicao,
Desenvolvimento de Interesses, Avaliao do Casamento, criao de Filhos.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

POWLISON, David. Falando a verdade em amor: aconselhamento em comunidade. So

Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011. 192 p.
Falando a Verdade em Amor foca o "aconselhamento", o processo do amor. A parte I discute
sobre como falar a verdade em amor para que o ministrio de aconselhamento seja bem feito.
A parte II trata de como moldar e readaptar as comunidades da f para que a igreja fique bem.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Sumrio Prefcio Trecho

POWLISON, David. Uma nova viso: o aconselhamento e a condio humana atravs

das lentes da Escritura. So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2010. 255 p.
Uma nova viso de ns mesmos e dos outros, a partir do que aprendemos na Bblia. Powlison
traz a Escritura direto para o nosso corao. A sua leitura uma rica experincia para quem
aconselha e para todos que desejam aplicar a Palavra de Deus sua vida.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Sumrio Trecho Resenha
STREET, John (coord.). Homens aconselhando homens: uma abordagem bblica das
principais questes que os homens enfrentam. So Paulo: Nutra, 2014. 568 p.
Este livro visa lidar com os muitos dilemas da vida de um homem, no pela perspectiva
corrompida e distorcida do nosso tempo, que no define nem distingue mais as caractersticas
masculinas, e sim pela perspectiva da imutvel, santa, incorruptvel e perfeita Palavra de
Deus. So conselhos que visam tornar o homem mais piedoso, mais consciente de sua prpria
pecaminosidade bem como da grandeza e santidade de Deus.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Resenha

TRIPP, Paul David. Instrumentos nas mos do Redentor. So Paulo: NUTRA, 2010. 472
Este um livro que tem por alvo no s incentivar e orientar todos os crentes para que
ministrem queles que Deus colocar em seu caminho, mas mudar a prpria cultura da Igreja
que costuma confiar o ministrio apenas queles que tm cargos formais e aos especialistas.
Nas palavras do autor, a cultura do corpo passivo que paga os profissionais das nossas
igrejas modernas deve ser abandonada em favor do modelo de ministrio que Deus de maneira
to sbia ordenou.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Resenha
Parte 2 - Aprofundando o assunto: teorias e modelos de aconselhamento
ANKERBERG, John, WELDON, John. Os fatos sobre autoestima, psicologia e o
movimento de recuperao. Porto Alegre: Chamada da Meia-Noite, 1995. 80 p.
Ser que programas com doze passos, livros de autoajuda, e a terapia da cura interior tm
qualquer lugar na vida crist? Dezenas de milhares de cristos, hoje em dia, esto buscando
alvio do stress, de sofrimentos emocionais, e de hbitos destrutivos o que torna este livro um
recurso altamente relevante para nossos dias.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

BOBGAN, Martin, McMAHON, T.A. Aconselhamento: integrando a psicologia e a Bblia?

Porto Alegre: Actual, 2005. 96 p.
Com o passar dos anos, estamos ficando cada vez mais preocupados com a infiltrao de teorias
e terapias psicolgicas nas igrejas. Atualmente, estamos vendo os resultados lamentveis de
muitos anos de casamento de teorias e terapias de aconselhamento psicolgico com o
cristianismo. Este livro apresenta uma clara posio bblica a respeito do tema.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

HORTON, Michael Scott (edit.). Religio de poder. So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 1999. 288 p.
Veja os seguintes captulos:
POWLISON, David. Integrao ou inundao.
WELCH, Edward. Codependncia e o culto ao eu.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

HURDING, Roger F. A rvore da cura: fundamentos psicolgicos e bblicos para

aconselhamento cristo e cuidado pastoral. 2. ed. So Paulo: Vida Nova, 2013. 488 p.
No se trata de um livro escrito do ponto de vista do aconselhamento bblico, mas til ao
conselheiro bblico por oferecer um panorama geral das psicologias seculares e das abordagens
crists. O livro divide-se em duas partes: a primeira apresenta o desenvolvimento das
psicologias seculares, com razes em Freud e com posteriores ramificaes, como a psicanlise,
o behaviorismo, a psicologia humanista e existencialista e as novas terapias. A segunda traz
algumas abordagens desenvolvidas no meio cristo.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora Trecho

McMAHON, T. A. Psicologia na Igreja: a religio anticrist do egocentrismo. Porto

Alegre: Actual, 2007. 48 p.
A pseudocincia do aconselhamento psicolgico tem levado inmeros cristos a abandonarem
sua f na suficincia da Palavra de Deus. A psicologia proclama que o ego a soluo para
todos os nossos males mentais, emocionais e comportamentais. A Bblia, porm, ensina que o
ego o principal problema da natureza humana, no a soluo. Portanto, chocante observar a
crescente influncia das ideias humanstico-egocntricas da religio apstata do Anticristo no
cristianismo evanglico.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora
POWLISON, David. Confrontos de poder. So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 1999. 176 p.
Numa cultura cada vez mais pag e necessitada de luz, algumas tendncias evanglicas atuais
contribuem para o avano do ocultismo com suas crenas e prticas. preciso voltar ao que a
Bblia ensina sobre Confrontos de Poder.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

POWLISON, David. dolos do corao e Feira das Vaidades: vida crist, motivao
individual e condicionamento sociolgico. Braslia: Refgio, 1996. 84 p.
A experincia com a contracultura habilita o autor a manejar as ideias com propriedade,
discernindo cultura americana, do Evangelho do Senhor Jesus. Alm da universalidade das
ideias, Powlison trata de um tema a que o povo brasileiro est familiarizado: a idolatria
religiosa. Ser-lhe- fcil reconhecer sua extenso scio-psicolgica.
Links na web: Sinopse/editora

Parte 1 - Bases para o ministrio

ADAMS, Jay. Committed to craftsmanship. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2004. 107 p.
This book looks at the matter of competent ministry and challenges every believer who seeks to
honor God with his work to do so in a manner that pleases God. Committed to Craftsmanship
is a must read for all who seek to grow and improve in the Lord's work.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. Compassionate counseling. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2007. 94 p.

In the Bible, God sets forth a picture of the estate of sin and misery that all men are in but then
proclaims the remarkable way in which He has shown compassion upon human beings by
providing a way out of their misery through Jesus Christ. (I Corinthians 10:13). Sometimes
biblical counselors are (falsely) accused of lacking compassion. But they should recognize that ,
above all else, they must counsel in God's presence in ways that honor Him. Therefore they
must compassionately counsel people who come to them suffering from the ravages of sin.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. Critical stages in biblical counseling. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2002.
224 p.
This book takes the reader through the actual process of dealing with matters encountered in
counseling sessions. It goes into detail on how to conduct sessions, what temptations and
dangers you are most likely to face, and what to do when you fail.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. Encouragement isn't enough. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts 2007. 98 p.
It's happened to you many times before: your friend just seems down about everything,
nothing's going right, and even the weather is dreary. You rack your brain trying to think of
something to say, but words just won't come. Finally you mutter something like "I'm sure it'll
work out," or, "Just keep on smiling." Pathetic. Lame. And not remotely encouraging to your
friend. So, what can you say to your friend? Should you possibly even do something? Dr.
Adams defines biblical encouragement, demonstrates its importance for the spiritual well-being
of Christians, and then teaches you how to put it into practice.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. How to help people change. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1986. 224 p.
Change is the essential goal of the counseling process, as the author reminds us. This book
provides us with an explanation of the idea that "substantial change requires the alteration of the
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
ADAMS, Jay. Importance of faith in counseling. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2007. 76 p.
Is your counseling "mixed with faith," as the writer of Hebrews put it? Of course you want your
counselee to have faith. But let me ask another question. Do you believe God can really change
your counselee? If you do not, then your counseling will be unbiblical, moralistic, and
ineffective. Faith is essential to the solution of spiritual problems - your counselee's faith in God
and also your faith in God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. In this volume you will
learn what it means to counsel with faith, for results that faith produces, and that help grow
greater faith in counselees.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. Insight & creativity in Christian counseling. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts,
1982. 134 p.
In Insight & Creativity, Dr. Adams' challenge is not only to seek improvement; here he carefully
leads counselors to develop better insight into the problems of the counselee and encourages the
creativity required to help them overcome the sins in their lives. First published in 1981, Insight
& Creativity contains examples from that time frame; however, the timelessness of the
problems described make this book as relevant today as then. The material continues to be most
useful to the counselor today.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. Is all truth God's truth? Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2004. 56 p.
The author deals with the very important issue that the Bible should be the Christian's sole
authority in ALL subjects.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. The practical encyclopedia of Christian counseling. Stanley, NC: Timeless
Texts, 2004. 202 p.
Jay Adams sets forth in concise form what you need to know. The book is not academically
oriented; rather it is a practical work in which insights, directions, and methodology may be
found side-by-side with exegetically sound teaching. While many encyclopedias are
voluminous, this book aims at being comprehensive while remaining usable by the practicing
pastor or counselor. It is a valuable tool for informal as well as formal instruction in biblical
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. Problems: solving them God's way. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 2009. 32 p.
Jay Adams provides biblical, practical and straightforward guidance. You would expect nothing
less from Jay! He helps you distinguish and navigate problems that you bring upon yourself as
well as those that are brought upon you. He grounds the Christian s ability to solve problems in
the God who solves our problems of sin and suffering through the life, death, and resurrection
of Christ and the giving of the Holy Spirit. From there, he maps out a strategy for using the
means of grace (the Bible, prayer, and other believers) to find a clear path to change.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
ADAMS, Jay. Ready to restore. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 1999. 111 p.
You dont have to be a professional counselor to help people solve problems. But you do have
to understand the principles and practices of biblical counseling. Here is a guide to Christian
counseling written specifically for laypeople. Jay E. Adams, a pioneer in the field of counseling,
has taken the most essential elements of counseling and packaged them in this thorough but
nontechnical volume. The result is neither simplistic nor superficial, but a complete, systematic
course, useful for study groups, Bible colleges, church leaders, and individual study.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. Teaching to observe. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts 1995. 140 p.
Dr. Adams shows not only that God obligates Christian counselors to teach, but how they may
do so in ways that will help counselees both learn and "observe" those things that Christ
"commanded" according to Matthew 28:20.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

ADAMS, Jay. What to do when counseling fails. Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2003. 56 p.
Every counselor will fail. But what does failure mean? What are some principal causes of
failure? What can be learned from failure, and what can be done to avoid future failure? Since
failure among fallen men - even those redeemed by God's grace - will occur, what can be done
to rectify failures? This is an important study for those counselors who have not adequately
examined the counseling practices which lead to failure.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

FITZPATRICK, Elyse. JOHNSON, Dennis E. Counsel from the cross. Westchester, Ill:
Crossway, 2009. 240 p.
With the evermore apparent failure of modern psychotherapies and a discomfort with
pharmacological strategies, many churches are reaffirming the sufficiency and power of the
Scriptures to change lives. To aid churches in ministering to broken and hurting people, the
authors of Counsel from the Cross present a counseling model based on Scripture, powered by
the work of the Wonderful Counselor, Jesus Christ. Through careful exegesis and helpful case
studies, they demonstrate the why and the how of consistently biblical, gospel-centric
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha Resenha

FITZPATRICK, Elyse, HENDRICKSON, Laura. Will medicine stop the pain: finding
God's healing for depression, anxiety, and other troubling emotions. Chicago: Moody,
2006. 204 p.
Twice as many women as men will experience depression sometime in their lifetime, and
episodes for women are likely to start at earlier ages, last longer, and recur more frequently,
according to the AAFP. Many women are given medication to treat the disease.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha
HERDENSON, John. Equipped to counsel: a training program in biblical counseling.
Dallas, TX: Association of Biblical Counselors, 2008. 382 p.
Equipped to Counsel is not a book, but rather a comprehensive curriculum. The course content
is organized in three parts: Foundations of Biblical Counseling, Biblical Counseling & Specific
Troubles, and Biblical Counseling and the Family.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha

KELLEMEN, Robert. Equipping counselors for your church: the 4e ministry training
strategy. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 2011. 368 p.
The best way to leave a legacy is to equip others to leave their own. Leaders want to change
lives, and the best leaders know that a truly effective ministry must train its members to become
leaders themselves. After all, God s people want to change lives too but we are all tired of
approaches that promise much and deliver little. We are ready for an equipping ministry that is
comprehensive, easy to implement, and relationship-oriented; not program-focused. The 4E
Ministry Training Strategy, tested in hundreds of churches already, is a best-practice tool for
empowering God s people to make disciples.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha Resenha

KELLEMEN, Robert. Gospel-centered counseling: how Christ changes lives. Grand

Rapids: Zondervan, 2014. 320 p.
Gospel-centered counseling is the first volume in The Equipping Christian Counselors Series, a
comprehensive relational training curriculum for the local church that provides a model for
equipping Gods people to change lives with Christs changeless truth.
Bob Kellemen builds on the foundation of the written Word and provides a gospel-centered
resource for understanding people, diagnosing problems, and prescribing biblically based
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Study Guide

KELLEMEN, Robert. Gospel conversations: how to care like Christ. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 2015. 400 p.
How does a person learn to counsel others with the truth of Gods Word? Bob Kellemen
believes that the best way to learn counseling is by doing itby giving and receiving biblical
counseling in the context of real, raw Christian community.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Entrevista Resenha

KELLEMEN, Robert. Soul physicians: a theology of soul care and spiritual direction.
Winona Lake, IN: BMH, 2007. 560 p.
Soul Physicians provides a relevant, in-depth theology of biblical counseling. Just as medical
students examine the anatomy of the human body, so soul physicians need to understand the
anatomy of the human soul. Soul Physicians offers a theological foundation for the ministry of
biblical counseling, soul care, and spiritual direction, equipping the counselor to make Christian
counseling truly Christian.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
KELLEMEN, Robert. Spiritual friends: a methodology of soul care and spiritual
direction. Winona Lake, IN: BMH, 2007. 384 p.
Spiritual Friends is unlike any training manual currently available for training lay spiritual
friends, pastoral biblical counselors, and professional Christian counselors. Other manuals
claim to be biblically-based, but are predominantly secular in focus and content. Still other
manuals talk about biblical principles, but do not develop a true equipping strategy. Spiritual
Friends successfully and skillfully blends both adherence to biblical truth and relevance in
practical training.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

KELLEMEN, Robert (edit), CARSON, Kevin (edit). Biblical counseling and the church:
God's care through God's people. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015. 496 p.
As people face addictions, deal with loss and grief, and seek help in restoring broken
relationships, where can they turn for counsel and assistance? The local church has been
uniquely blessed with the gift of the gospel and is able to offer hope and counsel that no other
institution on earth can. This comprehensive resource, part of the Biblical Counseling Coalition
series, helps leaders and counselors develop a vision that goes beyond being a church with a
biblical counseling ministry to becoming a church of biblical counselinga church culture that
is saturated by one-another ministry.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha Resenha Resenha

KELLEMEN, Robert (edit.). Scripture and counseling: God's Word for life in a broken
world. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2014. 418 p.
Scripture and Counseling is divided into two sections of nine chapters each:
Part One helps readers to develop a robust biblical view of Scriptures sufficiency for life and
godliness leading to increased confidence in Gods Word.
Part Two assists readers in learning how to use Scripture in the counseling process. This section
demonstrates how a firm grasp of the sufficiency of Scripture leads to increased competence in
the ancient art of personally ministering Gods Word to others.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha

KRUIS, John. Quick Scripture reference. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1994. 160 p.
The Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling is a guide to help counselors and pastors, and
laypersons to be "thoroughly equipped in using the Scripture. This revised and expanded edition
is specially designed to help people use the Scriptures more effectively in their lives. Scripture
quotations are from the popular NIV. Scripture passages on each of the practical topics are
thoughtfully arranged in a numbered list so that users can see their significance at a glance.
Users have all the pertinent Bible passages at their fingertips when they need them most.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

LAMBERT, Heath. A theology of biblical counseling: the doctrinal foundations of

counseling ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2016. 224 p.
Since the beginning of the biblical counseling movement in 1970, biblical counselors have
argued that counseling is a ministry of the Word, just like preaching or missions. As a ministry,
counseling must be defined according to sound biblical theology rather than secular principles
of psychology. For over four decades, biblical theology has been at the core of the biblical
counseling movement. Leaders in biblical counseling have emphasized a commitment to
teaching doctrine in their counseling courses out of the conviction that good theology leads to
good counselingand bad theology leads to bad counseling..
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
MACK, Wayne. A homework manual for biblical living. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R: 1979.
3 vol.
This is a very useful tool in Biblical counseling.
v. 1: Personal and interpersonal problems
v. 2: Family and marital problems
v. 3: A Christian growth and discipleship manual
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

MILLER, Keith. Quick Scripture reference for counseling men. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker,
2014. 336 p.
For counselors, pastors, men's ministry leaders, and any Christian man who wants a user-
friendly quick reference guide to Scripture, here is an essential resource! Scripture passages are
conveniently gathered under 120 topics that concern men, including anxiety, burnout, career,
commitment, depression, divorce, envy, faithfulness, gambling, homosexuality, integrity,
leadership, marriage, money, reputation, suffering, temptation, wisdom, and more. Perfect for
counseling or for personal study and memorization.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

MILLER, Patricia and Keith. Quick Scripture reference for counseling youth. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker, 2006. 256 p.
Are you teaching your teens that God's Word holds the answers to all their needs? Or do you
hesitate to bring up the Bible with them? Teaching your kids to turn to the Bible for help doesn't
have to be hard. 'Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Youth' is an extensive reference
book for parents, pastors, counselors, and even teens themselves to see what the Bible has to
say about particular issues.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

MILLER, Patricia and Keith. Quick Scripture reference for counseling women. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker, 2002. 208 p.
For counselors, pastors, women's ministry leaders, and any Christian woman who wants a user-
friendly quick reference guide to Scripture, here is an essential resource! You'll find Scripture
passages from the popular NIV conveniently gathered under ninety topics that concern today's
women, including: adoption, birth control, career, contentment, dating/courtship, depression,
empty nest, friendship, prodigal children, singleness, an unsaved spouse, and worry/anxiety.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

NICEWANDER, Sue. Building a church counseling ministry, without killing the pastor.
Greenville, SC: DayOne, 2012. 320 p.
If you are a pastor/elder or a biblical counselor who wants to help the local church to fulfill
Christ's Great Commission, this book is for you. Full of practical and helpful advice as well as
case studies for both pastors and biblical counselors, it also suggests ways to develop biblical
counseling in your church and provides a model for sharing counseling resources through a
group of like-minded churches.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
NOTCHEVA, Marie. Plugged in: proclaiming Christ in the internet age. Kansas City,
Missouri: Pure Water Press, 2015. 126 p.
How do we preach the Gospel and encourage new believers in "cyber-space"? Is "virtual
counseling" a good idea? Can someone be effectively discipled through the Internet? How do
more seasoned believers interact in a world of social media? What is the role of the local church
in for "online seekers"? In "Plugged In", Marie Notcheva answers these questions, and
demonstrates how to use technology wisely to the glory of God and edification of the saints.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Entrevista com autora

SCOTT, Stuart (edit), LAMBERT, Heath (edit). Counseling the hard cases: true stories
illustrating the sufficiency of God's resources in Scripture. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic,
2012. 368 p.
Stuart Scott and Heath Lambert use the true stories of real patients to show how the truths of
Gods Word can be released to bring help, hope, and healing into the lives of those who struggle
with some of the most difficult psychiatric diagnoses.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha

SHAW, Mark, HINES, Bill. Paul the counselor: counseling and disciple-making modeled
by the apostle. Bemidji, MN: Focus, 2014. 198 p.
The Apostle Paul had a passion to help Christians grow spiritually and apply biblical principles
to the everyday challenges they encountered and that we face today. In that sense, Paul taught
the same lessons that biblical counselors teach today. We are all called to counsel and disciple
one another and the practical lessons in this book will be referred to over and over again.
Chapters are authored by men and women who are biblical counselors and include such topics
as Pauls model of change, Pauls lessons on temptation, renewing the mind, women in ministry
and leaving the past behind.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

SHAW, Mark. Strength in numbers: the team approach to biblical counseling. Bemidji,
MN: Focus, 2009. 134 p.
Move members of your local church from spectator to participant in a team approach model of
biblical counseling. Learn what team counseling is and how to implement this model in your
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

SMITH, Robert. The Christian counselor's medical desk reference. Stanley, NC: Timeless
Texts, 2000. 500 p.
Pastors are not (usually) physicians. That being said, it is helpful to have a general idea of the
symptoms and progression of common conditions, especially those considered psychiatric. Dr.
Bob Smith, a physician and nouthetic counselor for over 30 years, is still teaching excellent
courses on counseling, especially dealing with medical issues and uncommon situations.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
TAUTGES, Paul. Counsel one another: a theology of personal discipleship. Harrisburg,
PA: Shepherd, 2016. 195 p.
This paradigm-shifting book helps believers understand the process of being transformed by
God's grace and truth, and challenges them to be a part of the process of discipleship in the lives
of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Counseling One Another biblically presents and
defends every believer's responsibility to work toward God's goal of conforming us to the
image of His Sona goal reached through the targeted form of intensive discipleship most
often referred to as counseling..
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

TAUTGES, Paul. Counsel your flock. Greenville, SC: DayOne, 2009. 96 p.

Here is an urgent appeal for teaching shepherds to return to authentic biblical ministry: to be
tenacious in their study and preaching of the whole counsel of God, and tender in their
application of its demands to the lives of Gods sheep through the personal and pastoral
ministry of counseling. In his companion book, Counsel One Another, Paul defended the role of
every believer in the discipleship process; here he concentrates on the specific ministry of
pastors and elders, particularly their role in leading Gods flock to spiritual maturity and
equipping it for effective service.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha

TAUTGES, Paul. Delight in the Word. Enumclaw, WA: WinePress, 2005. 220 p.
Passionate, practical, biblical counsel for everyday issues like depression, child discipline,
ADHD, marriage, ministering to homosexuals, finances, conflicts, trials and much more. These
short essays are deeply rooted in Scripture and will fortify your soul.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

TIFFE, Armand. Transformed into His likeness: a handbook for putting off sin and
putting on righteousness. Bemidji, MN: Focus, 2005. 32 p.
This workbook contains over 100 common problems facing Christians today along with biblical
solutions for each. It explains the biblical process of change, helps identify where personal
change is needed and provides Scripture references for problem areas. Practical worksheet will
help implement biblical change in your life. This is an excellent resource for Putting Off sin and
Putting On the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

WELCH, Edward. Blame it on the brain. Greensboro, NC: New Growth Press: 1998.
204 p.
Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Homosexuality, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's. These are just
a few of the "brain problems" that Dr. Welch views through the lens of Scripture in Blame It On
the Brain?. Ed distinguishes genuine brain disorders from problems rooted in the heart.
Understanding the distinction will enable pastors, counselors, families, and friends to help
others, or themselves, deal with personal struggles and responsibilities. While focusing on a few
common disorders, Ed lays out a series of practical steps adaptable to a wide range of
conditions, habits, or addictions.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
WELCH, Edward. Side by side: walking with others in wisdom and love. Westchester, Ill:
Crossway, 2015. 176 p.
Everyone needs help from time to time, especially in the midst of painful circumstances and
difficult trials. This short book offers practical guidance for all Christians who want to develop
their helping skills when it comes to walking alongside hurting people. Written out of the
conviction that friends are the best helpers, this accessible introduction to biblical counseling
will equip believers to share their burdens with one another through gentle words of wisdom
and kind acts of love.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha Resenha
Parte 2 - Aprofundando o assunto: teorias e modelos de aconselhamento
ASHER, Marshall and Mary. The Christian's guide to psychological terms. Bemidji, MN:
Focus, 2004. 256 p.
You will not find a more comprehensive listing of psychological terms with an appropriate
correlation to what the Bible has to say about the issue anywhere else. This should be in the
library of every pastor and every person doing counseling/discipling.
Not only does it give a correlation, it also gives a brief game plan of how to help someone put
into practice what the bible has to say about their issue.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

BULKLEY, Ed. Why Christians can't trust psychology. Eugene, OR: Harvest, 1993. 368 p.
Today's search for inner fulfillment has exploded into what is now called the Recovery
movement, complete with twelve-step seminars, counseling programs, and self-help books.
Thousands are looking to Christian psychology to help them attain victory over modern
dysfunctions. Does that mean the Bible alone is no longer adequate for the problems faced by
Christians today? Some say we need the Bible plus psychology. Others say the Bible alone is
sufficient. Ed Bulkley presents the opposing sides of this issue - and offers trustworthy, biblical
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

CCEF. Psychiatric disorders. Glenside, PA: CCEF: 2015. DVD and workbook.
There are no pat answers or quick fixes for the kind of brokenness that psychiatric disorders
describe. People struggling with complex problems hurt deeply, feel socially isolated, and are
often misunderstood. They need help with both personal and interpersonal problems. What does
it look like to enter into the world of a troubled person? What do diagnostic labels mean for
strugglers and for those who want to help? What goes into restoring and rebuilding a life?
Biblical counseling must offer help that wisely handles this complexity of need.
Links na web: Sinopse/CCEF

DECKARD, Mark A. Helpful truth in past places: the Puritan practice of biblical
counseling. Scotland, UK: Christian Focus, 2010. 256 p.
The Puritans have much advice to give us today as they sought to make their teaching relevant
to those facing issues such as poverty, loss of children, abuse and alcoholism. The truths they
proclaim are as relevant to us today as they were then whether you are the one struggling or the
one counseling. At the same time they did not allow experience to be their final authority but
Scripture. Mark Deckard uses specifically chosen Puritan books and seeks to apply their
principles to Biblical Counseling concerns to a contemporary setting.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha

ELLIOTT, Matthew. Faithful feelings: rethinking emotion in the New Testament. Grand
Rapids, Mich.: Kregel, 2011. 192 p.
This interdisciplinary, widely researched study reclaims the vital importance of the emotions
emphasized both in the lives and teaching of Jesus and Paul, as well as in the writings of John
Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and others.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha
GANZ, Richard. PsychoBabble: the failure of modern psychology and the biblical
alternative. Westchester, Ill: Crossway, 1993. 176 p.
Psychobabble explains the dichotomy between secular and Biblical counseling and shows the
danger of incorporating secular techniques into a Christian aproach. This book will provide
scriptural answers to the hurts of a broken world.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

GRECCO, Stephen (edit), JOHNSON, Eric L. (edit.). Counseling and Christianity: five
approaches. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2012. 256 p.
This volume explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and
psychology would each actually be applied in a clinical setting. Respected experts associated
with each of the perspectives depict how to assess, conceptualize, counsel and offer aftercare to
Jake, a hypothetical client with a variety of complex issues. In each case the contributors seek
to explain how theory can translate into real-life counseling scenarios.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenha Resenha

HINDSON, Ed (edit), EYRICH, Howard (edit). Totally sufficient: the Bible and Christian
counseling. Eugene, Ore.: Harvest, 1997. 299 p.
Christian counselors agree that the Bible's message of salvation can radically change lives.
Scripture can lead even the most unlikely people to faith but when it comes to everyday
problems is the Bible really enough? Here we have more than a dozen highly trained
counselors, medical experts and pastors who are highly respected in their fields. Every one has
at least one doctorate relevant to the area they examine in this book. Their answers to the
question stated above are enlightening, thought provoking and surprising.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

JOHNSON, Eric L. (Edit.) Psychology & Christianity: five views. Downers Grove:
InterVarsity Press, 2010. 320 p.
Psychology has exploded across the academic and popular landscape in the last hundred years.
Dozens of schools of thought have arisen and thousands of books have been written on the
nature of our personalities, our development, our relationships and our inner well-being. All of
this has been of interest (and sometimes of concern) to Christians because of the importance we
place on a correct understanding of human nature. Psychology often seems disconnected from,
if not antithetical to, Christian perspectives on life. In this book are gathered four models of the
relationship of psychology and Christianity. David Powlison offers the biblical counseling
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

LAMBERT, Heath. The biblical counseling movement after Adams. Westchester, Ill:
Crossway, 2011. 224 p.
People inside and outside of the biblical counseling movement recognize differences between
the foundational work of Jay Adams and that of current thought leaders such as David
Powlison. But, as any student or teacher of the discipline can attest, those differences have been
ill-defined and largely anecdotal until now. Heath Lambert, the first scholar to analyze the
movements development from within, shows how biblical counseling emerged from, and
remains rooted in, a commitment to the sufficiency of Scripture and the need to give practical
help to struggling people.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenhas: Bob Kellemen, John Younts, Greg Wilson, Donn
Arms, Jeff Forrey, Winston Smith
LAMBERT, Heath. The Gospel and mental illness CreateSpace, 2014. 58 p.
We live in a broken world, beset with overwhelming problems: disease, pain, death, sorrow, sin
and mental illness--clinical depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder,
schizophrenia, and panic attacks. Our culture assumes people diagnosed with mental illness are
stuck, doomed to struggle for the rest of their lives against a problem without ever experiencing
real and lasting change. As Christians, we know better. The world is broken, but God has
invaded that world with the power, light, and hope of his Son Jesus Christ. Whether you are
tormented with panic attacks or thinking of committing suicide, Jesus can help.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

OWEN, Jim. Christian psychology's war on God's word. Stanley,NC: Timeless Texts, 2004.
220 p.
Are we victims of our past? Are we suffering from the ravages of low self-esteem? Do we need
Christian psychology to rescue us? Owen calls believers back to the all-sufficient Jesus
Christ. He urges them to trust fully in Christs provisions, the power of the Holy Spirit and the
sure guidance of Gods Word.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

PEACE, Martha. Psychologized man: a biblical perspective. Bemidji, MN: Focus, 2003.
26 p.
If our minds are to be transformed to think Scriptural beliefs about God, we must also have a
biblically accurate view of man. The evolution of psychology as detailed in this booklet,
focuses on men and women and their needs rather than God. We must evaluate our thinking of
ourselves as "Psychologized Man Most High."
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

POWLISON, David. The biblical counseling movement: history and context. Greensboro,
NC: New Growth Press: 2009. 352 p.
This book is an invaluable resource for those who want to understand the biblical counseling
movement. The core chapters were originally a Ph.D. dissertation in history of science and
medicine (University of Pennsylvania). This new edition adds a lengthy appendix, containing
articles by Dr. Powlison. These extend and deepen the history, giving a fine-grained analysis of
developments within the biblical counseling movement and in its relationship to evangelical
psychotherapists. The author also freely expresses his point of view and personal convictions
regarding the history he has carefully described.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon Resenhas: Tim Challies, Bob Kellemen

TYLER, David, GRADY, Kurt. Deceptive diagnosis: when sin is called sickness. Bemidji,
MN: Focus, 2006. 130 p.
Here is an excellent description of the shift in the church from calling sin, sin to
psychological definitions and explanations of behavior.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon
TYLER, David. God's funeral: psychology: trading the sacred for the secular. Bemidji,
MN: Focus, 2009. 134 p.
There has been a subtle and increasing change in the theology of the Christian Church today.
Our taste for anything psychology appears to be insatiable, and has led the Church, with
disastrous consequences down the road of accommodation and compromise. This book is a call
to return to the sufficient words of God found in Scripture, and to seek help from biblical
counselors when life's problems overwhelm us.
Links na web: Sinopse/Amazon

WELCH, Edward. The counselor's guide to the brain and its disorders. Glenside, PA:
CCEF: 2015. 336 p.
This book presents clear and accurate information about the body and brain so that two
extremes can be avoided: the assumption that human behavior is simply and comprehensively
an act of the will unaffected by brain/body/chemical mechanisms and, on the other side, the
assumption that human behavior is essentially biological functioning that is exclusively dictated
by brain/chemical mechanisms.
Links na web: Sinopse/CCEF

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