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ontrolador de refluxo Hobbybotics V8.03


processo de refluxo

que é o PID?

ircuito Controlador






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m tempo atrás eu decidi começar a projetar meus circuitos usando Surface Mount Devices (SMD). Há
uitas vantagens em usar componentes SMD em componentes de passagem. Algumas das principais
antagens são tamanho e custo. O tamanho menor significa que eu posso fazer as placas de circuito
enores. Além disso, componentes menores e placas de circuito menores significam menores custos. Uma
as desvantagens dos componentes do SMD é que eles são mais difíceis de soldar do que os componentes
o furo. A solução é usar o que é chamado de forno de refluxo. Dentro do escopo deste projeto, cobriremos
m pouco da teoria por trás da soldagem por refluxo. Em seguida, discutiremos os fundamentos do
ontrole proporcional, integral e derivativo (PID) necessário (IMHO) para o sucesso repetitivo de um

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istema de refluxo. Então, Vamos fornecer a carne e as batatas do projeto para que outros possam construir
uas próprias. Finalmente, vamos vasculhar partes fundamentais do firmware e completar este projeto com
m resumo do aplicativo de interface do Windows. Para aqueles que já estão familiarizados com os
onceitos de refluxo e PID, você pode optar por ignorar a teoria e pular para a seção de compilação. Para
utros que estão procurando uma breve explicação, começaremos com uma análise mais detalhada do
rocesso de soldagem por refluxo.

processo de refluxo

m forno de refluxo (h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflow_oven) é usado para refluir

h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflow_soldering) componentes de montagem de superfície de solda
h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflow_soldering) em uma placa de circuito impresso (PCB). O processo
ásico envolve a aplicação de uma pasta de solda com chumbo ou sem chumbo nas almofadas do PCB.
m seguida, os componentes SMD são colocados na placa e a placa é colocada no forno de refusão. O
orno de refusão aplica / ajusta a quantidade de calor em etapas para unir (soldar) os componentes à placa.
ada estágio deve ser realizado usando um procedimento rigoroso. Existem 5 fases para um sistema de
efluxo típico (pré-aquecimento, absorção, refluxo, interrupção e resfriamento).

tapa 1 - Pré-aqueça

temperatura no interior do forno de refluxo é aumentada para aproximadamente 125 ° C a uma taxa de
proximadamente 2 ° C por segundo. Esta taxa de aquecimento deve ser gradual para não fazer com que
solda borbulhe e salpique. O fluxo torna-se líquido a esta temperatura e o excesso de fluxo fluirá para
onge das pastilhas, deixando para trás grãos de solda.

stágio 2 - Mergulhe

temperatura é lentamente aumentada para aproximadamente 170 ° C - 175 ° C e mantida por

proximadamente. Nesse estágio, a temperatura da placa de circuito e dos componentes é quase a mesma.
qualizar a temperatura evita rachaduras ou deformações no PCB e / ou componentes durante a
oldagem. Além disso, o fluxo de solda liquefaz e reveste as almofadas.

stágio 3 - refluxo

temperatura dentro do forno é aumentada até a temperatura de soldagem de aproximadamente 220 ° C

- 240 ° C o mais rápido possível. Nesta fase, os grãos de solda começam a fundir e unir os contatos de metal
os componentes ao bloco de solda associado.

stágio 4 - Dwell

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temperatura de soldagem é mantida por aproximadamente 10 a 30 segundos. A solda agora está

erretida e unida pela tensão superficial. O fluxo também é forçado para fora pela tensão superficial,
eixando para trás uma ligação entre o componente e o bloco de PCB.

stágio 5 - Cool Down

temperatura no interior do forno diminui lentamente para a temperatura ambiente. O resfriamento deve
correr devagar para impedir o empenamento ou rachaduras dos componentes e / ou placas de circuito
mpresso devido a choque térmico.

figura abaixo [1] mostra uma curva típica de temperatura vs. tempo para o processo de refluxo:

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/temperature-vs-time2.png)

s requisitos reais de tempo e temperatura dependem do tipo de pasta de solda usada. Eu uso Paster de
olda Kester Sn63 / Pb37 (estanho / chumbo). O perfil de refluxo recomendado está abaixo:

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/kester2.png)

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m geral, as pastas de solda podem ser divididas em dois grupos com base na composição da solda. A
aioria das pastas de solda à base de chumbo consiste em uma lata de estanho (Sn) e chumbo (Pb). Esta
omposição tem um ponto de fusão de 183 ° C.

astas sem chumbo geralmente consistem de uma liga de estanho (Sn), prata (Ag) e cobre (Cu). A pasta de
olda sem chumbo começa a derreter em torno de 217 ° C com uma temperatura máxima de refluxo de
40 ° C. Os regulamentos atuais de Restrição de Substâncias Perigosas (RoHS)
h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restriction_of_Hazardous_Substances_Directive) exigem que os produtos
letrônicos de consumo contenham solda sem chumbo (algumas exceções se aplicam).

ma das primeiras perguntas que alguém pode fazer ao considerar as etapas do processo de refluxo é
omo implementá-lo. A abordagem mais simples é aplicar calor se a temperatura estiver abaixo do ponto
e ajuste e desligar o aquecimento se a temperatura estiver acima do ponto de ajuste. Este método de
ontrole é conhecido como controle OFF-ON ou mais simplesmente como ' Bang-Bang Control'.'. O
roblema com um esquema de controle OFF-ON é que a temperatura tende a exceder o ponto de ajuste.
sso acontece porque a reação de ação do forno de refusão não é rápida o suficiente para regular a
emperatura para manter um ponto de ajuste constante. Quando os elementos de aquecimento são
esligados, eles não param imediatamente de irradiar calor. A temperatura interna dos elementos de
quecimento é maior do que a temperatura do ar circundante, portanto, a energia térmica continua a se
ransferir até que ambos sejam iguais. Quando a temperatura cai abaixo do ponto de ajuste, os elementos
e aquecimento são ligados, mas leva tempo para que eles se tornem quentes o suficiente para elevar a
emperatura de volta ao ponto de ajuste. Assim, a temperatura continua a cair até que seja aplicado calor
uficiente para trazê-lo de volta ao ponto de ajuste.

que é o PID?

ID significa “Proporcional, Integral e Derivativo”. Juntos, esses três termos descrevem os elementos
ásicos de um controlador PID. Um controlador PID é um tipo de sistema de feedback de circuito de
ontrole que calcula a diferença entre uma variável de entrada medida e um ponto de ajuste desejado e
enta minimizar o erro (até onde estamos longe do ponto de ajuste) ajustando a saída do sistema. A saída
m nossa aplicação é um controle do aquecedor que varia o tempo ON e OFF para manter a temperatura

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/pid3.png)
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que é controle proporcional?

termo proporcional adiciona ou subtrai a saída proporcional ao valor de erro atual do sistema de
ontrole, a fim de conduzir o sistema de volta à saída desejada (set point). O valor de erro é dado por
uanto a entrada (valor medido) está longe do ponto de ajuste.

prazo proporcional é dado pelo seguinte:

Term = Kp * erro (t)


p - Uma constante usada para ajustar a resposta proporcional

rror - Valor dado subtraindo o set point da entrada (error = set point - input)

- O tempo durante o qual a entrada é amostrada (tempo de amostragem = 1 segundo para essa

ara resumir o termo proporcional:

1. Erro deve existir no sistema para ter unidade proporcional.

2. O sistema tentará corrigir o erro, ligando os elementos de aquecimento 'ON' ou 'OFF' para adicionar ou
remover o calor do sistema.
3. Se o valor medido estiver abaixo do ponto de ajuste, o calor será adicionado. Se o valor medido estiver
acima do ponto de ajuste, o calor será removido. Se o valor medido for igual ao ponto de ajuste, não
haverá erro e, portanto, nenhum inversor proporcional.

que é o controle integral?

m sistema proporcional apenas não seria suficiente em nossa aplicação para eliminar o erro. Nosso
istema deve ser capaz de alterar sua saída de acordo com o erro atual, bem como os erros anteriores. A
ntegral é proporcional à magnitude (quantidade) do erro e à duração do erro. Em outras palavras, a
ntegral é a soma dos erros ao longo do tempo. Isso significa que a integral adiciona a quantidade de erro
om o passar do tempo e tenta alterar rapidamente a saída para eliminar o erro.

termo integral é dado pelo seguinte:

Term = iTerm + (erro Ki *)


i - Uma constante usada para ajustar a resposta integral

rror - Valor dado subtraindo o set point da entrada (error = set point - input)

componente integral rastreia erros acumulados e tenta acelerar o processo em direção ao ponto de ajuste.
sso pode fazer com que o processo ultrapasse o ponto de ajuste se não for mantido sob controle. O
omponente integral é mantido em cheque em nossa aplicação, fixando sua saída entre um valor mínimo e
áximo. A rotina de fixação é dada pelo seguinte:

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F (iterm> outMax) ENTÃO iTerm = outMax

F (iTerm <outMin) THEN iTerm = outMin


Term - componente integral

utMax - valor máximo que o iterm pode ser

utMin - Valor mínimo do iTerm pode ser

ara resumir o termo integral:

1. Erro deve existir no sistema para ter unidade integral.

2. A quantidade de erro no sistema é acumulada ao longo do tempo. Assim, um pequeno erro pode se
tornar uma correção grande, o erro mais longo existe.
3. O sistema é forçado a corrigir o erro acumulado.
4. O efeito do componente integral fará com que o sistema ultrapasse o ponto de ajuste ao tentar reduzir o
erro acumulado no sistema, se não for limitado.

que é controle derivativo?

termo derivativo mede a rapidez com que o erro muda em relação ao tempo e afeta a taxa de alteração
a saída do controlador. A taxa de mudança é equivalente a medir a inclinação de uma linha. O termo
erivativo tentará reduzir a magnitude do overshoot que tende a ser produzido pelo componente integral.

termo derivativo é dado pelo seguinte:

Term = (currentTemperature - lastTemperature) * Kd


urrentTemperature - valor medido atual

astTemperature - Valor medido anterior

d - Uma constante usada para ajustar a resposta derivativa

componente derivativo deve acompanhar o valor medido anterior. Isso é realizado pelo seguinte:

astTemperature = currentTemperature

ara resumir o termo derivativo:

1. O sistema deve estar tomando providências. Em outras palavras, o calor deve ser adicionado ou
removido do sistema durante um período de tempo.
2. O efeito do componente derivativo é baseado na rapidez com que o sistema está aquecendo ou
esfriando dentro do período de amostragem de uma vez por segundo e é usado para combater o
overshoot produzido pelo componente integral.

aída Drive… Todos juntos agora!

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ada um dos componentes do PID é calculado independentemente e adicionado em conjunto para formar
drive de saída. Observe que o dTerm é subtraído da soma do pTerm e do iterm porque o dTerm é
erivado do (s) valor (es) de entrada medido (s). A unidade de saída é o que controla o processo de
eterminar por quanto tempo ligar e desligar o sistema.

unidade de saída é dada pelo seguinte:

aída = (pTerm + (iTerm - dTerm)))


aída - valor do drive para controle do sistema

Term - Componente proporcional

Term - componente integral

Term - componente derivado

processo do drive de saída é visualizado no fluxograma abaixo:

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/pid-processing-flowchart21.png)

he above flowchart is a simplistic view of the temperature control process. The process begins by
stablishing a set point. The next step in the loop is to take a temperature reading. That temperature
eading is used to calculate the error or how far we are away from the set point. Next, we calculate the
roportional, Integral and Derivative components and use those values to determine how much
djustment needs to be applied to regulate the system. In the case of our reflow oven, the amount of drive
s determined by how long the heating elements are ON or OFF. This type of control can be considered a
ifferent take on the PID algorithm and is know as Time Proportional Control (TPC).

ime Proportional Control

ime Proportional Control, a form of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), is a mathematical technique that
llows a feedback controller to use an ON-OFF discrete actuator, such as a relay or Solid State Relay
SSR), as if it were a continuous actuator cable of generating control efforts anywhere between 0 and 100%.

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The concept of TPC is to turn the actuator ON and OFF for periods proportional to the desired control

ur routine is given by:

imeOn = (tCycle * Output)/100


imeOn – Value indicating how long power will be applied to the heating elements

Cycle – Time span for process

utput – Calculated value from the PID routine

he routine needs to keep track of how much time has elapsed in order to stay within the set process time
pan. This is accomplished by the following:

var = Tvar + 1

F (Tvar >= outMax) THEN Tvar = outMin


var – Variable used to track how much time has elapsed

utMax – Maximum value Tvar can be

utMin – Minimum value Tvar can be

he minimum and maximum time span for our application is 0 and 10 seconds, respectively. The above
outine ensures the process time span does not go below or exceed the set time span.

’ll go into a li le more detail of TPC when I provide a brief overview of the code. For now, let’s move
long to the controller circuit.

ontroller Circuit

e will break the explanation of the controller circuit up into two parts. The first section will be the
ontroller circuit and the second will be the AC control wiring.


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(h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/reflow-controller-v8-03-schematic.png)

he controller circuit is a relatively simple design however, it has some extras that may come in handy for
uture expansion. The circuit is built around either a PIC16F877A or a PIC16F887. Both devices are pin
ompatible and have 14K of program memory, 368 bytes of ram, 2 PWM channels and 256 bytes of
EPROM. Microchip recommends using the PIC16F887 for newer designs. I chose the 16F887A for this
roject as I have plenty of them available. Check out the comparison and data sheet of the two devices
ere (h p://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/ProductCompare.aspx?

he circuit makes use of a MAX6675 Thermocouple IC (explanation here

h ps://hobbybotics.wordpress.com/projects/hobbybotics-max6675-thermocouple-breakout/)), a
AX3232 for programming and serial communication, a header for a Sparkfun FTDI Basic 5V USB
reakout board (h p://www.sparkfun.com/products/9716) for programming and serial communication, a
×20 HD44780 Parallel LCD with PWM brightness control, a buzzer for audio feedback and a connection
or a Adafruit DS1307 (h p://www.adafruit.com/products/264) Real Time Clock (RTC). In addition, there
re connections to control 3 relays or SSRs, outputs for 3 LEDs to coincide with the 3 relay/SSR outputs
LED outputs can be used to expand relay/SSR outputs), 5 menu switches, an on board reset switch, a off-
oard reset switch header and a connection for a manual/PC software control switch. The rest of the
utputs that are not assigned to control functions are broken out to headers.

ere is a description of the main components and features:

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/reflow-control-v8-description.png)

Item Function
1 PIC16F877A or PIC16F887 microcontroller
2 MAX6675 Thermocouple Interface IC
3 MAX3232 serial IC
4 DS1307 RTC breakout header
5 4×20 LCD header
6 FTDI Basic 5V USB header
7 DB9 serial port connector
8 Reset on RTS or DTR jumper. Used for updating firmware via serial or USB port
9 Buzzer
10 Input power
11 Additional I/O port breakout
12 USB/External power jumper
13 Type-K Thermocouple sensor
14 Menu switch (Up Arrow)
15 Menu switch (Down Arrow)
16 Menu switch (Select)
17 Menu switch (Right Arrow)
18 Menu switch (Left Arrow)
19 Relay/SSR output 0

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20 Relay/SSR output 1
21 Relay/SSR output 2
22 On-board reset switch
23 External reset switch
24 External power LED
25 External Manual/PC software control switch
In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP). Upload new firmware with Melabs PIC Programmer
(h p://store.melabs.com/prod/u2/U2CBUN.html)
27 Contrast adjust potentiometer
C Wiring:

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/2012-05-25-22-50-19.jpg) Here is a picture of the

opulated board:

or this project, I used two of the outputs to control two SSRs. The first SSR controls the heating elements
nd the second controls the oven fan. Instead of building a power supply onto the board which, would
ave increased the overall size, I opted to use an external 120VAC to 12VDC power supply I found on Ebay
or a good price.

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/reflow-controller-ac-control-v1-3-wiring-diagram1.png)

ere are some pictures of my setup:

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dscn0633_1024x768.png)

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dscn0635_1024x768.png)

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dscn0720_1024x768.png)

ere is a picture of the bu on, LED and DB9 PCB panels I designed for the above case. I placed all of the
esigns on the same PCB and cut them out with a circuit board shear. This was cheaper than ordering the
oards as separate designs.

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03-bu on-db9-led-

oaster Oven Modification:

he layout of this project was chosen to allow the toaster oven to be used for reflow soldering without
odification (if one chooses). This may be accomplished by following the AC wiring diagram presented
arlier which will allow one to plug the toaster oven into a AC outlet that is controlled by the SSR. The
ontroller/firmware will switch ON-OFF the oven to regulate heating and cooling.

needed to modify the oven I selected as it has an internal fan that helps circulate air. I wanted the fan to
tay on the entire reflow cycle. One of the problems I ran into earlier on in the design is the temperature
ithin the oven would dip whenever the fan was cycled off and on. Having the fan constantly circulating
ir prevented the temperature from dipping whenever the oven was turned back on.

he toaster oven I selected is a Black & Decker Toast-R-Oven model TR04075BDC. Some pictures of the
ven/modifications are below:

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/oven-fan-ac-wiring_1024x768.png)

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dscn0642_576x768.png)

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dscn0643_1024x768.png)

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dscn0649_1024x768.png)

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/dscn0650_576x768.png)


Schematic – PDF (h ps://www.box.com/s/3c2c85b5ec3d567d89 )

PCB – PDF (h ps://www.box.com/s/5fd9564afd64deda21ac)
Schematic – SCH (h ps://www.box.com/s/04458dd10612dbf82672)
PCB – PCB (h ps://www.box.com/s/939675cb4dc00757e8dc)
Mechanical Drawing – DXF (h ps://www.box.com/s/c0a0d0579a0d122a6ed3)
Bill of Materials – TXT (h ps://www.box.com/s/2b27613ccf773c330d36)
Firmware (Listing) – PDF (h ps://www.box.com/s/29a9cc192a798ed64b33)
Firmware(Pic Basic Pro V2.60) – ZIP (h ps://www.box.com/s/ad18e485a3b664932ea7)
Windows Application (C#) – ZIP (h ps://www.box.com/s/c9df824c132b3d864a6c)
DB9 Panel Files – link (h ps://www.box.com/s/dncgtn5 6gw1z6v0jip)
LED Panel Files – link (h ps://www.box.com/s/5d4536nzlyyie65vknl7)
Switch Panel Files – link (h ps://www.box.com/s/jnd16jl3vh1m1pbnkb )

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he schematic and PCB was developed with the freely available ExpressPCB software
h p://www.expresspcb.com/).

he project files and future updates can be found on my github

h ps://github.com/brooksware2000/Hobbybotics-Reflow-Controller) page.

uild It

eference the B.O.M above for a list of the parts necessary to complete the Hobbybotics Reflow Controller
8.03 board.

eference the below layout file for component locations.

(h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/reflow-controller-v8-03-mechanical-drawing.png)


he firmware for this project was developed using PicBasic Pro V2.60 from microEngineering Labs
h p://melabs.com/). You will need to download two libraries and place them into the PBP folder. The
rst library, DT_INTS-14, is an archive that contains the files DT_INTS-14.bas and ReEnterPBP.bas. The
econd library file is Elapsed_INT.bas. All of the files can be downloaded as part of the firmware archive I
rovide but, any updates to the author’s files can be found on his site here
h p://www.darreltaylor.com/DT_INTS-14/downloads.htm). The library files make it easier to use
nterrupts without having to resort to PicBasic interrupts, which has some overhead, or assembler
nterrupts. The Elapsed_INT file implements an elapsed timer using the instant interrupts library. A more
n depth explanation can be found here (h p://www.darreltaylor.com/DT_INTS-14/elapsed.html).
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ode Snippets:

won’t rehash all of the code here as you can view the complete source for that but, I do want to point out
ome of the key routines.

ead Temperature:

he following procedure gets BUFFERSIZE temperature readings from the MAX6675, averages the values
nd returns the result:

1 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ' Read temperature
3 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 'Get a sampling of temperature values and write to temperature array
6 FOR index = 0 TO BUFFERSIZE - 1
8 SHIFTIN DAT, CLK, 0,[curTemp\16]
11 ARRAY_TEMPS[index] = curTemp>>5
12 PAUSE 179
13 NEXT index
15 curTemp = 0
17 'Add up all the values in the array
18 FOR index = 0 TO BUFFERSIZE - 1
19 curTemp = curTemp + ARRAY_TEMPS[index]
20 NEXT index
22 'Take an average of the temperature values
23 curTemp = curTemp/BUFFERSIZE
iew raw READ_TEMPERATURE.ino hosted with by GitHub
he first FOR..NEXT loop takes x number of samples from the MAX6675 sensor and stores them in an
rray named ARRAY_TEMPS. The next FOR..NEXT loop cycles through the array and adds all of the
alues. Finally, an average of the sampled temperatures are taken and the result stored in a variable. The
urpose of this routine is to smooth out the temperature measurements before using them in the PID

he following procedures are responsible for processing each phase and computing the PID output.
There’s also an intermediate step between the preheat and reflow phases that is used to ramp up the heat
o the next set point.

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1 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ' Regulates heater controls based on phase temperature parameters
3 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 WHILE (elapsedTime <> 0)
9 IF (SecondsChanged = 1) THEN
10 elapsedTime = elapsedTime - 1
15 TimeOn = (cycleTime * OutVal)/100
17 Tvar = Tvar + 1
19 IF (Tvar >= outMax) THEN Tvar = outMin
21 IF (Tvar < TimeOn AND curTemp < setpoint) THEN
29 SecondsChanged = 0
34 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 ' Computes the output drive from the individual PID components.
36 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 errorCurrent = setpoint - curTemp
40 pTerm = Kp * errorCurrent
42 iTerm = iTerm + (Ki * errorCurrent)
44 IF (iterm > outMax) THEN iTerm = outMax
45 IF (iTerm < outMin) THEN iTerm = outMin
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47 dTerm = (curTemp - lastMeasured)
49 OutVal = (pTerm + (iTerm - (Kd * dTerm)))
51 lastMeasured = curTemp
iew raw PROCESS_PHASE-COMPUTE_PID.ino hosted with by GitHub
he PROCESS_PHASE procedure begins by taking a temperature reading and computing the PID
utput. The WHILE..WEND loop cycles through the get temperature and compute PID process every
econd for the selected profile time constraints. For example, the soak phase has a default time
equirement of 80 seconds thus, the while loop will continue to sample the temperature, compute the PID
nd turn the oven ON..OFF until the elapsedTime variable reaches 0.

he RAMP_UP procedure has no time requirement and simply ramps the temperature up to the required
et point for the associated phase.

1 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ' Ramps up to setpoint
3 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 GOSUB StartTimer
7 WHILE (curTemp < setpoint)
8 IF (SecondsChanged = 1) THEN
12 TimeOn = (cycleTime * OutVal)/100
14 Tvar = Tvar + 1
16 IF (Tvar >= outMax) THEN Tvar = outMin
18 IF (Tvar < TimeOn) THEN
26 SecondsChanged = 0
iew raw RAMP_UP.ino hosted with by GitHub
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he RAMP_UP procedure begins by starting the timer interrupt which cycles once per second.
The WHILE..WEND loop simply takes a temperature reading every second, computes the PID and turns
he oven ON..OFF until the associated phase set point is reached. The interrupt timer is reset once the loop

he final procedure I want to cover is the Instant Interrupts timer I introduced earlier. This procedure and
ssociated library makes it simpler to implement an assembler timer without having to hand code a

1 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ' Instant Interrupts Elapsed Timer routine
3 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 INT_LIST macro ;IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?
7 INT_Handler TMR1_INT, _ClockCount, PBP, yes
8 endm
9 ;Creates the interrupt processor
12 ;Enable Timer 1 Interrupts
16 'Reset Time to 0d-00:00:00.00
17 Gosub ResetTime
iew raw INSTANT_INTERRUPTS.ino hosted with by GitHub
his routine along with the Instant Interrupts include files allow us to implement a pre y accurate elapsed
imer routine without having to use the PicBasic Pro ON INTERRUPT routine. Some of the benefits are
ot having to wait for other programming statements to execute before the interrupt routine gets serviced,
ot having to memorize or set interrupt enable bits/flags and the code size is minimized. More details can
e found here (h p://www.darreltaylor.com/DT_INTS-14/intro.html) and here
h p://www.darreltaylor.com/DT_INTS-14/elapsed.html).

uilt into the firmware is the capability to operate the controller in manual or computer control. The
anual/PC mode is set by a toggle switch. On start up, the firmware checks this switch and branches
ccordingly. Either mode can be exited by pressing the reset switch on the front panel or by se ing the
ode switch and turning OFF..ON the power switch.

elow are screen shots of the 4×20 LCD with the controller in manual mode:

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(h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/slide1.png)

(h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/slide2.png)

(h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/slide3.png)
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hat wraps up the overview of the firmware so, let’s move along to the optional Windows control


he windows application I developed for this project allows full control over the controller with the added
enefit of being able to graph/save data, upload new firmware (PicBasic Pro required), create/modify
eflow profiles and export data to a *.csv file for import into Excel. This application was developed with C#

ere are some screen captures of the application:

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/application-description.png)

(h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-07-50.png)

(h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-08-01.png)

Number Description Control Function

1 Connect Bu on Establishes a serial connection.
2 Disconnects serial connection.
Bu on
Opens device manager applet so that serial port properties can be
3 Properties Bu on
viewed or edited.
4 Auxiliary Bu on Connects or disconnects the device a ached to the auxiliary jack.
Enable Logging
5 Enables or disables data logging.
6 Clear Data bu on Clears data grid.

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Save Log File Save data to a log file that is compatible with any spreadsheet or text
bu on editor software.
This field is loaded with detected serial ports and allows a port to be
8 Port Selection
Baud Rate This field is loaded with available baud rates. The default baud rate is
Selection 9600.
10 Displays current oven temperature.
Set Point
11 Displays current set point temperature.
Temperature label
Stage Remaining
12 Displays the remaining time for each temperature stage.
Time label
13 Heater Fan label Displays ON/OFF state of oven fan.
14 Stage label Displays the current temperature stage.
Elapsed Time
15 Displays total time the process is taking.
16 Heater label Displays ON/OFF state of heater elements.
17 Auxiliary label Displays ON..OFF state of oven heaters.
Graphical chart that plots the time (seconds) and temperature (Celsius)
18 Log Data Chart
of the reflow process as a line graph.
Captures the time (seconds), temperature (Celsius), set point (Celsius)
19 Log Data grid
and heater ON/OFF state.
20 PID status label Displays port status and information about current PID se ings.

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-08-01.png)

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-07-50.png)

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-05-46.png)

rom the “Run” menu, there are options to test the thermocouple sensor or start a reflow/bake session
sing a profile that has been uploaded to the controller. The bake option is used to dry moisture sensitive
omponents prior to reflow soldering.

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-05-57.png)

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-06-05.png)

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-15-06-14.png)

he “Application Se ings” menu option allows a default application to be defined for firmware (Microcode
oader), a default application for the firmware loader (MeLabs Programmer) and a default editor
PicBasic Pro). These file paths are used to upload firmware from within the Reflow Controller application.

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-14-57-35.png)

he “Create/Edit PID Gains” menu option allows separate PID gains to be created and/or edited.

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-14-58-17.png)

he “Create/Edit Profile” menu option allows separate reflow profiles to be created and/or edited.

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-28-at-14-59-32.png)

he reflow and PID profile se ings are saved to *.ini files. Here are some screen shots of typical file

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-30-at-22-26-29.png)

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-30-at-22-27-06.png)

ere are some screen shots of a reflow chart created with data imported into Excel:

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h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/pid-test-run.png)

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/pid-run-2-with-fan-kp-15-ki-2-kd-5.png)

h ps://hobbybotics.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/snap-2012-05-30-at-23-24-23.png)

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ne of the key features of the application is the ability to save and restore the last connected serial port and
ssociated se ings. The application will detect all serial ports on the system and populate them in the ‘Port’
ombo box. An error will be raised if a connection is a empted with a port that is already in use.

here is a lot of built in functionality that I have not covered and even though the application is robust, it is
till in development. I will post future updates to my github
h ps://github.com/brooksware2000/Hobbybotics-Reflow-Controller) page.


his project covered my design for a reflow controller based on a common toaster oven that is more cost
ffective for the hobbyist than purchasing a commercial version. We began by discussing some of the
dvantages to using SMD components over through-hole components. Next, a brief explanation of the
rucial phases of the reflow process was presented along with typical temperature profiles for each stage.
Third, we went over the basics of Proportional, Integral and Derivative control, commonly referred to as
ID, and how each component was implemented in the firmware. Finally, we built the project, reviewed
ey points of the firmware, and presented the optional windows application. Armed with the information
resented in this project, one should be able to implement a cost effective reflow controller based on a
oaster oven and move into the realm of smaller SMD components.

elated Links

obbybotics Reflow Oven Controller V8.03 Gallery

rduino PID Library (h p://bre beauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginners-pid-


pen Source PID Controller (h p://www.ospid.com/blog/)

CB Heaven – PID Theory (h p://www.pcbheaven.com/wikipages/PID_Theory/)

ID for Dummies (h p://www.csimn.com/CSI_pages/PIDforDummies.html)

T Instant Interrupts (h p://www.darreltaylor.com/DT_INTS-14/intro.html)

parkfun Surface Mount Soldering Tutorials (h p://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/category/2)


[1] Goossens, Paul. “Reflow Solder Controller: Soldering SMDs in an ordinary electric oven.” Elektor
Magazine December 2007: 16-19.

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his example shows hardware and software used to implement the design. It is recommended the viewer
se sound judgment in determining and/or implementing this example for any particular application. This
xample may include information from 3rd parties and/or information which may require further
icensing or otherwise. Additional hardware or software may be required. Hobbybotics or any affiliates
oes not support or warrant this information for any purpose other than a design example and takes no
esponsibility for any mishaps (none being implied).




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0 thoughts on “Hobbybotics Reflow

ontroller V8.03”

1. Rob says:
June 10, 2012 at 8:29 AM
Is it possible to modify that controller and sofware to operate with BGA rework station? The problem is
that rework station requires two thermocouples, two outputs to drive SSR for top and bo om heater.
That could be nice to see second graph time vs temp for second thermocouple.

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
hobbybotics says:
June 10, 2012 at 10:46 AM
It should be possible to achieve what you are looking for by building the MAX6675 Thermocouple
Breakout board I presented in the projects section. You can connect that board to some of the spare
I/O pin headers. You’ll need to modify the firmware to run simultaneous PID loops. The chart
control in the accompanied software can be modified to display as many graphs you like. Maybe
this will be my next modification to the controller as I port it away from ExpressPCB. Hope this
answers your question. Keep a lookout for a revamp to this board and software.

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
2. Toaster oven reflow project goes way overboard - Hack a Day says:
June 18, 2012 at 3:01 PM
[…] project may take the cake on high-end reflow retrofits. It’s a HUGE project which uses a toaster
oven to reflow surface mount circuit boards. And the fact that it bursts with features makes us […]

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
3. Reg says:
June 18, 2012 at 6:01 PM
Looks to me like a great product. Have you considered either doing that yourself or arranging for
someone else to sell it?

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
hobbybotics says:
June 18, 2012 at 6:50 PM
I am considering offering this as a kit/product. I want to do a li le refining first to add a li le extra
finish. I am working on some really good upgrades and features. For instance, the front panel is
made up of separate boards which is a li le more difficult than it needs to be. The design could
benefit by placing the LCD, bu ons and communication panels on one PCB. That would mean
only one cable that plugs into the controller board. I have been working on a re-design that pulls all
of this together. I’ll offer a finished product at that time and keep the design files open.

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
Chris says:
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06/02/2019 Controlador de refluxo Hobbybotics V8.03 | Hobbybotics
June 19, 2012 at 3:27 AM
Awesome project and a very clear explanation of PID control as a bonus. Thank you for
publishing this

Derek says:
November 25, 2012 at 7:58 PM
Hi, I would be interested in purchasing this as a kit if it were offered. Please contact me by email
if you are interested.
Best regards

4. Yet Another Toaster Oven “Reflow Oven” | Hardware Breakout says:

July 1, 2012 at 1:02 PM
[…] to, since you might need additional parts such as resistors, wiring, or a custom
PCB.Useful LinksHobbybotics Reflow Controller V8.0Laser-Cut Mylar SMT StencilHack a Toaster
Oven for Reflow SolderingDIY Lab Equipment: Build Your Own […]

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
5. Toaster-Oven Reflow Soldering without a Controller | Eclectic Technical Experiences says:
January 10, 2014 at 4:40 AM
[…] There is plenty of information on the internet on such conversions: here is one example, a second, a
third, a fourth; there are surely many […]

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
6. ma hew says:
November 21, 2014 at 8:48 AM
Hi im currently makeing a rework station /reball machine would love to chat with you about planning
detail and what not this guide has helped me alot and want to port it to an ardrino interface shoot me
an email light0070702@gmail.com (mailto:light0070702@gmail.com)

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
hobbybotics says:
August 5, 2015 at 8:59 PM
Reply to this post and maybe I can provide some guidance that others could also benefit from

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
7. Analyzing cheap oven for the DIY reflow soldering oven | HELENTRONICA says:
May 4, 2015 at 12:26 PM
[…] are many hobbyists out there who made their own reflow soldering machine, like this guy, or that
guy, or this dude, that pal etc. It made me realize that if you want to be somebody in electronics you

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
8. Ross says:
September 13, 2016 at 9:38 AM
Can you expound on the rewiring of the fan? I can’t see where the change is(eyesight problem). I
assume you left the control panel as is and are just running at high without the mechanical timer? This
seems a lot safer than totally rewiring like I’ve seen in others…

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Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
hobbybotics says:
September 21, 2016 at 7:09 PM
To help circulate air in the oven to evenly distribute the heat, I wired the fan to the second SSR so
that I can turn it ON/OFF separately from the oven. The original wiring would mean the fan would
turn ON/OFF whenever the oven was turned ON/OFF. All I did was wire the SSR in series with the
LINE side of the fan. Hope this helps.


Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
9. Steve says:
March 16, 2017 at 6:49 PM
Just for the information of anyone desiring to build this project. I think that it is a great project! Thanks.
But the assertion that the hex code will work with the PIC16F887 chip is not true. The code will not
work on the 887. I have tried my best to get it to work on the 887 but it will not. I suspect that it is a
problem with the interrupts but I have not tried to look at the code. It does work just fine on the
16F877A chip which, fortunately, is still available.

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
hobbybotics says:
July 4, 2017 at 5:25 PM

You are correct, the hex file was compiled for the 887A. The source code is available for those that
want to compile it for the 887. I’ll dig up the files and add a hex file for the 887.

Thanks for pointing that out.


Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
0. TonyMart says:
March 17, 2017 at 5:46 PM
I Seem it is a very beautiful project. I would like to realize. But i understand hardware and firmware
enough. In software i am not so much able. Please explain to me how trasform the Reflow controller
application in an executable windows application. Thanks a lot

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
hobbybotics says:
July 4, 2017 at 5:36 PM
If you are talking about the windows application then, you need to download the free version of
Visual Studio from Microsoft. Open the application using C# and compile it.

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
1. Jan says:
April 19, 2017 at 11:38 AM
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06/02/2019 Controlador de refluxo Hobbybotics V8.03 | Hobbybotics

In your TRANSMIT code I find that some WORDS like “curTemp” are transmi ed as a BYTE. Because
of transmi ing BYTES I understand the the separation of elapsedTime into HIBYTE and LOWBYTE .
Is there and oversight on my part?

Reply (h ps://hobbybotics.com/projects/hobbybotics-reflow-controller-v8-03/?
hobbybotics says:
July 4, 2017 at 5:35 PM

Você está correto, curTemp é uma variável de byte. O PicBasic Pro divide uma variável de palavra
em dois bytes (hi byte e low byte) para transmitir pela porta serial.

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Blog no WordPress.com. (h ps://wordpress.com/?ref=footer_blog)

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