1º What We Did On Our Holiday All Scenes

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1º scene: 00:01:14– 00:02:12* ..............................................................................................................3

2º scene: 00:02:13 – 00:05:30* .............................................................................................................6
Informal Contractions ........................................................................................................................... 15
3º scene: 08:10 – 08:42) *..................................................................................................................... 18
4º scene: 11:54 – 14:55 * ...................................................................................................................... 20
Extra vocabulary ...................................................................................................................................... 23

Released 26 September 2014 UK
IMDB link https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2725962/
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Certificate TV: 13
Runtime: 1h 35min
Director: Andy Hamilton, Guy Jenkin
Writer: Andy Hamilton, Guy Jenkin
Stars: Rosamund Pike, David Tennant, Billy Connolly
Summary: A family of five is off to Granddad's big 75th birthday party at an uncle's
estate in rural Scotland. The parents are separated and hope their three kids won't
mention it. The kids love, can talk with, and will do anything for, Granddad.

*Note que abaixo está a faixa de tempo do filme que será estudada nesta parte.
Cada parte terá o tempo especificado no início da lição. Este tempo pode variar
de acordo com a mídia que você utilizar.

1º scene: 00:01:14– 00:02:12*

1- Listen to the first scene and pay attention to the underlined words. Repeat this
first part until you understand the sentences without reading. After practicing, try
reading along with the audio.

DOUG: Mickey, have a pee before you go! In Mickey, faz xixi antes de ir! No banheiro desta
the toilet this time! vez!
ABI: Mickey! Move! Don't sit on the back of Mickey! Mexa-se! Não se sente na parte de
the sofa. trás do sofá.
MICKEY: What? Whoa! Ow! O quê? Whoa! Ow!
DOUG: Time to get a move on, OK? Scottish Hora de começar a se mexer, OK? Avô escocês
Granddad and his puppies are waiting for us. e seus filhotes estão esperando por nós.
Let me take this, let me... Oh! Jeez, what the... Deixe-me levar isso, deixe-me... Oh! Jesus, o
Oh, for f... What's that? que o... Oh, para f... O que é isso?
JESS: That's Eric. Este é Eric.
DOUG: Eric? Eric?
JESS: Yes. He wants to come to Scotland with Sim. Ele quer vir para a Escócia com a gente
us, too. também.
DOUG: Thing is darling, Eric's a wee bit heavy, Querida, a coisa é, Eric é um pouquinho
and... Hang on, there's a... What's this? pesado, e... espera, há um... O que é isso?
JESS: That's Norman. Isso é Norman.
DOUG: That's... half a breeze block. How did Isso é... metade de um tijolo de concreto.
you even pick that up? Como você pegou isso?
JESS: I can't sleep without Norman. Eu não consigo dormir sem Norman.
DOUG: You sleep with... with this in your bed? Você dorme com... com isso em sua cama?

JESS: No, that would be stupid! He goes at the Não, isso seria estúpido! Ele fica nos pés da
bottom of my bed to make sure the bad ones minha cama para certificar se de que os maus
don't come in. não entrem.
DOUG: So, there's bad stones and good Então há pedras ruins e pedras boas?
JESS: Yeah. Like in real life. Sim. Como na vida real.
DOUG: Sure Claro.
DOUG: That's our car alarm! Esse é o nosso alarme de carro!
ABI: Oh, for God's sake! Oh, pelo amor de Deus!
MICKEY: For Odin! Para Odin!


Don´t short form: do not. “DON´T” significa “não”. Mas precisamos lembrar que só
usamos don´t com os pronomes I – you – we – they.
Quando for he – she – it usaremos “doesn´t”. Exemplos:
I don´t study on Sundays: eu não estudo aos domingos.
You don´t know me: você não me conhece.
*Mary doesn´t speak English: Mary não fala inglês.


What´s short form: what is. “What is” significa “o que é ou o que está”. Vejamos
alguns exemplos:
What´s going on?: o que está acontecendo?
What´s in the box?: o que há dentro da caixa?
What´s your name?: qual é o seu nome?


Wee adjective é uma palavra muito comum na Escócia para se referir a algo
This is my wee kitten: este é meu pequeno gatinho.
Calm down a wee bit: se tranquilize um pouco.
This is my wee baby: este é meu pequeno bebê.

“How” significa “como” e o “did” aqui é o verbo auxiliar para fazer perguntas no
passado. Então vamos utilizar essa estrutura “how did” para perguntar como algo foi
feito no passado. Vejamos alguns exemplos:
How did you do that?: Como você fez aquilo?
How did you get here?: Como você chegou aqui?
How did you burn your hand?: Como você queimou sua mão?

2- Practice the vocabulary. If you don´t remember the meaning, translate it into
your language:

1) Have a pee
2) Toilet
3) Get a move on
4) Puppies
5) Jeez
6) Wee bit
7) heavy
8) hang on
9) breeze block
10) bottom of my bed
11) stone
12) for God´s sake
13) car alarm

3- Now that you are more acquainted with the vocabulary, listen and complete the
blanks. When you´re done, look at the script to check your answers.
DOUG:Mickey,..............................................................! In the ………………… this time!
ABI: Mickey! Move! Don't sit on the back of the sofa.
MICKEY: What? Whoa! Ow!
DOUG: …………………………………, OK? Scottish Granddad and his …………………. are waiting for us.
Let me take this, let me... Oh! Jeez, what the... Oh, for f... ……………………?
JESS: That's Eric.
DOUG: Eric?
JESS: Yes. He ………………………………… Scotland with us, too.
DOUG: Thing is darling, Eric's a …………………………., and... …………………., there's a... What's this?
JESS: That's Norman.
DOUG: That's... half a breeze block. How did you even ………………………..?
JESS: I can't ……………………………… Norman.
DOUG: You sleep with... with this ………………………………..?
JESS: No, that …………………………………! He goes at the ………………. of my bed to
…………………………. the bad ones don't come in.
DOUG: So there's bad ……………… and good ………………?
JESS: Yeah. ………………………………..
DOUG: Sure.
DOUG: That's our ………………………….!
ABI: Oh, ……………………………!

5- Now listen to the sentences, the teacher will read them in the affirmative form,
you will put them into the negative form.

a- Open the door.

b- Read the exercise.
c- Answer the teacher.
d- Make a cake.
e- Put on your jacket.
f- Study in the living room.
g- Repeat the sentences.
h- Brush your hair.
i- Take notes during class.

6- Now listen to the sentences, the teacher will read them in the negative form, you
will put them into the affirmative form.

a- Don’t rub your hands.

b- Ana doesn’t work on Saturdays.
c- Mom doesn’t listen to me.
d- Don’t waste water.
e- Kids don’t play video games.
f- People don’t rush to work.
g- Mike doesn´t go to school.
h- Brush your hair.
i- Take notes during class.

7- Now listen to the sentences and change the personal pronoun. Make sure the
verb is conjugated accordingly.

a- The kids sit in the back of the sofa. MARIA)

b- Teachers work on Saturdays. My mother)
c- They listen to me. John)
d- My friends watch TV everyday. Rose)
e- Dogs love kids. My cat
f- Peter doesn’t like ice cream! Lucy)
g- Mike doesn´t go to school. Oliver)
h- My colleagues play soccer everyday. My brother)
i- The president speaks in New York today. The manager)

2º scene: 00:02:13 – 00:05:30*

8- Listen and follow the transcription pay attention to the underlined words.
Repeat this scene until you understand the sentences without reading. After
practicing, try reading it along with the audio.

Billy – grandfather: Bloody thing, bugger off. Geringonça maldita, cai fora.
DOUG: No, I'm sorry, darling, we can't take Não, eu sinto muito, querida, não podemos
Norman to Scotland. Or Eric. levar Norman para a Escócia. Ou Eric.

JESS: Right, then I'm gonna hold my breath. Certo, então eu vou prender minha
DOUG No, no, no. Don't do that. Jess, Jess. Não, não, não. Não faça isso. Jess, Jess. Jess,
Jess, stop it. Jess. Jess. OK, they can come. pare com isso. Jess. Jess. OK, eles podem vir.
Look? Fine. See? They're coming, it's OK. Look, Look? Tudo bem. Tá vendo? Eles vêm, está
look, in they go, in the bag. tudo bem. Olha, olha, eles vão pra dentro,
dentro da bolsa.
DOUG: So her best friends are stones now? Então, seus melhores amigos são pedras
ABI: Not all of them. Some of them are bricks. Nem todos eles. Alguns deles são tijolos.
DOUG: Well, have you, you know, have you Bem, você, você sabe, você falou com alguém
spoken to anyone about it? sobre isso?
ABI: What, like a geologist? Oh, this thing O que, como um geólogo? Oh, essa coisa me
hates me. odeia.
DOUG: I'm just saying that... obsessive Eu estou apenas dizendo que acumulação
collecting, it's rather abnormal behaviour for obsessiva, é um comportamento bastante
a child to... anormal para uma criança
ABI: She's behaving abnormally? I wonder Ela está se comportando de forma anormal?
why. Eu me pergunto por quê.
DOUG: For Christ's sake, Abi, just get... OK, Pelo amor de Deus, Abi, eu só... pronta
sweetie? querida?
ABI: Everything all right? Está tudo bem?
LOTTIE: I need a list. Eu preciso de uma lista.
DOUG: A list? Uma lista?
LOTTIE: Yeah, of the lies we're going to tell. In Sim, das mentiras que vamos contar. No caso
case I forget one. de eu esquecer uma.
MICKEY: That is a clove hitch. Isso é um engate de cravo.
LOTTIE: It's just a list would be helpful. É apenas uma lista seria útil.
ABI: Has anyone seen my house keys? Alguém viu minhas chaves de casa?
DOUG: Oh, M25 slow moving between... Oh, M25 trânsito lento entre...
ABI: Keys, keys, keys. chaves, chaves, chaves.
DOUG: ...well, everywhere. bem, por toda parte.
LOTTIE: It's just a list would be really helpful. É apenas uma lista seria realmente útil.
ABI: Darling, it's really very simple. It's Querida, é realmente muito simples. É 75th
Granddad's 75th birthday party festa de aniversário do avô e não queremos
and we don't want to upset him because he's perturbá-lo porque ele é sido um pouco mal...
been a bit poorly...
LOTTIE: He's getting better now Ele está ficando melhor agora.
ABI: Yes, but... Oh, Jesus H Christ! Sim, mas… Oh, Jesus Cristo!
JESS: Mummy, you're not supposed to say Mamãe, você não deveria dizer o nome de
Jesus's name like that. Jesus desse jeito.
ABI: No, that's all right darling, it's ´cause I'm Não, está tudo bem querida, é porque eu
asking for His help. estou pedindo Sua ajuda.
JESS: To stop the car alarm? Para parar o alarme do carro?
ABI: Yep. See? Thank you, Jesus. Sim, ta vendo? Obrigada, Jesus
DOUG: Well, come on, all aboard! Vamos lá, todos a bordo!

MICKEY: Enemies of Odin! Enemigos de Odin!
JESS: Get in then! I want the window seat! Entra! Eu quero o assento da janela!
ABI: Have you got your key? Você tem a tua chave?
DOUG: No, I gave you my key, remember? Não, eu te dei minha chave, lembra?
ABI: Yeah. Yep. Sim, sim
DOUG: We can't leave the house unlocked. Não podemos deixar a casa aberta.
ABI: No, I'm aware of that. Não, eu estou ciente disso.
LOTTIE: Don't start. Não comecem.
ABI: Nobody's starting darling. You supervise Ninguém está começando nada, querida.
the little ones. That´ll be great. Supervisa os pequenos. Vai ser ótimo.
DOUG: Well, where are your keys? Bem, onde estão tuas chaves?
ABI: Erm, I think someone's hidden them. Erm, eu acho que alguém as escondeu.
DOUG: Oh, for f... We've got to address this. oh, que m… Temos que fazer alguma coisa.
How many times? Quantas vezes?...
JESS: Don't start! Não comecem!
ABI: We're not starting, darling. Não estamos começando, querida.
ABI: Well, where are you going Bem, aonde você está indo?
DOUG: Lucy Lucy.
LOTTIE: She won't let me put her seat belt on. Ela não me deixa colocar o cinto de segurança.
JESS: I don't like it! Eu não gosto!
MICKEY: I told her. She'll be through the Eu disse pra ela. Ela vai sair pelo parabriza e se
window screen and cut into tiny pieces cortar em pedacinhos.
ABI: Yes, thank you, Mickey. Ooh, I've got a Sim, obrigada Mickey. Ooh, eu tenho uma boa
good idea. Why don't we ask Eric idéia. Porque não perguntamos a Eric se ele
if he knows how to put a seat… sabe como colocar o cinto...
JESS: It is Norman, Mum. É Norman, mãe.
ABI: Norman, as I was saying, why don't we Norman, como eu estava falando, porque não
ask Norman if he knows how to put a seat belt perguntamos a Norman se sabe como pôr o
on? cinto de segurança?
JESS: He's a breeze block! And he doesn't have Ele é um tijolo de concreto! E não tem braços!
arms! How could he possibly put my seat belt Como ele poderia pôr-me o cinto de
on? segurança?
ABI: Right, I'm putting it on Certo, então ponho eu.
MICKEY: It's the stone that needs the seat É a pedra que precisa do cinto. Porque se
belt. Because if we brake hard, it will go freiarmos bruscamente, ela vai direto pra sua
straight through your head or Daddy's head if cabeça ou a do papai se ele estiver dirigindo...
he's driving... for your information. para sua informação.
ABI: Oh, no, Luce, it's fine. Ah, Luce, está tudo bem.
LUCY: Oh, right. So, you're off on your travels. Ah, certo. Então vocês vão viajar.
DOUG: Yeah, to visit my dad Sim, a visitar meu pai.
LUCY: You're driving all the way to Scotland? Vão de carro até a Escócia?
DOUG: That's right Isso mesmo.
LUCY: Together? Juntos?
DOUG: Yeah. Sim.

9- Practice the vocabulary. If you don´t remember the meaning, translate it into
your language:

1- Bloody thing 26- getting better

2- gonna going to) 27- Jesus H. Christ
3- breath 28- that's all right
4- in the bag 29- asking
5- best friends 30- come on
6- stones 31- gave
7- bricks 32- remember
8- child 33- unlocked
9- behaving abnormally 34- aware
10- wonder 35- supervise
11- For Christ's sake 36- little
12- need 37- address
13- lies 38- how many times?
14- In case 39- where are you going?
15- forget 40- let me
16- helpful 41- seat belt
17- house keys 42- window screen
18- slow 43- tiny pieces
19- everywhere 44- I've got a good idea
20- It's just 45- brake
21- birthday party 46- managed
22- simple 47- lock up
23- want 48- borrow
24- upset 49- spare
25- because 50- you're off be off)

10- Match each word with its definition.

1) Be off / bi ɒf / a) Verb - to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry.

b) Phrasal verb - Shut and secure a building by fastening the windows
2) Spare /speər/
and locking the doors.
c) Verb – to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about
3) Borrow /ˈbɒr.əʊ/

d) Noun emphasis – God's or goodness', Christ's, heaven's, Pete's etc
4) Lock up /ˈlɒk.ʌp/
Used to express impatience, annoyance, urgency, or desperation.
5) Address /əˈdres/ e) Verb – to give attention to or to deal with a matter or problem.
6) Aware /əˈweər/ f) Verb – to act in a particular way.
7) Behave /bɪˈheɪv/ g) Adjective – extra
8) Wonder /ˈwʌn.dər/ h) Idiom to a place / to do something - to depart, leave, or go away.
9) Sake /seɪk/ i) Adjective – Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
j) to take something from someone with the intention of giving it
10) Upset /ʌpˈset/
back after using it.

11- Now read the sentences and choose the correct word in parentheses to
complete each one. These are words you studied in exercise 10.
a) I am off – aware to get some lunch. Does anyone want to join me?
b) Can I borrow – address your bike until next week?
c) Do you have a lock up – spare pen?
d) Don't forget to be off – lock up when you leave the house.
e) Vandalism is a serious problem, we have to wonder – address it.
f) We are aware – borrow of the situation.
g) The kids upset – behaved well at grandma’s yesterday.
h) Don’t you ever sake – wonder if she’s happy?
i) Where did you get it, for heaven's address – sake?
j) The accusation upset – aware her.

Informal Contractions
Now, without further ado, here are some informal contractions in English and how to
use them:

AIN´T = am not/ are not/ is not AIN´T = have not/ has not
I ain´t sure. I ain´t done it.
You ain´t my boss. He ain´t finished yet.

GOTTA = have got a) GOTTA = have got to)

I´ve gotta gun. I´ve gotta a gun.
Have you gotta car? Why you gotta be so rude?

GONNA = going to. GIMME = give me.

I´m gonna tell you. Gimme the money.
What are you gonna do? Can you gimme a hand?

WANNA = want to. WANNA = want a.

I wanna dance tonight. I wanna coffee.
I don’t wanna go. Do you wanna beer?
LEMME = let me. KINDA = kind of.
Lemme go! She´s kinda cute.
Lemme help you with that. Are you kinda mad at me?

WATCHA = what are you. DUNNO = do not know.

Watcha got there? I dunno if I should go camping.
Watcha doing right now? I dunno what you mean!

12- Now that you are more acquainted with the vocabulary, listen and complete
the blanks. When you´re done, look at the script to check your answers.

Billy – grandfather: ______________________________ bugger off.

DOUG: No, I'm sorry, darling, we can't take Norman to Scotland. Or Eric.
JESS: Right, then I'm ___________ hold my ___________
DOUG No, no, no. Don't do that. Jess, Jess. Jess, stop it. Jess. Jess. OK, they can come. Look? Fine.
See? They're coming, it's OK. Look, look, in they go, ___________________.
DOUG: So her ___________________are ___________ now?
ABI: Not all of them. Some of them are ___________ .
DOUG: Well, have you, you know, have you spoken to anyone about it?
ABI: What, like a geologist? Oh, this thing hates me.
DOUG: I'm just saying that... obsessive collecting, it's rather abnormal
_____________________for a ___________ to...
ABI: She's _____________________________? I ___________ why.
DOUG: _____________________, Abi, just get... OK, sweetie?
ABI: Everything all right?
LOTTIE: I ___________ a list.
DOUG: A list?
LOTTIE: Yeah, of the ___________ we're going to tell. ___________ I ___________ one.
MICKEY: That is a clove hitch.
LOTTIE: It's just a list would be ___________.
ABI: Has anyone seen my _____________________?
DOUG: Oh, M25 ___________ moving between...
ABI: Keys, keys, keys.
DOUG: ...well, _____________________.
LOTTIE: ___________ a list would be really helpful.
ABI: Darling, it's really very _________________ . It's Granddad's 75th
______________________________ .
and we don't ___________ to ___________ him ______________he's been a bit poorly...
LOTTIE: He's __________________________ now.
ABI: Yes, but... Oh, _____________________!
JESS: Mummy, you're not supposed to say Jesus's name like that.

ABI: No, _____________________ darling, it's ´cause I'm ___________ for His help.
JESS: To stop the car alarm?
ABI: Yep. See? Thank you, Jesus.
DOUG: Well, ___________, all aboard!
MICKEY: Enemies of Odin!
JESS: Get in then! I want the window seat!
ABI: Have you got your key?
DOUG: No, I ___________ you my key, ______________?
ABI: Yeah. Yep.
DOUG: We can't leave the house ______________.
ABI: No, I'm ___________ of that.
LOTTIE: Don't start.
ABI: Nobody's starting darling. You ______________the ___________ ones. That´ll be great.
DOUG: Well, where are your keys?
ABI: Erm, I think someone's hidden them.
DOUG: Oh, for f... We've got to ___________ this. ____________________________________?
JESS: Don't start!
ABI: We're not starting, darling.
ABI: Well, ___________________________________?
DOUG: Lucy.
LOTTIE: She won't ___________ put her ______________ on.
JESS: I don't like it!
MICKEY: I told her. She'll be through the _______________________and cut into
ABI: Yes, thank you, Mickey. Ooh, ______________________________. Why don't we ask Eric
if he knows how to put a seat…
JESS: It is Norman, Mum.
ABI: Norman, as I was saying, why don't we ask Norman if he knows how to put a seat belt on?
JESS: He's a breeze block! And he doesn't have arms! How could he possibly put my seat belt on?
ABI: Right, I'm putting it on.
MICKEY: It's the stone that needs the seat belt. Because if we ___________ hard, it will go straight
through your head or Daddy's head if he's driving... for your information.
DOUG: Oh, hi, Lucy. Erm, Abi's __________________ to lose her keys and I need to _________ ,
so could I __________________ the ___________? If you could just let me have...
ABI: Oh, no, Luce, it's fine.
LUCY: Oh, right. So, ___________ on your travels.
DOUG: Yeah, to visit my dad.
LUCY: You're driving all the way to Scotland?
DOUG: That's right.
LUCY: Together?
DOUG: Yeah.

3º scene: 08:10 – 08:42) *

13- Practice this scene. Pay attention to the underlined words. It´s important to
repeat the scene until you are able to understand these words. Then move on to
the next exercise.

MICKEY: Is this Scotland? MICKEY: Esta é a Escócia?

ABI: No, darling, this is Watford. ABI: Não, querido, esta é Watford.
MICKEY: When Daddy wakes up, are you MICKEY: E quando o Pai acordar, você vai
gonna go, "I told you so," cos of the traffic dizer: "Eu te avisei" por causa do
congestion engarrafamento
ABI: No, darling. ABI: Não, querido.
JESS: She's not gonna say, "I told you so." JESS: Ela não te vai dizer: "Eu te avisei".
DOUG: Jess! What did you do hat for? DOUG: Jess! Porquê que você fez isso
LOTTIE: It's rude to just wake someone up like LOTTIE: É falta de educação acordar alguém
that. assim.
DOUG: That's right. DOUG: Isso mesmo.
DOUG: Oh, God. Look at this lot. DOUG: Oh, Deus. Olha essa cambada!

14- Now the teacher will read the sentences in Portuguese, the same ones from
the script, you will tell them in English, it is a great opportunity to check your

MICKEY: Esta é a Escócia?

ABI: Não, querido, isto é Watford.
MICKEY: E quando o papai acordar, você vai dizer: "Eu te avisei" por causa do
ABI: Não, querido.
JESS: Ela não te vai dizer: "Eu te avisei".
DOUG: Jess! Porquê que você fez isso?
LOTTIE: É falta de educação acordar alguém assim.
DOUG: Isso mesmo.
DOUG: Oh, Deus. Olha essa cambada!

15- Now the teacher will read random sentences in Portuguese, the same ones
from the scripts you have already studied. You will tell them in English. At the end
you will be able check which ones require special attention.

1. Mickey, faz xixi antes de ir! No banheiro desta vez!

2. Hora de começar a se mexer.
3. Ele quer vir para a Escócia com a gente também.
4. I can't sleep without Norman.
5. Eu me pergunto por quê.
6. Everything all right?
7. I need a list.
8. Alguém viu minhas chaves de casa?
9. Aonde você está indo?

10. Eu tenho uma boa idéia.
11. Eu poderia pegar emprestado a de reserva?
12. Então vocês vão viajar.

16- Do you remember these word/sentences? Complete the sentences below.


• Driving in New York is horrible, there´s too much ………………………………………… .

• It´s so hot today, I´m ………………………. to the beach.
• They don’t wanna go out ……………….. of the storm.
• For God´s sake, you don’t have to be so ………………….!
• The food in this restaurant is horrible, …………………………………………………………..!

4º scene: 11:54 – 14:55 *

16- Practice this scene. Pay attention to the underlined words. It´s important to
repeat the scene until you are able to understand these words. Then move on to
the next exercise.

GORDIE: Oh Jesus Christ. No, no, no. Valha-me Deus, não!

DOUG: For the last time Lottie, no one's gonna Lottie, pela última vez, ninguém vai te
ask you if Mum and me are living in the same perguntar se mamãe e eu vivemos na mesma
house. casa!
LOTTIE: Is there anything else you've not toldHá mais alguma coisa que não me tenham
me? dito?
DOUG: No. Why are you writing that down? Não. Porque está escrevendo isso?
LOTTIE: So you can't say you didn't say it. Então você não pode dizer que não disse.
DOUG: OK. Kids, just to remind... Mickey, stopOK. crianças, só para lembrar...,Mickey, pára
playing chip Jenga. Just to remind everyone, de brincar com as batatas. Só para lembrar a
what we're saying is, when we get to Scotland,todos, o que estávamos dizendo é... quando
nobody is to tell anyone that Mum and me are chegarmos à Escócia...ninguém conta a
living in different houses, OK? ninguém que a mamãe e eu estamos vivendo
em casas diferentes, ok?
MICKEY: Can we tell them that you walked in Podemos contar pra eles que entraste sem
while the headmistress was doing a poo? querer quando a Sra. Directora estava
fazendo cocô?
DOUG: It's not really... Não é muito…
JESS: Can we tell them about tadpoles turning Podemos contar que os girinos se
into frogs? transformam em rãs?
ABI: Absolutely. I think that'd be an excellent Com Certeza. Eu acho que seria um tema
conversation excelente para conversar!
DOUG: That's a much better topic of Isso seria um tema muito melhor pra
conversation. So as long as we're all agreed conversar. Então, desde que todos estejamos
de acordo que, quando chegarmos lá,

that when we get there, none of us mention nenhum de nós mencionará nada sobre isso.
anything about this. Okay? Ok?
MICKEY: I wasn't gonna mention it anyway. It's Eu não ia mencionar isso de qualquer
boring. maneira. É chato.
DOUG: Exactly. It's boring. Exatamente. É chato.
LOTTIE: It´s lying. Isso é mentir!
DOUG: It's... It's not lying, it's not. It's not... It's Não é mentir, não é… é não mencionar algo.
not mentioning something.
LOTTIE: What if someone asks me, "Are your E se me perguntarem: "Os teus pais vão
mum and dad getting divorced?" divorciar-se?"
DOUG: You're visiting your granddad, not Vais visitar o avô, não vais no programa do
going on The Jeremy Kyle Show. Jeremy Kyle.
GORDIE: I hope we get another sunset Espero que tenhamos outro pôr do sol hoje a
tonight. Last night was fantastic. noite. A noite passada foi fantástica!
KENNY: It's the volcanic dust in the air É o pó vulcânico e o ar a refractando a luz
refracting the low-level sunlight. baixa do sol.
GORDIE: Really? I thought it was those new Sério? Pensei que fossem as novas pílulas que
pills the doctor's got me on. o médico me deu. Tenho que te dar alguns
Must give you a couple of packets of the blue pacotes das azuis. Você pode levá-las para a
ones. You can take them to school, sell them escola, vendê-las a seus amigos e fazer uma
to your friends, make a tidy wee profit. Play boa grana. Toque algo. Na, na, na. Toque algo
de verdade! Você sabe que gosta disso! Você
tem que se soltar, Kenny. Atreva-se!
Nah, nah, nah. Play the proper stuff. You know
you like it. And you've got to cut loose, Kenny.
Go mental.
KENNY: Dad says I need to concentrate on my Pai diz que preciso me concentrar nas peças
exam pieces. que caem na prova.

16- Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

GORDIE: Oh, Jesus Christ. No, no, no.

DOUG: _____________________________, no one's __________ ask you if Mum and me are
living in the same house.
LOTTIE: Is there ________________ you've not told me?
DOUG: No. Why are you writing that down?
LOTTIE: So you can't say you didn't say it.
DOUG: OK. Kids, just to remind... Mickey, ______________________ chip Jenga. Just to
____________ everyone, what we're saying is, when we get to Scotland, nobody is to tell
anyone that Mum and me are ____________________________________, OK?
MICKEY: Can we tell them that you walked in while the _________________ was doing a poo?
DOUG: It's not really...
JESS: Can we tell them about ____________________________ frogs?
ABI: Absolutely. I think that'd be an excellent conversation.
DOUG: That's a much better topic of conversation. So as long as we're all agreed that when we
get there, none of us mention anything about this. Okay?
MICKEY: I wasn't __________________________ it anyway. It's ______________.

DOUG: Exactly. It's boring.
LOTTIE: It´s lying.
DOUG: It's... It's not __________, it's not. It's not... It's not ______________________.
LOTTIE: ____________ someone asks me, "Are your mum and dad ________________
DOUG: You're visiting your ________________, not going on The Jeremy Kyle Show.
GORDIE: I hope we get another ________________________. Last night was fantastic.
KENNY: It's the volcanic __________ in the air refracting the low-level _____________.
GORDIE: Really? I thought it was those new _________ the doctor's got me on.
Must give you a ____________ of packets of the blue ones. You can take them to school, sell
them to your friends, make a tidy wee ____________. Play something.
Nah, nah, nah. Play the proper stuff. You know you like it. And you've got to ________
__________, Kenny. _______________________.
KENNY: Dad says I ____________________________ on my exam pieces.

Extra vocabulary
Jeremy Kyle Show one of the most atrocious productos of so-called “reality TV”. Families
and couples have their fights in front of the cameras.

Wee /wē/ adjective - means small in size or extent. [Scottish, informal]. Eg: I've got a wee
kitten in the flat./ He just needs to calm down a wee bit.

Jenga derived from the Swahili word Kujenga meaning “to build”, represents more than
just a tower of building blocks.

Highlands Terras Altas: Scotland is divided into two parts: the Low Lands in the South, where
the big cities and most of the population are, and the North, a magnificent mountainous
area with some of the finest scenery in the world.

Jesus H Christ is an expression of irritation, most commonly used in the USA. The origin of
the letter H has been much disputed.

Odin is the greatest of the Norse gods. In the legends he is a wanderer andarilho,
sometimes disguised as an old man with a patch on one eye, who spends time with mortal
men in order to discover how they live and think. He rides a horse, Sleipnir, which has eight


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