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Unit 3: The Present Simple Tense

Topic: The daily routine verbs

1) Tidy up (arrumar a casa)

2) Clean up (limpar a casa, arrumar ou pôr em ordem)
3) Clean off (limpar o pó, tirar a sujeidade)
4) Clean out (fazer a limpeza no quintal)
5) Throw away the garbage: AME ∕ Throw away the trash ∕ throw away the
rubbish: BE ∕ take out the rubbish ∕ throw out the trash (deitar o lixo)
6) Sweep up the floor (varrer o chão)
7) Mop the floor (limpar o chão com um esfregão)
8) Wipe the floor with a floor cloth (limpar o chão com um pano de chão)
9) Put away (guardar, pôr em um lugar seguro ou próprio)
10) Watch films: BE ∕ Watch movies: AME (assistir filmes)
11) Watch action films (assistir filmes de ação)
12) Watch comedy films (assistir filmes de comédias)
13) Watch drama (assistir drama)
14) Watch series (assistir series)
15) Watch sports programs (programas esportivos)
16) Watch cookery programs ∕ watch cooking shows ∕ watch cooking
programs (programas de cozinha)
17) Watch soap operas (assistir novelas)
18) Watch cartoons (assistir desenhos animados ou bonecos)
19) Watch football games ∕ watch football matches (assisitir jogos ou partidas de
20) Watch news (assisitir noticiário ou notícias)
21) Watch wildlife program (assistir programas de animais ou plantas ou de outros
seres vivos)
22) Watch romance films
23) Watch horror films
24) Watch thriller films (assistir filmes de suspense)
25) Watch science fiction films (Sci-Fi or SF)
26) Watch real life films
27) Watch war films (assistir filmes de Guerra)
28) Watch TV (assistir TV)
29) Watch chat shows ∕ watch talk shows (assistir programas de conversas ou
30) Watch quiz show (assistir programas de jogos de competição)
31) Watch documentaries (assistir documentários)
32) Watch entertainment shows (assistir programas de entretenimento)
33) Listen to the radio (ouvir ou escutar a rádio)
34) Listen to music (ouvir música)
35) Do the washing-up: BE ∕ Do the dishes ∕ wash the dishes: AME (lavar a
louça ou loiça)
36) Do the laundry: BE ∕ do the washing: AME (lavar a roupa)
37) Hang out the laundry (estender a roupa fora para secar)
38) Hang up the laundry (pôr a roupa no fio para secar)
39) Do the ironing (engomar ou passar a ferro)
40) Do the shopping (fazer as compras, especificamente em lojas)
41) Do the cleaning (fazer a limpeza, fazer a faxina)
42) Do the cooking (cozinhar, preparer a comida)
43) Cook (cozinhar)
44) Do your job (fazer o seu trabalho)
45) Do the housework (fazer os deveres de casa)
46) Do the homework (fazer a tarefa de casa)
47) Do business (fazer negócios)
48) Do physical exercises (fazer exercícios físicos)
49) Do one’s hair (arranjar o cabelo, fazer o cabelo, fazer um penteado)
50) Comb the hair (Pentear o cabelo)
51) Do one’s teeth (lavar a boca, escovar os dentes)
52) Brush the teeth (escovar os dentes)
53) Make the bed (arrumar a cama, fazer a cama)
54) Make the meal (preparar a refeição)
55) Make breakfast (preparar o pequeno almoço)
56) Make lunch (preparar o almoço)
57) Make dinner (preparar o jantar)
58) Make friends (fazer amigos)
59) Have breakfast (tomar o pequeno almoço, matabichar)
60) Have lunch (tomar o almoço, almoçar)
61) Have dinner (tomar o jantar, jantar)
62) Have a bath (tomar banho, a partir de um recipiente ou bacia)
63) Have a shower (tomar banho, a partir de chuveiro)
64) Go shopping (ir às compras, geralmente em uma loja)
65) Wash up (lavar as mãos e a face, geralmente em horas de refeições)
66) Wear (usar, vestir…. verbo geralmente usado para roupas e acessórios)
67) Put on (calçar, vestir)
68) Take off (tirar, em termos de roupas, calçados ou acessórios)
69) Drink (beber)
70) Eat (comer)
71) Eat in (comer em casa)
72) Eat out (comer for a de casa, geralmente em restaurants)
73) Stay in = stay at home (ficar em casa)
74) Stay out (ficar fora de casa)
75) Sleep in (dormer em casa)
76) Sleep out (dormer fora de casa)
77) Talk to (conversar com)
78) Chat with (bater papo com, conversar com…. Geralmente em conversas de
79) Hang out with (passear com, sair para passear)
80) Wake up (acordar, despertar-se do sono)
81) Get up (levantar-se da cama, acordar
82) Get dressed (vestir-se)
83) Get undressed (despir-se, tirar a roupa)
84) Get ready (aprontar-se, preparar-se, ficar pronto ou preparado)
85) Get started (dar início, começar, iniciar)
86) Feed (dar de comer a, alimentar a)
87) Ride a bicycle (ride a bike) – andar de bicicleta
88) Ride a motorbike: BE ∕ ride a motorcycle: AME- andar de motorizada
89) Ride a horse- andar de cavalo, montar a cavalo
90) Drive a car- andar de carro, dirigir ou conduzir carro
91) Play (jogar, brincar, tocar em termos de instrumentos ou músicas)
92) Recharge the phone (carregar o telephone)
93) Surf the internet - navegar na net (geralmente trata-se de fazer pesquisas,
baixar músicas ou vídeos, bater papos com amigos nas redes sociais)
94) Buy (comprar)
95) Sell (vender)
96) Leave- sair de, abandonar, deixar (geralmente algum lugar e não só)
97) Put (pôr, colocar)
98) Travel (viajar)
99) Prepare (preparar)
100) Take (pegar, tomar, tirar, agarrar, levar)
101) Want (querer)
102) Need (precisar, necessitar)
103) Build (construir, edificar)
104) Die (morrer, falecer)
105) Lie (mentir, enganar, descansar, estar deitado, repousar)
106) Lie down (deitar-se, descansar, repousar)
107) Lose (perder, desperdiçar)
108) Win (ganhar, vencer)
109) Miss- faltar a (reuniões, aulas, etc), perder, sentir falta, sentir saudades
110) Attend- estar presente, assistir ou participar (em reuniões, aulas, etc)
111) Tell (dizer, falar, contar, narrar, relatar em termos de histórias ou factos,
112) Say (dizer, falar)
113) Return (regressar, devolver)
114) Arrive (chegar)
115) Use (usar, utilizar)
116) Visit (visitar)
117) Wait (esperar, aguardar, ter paciência)
118) Dress (vestir)
119) Work (trabalhar, funcionar em termos de aparelhos e outros meios,
realizar, agir, operar)
120) Jump (pular, saltar)
121) Kiss (beijar)
122) Move (mudar de um lugar a outro, deslocar, andar mexer, levar)
123) Move house (mudra de casa)
124) Sweat (suar, transpirar)
125) Wave (acenar)
126) Drop (deixar cair algo, soltar, pingar, gotejar)
127) Stand up (ficar parado, levanter-se, ficar em pé)
128) Sit down (sentar)
129) Sit up (sentar, levanter para ficar sentado)
130) Have a seat (tomar o assent)
131) Breathe (respirar)
132) Blink (piscar os olhos)
133) Ask (pedir, perguntar)
134) Learn (aprender)
135) Study (estudar)
136) Run (correr, funcionar, administrar, gerir)
137) Choose (escolher, selecionar, preferir)
138) Carry (levar, transporter, carregar)
139) Enjoy (gostar de, divertir-se)
140) Like (gostar)
141) Dislike (detester)
142) Hate (odiar, detestar)
143) Abhor (aborrecer)
144) Give (dar, ceder)
145) Receive (receber)
146) Start (começar, iniciar)
147) Begin (começar, iniciar)
148) Try (tentar)
149) Teach (ensinar)
150) See (ver)
151) Look for (procurar)
152) Look at (olhar para)
153) Look up- consultar (livros, dicionários)
154) Look (olhar)
155) Taste (degustar, sentir o sabor de)
156) Smell (cheirar, sentir o cheiro ou aroma)
157) Touch (tocar)
158) Hear (ouvir)
159) Listen (escutar, ouvir)
160) Rain (chover)
161) Believe (crer)
162) Trust (confiar, ter confiança)
163) Belong to (pertencer a)
164) Boil (ferver, cozer)
165) Bake (assar, cozer num forno)
166) Consider (considerar)
167) Decide (decidir)
168) Know (saber, conhecer)
169) Prefer (preferir)
170) Meet (encontrar-se, reunir-se, conhecer pela primeira vez alguém)
171) Find (achar, encontrar)
172) Find out (descobrir, encontrar, achar)
173) Hope (esperar, ter esperança, desejar, ter expectative)
174) Remember (lembrar-se de, lembrar, recordar)
175) Forget (esquecer, olvidar)
176) Rise (subir, aumentar, erguer-se, nascer)
177) Weigh (pesar)
178) Weigh up (pesar)
179) Dream (sonhar)
180) Close (fechar)
181) Open (abrir)
182) Walk (caminhar, andar, marchar)
183) Fly (voar, viajar de vôo)
184) Get in (entrar, geralmente em carros)
185) Get out (sair, geralmente em carros)
186) Get on (entrar, geralmente em autocarros ou aviões)
187) Get off (sair, geralmente em autocarros e em aviões)
188) Go in (entrar, geralmente em uma casa ou sala)
189) Go out (sair)
190) Come in (entrar, em uma casa ou sala)
191) Come out (entrar)
Questions to ask about one’s daily routine
Q1: What is your daily routine like? (como é a sua rotina diária)
Q2: What is your routine like on Sundays and on Saturdays? (como é a sua rotina
aos domingos e sábados)
Q3: May you, please, tell me what your daily routine is like? (podes me contar como
é a sua rotina)
Q4: Could, you, please, tell me what your routine is like? (podes me contar como é a
sua rotina)
Q5: May I know what your routine is like at weekends, please? (posso saber como é
a sua rotina aos fins de semana)
Q6: What do you usually do day by day? (o que vc normalmente faz dia-à-dia)
Q7: What do you usually do day in and day out? (o que vc geralmente faz

Samples about how to tell one’s routine

Sample 1
At first, I’d like you to know that I’m a student, and as a student, my daily routine
is a little complex (em primeiro lugar, gostaria que tu soubesses de que sou estudante, e
como estudante, a minha rotina é um pouco complexa)
Every day in the mornings, I usually wake up early. And before I get up I have to
make a prayer and then I get up. After getting up, I always do the personal
hygiene, that is to say: I go to the bathroom, I do my teeth, I have a bath and then I
start making breakfast. In the meantime, I start to do the washing-up and after I
do the washing-up I start to clean up the house. Before starting to clean, I firstly
sweep up the floor with a broom and then I wipe it with a floor cloth. After that, I
clean off the dinner table, the TV, the cupboard, the bookshelf and meanwhile, I
tidy up my bedroom and then have breakfast. When it is 10:40, I get ready to walk
to the English classes at MANA centre. At noon I leave the centre and go back

In the afternoons, I always go to school. But before I go to school, at first I have a

bath, I get dressed into my school uniform, I have lunch and then I start walking.
There are days that I go by taxi and there are days that I go on foot. I study at S.
Kizito school. I just leave school when it is 5:55 p.m. and then return home.

In the evenings I hardly ever do any housework. I sometimes do the washing-up

when there is a lot of dirty tableware. However, I usually spend the evening
watching some soap operas on TV. I also watch films from time to time. When it is
around 7 p.m., I start to make dinner and at around 8:30 I have dinner together
with my family. At around 10 p.m. I go to bed, and before I fall asleep I usually
pray. After that, I just surf a little the internet to see some friends’ posts and
comments and also to chat a little bit with my friends.

So to say, at weekends I usually take advantage to do the laundry and at times to

clean out the yard and to throw out all the rubbish or trash.

On Sundays I always go to church and spend all morning there.

In sum, that’s what I can tell about my daily routine.

Sample 2

My daily routine is like this (a minha rotina é a seguinte, é da seguinte maneira)

In the mornings I don’t usually get up early, I mean, I hardly ever get up early. I
often get up late at around 8:20 or around 8:30. I just get up early when I know
that I’ve got a lot of chores, that is, a lot of housework to do. Actually, I wake up
early but after waking up I use to surf the internet and then I get up. And as soon
as I get up, I just go to the bathroom to have a bath and then I have my breakfast.
Just after having breakfast I get started with my chores. I usually like to do the
dishes and to do the cleaning. I also feed the dog and then I go to the living room to
watch a little the cartoons. I enjoy watching cartoons. They make me happy.
In the afternoons, the things I usually do are making lunch and tidying up the
kitchen. And when there is a lot of dirty tableware I wash them. And the rest of
afternoon I use to watch some chat shows, some cooking programs and some game
shows on TV.
When it is 16:40 I start getting ready for school. I study in the evening and this is
why I actually get up late. I firstly have a bath and then I get dressed. After that, i
have dinner and then I start walking. Sometimes I take taxi when I have money,
but most of the time I just walk. And when I leave school I come back straight
home and then I go to bed. I use to chat a little bit with friends before I fall asleep.
I just know that I sleep before midnight, but I don’t know what time exactly I
All in all, this is what my daily routine is like.

Then (então, depois, em seguida, aí, alí, nessa altura, nessa ocasião)
Meanwhile (entretanto, entrementes, ao mesmo tempo, enquanto isso, por enquanto)
In the meantime = Meanwhile
As soon as (assim que, tão logo que)
Straight (directamente a, imediatamente, directo)
So to say = so to speak (por assim dizer)
Actually (na verdade)
In fact (de facto)

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