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Responsabilidade social

Social responsability
A WACT (We Are Changing Together) uma Organizao No Governamental para o Desenvolvimento (ONGD), apoltica e sem fins lucrativos que tem por principal objectivo o progresso econmico e social efectivo assente fundamentalmente em parcerias entre indivduos, comunidades, governos, empresas, instituies acadmicas e de investigao, entre outras. A WACT nasceu no dia 11 de Junho de 2007 e foi estruturada em torno de 3 ideias fortes, que caracterizam a dinmica da sua actuao: abrangncia, profissionalizao e sustentabilidade. A WACT actua em So Tom e Prncipe e em Portugal desde o incio da sua actividade, focada nas reas de Economia, Sade e Educao para o desenvolvimento. A WACT enquadra-se no contexto local, desenvolvendo uma poltica de 3 ps: proximidade, permanncia e parceria. Em sintonia com a poltica de Responsabilidade Social implementada, a White abraou, em Setembro de 2009, uma parceira com a WACT atravs do Projecto White Colouring the World So Tom e Prncipe, com o objectivo de contribuir para a melhoria das condies de vida das comunidades mais carenciadas. Neste contexto, foram desenvolvidas diversas actividades, nas comunidades de Guadalupe e Canavial, tais como a Feira das Profisses e a Tarde Saudvel, ministradas por voluntrios da WACT. A White presenteou as crianas participantes nas actividades com merchandising White Coloured byYou e kits de higiene, compostos por escova e pasta de dentes, sabonetes, champs, e outros. Reconhecendo o valor econmico dos seus recursos naturais, a WACT est a desenvolver em So Tom e Prncipe o Projecto WACT Rotas.Valorizando o potencial turstico das principais roas do pas, da cidade de So Tom e, pos-


WACT (We Are Changing Together) is an apolitical and non-pro table Non-Governmental Organization for the Development (NGOD) whose main goal is the economic and socially effective progress essentially based in partnerships amongst people, communities, governments, companies, academic and investigation institutions, and others. WACT came into effect on the 11th of July 2007 and was structured around three strong ideas which characterize the dynamics of its action: comprisement, professionalization and sustainability. WACT is based in So Tom e Prncipe and in Portugal. From the beginning of its activities WACT has focused on the development of the Economy, Health and Education.WATC works in the local context, developing the 3 ps politics: proximity, permanence and partnership. In tune with the implemented Social Responsibility politics, White embraced, in September 2009, a partnership with WATC with the Project White Colouring the World So Tom e Prncipe, with the goal of contributing to the improvement of life conditions of the most deprived communities. In this context, different activities were developed in the communities of Guadalupe and Canavial, such as the Professions Market and the Healthy Afternoon, organized by volunteers of WACT. White presented the kids that joined in the activities with merchandising White Coloured by You and hygiene kits that included tooth brush and paste, soaps, shampoo and others. WATC recognizes the economic value of the natural resources in So Tom e Prncipe and thus it is developing the WACT Routes Project. Improving the tourist potential of the main farms in the country, of So Tom city and, later, of the island of

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Morada: Guadalupe (WACT House) Contacto em So Tom e Prncipe: 00 239 9 80 41 47 E-mail: wact.rotas@gmail.com Website: www.wact.pt Address: Guadalupe (WACT House) Contact in So Tom e Prncipe: 00 239 9 80 41 47 E-mail: wact.rotas@gmail.com Website: www.wact.pt

teriormente, da ilha do Prncipe, o Projecto pretende apostar na criao e capacitao de microempresas familiares, que se dediquem produo de produtos agrcolas tpicos, de artesanato e restaurao, integrando-as em rotas tursticas organizadas pela WACT. Atravs de consultoria permanente e apoio financeiro, com base num fundo de micro-crdito, pretende-se estimular o empreendedorismo. As Rotas WACT aproximam o turista da populao e da cultura locais, evidenciando a alegria e o empenho da populao com a sua visita. De acordo com a especificidade de cada localidade, as Rotas incluem uma visita guiada por diversos pontos de interesse, uma refeio tpica So-tomense e o acesso a demonstraes de dana ou msica tpica. Os turistas podero ainda adquirir diversos produtos tpicos de So Tom, produzidos localmente.Viajar e conhecer ajuda-nos a desenvolver! Em 2010 e 2011 a WACT estar a implementar duas Rotas no distrito de Lobata, destacando a Roa de Agostinho Neto como ncora dos roteiros. A Rota Azul inclui um mergulho nas guas transparentes da Lagoa Azul. A Rota do Peixe permite ao turista conhecer os segredos da pesca artesanal.

Prncipe, the Project wants to make and enable familiar micro-companies which apply themselves to the production of typical agricultural products, handicrafts and restaurants, integrating them into the touristic routes organized by WACT. With permanent consulting and nancial support, based on micro-credit, the aim is to encourage entrepreneurship. The WACT Routes bring the tourist closer to the local population and culture, stressing the populations happiness and the tourists commitment to them in their visit. In accordance with the speci cs of each locality, the Routes include a guided tour to different places of interest, a So Tom typical meal and access to performances of typical music and dance. Tourists will be able to acquire locally produced diverse typical products from So Tom. Traveling and knowing helps us to develop! In 2010 and 2011 WACT will be implementing two Routes in the Lobata district, assigning the Agostinho Neto Farm to be the anchor of the itineraries. The Blue Route includes a dive into the clear waters of the Blue Lagoon (Lagoa Azul). The Fish Route allows the tourist to get to know the secrets of the local methods shing.

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