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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova

Free International University of Moldova

Subject: „Nobody has has more sacred

obligation to obey the law than those who
make the law”

Realized by: Gherta Vasile

Checked by: Rusu Alexandra

Chisinau 2017
Sophocles of Kolōnos (c. 496 - c. 406 BCE) was one of
the most famous and celebrated writers of tragedy
plays in ancient Greece and his surviving works,
written throughout the 5th century BCE, include such
classics as Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Women of
Trachis. As with other Greek plays, Sophocles’ work is
not only a record of Greek theatre but also provides
an invaluable insight into many of the political and
social aspects of ancient Greece, from family relations
to details of Greek religion.


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