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Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua Estrangeira


Compreensão escrita (leitura) / Características lexicais e sintáticas dos tipos textuais.

(EF09LI01) Fazer uso da língua inglesa para expor pontos de vista, argumentos e contra-argumen-
tos, considerando o contexto e os recursos linguísticos voltados para a eficácia da comunicação.]
(EF09LI03) Analisar posicionamentos defendidos e refutados em textos orais sobre temas de inte-
resse social e coletivo.
(EF09LI04) Expor resultados de pesquisa ou estudo com o apoio de recursos, tais como notas, grá-
ficos, tabelas, entre outros, adequando as estratégias de construção do texto oral aos objetivos de
comunicação e ao contexto.
(EF09LI06) Distinguir fatos de opiniões em textos argumentativos da esfera jornalística.
(EF09LI07) Identificar argumentos principais e as evidências/exemplos que os sustentam.
(EF09LI18) Analisar a importância da língua inglesa para o desenvolvimento das ciências (produção,
divulgação e discussão de novos conhecimentos), da economia e da política no cenário mundial.
(EF09LI19) Discutir a comunicação intercultural por meio da língua inglesa como mecanismo de
valorização pessoal e de construção de identidades no mundo globalizado.

Comunicar-se na língua inglesa, por meio do uso variado de linguagens em mídias impressas ou
digitais, reconhecendo-a como ferramenta de acesso ao conhecimento, de ampliação das perspec-
tivas e de possibilidades para a compreensão dos valores e interesses de outras culturas e para o
exercício do protagonismo social.

TEMA: Black Consciousness

Black Consciousness Day is celebrated on 20 November, but the entire celebratory month is known as
Black November. Read the text to answer the questions.
Racial inequality in Brazil.
We do not know if you were black or white but what we can say is that, if you live in Brazil, it defines your
life. The black population makes up more than half of the Brazilian population. In theory, It means that
social indicators should be proportional to the black and white population. However in practice this is
far from happening. Education is a good example of this. The chance of a black person being illiterate
is five times greater than that of a white person. Add the other extremes: only one in four black people
have college education. The deficiency of this on increases when we think outside the classroom. 70%
of people who live in extreme poverty in our country are black.

People with lighter skin, in fact, represent 80% of the richest Brazilians. This is reflected directly
inquality of life. While 70% of whites own a washing machine at home, more than half the households
headed by a black person do not have the appliance. The same goes for the internet. More than 50% of
blacks do not have any type of network access. This disproportionate ratio also appears in questions
even more essential for human life. Nearly 40% of blacks living in urban areas do not have piped sewage.
70% of people who depend on the public health system are black.
The color of your skin also determines your life span. In the past 10 years, the murders of white woman
have fallen, while deaths of black women have only increased. And death is not only feminine. Adding
the genders, every 12 minutes, a black person is murdered in Brazil. They are also the ones who die most
in police operations and they occupy the majority of the Brazilian prison population. It may be difficult
for the black community to change this, considering that they are barely represented in the judiciary or
legislative branches of government, much less in the executive system.
This social gap is not new. Historically, Brazil is outdated in racial representation. We were the last western
country to ban slavery. Brazil is a racist country. And who is saying that, it’s not this text, it’s the United
Nations (UN). And this problem involves not only our political spheres but also our daily lives. It is up to us
to debate the subject, and denounce the prejudice, after all, a life cannot be defined by just a set of lines.


Assista ao vídeo Desigualdade Racial no Brasil. Disponível em: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-
fbZkexu7E0>. Acesso em: 11 ago. 2021.

1 - Identify the text phrases that represent the images below. Follow the example:

2 - After associating IBGE’s statistical data through the text, and better understanding Brazilian inequality
in numbers, answer in a paragraph: What is the importance of the month of black awareness in Brazil?

Referência das atividades, textos, conteúdos e imagens desta semana:

Disponível em: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufbZkexu7E0>. Acesso em: 11 ago. 2021.

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