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Recepção e Produção de Textos Orais e Escritos de Gêneros Textuais variados em Língua Estrangeira.

Aspectos léxico-sistêmicos / Funções sociocomunicativas do discurso direto e indireto.

(EM13LGG101) Compreender e analisar processos de produção e circulação de discursos, nas diferentes lin-
guagens, para fazer escolhas fundamentadas em função de interesses pessoais e coletivos.
(EM13LGG102) Analisar visões de mundo, conflitos de interesse, preconceitos e ideologias presentes nos
discursos veiculados nas diferentes mídias, ampliando suas possibilidades de explicação, interpretação e
intervenção crítica da/na realidade.
(EM13LGG104) Utilizar as diferentes linguagens, levando em conta seus funcionamentos, para a compreensão
e produção de textos e discursos em diversos campos de atuação social.
(EM13LGG105) Analisar e experimentar diversos processos de remediação de produções multissemióticas,
multimídia e transmídia, desenvolvendo diferentes modos de participação e intervenção social.
(EM13LGG302) Posicionar-se criticamente diante de diversas visões de mundo presentes nos discursos em
diferentes linguagens, levando em conta seus contextos de produção e de circulação.
(EM13LGG303) Debater questões polêmicas de relevância social, analisando diferentes argumentos e opini-
ões, para formular, negociar e sustentar posições, frente à análise de perspectivas distintas.

Reading and Writing, Third Conditional.

Literatura. Black American Culture. Music.

TEMA: Freedom
Caro (a) estudante, nesta semana você vai analisar posicionamentos defendidos sobre temas de inte-
resse social e coletivo.


Beyonce song. Disponível em: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FWF9375hUA>. Acesso em: 09
ago. 2021.
I have a dream speech: Disponível em: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz0TjhINctI>. Acesso em:
09 ago.

1 - Do you know who these black icons are? If yes? Tell their names:

Fonte: https://cdn.ome.lt/ Fonte: https://upload.wikimedia.org/ Fonte: https://www.rfi.fr/br/

t1LWIx517lj5RmCMewLRvH9Jz4M=/570x0/ wikipedia/commons/0/05/Martin_Luther_ geral/20141205-ha-um-ano-morria-
smart/uploads/conteudo/fotos/beyonce_ King%2C_Jr..jpg. Acesso em 09 ago 2021. nelson-mandela. Acesso em 09 ago 2021.
xAI30E2.jpg. Acesso em 09 ago 2021.

Freedom! Freedom! I can’t move When we let freedom ring, when “Ser livre não é apenas livrar-se
Freedom, cut me loose! we let it ring from every tene- das cadeias, mas viver de uma
ment and every hamlet, from forma que respeite e aumente a
Singin’, freedom! Freedom! every state and every city, we liberdade dos outros.”
Where are you? will be able to speed up that day
Cause I need freedom too! when all of God’s children, black
men and white men, Jews and
I break chains all by myself Gentiles, Protestants and Ca-
Won’t let my freedom rot in hell tholics, will be able to join hands
Hey! I’ma keep running and sing in the words of the old
spiritual, “Free at last, free at
Cause a winner don’t quit on last. Thank God Almighty, we
themselves are free at last.

2 - In your opinion, what do these 3 leaders have in common (besides skin color)?

3 - Read the text below the images and tell what the word FREEDOM means, and why are the black
people looking for it?

4 - Use the if clause (third conditional) to imagine and complete these sentences, based on Black
Awareness month.
If in the Brazilian history no people had enslaved

If all people had done something against injustice before

If the people had fought before to the equality of the civil rights besides de differences,

5 - Using the if-clause, write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis
a) If Thais Araujo had not studied to be an excellent actress, she could have __________(be)
a writer.
b) If Gloria Maria had not been a journalist, she might have (choose) to study
c) If Gilberto Gil hadn’t been born a music star, he would have (shine) as an admi-
d) If Pelé hadn’t chosen to be the best football player in the world, he would have (be)
the best physical educator.

6 - After reading the text about the #BLM movement and the two story covers, write about how social
media is being politicized after the black movement on “Black Lives Matter”
(Writing proposal: Number 1 )
Black Lives Matter protests have spread around the world after the death of George Floyd, an unarmed
and handcuffed black man. Protestors in many cities around the world marched in the streets. They held
signs with the words, “Black Lives Matter” and other slogans written on them. Many people wore T-shirts
with the words “I can’t breathe,” “No justice, no peace,” and “Silence is violence”.

(Writing proposal: Number 2 )

(Writing proposal: Number 3)

Referência das atividades, textos, conteúdos e imagens desta semana:
Disponível em: <https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/beyonceknowles/freedom.html>; <https://www1.udel.edu/htr/Psc105/Texts/king.
html>; <https://tongabezi.com/blog/a-nelson-mandela-quote-for-every-year-he-spent-in-prison-in-the-name-of-freedom/>; <https://
breakingnewsenglish.com/2006/200608-black-lives-matter.html>; <https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/black-
lives-matter-protests-new-generation-youth-activists-1099895/>. Acesso em 09 ago. 2021.

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