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1. Identifique o tempo verbal e o aspeto (perfetivo ou imperfetivo) das formas verbais sublinhadas nas frases
que se seguem:

1. I have been waiting here for two hours.

2. O Pedro tem trabalhado muito.
3. The letter has already been sent. There’s nothing you can do now.

2. Identifique o tempo real (anterior, simultâneo, posterior ao T0 – TEMPO DE FALA) e o tempo gramatical/verbal das
formas verbais sublinhadas presentes nas frases que se seguem:

1. Could you pass me the salt?

2. In 1045, Macbeth defeated and killed Duncan I's father Crinan at Dunkeld. For 14 years, Macbeth seems to have
ruled equably, imposing law and order and encouraging Christianity.

3. Para a semana, tomamos café?

4. I wish you stopped doing that!

3. Cada uma da frases seguintes contém um erro relativo ao aspeto e/ou ao tempo e modo verbais. Assinale e
explique o erro e corrija a frase:

1.*A Maria chegou durante duas horas.

2.*Mary has done all her homework two days ago.

3. *Susan has been leaving today.

4. Classifique as palavras sublinhadas (isto é, indique qual a classe de palavras a que pertencem; tratando-se de
verbos, indique modo e tempo verbais e classifique o verbo se tal for relevante) e identifique a respetiva

1. Eu já assisti a manifestações repulsivas de racismo em campos de futebol (...) . Esse comportamento miserável
deve ser combatido de todas as formas, encerrando estádios de futebol, se preciso for. No entanto, o futebol 2é um
dos maiores trunfos contra o racismo que existe na nossa cultura, impondo uma comunhão de objectivos e de paixão
entre pessoas de todas as cores.
João Miguel Tavares, “A reeducação de Bernardo Silva”, Público, 14 de novembro de 2019

1. deve:
2. é:

2. Less than three-quarters (74.5%) of people who sought care at a hospital in England in October were treated and
then discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours – the smallest proportion since the target was introduced
in 2004. That is far below the 95% of patients that ministers and NHS (National Health Service) chiefs say 3should be
dealt with by medical staff within four hours. (…) “Our NHS is overwhelmed, more so than ever. In every community
there’s an ever-growing queue of people waiting for treatment. The Government 4should apologise to every patient
waiting longer for treatment.” The Guardian, 14th Nov. 2019

3. should:
4. should:

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