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Language Strategies:

Gustavo Cauduro
Assignment 1

I understand that I can't please
I AM a dreamer and a great friend I pretend to make people everyone.
I wonder a brilliant future happier
I say I have the best friendships
I hear people say i can’t reach my I feel inspired
I dream of being successful with
goals I worry about losing friends my friends
I see my success
I cry if I cry if someone I know I try my best to please everyone.
I want to have a happy life fails in their goal
I hope my friends are by my side
I AM a dreamer and a great friend I am a happy and brilliant guy during my life

I AM a dreamer and a great friend


Emilio Me
Assignment 2

● Meaning:

A comparison using like, as, resembles or than.

● Example:
He was angry like a grizzly bear.
Assignment 2

● Meaning:

Compares two entities directly.

● Example:
He is a shining star.
Assignment 2

● Meaning:

Is an exaggeration used for dramatic or

comedic effect.

● Example:
He is so strong that he can even lift a planet.
Assignment 2

● Meaning:

Attributes to inanimate objects or irrational

beings, feelings or actions proper to human beings.

● Example:
The car was exhausted and needed a break.
Assignment 2

● Meaning:

The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

● Example:
A black cat symbolizes bad luck.
Assignment 2

● Meaning:

Evokes as a kind mental image any of the five


● Example:
The bright sun was shining in the sky, without a
cloud in sight.
Denotation x Connotation
Assignment 2


Connotation and Denotation are two principal methods of

describing the meanings of words.

Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative

associations that most words naturally carry with them,
whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word
that might be found in a dictionary.
Denotation x Connotation
Assignment 2

Example: Hot

Denotation: Connotation:
Having a high degree of Attractiveness or
heat or a high
Denotation x Connotation
Assignment 2

Example: Scrawny

Denotation: Connotation:
Describes someone or Scrawny is often
something without associated with
much body fat. weakness.
Denotation x Connotation
Assignment 2

Example: Egg

Denotation: Connotation:
The hard-shelled Eggs are often
reproductive body associated with fertility
produced by a bird and and new life, as they
especially by the contain the potential to
common domestic hatch into a chick or a
chicken. bird.
Denotation x Connotation
Assignment 2

Example: Eagle

Denotation: Connotation:
An eagle is a large bird Eagles are often associated
of prey with a hooked with freedom and
beak, powerful talons, independence, as they are
and broad wings. Eagles known for their ability to
are known for their soar high in the sky and
keen eyesight and navigate vast distances with
ability to fly at high ease.
Denotation x Connotation
Assignment 2

Example: Red

Denotation: Connotation:
Red is a color that falls Red is often associated with
in the spectrum of passion, love, and romance.
visible light with a It is a popular color for
wavelength of Valentine's Day and is often
approximately used in advertising and
620–740 nanometers. branding to evoke feelings
of attraction and desire.
Assignment 3

Ocean - Alok (feat. Zeeba & IRO)

I saw an angel looking at me
All she wanted was to go to the sea Swear I won't complain no more
Don't worry, ma Doesn't matter if we're rich or poor
'Cause I'm not afraid, I'm not Found out that we don't live to die
afraid Even though there is no reason why
Don't worry, ma Don't worry momma
'Cause I'm on my way Cause I'm not afraid
I'm on my way to the ocean I'm not afraid
Oh, oh, oh
Don't worry momma
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh, oh, oh Cause I'm on my way
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh I'm on my way
To the ocean To the ocean
Wish I told you I loved you more
Maybe I was lost before (To the ocean 5x)
Showed affection to only gold
While the sunset made me cold
Assignment 4

My three Haikus

Amazon rainforest,
Samba beats, vibrant culture,
Brazil's beauty thrives.
Kicks, passes, and goals,
Sweat and joy on the pitch flow,
Soccer's magic grows.

Eyes close, mind at peace,

Dreams weave stories in the night,
Sleep restores and frees.
Assignment 5

Brazilian Soccer: Louder Than Life

Louder than the roar of the Amazon jungle
Louder than the beating of samba drums
Louder than a stadium full of passionate fans
or a samba school parading through the streets

Louder than the cheers of a victorious team

or the groans of a defeated opponent
Louder than the chants of a passionate crowd
or the silence before a crucial penalty kick

Louder than the whistle of a referee's call

or the sound of a ball hitting the net
Louder than the roar of a celebratory crowd
that's how loud Brazilian soccer can get!
Thanks for your attention!

The End.

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