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Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos

Inglês - ANP/ 2012

Vladia Mattar

Greetings, greetings everyone!! Welcome aboard!

About me...

Meu nome é Vladia Mattar Hudson e estaremos juntos na preparação para o

concurso da ANP 2012. Nasci na praia, mas vim parar em Brasília em 1998 e
aqui estou até hoje. Yes!! I miss living near the beach!. Sou graduada em
Letras-Inglês pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Além da
graduação, tenho 3 diplomas de proficiência no idioma Inglês (FCE e CAE
da "Cambridge University" e CPE da "Michigan University"). Tenho mais de 14
anos de experiência como professora em instituições de renome em Brasília.
Tenho vivência em países de língua inglesa onde fiz cursos voltados para o
ensino da língua inglesa (“EFL Teaching”) e cultura americana e britânica.
Também, já ministrei palestras e organizei workshops na área. Bom, acho que
posso dizer que: Teaching English is already part of me!

Digo-lhes, sinceramente, que mais do que saber o idioma, é necessário um

treinamento específico para resolver a prova de inglês de concursos e isso
exige estratégias de estudo. Então, vamos às nossas estratégias!

About our course and the strategy.

What is the objective?

O domínio pleno de um idioma estrangeiro pressupõe desenvolver quatro

habilidades fundamentais: speaking, listening, writing and reading.

O foco do nosso curso será reading comprehension, pois é a habilidade

cobrada no seu concurso. A abordagem do curso será instrumental, visa a
compreensão escrita da língua. O curso não é para o aprendizado do idioma,
mas para resolução de provas de concurso.

O edital traz a nossa matéria dentro de conhecimentos gerais:

LÍNGUA INGLESA: Compreensão e interpretação de texto escrito em língua

GUYS, veremos itens gramaticais e dicas necessárias para nos ajudar a
entender os textos, Ok? Há uma expectativa de no mínimo 5 questões.

A maneira mais eficiente de desenvolver a compreensão e interpretação de

textos é: 1) resolução de exercícios; 2) leitura de temas relacionados à área
em estudo e atualidades.

How are we going to do that?

Profa. Vladia Mattar www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 1
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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

• Praticando com questões de provas passadas da BANCA (CESPE);

• Praticando com questões de provas passadas da ANP elaboradas pela
• Praticando com questões inéditas (elaboradas por mim) baseadas em
textos da área de interesse do concurso e outros;
• Enriquecendo o vocabulário (Word formation, false cognates, common
words, connectors, phrasal verbs and others);
• Estudando as dicas gramaticais (Sentence formation, verb tense, parts of
speech and others);
• Desenvolvendo estratégias de leitura (skimmimg and scanning); e
• Usando o fórum para dirimir suas dúvidas.

Nosso curso será dado em 4 aulas mais a aula demonstrativa, totalizando 5

aulas. O curso será desenvolvido com teoria baseada principalmente em
exercícios gabaritados e comentados.

Em cada aula teremos:

 Textos e exercícios de provas – gabaritados e comentados;

 Exercícios Inéditos – gabaritados e comentados;
 Teoria e Dicas; e
 Lista das questões da aula, sem comentários e com gabarito, para

Lembrando que o fórum é uma importante ferramenta para nossos estudos,

por isso sugiro sempre perguntar quando precisar. Responderei asap (as soon
as possible).

Feitas as apresentações, as the Ramones say... “hey ho... let’s go !?”

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Curso On-Line Ponto dos Concursos
Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

AULA ZERO - Aula Demonstrativa

Parte 1 Studying and Reading strategies

(Estratégias de Estudo e Leitura)

Parte 2 Questões CESPE/TCU/2007 e 2008

gabaritadas e comentadas

Parte 3 Questões INÉDITAS

Parte 4 Teoria e Dicas

Parte 5 Lista de questões desta aula e gabarito ‘seco’

Parte 1 Studying and Reading Strategies, ou

Estratégias de Estudo e Leitura.

Como estratégia de estudo para as nossas aulas, sugiro:

 ter em mãos ou na tela um dicionário Inglês-Português ou Inglês-

Inglês, conforme seu grau de conhecimento do idioma. Ressalto que o
dicionário Inglês-Inglês ajuda enriquecer o vocabulário.
 Ao final de cada aula, relacione as novas palavras por assunto. Dessa
forma você criará um mapa mental semântico... “your own
vocabulary builder” (exemplo ao final da aula).

Há duas estratégias básicas para leitura rápida: skimmimg e scanning.

 “Skimmimg” é uma leitura rápida para captar os conceitos e as

idéias principais do texto. É uma exploração global, geral, feita
com a leitura do título, autor, figura, fonte do texto e a primeira
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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

frase de cada parágrafo. Esta técnica é boa para uma primeira

leitura, ou seja, uma leitura superficial.

 “Scannning” também envolve uma leitura rápida, porém procura-

se por algo específico no texto, seja em resposta a uma pergunta,
ou para confirmar uma informação. Ao se encontrar a informação
buscada, faz-se a leitura de todo o trecho, ou parágrafo, conforme
a necessidade.

Qual você deve usar? Depende do que a questão exige, do tempo do

candidato e da complexidade da questão. Podemos usar uma ou outra,
ou ambas, ou nenhuma delas.
Por exemplo: quando a questão exige interpretação pura, devemos
evitar estratégias rápida de leitura.
Quando a questão exigir vocabulário, usaremos scanning. Isto significa
que você deve localizar a palavra no texto e ler o trecho no qual ela se
insere para entender ou deduzir, pelo contexto, seu significado.
Já o skimming pode ser usado quando a questão exige tipologia textual,
por exemplo.
Questões que exigem gramática pura, muitas vezes podem ser
respondidas sem releitura do texto ou até mesmo sem leitura do texto (
arriscado, mas verdade! ) Sempre sugiro pelo menos uma leitura
superficial= skimming
Tá confuso? Don’t worry.. .be happy! Usaremos as técnicas nos
exercícios ainda nesta aula...

Parte 2 Questões gabaritadas e comentadas


Text 1 (Text for items from 1 through 12)

Law of public biddings

1- According to the Brazilian Federal Constitution, article 37, item XXI: “With
the exception of the cases specified in law, public works, services, purchases
and disposals shall be contracted by public bidding proceedings that ensure
equal conditions to all bidders, with clauses that establish payment obligations,
maintaining the effective conditions of the bid, as the law provides, which shall
only allow the requirements of technical and economic qualifications
indispensable to guarantee the fulfilling of the obligations.” The regulatory law
is Law Number 8666, 21st June, 1993.
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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

The Law forbids preference to or differential treatment between Brazilian and

10-foreign companies. However, when local and foreign competitors offer
equivalent conditions in terms of price, quality and delivery time, the law
ensures preference for: goods produced or supplied by a Brazilian firm of
national capital; locally produced; and produced or supplied by Brazilian firms.
The comments below are a very superficial highlight of some important topics
of the law.
• Article 1 mentions the entities subject to the law: all the three branches; all
the three levels of government (Federal, State, and Municipal); all agencies
and foundations; all public companies, including those with private
participation (this means that big businesses like PETROBRAS, Banco do Brasil
20-and others are subject to the law).
• Article 3 mentions that the nationality of the bidders will be considered only
as a tie-breaking criterion: otherwise, Brazilian and foreign companies compete
equally. Also, article 3 states that all the bidding process is open to the public,
except, of course, for the value of bidding while not disclosed.
• Article 4: all bids are in national currency, except in the cases prescribed in
article 42 (international purchases).
• Article 24 states the situations where bidding is not mandatory. Some
examples: purchases of small value (as defined by law); emergency situations
which put people or premises in risk; when previous bidding processes had no
30-bidders; to purchase or rent specific buildings; several others.
• Article 25 states situations when a bidding process is not feasible. Examples:
there is only one possible contractor for a given product or service (electricity
supply, for example); a professional is so outstandingly better than all the
others that a 22 bidding competition would be meaningless.
• Article 45 states that, besides the price bid, technical factors may also define
the winner. Internet: <www.V-brazil.com/business> (adapted).

Based on the above text, judge the following items about biddings regulated by
Law Number 8666, 21st June, 1993.

1) CESPE/TCU/2007
___ In a public bidding, all conditions being the same, Brazilian companies
have preference over foreign ones if there is a tie.

Essa prova tá interessante!!!!! A prova é “2 em 1”: vamos estudar inglês e
vamos revisar a Lei 8.666 – cool, isn’t it?! ☺

biddings significa licitações, certo!! Ache a palavra CONDITIONS no texto e

leia o trecho:

“However, when local and foreign competitors offer equivalent conditions in

terms of price, quality and delivery time, the law ensures preference for:
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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

goods produced or supplied by a Brazilian firm of national capital; locally

produced; and produced or supplied by Brazilian firms”

A dificuldade da questão é associar o termo “if there is a tie”

da assertiva à “…when local and foreign competitors offer equivalent

• “if there is a tie” = caso haja um empate

• “…when local and foreign competitors offer equivalent conditions…” =

quando competidores (concorrentes) locais e estrangeiros oferecerem
condições equivalentes.
• law ensures preference for= a lei garante a preferência para


__Public companies are exempt from the bidding process.

O texto traz um rol das entidades que estão sujeitas à lei, e, entre elas
menciona as empresas públicas.

“…entities subject to the law: … all public companies, including those with
private participation…”

• Entities subject to the law = entidades sujeitas a lei

Assim, as empresas públicas não estão isentas (are not exempt) do processo
de licitação.


__ Only bidders are allowed in all of the bidding process.

Precisamos entender que All= todos(as) e Only = (somente )

O trecho (abaixo) traz que todo o processo de licitação é aberto ao público ao

passo que a assertiva diz que apenas aos licitantes (only bidders) é permitido
o acesso ao processo licitatório. Veja:

“…article 3 states that all the bidding process is open to the public

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar


__ By no means shall any bids be expressed in foreign currency.

Pessoal, a dificuldade seria saber o significado da expressão
“by no means”, que significa de modo nenhum.

Watch out! cuidado para não confundir, na hora do cansaço, by no means com
by all means! A troca de “no” por “all” torna as frases de sentido oposto!!!

Veja a passagem do texto:

“…all bids are in national currency, except in the cases prescribed in article 42
(international purchases).”
• foreign currency= moeda estrangeira
O texto traz então uma exceção ( except = exceto )

___ Contracts to deal with emergency situations may be awarded without a
bidding process.

Guys, o texto traz que a licitação não é obrigatória ( bidding is not mandatory
) em algumas situações, às quais se inclui situações de emergência em que
pessoas ou instalações estejam em risco. Article 24 =Artigo 24


“situations where bidding is not mandatory …emergency situations which

put people or premises in risk…”

mandatory = obrigatório e
not mandatory = não obrigatório


___ However low a price bid may be, it still may not be the winner if technical
factors are not up to standards.


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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

Ok, o fator preço (baixo) é uma das condicionalidades para se ganhar uma
licitação; porém, de acordo com o texto, fatores técnicos podem também
definir o vencedor, veja:

“Article 45 states that, besides the price bid, technical factors may also
define the winner”

A alternative diz : ainda que o valor da proposta seja baixo, ela poderá não
ser a vencedora caso os fatores técnicos não atendam os padrões exigidos.


___ The Portuguese word for public biddings is alienações.


Vocabulário explícito!!! Não é muito comum em provas mais recentes da banca

trabalhar com traduções, mas é sempre bom estar preparado para tudo!!
Bem como já mencionamos na resolução de outras alternativas, “public
biddings” = licitação pública.


___ “shall” ( line 3 ) can be correctly replaced by might.

Pessoal, shall nesta questão é similar à should. É um Modal verb e tem o
sentido de should (uma recomendação - forte)
Já might = may expressa possibilidade
Falaremos de mais modais nas aulas!!

___ “those” ( line 21 ) refers to “public companies”.

Guys, a banca LOVE este tipo de questão que tem um pronome e pergunta o
que esse pronome retoma.
Vamos nos preparer para ela!

“…all public companies, including those with private participation…”

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

Those é um pronome demonstrativo e refere-se ao trecho “all public

companies”, cujo núcleo é “public companies”!


___“others” (3rd paragraph) stands for other big businesses.

• OTHERS= outros
Vamos analisar o trecho:

“…(this means that big businesses like PETROBRAS, Banco do Brasil and others
are subject to the law)...”

O importante aqui é saber que like neste contexto não é verbo gostar. Like
aqui é = como (por exemplo). Então, o texto traz Petrobrás, Banco do Brasil e
others (= outros) como exemplos de “big businesses”


___ “premises” ( line 32 ) means the building and land that a business or
organization uses.

Vocabulary, guys!!! “Premises” = prédio/ edifício/instalações. O conceito de
“premise” não inclui “land” (= terra). Tinhosa essa!!

___ “besides” ( line 40 ) can be correctly replaced by in addition to.

Perfeita, pessoal! “Besides” = “in addition to” = além de (ademais). Esses
sentence connectors aparecem em todas !!!!!!! Veremos mais sentences
connectors nas próximas aulas!!



Text 2

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

Around the world the public sector is under siege: taxpayers everywhere want
better, cheaper government. The message is simple: tinkering with the system
is not good enough. What’s needed is a complete reinvention of government.
Since the federal government initiated the National Performance Review in
1993, by most accounts progress has been uneven in the implementation of
the approaches developed. The report notes that public confidence in the
federal government has never been lower. The average citizen believes 48
cents of every tax dollar are wasted. Five of every six strongly want
“fundamental change”. Only 20% of the people trust the federal government to
do the right thing most of the time — down from 76 per cent thirty years ago.
The national debt now exceeds $ 4 trillion — $ 16,600 for every man, woman,
and child. There is enormous unseen waste. The Audit Department has found
that the Defense Department owns more than $ 40 billion in unnecessary
supplies. The Internal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions of unpaid
bills. A century after industry replaced farming as the country’s principal
source of wealth creation, the Agriculture Department still operates more than
12,000 field service offices, an average of nearly four for every county in the
nation — rural, urban, or suburban.

But the report goes farther:

And yet, waste is not the only problem. The federal government is not simply
broke; it is broken. Ineffective regulation of the financial industry brought us
the Savings and Loan debacle. Ineffective education and training programs
jeopardize our competitive edge. Ineffective welfare and housing programs
undermine our families and cities.
The conclusion was that the US is suffering the deepest crisis of faith in
government in memory. In past crises, people doubted their leaders on moral
grounds. They felt their government was deceiving them or failing to represent
values. Today’s crisis is different: people
simply feel the government doesn’t work.

Don Tapscott. The digital economy: promise & peril in the age of networked intelligence

Based on the text, judge the items below.

13)CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ All over the world the public sector is besieged by those who pay taxes.

Questão de vocabulário! O examinador parafraseou, na alternativa, a 1ª frase
do texto.

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar


“ Around the world the public sector is under siege: taxpayers

everywhere want better, cheaper government…”

Para responder a questão, temos que saber o significado de besieged = under

siege, que significa sitiado, cercado de.

Também, é importante fazer um link entre as palavras Taxpayers (=

contribuintes) e “...who pay taxes...” (= aqueles que pagam impostos ) na


14) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ Reliance on the US federal government has once been higher.

Outra de vocabulário! Você irá perceber que o CESPE gosta de reescrever
trechos do texto com sinôminos.

Veja o trecho:
“The report notes that public confidence in the federal
government has never been lower.’

O examinador reescreveu o trecho usando reliance no lugar de confidence

(= confiança) e usou “once been higher” ( = já foi mais alta) no lugar de
“never been lower”(= nunca foi tão baixa) .


15) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ Most people believe that near half a cent of each dollar is badly spent.

Use scanning: vá ao texto e procure a informação específica! Ache a palavra
cent e sublinhe toda a frase. Então, compare-a com a assertiva.
Vamos lá?

“The average citizen believes 48 cents of every tax dollar are wasted…”

Do you like Math??

48 cents = near 50 = near half.
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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

48 cents of every tax dollar = a cada 48 centavos de dólar, ou seja quase

metade de cada dolar, e não quase metade de cada centavo de dólar, como diz
a assertiva.
Vocabulário interessante:

“are wasted” (são desperdiçados) está no mesmo campo semântico de

“are badly spent” (= são mal gastos)


16) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ More than eighty percent of the people hunger for basic changes.

Guys, guys, não deixem o cansaço pegar vocês. A questão é simples, mas
cuidado para não cair na pegadinha! Não tire conclusões apressadas baseada
nos “...only 20%...” do texto, ok? Sempre que ler textos com muitos números,
tente destaca-los para localizá-los com rapidez ao retornar ao texto.

Veja o texto:

“Five of every six strongly want “fundamental change”. Only 20% of the people
trust the federal government to do the right thing most of the time..”

O texto diz que cinco em cada seis (pessoas está implícito) realmente querem
mudança essencial. Isso concorda com a assertiva, que afirma que mais de
oitenta por cento das pessoas buscam famigeradamente (=hunger ) uma
mudança básica.


17) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ the Internal Revenue Service has now succeeded in getting back billions of
the existing debt.

People, a assertiva e o trecho do texto trazem palavras de sentido oposto.

“succeeded in getting back” (= tiveram sucesso em recolher )

Confira o trecho do texto:

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

“The Internal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions of unpaid bills.”

“struggles to collect” = “luta” para recolher.

“struggle” = fazer um esforço que implica sofrimento.


18) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ today, the main source of wealth creation lies in the agricultural


O texto diz que a indústria já substituiu agricultura como principal fonte de

criação de riqueza. Veja o trecho:

“A century after industry replaced farming as the country’s principal source

of wealth creation, the Agriculture Department still operates…”

Atenção ao vocabulário:

Replaced as = substituído como

Farming = agricultura
Wealth = riqueza
Main = principal



Text 3

Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following


• explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often
through a trust fund);
• it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants
(although additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

• the program serves a defined population, and participation is either

compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most
eligible individuals choose to participate.


_____The word “although” can be correctly replaced by “moreover”


Conjunções, conectivos e afins! Sempre questionados em provas… Bom

saber os mais usados. Here are some of them...

 Although, though, however, nevertheless, nonetheless = embora,

 Despite, in spite of, notwithstanding = apesar de
 Thus, hence, therefore = portanto
 While, as, whereas = enquanto
 Moreover, in addition to, furthermore = além de


Texto 4
The discoveries made in the Pre-Salt raise us to a new level of reserves and oil
production, ranking us in a prominent position among the major energy

With the experience they have acquired developing fields nestled in deep
waters, our technicians are now ready to develop the accumulations discovered
in the pre-salt.

To this end, they are already adapting the technology and the logistics the
company developed through the years. The goal is to achieve, by 2017, a daily
production in excess of a million barrels of oil in the Pre-Salt areas we operate.


____In paragraph 2, the word “they” refers to technicians

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

E aí, já estão familiarizados esses assuntos! Hopefully YES!! Trabalharemos
muitos assuntos relacionados ao seu concurso para deixá-los
Vamos à questão:
Já notei que a banca de nossa prova gosta de cobrar o termo que os pronomes
retomam, that’s why pensei nesta questão. O parágrafo 2 é uma frase só e
está invertida. A ordem correta seria assim:
Our technicians are now ready to develop the accumulations discovered in
the pre-salt with the experience they have acquired developing fields nestled
in deep waters.
“They” retoma “technicians”.



 Word formation:
O bom sobre entender um pouco como as palavras são formadas nos ajuda
a “chutar” o significado de palavras desconhecidas. Falaremos de mais
sobre formação de palavras nas próximas aulas.


a) ous, able, ful e less caracterizam adjetivos.

Exemplo: Helpful, jealous, viable, careless

b) hood, ship, ment, ness caracterizam substantivos

Exemplo: neighborhood, scholarship, judgement, happiness.

 Vocabulary Builder
Após a leitura de cada texto proposto em aula, faça um “Vocabulary
Builder” das palavras a ele relacionadas. Esse esquema ajuda
memorizar novas palavras.

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

Abaixo, segue o Vocabulary Builder feito do texto 2. Faça os seus de

todos os textos que estudamos nesta aula!! Isso serve principalmente
para aqueles textos em que você encontrou mais palavras novas.

Exemplo: Texto 2/ Prova TCU/2008

Public sector

citzen Tax
confidence values

National wealth

Federal Audit tax

Governmet Department

 Vocabulário 1 (Vocabulary Builder – Text 3):

English Portuguese
Governemnt Governo
Public sector Setor público
Tax payers Contribuintes
Wealth Riqueza
Welfare Bem estar
Values Valores
Federal government Governo federal
Public confidence Confiança pública
Citzen Cidadãos
Tax Imposto

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

National debt Dívida nacional

Audit department Departamento de auditoria

Thats all Folks !!!! for now...

Espero que tenham gostado desta aula demonstrativa. Aguardo vocês na Aula
1 com muito mais!!. Continuaremos nas próximas aulas com muito mais!!!
Qualquer dúvida feel free para perguntar. Estou aqui for you. Pode contar
Em seguida, vejam a lista de questões desta aula com o gabarito ‘seco’.


Vladia Mattar Hudson



Text 1 (Text for items from 1 through 12)

Law of public biddings

1- According to the Brazilian Federal Constitution, article 37, item XXI: “With
the exception of the cases specified in law, public works, services, purchases
and disposals shall be contracted by public bidding proceedings that ensure
equal conditions to all bidders, with clauses that establish payment obligations,
maintaining the effective conditions of the bid, as the law provides, which shall
only allow the requirements of technical and economic qualifications
indispensable to guarantee the fulfilling of the obligations.” The regulatory law
is Law Number 8666, 21st June, 1993.
The Law forbids preference to or differential treatment between Brazilian and
10-foreign companies. However, when local and foreign competitors offer
equivalent conditions in terms of price, quality and delivery time, the law

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

ensures preference for: goods produced or supplied by a Brazilian firm of

national capital; locally produced; and produced or supplied by Brazilian firms.
The comments below are a very superficial highlight of some important topics
of the law.
• Article 1 mentions the entities subject to the law: all the three branches; all
the three levels of government (Federal, State, and Municipal); all agencies
and foundations; all public companies, including those with private
participation (this means that big businesses like PETROBRAS, Banco do Brasil
20-and others are subject to the law).
• Article 3 mentions that the nationality of the bidders will be considered only
as a tie-breaking criterion: otherwise, Brazilian and foreign companies compete
equally. Also, article 3 states that all the bidding process is open to the public,
except, of course, for the value of bidding while not disclosed.
• Article 4: all bids are in national currency, except in the cases prescribed in
article 42 (international purchases).
• Article 24 states the situations where bidding is not mandatory. Some
examples: purchases of small value (as defined by law); emergency situations
which put people or premises in risk; when previous bidding processes had no
30-bidders; to purchase or rent specific buildings; several others.
• Article 25 states situations when a bidding process is not feasible. Examples:
there is only one possible contractor for a given product or service (electricity
supply, for example); a professional is so outstandingly better than all the
others that a 22 bidding competition would be meaningless.
• Article 45 states that, besides the price bid, technical factors may also define
the winner. Internet: <www.V-brazil.com/business> (adapted).

Based on the above text, judge the following items about biddings regulated by
Law Number 8666, 21st June, 1993.

1) CESPE/TCU/2007
___ In a public bidding, all conditions being the same, Brazilian companies
have preference over foreign ones if there is a tie.

__Public companies are exempt from the bidding process.

__ Only bidders are allowed in all of the bidding process.

__ By no means shall any bids be expressed in foreign currency.

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___ Contracts to deal with emergency situations may be awarded without a

bidding process.

___ However low a price bid may be, it still may not be the winner if technical
factors are not up to standards.

___ The Portuguese word for public biddings is alienações.

___ “shall” ( line 3 ) can be correctly replaced by might.

___ “those” ( line 21 ) refers to “public companies”.

___“others” (3rd paragraph) stands for other big businesses.

___ “premises” ( line 32 ) means the building and land that a business or
organization uses.

___ “besides” ( line 40 ) can be correctly replaced by in addition to.


Text 2

Around the world the public sector is under siege: taxpayers everywhere want
better, cheaper government. The message is simple: tinkering with the system
is not good enough. What’s needed is a complete reinvention of government.
Since the federal government initiated the National Performance Review in
1993, by most accounts progress has been uneven in the implementation of
the approaches developed. The report notes that public confidence in the
federal government has never been lower. The average citizen believes 48
cents of every tax dollar are wasted. Five of every six strongly want
“fundamental change”. Only 20% of the people trust the federal government to
do the right thing most of the time — down from 76 per cent thirty years ago.
The national debt now exceeds $ 4 trillion — $ 16,600 for every man, woman,
and child. There is enormous unseen waste. The Audit Department has found
that the Defense Department owns more than $ 40 billion in unnecessary
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Vladia Mattar

supplies. The Internal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions of unpaid

bills. A century after industry replaced farming as the country’s principal
source of wealth creation, the Agriculture Department still operates more than
12,000 field service offices, an average of nearly four for every county in the
nation — rural, urban, or suburban.

But the report goes farther:

And yet, waste is not the only problem. The federal government is not simply
broke; it is broken. Ineffective regulation of the financial industry brought us
the Savings and Loan debacle. Ineffective education and training programs
jeopardize our competitive edge. Ineffective welfare and housing programs
undermine our families and cities.
The conclusion was that the US is suffering the deepest crisis of faith in
government in memory. In past crises, people doubted their leaders on moral
grounds. They felt their government was deceiving them or failing to represent
values. Today’s crisis is different: people
simply feel the government doesn’t work.

Don Tapscott. The digital economy: promise & peril in the age of networked intelligence

Based on the text, judge the items below.

13)CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ All over the world the public sector is besieged by those who pay taxes.

14) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ Reliance on the US federal government has once been higher.

15) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ Most people believe that near half a cent of each dollar is badly spent.

16) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ More than eighty percent of the people hunger for basic changes.

17) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ the Internal Revenue Service has now succeeded in getting back billions of
the existing debt.

18) CESPE/ TCU/2008

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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar

___ today, the main source of wealth creation lies in the agricultural


Text 3

Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following


• explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often
through a trust fund);
• it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants
(although additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and
• the program serves a defined population, and participation is either
compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most
eligible individuals choose to participate.


_____The word “although” can be correctly replaced by “moreover”

Texto 4
The discoveries made in the Pre-Salt raise us to a new level of reserves and oil
production, ranking us in a prominent position among the major energy

With the experience they have acquired developing fields nestled in deep
waters, our technicians are now ready to develop the accumulations discovered
in the pre-salt.

To this end, they are already adapting the technology and the logistics the
company developed through the years. The goal is to achieve, by 2017, a daily
production in excess of a million barrels of oil in the Pre-Salt areas we operate.


____In paragraph 2, the word “they” refers to technicians


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Inglês - ANP/ 2012
Vladia Mattar


2007 2008 Inéditas/

1) Certa 19) ERRADA

2) ERRADA 20)Certa
3) ERRADA 13) Certa
4) ERRADA 14) Certa
5) Certa 15) ERRADA
6) Certa 16) Certa
9) Certa


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