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201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011

Elekta Synergy Platform=

PARA: Provedor - Sr. José Renan Oliveira Moreira

DE: Leonardo Chamas – Elekta, Executivo de Vendas

Fone: 11-9844-4427 / Email: leonardo.chamas@elekta.com



DATA: 09/06/2011

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=


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201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=

1. Equipamento Ofertado


Elekta Synergy Platform® é o sistema que oferece todos os benefícios dos aceleradores
digitais Elekta e, ainda, a possibilidade de incorporar upgrades em sua plataforma de forma simples e
rápida, como IGRT, graças à estrutura modular dos aceleradores Elekta.
O acelerador Elekta Synergy® Platform inclui MLC e também o sistema de imagen portal
iViewGT™. Além disso, consiste em um equipamento dual energia que oferece extensa opções de
ambas energias, fótons e elétrons, para satisfazer os requerimentos de qualquer tratamento por
Radioterapia. Neste sentido, é o único sistema capaz de ativar até 3 energias reais de fótons e até 9
energias de elétrons. Totalmente digital, possui exclusivo Guia de Ondas viajantes, que oferece
máxima estabilidade e performance ao equipamento, com 20 anos de garantia

1.2 Sistema de Gerenciamento MOSAIQ Oncology Information®

Mosaiq é um poderoso Sistema de Gerenciamento de Informação (MIS – Management

Information System) dedicado que cobre todo o fluxo de trabalho do Departamento de Oncologia,
desde o diagnóstico inicial até a alta e consultas subseqüentes de acompanhamento do paciente,
passando pela fase de exames, planejamento e tratamento em si até a alta do paciente. Integrando-
se com todos os departamentos do hospital, cada estágio do tratamento é suportado, maximizando a
eficiência do Departamento e evitando filas de pacientes.

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

Um sistema de gerenciamento flexível que oferece mais de 150 opções de relatórios a serem
gerados, Mosaiq Dekstop também oferece ao cliente a opção de customizar relatórios, para garantir
que a informação fornecida pelo sistema melhor atenda às suas necessidades, colaborando para a
implementação de práticas de trabalho eficientes à sua realidade específica.

Mosaiq Desktop promove de forma eficiente a integração de todos os dados e imagens do

paciente num único e poderoso banco de dados com facilidades de arquivamento opcionais de
acordo com a necessidade de cada cliente.

Registro do Planejamento Posicionamento Tratamento Geração de
paciente, diagnóstico do paciente Relatórios
e exames

O gerenciamento do Planos e imagens Mosaiq suporta uma A prescrição final de Geração de relatórios
paciente começa com DICOM RT importadas gama variada de tratamento é diversos a partir do
suas primeiras para o registro técnicas e aparatos de verificada e gravada parâmetro escolhido:
referências: eletrônico do paciente. posicionamento. no Mosaiq.

- pré registro e Suporta a - Imagens portal, - uma base de dados - dados do Registro do
agendamento de transferência de dados tomografia e única assegura paciente
consulta do sistema de ressonância são precisão e eficiência
planejamento direto cruciais para o
para o Mosaiq e Linac: tratamento do câncer

- importação de - interação de usuário - estes dados - eficiente ferramenta - agenda do

exames patológicos, robusta constituem uma das para assegurar a departamento
de laboratório e mais importantes qualidade do
imagem partes do registro tratamento entregue
eletrônico do paciente

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=

- revisão do histórico - rápida importação de - imagens de - ajuda os médicos a - informações diversas

por equipes dados tratamentos em curso estabelecer e registrar extraídas da ficha do
multidisciplinares podem ser os tratamentos dos paciente
armazenadas, pacientes de maneira
revisadas, arquivadas fácil e rápida
e aprovadas pelo

- registro do - registro de revisão - alteração de planos - garante que toda a - registro de cobrança
diagnóstico e de planejamentos e pode ser solicitada informação essencial do paciente
informação do estágio aprovação pelo médico, do tratamento seja
do paciente garantindo a eficiência gravada no registro
do fluxo de trabalho eletrônico do paciente

- criação de um - checkilist de - todas as correções - garante segurança e - dados customizados

completo registro do qualidade para de parâmetros e acurácia para o para geração de
tratamento oncológico, garantir um fluxo de tomadas de imagens médico na entrega relatórios
integrando todos os trabalho eficiente podem ser correta do tratamento personalizados à
exames realizados armazenadas no ao paciente necessidade do cliente
com o registro médico Mosaiq
eletrônico do paciente

1.3 Sistema de Planejamento Elekta Xio e FocalPro

XiO é um completo sistema de planejamento para tratamentos 3D e IMRT que combina as

mais avançadas ferramentas e o mais robustos algoritmos de cálculo de dose com uma interface de
usuário intuitiva e amigável, permitindo aos usuários gerar planos de maneira rápida e precisa a fim
de otimizar o procedimento de radioterapia.

Ferramentas de Planejamento Automatizadas: reduz o tempo de planejamento e aumenta a

eficiência clínica com o mais avançado pacote de funcionalidades. A função de fusão de imagem
automatizada faz o registro de múltiplos sets de dados de maneira rápida e confiável. Ferramentas
de contorno, auto-segmentação e poderosas funcionalidades de desenho e edição permitem
identificação e delineação fácil e rápida de volumes-alvo e estruturas críticas.

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

Flexibilidade e Precisão de Dose: múltiplos algoritmos de cálculo de dose robustos estão

inclusos, como Clarkson, FFT Concolution, Multigrid Superposition e Fast Superposition, permitindo
aos usuários a escolha do algoritmo mais apropriado para cada plano individual. O compromisso da
CMS com a confiabilidade e exatidão é refletida em seu algoritmo Multigrid Superposition , que
representa o estado-da-arte em planejamento 3D.

Planejamento em IMRT intuitivo: XiO possui uma interface gráfica intuitiva para modificação
rápida das prescrições DVH e realiza otimização e cálculos de dose de maneira rápida e precisa para
tratamentos dinâmicos ou step-and-shoot.

Completo Set de Funcionalidades de Planejamento: Suporta extenso leque de modalidades

de tratamento incluindo 2D, 3D, IMRT baseado em MLC e em compensador sólido. Além disso há a
possibilidade de upgrades para técnicas de IGRT, braquiterapia e prototerapia, além de
procedimentos estereotáxicos e arco conformacional dinâmico e VMAT .

O pacote de licenças FocalProé uma plataforma totalmente integrada às funcionalidades do

XiO com módulos separados para fusão de imagem, contorno de paciente e revisão de planos.


2.1 Elekta Synergy Platform

Acelerador Linear Elekta Synergy Platform habilitado para tratamento de 2D/3D, equipado


MLCi2 80 lâminas

Imagem Portal – I View-GT

Software AUTOCAL – para calibração eletrônica do MLC

Licença TABLEASU – para setup automático da mesa desde dentro ou fora da sala de


2 energias de fótons – 4 e 6 MV

6 energias de elétrons – 4, 6, 9, 12, 15 e 18 MeV

4 aplicadores de elétrons em distintos tamanhos

Mesa Precise com exclusivo mecanismo em “Z”

Tampo em fibra de carbono I-Beam evo

Acessórios de mesa: suporte de mãos, braços e pernas

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

Port film graticule

Kit de peças sobressalentes para o acelerador

Kit de peças sobressalentes para a mesa

Kit de peças sobressalentes para o módulo I-ViewGT

Licença Intellimax para assistência remota ao acelerador

Lasers da sala, vermelhos – 3 crosshair e 1 sagital

Conjunto de monitores CCTV colorido e intercomunicadores

2.2 Sistema de Gerenciamento e Planejamento

2.2.1- Sistema de Gerenciamento Mosaiq Oncology com módulos Record & Verify,

Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente, Gerenciamento de Imagens, Agenda Departamental,

Fotos e Diagramas, em 4 estações de trabalho e integração dos Aceleradores Lineares

Primus e Synergy Platform

2.2.2- Sistema de Planejamento XiO com licenças 2D/3D composta por uma estação de

trabalho (Fisico) e FocalPro composta por uma estação de trabalho (Médico)

Imediatamente após a instalação e comissionamento do equipamento, o nosso Departamento
de treinamento será responsável pela fase de formação e treinamento dos usuários. Um especialista
qualificado no Centro Internacional de Treinamento Elekta treinará "onsite" os usuários para
operação do Acelerador, seus acessórios e sistemas, com a seguinte programação:

Operação do Acelerador: 2 dias úteis

Imagem Portal I-ViewGT: 3 dias úteis

Sistema Mosaiq Desktop: 7 dias úteis

Operação e Administração do Sistema de Planejamento: 3 dias úteis

Todos os operadores treinados pela Elekta recebem seu diploma em conformidade com as
Normas de Qualidade da Companhia

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Elekta Synergy Platform=


3.1. Estrutura de Suporte ao Cliente

A Elekta Medical Systems, sediada em São Paulo, Brasil, oferece ao cliente completa
estrutura de Suporte, composta por:

1 Gerente de Serviços, responsável por todo fluxo de trabalho do Departamento

1 Gerente de Projetos, responsável pelo suporte ao cliente nas fases de construção, pré-
instalação, instalação até a aceitação do equipamento e programação do treinamento

13 Engenheiros de campo, devidamente treinados na fábrica, em Crawley, UK, responsáveis

pelo atendimento a chamados técnicos e realização de manutenções preventivas.

Estoque de peças – completo estoque local de peças para atendimento às eventuais falhas
dos equipamentos. Condição especial para o Grupo Delfin que poderá comprar as peças
diretamente da Fábrica.

3 físicos Instrutores para prover treinamento aos clientes

3.2. Descrição dos Serviços de Manutenção Técnica

Manutenções preventivas: em número de 4 (quatro) ao ano.

Manutenções corretivas: em número ilimitado, mediante falhas detectadas pelo Cliente,

que serão atendidas em até 48 (quarenta e oito) horas.

Suporte remoto: Exclusivo nos Aceleradores Elekta, a licença Intellimax permite acesso
remoto do engenheiro ao Acelerador para diagnóstico e reparo de falhas.

Suporte telefônico: ilimitado

Garantia de Uptime: 97% mínimo garantido em cláusula constante do Contrato

Horário de atendimento: diferencial Elekta – as manutenções preventivas podem ser

realizadas à noite ou aos sábados, sem custo adicional, para evitar parada do
equipamento durante o período de tratamentos


Prazo de Entrega: Desde o recebimento do princípio de pagamento e pedido de fabricação

do equipamento, a Elekta garante a entrega no porto de origem em até 60 dias.

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=

a) 12 (doze) meses iniciais, contemplando integralmente peças e serviços, contados a partir do
aceite do equipamento;

Validade: Esta proposta é válida por 30 dias.=


Preço: a Definir

Forma de pagamento:

1- Carta de crédito ou transferência internacional, da seguinte forma:

10% na assinatura do contrato

90% até 5 (cinco) dias antes do Embarque

Dados bancários para depósito: DADOS BANCÁRIOS DO EXPORTADOR: Elekta Limited -

Danske Bank, London Branch, 75 King William Street, London EC4N 7DT, Swift, IBAN,
DABAGB2L, GB27 DABA 3012 8193 5331 92

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=

Condições de entrega: FOB Porto de Origem (Incoterms 2000). Exclui qualquer imposto,
taxa ou gastos adicionais que possam vir a ser aplicáveis no processo de importação

_________________________________ __________________________________
Vendedor Comprador

__________________________________ __________________________________
Assinatura Assinatura

LEONARDO CHAMAS __________________________________

Executivo de Vendas, Elekta Nome e cargo

Mediante assinaturas acima, esta Proposta é considerada aceita e gerará o respectivo

Contrato entre as partes, aonde o Comprador concorda em adquirir o Equipamento nas
condições e termos aqui ofertados

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=


Qty Description
1 Elekta Synergy Platform
Elekta Synergy Platform is the base line System for IGRT.
This system offers all the benefits of the Elekta Digital Linear Accelerator with the added
benefits of being designed to offer IGRT through the Elekta X-ray Volume Imaging System
(XVI) as a field upgrade. These advances are allowed by the specially designed robotic
drum structure for reliability and easy adaptation.
The Elekta Synergy Platform includes the Elekta iViewGT™ MegaVoltage Portal Imaging
Elekta Synergy is the platform for the future of radiation therapy which offers the option for
integrated image guided therapy. The Elekta Synergy Platform design is provided ready to
add the option of KV imaging for producing x-ray volume imaging (XVI) capability. This
consists of a dual modality digital accelerator, providing a comprehensive unrivalled range of
both x-ray and electron energies to satisfy the requirements of external beam radiotherapy.
This system also can offer unique ability to allow Triple x-ray energies and 7 Electron
energies for widest clinical indications application and utilization flexibility.

To allow for optimum clinical usability the system offers the lowest isocenter height (at only
124cm) in the industry.
The Elekta Synergy Platform is remote system diagnostic ready and will function with
Elekta's optional IntelliMax service monitoring ad support system. Elekta's optional
IntelliMax service monitoring ad support system is enabled through software and is available
during the original system warranty period or through purchase of an Elekta Advanced
Service Agreement.

The Precise Table provides smooth, quiet operation for positioning the patient during clinical
procedures. It comprises a vertical lift mechanism, couch base and the control system.

Elekta Synergy® Platform - following features and options are included:

- Advanced Linear Accelerator design on robotic drum structure.
- Traveling wave guide with 20 years warranty.
- High power rapid tuning magnetron with full 24 months warranty.
- Precise Desktop control system Windows based.
- Quick-Mode Treatment Delivery.
- Integrated Auto-Wedge providing any wedge angles from 1 to 60°.
- Two in-room monitors, mounted on both sides of the linac for easy of accessibility.
- Arc therapy capability for both photons and electrons.
- Arc therapy in clockwise and counter clockwise directions.
- Assisted set-up mode (ASU) of linear accelerator patient parameters.
- Mechanical front pointer.
- On board diagnostic mode for system calibration and on screen fault analysis.
- Shadow tray for shielding blocks.
- Hand Held Controller.
- Basic essential spare parts kit.
- On site application training.

Precise Treatment Table

- Patient weight capacity up to 440lbs.
- Dual table side movement controls.
- Vertical movement 63 to 173cm using an iBEAM evo couchtop

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

- Longitudinal movement 0 to 100cm.

- Lateral movement +/- 25cm.
- Column rotation +/- 180 degrees.
- Turntable rotation +/- 95 degrees.

1 Desktop Pro Mk3i control system
Control System hardware for the Linear Accelerator, release 7.01

Desktop Pro - the Linear Accelerator control system which manages all aspects of the
treatment process providing processing and logging for all pertinent Linac patient and

machine data. The Desktop Pro provides a graphical user interface based on the Windows
XP platform. Functional integration into a single workstation ensures security and integrity of

the treatment delivery. Desktop Pro streamlines operational efficiency and improves

patient throughput. The Desktop Pro modular software design allows a wide range of
options to meet your clinical requirement and provides compatibility with IMPAC Oncology
Management System and third party R and V Systems. (Please note USB ports have
replaced the tape drive on this model)

1 Software License Desktop Release 7.01

Desktop Pro R7.01 is the control system software for Elekta Digital Accelerators. As well
as providing clinical and service user improvements, this software supports the

PreciseBEAM Dynamic and VMAT license options.

Includes the following:

- Control Processor
- P4, 46mb Ram, RMX operating system
- MLC frame grabber
- Display Processor
- Intel P4 3.0 GHz 1MB cache 800 MHz Memory, Windows XP operating system
- 1024mb memory
- Desktop PC
- 2 x SCSI hard drive, DVD-RW, 3.5" floppy drive
- 5 port USB PCI Card
- LCD dose display
- English key board and mouse

1 4 MV Low Energy Photon

1 6 MV Mid Energy Photon

1 4 MeV Electron Energy

1 6 MeV Electron Energy

1 9 MeV Electron Energy

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

1 12 MeV Electron Energy

1 15 MeV Electron Energy

1 18 MeV Electron Energy

1 Elekta Synergy Standard covers Blue

1 Elekta Synergy Drum & Ring, Blue

1 MLCi2 Head
Lower Leakage Precision Multileaf Collimator
The MLCi2 Head offers lower leakage performance over the MLCi, without compromise on
the existing clinical merits of that design.

Specifically designed to reduce inter-leaf and intra-leaf leakage, it takes a significant step
forward in minimizing dose to healthy tissue outside of the collimated area.

With the ever evolving clinical techniques, it is an ideal partner for new functionality such as
volumetric arc therapy (VMAT), while still providing high standards of collimation for more
conventional applications.

High conformance dose delivery is ensured through the physical characteristics of the head

Key benefits include:

- Maximum patient clearance ensuring optimal beam angle flexibility
- Full integration enabling fast and efficient delivery
- Streamlined workflow through elimination of need for shadow tray blocks
- Full compatibility with major treatment planning systems through IMPAC MOSAIQ
- Constant real-time, beams eye verification of leaf positions ensures beam shaping
- Unwanted dose to the patient minimized by auto tracking of the back up diaphragms during
static and dynamic beam delivery
- OmniWedge capability
- Motorized Autowedge for angles up to 60°
- Lower Leakage performance
- Mechanically Interdigitation ready

The MLCi2 is the next generation Multi-Leaf Collimator. Utilising the same generic Radiation
Head structure of the current MLCi, it retains the same internal and external features, drive,
leaf detection and positional feedback, wedge, control and physical dimensions.
However, the distinction between the MLCi and MLCi2 is reflected in the leaf bank re-design
and performance.

A one-piece tightly toleranced plan bearing guide provides greater consistency in leaf
spacing and the rigidity of these guides coupled to the stiffened leaf bank side plates
eliminates bank twist.
The leaves run directly through the steel guide and a coating is applied to the leaf edge to

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

reduce the friction coefficient between the leaf and the plain bearing surface.
The leaf design has changed from the traditional tongue and groove, adopting similarities to
the Beam Modulator flat sided leaf deign. Coupled to the tighter tolerancing of leaf spacing,
this leads to improvements in inter-leaf leakage.

A unique patterning has been developed and applied to the leaf sides to minimise light
The guide assembly is more compact, allowing for an increase in leaf height from 77mm to
82mm. The addition of more material in the beam path naturally increases the attenuation
and consequently yields a lower intra-leaf leakage performance.

The leaves, leaf guides, side plates and motor plates are re-designed, but the motor, nut
and lead screw drive module have been adopted from the MLCi. Leaf movements are still
achieved by individual geared DC motors using a lead screw and nut drive to the leaf.

Leakage and penumbral performance are optimised by designing in a small tilt within the
leaf bank.

The overall design merits of the MLCi2 make it possible to implement the function of
interdigitation for every leaf. Control software to support this functionality is expected to be
made available in a future release of DesktopPRO control system software.

1 AutoCAL for MLC - All-time license

MLCi calibration software, tools and all time license
AutoCAL for Multileaf Collimator (MLCi) is designed to provide improved calibration and
verification of many fundamental radiation and mechanical parameters, making it easier and
faster to set up and maintain the MLCi for routine clinical use.

The tool supports:

- A predefined sequence of image acquisition from iViewGT™
- Image analysis, with pass/fail tests with user defined criteria
- A range of tests useful for set-up, acceptance and quality assurance
- Print out for record keeping and archiving of images and results

With Desktop Pro™ R6 and above, input of leaf gains and offsets is automated.

AutoCAL includes:

- iViewGT alignment and pixel calibration*
- Radiation and mechanical center tests
- Leaf bank alignment and squareness tests
- Diaphragm gains and offsets calibration
- Individual leaf gains and offsets calibration
- Leaf transmission test
- Acceptance tests for size, x-ray to light field *, symmetry and penumbra
- Striped image quality assurance test
- License

* Hardware tools for use with Beam Modulator are included.

1 Standard Set of Aperture Plate Electron Beam Applicators

Field sizes:
- 6 x 6 cm, SSD 95 cm

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

- 10 x 10 cm, SSD 95 cm
- 14 x 14 cm, SSD 95 cm
- 20 x 20 cm, SSD 95 cm

Fitted with spring loaded touch guard, coded end frames and electrical connection to linear
accelerator latch mounting system enables easy and rapid attachment.

1 Coded shadow tray assembly

Provides a means for attaching X-ray shadow blocks onto the head of the Linear
- Shadow tray assembly with hook and latch mounting, and multi-way plug connector

- Two removable parallel transparent Perspex trays, one of which may be coded

1 Amorphous Silicon panel for iViewGT™

Retractable arm for iViewGT™

Software license for the iViewGT portal imaging system
PC for acquisition of amorphous silicon images
The iViewGT™ Amorphous Silicon panel provides:
- Fast verification of dose conformance for acceptance of treatment quality.
- Excellent image quality and clear anatomical definition.
- Fast acquisition capture for real-time modification of set up prior to treatment delivery.

iViewGT™ provides:
- Rigid and fully retractable slimline detector for maximum accessibility and clearance.
- Large, square active area and wide lateral and longitudinal movement accommodating all
patient anatomies.
- Automatic and manual arm movement for efficiency of use.
- Fully interlocked safety features for operator confidence and patient comfort.

iViewGT R3.4 software provides:

- Full image acquisition capability for iViewGT™ customers
- Enhanced image display options offering superior structure visualization. (Enabled with the
CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization) algorithm)
- Extensive networking capabilities through DICOM
- Automated DICOM export of acquired images
- Sophisticated tool set for efficient image acquisition
- Confident tracking of sophisticated treatments with fast continuous synchronized imaging.
- Enhanced printing for display of images

High Performance PC hardware for the control of the acquisition of amorphous silicon

DICOM 3.0 Software Interface for Image Transfer

The international standard interface protocol for network transfer of medical images.

Template Matching Software

This enables the user to compare the portal image with a nominated reference image for
any set-up error. The set-up error is measured by matching visible anatomy and the field
edge on the referenced image with the portal image.
The user can move the templates to provide an image displacement.

Image Approval Software

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This allows the user assigned with the "review" permission to approve or disapprove any
image within iViewGT™.

Patient Auto Select Software with iCom-Vx Connection to Precise

This enables the prescription selected on the Linac to automatically select or create that
patient record on iViewGT™ using the iCom-Vx protocol. In addition images will
automatically be acquired and stored in the iViewGT™ database without further operator

High Performance PC hardware for the control of the acquisition of amorphous silicon

Laser back pointer assembly

- Fiber optic laser back pointer (Class 2 laser)
- Mechanical mounting kit
- Laser warning label

1 Elekta Synergy Function Key Pad
The Function Key Pad provides the following features:
- MV Start, Interrupt and Terminate
- LED’s to indicate radition on / off status
- Linac Assisted Setup (ASU) - facilitating automatic gantry and diapragm rotations
- Table ASU - facilitating automatic table translations and isocentric setup
- Imaging ASU - facilitating automatic remote retraction of the iViewGT™ detector

This Function Key Pad has been ergonomically designed to ensure comfort during
prolonged ASU periods.

1 Remote Detector Retraction Upgrade Kit – 30m cable

This kit allows Remote Retraction of the iViewGT detector from the Function Key Pad.

1 Flat panel monitor for iView

1 Las Vegas Calibration Phantom

The Las Vegas phantom is a device that is used to check image quality of a portal imaging
device at different Megavoltage energies both at acceptance and as part of the corrective
maintenance procedure.

1 Precise Table or Pedestal Pit Kit

This kit provides the necessary fixings, floor boards and template to install a Precise Table
into a custom built Pit or a modified Pedestal Pit.

1 Install Kit Precise Table

1 S/W Lic Treatment Table

Precise Desktop software license for the table.

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1 iBEAM evo
iBEAM evo is the next generation of carbon fiber Couchtop from MI. This Couchtop has no
metalic components apart from the rails. The Couchtop comes complete with the following
- iBEAM evo Extension H & N
- iBEAM evo Extension 415
- Indexing bar
- iBEAM evo Extension removable rails EP (aluminium)

The extensions are light, easy to use and minimize set-up time.

The tabletop comes with a fixed rail at the foot end of the couch and a removable, light
weight rail for the superior couch end. This rail is the same dimensions as the C-Arm
tabletop, however the location in relation to the top of the iBEAM evo and separation
between the rails is slightly different to the C-arm.

1 Patient Hand Grips

A pair of patient handgrips for use on the treatment table.

1 Adjustable Arm Support with Vertical and Horizontal Adjustment

Adjustable Arm Holder which attaches to the treatment table accessory rails and allows the
patient's arm to be easily positioned for breast treatments.
This model features vertical and horizontal adjustment.

1 AXION 1 Breast Board

A narrow width CT compatible Carbon Fiber Breast Board with no metal components, fully
indexed with an easy to use graphical patient setup record supplied in the User's Manual.

The tilting mechanism for the AXION 1 Breast Board has discreet angles that allow for
accurate and fast setup. The available tilt angles are 0º, 10º, 15º, 20º, 25º, 30º, 35º.

The AXION 1 comes standard with an indexed Hip Stopper System and a head cushion.
Also standard is an arm support kit which includes (1) hang grip, (1) wrist support, and (1)
TriAx arm support.

Alternatively, an Arm Cradle can be used for positioning both arms simultaneously. The Arm
Cradle easily snaps onto the Axion 1 and has a narrow profile suitable for CT simulation.

1 Leg Supports
Leg supports (pair) which attach to the accessory rail of the treatment table.
Supports are fitted with removable, cushioned covers. The angle can be adjusted and knee
braces positioned with a universal joint.

1 Turbo Starter Kit for Linear Accelerators

Ancillary equipment required for the installation and maintenance of any Precise Digital
- Rotary vacuum pump
- Turbo molecular pump attachment for rapid pump down times and higher roughing vacuum

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Elekta Synergy Platform=

1 Spares Kit Basic

A basic kit of spare parts for the Precise Digital Accelerator.

1 Spares Kit MLCi

A basic kit of spare parts to support Multileaf Collimator.

1 Precise Treatment Table - Spares Kit

1 Room Lasers, Red, Manual

Laser patient alignment system, Red lines with manual adjustment.
Set of 4 Red Room lasers.
Comprising 3 crosshair and 1 line sagittal laser.
Featuring extremely fine lines (< 1mm), high precision adjustment at the isocenter and easy
to install, stable mounting bracket.

Inclusive of switchable (110v to 240v) Power Supply and universal main adaptor.

1 Color CCTV and Intercom 220v

Color CCTV monitoring system with pan, zoom and tilt functions, 2 monitors and control
Intercom for patient and radiographer communication, includes a master and remote station.

1 Port Film Graticule

Port film graticule using wire inserts. Fits into upper position of the coded shadow tray,
enabling simultaneous fitment of blocking tray for treatment verification.

1 Control Room Monitor

1 Extender Cards
Extender cards for fault diagnosis on the Electrical Interface Module (EIM).
Consists of:
PCB Board, DBL sided, Extender card, 6U#APW, 09-2460E.
APW Electronics formerly known as BICC VERO.

Test adaptor, 3U high*Schroff 23021-608.

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=


Qty Description
1 PreciseBEAM™ Dynamic
PreciseBEAM™ Dynamic License

This license enables movement of the MLC and diaphragms during irradiation at a fixed
gantry angle.

The MLC moves linearly from one shape to the next as a function of the delivered dose.
During delivery, the dose rate is dynamically adjusted to ensure that the prescribed and
actual MLC shapes match.

1 PreciseBEAM™ Segmental
License PreciseBEAM™ for Step and Shoot and Omniwedge delivery.

This license enables automatic sequential delivery of beams and segments. During
radiation, the gantry and MLC are static.

Desktop Pro™ R7.01 uses the dosimetry hardware within the Linac Control System to
control the point at which the irradiation stops and the MLC moves. This results in
exceptionally accurate delivery of dose per MLC shape.

1 Software license Linac Record to file

Optional software to Record Linac Data to file.

The Software license Linac record to file offers the user the option to configure the Linac (in
Service Mode) to send the data to network file rather than to a printer.

1 Software License Linac Record

Software license for the linac record option.

1 Extended Service License for Desktop 7

Software License providing enhanced features.

This license allows the user extra service tools/functionality.

1 Software license for MLC Monitoring

Provides the facility for motor current feedback to Integrity™, via the MLC electronics

Leaf power supply monitoring and a temperature sensor is also provided.

1 Software license for Camera Gain Control

Enables the image gain of the camera to be adjusted by an item part value (i.e. camera Iris
item part value).

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=


Qty Description
1 Applications Training for Standard Therapy on the Desktop
A 1.5 day training course for the Clinical Operators of the Standard Therapy version of the

1 Applications Training for iViewGT

A 2.5 day initial training course for the clinical operators of iViewGT including purchasable

1 Network Security Solution

The Elekta Network Security Solution (NSS) is a multi-purpose device designed to protect
Elekta’s Treatment Delivery Suite (TDS) from illicit intrusion attempts and malware attack. A
single NSS provides Unified Threat Management (UTM) functionality (firewall and malware
protection) and temporary secure data storage for a single digital linear accelerator and its
associated IT components.

1 IntelliMax™ Intelligent Agent

This license provides only the IntelliMax™ Intelligent Agent license. Any provision of
services relating to the use of data collected by the Agent (via the IntelliMax™ Enterprise)
should be negotiated as part of the service contract between the customer and the

IntelliMax™ Intelligent Agent requires a dedicated PC. Provision of this PC must be

negotiated between the customer and the Elekta BU/distributor. A specification of the PC
can be obtained from your Elekta representative.

IntelliMax™ Intelligent Agent also requires a direct internet connection to the Agent PC
opening secure port 443 (https).

Elekta Intellimax™ enables Elekta to provide remote service and diagnostics to you and in
order to get full functionality of Intellimax™ you agree that Elekta may automatically update
the Intellimax™ Software during the term of your warranty and any future service

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=

Qty Description
1 IQ Server Software
Foundation for the integrated EMR / Practice Management system. Includes patient master
index (PMI), internal and external directories, system utilities, configuration libraries and
barcoding capability.

1 MOSAIQ Procedure Management

Advanced procedure management system including complete
Charge / code capture, audit, and export capability. Code capture features include single
and multi-code capture integral to the EMR, user-defined superbills and charge panel for
batch captures, auto-capture features for weekly management charges, and bar-coded
patient selection/charging. Also includes charge review/audit features and the ability to
export charges / codes in standard format or post directly to the MOSAIQ billing & A/R

3 MOSAIQ Resource Scheduling

Full-Featured Department Scheduling system includes user-defined views of staff,
resources, and department schedules. Features include flexible templates, wave/series
scheduling, sophisticated conflict checking/resolution, find-next capability,
and the ability to download appointments to PDA via Outlook.

1 Crystal Reports 10 Developer Full Product Edition English

Image-Enabled Electronic Medical Record (EMR) including
core charting features - configurable Chart Navigator, Qwik Rx electronic ordering, patient
assessments, Word-based transcription generation, electronic document management, and
the ability to import medical images only if configured with documents, ID photos, scanned
images, and other electronic files for incorporation into the EMR - as well as core reporting
and process management tools.

Radiation Oncology treatment management solution that includes the ability to import and
manage DICOM RT plans and images to expedite the generation of complex radiation
oncology prescriptions and treatment calendars.

The ability to connect treatment machines and imaging devices to support pre and post
treatment validation, review, and analysis.

MOSAIQ RO includes MLC Fit, MLC Positioning,

SEQUENCER Independent Verification and ViewStation Clinical Image Management

1 Connectivity to Siemens DMIP & Primus

Treatment Machine Connectivity connects MOSAIQ EMR to the linear accelerator /
treatment device to verify that the machine is set-up according to plan and automatically
records actual set-up parameters.

1 Connectivity to Elekta iCOM/RT Desktop & Synergy

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=

Treatment Machine Connectivity connects MOSAIQ EMR to the linear accelerator /

treatment device to verify that the machine is set-up according to plan and automatically
records actual set-up parameters.

1 Connectivity to Elekta 80-leaf MLC/IMRT

Interface to linac MLC / IMRT

Compatible with Elekta MLC and Beam Modulator

Support for static and dynamic IMRT is included

Support for Elekta Omniwedge and Auto Field Sequencing

1 Connectivity to DICOM RT CMS (TBD)

Treatment Planning System (TPS) and Virtual Simulator connectivity supports the import of
the TPS plan and image information in DICOM format. The extent of the information
imported depends on the treatment planning system / Virtual Simulator device and the type
of interface.

1 Connectivity to DICOM PORT Eleka iView GT

Connectivity to a DICOM compatible Electronic Portal Imaging device supports the import of
DICOM formatted images for incorporation into the MOSAIQ EMR. DICOM Image Export
supports the copy of medical images stored within the MOSAIQ EMR to an external
destination e.g. department or hospital archive system.

1 XiO 3D RTP System consisting of:
Base PC - HP xw8600 (Dual Processor)
Processor (First) - HP xw8600 2.00GHz/12MB Xeon Quad Core 1333MHz
Processor (Second) - HP xw8600 2.00GHz/12MB Xeon Quad Core 1333MHz
Graphics - HP xw8600 NVIDIA Quadro FX570 PCIe
Memory HP xw8600 PC - 4GB (2x2GB) DDR2-667 ECC
Disk HP xw8600 PC Int. SAS 3Gb/s 146GB 15K rpm
16x DVD +/- RW DL SuperMulti SATA - HP xw8600
Keyboard HP xw8600 - USB Standard
Mouse HP xw8600 - USB Optical Scroll
Monitor HP - LP2475W 24" LCD Color
HP 2800dtn Color Inkjet Parallel/Network Printer
Tape Drive - Ext. 400GB HP LTO 448
Modem - USB MultiTech 56K, MultiMobile
AccuGrid Digital Tablet - 50 x 60cm Active area • with serial cable

XiO Application Software 2D/3D External Beam Application Software consisting of:
Clarkson Algorithm
FFT Convolution Algorithm
Superposition Algorithm
3-D Pencil Beam Algorithm
Irregular Field Point Dose Calculations

201106-703- 009A 09-Junho-2011
Elekta Synergy Platform=

3D Visualization Including Solid, Wire & Transparent Multi Planar Views

DRR Viewing and Output
Dose Volume Histograms (DVH)
TCP and NTCP Calculations
Patient Entry and Outlining Utilities Including Manual and Automatic Contouring
Fixed, Motorized, Dynamic and Virtual Wedges
Dynamic Conformal Arc Therapy
Advanced Autosegmentation of Anatomy Software
Standalone Time/MU software. Independent software module based on Netscape Internet
browser for quick monitor unit calculations.
One CT/MRI software interface
MLC Interface Software

1 DICOM Bundle for XiO Including:

DICOM RT Structure Set Import
DICOM RT Structure Set Export
DICOM RT Plan Import
DICOM RT Plan Export
DICOM RT Dose Export
DICOM RT Image Export
Philips AcQSim Contour Import
Varian Ximatron Sim/CT Interface
Export of Beam Data and MLC data in the RTP Connect file format.

1 Single license copy of Focalpro

1 Single license copy of Fusion


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