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Reviso Propriedades Termodinmicas de Termofsicas de Substncias Puras e de Mistura Prof. Dr. Marcelo Mendes Vieira Eng. Mecnica !"MT

"ases de uma substncia

Diagrama P#v

$r%fico T-v

Ponto &rtico

'EVE(SP)E'* Termodinmica +mistosa Para Engen,eiros* Edgard -luc,er* .///.

SUBSTNCIA Ar Amo/ia Be/3e/o /-Bu"a/o 5i6i7o 7e car#o/o Mo/6i7o 7e car#o/o Cloro 9"a/o 9"a/ol 0:lio 0FC-.,1a 0i7rog;/io Me"a/o Me"a/ol Ni"rog;/io /-8c"a/o 86ig;/io /- e/"a/o ro$a/o <gua

Fmula Qumica & N0, C202 C10.' C8) C8 Cl ) C)02 C)0480 0e C0)FCF, 0) C01 C0,80 N) C*0.* 8 C40.) C,0* 0)8

Massa Molecular [kg/mol] '(')*+ '('.'('-*. '('4*. '('11 '(')* '('-'+ '(','. '('12. '(''1 '(.') '('') '('.2 '(',). '(')* '(..1) '(',) '('-)) '('11. '('.*

ress!o Cr"ica [#ar] ,-(.., 1*(, ,-1 ,4 --(. 1+ 2,(+ )()+ 1'(2 ., 12(1 -+(,,(+ )1(+ 4'(1 ,,(1 1)(2 )).(,

Tem$era"ura Cr"ica [%] .,) 1'2 42) 1)2 ,'1 .,1 1.,'4 4.2 4()2 ,-1 ,,(, .+. 4., .)2 42+ .41 1-' ,-' 21-

"ator de &ompressibilidade

P.v = Z . R . T

v . P C P C v =T. . T P v T

0 para Pr1/*2

0c3/*425 Pr 1 /*26 e /*771Tr12*./

Pes8uisa com v%rios gases

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&%lculo em Sala5 Determine o 0 e volume especfico atrav9s do gr%fico :03f:Pr*Tr;; e pelas tabelas termodinmicas da %gua e da am<nia

a; +ir at /.2 MPa and ./=& b; +ir at 24 MPa and >//=& c; Met,ane at . MPa and 2///=& d; ?ater at /.2 MPa and ./=& e; ?ater at /./2 MPa and 4/=& f; +mmonia at 2. MPa and @7/ A g; Metano a >*. bar e #2// B&. Para CaD* CbD e CcD 3E as respostas indicam 8ue 9 a condiFo de $.P.
=es$os"as> a@ #@ c@ 7@ e@ A@ ? . .('4 .(''4 '(''''('''''(-.

Presso de vapor

Presso de Vapor L Temperatura

Diagrama T#s da %gua

Diagrama T#, da %gua

Diagrama ,#s da %gua ou Mollier

Propriedade dos &alores Especficos

P h P cte = C

. T

v u v cte = C


. T

P = Ti C Tf Ti

C p . dT


:depende do livro;5 5

$ases ou vapores
:depende do livro;5

C P = A B.T C.T

D 2 2 / T C

C P = A + B.T + C.T . + D.T 4

v P C P C v =T. . C P C v T P v T

3E para '8uidos

&omportamento dos &v 3 f:T; nos gases monoat<micos e os outros

RelaFo de MaHer* para $.P. 5

C P C V = R C V =2*7. R

EE para mol9culas monoat<micas

Determining Ent,alpH &,anges for an )deal $as

)n t,e previous section Ge stated t,at for an ideal gas t,e internal energH of t,e gas depends on temperature onlHM i.e.* u 3 u:T;. Since Pv 3 RT for an ideal gas and t,us t,e ent,alpH of an ideal gas is also onlH a function of temperature. T,e definition of cP t,en simplifies from to G,ic, can be rearranged to

&alculating &,anges )n )nternal EnergH ?,en &v )s (ot &onstant

)f Cv cannot be assumed constant* c,anges in internal energH can be calculated in t,ree GaHs5

2. "or manH gases* Cv:T; can be represented bH a polHnomial eKpression. "or t,is case* t,e eKpression .. can be integrated directlH. )nternal energH tables eKist for manH gases in G,ic, t,e value

,as been tabulated as a function of T. &,anges in internal energH can be calculated using t,ese tabulated values* eliminating t,e need to manuallH integrate t,e function cvdT. T,e reference temperature Tref at G,ic, t,e value of uref is defined to be Nero is arbitrarH. ManH tables of ideal gas properties c,oose uref 3 / at Tref 3 / A* so t,at tabulated values of u:T; are alGaHs positive. Ot,er tables assign uref 3 / at standard temperature of .7=&* in G,ic, case u values are negative for T 1 .7=&.


)n manH cases* using a mean cv value for t,e process and

Gill Hield a reasonable approKimation for c,anges in internal energH.

&%lculo de variaFo de entalpia

&alculate t,e c,ange in ent,alpH :PQ Pg; for nitrogen betGeen T2 3 .7=& and T. 3 67/=& using t,e ideal gas tables. Compare t,e result to t,at found bH using t,e polHnomial e8uations for cp and to t,at found bH using t,e mean value of cp for t,e temperature range betGeen .7 and 67/=&. $iven5 (itrogen* T2 3 .7=&* T. 3 67/=& "ind5 ,. # ,2 :PQ Pg;

Respostas5 Pela tabela de g%s nitrogRnio5 ,. # ,2 3 6JJ.74 PQ Pg "or nitrogen* t,e coefficients of t,e polHnomial are5 +3.S.>/* b3 #/.27JK2/# . * c3/.S/S2K2/#7* d3#..SJ4K2/#> Substituting M3.S./2 Pg Pmol* T2 3 .7 T .J4 3 .>S A* and T. 3 67/ T .J4 3 >.4 A5 ,. # ,2 3 6JS.2. PQ Pg

&p m9dio interpolado por uma tabela5 ,. # ,2 3 2./S4S PQ Pg#A K :>.4#.>S; A 3 6JJ.4@ PQ Pg

,ttp5 GGG.GileH.com college moran &'I/@J2@67J/@IS user eKamples idealIgas ideal4 ideal4.,tml

&%lculo em sala

&alcule o &p do g%s carb<nico a 7// A :resposta5 2./26.7 PQ Pg.A; . &alcule o &p do g%s carb<nico U 2.// A :2..>>2. PQ Pg.A;.
P do g%s carb<nico de 7// a 2.// A &alcule o &p m9dio* C :2.2S/. PQ Pg.A;.

+ 3 /*@7 - 3 2*6J & 3 #2*.J D 3 /*4>

$ases ou vapores5
C P = A+ B. + C. + D. = T [K ] 2///
. 4

P = Ti C Tf Ti

C p . dT

( livro do VanWylen )

Mistura de Substncias5 do livro CManual de ar comprimido e $asesD

TVRW e PVpsiaW

66S psia#E

4J6 R#E

Com$o/e/"e 7o gEs Me"a/o 9"a/o ro$a/o Bu"a/o Ni"rog;/io

Frmula Fumica C01 C)02 C,0* C10.' N)

FraB!o $or Colume '(*,) '('*4 '('11 '(')'('.) .('''

eso Molecular [l#/l#mol] .2('1 ,'('11('+ 4*(.) )*(') Soma IJ

FraB!o 7o ColD G $eso 7o molD .,(,4 )(42 .(+1 .(4'(,1 19,75

FraB!o $or $eso '(2-4* '(.)+1 '('+*) '('-+4 '('.-' lb/mol C$ '(4,. '(1.'(,++ '(1'4 '()1*

FraB!o 7e $eso 6 C$ '(,4+ '('41 '(',+ '(',) '(''1 Cp=0,489

a .4' HF

FraB!o 7o ColD 6 MDC$ -('+ .(''(-'(21 '('* M.Cp = 9,646

*(4) .)(41 .-(4* ),(4) 2(+4

T+RE"+5 Verifi8ue todas as unidades 8ue foram usadas nessa tabela atrav9s de sua consulta. Xobs.5 esta tabela foi corrigida em relaFo a tela anteriorY
Frmula Fumica C01 C)02 C,0* C10.' N) FraB!o $or Colume '(*,) '('*4 '('11 '(')'('.) 1,000 ress!o cr"ica 2-,(. -'*(, 2.-(1 44'(1+) Pc da mistura => FraB!o 7o ColD G $ress!o cr"ica 42'(' 2'() )-() .1(+ 4(+ 668,2 Tem$era"ura cr"ica ,1,(4 44'(+ 222()2 -24(2) ))-() c da mistura => FraB!o 7o mol G "em$D cr"ica )*4(* 12(* )+(, )'()(!85,!

Com$o/e/"e 7o gEs Me"a/o 9"a/o ro$a/o Bu"a/o Ni"rog;/io

EKerccio 25 para a mistura abaiKo* calcular no SI5 M* &p :a 4//A;* Tc e Pc* conforme a tabela anterior "raFo Molar5 /*S4. de &Z@ /*/S7 de &.Z6 /*/@@ de &4ZS /*/.J de &@Z2/ /*/2. de (.

EKerccio .5 para a mistura abaiKo* calcular no SI5 M* &pm9dio : de 2S/ a 2@// B&;* Tc e Pc* conforme a tabela do eKemplo dado "raFo Molar5 /*67 de (. /*/7 de O. /*2S de &O. /*2. de Z./

EKerccio 4
&arbon dioKide is contained in a piston cHlinder device. ?eig,ts are placed on t,e piston suc, t,e pressure inside t,e cHlinder is 4// bar and t,e temperature is 27/B&. T,e initial volume is 2/ liters. Zeat is transferred to t,e gas until t,e temperature reac,es 42/B&. !sing t,e generaliNed compressibilitH c,art* determine t,e final volume. : ,ttp5 GGG.GileH.com college moran &'I/@J2@67J/@IS user eKamples idealIgas ideal. ideal..,tml ; Resposta5 2J*@ litros

$%s (itrogRnio inicialmente est% a P 3 .// atm* T 3 .7..@ A. [ resfriado a volume constante at9 a temperatura de 2S>.4 A. \ual 9 a presso nesse estado final] :Resp5 22> atm;

EKerccio @

EKerccio 7

. Pg of ,elium gas :Ze; are ,eated from / to 47/=&. )f t,e internal energH is initiallH 2 J/2 PQ* G,at is t,e final internal energH] +ssume t,e )deal $as 'aG applies. :resposta5 4 SS4 PQ; [ possvel assumir 8ue o calor especfico 9 constante nesse caso] Resp.5 sim* ver gr%fico &v3f:T;.

EKerccio 6

Steam is at T 3 67/=& and P 3 ./// PPa. "ind t,e c,ange in t,e ent,alpH of t,e steam G,en a; T is ,eld constant and P is c,anged to @/ MPa b; P is ,eld constant and T is c,anged to S//=&. SO'!T)O(5
a; "rom Table 2.s* ,:T 3 67/=&* P 3 ./// PPa; 3 4S/4.. PQ Pg* and ,:T 3 67/=&* P 3 @/ MPa; 3 4726.4 PQ Pg. T,us* ,.#,2 3 4726.4 # 4S/4.. 3 #.S6.> PQ Pg b; "rom Table 2.s* ,:T 3 S//=&* P 3 ./// PPa; 3 @27/.> PQ Pg* so ,.#,2 3 @27/.> # 4S/4.. 3 4@J.J PQ Pg

EKerccio J# Vapor Supera8uecido

4.@2.J PQ Pg 6.@ o&

?,at is t,e specific internal energH :u; of steam at 2/ MPa and 6//=&]

4 J// PQ P

?,at is t,e temperature of steam at S MPa Git, a specific volume of /./7 m4 Pg] ?,at is t,e specific ent,alpH :,; of steam at S MPa Git, a specific volume of /./7 m4 Pg]

'8uido comprimido

Regio de SaturaFo

EKerccio S

"ind t,e c,ange in value of ent,alpH , for Gater :steam; betGeen an initial state G,ere P 3 2// PPa and v 3 2.67// m4 Pg and a final state G,ere P 3 4/// PPa and T 3 7.7=&.

S>J*/ PQ Pg

EKerccio > ^ usar apenas tabela de %gua na condiFo de saturaFo

?,at is t,e specific volume of Gater at 2@.4 MPa and 2//=&]

u 3 J7. PQ Pg

v 3 /.//2/462 m4 Pg

?,at is t,e specific internal energH :u; and specific ent,alpH :,; of a Gater at 2S MPa and 2S/=&] &ompressed li8uid tables are onlH available for ,ig, pressures. Most problems are for more moderate pressures. ?,at do Ge do]

EKerccio 2/

)ndicate G,et,er t,e folloGing states for Gater are in t,e li8uid* saturation* or super,eated region. SpecifH t,e 8ualitH of t,e states in t,e saturation region5
S"a"e . ) , 1 4 Kk a@ .-'' .)'' -4'' ,4' T KHC@ )'' --4 )') -C KmL/kg@ -'D''.' ,D' -4

EKerccio 22

+; $iven5 Gater at P 3 /./S MPa and , 3 2/// PQ Pg. "ind5 T and v -; + sealed volume of ../ cm_ contains saturated Gater. T,e container is ,eated from an initial pressure of /.2/ MPa until t,e vessel contains a single p,ase. Determine t,e final state of t,e Gater if t,e vessel contains5:a; /.2/ gram and :b; 2./ gram.

,ttp5 GGG.GileH.com college moran &'I/@J2@67J/@IS user eKamples Prop 4I72s ?ORADO&S PRO-4I2/@.,tml

EKerccio 2.

a; Vapor de %gua a presso de @/ bar e @7/ B& sofre uma eKpanso isentr`pica at9 uma presso de 2@ bar. \ual 9 o ttulo* volume especfico e a m_ Pg entalpia especfica nesse estado final] /*2S/S 4/4. PQ Pg b; Vapor de %gua a presso de @/ bar e @7/ B& sofre uma eKpanso isentr`pica at9 uma presso de J PPa. \ual 9 o ttulo* volume especfico e a entalpia especfica nesse estado final]
26*>J m_ Pg .277 PQ Pg

T`picos abordados em sala de aula

&ondiFo de $.P. Presso de vapor K Temperatura de saturaFo Ttulo da mistura l8uidoTvapor Tabelas e gr%ficos termodinmicos $ases e vapores* substncias puras ou misturas5 &p 3 f:T; + relaFo de &p e &v nos l8uidos e s`lidos &pm9dio DeterminaFo das propriedades da mistura :M* Tc* Pc e &p; &onsulta das tabelas de termodinmica da %gua

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