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I Semana 12 a 16/11 Aula 1 O Present Perfect Tense pode ser utilizado quando: A ao ocorre no passado sem que o tempo esteja definido; A ao comeou no passado e continua a ser feita at o momento atual; A ao se repete vrias vezes no passado. 1) Leia o texto a seguir: b) The best I've ever seen.(O melhor que j vi na minha vida.) C) YET O yet significa j em frases interrogarivas no present perfect, todavia quando utilizado em frases negativas ele passa a significar ainda. Outra regra presente no yet o fato de ele sempre ser colocado no final das frases. Assim como o already, indica algo imediato, recente. No precisa dizer, sua cabea se confundiu toda. Infelizmente foi necessrio seguir as atividades do livro. Para voc treinar o uso adequado desses advrbios faa as atividades abaixo preenchendo os espaos com already, ever ou yet. a) Have you __________ gone to Sweden? Voc j (alguma vez) foi Sucia? b) We've ____________ bought the tickets. Ns j compramos os ingressos. c) Has Jennifer ___________ been to New York? A Jennifer j (algum dia) esteve em Nova Iorque? d) I haven't seen my daughter ________________. Ainda no vi a minha filha. e) I have ___________ studied for the test in the tomorrow morning. Eu j estudei para o teste de amanh. 3) O present perfect pode ser associado forma superlativa dos adjetivos para enfatizarmos as melhores/piores experincias que j tivemos. Observe: What's the best film you have ever watched? Qual o melhor filme que voc j assistiu? The best movie I have ever watched is Just Like Eaven. O melhor filme que eu j assisti foi E se fosse Verdade. Use as palavras a seguir para formar perguntas com o presente perfect e o superlatiivo. Em seguida escreva as respostas de acordo com o modelo. Lembre-se das regras do superlativo para adjetivos longos e curtos - o most para adjetivos longos e o final est para adjetivos curtos. A primeira foi feita para voc. a) hilarious / movie/ see Whats the most hilarious movie you have ever seen? The most hilarious movie Ive ever seen is Titanic. b) difficult / subject at school/ study c) beautiful/ actress/ see c) good/ food / eat d) intelligent/ man/ talk to e) interesting/ movie/ seen

a) Sublinhe o uso do presente perfect no texto acima. b) Qual regra foi utilizada para o uso do presente perfect na orao destacada por voc no exerccio anterior? c) Explique, em portugus, qual foi o efeito cmico que a tirinha transmitiu. Note: no simplesmente traduzir a tira, necessrio interpret-la. 2) Responda as questes seguintes. Use respostas curtas (Yes, I have ou No, I havent) . a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Have you ever drunk Diet Coke? Have you ever met a famous singer? Have you ever spoken to an American? Have you ever been to another state? Have you ever seen a friend cry? Have you ever taken the wrong bus?

3) O nosso livro didtico ensina que ever, already e yet tem sentidos semelhantes, porm o primeiro utilizado apenas para formas interrogativas, o segundo para afirmativas e o terceiro para negativas. Apesar de ter sido utilizada para assimilao rpida essas informaes precisam ser ampliadas. Observe as definies a seguir: A) Already = J [expressa surpresa]. utilizado em frases afirmativas no presente perfect. a) I already have one.(Eu j tenho um.) b) Already? (J?) c) They had already arrived.(Eles j tinham chegado.) B) Ever = J, alguma vez em toda sua vida, ou perodo em algum lugar. usado apenas em frases interrogativas e afirmativas. a) Did you ever see it?(Voc alguma vez viu isto?) -> j viu?

I Semana 12 a 16/11 - Aula 2 1) Usa-se 'ever' em frases interrogativas significando 'j'(algum dia,alguma vez na sua vida). Pode-se usar 'yet'(j),em frases interrogativas quando se trata de aes mais recentes, do momento. 1.Have you ever been to England?(Voc j esteve na Inglaterra?) 2.Have you ever really loved somebody?(Voc j amou algum de verdade?) 3.Have you finished yet?(J terminou?) 4.Are you ready yet?(J est pronto?) Com base nas explicaes acima,passe as frases a seguir para o ingls. a) b) c) d) e) Voc j(alguma vez) viajou de avio? Voc j(alguma vez) viu um fantasma? Voc j ligou para ele? Ela j chegou? Ela j estudou para o teste?

II Semana 19 a 23/11 - Aula 1 1) Leia o texto a seguir: Life in the 90s There is a group of women in Britain who are happy, fit, carefree, sleep well and seldom see their doctors. Who are these wonder-girls ? Are they young, keep-fit, health-food fanatics. Hardly they are all over 90! A survey of nonagenarians found four out of five are women. Half havent been to hospitals for five years and two in three have not had regular contact with their GPs. What does it take to live this long ? According to survey, be middle class, dont smoke, avoid drinking, exercise daily and, surprise, eat meat and dairy products like butter. a) De acordo com o texto : H mais homens que mulheres acima dos 90 anos. b)H mais mulheres que homens acima dos 90 anos. Os idosos no gostam de ir ao mdico. Os idosos dessa idade evitam o consumo de carne e laticnios. A classe mdia no fuma e evita bebida alcolica. b) Sublinhe as estruturas que aparecem no presente perfect no texto. c) Qual a melhor traduo para o trecho Half havent been to hospitals for five years and two in three have not had regular contact with their GPs? 2) Faa a traduo do texto abaixo. My name is Jason and I have written this web page to introduce myself. Ive always been a work-hard, playhard kind of guy. I grew up in Idaho and my family did a lot of adventure sports like rock climbing and whitewater rafting. Lately, people have named these activities extreme sports, but to me theyve always seemed just lie normal fun and I love skydiving. Since I got married last year, my wife has practiced skydiving with me. She has learned very fast and hasnt had any fear. a) Em que local um texto como esse pode ser encontrado? b) Qual o assunto desse texto? c) Por que Jason esta pgina na web? d) Em que lugar Jason cresceu? e) Quais esportes eram praticados pela famlia de Jason? f) Que tipo de esporte Jason pratica com sua mulher? g) Jason considera paraquedismo um esporte extremo?

2) Escolha a opo que melhor preencha os espaos em branco, fazendo uso de "for" ou "since" corretamente. A. I have been teaching English................many years. a. For b. Since B. She's been dating him............2008. a. For b. Since C. We've known each other................almost twenty years. a. For b. Since D. He's worked here...........last year. a. For b. Since E. Como se diz "desde que eu nasci" em ingls? a. For I was born b. Since I was born 3) Qual a melhor traduo para a sentena a seguir? - "Since when have you been working for your present employer?" 4) Use a forma afirmativa ou negativa para responder as questes. Siga o modelo. a) Have called lots of friends. And you? Se afirmativo: Me too, I have called lots of friends. Se negativo: Not me, I havent called lots of friends. a) I have ever done all my homework. And you? b) I have ever helped my mother clean the house. What about you? c) I have ever seen a great comedy movie. And you? d) I have ever studied for a difficult test. And you? e) I have ever written some e-mails. What about you? f) I have ever been to my grandmas house. And you? g) I have ever eaten salad for lunch. What about you? h) I have ever lost my blue pen. And you? i) Hi! Im Susan. I have done many things this week. And you?

II Semana 19 a 23/11 - Aula 2 1) Leia o texto a seguir. / Read the text below. I've lived here for almost six years. I think this is a nice place and people are friendly. I have nothing to complain about. I've made friends and I've seen good things around here. Lately, people have talked more to each other and the city has received more and more tourists from other contries. Tourism is very important here. Many people come here to spend their vacations and take a break. I really like it here and I'm glad nothing bad has happened for a long time. - By Jane Honda 2. Faa a traduo do texto acima. 3. Respondam as perguntas / Answer the questions. a. How long has Jane Honda lived in the city? ____________________________________________ b. Does Jane like the place where she lives? ____________________________________________ 4. Mark True Or False. / Verdadeiro Ou Falso a. Jane wants to complain about the city where she is. (.....) b. She makes friends there. (.....) c. She sees nice things. (.....) d. Tourism is important to the city. (.....) e. Recently, there was a disaster in Jane's city. (.....) III Semana 26 a 30/11 Aula 1 (Trazer o livro na prxima aula) Exerccios 1) Escreva frases afirmativas no present perfect. Ex.: I / wash / my car. Resposta: I have washed my car. a) I / clean / my shoes. b) I / wash / my hands.She / clean / the windows. c) The new equipment / arrive. d) My parents / move / to London. e) It / rain / a lot over these days. f) The guests / arrive. g) I / call / himWe / invite / some friends to the party. 2) Pratique usando a forma negativa: Ex.: I / wash / my car. Resposta: I havent washed my car. a) I / attend / the French classes b) we / play / soccer c) they / arrive / at the airport d) e) f) g) h) i) it/ rain they follow / the instructions I and Kelly / dance it / snow the earthquake / destroy / the building the search party / climb / the mountain

III Semana 26 a 30/11 Aula 2 1) Leia o texto da pgina 60 e responda as atividades da pgina 61.

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