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Colégio Modelo Luís Eduardo Magalhães 1ª

Unidade 1º Ano _______ Matutino

Data: ___/___/2022. Nota:
Professor (a): Juscileia  Valor: 3,0
Aluno (a):________________________________________
1. Leia as frases e complete, em seguida marque a 4.Escolha os verbos que completam as frases:
opção correta: chamada) 1) Please, don’t ____ beer.
2) They _____ very well .
1. Older learners _______ want to learn Spanish.
3) _____ to school!
They want to learn English.
4) Don’t ____ on the wall!
2. The programme ______ change everyweek.
3. How often ______ you have business English a) write, drink, dance, go
classes? b) go, write, drink, dance
c) write, go, dance, drink
a) do/do/do. d) drink, dance, go, write
b) does / does / does. e) dance, go, write, drink
c) don’t / doesn’t / do.
d) don’t / don’t / do. 5. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja
e) doesn’t / doesn’t / does correta em relação ao estudo do Simple

a) I writes on my notebook.
b) They corrects the composition.
c) He needs money.
d) Paulo live in Itapetinga.
e) They watch TV every day.

6. Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “Sally

travels to Ireland every year.”?

2. A frase “Do you really mean that?” retirada a) Does Sally travel to Ireland every year.?
da tirinha, expressa: b) Do Sally travels to Ireland every year?
c) Does Sally travels to Ireland every year. ?
a) Uma pergunta no tempo presente simples. d) Do Sally traveled to Ireland every year.?
b) Uma surpresa no presente progressivo. e) Does Sally traveleds to Ireland every year.?

c) Uma dúvida no passado. 7. (UF-MS) A partir do cartoon, assinale a(s)

alternativa(s) correta(s).
d) Uma hipótese no tempo futuro.
e) Nda.

3. Complete with the Simple Present:

What time _________ the banks _________ in

Italy ? (to close)

a) does – close b) do – close

c) is – closed d) generally – closes
e) Nda.
(C) certainty.

10.Marque a alternativa que complete

corretamente a frase “____ she ______ ecology?”

a) Does – study.
b) Do – study.
c) Do – studies.
d) Does – studies.
e) Did – study.
11.Marque a alternativa que complete
corretamente a frase “Peter ______ many

a) have. b) haves. c) has.

01. A mulher tem certeza de que seu marido d) hases. e) had.
terá sucesso em seu trabalho.
02. A mulher tem certeza de que o marido não 12. Assinale a alternativa incorreta, complete
terá sucesso em seu trabalho. com has or have.
04. O marido da mulher é um bom encanador.
08. A mulher não acredita na capacidade do
a) I have one brother and two sisters.
marido como encanador.
b) The house has three bedrooms.
16. A mulher vai chamar um encanador porque
c) Jenny has a boyfriend.
o marido não vai conseguir fazer o trabalho dele.
d) They have much Money.
Total: _____________________
e) He have a red car.
8. Marque as opções corretas sobre o texto 13. Marque a alternativa que complete
abaixo: corretamente a frase My parents __________ a
large house.

a) haven’t. b) don’t. c) hasn’t.

d) does not. e) has not.
14. Qual a alternativa correta da forma
interrogativa do verbo to have?

a) Has we a many toys?

b) Have the teacher a yellow car?
c) Have Rose an young boyfriend?
d) Have you a red bike?
e) Has they a large house?
A frase:You´re not in the wrong story?:
15. Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Harry
a) está na forma negativa-interrogativa ao studies at Hoghwarts.”?
mesmo tempo. a) Harry doesn’t studies at Hoghwarts.
b) apresenta o verbo to be na forma contraída. b) Harry not study at Hoghwarts.
c) está na forma afirmativa. c) Harry don’t studies at Hoghwarts.
d) a palavra wrong é um substantivo. d) Harry doesn’t study at Hoghwarts.
e) nenhuma das alternativas anteriores. e) Harry did not study at Hoghwarts.

9. Na sentença, “biological agents do not

survive well”, o uso do Present Tense indica:

(A) doubt. (D) condition.

(B) probability. (E) objectivity.

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