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Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa - 4 Unidade


SRIE 2 Ano do Ensino Mdio





1 Lembre-se de assinar sua avaliao/teste.

2 Leia a avaliao/teste com ateno.
3 Nas questes objetivas, marque somente um X na resposta correta com caneta azul ou preta.
A(s) resposta(s) rasurada(s) ser(o) desclassificada(s) na correo.
4 Nas questes subjetivas, responda com letra legvel.
5 No tenha pressa! Observe o tempo da sua avaliao/teste..
6 Antes de entregar sua avaliao/teste, verifique se todas as questes esto respondidas.

1 Questo: Leia a tirinha e marque a alternativa correta a respeito do dilogo:

a) No ltimo balo, a forma afirmativa da segunda frase : But in my case it was an accident.
b) A rvore explica que morreu da mesma maneira, porm as circunstncias foram opostas.
c) No segundo quadrinho, o fantasminha no deseja saber como a rvore morreu.
d) A forma negativa da frase I died, no primeiro quadrinho, I didnt died.
2 Questo: Assinale o pronome reflexivo que completa a frase:
The young man cut _______ while he was learning fencing.
a) herself
b) himself
c) yourself
d) themselves
3 Questo: Complete the sentences with the right reflexive pronouns.
a) I always do my homework by ___________________.
b) Nancy is looking at ___________________ in the mirror.
c) Jimmy and Amy enjoyed _________________ at the beach.
d) We made ________________ some cookies.
3 Questo: Escolha a alternativa que completa as frases.
The teacher ______________ made this wonderful test for us.
Margareth and Paul ____________________ returned the ugly gift to their friends.
We all worked on that wonderful painting ________________.
a) themselves himself - themselves
b) himself themselves ourselves
c) yourself themselves ourselves
d) itself ourselves themselves

4 Questo: You and Joe ______________ sent the invitations to our friends.
a) yourself
b) yourselves
c) himself
d) themselves
5 Questo: Assinale a opo incorreta de acordo com o uso do pronome reflexivo:
a) I always do my homework by myself. (sozinho)
b) We made ourselves some cookies. (enftico)
c) Do you always do your homework by yourself? (reflexivo)
d) I hurt myself when I was cutting the carrots. (relfexivo)
6 Questo: Qual a alternativa que preenche corretamente todas as lacunas das sentenas
I. There is ______ at the door. Can you ask the maid to see who it is?
II. I lost my diamond ring ____ in this room. Can you help me to find it?
III. Im sorry but I cant help you. There is _____ we can do to help you.
a) something nowhere - nothing
b) someone nowhere anything
c) no one somewhere - nothing
d) someone somewhere nothing
7 Questo: Qual o pronome indefinido que completa corretamente a lacuna da tirinha?

a) something
b) nothing
c) anything
d) NDA
8 Questo: Eu me cortei enquanto eu fatiava o queijo.
Escolha a alternativa correspondente:
a) You cut yourself...
b) He cut himself...
c) I cut myself...
d) She cut hersilf...
9 Questo: Traduza: There is someone in my house!!!
10 Questo: Passe para o Ingls: I love myself!

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