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“O homem construtor de sua caminhada”


Aluno (a): _________________________________________________________________________
Prof.ª: Vanessa Cristina da Fonseca Turma: 7º ano _____________ Data: ____/_____/______
Valor: 60 pontos. Nota obtida: ________

EE2OC2DA9 – Inferir significados linguísticos e gramaticais, a partir da leitura reflexiva de uma tirinha.

1. Qual o verbo que está na 3ª pessoa do singular? (3 pontos)


2. De acordo com a tirinha podemos concluir que: “Gato vampiro não é perigoso”. A alternativa
que confirma essa conclusão é: (3 pontos)
a) The vampire cat sleeps all day. c) They’re not really that dangerous.
b) He also sleeps all night. d) Vampire cat is also very dangerous.

3. What’s the meaning of the word “all”? (3 pontos)

a) Todo(a). c) Durante.
b) Alguns(as). d) Às vezes.

4. Quais os personagens da Turma da Mônica que aparecem na tirinha? (3 pontos)

a) Mônica e Cascão. c) Mônica e Franjinha.

b) Cebolinha e Magali. d) Mônica e Cebolinha.

5. A frase da Mônica é: (3 pontos)

a) Afirmativa. c) Interrogativa.
b) Negativa. d) Nenhuma das alternativas.

6. Qual a tradução para a palavra “Rabbit”, que aparece no segundo quadrinho? (3 pontos)
a) Menina. b) Boneca. c) Coelho. d) Rato.

7. Explique a expressão do médico que aparece no último quadrinho. (3 pontos)

EE2OC3DA18 – Reconhecer o uso do verbo modal “can” para capacidade/ habilidade na forma
afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

8. According to the picture above choose the sentence incorrect. (3 pontos)

a) Ann can sing and play the guitar, but she can’t swim.
b) Mike can dance, but he can’t sing and cook.
c) John and Paul can dance and ride a bike, but they can’t sing.
d) Cathy can sing and cook, but she can’t play the guitar.

9. Escolha a única alternativa que a forma interrogativa do “modal can” foi corretamente utilizada. (3
a) Tim and Samantha can sing and cook? c) Can ride a bike Ann and Cathy?
b) Mike can’t play the guitar? d) Can Ann and Cathy play the guitar?

10. De acordo com o quadro acima, complete com can ou can’t. (5 pontos)
a) Ann ____________ dance, but Cathy ______________.
b) Tim and Samantha _____________ sing, but John and Paul ____________.
c) John and Paul ___________ cook, but Ann ______________.
d) Mike ________________ swim, but John and Paul
e) Cathy _______________ cook at a restaurant, but
Tim and Samantha ____________.

EE2OC3DA20 – Ampliar o uso do presente do verbo “to

be” na forma afirmativa, interrogativa e negativa.

11. There is a big English mistake in the cartoon.

What is it? (3 pontos)

a) A palavra “new” na pergunta do homem.

b) A expressão “yes” na fala da professora.
c) O uso do pronome “I” com o verbo “are”.
d) A mulher não é a professora de inglês.
12. De acordo com o cartum assinale a alternativa que representa a resposta da professora correta,
seguindo as regras gramaticais em inglês. (3 pontos)
a) Yes, I am.
b) Yes, you are.
c) Yes, she is.
d) Yes, we are.

13. Passe a frase “Are you the new

English teacher?” para a forma
negativa. (3 pontos)

EE1OC2DA12 – Usar, na escrita, palavras

referentes (...) países e nacionalidades; lazer e
modalidades esportivas.
A special guest
Teacher: Good morning, class. Today we have
a special guest. Let’s say hello to Vicky.
Class: Hi, Vicky!!!
Vicky: Hello, everybody.
Oscar: Where are you from, Vicky?
Vicky: I am from the United States. I am
Anita: What is your native language?
Vicky: My native language is English.
Carlos: And how old are you?
Vicky: I am twelve years old.
Marta: What grade are you?
Vicky: I am in 7th grade.
Mary: What do you like to do in a free time?
Vicky: I usually read a book or play basketball with my cousins.
Pedro: Are you on vacation?
Vicky: No, I’m not. I am here to live with my grandparents for a while. They are Brazilian.

14. Where is the conversation? (3 pontos)

a) It is in the school. c) It is in the park.
b) It is in the home. d) It is in the hospital.

15. Complete the sentences whit the correct words from the box, according to the text. (4 pontos)

Brazil – twelve – United States – grandparents – English – 7th – reads – basketball – Vicky

a) The special guest, in the text, is _____________.

b) Vicky is from ______________________.
c) Vicky speaks _______________.
d) Vicky in a free time _________ a book.
e) The favorite sport of Vicky is ______________________.
f) Vicky is studying in the _______ grade.
g) Vicky’s grandparents live in ______________.
h) Vicky, here in Brazil, is at the house of her ___________________________.

16. Complete: “The Vicky’s grandparents are from ____________, so they’re Brazilian.” (3 pontos)
a) USA b) Brazil c) American d) Canada

17. How old is Vicky? (3 pontos)

a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 d) 13
18. Coloque as palavras em ordem e forme frases: (6 pontos)
a) Vanessa – to teach – English – to the 7th grade. (interrogative)
b) Mary – to study – German – for two years. (affirmative)
c) John – to like – Halloween – since he was a kid. (negative)

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