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Margarida Morgado

In: Coisas que terei de contar seja a quem for.

vora: 2003 .Novembro/99.

s vezes, parece-me
que o meu maior inimigo
foi o medo de ser livre
e a depresso em que caa
quando ousava s-lo.
Depois, claro,
era a confuso terrvel
dos caminhos da regresso.
Um dia escreverei sobre isto"

In: Things that I'll have to tell anyone.
vora: 2003 .November / 99.

Sometimes it seems
I see my greatest enemies
as the fear of being free
when then I was feeling
falling like a doldrum
cause I dared to be free
but I was so messed up
from regressions paths.

Once upon a time

a poem will be
written about it,
truly, you will see

"H dentro de ti uma reserva de um qualquer amor que me dedicas..

A cidade devora-te. A cidade te leva. A cidade te traz.
Caminhamos pelas ruas. Caminhamos pelas sombras.
certo que o sol nos surpreende muitas vezes e entramos nos tascos
onde a distante me da tua filha no quer entrar.
Ento comea o tempo diferente.
Vm druidas, gregos, vikings e romanos festejar-nos.
O espao confina-se direco do teu olhar.
Falas-me em itlias de viagens, em praias de silncio a dois, em reinos de glria, em galxias.
Eu vou no delrio do teu desejo de mim que no sei se consentirei, que no sei se consentirs.
Que tudo comea e acaba no meu tempo de estar contigo.
Mas no sei tambm
que tulipa abre no meu corpo escondido por alegrias e angstias,
que semente germina,
que primavera me alegra
e faz reparar na profundidade do azul do cu desta cidade"
(Margarida Morgado. vora, Maro/85. In: Coisas que terei pudor de contar seja a quem for. vora:
2003, p. 32).

(Margarita Morgado, vora, March / 85.):

Things that I will have the modesty to tell anyone.

there is within you a reserve of any love you give me .

the city devours you.
the city takes you.
the city brings you.
we walked the streets.
we walked in the shadows.
it is certain
that the sun surprises us many times
and we enter the tascas
where the distant mother of your daughter
does not want to enter.
then start the different time.
come druids, greeks, vikings, and romans to feast on us.
space is confined to the direction of your gaze.
you speak to me in Italy of travels,
in beaches of silence to two,
in kingdoms of glory, in galaxies.
I go in the delirium of your desire to me
that I do not know if I will consent,
that I do not know if you will consent.
that everything starts and ends
in my time to be with you.
but I do not know either
which tulip opens
in my body hidden
by joys and anguishes,
what seed germinates,
what spring makes me happy
and maketh notice
the depth of the blue
of the sky of this city "
(Margarita Morgado, vora, March / 85.):
Things that I will have the modesty to tell anyone.

Hide there
In the sleeping nucleus
The beast of his witch-fish
And the old moby way.
And in the sea of the LCR
cetaceously play with synaptics
Making an aplycia dance
Wishing one day
Be sea
And rock...
It will still become a jellyfish
Oh, Ichthyornis dispar!
it rips topophilias
Between ticks & tacks
Between tacks & ticks
(R) exists
Without fishing-nets without baits
Writing on infanthands
Bizarre lines of life.

Hide there
In the sleeping nucleus
The beast of his witch-fish
And the old moby way.
And in the sea of the LCR
cetaceously play with synaptics
Making an aplycia dance
Wishing one day
Be sea
And rock...
It will still become a jellyfish
Oh, Ichthyornis dispar!
it rips topophilias
Between ticks & tacks
Between tacks & ticks
(R) exists
Without fishing-nets without baits
Writing on infanthands
Bizarre lines of life.

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