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E.J.Milani', U. F. Faccini~.C.M . Sche«r',

L.M. Araújo',J.A.Cupertino-'

Key-words: B-.ci:!. do Puaná, Estratigrafi:!. de Seqü~cia~, Arcabouço Estratigráfico (panna

Basin, Sequence Stratigraphy, Stratignphic Framework).

A Baci. do Puaná, um:!. vasU ttea de sedimentação paleozÓica-mesozÓica, abriga um
registro estraligdfico com idades entre o Neo-Ordoviciano e o Neocr~~cto, comprttndendo
seis superseqüênci:l.S (Milani, 1997): Rio Iva; (Ordoviciano-Siluriano), Paran:Í. (Devoniano),
Gondwana I (Carbonífero-Eotrih.ico), Gondwana 11 (Meso a Neotriássico), G<.Indwana III
(Neojurássico-Eocred.ceo) e Bauru (Neocret:Í.ceo). As três primeiras correspondem a grandes
dclos transgressivos paleozóicos, enquanto as dem";s ~ão representadas por pacotes de
sedimemitos continent";s e rochas ígneas associadas.
Estas superseqüências constituem o registro preservado de suce:llõivas fases de :lCUmulação
sedimentar que se intercalaram. a per;odo. de erosio em ampla escalo.. A C"oluçio de cad.:l unidade foi
condicionada por contextos panicularesem ~rmos de dima e condições tenÔnicas. A Supen:eq~ncia
Rio Ivaí relaciona-.., à implantação da Bacia do Paraná, e a grom~ri:!. de: iS\l:!. área de: ocorrência, com
depocentros alongados de orientação geral SW·NE, sugere ter c1asido controlada por algum
mtcanismo de ritteamento. A Superseqüência Pun:Í.:lCumulou·.., durante uma épocade amplo
afogamem.omarinho tksireascutÔnicasdoGondwana. Condi~dc:b.ri..imracr.aô~ implic..ndo
um efetivo isolamento no interior continental, começam a predominar durante a deposição da
Superseq~ncia Gondwana I, o que viria a culmirur no d.:senvolvimemo de amplos campos de dunas
eólicas, ji:lO finil do Ju..mico. Os magmaütos ScrraGeral. do Eocr~1ceo, estão relacionados:>os
estágio~ iniciais de ruptura do paloocontinente, e a cobertura continental Bauru encerrou a história
O potencial petrolífero da B:lCia do Paranâ vincula-se a dois sistemas petrolíferos bem
estabelecidos: para o primeiro, favorlÍvel a hidrocarbonetos ga:loSOS, a geração OCOrreu nOS
folhelhOJ da Formação Ponta Gro.ssa e a acumulação nos arenitos do Grupo Itararé ou da
Form ação Rio Bonito; O segundo inclui geração nos folhelhos beluminosos da Formação lrali
e ac umulação nos arenitos Rio Bonito, sendo propício à ocorr(ncia de óleo. Sob vttios
;l.Spcctos, o papel do mõlgmatismo mesol.óico na maturação dos hori:oontes potencialmente
geradores da Bacia do Paraná parece ter sido um ponto crucial de sua história evolutiva, e
um item que requer investigações adidonaís.

"PETROBRÁSlE&P/GEREX, Av. CM•. ~. 20035.900 - Rjo de 1'--"«"', R1. Bmil

I'lUNlSINOS, Dpto. de Ci<olo, i•• CP 275 _~22 .000_ Silo Leopoldo. RS. Br~l
~)UFRGS. In .... do:: Geoc~nó... , CP 15-001 _91501 .970_ Porto AI.",_, RS, Buúl

Mil.ni,E.J ....1. Seq""ncu.ndS,,.,i Cupbic.

The Paraná Basin, a vast sedimentat!on arca during Paleowic and Mesowic limes, holds a
straügraphic rccord ranging in agefrom late Ordovician to late Crctacrous and comprhingsix
supcrsequenc""or unconformity-boundcd uniu (Milani, 1997): Rio Ivaí (Ordovician-Silurian),
Pararuí (Dcvonian), Gondwana 1 (CarbonifcrouH:arly Triassic), Gondwana II (midcllc-latc T riassic),
Gondwana m Que JUr:l$Sic...,,,,ly Cn:laceoUS), and Bauru 0= Crctaccous). Three of them coincide
wilh major Paleozoic transgressive-rcgressive cyeles, and the others are Mesozoic continental
sedimentary p;>ckagcs with associ:otcd igncous rocks.
Thesc superst:qucnces are lhe rcrnnant recordof succcssive phascs of sedimem accumulation
a1tematingwith timesofcrosion. Thecvolution ofr;och5U~ucnccwasconstraincdbyapanicu­
lar tn:tonic and diDUtic sening. The Rio Ivaí supcrscquencc is doscI.y:woci.ucd with basin inccption
and iu geomctry suggcststhat dqJOsilion wasto romecxtent controlled by normal faulting. The
Paran;ÍSUpaK'qucncc depositai during a time of widespread marinc flooding ovc. thc cutonie area of
routhwestern Gondwana. From the depositionof the Gondwanal 5upcrso:qucncconward true
intracratonic oonditions WC1"C esublished. Sharing Glndwana 's dessication tund the P:mmá Basin
sedimentation history culminatcd with cncns!ve dacrtic conditions during the JUras5ic. Thc Lower
Crcuccow Serra G=aI continental flood b..saIts are relatcd to the initial moment. ofSouth Atlantic
rifting. and the uppcrCrctaceous Bauru oontiru:ntal OOvcr cndcd lhe hi5tory of thc basin.
The hydrocMbon potcntial of the paraná Basin is rdatcd 10 t'IVO well deflnro soura hcds: the
Dcvonian .hales (ponta Grossa Formation) and the uppcr Pennian biluminOU5 .hales and lime-
$lones (Imi Formatioo). Sandy reservom can be found in lhe lower Devoni:an Fumas Formation, in
the upper Carbon;ferous/lower Pcrm;an Itararé Group ""d io the lower Permi"" Rio Bonito
Fonnation. Thc role of inlnuive bodies io the malu~lion of soun:e rocks and in the Irappiogof
hydrocarbons scems to hf: crucial and dacrves mOu invC'$ligatioIl.

INfRODUCll0N in common that serve as indicatoC5 of

their shared geologic evolution.
Th e paJeocontinent of The Paraná basin is one of lhese
Gondwana, consolidated in late Pre- areas, situated in central/southeastern
cambrian/early Paleozoic times after 50uth America (Fig.l). It comprises
successive collisional episocles and 1,100,000 square kilometeC5 ofBrazil
tectonic collages related to the :md about 100,000 square kilometers
Brasiliano/Pan-African orogenic each ofu ruguay, Paraguay .md Argen.
cyde, was the site of extensive, and in tina. 115 lithologic record is constituted
many places continuous, cratonicsedi- by an up to 8,000 meter-thick
mentation during Paleozoic and most sedimentary and igneous rocks pack-
of Mesozoic times. In spite of Iying age. The basin has a NE-SW elliptical
today in individual basins situated over shape ancl its depocenter axis is nearly
continental blocks split apart by thou- coincidem with the Paraná River that
sands of kilometers (5outh America, leneis it its name. The geologic evolu-
Africa, Australia, India.md Antarctica) tion of lhe Paraná Basin was complex.
as a consequence of Gonclwana's Its lithologic record witnesses severa!
breakup in Mesozoic times, these stages of its history, each controlled
strata still retain many characteristics by climatic ancl tectonic factoes. A

BoI. IG USP, Shie Cientifico n" 29, 1991

multitude of depositional settings, persued over hundreds of kilometers,

with both marine and continental and a eventual lack of correlation
components, including glacial beds, was solved by proposing a new
desert sandstones and shallow litho$tratigraphic uni1. As a rule such
marine to transitional facies, were of "50Iut10ns" frequently compli-
established successively in a basin cated the understanding of basin
whose outlines were continua11y evolution and gave rise to a profusion
reshapedbytectonic activity. Included of lithonrarigraphic denominariom
is the largest igneous accumulation with only local relevante. The appear-
on land areas of the planet, the conti- ance of Sequence Stratigraphy has
nental flood basalts of lhe Serra Geral hrought the understanding of how
Formation. Thewhole package ranges things work during lhe filling history
in age fram late Ordovician to late of asedimentary OO5in. Theepisodicity
Cretaceous,comprising six super- concept togetherwith theadoption of
sequences discussed below. depositional sequence as the basic
In Brazilian geology, few themes unit for stratigraphic interpretation
deserved 50 many investigarions as the (Mitchum et al., 1977) has been proved
strangraphy ofthe ParanáBasin. SÍDce to be very useful in Basin Analysis.
the seminal work of White (1908), Some dificulries in applying
much research has been conducted to Sequence Stratigraphy' s concepts to
elucidate the spatial and temporal intracratonic syneclises arise from iu
rclatiomhips of the rocks that fi11 geometrical characteristics. They
the basin. Some tens of formal generally havc uncommonly big size
stratigraphic charts have already been and a typical ramp profile with
published, each one of then incorpo- extremely low angles ofbasement dip;
rating atthetimea particular contri- as a consequence, time lines are
bucion to basin's knowledge. Remark- elose to the horizontal. The
able studies with regional approaches development of these huge basim
were made by PETROBRÁS groups includes long periods of 5ubsidence
(Sanford and Lange, 1960; Daemon and sediment accumulation
and Quadros, 1970; Northfle et al., intercaIated with equally long periods
1969; Schneider et ai., 1974; Zalán et of uplift originating regional
al.,1990),bythePAULIPETROteam unconformities that may represent
(Fulfaro et aI., 1980) and by univer- lacunas tens of millions yeats longo
sity researchers (Soares, Landim and During these periods of uplift
Fulfaro, 1978). the significant amounlS of the
According to the dominant previously accumulated sedimcntary
paradigms in those days, the packages may be eroded. After each
stratigraphic interpretation of the inrerruption the sedimentary basin is
Paraná Basin was for a long time reestablished, often with characteris-
dependent on the "layer cake" ries (shape, subsidence rates, nature of
concept. As a consequence, the sedimentation) very different from
distribution of rock units was what they were before. Thus almost
interprctcd in a tabular frame work. independent basins succeed each other
Correlation among members, forma- through time, as observcd by Zalão
tiom and groups was persistently et aI. (1990).

Mil1ni, E.J . <, .1 Seqoe n«. , odSt utignphic

o 200 .. E!l~atlhlballn
/,.-~ bCU'Idtlrin

F ;~ura I SimplifiC<! K<ol"llio. l ""'P 01 ,h. Paran.l Ib,in, wi, h m.jor , =olli< cl.men" .nd KCO".phi<
referene ..

BoJ. IGUSP.SérieCien,íficono 29. 1991

The particular features of log shape and lithologic successions

intracratonic ramp settings have were the basic tools for this research.
already been pointed out. Lindsay et Emphasis was given to the analysis
alo(1993), in an interesting synthe- of the major Paleozoic super·
sis, argued that " ... 1be prob/em faced in sequences and some observations were
Ín1:raaatonic 5etti:ngsisnotthatsequences made on the Mesozoic continental
do no! exisl ar lhat eustasy does not affect unil'l.
~tivn. 1beproblemisthegeumetri· Inside the proposed hierarchy,
cal expre5Sion of the sequences... In an elements were searched which
illtracratonic setting ... , stratigraphic could be used to break up the
scquences are general/y thin and poorly sedimemary pile into stf<ltigraphic
difierentiated compared to their passive- units of progressively higher order
marginequiva!ents. Slowsubsidencerates, from the (total record) first order
lawdeposi1:icmalslopesandshallowwater sequence up to fifth order
dep<h< ~""'tindiminikl.Ji sequences wherev er possible.
_aaummaIarionOOhintk.hNn< 7he Although these successively higher
seqllencesare extensiveandthin,jewhaVf! order sequences represem decreasing
~JmW~~and time intervals, we have not correlated
era;ú:,nallmconformitiesfP1Uallyhm:emini- them with the available global
mal relief. During relative sea·/evel geologic time scales because of
lowsü:md.s, lillle orno at:mmodation space local chronostratigraphic data
mtybeamilableforsaiimentaa:umulation limitations. Therefore the stracigraphic
and lowstand deposits m4y be poorly hicrarchy here presented must be
developed and areally restricted. viewed as particularly applicable to
nJUs intraaatonicsuccessions commonly the Paraná Basin. Exposed intervals
comprise stacked transgrruive-highstand served as supporting sections for
deposits separated by near·planar some of the inferences derived írom
Ilnronformiliesorparacon-formilies;thatis, subsurface observations. A detailed
jloodingsll7facescomnwnfycoincidewith stratigraphic analysis was made on a
sequen.ceboundaries..." portion of the Gondwana I super-
In our work the Sequence sequence, from the input of middle
Stratigraphy approach was used Permian deltaic sediments up to their
and we attempted to identify, in later ftooding. Thissection is very well
subsurface reference sections of the exposed along the Rio do Ra'ltro Road,
Paraná Basin, the key elements a geologic monument area located in
postulated by the theory. Chiefly Santa Catarina Sute, Southern
based ou oil well data a regional Broi.ZÜ.
stroltigraphic hicrarchywas ~tabli.shcd.
A srandard section, measured in
outcrops, served to calibrate some of BA$EMENT STRUCTIJRE
the aspects inferred frem subsurface
analysis. This attempt may be viewed Ir has now been reasonably
as an experiment carried out on a well established that Gondwana's
regional scale, considering the limita· basement which supported the deve
tions imposed by the nature and low lopment of several Phanerozoic
density ofborehole data. Gamma ray teClono-sedimenury cydes, comprises

Mil,ni, E,I,., >I S<qu.nc ••• ndStratig .. pbic, ..

a variety of Precambrian ternnes history of the Paraná Basin. Parti cu-

(De Wit et aI.. 1988) very diversified larly during late Ordovician the
in origin and in petrological compo- transtenslonal reactivation ofNE-SW
sition, The individual fault-hounded trending features provided the
"bloeks" that had eonstructed the initial subsidence for me basin (Milani,
paleocontinent were aggregated 1997). The northeastern border of
to Archean cratons along foldbelts the synedise seems to have been
dated mosr1y between 800 and 450 controlled hy a local, NW-SE-trenrung
Ma, the time span of the Brasiliano/ Brasiliano fabrico Za\;Í,n et aI. (1990),
Pan-Afriean orogeny (Almeida in an extensive state-of-the·art
& Hasui, 1983;Powell, 1993), summaryon the tectonic evolution of
Some upper Proterozoic to the Paraná Basin, stated that
Camhrian basins evolved concomi- transcurrent mation was the prefcrred
rantly with the final coalescence of way to stress dissipation along the
Gondwana's building blocks, They basement fabrico Such reactivations of
constitute a series of dastic-and old lineaments influenced sedimenta-
carbonate-filled basins and associated tion by inducing depocenters to de-
magmatic rocks that predate the wide- velop and controlling me drainage sys-
spread cratonie sedimentation tem, eonsequently lhe orientation of
accumulated from Ordovician times some depositional clements like dei·
onward. lhe fundamental framework taiclohes.
of the Brasiliano/Pan-African basins Anomer set of master strucrunl
and foldbelts also markedly influenced elements in the Paraná Basin is
Phanerozoic basin evolution oriented along the NW-SE direction,
(Tankard et aI., 1995). corresponding to strike slip zones
The nature, ages and along which intracontinental
distribution of the various erustal movements aceommodated the
elements that fIoor and surround regional stress field relatcd to South
lhe Panná Basin were studied by Atlantic rifting. lu transtensional
Cordani et aI. (1984). They observed nature (De Wit et al., 1988) favoured
that thc basin is framed by a profusion of dikes to intrude and
belts where upper Proterozoic a huge volume of basaltic lavas to
sedimentary sequences appear spread all overthe basin. In summary,
highly structured. Towards the two distinct assemblages of structural
center of tbe basin equivalent late elements are prescnt in the Paraná Ba-
Proterozoic sedimentary units are sin: (1) the NE-SW-trending are the
undeformed, indicating the existence older ones, dircctly inheritcd from
o f some domains with eratonic basement strucrure; (2) those oriented
behaviour during the Brasiliano along the NW-SE direction are
orogenie cycle. The upper Protero- younger, related to the epilogue of
zoic thrust-and-fold belts define a basin's history alread.y in the Mcsozoic.
fnmework of dominantly NE-SW-
trending lineaments (Fig. 2) tbat
represept crustal weakness zones
reactivated under renewed compres-
sional stress during the Paleozoic

Bol. IG USP, Sério Ci~ Dtif",~ DO 29, 1991

THE BASIN FILLING: coirelation of supersequences with

TECTONICSAND certain lithostratigraphic names was
SEDIMENTATION made, nOI to imply a rigid relationship
between the two, but to allow an easy
The complete package of the rcference to well known intervals
Paraná Basin is constituted by six insid e the stratigraphic r ecord
supersequences (Fig. 3), representing of the basin. The time interval
cyeles of subsidence and a.ccumula- correspondingto the remnant record
tion of sediments, limited by very of each supersequence (RI: 450-428
exptessive basin-scale unconformiries Ma; P: 410-365 Ma; GI: 310-245 Ma;
(Milani, 1997): Rio Ivaí (RI, Ordovi- GIl: 237-218 Ma; GIII: 150-128 Ma;
cian-Silurian), Paraná (P, Devonian), B: 115 -65 Ma) elassifies them as
Gondwana I (GI, Carboniferous-early tectono-sedimentary cycles of second
Triassic), Gondwana 11 (GIl, middle- order (tens ofMa, Vai! et aI., 1977).
late T riassic), Gondwana fi (GIII, late The time frarnework ofthe Paraná Ba-
Jurassic-early Cretaceous) and Bauru sin was basically defined by low-reso-
(B, late Ctetaceous). Some of the lution palyno -logy (Daemon and
unconformities which separare lhe Quadros, 1969; Grahn, 1989). Three
superscquences are also recognized in rones based on a tetrapod fauna and
arcas well correlated with lhe Paraná positioned between late Ladinian and
Basin such as Eastern Paraguay, the early Norian times (232-218 Ma) are
North Basin of Uruguay, the recognized for the Triassic continen-
subandean foreland of Bolívia and tal sediments (Barberenaet al., 1985).
Argentina., the Chaco-Paraná Basin of There are also thick barren intervals,
Argentina, and the Cape-Karoo and in a general sensc the biostratÍ-
Basin of Somhem Africa, giving them graphic resolution in theParaná Basin
the status of the "interregional is sufficient to define second order
unconformities" f tom Sloss (1963). events only. This limitation is in pan
The supersequences repre- compensated by the flat geometry of
sent the remnant record of a the scquences, with horizontal rime
series of sedimentation phases lines, that allows easy corrclation of
!imited by tectonically controlled strata over distances of several tens
unconformitysul'Íace5. The final result of kilometers. The available distribu-
is a series of lithologic packages tion of biostratigraphic zones is shown
formally individualized as on Table 1.
lithostratigraphic units encompassed
by unconformity surfaces represent-
ing lacunas, with some time variation
along lhe basin (Figs. 4 and 5). These
breaks in sedimentaUon were explained
by Zalán et aI. (1990) as intracratonic
consequences of Paleozoic orogenic
peaks along the active westem border
of the continent (Ramos, 1988) and
of South Atlantic rifting during
Mesozoic time. In this work a direct

Mm"i. E.l .ft:ol ~q~nu. Ind S,,,.i,uphic .




Fip"Z.SCh.""" j,c ""'pofh......."' .. rua" ..... d'octOaic r.........orkoíd>ePanniRnin (Mii.;u:,i. 1991;

.om. f."u.", ... r.om Co.d.ni., .1..19U; Z.l.in ...1.. 1990 •• nd Wi.n •• 1995)

System Zmes Saics/ Stage (range of time) Ma/zooe
Pemian-Triassic 1 Kazani""/Scyri",, (218-240 M<) 18
Pemian 4 s.ktmrian/Kungurian 278-258 M< 5
Crub.-l'errrian 1 Stephmian/s.ktmri><n 296-278 M< 18
CarboniferoJS 1 We;tphili", 31S-296Mi 19
D=man 7 Pmei""/l'mni",, <00-367 M<) 47
Silurim 1 ll..ndoveq (438-428 Ma) !O
Tabte 1 _ThlyrologicZonesfmthePdmruÍ&!m
Milani,E.J . <t1l

As a whole the stratigraphic record ous geometry, indicating teaonic

of the Par,má Basin correlates in time control during its deposition and/or
to a part of the first Phanerozoic cycle preservation history (Milani et aI.,
(Vail et ai., 1977), a first arder global 1996).
transgressive-regressive event The Alto Garças Formation
spanning 390 Ma (Fig. 3). The RI (Assine et aI., 1993), isconstituted by
supersequence, the basal sedimentary basal quartz-feldspatic conglomeratic
unit of the basin, corresponds in time sandstones showing medium size
to that of the maximum relative sea trough cross stratification with
levei in the global cycle, whereas lhe frequent grave1levels between the sets.
rest of the sedimenrary fiU of the The package is considered of fluvial
basin was deposited during the origino Towardsthetopthe sandstones
regressive portion of the global cycle beco me finer and more mature
terminating with early T riassic red mineralogiC".uly and textu-rally. This is
J,.,<h. well expressed in the gamma ray
signature of the package with a clear
upward left deflcction (Assine and
Paleozoic Supersequences Soares, 1989) due to an upward
(Transgressive-Regressive decrease in feldspar content of the
Cydes) matrix. Sandstones of the upper
interval show hummocky cross
Rio Ivaí Supersequence stratification indicative of a marine
shoreface contexto Polymictic reddish
The oldest sedimentary pack- dianllctites of the Iapó Formation
age in the Parana Basin is of late abruptly overlie the Alto Garças For·
Ordovician to early Silurian age and mation sandstones across the basin.
correspond to that of the Rio Ivaí The diamictites are covered by the
Supersequence, formerly known as shaly sediments of the Vila MariaFor-
'Rio Ivaí Group' (Assine et aI., mation bearing abundant fauna and
1993) inside the kingdom of flora of macro and microfossils of
lithostratigraphy. This section lies early Uandovery age (Grayct al., 1985;
above the 'Phanerozoic's first Grahn, 1989). The Vila Maria Forma-
cratonic unconformity, from middle tion is represented by gray, brown and
Ordovician time' (Soares, 1991) and black shales grading to micaceous lami-
is represented hy a basal sand-con- nated siltstones that bccome reddish
glomerate package (see Fig. 6), arkosic underoutcrop conditions. Mud cracks
in ia lowermost portion and are common (Faria, 1982), indicating
quartzose at the top (Alto Garças a depositional setting submitted to
Formation) covered by diamictites periodicexposure under tidal action.
(IapÓ Formation) and culminating with The RI supersequente occurs
fossiliferous marine shales (Vila with thicknesses ranging from a few
Maria Formation).The Rio Ivaí meters up to 362 meters in the
Supersequence (Fig. 7) appears over a Brazilian portion of the Paraná Basin
wide area in the basin, but its occur- (Fig. 8). This unit shows a ciear lhick-
rence is characterized by thin remnants ening to the west, reaching up to
and incomplete sections ofdiscontinu- 1,100 meters in eastern Paraguay


·..m,. B

I ""'- r--rn--1~~

=~ .
Fitur> 4 NNW-SSE ".nding st'otígrophíc oorr.l .. íon ."",íon of rup .... que"Ce1 recot niud in w.1I 1<>« •
•cro .. ,h. P.un. B.. in. RI , P . nd G I ,uf"'"equence. ore re/erre<! to their mnimum /loodin~
. u,I><:u_ Datum lo, each one 01 th. con.in."..1 p."h~<s i. íto h ...l .uTlace. Corre1 .. íon ,..;Ih
.b.olu.. geo1"llic time i'.pproIim .. e

BoL IG USP, Sé,;c Científic. nO 29, 1998


o ~


(Harrington, 1972), where 553 meters supersequence, and local angularity

of Ordovician-5ilurian sediments between strata above and below the
were drilled without reaching me base unconformiry (Milani et aJ., 1996).
of the section. Westwards, in Bolívia, The Alto Garças FormatÍon is
thousands of meters of age<orrelated ineluded in the lowstand systems tract
sediments were aeeumulated in a ofthe 0-5 eycle. Close to ito; top there
eontext of an open marine rift is a transgressive surface upon whieh
(Williams, 1995). A eratonward exten- the Vila Maria Formation's shales
sion of sueh rifting is represented by onlap. Above that surface is the trans-
the oceurrenee of a section of lavas, gressive systems tract up to the more
volcaniclastic rocks and lirhic radioactive shales, representing
sandstones in the central domain of sedimenta.ry deposits related to the
lhe Paraná Basin, reached by a single maximum flooding evenl (Fig. 7) and
borehole that penetrared elose to rhe followed by a regrcssivc highstand
4,582 meters of iu final depth an systems tract. This larter is poorly
interval ineluding oxidized, reddish documented in the Brazilian portion
basalt, medium-graincd sandstone of lhe Paraná Basin due to the severe
with fragments ofvolcanic rocks, and erosion that resulted in the: sub-
glass shards and volcanic breccia Devonian unconformiry. However, in
(Mizusaki, 1989). Intense oxidization eastern Paraguay, which at that time
did not allow precise radiometric lay below erosion base levei, the re-
dating of these igneom and related gressive section is present as the mi·
rocks but stratigraphie eorrelation eaceous, fossiliferous fine sandstones
based on well logs placed them in a of the Cariy Formation. A particular
pre- Devorllan position. This is me Três climatic episode during 0-5 cyele is
Lagoas basaltfromMilaniet alo (1994). recorded bythediamictites of me lapá
The RI supersequenec eorrc- Formation. Thcy wcrc accummulated
sponds to a second order cyele of during Gondwana's late Ordovician
Paraná Basin's sedimentary reeord glaciation, a conspicuous event in the
(Fig. 3). The fossiliferous shaJes of the paleocontinent, also documented by
Vila Maria Formation represent the me Zapla Formation in Argentina, the
maximum flooding event of this trans- Cancaniri Formation in Bolívia, and
gressive-regressive cyele as well as of the Pakhuis Formation in Southern
lhe whole basin fill. Correl.:.ned beds Africa. The relative sea level faU
occur over a wide area of southern induced byglaciation originated a third
Gondwana (Vargas Pena Formation of order sequence boundary inside 0-5
Paraguay, Kirusillas Formation of cycle.
Bolívia, Cedarbcrg Formation of
50uthern Africa). The top of me cyele
is marked by lhe sub-Devonian Paraná 5upersequence
unconformiry, =idcnced by erosional
remotion of the section bclow it The Paraná supersequence
(with clasts ofvila Maria Formation (formerly 'group') is represented by
sedimento; in Devonian basal conglom- the sediments of Furnas and Ponta
erates), basinwide oxidizatÍon of the Grossa formations that occur in the
uppermost interval of the RI northern and in the central domains

BoI. IG U$P, 5<ri< Ci.n,'lic.n" 19, 1991


til ~ ,,~
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LST ~",,,,"troct T5 T.,......._facI

TST Tr".......""""""'.troct Nrs "'-iWIo f100ItInt "'"-
HST Hlohttand.,.. . . troct SI s..-o.........,.
laloqroclcrl'-l ",rs FIooIInIj.urfoc.t",1nor1
TSE Tr~ .,,,focI of -'<In
mFS, HIIII'tIIrMioolt.llltordllrofoMl.1IMfIt
aec;~tDboMI .. liI'OIitrOJIhiçh~ !".. . . ..-.ICJCI.

" lU ~ _ _ ity

Mi1u!i,E.J.«d ~u< nc .. :utdStf1t;V·phic ...

of the Paraná Basin. lt constitutes sedimentation of lhe lowermost

another second order cycle (Fig. 3), Furnas Formation.
beginning with early Devonian The upper deposits of lhe
continent:.a.l sandstones and extending Furnas Formation show increasing
up to Frasnian marine black shales. marine influence. Coastal and
Similarly to lhe RI supersequence, the trmsitional facies become frequent in
final regressive portion of lhe Devo- this unir (Bergamaschi, 1992). The
ntan cycle was severely eroded, now sandy sediments of lhe Furnas
during the development of the Formation grade into the shales of the
sub-Pcnnsilvanian unconformity. Ponta Grossa Formation dunng pro-
The total preserved thickness of the gressive flooding of the basin in
P supersequencecan reach 900 meters. Pragian-Emsian times. The manne in-
The Furnas Formation is mo- vasion was rapid and no significative
notonously constituted by mcdium to interdigitation developed betwccn the
coarse grained white caolinitic two units. Close to the Furnas-Ponta
sandstones with associated basal Grossa contact there is a transitional
quartzose conglomerates. Cross strati- interval mat bears palinomorphs of
fication is abWldant and ofmany types. Pragian age (Dino and Rodrigues,
Towards thetop,mesedimentsofthe 1995). The contact itself marks the
Furnas Formarion become finer and second order transgressive surface.
frequent silty-shaly bcds appcar inter- Some tens of meters above lhe con-
calated with the sandstones. As a tact, inside the (Emsian) basal third of
whole, this unit shows along vertical lhe Ponta Grossa Formation, a
sections an alternatÍon between laminated shale marks the second Of-
continental and rramitional facies der maximum flcxxl.ing surface. The P
accumulated in a transgressive partem super-sequence record is completed by
with coas tal onlap from the west to a thick shaly section punctuated by
the east (Assine et al., 1993). The progradational sandstones and is ended
fluvial sediments thar occur more by a sandy, poorly preservcd regressive
frequent1y in the basal half of the highstand systems mct (Fig. 9).
Furnas Formation may represent the Black to gray shales, frequent1y
seçond order lowstand systems tract biolurbated, together with siltstones
of the P supersequence. As a and storm-generated sandstones
function of thcextremcly low angle of characterize the ovcrall record of the
basin floor's dip (00 15') and of its shallow marine Ponta Grossa
monotollous configuration - without Formation (Schneider et aI., 1974).
any slope in it - the shape of the lu complete section is composed of
Devonian paleobasin favored rhe threeunits. The 10wermost,ofEmsian
cxposurc of wide areas during episodes age, is made ofblack laminated shales
of r ei ative sea level fall. As a and represents marineconditiollS from
conscqucncc, the coastal and con- the drowning of the Furnas
tinental deposits were shifted Formation's sandy pb.tform up to lhe
basinward at those moments, in a maximum flooding for the entire
process describcd by Posamentieret alo supersequence. Deltaic sand bodies
(1992) as forcoo regression. Thisseems prograded from the northeastern
to have been the case during the border of the Devonian paleobasin

Rol. IG usr, Séri. Ci<Q,;r,ca n" 29 , 19':11

Gamma (API units) 200

Cf) ~

...J j
f .5
Ut) Composite section, connection point,



" 'S f"ooIbCICIIM ....... / .....

............. ",/w....
.....,...,..li\<WIat_,O ·S-...n
D ....... at""....,~FIto

Fi",.. I . hop><:h m.1' of the Rio lu, .upe... qu.oce (from Mil.oi <t .1.. 19'9(,)

BoI. IG USP. Sh i. Ci.ntllic~ n" 29. 1998

during Eifelian time and compose the depocenters a paleohigh was also
middle portion of the Ponta Grossa interpreted -the Três Lagoas - Campo
Formation. Those progradational Grande Arcb (Nonhfleet et al., 1969).
features can be recognized in gamma Recent correlations (França et aI.,
ray data by its typical coarsening 1994) have shown that the supposed
upward signature abruptly limited by 'depocenters' are in faet areas of
marine shales (Fig. 9), related to maximum preservation of Devonian
higher orders of relative sea levei sediments beneath the sub-
variations or to source area reactiva- Pennsilvanian unconformity. Infact,
tion, producing an increment in there is a remarkable continuity in
sediment influxo In southern Afriea lithology and facies between the two
an equivalent section both in sides of the once assumed 'paleohigh'.
sedimentar y nature and age was It can then be stated lhat the chiek-
dcscribcd by Theron and Loock (1988) ness distribution of the preserved
an included in the 'Devonian deltas of portion of the P supersequence w as
Cape Supergroup'. During Givetian- basically eontrollcd by the depth of
Frasnian times (Melo, 1988) the thick- erosion during early Carboniferous
esc shal y package of lhe Paraná Basin's rime.
Devonian record was aecumulated, The P $upersequence is also
reaehing upto 300 meters in lhickness. present in eastern Paraguay with
Ir represcnu lhe last flooding event of similar thiekness and facies eharacte-
the devonian basin and forms the ristics as in the Brazilian Paraná
uppermost unit of the Ponta Grossa Basin. Some wells drilled over the
Formacion. Asunción Arch revealed 850 metcrs of
The variation in basinwide Devonian sediments, somewhat more
distribution of the P supersequenee thm in nearby wells in BraziL This
(Fig. 10) is a funetion of th e refutes the former hypothesis of a
remnant thiekness of the Ponta Devonian age for the Asunción Arch
Grossa sediments, because the (Almeida, 1980). The Paraná Basin
Furnas Formation is an extensive and surrounding correlated areas had
sandy blanket showing littl e a ramp conflguration, open to lhe west,
deviations from the average fcom late Ordovician trough DevonUn
thiekn ess of 250 meters. The rim<>.
maximum isopach values of the
Ponta Grossa Formation occur over
two particular areas situatoo one in the Gondwana I Supersequenee
northern ponion and lhe other in the
central Paraná Basin. Such ueas were The early CarboniferOU5 was a
formerly named depocenters of Alto time of deep changes in the Paraná
Garças andApucarana, respectively. Basin. A eonjunction of paleogeo-
They were interpreted as highly sub- graphic, climatic (Caputo and Ccowell,
siding areas, and consequent1y as 1985) and tectonic (Zalán et aI., 1990;
retainers of greater depositional De Wit and Ransome, 1992; Milani,
thicknesses of Ponta Grossa Forma- 1992) factorsactive oversouth west-
tion sediments, relative 10 th e ern Gondwana interruptcd sedimen-
surrounding areas. Between these tation ovec an extensive area: this is

Ml!""i,E.J .... al SeqUOflus.ndS,,,.igraphic ...

Gamma 200
lAPI unll.)


<l t)
fi) Z
fi) W
!i! II
~ W
Z :::>
O fi)
lL <l
l II
...'" ~ I <l
..J a::

Fi,u(. 9· Gomo":u>d li.hologic profilft iUustu.in, .hc>uhsurf..:e expr"';ono! .heP"",,' .Up<... ~U<D"".
loc.Úo"onFig.l0.leA<'"d., ..eFi«.6

110). IG USP. Sé,i. C;.nlÍ('e> nO 29. 1~98

the largesl lacuna in the basin's sedi- sedimentacy processes that produced
mentary rerord, lascing in some places canyons (França et ai., 1994) filled with
45 Ma (Daemon et aI., 1991). rhe basal layers of the GI
Owing to the presence of ice caps supersequence. 50 during Mississipian
in this area, associated with tectonic- time sedimentalÍon in the Paraná
induced uplift, the Mississipian is Basin experienced the most radical
absent in lhe Paraná Basin. breakofitsentire history.
The sub-Pennsilvanian uncon- With deglaciation che sedimen-
formity of the Paraná Basin is of wide lation was resumed during Wcstphalian
extent, a benchmark that separates time (Daemon and França, 1993). The
profoundly different tectono- GI supersequence is anothec second
sedimentary histories. Recognizcd also order cycle (Fig. 3) of the Paraná
in most of the correlative areas in Basin. Because of deglaciation and the
southern Gondwana, ir appearsof vari- resulting rise of relative sea levei,
ous forms depending upon the the Carboniíerous-Permian sedimenta-
geotecronic context of each panicular tion was transgressive fcom lhe base
area, and is attributed to the ofthe Itararé Groupup to the Palermo
Hercynian Orogeny by various Formation - the maximum flooding
authors (López-Gamundí and event for this supersequence. Above
Rossello, 1993; Zalán, 1991, among the Palermo Formation is the
others). The Devonian- Carbonifer- regressive section of the cycle that
ous contact, marked by this ends within early Triassic red beds
unconformiry, appears with strong (Fig.ll).
angular discordancy in those areas The basal portion of the GI
whcre the lower package was direcdy supersequence, represented by
influenced by the fold belt. This is the Ttararê Group's sediments in the
case of the 'Pacific' basins in 50uth southern and central Paraná Basin
America (López-Gamundí and and by Aquidauana Formation's
Rossello,1993), between somhern deposits in the northern Paraná
Peru and nonhwcstcrn Argentina. Basin, is a section accumulated
The erosional surface is under a markedly glacial climate
detected as an abrupt contact (França and Potter, 1988). An intense
between lhe Frasnian marine shales sedimentary influx coming from the
of lhe Ponta Grossa Formation, or areas laid open by deglacialion
older units, and the glacial sediments allowed depositional processes where
of lhe Itararé Group and Aquidauana mass flows and resedimentation have
Formation. Two major processes can becn vecy imporcant. These units are
bc invoked as responsible for this constituted chiefly by diamicliles
erosional surface: uplift due to intercalated with thick sandstone pack-
Herc yn ian movements and ages. The glacioterrcstrial scdirncnts
peneplanization in the cratonic thar occur in the basal portion of the
interior; this can account for most of GI supersequence in some areas could
50 Ma of lacuna along the interre- be related to a lowstand systems tract.
gional unconformity. The cest was As a whole, however, the glacial sedi-
caused by mechanisms of excavation mentary interwl forms part of the sec-
by ice and by deglaciation-related ond ordertransgressive systems tract.

Ma..,i.E.J .... al

__._- ,


'''5 • 1knIIaII00000m


...rJ1" tlOlNlCll'l
.~. """".

,, ~\(fif *,"",{m)~PurtOl'dMo2tllc{l

flgU" 10 b op>ch IIlap ufthc P.nn' . up<rK<jueDee {Mib.ni. 19'17)

BoL IG USP. Sérj~ Ci~Dtífjca 0° 29, 1998

The presence of fining upward GI supersequence.

intervals (Fig. 11) suggests the tram- There is a compicuous fourth
gressive tendcncythat dominates on a order sedimentary cydiciry along Rio
higher scale. The glacial package Bonito-Palermo succession that is
onlaps the sub-Pennsilvanian clearlyvisible both in subsunace data
unconformity and extends over and in outcrops. Figure 12 shows the
progressively wider areas towards its results of a stratigraphic analysis of
top (Figs. 4 e 5). The plentiful this interval, in (his case corre5pond-
deglaciation water. togethcr with an ing to the basal portion of the classic
enormous volume of sediments Whitc Column, a reference section for
transported to the basin, allowed the Paraná Basin stratigraphy, situated
fastcst episode of creation of alongthe Rio do Rastro Road in Lauro
depositional space and the highest Müller Counry, Santa Cau.rina State
depositional rates of basin's history. (Fig. 1). The facies pattern identified
Alternatively, Santos et aI. (1992) there in the outcrops is compatible
postulated crustal stretching and with the systems tracts that can be
rifting mechanisms with differential interpreted fromgamma ray log shapes
movements of blocks along NW-SE írom wells situated fanher basinward.
tectonic lineaments to accommodate The section measured in outcrops is
this package. ahout 220 meters thick sedimentary
On a third order levei a surface beds and iscomposed of five founh
equivalent to a 'Type 1 unconformiry' orderdeposicional sequences (there are
(posamentier et al., 1988) marks the two covered intervals, between
base of the Rio Bonito Formation. A 46-63 meters and between 108-134
sudden fali of relative sea levei caused meters, such intervals referred to the
an important basinward facies shift base of the mcasurcd section).
md interrupted for a while the broad Depositional sequence I (at the
transgress ive tendency of the base) comprises the uppermost
supers.equence. Sandstones associated sedimentary section of the Itararé
with coaI measures, siltstones and Group and represents a highstand
shales form a classical context of systems traC!. An abrupt, erosional
dcltaic s.edimentation that en- contact with a marked truncation of
tered the basin at its eastern and west- the section below it, with the
nortbwest borders. The basal segment presence of clasts of this lower
oÍthe Rio Bonito Formanon (Triunfo section in the upper one, marks the
Membcr) reprcsents a third order base of depositional sequence 11
lowstand systems tract. Above it the QowerRioBonito Formation). The
shalyParaguaçuMemberispart ofa geometry of this erosive surnce shows
transgressive systems tracr lhat a relativcly high anglc of dip (tO
culminares in the Palermo Formation. meters for a 100 meter-Iong outcrop)
This unir is dominandy represented by along the NE-SW paleocurrent
bioturbated shales and some storm- direction and isinterprered as the floor
generated marine sandstones of an incised valley. Above this 'Type
accumulated on a vast neritic platform 1 unconformity' there is a recurrent
(Schneider et aI., 1974) and contaim stack.ing pattern of fluvial, deltaic and
the maximum floodíng surface of ali esruarine facies shifted basinwards and

~p 2
• i
:>' ~

!!oI. IG USP, Siri.Ci.n,ífica nO 29 , 19'J8

wirh characteristic tidal features corresponds to a fifth order event (0,06

(depositional sequences II and III). Mal couple; Hachiro & Coimbra,
This package is considered the fill of 1993) and the package was probably
the incised valley. Depositional accumulated under influence of the
sequence IV also has fluvial deposits Milankovitch orbital cydes.ln some
ar the base, but ir grades upward to areas the Assistência Member includes
more restricted environmental evaporite horizons tens of centÍmeters
conrutions that allowed the formation thick, reflecting a shallow, restricted
of peat swamps probably formed in basin. fu a whole, the lrati Formation
lagoons prorected by barriers. The displays fourth order cycles that
depositional sequence V has also some culminate in carbonates with
particular features: its base is marked subaerial exposure features,or in
by a 'transgressive surface of erosion' evaporites. A rich fauna of reptiles
(Bhattacharya, 1993) or 'ravinement (Mesosaurus sp .) makes the Irati
surface' (Swift, 1968) that appears FormatÍon a paleontologic singulM-
as a rough horizon covered by a ityinSouthAmerican's geology and
pebbly lag. Above this lag there is a allowed Du T oit (1927), early in this
package of storm-generated sand- century, to correlate it with the
nones covered by offshore shales Whitehill Formation OfSoulhern Af-
(probably recording the maximum rica. The shallow Irati basin was
flooding). In depositional sequence V flooded during the deposition of the
the lowstand systems tracr is nOl Serra Alta shalcs during the last
represented 50 that the transgressive marine incursion in Paraná Basin.
surface is also the sequence boundary. The third order aggradational
In lithoslratigraphic terros, this tTallS- highstand systems tract continues
gressive surface is the base of the up to the upper neritic to coastal
Palermo Formation. There is an ex- sediments of the Teresina Formation.
cdlent cortelation between this mea- The GI supersequence is terminated
sured section andcorrespondent inter- by a progradational section of
valsSWlpled by wells at variom poinu red beds represented by Rio
of lhe Paraná Basin (Fig. 13). do Rasto Formation fluvial-Iacustrine
The highstand systems [raC[ of sandstones and shales.ln the southern
the GI depositional cyde is constituted Paraná Basin eolún dunes were
by a shoaling upwMd section that already developed and constitute
culminates in sediments of the lrati the Sanga do Cabral Formation
Formation. Its upper portion, the (Lavina, 1988; Faccini, 1989). In the
Assistência Member, shows a deu northern domain, the Pirambóia For-
lithologic diferentiation across the mation, made of medium to fine,
Paraná Basin: bituminous black shales white to reddish sandstones with
and marls in the south give place to planar and tangential cross stratifica-
limestone- shale couples in the nonh. tiom of medi um tO large size,
These couples, up to tens of centime- accumulated chiefly by eolian, and
ten thick, form a remark2ble rhythrnic subordinatdy by fluvial depositional
array which can be attributed tO systems (Caetano- Chang, 1993),
high frequency variations of relative represents the final depositional con-
sea leveI. Each lithologic couple text of the GI supersequence.

Fig~ .. 12 li,bologic,""",ion .bo... in&foci«.nd.y".m, Ir.ctlofmJddJ. P..m .. n RIO Bonlto.nd
lo",.. m01l P.k,mo Form .. ion . .. Rio"" R,mo ",od. >o,,,1>c:1Itcrn P.r>n.i B.. in . locOlion on
Fig . 14. Lc,c"d ••• cc F;~. 6

BoI. lG USP, Sé ,i. Científico n~ 19. 1998

The final portion of the GI unconformiry above which lhe GII

supersequence documents the supersequence lies is probably one of
progressive continentalization of the the manifestations of this tectonic epi-
Paraná Basin and surrounding arcas. sede (Milani, 1992). Relaxation of the
The uplift of arches caused by active regional compressional stress field
compressional tectonics along sponsored some pulses of extensional
Gondwana's margin gradually inter- tectanics that originated grabens, at
rupted the links of the continental that time widespreadly distributed
interior basin with the surrounding alongsouthwestern Gondwana. In the
oceans, completely severing the domain of the Paraná Basin, Middle
connection during late Permian-early to Upper T riassic sediments occur only
Triassic times. With incrcasingregional in its southemmost portion, probably
aridity and deeply eroded source areas confined to one of the abovc mcn-
in a longlived, stable cratonic interior, tioned grabens (Milani, 1997). In the
the Paraná Basin's Mesozoic deposi- rest of the basin, the Triassic was a
tional history produccd continental time of subaerial exposition and SCV\";re
scdiments and depositional sequences erosion. The GIl supersequence of the
controlled by tectonics and c1imate. Paraná Basin is represented by the
The GI supersequence covers the Santa Maria Formation and associated
entire area of the Paraná Basin units (Fig. 15). The Santa Maria For-
(Fig. 14) and contains the largest mation includes fine to medium,white
sedimentaryvolume. The maximum sandstones,locally conglomeratic and
thickness of the supersequence displaying sigmoidal and tangential
coincides with the axis of roday's cross stratifications, intcrcalated with
fluvial basin, suggesting persistent massive to laminated, red shales and
stacking of the depocenter during the siltstones, and subordinately with
Paraná Basin's entire post-Devonian calcreres and gypsum layers. These
history. deposits formed in a fluvial-Iacustrine
envuonment. Facies and depositional
architecture analysis of Santa Maria
Mesozoic Continental Formation (Faccini, 1989; Scherer,
Supersequences 1994) rcvcalcd a strong dimatic
controlover sedimentation expressed
Gondwana 11 Supersequence as frequent variarions of lacustrine
base levei, originating a series of well
During Middle to Late defined deposicional sequences ofhigh
Triassic times (230-215 Ma; frequency (uptosixth order). This unit
Halbich, 1992) southem Gondwana's containsan abundantand diversified
margin was affected by the final fauna of reptiles of Late Ladinian-
paroxysm of the Cape-La Ventana Early Norian age (Barbercna ct 011.,
orogeny (De Wit & Rall5ome, 1992). 1985) similar to those of the Cuyo and
Stress propagation toward the adjacent basins of Argentina. Figure
continental interior (Cobbold et aI., 16 is a sketch that shows the occur-
1992) resulted in regional uplift rence of the Tr supersequence of lhe
and strike slip motions along Paraná Basin (Milani, 1997).
pre-existing crustal lineaments. The

Milani,E,J . . ..l Se<j"..nc.. ""dStntigr"l'hic ...

Figuro n GmlIn. ud litbolo~c prom •• of ,h. Rio Bonito o.nd p.lormo Form.tiono, ... ith ~qu<ac<·
Itntizuphic int<rpr<u,ion. Compu...ith ,h. Rio do R.nro «<:lion (>t ..m< ",.1<). Lo",úon
00 Fi,. H. L.send., seo Fi~. 6.

1101. lG USP, S~rie CienlÍfic1 n° 29, 19'.11

Gondwana IH Supcrsequence theirearly stages. However, geochemi-

cally distinct groups of basalts have
The lower portion of GIII already been determined. High Ti
supersequence (Fig. 17) is represented basalts occur dominantly in the nonh-
by a singular package of eoliao sand- ernhalfofthebasin,and lowTirocks
stones."These fine to medium, quart- in the southern portion. This was
zose sandstones exhibit cross stratifi- interpreted as suggesting the presence
catioo of large size and constitute the of large scale lateral variations in the
Botucatu Formation. They cover ao upper mantle beneath this region
exceptiooally large arca, in excess of (Mantovani et aI., 1985) or represent-
1,300,000 square kilometers, repre- ing magmas originated from a similar
senting one of lhe most extensives source region but differing in the ex-
occurrences of continental sedimento; tent of crustal contamination during
ali over the world. Ir corresponds their transit to surface (Fodor et al.,
undoubtedly to the maximum expan- 1989). Radiometric determinations
sion cf the basin during Mesozoic using the Ar-Ar technique (Oostott
times, unconformably Iyingover older et ai., 1993) on sidewall cores collected
strata, expanding the former deposi- during rhe drilling of a deep well just
tional areas and reaching some regioos in the depocenter of the lavas (Milani,
over the adjoining crystalline 1997) showed that the Serra Geral epi-
basement (Fig. 18). sede was a 10 million years lived one,
ThcBotucatuFormationin the beggining at 138 Ma and lasting up
Paraná Basin is pare of the widespread to 128 Ma. Duringthis event, in Early
desertification of Gondwana, in Cretaceous time, the continental crust
Mesozoic pre-breakup times. This ofthe Paraná Basin experienced a very
process was responsible for the active rifting process and the basin it
appearance of large eolian deposito; self underwent the most intense
identified also in northern and north- structural rearrangcmcnt of lU entire
eastern Brazil. Correlative deposits are history.
also found in Africa, andconrutute the
upper portion of Karoo System.
Towards the top of rhe unir the sand- Bauru Supersequence
stones are intercalated with lhe first
lava flows that mark the initial stages The B supersequence of lhe
ofGondwana's breakup. The igneous Paraná Basin is a section that corre-
event culminated with a huge pile of sponds lithostratigraphically to the
lavas, the Serra Geral Formation. A 'Bauru and Caiuá Groups'. This pack-
package of volcanic and associated age represents a post-Iava cover of
volcaniclastic rocks up to 2,0CIJ meters continental strata that was accommo-
thick overlie the sediments ofParaná dated in the flexural depression origi-
Basin and an intricate network of dikes nateel by the load of the basalt pile.
and sills intruded them. K-Ar ages of This was the last significant episode
these basalts cluster in the range of subsidence in the basin.
115-135 Ma (Amaral et al., 1966). The B supersequence is made of
Stratigraphic studies in the sandy-conglomeratic depos its indud·
Paraná basaltic sequence are still in ing clasts of various lithologies

Milrni,E.J ... ",




_...rY'\_~' .......' ~( ... )"",.,
",,\.y- PIaI ... "-'t:0989!~tIG*I

Figuro H . hop.cn In'P 01 ,h. Gond ... n. I .up •• sequ.n'. (Mil.ni. 1997)

BoI. lG USP. Si,i. Ci' n,ífic. nO l'J. lW~

(volcanics, sandstones, shales and especially true of the Paraná Basin,

basement crystalline rocks), massive ar whose huge size, couplcd with a ramp
with trough cross-stratification and profile and a depositional history
eUl-and-fill features. There are aiso marked by multi pie episodes of
subordinated silty to shaly deposits and accumulation and subsequent erosion
caliche carbonates, and some local oc- of serumentary sueeessions through
eurrences of alcaline magmatic rocks time, form an assemblage of partieu-
associated with the sedimcnrary strata. larcharacteristiçs that deserve further
A conspieuous cydicity marks this research. Some dues on this intrigu-
package (Fig. 19), observed not only ingmacrercan bc obtained by analysing
in outcrup but also in subsurface data tectonie subsidence plots, those 'semi-
(11ilani, 1997). At least two orders of tive indu:ators ofthe processes thae came
eydieityean be observed,onespan- lusinstombside'(WilJiams, 1995). The
ning several tens of meters of alter- subsidenee history of the Paraná
nating shaly/ sandy packages represent- Basin (Fig. 21) can be divide<! into
ing variations in rainfall regime at a major phases, eorresponding to the
basinal scale. The higher arder cyclicity time-intervals of ia supersequences.
is represente<! b}' interealatians be- The Ordovician-Silurian phase
tween fine sandstones up to 3 meters is eharaeterized by relatively high
thiek and brown shales with similar subsidence rates. This might Ix rdated
thickness (Soares ct aI., 1980), signi- to a transtcnsional mcrhanism of sub-
fying autocyclieal changes inherent to sidenee, the inirial tectonie driving-
the fluvial plaino force that induced the syneclise to
The aeeummulation of B develop and an intracratonic response
supersequenee took plaee during to the clim;lx of the late Ordovici;ln
Aptiao to Maastrichtian times (Soares, Odóyicorogeny(Ramos, 1988) atthat
1991) with provenance from thenorth- time in progress along the border of
eastern border. Alluvial fans, braided the paleocominent Q-oAilani, 1997). The
fluvial and eolian faeies were identi- next phase, Devonian, stan:ed with low
fied, lhe !ast one defining the central rates of subsidence that are indicative
portion of the paleobasin (Fernandes, of a period of tectonie quieseenee, in
1992).The erosive remnants of the B aecordanee with the overall sedimen-
supersequenee oceur in lhe central- tological eharacterislics and blanket-
northern Paraná Basin (Fig. 20). Its like geometry of the Furnas Forma-
depocenter appears to be situated in tion, the basal unit of the Paraná
the same area as that of the GIII supersequenee. From Emsian time
superscqucnce. onwards, an inereasing pattern of
subsidence rates was stablished as a
flexural responsc of the lithosphere to
SUBSIDENCE HISTORY compressional stresses sourced along
Gondwana's margin (Milani, 1997).
The origin and evolution of Neithcr the O-S nor the D subsidenee
intracratonie basins, as well as the phases happened in the southern do-
meehanisms of subsidence in those main of the basin, whieh formed a
settings, are still poorly understood stable exposed platform up to early
(Leighton & Kolata, 1990). This is Permian times.


Fi ~u" 1$ G.ro", • • rtJ li,hol"1l;c profile. [rom a ,ypicol.uhoudac. >«:t io" of Ih. GonJ .. an. 11
,u!"''''qL1<,.D<. LO<:1,ion OR I'i~. 16. u ~.ndl:'" Fi,. 6.

SoL lG USP, Sér;c C,entífio.nO 29, 1?98

Mil>l>i.E-J. .. :oI Xqu<n ... ,ndS.mitr>phic ...


FiKun 17 . G'mm. rnd ",nio log' Irom , drilled .. «ion 01 Ih. Gond ... ,n> 111 'up"><qu<n«. No," .h •
•ucc<<<ion olflood, th" m.ouup.h. thick I.v.pik. LOC1tionon Fig . 18. Legen,k ... flg. ó

Bol. lG US?, S<,;<C;<ntific. DO 29, 1991


-'- ' ---'1




~ .. l'"rJifleopctdl(",1


F;~u" 11 Isop.ch m. p of the Gond .... u lU .uper.. quence, ot<Iimcnu .. vole'Dlcs (Mil.ni, 1997)

MillDi,E.J ... :oI

Gamma 50
(API unllo 1

Fi~. 19· G;tmm. ,nd li,hological proftJ.. of ,b. E.uru ,up<n<qu<nc •. Loc>úon on Fie. 20. ~<4, ... Fi,. 6

IIoL IG US?, SirioCion';fic. n· 2'I, 1998



G)Fi', 19
(ill):.':uot. . : : .

Sequences o.ndSt .."igrophic


period of erosion, subsidence resumed
in the Paraná Basin during the late By the reason of some particu·
Carboniferous and wasconcinuous up lar aspccts, the petroleum geology of
to early Triassic times. This prolonged the Paraná Basin must be analised
phase, fu]]y represemed in the central with extreme caution. One has to be
domain, includes an alternating aware that, due to the presence of
pattern of two exponentially an immense volume of magmatic
dccreasing subsidence rates with an rocks inserted into the sedimentary
interval between 265 and 255 Ma succession, certainly ao additional aod
(Kungurian-Kazanian times) of hard-to-quantify heating was supplied
exponentially positive rates. 'Slow to source beds, superimposed over nor-
flexures' like this were associated by mal, suhsidence related heat flow.
Williams (1995) to subsidence related Geochemical analyses are always in·
to strike slip movcments in response fluenced by this 'combined' heating
to externai stresses. Hweconsider that effect and consequeml)" regional
Kungurian·Kazanian were times when evaluations of maturation are
synorogenic prognding wedges problematic.
accumulated along the active, Geochemical studies (Zalán
southem margin of Gondwana(eg. et al., 1990) defincd that SOUTce rocks
Tunas Formauon of the Sauce Grande are widespread in two stratigraphical
Basin, López·Gamundí et aI., 1995), uniu: the Devonian (Emsian to
at the time under the effects of the Frasnian) Ponta GrossaFormation and
Cape-La Ventana orogeny, we might the upper Permian (Kazanian)
have there the source for the stresses Irati FOTmation. Thin layers of shales
that induccd the late Permian period with high values of total organic
of accelerating subsidence in the carhon also exist in the Itararé Group,
Paraná Basin. Rio Bonito and Palermo formations,
Subsidence and sedimentation but are oflimited volume.
rates were low during the Triassic The Devonian shales of the
andJuras.~ic, reflecting the stable con- Paraná Basin (Fig. 9) are medium to
ditions of Gondwana's interior. The íair·qualitysource rocks. They have
final phase, with the highest rates of a maximum total organic carbon con-
subsidence during the history of the tent of about 3.0% and a mean value
emire basin, coincides with the Serra below 1.0%. Hydrogen indiccs are
Geral magmatic episode, and was generally low, probably due to
driven by the Joad of the up to 2 advanced leveis of Illaturation or to
kilometers thick lava pile and by nor· weathering of dominamly woody
mal faulting. The very final crustal organic matter (França ct al., 1994).
movements and thermal rearrange- The Devonian shales are overmature
ments related to the magmatic event in almost ali domains of the basin,
accomodated the thin Bauru mostly beca use of the heat of
Supersequence that ended the history intrusive bodies mentioned above.
of the Paraná Basin. A great numberof gOls andcon·
densate shows were found in Itararé
sandstoncs drilled in the central region

BoI. IG USP. Sé,ie Cient1fic. n°2'J. 19'18

of the basin and lhe heaviest fractions a mechanism of heating grcatly

of these condensates have geochemi- influenced by intrusive bodies,
cal correlation with the Ponta making evaluations of effective
Grossa shales. Recently (1996) a source-rock potential of this unit a
significant volume of gas was very complex task.
discovered in Itararé sandstones, Tectonic studies revealed an
trapped by a Mcsozoic sill. The important phase of slructural
occurrence is under evalualion and movementsduring late Pcnnianlearly
may represent the first commercial Triassie times (Zalán et al., 1990;
hydrocarbon accummulation Milani, 1992). En échelon anticlines,
discovered in the basin. 50 there is an the unique coherent, seismical\y
Itararé-Ponta Grossa gas-condensate mapped structural style in the Paraná
play that may become importam tO Basin up to this date, were originated
petroleum exploration in the deep by transcurrent rcactivation of NE-
(Fig. 1), central domain of the Paraná SW-trending basement lineaments and
Basin. Another possibiliry for reser- are of the right time to trap hydtocar-
voir-rocks to retain these light bons sourced by the Devonian shales
hidrocarbons is represented by lhe during the acceleraringsubsidence epi-
lower Devonian sandstones of the sacie of lhe Kungurian/Kazanian (Fig.
Furnas Formation that directly 21). Considering the lrati-Rio Bonito
underlies Ponta Grossa shales. play, these anticlines largely precede
The second play of the Paraná thetime of oil expulsion from Irari's
Basin involves sourcing from lhe Irati shales during early Cretaceou5
black shales to Rio Bonito coastal magmatism.
sandstones (Fig.l1),requiring faulting Another question concerning
with vertical displacements of some the hydrocarbon potential of the
hundreds of meters to join them and Paraná Basin is to define how much
allow lateral secondary migration. Oil damage was caused by Mesozoic
was rccovered from Rio Bonito in struclural rearrangement related to
some wells drilled in the southern Serra Geral magmatic event to
domain of the basin, and this 22° to prc-cxisting accumulations. Or, as
33 ° API-hydrocarbons revealed discussed above, to characterize the
positive geochemical correlation with role of intrusive bodies in trapping
Irati's organic contento The lrati and sealing hydrocarbons. In any
Formation's bituminous shalesare case, the Paraná Basin offers a wide
well developed in the southern half of prospective acreage to be worked,
the Paraná Basin ;m d exhibit total and many of these imriguing queries
organic carbon up to 23%, with an will probably be better answered by
average coneent of about 2% of thebit.
algal, lipidic-rich, oil-prone organic
matter (Zalán et ai., 1990). This source
bed is immature even in irs deepest FINAL REMARKS
area of occurrence,considering the
thermal effect related to subsidence Six major supersequences were
and buryingalone. Oils related to the identified in lhe Paraná Basin (Fig. 3).
Irati shales were probably generated by The Rio Ivaí and Paraná



1 (km)
I--~-"--- -----_i i I J'
: I I i---t----i------ l-
I I 1 I I I
2 O
: I I I
, E
P I _hem
" I
4 H
,I ,I
:, II
IOOlrn/Mo} 1 1
75 : I
~ :
I (krnl ~-+----+-
----:t _-.. . .i1 11 !I
! ! : : t---t------t\
fen~1 DomOir
1 l
s I I :
1(Xl(m/Mo) : I :
75: I :
50 I : :
2S: :
1 (11m)

2 O
,~ T
Sout ern Domoin
4 H

5 :

Fi,,,"" 21 ~~.~~ '~;':h:n:.~:io;~C.i~'~:: ~~:"!.:~!':.i::,,::;:~":;: !:~. ~i:' ~;.:f.:~i~::O~

B...." (1989). l.oC1, ion of borehol..... bo .... on Fi,. I.

Bol. IG USP, Séri~ Ci~Dtilic. n. 2'1, 19'1 8

supersequences represem the two ma- included in a second order transgres-

jor episodes of marine incursion over sive (deglaciation) - tegressive
the craton in this portion of the (restriction and dessieation) eyeIe.
paleocontinent. The Paraná Basin Higher order depositional cyclicity is
at that times was an immense equally interpreted as caused by
embayment linked to a perioceanic coupled tectonic and dimatic factors.
platÍorm at Gondwana's southern Wilh lhe consolidation of
margin . The link between the Gondwan a the Paraná Basin
Paraná Basin and the surrounding beeame ineluded within the
ocean was effective. Beds corres- vast and arid land mass during
ponding to the maximum flooding Triassie and Jurassic times. In the
surfaces of the RI and the P early Creuceous., Gondwana's breakup
supersequences, aged respective1y marked the end of a long sedimenta-
Uandovery andFrasnian, em be found non history. The sedimenury reçord
over variou.~ continents and consutute of lhe Paraná Basin terminated with
global markers. The development of the accumulation of the thin post-ba-
the Paraná Basin's second order salt cover represented hy Bauru
sedimentary sequences (Fig. 22) from supersequence.
late Ordovician to late Devonian times The hydrocarbon potential of
(gulf stage) was controlled by the Paraná Basin is slill an open
tectono-eustatic cyeles related to matter, in many aspects closely
global changes in the volume of related to the effect of Mesozolc
ocean basins (Vai I et il., 1977). intrusive bodies upon source rock
Higher ordercyclicity em be credited maturation and creation/destruction
to climate (e.g. late Ordovician oftraps.
glaciation) or to changes in sedimen-
tary input (e. g. middle Devonian
progradational cycles). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The evolutive history of the
Gondwana I supersequence was some- To Petróleo Brasileiro S. A. -
what disunct. Longterm, regionalized PETROBRÁS for allowance to
glacial-custatic factors !eft meaningful using their property data. To Dr. Pedro
imprints over sedimentation. In v.Zalánfor the permanentdialogue
combination with tectonic changes in and constructive exchange regarding
basin configuration, producing a the geology of the Paraná Basin.
water body progressively confined Dr. Peter Sz.atmari and Dr. Oscar
in the interior of the craton, the R. López-Gamundí commented the
post-Devonian history of Paraná m anuscript and their objective
Basin seems to h ave an isolated criticism hdped us to greatly improve
intracratonic context (syneclise stage). the final version of the texto We
The sedimentary record of [his stage aeknowledge the editors, particularly
documents a multitude of climatic Prof. De. Antonio C. Rocha Campos,
condilions between the extremes of for the invitation to writing this
the extensive Permian-Carboniferous contribution to 'Sedimentary Basins
glaciation and the aridity of late ofSouth Ameriea'.
P ermian- early Triassic times,

(occxrdingtobasil'shierarchy) T= Tectonic:s
-Paleozoic superseqJenCeS
RI-MFS Globol 200 Tectono-eus1osy(Tl
H Ogtociotioo Intomoionat
GIoboI 2!!l
3Cf! GkXio-eusIosy(C)
GI- MFS !n1Orr....... 2!P 'iIcttm-eus1osy1Gocio-eusbsy( T+C )
H P-~tf:on
_, Z!P
Rio do Rastro rocxl ""'....
I~;U=,~"""""'" 51!! aima1e,dr'iven byorbjta cycles
t--CCfli'enkj~ """"
Gil Basoo/Locol Oimote.Tectonics
_desert InterregicnalBosid
200 3(9 aimote,rec1onics
Serro GeroIICMlS ...... 3(9 T"""",,
B Basird/Local 200 Climote.Tectonics
Rol.lG USP, s.é,ie Cien,ífic. nO 29. tens

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