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Home  Youtube-dl  Youtube-dl Tutorial With Examples For Beginners


Youtube-dl Tutorial With Examples For Beginners

Written by Sk Published: June 26, 2019 Last Updated on August 26, 2021 269587 Views

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In this comprehensive Youtube-dl tutorial, we are going to learn what is Youtube-dl and the list of mos
commonly used Youtube-dl commands with examples to download audio and video streams from onlin

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What is Youtube-dl?
Youtube-dl is a most popular command line YouTube downloader application. Youtube-dl can be able
download a single track or the entire playlist in one go.

Youtube-dl is not just to download videos from Youtube, but also from a lot of other websites. You can
complete list of supported sites here.

É um programa gratuito e de código aberto escrito em Python . Suporta GNU / Linux, Mac OS X e Micro

1. Instale Youtube-dl no Linux

O Youtube-dl pode ser instalado de várias maneiras. Deixe-nos todos eles.

1.1. A maneira oficialmente recomendada de instalar o Youtube-dl

A forma oficialmente recomendada de instalar o Youtube-dl é apenas baixá-lo, salvá-lo em seu PATH, to
executável e começar a usá-lo imediatamente.

$ sudo curl -L https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -o / usr / l

Se você não tiver curl, use wget :

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$ sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O / usr / loca

$ sudo chmod a + rx / usr / local / bin / youtube-dl

1.2. Instale Youtube-dl usando Pip

Alternativamente, você pode instalá-lo usando o Pip conforme mostrado abaixo.

$ sudo -H pip install --upgrade youtube-dl

1.3. Instale Youtube-dl usando o gerenciador de pacotes

Youtube-dl também está disponível nos repositórios oficiais de algumas distribuições Linux.

Para instalar o Youtube-dl no Alpine Linux, execute:

$ sudo apk adicionar youtube-dl

Instale o Youtube-dl no Arch Linux, EndeavourOS, Manjaro Linux usando o comando:

$ sudo pacman -S youtube-dl

No Debian, Ubuntu, Linux mint, Pop_OS !:

$ sudo apt install youtube-dl

No Fedora:

$ sudo dnf install youtube-dl

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No openSUSE:

$ sudo zypper install youtube-dl

1.4. Instale o FFmpeg no Linux

Youtube-dl depende do FFmpeg para baixar vídeos 720p do YouTube e converter vídeos para outros fo
Para instalar o FFmpeg no Linux, consulte o seguinte guia.

Como instalar o FFmpeg no Linux

1,5. Atualizar Youtube-dl

Se você instalou manualmente o Youtube-dl usando curl ou wget , execute o seguinte comando para

$ sudo youtube-dl -U

Se você instalou usando pip , faça:

$ sudo pip install -U youtube-dl

Aqueles que instalaram Youtube-dl usando o gerenciador de pacotes da distribuição, basta usar o com
atualização apropriado. Por exemplo, no Arch Linux, você pode atualizar o Youtube-dl simplesmente
executando o seguinte comando:

$ sudo pacman -Syu

No Debian, Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt update

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Agora, vamosusaver
cookies para
alguns melhorarpara
exemplos sua experiência.
aprender a Presumiremos que você está ok com isso, mas você
usar o Youtube-dl.
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2. Tutorial do Youtube-dl com exemplos

Aqui, eu compilei os comandos Youtube-dl mais comumente usados ​para baixar um vídeo ou lista de
reprodução do YouTube.

2.1. Baixar vídeo ou lista de reprodução

Para baixar um vídeo ou toda a lista de reprodução do YouTube, basta mencionar o URL como abaixo:

$ youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Se você deseja baixar um vídeo ou lista de reprodução com um nome personalizado de sua escolha, o
comando seria:

o 'abdul kalam discurso inspirador' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdn

Substitua "discurso inspirador abdul kalam" pelo seu próprio nome.

Você quer salvar o vídeo em algum outro local? Aqui está!

$ youtube-dl -o '~ / Downloads / abdul kalam speech' https://www.youtube.

Aqui estou baixando o vídeo para o Downloads diretório.

[youtube] 7E-cwdnsiow: Fazendo download da página da web

[download] Destino: / home / sk / Downloads / abdul kalam speech.f271

[download] 100% de 111,86 MiB em 01:00

[download] Destino: / home / sk / Downloads / abdul kalam speech.f251

[download] 100% de 6,12 MiB em 00:03

[ffmpeg] Mesclando formatos em "/ home / sk / Downloads / abdul kalam spe

Excluindo arquivo original / home / sk / Downloads / abdul kalam speech .
Excluindo o arquivo original / home / sk / Downloads / abdul kalam speech

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Você também pode incluir detalhes adicionais, como o título, o nome do remetente (nome do canal) e a
upload, etc., no nome do arquivo usando o seguinte comando:

$ youtube-dl -o '% (title) s por% (uploader) s em% (upload_date) s em% (p

2.2. Baixe vários vídeos

Às vezes, você pode querer baixar vários vídeos de ou de qualquer outro site. Em caso afirmativo, basta
mencionar o URL dos vídeos separados por espaço, como abaixo:

$ youtube-dl <url1> <url2>

Alternativamente, você pode colocá-los todos em um arquivo de texto e passá-lo para Youtube-dl como
argumento como abaixo.

$ youtube-dl -a url.txt

Este comando baixará todos os vídeos mencionados no arquivo url.txt.

2.3. Baixe apenas áudio de um vídeo

Youtube-dl nos permite baixar áudio apenas de um vídeo do YouTube. Se você já esteve em uma situaç
baixar apenas o áudio, execute:

$ youtube-dl -x https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Por padrão, Youtube-dl salvará o áudio no Ogg formato (opus).

Se você preferir fazer download de qualquer outro formato, por exemplo mp3 , execute:

$ youtube-dl -x - formato de áudio mp3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E

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Este comando irá baixar o áudio do vídeo / lista de reprodução fornecido, convertê-lo em um MP3 e sal
diretório atual. Observe que você deve instalar ou para converter o arquivo para o formato mp3.
ffmpeg avconv

2.4. Baixe o vídeo com descrição, metadados, anotações, legendas e


Para baixar um vídeo junto com seus outros detalhes, como descrição, metadados, anotações, legenda
miniaturas etc., use o seguinte comando:

$ youtube-dl --write-description --write-info-json --write-annotations --

Leitura sugerida:

Baixe vídeos do YouTube com legendas usando Youtube-dl

2,5. Liste todos os formatos disponíveis de vídeo ou lista de reprodução

Para listar todos os formatos disponíveis em que um vídeo ou lista de reprodução está disponível, use o
seguinte comando:

$ youtube-dl --list-formatos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow


$ youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Saída de amostra:

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Liste todos os formatos disponíveis de um vídeo do YouTube usando youtube-dl

Como você pode ver na imagem acima, Youtube-dl lista todos os formatos disponíveis do vídeo forneci
esquerda para a direita, exibe o código do formato do vídeo, a extensão e a nota de resolução do respe
vídeo. Isso pode ser útil quando você deseja baixar um vídeo em uma qualidade ou formato específico.

2.6. Exibir o tamanho dos vídeos do Youtube

Para recuperar o tamanho do arquivo de um vídeo, use -F flag.

$ youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Você verá o tamanho do arquivo no final de cada arquivo.

Saída de amostra:

[youtube] 7E-cwdnsiow: Fazendo download da página da web

[informações] Formatos disponíveis para 7E-cwdnsiow:

formato de código de extensão resolução nota

Este webm audiopara
usa cookies only tinysua
melhorar 51k, opus @Presumiremos
experiência. 50k (48000Hz),
que você 2,56MiB
está ok com
isso, mas você

250 webm audio only pode cancelar,

tiny 68k, se desejar. Aceitar
opus @ 70k ReadHz),
(48000 More

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áudio de 3,23MiB 140 m4a apenas 128k minúsculo, contêiner m4a_dash, mp4a.
áudio de 7,59MiB 251 webm apenas pequeno 137k, opus @ 160k (48000Hz), 6,1
160 mp4 192x144 144p 52k, avc1 .4d400c, 30 fps, somente vídeo, 1,71 MiB

278 webm 192x144 144p 73k, contêiner webm, vp9, 30 fps, somente vídeo, 3,
133 MP4 320x240 240p 89k, avc1.4d400d, 30 fps, vídeo só, 3.12MiB

242 webm 320x240 240p 135k, VP9, 30 fps, vídeo só, 6.06MiB

134 MP4 480x360 360p 215k, avc1.4d401e, 30 fps, vídeo só, 7.53MiB

243 webm 480x360 360p 242k, vp9, 30fps, apenas vídeo, 10,39MiB

135 mp4 640x480 480p 382k, avc1.4d401e, 30fps, apenas vídeo, 14,13MiB

244 webm 640x480 480p 390k, vp9, 30fps, apenas vídeo x 16,44piB6204

136 mB 737k, avc1.4d401f, 30 fps, apenas vídeo, 26,99 MiB

247 webm 960x720 720p 770k, vp9, 30 fps, apenas vídeo, 31,12 MiB

137 MP4 1440x1080 1080p 1391k, avc1.640028, 30 fps, vídeo só, 46.50MiB

248 webm 1440x1080 1080p 1421k, VP9, 30 fps, vídeo só, 52.19MiB

271 webm 1920x1440 1440p única 3462k, VP9, 30 fps, vídeo, 111.86MiB

18 MP4 480x360 360p 360k, avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2 @ 96k (44100 Hz), 21,55
22 mp4 960x720 720p 578k, avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2@192k (44100 Hz) (melhor)

2.7. Baixe vídeos em determinada qualidade e / ou formato

Por padrão, o Youtube-dl baixará o vídeo de melhor qualidade disponível. No entanto, também é possív
baixar um vídeo ou lista de reprodução em uma qualidade ou formato específico.

O YouTube é capaz de baixar vídeos nas seguintes qualidades:

best - Selecione o formato de melhor qualidade do arquivo fornecido com vídeo e áudio.

pior - Selecione o formato de pior qualidade (vídeo e áudio).

bestvideo - Selecione o formato somente de vídeo de melhor qualidade (por exemplo, vídeo DASH
Observe que pode não estar disponível.

piorvídeo - Selecione o formato somente de vídeo de pior qualidade. Pode não estar disponível.

bestaudio - Selecione o formato somente de áudio de melhor qualidade. Pode não estar disponív

pioraudio - Selecione o formato somente de áudio de pior qualidade. Pode não estar disponível.

Por exemplo, se você deseja baixar o formato de melhor qualidade (áudio e vídeo), basta usar o segui

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$ youtube-dl -f best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow
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Da mesma forma, para baixar apenas áudio com melhor qualidade:

$ youtube-dl -f bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Para baixar apenas o formato de vídeo de pior qualidade, use o seguinte comando:

$ youtube-dl -f piorvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Você também pode combinar diferentes opções de formato como abaixo.

$ youtube-dl -f bestvideo + bestaudio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-

O comando acima baixará os formatos de vídeo de melhor qualidade somente e de áudio de melhor qu
e os mesclará com ffmpeg ou avconv . Certifique-se de ter instalado qualquer uma dessas ferramenta
seu sistema.

Se você não quiser mesclar, substitua o + operador (mais) por , (vírgula) como a seguir:

$ youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo, bestaudio' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E

Este comando baixará o vídeo da melhor qualidade e o áudio da melhor qualidade e não os mixará . N
caso, você obterá dois arquivos, um é de áudio e outro é de vídeo. Neste exemplo, um modelo de saída
o opção) é recomendado, pois bestvideo e bestaudio podem ter o mesmo nome de arquivo.

Podemos até baixar um vídeo ou lista de reprodução em uma qualidade específica com resolução esp

Por exemplo, o comando a seguir fará o download do vídeo de melhor qualidade em resolução de 48
(menor ou igual a 480p).

$ youtube-dl -f "best [height <= 480]" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E

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Como já foi dito, podemos agrupar os seletores de formato para obter um vídeo de qualidade específic
comando a seguir fará o download do melhor formato disponível (áudio e vídeo), mas não melhor do q
480p .

$ youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo [height <= 480] + bestaudio / best [height <=

2.8. Baixe vídeos usando o código de formato

Todos os vídeos têm códigos de formato que podemos usar para baixar um vídeo com uma qualidade
específica. Para encontrar o código do formato, basta listar os formatos disponíveis usando qualquer u
seguintes comandos:

$ youtube-dl --list-formatos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow


$ youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

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Liste todos
pode cancelar, se os formatos disponíveis
desejar. Aceitar com youtube-dl
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Como você pode ver na imagem acima, todos os códigos de formato de um determinado vídeo estão li
na primeira coluna. O formato de melhor qualidade é fornecido no final (o código do formato é 22 ). Po
o comando para baixar o formato de melhor qualidade é:

$ youtube-dl -f 22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Alguns vídeos podem não ter os mesmos formatos disponíveis enquanto você baixa vídeos da lista de
reprodução. Nesses casos, você pode especificar vários códigos de formato em qualquer ordem de sua
escolha. Dê uma olhada no seguinte exemplo:

$ youtube-dl -f 22/17/18 <playlist_url>

Conforme o exemplo acima, o Youtube-dl fará o download dos vídeos no formato, 22 se disponível.

Se o formato 22 não estiver disponível, ele fará o download do formato, 17 se estiver disponível.

If both 22 and 17 formats are not available, it will finally try to download format 18 .

If none of the specified formats are available, Youtube-dl will complain that no suitable formats are ava

Please note that that slash is left-associative, i.e. formats on the left hand side are preferred.

2.9. Download videos by file extension

Download video(s) in your preferred format, say for example MP4, just run:

$ youtube-dl --format mp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow


$ youtube-dl -f mp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-cwdnsiow

Like I already
Este site usamentioned inmelhorar
cookies para the previous section, some
sua experiência. videos mayque
Presumiremos notvocê
available in com
está ok yourisso,
preferred form
mas você
such cases, Youtube-dl will pode
download anyse
cancelar, other best available
desejar. Aceitar formats.
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For instance, the following command will download best quality MP4 format file. If MP4 format is not av
then it will download any other best available format.

$ youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/bes

If you want to download them with custom filename, do:

$ youtube-dl -f mp4 -o '%(title)s.f%(format_id)s.%(ext)s' https://www.you

2.10. Set size limit for videos

When you download multiple videos from a playlist, you might want to download videos within a certai

For example, this command will not download any videos smaller than the given size, say 100MB:

$ youtube-dl --min-filesize 100M <playlist_url>

If you don't want to download videos larger than the given size, do:

$ youtube-dl --max-filesize 100M <playlist_url>

We can also combine format selection operators to download certain size videos.

The following command will download best video-only format but not bigger than 100 MB.

$ youtube-dl -f 'best[filesize<100M]' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-

2.11. Download videos by date-wise

Youtube-dl allows us to filter and download video or playlist by their upload date. This will be very helpf
Este site usa cookies para melhorar sua experiência. Presumiremos que você está ok com isso, mas você
you want to download videos from
pode a playlist
cancelar, that contains
se desejar. 100s ofRead
Aceitar videos.
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For instance, to download videos uploaded at an exact date, for example October 01, 2018, the comma
would be:

$ youtube-dl --date 20181001 <URL>

Download videos uploaded on or before a specific date:

$ youtube-dl --datebefore 20180101 <URL>

Download videos uploaded on or after a specific date:

$ youtube-dl --dateafter 20180101 <URL>

Download only the videos uploaded in the last 6 months:

$ youtube-dl --dateafter now-6months <URL>

To download videos between a specific date, for example January 01, 2018 to January 01, 2019, use the
following command:

$ youtube-dl --dateafter 20180101 --datebefore 20190101 <URL>

Suggested read:

20+ FFmpeg Commands For Beginners

2.12. Download specific videos from playlist

This is yet another useful feature of Youtube-dl. It allows us to download a specific song(s) from a playli
contains 100s of songs.

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For example, to download the 10th file from a playlist, run:
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$ youtube-dl --playlist-items 10 <playlist_url>

You can also download and convert the file to other format at the same time. For the the following com
will download the 1st file from the playlist and convert it to .mp3 format:

$ youtube-dl --playlist-items 1 -x --audio-format mp3 <playlist_url>

Similarly, to download multiple random files, just specify indices of the videos in the playlist separated b
commas like below::

$ youtube-dl --playlist-items 2,3,7,10 <playlist_url>

You can also specify the range of songs. To download a video playlist starting from a certain video, say 1

$ youtube-dl --playlist-start 10 <playlist_url>

To download only the files starting from 2nd to 5th in a playlist, use:

$ youtube-dl --playlist-start 2 --playlist-end 5 <playlist_url>

2.13. Download only videos suitable for specific age

This is another notable feature of Youtube-dl. It allows us to download only videos suitable for the given

Say for example, to download all "Let's Play" videos that aren't marked "NSFW" or age-restricted for 7 y
from a playlist, run:

$ youtube-dl --match-title "let's play" --age-limit 7 --reject-title "nsf

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2.14. Set download pode
speed limit
cancelar, se desejar. Aceitar Read More 
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You can use -r option to limit the speed. For example, the following command will limit the speed to 50

$ youtube-dl -r 50K <URL>

Note that speed is specified in bytes per second.

2.15. Resume downloads

By default, youtube-dl will automatically resume the download where you left it off. If it is doesn't resum
download for any reason, just force the resume of partially downloaded files with -c , --continue flag

$ youtube-dl -c <URL>

2.16. Display Youtube-dl help

Youtube-dl has a lot more options. I guess these examples are just enough to use Youtube-dl to downlo
videos from online. For more details, refer Youtube-dl help section.

$ youtube-dl --help

3. Youtube-dl Troubleshooting
Here are some common errors that you might encounter from time to time. Most errors will get fixed
themselves after updating the youtube-dl to its most recent version.

However, a few errors like below will not get fixed even if you're using an updated youtube-dl version.

3.1. Fix “Unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden” Erro

When downloading videos from YouTube, sometimes you will get an error like below.

ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

To fix this error, refer the following guide.

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How To Fix "Unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" Error
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3.2. WARNING: Requested formats are incompatible for merge and will b
merged into mkv

This is another common error. When you download a video, you will get an error like below:

[youtube] _XEgknKEBws: Downloading webpage

WARNING: Requested formats are incompatible for merge and will be merged
ERROR: unable to open for writing: [Errno 36] File name too long: '\xe0\x

This is actually not a problem but an expected behavior for youtube-dl.

By default, youtube-dl will download the highest quality audio and the highest quality video streams av
and then join them into a compatible container like mkv, mp4 etc. 

If these audio and video streams doesn’t fit well in an mp4 container, youtube-dl will then pack them in
container and display the above warning message.

In such cases, you can ignore the mkv warning and download the best quality video and the best quality
but only in an mp4 container by explicitly mentioning the desired best quality audio and video format

$ youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]' https://youtu.be/

3.3. ERROR: unable to open for writing: [Errno 36] File name too long

When you try to download a YouTube video that has long name, you will probably get this error:

[youtube] _XEgknKEBws: Downloading webpage

ERROR: unable to open for writing: [Errno 36] File name too long: '\xe0\x

To fix this error, simply download the video with shorter name of your choice with "-o" flag like below:

$ youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]' -o video.mp4 http

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In my opinion, Youtube-dl is undoubtedly one of the best downloader to download audio, video from o
You can use Youtube-dl to download audio and video from hundreds of websites.

I will keep updating this Youtube-dl tutorial when I came across a new Youtube-dl tip. Bookmark and ke
visiting it once in a while.

If you think some important tip is missing, please let me know in the comment section below. I will chec
update this guide accordingly.


Youtube-dl website





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I am Senthil Kumar, more commonly known as SK to my friends, from India. I love to read, w
explore topics on Linux, Unix and all other technology related stuff.

   

Previous post
Linux Package Managers Compared – AppImage vs Newsboat – A Command line RSS/Atom Fee
Snap vs Flatpak For Text


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 June 27, 2019 - 11:27 pm

I use this alias to download Audio only and post-process it to MP3 with album cover and some met
## Download audio and convert it to mp3

alias yta=’echo “[ Download & convert to mp3 ]”; youtube-dl -f bestaudio –extract-audio –audio-for
–audio-quality 0 –metadata-from-title “(?P.+?) – (?P.+)” –embed-thumbnail –add-metadata -o
“~/Documents/Music/%(title)s.%(ext)s” ‘


 June 27, 2019 - 11:29 pm

Change path of “-o” option according to your folder structure, for example:

-o “~/Music/%(title)s.%(ext)s”


 June 28, 2019 - 7:21 pm

It downloads Bitchute videos too !!!


 June 29, 2019 - 4:21 am

I tried youtube-dl using what was supplied with mint 18.3. Didn’t work. Did not update either. So I
wget here where it installed in /usr/local/bin. Running from there, it works fine. Note that mint has
version in /usr/bin.

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 October 5, 2019 - 3:36 am

Como fazer algo muito mais simples?

Como baixar uma lista da coleção de listas de reprodução criadas pelo usuário?

Isso também pode se aplicar a listas de reprodução compartilhadas publicamente de outro usuári
para meus propósitos, eu só quero puxar a lista de listas de reprodução e para cada lista de repro
listar os vídeos que coloquei lá.

Eu fico pensando que "esta é provavelmente uma solicitação comum, a funcionalidade provavelm
está lá, você simplesmente não consegue descobrir."


 17 de fevereiro de 2020 - 5h30

@Don Tverter

Não use a versão no repositório de sua distribuição, use python pip para instalá-lo
pip install youtube-dl –user


 26 de março de 2020 - 7h09

Obtenha um erro ao tentar fazer o download: https://metopera.org/season/on-demand/opera/?

Diz erro: url não suportado.
Atualizei o youtube-dl para a versão mais recente.


 30 de maio de 2020 - 9h34

Seria ótimo se você pudesse fornecer o URL de um canal ou lista de reprodução e apenas obter os
dos vídeos individuais. Nenhum download de mídia, apenas os links para os vídeos individuais.


 11 de junho de 2020 - 7h35

Excelente tutorial !!! Obrigada!!!

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 7 de julho de 2020 - 13:30
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Assim como $ youtube-dl -a url.txt

Como extrair áudio da lista?



 7 de julho de 2020 - 13h59

Você já tentou youtube-dl -x –audio-format mp3 url.txt? Eu acho que deve funcionar. Mas


 24 de setembro de 2020 - 16h04

a opção wget não funciona para mim ... enquanto o instala, executar o youtube-dl depois dá “bash
bin / youtube-dl: Não existe esse arquivo ou diretório” - o que não é surpreendente, pois colocamo
youtube-dl em / usr / local / bin.

Como consertar?


 24 de setembro de 2020 - 17:20

Reinicie a sessão do terminal e tente.


 29 de setembro de 2020 - 16h02

Usei o youtube-dl por alguns anos - baixe vídeo, adicione ao itunes, sincronize com o ipod - sem p
nesse tempo. de repente, algumas semanas atrás, os vídeos não sincronizam com o ipod (ipod cla
mesmo seguindo a mesma prática que funcionou por anos. mais alguém tem esse problema, algu
correção? ty


 6 de outubro de 2020 - 5h59

resolvido. dimensões padrão alteradas, demorou um pouco para localizá-lo, agora usando o freio
para mudar para dimensões compatíveis com ipod e está tudo bem. ty

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 14 de novembro de 2020 - 3h15

Existe uma maneira de baixar do microsoftstream?


 22 de janeiro de 2021 - 2:46 am

Não consigo reproduzir um vídeo, tudo o que posso fazer é baixá-los


 9 de fevereiro de 2021 - 11h55

Bom trabalho!


 9 de agosto de 2021 - 13h15

isto é exatamente o que eu estava procurando: guia fácil do youtube-dl com exemplos. muito obri
Senthil por isso! - cumprimentos, C


 9 de agosto de 2021 - 17h08

De nada. Feliz por ajudar! Obrigado pelo seu feedback positivo.


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Casa  Gerenciamento de pacotes  Gerenciadores de pacotes Linux comparados - AppImage vs Snap vs Flat


Gerenciadores de pacotes Linux comparados - AppImage vs S

vs Flatpak
Escrito pelo Editor publicado: 24 de junho de 2019 Última atualização em 17 de maio de 2021 12.915 visualizaçõ

 4 comentários 2       

Os gerenciadores de pacotes fornecem uma maneira de empacotar, distribuir, instalar e manter aplic
em um sistema operacional. Com aplicativos modernos de desktop, servidor e IoT do sistema operacio
Linux e as centenas de distros diferentes que existem, torna-se necessário mudar de métodos de
empacotamento específicos de plataforma para métodos agnósticos de plataforma. Este post explora 3
ferramentas, a saber, AppImage , Snap e Flatpak , que visam ser o futuro da implantação e gerenciam
software no Linux. No final, resumimos algumas descobertas principais.

1. AppImage
AppImage follows a concept called “One app = one file”. This is to be understood as an AppImage bein
regular independent “file” containing one application with everything it needs to run in the said file. Onc
executable, the AppImage can be run like any application in a computer by simply double-clicking it in t
file system.[1]

It is a format for creating portable software for Linux without requiring the user to install the said applic
The format allows the original developers of the software (upstream developers) to create a platform a
distribution independent (also called a distribution-agnostic binary) version of their application that will
basically run on any flavor of Linux.

AppImage has been around for a long time. Klik, a predecessor of AppImage was created by Simon Pet
2004. The project was shut down in 2011 after not having passed the beta stage. A project named
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PortableLinuxApps was created by Simon around the same time and the format was picked up by a fe
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portals offering software for Linux users. The project was renamed again in 2013 to its current name Ap
and a repository has been maintained in GitHub (project link) with all the latest changes to the same sin

Written primarily in C and donning the MIT license since 2013, AppImage is currently developed by The
AppImage project. It is a very convenient way to use applications as demonstrated by the following fea

1. AppImages can run on virtually any Linux system. As mentioned before applications derive a lot of
functionality from the operating system and a few common libraries. This is a common practice in
software world since if something is already done, there is no point in doing it again if you can pick
choose which parts from the same to use. The problem is that many Linux distros might not have
files a particular application requires to run since it is left to the developers of that particular distro
include the necessary packages. Hence developers need to separately include the dependencies o
application for each Linux distro they are publishing their app for. Using the AppImage format dev
can choose to include all the libraries and files that they cannot possibly hope the target operating
to have as part of the AppImage file. Hence the same AppImage format file can work on different
operating systems and machines without needing granular control.
2. The one app one file philosophy means that user experience is simple and elegant in that users ne
download and execute one file that will serve their needs for using the application.
3. No requirement of root access. System administrators will require people to have root access to
them from messing with computers and their default setup. This also means that people with no r
access or super user privileges cannot install the apps they need as they please. The practice is co
a public setting (such as library or university computers or on enterprise systems). The AppImage fi
not require users to “install” anything and hence users need only download the said file and make
executable to start using it. This removes the access dilemmas that system administrators have a
makes their job easier without sacrificing user experience.

4. No effect on core operating system. The AppImage-application format allows using applications
their full functionality without needing to change or even access most system files. Meaning whate
applications do, the core operating system setup and files remain untouched.
5. An AppImage can be made by a developer for a particular version of their application. Any update
version is made as a different AppImage. Hence users if need be can test multiple versions of th
application by running different instances using different AppImages. This is an invaluable featur
you need to test your applications from an end-user POV to notice differences.
6. Take your applications where you go. As mentioned previously AppImages are archived files of all
that an application requires and can be used without installing or even bothering about the distrib
the system uses. Hence if you have a set of apps that you use regularly you may even mount a few
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AppImage files on a thumb drive and take it with you to use on multiple computers running multip
different distros without worrying whether they’ll work or not.

Furthermore, the AppImageKit allows users from all backgrounds to build their own AppImages from
applications they already have or for applications that are not provided an AppImage by their upstream

The package manager is platform independent but focuses primarily on software distribution to end us
their desktops with a dedicated daemon AppImaged for integrating the AppImage formats into respect
desktop environments. AppImage is supported natively now by a variety of distros such as Ubuntu, Deb
openSUSE, CentOS, Fedora etc. and others may set it up as per their needs. AppImages can also be run
servers with limited functionality via the CLI tools included.

To know more about AppImages, go to the official AppImage documentation page.

Suggested read:

Integrate AppImages To Application Menu Using AppImageLauncher

Search Linux Applications On AppImage, Flathub And Snapcraft Platforms

2. Snappy
Snappy is a software deployment and package management system like AppImage or any other packag
manager for that instance. It is originally designed for the now defunct Ubuntu Touch Operating system
Snappy lets developers create software packages for use in a variety of Linux based distributions. The in
intention behind creating Snappy and deploying “snaps” on Ubuntu based systems is to obtain a unifie
format that could be used in everything from IoT devices to full-fledged computer systems that ran som
version of Ubuntu and in a larger sense Linux itself.[4]

The lead developer behind the project is Canonical, the same company that pilots the Ubuntu project.
had native snap support from version 16.04 LTS with more and more distros supporting it out of the bo
a simple setup these days. If you use Arch or Debian or openSUSE you’ll find it easy to install support fo
package manager using simple commands in the terminal as explained later in this section. This is also
possible by making the necessary snap platform files available on the respective repos.[5]

Snappy has the following important components that make up the entire package manager system.[6]

Snap – is the file format of the packages themselves. Individual applications that are deployed usin
Snappy are called “Snaps”. Any application may be packaged using the tools provided to make a sn
is intended to run on a different system running Linux. Snap, similar to AppImage is an all-inclusiv
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Snapcraft – is the tool that lets developers make snaps of their applications. It is basically a comm
is part of the snap system as well as a framework that will let you build your own snaps.

Snapd – is the background daemon that maintains all the snaps that are installed in your system.
integrates into the desktop environment and manages all the files and processes related to workin
snaps. The snapd daemon also checks for updates normally 4 times a day unless set otherwise.

Snap Store – is an online gallery of sorts that lets developers upload their snaps into the repositor
store is also an application discovery medium for users and will let users see and experience the
application library before downloading and installing them.

The snapd component is written primarily in C and Golang whereas the Snapcraft framework is built us
Python. Although both the modules use the GPLv3 license it is to be noted that snapd has proprietary c
from Canonical for its server-side operations with just the client side being published under the GPL lice
This is a major point of contention with developers since this involves developers signing a CLA form to
participate in snap development.[7]

Going deeper into the finer details of the Snappy package manager the following may be noted:

1. Snaps as noted before are all inclusive and contain all the necessary files (dependencies) that the
application needs to run. Hence, developers need not to make different snaps for the different dis
they target. Being mindful of the runtimes is all that’s necessary if base runtimes are excluded from
2. Snappy packages are meant to support transactional updates. Such a transactional update is atom
fully reversible, meaning you can use the application while its being updated and that if an update
not behave the way its supposed to, you can reverse the same with no other effects whatsoever. T
concept is also called as delta programming in which only changes to the application are transmi
an update instead of the whole package. An Ubuntu derivative called Ubuntu Core actually promi
snappy update protocol to the OS itself.[8]
3. A key point of difference between snaps and AppImages, is how they handle version differences. U
AppImages different versions of the application will have different AppImages allowing you to con
use 2 or more different versions of the same application at the same time. However, using snaps m
conforming to the transactional or delta update system. While this means faster updates, it keeps
from running two instances of the same application at the same time. If you need to use the old ve
an app you’ll need to reverse or uninstall the new version. Snappy does support a feature called “p
install” which will let users accomplish similar goals, however, it is still in an experimental stage an
cannot be considered to be a stable implementation. Snappy also makes use of channels meaning
use the beta or the nightly build of an app and the stable version at the same time.[9]

4. Extensive support from major Linux distros and major developers including Google, Mozilla, Micro
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5. Snapd the desktop integration tool supports taking “snapshots” of the current state of all the inst
snaps in the system. This will let users save the current configuration state of all the applications t
installed via the Snappy package manager and let users revert to that state whenever they desire s
same feature can also be set to automatically take snapshots at a frequency deemed necessary by
user. Snapshots can be created using the snap save command in the snapd framework.[10]
6. Snaps are designed to be sandboxed during operation. This provides a much-required layer of sec
and isolation to users. Users need not worry about snap-based applications messing with the rest
software on their computer. Sandboxing is implemented using three levels of isolation viz, classic,
and devmode. Each level of isolation allows the app different levels of access within the file system

On the flip side of things, snaps are widely criticized for being centered around Canonical’s modus ope
Most of the commits to the project are by Canonical employees or contractors and other contributors a
required to sign a release form (CLA). The sandboxing feature, a very important one indeed from a secu
standpoint, is flawed in that the sandboxing actually requires certain other core services to run (such as
while applications running the X11 desktop won’t support the said isolation, hence making the said secu
feature irrelevant. Questionable press releases and other marketing efforts from Canonical and the “ce
and closed app repository are also widely criticized aspects of Snappy. Furthermore, the file sizes of the
different snaps are also comparatively very large compared to the app sizes of the packages made us

For more details, check Snap official documentation.

Related read:

Install Snap packages in Arch Linux, and Fedora

3. Flatpak
Like the Snap/Snappy listed above, Flatpak is also a software deployment tool that aims to ease softwa
distribution and use in Linux. Flatpak was previously known as “xdg-app” and was based on concept pr
by Lennart Poettering in 2004. The idea was to contain applications in a secure virtual sandbox allowin
using applications without the need of root privileges and without compromising on the systems sec
Alex started tinkering with Klik (thought to be a former version of AppImage) and wanted to implement
concept better. Alexander Larsson who at the time was working with Red Hat wrote an implementatio
xdg-app in 2015 that acted as a pre-cursor to the current Flatpak format.

Flatpak officially came out in 2016 with backing from Red Hat, Endless Computers and Collabora. Flathu
official repository of all Flatpak application packages. At its surface Flatpak like the other is a framework
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building and packaging distribution agnostic applications for Linux. It simply requires the developers to
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conform to a few desktop environment guidelines in order for the application to be successfully integra
the Flatpak environment.

Targeted primarily at the three popular desktop implementations FreeDesktop, KDE, and GNOME, the
framework itself is written in C and works on a LGPL license. The maintenance repository can be access
the GitHub link here.

A few features of Flatpak that make it stand apart are mentioned below. Notice that features Flatpak sh
with AppImage and Snappy are omitted here.

Deep integration into popular Linux desktop environments such as GNOME & KDE so that users ca
simply use Flatpaks using Graphical software management tools instead of resorting to the termin
Flatpak can be installed from the default repositories of major desktop environments now and on
apps themselves are set-up they can be used and provide features similar to normal desktop appl

Forward-compatibility – Flatpaks are built from the ground up keeping the operating systems co
kernel and runtimes in mind. Hence, even if you upgrade or update your distro the Flatpaks you h
should still work unless there is a core update. This is especially crucial for people who prefer stay
rolling betas or development versions of their distros. For such people, since the kinks of the OS it
ironed out usually, the Flatpak application will run seamlessly without having to depend on the OS
libraries for its operation.[13]

Sandboxing using Bubblewrap – snaps are also by default sandboxed in that they run in isolation
the rest of the applications running while you’re using your computer. However, Flatpaks fully seal
application from accessing OS files and user files during its operation by default. This essentially m
that system administrators can be certain that Flatpaks that are installed in their systems cannot e
the computer and the files it contains whereas for end users this will mean that in order to access
specific functions or user data root permission is required.[14]

Flatpak supports decentralized distribution of application natively however the team behind Flatpa
maintains a central online repository of apps/Flatpaks called Flathub. Users may in fact configure
to use multiple remote repositories as they see necessary. As opposed to snap you can have multi

Modular access through the sandbox. Although this capability comes at a great potential cost to th
integrity of the system, Flatpak framework allows for channels to be created through the sandbox
exchange of specific information from within the sandbox to the host system or vice versa. The ch
in this case referred to as a portal. A con to this feature is discussed later in the section.[14]

One of the most criticized aspects of Flatpak however is it’s the sandbox feature itself. Sandboxing is ho
package managers such as Snappy and Flatpak implement important security features. Sandboxing ess
isolates the application from everything else in the system only allowing for user defined exchange of
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commands can simply get rid of the sandbox restriction meaning that malicious applications might pote
jump out of the said sandbox.[15]

This combined with the worse than expected commitment to rolling out security updates for Flatpak ha
resulted in widespread criticism of the team’s tall claim of providing a secure framework. The blog (nam
flatkill) linked at the end of this guide in fact mentions a couple of exploits that were not addressed by
Flatpak team as soon as they should’ve been.[15]

For more details, I suggest you to read Flatpak official documentation.

Related read:

A Beginners Guide To Flatpak

How To Easily Configure Flatpak Apps Permissions With Flatseal

AppImage vs Snap vs Flatpak

The table attached below summarizes all the above findings into a concise and technical comparison of
three frameworks.

Feature AppImage Snappy Flatpak

Led by Canonical (Same
company as Ubuntu),
features central app Features an app st
Not an appstore or repository, its repository and active FlatHub, however
simply put a packaging format for contribution from individuals may st
Unique feature
software distribution. Canonical. packages and distr
Desktops, Servers, IoT
devices, Embedded Desktops and limi
Target system Desktops and Servers. devices etc. function on server
Base system. Runtimes optional, GNOME, KDE,
Libraries and other dependencies Base system or via Plugins Freedesktop bund
Libraries/Dependencies packaged. or can be packaged. custom bundled.
Community drive
Community Driven led by Simon Corporate driven by flatpak team supp
Developers Peter. Canonical Ltd. enterprise.
Written in C. Golang, C and Python. C.
Initial release 2004. 2014. 2015.
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Sandboxing Can be implemented.
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3 modes - strict, classic,
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Isolated but Uses

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and devmode with varying files to run applica

confinement capabilities. default.
Runs in isolation.
Sandboxing Platform Firejail, AppArmor, Bubblewrap. AppArmor. Bubblewrap.
Not necessary. Will act as self Installed using fla
App Installation mounted disc. Installation using snapd. client tools.
Using desktop integrated
snap tools. Runs isolated Needs to be execu
Can be run after setting executing with user defined flatpak command
App Execution bit. resources. used.
Can be run w/o root user
User Privileges Can be run w/o root user access. access. Selectively requir
Has to be hosted with
Can be hosted anywhere by Canonical servers which Can be hosted any
Hosting Applications anybody. are proprietary. anybody.
Portable Execution from non system Yes, after flatpak
locations Yes. No. configured.
Central Repository AppImageHub. Snap Store. Flathub.
One version of the app in
one channel. Has to be
Possible, any number of versions separately configured for
Running multiple versions of the app simultaneously. more. Yes.
Using CLI command
AppImageUpdate or via an Requires snapd installed. Required flatpak i
updater tool built into the Supports delta updating, Update Using flat
Updating applications AppImage. will automatically update. update command.
Application remains Client side is
Package sizes on disk Application remains archived. archived. uncompressed.

Here is a long tabular comparison of AppImage vs. Snap vs. Flatpak features. Please note that the comp
made from an AppImage perspective.


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While all three of these platforms have a lot in common with each other and aim to be platform agnost
approach, they offer different levels of competencies in a few areas. While Snaps can run on a variety o
including embedded ones, AppImages and Flatpaks are built with the desktop user in mind. AppImages
popular applications on the other had have superior packaging sizes and portability whereas Flatpak re
shines with its forward compatibility when its used in a set it and forget it system.


[1] Concepts — AppImage documentation

[2] Slashdot - Point-and-klik Linux Software Installation

[3] History of AppImage project

[4] Snapcraft - Snaps are universal Linux packages

[5] Installing snapd - Snap documentation

[6] Snap documentation

[7] On Snappy and Flatpak: business as usual in the Canonical propaganda department

[8] Snap Updates are getting smaller, here’s why

[9] What Are Linux Snap Packages? Why Use Them?

[10] Snapshots - Snap documentation

[11] Snap confinement - Snap documentation

[12] Desktop Integration - Flatpak documentation

[13] Introduction to Flatpak - Flatpak documentation

[14] Sandbox Permissions - Flatpak documentation

[15] Flatpak - a security nightmare



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Install NetData Performance Monitoring Tool On Youtube-dl Tutorial With Examples For B


Yum não funciona no Clean Como instalar módulos Perl no Como resolver o erro “Erro
CentOS 7 –... Linux ao abrir rpmdb” ...
13 de outubro de 2015 30 de janeiro de 2020 12 de agosto de 2017



 15 de julho de 2019 - 12h47

As diferenças no tempo de carregamento e na frequência de falhas seriam interessantes.


 11 de agosto de 2019 - 17:15

Não é caixa de areia, caixa de areia. Litterbox = microambiente em sua casa que faz você se sentir
(por engano), pois permite que a defecação aconteça em um ambiente supostamente fechado. To
conceito está totalmente errado. Dá a mensagem de que merda está bem, contanto que esteja co
Portanto, não haverá rigor. Linux se tornará windows. Por quê então? O Windows se tornou uma m
porque cada usuário deu a si mesmo acesso de administrador.
E - porque essas coisas não podem lidar com o armazenamento de arquivos em um servidor / NAS
usuário vai dar a si mesmo o modo dev. Estamos retrocedendo!

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 3 de maio de 2020 - 14h16
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Eu realmente gostaria de ver uma versão deste artigo de comparação de pacotes GNU / Linux que
inclua Guix.



 2 de agosto de 2020 - 18h05

A melhor comparação desses três formatos que encontrei até agora. Muito obrigado!


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