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Todas os exercícios da apostila que tiverem essa câmera , estão

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Auxiliary Verb N’T + Subject + Main Verb + Complement?
(Verbo Auxiliar N’T + Sujeito + Verbo Principal + Complemento)?
Introdução à Estrutura da Língua Inglesa
Ex: Hasn’t she spoken to me for the last two weeks?
Ao contrário do que costumamos pensar, a estrutura da frase em inglês - Ela não tem falado comigo nas últimas duas semanas?
não apresenta muitas diferenças da estrutura em português. Abaixo
veremos exemplos da estrutura em frases afirmativas, negativas, Haven’t they worked a lot for this last month?
interrogativas e negativas interrogativas. Eles não tem trabalhado muito nesse último mês?

Afirmativa Exercícios:
Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb + Complement Choose the best option to Complete the sentences on quetions below:
(Sujeito + Verbo Auxiliar + Verbo Principal + Complemento)
1. We ______ students.
A principal diferença na afirmativa, e na estrutura de forma geral, será a) are a
que a estrutura verbal do inglês aparecerá majoritariamente com dois b) is
verbos (um auxiliar e um principal). c) are
d) am
Ex: She has spoken to me for the last two weeks.
- Ela tem falado comigo nas últimas duas semanas. 2. I ______ a student.
a) is
They have worked a lot for this last month. b) am
- Eles tem trabalhado muito nesse último mês. c) are
d) isn’t
3. “_____ you from Barcelona?”
Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb + Complement “No, I’m not.”
(Sujeito + Verbo Auxiliar + NOT + Verbo Principal + Complemento) a) Is
b) Are
Na língua inglesa a negação se dá pela adição do “NOT” à estrutura c) Do
verbal, sempre após o verbo auxiliar. d) Where
Ex: She has not spoken to me for the last two weeks.
- Ela não tem falado comigo nas últimas duas semanas. 4. Choose the best answer:
How is your overall evaluation of the product?
They have not worked a lot for this last month. a) I’m very happy with my new phone so far
Eles não têm trabalhado muito nesse último mês. b) I work as a photographer so I take a lot of pictures
c) I’m feeling fine after I started going to the gym.
Interrogativa d) I’ll travel next week

Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Main Verb + Complement? 5. There __________ two main obstacles.
(Verbo Auxiliar + Sujeito + Verbo Principal + Complemento)? a) is
b) are
Na estrutura interrogativa, o verbo auxiliar se posiciona anterior ao c) be
sujeito. d) to be
e) am
Ex: Has she spoken to me for the last two weeks?
- Ela tem falado comigo nas últimas duas semanas? 6. She __________ German
a) they
Have they worked a lot for this last month? b) are
Eles tem trabalhado muito nesse último mês? c) a
d) is
Negativa Interrogativa
7. An umbrella __________ a very ordinary object.
Auxiliary Verb + Subject + NOT + Main Verb + Complement? a) there are
(Verbo Auxiliar + Sujeito + NOT + Verbo Principal + Complemento)? b) are
c) is
A negativa interrogativa segue a mesma estrutura da forma d) am
interrogativa e o NOT podendo aparecer em duas posições (formal e
informal) 8. They ________ tired.
Formal: a) am
Ex: Has she not spoken to me for the last two weeks? b) are
- Ela não tem falado comigo nas últimas duas semanas? c) is
d) do


9. They ________ thirty years old. 17. It is pointed out in the passage that _____.
a) not are a) the use of hot water bottles to rewarm the body is not advisable.
b) is not b) one should try to rewarm frozen fingers and toes fairly rapidly.
c) is c) in rewarming the body the higher the temperature the better the result
d) are not is.
d) people should be warned not to go out in freezingly cold weather.
10. We ________ in an English class. e) one should take a bath as often as possible in winter.
a) are
b) am 18. The author warns that _____.
c) is a) the minimum temperature required is 43 °C.
d) There is b) in rewarming the body, care must be taken not to burn the skin.
c) one should never rub frozen fingers and toes with snow.
11. Choose the option with the correct interrogative of the sentence d) hot drinks must not be taken in immediately.
below: e) recovery cannot be as rapid as one would expect.
“She had traveled to China”
a) She has traveled to China? 19. The meaning of CONSISTENT in the sentence Mr. Brown's
b) Has She traveled to China? behavior is not consistent with his ideas is:
c) Had she traveled to China? a) coherent.
d) Did she travel to China? b) contradictory.
c) right.
12. Choose the option with the correct negative of the sentence d) persuasive.
below e) strong.
“We are watching a movie at the moment”
a) We not are watching a movie at the moment 20. Which of these words is not a False Cognate?
b) We are no watching a movie at the moment a) apologize
c) We’re not watching a movie at the moment b) response
d) We isn’t watching a movie at the moment c) support
d) largest
13. Complete the blank in the dialogue e) resume
John - Is there anything I can do to help?
Mary – Yes,______ 21. In “They suffered from the injuries sustained in the crash”,
a) there are INJURIES means:
b) is there a) ofensas
c) there is b) ferimentos
d) are there c) injúrias
d) calúnias
14. “How old is your aunt?” e) fraturas
“______ is 29.”
a) She’s 22. A synonym for the word ACTUALLY as in “This is actually
b) He the decaying of the tooth” is:
c) She a) now
d) He’s b) today
c) really
15. Complete the following text with the correct form of the verb: d) normally
London __________ an important city, but it__________ different from old e) theoretically
London. There__________ many big buildings and There __________ lots
of small boats on the river nowadays. 23. Choose the incorrect alternative:
a) is, is, are, are a) The hunter shot itself with his own gun.
b) was, is, are, are b) She wants to buy herself a new coat.
c) am, are, be, be c) Most girls like to look at themselves in the mirror.
d) is, is, are is d) I locked myself out of the house.
Reading comprehension and vocabulary building
24. Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it.
A popular method of treating frozen fingers and toes in very cold, even
Let's do it: that yoga thing.
freezing weather is to slowly rewarm them or rub them with snow. The
– Observe que o "it" se repete. A que se refere?
best treatment, however, is not slow rewarming but rapid rewarming.
a) Stars.
Putting the frozen fingers or toes in a warm bath or using a hot water
b) Yoga.
bottle are both good ways to treat them. Hot drinks to warm the body
c) Judges.
from within are also helpful. One must be careful about burning the skin,
d) Sports
however. The temperature of any heat applied should not be greater
than 43 °C.
25. In “They pretended to be dead”, TO PRETEND means:
a) entender
16. The main concern of the passage is _____.
b) pretender
a) why frozen fingers and toes should be slowly rewarmed.
c) fingir
b) how to keep adequately warm in the winter.
d) tender
c) how to treat fingers and toes that have been frozen.
e) fazer
d) the dangers of freezing weather for the body.
e) why one should have plenty of hot drinks in winter.


26. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma palavra em que o sufixo - 25. C
er desempenha a mesma função que exerce na formação da palavra 26. D
developer: 27. C
a) stronger 28. B
b) danger 29. B
c) power 30. D
d) designer

27. What does the word unhurt mean?

a) hurt badly
b) hurt
c) not hurt
d) hurting

28. What do you do if you reread a book?

a) don't read it
b) read it again
c) read it for the first time
d) read it every month

29. Mexicans can thank the peso crash for one thing: IT has forced them
to confront the country's deep-seated political problems. Disappointed
with the ruling party, the PRI, they are demanding a truly First World
government. – In the above text, IT refers to:
a) Mexicans.
b) peso crash.
c) PRI.
d) Mexico.
e) political problems.

30. The rise of molecular biology since the late 1950s has had the
gradual and quite unforeseen effect of turning the eyes of medical
scientists increasingly toward the basic mechanisms of life, rather than
disease and death. Of course, this has always been the orientation of all
nonmedical biologists, studying growth, reproduction, nutrition or any of
the other characteristics shared by all living things. – A palavra "this"
refere-se a:
a) research in molecular biology.
b) gradual and unforeseen effect.
c) medical scientists.
d) study of basic mechanisms of life.
e) study of disease and death.


1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. D
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. B

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