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Colégio Estadual Dr. João Bazet.

Língua Inglesa – 2º ano do Ensino Médio.

Professora Carla Bastos.

The Present Perfect Tense (2º Bimestre)

O presente perfeito é um tempo verbal que não existe em português. Ele pode ser usado em algumas
situações diferentes. Hoje, iremos estudar a primeira situação em que utilizamos este tempo verbal.

EX: 1) Eu vi aquele filme.

2) Eu vi aquele filme ontem.

Para nós, em português, as duas frases estão no Passado Simples, certo? Mas em inglês, não! Em inglês,
a frase 1 está no Presente Perfeito, pois ela fala de uma ação que aconteceu no passado, mas quando
ela aconteceu não importa, o importante é a ação (no caso da frase, já ter visto o filme). Desta forma,
todas as vezes que falarmos de ações passadas sem mencionar quando elas aconteceram, em inglês,
estaremos usando o PRESENT PERFECT TENSE. Neste tempo verbal não há marcação de tempo.
A frase 2, em inglês, estará no Passado Simples (primeira matéria que estudamos este ano fazendo uma
revisão para preparar vocês para esta matéria aí), pois fala de ações passadas onde é primordial dizer
QUANDO a ação aconteceu, esta informação precisa estar na frase, portanto, a maior diferença entre o
Presente Perfeito(PP) e o Passado Simples(SP) é que no PP não há marcação de tempo, e no SP há
marcação de tempo.

Formação do Present Perfect:

O presente perfeito é formado de dois elementos que estarão presentes na afirmativa, interrogativa e
1º) Os auxiliares HAVE (para os sujeitos I, You, We, They) ou HAS (para os sujeitos He, She, It).
2º) O verbo da frase no Particípio Passado ( Regulares: + ED e os Irregulares: retiramos a forma da 3ª
* Postei na plataforma a lista dos Verbos Irregulares mais usados com as 3 colunas: 1ª infinitivo, 2ª
passado simples, 3ª particípio passado).

Regra: Have/ Has + Verbo com ed/3ª coluna

Ex: Ela namorou aquele menino = She HAS DATED that boy. (to date)

Aparece na frase quando foi que ela namorou o menino? Não! Então esta frase está falando de algo que
aconteceu no passado, mas o que importa é a ação, não há marcação de tempo. Por isso colocamos o
verbo namorar no Presente Perfeito. Primeiro o auxiliar HAS porque o sujeito é She e depois o verbo to
date no particípio passado, como ele é regular, usamos o ED.

Ex: Você foi meu aluno = You have been my student. (to be)

Não disse quando, Presente Perfeito! Have pq o sujeito é YOU e been é a forma de particípio (3ª coluna)
do verbo To Be (veja a tabela dos verbos Irregulares na Plataforma).

Perguntas e Negativas
Usamos apenas o have/ has para pergunta e negar:
1) I have studied here. (Eu estudei aqui)
I: HAVE you/I STUDIED here?

2) Clara has been sick. (Clara esteve doente)

I: HAS Clara BEEN sick?
N: Clara HAS/HASN’T BEEN sick.


Como já foi dito anteriormente, a diferença de um tempo verbal para o outro é que o Present Perfect
não tem marcação de tempo e o Simple Past tem marcação. Desta forma, todas a vezes que houver um
marcador de tempo (yesterday, last, ago, in the past, datas...) colocaremos o verbo no Passado Simples
E, quando não houver marcação de tempo, colocaremos este verbo no Presente Perfeito.

Passado Simples:
Afirmativa: Verbos Regulares: + ED/ Verbos Irregulares: 2ª coluna da Tabela dos Verbos Irregulares.
Interrogativa e Negativa: Did/ Did not – didn’t

1) Ela chorou naquele filme. / Ela chorou muito ontem.

She HAS CRIED in that film. / She CRIED a lot yesterday. (to cry) Verbo Regular
I: Has she cried in that film? / I: Did she CRY a lot yesterday?
N: She has not/hasn’t cried in that film / N: She did not/didn’t CRY a lot yesterday.

2) Eles viram você. / Eles viram você ontem.

They HAVE SEEN you. / They SAW you yesterday. (to see) Verbo Irregular
I: HAVE they SEEN you? / I: Did they SEE you yesterday?
N: They HAVE NOT/HAVEN’T SEEN you. / N: They did not/ didn’t SEE you yesterday.

Analise com muita calma, leia com atenção, releia, refaça os exemplos sem olhar as respostas, olhe a
tabela dos Verbos Irregulares.
Agora você fará um pequeno exercício para testar o seu aprendizado! Foco!


1) Supply the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in parentheses: (have/has + verbo com ED ou 3ª
a) That man___________another house. (to build/ built/ built)
b) We________________to the country by car.(to go/ went/ gone)
c) She______________our lunch. (to cook)
d) I_____________much money. (to spend/ spent/ spent)
e) _______you_____________your bag? (to lose/ lost/ lost)
f) What_______she ______________you? (to tell/ told/ told)
g) They__________me a letter. (to write/ wrote/ wrote)
h) We___________you a card. (to send/ sent/ sent)

2) Put sentences A and B (nº1) in the Interrogative and Negative Forms.

3) Use the Present Perfect OR the Simple Past Tense:

a) They_____________soccer. (to play)
b) Susan_________________sick last night. (to be/ was-were/ been)
c) I_______________tennis with her yesterday. (to play)
d) Mary_________________you. (to phone)
e) I__________________fish for lunch five years ago. (to eat/ ate/ eaten)
f) They_________________the exercise. (to finish)
g) She________________many books in 2017. (to write/ wrote/ written)

4) Put sentences A and C in the Interrogative and Negative forms.

The Present Perfect Tense – Part II

Iremos estudar agora o segundo uso do Present Perfect Tense. Leia com atenção e foco, faça os
exercícios e não deixem de perguntar em caso de dúvidas!
Estudamos que o Presente Perfeito é utilizado para falar de ações que aconteceram no passado mas,
sem marcação de tempo. O que importa é o que aconteceu e não quando! Mas...veremos agora que ele
também é usado para expressar ações que começaram a acontecer no passado e que ainda continuam
acontecendo até o momento presente. Neste caso, podemos ter o uso do Present Perfect COM
marcação de tempo APENAS se esta marcação vier junto das palavras SINCE (desde) ou FOR (por; há).

Eu trabalho no João Bazet há 21 anos. (Comecei a 21 anos atrás e continuo até o momento presente –
esta frase está no Present Perfect II).
I HAVE WORKED at João Bazet FOR 21 years ou
I HAVE WORKED at João Bazet SINCE 1999. (to work)

Eles namoram há 2 anos. (Começaram há 2 anos e continuam – Present Perfect)

They HAVE DATED FOR 2 years. (to date)

Ela é minha professora desde 2018. (Iniciou em 2018 e continua até agora)
She HAS BEEN my teacher SINCE 2018. (to be)

Vamos praticar um pouco:

1) Supply since or for:

a) ____1994 e) ____a long time i) _____two o’clock
b) ____10 years f) ____my birthday j) _____hours
c) ____3 minutes g) ____Wednesday k) _____then
d) ____2 days h) ____many weeks l) _____last year

2) Write the following sentences in English:

a) Ela falou por meia hora. __________________________________
b) Ele trabalha como professor desde o ano
c) Eles moram em Miami desde 1988.___________________________
d) Nós não dissemos uma palavra por duas horas. _______________________

Falar: to speak/ spoke/ spoken meia hora: half an hour ano passado: last year
Trabalhar: to work como: as a professor:teacher
Morar: to live em: in horas: hours
Dizer: to say/ said/ said palavra: word uma: a

Geralmente o Present Perfect também é usado com as palavras: lately, recently,just, already, yet,

- Since – (desde) We have lived here since April

- For – (durante; há) I have lived here for 2 years.

- Just - (acabar de) ação que acabou de ocorrer. The kids have just arrived. (As crianças acabaram de
chegar) – Just é sempre usado antes do verbo principal.

- Ever – (alguma vez, já) Have you ever traveled abroad? (Você já/ alguma vez viajou para o exterior?)

- Already - (já) usado em orações afirmativas e interrogativas, é sempre usado antes do verbo principal.
Ex: I have already seen that film.
Have you already seen it?
- Yet - (já, ainda) usado em orações negativas (ainda) e interrogativas (já), em geral no final da frase.
Ex: Have they arrived yet?
They haven’t arrived yet.

- Lately/ Recently – ultimamente/recentemente.

Ex: She hasn’t talked to me lately/ recently.

Obs: Se vocês encontrarem estas palavras na frase, ela provavelmente estará no Present Perect Tense.
(Have/Has + Verbo Principal (ed / 3ªcoluna).

Vamos praticar!!!!

1) Supply yet or already:

a) I´ve_________done my exercises.
b) She hasn´t answered the question________.
c) They´ve__________talked to me.
d) Have you __________invited her?
e) Has she left_________?
f) I have_________done my exercises but Sally hasn´t done hers_____.
g) We haven´t run into the new director_______.
h) Have they done their homework_______?
i) She has________sent the postcards.

2) Supply just or lately:

a) Mother has________baked chocolate cake.
b) I haven´t seen Jane___________.
c) Have you worked hard__________?
d) She has________told us the good news.

3) Supply the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in parentheses:

a) Karl________ just_______________. (to arrive)
b) I_____________for you for two hours. (to wait)
c) He___________me since I was a girl. (to attract)
d) ______they already ________ their house? (to buy/ bought/ bought)
e) ______you_________ your house yet? (to clean)
f) The children___________yet. (not/ to sleep/ slept/ slept)
g) It___________since yesterday morning. (to snow)

4) Find and correct mistakes (encontre e corrija os erros):

a) We have just met Helen yesterday –
b) They have already brought their books just –
c) I did never slept in the garden –
d) The bell has rang for 2 o’clock-
e) James has worked since half an hour-

5) Supply the correct verb tense (Present Perfect or Simple Past):

Observe as palavras que acompanham a frase, se há marcadores ou não, se os marcadores estiverem
acompanhados de since e for (Present Perfect), se estiverem sozinhos (a frase estará no Simple Past).
a) Pete_______just________me his new car. (to show)
b) _____you________to Karen yet? (to speak)
c) He________on that sofa three hours ago. (to sit)
d) I__________that book for three times. (to read)
e) The maid_____ already________the floor. (to sweep)
f) We_____________the same bus for two years. (to take)
g) I______________it yet. (to understand)
h) She____________all her money last week. (to spend)
i) He______________to me since he left home. (to write)
Irregular Verbs
To spend/ spent/ spent to speak/ spoke/ spoken
To write/ wrote/ written to show/ showed/ shown
To take/ took/ taken to meet/ met/ met
To understand/ understood/ understood to sleep/ slept/ slept
To sweep/ swept/ swept to ring/ ran/ rung
To read/ read/ read to bring/ brought/ brought
To sit/ sat/ sat

Bom trabalho! 
 Reading Comprehension

MOON CRATERS – 3º Bimestre

The moon has attracted man’s attention since the beginning of civilization. Ancient Greeks discovered
the influence of the moon upon the tides. Poets have looked at the moon with romantic eyes. Space
scientists have not only studied it with their telescopes, but have also sent astronauts there. However,
they have not found out all the answers to the mysteries of the moon. The origin of moon craters, for
example, is still obscure.
According to one theory, thousands of meteors have crashed against the surface of the moon. The
impact of these crashes has formed the craters. They are pits and depressions on the lunar surface. They
have many sizes and forms. Some scientists have tried to prove this theory with plaster. They dropped
objects into wet plaster, trying to reproduce the formation of craters. Unfortunately, they have not been
Other scientists disagree about this theory. For them, the craters have appeared because of eruptions
either of gas or lava. English physicist Robert Hook said, “The craters are solidified residues of enormous
This dispute has not ended yet. It has been very difficult to prove these theories. Scientists have already
progressed a lot, but poets can be glad – the moon is still a romantic mystery to man.

1) Answer the questions IN PORTUGUESE, according to the text.

a) Uma teoria diz que milhares de meteoros trombaram na superficie da lua e que o impacto
dessas “trombadas” formou as crateras. O que são as crateras?
b) Por que razão alguns cientistas deixavam cair objetos em gesso úmido?
c) Quem descobriu a influência da lua sobre as mares?
d) O que diz a teoria de Robert Hook?
e) Por que a lua ainda e um mistério para nos, seres humanos?
f) Encontre no texto 3 palavras que acompanham o Presente Perfeito II e 2 verbos regulares e 2
irregulares no Presente Perfeito.

2) Write T for true and F for false according to the text.

a) The moon appeared because of eruptions of gas or lava. ( )
b) Astronauts went to the moon. ( )
c) The moon influences the tides. ( )
d) Space scientists consider the moon a romantic mystery. ( )
e) Robert Hook agrees about the meteoric impact theory. ( )

3) Choose the correct alternative according to the text.

a) A long time ago the Greeks
1) Attracted the moon.
2) Attracted man’s attention.
3) Studied the moon.

b) For the poets, the moon

1) Is the solidified residues of bubbles.
2) Is not a scientific mystery.
3) Is an obscure crater.

c) Scientists have dropped objects into wet plaster to

1) Prove the formation of craters.
2) Prove the size and form of craters.
3) Prove the origin of meteors.

d) The surface of the moon

1) Has suffered the impact of meteors.
2) Has no depression.
3) Has crashed against enormous bubbles.

e) An astronomer studies
1) The influence of the moon upon man’s life.
2) The influence of the stars upon civilization.
3) The moon, the stars and the planets.

 Grammar Practice:

1) Turn the sentences below into English using the Present Perfect Tense and since, for, already,
a) O policial correu atras do ladrão por 2 horas.
b) Ela trabalha como uma medica desde o ano passado.
c) Judy and Tom vivem em Miami desde 2000.
d) Ele me atraiu desde que eu era uma criança.
e) As crianças acabaram de resolver um problema.
f) Eu já viajei para a Europa.
g) Ela ainda não esteve na Europa.

Correr: to run policial: policeman Irregular Verbs

Trabalhar: to work ladrão: thief to be/ was- were/ been
Viver: to live médica: doctor to run/ ran/ run
Atrair: to attract problema: problem
Resolver: to solve como: as
Viajar: to travel Europa: Europe
Estar: to be


O passado perfeito é conhecido como o “passado do passado”. Ele é geralmente usado junto ao passado
simples pois falará de uma ação que aconteceu no passado, antes de outra ação também no passado (só
que mais recente), acontecer. Serão sempre duas ações na mesma frase, uma mais antiga e outra mais

Por exemplo:
1) O show havia terminado quando ele chegou.
As duas ações aconteceram no passado, mas em momentos diferentes. A mais antiga estará sempre no
Passado Perfeito e a mais recente, no Passado Simples.

2) Quando eu cheguei, ela dormia.

Mais uma vez, duas ações no passado, em momentos diferentes. Ela foi dormir e eu cheguei depois que
ela já estava dormindo. Quando passar esta frase para o inglês, a primeira ação (mais antiga) estará no
Passado Perfeito e a segunda (mais recente), no Passado Simples.


Past Perfect: HAD + Verbo no Particípio Passado (Regulares: ed/ Irregulares: 3ª coluna da Tabela dos
Verbos Irregulares).

Simple Past: Regular Verbs: ED/ Irregular Verbs: 2ª coluna da Tabela.

1) The concert HAD FINISHED when he ARRIVED.


1) Supply the Past Perfect or the Simple Past tense of the verbs in parentheses: (Neste exercício
vocês já têm um dos tempos verbais na frase, só precisam completer com o outro).
a) She lost the book he________________her.(to give/ gave/ given)
b) He_____________the house after he had bought it.(to paint)
c) I__________two letters before the secretary entered the room.(to type)
d) After they had had lunch, I___________the dishes.(to wash)
e) I____________the film before you talked about it.(to see/ saw/ seen)
f) He told me that he_______________from a tree.(to fall/ fell/ fallen)
g) __________they__________before you left? (to arrive)
h) She________her boyfriend after she had gone to the movies.(to know/ knew/ known)
i) When the teacher___________the room, we had finished the exercises.(to enter)
j) She__________all the furniture before we talked to her.(to sell/ sold/ sold)
k) Last evening he__________us the story of his life.(to tell/told/ told)

2) Put the verbs below in the Past Perfect and in the Simple Past.
a) Carol saiu da festa antes de eu chegar. Carol____________(to leave/ left/ left) the
party before I _________(to arrive)
b) Quando o professor entrou em sala, nós havíamos terminado o exercício. When the
teacher______________(to enter) the classroom, we_________________the exercise.
(to finish)
c) Eu lavei as louças depois que nós comemos. I___________(to wash) the dishes after
we____________. (to eat/ ate/ eaten)
d) Jane perdeu o livro que o Bob deu a ela. Jane__________(to lose/ lost/ lost) the book
Bob ________________her. (to give/ gave/ given)
e) Eles limparam o quarto antes de eu chamá-los. They_________(to clean) the room
before I__________them (to call).

 Reading Comprehension


He was a modern magician. His astonishing notions of space and time changed man’s perception of the
universe forever. He fathered relativity and introduced the atomic age with his formula E = mc²*. Yet his
formidable reputation never spoiled his simple humanity. He spoke courageously against social injustice.
In his later years, dressed in loose clothes, his white hair untidy, he helped youngsters with their
geometry homework. He was an old man who still loved to sail, play Mozart on the violin and write
poems. He died a little more than a quarter of a century ago, but there are few people who do not
recognize the face or name of Albert Einstein.
The magnitude of Einstein’s theories was not the result of his individual work. Others had worked before
him and contributed to his formulations. One example is Copernicus, from whom we learned about the
heliocentric theory. Kepler, who was a German physicist, provided a geometric description of the
movement of planets. Isaac Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation.

* E = mc²: energia é igual ao produto da massa pelo quadrado da velocidade da luz.

1) Answer the answers IN PORTUGUESE. Find the answers in the text.

a) O texto afirma que a imensa reputação de Einstein nunca estragou seus valores humanos
simples. Por quê?
b) Em seus últimos anos, como Einstein passava seu tempo?
c) O que tornou Einstein tão famoso?
d) Diz o texto que outros cientistas trabalharam antes de Einstein e que seus trabalhos
contribuíram para as formulações de trabalho de Einstein. Quais são os cientistas citados e seus
e) Retire do texto, em inglês, um verbo no passado perfeito, um verbo no regular e um irregular
no passado simples.

2) Write T for true and F for false according to the text.

a) Isaac Newton was a modern magician. ( )
b) Einstein created ideas of relativity on the violin. ( )
c) He didn’t care about his appearance. ( )
d) He introduced the atomic age. ( )
e) Newton formulated the heliocentric theory. ( )

 Grammar Section:

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

1.- My aunt flew to Paris last year. She __________ (never / go/ went/ gone) on a plane before that.
2.- We didn’t need to queue because my wife __________ (already / buy/ bought/ bought) the
3.- The thieves had already spent the money when the police _________ (catch/ caught/caught) them.
4.- Helen ________ (split up/ split/ split) with John before she met Paul.
5.- We knew her address because she _______ (tell/ told/ told) us.
6.- The children _________ (not eat) for days so they were extremely hungry.
7.- Everyone ___________ (hug) each other after they had finished their exams.
8.- She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she ___________ (already / see/ saw/ seen) the film.
9.- I had just bought) a dress when a thief _______ (steal/ stole/ stolen) my bag.
10.- My niece had been to London three times by the time she _________ (be/ was-were/ been) sixteen.
11.- My students raised some money after they ________ (see) a documentary on TV about Africa.
12.- It was half past three and we still _________ (not / eat) lunch.
13.- Our teacher gave us extra homework because we ___________ (not finish) our essays.
14.- My father _________ (lose) his glasses and he couldn’t read the newspaper.
15.- The car stopped because we __________ (run/ ran/ run) out of petrol.
16.- He __________ (feel/ felt/ felt) very ill because he had not slept) well.
17.- By the time I met John, he ___________ (leave/ left/ left) college.
18.- When I had asked her to help me, she ________ (agree).
19.- I thought I _________ (read/ read/ read) that book before, but I hadn’t.
20.- I knew I __________ (see) her somewhere before.
21.- I was sure I __________ (not lock) the door.
22.- When we got home my wife realized she__________ (lose/ lost/ lost) her purse.
23.- When we arrived at my parent’s house, they ________ (leave/ left/ left).
24.- After I had bought my new computer, I discovered that I ___________ (not have) enough
25.- The Vikings ________ (sail) to North America a thousand years ago.

Keep up the good work 😊


O futuro contínuo expressa ações que estarão acontecendo em algum momento do futuro. Ele é
formado por WILL BE + o verbo principal com ING.

Ele estará estudando às 5 horas. – He Will Be studyING at 5 o’clock.
Eu estarei estudando na semana que vem – I Will Be workING next week.

A interrogativa e negativa do futuro contínuo são iguais ao futuro simples, ou seja, utilizamos apenas o
auxiliar WILL no início das frases interrogativas e Will not/Won’t nas negativas.

WILL he be studying at 5 o’clock? WILL I be working next week?
He WILL NOT/WON’T be studying… I WILL NOT/WON’T be working next week.


1) Supply the Future Continuous Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

a) You_____________________by the end of next week. (to study)
b) Tomorrow, at about 7 o’clock, my parents_________________from Europe. (to arrive)
c) I can’t meet you in the afternoon. I__________________tennis. (to practice)
d) They___________________over the Caribbean tonight. (to fly)
e) The children_________________at about 10 o’clock? (to sleep)

2) Put sentences A and D in the interrogative and negative forms.


O futuro perfeito expressa ações que já terão acontecido em determinado momento no futuro. Ele é
formado por WILL HAVE + Verbo principal no Particípio Passado (regulares: ED/ irregulares: 3ª coluna da
tabela dos irregulares).

A essa hora amanhã nós já teremos feito a prova. – By this time tomorrow, we WILL HAVE DONE the
test. (to do).
Eles terão chegado da Europa às 7 da manhã. - They WILL HAVE ARRIVED from Europe at 7 in the
morning. (to arrive)

A interrogativa e negativa do futuro contínuo são iguais ao futuro simples, ou seja, utilizamos apenas o
auxiliar WILL no início das frases interrogativas e Will not/Won’t nas negativas.

WILL they have arrived from Europe…?
They WILL NOT/WON’T have arrived from Europe…

1) Put the sentences into the required form.
a) The plane will have landed by 4 o’clock. (interrogative)
b) They will have met her tomorrow at this time. (negative)
c) Will she have been in this town for two years next June? (affirmative)
d) We will have learned our lessons by tomorrow. (negative)
e) You will have completed your work by April. (interrogative)

2) Choose the correct alternative.

a) When mother comes, I will (cleaned/ have cleaned)my room.
b) By midnight they (will be finished/ will have finished) their homework.
c) She (will have written/ has written) the letter tomorrow morning.
d) We (will painted/ will have painted) the garage before the weekend.
e) They will (have taken/ take) two exams by the time the school is over.
f) What will mother say if you (won´t have washed/ will washed) the dog before she
comes back?
g) Do you think Bob (went/ will have gone) by the time I get there?
h) At 9 o’clock the show (will started/ will have started).
i) Are you sure you will (have done/ doing) your work before I arrive?

3) Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect Tense.

a) The baby________________for nine hours by 7 o’clock. (to sleep/ slept/ slept)
b) Next year we__________________together for twenty years. (to be/ was-were/ been)
c) In two weeks’ time they__________________their new book. (to finish)
d) Are you sure you__________________your work before I arrive? (to do/ did/ done)
e) The show_________________by 9 o’clock tomorrow. (to start)

A Day Isn’t 24 Hours Long - & Other Fascinating Facts
How long is a day? It’s not 24 hours – it’s actually 24 hours, 3 minutes and 56.55 seconds!
That’s just one of the most frequent asked questions handled by the New York Public Library, which
answers almost four million reference questions each year.
Here are some more common questions – and the fascinating answers according to “The New
York Public Library Desk Reference.”
What religion has the most followers? The Roman Catholic Church, with 900 million. The
Muslim religion is second, with 840 million, followed by Hinduism with 645 million.
Are there really patron saints for Boy Scouts and dentists? There sure are. St. George is the
patron of Boy Scouts and St. Apollonia is the protector of dentists. There are also patron saints for
pawnbrokers, gravediggers, secretaries and comedians!
If something happened to both the President or Vice President of the U.S., who would be next
in line to assume the duties of the President? The Speaker of the House is next in line, followed by the
President of the Senate.
When was America’s first college founded? Harvard, the first college in America, was founded
in 1636.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone – but who is Alexander Melville Bell? The father
of Alexander Graham Bell, he invented lip-reading in 1866.
When was the first U.S. postage stamp issued? In 1847.
When did the U.S. have the first female Presidential candidate? In 1870, when Victoria
Woodhull announced she would run.
When did American Indians first receive U.S. citizenship? Native Americans were declared
citizens by Congress in 1924.
(The New Era Encyclopedia)

* Answer the questions IN PORTUGUESE.

1) Qual a Segunda religião mais praticada no mundo?
2) O que ocorreu em 1636 nos Estados Unidos?
3) Quando foi emitido o primeiro selo postal americano?
4) O que ocorreu nos EUA em 1870?

The Relative Pronouns – 4º Bimestre

Os pronomes relativos em inglês são palavras utilizadas como sujeito ou objeto em relação ao verbo
principal. Na frase, eles fazem referência a um termo que já foi citado anteriormente.

Função do Relativo:
Saber a função que o relativo exerce na frase é o primeiro passo para saber como usá-lo. Aí vai um
macete para saber identificar sua função:

Quando exercem a função de sujeito, os pronomes relativos vêm acompanhados por um verbo. Por sua
vez, se exercem a função de objeto, são seguidos pelo pronome sujeito (I, you, he, she...).

She is the girl who I love. (O pronome relativo WHO veio seguido por um pronome (I -eu), portanto sua
função é de objeto).

She is the girl who loves me. (O pronome relativo veio seguido por um verbo (love – amar), portanto sua
função é de sujeito).

Há Pronomes Relativos usados apenas para pessoas, outros para coisas e animais, etc. Hoje
estudaremos os relativos usados para pessoas.

The Relative Pronouns - Part I

Há 3 pronomes relativos que podem ser usados para pessoas: WHO, WHOM e THAT. Seu uso irá variar
de acordo com a sua função (sujeito/objeto – como foi explicado acima).

WHO – função de sujeito e objeto (nunca poderá ser usado após uma preposição).
WHOM – função de objeto e usado após preposições (ex: in, of, from, about, with, without, at, on, to…)
THAT – função de sujeito e objeto MAS não pode ser usado se o relativo estiver entre vírgulas ou se vier
após uma preposição.

Vamos praticar?

1) Supply ALL POSSIBLE (todos os possíves) relative pronouns.

a) Mary Lou was looking at the boy WHO/WHOM/THAT she loves. Nesta frase as 3 possibilidades
de relativo puderam ser usadas pois: 1° a função do relativo é de objeto (veio antes de um
pronome – she). 2° não há vírgulas na frase e nem preposições! Agora é com você!
b) I met a prince___________________is very young.
c) You become responsible for the person_______________you tame.
d) That student________________is late for class is going to have extra homework.
e) Men______________are banished from their country easily become nomads.
f) The guys_______________we saw on the road show work as housekeepers.
g) The man_______________is going to be punished is not a zingare.
h) Their leader is the person________________marches in front of the troop.
i) Melanie, ________works in the office with me, is a very strange woman.
j) Gypsies are people________________adapt easily to new environment.
k) The fortuneteller_______________I called on is a very old woman.
l) This is the man about_____________they talked yesterday.
m) The girl____________played violin was a dancer to.
n) This is the girl to______________he gave flowers.
o) My husband, ________is very young, has got pneumonia.

The Relative Pronouns – Part II

Falamos sobre os relativos usados quando o sujeito do verbo é uma pessoa; hoje estudaremos mais um
pronome relativo, dessa vez aqueles que são usados quando o sujeito do verbo é um objeto, animal,
coisa, lugar, etc – WHICH / THAT.
A função do Pronome Relativo na frase é primordial, mas neste caso, não há necessidade de verificar se
a função é de sujeito (quando o relativo vem antes de um verbo) ou se a função é de objeto (quando o
relativo vem antes de um pronome). Pois tanto WHICH como THAT, podem ser utilizados nas duas
funções. Observando que, como visto na semana passada, THAT não pode ser usados com vírgulas e
nem após uma preposição. Vamos aos exemplos:
The tambourine WHICH/THAT was on the table belongs to the gipsy. Função de sujeito pois o relativo é
seguido pelo verbo To Be no passado (was).
O tamborim QUE estava sobre a mesa pertence ao cigano.
The horse WHICH/THAT she saw on the stable belongs to the gipsy. Função de objeto pois o relative é
seguido por um pronome sujeito (she).
O cavalo QUE ela viu no estábulo pertence ao cigano.

Vamos praticar?

1) Put in WHO / WHICH : (Neste exercício você precisa saber se antes do relativo há uma
pessoa, objeto, animal, etc)

1. I met a woman ……who….. can speak six languages.

2. What’s the name of the man …………………….. lives next door?
3. What’s the name of the river ………………………. goes through the town?
4. Everybody ……………………… went to the party enjoyed it very much.
5. Do you know anybody ………………….. want to buy a car?
6. Where is the picture ………………………. was on the wall?
7. She always asks me questions ……………………. are difficult to answer.
8. I have a friend ……………………. is very good at repairing cars.
9. A coffee-maker is a machine …………………… makes coffee.
10. Why does he always wear clothes …………………….. are too small for him?


Hoje estudaremos o pronome relativo WHOSE e a possibilidade de exceção do Pronome Relativo na

frase. Leia com atenção, passe a matéria para seu caderno e faça os exercícios. Em caso de dúvida, é só
falar- Estou a sua disposição!

WHOSE (cujo (a)), é um relativo um pouquinho diferente. Ele poder ser usado tanto para pessoas
quanto para coisas, animais, etc, além disso, todos os outros relativos são seguidos sempre, ou por um
verbo ou por um pronome sujeito, whose é sempre seguido de um substantivo – não tem como
confundir. Veja o exemplo:

1) Aquele é o homem cuja filha estuda aqui na escola./ He is the man WHOSE daughter studies
here at school.
2) Aqui está o cachorro cujo dono morreu./ Here is the dog WHOSE owner died.
3) Essa foi a mulher que beijou você. This was the woman who/that kissed you. Vejam a diferença
do último exemplo – logo após o relativo QUE, veio o verbo beijar. Neste caso, não usaremos o
WHOSE (que só virá entre 2 substantivos), como veio o verbo, voltamos aos Relativos base
(who, whom, that, which). Ficou claro? Caso não, é só falar!


Em alguns tipos de frases com os relativos - who, whom, that, which – existe também a possibilidade de
omitir o relativo, ou seja, não usá-lo e a frase não perderá o sentido. Mas, para que a omissão seja
possível, precisamos seguir alguns critérios:

1) O relativo precisa ter função de objeto (ou seja, vir antes de um pronome sujeito);
2) O relativo não pode vir após uma preposição;
3) O relativo não pode estar entre vírgulas.

Vamos aos exemplos:

Ela é a pessoa que mais te ama. / She is the person WHO/THAT loves you the most. Nesta frase não
podemos omitir o relativo, pois ele está seguido de um verbo (função de sujeito).

Ela é a pessoa que eu mais amo. / She is the person WHO/ THAT/ WHOM/X I love the most. Nesta frase
uma das possibilidades de resposta pode ser a omissão do relativo(X), pois o relativo vem após um
pronome sujeito (função de objeto), não tem vírgulas e nem preposição antes dele.

Vamos praticar?

1) Underline all correct possibilities:

a) Davis fixed the table (who, that) was broken.
b) The horses (which, who, that, X) were in the stable belonged to the farmer.
c) She´s showing that tiger about (who, that, whom, which) she wrote a book.
d) The circus (that, which, X, whom) was in town went to the west.
e) She bought a violin (whom, X, which, who) cost 1, 500 dollars.
f) The violin (whom, X, which, who) she bought cost 1, 500 dollars.
g) That´s the man to (whom, which, that, who, X) you gave the keys.
h) Children (that, who, X, whom) don´t brush their teeth may have cavities.
i) The book (that, X, who, which, whom) he´s reading belongs to me.
j) People (who, that, whom, X) exercise regularly have a healthier life.

Let´s Practice Moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

1) Supply all possible Relative Pronouns: (Who, Whom, That, Which, Whose)
a) William Shakespeare, _________was an English author, wrote Romeo and Juliet.
b) The Theory of Relativity, ______changed the course of modern science, was thought
by Albert Einstein.
c) Venice, _______is called the city of lovers, is in Italy.
d) Julia, about________we´re talking, has written two books.
e) My father, __________was born in Spain, doesn´t speak a word of Spanish.

2) Check the correct alternative:

a) Einstein, _____the theory is very famous, was not American.
a) whom b) which c) whose d) who

b) The research______you proposed is a very important one.

a) that b) whose c) who d) who

c) Dr. Braun, ______we saw in the laboratory, has received a Nobel Prize.
a) whose b) X c) whom d) who

d) Professor Hill, ______is 69 years old, is studying solar energy now.

a) whose b) X c) whom d) who

e) Technology, ______brings us comfort, is the result of scientific investigation.

a) that b) who c) which d) X

f) The woman,______baby is sleeping, is an excellent mother.

a) that b) whose c) who d) whom

g) The salesman, ______showed us the products, is sick.

a) whose b) X c) who d) which

h) Alice, ______is Canadian, is my neighbor.

a) that b) who c) whom d) X
i) The pilot, _______saved the airplane from a crash, was on TV last night.
a) whose b) X c) which d) who

i) Helen, _______husband is in England, is taking an English course now.

a) who b) which c) that d) whose

3) Underline all correct possibilities:

a) Robert Redford was the first movie star (that/ which/ who/ whom) I´ve met personally
in Hollywood.
b) A weekend on a desert island. This is all (who/ which/ that/ X) I want now.
c) Mr. Lee, (whose/ that/ who/ X) documents are in the bank, didn´t finish his report.
d) Miami, (that/ which/ X/ who) is a big city, is not the capital of Florida.
e) They have talked to the man (who/ whom/ X/ that) climbed Mount Everest last


Os verbos anômalos ou verbos modais são aqueles que apresentam características diferentes dos
verbos comuns que estudamos pois eles não se enquadram em regra nenhuma. São verbos
“defeituosos” – eles não existem em todos os tempos verbais. Para a expressar a ideia que eles passam
em determinados tempos verbais – como no futuro, é preciso utilizar um outro verbo!
Estes verbos também são auto-suficientes, ou seja, utilizamos para afirmar, negar (com Not), e
Todo verbo que segue um anômalo virá sem o “to” (partícula de infinitivo), a não ser alguns anômalos
que têm o “TO” na sua fórmula. Veremos isso a seguir!

Há dois verbos anômalos em inglês, os verbos PODER e DEVER, e estes verbos só existem no presente,
alguns no passado e nenhum no futuro – por isso a necessidade de usar outros verbos que expressem a
sua ideia.

Este verbo tem duas variações, poder no sentido de ter capacidade, habilidade e poder no sentindo de
permissão ou possibilidade. Cada uma com seus verbos característicos.

1) CAN: habilidade, capacidade.

Presente: Can
Passado: Could
Futuro: will be able to (ser capaz de)
Para expressar a ideia de Can em qualquer outro tempo verbal, utilizamos to be able to)

2) MAY: possibilidade, permissão.

Presente: May
Passado: Might
Futuro: Will be allowed to (ter permissão para)

Por exemplo:
Carla____CAN_________teach English every day. (capacity)
___MIGHT___ you travel to the USA last year? (permission)
My mother_WILL BE ABLE TO__run 10 km next year! (ability)
It___MAY_______rain today! (possibility)

Este verbo também tem duas variações uma com Must e a outra com Should/ Ought to.

1) MUST: obrigação/ dedução/ proibição se estiver na negativa: mustn’t

Presente: Must
Passado: had to
Futuro: will have to
Must só existe no presente, para expressar obrigação/ dedução em qualquer outro tempo verbal
utilizamos (to have to)

2) SHOULD/ OUGHT TO: conselho (advice)

Estes dois verbos só existem no presente!

Por exemplo:
You___WILL HAVE TO___________study for the test tomorrow. (obligation)
It’s cold! You__SHOULD/ OUGHT TO______wear a coat! (advice)
Students___MUSTN´T____________smoke at school. (prohibition)
Look at that man! He___MUST_________be drunk! (deduction)

Marcadores de tempo!
Presente: now, at this moment, today, Look!, Listen!, every, always, often/frequently, never, sometimes,
Passado: datas, yesterday, last/ ago, in the past.
Futuro: datas, tomorrow, next, in the future.

Vamos praticar com todos juntos e misturados?!

1) Use the ANOMALOUS VERBS in the right verbal tense:

a) Is there anything I_____Can___________do for you? (capacity)
b) This is not her house, This__MUST_________be the wrong street. (deduction)
c) _____MAY____________I help you? (permission)
d) It´s cold! You_____SHOULD_______________take a coat. (advice)
e) You___HAD TO_______run very fast to catch the bus yesterday. (deduction)
f) My sister__________________arrive from Italy today. (possibility)
g) You___________clean the room today because I didn´t clean it yesterday. (obligation)
h) Come to my party! You_____________bring some friends too. (permission)
i) I am sure you__________________find this book tomorrow. (capacity)
j) _______________________we leave the classroom now? (permission)
k) James_____________________run 10 miles a day last week. (ability)
l) I_______________________________answer Mary´s letter. (advice)
m) You_________________________arrive late to the lecture. (prohibition)
n) The radio said it_________________have rained last night. (possibility)
o) I know they______________help you with your project next year.(capacity)
p) They___________________________arrive at any moment. (prohibition)
q) He has just received his salary. He_________have some money. (deduction)
r) You____________go to the dentist every year. You teeth would thank you. (advice)
s) My father___________________cook our dinner last night. (obligation)
t) I_________________type very fast because I practice a lot. (capacity)
u) We_____________have started our class in any time last year. (possibility)
v) We________________________help mother now. She is tired. (advice)
w) We_________________go to college when we finish High School next year.
x) Helen__________________________help you with this work. (possibility)
y) Ous boss__________________tell us everything he thinks. (prohibition)
z) Look at Fred! He___________________________be drunk! (deduction)

Do your best! I’m here in case you need me! 😊

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