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1. Introduction 2.1.3 The third person masculine
O pronome he faz referência a uma pessoa do sexo masculino já
Pronomes são palavras que podem ser usadas para substituir um
mencionada previamente.
substantivo ou um sintagma nominal. Normalmente os pronomes são
usados após a menção de alguns substantivos para não haver a repetição Don’t expect David to accept your invitation. He’s far too busy.
e para que possamos fazer a referência, ou seja, saber do que se trata: Usamos he frequentemente para substituir a expressão “qualquer um”.
John arrived late last night. He had had a tiring journey. He who hesitates is lost.
I wrote to Joana and told her what had happened.
2.1.4 The third person singular feminine
Porém, usamos I/me, you e we/us para referência direta e não no
lugar de substantivo. O pronome she é usado para uma pessoa do sexo feminino, já men-
cionada anteriormente.
Ask Jennifer if she will be home in time for dinner.

2.1.5 The third person singular neuter
O pronome it faz referência uma coisa, uma qualidade, um evento, um
lugar, ou seja, somente não faz referência a uma pessoa do sexo masculino
ou uma pessoa do sexo feminino.
That vase is valuable. It’s more than 200 years old.
Loyalty must be earned. It can’t be bought.
I love swimming. It keeps me fit.
Last night I ran out of petrol. It really taught me a lesson.
You should visit Petrópolis. It’s not far from the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Podemos também usar it para identificar pessoas:
There’s a knock at the door. – Who is it? – It’s the postman.
2. Personal Pronouns Também usamos it ao nos referirmos a um bebê quando ainda não se
Os pronomes pessoais são aqueles que fazem referência às pessoas sabe o sexo do mesmo. De maneira alguma há a “objetificação” do bebê,
do discurso: primeira pessoa – quem fala; segunda pessoa – com quem somente a neutralidade com relação a ele.
se fala; terceira pessoa – de quem se fala. Oh, you’re pregnant! Is it a boy or a girl?

2.1 Subject Pronouns • Gênero com relação a animais, certas coisas e países:
Os pronomes “sujeito” são aqueles que funcionam ou substituem oi Para animais, frequentemente usamos it. Os pronomes que se
sujeito numa oração. Uma coisa importante de entender sobre a língua referem a pessoas podem ser usados com animais quando estes são
inglesa é que o sujeito de uma oração deve ser sempre expresso (ou pelo “personalizados”, como no caso de bichos de estimação, animais da
menos fortemente implícito – coloquialmente, no dia a dia). fazenda ou em contos de fadas.
It is raining. What kind of is Spot? – He’s a mongrel.
Found this in the garden. Know who it belongs to? Outros animais com os quais não temos uma relação próxima,
(= I found this in the garden. Do you know who it belongs to?) como insetos, somente são tratados por referenciais de pessoas quando
descrevemos seus papéis biológicos:
2.1.1 The first person singular The cuckoo lays her eggs in other birds’ nests.
O interlocutor usa I quando está fazendo referência a si mesmo. Esse Embarcações, carros, motocicletas e outras máquinas muitas vezes
é o único pronome pessoal que sempre é escrito com letra maiúscula, recebem a referência pronominal feminina quando a mesma é feita de
não importando em que parte da oração ele está. maneira afeiçoada:
I think, therefore I am. My car’s not fast, but she does 50 miles to the gallon.
Países também podem ser personificados como “femininos”:
2.1.2 The second person singular and plural
In 1941 America assumed her role as a world power.
Usamos you quando falamos com outra pessoa, ou outras pessoas.
Are you ready, Jill? 2.1.6 The first person plural
Are you (both/all) ready? A primeira pessoa do plural (we) sempre será uma referência à primeira
pessoa do singular e outra.
My mother and I always stay home on Friday nights. We simply love
watching films on TV!

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2.1.7 The third person plural 2.3 Reflexive Pronouns

O pronome they sempre fará referência a mais de uma pessoa, coisa,
lugar, animal, ou seja, sempre será a referência no plural dos pronomes 2.3.1 Subject and Object of the sentence
he, she, it. Usamos os pronomes reflexivos quando o sujeito e o objeto da oração
John and Susan phone. They’re coming round this evening. são a mesma pessoa.
Look at those cows! They never stop eating. I’m looking at myself in the mirror.
Pode ser usado em afirmações gerais significando “as pessoas”: He has cut himself badly.
They say (or People say) oil prices will be going up soon. Existem verbos que obrigatoriamente devem referir-se ao objeto usando
um pronome reflexivo: absent, avail, pride.
2.2 Object Pronouns The teacher absented herself without leave for three weeks.
Os pronomes ditos “objetos” são aqueles que podem substituir o nome Outros são comumente usados com pronome reflexivo, porém também
quando funcionam como complemento: aceitam outros objetos: amuse, blame, cut, dry, enjoy, hort, introduce.
• Objeto direto: Have you met Marilyn? I’ve never met her. Please allow me to introduce myself.
• Objeto Indireto: If you see John, give him my regards. We really enjoyed ourselves at Rock in Rio.
• Objeto de preposição: I really feel sorry for them.
Todos esses verbos são transitivos, porém existe um verbo, behave,
Por se tratarem de pronomes pessoais, também são definidos pelas
que é intransitivo, mas pode ser seguido de um pronome reflexivo para
pessoas do discurso e as mesmas regras do subject pronoun são aplicadas
a eles.
Please, behave yourselves tonight!
2.2.1 The first person singular
2.3.2 Emphasis
He is looking at me.
Os pronomes reflexivos podem ser usados tranquilamente e opcional-
2.2.2 The second person singular and plural mente depois de substantivos para dar ênfase, reforçando a ideia de que
é “aquela pessoa/coisa e somente aquela pessoa/coisa”:
I love you.
The dog itself is fine, but the wall is completely destroyed.
I love you all.
You made the cake yourself. How cute!
2.2.3 The third person singular masculine, feminine
and neuter 2.3.3 Fixed phrases
Há um número grande de expressões que possuem um pronome
I guess Janet is in love with Matt because she gave him some flowers.
reflexivo em sua forma. Normalmente são chamadas de idioms e raramente
I hate Janet! I’ll never talk to her again! podemos traduzi-las ao pé da letra:
Have you seen my umbrella? I think I’ve lost it. Make yourself at home!
2.2.4 The first person plural C’mon and help yourself.
I couldn’t make myself heard above all that noise.
Why don’t you come to the beach with us?

2.2.5 The third person plural 2.4 Possessives

I saw when Janet gave Matt the flowers. And I even took a photo of Os possessivos (pronomes e adjetivos) sempre demonstram posse,
them together! se algo ou alguém pertence a alguma pessoa. Eles respondem à pergunta
The books are on the desk. Put them away when you’re done. Whose? (de quem?).

2.4.1 Possessive Adjectives


Os adjetivos possessivos, como o nome já diz, agem como determi-

nantes, ou seja, devem estar sempre na frente de um substantivo. Eles
são regulados pelo possuidor e não pelo elemento possuído.
John and his daughter are over there.

2.4.2 Possessive Adjectives

Os pronomes possessivos são substitutos de nomes e sintagmas
nominais, por isso, nunca serão seguidos de substantivos. Normalmente
são seguidos por verbos ou até mesmo por pontuação.
Your car is nice, but mine is better.
Pronomes possessivos também podem vir na estrutura de “... of +
pronome possessive”.
She’s a friend of mine.

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Personal pronouns

Subject Object Reflexive Possessive

Possessive pronoun
Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Adjective
1st I me myself my diary mine

2nd You you yourself your sister yours


3rd He him himself his book his

She her herself her dog hers

It it Itself its tail its

1st We us ourselves our teacher ours


2nd You you yourselves your house yours

3rd They them themselves their parents theirs

3. Demonstrative Adjectives and Who é usado tanto para descobrir o objeto da oração quanto o sujeito,
com uma diferença estrutural básica: não há o uso do auxiliar nem a
Pronouns inversão do sujeito, já que não há sujeito.
Os demonstrativos podem ser adjetivos ou pronomes, ou seja, eles Who will save our souls?
podem ser determinantes, vindo antes de um substantivo, ou pode estar Who met Frank?
no lugar de substantivos e sintagmas nominais.

This house is mine.
This is my house.
Usamos this e these ao nos referirmos a algo que está perto de quem
fala. This é usado para o singular e these é usado para o plural.
That e those são usados para referência a algo que está longe do
locutor. That é usado para o singular e those para o plural.

E This is a book
These are books. THERE

That is a book 4.2 What...?

Those are books. Normalmente o pronome interrogativo what é usado para descobrir o
sujeito da oração, mas também pode ser usado para descobrir toda uma
oração como resposta.
4. Interrogative Pronouns What are you reading? – “Interview with the vampire”
Os pronomes interrogativos são usados nas chamadas WH questions. What are you doing? – “I’m reading the Interview with the vampire”
What...? também pode ser usado em diversas combinações.
4.1 Who...? Whom...?
4.2.1 What book/books...?
Who e whom...? são usados quando queremos descobrir o objeto da
oração, frequentemente o nome de uma pessoa. Eles referem-se somente Usamos what + substantivo para saber de qual objeto estamos
a pessoas e podem ser usados para colocar questões sobre sujeitos do falando. Isso se dá quando não há uma quantidade limitada ou específica.
gênero masculino, feminino, seja no singular ou no plural. Quando há, usamos which.
Who/Whom did Frank meet? What book did you buy?
Who/Whom are you going to the movies with? Which book are you going to read?

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4.2.2 What (be, look, seem,...) like? 4.7 Whose...?

Usamos essa combinação para descobrirmos a descrição de algo, Whose é usado para sabermos de quem é a posse de algo.
como as características, a aparência. Normalmente será seguido de um substantivo cuja posse, propriedade
What’s your brother like? ou tutela queremos descobrir.
What was the weather like yesterday? Whose car is this? – It’s Andreia’s.
4.2.3 What time/date/year...? Whose are those children?

Essas combinações são uma maneira mais específica de perguntar 4.8 How...?
What time will he arrive? 4.8.1 How many...? How much...?
4.2.4 What...for? Usamos essa combinação para descobrir a quantidade de algo, seja
com substantivos contáveis (how many) ou incontáveis (how much).
Essa combinação é usada para descobrir o uso ou o propósito de algo.
How many people are coming to the party?
What’s this thing for? – It’s used for peeling potatoes.
How much water do you drink a day?
Também usamos what + oração + for como equivalente de why.
What did you do that for? – Because I needed to call your attention. 4.8.2 How + adjective...?
Podemos combinar how com uma infinidade de adjetivos para sabermos
4.2.5 What kind(s)...? qual a extensão do adjetivo.
Usamos what kind (type, sort) para sabermos “qual tipo”, de algo How tall is he? – altura.
que será citado. Sempre são seguidos de um substantivo.
How old are you? – idade.
What kind of music would you like to listen to?
How long is the film? – duração.
What sort of person do you think I am?

4.2.6 What colour...? 4.8.3 How + adverb...?

How combina com advérbios para saber de:
Podemos usar essa combinação com colour, size, height, age, length,
breadth, width and depth para perguntar sobre esses aspectos. Essa Frequência: How often does he wash his car?
combinação, com exceção de colour, é similar ao how + adjetivo. Grau: How well does he know you?
What colour is your new car? Tempo: How quickly can you come here?
What size are your shoes?
4.8.4 How...?
What height is Everest?
Usamos how para descobrirmos a maneira ou processo como algo
4.3 When...? ocorre.
How do you come to school?
Usamos when para descobrirmos “quando” (sendo uma referência
ou algo mais específico). How did you spend your time during the holidays?
When is your flight?
4.9 Relative Pronouns
When are we meeting again?
4.9.1 Who/Whom/That
4.4 Which...?
São usados no lugar do sujeito (who/that) e no lugar do objeto (who/
Usamos which para descobrir o objeto da oração: whom/that), sendo sempre referência a pessoas.
Which novel are you reading? He is the man who/that lives next door.
A diferença de what para which é que este sempre envolve escolhas, He is the man who/whom/that I was talking about.
sejam elas implícitas ou explícitas:
Which colour do you prefer: black or blue? 4.9.2 Which/That
São usados no lugar de coisas e animais.
4.5 Why...? This is the photo which/that shows my house.
Why é usado para sabermos a razão ou as razões de algo. This is the photo which/that I was talking about.
Why didn’t you tell me John had left?
4.9.3 Whose
Why are you getting up so early?
Whose é usado no lugar de pronomes possessivos, significando
4.6 Where...? cujo/cuja.
He is the man whose car was stolen.
Usamos where para perguntar sobre o lugar, seja esse específico ou geral.
The millionaire whose son ran away from home a week ago has made
Where do you come from? it public.
Where did you get that box from?
Where is Amanda?

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Unit 7

5. The Genitive Case 5.2.1 Singular common nouns and names not
ending in S
Um dos grandes resquícios do Inglês Antigo na Língua Inglesa de hoje
em dia é o Caso Genitivo, também conhecido como Caso Possessivo ou • Adicionamos o ‘s para substantivos no singular e nomes próprios não
Forma Possessiva. terminados em S:
a child’s dream; the dog’s kennel; Frank’s new job.
Além da ideia de posse, o Genitive Case pode ser usado com outras
finalidades: • Adicionamos o ‘s para substantivos no singular terminados em S:
an actress’s career; a waitress’s job.
• relação: Angela’s son – O filho da Angela;
• favoritos: John’s favourite dish. – O prato favorito de John;
5.2.2 Plural common nouns
• ações: Tina’s journey – A jornada que Tina fez; • Adicionamos o ‘s para substantivos com plural irregular não terminados
• propósito: A girls’ school – Uma escola para meninas; em S:
• característica: Dave’s stammer – A gagueira de Dave; children’s games; the men’s club; sheep’s wool.
• outros: Mozart is a composer’s composer. – Mozart é um compositor • Adicionamos somente a apóstrofe – ‘ – depois do S em plurais
para compositores. regulares:
boys’ school; girls’ uniform; Cheltenham Ladies’ College.
5.1 Usage
5.2.3 Compound Nouns
5.1.1 Genitive Case with living things Com substantivos compostos, o ‘s aparece depois da última palavra,
Podemos usar o ‘s ou somente o ‘ após: mesmo em se tratando de títulos:
• nomes próprios: Greg’s restaurant; Jessy’s car; My sister-in-law’s father is a pilot.
• substantivos próprios: the doctor’s surgery; the man’s future; Henry the Eight’s marriages.
• pronomes indefinidos: anyone’s guess; someone’s responsibility;
• substantivos coletivos: the army’s advance; the committee’s decision; 5.2.4 The use of the apostrophe after names ending
• animais personificados: the horse’s stable, the dog’s house;
in S
• animais “não personificados”: an ant’s nest; a bee’s sting.
• Adicionamos o ‘s após nomes terminados em S:
5.1.2 Genitive Case with non-living things Jonas’s brother; Charles’s address; Nicholas’s school.
Podemos usar o ‘s/’ ou a construção com of após: • Porém, também podemos usar tanto o ‘s quanto o ‘
• referência geográficas: America’s policy; Hong Kong’s future; Jonas’ brother; Charles’ address; Nicholas’ school.
• referência institucional: The European Economic Community’s exports. • Adicionamos somente a apóstrofe ‘ quando estamos lidando com
Normalmente usamos o ‘s ou somente o ‘ com as seguintes expressões: nomes de pessoas famosas na história, os ditos nomes “bíblicos”
• nome do lugar + superlativo: New York’s tallest skyscraper; ou “clássicos”:
• igrejas e catedrais: St Paul’s Church; St Patrick’s Cathedral; Keat’s works; Archimedes’ Principle; Jesus’ disciples.
• referências temporais: a day’s work; an hour’s delay; a month’s salary;
two days’ journey; 5.2.5 Omission of the noun after ‘s and ‘
• valor (money’s worth): twenty dollars’ worth of gasoline; Podemos omitir o substantivo quando:
• expressões fixas: (keep someone) at arm’s length; (be) at death’s • seu sentido está implícito:
door; the earth’s surface; for goodness’ sake; journey’s end; the We need a ladder. We can borrow our neighbour’s.
ship’s company.
• estamos fazendo referência ao local em que vive a pessoa:
5.2 Form I’m staying at my aunt’s.
• falamos de lojas ou estabelecimentos comerciais:
A forma do Genitive Case segue sempre o modelo possuidor’s
Would you mind going to the chemist’s for me?
• mencionamos profissionais da saúde:
I’ll go in Frank’s car.
I’ve got an appointment at the dentist’s at 11 o’clock.
She forgot Michael’s pen.
Quando há mais de um “possuidor” para o substantivo mencionado,
utilizamos o ‘s no último nome mencionado:
Joana and Martha’s parents are coming to see you.
Note que os pais são da Joana e da Martha ao mesmo tempo,
concluindo que as duas são irmãs. O mesmo não acontece se o caso
genitivo for aplicado à cada nome separadamente:
Joana’s and Martha’s parents are coming to see you.
Nesse caso são os pais da Joana e os pais da Martha, ou seja, Joana’s
parents and Martha’s parents are coming to see you.
Apesar de termos essa regra para todos as situações de caso
possessivo, há mais detalhes sobre o tema que precisam ser estudados.

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Unit 7

03 (AFA) They intended to keep all the money for ______. Jack _______
gave me this information. What is going to happen to ______ now?
resemble in
character or
remove (A) they – his own – ours
(B) themselves – himself – us
start a new
BACK (C) theirselves – himself – we
return (D) they own – by him – ourselves
OVER TAKE Solução: Letra B.
get control of A primeira lacuna deve ser completada com o reflexive da terceira pessoa
something IN do plural. A segunda com a terceira pessoa do singular, masculino. Já
understand a última deve ser completada com um pronome objeto, por causa da
ON preposição to.
accept job, OFF
responsibility leave the 04 (ITA) The International Monetary Fund voted in February to increase
ground and fly _____ quotas.

(A) their
Building up your vocabulary (B) its
Phrasal Verbs: take (C) his
1. Sam has taken ________ jogging. He is having a great time! (D) theirs
2. At first, I was really nervous, but after the plane took ________ (E) hers
I could start relaxing.
3. Those jeans were too big. I had to take them _________. Solução: Letra A.
4. Times are hard and our company is not taking ________ any Como o FMI é uma organização, ou seja, plural, devemos usar a referência
new employee. de terceira pessoa do singular. Nesse caso, por termos um substantivo
5. I really didn’t know where he was from. I couldn’t take ______ logo após a lacuna, usamos o adjetivo possessivo.
anything he said!
6. You took __________ what was most precious in my life!
7. Everybody says that my daughter takes __________ me and I
love it! 01 Complete the sentence with the Subject or Object Pronoun:
8. I’m sorry but Pinky and Brain will never take ___________ the
world. a. My brother is a college student. ______ will graduate next year.
b. Sandra and Thomas will be at the airport tonight. ________ will arrive
at 7 p.m.
c. After you meet _______ at the airport, please take them to the hotel.
d. I have a problem with question 4. Could you please help _______?
01 Where do young people go for _________ holidays? e. My friends and I are going to a movie. Would you like to join ______?
f. I like _____ because they are always telling funny stories.
(A) their g. Please don’t ask _______ that question. I don’t know the answer.
(B) theirs h. Where should I put these cups? Should I put _____ on the table?
(C) yours
(D) your 02 Complete with the Possessive Adjective or Possessive Pronoun:
(E) his
a. The blue car isn’t my sister’s. The green one is ________.
Solução: Letra A. b. Excuse me. Have you seen _____ cell phone? I’ve lost it.
Notem que a palavra a que a lacuna se refere people, pertence à terceira c. Is this ______ pen? Does it belong to you?
pessoa do plural, e deve ser inserido um adjetivo possessivo. d. No, that’s not _______. My pen is blue.
e. My brother doesn’t like _______ new job because it’s very boring.
02 (AFA) Choose the best question for this answer: f. The cat was hungry and tired, so it ate all ______ food and fell asleep.
g. It’s not theirs, it is ______. We bought it yesterday.
h. What do you like to do in _______ free time?
“He’s about six feet tall, has curly brown hair and weighs about 175
03 Complete with the correct Demonstrative Pronoun:
(A) How is John? a. Do you see ________ bird over there?
(B) What is John like? b. _______ newspaper I’m holding has today’s news.
(C) What does John look like? c. Mary wants _________ apples displayed on the corner.
(D) What kind of person is John? d. _________ shoes are hurting my feet.
e. Could you toss me one of ________ pillows?
Solução: Letra C. f. Jackie thinks _________ peaches here have gone bad.
Como a frase se refere à aparência, a opção correta é C. g. __________ children across the street are jumping rope.
h. I can tell you _____ is the last chance you will get.
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Unit 7

04 If you are interested in becoming a member, tell _____ which books 11 Mark the option which completes the following sentences with the
you would like to receive. adequate pronouns:

(A) we I. Businessmen have __________ own priorities.

(B) us II. Everyone must feel happy with __________ working habits.
(C) our III. Working from home allows a mother to spend more time with
(D) ours __________ children.
(E) ourselves IV. If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot discuss
__________ disadvantages.
05 John and Mary are my best friends, and I often go to the movies with
(A) I. his; II. their; III. her; IV. their
(B) I. their; II. its; III. their; IV. its
(C) I. their; II. his; III. her; IV. its
(A) their
(D) I. its; II. your; III. its, IV. their
(B) her
(E) I. his; II. his; III. their; IV. Your
(C) him
(D) them
12 Which option contains the correct use of the pronouns?
(E) they
I. Could you tell __________ what has happened in the pub?
06 Tell William not to forget to bring _____ tennis racket, and _____, too. II. His uncle gave __________ the money to set up his new business.
III. It was kind of you to let me borrow __________ computer.
(A) hers, mine IV. She ignored __________ father’s warning and jumped into the
(B) hers, my swimming pool.
(C) his, her V. Just a minute, I’m going to hang __________ jacket in the wardrobe.
(D) its, it
(E) his, mine (A) I. me; II. him; III. your; IV. her; V. my
(B) I. them; II. her; III. your; IV. her; V. your
07 “______ wallet is that?” “That wallet is ______.” (C) I. him; II. them; III. his; IV. its; V. mine
(D) I. her; II. us; III. their; IV. our; V. yours
(A) Which; your (E) I. us; II. his; III. her; IV. his; V. him
(B) What; my
(C) Which; mine 13 His niece has __________ meals in town.
(D) Whose; mine
(E) Whose; her (A) her
(B) their
08 _______ did the Evans go last night? (C) your
(D) his
(A) What (E) yours
(B) Where
(C) Who 14 This dictionary is in __________ fourth edition.
(D) Whose
(E) Which (A) his
(B) her
09 ______ of these two skirts will you choose? (C) its
(D) it’s
(A) Who (E) their
(B) Whose
(C) Why 15 __________ is your hat?
(D) Which
(A) When
(E) What
(B) Who
(C) Whose
10 __________ work in the field of engineering.
(D) Where
(E) How many
(A) She
(B) They
16 __________ people __________ in Brasília?
(C) He
(D) Them (A) How many; are there
(E) It (B) How much; are there
(C) What many; was there
(D) What many; were there
(E) How many million; was there

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Unit 7

17 __________ course do you think is the best one of this university? 05 Assinalar a alternativa onde o uso do caso genitivo esteja correto:

(A) When (A) For goodness’ sake, this is my brother-in-law’s dog.

(B) Whose (B) For goodness’ sake, this is my brother’s-in-law dog.
(C) How (C) For goodness sake’s, this is my brother-in-law’s dog.
(D) Which (D) For goodness sake’s, this is my brother’s-in-law dog.
(E) Why (E) For goodness sake’s, this is my brother-in-law dog’s.

18 Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences below. 06 “Someone whose family knows you, too.”
Mariana has forgotten ________ books at home. Assinale a alternativa em que o pronome whose seria utilizado corretamente.
I don’t have _________ wallet with me but I’m sure he brought ________.
Joanna and Maria always phone __________ parents when they travel. (A) The girl _______ your father spoke to is a student.
(B) The car ________ window is broken will be fixed tomorrow.
(A) her; my; his; their
(C) High and low temperatures are the reason _______ children are getting
(B) your; mine; his; their
(C) her; my; yours; hers
(D) Where is the woman _______ you saw last week?
(D) hers; my; his - hers
(E) The medicine ______ you ordered has arrived.

07 Look at the pictures of people and places ____________ we visited

last month.
01 Reescreva as frases abaixo usando o Genitive Case:
(A) whose
a. The skirts of the women are white. (B) that
b. The tail of the horse is not short. (C) which
c. The offices of the doctors are beautiful. (D) who
d. The books of the students are new. (E) whom
e. The brother of my friend is nice.
f. The room of the boys is big. 08 Choose the correct alternative:

02 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word: Don’t ________ think _________ has a crush on _______?

a. ____________ is the egg? “It’s in the fridge.” (A) you – they – us

b. ____________ is your party? “On January 4th.” (B) we – he – she
c. ____________ is your brother’s name? “Max.” (C) you – she – him
d. ____________ does Max live? “In London.” (D) they – he – they
e. ____________ does he go to school? “By bus.” (E) she – he – you
f. ____________ is that man? “He is my father.”
g. ____________ do you visit your grandparents? “On Sundays.” 09 Which alternative best substitutes the underlined words:
h. ____________ students are there in your class? “35.”
i. ____________ are you crying? “Because I’ve lost my diary.” I. The baby has been kicking all night.
II. The Titanic sank in the XX century.
03 Make questions about the underlined words: III. My dog is the best companion I have. I’d do anything for him.
a. _____________________? We have dinner at 7 pm.
b. _____________________? My father works at a factory. (A) It – She – He.
c. _____________________? Max is going to play football tomorrow. (B) She – It – It.
d. _____________________? I can speak two languages. (C) It – It – It.
e. _____________________? She wants to sleep because she is tired. (D) He – He – He.
f. _____________________? Max is playing tennis right now. (E) It – She – It.
g. _____________________? My favorite subject is science.
h. _____________________? Sue is cleaning the table now. 10 The phrase “a friend of mine” could be replaced by:

04 O possessivo, usado como em “Woody Allen’s Sweet and Lowdown”, (A) mine friends.
está correto em todas as alternativas abaixo, exceto em: (B) my friends.
(C) some of my friends.
(A) There was a two hours’ delay at the airport in London.
 (D) a friend of my.
(B) Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange is a milestone in modern (E) one of my friends.

(C) In our last holidays we had to cope with our young relatives’ weird 11 A house-breaker could easily go into that building because _____
 windows were broken, but he might have hurt ________. The police could
(D) Elizabeth I’s interest on sea voyages brought development to England.
 see blood on the ground. They are going to find out what has happened to
(E) Maggie and Millie’s eyebrows are so thin you can hardly see them. ______.

142 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Pronouns INGLÊS
Unit 7

(A) his; itself; his The bolded word it in the sentence above refers to:
(B) their; itself; it
(C) my; myself; it (A) wholesale.
(D) its; himself; him (B) a Chinese employee.
(C) the Motorola company.
12 (D) the number 54-7424.
I had just participated in a project that was to determine the minimum (E) death.
size of forest fragment necessary to save native species of animals and
plants from extinction. With this information, scientists could then work 17 Em “It was her sister Josephine who told her”, os vocábulos em
to form preservation areas in the forest fragments left behind by cattle negrito classificam-se respectivamente como:
(A) adjetivo possessivo/pronome objeto.
(B) pronome possessivo/pronome sujeito.
The word this refers to the:
(C) adjetivo possessivo/pronome sujeito.
(A) utilization of many valuable native species. (D) pronome possessivo/pronome objeto.
(B) necessity of urgently saving birds from extinction.
(C) size of the forest needed for wildlife reserves. 18 Complete:
__________ wives arrived together.
(D) destruction of thousands of native species.
(A) Alan’s and Victor’s
(B) Alan’s and Victor
(C) Alan and Victor’s
The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler’s army. Those (D) Alan’ and Victor’
were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France, but on the other side of (E) Alan’ and Victor’s
the Seine, the Pas-de-Calais, which the Germans thought the more likely
invasion target. 19 The correct sentence is:
Time. 6 jun. 1994.
(A) My father’s friend called me yesterday.

O pronome demonstrativo “those” faz referência aos:
(B) The table’s leg is broken.

(C) I have an appointment at the office’s doctor.
(A) soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia.
(D) My brother neighbour’s sister is a nurse.

(B) soldados soviéticos da Ásia Central.
(E) The girls school is far from St Bartholomew’s.
(C) soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler.
(D) soldados das divisões estacionárias.
20 The phrase “a book of hers” could be replaced by:
(E) soldados russos, italianos e franceses.
(A) hers books.
14 The pronoun it in the sentence “When we eat something with sugar in (B) her books.
it, particularly refined sugar, enzymes in the saliva in the mouth begin to (C) some of her books.
work immediately to change that sugar into a type of carbohydrate” refers (D) a book of her.
to the word: (E) one of her books.
(A) saliva.
(B) sugar.
(C) mouth.
(D) something.
Texto para as questões 01 a 03:
(E) refined sugar.
The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket
15 __________ study hard for the tests. Challenge, is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on
someone’s head to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic
(A) She lateral sclerosis (ALS) and encourage donations to research. It went viral
(B) You throughout social media during mid 2014. In the UK, people participate in
(C) He the challenge for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.
(D) Them The challenge dares nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket
(E) It of ice water poured on their heads and challenging others to do the same.
A common stipulation is that nominated people have 24 hours to comply
16 or forfeit by way of a charitable financial donation.
A Chinese employee at Motorola complained that the company had
been cheated when it bought numbers wholesale for its own staff, because Wikipedia. 24 aug. 2014 (adapted).

it was given numbers that all ended in 4 (e.g. 54-7424), which means death.
01 According to the text, it is correct to affirm that:

(A) The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis was discovered in 2014.

(B) The challenge is a simple joke among friends.
(C) Every participant is obliged to accept the challenge.
(D) If you give up, you should donate money.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 143

Unit 7

02 The main objectives of the Ice Bucket Challenge are to: Texto para as questões 07 a 10:

(A) Raise awareness of ALS and help collect money for research. To all the people who got mad at me
(B) Create a virus in social media and make people participate. for the video
(C) Make people take cold showers and help save the planet.
(D) Call people’s attention to the disease and have fun at the same time. Since the Ice Bucket Challenge began, over 15 million dollars has
been raised for ASL research. I think that’s great, but when you consider
03 The pronoun “it” in “it went viral throughout social media during mid the countless A-list celebrities who have actively gotten behind this cause
2014” refers to: by posting videos, the fact that not more than fifteen million dollars has
been raised is a tragedy. It’s tragic because I don’t think many of those
(A) The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. celebrities even bothered to mention how or where to donate money for
(B) The Ice Bucket Challenge. ALS research. Most of them just poured water over their heads and named
(C) The research. three random people, without including any “call to action” which actually
(D) The donations to research. benefits victims of ALS at all. Had all those celebrities given this cause
any thought, hundreds of millions of dollars might have been raised, and
Texto para as questões 04 a 06: a whole lot more awareness.
Let’s start a new trend by actually letting people know how to donate.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)—also referred to as motor Visit the page: http://www.alsa.org/donate/
neurone disease (MND), Charcot disease, and, in the United States, Lou I’m nowhere as rich or famous as many of the folks you’ve seen pour
Gehrig’s disease — is a neurodegenerative disease with various causes. water on their heads, but I cared enough to get educated and donate one
It is characterized by muscle spasticity, rapidly progressive weakness thousand dollars of my hard-earned money to http://www.alsa.org/donate/
due to muscle atrophy, and difficulty in speaking (dysarthria), swallowing With love,
(dysphagia), and breathing (dyspnea). ALS is the most common of the
five motor neuron diseases.
Adapted from Steve-O’s Instagram post.
In the U.S., more than 5,600 are diagnosed every year, and up to
30,000 are currently affected. ALS is responsible for 2 deaths per 100,000 07 De acordo com a publicação de Steve-O, o que é uma tragédia?
every year.
Median survival time from onset to death is 39 months, and only 4% (A) As celebridades postando seus vídeos.
survive longer than 10 years, although rare cases survive 50 years or (B) O fato de as celebridades não serem famosas.
more. Most die from respiratory failure, usually within three to five years (C) O fato de somente 15 milhões de dólares terem sido arrecadados.
from onset of symptoms. (D) Ele não ser tão rico ou famoso quanto as outras celebridades partici-
Wikipedia. 24 aug. 2014 (adapted).
08 A palavra actually em negrito no texto pode ser traduzida como:
04 According to the text, it is not correct to affirm that:
(A) atualmente.
(A) There are many names to address ALS. (B) realmente.
(B) The most common death cause is respiratory failure. (C) certamente.
(C) What causes the disease is unknown. (D) contrariamente.
(D) ALS can make you weak rapidly.
09 A palavra money destacada no texto é um exemplo de substantivo
05 People diagnosed with ALS: incontável. Assinale a alternativa na qual só existem substantivos
(A) have high chances to survive for more than 50 years.
(B) die because they cannot speak properly. (A) information – help – disease – beer.
(C) are bound to have problems in speaking, eating and breathing. (B) donation – time – dollar – paper.
(D) do not show any symptoms. (C) analysis – coffee – rice – news.
(D) knowledge – sand – cream – wood.
06 The word weakness in the text has the same plural as:
10 No texto temos muitos exemplos de substantivos na forma plural.
(A) crisis. Assinale abaixo a alternativa que contenha o plural de bacterium – mouse
(B) stomach. – fox – chief, respectivamente.
(C) case.
(D) research. (A) bacterias – mouses – foxes – chieves.
(B) bacteriums – mice – foxen – chiefs.
(C) bacteria – mice – foxes – chiefs.
(D) bacteria – mice – foxes – chieves.

144 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2


• São verbos que possuem somente uma forma, ou seja, não mudam

de acordo com número.
He can dance.
I can dance.
They can dance.
Everybody can dance.

Alguns verbos possuem algumas características de verbos modais,

mas não todas, e por isso são considerados verbos semi-modais.

1. Can

Modal verbs, modal auxiliaries ou simplesmente modals são verbos

1.1 Ability in the present
que fornecem certas características aos verbos que eles acompanham. Podemos usar o can para falarmos tanto de habilidade inata quanto
Isso significa que eles dão uma modalidade, um modo diferente ao verbo adquirida, sendo uma capacidade mental ou física.
que acompanham. I can lift 25 kg.
Por exemplo, o verbo can. Apesar de vários significados, o mais He can type.
lembrado com relação a esse modal é o da habilidade, capacidade de
fazer algo. Ao formar uma frase no Simple Present com o verbo drive e Can you drive a truck?
outra usando o mesmo verbo mas associado ao verbo modal can, teremos
ideias diferentes: 1.2 Possibility
You drive. – Aqui, simplesmente é dito que a pessoa dirige, sendo Nove verbos modais são usados para expressar um grau de certeza
bem ou mal. ou possibilidade de algo. Eles podem ser organizados em uma escala
You can drive. – Nessa oração dizemos que você sabe dirigir, ou seja, indo do mais incerto para o de maior certeza. Essa escala pode variar no
tem habilidade para tal, sem implicar uma ideia de hábito. Você pode saber contexto, não é algo extremamente fixo. Um dos esquemas que podemos
dirigir, mas não tem carro ou coragem para isso. ter é o seguinte:
Todos os verbos modais possuem as mesmas características. São
elas que os tornam verbos modais:
 might 
 
 may  almost uncertain
• Sempre são seguidos do verbo principal na forma de base, ou seja,  
no infinitivo sem o to.  could 
He can dance.  can 
 

She must study. 
 should 
They will cook for us. You   be right.
 ought to 
• Sempre dão uma característica especial ao verbo que acompanham.  would

He can dance. Look at his feet! – habilidade  
 will 
He should dance, it’s a wonderful cardio activity. – conselho  
He must dance. It’s the only way to express his love for her. – extrema 
 must 
 almost certain
You are right. certain
• Como são verbos auxiliares (modal auxiliaries), são usados em todas
as formas – afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa – sem qualquer auxiliar Do you think he can be right?
extra. It can be quite cold in Cairo in January.
He can dance.
He can’t dance.
Can he dance?

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 145

Unit 8

1.3 Permission 3. “Be able to”

Can é o modal mais comum e mais informal para se fazer pedidos. Usamos be able to quando queremos expressar uma capacidade,
Além disso, nativos ainda têm a ideia de que can passa uma ideia de ser uma habilidade. Diferentemente do can e do could, pode ser usado em
capaz de algo, daí um pedido menos forte do que os feitos com could, todo os tempos verbais.
may ou might.
He is able to dance beautifully. (He can dance beautifully)
Can I borrow your umbrella?
She was able to swim really fast. (She could swim really fast)
Can’t I stay out till midnight?
They have been able to stay here for 3 hours.
Além disso, também é usado para dar e negar permissão.
I will be able to teach you as soon as I graduate.
You can have friends over.
Being able to run has made me younger.
You cannot watch TV for as long as you like.
I would like to be able to eat only fruits and vegetables.
1.4 Deduction
Usamos can’t e can’t have para expressar uma dedução lógica, algo 4. May
que foi baseado em evidências observadas.
He can’t be sick. I’ve just seen him at the party! 4.1 Permission
He can’t have been here or he would have taken his money. Usamos o may com a ideia de permissão e há algum tempo atrás
passávamos um tom mais respeitoso com o uso do mesmo. Por isso
usávamos com professores, pessoas mais velhas e qualquer um que
2. Could merecesse nosso respeito. Apesar de hoje em dia os relacionamentos
estarem mais “informais, existem certos momentos em que o uso do
2.1 Ability in the past MAY como permissão, seja dando ou pedindo, torna-se necessário. Isso
se dá em situações nas quais a formalidade ainda está presente como no
Usamos could para expressar uma habilidade no passado.
militarismo ou no judiciário.
I could swim really fast when I was younger.
May I approach the bench?
He couldn’t jump so high in the past!
You may rest.
2.2 Possibility Outras situações que ainda pedem o uso de may são nos casos de
ritos, como no casamento.
It could be quite cold when you get to Cairo. (future possibility) You may now kiss the bride.
He could be at home. (present possibility) Apesar de essas mudanças terem acontecido, ainda há uma diferença
He could have been working today. (past possibility) com relação ao tom respeitoso, mais formal que o modal may passa
quando se trata de permissão.
2.3 Permission
Usamos could para pedir permissão. Ele expressa uma ideia mais 4.2 Possibility
hesitante e educada do que can. It may be quite cold when you get to Cairo. (future possibility)
Could I borrow your umbrella? He may be at home. (present possibility)
Couldn’t I stay out till midnight? He may have been working today. (past possibility)
Também usamos could para expressar a ideia de permissão, porém
com relação ao passado.
When I was younger, I couldn’t have friends over.
5. Might
I could watch TV for as long as I wanted when I was on holidays.
5.1 Permission
2.4 Deduction about De todos os modais que expressam permissão, might é o mais

the past hesitante, educado e respeitoso que existe, sendo raramente utilizado
hoje em dia.
Usamos couldn’t have para Might I borrow your umbrella?
expressar uma dedução lógica
sobre o passado.
5.2 Possibility
He couldn’t have been here or
he would have taken his money. It might be quite cold when you get to Cairo. (future possibility)
He might be at home. (present possibility)
He might have been working today. (past possibility)

146 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Unit 8

6. Will Além de pedidos, podemos usar would para sugestões ou convites.

Would you (please) open the window?
6.1 Prediction Would you like to come for a walk?
Would you mind turning down the radio?
Usamos o will para falar sobre previsões ou intenções sobre o futuro.
It will rain soon. 7.4 Preference
She will get married and have two babies.
7.4.1 Would + rather/sooner + verb base
6.2 Certainty Expressa uma preferência pessoal sempre com relação ao momento
Usamos will para expressar algo mais certo com relação ao futuro. mencionado, seja no presente ou no passado.
He will be at home tomorrow. I’d rather be a miner than a bank clerk.
He will have left by 7 p.m. He’d rather have not come by car.

6.3 Future 7.4.2 Would + rather/sooner + clause

É usado quando queremos dizer que preferiríamos que algo ou alguém
Como já havíamos visto, usamos will para expressar futuro como
fizesse ou fosse de outra maneira.
decisão do momento.
I’d rather Joana had come with me.
“The bell is ringing”
É importante saber que quando usamos essa estrutura, devemos
“I’ll get it”
empregar o verbo no Simple Past quando nos referindo a algo no presente
ou no future e no Past Perfect quando fazemos referência a algo no
6.4 Offer passado.
Podemos usar will quando estamos fazendo uma oferta e/ou pedido. I’d rather you were happy.
Will you have a sandwich? I’d rather he hadn’t told me about it.
Will you come for a walk?
Will you open the window? 7.5 Past habit
Will you marry me? Usamos o would para falarmos sobre hábitos do passado que não
ocorrem mais nos dias de hoje. Também podemos usar used to, porém
6.5 Order would é menos abrangente, não podendo ser usados para descrever
estados do passado.
Podemos usar will quando estamos dando uma ordem, em vez de
usar o imperativo. I used to have long hair. (nesse caso não podemos usar would)
You will clean your room now! (Clean your room now!) I used to play video game every day when I was a child.
(I would play video game every day when I was a child)
6.6 Promises É importante lembrar que, por would possuir várias funções, é
Usamos WILL para promessas. necessária uma referência temporal quando se trata de hábitos no passado.
I will always love you.

I will wash that for you.

7. Would
7.1 Hypotheses
Podemos usar o would com o futuro do pretérito na língua portuguesa,
o que nos passa uma ideia de hipóteses, algo que seria ou teria sido real.
I would go to the party if I didn’t have to study.
He would have passed if he had studied hard.

7.2 Offer
Assim como will, podemos usar would para expressar a ideia de oferta,
sendo acompanhado do verbo like.
Would you like some coffee?

7.3 Invite/suggestion

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 147

Unit 8

8. Shall 10. “Have to”

8.1 Prediction – prophecy 10.1 Obligation
Apesar do shall ainda ser usado para previsões para I – we com Quando usamos have to na primeira pessoa (singular ou plural) pode
relação ao futuro, podemos ainda encontrar inúmeras situações em livros fazer referência a uma autoridade externa, como uma obrigação a ser
e filmes usando shall para profecias. cumprida.
According to my mother, I have to study.
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: We have to clean this room and put away all the books.
for he shall save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21 – King James Version. Para as outras pessoas, have to passa uma ideia de urgência menor
do que must.
8.2 Suggestions You have to finish this report by noon.
Tanto a ideia de futuro quanto a de sugestão com shall deve ser
usada somente com I – we. 10.2 Lack of necessity
Shall I continue? Quando queremos expressar a falta de necessidade de algo, usamos
Shall we go for a swim? have to na forma negativa.
Students don’t have to wear a uniform on Saturdays.
8.3 Order You don’t have to copy that. It’s all in the booklet.
Assim como will, podemos usar shall para ordem.
“You shall not pass” said Gandalf to the Balrog. 11. “Need”
9. Must 11.1 Lack of necessity
need como verbo modal é usado na maioria das vezes na forma
9.1 Inescapable obligation negativa, dando a ideia de falta de necessidade, tanto no presente quanto
no passado.
Ao usarmos must para a segunda e terceira pessoa do discurso,
passamos uma ideia de que a ação é de extrema urgência, uma obrigação I needn’t work such long hours.
que não se pode escapar. I needn’t have gone there. (You went there unnecessarily)
You must do what I tell you.
He must stay home and finish his project. 12. Should and ought to
9.2 Extreme necessity
12.1 Present advisability/inadvisability
Quando usamos must para a primeira pessoa (I – we), temos a ideia
de algo que é impulsionado por uma autoridade interna, ou seja, é de Alguns verbos modais são usados com a ideia de conselho. Na
extrema importância para o sujeito. realidade, podemos criar uma escala indo da ideia de conselho para a de
necessidade com alguns verbos modais e semimodais.
I must study harder if I want to pass.
We must finish this earlier so we can catch a movie. advisability SHOULD normalmente significa “na minha opinião”,
“é aconselhável”, “é a sua obrigação”.
9.3 Prohibition OUGHT TO pode ser um pouco mais forte do que
Para conferirmos uma ideia de proibição ao discurso, usamos must should e normalmente lida com regras ou
na forma negativa. obrigações impostas por outrem.
You mustn’t use your mobile in class. HAD BETTER é mais forte que should e ought to e é
usado para recomendar uma ação futura
People must not smoke inside buildings.
em uma situação específica.
9.4 Deduction NEED TO significa a mesma coisa que “é necessário
Assim como can, usamos must quando queremos expressar algo que
foi deduzido logicamente, por meio de evidências observadas. HAVE TO implica a ideia de uma obrigação externa
He must be sick. He is never absent!
He must have left early. He didn’t even have his breakfast. necessity MUST sugere uma obrigação da qual não há
You should go on a diet.
He ought not to smoke so much.

148 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Unit 8

12.2 Past advisability/inadvisability not acted Solução: Letra E.

Lembremos que um dos usos do modal can é para expressar possibilidade,
upon probabilidade.
Usamos tanto should have quanto ought to have para expressar
arrependimentos e críticas. 02 I’m free this evening. _______ we go out for dinner?
I should have studied more for the test. (A) will
She shouldn’t have talked to the officer like that. (B) shall
(C) won’t
12.3 Possibility (D) would
It’s 10 p.m. Mike should be at home right now.
Solução: Letra B.
Don’t call him now. He should be sleeping.
Usamos shall com we para expressar convite. Ela remete à forma let’s só
que na forma interrogativa.
13. Had better
03 I wish you ________ make such a noise. I’m trying to work.
13.1 Strong advice
(A) shouldn’t
Normalmente usamos had better para darmos conselhos que, se não (B) wouldn’t
forem seguidos, terão consequências desastrosas. Frequentemente carrega (C) couldn’t
uma ideia de ameaça, aviso ou urgência. (D) needn’t
You had better study for the test.
Solução: Letra B.
He had better put away his clothes.
Quando usamos wish com a segunda pessoa no plural para uma mudança
para o futuro usamos o would, pois expressa uma ideia de vontade
Building up your vocabulary (willingness).
Words and phrases: News and events
04 You ____________ pay for this information. It’s free.
conditions evidence knowledge place responsibility
confidence incident opinion prospect verge (A) mustn’t
(B) don’t have to
1. With Smith out injured, there is little _____________ of City (C) shouldn’t
reaching the next round. (D) ought not to
2. After heavy rain, __________ during the race were hazardous.
3. It is common ____________ that Douglas intends to retire at Solução: Letra B.
the end of the season. Expressa uma ideia de falta de necessidade, por isso have to na forma
4. Two French and two English forwards were involved in an ugly negativa.
__________ just before half-time.
5. Miss Schmidt easily secured her ____________ in the next
round with a confident display of power tennis.
6. The final day begins with the Australian team on the __________
of victory. 01 Circle the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
7. Whether Alberto was offside is a matter of __________, in my
view. a. Look at those clouds. I think it should – might – must rain.
8. I have every ____________ that Jack Wood is the man to lead b. This is impossible! It can’t be – mustn’t be – may not be the answer.
out team to victory. c. Well done! You may be – must be – might be very pleased!
9. There is no concrete ____________ that anyone in the team d. I’ve no idea where Jane is. She could be – must be anywhere!
has taken drugs. e. I suppose it’s possible. I might – can – must come to your party.
10. The club has disclaimed ______________ for the damage, f. I’m not sure. I must not – may not be able to get there in time.
blaming it on supporters from London. g. That can’t be – mustn’t be – may not be David. He hasn’t got a bike.
h. Lisa isn’t here yet. She can be – must be on her way.
i. There’s someone at the door. It can be – could be the postman.
j. Sorry, I can’t come – may not come out tonight. I have to do my
01 “Technology can eliminate cultural barriers...”

In this sentence, the modal verb can indicate that the writer considers the 02 Complete each sentence with one suitable modal auxiliary.
elimination of cultural barriers:
a. Soldiers ______________ obey orders.
(A) doubtful. b. I think you _______________ take an umbrella.
(B) impossible. c. Sorry, I ________________ go now. I don’t want to be late.
(C) hypothetical. d. I’m not sure, but I ________________ be able to help you.
(D) unconvincing.
(E) probable.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 149

Unit 8

e. Francesca isn’t at home, so she ____________________ on her way 07 He __________ avoid __________ mistakes.
f. We _________________ not leave any windows open. (A) ought – making
g. It _________________ be a star, it’s too bright. Perhaps it’s an alien (B) must – make

spaceship! (C) shall – make

h. I don’t ________________ go to work today. It’s a holiday. (D) needs – make
i. Sorry, I ____________________ finish all the work you gave me. (E) should – making
j. I think you __________________ ask your teacher for some advice.
08 __________ we conclude, in line with the opinions of some scholars,
03 Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase from the box. that black Nigerians are genetically more intelligent than Europeans?
– Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente
could don’t have to might have must a lacuna do texto:

should had to have to mustn’t (A) Have

(B) Are
a. We ___________________ wear a uniform at my school. I usually (C) Can
wear jeans. (D) Is
b. You ___________________ play with matches! It’s very dangerous. (E) Had
c. I’m not sure, but I think I _________________ left my wallet in the
bank. 09
d. I’m getting up early because I _______________ go running before Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!

e. Sorry I can’t stay any longer, but I really ______________ go home. Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?

f. If you want to, we _______________ go swimming this afternoon. Janet: Yes, but we won’t have to, there’s a life boat on board.
g. Sorry I’m late but I _______________ take my dog to the vet’s.
h. I think you ______________ go to bed earlier, and stop drinking coffee. In the above dialogue, the verbs can and have to express respectively:

04 Shopaholics could be sexually frustrated, might suffer from lack of self- (A) ability – obligation

esteem, or they may just have a neurotic reaction to television commercials (B) permission – prohibition
and glossy advertisements. (C) possibility – prohibition
(D) permission – possibility
The modals could, might and may appear in the text to express the idea of: (E) ability – necessity

(A) permission. 10 Assinale a alternativa correta:
We __________ hurry. The bus leaves
(B) possibility. in 10 minutes.
(C) intention.
(D) prohibition. (A) can

(E) ability. (B) must
(C) do

05 Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as hoped at (D) did

preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long hours in the sun with a (E) would
false sense of security.
11 Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente
The word may expresses the idea of: a lacuna da frase apresentada:

(A) permission. Bob, __________ you do me a real favor?

(B) possibility.
(C) prohibition. (A) may
(D) obligation. (B) could
(E) expectation. (C) must
(D) ought
06 Qual destas expressões corresponde a “ele não deveria ter feito isso”? (E) should

(A) He mustn’t have made it. 12 This place is not good. __________ we go elsewhere?
(B) He shouldn’t have done that.
(C) He could not have made it. (A) Will

(D) He might not have done that. (B) Will not
(E) He cannot have done that. (C) Ought
(D) Shall

(E) Let’s

150 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Unit 8

13 Assinale a alternativa correta: 19 He must have seen the old priest’s corpse lying there.

Doctors and dentists should always __________ with their training. Taking “must” as an example, choose the correct sentence:

(A) continued
 (A) This card should be sent at once.

(B) continue
 (B) She should be sent us a post card.

(C) continuing
 (C) They ought not go to the beach on Friday.
(D) will continued (D) He must not to come to the party tonight.
(E) have continue
20 The phrase be able to in “the laser light signals will also be able to
14 Assinale a alternativa correta:
Could I __________ earlier tomorrow? transmit video telephone conversations in the future” expresses the idea
(A) to leave
(B) leave
 (A) permission
(C) leaves (B) assumption
(D) left (C) obligation
(E) leaving (D) ability
(E) necessity
15 The word can in “Loneliness itself is hard to define. People aren’t always
lonely when they’re alone, but they can feel lonely when surrounded by
other people” expresses:

(A) obligation 01 Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must,
(B) necessity mustn’t, can or can’t.
(C) permission
(D) possibility a. Don’t stand up in the boat! You ___________ fall in the river!
(E) intention. b. Sue says she’s stuck in traffic and she ______________ be late.
c. You really ________________ start spending more time on your work.
16 I should get my hair cut. d. Tell Peter he __________________ stay the night here if he wants
‘Should’ means: e. That’s a really stupid idea! You ____________ be serious, surely!
f. You ______________ realize it, but this is very important to me.
(A) would g. Don’t be silly. You _____________ expect me to believe you!
(B) had to h. We’re not sure but we _____________ go to Prague for Christmas
(C) ought to this year.
(D) might. i. Me learn to fly?! You _____________ be joking!
j. Bill cooked the lunch, so you ____________ expect anything special!
17 Assinale a alternativa correta:
02 Rewrite the sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
– “Do I have to do it again?” – “Yes, you __________.”
a. You were wrong to study so late!
(A) had You shouldn’t _________________________________________!
(B) would b. Did you manage to stop him?
(C) must Were _______________________________________________?
(D) did
 c. It wasn’t necessary to work so hard.
(E) were I didn’t ______________________________________________.
d. Perhaps Tim has lost his way.
18 The rain can __________ our shoes. Tim might ____________________________________________.
e. It was possible for you to have hurt yourself.
(A) spoil
 You could ____________________________________________.
(B) spoils f. It would have been a good idea to tell me.
(C) spoiled You should ___________________________________________.
(D) to spoil g. I’m sure the class enjoyed it.
(E) spoiling he class must _________________________________________.
h. I helped her but it wasn’t necessary.
I needn’t _____________________________________________.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 151

Unit 8

03 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: (A) intention
(B) certainty
“He might have done it.” So, __________. (C) necessity
(D) prohibition
(A) he was permitted to do it.

(B) we don’t know whether he did it or not. 10 The modal auxiliary ought to in “Liars ought to have good memories”
(C) he didn’t do it.
(D) he did it.

(E) he wasn’t able to do it. (A) possibility
(B) probability
04 In “he should have reached the door of 10 Downing Street”, the form (C) obligation
“should have reached” indicates the same as: (D) ability
(E) permission.
(A) must have reached.

(B) was expected to reach. 11 The only option in which the detached expression transmits an idea of
(C) will have reached.
 obligation/necessity is:
(D) can have reached.

(E) was going to reach. (A) An email distribution list on Star Trek may have close to one hundred

05 Look how wet the ground is. It __________ last night. (B) The communication which takes place there could be either one-way
or merely informational.
(A) might be sunny
 (C) Users must be invited to join the community by someone already there.

(B) must have rained
 (D) Similar to Friendster, Orkut goes a step fur ther by permitting
(C) should have been warm ‘communities of users’.
(D) may be snowing
 (E) InCircle was intended for use by former university students.
(E) ought to dry
12 “How come Bob argued with the waiter?” - “The food __________
06 Universities abroad may __________ a more recent result when the awful.”
IELTS was taken a long time ago.
(A) had better be

(A) requires (B) should have been
(B) require
 (C) can be

(C) to require (D) must have been
(D) requiring (E) ought to be
(E) required
13 Mark the only alternative that contains a correct correspondence
07 How dreadful for them to sense, as they must, the lack of enthusiasm between the verb form in capital letters and its meaning:
of the audience.
(A) Today the world faces what might be called a ‘clash of emotions’ as
“As they must” sugere: well. – Obligation

(B) There are some areas that seem to display all of them simultaneously.
(A) obrigação – Necessity
(B) advertência (C) The first priority for the West should be to recognize the nature of the
(C) recomendação threat. – Advice

(D) dedução (D) It is a war nonetheless and one that the West can lose. – Permission
(E) permissão (E) But it MUST find a solution to the Palestinian problem first. – Ability

08 I would like to find an agency or agencies that might be interested in 14 In the sentences below:
using the images for textbooks, calendars or postcards.
I. I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough
A forma verbal might be exprime: money.

II. We oughtn’t to have agreed without knowing what it would cost.
(A) necessidade III. When you got lost in the forest you must have been very frightened.
(B) certeza
(C) probabilidade The Modals might, ought and must express, respectively:
(D) condição
(A) possibility, advice and obligation

09 In “the computer cannot know that it is the year 2000, and must (B) possibility, prohibition and probability
effectively work on the presumption that it is 1900”, the word must (C) possibility, advice and probability
expresses: (D) capacity, advice and probability

(E) capacity, prohibition and advice

152 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Unit 8

15 Fill in the following sentence correctly: The word shall in “This too shall pass” conveys the meaning of:

In my opinion, Marla __________ study harder. She __________ be (A) certainty

approved, but she __________ improve. (B) likelihood
(C) possibility
(A) can – could – ought
 (D) suggestion
(B) should – can – must
 (E) expectation
(C) ought to – should – can
(D) should – must – cannot
(E) ought – can – must

16 Match the following sentences with the best meaning expressed by Texto para as questões 01 a 04:
the modal verb in each of them.
After firing his shot, Private Carter Druce reloaded his rifle and resumed
I. She can speak four languages.
 his watch. Ten minutes had hardly passed when a Federal Sergeant crept
II. I wonder if I might have a quick look at your newspaper. cautiously to him on hands and knees. Druce neither turned his head nor
III. You should not talk to your brother this way.
 looked at him, but lay without motion or sign of recognition.
IV. Luggage must not be left unattended. “Did you fire?” the sergeant whispered.
(A) ability / possibility / advice / prohibition
(B) capacity / possibility / suggestion / obligation “At what?”
(C) ability / permission / advice / probability
 “A horse. It was standing on yonder rock pretty far out. You see it is
(D) capacity / permission / suggestion / necessity no longer there. It went over the cliff.”
(E) ability / permission / advice / prohibition
The man’s face was white, but he showed no sign of emotion. The
sergeant did not understand.
17 I’ve lost the key. I ought __________ it in a safe place.
“See here, Druce”, he said after a moment of silence, “It’s no use
(A) that I put
 making a mystery. I order you to report. Was there anybody on the horse?”
(B) to be putting “Yes”
(C) to have put “Who?”
(D) to put

“My father.”
(E) put
The sergeant rose and walked away.
18 “People must be aware of the consequences of their actions. One can
A Horseman in the Sky by Ambrose Bierce.
do whatever he pleases as long as he doesn’t do harm to others. This may
not be followed by many people, but it certainly should. If a person has
01 Mark the item which contains the correct question for the following
many friends, he must know this already.”
answer: “...on a yonder rock pretty far out.”
The underlined modal verbs express:
(A) Who was shot by Private Druce?
(B) When did Private Druce shoot?
(A) advice / permission / permission / advice / obligation
(C) Where was the horse that got shot?
(B) advice / ability / permission / ability / obligation

(D) Where was Private Druce?
(C) obligation / permission / possibility / advice / deduction
(D) obligation / ability / possibility / obligation / deduction
02 In “after firing his shot”, after firing denotes an action which:
(E) deduction / ability / permission / obligation / obligation
(A) is going on in the present.
19 The clause “we are now able to fly” can be substituted, without a
(B) took place in the past, after another past action.
change in meaning, by “we __________ fly now”.
(C) was going on in the past.
(D) was over in the past.
(A) are going to
(B) ought to

03 Hardly means:
(C) should

(D) could
(A) quickly
(E) can
(B) intensely
(C) not quite
20 When your emotions are riding high, “the ever-changing clouds and
(D) already
colors of the sky are a reassuring reminder that your own state of mind is
temporary. It’s a relief to remember that, this too shall pass.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 153

Unit 8

04 The sentence: “The sergeant did not understand” is in the Simple Past. Texto para as questões 08 a 10:
Which sentence below is not in the Simple Past?
For most people, stealing shampoo or soap from a hotel room is not a
(A) Susan went to school on Tuesday. serious crime. Some even think it’s ok to help themselves to the towels. A
(B) Jonas didn’t call his father yesterday. couple of newlyweds from Oregon, U.S.A went a little too far. They tried to
(C) I had never seen him before in my life. steal everything including the sheets, pillows and paintings. However, they
(D) We cut the tree last month. didn’t get away with it. Staff grew suspicious when the two guests refused
to settle the bill for a pay-per-view movie by saying their room didn’t have
Texto para as questões 05 a 07: a TV. When a member of staff went to check the room, he found that the
TV was, in fact, missing. That’s because it was with the rest of the stolen
A coffee, please? goods in the trunk of their car.
If you visit a café and the staff are rude you can choose not to go back,
but what happens when it’s the customers who _________ impolite? A 08 The text is about:
French Café has decided to reward polite customers and punish rude ones
by implementing some unusual coffee price variations. According to the (A) People who do not pay for pay-per-view movies at hotels.
menu board, ‘a coffee’ costs €7 while ‘a coffee, please’ costs a more (B) A couple who tried to steal the goods from a hotel room.
affordable €4.50. Of course, there’s an even cheaper option: ‘hello, can I (C) A hotel which was robbed by the staff.
have a coffee, please?’ will cost you just €1.40. Sometimes it pays to be (D) A couple who complained about the hotel’s service.
polite and if you are in a bad mood you can always choose another café.
09 “However”, the word underlined in the text, has an idea of:
05 Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the text.
(A) addition
(A) have (B) contrast
(B) are (C) consequence
(C) do (D) cause
(D) be
10 Get away in “they didn’t get away with it” has the same idea as:
06 According to the text,
(A) run
(A) Customers who are polite receive more coffee. (B) escape
(B) People with bad manners end up paying more for their coffees. (C) steal
(C) Staff from cafés had to be more polite to customers. (D) forget
(D) Coffee in all French cafés can cost from 1.40 to 7.00 euros.

07 The words “ones” highlighted in the text refers to:

(A) staff
(B) café
(C) café and staff
(D) customers










154 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2


Adjectives and adverbs

1. Adjectives • Non-Gradable Adjectives
Não podemos modificá-los com palavras intensificadoras nem usando
Os adjetivos são palavras usadas para descrever, qualificar, identificar, a forma de comparativo e superlativo (daily, dead, medical, unique)
restringir substantivos. Podemos usar os adjetivos para dar mais
informações a nomes, como: 1.1.3 Posição
Qualidade: a beautiful dress; a nice day; wonderful news Os adjetivos na língua inglesa podem vir em duas posições: atributiva
Tamanho: a big car; a huge animal; tiny people e predicativa.
Idade: a new handbag; an ancient building
• Attributive
Temperatura: a cool evening; a hot summer
Um adjetivo na posição atributiva é aquele que vem anterior ao
Forma: a round table; a rectangular box substantivo, sendo parte do sintagma nominal (noun phrase).
Cor: blue eyes; red hair; a white horse An old ticket; a young shop-assistant; he is an old man.
Origem: a Japanese camera; a Swiss watch
• Predicative

Um adjetivo na posição distributiva é aquele que vem diretamente
depois dos verbos be, become, get e verbos de percepção como seem,
appear, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste.
The ticket is old.
Your mother seems angry.
This flower smells good.

1.2 Types of adjectives

1.2.1 One-word adjectives
Algumas palavras funcionam somente como adjetivos, como all.
Outras funcionam como adjetivos e substantivos, como cold. Muitos
adjetivos relacionados a verbos e substantivos têm sufixos característicos
1.1 Características dos adjetivos
sufixo significado exemplo
1.1.1 Variação -able / -ible capaz de, possível de changeable, edible
Os adjetivos são palavras invariáveis, ou seja, não mudam de singular -ful cheio de beautiful, careful
para plural nem de masculino para feminino.
-less sem, ausência lifeless, careless
Bob is tall.
-ive capaz de ser, fazer creative, attractive
Melanie is tall.
Bob and Melanie are tall. -ish tendo alguma qualidade de foolish, redish
-ly tendo a qualidade de friendly, weekly
1.1.2 Graduação
-like relacionado a businesslike
Os adjetivos podem ser divididos em duas classes: um grande grupo
que pode ser graduado (gradable adjectives) e uma pequena quantidade
Um par importante de sufixos que usamos em adjetivos são dos
que não pode ser graduada (non-gradable adjectives).
particípios -ed / -ing. Adjetivos terminados em -ed significam efeito que
alguém sofreu e os adjetivos terminados em -ing, o efeito que algo ou
• Gradable Adjectives alguém causou.
– Podemos imaginar graus relacionados ao adjetivo e também usar The film interests me. – I am interested in it. – It is interesting.
palavras como very, too e enough I simply hate this show. – It is boring. – I am bored.
Very good; too good; not good enough

– Também podemos modificá-los usando a forma de comparativo e o

(big) bigger, the biggest; (good) better, the best

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 155

Unit 9

1.2.2 Compound Adjectives She is a beautiful young mexican girl.

Adjetivos compostos são geralmente escritos com hífen. Existem três (opinion) (age) (origin)
tipos principais:
I’ve got short straight grey hair.
• Compound adjectives formed with participles
(size) (shape) (color)
Podemos ter adjetivos compostos formados de substantivos e
particípio passado (a candle-lit table; a horse-drawn cart; a self-employed
He’s bought a huge teak kitchen cupboard.
author); substantivos ou adjetivos e particípio presente (a long-playing
record; a time-consuming job) e palavras que parecem particípios, mas (size) (material) (purpose)
são formados por substantivos (cross-eyed; flat-chested; open-minded).

• Compound adjectives of measurement

2. Adverbs
Números cardinais combinam com substantivos (sempre no singular) A palavra advérbio sugere a ideia de adicionar significado ao verbo.
para formar adjetivos compostos: Eles podem dizer algo sobre a ação numa frase modificando um verbo,
Age: a three-year-old building; a twenty-year-old man respondendo às perguntas relacionadas a como, onde, quando, com que
frequência e outras. Vale a pena lembrar que os advérbios não somente
Area/volume: a three-acre plot; a two-litre car
modificam um verbo, mas adjetivos, outros advérbios, locuções e orações.
Duration: a four-hour meeting; a two-day conference
Advérbios podem ser uma única palavra (slowly) ou frases (in the
Length/depth: a twelve-inch ruler; a six-foot hole garden) e, muitas vezes, não são essenciais para a estrutura da frase,
Price: a $50 dress; a $90,000 house apesar de frequentemente alterarem o seu significado. Quando essenciais
Time/distance: a ten-minute walk; a three-hour journey para a frase, podem vir como complementos de alguns verbos intransitivos
– lie down, sit over there, I live in Rio de Janeiro – ou após verbos
Weight: a ten-stone man; a five-kilo bag of flour
transitivos – He put his car in the garage.
Números ordinais também podem ser usados para formar adjetivos
compostos: a second-hand car; a third-floor flat; a nineteenth-century


• Compound adjectives formed with prefixes and suffixes

Muitos adjetivos compostos podem ser formados usando uma
variedade de prefixos e sufixos: class-conscious; tax-free; waterproof;
fire-resistant; airtight.
Alguns compostos podem ser formados combinando participios
com well e badly: well-paid; badly-paid; well-behaved; badly-behaved; 2.1 How to identify an adverb
well-done; badly-done.
2.1.1 One-word adverb ending in –LY
Da mesma maneira podemos combinar particípios com ill e poorly:
poorly-paid; ill-paid; poorly-educated; ill-educated; poorly-informed; Uma quantidade de advérbios, principalmente os de modo, é formada
ill-informed. de adjetivos pela adição de –LY como em patient – patiently. Alguns
advérbios de frequência também são formados da mesma maneira como
1.3 Order usual – usually, assim como alguns advérbios de intensidade, near –
nearly e também muitos de opinião terminam em –LY, como fortunately.
Quando mais de um adjetivo é usado para descrever um substantivo,
devemos tomar cuidado com a ordem das palavras. Apesar de termos • Form
algumas regras, não há como definir o que cada adjetivo representa, porque – Adiciona-se LY à maioria dos advérbios: bad/badly; careful/carefully;
muito depende da intenção do locutor. mad/madly; sudden/suddenly.
Normalmente seguimos uma lógica de algo mais geral para algo mais
específico, sendo este perto do substantivo. Porém, uma ajuda mnemônica – Adiciona-se ALLY aos advérbios terminados em IC: fantastic/
também vem a calhar! fantastically; artistic/artistically; basic/basically.

O S A S C O M P – Quando o adjetivo termina em Y e o mesmo é precedido de consoante,

retiramos o Y e adicionamos ILY: happy/happily; busy/busily; funny/
P I G H O R A U funnily.
N E P O G E P NOUN – Quando o adjetivo termina em E e é precedido por L, retiramos o E e
I E R I R O adicionamos Y: able/ably; possible/possibly; whole/wholly
N A E – Os adjetivos terminado em E seguem a regra principal da formação
L dos advérbios (extreme/extremely; nice/nicely), com duas exceções:
due/duly; true/truly.

156 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Adjectives and adverbs INGLÊS
Unit 9

– Alguns advérbios terminados em LY possuem a mesma forma dos 2.2 Types of adverbs
adjetivos que dão a sua origem: daily; weekly; monthly; quarterly;
yearly. Os advérbios respondem certas perguntas como how? (modo,
maneira), when? (tempo), where? (lugar), how often? (frequência),
2.1.2 Adverbs = adjectives to what extend? (grau, intensidade). Há ainda aqueles que “reforçam”
Algumas palavras podem ser adjetivos e advérbios de modo sem adjetivos, advérbios e verbos, os que focam, os que revelam atitudes ou
qualquer mudança, como dirty, fast, low e outros, incluindo aqueles que apresentam informação.
terminam em -ly mencionados anteriormente.
2.2.1 Adverbs of manner
Your pants are so dirty! (adjective) – They are famous for playing
dirty. (adverb) Os advérbios de modo (ou maneira) indicam como algo acontece ou
é feito. Eles respondem à seguinte pergunta: How?
He is a fast runner. (adjective) – He runs so fast. (adverb)
She sings beautifully.
2.1.3 Adverbs with two forms
He skates badly.
Alguns advérbios possuem duas formas, uma igual ao adjetivo e a
outra com a terminação característica de advérbios, o -ly.
• Posição dos advérbios de modo
– Depois do objeto ou após o verbo
• Diferente forma, mesma ideia A posição mais comum dos advérbios de modo é após o objeto ou
cheap/cheaply; clean/cleanly; clear/clearly; close/closely; dear/dearly; o verbo.
fair/fairly; fine/finely; firm/firmly; first/firstly; loud/loudly; quick/quickly;
quiet/quietly; slow/slowly; thin/thinly • Após o verbo:
I bought this car cheap. = I bought this car cheaply. She watched the monkeys curiously.
Look at the photo carefully.
• Diferente forma, diferente ideia
Aqui estão alguns exemplos: • Após o verbo:
He really works hard. He hardly works hard. (dificilmente) It snowed heavily last January.
• Após uma partícula adverbial
We need to aim high to He thinks highly of you.
He took the picture down carefully.
succeed. (alto) (favoravelmente)
He arrived late yesterday. He has arrived late lately. – Entre o sujeito e o verbo
(tarde) (ultimamente)
Advérbios de uma única palavra podem, às vezes, vir entre o sujeito
Don’t go near that dog! (perto) There are nearly 100 people. e o verbo.
(aproximadamente) Gillian angrily slammed the door behind her.
He opened his eyes wide. Their products are widely available.
Entretanto, well e badly, quando usados para avaliar uma ação, só
(completamente) (largamente)
podem vir ao final da oração ou frase:
Mr. Gradgrind pays his staff very badly.
2.1.4 Prepositional phrases used adverbially
Quando não há um advérbio para descrevermos o que queremos dizer, – No início da frase
usamos uma locução adverbial começando com preposição referindo ao Na escrita narrativa (mas não normalmente na fala), as frases podem
meio ou método. ser iniciadas com advérbios de modo, tais como gently, quietly, slowly,
I came here by bus. suddenly. Isso pode ser feito para conseguir um efeito dramático ou para
She answered me in a loud whisper. criar suspense.
O’Connor held his breath and stood quite still. Quietly, he moved
forward to get a better view.

2.2.2 Adverbs of degree

Os advérbios de intensidade (ou grau) respondem à seguinte pergunta
To what extend? Os mais comuns são almost, altogether, barely, a bit,
enough, fairly, hardly, nearly, quite, rather, somewhat, extremely, absolutely,
etc. A maioria deles vai antes das palavras que eles modificam:
This book is quite good.
She speaks quite quickly.
I quite like it.

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Unit 9

2.2.3 Adverbs of place 2.2.4 Adverbs of time

A ideia de lugar cobre tanto a localização (Where?) quanto a direção

(Where to?).

• Como identificar um advérbio de tempo
Advérbios de tempo podem se referir a um tempo determinado,
respondendo às questões como Where?
• Como identificar os advérbios de lugar
Os advérbios de lugar podem ser: I’ll see you on Monday.
– palavras como: abroad, ahead, anywhere/everywhere/nowhere/ Eles também se referem à duração, respondendo às perguntas Since
somewhere, ashore, away/back, backwards/forwards, here/there, when? / For how long?
left/right, north/South, upstairs/downstairs. I haven’t seen her since Monday / for a year.
– Palavras como as seguintes, mas que também funcionam como Alguns advérbios referem-se a um tempo indefinido, não respondendo
preposições: above, behind, below, beneath, underneath. a nenhuma pergunta específica:
– Duas palavras combinadas para enfatizar o lugar: down below, down/
He doesn’t live here now / any more.
up there, far ahead, far away, over here, over there.
Locuções também funcionam como advérbios de lugar: at my
• Advérbios de tempo definido
mother’s, from New York, in hospital, on the left.
Como havíamos mencionado, os advérbios que fazem referência a
um tempo definido respondem à seguinte pergunta: When? Geralmente
• Posição dos advérbios de lugar
são usados para falar sobre o passado e sobre o futuro:
– Após advérbios de modo e antes dos de tempo.
Quando há mais de um advérbio na frase, a posição comum para os I started my job last Monday.
advérbios de tempo é após os de modo, mas antes dos de tempo, seguindo I’ll call them tomorrow.
o verbo ou o seu objeto:
Barbara read quietly in the library all afternoon. – Posição dos advérbios de tempo definido
Porém, advérbios que indicam direção frequentemente vêm logo após A posição mais comum para um advérbio de tempo definido é ao
verbos de movimento (come, drive, go) e antes de outros advérbios ou final da frase:
locuções adverbiais. We checked in at the hotel on Monday / yesterday.
I went to London by train the following day. Também podemos posicionar os mesmos no início da frase:
Se houver mais de um advérbio de lugar, os lugares “menores“ são This morning I received a phone call from Axl.
mencionados antes dos lugares “maiores”, em uma ordem ascendente: Se houver mais de uma referência temporal, frequentemente
She lives in a small house in a village outside Reading, in Berkshire, começamos do mais específico para o mais geral (ex: hora + dia +
England. data + ano)
Gilbert was born at 11.58 on Monday November 18th 1986.
– No início da frase.
Quando queremos enfatizar a localização, podemos iniciar a frase com • Advérbios de tempo indefinido
um advérbio de lugar, especialmente em escrita descritiva: Alguns exemplos de advérbios que fazem referência a um tempo
Indoors it was nice and warm. Outdoors it was snowing heavily. indefinido são os seguintes: afterwards, already, another day, another
time, at last, at once, early, eventually, immediately, just, late, lately, now,
nowadays, recently, soon, still, then, ultimately, yet, entre outros.

– Posição dos advérbios de tempo indefinido

Os advérbios a seguir quase sempre vêm ao final da frase, podendo
estar antes do verbo ou, para focar no interesse ou contraste, no início da
frase: afterwards, eventually, formerly, immediately, lately, once, presently,
recently, soon, subsequently, then, ultimately:

158 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Adjectives and adverbs INGLÊS
Unit 9

I went to Berlin recently. • Advérbios de frequência indefinida

I recently went to Berlin. Esses são os advérbios de frequência indefinida mais comuns:
Recently, I went to Berlin. It was very interesting...
Quando se trata do verbo be, esses advérbios frequentemente 100% always
aparecem depois do mesmo: + almost always, nearly always
I was recently in Berlin.
generally, normally, regularly, usually

– Advérbios de tempo indicando duração frequently, often
A duração (períodos de tempo) pode ser indicada por advérbios – ago, all
(day) long, (not) any more, (not) any longer, no longer, no more – ou sometimes, occasionally
locuções preposicionadas funcionando como advérbios – by, during, seldom, rarely
for, from...to/till, since, throughout.
– almost never, hadly ever, scarcely ever
It rained all night long.
I can’t wait any longer! 0% not...ever, never
I haven’t seen Jonas since last holidays.
There were thunderstorms throughout January. Os advérbios com característica negativa (seldom, rarely, ..., never)
não podem ser usados com not:

I hardly ever see Brian these days.
I don’t often see Brian these days.

• Posição
Os advérbios de frequência indefinida costumam vir após um verbo
auxiliar e antes de um verbo principal:
I was never very good at Geography.
You can always count on me!
Thomas often made unwise decisions.
Do you usually have sugar in your coffee?
Porém, precisamos ter atenção com os casos de inversão que ocorrem
quando um advérbio negativo é colocado no início da frase. Diferentemente
dos advérbios positivos, principalmente frequently e sometimes, que
podem ser posicionados na frente da frase, sem qualquer mudança
2.2.5 Adverbs of frequency estrutural, os advérbios de cunho negativo, quando postos no começo de
Os advérbios de frequência são divididos em duas categorias: os de uma frase, fazem com que a mesma seja colocada na ordem inversa, ou
frequência definida e os de frequência indefinida. Porém, ambos respondem seja, a ordem e estrutura da interrogativa, sem o ponto de interrogação.
à mesma pergunta: How often? We sometimes have a lot of fun watching films at home.
Sometimes we have a lot of fun watching films at home.
• Advérbios de frequência definida e suas posições
Agora observe:
Estão incluídas nessa categoria palavras e frases como:
He has never been to any European country.
– Once, twice, three/several times (a day/week/month/year...)
– Hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, yearly, annually. Never has he been to any European country.
– Every + day/week/month/year + morning/afternoon/evening/night Outras estruturas que possuem essa característica negativa e que,
e em combinações como every other day, every 3 years, every few se colocadas no início da frase, pedirão a inversão são hardly, scarcely,
days, every third Saturday e outras. barely, little, neither, nor, never, no sooner, nowhere, only, seldom, so.
– On + Mondays, Fridays, weekdays, etc. Little did she know about his life.
• Posição Hardly has he worked lately.
Os advérbios de frequência definida costumam vir ao final da frase:
There is a collection from this box twice daily.
Alguns deles podem vir no início da frase, assim como advérbios de
tempo, muitas vezes para evitar ambiguidade:
Once a month we visit our daughter who’s at Harvard University.
We visit our daughter who’s at Harvard University once a month.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 159

Unit 9

02 How did he get out of bed?

give the
across + ... (A) motionless
find by chance (B) noiselessly
up with
(C) Hurriedly
(D) Lazily
think of an idea down with
become sick Solução: Letra B
up COME Noiselessly, ou seja, de uma maneira sem barulho, é sinônimo de silently.
unexpectedly in
03 Qual das frases abaixo é a única correta quanto ao uso do advérbio?
be introduced
by law
out (A) I eat sometimes a pizza for dinner.
be published on to (B) The school bus is never on time.
somebody (C) Peter speaks very well English.
flirt with (D) Twice a week I have Portuguese classes.
(E) Our Chemistry teacher arrived lately.

Building up your vocabulary Solução: Letra B.

Phrasal Verbs: come Na letra A, o advérbio de frequência sometimes deveria vir antes do verbo
1 I think I’m coming _____________ the flu. principal; na letra C, o advérbio de modo deveria vir ao final da frase,
2. The new album came _________ last month. juntamente com seu intensificador (Peter speaks English very well); na
3. She comes __________ rude but she’s actually really nice. letra D, a expressão de frequência deve vir ao final da frase; na letra E, o
4. I’ve come ______________ a perfect plan for the weekend. advérbio deveria ser late e não lately.
5. He is always coming __________ girls, isn’t he?
6. Something has come _________ and I must leave now. 04 Dadas as afirmações de que a forma adverbial de:
7. I came __________ $50 when I was coming home.
8. Water charges are coming _________ soon. I. fast (rápido) é fastly (rapidamente)
II. late (atrasado) é lately (atrasado)
III. low (baixo) é low (baixo)

Constatamos que está (estão) correta(s):

He woke up, as usual, a few minutes before the alarm went off. He lay (A) apenas a afirmação I.
there motionless in bed, his eyes watching the softly illuminated numbers (B) apenas a afirmação II.
in the digital radio clock creep inexorably toward the time it would turn (C) apenas a afirmação III.
on the music. (D) apenas a afirmações II e III.
As usual, he pressed the cut off button just before the sound switched (E) todas as afirmações.
on at six o’clock. Silently he got out of bed, his feet finding slippers on the
floor, and made his way to the bathroom. Solução: Letra C.
Tanto o advérbio fast quanto low são advérbios irregulares cuja forma é
Everything seemed to be turning round and his head felt heavy. igual à do adjetivo. Porém, o adjetivo late dá origem a duas formas de
“It must be the result of too much drinking at Mary’s party last night”, advérbios, late (atrasado) e lately (ultimamente).
he thought.
“As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a relationship
01 The phrase “The numbers creep inexorably toward the time” gives you with us that goes beyond the ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER,
the idea of: not a number. And you will receive the respect and recognition seldom
found today.”
(A) motionless
(B) discomfort 05 O termo “seldom”, destacado no trecho acima, poderia ser substituído
(C) movement por:
(D) happiness
(A) occasionally
Solução: Letra C. (B) rarely
A palavra inexorably dá a ideia de inevitável, ou seja, os números se (C) often
arrastam inevitavelmente em direção ao tempo. (D) usually
(E) always

Solução: Letra B.
Por se tratar de um advérbio de cunho negativo, seldom só poderia ser
substituído por um advérbio que possuísse a mesma ideia, ou seja, rarely.

160 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Adjectives and adverbs INGLÊS
Unit 9

06 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta do adjetivo +

sufixo ‘ible’ como em ‘Edible Cotton’:

01 Make compound adjectives using the sentences below, using the past (A) Managible
participle. (B) Gullible
(C) Drinkible
a. Louise has blue eyes. She is a blue-eyed girl. (D) Lovible
b. This shirt was made by hand. It is a _______________________ (E) Thinkible
c. She has red hair. She is a ________________________ girl. 07 The flight lasted two hours. It was __________.
d. That child behaves well. It is a __________________ child.
e. The blood of that animal is warm. It is a _______________ animal. (A) a flight’s two-hours’s
f. His head is bald. He is a ____________________ man. (B) a two-hours-flight
(C) a two’-hours’s flight
02 Make compound adjectives using the sentences below, using the (D) a two-hours
present participle. (E) a two-hour flight

a. A child that grows quickly is a quick-growing child. 08 The sun __________ rises in the west.
b. A conjuror who eats fire is a ________________ conjuror.
c. A vehicle which is moving fast is a ___________________ vehicle. (A) always
d. A plane which can fly high is a __________________ plane. (B) never
e. A plant for purifying water is a __________________ plant. (C) often
f. A tiger that eats men is a _________________ tiger. (D) sometimes
(E) usually
03 Make compound adjectives using the sentences below, using numbers.
09 Gradually and powerfully are adverbs formed from the adjectives
a. A trip which takes ten hours is a ten-hour trip. gradual + ly and powerful + ly, respectively. Other adjectives can take
b. A book which has eighty pages is an _____________________ book. the same suffix to form adverbs, in the same way, except:
c. A walk which takes three hours is a ___________________ walk.
d. A class which takes fifty minutes is a __________________ class. (A) historic
e. An apartment which has four rooms is a _________________ (B) usual
apartment. (C) wild
f. A mountain that has four thousand feet high is a __________________ (D) abrupt
mountain. (E) intelligent

04 Complete using the adverbs from the box: 10 O vocábulo quite na sentença a seguir exerce a função de She sat with
her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless.
completely freshly frequently greatly (A) substantivo
specially well beautifully sincerely (B) adjetivo
(C) verbo
a. All the food in our restaurant is ______________ prepared. (D) advérbio
b. I am ______________ grateful for your help.
c. The head teacher was _______________ loved by the whole school. Who are these Blur blokes who, after a shaky start, have shaken the
d. Lydia passed the test because she was __________________ world? And what makes them so different, so appealing as Pop Artist
prepared. Richard Hamilton once asked in a collage that they doubtless studied at
e. This is a _________________ made piece of jewelry. art school. Is it art school itself (they all attended Goldsmith’) that sets
f. We made this cake _________________ for you. apart? (...)
g. The game is not ______________ finished yet. Q. March, 1995.
h. Buckingham Palace is one of London’s _____________________
visited sites.
11 Assinale a opção cujo adjetivo possa substituir, de maneira bastante
aproximada, os adjetivos different e appealing, em destaque no texto
05 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da
seguinte sentença:
(A) outstanding
The man gave a five-pound note to the shoe-repairer. (B) fancy
(C) lousy
(A) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para reparar o sapato. (D) nice
(B) O homem deu cinco potes de notas para reparar o sapato. (E) awful
(C) O homem deu um maço de cinco notas para consertar o sapato.
(D) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para o sapateiro.
(E) O sapateiro recebeu uma nota de cinco libras do bom homem.

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Unit 9

12 Assinale a alternativa em que o adjetivo é composto por dois 19 Assinale a alternativa de significado equivalente à palavra destacada:
substantivos, como na palavra “weight-loss”: He was fast asleep.

(A) low-cholesterol meals. (A) almost

(B) high-fat intake. (B) quickly
(C) western-style boots. (C) sound
(D) well-known people. (D) very
(E) ice-cream flavors. (E) nearly

13 We’ve been working __________ to ensure all wood comes from well 20
managed forests. Allen: You’re pretty dirty.

Helen: I’m even prettier when I’m clean.
(A) lot
(B) hardly In “pretty dirty”, pretty is equivalent to:
(C) hard
(D) very I. very

(E) many II. somewhat
III. more

14 Dadas as sentenças: IV. beautiful
V. ugly
I. They go often to Rio de Janeiro.
II. We don’t have often good news about it. The correct choices are:
III. She is seldom at home.
(A) II, III.
(A) Apenas a I está correta. (B) IV, V.
(B) Apenas a II está correta. (C) III, IV.
(C) Apenas a III está correta. (D) I, II.
(D) Apenas a II e a III estão corretas. (E) I, V.
(E) Todas estão corretas.

15 Assinale a única frase correta:

(A) He drives always his car carefully. 01 Circule a palavra correta (adjetivo ou advérbio) para completar as
(B) He always drives his car carefully. frases abaixo:
(C) He drives his car always carefully.
(D) He drives his car carefully always. a. He always does his homework (careful/carefully).
(E) Always he drives his car carefully. b. He is a (careful/carefully) student.
c. Mr. Gonzalez has a (permanent/permanently) visa.
16 The same as ‘They hardly ever go to the movies’ is: d. He hopes to remain in this country (permanent/permanently).
e. This new pen writes (good/well).
(A) Hardly ever they go to the movies.
 f. It is really a very (good/well) pen.
(B) Hardly they ever go to the movies.
 g. His sister plays the violin (beautiful/beautifully).
(C) Ever they do hardly go to the movies. h. Helen is a (beautiful/beautifully) girl.
(D) Hardly ever do they go to the movies. i. They are both (serious/seriously) students.
(E) They go to the movies hardly ever. j. They both study English (serious/seriously).

17 The same as ‘Mr. Burton hardly talked to me.’ is: 02 Change each sentence. Use the highlighted word to make an adverb.

(A) Hardly did Mr. Burton talked to me. a. Jim is a good worker.
(B) Hardly Mr. Burton talked to me.
 b. Ann is a wonderful dancer.
(C) Hardly did Mr. Burton talk to me.
 c. Carol is an accurate writer.
(D) Did Mr. Burton hardly talk to me. d. Tina is a bad singer.
(E) Mr. Burton talked to me hardly. e. Sam is a secret smoker.
f. Ruth is a fast runner.
18 A sentença “Mal sabia ele que ela era casada”, em inglês, seria: g. Pablo is a careful driver.
h. Liz is a quick reader.
(A) He didn’t little know that she married.
(B) Did he little know that she was married.
(C) Badly knew he that she married.

(D) Little did he know that she was married.
(E) Little knew he that she was married.

162 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Adjectives and adverbs INGLÊS
Unit 9

03 Rewrite the sentences placing the adverbs in the right position: 08 They are going to work again __________.

a. He goes to Boston on business trips. (often) (A) yesterday

b. He stayed with me. (seldom) (B) later

c. She plays the piano. (well) (C) last year
d. He prepares his lesson. (carefully) (D) last month
e. He is late for class. (always) (E) last week
f. Do you eat in the cafeteria? (usually)
g. He does his exercise. (rarely) (carefully) 09 The same as “She little realizes how smart she looks” is:
h. They can discover it. (never)
i. She speaks to the child. (always) (softly) (A) How smart does she realize she looks.

(B) How smart she looks she doesn’t realizes.

04 Complete each sentence with an adverb from the box. (C) Little she realizes how smart she looks.

(D) Does she realizes how smart she looks little.
carelessly hard loudly politely quickly secretly well (E) Little does she realize how smart she looks.

10 Choose the correct alternative:

a. I slept very _________, thank you for asking.
b. Deborah studied ____________ for the exams so I’m pretty sure she
(A) She is a young fat lady.
will pass.
(B) It’s a new black Italian handbag.
c. Paul did his homework ______________. His teacher asked him to
(C) It’s an American modern little house.
redo everything.
(D) It’s a white old lovely dog.
d. Mary took the money ______________. I just noticed when I needed
(E) It’s a philosophical old discussion.
e. Harry drove __________ to the hospital. His wife was in labour.
11 Escolha a alternative com a sequência numérica correta para ordenar
f. David always behaves ______________. He’s such a gentleman.
a frase:
g. Ann shouted __________. She basically woke up the whole
to the beach ever gone we in the winter hardly have
05 Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentence: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Mr. Myers told me he will leave __________.
(A) 6,2,7,4,3,1,5.
(A) by train; for Paris; at 8 o’clock; next week. (B) 6,2,4,7,3,1,5.
(B) for Paris; at 8 o’clock; next week; by train. (C) 4,7,3,6,2,5,1.
(C) next week; at 8 o’clock; by train; for Paris. (D) 2,4,6,7,3,5,1.
(D) at 8 o’clock; next week; for Paris; by train. (E) 5,4,6,7,3,1,2.
(E) for Paris; by train; at 8 o’clock; next week.
12 In which of the following alternatives are the adverbs in their correct
06 Caren has a strange look. She seems to live on __________ frozen position?
(A) We next month hope to go for a vacation to Hawaii.
(A) bad-prepare
 (B) We hope to go to Hawaii next month for a vacation.
(B) recent-cooking (C) We hope to go to Hawaii for a vacation next month.
(C) old-make
 (D) We hope to go next month for a vacation to Hawaii.
(D) new-preparing (E) We for a vacation hope next month to go to Hawaii.
(E) ready-made
13 Complete the sentences with the correct verb tenses:
07 Qual destas alternativas só contém expressões que indicam tempo?
I. Little _________________ how inconvenient he can be.
(A) suddenly, at the same moment, through, just in time II. Not until she received the call ________________________ relieved.
(B) just, suddenly, apparently, all her life III. Not for one moment ___________________ your honesty.
(C) just, after, all, then IV. Under no circumstances _____________________ class.
(D) any more, apparently, at the same moment
(E) right now, all her life, at the same moment, then (A) does he realize / she had breathed / would I doubt / should you miss
(B) does he realize / did she breathe / would I doubt / should you miss
(C) he realizes / she breathed / I would doubt / you should miss
(D) he will realize / she breathed / I would doubt / should you miss
(E) he realized / she would breathe / would I doubt / you should miss

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 163

Unit 9

Texto para as questões 14 e 15: Texto para as questões 17 a 20:

Is ‘Facebook’, the social networking website, making us narcissist? A The fastest way to learn a language
new book argues we’re much more self-absorbed nowadays, stating that Finally, a different approach that has millions of people talking. Using
technology is to blame. I tweet, therefore I am. Or is it, I tweet, therefore I am the award winning Dynamic Immersion method, our interactive software
insufferable? As if adult celebrities that pop out on the red carpets weren’t teaches without translation, memorization, or grammar drills.
clue enough, we now have statistical evidence that we are a lot more in love
Combining thousands of real-life images and the voices of native
with ourselves than we used to be. This social phenomenon has raised fields
speakers in a step-by-step immersion process, our programs successfully
of research to academic studies nowadays. In the book ‘The Narcissism
replicate the experience of learning your first language. Guaranteed to each
Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement’, Jean M. Twenge, a professor
faster and easier than any other language product or your money back.
of psychology at San Diego State University, and W. Keith Campbell, a
No questions asked.
social psychologist at the University of Georgia, look to the Narcissistic
Personality Inventory, which measures self-regard, materialism, and lack Award-winning software successfully used by U.S. State Department
of empathy. They found that the number of college students scoring high diplomats, Fortune 500 executives and millions of people worldwide. Step-
on the test has risen by 30 percent since the early 1980’s. by-step immersion instruction in all key language skills: Listening – the
Rosetta Stone uses native speakers and everyday language to develop your
understanding naturally and easily; Reading - text exercises develop your
14 What kind of human behavior is central to the study mentioned in the reading skills by linking written language to real-life objects, actions and
text? ideas; Speaking – speech recognition feature records and compares your
voice to the native speaker’s, grading your pronunciation; Writing -dictation
(A) the alienation of the celebrities from the others around them.
 exercises evaluate your spelling, syntax and punctuation.
(B) addiction to technology.

Each fully interactive course includes: CD-ROM curriculum with 92
(C) the high scoring of college students in academic tests.
lessons; previews, exercises and testing for each lesson; automated
(D) the hard work of social psychologists.

tutorials that “Iearn” where you need help; Curriculum Text and User’s
(E) excessive positive feelings and admiration of oneself.
15 What has not been encouraging people to act the way described in the Call today or buy online for an exclusive 10% discount. Rosetta Stone
text? – Language Learning Success.
Popular Science. aug. 2004 (adapted).
(A) Technology.
(B) Narcissism. 17 The product announced in the text is:
(C) Materialism.
(D) Psychology. (A) an online English course.
(E) Entitlement. (B) an online book about teaching approaches.
(C) a computer program for teachers.
16 (D) an interactive CD-Rom.
(E) a course for diplomats and businessmen.
Scientists say juggling e-mail; phone calls and other incoming
information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability 18 The differential aspect of the new product is:
to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a
primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The (A) the combination of up-to-date and traditional elements in the learning
stimulation provokes excitement — a dopamine squirt — that researchers process.
say can be addictive. In its absence, people feel bored. The resulting (B) the certainty of refund in case the product is not good enough.
distractions can have deadly consequences, as when cell phone-wielding (C) the attempt in recreate the learning experience of the mother tongue.
drivers and train engineers cause wrecks. And for millions of people these (D) the use of high technology to access language teachers.
urges can inflict nicks and cuts on creativity and deep thought, interrupting (E) the exclusive 10% discount.
work and family life.
19 Considering the statements:

The text states that human beings instinctively: I. The method is worldwide known and awarded.
II. Native speakers record and correct the students’ pronunciation.
(A) provoke opportunities and threats to other human beings. III. The method uses memorization and translation effectively.
(B) move towards that which threatens them.

(C) react to sudden changes they experience.
 Which sentences are correct according to the text?
(D) interrupt work and family life.
(E) undermine bursts of information. (A) I.
(B) II.
(C) III.
(D) I e III.
(E) I, II e III.

164 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Adjectives and adverbs INGLÊS
Unit 9

20 The sentence “No questions asked” is reduced. Choose the best But as vice-president, Politico reported this week: “Pence is helping to
alternative with the complete sentence, according to the context. lead the Republican effort to dismantle the program that helped him halt the
deadly outbreak in an impoverished swathe of Indiana.” Pence wants to end
(A) No questions were asked. what he knows worked. His horrific HIV record, steeped in heterosexism,
(B) No questions would be asked. racism and Christian supremacy, is going to hurt people living with HIV,
(C) No questions will be asked. queer people, ethnic minorities and the poor the most.
(D) No questions should ask. Advocates of science were alarmed when the Environmental Protection
(E) No questions must be asked. Agency was told it could no longer talk to the public because, among other
reasons, the EPA protects the public from environmental harm by giving
information and guidance. Similarly, LGBT Americans should be very
worried that the Trump administration seems to be dialing back on providing
information on HIV/Aids and LGBT health to the public. The website for the
Texto para as questões 01 a 04: White House office of Aids policy is now blank, and the office’s future is
unclear. A CDC summit in the works to address LGBT youth health (meant
Trump’s next target: people living to address pressing issues a CDC report exposed such as how “young
with HIV/AIDS gay and bisexual males have disproportionately high rates of HIV, syphilis,
Countless Americans affected by the virus ______________ (1) and other sexually transmitted diseases”) was infinitely postponed after
in fear of losing the treatment they were only able to receive because of Trump was elected.
Obamacare. In funding prevention programs, the ACA still remains an important
A month into Donald Trump’s presidency, and the ways in which channel of government information about HIV/Aids. But if it disappears,
Trumpism is a threat to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender existence the loss may be especially harmful in states which only teach “abstinence
are almost too many to count. However, those most vulnerable to HIV/ only” sex education.
Aids will be hit the hardest. As an LGBT community (and this applies to our supporters too), we
The threat of actually losing health insurance due to the president’s cannot be focused simply on the Trump administration’s conservative
promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act is making millions of Americans stance on our civil rights. We must be vigilant about how HIV/Aids stands
so terrified, even his own voters are increasingly warming up to Obamacare. to harm the most vulnerable among us first, do all we can to protect the
1.2 million people in the US already living with HIV, and insist that the
But the ACA’s death is still a real possibility, and it would take a government keep the epidemic from getting even worse.
particular toll on queer Americans. According to a Yahoo investigation:
“Before the ACA was passed, only about 13% of people with HIV had private The Guardian (adapted).
health insurance and 24% had no coverage at all.” Indeed, the ACA has
been a lifesaver for many people living with HIV: its subsidies for private 01 According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct
insurance and its robust expansion of Medicaid in many states have greatly alternative:
increased their access to medical treatment. If you doubt the scale of the
continuing epidemiological emergency, consider that only about half of I. Trump wants to continue the Affordable Care Act.
African Americans with HIV have access to continuous medical treatment, II. The ACA only helps people with HIV.
according to the Centers for Disease Control. III. The viral suppressing medication makes HIV almost impossible to
One way the ACA has addressed the crises is by funding the prevention transmit.
efforts of Aids service organizations. Beyond people living with HIV, this IV. People who leave prison never receive the medication.
work is helping to keep the transmission of the virus from further harming V. Some states in the US only teach people not to have sex as a form to
the most vulnerable communities, such as transgender women of color, or prevent from getting sexual transmitted diseases.
the one in two black gay men the CDC predicts may become HIV-positive VI. The LGBT community ought to be worried about Trump’s administration.
in his lifetime unless radical action is taken.
(A) I, IV and V are correct.
But if “silence equals death”, as the Act Up slogan says, then loud
(B) I, IV and VI are correct.
protest is needed to keep people living with HIV from losing access to
(C) III, V and VI are correct.
(D) II, III and V are correct.
Creating swaths of uninsured people living with HIV who will likely (E) I, II and IV are correct.
lose access to viral suppressing medication (which makes HIV almost
impossible to transmit) will also increase the likelihood of transmission 02 The underlined words in: “...its subsidies for private insurance and its
to others. We know that when people in prison who are HIV-positive are robust expansion of Medicaid in many states...” refer to:
released with little medication, they often stop taking it altogether when
they run out; their viral load then becomes very high and, research has (A) Lifesaver
shown, their sex partners are more susceptible to becoming HIV-positive. (B) Health insurance
(And if Republicans failed to keep the Obamacare provisions which allow (C) People living with HIV
people with pre-existing conditions to buy insurance without discrimination, (D) Medicaid
it would be even worse.) (E) The Affordable Care Act
Remember: when then Indiana governor Mike Pence presided over
one of the worst HIV outbreaks in the history of the country in 2015, he
first turned to prayer before then turning to Obamacare to ameliorate the
outbreak (the latter worked).

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 165

Unit 9

03 According to the text, Mike Pence: 08

One of the best ways to build a sense of trust and responsibility in
(A) thinks God is the best solution for HIV. people is by sharing information. Giving team members the information they
(B) has never seen a HIV outbrake. need enables them to make good business decisions. Sharing information
(C) was not a governor in 2015. sometimes means disclosing information that is considered privileged,
(D) did not benefit from Obamacare. including sensitive and important topics such as the competition’s activities,
(E) is part of the LGBT community. future business plans and strategies, financial data, industry issues or
problem areas, competitor’s best practices, the way group activities
04 Choose the alternative containing the correct verbal tense to complete contribute to organizational goals, and performance feedback. Providing
gap (1) in the text: people with more complete information communicates trust and a sense
of “we’re in this together”. It helps people think more broadly about the
(A) lives organization and the inter-relationships of various groups, resources and
(B) is living goals. By having access to information that helps them understand the big
(C) are living picture, people can better appreciate how their contribution fits in and how
(D) were living their behavior impacts other aspects of the organization.
(E) lived
BLANCHARD, Ken. Leading at a higher level.
New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007, p.72 (adapted).
Texto para as questões 05 a 07:
De acordo com o texto:
Alcohol and Fats
It’s a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting medical studies. (A) Compartilhar informações na empresa pode dificultar as decisões nos
The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than negócios.
the British or the Americans. The French eat a lot of fat and also suffer (B) As atividades e planos dos concorrentes não são considerados
fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans. The Japanese drink informações privilegiadas.
very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the (C) É importante que todos os membros da empresa se sintam em casa
Americans. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also no ambiente de trabalho.
suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or the Americans. The Germans (D) O trabalho de cada membro da equipe é importante para a empresa
drink a lot of beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart como um todo.
attacks than the British or the Americans.
Conclusion: Eat and drink whatever you like. Speaking English is what 09 Considere as afirmações:
apparently kills you.
I. A empresa deve fazer uma análise cuidadosa das informações antes
05 According to the text, we can infer that: de compartilhá-las com seus funcionários.
II. Fornecer informações importantes às pessoas leva-as a compreender
(A) It is harmful for the heart to drink beer with sausages. como podem contribuir para o crescimento da empresa.
(B) Because the French do not speak English, they have fewer chances to III. Os planos futuros da empresa devem ser divulgados apenas entre
have a heart attack. seus executivos.
(C) The British do not eat so much fat.
(D) The Japanese are big consumers of fat and alcohol. Quais afirmações estão de acordo com o texto?

06 Analyze the sentences below and choose the correct answer to (A) Apenas I.
complete the True or False according to the text: (B) Apenas II.
(C) Apenas III.
( ) The Japanese eat less fat than the Germans. (D) Apenas I e II.
( ) It is not what you drink or eat that says whether you have a heart attack.
( ) If you don’t speak English, the globalization will kill you. 10 Considere as afirmações que seguem:
( ) The medical studies were always conclusive.
( ) Drinking alcohol and eating fat is good for your health. I. O pronome they refere-se a people.
II. O pronome It refere-se a Providing people with more complete
(A) T – T – F – F – F. information.
(B) T – F – F – T – T. III. O pronome them remete a people.
(C) F – F – F – F – F.
(D) T – T – T – T – T. Quais afirmações estão corretas?

07 The highlighted sentence in the text, The French eat a lot of fat, in the (A) Apenas I.
interrogative form can be found in: (B) Apenas III.
(C) Apenas I e II.
(A) Eat the French a lot of fat? (D) Apenas II e III.
(B) Did the French eat a lot of fat?
(C) Is the French eat a lot of fat?
(D) Do the French eat a lot of fat?

166 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2


Comparative and superlative

1. The comparison of adjectives and 1.2 Comparative of superiority and inferiority

Quando falamos sobre comparativo de adjetivos e advérbios, não
somente tratamos de comparativo, mas também do superlativo.
1.1 Comparative of equality and inequality

The apple is healthier than the sweets.
(The sweets are less healthy than the apple.)

The sweets are more delicious than the apple.

(The apple is less delicious than the sweets.)

Price is as important as value.

Comparativo de igualdade é formado por:

as + adjetivo/advérbio+ as
Marcos is as tall as Jefferson.
Sylvia sings as beautifully as her sister.

I spend my money more wisely than she does.

(She spends her money less wisely than I do.)

She spends her money faster than I spend mine.

(I spend my money less fast than she spends hers.)

1.2.1 Rules
The red apple isn’t as tasty as the green apple. Tanto os adjetivos quanto os advérbios devem seguir certas regras
quando usados no grau comparativo. A primeira delas é que somente
Comparativo de desigualdade é formado por: adjetivos e advérbios graduáveis, ou seja, que possam mudar de grau,
podem fazer o comparativo e o superlativo.
Not as/so + adjetivo/advérbio + as
Formamos comparativo de inferioridade simplesmente usando a
Klaus isn’t as/so nice as Ellijah. palavra LESS na frente do adjetivo usado:
Klaus doesn’t treat people as/so nicely as Ellijah. Tony is less intelligent than Mike.
She eats less healthily than I do.
Porém, para formarmos o comparativo de superioridade, deveremos
observar certas regras:

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 167

Unit 10

• Adjectives 1.3 Superlative of superiority and inferiority

Adjetivo Exemplos Forma Comparativo Enquanto no comparativo tratados de duas coisas (pessoas, lugares,
curto young younger ações), no superlativo levamos em consideração um grupo e um elemento
+ ER
(1 sílaba) strong stronger é considerado o “mais” ou o “menos” em determinado aspecto.
curto thin thinner
+ C’ + ER

(sílaba final CVC’)* big bigger
1 ou 2 sílabas crazy – Y + IER crazier
(terminado em Y) ugly uglier
longo comfortable more comfortable
(2 ou + sílabas) boring more boring

Adjetivo Comparativo
good better
bad worse

Far farther (distância física)

It rains most often in the beginning of the year.
further (abstrata, genérico, aprofundado)
(It rains least often in the middle of the year.)
old older (geral)
elder (membros da mesma família) Summer is the hottest season.
little less (Winter is the least hot season.)

• Adverbs
1.3.1 Rules
– Short adverbs Assim como no comparativo, o superlativo de inferioridade é formado
Muitos advérbios como deep, early e fast formam o comparativo da pela adição de least antes do adjetivo, porém adicionando também the.
mesma maneira que os adjetivos curtos, ou seja, adiciona-se a terminação He is the least tall in the basketball team.
ER ao advérbio para ser feita a comparação. She is the one who eat the least healthily in class.
He runs faster than Meg, she’ll never catch him!
Jane arrived earlier today, so she should leave earlier as well. • Adjectives
Já o superlativo de superioridade segue as mesmas regras de formação
– Long adverbs do comparativo:
Como a maioria dos advérbios de modo tem duas ou mais sílabas,
Adjetivo Exemplos Forma Comparativo
eles formam o comparativo com more.
curto short + EST the shortest
The teacher spoke more slowly to help us understand.
(1 sílaba) long the longest
Davi drives more recklessly than Simon, I’m surprised he has never
been in an accident. curto sad + C’ + EST the saddest
(sílaba final CVC’)* fat the fattest

– FARTHER and FURTHER 1 ou 2 sílabas funny - Y + IEST the funniest

(terminado em Y) healthy the healthiest
Tanto farther quanto further podem ser usados significando distância:
I drove ten miles farther/further than necessary. longo intelligent MOST + the most intelligent
(2 ou + sílabas) responsible the most responsible
Porém, somente further pode ser usado com a ideia de adição:
We learned, further, that he wasn’t a qualified doctor.

– WELL and BADLY Adjetivo Comparativo

Apesar de badly ser um advérbio de formação regular, ou seja, good the best
adiciona-se ly ao final do adjetivo bad, o seu comparativo é formado como
bad the worst
o comparativo do adjetivo bad, sendo irregular.

far the farthest (distância física)

He keeps behaving worse and worse.
O mesmo se aplica ao advérbio well, sendo que o mesmo já é irregular the furthest (abstrata, genérico, aprofundado)
e assim segue as mesmas regras do adjetivo good: old the oldest (geral)
The goat can see better than you think. the eldest (membros da mesma família)
little the least

168 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Comparative and superlative INGLÊS
Unit 10

1.3.2 Adverbs 1.5.1 As

• Short adverbs • Usamos AS quando falamos sobre um emprego ou uma função:
Muitos advérbios como deep, early e fast formam o superlativo da I worked as a shop assistant for 2 years when I was a student.
mesma maneira que os adjetivos curtos, ou seja, adiciona-se a terminação He used his shoe as a hammer to hang the picture up.
EST ao advérbio para ser feita a comparação. • Em comparações, usando as + adjetivo/advérbio + as:
I work fastest when I’m under pressure. He’s not as tall as his brother.
Jeffinho tries the hardest of all the boys in his class. She ran as fast as she could.

• Long adverbs • Nas seguintes comparações, exercendo o papel de conjunção e sendo

Como a maioria dos advérbios de modo tem duas ou mais seguido por uma oração com sujeito e verbo:
sílabas, eles formam o superlativo com most. He went to Harvard University, as his father had before him.
I eat the most neatly among my siblings. She’s a talented writer, as most of her family are.
Flowers bloom most beautifully in the spring.
• Todas as expressões a seguir utilizam as:
– FARTHEST and FURTHEST As you know, classes restart on February 8th.
Let’s see who could jump the farthest/furthest! I tried using salt as you suggested but the stain still didn’t come out.
Mary went the furthest of all the children in her education. As we agreed, the company will be split 50/50 between us.
– WELL and BADLY Their house is the same as ours.
Apesar de badly ser um advérbio de formação regular, ou seja,
adiciona-se LY ao final do adjetivo bad, o seu superlativo é formado como 1.5.2 Like
o superlativo do adjetivo bad, sendo irregular. • Nas seguintes comparações, like funciona como preposição e é
On that day, he behaved the worst in class. seguido de um substantivo ou um pronome:
O mesmo se aplica ao adverbio well, sendo que o mesmo já é irregular I’ve been working like a dog all afternoon.
e assim segue as mesmas regras do adjetivo good: None of my brothers are much like me.
I found that the office runs best with the radio on and the heating down. She looks just like her mother.

1.4 Comparative of parallel increase and 1.5.3 Like, as if and as though

decrease • Essas três expressões podem ser usadas para fazermos comparação,
e não há diferença em significado entre as três:
the more I eat, the fatter I get. (Quanto mais eu como, mais eu engordo.)
You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.
As duas orações estão sempre interligadas, sendo alteradas em
You talk as though we’re never going to see each other again.
proporções iguais. A estrutura das orações segue a lógica abaixo:
It looks like it’s going to rain.

The more I study, the smarter I get.

↑↑ (the + comparative of superiority..., the + comparative of Building up your vocabulary
superiority...) Collocations: business and money
The fatter I am, the less clothes I have. credit market redundant value charge
↑↓ (the + comparative of superiority..., the + comparative of
fortune investment booming retirement bankrupt
The less he works out, the thinner he becomes. Have your shares just fallen in (1) _____________ and you don’t
↓↑ (the + comparative of inferiority..., the + comparative of know what to do? Or have you come into a (2) ______________
superiority...) and don’t know how to invest it? Well, whether you’ve been made
(3) _____________ or qualified for early (4) _____________,
The less I study, the less chances I have. whether your business is (5) _____________ or you’ve just been
↓↓ (the + comparative of inferiority..., the + comparative of declared (6) ___________, we are the bank for you, the caring bank.
We’ve got an account for you and can advise you accordingly. Come
1.5 Comparatives using AS and LIKE over to us and you will be making a wise (7) ________________.
We offer some of the most competitive loans and mortgages on the
AS e LIKE são frequentemente confundidos, já que ambos podem ser (8) _____________. Provided you maintain your account in (9)
usados para comparar ações e situações. Entretanto, existem algumas _____________, and at a minimum level of $500, we will offer you
diferenças importantes que precisam ser consideradas. financial advice completely free of (10) __________, whenever you
request it. Can’t be bad, can it?

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 169

Unit 10

05 Which one is correct?

(A) More have they, more want them.

01 Choose the correct grammatical answer: (B) As more they have, as more they want.

I have been studying __________ I can to learn English. (C) More they have, more they want.

(D) The more they have, the more they want.
(A) as hard as (E) Do more they have, do more they want.
(B) so hard as
(C) as harder as Solução: Letra D.
(D) so harder so Trata-se do comparativo especial, ou seja, THE + comparativo, THE +
(E) so hard so comparativo.

Solução: Letra A.
O comparativo de igualdade do advérbio é formado da mesma maneira
que a do adjetivo, por isso AS + ADVÉRBIO + AS.
01 Complete with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets:
02 Fill in the gap:
“You look fatter”.
 a. He is ____________________ than I am. (young)
“That’s because I’ve been eating __________ than I used to”. b. Mr. Smith is much __________________________ than I expected.
(A) many more c. Chicago is _____________________ than Paris. (big)
(B) much more d. This book is ________________________ than the last one we used.
(C) a few
(D) more than e. This exercise is _________________________ than the last one.
(E) any more (easy)
f. These exercises are _______________________ than some of the
Solução: Letra B. others. (difficult)
Para intensificar um comparativo, colocamos o MUCH na frente do mesmo. g. The weather in this winter is __________________ than the weather
last winter. (bad)
03 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a h. John’s car is much ____________________________ than my car.
seguir: (expensive)
i. This metal is ____________________________ than gold (valuable)
The more time people spend at an exhibit, __________ they learn. j. A salad is ___________________________ than a cheeseburger.
(A) more

(B) most
 02 Complete with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets:
(C) much

(D) the more a. Grace is ______________________ girl in her class. (old)
(E) the most b. This is _________________________ book that I own. (expensive)
c. George is _______________________ student in class. (bad)
Solução: Letra D. d. Tokyo is _________________________ city in the world today.
Trata-se do comparativo especial, ou seja THE + comparativo, THE + (large)
comparativo. e. Which is ________________________ route from Miami to New
York? (fast)
04 Assinale a alternativa correta: f. Mount Everest is ________________________ mountain in the
world. (high)
Life in New York City is sometimes __________ harder than in any g. She was wearing ___________________________ dress. (pretty)
other town in the world. h. He is ____________________________ boy that I know. (ambitious)
i. The story which you told was _________________________ of all.
(A) very j. January is _____________________________ month in Brazil. (hot)
(B) much
(C) many 03 Complete the sentences by supplying the comparative form of the
(D) so
 adverbs in brackets:
(E) as
a. She speaks _______________________ than I. (rapidly)
Solução: Letra B. b. He prepares his homework __________________ than most students.
Novamente trata-se do comparativo sendo intensificado, ou seja, coloca-se (carefully)
o MUCH na frente da estrutura do comparativo. c. She works _____________________ than her sister. (hard)
d. We stayed ___________________ than we expected. (long)

170 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Comparative and superlative INGLÊS
Unit 10

e. We walked _____________________ than we planned. (far) 09 __________ you shout at your children, _________ they will ignore
f. He returned ___________________ than we expected. (soon) it.
g. She speaks English __________________ than she speaks
Portuguese. (well) (A) More / more
h. The time passed _____________________ than anyone expected. (B) The most / the most
(quickly) (C) The more / the most
(D) The most / the more
04 Circle the correct form to complete the sentence: (E) The more / the more

a. I visit my parents more often – the most often than my brothers do. 10 The new language school has a ________ exam pass rate than the
b. He thinks he always knows better – best. other schools in the area.
c. Out of all my siblings, I visit my parents more often – the most often.
d. David did worse – the worst than he thought he would do on his test. (A) so high
e. I did worse – the worst out of all the students on my test. (B) higher
f. Out of all the students, Frank studied less – the least, but got the best (C) the highest
grade. (D) high
g. We argued longer – the longest than I thought we would. (E) highest
h. My sisters laughed louder – the loudest out of the whole audience.
i. The two guys who enjoyed the game more – most were Tom and 11 This machine is __________ of the two models in the shop, so you
Robert. should buy that one.
j. George drives more recklessly – the most recklessly than his brother.
(A) more modern
05 Peter’s house is __________ mine. (B) the most modern
(C) one of the most modern
(A) larger as (D) as modern as
(B) most larger than (E) the more modern
(C) larger than
(D) so large than 12 He started to work even __________ when he saw his supervisor.
(E) more large than
(A) as hurried as
06 Which is the option that completes the sentences correctly? (B) hurried enough
(C) more hurriedly
I. English is not __________ as Portuguese. (D) the most hurried
II. Australia is __________ island in the world. (E) so hurriedly that
III. In my opinion, Frank Sinatra was __________ singer of this century.
IV. São Paulo is __________ as New York. 13 People in America Iive ____________ than many other people.
V. Europe is __________ from Brazil than EUA.
(A) extravagant
(A) so difficult – bigger – the best – more noisier – as farther (B) extravagantly
(B) difficultest – biggest – the good – as noisier – farther (C) more extravagant
(C) as difficult – the biggest – the best – as noisy – farther (D) more extravagantly
(D) as difficult – the bigger – the best – so noisy – farther (E) the most extravagant
(E) difficulter – most big – better – noisiest – so farther
14 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da
07 Choose the alternative in which there is a superlative form of the expressão, em destaque, a seguir: Você é a pessoa mais interessante
adjective: que já conheci.

(A) The Brazilians are very friendly. (A) the more interesting
(B) The old man is arriving right now. (B) the interestinger
(C) The spring is the season of flowers. (C) the most interesting
(D) New York is the most beautiful city. (D) the much interesting
(E) the best interesting
08 The Mediterranean Sea, which means ‘in the midst of lands’ In Latin,
is the world’s _________ island sea and surrounded by Europe, Asia, and 15 The phrase “longer than” is one of the comparatives of the adjective
Africa. “long”. Choose the alternative which has another comparative form and a
superlative form:
(A) larger
(B) as large (A) as long – logest
(C) largest (B) so much longer – longest
(D) the larger (C) as long – the longest
(E) the largest (D) as long as – longest
(E) as long as – the longest

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 171

Unit 10

16 Which alternatives contain comparative statements? d. Although I’ve just met you, I feel _________ I’ve known you all my
I. Some dreams are more mysterious than others. e. Using the sheets ______ a rope, he managed to escape.
II. Some dreams are as real as life. f. It looks ______ it’s going to rain.
III. Some dreams are longer than others.
IV. Freud became famous for studying dreams. 02 Circle the correct word or phrase in the sentences below.
V. It is clear that some dreams are universal.
a. The fish was so tasty as – as tasty as the meat.
(A) I. b. The book is the most interesting – the more interesting I’ve ever read.
(B) I and III c. This temple is the eldest – the oldest in all Europe.
(C) I, II, IV and V. d. That dress is a lot longer than – that the other one.
(D) I, II and III. e. Nothing is worse – worst than being stuck in a traffic jam.
(E) All the sentences. f. That skyscraper is one of the taller – tallest buildings in the world.
g. The test wasn’t as hard as – hard as I thought.
17 As ________ traffic means _____ traffic accidents, people should h. Actually, today I feel more bad – worse than I did yesterday.
use public transportation more. i. Our journey took longer than – the longest we expected.
j. Could you work more quietly – more quieter, please?
(A) more / less
(B) fewer / fewer 03 Fill in the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the
(C) a few / less adjectives in brackets:
(D) less / fewer
(E) few / less a. I speak English __________________ now than last year. (fluent)
b. She greeted me ___________________ of all. (polite)
18 There was ________ a strong wind ________ we decided to stay c. She smiled __________________ than before. (happy)
indoors. d. This girl dances _________________ of all. (graceful)
e. Could you write __________________? (clear)
(A) so / that f. Planes can fly ________________ than birds. (high)
(B) such / as g. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives _______________ than
(C) so / as before. (careful)
(D) too / that h. Jim can run _________________ than John. (fast)
(E) such / that i. Our team played _________________ of all. (bad)
j. He worked _________________ than ever before. (hard)
19 Cars are becoming _______ damaging to the environment ______
factory chimneys. 04 Fill in the blank with the correct comparative form of the adverb in
(A) as / as
(B) so / that a. He arrived ___________________ than expected. (early)
(C) so / as b. We walked ___________________ than the rest of the people.
(D) much / than (slowly)
(E) such / as c. They called us ___________________ in the afternoon. (late)
d. My mother and my sister talked ________________ than the other
20 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a guests. (loudly)
seguir: e. He hit his arm _____________________ than before. (hard)
I firmly believe that the tougher the laws, __________ the criminal rate. f. The Spanish athlete ran _______________ than the other runners.
g. Jim threw the ball ______________________ than Peter. (far)
(A) the lowest h. We answered all the questions _________________ than the other
(B) lowest
 students. (well)
(C) the lower i. Our new teacher explains the exercises ___________________ than
(D) lower our old teacher. (badly)
(E) low j. The new mechanic checked the car ___________________ than the
old mechanic. (thoroughly).

05 Complete the sentence meaningfully: Everybody feels __________ in

spring time.
01 Complete using AS or LIKE:
(A) gooder

a. My grandfather worked _______ a miner. (B) more good
b. Irina’s jacket is the same _______ mine. (C) so good

c. You sound just _____ your mother when you’re angry. (D) better

(E) as good

172 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Comparative and superlative INGLÊS
Unit 10

06 Indique a alternativa que corresponde ao sentido oposto de LESS 13 Choose the only correct alternative to complete the spaces:
GUILTY empregado em “It enables them to feel less guilty”:
I. The United States is not __________ as Brazil.
(A) Guiltier
 II. The Everest is __________ mountain in the world.
(B) Guiltiest
 III. Chimpanzees are __________ than dogs.
(C) More guilty IV. Aids is __________ disease of human being.
(D) Most guilty V. Mike Tyson is __________ as Evander Holyfield.
(E) Much guilty.
(A) as beautiful – the higher – so intelligent – the bad – more strong
07 In “It was a fair game”, we conclude that the game was played: (B) more beautiful – the most high – as intelligent – the baddest – so strong
(C) so beautiful – the high – most intelligent – the badder – stronger
(A) well
 (D) so beautiful – the highest – more intelligent – the worst – as strong
(B) badly
 (E) as beautiful – as highest – more intelligent – the worst – strongest
(C) honestly
(D) brilliantly 14 All the alternatives below are examples of comparatives, except:

08 Riding a horse is not _________ riding a bicycle. (A) “...children as young as two...”
(B) “...scored higher than people who...”
(A) so easy as (C) “...listening longer results in staying smarter longer”.
(B) easyer than (D) “...Mozart was a quick thinker”.
(C) more easy than (E) “Mozart makes you smarter!”
(D) the least easy
(E) so easy so 15 She is beautiful, but she is __________ her brother.

(A) most beautiful of

09 Our examination may be __________ the last one.
(B) less beautiful
(C) as beautiful
(A) more bad than
(D) not so beautiful
(B) more worse than
(E) not as beautiful as
(C) much bad than
(D) worse than
16 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do termo “fewer”
(E) more badly than
como no exemplo “fewer than one in five owners of a mobile-wallet
10 Choose the sentence(s) that contains(contain) adjectives in the
comparative form: (A) Mary has fewer money than John.
(B) My teacher has fewer patience than the other teachers.
(A) Chris Dawson is a good climber. (C) This company has fewer equipments than the others.
(B) He feels cold in the morning. (D) My brother plays fewer musics than I do.
(C) People in expeditions usually know each other. (E) Sue has fewer friends than her sister does.
(D) Climbing mountains is more difficult than swimming.
(E) She is the most beautiful girl here. 17 The sequence that has the same formation of the words “newer” and
“higher” is:
11 Qual o superlativo de “little”?
(A) good – dark – late.
(A) Most little. (B) tough – tight – clear.
(B) Littlest. (C) great – far – easy.
(C) Lesser. (D) distant – tidy – thick.
(D) Least. (E) big – wide – dangerous.
(E) Less.
18 The only item that contains an adjective used in the superlative form
12 Marque a alternativa correta: is:

Your classroom is not so __________ as mine. Mine is the (A) “The widespread destruction (...) is happening before we even know
__________ in the school. the most basic facts about what we are losing.”
(B) “Covering only 6 percent of the Earth’s surface, tropical moist forests
contain at least half of all species.”
(A) bigger – biggest (C) “Scientists estimate that (...) as much as 20 or 25 percent of the
(B) greater – greatest world’s plant species will soon be extinct.”
(C) great – greater
 (D) “However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs (...) simple
(D) large – largest
 extraction is usually less expensive than synthesis.”
(E) large – more large (E) “Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for both women
and men.”

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 173

Unit 10

19 O adjetivo GREATEST em “One of the GREATEST meteor showers of Subway said in a statement that it was pleased the judge found no
our lifetime may (...) soon light up the night sky” está no grau: wrongdoing on its part.
“This allows us to move forward, without distractions, on our goal to
(A) comparativo de igualdade. provide great tasting sandwiches and salads, made exactly as each guest
(B) superlativo de superioridade. likes. We have already taken steps to ensure each guest receives the
(C) comparativo de superioridade. Footlong or six-inch sandwich they order,” the statement said.
(D) comparativo de inferioridade.
(E) normal. 01 According to the text it is correct to affirm that:
20 (A) people are not satisfied with the size of their sandwiches.
With the 2014 World Cup being awarded to Brazil, it could be easily (B) a newspaper in New York was the first to notice the different size of
argued that football is going home. Ok, so football was originated in Britain Subway’s Footlong.
and we invented the game, but Brazilians have perfected it. They’ve taken (C) the judge believes Subway did not do it on purpose.
the game to their hearts and elevated it to the extent that it is a religion to (D) subway’s objective is to provide the biggest sandwiches.
the people. The blue and yellow clad players of Brazil have given us some
memorable moments and play the game with a style and rhythm that no 02 The word “damages” in “It was difficult to prove monetary damages,
other nation on earth seems capable of. The game is played to a samba ...” can be replaced by:
beat that runs through the heart and soul of the entire country. When they
are on song, they are unstoppable and people the world over clamour to (A) loss.
see them play. Chances are, if you asked people to name the team they (B) good.
want to see win aside from their own it would be the magicians from Brazil. (C) gain.
(D) profit.
O autor do texto acredita que:
03 According to Zimmerman:
(A) a religião e o futebol são as duas principais paixões do povo brasileiro.

(B) os brasileiros foram os principais responsáveis pela profissionalização (A) it was hard to prove any money loss because there was no physical
do futebol. evidence.
(C) pessoas de outras nacionalidades também torcem pela Seleção (B) people ate the sandwich so they could go to the justice.
Brasileira de Futebol.
 (C) people needed to eat the evidence in front of the judge.
(D) os momentos mais marcantes da história do futebol mundial foram (D) the evidence disappeared during the trial.
concebidos pela Seleção Brasileira.
(E) várias outras seleções do mundo tentam, em vão, imitar o estilo de 04 In the sentence “This allows us to move forward,…”, the highlighted
jogo da Seleção Brasileira. word refers to:

(A) The law suit moved against Subway and its consequences.
(B) The distractions.
(C) The statement.
Texto para as questões de 01 a 05: (D) The monetary damages.

05 The sentence “This allows us to move forward”in the interrogative

Size matters: Subway promises its footlong
form is:
sandwiches will be... a foot long
Subway customers can finally rest assured that their “Footlong” (A) This allows us to move forward?
sandwiches will be as long as promised, after the chain agreed that the (B) Is this allows us to move forward?
bread it uses will be at least 12 inches long. (C) Does this allow us to move forward?
The undertaking is part of the settlement of a class-action suit filed (D) Do this allows us to move forward?
against the fast food chain after an Australian teenager in 2013 posted an
image of his sandwich on Facebook that was only 11 inches long. Texto para as questões de 06 a 10:
The image garnered international media attention, including an
investigation by the New York Post, which found that four out of seven
Rio de Janeiro bus in deadly viaduct fall
“Footlongs” it purchased in New York “measured only 11 or 11.5 inches.” The bus landed on its roof after falling from the viaduct
Seven people have died in Rio de Janeiro after a bus fell 10 m from a
A judge had given preliminary approval in October to a settlement
viaduct in the city centre, Brazilian police say.
between Subway’s parent company and lawyers for the plaintiffs. Final
approval was granted on 25 February. As part of the settlement, Subway Several more passengers were injured as the 328 bus crashed onto
agreed to ensure that for at least four years its bread will be at least the Avenida Brasil, one of the city’s main thoroughfares, landing on its roof.
12 inches long. The judge approved $520,000 in lawyers’ fees and $500 for Eighteen passengers were reportedly on the bus at the time of the accident.
each of the 10 individuals who brought the class action, but no monetary Fire engines, ambulances and two helicopters have been working to
claims were awarded. ferry the injured to hospitals. Police said those killed were five men and
“It was difficult to prove monetary damages, because everybody ate two women.
the evidence,” said Thomas Zimmerman, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.

174 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Comparative and superlative INGLÊS
Unit 10

The accident happened around 16:30 (20:30 BST) close to Rio’s 08 O texto anterior apresenta verbos no passado. Assinale a frase na qual
Governor’s Island, in the northern area of the city. Globo TV footage shot o verbo no passado encontra-se incorreto:
from a helicopter showed emergency teams evacuating the injured from
the overturned bus with rush-hour traffic at a standstill on Avenida Brasil. (A) She prayed all night for his soul.
The cause of the accident is not yet known. However, Globo cited a (B) They married at the end of the month.
witness as saying that the driver had a dispute with a passenger shortly (C) I paid lots of money for that mobile.
before the crash. Police say they are investigating. (D) He studyed hard for Physics last week.

Disponível em: <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-22010129>. 09 O pronome “they” em “Police say they are investigating” refere-se a:

06 Quantos passageiros estavam no ônibus quando o acidente aconteceu? (A) police.

(B) globo.
(A) Sete. (C) passenger and driver.
(B) 18. (D) witness.
(C) 80.
(D) Não é mencionado no texto. 10 Assinale a alternativa que apresente a frase “those killed were five
men and two women” na forma interrogativa:
07 De acordo com a testemunha, qual a causa do acidente?
(A) Those killed were five men and two women?
(A) O motorista estava em alta velocidade. (B) Did those killed were five men and two women?
(B) O motorista teve uma discussão com um passageiro logo antes do (C) Were those killed five men and two women?
acidente. (D) Do those killed five men and two women?
(C) Houve um acidente na frente do caminho do ônibus.
(D) Havia um buraco e o motorista teve que desviar.

















AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 175

Unit 10






























176 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2


Perfect tenses I
1. The Present Perfect Tense 1.2 Usage
Muitos, principalmente aqueles que têm como língua-mãe algo de 1.2.1 Actions beginning in the past and continuing
origem latina, não conseguem entender o conceito do tempo perfeito no
presente e acabam usando incorretamente o mesmo. up to the present moment
O Present Perfect sempre irá sugerir uma relação entre o presente e • Present Perfect + advérbios indicando “até o presente”
o passado, por isso, a oração I’ve had lunch provavelmente implica que Não usamos o Present Perfect com advérbios que fazem referência
eu o fiz muito recentemente, assim como I’ve been here since February ao tempo passado (ago, yesterday, etc.), pois eles expressam uma ideia
mostra uma conexão entre o passado e o presente. finita de tempo. Advérbios como before (now), so far, up till now, up to
No Present Perfect, a referência de tempos é muitas vezes indefinida; the presente são comumente usados com o Present Perfect por trazerem
frequentemente estamos interessados nos resultados no presente, ou na a ideia de conexão do passado com o presente.
maneira como algo que aconteceu no passado afeta o presente. I’ve eaten twelve bananas so far this morning.
She’s never eaten a mango before. Have you ever eaten a mango?
1.1 Form
Olga hasn’t appeared on TV before now.
O Present Perfect é formado pelo auxiliar have/has + past participle
do verbo principal.
• Present Perfect + since e for
She has sung many hits lately. Muitas vezes usamos since e for com o Present Perfect quando nos
David and Roxy have broken up. referimos a períodos de tempo até o presente.
Vale lembrar que a listagem de verbos apresentada na UNIT 3 deve Since é usado quando queremos especificar o momento quando a
ser reutilizada para o estudo desse capítulo já que o past participle dos ação começou, um momento marcado no passado:
verbos irregulares encontram-se na terceira coluna da listagem de verbos Tom hasn’t been home since he was a boy.
enquanto os verbos regulares seguem o mesmo padrão da formação do
I saw Fiona in May and I haven’t seen her since.
passado, acrescentando-se o ED ao final do verbo na base.
I’ve lived here since 1980.
• Verbos irregulares: have – had – had; sing – sang – sung; go – went For é usado quando queremos mostrar o período de tempo de uma
– gone ação e pode ser empregado com qualquer tempo verbal, diferentemente
• Verbos regulares: listen – listened; study – studied; dance – danced do since.
I’ve lived here for five years. (and I still live here)
Subject + have + past participle Subject + has + past I lived here for five years. (I don’t live here now)
They have studied hard. participle
She has studied hard. I am here for six weeks. (that’s how long I’m going to stay)

Subject + haven’t + past participle Subject + hasn’t + past 1.2.2 Actions occurring at an unspecified time in the
They haven’t studied hard. participle past with some kind of connexion to the present
She hasn’t studied hard.
• Present Perfect sem um advérbio de tempo
Have + subject + past participle ...? Has + subject + past Usamos o Present Perfect sem um advérbio de tempo, porque estamos
? Have they studied hard? participle ...? mais preocupados com as consequências de algo no agora do que quando
Has she studied hard? a ação aconteceu, sendo a mesma recente ou antiga.
 Yes, subject + have.
Yes, they have.
Yes, subject + has.
Yes, she has.
Have you passed your driving test?
Jason has been arrested.
 No, subject + haven’t. No, subject + hasn’t.
Tina hasn’t seen Jurassic Park.
No, they haven’t. No, she hasn’t.

• Present Perfect para ações recentes

©Ildo Frazao/iStock

Alguns advérbios podem ser usados para ações em um tempo recente:

– Just
I’ve just tidied up the kitchen.
– Recently
He’s recently arrived from New York.
– Already (em perguntas e afirmativas)
Have you typed my letters already? (surpresa por já ter sido feito)
Yes, I’ve already typed them.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 177

Unit 11

– Yet (em perguntas sobre eventos que esperamos notícias e em 2.1 Form
negativas quando algo não ocorreu, mas era esperado)
Have you passed your driving test yet? O Present Perfect Continuous é formado pelo auxiliar have/has +
been + main verb + ing.
I haven’t passed my driving test yet.
She has been complaining a lot since you left.
Haven’t you passed your driving test yet? (surpresa por ainda não
ter sido feito) They haven’t been doing well lately.
– Still, at last, finally
I still haven’t passed my driving test. Subject + have + been + Subject + has + been + verb
I have passed my driving test at last. verb + ing + ing
They have been working a She has been working a lot lately.
• Present Perfect para ações repetitivas e habituais lot lately.
Esse uso do Present Perfect é associado aos advérbios de frequência Subject + haven’t + been Subject + hasn’t + been +
e expressões como three/four/several times. + verb + ing verb + ing
They haven’t been working She hasn’t been working a lot
I’ve watched him on TV several times.
a lot lately. lately.
I’ve often wondered why I get such a poor reception on my radio.
Have + subject + been + Has + subject + been + verb
She’s attended classes regularly. She’s always worked hard.
verb + ing ...? + ing ...?
Have they been working a Has she been working a lot lately?
1.3 Present Perfect versus Simple Past lot lately?
O Simple Past, como vimos anteriormente, é usado com expressões
de tempo que indicam um tempo definido. O tempo pode estar explícito  Yes, subject + have.
Yes, they have.
Yes, subject + has.
Yes, she has.
ou implícito.
I bought the car after all. (tempo implícito)
 No, subject + haven’t. No, subject + hasn’t.
No, they haven’t. No, she hasn’t.
I bought the car in 2010. (tempo explícito)
Como já foi mencionado neste capítulo, o Present Perfect é usado
quando falamos sobre eventos no passado, mas sem um tempo definido.
2.2 Usage
Jim has bought a new car.
2.2.1 Ações em progresso por um período
A escolha entre o uso do Simple Past ou do Present Perfect para
eventos recentes resulta da atitude de quem fala. Isso vai depender se o Usamos o Present Perfect Continuous quando queremos enfatizar que
falante se sente perto ou distante em tempo ou espaço do evento ocorrido. uma atividade esteve em progresso por um período, principalmente com
consequências no agora. Dependendo do contexto, essa atividade pode
I’ve left my wallet in the car. I’m going back to get it.
ou não ainda estar em progresso no presente.
Nessa frase, a pessoa sente que o evento está conectado com o
She is very tired. She’s been typing reports all day.
presente e pode ainda estar perto do carro.
Alguns verbos como learn, lie, live, rain, sit, sleep, study, wait, work
I left my wallet in the car. I’m going back to get it.
naturalmente sugerem continuidade e ocorrem com o tempo progressivo.
A pessoa sente-se separada do evento no tempo, ou seja, não há uma Apesar disso, há também a possibilidade de usar o tempo simples com
relação com o presente ou ela pode estar longe do carro. esses verbos de “continuidade”, perdendo somente a ênfase que é
adquirida quando usamos o tempo contínuo.
2. The Present Perfect Continuous I’ve been working for Exxon for 15 years.
I’ve worked for Exxon for 15 years.

2.2.2 Ações repetidas

O Present Perfect Continuous é usado para mostrar que uma ação é
(ou foi) frequentemente repetida.
Jim has been phoning Jenny every night for the past week.
Tim and Jenny have been seeing each other a lot since she broke up
with Jim.

2.2.3 Conclusões alcançadas

Quando queremos mostrar que chegamos a uma conclusão nos
baseando em evidência direta ou indireta, usamos o tempo contínuo.
Her eyes are red. She’s been crying.
You have crumbles all over your shirt. You’ve been eating the cake
without me!

178 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Perfect tenses I INGLÊS
Unit 11

Solução: Letra D.
away back As letras B e C devem ser completadas com a palavra for enquanto as
ruin a secret return letras A e E deveriam estar no tempo perfeito para que o since pudesse
up something ser usado apropriadamente.
stop trying
in 03 So far the President _____________________.
stop fighting (A) has not been elected.
over give (B) will never be elected.
abandon, (C) would be elected soon.
cease off
(D) had been elected.
out (E) would have been elected.
onto Solução: Letra A.
provide access Ao usarmos a expressão so far, temos uma clara conexão entre o passado
e o agora, por isso devemos usar o Present Perfect.

Building up your vocabulary

Phrasal verbs: give
01 Supply the Present Perfect Tense form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. His wife suggested that he give ________ working such long
hours if it was making him so unhappy. a. I _____________________ (speak) to him about it several times.
2. We need to protect ourselves from the radiation that the sun gives b. We ______________________ (finish) all our homework.
_________. c. He ________________________ (visit) us many times.
3. I avoid movie reviews that give ________ plot twists. d. Everybody _______________________ (return) the books at last.
4. He gave ______ on writing the novel. e. I’m afraid that I ______________________ (lose) my car keys.
5. After some minutes of argument, he finally gave _________. f. We ___________________ (write) her emails many times.
6. And he finally gave ________ my book!
7. At the end of the show they gave ________ some tickets for the 02 Complete the following sentences using already or yet.
next performance.
8. Their new house gives ________ the sea. It’s wonderful! a. He hasn’t called us ____________.
b. They have ______________ mailed the check.
c. Is it time for us to leave ______________? No, not __________.
d. John has ___________ bought the tickets.
e. But you haven’t visited Mexico _____________.
01 “_______ his chores? f. The plane has _______________ left the airport.

“Just about.” 03 Complete the following sentences using for or since.

“What do you mean ‘just about’?”
“Well, he __________ the groceries yet.” a. He has been absent __________ Monday.
b. He has worked for that firm ___________ 1957.
(A) Did John finish – bought c. He has been in the hospital ________ over a month.
(B) Is John finished – didn’t buy d. They have been best friends ___________ High School.
(C) Has John finished – hasn’t bought e. I have not eaten anything _____________ five hours.
(D) Hasn’t John finished – buys f. It has been raining hard ______________ five o’clock.
(E) Will John finish – will have bought
04 In the following sentences, complete either with the Simple Past or the
Solução: Letra C. Present Perfect of the verbs in brakets.
Por não termos um tempo específico nas orações, precisamos usar o
Present Perfect. a. I ________________ (visit) Chicago many times.
b. Mr. Smith _________________ (go) to China last week.
02 The word SINCE can be used to appropriately fill in the blanks of which c. I first ___________________ (read) this book when I was on my
sentence below? vacations last summer.
d. He __________________ (complete) his exercise at last.
(A) She is living here _________ 1997. e. We ___________________ (learn) many new words in this course.
(B) They have worked ____________ three hours. f. She says that she _____________________ (lose) her pocketbook.
(C) I had been staying at this hotel ___________ many days before I g. When I was a child, I often __________________ (travel) with my
decided to rent a house. grandpa.
(D) Frank has worked at this company _______ he moved to San h. I heard that you ______________________ (give) up the idea of
Francisco. studying Russian.
(E) Edward lives in New York __________ he was born.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 179

Unit 11

05 Life is so dull! I __________ anything interesting happen to me in 11 Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente
ages! as lacunas da frase apresentada:

(A) had
 Sandy: Hi, Jack.

(B) have not
 Jack: Hi, Sandy.

(C) have had
 Sandy: Gosh! I __________ you for ages!

(D) don’t have Jack: That’s true. I __________ from a trip to Japan just yesterday.
(E) haven’t had
(A) saw – am returning

06 Qual destas sentenças está correta? (B) saw – returned

(C) have seen – have returned

(A) I don’t have never taken a course in Japanese. (D) haven’t seen – returned

(B) I have never taken a course in Japanese.
 (E) haven’t seen – have returned
(C) I never didn’t take a course in Japanese still.
(D) I ever did not take a course in Japanese. 12 Assinale a alternativa correta:
(E) I took not a course in Japanese ever.
(A) I live here since 1970.

07 Indique a resposta certa para “Has he heard the news?” (B) I have lived here since 1970.
(C) I am living here since 1970.
(A) No, I didn’t.
 (D) I will live here since 1970.

(B) No, I haven’t heard the news. (E) I would live here since 1970.
(C) No, he hasn’t.

(D) No, I haven’t.
 13 We’re still waiting for Bill. He __________ yet.
(E) No, you haven’t.
(A) hasn’t come
08 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: (B) haven’t come
Have you __________ the correct alternative? (C) didn’t come
(D) doesn’t come
(A) choose (E) hadn’t come
(B) chase

(C) choosed 14 In only a short time, the computer __________ the way in which many
(D) chose jobs __________.
(E) chosen
(A) had changed – do

09 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase (B) changed – have done

a seguir: (C) has changed – are done

(D) are changing – were done

He __________ learning English five years ago but he __________ (E) will change – have been doing
it yet.
15 Assinale a alternativa correta:

(A) has started – does not learn
(B) started – has not learned
 Have you __________ my Uncle Jack?
(C) has started – learn

(D) started – have not learned (A) not meet
(E) have started – did not learn (B) meets

(C) meeting
10 Black Nigerian students have, on average __________ consistently (D) met
better academically than their white European classmates. (E) meet

Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente 16 Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence below correctly:
a lacuna do texto:
Mexico ________________ many difficult crises in history, but now
(A) did it __________ its own future.
(B) does
(C) do
 (A) has faced – is shaping

(D) done (B) faced – was shaped

(E) doing (C) have faced – shapes

(D) have been facing – shaped
(E) faces – has been shaped

180 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Perfect tenses I INGLÊS
Unit 11

17 Complete a frase a seguir com a forma verbal mais adequada para g. I love shoes. I ________________________ (buy) a lot this year.
cada lacuna: h. What time ________________________ home last night? (you/get)
i. The weather _____________________ very good last week. (not/
The kids __________ in love with the Tamagotchi when they first be)
__________ it, but they __________ with it lately. j. Brian ____________________ in Boston until the age of 14. (live)

(A) fell – saw – have not played 02 Fill in with for, since, just, already, yet.
(B) fall–see–did not play

(C) fell – see – did not play
 a. Helen has studied German ___________ she was ten years old.
(D) have fallen – seen – do not play b. Tom hasn’t done his homework _________ and his mother is angry
(E) fall – saw – have not played with him.
c. All students have _____________ finished the test.
18 Since 1935 researchers have known that when laboratory rats and d. My cousin has lived in San Francisco ____________ five years.
mice are fed a very-low-calorie diet – 30 to 50 percent of their normal e. His football team has won all the matches ___________ 2001.
intake – they live about 30 percent longer than their well-fed confreres, as f. Mr Harrison has __________ moved to a new flat in London.
long as they get sufficient nutrition. g. Sheila hasn’t had any accidents __________ fifteen years.
h. I haven’t met my boyfriend _________ last Saturday night.
A locução verbal have known indica uma noção de temporalidade referente i. The Irishman has _________ drunk a few pints of beer at the pub.
a: j. Stephen and his sister have ___________ gone to bed.

(A) dois momentos no passado. 03 Choose the correct word in italics.

(B) passado e futuro.

(C) passado, exclusivamente.
 a. Sarah’s been to the theater twice this month – last month.
(D) passado e presente. b. Tom’s driven this car many times – in 2015.
c. John has finished – finished the course three weeks ago.
19 d. Dave loves his job. He did – has done it since he was twenty-four.
“Since 1985 the Shop __________ a Company limited by guarantee e. ‘Mary has arrived’. ‘Really? When has she got – did she get here?’
with charitable status; its aim is primarily to relieve poverty in developing f. My father bought a new car this year – two years ago.
countries.” g. They’ve been online four hours ago – for four hours.
Panfleto da loja ONE WORLD SHOP, em Edimburgo, Escócia. h. I’m having problems with David. He has called – has been calling me
up in the middle of the night and told – telling me his troubles.
A alternativa que melhor preenche a lacuna do texto acima é: i. What did you think – have you thought of Brighton? Did you stay – Have
you stayed there long?
(A) is

(B) was
 04 Complete the following text with the correct form of the verb:
(C) had been
(D) have been A long time ago London __________ an important city, but it
(E) has been __________ different from London today. There __________ not very
many big buildings. There __________ a lot of small boats on the river.
20 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do Presente
Perfeito do verbo “become”, como em “Internet cafes have become this (A) is, is, are, are

generation’s equivalent of the telephone booth”: (B) was, is, are, are

(C) was, was, were, were
(A) He has become a political leader in 1984.
 (D) was, is, were, were

(B) She has become a U.S. citizen before she moved to Australia.
 (E) had been, is, were, are
(C) She has become a widow right after the war.

(D) She has become his wife five years ago.
 05 Assinale a alternativa correta:
(E) He has become ill.
Why __________ go home now?

(A) aren’t we

(B) didn’t we

01 Complete the sentences using the Simple Past or the Present Perfect. (C) haven’t we
(D) don’t we

a. I _________________ the twins in town last week. (see) (E) wouldn’t we
b. _________________________ her brother? (you/ever/meet)
c. __________________________ here last weekend? (you/be)
d. Granny still _____________________ her glasses. (not/find)
e. Emma! Your letter _____________________ at last! (arrive)
f. The weather _______________________ good all week. (be)

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 181

Unit 11

06 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: 11 In the sentence, “I have had leading positions in political and public
office for nearly 30 years”, the words highlighted describe an action which:
She __________ for you since 4 p.m.
(A) was repeated in the past.

(A) has been waiting (B) continues up to the present.
(B) had been waiting (C) continues to the future.

(C) waits
 (D) goes to the past.

(D) is waiting (E) was completed in the past.
(E) was waiting
12 In the sentences:
07 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence:
The large scale entrance of women into the professions since the
She __________ his proposal, but she __________ a decision for a while.
1960s has posed many ideological and aesthetic challenges. Many of
the basic principles, associated with exclusively male executive office
(A) considers – doesn’t need to make

subcultures, have endured.
(B) is considering – doesn’t want to make
(C) has considered – had to take

(D) has been considering – is taking
 The temporal reference expressed by the verb forms has posed and have
(E) considered – needs to take endured is best analyzed as:

08 (A) situations beginning at a prior point continuing into the present.

(B) actions occurring at a specified prior time with current relevance.
But what has been so frustrating about the market reactions in recent
(C) actions completed in the past prior to other past points in time.

months is that despite the surging economy, inflation has not been rising.
(D) situations developed over a prior time period and now completed.
It has remained flat, at around 3 percent, and ¢ yet Wall Street, certain
that the shadow it sees is the ghost of higher inflation come to haunt the
13 The same verb tense used in “The jokes haven’t stopped yet” is
trading floors, has been clamoring to the Federal Reserve for higher rates.
appropriately used in:
The New York Times Magazine. May 22, 1994.
(A) The books have been read last week.

O que determinou a utilização do Present Perfect Tense no parágrafo (B) They’ve done that before.

acima foi: (C) The noise has stopped when I went to bed.
(D) The film has started at 6:00 p.m. before long.
(A) o estilo do autor.
 (E) We’ve seen each other the night before.
(B) a referência a um tempo passado não explicitado no texto.

(C) a referência a acontecimentos e/ou sentimentos desencadeados no 14 Considering the correct use of the Present Perfect Tense, choose the
passado e que continuam no presente.
 correct alternative:
(D) a atribuição de maior ênfase ao que se pretende dizer.

(E) a referência a sentimentos e/ou acontecimentos que ocorrem no (1) I’ve answered all the questions.

presente. (2) He has stayed in that position for half an hour.
(3) Jane’s written a book.

09 Se o sujeito da oração “Machines have already converged” estivesse (4) The writer has written a new book last year.

no singular e fosse mantido o tempo do verbo, a forma verbal destacada: (5) Lice has been a problem to mankind for years.
(6) Some thieves have robbed the bank a week ago.
(A) ficaria inalterada.
 (7) My men has slept for five hours.
(B) seria trocada por “had converged”.

(C) se transformaria em “is being converged”. (A) 1 – 2 – 5 – 7.

(D) seria substituída por “has converged”.
 (B) 1 – 2 – 4 – 5.

(E) passaria para “is converging”. (C) 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7.
(D) 2 – 3 – 7.

10 In the sentence “Fortunately, people have invented countless ways of (E) 1 – 2.
amusing themselves”, the highlighted verb tense is:
15 The sentences “Plato acknowledged the power of poetry”, “This is
(A) present perfect continuous. simply the accepted mode of referential writing”, “Traditionally, literary
(B) present perfect simple.
 texts have been easy to identify” and “In the 20th century, much attention
(C) simple present.
 has been given to the language of literature” are respectively in the:
(D) simple past.
(E) past perfect. (A) simple past, present perfect, present perfect and present perfect.

(B) simple past, simple present, present perfect and present perfect.
(C) simple past, simple present, past perfect and present perfect

(D) past perfect, simple present, present perfect and present perfect

182 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Perfect tenses I INGLÊS
Unit 11

16 Some men __________ no jobs lately. panther this side of the Mississippi. Well, old Davy, who was believed to
be half varmint himself, beat that darned beast in arm-to-claw combat,
(A) haven’t found with nothing but a stick! He couldn’t bring himself to kill the magnificent
(B) have found
 beast, however, so he tamed him, brought him home, and taught him how
(C) doesn’t find to rake the leaves!
(D) has found Davy Crockett was considered to be a real-life inspiration for the new
pioneers of America. Tall tales about him and others like him spurred these
17 The paint is wet because he __________ the picture. settlers to struggle against the very real hardships of the wild frontier.
These stories also helped to create a new “American personality”, which
(A) is just ending
 vigorously rejected the strict class-based European society in favor of the
(B) just ended
 wits, determinations, and confidence of the individual. For all their bravado
(C) have just ended and humor, tall tales such as those illustrate the struggle of the individual
(D) has just ending against nature, as well as the wary respect for the dangers of nature, that
(E) has just ended are part of the American character today.

18 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna: 01 The main purpose of the text is to show:
I __________ the book for a couple of hours now.
(A) Davy Crockett’s power.
(A) had read
 (B) the American character’s origins.
(B) am read
 (C) the American struggle to survive.
(C) had been read
 (D) Davy Crockett’s life.
(D) having read

(E) have been reading 02 According to the second paragraph, where could Davy carry thunder?

19 As military spending has fallen, Brazil’s arms makers __________. (A) In his arms.
(B) In his hands.
(A) have been struggling (C) In his hat.
(B) would be struggling (D) In his bag.
(C) had been struggling
(D) has struggled 03 The expression struggle in “the struggle of the individual against nature”
(E) were struggling has the same idea as:

20 Find the correct answer:
He __________ letters since lunch. (A) great effort
(B) quarrel
(A) is writing
 (C) comfort
(B) have been writing (D) effortlessness
(C) have written

(D) writes
 04 The pronoun him in “so he tamed him,...” refers to:
(E) has been writing
(A) the combat
(B) Davy Crockett
(C) the Big Eater of the Forest
(D) Mississippi
Texto para as questões 01 a 07:
05 According to paragraph two, Davy Crockett fought the beast:
Davy Crockett is the most famous of America’s early frontier men and
(A) bare handed
women. Born in Tennessee in 1786, Davy was the son of settlers, and
(B) with his claws
learned early on how to survive in this rugged “New World” by hunting,
(C) with some wood
trapping, and clearing the land. Davy was elected to Congress by his home
(D) with a knife
state in 1827, and quickly became a popular folk figure. After his death in
1836 at the Alamo – fighting for Texas’ independence from Mexico – many
06 Mark the option closest in meaning to “He couldn’t bring himself to
exaggerated stories, or “tall tales”, were invented about Davy’s strength
kill the magnificent beast”:
and abilities.
It is said that Davy Crockett could carry thunder in his fists and throw (A) He didn’t have the strength to kill the animal.
lightning from his fingers. That’s the same Davy who liked to shout, “I’m (B) He couldn’t find a way to kill the animal.
half horse, half alligator and a bit of snapping turtle!” By the time Davy was (C) He couldn’t find anyone to help him kill the animal.
eight years old, it is believed that he weighed 200 pounds with his shoes (D) He could not cause the death of the animal.
off, his feet clean, and his belly empty! No one could be said to be stronger,
braver, or more cunning. One night, in the middle of a thunderstorm, Davy
encountered the Big Eater of the Forest – the biggest, meanest, wildest

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 183

Unit 11

07 In the sentence “many exaggerated stories, or “tall tales”, were invented 08 Read the statements and mark the correct option:
about Davy’s strength and abilities”, the underlined item was used in the
same way as in: I. Davy poked the bear so she stopped roaring.
II. In order for Dave to climb up the tree, he had to become a squirrel.
(A) Joana’s seen many ghosts in her life. III. Betsy was Dave’s rifle.
(B) I don’t think Luke’s constant complaints are the result of bad health.
(C) Jenny’s got a gun and she is not afraid to use it. The correct statement (s) is (are):
(D) Everybody’s aware of the facts: they just don’t want to face them!
(A) I and II
Texto para as questões 08 a 10: (B) II and III
(C) I and III
It is said that Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier, found himself (D) III.
suffering with a mighty toothache one fall morning as he was hunting with
his rifle, Betsy. That tooth just kept bothering him till he thought he could 09 After reading the text we can infer that:
stand it no longer.
It is believed that just then Davy heard a great roaring behind him like (A) Davy’s reputation went beyond the human world.
a huge clap of thunder. Feeling mean and ornery as thunder himself, he (B) Everybody uses a bear’s tail to cure a toothache.
decided to investigate. The sound was coming from inside a big old hollow (C) Davy went after the bear because he wanted to hunt her down.
tree, so Davy climbed up that tree like a squirrel and then fell in head first! (D) The bear roared because she was waking up.
He landed on a huge, soft smelly old she-bear who must have roared that
roar moments before to clean out her snoring tubes! 10 “Davy wasn’t going to stay stuck in that tree with that bear all winter,
so he pulled out his knife and gave her a little poke.” The underlined word
Davy wasn’t going to stay stuck in that tree with that bear all winter, so refers to:
he pulled out his knife and gave her a little poke. The she-bear was ready
to eat him alive when she got woken up – till she saw that Davy Crockett (A) the knife
was the one poking her. Then, she turned tail and headed up and out of (B) the tree
that tree as fast as she could. That was fine by Davy who grabbed on with (C) the winter
both hands and bit down on that bear’s tail with his teeth. That bear got (D) the bear
them both out of that tree and didn’t stop running till she got to Texas. It is
said that Davy let go long before Texas, of course.
But that bite he’d taken out of that bear’s tail completely cured his
toothache and he went out telling everyone about the new cure. In fact,
down in Tennessee it is still claimed that a bite of a bear’s tail is the very
best cure for toothache.













184 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2


Perfect tenses II
1. The Past Perfect Usado dessa maneira, o Past Perfect pode enfatizar a completude
da ação.
I began collecting stamps in February and by November I had collected
1.1 Form more than 2000.
Formamos o Past Perfect com o auxiliar had + past participle do
verbo principal.

He had watched the film before.
I had cleaned my bedroom when my mom arrived.

Subject + had + past participle + (...)

He had committed a crime before.
Subject + hadn’t + past participle + (...)
He hadn’t committed a crime before.
Had + subject + past participle + (...)?
Had he committed a crime before?

 Yes, subject + had.

Yes, he had.
 No, subject + hadn’t.
No, he hadn’t.
2. The Past Perfect Continuous
1.2 Usage
1.2.1 Relação entre eventos no passado 2.1 Form
O uso principal do Past Perfect é mostrar, entre dois eventos, qual O Past Perfect Continuous é formado pelo auxiliar had + been +
deles aconteceu primeiro. Vamos imaginar duas ações: main verb + ing.
The patient died. The doctor arrived. When he took the test, he had been working so hard.
Podemos combinar essas duas orações de várias maneiras para
mostrar a sua relação no passado: Subject + had + been + verb + ing + (...)
The patient died when the doctor arrived. They had been doing the test for hours.
(O paciente morreu no momento em que o médico chegou ou logo Subject + hadn’t + been + verb + ing + (...)
após.) They hadn’t been doing the test for hours.
The patient had died when the doctor arrived. Had + subject + been + verb + ing + (...)?
(O paciente já estava morto quando o médico chegou.) Had they been doing the test for hours?
Com o uso do Past Perfect, não há necessidade de colocar o evento
que aconteceu primeiro no início da frase nem utilizar expressões que  Yes, subject + had.
Yes, they had.
dão ideia de ordem:  No, subject + hadn’t.
The doctor arrived quickly, but the patient had already died. No, they hadn’t.
The doctor arrived only after the patient died.
Algumas conjunções são bem típicas do Past Perfect, fazendo
2.2 Usage
referência a um passado mais antigo, anterior: when, after, as soon as,
by the time that. Além disso, elas também podem carregar uma ideia de
2.2.1 Ações em progresso por um período
causa e efeito: Usamos o Past Perfect Continuous quando queremos enfatizar
We cleared up as soon as our guests had left. que uma atividade esteve em progresso durante um passado anterior,
principalmente se ela teve consequências no passado mais recente.
1.2.2 O Past Perfect como o passado do Present She was very tired. She had been typing reports all day.
Perfect Alguns verbos como learn, lie, live, rain, sit, sleep, study, wait, work
O Past Perfect às vezes funciona como a forma no passado do Present naturalmente sugerem continuidade e ocorrem com o tempo progressivo.
Perfect, o que acontece especialmente no discurso indireto. Apesar disso, há também a possibilidade de usar o tempo simples com
esses verbos de “continuidade”, perdendo somente a ênfase que é
Julie is excited because she has never been to a dance before.
adquirida quando usamos o tempo contínuo.
Julie was excited because she had never been to a dance before.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 185

Unit 12

When I first met Jane, she had been working at Virgin Records for
ten years.
4. The Future Perfect Continuous
When I first met Jane, she had worked at Virgin Records for ten years.
4.1 Form
2.2.2 Ações repetidas O Future Perfect Continuos é formado por will + have + been +
O Past Perfect Continuous é usado para mostrar que uma ação é (ou main verb + ing.
foi) frequentemente repetida. He will have been studying for hours by the time I get home.
I had been applying for jobs since I got sacked. Next year, I will have been working in the company for ten years.
Martha had been walking 3 miles a day before she broke her leg.

2.2.3 Conclusões alcançadas Subject + will + have + been + verb + ing + (...)
She will have been painting the house.
Quando queremos mostrar que chegamos a uma conclusão nos
baseando em evidência direta ou indireta, usamos o tempo contínuo: Subject + won’t + have + been + verb + ing + (...)
She won’t have been painting the house.
Her eyes were red. She had been crying.
This room was stinking! Somebody had been smoking there. Will + subject + have + been + verb + ing + (...)?
Will she have been painting the house?

3. The Future Perfect  Yes, subject + will.

Yes, she will.
 No, subject + won’t.
3.1 Form No, she won’t.
O Future Perfect é formado por will + have + past participle do 4.2 Usage
verbo principal.
I will have concluded my post-graduation course by the time I have Usamos o Future Perfect Continuous quando queremos enfatizar algo
another baby. que terá estado em progresso até um momento específico no futuro, ou
seja, algo que está em progresso agora e que continuará até um momento
She won’t have done all the work by tomorrow. no futuro.
On Saturday, we will have been living in this house for one year.
Subject + will + have + past participle + (...) She will have been practicing for years by the time she finds a sponsor.
He will have retired by 2020.
Subject + won’t + have + past participle + (...)
Building up your vocabulary
He won’t have retired by 2020.
Words and phrases: quality and quantity.
Will + subject + have + past participle + (...)?
Will he have retired by 2020?
augmented declined dwindled extended reduced
 Yes, subject + will.
Yes, he will.
contracted diminished enlarged faded spread

 No, subject + won’t. 1. The old railway line has been ____________ as far as the new
No, he won’t. airport.
2. In an effort to increase sales, prices will be ___________ for a
3.2 Usage short period.
3. Hope has now ____________ for the two climbers missing
U s a m o s o Fu t u r e

since last Friday.

Perfect para falar quando
4. Helen ___________ her small salary by making shrewd share
algo terá sido completado
até um momento específico
5. The school playground has been ______________ by the
do futuro:
addition of the old garden.
By the time I get home, 6. Unfortunately the fire has now _____________ to neighbouring
Tina will have cleaned my buildings.
room. 7. The team’s enthusiasm was not at all ______________ by their
You will have received early setbacks.
the parcel until the end of 8. As a seaside resort, Mudford has ____________ a lot since its
the week. heyday in the 1920s.
Esse tempo verbal é frequentemente usado com expressões como 9. The company has __________ in size, and now employs only
by, not...till, until e também com verbos que mostrem algum tipo de 300 people.
completude, como build, complete, finish, etc. Também usamos depois 10. The number of students attending the class ___________ until
de verbos como believe, expect, hope, suppose: only two remained.
I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow.

186 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Perfect tenses II INGLÊS
Unit 12

01 The professor ____________ the homework assignment when he 01 Complete the sentences using the Future Perfect form of the verbs in
remembered that Monday was a Holiday. parentheses.

(A) had already given a. I am sure they _____________________ (complete) the new road
(B) already gave by June.
(C) already given b. He says that before he leaves he ____________________ (see) every
(D) would already give show in town.
(E) was already given c. By this time next month, all the roses _________________________
Solução: Letra A. d. By January first, I ______________________ (save) enough money
A frase mencionada duas ações no passado, e a que se refere à lacuna to buy a new car.
está em um passado mais distante do outro. Por isso devemos usar o e. If you don’t take a note of that appointment, you __________________
Past Perfect. (forget) it by next week.
f. A year from now, he _______________________ (take) his medical
02 We had been waiting for over na hour before her bus finally exam and begun to practice.
02 Complete using the Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets.
(A) arrive.
(B) arrived. a. He said he _________________ (look) everywhere for the book.
(C) arrived. b. Helen ___________________ (leave) by the time we arrived.
(D) has arrived. c. He asked me why I _____________________ (call) him the night
(E) will arrive. before.
d. I was sure that I ___________________ (see) that man before.
Solução: Letra B. e. He knew that he ________________________ (make) a serious
Como temos a presença do Past Perfect indicando uma ação anterior mistake.
a outra ação no passado, precisamos que a segunda ação esteja no f. I felt that I ___________________ (meet) the man somewhere before.
Simple Past.
03 Circle the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
03 I __________ hard for ten years before I __________ that promotion.
a. While I had waited – was waiting – waited at the bus stop, I had noticed
(A) have been working – gotten – was noticing – noticed a new shop which wasn’t – hadn’t been in
(B) have been working – get
 the street the day before.
(C) had been working – got
 b. I had gone – went out into the garden to fetch my bike, but found – was
(D) had been working – gotten finding that someone stole – had stolen it.
(E) had been working – get c. When George met – was meeting Diane at the party, he thought – was
thinking that he saw – was seeing – had seen her somewhere before.
Solução: Letra C. d. Emily got off – was getting off the bus and walked – was walking into
Como se trata de duas ações no passado, sendo uma anterior à outra, the bank when she realized – had realized – was realizing that she
precisamos colocar a ação mais antiga no Past Perfect e a mais recente left – had left – was leaving her handbag on the bus.
no Simple Past. e. After I was buying – had bought my new bike, I discovered that it
wasn’t having – didn’t have a security lock.
04 By the time her mother arrives, Mary _______________ all the house. f. I went to the post office to ask about my package, but they had said
– said that it still hadn’t arrived – didn’t arrived.
(A) will clean
(B) cleans 04 By next June, he _________________ his second novel.
(C) is cleaning
(D) will have cleaned (A) shall write
(E) have been cleaning (B) is writing
(C) will have written
Solução: Letra D. (D) will be writing
Estamos com duas ações no futuro, sendo que uma delas estará completa (E) is going to write
quando a outra acontecer. Por isso usamos o Future Perfect.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 187

Unit 12

05 Assinale a opção em que a contração dos verbos (‘s) ou (‘d) está 11 By 1996, significant components of the aircraft’s defensive managing
representada corretamente: system, just one small part of its electronics, __________ obsolete.

(A) He’s more useless than the gunman. – has
 (A) will be
(B) The car’s only got a few minutes left on it. – is (B) is

(C) I wish this bloke’d hurry up. – had
 (C) are

(D) The car’s not even worth it. – has
 (D) were
(E) He’s just turned twenty. – has (E) was

06 He returned home after he __________ the office. 12 Check the alternative which contains the correct verb forms to complete
the sentences below:
(A) leaves

(B) does leave I. My neighbor __________ sleeping pills since he lost his job. (TAKE)

(C) had left
 II. Someone who __________ from insomnia finds it difficult to sleep.
(D) will leave (SUFFER)
(E) didn’t leave III. John __________ to see a specialist in sleeplessness three weeks
ago. (GO)

07 When earth __________ to be, the angels’ war in heaven __________. IV. As I entered the drugstore, I saw someone that I __________ 6 years
earlier. (MEET)
(A) came – had ended.
(B) comes – has ended. (A) has been taking – suffers – went – met

(C) had come – ended. (B) took – has been suffering – has gone – did meet
(D) came – had been ending. (C) has taken – has suffered – went – have met

(E) comes – was ending. (D) had taken – had suffered – had gone – met

(E) has taken – suffers – went – had met
08 The lady __________ that she __________ the PIN number on the
number of button presses required to access her account balance. 13 Janet was out of breath because __________.

(A) wrote – has modeled
 (A) she does run.

(B) writes – would be modeling (B) she didn’t run.
(C) was writing – modeled
 (C) she’s been running.
(D) wrote – has been modeling (D) she’s run.
(E) wrote – had modeled (E) she’d been running.

09 Qual dessas sentenças está correta? 14 When Martin __________ the car, he took it out for a drive.

(A) News have to be sent by telegraph. (A) were washing

(B) News has to be sent by telegraph. (B) had washed
(C) News are sent through telegraph.
 (C) has washed
(D) News had to be sent with telegraph. (D) washed
(E) News is to be sent with telegraph. (E) was washing

10 Choose the alternative which completes the following sentences with 15 By the end of the year, he ______________ more than a million miles.
the adequate verb forms:
(A) will fly
I. The first translation program for computers __________ invented in (B) will have flown
the late forties. (BE)
 (C) will be flying
II. Scientists __________ research on machine translation since the (D) is flying
50’s. (DEVELOP) (E) will have finished
III. Most contemporary translators nowadays __________ computers to
perform their task. (USE) 16 The meeting ______________ by the time we get there.

(A) (I) had been – (II) have developed – (III) will use (A) will be finished
(B) (I) was – (II) have been developing – (III) use
 (B) will have finished
(C) (I) to be – (II) are developing – (III) are using
 (C) will have finishing
(D) (I) has been – (II) develop – (III) will be using (D) shall finish
(E) (I) would have been – (II) developed – (III) have been using (E) will have finish

188 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

Perfect tenses II INGLÊS
Unit 12

17 I __________ my exams by the end of August. 03 Complete as frases com o Future Perfect ou com o Future Perfect
(A) will finish
(B) had finished a. Simon started to learn Spanish when he was 25. He is still learning
(C) finish Spanish.
(D) will have finished When he’s 40, he ____________________________ Spanish for
(E) will be finishing 15 years.
b. Every day, Peter eats three bars of chocolate on the way home from
18 They ________________ to their house by next week. school.
Before he gets home from school tonight, Peter _____________________
(A) will go three bars of chocolate.
(B) will be going c. I started writing this book 3 years ago next month.
(C) will have gone By next month, I ______________________________ this book for
(D) are going three years.
(E) go d. I’m going to paint the front door. I’ll finish it before you get back.
When you get back, I ___________________________ the front
19 When Mrs. Pontes ____________, I will not have completed the task. door.
e. The company is spending $5 million on developing the software before
(A) arrive it goes on sale.
(B) will arrive By the time the software goes on sale, the company ______________
(C) arrived $5 million.
(D) had arrived
(E) arrives 04 Only then we ______________ that we _____________ enough for
20 The house is so big that by the time she arrives home, I __________
it all. (A) had realized – has studied
(B) have realized – haven’t studied
(A) will have clean (C) realized – hadn’t studied
(B) won’t have cleaned (D) had realized – have been studying
(C) will be cleaning (E) have realized – hadn’t studied
(D) won’t be cleaning
(E) clean 05 Mrs. Stone thanked me for what I _____________ for her.

(A) had done

(B) done
(C) have done
01 Combine two sentences to make just one. Use when and the Past (D) doing
Perfect. (E) having done

a. I washed and got ready. I went out to meet my friends. 06 The class _______________ to an end before I _____________ in
b. I looked at the new dress. I asked how much it cost. the classroom.
c. Anne went on holiday. She saved enough money.
d. The team finally won the match. They ran around the pitch to celebrate. (A) has come – am arriving
(B) will come – had arrived
02 Complete as frases usando esses pares de verbos no Past Perfect ou (C) came – arrived
no Simple Past. (D) had come – arrived
(E) comes – have arrived
turn / catch come / start eat / pick
07 Irene’s parents were concerned because her daughter ___________
check / go type / give collapse / phone
to gain any weight in nearly six months.
a. After Michael ______________ the letter, he _______________ it
(A) had failed
to Kay to sign.
(B) has failed
b. When she _____________ into the hall, everyone _________________
(C) is failing
(D) will fail
c. When Jenny _________________ that the children were asleep, she
(E) to fail
______________ out to the concert.
d. As soon as I __________________ the ignition key, the engine
_______________ fire.
e. When Norma ______________, I ____________________ for an
f. After they _____________ all the food, they ________________ up
their bags and left.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 189

Unit 12

08 Last night, Irene’s boyfriend _______________ while she was with 15 By the time the police _______________ at the crime scene, the
another boy on the phone. murderer _________________.

(A) was entering (A) arrived – had already left.

(B) had entered (B) arrived – had already leaved.
(C) entered (C) had arrived – already left.
(D) had been entering (D) were arriving – already left.
(E) enter (E) have arrived – has left.

09 Scuba-diving gear is expensive. Luckily, by this summer, we 16 The old factory _______________ down and a new block of flats
_________________ everything we need. ___________ by the year 2020.

(A) will buy (A) will tear – will build

(B) will be buying (B) will have torn – will have built
(C) will have been buying (C) will be torn – will be built
(D) will have bought (D) is tearing – will be built
(E) will bought (E) will have been torn – will have been built

10 We’re late. By the time we arrive, everyone ____________________. 17 Hurry up, Pat! By the time you get ready, all the shops ____________.

(A) will leave. (A) will have closed.

(B) will have been leaving. (B) will have been closing.
(C) leaves (C) will close.
(D) will have left. (D) will closed.
(E) is going to leave. (E) have been closed.

11 World War I ___________________ when World War II began. Texto para as questões de 18 a 20:

(A) was already ending

(B) had already ended
Sticky Fingers
(C) had been already ending In 1905, two brothers, Alfred and Albert Stratton, were found guilty of
(D) already ended murdering a shopkeeper and his wife in Deptford, a town outside London.
(E) ended already The evidence? A thumbprint at the scene of the crime. The brothers were
12 Jane and Jim ______________________ a baby soon after they The Stratton trial was the first time in Western jurisprudence that
___________________. fingerprint evidence had been presented in a murder case. As such, it
was a triumph for Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton. Galton had
(A) had – married. spent years collecting fingerprints, studying and classifying their patterns
(B) had had – had married. of loops, arches, and whorls. It was he who had not just speculated, but
(C) had had – married. demonstrated that fingerprints are a reliable way of telling one person from
(D) have had – married. another, and persuaded the police that they could be used to solve crimes.
(E) had – had married. Up to that point, fingerprints had been used not as a means to identify
criminals, but as a way for you to prove that you were you and not someone
13 I’m afraid the chef _______________ the dish you have ordered else. The ancient Babylonians sometimes impressed fingerprints on clay
before the closing time. tablets that recorded business transactions, and centuries ago the Chinese
made use of thumbprints on clay seals. In India in the nineteenth century,
(A) will not cook a fingerprint took the place of a signature for people who were illiterate
(B) won’t have cooked and could not, therefore, sign their names. The first use of fingerprints
(C) won’t be cooking by “officialdom” didn’t come until the 1860s, when William Herschel,
(D) will not have been cooking a magistrate for the British colonial administration in India, realized that
fingerprints could be used as a means of identification when people came
14 The girl __________________ on her project while her mother was to collect their pensions. The person collecting the pension would give a
feeding her baby sister. print, which would be compared to a print on file; in that way, fingerprints
could be used to prevent identity fraud.
(A) had been working
(B) had worked In instituting this, Herschel made the assumption that individuals have
(C) has been working unique fingerprints; the fact that it was actually so remained to be proved.
(D) was working That proof was provided by Galton, who demonstrated statistically that the
(E) working odds of two people having the same fingerprints are vanishingly remote.
He also – using prints sent to him by Herschel – confirmed Herschel’s
observation that fingerprints do not change with age, a crucial feature if they

190 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2

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Unit 12

were to be a reliable form of identification. And Galton began to develop a

method for cataloging fingerprints, so that police could file fingerprints by
type and quickly compare any two sets. (A full-fledged cataloging system,
based on Galton’s, was subsequently developed by Edward Richard Texto para as questões 01 e 02:
Henry, who had served as inspector general of police in Bengal; the finger
print classification system came to be known as the “Henry System.”) Over The Hills And Far Away
In short, Galton laid the groundwork for the police to begin to build a usable
They came for him one winter’s night
fingerprint database.
Arrested, he was bound
18 According to the information in the article, Alfred and Albert Stratton: They said there’d been a robbery,
His pistol had been found
(A) worked with the police to develop the use of fingerprints to solve a

They marched to the station house,
(B) found the fingerprints of a shopkeeper and his wife murdered near
London. He waited for the dawn
(C) admitted that they had murdered a shopkeeper and his wife near And as they led him to the dock,
 He knew that he’d been wronged
(D) were the first people to be convicted of murder because of fingerprint
“You stand accused of robbery,”
(E) were the first people to use fingerprints to prove that a murder had He heard the bailiff say
been committed. He knew without an alibi,
Tomorrow’s light would mourn his freedom
19 Which of the following probably best explains the importance of Francis
Over the hills and far away,
(A) He was the first person to collect and use fingerprint samples on a For ten long years he’ll count the days
systematic basis.
 Over the mountains and blue seas,
(B) He was the first person to show that each person’s fingerprints are A prisoner’s life for him there’ll be
unique and therefore can be used to help solve crimes.
(C) He was the first person to use fingerprints as a reliable means of
 He knew that it would cost him dear,
(D) He was the person who found the thumbprint that the police used to But yet he dare not say
convict Alfred and Albert Stratton of murder. Where he’d been that fateful night,
(E) In helping to investigate a murder near London, he proved that a A secret it must stay
thumbprint at the scene of the crime belonged to one of the Stratton
brothers. He had to fight back tears of rage
His heart beat like a drum
20 According to the information in the article: For with the wife of his best friend,
He spent his final night of freedom
(A) in India in the nineteenth century, an illiterate person could give his
fingerprint instead of his signature.

(B) in the nineteenth century, India’s knowledge of fingerprints was more Over the hills and far away,
advanced than China’s. He swears he will return one day
(C) to facilitate commerce between their countries in the nineteenth century, Far from the mountains and blue seas,
the Indians and the Chinese used fingerprints to register cross-border
Back in her arms he swear he’ll be
business transactions.

(D) the Indian intelligentsia in the nineteenth century used fingerprints Over the hills and far away
instead of signatures to identify themselves.
(E) for Indians in the nineteenth century, giving your fingerprint instead of Each night within his prison cell,
signing your name was considered a disgrace. He looks out through the bars
He reads the letters that she wrote
One day he’ll know the taste of freedom.

01 According to the lyrics, the man who is in jail is accused of:

(A) keeping a secret.

(B) stealing something.
(C) having an affair.
(D) committing a murder.
(E) committing an assassination.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 2 191

Unit 12

02 After reading the lyrics, it is not correct to affirm that: The team chose to explore Mono Lake because of its unusual chemistry,
especially its high salinity, high alkalinity, and high levels of arsenic.
(A) he will have been in jail for ten years by the time he sees the woman This chemistry is in part a result of Mono Lake’s isolation from its sources
once again. of fresh water for 50 years.
(B) they often write letters to each other. The results of this study will inform ongoing research in many areas,
(C) he was with another man’s wife at the night of the crime. including the study of Earth’s evolution, organic chemistry, biogeochemical
(D) he couldn’t have committed the crime because he had an alibi. cycles, disease mitigation and Earth system research. These findings also
(E) his weapon was found at the crime scene. will open up new frontiers in microbiology and other areas of research.
“The idea of alternative biochemistries for life is common in science
Texto para as questões de 03 a 10:
fiction,” said Carl Pilcher, director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the
agency’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. “Until now a life
NASA-funded astrobiology research has changed the fundamental form using arsenic as a building block was only theoretical, but now we
knowledge about what comprises all known life on Earth. know such life exists in Mono Lake.” (...)
Researchers conducting tests in the harsh environment of Mono Lake in
California have discovered the first known microorganism on Earth able to 03 It can be inferred from the text that:
thrive and reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic. The microorganism
substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components. (A) a new form of life from outer space was discovered in Mono Lake,
“The definition of life has just expanded,” said Ed Weiler, NASA’s California, by NASA researchers.

associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at the agency’s (B) despite arsenic is poisonous, it is perfectly common some living
Headquarters in Washington. “As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of organisms using it to reproduce themselves.
life in the Solar System, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and (C) the new microorganism has stretched the definition about what
consider life as we do not know it.” encompasses life on Earth.

This finding of an alternative biochemistry makeup will alter biology (D) the concept of life has changed widely after the discovery of the new
textbooks and expand the scope of the search for life beyond Earth. form of life.
The research is published in this week’s edition of Science Express. (E) in order to keep searching life in the Solar System, scientists must
look for it first on Earth.
Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur are the
six basic building blocks of all known forms of life on Earth. Phosphorus
04 Which of the following options fills in the gap in the 6th paragraph of
is part of the chemical backbone of DNA and RNA, the structures that
the text?
carry genetic instructions for life, and is considered an essential element
for all living cells.
(A) because
Phosphorus is a central component of the energy – carrying molecule (B) despite
in all cells (adenosine triphosphate) and also the phospholipids that form (C) whether
all cell membranes. Arsenic, which is chemically similar to phosphorus, (D) hence
is poisonous for most life on Earth. Arsenic disrupts metabolic pathways (E) thus
__________ chemically it behaves similarly to phosphate.
“We know that some microbes can breathe arsenic, but what we’ve 05 Judge the following items:
found is a microbe doing something new – building parts of itself out of
arsenic,” said Felisa Wolfe-Simon, a NASA Astrobiology Research Fellow I. The new microorganism is the only microbe on Earth that is able to
in residence at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and cope with arsenic.

the research team’s lead scientist. “If something here on Earth can do II. It is possible that life can do things scientists have not contemplated
something so unexpected, what else can life do that we haven’t seen yet?” yet.
The newly discovered microbe, strain GFAJ-1, is a member of a III. GFAJ-1, a breed of the Gammaproteobacteria, is capable of
common group of bacteria, the Gammaproteobacteria. In the laboratory, incorporating the element arsenic in its proteins.
the researchers successfully grew microbes from the lake on a diet that
was very lean on phosphorus, but included generous helpings of arsenic. Now, mark the correct option:
When researchers removed the phosphorus and replaced it with arsenic
the microbes continued to grow. Subsequent analyses indicated that the (A) Only item I is correct.

arsenic was being used to produce the building blocks of new GFAJ-1 cells. (B) Only item II is correct.

(C) Only item III is correct.

The key issue the researchers investigated was when the microbe
(D) Only items I and II are correct.
was grown on arsenic did the arsenic actually became incorporated into
(E) Only items II and III are correct.
the organisms’ vital biochemical machinery, such as DNA, proteins and
the cell membranes. A variety of sophisticated laboratory techniques was
used to determine where the arsenic was incorporated.

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Unit 12

06 Judge the following items: 08 Which of the following words can be turned into the plural form in the
same way as bacteria?
I. The scientists are still investigating the very moment arsenic was
incorporated by the microorganism.
 (A) Campus.
II. Mono Lake’s salinity, alkalinity and arsenic levels increased 50 years (B) Encyclopedia.
ago. (C) Criterion.
III. Not only microbiology but also other scientific fields shall be benefited (D) Radius.
with the discovery. (E) Stadium.

Now, mark the correct option: 09 In the sentence “the researchers successfully grew microbes from
the lake on a diet that was very lean on phosphorus”, also taken from the
(A) Only item I is correct.
 eighth paragraph, the word lean can be replaced by:
(B) Only item II is correct.

(C) Only item III is correct.
 (A) rich
(D) Only items I and II are correct. (B) fat
(E) Only items I and III are correct. (C) plump
(D) bare
07 In the sentence “Researchers conducting tests in the harsh environment (E) flat
of Mono Lake in California have discovered the first known microorganism
on Earth able to thrive and reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic”, 10 In the sentence “the arsenic was being used to produce the building
extracted from the second paragraph, the words in bold can be replaced, blocks of new GFAJ-1 cells”, extracted from the eighth paragraph, the
respectively, by: words building and GFAJ-1 are, respectively:

(A) realizing – smooth – get on
 (A) adjective – adjective.

(B) carrying out – strict – develop (B) verb – adjective.
(C) attaining – sharp – rise
 (C) adjective – noun.
(D) leading – rough – wear out
 (D) verb – noun.
(E) handling – mild – grow (E) adverb – adjective.













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