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Passive Voice
Tanto a voz ativa quando a voz passiva são formas nas quais os
verbos podem se apresentar. Na voz ativa, o sujeito do verbo é a pessoa
(ou coisa) que está realizando a ação.
John cooked the food last night.
Na voz passiva, a ação é feita para o sujeito, ou seja, o sujeito é aquele
sofrendo a ação.
The food was cooked last night.
A voz passiva é bem comum na língua inglesa, não somente como uma
alternativa para a voz ativa, mas ela possui seus próprios usos distintos.


1.1.2 Direct and Indirect Objects

Verbos como bring, give, send podem ter dois objetos e por isso
1.1 Form podem ter duas formas na Passive Voice.
Na Passive Voice, sempre haverá a presença de dois elementos Tom gave me (indirect object) a pen (direct object).
essenciais: I was given a pen by Tom. (Objeto indireto se torna o sujeito)
be + past participle
A pen was given (to) me by Tom. (Objeto direto se torna o sujeito)
O verbo BE sempre estará na forma conjugada, ou seja, ele que seguirá
sempre o tempo verbal essencial para o entendimento da ideia, enquanto Como o interesse maior acaba sendo com relação à pessoa (ou aos
o verbo da ação sempre estará no particípio passado. animais) e não a coisas, usamos muito mais o sujeito pessoal, ou seja,
aquele presente no objeto indireto da voz ativa, como o sujeito na Passive
His car was stolen last night. Voice.
Julia is being introduced to the director right now. Shirley has sent Mike an e-mail.
Rice can be cooked in the microwave oven. Mike has been sent an e-mail by Shirley.
An e-mail has been sent to Mike by Shirley. (Não tão comum)
1.1.1 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
É sempre bom lembrar que para formarmos a Passive Voice de uma 1.1.3 Verbs usually used in the passive
Active Voice precisamos ter uma estrutura sujeito + verbo + objeto, ou
seja, só poderemos formar a voz passiva se tivermos um objeto na oração. Alguns verbos são mais frequentemente usados na voz passiva do
que na ativa: be born, be married, be obliged são alguns dos exemplos.
He ate beans yesterday. → Beans were eaten (by him) yesterday.
I’m not obliged to work overtime if I don’t want to.
He ate a lot yesterday. → Não possui forma na voz passiva por não
ter objeto.
Muitos verbos podem ser usados de maneira transitiva ou intransitiva. 1.1.4 The passive and reflexive verbs
The door opened. (A porta abriu sozinha) Na língua inglesa usamos muitas vezes a voz passiva, enquanto em
outras línguas, incluindo a portuguesa, usamos o pronome reflexivo.
The door was opened. (Alguém pode ter aberto a porta)
I was hurt in a car crash last summer.
Jim was in a fight and his shirt was torn in the struggle.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 1
Unit 19

1.1.5 The use of ‘by’, etc + agent after the passive Our roof was damaged in last night’s storm.
Um agente é aquele que faz a ação indicada pelo verbo. A construção My car has been scratched.
by + agente da passiva nos informa quem ou o que fez algo. Thousands of beaches are polluted.
The window was broken by the boy who lives opposite. Charles I was beheaded in 1649.
The window was broken by a stone.
By + agent é somente necessário quando o interlocutor deseja 1.2.3 Avoiding vague words as subjects
mencionar quem ou o quê foi responsável pelo evento em questão.
Sempre usaremos a voz passiva para evitar palavras vagas como
A estrutura virá sempre ao final da frase para dar ênfase ao agente.
sujeito (someone, a person...)
The window was broken by a slate that fell off the roof.
After my talk, I was asked to explain a point I had made.
WITH é frequentemente usado com um agente, especialmente depois
Por outro lado, a voz passiva pode ser evitada quando queremos
de verbos como crammed, crowded, filled, packed.
tornar algo pessoal.
During the World Cup our streets were filled with football fans.
They operated on my father last night.
Porém, quando usamos with com outros verbos, teremos a ideia de
maneira, método. 1.3 Other forms
He was killed by a falling stone. → acidental
He was killed with a knife. → deliberado 1.3.1 ‘Get’ + past participle
Get é frequentemente usado em vez de be com certos particípios
1.2 Usage passados no inglês mais coloquial. Be também pode ser substituído por
1.2.1 Spontaneous and deliberate use of the passive I tried to find my way round London without a map and got lost.
Quando se trata do inglês fluente, a voz passiva ocorre de maneira I became concerned when he hadn’t come home by midnight.
natural e espontânea, sem o processo consciente da mudança de voz ativa
Usamos get quando:
para voz assiva. Na realidade, a estrutura ativa equivalente seria difícil de
• fazemos algo por nós mesmos:
produzir em orações como as seguintes:
I got dressed as quickly as I could.
The origin of the universe will probably never be explained.
• conseguimos algo que nos beneficie – pronomes reflexivos podem
Rome was not built in a day. ser usados nessa construção
A voz passiva é muitas vezes a preferida pelo falante quando este não I wasn’t surprised she got elected after all the efforts she made.
quer estar preso à ação, às opiniões ou aos pronunciamentos, que podem
I see old Morton has got himself promoted at last.
não ser completamente verdadeiros.
• algo, muitas vezes desfavorável, acontece fora de nosso controle
This matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.
We got delayed because of the Holiday traffic.
Thousands of books are published every year and very few of them
are noticed. Even those that are reviewed in the papers rarely reach
large audiences. 1.3.2 The passive compared with adjectival
past participles

Muitas palavras como broken, interested, shut, worried podem ser

usadas tanto como adjetivos quanto como particípios passados em uma
construção de voz passiva.
I was worried about you all night. (Adjetivo: estado)
I was worried by mosquitoes all night. (Passiva: dynamic verb)
Se a palavra está na função de adjetivo, não podemos usar by +
agente nem mesmo transpô-la para a forma ativa.

1.3.3 The passive with verbs of ‘saying’

and ‘believing’
Quando usamos um verbo na voz ativa, precisamos ter certeza sobre
as informações que estamos fornecendo.
Muriel pays less income tax than she should.
1.2.2 Passive for focus É muito mais seguro usar uma estrutura na voz passiva, demonstrando
Usamos a Passive Voice quando queremos enfatizar mais o cautela e impessoalidade na afirmação.
acontecimento do que quem – ou o que – o causa. Muitas vezes não há Muriel is said to pay less income tax than she should.
necessidade alguma de mencionar quem faz a ação.

2 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Passive Voice INGLÊS
Unit 19


agree, allege, arrange, assume, believe, consider, decide, declare,
discover, expect, fear, feel, find, hope, imagine, know, observe, presume,
prove, report, say, show, suggest, suppose, think, understand. 01 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma ativa da frase a seguir:
It is said that there is plenty of oil off our coast.
A detailed description (...) is given.
It is feared that many lives have been lost in the train crash.
(A) The authors give a detailed description.
• THERE + PASSIVE + TO BE + COMPLEMENT (B) The authors will give a detailed description.
acknowledge, allege, believe, consider, fear, feel, know, presume, (C) The authors have given a detailed description.
report, say, suppose, think, understand (D) The authors gave a detailed description.
(E) The authors will have given a detailed description.
There is said to be plenty of oil off our coast.
There are known to be thousands of different species of beetles. Solução: Letra A.
Devemos sempre seguir o tempo verbal, tanto na troca da ativa para a passiva
• SUBJECT OTHER THAN IT + PASSIVE + TO INFINITIVE quanto o contrário. Nesse caso, o verbo be está no Simple present (IS),
acknowledge, allege, believe, consider, declare, know, recognize, então devemos manter o verbo give no Simple Present.
report, say, suppose, think, understand
02 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a
Mandy is said to be some kind of secret agent.
Turner was considered to be a genius even in his lifetime.
Homeopathic remedies are believed to be very effective. Those people are happy because they __________ love in their
Outros verbos além do be podem ser usados no infinitivo: childhood.
Jane is said to know all there is to know about chimpanzees. (A) was given
(B) has given
(C) were given
Overcome by skilled Remove by picking (D) have being given
execution (E) be given

OFF Solução: Letra C.

Shoot one by one Devemos concordar o verbo be com o sujeito (people). Além disso,
Restart or resume
trata-se de uma ação que aconteceu em um passado determinado (their
PICK childhood), sendo necessário usar o Simple past.
Collect somebody Bully, harass or make 03 Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: They feed the
from a place fun of someone seals twice a week.

UP OUT (A) The seals are fed twice a week.

Lift; to grasp Ornament or relieve (B) The seals are feeded twice a week.
and raise with lines (C) The seals are found twice a week.
(D) Twice a week they are feeding the seals.
(E) The seals are being fed twice a week.
Phrasal Verbs: PICK Solução: Letra A.
O verbo na voz ativa encontra-se no Simple Present, mantendo a mesma
1. Before you recycle the bottle you need to pick _________ the label. ideia para o verbo be na voz passiva. O verbo principal, feed, deve ser
2. A dark green carriage body picked _________ with red. colocado no Past participle, ou seja, fed.
3. The quarterback picked ___________ the secondary defence
in the first half.
4. When you pick _________ the bag, make sure to support the
5. Let’s pick ________ where we left off yesterday.
6. Hey! Quit picking _________ your brother.
7. The sniper picked __________ the incoming police one at a time.
8. He’s going to pick her ___________ at 7.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 3
Unit 19

07 He told me the product _________ out of production.

(A) was been taken

(B) would be take
01 Complete the sentences so that the same verb tense is used both in (C) had been taken
the Active and Passive Voices. (D) had be taken
a.. The engineers are building the new bridge. 08 The manager told him that he _________.
The new bridge ________________________ by the engineers.
b. Louis Blériot made the first flight from France to England in 1909. (A) is be fired (C) will been fired
The first flight from France to England ____________________ by (B) would be fired (D) would been fired
Louis Blériot in 1909.
c. Nobody should do a thing like that. 09 The students _______________ to submit their reports by the end
A thing like that ______________________ by nobody. of this week.
d. He wrote the message in French.
The message _______________________ in French. (A) have asked (C) has asked
e. They gave me a new guitar. (B) are asked (D) are asking
I __________________________ a new guitar.
f. The agents will look over his passport at Customs. 10 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma passiva da sentença
His passport _______________________ at Customs. a seguir:
g. Brazilians grow coffee and beans in many cities. We encourage the kids to go swimming.
Coffee and beans __________________________ by Brazilians in
many cities. (A) The kids were encouraged to go swimming.
h. Neil Peart has written beautiful lyrics. (B) The kids have been encouraged to go swimming.
Beautiful lyrics ___________________________ by Neil Peart. (C) The kids will be encouraged to go swimming.
(D) The kids may be encouraged to go swimming.
02 Change the sentences below from Active to Passive Voice. Use BY (E) The kids are encouraged to go swimming.
before the agent only if that information is necessary.
11 Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: Thousands of
a. Shakespeare wrote those beautiful plays. people ride the underground every morning.
b. They don’t allow smoking here.
c. James Watt invented the steam engine. (A) The underground is ridded by thousands of people every morning.
d. Someone is stealing my billfold. (B) The underground was rode by thousands of people every morning.
e. People must not throw cigarette butts on the floor. (C) The underground is rode by thousands of people every morning.
f. We will prepare breakfast right away. (D) Thousands of people is ride by the underground every morning.
g. Somebody is watching us, don’t you think? (E) The underground is ridden by thousands of people every morning.
h. People can buy this at Boots.
12 Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: Somebody left
03 All the beds were _______________ my grandmother. the lights on all night.

(A) made by (A) All night somebody left the lights.

(B) maken for (B) The lights are left on all night.
(C) make by (C) The lights didn’t leave on all night.
(D) make for (D) The lights were left on all night.
(E) The lights was left on all night.
04 The inmates of the juvenile home ___________ well by their caretakers.
13 Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
(A) were not being treated
(B) were not treating You don’t need to wind this wonderful watch.
(C) have not being treated
(D) was not being treated (A) This wonderful watch isn’t needed to be wind.
(B) This wonderful watch doesn’t need to winded.
05 As the patient could not walk he __________ home in a wheel chair. (C) This wonderful watch doesn’t need to be wound.
(D) This wonderful watch don’t need to be wounded.
(A) has carried (E) You don’t need to be wounded by this wonderful watch.
(B) has been carried
(C) was carried 14 The Passive Voice of “Man has made the world much more complex” is:
(D) was carrying
(A) Much more complex has made the world.
06 This house ________ by a house-agent. (B) The world was been made much more complex by man.
(C) Much more complex was the world made.
(A) is been selled (C) was selled (D) Complex has been made the world much more by man.
(B) was sold (D) is been sold (E) The world has been made much more complex.

4 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Passive Voice INGLÊS
Unit 19

15 Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: 02 Complete the text using the phrases from the box.

Did the army surround the city? are believed

was obliged to was seen are thought to be
to have been
(A) Is the city surrounded by the army?
(B) Was the city surround by the army? is not known was brought was packed is thought to have been
(C) The city was surround by the army. is known
(D) Was the city surrounded by the army? were made to to have
(E) Was the army surrounded by the city? experienced

16 These televisions _________ in China. A plane carrying 15 members of the government to a conference in
Brussels (a) ________________ a small-scale fire earlier this morning.
(A) have not been make (C) have be made The plane (b) _______________ about 20 minutes into its journey when
(B) are maked (D) are made the fire occurred in the luggage area. It (c) _____________ how the plane
caught fire, but the initial eye-witness accounts confirm that a trail of
17 This book __________ in Meppel. smoke (d) ________________ coming from under-carriage. The fire (e)
________________ rapidly under control, but the pilot (f) ___________________
(A) is print (C) has be printed make an emergency landing. Five people (g) ____________________ treated
(B) was printed (D) printed for shock. The plane (h) ___________________ with business people flying
to Belgium. All 209 passengers (i) ___________________ stay behind for
18 Our department __________ yellow. questioning after landing at a military airport in northern France. Police (j)
______________________ treating the incident as suspicious.
(A) will be paint (C) will been paint
(B) will be painted (D) will been painted
03 Fill the gaps with the correct passive form:
19 A voz passiva de “Somebody must send me the new books” é:
a. America _________________ (discover) by Columbus in 1492.
b. Where is my car? It _________________ (repair) at this very moment.
(A) I must send the new books.
c. The sales department __________________ (run) by Dr. Johnson.
(B) The new books must be sent to me.
d. A new prototype _________________ (build) next year.
(C) I will be sent the new books.
e. Most of the world’s rubber __________________ (produce) in Asia.
(D) The new books would be sent to me.
f. By the time we arrived the thief ______________ (catch) by the police.
(E) The new books must be send by somebody.
g. Unfortunately, all the flights _____________________________________________(cancel), so I can’t
go to New York.
20 Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
h. They promised that the goods __________________________________(ship) tomorrow.
In 1945 the allied powers defeated Germany. i. That old building ____________________ (demolish) three weeks ago.
j. Last week I ____________________ (inform) about these problems.
(A) In 1945 Germany was defeated by the allied powers.
(B) In 1945 Germany did defeated by the allied powers. 04 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a
(C) In 1945 Germany are defeated by the allied powers. seguir:
(D) The allied powers were defeated by the Germany in 1945.
(E) In 1945 Germany was defeat by the allied powers. In many par ts of the world, the future productivity of the soil
__________ by man’s ill use of it.

(A) endangers
(B) endangered
01 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in (C) will endanger
parentheses. (D) are endangered
(E) is endangered
a. Letters _________________ by the postman at 8 every day. (deliver)
b. This bag __________________ in the bus yesterday. (find) 05 Choose the correct form in the passive voice for “Mr. Brown gave us
c. ______________ your motorbike __________________ yet? (repair) a lesson”:
d. These offices ____________________ now. (clean)
e. This building ________________ since the 1930’s. (not reconstruct) (A) We had given a lesson.
f. Bags ___________________ in the cloakroom. (must leave) (B) A lesson will be given us by Mr. Brown.
g. The last umbrellas __________________ in the morning. (sell) (C) A lesson is being given us by Mr. Brown.
h. You _____________ to arrive so late if you worked for me. (not allow) (D) We were giving a lesson.
i. What were we doing at 11 o’clock? We ______________. (interview) (E) We were given a lesson by Mr. Brown.
j. After the window pane _________________ someone smashed the
window again. (replace)

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 5
Unit 19

06 Choose the correct active voice form for “They have been widely 13 ______ the hotel being refurbished next week?
(A) are (C) is
(A) The press had widely praised them. (B) have (D) has
(B) People praised them widely.
(C) One has widely praised them. 14 Passengers are being ___ from the airport.
(D) The press has widely praised them.
(E) People has widely praised them. (A) flown
(B) fly
07 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: (C) flew
(D) flight
When the manager arrived, the problem __________.
15 The prisoners ___ being released tomorrow.
(A) was been solved already
(B) should to be solved yet (A) was
(C) had already been solved (B) are
(D) has still been solved (C) were
(E) had already solved (D) is

08 He __________ responsible for the accident. 16 Our tent __________ by the wind.

(A) was holding (A) will been blown away

(B) has been holding (B) were blown away
(C) held (C) was blown away
(D) was held (D) was blowed away
(E) would hold (E) blown away

09 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a voz ativa correta da frase “Few 17 The program ___________ all over the world.
of these businesses are run by corporations”:
(A) are being broadcast
(A) Corporations ran few of these businesses. (B) been being broadcast
(B) Corporations run few of these businesses. (C) being broadcast
(C) Corporations are ran by few of these businesses. (D) is being broadcasted
(D) Corporations were run by few of these businesses. (E) is being broadcasting
(E) Corporations have run few of these businesses.
18 He _______ last week.
10 The sentence “Lucifer is ordered to obey the Son of God” means the
same as: (A) were beaten up
(A) The Son of God orders Lucifer to obey Him. (B) was beaten up
(B) Lucifer orders the Son of God to obey him. (C) was beated up
(C) God orders His Son to obey Lucifer. (D) beaten up
(D) Lucifer obeys the orders of the Son of God. (E) beated up
(E) Someone orders Lucifer to obey the Son of God.
19 She _________ a dog yesterday.
11 When you called, the students _____ being taken to school. (A) was bitten by
(A) are (B) was bitten to
(B) was (C) was bitten from
(C) were (D) was bitten with
(D) is (E) was bitten

12 What were you doing when the room ______________________? 20 The window ________________.

(A) were being cleaned (A) been broken

(B) was been cleaned (B) has been braked
(C) was being cleaned (C) has been broked
(D) has been cleaned (D) has been broken
(E) have been broken

6 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Passive Voice INGLÊS
Unit 19

04 According to paragraph 4, after having listened to a Canadian speaking,

one can feel:

I was sitting at a busy New York café a few months ago when a young (A) understanding and bored.
woman approached my table. “Excuse me” she said “I hate to be so bold, (B) sweet and distracted.
but could I possibly ask what you’re eating – if you don’t mind my asking.” (C) denied and exhausted.
In a flash, I knew she was Canadian and I told her so. “Gee!”, she said, (D) offended and tired.
“how did you guess?” Because who but a Canadian could have asked such (E) dense and sleepy.
a convoluted question?
05 The author’s primary purpose in the fifth paragraph is to:
A Parasian would simply have eyed my meat in admiration – or disdain.
An American would have said: “Any good?” – or maybe even scooped a (A) say that all Canadians are professional diplomats.
bite off my plate. (B) show Canadians as sad people who are always sorry.
But only a Canadian could create such a timid, tortuous sentence – or (C) compare Canadians to diplomats for their good manners.
so dense you could never take offense, so sweet you could fall asleep. (D) claim that Canadians never speak but to say they’re sorry.
(E) reveal that people who are not diplomats never apologize.
We are a nation of diplomats – the world’s most polite people – trained
from a tender age to apologize before we speak. Bump into an American
06 In “bump into an American”, the word bump is used to refer to:
and he will usually say something straight forward like: “Hey! Watch it,
buddy.” But bump into a Canadian and he will always say the same thing: (A) a collision.
“I’m sorry.” Then you will say “No, no, I’m sorry!” and he will say: “No, (B) a meeting.
I’m sorry!”, apologizing till you’re both exhausted. As Canadians we will (C) an attack.
talk forever, even if we are too politic to say what we mean… (D) a convolution.
Compromise and convolution are the essence of being Canadian: one (E) a strike.
of the few things we do as well as anyone on earth. We study. We delay. We
dilute. We distract. We do anything to avoid doing something. Compromise 07 The word forefathers means:
is the key to our nation. A fragile co-addition of communities clinging to
each other for protection. Somehow it works. (A) foster fathers.
When our cautious English and French forefathers decided not to join (B) grandfathers.
the American Revolution two centuries ago, it seemed like a crazy dream. (C) ancestors.
But 200 years later, they would be amazed at the results. French Canadians (D) descendants.
are still here, in a sea of English. And English Canada has prospered: a (E) guardians.
subdued civilized corner of North America with smaller portions, safer
streets and a better form of self-defense than American guns: Medicare. 08 Mark the option that completes the following sentence correctly:
If Americans had been given more Medicare than guns, they ______ safer.
Our country’s existence suggests the American Revolution was an utter
waste of time: a couple of centuries of committee meetings and constitutional, (A) felt.
conferences could have cleared things up without firing a shot. (B) would feel.
If George Washington had fought a little less, and talked a little more, (C) will feel.
maybe the U.S. could have avoided its revolution altogether – and slowly, (D) will have felt.
cautiously and quietly build a kinder and gentler America. Like Canada. (E) would have felt.

01 Choose the qualities that best represent the woman who approached 09 What is the author’s conclusion as shown in the last paragraph?
the author, according to the text.
(A) America is bigger but is as kind, gentle and cautious as Canada.
(A) humility and pride. (D) good manners and charity. (B) Canadians are more cautious than Americans because the latter
(B) formality and dread. (E) respectfulness and courtesy. didn’t fight.
(C) politeness and vanity. (C) Less fighting and little talk have made the U.S. a troublesome country.
(D) Endless talks and meetings have finally proved good results for Canada.
02 The expression in a flash in “In a flash, I knew she was Canadian and (E) The American Revolution was caused by Washington’s inability to talk.
I told her so” means:
10 The sentence: “...a couple of centuries of committee meeting and
(A) fast. (D) at once. constitutional conferences could have cleared things up without firing a
(B) directly. (E) just by looking. shot” means that meetings and conferences could have:
(C) strangely.
(A) solved the disputing issues without gun-firing.
03 According to the text, Americans could have: (B) removed what was wanted without guns and rifles.
(C) made problems free from doubt with little bloodshed.
(A) asked about the food and even tasted it. (D) passed along all the obstruction without much violence.
(B) taken the food away and asked for more. (E) put lawless and rebellious people in order of the shooting.
(C) taken the plate and eaten the food.
(D) bitten everything on the plate.
(E) asked the same for themselves.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 7

Relative clauses
Entre as grandes problemáticas da língua inglesa para nós, falantes da A inclusão ou a omissão das vírgulas pode afetar seriamente a ideia
língua portuguesa, estão o uso dos pronomes relativos e o entendimento de uma frase. Compare:
das orações nas quais eles fazem parte, as chamadas relative clauses, The government which promises to cut taxes will be popular.
que, em português, seriam as nossas orações subordinadas adjetivas. The government, which promises to cut taxes, will be popular.
Esse problema acontece porque temos o mesmo problema com A primeira frase se refere a qualquer governo que possa vir a assumir
relação a eles na nossa própria língua. Saber usar “que”, “na qual”, “dos o poder no futuro. A segunda está falando sobre a popularidade do
quais”, “cujo” com maestria ainda é uma característica dos craques da governo que está no poder no momento. Não importa o que ele faça, ele
língua e, quando temos que fazer o mesmo trabalho na língua inglesa, será popular.
ficamos completamente perdidos.
Outro tipo de pontuação também apontará a informação adicional:
The government – which promises to cut taxes – will be popular.

The government (which promises to cut taxes) will be popular.
Essas marcações fazem parte da escrita. Na fala, uma quebra na
entonação indica essa pontuação.

2. Form of relative pronouns in relative

Relative pronouns as subject
People He is the man who (or that) lives next door.
Things This is the photo which (or that) shows my house.
Possession He is the man whose car was stolen.

Relative pronouns as object

People He is the man (who / whom / that / -) I met.
Para que esse trabalho seja mais simples, precisamos prestar atenção a Things This is the photo (which / that / -) I took.
certos detalhes que fazem toda a diferença. Compare as frases abaixo:
Possession That is the man whose car was parked outside our gate.
Crowded holiday resorts are not very pleasant.
Holiday resorts which are crowded are not very pleasant.

A palavra crowded na primeira frase é um adjetivo, enquanto which
are crowded é uma oração. A oração está literalmente fazendo o mesmo
trabalho que o adjetivo, ou seja, está descrevendo (ou qualificando)
holiday resorts. Por isso, chamamos essa oração de adjectival clause,
ou relative clause, pois ela se refere (relate) ao substantivo – nesse caso,
pelo uso do pronome relativo which. As relative clauses podem se referir
a pessoas, coisas e eventos.

1. The use and omission of commas

in relative clauses
Há dois tipos de relative clauses na língua escrita:
Relative clauses sem vírgulas: muitas vezes chamadas de defining,
restrictive ou identifying clauses, fornecem informações essenciais
sobre o sujeito ou o objeto:
What kind of government would be popular?
2.1 Relative pronouns relating to people
The government which promises to cut taxes. Os pronomes relativos que podem ser usados para referência de
pessoas são who, whom, that e o possessivo whose.
• Relative clauses com vírgulas: conhecidas como non-defining,
non-restrictive ou non-identifying clauses, fornecem informações
adicionais, que podem ser omitidas:
The government, which promises to cut taxes, will be popular.

8 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Relative clauses INGLÊS
Unit 20

2.1.1 Relative pronoun as the subject of a relative A preposition pode ser movida para uma posição final. Nesse caso,
clause podemos usar, além de whom, who e that, mas este somente quando
não houver vírgulas.
Who e that podem ser usados no lugar de substantivos ou de pronomes She is the woman whom (who/that) I gave the money to.
quando têm a função de sujeito e, nessa função, não podem ser omitidos.
Entretanto, quando a preposição se encontra numa posição final, o
Além disso, os pronomes relativos não mudam quando se referem a
mais comum é omitir o pronome relativo (somente em defining clauses).
masculino ou feminino, plural ou singular.
They are the people I gave the money to.
He is the man who/that lives next door.
There’s hardly anybody he’s afraid of.
She is the woman who/that lives next door.
They are the people who/that live next door. • Typical defining relative clause with a preposition
That person is the manager. I complained to him.
• Typical defining relative clause with “who” as subject The person to whom I complained is the manager.
Tanto who quanto that podem ser usados numa relative clause sem
The person whom/who/that I complained to is the manager.
vírgulas, mas normalmente é preferível o uso de who.
The person I complained to is the manager.
A doctor examined the astronauts. They returned from space today.
A doctor examined the astronauts who returned from space today. • Typical non-defining relative clause with a preposition
Só podemos usar whom ou who nas non-defining relative clauses, e
• Typical non-defining relative clause with “who” as subject não podemos usar that nem omitir o pronome.
Quando estamos tratando de uma relative clause com vírgulas, só T he hotel manager refunded part of our bill. I complained to him
poderemos usar who, não sendo possível usar that. about the service.
T he astronauts are expected to land on the moon shortly. They are T he hotel manager, to whom I complained about the service,
reported to be very cheerful. refunded part of our bill.
The astronauts, who are reported to be very cheerful, are expected T he hotel manager, whom/who I complained about the service to,
to land on the moon shortly. refunded part of our bill.

2.1.2 Relative pronoun as the object of a relative

Who, whom e that podem ser usados no lugar do objeto da oração,
sendo ele um substantivo ou um pronome. Quando eles se referem
ao objeto da oração, são geralmente omitidos, mas somente em uma
defining clause. Hoje em dia, whom é poucamente usado, preferindo-se
o uso do who.

• Typical defining relative clause with “who” as object

Quando a referência é uma pessoa ou pessoas enquanto objeto
da oração, frequentemente usamos that. Alternativamente, omitimos o
pronome relativo para evitar a escolha entre who ou whom.
That energetic man works for EEC. We met him on holiday.
T hat energetic man who / whom / – / that we met on holiday works
for the EEC.
2.2 Relative pronouns relating to things and
• Typical non-defining relative clause with “who” as object animals
Who e whom devem ser usados nas relative clauses com vírgula, pois Os pronomes relativos que usamos para fazer referência a coisas e
não podemos usar that nem omitir o pronome. animais são which e that.
T he author of “Rebels” proved to be a well-known journalist. I met
him at a party last week.
2.2.1 Relative pronoun as the subject of a relative
T he author of “Rebels”, who / whom I met at a party last week,
proved to be a well-known journalist. clause
Which e that podem ser usados no lugar de sujeitos que se referem a
2.1.3 Relative pronoun as the object of a coisas ou animais, ou no lugar dos pronomes it ou they. Quando which e
preposition that fazem referência ao sujeito da oração, eles não podem ser omitidos.
Além disso, os mesmos não mudam de forma quando estão no singular
Quando queremos nos referir a uma pessoa, somente whom poderá ou no plural.
ser usado diretamente depois de uma preposição. Nessa posição, whom This is the photo which/that shows my house.
não pode ser omitido e nem substituído por who ou that. Esse tipo de
construção é mais formal e raramente usado no dia a dia. These are the photos which/that show my house.
He is the man to whom I gave the money.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 9
Unit 20

• Typical defining relative clause with “which” or “that” as subject T he Acme Travel Agency has opened four new branches.
Tanto which quanto that podem ser usados numa relative clause. Our company has been dealing with it for several years.
The tiles fell off the road. They causes a lot of damage. T he Acme Travel Agency, with which our company had been dealing
The tiles which/that fell of the road caused serious damage. for several years, has opened four new branches.
T he Acme Travel Agency, which our company had been dealing with
• Typical non-defining relative clause with “which” as subject for several years, has opened four new branches.
Which é o único possível, já que não podemos usar that em uma
relative clause com vírgulas.
2.3 Relative pronoun relating to things and
The Thames is now clean enough to swim in. It was polluted for over
a hundred years.
people: whose
T he Thames, which is now clean enough to swim in, was polluted 2.3.1 “Whose” as part of the subject of the relative
for over a hundred years.
Whose pode ser usado para substituir os adjetivos possessivos.
2.2.2 Relative pronoun as the object of a relative Ele sempre permanecerá o mesmo, seja como referência de um substantivo
clause masculino ou feminino, seja como singular ou plural.
That e which, quando fazem referência a coisas e animais, podem ser He is the man whose car was stolen.
usados sem diferença alguma na posição de objeto da oração. Entretanto, She is the woman whose cars were stolen.
os dois são frequentemente omitidos (somente nas defining clauses).
Whose também pode susbtituir o adjetivo possessivo its:
• Typical defining relative clause with “which” or “that” as object
This is the house whose windows were broken.
The shed has begun to rot. We built it in the garden last year.
The shed (that/which) we built in the garden last year has begun Muitas vezes essa construção é evitada por nativos, já que os mesmos
to rot. consideram whose o genitivo de who.
• Typical non-defining relative clause with “which” as object Num contexto mais formal, usamos of which em vez de whose.
Which é o único possível, já que não podemos usar that em uma It was an agreement of which the details could not be altered.
relative clause com vírgulas.
T he shed in our garden has lasted for a long time. My father built it • Typical defining relative clauses with “whose” as part of the subject
many years ago. The millionaire has made a public appeal. His son ran away from
home a week ago.
T he shed in our garden, which my father built many years ago, has
lasted for a long time. The millionaire whose son ran away from home a week ago has
made a public appeal.

2.2.3 Relative pronoun as the object of a • Typical non-defining relative clauses with “whose” as part of the subject
preposition Sally Smiles has resigned as director. Her cosmetics company has
Quando nos referimos a coisas e animais, somente which pode vir been in the news a great deal recently.
diretamente após uma preposição. Quando usado dessa maneira, which Sally Smiles, whose cosmetics company has been in the news a
não pode ser substituído por that nem omitido. great deal recently, has resigned as director.
This is the pan in which I boiled the milk.
2.3.2 “Whose” + noun with a preposition
A preposição pode ser colocada ao final da oração. Quando isso
acontece, podemos usar which ou that. Whose + substantive pode ser usado como objeto de uma preposição.
A preposição pode vir antes de whose ou ao final da oração.
This is the pan that/which I boiled the milk in.
He is the man from whose house the pictures were stolen.
Entretanto, o pronome relative é frequentemente omitido quando a
preposição aparece em uma posição final (somente nas defining clauses). He is the man whose house the pictures were stolen from.
This is the pan I boiled the milk in.
• Typical defining relative clause using “whose” with a preposition
These are the cats I gave the milk to.
In 1980 he caught a serious illness. He still suffers from its effects.
• Typical defining relative clause with a preposition In 1908 he caught a serious illness from whose effects he still suffers.
The agency is bankrupt. We bought the tickets from it.
The agency from which we bought the tickets is bankrupt. • Typical non-defining relative clause using “whose” with a
The agency which/that we bought the tickets from is bankrupt.
Mr. Jason Matthews died last night. A valuable Rembrandt was given
The agency we bought the tickets from is bankrupt. to the nation from his collection of pictures.
Mr. Jason Matthews, from whose collection of pictures a valuable
• Typical non-defining relative clause with a preposition
Rembrandt was given to the nation, died last night.
Which é o único possível, já que não podemos usar that em uma
relative clause com vírgulas.

10 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Relative clauses INGLÊS
Unit 20

2.5 “That” after “all”, etc. and superlatives

That é normalmente usado após palavras como all, any, anything,
everything, a few e the only one quando elas não se referem a pessoas.
All that remains for me to do is to say goodbye.
Everything that can be done has been done.
I’ll do anything (that) I can.

Who é usado após all, any e a few quando se referem a pessoas:

God bless this ship and all who sail in her.

2.4 Relative clauses of time, place and reason
That também é usado após superlativos. Ele é opcional quando falando
Relative clauses de tempo, de lugar e de razão existem quando sobre o objeto da oração, mas obrigatório quando se trata do sujeito.
substituímos o pronome relativo por when, where e why. Eles também It’s the silliest argument (that) I’ve ever heard.
podem ser usados para substituir expressões como the time, the place
e the reason. Bach’s the greatest composer that has ever lived.

2.6 “Which” in place of a clause

2.4.1 Time
Which pode ser usado para fazer referência a uma oração inteira, não
• Defining relative clauses necessariamente uma única palavra. Nesses casos, ele pode ser substituído
2010 was the year (in which) my daughter was born. por and this ou and that:
2010 was (the year) when my daughter was born. She married Joe, which (and this/that) surprised everyone.

• Non-defining relative clauses

The summer of 1969, the year (in which) men first set foot on the BUILDING UP YOUR VOCABULARY
Moon, will never be forgotten. Health and the body
The summer of 1969, (the year) when men first set foot on the Moon,
will never be forgotten. crawling hobbling marching staggering tiptoeing
dashing limping rambling strolling wandering
2.4.2 Place
• Defining relative clauses 1. I really enjoy walking for pleasure in the countryside.
This is the place in which I grew up. ______________________

This is the place which I grew up in. 2. After about six months, babies start moving about on their hands
and knees. _____________________
This is the place I grew up in.
3. My sister was walking on the front part of her foots as to make
This is (the place) where I grew up. no noise along the corridor. _____________________
4. The injured player began walking with one leg more easily than
• Non-defining relative clauses
the other off the pitch. ____________________
The Tower of London, in which so many people lost their lives, is
now a tourist attraction. 5. The drunken man was moving unsteadily from one side of the
street to the other. ________________________
The Tower of London, (the place) where so many people lost their
lives, is now a tourist attraction. 6. Nowadays, soldiers have motorized transport and do little moving
on foot. ________________________
7. There is nothing more pleasant than walking in a leisurely
2.4.3 Reason manner along the sea front. _________________________
• Defining relative clauses 8. I’ve been moving very rapidly backwards and forwards all day,
That’s the reason (for which) he dislikes me. and I’m exhausted. ________________________
That’s (the reason) why he dislikes me. 9. When I visit a new town, I like walking with no particular purpose
around looking at the sights. ________________________
• Non-defining relative clauses 10. I wasn’t used to so much walking, and ended up moving with
My success in business, (the reason) for which he dislikes me, has difficulty home, with blisters on both feet. ________________
been due to hard work.
My success is business, the reason why he dislikes me, has been
due to hard work. (Nesse caso, não podemos omitir the reason.)

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 11
Unit 20

02 Fill in the gaps using a relative pronoun.

a. Her mother, ___________ you never met, is interested in detective

01 Where are the people _______ ordered the taxi? novels.
b. Roses, for _____________ all women have a liking, smell very nice.
(A) that (D) which c. Hasan is the person _________________ the manager wants to see.
(B) whom (E) – d. Hemmingway, _____________ novels are still very popular, led a
(C) whose painful life.
e. One should quit smoking, __________ is very harmful to health.
Solução:Letra A.
f. A student ______________ doesn’t study hard enough cannot be
O pronome relativo para ser usado nessa frase é that, porque faz referência
a uma pessoa, enquanto sujeito da oração.
g. They have three sons, all of ___________ are living abroad.
h. We are living next to a woman _____________ dog barks all the time.
02 The pub, _______ lost its license, has been turned into a shop.
i. This is Mount Ararat, on the peak of _________ , there always is snow.
(A) that (D) which j. We have never met again, _________ is a pity.
(B) whose (E) who
(C) when 03 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase
Solução:Letra D. There are many evidences that __________ can live alone. Those
Por se tratar de uma non-defining clause, devemos usar o pronome which __________ marriage ends generally suffer from depression.
como referência ao pub.
(A) any – who (D) nobody – who
03 The children and the animals ________ were in the park in the moment (B) nobody – whose (E) any – which
of the attack did not suffer any harm. (C) no – whose
(A) which (D) whom 04
(B) who (E) that To make spending time outdoors safer, a company called Frogskin
(C) whose Inc., located in Scottsdale, Arizona, is marketing a line of clothing called
Solução:Letra E. Frogware that, wet or dry, protects the user from the damaging effects of
Por se tratar de uma referência tanto de pessoa quanto de animal, usamos the sun more effectively than sunscreens.
o pronome that para unir as duas orações. The word “that” can be replaced with:
04 The boy to ________ you spoke is my cousin.
(A) what. (D) who.
(A) who (D) whose (B) whose. (E) whichever.
(B) that (E) whom (C) which.
(C) –
05 That is the one __________ I always use.
Solução:Letra E.
Apesar de estarmos nos referindo ao termo boy, que é uma pessoa, só (A) whose (D) which
podemos usar o pronome whom por causa da preposição que o antecede. (B) who (E) whom
(C) what

06 The doctor to __________ Mrs. Jones went told her to eat less.

01 Choose the correct relative pronoun in the parentheses. (A) where (D) who
(B) what (E) whom
a. The woman __________ came into the room was Ms. Smith. (whom, (C) whose
who, whose)
b. The girl _______ Tom saw yesterday is very beautiful. (whom, whose, 07 In “Men don’t often have the lump-in-the-throat feeling that many
which) women experience”, the pronoun “that” could be replaced by:
c. The boy ______ came to see us was my nephew. (which, whom, that)
d. The woman ___________ I met at the party is a poetess. (that, which, (A) who. (D) what.
whose) (B) whom. (E) which.
e. The girl __________ came to see me is called Hellen. (whom, who, (C) whose.
f. The student _________ I called down behaved badly. (whose, whom, 08 Fill in correctly with a relative pronoun:
which) The flower exhibit ___________ was held in the Botanical Garden in
g. The child to __________ I gave the toy was sad. (whose, whom, that) Curitiba, last September, showed beautiful orchids from all over the world.
h. The exercise-book __________ I saw on the teacher’s desk is Dick’s.
(A) that (D) where
(that, who, whom)
(B) whose (E) who
i. The book for _________ I was looking is over there. (that, who, which)
(C) whom
j. The dog ________ tail was cut off is white. (that, whom, whose)

12 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Relative clauses INGLÊS
Unit 20

09 In the sentence “It’s time to meet people who work from their homes”, 15 O pronome which em Many mobile phone operating companies would
the pronoun “who can be replaced by “that”. Mark the option that can only rather give out new handsets than see their clients defect to rival services,
be completed with the relative pronoun “who”: which often try to lure customers by offering the latest mobile phones free
for switching services refere-se a:
(A) That is the consultant __________ I met in São Paulo last week.
(B) My brother, __________ works as a consultant, makes much money. (A) clients.
(C) Would you like to work with bosses __________ are understanding? (B) handsets.
(D) Employees __________ work from home part of the time are happier. (C) rival services.
(E) The tele-commuter to _________ I was introduced yesterday is Asian. (D) customers.
(E) mobile phone operating companies.
10 Os períodos simples provenientes do composto She was a girl whom
it was difficult to know well são: 16 (UNIOESTE-1999) Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) na(s) qual(is) os
pronomes that, who e which estão utilizados corretamente:
(A) She was a girl. Whom it was difficult to know well.
(B) She was a girl. It was difficult to know her well.
( ) Athletes are basically the consumers who are going to buy Jui2ce.
(C) She who was a girl. It was difficult to know well.
( ) Jui2ce is a juice that offers a series of benefits to your health.
(D) She was a difficult girl. It was difficult to know well.
( ) Mandarin Mango is a flavor which provides vitamin A.
(E) She was a girl. It was difficult to know whom well.
( ) Calcium is one of the components who is good for health.
( ) Young people that usually drink the Jui2ce say it is delicious.
11 Insert the appropriate relative pronoun:
( ) Jui2ce has beta-carotene, who is said to be excellent for health.
Gossips, to ______ you should pay no attention, is a bad thing.
Dr. Smith, _______ car is outside, has come to see a patient.
(A) V – F – V – F – F – F. (D) V – V – F – F – V – F.
My friend Jack, _______ is in hospital, is very ill.
(B) V – F – V – F – V – V. (E) V – V – V – F – V – F.
This is my Uncle John, ________ you have heard so much about.
(C) V – V – V – F – F – V.
(A) which – whose – who – whom
(B) that – whose – whom – which 17 Supply the sentences with the correct alternative:
(C) which – whom – that – who
I. This is the hardest problem __________ I have ever had to face.
(D) whom – whose – that – whom
II. A doctor, __________ patients trust him, has great responsibility.
(E) that – whom – who – which
III. Vesuvius, __________ is a lofty volcano, overlooks the Bay of Naples.
IV. My friend Marcello, __________ is in hospital, is very ill.
12 My neighbor, __________ is very beautiful, was here this morning.
V. There’s something __________ I must tell you in confidence.
(A) which (D) when
(B) whose (E) what (A) I. that; II. which; III. what; IV. who; V. that.
(C) who (B) I. which; II. whose; III. that; IV. whose; V. which.
(C) I. that; II. whose; III. which; IV. who; V. that.
13 Choose the right alternative to complete the spaces: (D) I. what; II. who; III. which; IV. that; V. what.
(E) I. that; II. whose; III. what; IV. which; V. that.
I. George Washington, __________ became president of the
United States, never told a lie. 18 Assinale a alternativa correta:
II. In Norway, _______ is a Baltic country, you can see the midnight Sun. Children who are exposed to TV can learn __________ ideas may be
III. Melanie Griffith, with __________ Antonio Banderas got married, is taken away from it.
very jealous.
IV. Bernard Shaw, __________ books were known in all the world, was (A) whoever (D) which
a very clever writer. (B) whom (E) where
V. Le Corbusier, about __________ we are learning now, was a famous (C) who
modernist architect.
19 The sentence “The texts that make up English literature are a part and a
(A) whose – that – which – who – whose product of the English language and cannot be separated from it.” contains
(B) whom – which – that – whose – whom a(an):
(C) who – which – whom – whose – whom
(D) which – whom – who – whom – which (A) conditional clause. (C) relative clause.
(E) that – who – whose – which – who (B) adverbial clause. (D) noun clause.

14 Choose the correct alternative: 20 The writer I am talking about is the one:

(A) Caetano Veloso’s, who latest CD, I bought last week, is wonderful. (A) whom hates giving interviews.
(B) Caetano Veloso’s latest CD, which I bought last week, is wonderful. (B) which has just written his autobiography.
(C) Caetano Veloso’s latest CD whom is wonderful I bought last week. (C) who wrote Travels in scriptorium.
(D) Caetano Veloso, which is wonderful, I bought last week latest CD. (D) whom was persecuted because of his ideas.
(E) Caetano Veloso’s latest CD, whose I bought last week, is wonderful.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 13
Unit 20

05 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao referente do pronome relativo

em destaque a seguir:
Since then, microchips, satellites and nuclear power have become
01 Write relative clauses without using the relative pronoun. realities that define everyday life.

a. I gave you a book. It had many pictures. (A) Every day.

The book _____________________________________________. (B) Life.
b. I am reading a book at the moment. It is very interesting. (C) Intellectuals.
The book _____________________________________________. (D) Realities.
c. You live in a town. The town is very old. (E) Scientists.
The town _____________________________________________.
d. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday. 06 “Where” in “They are limited to texts where the possibilities of linguistic
The sweets ___________________________________________. error are minimal.” could be replaced by:
e. The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it.
(A) that.
The football match ______________________________________.
(B) which.
f. The letter hasn’t arrived yet. I posted it three days ago.
(C) whose.
The letter _____________________________________________.
(D) in which.
g. He lives in a house. The house is not very big.
(E) whereby.
The house ____________________________________________.
h. They are playing a song on the radio. Do you like it?
07 In the sentence “This same syndrome is reflected in the models who
Do you like __________________________________________?
are shown in current advertising.”, the relative pronoun “who” could be
i. Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday. Did you see it?
replaced by “that”. The item in which the pronoun “who” could not be
Did you see ___________________________________________?
replaced by “that” is:
j. Sue is going out with a boy. I don’t like him.
I don’t like ____________________________________________.
(A) Journalists who also write ads earn a lot of money.
(B) The girl recognized the man who had committed the crime.
02 Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronoun. Write an X inside
(C) The salesgirl told the manager who had stolen the dress.
the parentheses at the beginning of the sentences in which the pronoun
(D) Some advertisements show models who are quite exotic looking.
may be omitted.
(E) One of the boys who visited us yesterday is a model.
a. ( ) Tom works for a company ___________ makes bikes.
b. ( ) The man ________ told me you were out answered the telephone. 08 Escolha a alternativa correta para completar a frase a seguir:
c. ( ) The bed _________ I slept in was too soft. It was Eiffel __________ constructed the metal framework.
d. ( ) I enjoy my job because of the people with _________ I work.
e. ( ) She gives her children everything ___________ they want. (A) whom (D) why
f. ( ) The book is about a woman _________ you know. (B) which (E) who
g. ( ) I didn’t get the job ________ I applied for. (C) whose
h. ( ) The man to ________ she is married has been married twice.
i. ( ) The stories __________ Tom tells them are usually very funny. 09 Vote for __________ candidate you like.
j. ( ) I didn’t have the chance to talk to the girl _____ father just died.
(A) wherever (D) whomever
03 I’m a person __________ technical knowledge of computer will (B) whenever (E) whichever
impress __________. (C) whoever

(A) who – everyone 10 __________ campaign __________ benefits children education is

(B) which – someone worth doing.
(C) for whom – nobody
(D) whom – everybody (A) Some – which (D) None – that
(E) whose – anyone (B) Any – whose (E) Some – what
(C) Any – which
04 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao referente do pronome relativo
em destaque a seguir: 11 The pronoun “who” is used in “To help anxious shopaholics, who
Both research and commercial perspectives are considered, making often wind up with major financial and personal difficulties, researchers
the event essential for all researchers, designers and manufacturers who at several universities in the United States are working on a variety of
need to keep abreast of developments in HCI. therapeutic approaches.”. Mark the option in which “who” and “that” are
(A) Research and commercial perspectives.
(B) Developments in HCI. (A) The drug __________ you ordered last week has arrived.
(C) Interface design, user modelling, tools, hyper text, CSCW, and (B) The hospital __________ your father recommended is now closed.
programming. (C) We hope __________ the psychiatrist will arrive soon.
(D) Recent trends and issues. (D) This is the researcher __________ handled the project.
(E) All researchers, designers and manufacturers. (E) I met your doctor, but he didn’t know __________ I was.

14 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Relative clauses INGLÊS
Unit 20

12 In the passage “I have learned there are large numbers of Americans 18 In the sentences “Gold’s novel was also the start of the ‘Jewish-
(maybe not the majority) who are passionate about, or at least interested American’ novel, which became an important type of literature in the
in, shaping their lives to be humane, individual, socially tolerant and fifties and sixties. Gold describes the failure of the ‘American Dream’ for
contributing, and spiritual by some definition.”, the word “who” could be those who had left Europe looking for a new and better life.”, the parts
replaced by: in highlighted letters are, respectively:

(A) which. (A) defining adjective clause and non-defining adjective clause.
(B) whom. (B) non-defining adjective clause and defining adjective clause.
(C) that. (C) defining adjective clause and defining adjective clause.
(D) whose. (D) non-defining adjective clause and non-defining adjective clause.
(E) the word cannot be replaced.
19 In the expression “One-third of the youngest children in the
13 In the sentence “About 20% of lung-cancer patients are found to have United States – babies through age 6 – live in homes where the television
a tumor whose biological characteristics and small size give them a good is on almost all the time.”, “where” could be rephrased correctly with:
chance of being cured if the malignant growth is surgically removed.”, the
(A) Live in homes in which the television is on almost all the time.
highlighted word refers to:
(B) Live in homes that the television is on almost all the time.
(C) Live in homes which the television is on almost all the time.
(A) patients.
(D) Live in homes the television is on almost all the time.
(B) blacks.
(E) Live in homes in that the television is on almost all the time.
(C) tumor.
(D) lung cancer.
20 In the sentence “Under a microscope you can see the bacterium that
(E) about 20%.
lives in your gums. It’s called gram-negative bacterium and it produces a
toxin or poison that destroys the bones around your teeth.”, the highlighted
14 Complete the sentence below correctly:
word can be replaced by:
Don Pedro, __________ was one of the visitors, was also very impressed
with Bell’s invention. (A) who. (D) which.
(B) whose. (E) what.
(A) who
(C) whom.
(B) whose
(C) when
(D) where
(E) which

15 Mark the sentence that can only be completed with “whose”, the relative Floating on air
pronoun: In the very early days of the eighteenth century, the principle of floating
flight was quite unknown. But in 1783, two French brothers in the paper-
(A) This is Patricia, __________ sister you met last week. making business noticed how a fire carried pieces of paper upward on its
(B) One should be loyal to __________ one is married. hot clouds of smoke, and they tried filling a paper bag full of the same kind
(C) She’s married to a doctor of __________ you have heard. of smoke to see if it would go up too.
(D) AIDS, __________ kills thousands of people, hasn’t been wiped out. It did. And so Joseph and Étienne Montgolfier began to make balloons.
(E) I don’t like people __________ lose their tempers easily. They made bigger bags of hot smoke until on June 5, 1783, feeling
confident at last about their discovery, they put on a public ascensions
16 In his last book, the author decided to talk about the people and the before thousand people in Annonay, France.
places __________ he loved.
This full-size balloon was made of linen and paper. The Montgolfiers
(A) who built a fire under it, filling it quickly with yellow smoke. Then they cut the
(B) whom strings and it rose for several thousand feet, landing ten minutes later about
(C) which a mile and a half away.
(D) that Sometime later, the Montgolfier brothers went to Paris to show off their hot-
(E) whose air balloon. There they built a brightly coloured balloon, which rose successfully
on September 12. On September 19, they sent up a large one carrying a sheep
17 Assinale a alternativa correta: and a duck to see if life was possible up there in the unknown.
______ finds the money may keep it. After the animals landed safe and sound, a new balloon was built for
(A) Who he human passengers and the king wanted to send two criminals for the first
(B) Whom flight. But a scientist persuaded the king that the privilege of being the first
(C) Whose human to fly was too great an honour to waste on a criminal. So he and
(D) Whomever another man were given the chance. During November they experimented
(E) Whoever in the new balloon while it was still tied down and at last, on December 1,
they were cut loose on the world’s first free human flight!

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 15
Unit 20

01 The text deals with floating balloons, that is, balloons which: 06 The Montgolfiers sent animals on a balloon to:

(A) are impelled by rockets. (A) test whether a balloon could carry a great weight.
(B) are kept in the air by powerful machines. (B) measure the amount of oxygen in the blue sky.
(C) can only fly in one direction. (C) be sure about the survival of living beings high in the air.
(D) go up suddenly in clouds of smoke. (D) enjoy the unknown heights.
(E) keep moving about freely in the air. (E) see how the unknown was.

02 The eighteenth century came: 07 The scientist’s point of view expressed to the king denoted his:
(A) before the seventeenth and after the nineteenth century.
(A) esteem for the king.
(B) after the seventeenth century and just before the nineteenth century.
(B) respect for the new invention.
(C) just after the nineteenth century.
(C) pity for the two criminals.
(D) between two centuries before the tenth century.
(D) admiration for men of honour.
(E) next after the seventeenth century.
(E) envy at the success of the Montgolfiers.
03 In 1783, the Montgolfiers worked:
08 In “to fly was too great an honour”, the word “too” expresses the idea of:
(A) covering walls with paper.
(B) for a newspaper. (A) in a higher degree than was reasonable.
(C) picking up pieces of paper. (B) greater in number that was necessary.
(D) in a new story about balloons. (C) larger in size than was wanted.
(E) as paper manufacturers. (D) besides.
(E) also.
04 When the Montgolfiers tried filling a paper bag with the same smoke, they:
09 Mark the question to which the following sentence could be the answer:
(A) wanted the bag to be dirty with black smoke. This full-size balloon was made of linen and paper.
(B) tested it to know the reason why paper bags caught fire.
(C) attempted to see the smoke up there in the clear sky. (A) Whom was this full-size balloon built for?
(D) intended to make it rise high in the air. (B) What was this full-size balloon made of?
(E) wanted to empty the bag completely. (C) Whose full-size balloon was this?
(D) What was the shape of this balloon made of linen and paper?
05 The Montgolfiers put on a public ascensions in order to: (E) When was this full-size balloon made?

(A) tell everyone everything they knew. 10 From what is said in the text, we conclude that the Montgolfiers:
(B) set the balloons on fire.
(C) perform a kind of show. (A) cared only for their paper making business.
(D) go up in the balloon. (B) were inventive, clever, and careful men.
(E) make a brightly coloured balloon. (C) just wanted to show off and be famous.
(D) were curious about the clouds in the sky.
(E) spoke too proudly about their balloons.










16 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4

Reported speech
She asked (me) if / whether I wanted anything.

©Murat Göçmen/iStock
She asked (me) what I wanted.
Além disso, usamos “ask” e “tell” para ordens ou pedidos no discurso
He asked me to clean the room.
He told me to clean the room.

2. Indirect statements: reporting verb

in the present
2.1 Form with reporting verb in the present
Usamos o discurso indireto (indirect speech or reported speech) Se um verbo introdutório de discurso indireto se encontra no presente,
quando estamos contando algo que outra pessoa diz ou disse. Os reporting os tempos verbais que o seguem permanecem como foram ditos. Isso é
verbs (verbos usados para introduzir o discurso indireto) podem estar no bem comum quando reportamos algo que acabou de ser dito.
presente ou no passado (mais frequente), e os tempos verbais no discurso I’ve read Tony’s book and I don’t understand it.
indireto são frequentemente afetados por isso. Jim says / tells me (that) he has read Tony’s book and he doesn’t
understand it.
Fala propriamente dita “I can see him now.”
2.2 Indirect speech in context (reporting verb
“I can see him now.”, the boss says/
Discurso direto na escrita
said. in the present)
The boss says (that) he can see you O verbo que introduz o discurso indireto ficará no presente quando
Discurso indireto (presente) o mesmo reportar algo que possui uma referência geral ou que esteja
relacionado ao tempo presente como nos contextos abaixo:
The boss said (that) he could see you
Discurso indireto (passado)
then. • Rumores
A little bird tells me you’re applying for a new job.
1. The most common reporting verbs:
• Repassando mensagens
say, tell and ask A: Come in now, Jim. Dinner’s ready.
Apesar de serem os verbos mais comuns utilizados no discurso B: What does your mother say?
indireto, os três não seguem os mesmos padrões. O mais importante a C: She says you must come in now, dad. (She says) dinner’s ready.
ser lembrado é que o verbo “tell” deve ser seguido de um objeto indireto
pessoal – “tell somebody that”. Já o verbo “say” pode ser seguido por • Lendo uma notícia e depois repassando
“to” mais a pessoa a quem se dirige a fala. A: What does the article say?
“You haven’t got much time”, he told me/he said (to me). B: It’s about the kitchen in the future. The writer says we’ll have robots
Ask pode ser seguido de um objeto indireto. which can understand instructions and carry them out.
“Are you comfortable?”, he asked (me).
• Algo geral, sem um tempo específico
He asked (me) if I was comfortable.
A: So, how are you supposed to wire this plug?
Usamos “say“ e “tell someone” mais o opcional “that” para introduzir
B: The instructions say that the brown wire means ‘live’ and it goes
declarações, ou seja, oração nas formas afirmativa e negativa.
into the hole marked ‘L’. It says here that the blue means ‘neutral’ and it
He said (that) / told me (that) his life was in danger. goes into the hole marked ‘N’.
Se precisamos mencionar com quem se fala, usamos “tell someone”
em vez de “say to someone”. • Repassando algo que alguém diz com muita frequência
His life was in danger, he told me / he said. Mary’s always talking about money. She’s always complaining that
things are expensive and she’s always asking how much I’ve paid for one
Ask é usado para perguntas na forma de discurso indireto.
thing or another.
Ask (someone) é seguido de if/whether ou de uma question word.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 17
Unit 21

3.3 Pronoun changes

Os pronomes mudam (ou não) dependendo do ponto de vista de quem
está repassando a mensagem.
I’ll send you a card, Sue.
Ann told Sue she’d send her a card. (reported by a third person)
Ann told me she’d send me a card. (reported by Sue)
I told Sue I’d send her a card. (reported by Ann)

3.4 Time and place changes

É comumente necessário fazer mudanças com relação ao tempo e ao
lugar quando mudamos o tempo verbal. Por exemplo, na terça-feira, Jane diz:
A card came yesterday saying Sue will arrive tomorrow.
Tim, repassando a mensagem na quarta-feira, deve dizer:
Jane told me a card had come the day before yesterday / on Monday
3. Indirect statements with tense changes saying Sue would arrive today / on Wednesday.

3.1 Form with reporting verb in the past DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH
Tom said (that) he needed to go to two days ago two days before / earlier
I need to go to the bank.
the bank. today that day
I’m waiting for Harriet. Pam said she was waiting for Harriet.
tonight that night
Sylvia said she had moved to
I’ve moved to another flat. tomorrow the next / the following day
another flat.
She said she moved / had moved to yesterday the previous day / the day before
I moved to another flat.
another flat.
last night the night before
She said she was waiting / had been
I was waiting for Harriet. here there
waiting for Harriet.
I had been waiting for hours. He said he had been waiting for hours. this place that place
She said she could see me the next these places those places
I can see you tomorrow.
come go
I will help you. He said he would help me.
bring take

3.2 Tense changes

3.5 Modal verbs
No discurso indireto, nós não repetimos o que o interlocutor realmente
disse. Há uma distância de quando algo foi dito para quando algo foi 3.5.1 Alguns verbos modais possuem o seu
repassado, por isso a mudança no tempo verbal. Como resultado, os
verbos do discurso indireto frequentemente se movem um passado para correlato para o discurso indireto
trás. Essa mudança dos tempos verbais em inglês é chamada de backshift. can – could
Uma regra básica é que tudo que é presente se torna passado e tudo que may – might
é passado se torna passado perfeito. Os verbos modais no “passado”
will – would
(would, might, could) e o próprio Past Perfect não sofrem mudanças já
que não é possível fazer o backshift. “I will see you later”, he said.
He said he would see me later.
Simple Present Simple Past 3.5.2 Shall
Present Continuous Past Continuous Quando “shall” é usado como referência para o futuro, indicando
previsão, especulação, ele se torna “would” no discurso indireto.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
‘I shall tell him exactly what I think’, she said.
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
She said she would tell him exactly what she thought.
Simple Past Past Perfect
Porém, quando “shall” é usado com ideia de oferta, sugestão ou
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous pedido, ele se torna “should” no discurso indireto.
“Shall I speak to him in person?”, she asked.
She asked whether she should speak to him in person.

18 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Reported speech INGLÊS
Unit 21

3.5.3 Should (have) He told me he worked as a builder. → fato no presente ou relacionado

ao passado?
Quando usamos “should” com ideia de desejo, obrigação ou
probabilidade, ele continua o mesmo no discurso indireto.

“You should see a doctor.”, he told me.
He told me I should see a doctor.
Entretanto, quando “should” está sendo usado no lugar de “would”
em uma condicional, ele se torna “would” no discurso indireto.
If I were you, I should get another lawyer.
She said (that) if she were me, she would get another lawyer.

3.5.4 Would (have), could (have), might (have),

ought to, needn’t have, used to, must have
Todos esses verbos modais permanecem os mesmos quando
colocados no discurso indireto. 5. Indirect yes/no questions
“I would like an appointment tomorrow.”, I said to my dentist.
Apesar de ter a mesma formação com relação à mudança de
I told my dentist that I would like an appointment the following day. tempo verbal, existem outras mudanças que devem ser feitas quando
“I must have slept through the alarm.”, she said. transformamos uma pergunta do discurso direto para o indireto.
She said she must have slept through the alarm.
5.1 Form of indirect yes/no questions
3.5.5 Must Actual spoken questions Indirect speech
Quando fazendo referência ao passado, “must” permanece o Are you ready? He asked (me) if/whether I was ready.
mesmo quando no discurso indireto queremos expressar uma obrigação Have you finished? He asked (me) if/whether I had finished.
inescapável. Ou podemos substituí-lo por “had to”.
Do you play chess? He asked (me) if/whether I played chess.
“I must warn you of the consequences.”, he said.
Can I have it? He asked (me) if/whether he could have it.
He told me he must / had to warn me of the consequences.
Quando indica uma necessidade para o futuro, podemos manter “must”
no discurso indireto ou trocá-lo tanto por “would have to” ou “had to”. 5.2 Word order
‘We must go early tomorrow,’ she said. Quando formamos uma pergunta na língua inglesa, temos algumas
She said they must / would have to / had to go early the next day. regras a seguir e a mais importante é a inversão quando se trata das
Porém, quando “must” indica dedução ou possibilidade, ele não pode partículas auxiliares (be, modals e have/had nos tempos perfeitos) e a
ser substituído por nenhum outro verbo, permanecendo da mesma forma. inclusão dos auxiliares (do/does no Simple Present e did no Simple Past).
“George must be a fool to behave like that.”, he said. She is really smart. → Is she really smart?
He said George must be a fool to behave like that. He likes chocolate. → Does he like chocolate?
Mustn’t, que expressa proibição, permanece o mesmo no discurso Ao fazermos o discurso indireto das perguntas, devemos colocar
indireto ou pode ser substituído por “couldn’t”. as orações novamente na ordem direta e também excluir os auxiliares
do/does e did.
“You mustn’t cross the border.”, the guard said.
Is she really smart? → He asked (me) if/whether she was really
The guard said we mustn’t / couldn’t cross the border.
Does he like chocolate? → She asked (me) if/whether he liked
4. Reporting permanent states, chocolate.

habits, facts 5.3 If and whether

Estados permanentes e condições são frequentemente usados no If e whether são usados da mesma maneira depois de verbos como
Simple Present, quando no discurso indireto, mesmo após um verbo ask, want to know, wonder, etc, mas whether possui uma ideia maior de
introdutório no passado. dúvida. Alguns verbos, como discuss, só podem ser seguidos por whether.
Copernicus concluded that the Earth goes round the Sun. If ou whether devem sempre ser usados quando reportamos perguntas
Entretanto, devido à regra da proximidade, também é possível fazer a de sim/não e não podem ser omitidos.
mudança do tempo verbal. Tom asked if/whether it was raining.
Copernicus concluded that the Earth went round the Sun. Apesar de terem mais ou menos o mesmo uso, whether é mais utilizado
Uma mudança no tempo verbal também pode gerar ambiguidade. quando há alternativas.
He told me he works as a builder. → ação no presente, um fato. She asked me whether I wanted tea or coffee.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 19
Unit 21

6. Indirect question-word questions “Brush your teeth and go to bed.”, her mother said.
Her mother told her to brush her teeth and go to bed.
Existem dois tipos de perguntas: yes/no e wh-questions. Essas últimas
“Remember to switch off all the lights.”, she said.
são formadas por pronomes interrogativos, que podem vir sozinhos ou
acompanhados de outras palavras. She reminded me to switch off all the lights.
Who did you see at the ball? Quando reportamos um imperativo na forma negativa, “not” sempre
vem antes do “to-infinitive”.
How many lipsticks has she bought?
Don’t eat all the candies. → She told me not to eat all the candies.
What colour do you like the most?
Don’t speak so loudly, please. → She asked me not to speak so loudly.
6.1 Form of indirect question-word questions
7.3 The infinitive after question-words
Actual spoken questions Indirect speech
Sugestões e conselhos pedidos com “Shall I…?”, “Should I...?”, “Do
Where are you going? He asked (me) where I was going. you want me to...?” podem ser reportados de duas maneiras:
Why haven’t you finished? He asked (me) why I hadn’t finished. Should I phone her? → He wanted to know if/whether he should
What do you think of it? He asked (me) what I thought of it. phone her.
When must I be there? He asked (me) when he had to be there. ou
→ He wanted to know whether to phone her.
6.2 Word order How shall I prepare the sauce? → He wanted to know how he should
prepare the sauce.
As mudanças com relação à ordem das palavras acontecem da mesma
maneira que acontece nas yes/no Questions. Porém, quando reportamos ou
wh-questions, usaremos o próprio pronome interrogativo. → He wanted to know how to prepare
Where are you going? → He asked (us) where we were going. the sauce.
When did you give it to John? → He asked (me) when I had given
it to John.
8. Indirect questions
Quando se trata de perguntas com pronomes interrogativos, devemos Apesar de as indirect questions não serem necessariamente um
levar em consideração a presença ou não de sujeito. caso de discurso indireto, acabamos tratando desse assunto juntamente
com o mesmo por seguir uma regra básica: a mudança da inversão e a
What does she want to know? → They wanted to know what she
omissão do auxiliar.
wanted to know.
What caused the accident? → They wanted to know what had caused
the accident. Direct question Indirect question
What time is it? I’d like to know what time it is.
7. Uses of the to-infinitive in indirect How much does it cost? Can you tell me how much it costs?
speech Who did you see at the ball? I was wondering who you saw at the ball.

7.1 Form of the to-infinitive in indirect speech

ABOUT bring someone
Actual spoken words Reported speech accomplish, achieve or something to a
I told him to keep a record of his certain place
Keep a record of your expenses.
expenses. AROUND
I told him not to make a mess in UP persuade or
Don’t make a mess in the kitchen. mention convince someone
the kitchen.
He wanted to know how to BRING
How do I prepare the sauce?
prepare the sauce. OUT
make a shy person BACK
I want to speak to the manager. She asked to speak to the manager. more confident fetch something

7.2 The imperative: affirmative and negative FORTH

create, generate, DOWN
bring into existence reduce
Os imperativos (frequentemente ordens, pedidos, conselhos, etc) são
transformados no discurso indireto com verbos apropriados e seguidos do
verbo da ação na forma de to-infinitive. Os verbos mais comuns, sempre
seguidos de um pronome objeto, são advise, ask, instruct, remind, tell,
warn, etc. Em cada caso, o verbo deve corresponder à função empregada
pelo imperativo na oração dita.

20 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Reported speech INGLÊS
Unit 21


Phrasal Verbs: BRING
01 Write the sentences in indirect speech, using the words given. Change
1. Don’t bring ________ politics if you want to have a quiet
the pronouns where necessary.
conversation with that guy.
2. I brought my uncle __________ to the party.
a. “I’m writing a letter.” She said ______________________________.
3. The latest budget reforms are intended to bring _________ the
b. “I don’t like this idea.” He said ______________________________.
level of inflation.
c. “The car isn’t at my house.” She said __________________________.
4. His new job had noticeably brought him _________.
d. “We were worried about Peter.” They said _______________________.
5. I brought ___________ the groceries.
e. “Pete and Sue are getting married tomorrow.” She said ___________.
6. I hope to bring ____________ a successful conclusion
f. “Janet, my parents can’t come to the party.” He told ________________.
7. He has the ability to bring _____ new ideas when they are needed.
g. “I have had some problems with Sue, mom” He told ______________.
8. Sam was sure he could bring them ___________ to the deal.
h. “I need some money, dad!” She told _________________________.

02 Write the sentences as reported questions using the words given.

a. “What’s your name?” He wanted to know _______________________.

01 The sentence “Eat up your dinner or I’ll punish you”, in the reported b. “When does the train leave?” The passenger asked _____________.
speech form becomes: c. “How did you get to school, Mary?” The teacher asked __________.
d. “How many bottles of beer did you buy?” Tony asked ___________.
(A) She told me to eat up my dinner or she would punished me. e. “Who do you want to talk to?” The strange woman asked ________.
(B) She said to me eat up your dinner or I’ll punish you. f. “Why won’t you let me in?” He demanded to know ______________.
(C) She told me to eat up my dinner or she would punish me. g. “Whose car did you borrow, Will?” Jen asked _________________.
(D) She told me to eat up her dinner or she would punished me.
(E) She said that eat up my dinner or she will punish me. 03 Write the sentences as reported questions.

a. “Have you seen that movie yet?” Roger asked us ______________.

Solução: Letra C.
b. “Will everyone be ready to leave by ten?” The driver asked _______.
Como estamos fazendo o discurso indireto de uma oração no imperativo,
c. “Do you like my new summer dress?” Doris asked _____________.
devemos usar o verbo “tell” e fazer todas as mudanças necessárias de
d. “Can you guys come to the meeting with me tonight?” Bill asked _____.
pronomes e tempos verbais.
e. “Has your brother ever taken English lessons?” Martha asked ______.
f. “Was he sleeping when you called?” My mom asked ______________.
02 He said: “Can you do it?”, and I said: “No.”
g. “Monica, are you going to eat all that?” Magali asked _____________.
O discurso indireto para essa frase é: He ______ me _____ I _____ h. “Do I have to lock all the doors?” The janitor asked _____________.
do it and I _____ that I ____.
04 Complete the sentences using the correct form of either “say”, “tell”
(A) said – if – can – said – may not. or “ask”.
(B) asked – whether – could – said – couldn’t.
(C) told – whether – can – told – no. a. I ________ you that you had to be on time. Why are you late?
(D) said – if – could – say – didn’t. b. When you ________ her if she’d work late, what did she _______?
(E) asked – if – can – say – couldn’t. c. I think that Alan ______ us a lie about his qualifications.
d. When I _______ him what he was doing there, he _______ me it was
Solução: Letra B. none of my business.
Por se tratar de uma pergunta, usamos o verbo “ask”. Além disso, devemos e. I ______ I would help you, so here I am.
fazer todas as mudanças com relação aos tempos verbais. f. Did you hear what Sheila _______ about her new job?
g. What did Carol ______ you about her holiday?
03 The sentence “Why do you sing so loudly?” in the reported speech h. There, you see! I _______ you the bus would be on time.
form becomes:
05 Transformando-se a fala de Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten em discurso
(A) He asked her why she sand so loudly. indireto, tem-se:
(B) He told her why do you sing so loudly.
(C) He asked her why she sing so loudly. As social scientists, we are interested in trying to understand the
(D) He asked her why did she sing so loudly. Diana phenomenon.
(E) He told her why you sing so loudly.
(A) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten said that as social scientists we are interested
Solução: Letra A. in trying to understand the Diana phenomenon.
Por se tratar de uma pergunta, usamos o verbo “ask”. Além disso, devemos (B) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten says that as social scientists we are interested
fazer todas as mudanças com relação aos tempos verbais. in trying to understand the Diana phenomenon.
(C) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten has said that as social scientists they
would be interested in trying to understand the Diana phenomenon.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 21
Unit 21

(D) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten said that as social scientists they were 12 The director said to the boys: “Behave yourselves.”
interested in trying to understand the Diana phenomenon.
(E) Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten says as social scientists they were being (A) The director asked the boys to behave yourselves.
interested in trying to understand the Diana phenomenon. (B) The director told the boys to behave himself.
(C) The director asked the boys to behave themselves.
06 Mark the correct option. (D) The director told the boys to behave ourselves.
(E) The director told the boys, “Behave themselves.”
Helen said: “Somebody must send me the new books!”
She said that: 13 The patient said to me: “How long have the doctors been operating her?”

(A) The patient asked me how long the doctors had been operating her.
(A) somebody had to send her the new books.
(B) The patient told me how long her had been operating by the doctors.
(B) somebody had sent her the new books.
(C) The patient asked me how long had the doctors been operating her.
(C) the new books were sent to her.
(D) The patient told me whether have the doctors been operating her.
(D) she was going to receive the new books.
(E) The patient asked me how long had been the doctors operating her.
(E) she must have sent the new books.
14 Helen said to Paul: “Is this a free country?”
07 Mark the option which contains an indirect form to complete the
prophet’s idea in the following gap: (A) Helen told Paul if this was a free country.
(B) Helen asked Paul if that was a free country.
The prophet ________ in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. (C) Helen asked Paul whether that is a free country.
(D) Helen told Paul this is a free country.
(A) said to the man whether his heart has known.
(E) Helen told Paul if that is a free country.
(B) said to people’s hearts know.
(C) told him: your heart knows.
15 Choose the correct indirect form for: Oliver said to her: “What will you
(D) told them that their hearts knew.
do tomorrow?”:
08 The sentence “Why has evolution burdened humans with such (A) He asked her what she would do the following day.
seemingly irrational passions?” in the reported speech will be: (B) He told her what she would do the following day.
(C) She wondered what he will do the next day.
(A) Fisher asked evolution why it had burdened humans with such
(D) He wanted to know what he would do the following day.
seemingly irrational passions.
(E) She asked what she would do the next day.
(B) Fisher asked why evolution had burdened humans with such seemingly
irrational passions.
16 Read this sentence:
(C) Fisher asked why had evolution been burdened humans with such
seemingly irrational passions? The doctor says: “I’m happy we found this trend toward reduced risk.”
(D) Fisher said that why had evolution burdened humans with such
seemingly irrational passions? – The INDIRECT SPEECH is: He said that he __________ this trend
(E) Fisher asked that evolution has burdened humans with such seemingly toward reduced risk.
irrational passions.
(A) is happy they found.
(B) has been happy we have found.
09 Sally said to me: “Do you know what time it is?”
(C) was happy they had found.
(A) Sally asked me if I knew what time it was. (D) will be happy we will find.
(B) Sally told me whether she knew what time it was. (E) would be happy they would find.
(C) Sally asked me whether she know what time it is.
(D) Sally asked me if I know what time it is. 17 Considere a frase If you don’t feed your Tamagotchi, it will die.
(E) Sally told me if I knew what time was it.
Escolha a melhor opção para reescrevê-la, começando com She told
10 Jeff said to Meg: “You don’t understand me.” me that...:

(A) Jeff told Meg she didn’t understand him. (A) if I won’t feed my Tamagotchi, it would die.
(B) Jeff asked Meg that her didn’t understand herself. (B) if you didn’t feed your Tamagotchi, it had died.
(C) Jeff told Meg that she didn’t understood him. (C) if I didn’t feed my Tamagotchi, it would have died.
(D) Jeff told Meg that he didn’t understand her. (D) if I didn’t feed my Tamagotchi, it would die.
(E) Jeff told Meg she did understand him. (E) if you haven’t fed your Tamagotchi, it will have died.

11 “Are there any messages for me?”, said Helen. 18 A forma indireta de Would you like to go out tonight?, é:

(A) Helen asked if there is any messages for her. (A) He asked her if she would have liked to go out tonight.
(B) Helen asked whether there were any messages for she. (B) He asked if would she like to go out that night.
(C) Helen asked whether were there any messages for herself. (C) He asked whether she’d like to go out that night.
(D) Helen asked if there were some messages for her. (D) He asked whether she had liked to go out that night.
(E) Helen asked if there were any messages for herself. (E) He asked if she’d liked to go out tonight.

22 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Reported speech INGLÊS
Unit 21

19 “How would you describe yourself?” is a direct question. Complete b. “Why don’t we go to the cinema this evening?”
the sentence below with the appropriate indirect question form: Peter ___________ going to the cinema / that they went to the cinema.
Daniel Hart asked an African-American teenager: c. “I’ve broken your pen. I’m awfully sorry, Jack.”
David ____________ for breaking Jack’s pen.
(A) how to describe it. d. “Don’t forget to post my letter, will you, Sue?”
(B) how to describe yourself. Diana ____________ Sue to post her letter.
(C) how he would describe yourself. e. “Let me carry your bag, John.”
(D) to describe himself. Harry ____________ to carry John’s bag.
(E) to describe yourself. f. “All right, it’s true, I was nervous.”
The leading actor _______ to being nervous / that he had been nervous.
20 The correct indirect statement for the sentence “I don’t think our g. “If I were you, Bill, I’d buy a mountain bike.”
children should be subjected to needless advertising” said Ms. Mazzoni is Stephen _____________ Bill to buy a mountain bike.
“Ms. Mazzoni said she: h. “You murdered Lord Grand, didn’t you, Mr. Burns!”
The inspector ____________ Mr. Burns of murdering Lord Grand.
(A) doesn’t think their children should be subjected to needless
i. “It was me who stole the money”, said Jim.
Jim _____________ to stealing the money.
(B) has not thought their children should be subjected to needless
03 The girl said to her parents: “Mom and Dad, the police were here while
(C) would not think their children should be subjected to needless
you were gone”. If we turned this statement into reported speech, we would
have: The girl said to her parents that the police:
(D) will think their children should be subjected to needless advertising.”
(E) thinks their children should be subjected to needless advertising.”
(A) had been there while they had been gone.
(B) had been here while they had gone.
(C) have been there while they were gone.
(D) have been here while they would be gone.
(E) would have been there while they have been gone.
01 Write the sentences as reported commands using the words given.

a. “Show me your driver’s license” The policeman ordered __________. 04 John Arquilla declared that the greatest advantage of the internet
b. “Don’t come back before nine o’clock.” The clerk instructed ________. _________ stealth, and that terrorists ___________ in an ocean of bits
c. “Show me all your photographs.” My friend asked ______________. and bytes.
d. “Don’t leave your coat on the chair, darling.” Mr. Lane’s wife told ___.
e. “Be careful! Watch out for reckless drivers!” My dad warned ______. (A) was – swim.
f. “Don’t forget about your appointment.” John’s friend reminded _____. (B) is – swam.
g. “Let’s go to the movies tonight.” Katie suggested ______________. (C) is – has swum.
h. “You should see a doctor today.” Tom advised ________________. (D) was – swam.
(E) was – swimming.
02 Rewrite the sentences using the indirect structure given.
05 Considere a frase “It’s a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes,
a. What time does the next boat leave? says Stampfer”. Assinale a alternativa em que a transposição dessa frase
Do you think you could tell me ______________________________? para o discurso indireto está correta, completando a frase a seguir:
b. Where can I change some money?
Can you tell me _______________________________________? – Stampfer says:
c. Where is the toilet?
Could you possibly tell me _______________________________? (A) it was a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
d. How much does this pullover cost? (B) it is a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
I’d like to know ________________________________________. (C) it has been a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
e. How do I get to Victoria Station? (D) it had been a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
Would you mind telling me _______________________________? (E) it will be a perfect setup for heart disease and diabetes.
f. Does this train go to Gatwick Airport?
I was wondering _______________________________________. 06 The question “Are left-handed people cognitively different from right-
g. Where do you come from? handers?” in the indirect speech is:
Can you tell me ________________________________________?
(A) The book intended to answer why left-handed people are cognitively
h. What do you think of London?
different from right-handers.
Do you think you could tell me ______________________________?
(B) It was asked whether left-handed people were cognitively different
from right-handers.
03 Put the correct form of one of the verbs in the box into each space.
(C) They asked if there are left-handed people cognitively different from
accuse admit apologize deny offer remind right-handers.
advise confess suggest (D) He inquired if left-handed people had been cognitively different from
(E) It was discussed the reason left-handed people had to be cognitively
a. “No, it’s not true, I didn’t steal the money!”
different from right-handers.
Jean ___________ stealing the money / that she had stolen the money.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 23
Unit 21

07 The sentence “We don’t want that sort of world” in the reported speech 14 Ruby: “I go to school every day.” – Ruby said _______________.
will be:
(A) that she go each day to school.
(A) They said that he hasn’t wanted that sort of world. (B) that she could go school every day.
(B) They told me that they didn’t wanted those sort of world. (C) that she goes to school every day.
(C) It was said that they didn’t want that sort of world. (D) that she went to school next month.
(D) It was said that they didn’t want that sorted of world.
(E) It was requested that we didn’t want that sorted of world. 15 Cameron: “I have missed the bus, but I’ll catch the next one.”
Cameron said _______________.
08 The question “Why are you answering the phone in class?” in the
reported speech will be: (A) he has missed the bus but can caught the next one.
(B) he has missed the bus but was catching the next time.
(A) Gray’s mother asked him why is he answering the phone in class. (C) he had missed the bus, but would catch the next one.
(B) Gray’s mother wanted to know the reason why was he answering the (D) he has missed the bus but he catches the next one.
phone in class.
(C) Gray’s mother wondered why he was answering the phone in class. 16 Peter: “The weather is warmer than usual.” – Byron: Peter said _____:
(D) Gray’s mother inquired him about the reason that he has been
answering the phone in class. (A) that the weather warmer than usual.
(E) Gray’s mother doubted why he was answering the phone in class. (B) the weather be warmer than usual.
(C) the weather was warmer than usual.
09 I’ve been planning to call you for a long time. (D) the weather it is warmer than usual.

(A) He said he’d been planning to call us for a long time. 17 Sherri and Dan: “We enjoyed the concert.” – Sherri and Dan told us
(B) He said he was planning to call us for a long time. _______________:
(C) He said he is planning to call us for a long time.
(D) He asked if he had been planning to call us for a long time. (A) that they enjoying the concert.
(E) He told us to call him for a long time. (B) they enjoyed the concert.
(C) that enjoyed the concert.
10 The two-year old girl said: “Daddy, draw me a spider”. The reported (D) they can be enjoy the concert.
speech for this sentence is:
She requested him: 18 Greg: “I know what the assignment is.” - Greg said _______________:
(A) that he draws her a spider. (A) that he knows what was the assignment.
(B) that he had drawn her a spider. (B) that he knew what the assignment was.
(C) if he had drawn her a spider. (C) that he knows what is the assignment.
(D) to draw her a spider. (D) that he knew what was to be the assignment.
(E) whether he should draw her a spider.

11 The sentence He said: “Can Asians think?” in the reported speech 19 Travel agent: “I think the train will be on time.”The travel agent said
would be: _______________:

(A) He asked can Asians think? (A) that she thinks the train to be on time.
(B) He said that Asians can think. (B) that she thinks will be the train on time.
(C) He asked that Asians could think. (C) that she thinks the train would going to be on time.
(D) He asked if Asians could think. (D) that she thought the train would be on time.
(E) He said that could Asians think.
20 Byron: “I can’t swim.” – Byron said _______________:
12 The sentence They said, “Do parents know their kids?” in the reported
speech would be: (A) he can not swim.
(B) he had not swim.
(A) They said that did parents know their kids.? (C) he couldn’t swim.
(B) They asked that parents know their kids. (D) he can’t to swim.
(C) They said that parents knew the kids.
(D) They argued that do parents know their kids.
(E) They asked if parents knew their kids.

13 Chris: “Robin will be arriving on Saturday.” – Chris said _________. The Burmese sub-inspector and some Indian foresters were waiting
for me in the area where the elephant had been seen. It was a very poor
(A) Robin had arrive on Saturday. area, a labyrinth of dirty bamboos huts, covered with palm-leaf winding
(B) Robin arriving on Saturday. all over a steep hillside. I remember that it was a hot cloudy morning at
(C) Robin would be arriving on Saturday. the beginning of the rains.
(D) Robin arrive on Saturday.

24 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Reported speech INGLÊS
Unit 21

We began questioning the people where the elephant had gone, and 03 The word ‘dirty’ underlined in the first paragraph suggests:
as usual, failed to get any definitive information. This is invariably the case
in the East, a story always sounds clear enough as a distance, but the (A) the story (D) the case.
neared you get to the scene of events the vaguer it becomes. I had almost (B) the scene of events (E) the east.
made up my mind that the whole story was a pack of lies when we heard (C) the distance.
yells a little distance away. I rounded a hut and saw a man’s dead body
lying in the mud. He was an Indian, almost naked, and he could not have 04 The word ‘yells’ in “the whole story was a pack of lies when we heard
been dead many minutes. The people said that the elephant had come yells a little distance away” means:
suddenly upon him round the corner of the hut, caught him with its trunk,
put its foot on his back and ground him into the earth. As soon as I saw (A) shots (D) shouts.
the dead man, I sent a servant to a friend’s house nearby to borrow an (B) complaints (E) whispers.
elephant rifle. I had already sent back the pony not wanting it to go mad (C) warnings.
with fright and throw me if it smelt the elephant.
The servant came back in a few minutes with a rifle and five cartridges. 05 The writer wanted his friend to _______ him a rifle.
As I started forward practically the whole population of the place left their
huts and followed me. They had seen the rifle and were all shouting excitedly (A) borrow (D) take
that. I was going to shoot the elephant. They had not shown interest in the (B) lend (E) fetch
elephant when he was merely destroying their homes, but it was different (C) land
now that he was going to be shot. It was a bit of fun to them, as it would
be to an English crowd, besides they wanted the meat. It made me vaguely 06 The people who followed the writer:
uneasy. I had no intention to shoot the elephant. I had merely sent for the
rifle to defend myself if necessary. (A) wanted to avenge the killing of their fellow Indian.
(B) wanted to see the elephant killed and eat it.
As soon as I saw the elephant, I knew with perfect certainty that I ought
(C) were only thinking of the fun and excitement of seeing someone shoot
not to shoot him. It was a serious matter to shoot a working elephant – it
the elephant.
was comparable to destroying a huge and costly piece of machinery –
(D) were anxious to avenge the destroying of their homes.
and obviously one ought not to do it if it can be possibly avoided. As that
(E) wanted to protect him.
distance, peacefully eating, the elephant looked no more than a cow. But at
that moment I glanced round at the crowd that followed me, an immense
07 When the writer saw the elephant, he was reluctant to shoot it because:
crowd, two thousand at least and growing every minute. It blocked the
road for a long distance on either side. I looked at the sea of faces – faces
(A) he thought it was wrong to do so.
all happy and excited over this bit of fun, all certain that the elephant was
(B) he felt sorry for it.
going to be shot. They were watching me as they would watch a magician
(C) he realized the elephant was no longer dangerous.
about to perform a trick. And suddenly I realized that I should have to shoot
(D) he was afraid of it.
the elephant after all. And it was at that moment, as I stood there with the
(E) the servant had told him not to do it.
rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the falseness, the futility of the white
man’s dominion, in the East. Here was I, standing in front of a crowd –
08 In “The people said that the elephant had come suddenly upon him
apparently the leading actor of the piece but in reality I was only an absurd
round the corner of the hut,…”, the expression had come upon him means:
puppet pushed to and for by the will of those yellow faces behind. I had
got to shoot the elephant. I had committed myself to doing it when I sent
(A) had surprised him.
for the rifle. To come all that way, rifle in hand, with two thousand people
(B) had stepped on him.
marching at my heels, and then to go back have done nothing – no, that
(C) had knocked him down.
was impossible. The crowd would laugh at me. I pushed the cartridges
(D) had found him.
into the magazine and lay down on the road to get a better aim. The crowd
(E) had approached him slowly.
grew very still, and a deep, low happy sigh as of people who see the theater
curtain go up at last, breathed from innumerable throats. They were going
09 The word uneasy in “It made me vaguely uneasy” is closest to meaning
to have their bit of fun after all.
01 On the day the incident occurred: (A) uncomfortable.
(B) scared.
(A) it was just starting to rain.
(C) disappointed.
(B) the weather was warmer than normal but there were clouds in the sky.
(D) frightened.
(C) it was a calm, cold morning.
(E) angry.
(D) the weather was bright and sunny.
(E) it was raining cats and dogs.
10 He changed his mind about shooting the elephant because:
02 The writer and his companions asked the people where the elephant
(A) the crowd ordered him to.
had gone and got the answer:
(B) he was the leader of the crowd.
(A) which they didn’t expect. (C) he knew the crowd expected him to do it.
(B) which they didn’t really understand. (D) he was carrying a rifle.
(C) which was certainly a lie from beginning to end. (E) the elephant tried to run away.
(D) which should have surprised them.
(E) which, as usual, was a big lie.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 25

Preposições são palavras que usamos para expressar algumas 1.2 Words that are used as prepositions but
relações, como space, time, cause e means.
not as adverbs
space We ran across the field. As seguintes palavras são somente usadas como preposição, ou seja,
precisam de um objeto como complemento:
time The plane landed at 4.25 precisely.
against, at, beside, despite, during, except, for, from, into, of, onto,
cause He had to stay home because of his problems. per, since, till/until, to, toward(s), upon, via, with e preposições terminadas
means You unlock the door by turning the key to the right. com “ing”, como excepting, regarding.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Bela.
Geralmente usamos preposições juntamente com substantivos,
I cannot be seen with you!
pronomes ou gerúndios.
I gave the book to Charlie.
I gave it to him. 1.3 Words that are used as adverbs, but not as
Charlie devotes his time to reading. prepositions
As preposições sempre possuem um objeto, mesmo que eles estejam As seguintes palavras só podem ser usadas como advérbio, ou seja,
separados, como no caso dos pronomes interrogativos e dos relativos: não possuem objeto relacionado a elas:
Who(m) were you talking to just now on the phone? away, back, backward(s), downward(s), forward(s), out e upward(s).
The chair I was sitting on was very shaky. The children rang the bell and ran away.
Podemos ter preposições de uma só palavra – at, from, in, to –, I have to call her back.
assim como formada por duas ou mais palavras – according to, apart
from, because of.
There is someone at the door. 1.4 Words that can be prepositions or
There is someone in front of the building. conjunctions
Algumas palavras podem ser usadas como preposição (quando
1. Preposition, adverb or conjunction? seguidas de objeto) ou como conjunção (quando seguidas de oração),
por exemplo, after, as, before, since, till, until:
Muitas vezes nos deparamos com palavras que podem assumir I haven’t seen him since this morning. (preposição)
funções diferentes nas orações. Isso acontece com algumas palavras
I haven’t seen him since he left this morning. (conjunção)
quando lidamos com os aspectos relacionados a preposições, advérbios
e conjunções. Quando usados como conjunção, os termos as well as, but, except e
than podem ser seguidos do bare infinitive (infinitivo sem “to”):
1.1 Words that can be used as prepositions and I’ve done everything except (but) make the beds.
adverbs particles
Algumas palavras funcionam tanto como preposições quanto como 2. Types of prepositions
advérbios. Quando a palavra é seguida por um objeto, trata-se de uma
preposição: 2.1 Movement and position
We drove around the city.
Porém, quando não há objeto, essas palavras funcionam como advérbios: 2.1.1 Position in space seen from different
We drove around. viewpoints
Asr preposições ou advérbios mais comuns são: Quando nos referimos a um lugar, temos uma variedade de preposições
que podemos usar dependendo do que queremos expressar:
about behind inside past in / at / from / under / over / across Rio de Janeiro
above below near round O ponto de vista, quando se trata do lugar, pode afetar a escolha da
across beneath off through
I live in Rio de Janeiro. Nesse caso, a pessoa quer dizer que está
after beyond on under dentro do Rio de Janeiro.
along by opposite underneath We stopped at Rio de Janeiro on the way to São Paulo. Nessa situação,
around down outside up citamos Rio de Janeiro como um ponto em uma rota.
before in over without

26 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Prepositions INGLÊS
Unit 22

Podemos considerar a posição no espaço em relação: Algumas preposições combinam com “verbos de movimento” (bring, drive,
• a um ponto (lugar ou até mesmo evento) fly, get, go, move, pull, run, take, walk) ou com “verbos de posição” (be,
at the cinema; at a party; to/from Rio de Janeiro live, keep, meet, stay, stop, work).
We stood at the door and waited. Algumas preposições, tais como into, onto, out of, off, normalmente
combinam apenas com “verbos de movimento”:
We went to the river.
• a uma linha (um lugar que pensamos como comprimento) A bird flew into my bedroom this morning.
across / along / down / up a river / road I drove out of the car park.
There’s a letter box across the road. Outras preposições, como at, in, on, geralmente combinam apenas
com “verbos de posição”:
Greenwich is down the river.
• a uma superfície (lugar que pensamos como plano) The bird perched on the curtain rail.
across / on / off a table / floor / wall / ceiling I waited in the hotel lobby.
I stared at a fly on the wall. Verbos que descrevem uma ideia de “movimento com um final”,
como lay, place, sit, stand, não se combinam com preposições como
The paper boat floated on the river.
into, onto ou to:
• a uma área ou volume (um lugar que podemos estar dentro)
She laid the letter on the table.
in / into / out of / outside / within a room / ship / car / factory / forest
She sat the baby on the table.
We all sat in the car.
Podemos frequentemente usar o verbo “be” com preposições que
We swam in the river.
comumente combinam com “verbos de movimento” para dar a ideia de
2.1.2 Positions reflecting movement or lack of “ter chegado a um destino”, seja ele real ou metafórico:
movement At last we were out of the forest.
At last we were over our difficulties.
Uma preposição pode dar tanto a ideia de movimento (fly under)
quanto a de falta de movimento (stop under) dependendo do verbo usado.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 27
Unit 22

2.2.2 Time phrases with “on”

©Jorge Adriano Savi Lopes/iStock

days of the week on Monday; on Friday
dates on June 1st; on April 30th, 1980
particular occasions on that day; on that evening
anniversaries on your birthday; on your wedding day
festivals (especific day) on Christmas Day; on New Year’s Eve

2.2.3 Time phrases with “in”

parts of the day in the evening; in the morning
months in March; in September
years in 1980; in 2010

©Jorge Adriano Savi Lopes/iStock

seasons in (the) spring; in (the) winter
centuries in the 20th century; in the 18th century
periods of time in that time; in that age; in the holidays

2.2.4 “In” and “within” to refer to stated periods of

In e, mais “formalmente”, within podem ser usados com o significado
de “antes do final” de um período determinado, o que pode ser relacionado
ao presente, ao passado e ao futuro.
I always eat my breakfast in tem minutes.
I finished the examination in (within) an hour and a half.

2.2 Time
As preposições at, on e in se referem não somente a lugar, mas
também a tempo. Podemos mencionar o tempo aproximado de algo com
approximately, about, around, round e round about.
The accident happened at approximately 5.30.
The accident happened (at) about/around 5.30.

2.2.1 Time phrases with “at”

exact time at 10 o’clock; at 14 hundred hours
meal times at lunch time; at tea time; at dinner time
2.3 Adjectives + prepositions
other points of time at dawn; at noon; at midnight; at night Muitos adjetivos usados como predicativo são seguidos de
festivals preposições específicas:
at Christmas; at Easter; at Carnival
Simon’s often absent from school because of illness.
age at the age of 27; at 14 Em alguns momentos, um único adjetivo pode ser seguido de
+ TIME preposições diferentes:
at this time; at that time
embarrassed about; embarrassed by; embarrassed at

28 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Prepositions INGLÊS
Unit 22

2.4 Nouns + prepositions verb noun

Os substantivos normalmente combinam com a mesma preposição emerge from emergence from
que os adjetivos ou os verbos relacionados a eles. object to objection to
adjective noun
Porém essa correlação não funciona em alguns casos:
embarrassed about/at/by embarrassment about/at
I take pride in my work → I’m proud of my work
keen on keeness on
I fear cockroaches → My fear of cockroaches
successful in success in
I influence nobody → My influence on nobody

accustomed to comfortable with fascinated by limited to sensitive to/about

accused of connected with/to fed up with lucky at/with serious about

addicted to conscious of free of/from mad at/about sick of

afraid of content with frightened of married to similar to

angry about/with crazy about friendly with nervous of/about shocked by

annoyed about/with/at cruel to fond of notorious for skillful at

allergic to crowded with furious about opposed to slow at

amazed at/by cruel to furnished with optimistic about sorry for/about

anxious about/to curious about full of patient with successful at/in

appreciated for doubtful about generous with pessimistic about suitable for

ashamed of delighted at/about guilty of/about pleased with sure of/about

associated with derived from gentle with polite to superior to

astonished at/by different from good at popular with surprised at/by

attached to disappointed with grateful to presented with suspicious of

aware of eager for happy about proud of sympathetic with

bad at eligible for hopeful of/about punished for talented at

based on enthusiastic about identical to puzzled by/about terrible at

beneficial to excellent at immune to qualified for terrified of

bored with excited about impressed with ready for tired of

brilliant at experienced in inferior to related to thankful to/for

busy with exposed to indifferent to responsible for typical of

capable of envious of jealous of sad about upset about

careful with/about/of faithful to kind to safe from used to

certain about familiar with keen on satisfied with wrong about/with

clever at/about famous for late for/to scared of worried about

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 29
Unit 22

interest in way to trouble with difference between
belief in alternative to problem with similarity between
participation in solution to matter with confusion between
success in similarity to relationship with quarrel between
rise in answer to
increase in reply to attack on awareness of
decrease in response to dependence on understanding of
fall in objection to reliance on opinion of
difficulty in attitude to pressure on cause of
delay in damage to lack of
addiction to story about advantage of
cure for debate about suspicion of
reason for escape from argument about proof of
excuse for relief from doubts about cost of
demand for return from/to excitement about danger of
desire for recovery from confusion about example of

02 If you insist ______ going there, try at least to take some advantage
Education and learning
(A) on – on
1. Our teachers used to ________ us by making us stay behind (B) on – in
after school. (C) in – in
2. If you ____________ twenty-seven by nine, the answer is three. (D) about – of
3. Try to _____________ the most important rules. (E) of – of
4. It is difficult to ____________ attention in a noisy classroom.
5. Pauline tried her best to ________ the end-of-year examinations. Solução: Letra B.
6. Your work is the same as Harry’s. Did you ________ his work? O verbo insist é acompanhado pela preposição “on”. Já para a expressão
7. Your mind is wandering! You must ______________ more! take advantage seria mais apropriada a preposição “of”, porém também
8. Helen decided to _______ all her work at the end of every week. há a possibilidade de usar a preposição “in”.
9. It’s a good idea to _______ important parts of the book in red.
10. The teacher saw Jerry trying to _______________ in the exam. 03 A alternativa abaixo que preenche a lacuna de “Buses here never arrive
11. Paul’s teacher was annoyed because he used to _________ ______ time” dando a ideia de pontualidade é:
when she was speaking.
12. Ann and Jane had to ____________ a book, as there weren’t (A) on
enough copies. (B) at
(C) in
(D) by
(E) up

Solução: Letra A.
01 John lives ______ a farm; we live _____ São Paulo and my parents A expressão on time dá a ideia de ser pontual.
live _____ a small village near Campinas.
04 I seem to spend all my money ______ books.
(A) at – at – at
(B) on – at – on (A) about
(C) in – at – at (B) on
(D) in – in – in (C) with
(E) on – in – at (D) for
(E) in
Solução: Letra E.
Antes de “farm” usamos “on”, já que não é vista como um lugar em que Solução: Letra B.
se pode estar dentro; para cidades e estados usamos “in”; usamos “at” A regência do verbo spend se dá com a preposição “on”.
quando se trata de referência, que é o caso da última lacuna.

30 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Prepositions INGLÊS
Unit 22

06 He walked __________ the room.

(A) at
(B) on
01 Fill in the blanks with “in”, “on” or “at” to complete the sentences
(C) between.
(D) into
(E) among
a. My mother’s ______ the kitchen.
b. Her purse’s _____ the table.
07 I read a chapter __________ politics.
c. She was waiting ______ the airport.
d. The bottle of beer is ______ the fridge. (A) on
e. The little boy sat ______ the floor. (B) at
f. Tom is not ______ work today – he’s ______ home. (C) above.
g. My shirt is ______ the shelf ______ the wardrobe. (D) before.
h. They live ______ Rio de Janeiro. (E) after.
i. All of them were ______ the bus.
j. Get _____ the car right now! 08 __________ the circumstances you must go __________ foot.
02 Complete the sentences using the prepositions from the box. (A) Under – with
(B) Under – by
to – at – away from – on – onto – off – in – into – out of (C) On – on
(D) Under – on
a. She was standing _____ the door. (E) On – under
b. My mother put the matches ________ the table.
c. My little sister got ________ the room and ran _______ the front door. 09 An executive presiding over a lunch time __________ a busy San
d. The ball is going to fall ________ the table. Francisco restaurant was having no luck getting the waiter’s attention. So,
e. The butter is ________ the fridge. using his cellular phone, he called the restaurant and asked __________
f. He walked ________ the school and waited ________ the bus stop. have some menus sent over __________ his table. It worked.
g. They were lying _________ the floor. Quais preposições completam corretamente o texto anterior?
h. The boy dived ________ the river.
i. They climbed ________ the roof and looked down at us. (A) in, about, to
j. They drove ______ the end of the highway. (B) at,to,in
(C) in, for, on
03 Something is cooking __________ the oven. (D) for, for, to
(E) in, to, to
(A) up
(B) to 10 Assinale a alternativa correta para completar o espaço em branco na
(C) in sentença a seguir:
(D) into She is very proud __________ her children.
(E) for
(A) at (D) with
04 Complete com as palavras necessárias: (B) in (E) of
(C) on
I was born ____ 2 o’clock ___ the morning, _____ a Sunday ____
April _____ the year 1958, ______ a farm ______ a small village called 11
Sta. Cruz, _____ the state of Goiás, Brazil. _____ the end, he gave _____ discussing ______ his father and said
he would go _____ medicine.
(A) on / in / on/ in / in / in / in/ in
(B) on / in / on / in / of / in / in / in (A) In – up – with – in for
(C) at / in / on / in / of / on / in / in (B) At – up – with – in
(D) at / in / in / in / of / in / in / in (C) In – out – about –into
(E) at / in / on / in / of / in / in / in (D) At – in – with – out in
(E) In – at – on – up at
05 The program Dr. Black is working ____ his colleagues ____ the
department ___ psychiatry will build on a pioneering study done ___ 1989. 12 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence:
– Mark the item which contains the prepositions that complete the That girl _______ the corner told everybody she is going _____ leave
passage above: _____ New York ____ seven tomorrow night, _____ a huge airplane.
(A) with, of, about, in (A) by – for – on – in – at
(B) with, on, from, in (B) under – below – by – at – for
(C) with, in, of, in (C) through – into – onto – on – on
(D) without, at, by, on. (D) on – to – for – at – on
(E) without, from, after, on. (E) on – to – for – in – by

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 31
Unit 22

13 Assinale a alternativa correta: about cost would be a wonderful option. But __________ almost every
Fried potatoes are called “French Fries” __________ the United States. student to be able to go to school these days, working out matters of cost
is an essential part __________ choosing the best college.
(A) on
(B) about (A) on, to and in
(C) of (B) on, for and at
(D) from (C) in, for and of
(E) in (D) in, before and in
(E) about, to and of
14 Assinale a alternativa correta:
Very little is known ________ nuclear energy. 20 Escolha a melhor alternativa para preencher as lacunas da frase a
(A) of __________ 1948 an American woman was employed __________
(B) over the first time __________ a jet pilot __________ an American airline.
(C) in
(D) into (A) In – at – as – for
(E) about (B) During–by–like–in
(C) From – on – with – by
15 Assinale a alternativa correta: (D) On – for – like – by
Aspirin is the best drug to fight __________headache. (E) In – for – as – by

(A) on
(B) against
(C) with
(D) to 01 Complete the sentences using “in”, “on”, “at”.
(E) for
a. He was born ________ November 1969.
16 Assinale a alternativa correta: b. Jimmy is going to come here ______ Sunday morning.
c. She always waters the plants _______ the morning.
We stayed in Rome _________________ two months.
d. Kevin stays with his family ________ Christmas.
e. They met _______ the summer and they got married _______ July.
(A) since. f. We are having lunch tomorrow ______ noon.
(B) at g. My classes start _______ 7.30 a.m. and finish right before lunch time.
(C) in h. I still don’t know where I’m going _______ New Year’s Eve.
(D) on i. Brazil became independent from Portugal _______ September 7th.
(E) for j. My mother doesn’t let me play video games _______ night.
17 Fill in the blank below with the best alternative: 02 Select the correct preposition for each sentence.
Political corruption and civil unrest are __________ Mexico’s modern
problems. a. They walked across – opposite the street.
b. He put the ladder against – up the wall.
(A) because c. The earthworm moved quietly across – through the ground.
(B) between d. The cat walked slowly along – on top of the wall.
(C) throughout e. A strange man pushed a short letter below – under the door.
(D) among f. The bird flew between – through the door.
(E) although g. I rode my bike above – over the bridge.
h. We kissed down – under a tree.
18 Complete: i. They ran in front of – past the school gate.
Pablo said that ______ Spain, everybody sleeps ______ 1 and 4 PM. j. I love you so much! You are among – between my favourite people!

(A) with – among 03 The not-for-credit series of 13 interdisciplinary lectures focuses on the
(B) among – between creation of myths and explores parallels to Eva Perón and the Virgin Mary,
(C) between – among __________ others.
(D) among – at Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto:
(E) in – at
(A) between
19 Fill in the blanks of the text below with the correct prepositions: (B) among
No higher education reforms are likely to be adopted __________ (C) above
time to affect the choice that a student or his family makes about where (D) under
the student should go to college today. For a student, not having to worry (E) across

32 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Prepositions INGLÊS
Unit 22

04 Choose the right alternative to complete the spaces: 10 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase
I. I stayed in New York __________ two months. There are some barriers that prevent senior citizens __________ taking
II. The film didn’t begin __________ nine o’clock. part in an online market.
III. I go there __________ an hour.
IV. They’ve been mending the road __________ last Monday. (A) of (D) from
V. I’ll be working in a bank __________ three years. (B) to (E) on
(C) for
(A) by – in – since – for – until
(B) for – until – in – since – for 11 The preposition into is used incorrectly in:
(C) by – until – in – before – for
(D) since – by – before – until – by (A) He stood into the room, hands in his pockets.
(E) until – since – by – for – since (B) The wicked witch turned the prince into a frog.
(C) His texts have been translated into many languages.
05 Advertising is capitalism’s soft sell. Girls growing up and housewives (D) He then went into the details of his dream.
worried __________ achieving their roles are the foremost consumers. (E) They ran into each other at the corner of the street.
Advertising sets out to make people identify __________ characters
__________ advertisements, to make them jealous __________ the 12 Mark the sentence which must be completed with on and in,
person they would become if they bought the product. respectively:
– Check the item that contains the missing prepositions that complete
the text above: (A) I was talking __________ the phone when I heard a knock __________
the door.
(A) with–to–in–of (B) The boy got a bike __________ his birthday, and is now keeping it
(B) with – with – of – of __________ his parents’ garage.
(C) with – through – of – at (C) The Smith family lives __________ the countryside, __________ a
(D) about – with – in – of very cozy farm house.
(E) about – with – on – at (D) John was invited to speak __________ the conference __________
behalf of the company’s president.
06 __________ Christmas people usually sing __________. (E) Several workers decided to go __________ strike _______ the same
day their boss announced bankruptcy.,
(A) On – pop music
(B) On–musics 13 Fill in the blanks of the following sentences with the appropriate option:
(C) In – lyrics
(D) About – lullabies I. They deliver the mail __________ ten o’clock.
(E) At – carols II. __________ it was raining, we went for a walk.
III. Don’t eat so much __________ you go bathing.
07 “They may find a house to live in for the winter”. A partícula “in”, usada IV. He ran away __________ he saw the policeman.
na frase, emprega-se de modo incorreto no seguinte exemplo: V. You won’t win __________ you try hard.

(A) There are three girls in the group. (A) I. after; II. While; III. unless; IV. before; V. until
(B) They walked home in the rain. (B) I. until; II. Before; III. after; IV. while; V. although
(C) In her mind, he is guilty. (C) I. unless; II. When; III. until; IV. after; V. before
(D) He began his new job in Monday. (D) I. at; II. Although; III. before; IV. when; V. unless
(E) I. before; II. Until; III. although; IV. unless; V. when
08 The boys and girls ran __________ the street.
14 Complete the sentence below with the best alternative:
(A) above (D) down Tolkien wrote much __________ his trilogy __________ World War II,
(B) with (E) back but denied that his stories were analogous __________ that great battle.
(C) at
(A) of – during – to.
09 The prepositions in and on are correctly used in all alternatives but: (B) of – at – with.
(C) about – during – into.
(A) On September I’ll be in vacation. (D) for – in – to.
(B) He’ll go on a leave in the summer. (E) of – in – into.
(C) She’s always in a bad mood on Mondays.
(D) In two months you can be on the road.
(E) In the evenings I see her on TV.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 33
Unit 22

15 The first games ______ athletes ______ a disability _______ held Individuality is protected because the conscious community is based
_______ 1948. on organic principles, not on identity. Nature is an organic community:
Selecione a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas: its different elements and inhabitants do not resemble each other, they carry
out different functions and rarely come into contact, yet they all contribute to
(A) for – without – was – on each other and depend upon each other. The bee needs the flower and the
(B) to – with – has – at flower needs the bee. And Nature does not ask a bee to be like a flower or
(C) from – with – is – on a flower to be like a bee. In an organic society, the carpenter, the engineer,
(D) to – without – are – at the artist are all related whether or not they usually speak to each other,
(E) for – with – were – in whether or not they are alike in any way.
The fully conscious community is based upon a sense of species
16 In New England, we drove __________ hours along country roads solidarity, a feeling that is expressed by the word ‘together’. Love is in
and stayed __________ an old sea captain’s home __________ the sea. the community, it is not merely the product of each individual’s will or
preference. As a result, people gain force and warmth and energy from the
(A) for – in – off (D) during – at – out harmonious community; it multiplies the values inside each one of them. It
(B) during – into – by (E) for – in – by shares a common task – the task of creating lives that are free from envy,
(C) up – near – from jealousy, fits of violence, selfishness and greed; the task of using but also
transcending technology, the task of creating a life that is philosophic,
17 Fill in the gaps in the following sentence correctly: artistic and, in a sense, heroic.
Man walked __________ the moon __________ the first time
__________ 1969. 01 There is an agreement between two or more people when they:

(A) on – for – in (D) in–on–at (A) have the same opinion about something.
(B) across – at – in (E) on – at – after (B) belong to the same group.
(C) across–by–on (C) have the same profession and work in the same place.
(D) live in the same community.
18 The cat jumped ________ the table in order ________ get the food (E) have equal rights and duties.
that was________ it.
02 The chief point defended by the author in the first paragraph is:
(A) up–to–on (D) on – to – on
(B) about – for – up (E) onto – to – on (A) the systematic destruction of environment.
(C) over – for – about (B) the exploitation of people and poorer nations.
(C) a general acceptance of some fundamental values.
19 ________ what he says, she was born _________ March 25, 1970. (D) a continuous struggle for national prosperity.
(E) a campaign against war.
(A) According to – in (D) According to – on
(B) According with – on (E) Accordance with – in 03 The basic standards mentioned and advocated by the author in the
(C) Accordance to – in second paragraph reveal him as a man:

20 Choose the only option with the correct preposition: (A) who has fought in a war and fears another conflict.
What __________ earth are you doing here so early in the morning? (B) in whose opinion beauty is above all values.
(C) in favour of laws against private property.
(A) under (D) at (D) who finds himself superior and despises inferior men.
(B) on (E) behind (E) who respects human free choices, private conscience, beauty and nature.
(C) in
04 According to the text, in a community based on organic principles:

(A) everybody should live, act and think in the same way.
(B) everyone preserves his individuality, but is also an indispensable part
The basis of a fully conscious community must be agreed on major of the social body.
values. The absence of such values leads to oppression, destruction of (C) one has to destroy one’s own personality in order to contribute to the
environment, inequality, exploitation of individuals and even war. Life is a general welfare.
struggle for power and advantage because no agreement exists to respect (D) carpenters, engineers and artists have an obvious privacy because of
any value or any person. Shared values are signs of a community that their important function in society.
does have a law, in the sense of standards that are universally respected. (E) bees and flowers should be protected.
What are these standards? To begin with, respect for each individual,
05 By transcending technology, the author means:
his uniqueness, his privacy, abstention from violence against any individual,
abstention from war. Respect for the natural environment. Respect for beauty
(A) improving technology to its utmost limits.
in all its forms. Honesty in all personal relations. Equality of status between
(B) giving up technology of all kinds.
all individuals, so that no one is ‘superior’ or ‘inferior’. Genuine democracy
(C) meditating deeply on technology.
in the making of decisions, freedom of expression and conscience. This is
(D) getting all possible technological knowledge.
a community bound together by moral-aesthetic standards.
(E) not being limited by technology.

34 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Prepositions INGLÊS
Unit 22

06 In “they carry out different functions”, carry out means: 09 After reading the text, one might characterize the author at least as:

(A) finish. (A) an anarchist.

(B) perform. (B) an inspired artist.
(C) distinguish. (C) an individualist.
(D) point out. (D) a conservative politician.
(E) account for. (E) an idealist.

07 From what is said in the text, especially in its last paragraph, we 10 The preposition “from” occurs in the expression ‘abstention from
understand that an organic community like the one described by the author violence’ and in:
(A) Men are responsible _________ their attitudes.
(A) an experience of isolation. (B) A bee is different _________ a flower.
(B) an enlarged concept of love. (C) Are men afraid ________ wars?
(C) new economic resources for all. (D) I am tired _________ living in a disorganized society.
(D) a feeling of total dependence of the individual on the community. (E) The community is based _________ certain values.
(E) a multiplication of specialized tasks.

08 The author finds the sort of life he defends heroic because:

(A) people will have to go to war if necessary.

(B) men and women are trained to be heroes in their respective professions.
(C) living in society is living heroically if one is not rich and powerful.
(D) a dose of heroism is needed for the cultivation of all the virtues
mentioned in the text.
(E) courage is considered the principal virtue in that ideal community.
















AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 35

Gerund and infinitive

Quando tratamos de gerúndio e infinitivo na língua inglesa, precisamos

estar atentos a seus vários usos e particularidades. Podemos usar como
exemplo o verbo do: no infinitivo, teremos duas formas – bare infinitive
(do) e to-infinitive (to do) – e, no gerúndio, teremos doing.
Muitos verbos e adjetivos, e alguns substantivos, podem ser seguidos
de uma ou outra dessas forma, e, em alguns casos, há mais de uma opção.
Do ponto de vista do estudante da língua, o problema reside em saber
qual das formas é apropriada para o uso, já que algumas são assim pela
regra gramatical (enjoy doing) e outras, pelo contexto (remember doing
ou remember to do).

1. The bare infinitive

1.1 The bare infinitive after modal verbs
O uso principal do bare infinitive é após verbos modais.
I must leave soon.
He cannot go to the movies with us.
2. The to-infinitive
1.2 The bare infinitive after “let” and “make”
Usamos o bare infinitive após “let” em todas as suas formas.
2.1 Some common uses of the to-infinitive
Let’s grab something to eat, shall we? 2.1.1 “To” / “In order to” / “So as to” to express
Let the boys stay a little bit longer. purpose
I won’t let you ride my bicycle.
Usamos to, in order to ou so as to para expressar propósito.
Usamos o bare infinitive após “make” quando temos a ideia da I went to live in France to / in order to / so as to learn French.
causative form e somente na voz ativa. She was sent to England to / in order to / so as to be educated.
Miss Patty made the girls dance all night long. Not to pode ser usado para indicar alternativas.
That beard makes you look much older than you are. I went to France not to study French, but to study architecture.
Porém, quando na voz passiva, devemos usar o to-infinitive. Quando há uma troca de sujeito, podemos usar for... + infinitive.
Rules were made to be broken. I bought a second car (in order) for my son to learn.
He was made to work twenty hours a day.
Outros verbos, como bring, buy, need, take, use e want, frequentemente
1.3 The bare infinitive after “would rather”, introduzem um objeto + to-infinitive. O infinitivo indica o propósito
do objeto, que, na maioria das vezes, é um pronome indefinido, como
etc. something.
Usamos o bare infinitive em expressões nas quais o ‘d possa ser I want something to cheer her up.
substituído por “would” ou “had”. I need a spoon to eat this ice-cream with.
I’d rather work on the land than work in a factory. I brought a chair for you to sit on.
You’d better be told the truth than be lied to. Outros verbos que podem ser seguidos por for + object + to-infinitive
são apply, arrange, ask, call, plan, plead, phone, pray, ring, send, vote,
1.4 The bare infinitive after “Why?” and “Why wait e wish. “For” marca o sujeito do infinitivo.
not?” How long have you been waiting for the train to arrive?
Usamos o bare infinitive em expressões de “Why?” ou “Why not?”.
2.1.2 “(Only) to”: sequences
Why worry?
Algumas vezes, a estrutura do to-infinitive na segunda parte da frase
Why not stay home and watch a film? é usada para indicar um evento tardio em uma sequência. O to-infinitive
(que pode ser substituído por and + verb) descreve um evento inesperado,
muita vezes negativamente, especialmente se colocarmos only na frente
de to.

36 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Gerund and infinitive INGLÊS
Unit 23

We came home after our Holiday to find our garden neat and tidy. I want to speak to the manager.
He returned after the war (only) to be told that his wife had left him. I want you to speak to the manager.

2.2 As the object of a verb • Verb + compulsory noun/pronoun + to-infinitive

Advise, allow, assist, bribe, cause, caution, challenge, charge,
Uma grande quantidade de verbos estão fortemente conectados ao
command, compel, condemn, dare (= challenge), defy, direct, drive (=
to-infinitive, como decide, need, wish, etc.
compel), enable, encourage, entitle, forbid, force, impel, implore, incite,
I want to leave. I want to be left alone. induce, instruct, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, press (= urge),
Nesses casos, o infinitivo serve como o objeto do verbo. recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, tempt, urge, warn.
I advise you to leave.
2.3 Contrasting negative She told me to watch the car.
A forma negativa do to-infinitive é feita colocando o “not” antes do “to”.
I soon learnt not to/never to swim near coral reefs. • Verb + object + ‘to be’ and other infinitive forms
Alguns verbos podem ser seguidos de um objeto + be (ou outros
Com muitos verbos, como advise, ask, instruct, remind, tell e warn,
stative verbs): acknowledge, assume, believe, calculate, consider, declare,
a negativa pode ser afetada dependendo de onde posicionamos o not.
discover, estimate, fancy, feel, find, guess, imagine, judge, know, maintain,
He told me not to feed the animals. (He said: “Don’t feed the animals”) proclaim, prove, reckon, see, show, suppose, take (= presume), think,
He didn’t tell me to feed the animals. (He didn’t say anything) understand.
A mesma coisa pode ocorrer com adjetivos e substantivos. I consider him to be one of the best authorities in the country.
I wasn’t sorry to go. (= I went) She is known to have the best collection of stamps in the world.
I was sorry not to go. (= I didn’t go) Outras formas no infinitivo também são possíveis:
It wasn’t a surprise to hear from him. (I heard from him) She is believed to be going/to have gone to the USA.
It was a surprise not to hear from him. (I didn’t hear from him) Esses verbos são frequentemente usados na passive form e podem
ser seguidos de infinitivos também na passiva.
2.4 “Be” + to-infinitive He is thought to have been killed in na air crash.
Todos esses verbos (exceto take – I take it (that)...) podem ser
2.4.1 To-infinitive as complement of be seguidos diretamente por uma that-clause.
Your mistake was to write that letter. I assume that you already know she is here.
2.4.2 Do being followed by be + (to) Alguns verbos, como believe, expect, intend, like, love, mean, prefer,
understand, want e wish, podem ser seguidos de there to be.
What you do it (to) mix the eggs with flour.
I expect there to be a big response to our advertisement.
All I did was (to) press this button.
2.6.2 Verb + to-infinitive or (that-) clause
2.4.3 To-infinitive active in form but passive in
meaning • Verbs followed by a to-infinitive or a that-clause
This house is to let/to be let. Agree, arrange, beg, (not) care, choose, claim, contrive, decide,
Who is to blame/to be blamed? demand, determine, expect, hope, intend, learn, plan, prefer, pretend,
promise, resolve, swear, threaten, wish.
2.5. Fixed phrases I decided to ask for my money back.
I decided that I would ask for my money back.
To be honest, to begin with, to cut a long story short, to get (back) to the
point, not to make too much of it, to put it another way, to tell you the truth
• Verb + question-word + to-infinitive or a clause
To tell you the truth, I’ve never heard of Maxwell Montague. Todas as question-words, exceto why, podem vir antes de uma
estrutura to-infinitive com verbos de perguntas e com os seguintes:
2.6 Verb patterns consider, decide, discover, explain, find out, forget, hear, (not) know, learn,
observe, perceive, remember, see, understand e wonder.
2.6.1 Verb (+ noun/pronoun) + to-infinitive I don’t know what to choose.
• Verb + to-infinitive I wondered when to get in touch with them.
Aim, apply, can(‘t) afford, decline, fail, hasten, hesitate, hurry, long, Os verbos acima também podem ser seguidos de qualquer oração
manage, offer, prepare, refuse, seek, shudder, strive, struggle. precedida de uma palavra interrogativa (incluindo why) ou that.
I can’t afford to buy a car. I don’t know why the accident happened.
I hesitate to disagree with you. I didn’t know that there had been an accident.
Quando estamos discutindo alternativas ou expressando dúvida,
• Verb + optional noun/pronoun + to-infinitive podemos usar whether ... should ou whether to após a maioria dos verbos.
Ask, beg, choose, expect, hate, help, intend, like, love, need, prefer, I haven’t decided whether I should go/whether to go to Spain.
prepare, promise, want, wish.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 37
Unit 23

• Verb + object + question-word + to-infinitive or a clause 3.3 As the object of a verb
Advise, instruct, remind, teach e tell podem ter um objeto + ...
I enjoy dancing.
... to-infinitive:
He doesn’t like not being taken seriously.
He told us to run.
... question-word (exceto why) + to-infinitive: 3.4 After “do” + “the” referring to jobs
The receptionist told me where to wait. Who does the cooking/the shopping here?
... uma oração:
The union leader told the men that they should go back to work. 3.5 “The” + “-ing” form + “of”
Persuade e warn podem ser seguidos de to-infinitive ou that, mas não Sem um artigo, a forma do -ing pode ter um objeto direto.
por uma question-word.
Lighting the fire used to be a daily chore in Victorian times.
He warned me to stay away.
Após um artigo (ou outro determinante), a forma -ing não pode ser
He warned me (that) I was in danger. seguida diretamente por um objeto, mas sim por “of”.
The lighting of fires is forbidden.
2.7 Adjective
A ringing of bells marked the end of the old year.
Advisable, afraid, agreeable, amusing, anxious, ashamed, boring,
brave, careful, careless, clever, curious, determined, difficult, due, eager, 3.6 “The art of…”, etc
easy, fit, foolish, free, frightened, glad, generous, good, hard, keen, (un)
kind, important, impossible, necessary, nice, polite, prepared, quick, The act of listening, the art of writing, the skill of speaking, etc.
ready, reluctant, right/wrong, rude, (un)selfish, silly, slow, sorry, vital, The skill of speaking a foreign language takes time to acquire.
wicked, willing.
3.7 After “no” in prohibitions
2.8 Too and enough No smoking.
I’m too tired to stay up longer. No parking allowed.
He is old enough to answer for his actions.
3.8 After “like” (= for example)

Why don’t you find something to do, like cleaning the car for me?
If you want to get on, there’s nothing like being hard-working.

3.9 After “for” (the purpose of)

That’s a tool that’s used for cutting hedges.

3.10 After adjectives and possessives

Slow cooking makes tough meat tender.
Your denying everything will get you nowhere.

3.11 After “What about…?”, “How about…?”

What about/How about sending them a postcard?

3.12 Verbs
3. The “ing” form Admit, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, consider, contemplate, defer, delay,
deny, detest, discontinue, dislike, dispute, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse,
3.1 As a noun complement to the verb “be” explain, fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, can’t help, hinder, imagine, keep,
loathe, mention, mind (= object to), miss, pardon, postpone, practice,
My favourite pastime is bird-watching.
prevent, recall, report, resent, resist, risk, suggest, understand.
As far as he’s concerned, it’s not doing something wrong that matters,
I don’t fancy going for a walk in the rain.
but not being caught doing something wrong.
Imagine not knowing the answer to such an easy question!
3.2 As the subject of a verb
3.13 Common expressions
Jogging isn’t much fun.
It’s no good, it’s no use, it’s little use, it’s hardly any use, it’s not worth,
Being lost can be a terrifying experience.
it’s hardly/scarcely worth, it’s worthwhile, spend money/time, there’s no,
Rowing keeps you fit. there’s no point in, there’s nothing worse than, what’s the use/point.
It’s no good complaining.
There’s no telling what will happen.

38 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Gerund and infinitive INGLÊS
Unit 23

3.14 After prepositions 5. Bare infinitive or “-ing” form?

3.14.1 The “-ing” form after prepositions 5.1 Verbs of perception
Usamos -ing form após preposições como about, after, by, for, instead
of, to, without. Verbos como hear, smell e watch podem ser seguidos do -ing sem
pronome objeto ou substantivo quando a ação é percebida de uma maneira
I have learnt a lot about gardening from my father. geral, sendo o -ing como o objeto do verbo.
After changing some money, I went sight-seeing. We could hear shouting in the distance.
You shouldn’t try to leave the restaurant without paying. People can stand on this platform and watch building in progress.
3.14.2 The “-ing” form after adjective or noun + Alguns verbos podem ser seguidos de um substantivo ou pronome
objeto + bare infinitive ou -ing form: feel, hear, listen to, look at, notice,
observe, perceive, see, smell, watch.
Muitos adjetivos podem ser seguidos por preposição como afraid of,
Bare infinitive geralmente indica uma ação completa.
bored with, fond of, good at, happy about, interested in, keen on, sorry
for, (be) used to, assim como substantivos também podem ser seguidos I watched a pavement-artist draw a portrait in crayons.
por preposições, tais como concern about, fear of, interest in. -Ing form geralmente indica uma ação em progresso.
He’s good at skiing. I watched the pavement-artist drawing a portrait in crayons.
I’m interested in acting.
Erica could not overcome her fear of flying.
5.2 Have
His interest in hang-gliding proved to be fatal. 5.2.1 Have + personal object + bare infinitive
3.14.3 The “-ing” for after “to” as a preposition Usamos essa construção para mostrar que uma pessoa faz com que
outra faça algo.
“To” pode ser tanto uma preposição quanto parte do infinitivo. Nas
seguintes expressões, “to” é preposição e, por isso, deve ser seguido Have the next patient come in now please, nurse.
da forma -ing: accustom (oneself) to, be accustumed to, face up to, in He wanted a job to do, so I had him paint the kitchen.
addition to, look forward to, object to, be reduced to, resign oneself to,
be resigned to, resort to, sink to, be used to. 5.2.2 Have + object + -ing form
I object to being kept waiting. Usamos essa construção para nos referir a resultados que estamos
I’m used to doing the shopping. buscando ou que talvez não tenham sido a intenção.
I’ll have you speaking English in six months.
Don’t shout! You’ll have the neighbours complaining!
4. Bare infinitive or to-infinitive?
5.3 “Rather/Sooner than”
4.1 Help and know Ambas expressões podem ser usadas tanto com bare infinitive quanto
Podemos usar o bare infinitive ou to-infinitive após verbos como help -ing.
e know. O uso do to-infinitive acaba sendo mais formal. Rather than waste/wasting your time doing it yourself, why not call
Mother helped me (to) do my homework. a builder?
Everyone in the village helped (to) build the new Youth Center.
Porém, não omitimos o to após not. 6. To-infinitive or -ing form?
How can I help children not to worry about their exams?
Know + infinitive normalmente requer um substantivo ou pronome 6.1 No change in meaning
objeto. A omissão do to só é possível na forma perfeita de know.
Alguns verbos podem ser seguidos de to-infinitive ou -ing form sem
I’ve never known her (to) be late before.
mudança na ideia: attempt, begin, can’t bear, cease, commence, continue,
He was known to have a quick temper as a boy. intend, omit e start.
I can’t bear seeing/to see people suffering.
4.2 Infinitives joined by “and”
Os infinitivos podem ser agrupados usando and, but, except, or e than. 6.2 Some changes in meaning
Frequentemente omitimos o to antes do segundo infinitivo.
Verbos como dread, hate, like, love e prefer podem ser seguidos de
Which would you prefer: to win a million pounds or (to) have a brain to-infinitive ou -ing form. Frequentemente usamos to-infinitive depois
like Einstein’s? desses verbos para algo referente a um evento específico do futuro e -ing
I’d like to lie down and sleep. form quando nos referimos a uma atividade acontecendo no momento
ou algo de ideia geral.
I hate to disturb you. (algo prestes a acontecer)
I hate disturbing you. (algo que está acontecendo agora ou de uso

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 39
Unit 23

6.3 Different meanings AGAINST

Physically rotate
Verbos como remember, forget, regret, try, stop e go on têm sempre Set against or in horizontally 360 degrees
opposition to something
ideias diferentes quando usados com to-infinitive ou -ing form.

6.3.1 Remember OUT AROUND

Result; end up Be duplicitous
Remember + to-infinitive remete a uma ação no futuro (ou a uma
ação “futura” vista do passado).
Remember to post the letters. (don’t forget to) OFF BACK
I remembered to post the letters. (I didn’t forget to) Stop a device by Return to a previous
switching it off state of being
Remember + -ing se refere a uma ação no passado, ou seja, algo
que já aconteceu.
I remember posting/having posted the letters. (I posted them and I Submit something; Refuse, decline,
remember the action) to give or deny

6.3.2 Forget
Forget + to-infinitive remete a uma ação no futuro (ou a uma ação BUILDING UP YOUR VOCABULARY
“futura” vista do passado). Phrasal Verbs: TURN
Don’t forget to ask Tom.
1. I had hoped our first meeting would turn _________ better.
I forgot to ask Tom. 2. He turned __________ all our offers of help.
Forget + -ing se refere a uma ação no passado, ou seja, algo que 3. You can’t just turn _________ and say that it was all my fault.
já aconteceu. 4. She turned her umbrella __________ the wind.
Have you forgotten meeting/having met her? (you met her) 5. Turn _________ the machine and unplug it when you leave.
6. Once we take this decision, there’s no turning _________.
6.3.3 Regret 7. Turn __________ once or twice so I can see your new dress.
8. He turned ________ his paperwork to the main office.
Regret + to-infinitive remete a uma ação no futuro ou no presente.
Ele traz uma ideia de más notícias.
I regret to inform you that your account is overdrawn.
Regret + -ing se refere a uma ação no presente ou passado, com a
ideia de arrependimento.
01 The students leave school after ________ for five hours.
I regret leaving the firm after twenty years.
(A) to study (D) will study
6.3.4 Try (B) study (E) studying
Try + to-infinitive significa “fazer um esforço”. (C) studied
You really must try to overcome your shyness.
Solução: Letra E.
Try + -ing significa “experimentar”.
Após before e after usamos o verbo na forma do gerúndio.
Try holding your breath to stop sneezing.
02 The child _________ a few minutes ago.
6.3.5 Stop
Stop + to-infinitive trata de uma ideia de propósito, ou seja, algo para (A) stop crying (D) stops crying
ser feito com um objetivo: parar algo para fazer outra coisa. (B) stops to cry (E) stopped to cry
On the way to the station, I stopped to buy a paper. (C) stopped crying
Stop + -ing é usado quando o verbo na forma de -ing é o objeto do
Solução: Letra C.
verbo stop, ou seja, parar de fazer algo.
O verbo stop é seguido por duas formas verbais: gerúndio e infinitivo,
When he told us the story, we just couldn’t stop laughing. porém, eles têm ideias diferentes. Nesse caso, devemos usar o gerúndio,
pois a ideia da oração é que a criança parou de chorar.
6.3.6 Go on
Go on + to-infinitive é usado para quando nos referimos a fazer algo 03 Would you mind _________ the door?
(A) to close (D) close
After approving the agenda, we went on to discuss finance.
(B) closing (E) not close
Go on + -ing significa “continuar sem interrupções”. (C) to closing
We went on talking till after midnight.
Solução: Letra B.
O verbo mind deve ser seguido de gerúndio.

40 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Gerund and infinitive INGLÊS
Unit 23

04 I asked her ______ the letter at the post-office. 05 A melhor forma de concluir a sentença a seguir é:
(A) to mail (D) mailed
(B) mailing (E) mails Although personal appearance is of great importance when going to an
(C) mail interview for a job, the candidate should be careful __________.

Solução: Letra A. (A) to not overdress.

Devemos usar o infinitivo + to, pois a regência correta deve ser ask (B) to do not overdress.
someone to do something. (C) not to overdress.
(D) do not overdress.
(E) not overdress.

06 Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence:

01 Change the verbs in brackets into the correct form: The teacher mentioned some changes that we can expect __________
by the year 2000.
a. He is determined ______________ (win) that race.
b. He lay in bed ______________ (plan) the days to come. (A) have been taking place
c. We went _________________ (run) in the morning. (B) to take place
d. Her fear of spiders made _____________ (travel) difficult. (C) to have taken place
e. They don’t mind ____________________ (wait) outside. (D) taking place
f. The problem is __________________ (get) there on time. (E) have had taken place
g. I am accustomed to __________________ (take care) of myself.
h. I want him ________________ (paint) the wall. 07 Na sentença a seguir, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos.
i. The advantages of ______________ (go) by train were clearly visible. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está
j. This guy is known for _______________ (break) the rules. incorreto:

I am currently studying for a PhD at the British Antarctic Survey working

02 Complete the following exercise with gerund or infinitive forms of the on the structural interpretation of gravity and magnetic going from east
indicated verbs. Place the verbs in the appropriate tense. Some verb forms Antarctica, including both numerical and mechanical modelling of data.
need to be passive.
(A) Studying. (D) Including.
Traffic Report (B) Working. (E) Modeling.
(C) Going.
You will have trouble ____________ (a. commute) this afternoon, folks.
Interstate 5 is blocked for two miles north and south of 80th Street, so I
08 She cannot get used __________ abroad.
strongly suggest ________________ (b. use) an alternate route if possible.
Construction on the Factoria interchange has caused _______________
(A) to live (D) lived
(c. slow) on I-405, so use caution there. Repairs on the Evergreen Point
(B) to living (E) living
Bridge ___________________________ (d. expect / complete) by 6:00
(C) lives
A.M. today, but the bridge is still closed. The Highway Department issued
a statement apologizing for ____________________ (e. cause) further
09 I can remember __________ voices in the middle of the night.
inconvenience to motorists, but the repairs are taking longer than planned.
The repairs are expected _______________________ (f. finish) by 5:00
(A) to hear (D) hearing
A.M. Tuesday. Meanwhile, an accident involving an overturned van in the
(B) hear (E) have heard
left lane on the 509 freeway isn’t expected _____________________
(C) heard
(g. clear) for at least half an hour, so avoid the 509 northbound. You can
improve your commute by __________________ (h. take) Highway 99,
10 Excuse __________ you.
where traffic is smooth and relatively light.
(A) me to interrupt (D) me in interrupting
03 A lacuna da sentença abaixo deve ser preenchida por: (B) me for interrupt (E) me to interrupting
(C) me for interrupting
Astronomers are used __________ all kinds of wild things in outer space.

(A) find. (D) to finding. 11 Assinale a alternativa correta:

(B) to find. (E) found.
Would you mind coming with me? I’d like __________.
(C) finding.
(A) you to come
04 Indicate the correct alternative: I had hoped __________ my letter. (B) to come
(C) coming
(A) her answer (D) that she would answer (D) you coming
(B) her answering (E) to her answer (E) you come
(C) that she answer

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 41
Unit 23

12 The best time __________ an international call is between 11 p.m. 19 Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença a seguir:
and 8 a.m.
Most people cannot learn verbs without __________ them.
(A) you for to make
(A) to study (D) studied
(B) for you make
(B) studying (E) studies
(C) that you to make
(C) study
(D) that to make you
(E) for you to make
20 Leia a frase e preencha a lacuna:
13 Without fear of be happy (Sem medo de ser feliz) é o título, em inglês, By signing below, I ask that an account __________ opened for me and
que um periódico paulista atribuiu ao livro do jornalista americano Ken Card(s) issued as I request, and that you renew and replace them until I
Silverstein sobre a campanha de Lula à Presidência da República em 1989. cancel.
Examinando o título, você diria que:
(A) to be
(A) está estruturalmente correto. (B) are
(B) deveria ser “Without fear of been happy”. (C) is
(C) deveria ser “Without fear of to be happy”. (D) will be
(D) deveria ser “Without fear of being happy”. (E) be
(E) deveria ser “Without fear to be happy”.

14 Assinale a alternativa correta: Nothing can be done except __________

the results of the exam.
01 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
(A) to waiting
(B) waits
a. Dan suggested ________________ (see) a movie.
(C) to wait
b. He keeps ______________ (annoy) me!
(D) waiting
c. Frank offered __________________ (help).
(E) wait
d. Do you mind ________________ (do) the dishes?
e. I am used to ________________ (sleep) late.
15 Assinale a alternativa correta:
f. They look forward to ________________ (visit) us.
He stopped __________ only after the doctor said he was going to die. g. I miss ______________ (work) with you.
h. He used to ________________ (smoke) a lot.
(A) drank (D) drinking i. I’m glad ______________ (tell) you this.
(B) drink (E) to drink j. He won’t go without ____________ (talk) to you.
(C) drinks
02 What’s the difference between the sentences?
16 Both Mary and Roger enjoy __________ tennis.
a. He remembers cleaning the room.
(A) plays (D) playing He remembers to clean the room.
(B) play (E) played b. She stopped smoking.
(C) to playing She stopped to smoke.
c. They tried opening the bottle.
17 Assinale a opção em que o termo em negrito apresenta função They tried to open the bottle.
gramatical diferente das demais: d. I regret telling you that.
I regret to tell you that.
(A) ... depending on whether they were playing at home or away.
(B) Knowing that appearance affects people’s mood and outlook, ... 03 I remember _____ the Queen in London.
(C) Using data from the 1970s and 1980s, they found that...
(D) But while the 1988 finding has become a classic in psychology, ... (A) meet
(E) ... when they started wondering about the effect of being able to alter... (B) to meet
(C) meeting
18 I regretted answering like that. I was sorry __________ so. (D) to meeting

(A) to have done 04 Did you remember _____ the letter?

(B) in doing
(C) to do (A) post
(D) to be doing (B) to post
(E) for do (C) posting
(D) to posting

42 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
Gerund and infinitive INGLÊS
Unit 23

05 I’m not used _____ up this early. 13 I _______ to seeing you as soon as possible.

(A) get (A) long

(B) to get (B) am looking forward
(C) getting (C) insist
(D) to getting (D) yearn

06 I used _____ to the cinema a lot. 14 Does he _______ to stay alone?

(A) go (A) insist

(B) to go (B) want
(C) going (C) mind
(D) to going (D) dare

07 I regret _____ Mary about the wedding. 15 She seldom ______ of sending money to her parents.

(A) tell (A) thinks

(B) to tell (B) forgets
(C) telling (C) suggests
(D) to telling (D) wants

08 Mrs. Jones, I regret _____ you that your credit limit has been exceeded. 16 I _______ living in China.

(A) inform (A) would rather

(B) to inform (B) don’t want
(C) informing (C) think
(D) to informing (D) can’t imagine

09 Stop _____ this terrible noise at once! 17 I _______ being late.

(A) make (A) manage

(B) to make (B) am sorry
(C) making (C) cannot help
(D) to making (D) realize

10 I wanted to stop _____ some presents, but we didn’t have enough 18 He ______ that our meeting was cancelled.
(A) stated
(A) to (B) wanted
(B) to buy (C) asked
(C) buying (D) preferred
(D) to buying
19 I often _____ of going to Scotland.
11 Do you _______ going there?
(A) want
(A) mind
(B) imagine
(B) want
(C) think
(C) insist
(D) would like
(D) object
20 He _______ to bring her elder son.
12 She often _______ going to the theatre.
(A) succeeded
(A) suggests
(B) would rather
(B) fails
(C) had better
(C) offers
(D) managed
(D) forgets

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 43
Unit 23

05 Mr. Robinson was a quick-thinking man. So, in that situation, he would


(A) write quickly before thinking.

It didn’t work (B) recognize his best students.
One of our better-known teachers, Mr. Robinson, was called by the (C) find out excuses quickly.
faculty director soon after the students had taken mid-term examinations. (D) be quick to ask the right questions.
“This is serious”, said the director. “You know how I feel about cheating. (E) memorize very rapidly.
Well, a couple of your students have just taken the same examination and
they’re turned in the same answers for the first nine of ten questions. Can 06 The teacher suggested that the same answers to the first nine questions
you account for that?” had resulted from:
“Why, certainly”, answered the quick thinking teacher. “Those are
(A) deep thinking on the part of both students.
two of my smartest boys and they studied together so they memorized
(B) different calculations.
the same answers.”
(C) a sudden discovery.
“You may be right”, replied the director. “I believe such a possibility (D) some unpleasant trick.
does exist. It’s the tenth and last question that really bothers me.” (E) an understandable coincidence.
“How so?”, asked the teacher.
“See for yourself”, said the director. And he handed the examination 07 “How so?” stands for:
papers to the teacher. The first of the students had answered the question
by writing “I don’t know what this question means.” And the other had (A) Why did you believe the boys?
written: “Neither do I.” (B) What do you mean by that?
(C) When will you prove it?
(D) What is the tenth question?
01 If Mr. Robinson was one of their better-known teacher, he was:
(E) Why do you bother about it?

08 The preposition “to” in “And he handed the examination papers to the

(A) very well informed.
teacher” should also be inserted in:
(B) familiar with the director.
(C) well known as a teacher.
(A) The director explained his point ________ the teacher.
(D) popular with the students.
(B) The students answered only ______ nine questions.
(E) known as a wise man.
(C) Give ____ the boys the examination papers.
(D) Thank the director ______ his help.
02 When a student memorizes an answer, he:
(E) The teacher could not account _______ that.
(A) reads it from beginning to end.
09 The word neither occurs in “Neither do I”. Check the item in which it
(B) minds his own business.
could also be used:
(C) cannot account for it.
(D) is absorbed in memories of early times.
(A) That answer must be __________ true or false.
(E) learns it by heart.
(B) He knows English well, and _________ do I.
(C) The director knew _______ of the students.
03 “Account for” in “Can you account for that?” means:
(D) There are two roads leading to the villages, but you can’t take
(A) approve of.
(E) He may come ________ in late spring or early summer.
(B) forgive.
(C) accept.
10 The title of the text refers to the:
(D) explain.
(E) count on.
(A) discovery of the cheating.
(B) teacher’s disappointment.
04 When the director said “You know how I feel about cheating”, he meant
(C) results of learning by heart.
that he:
(D) director’s opinion about the teacher’s answer.
(E) similarity of two papers.
(A) had a very bad opinion of cheating.
(B) was usually indulgent about cheating.
(C) would quickly detect cheating.
(D) felt very sorry for boys who cheated.
(E) knew the teacher’s feeling about cheating.

44 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4

False cognates and phrasal verbs

1. False cognates

Os cognatos são palavras que têm uma origem comum em sua
etimologia. Frequentemente, essa palavra é usada para destacar pares
de palavras de duas línguas que possuem uma origem comum, grafias
idênticas ou parecidas, mas que acabaram evoluindo de forma diferente.
Eles são de grande ajuda para o entendimento entre as línguas, sendo
conhecidos como palavras amigas, transparentes ou cognatas.
Porém, devemos estar atentos às palavras que possuem grafia
semelhante, mas que possuem origem distinta e, consequentemente,
significados diferentes. São os famosos falsos amigos ou falsos cognatos.
Aqui temos uma lista dos falsos cognatos mais comuns entre as
línguas portuguesa e inglesa:

Inglês - Português Português - Inglês

actually (adv) na verdade atualmente nowadays; today
adept (n) especialista adepto supporter
agenda (n) pauta do dia agenda appointment book; agenda
amass (v) acumular; juntar amassar crush
anticipate (v) prever; aguardar antecipar to bring forward
application (n) inscrição; registro aplicação (financeira) investment
appointment(n) hora marcada apontamento note
appreciation(n) gratidão apreciação judgement
argument (n) discussão; bate-boca argumento reasoning; point
assist (v) ajudar; dar suporte assistir to attend; to watch
assume (v) presumir assumir to take over
attend (v) assistir; participar de atender to help; to answer; to see
audience (n) plateia; público audiência court appearance; interview
balcony (n) sacada balcão counter
baton (n) batuta, cacetete batom lipstick
beef (n) carne de gado bife steak
cafeteria (n) refeitório cafeteria coffee shop; snack bar
carton (n) caixa de papelão cartão card
casualty (n) fatalidade; baixa casualidade chance; fortuity
cigar (n) charuto cigarro cigarette
collar (n) gola; colarinho colar necklace
college (n) faculdade colégio (ensino médio) high school
commodity (n) artigo; mercadoria comodidade comfort
competition (n) concorrência competição contest
comprehensive (adj) abrangente; amplo compreensivo understanding
compromise entrar em acordo compromisso appointment; date
confident (adj) confiante confidente confidant
contest (n) competição; concurso contexto context
convenient (adj) prático conveniente appropriate
costume (n) fantasia (roupa) costume custom; habit

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 45
Unit 24

Inglês - Português Português - Inglês

data (n) dados (informação) data date
deception (n) logro; fraude decepção disappointment
defendant (n) réu; acusado advogado de defesa defense attorney
dent (n) amassado dente tooth
design (v; n) projetar; criar designar to appoint
disgrace (n) vergonha; desonra desgraça misfortune; disaster; calamity
diversion (n) desvio diversão amusement; fun
editor (n) redator editor publisher
educated (adj) instruído educado well-mannered; polite
emission (n) descarga emissão issuing (of a document; etc.)
enroll (v) inscrever-se enrolar to roll; to wind; to curl
equivocate (v) enganar; mentir equivocar-se mistake one thing for another
eventually (adv) finalmente eventualmente occasionally
exciting (adj) empolgante excitante thrilling
exit (n; v) saída; sair êxito success
expert (n) especialista; perito esperto smart; clever
exquisite (adj.) belo; refinado esquisito strange; odd
fabric (n) tecido fábrica plant; factory
genial (adj) afável; aprazível genial brilliant
graduate program (n) curso de mestrado ou doutorado curso de graduação undergraduate program
gratuity (n) gratificação; gorjeta gratuidade free of charge
grip (v) agarrar firme gripe cold; flu; influenza
hazard (n;v) risco; arriscar azar bad luck
idiom (n) expressão idiomática idioma language
income tax return (n) declaração de imposto de renda devolução de imposto de renda income tax refund
ingenuity (n) engenhosidade ingenuidade naiveté / naivety
injury (n) ferimento injúria insult
inscription (n) gravação em relevo inscrição registration; application
intend (v) pretender; ter intenção entender understand
intoxication (n) embriaguez; efeito de drogas intoxicação poisoning
jar (n) pote jarra pitcher
journal (n) periódico; revista especializada jornal newspaper
lamp (n) luminária; abajur lâmpada light bulb
large (adj) grande; espaçoso largo wide
lecture (n) palestra; aula leitura reading
legend (n) lenda legenda subtitle
library (n) biblioteca livraria book shop
location (n) localização locação rental
lunch (n) almoço lanche snack
magazine (n) revista magazine department store
mayor (n) prefeito maior bigger
medicine (n) remédio; medicina medicina medicine
moisture (n) umidade mistura mix; mixture; blend
motel (n) hotel de beira de estrada motel love motel; no-tell motel

46 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
False cognates and phrasal verbs INGLÊS
Unit 24

Inglês - Português Português - Inglês

notice (v) notar; aviso notícia news
novel (n) romance novela soap opera
office (n) escritório oficial official
parents (n) pais parentes relatives
particular (adj) específico; exato particular personal; private
pasta (n) massa (alimento) pasta paste; folder; briefcase
policy (n) política (diretrizes) polícia police
port (n) porto porta door
prejudice (n) preconceito prejuízo damage; loss
prescribe (v) receitar prescrever expire
preservative (n) conservante preservativo condom
pretend (v) fingir pretender to intend; to plan
private (adj) particular privado private
procure (v) conseguir; adquirir procurar to look for
pull (v) puxar pular to jump
push (v) empurrar puxar to pull
range (v, n) variar; cobrir; série ranger to creak; to grind
recipient (n) recebedor; agraciado recipiente container
reclaim (v) recuperar; reaver reclamar to complain
record (v, n) gravar; disco recordar to remember; to recall
requirement (n) requisito requerimento request; petition
resume (v) retomar; reiniciar resumir summarize
résumé (n) currículo resumo summary
retired (adj) aposentado retirado removed; secluded
senior (n) idoso senhor gentleman; sir
service (n) atendimento serviço job
stranger (n) desconhecido estrangeiro foreigner
stupid (adj) burro estúpido impolite; rude
support (v) apoiar suportar (tolerar) tolerate; can stand
tax (n) imposto taxa rate; fee
trainer (n) preparador físico treinador coach
vegetables (n) verduras; legumes vegetais plants

2. Phrasal verbs B. Non-essential combinations

Em alguns momentos, a combinação não é essencial, mas reforça
Umas das características mais comuns com relação aos verbos a ideia do verbo. Por exemplo, o verbo drink em Drink your milk! pode
na língua inglesa é a de podermos combiná-los com preposições ou ser reforçado com o uso da preposição up para sugerir a ideia de “finish
partículas adverbiais. Essas combinações são comumente chamadas drinking it” ou “drink it all”.
de phrasal verbs. Drink up your milk! ou Drink your milk up!
A. Essential combinations C. Idiomatic combinations
Às vezes, essa combinação é essencial para o uso do verbo, por O significado primário de um verbo pode ter uma mudança completa
exemplo, o verbo listen, ao ser usado com um objeto, deve ser seguido quando combinado com uma preposição ou uma partícula: um novo
da preposição to. verbo é formado que pode ter um significado completamente diferente, ou
We spent the afternoon listening to records. até mesmo vários significados. Por exemplo, há inúmeras combinações
possíveis com o verbo make: make for (go forward), make off (run away),
make up (invent) e outros mais.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 47
Unit 24

Verbo + preposição podem vir ao final de uma frase ou oração

She’s got more work than she can cope with.
There’s so much to look at when you visit the National Gallery.
Um advérbio pode vir depois do objeto
Look at this drawing carefully.
Ou, para ênfase, imediatamente antes ou após ao verbo:
Look carefully at this drawing.

5.1.1 Verb + preposition: non-idiomatic meanings

approve of, associate with, believe in, emerge from, fight against,
hope for, listen to, etc.
Esses verbos são usados com seus significados iniciais. O problema é
lembrar qual a preposição usar com cada um. Além disso, alguns podem
usar diferentes preposições, sem mudar muito a ideia do verbo.
Cement consists of sand and lime. (de que é feito)
3. The use of phrasal verbs in English Happiness consists in having a cheerful outlook. (como é definido)
Há uma grande tendência em usar phrasal verbs em lugar de seus
equivalentes únicos. Seria muito estranho dizer Enter! em lugar de Come in! 5.1.2 Verb + object + preposition: non-idiomatic
em resposta a alguém à porta. Assim como blow up é mais usado do que meanings
explode e give in em lugar de surrender. Além disso, novas combinações
remind someone of, tell someone about, thank someone for
e novos significados aparecem a cada dia.
Tell us about your travels in China, grandpa.
Share prices bottomed out in 1974. (atingiram níveis baixos)
The book took off as soon as it appeared. (tornou-se um sucesso) 5.1.3 Verb + preposition: idiomatic meanings
As partes desses verbos não podem facilmente ser relacionadas ao
4. How common phrasal verbs are significado literal dos mesmos.
come over (affect), get over (recover), go for (attack), run into (meet
formed by accident)
Os phrasal verbs mais comuns são formados com os menos e mais I can’t explain why I did it. I don’t know what came over me.
simples verbos da língua inglesa: be, break, bring, come, do, fall, find, Has Martha got over her illness yet?
get, give, go, help, let, make, put, send, stand, take, tear, throw, turn, que Our dog went for the postman this morning.
combinam com palavras que frequentemente indicam posição ou direção
como along, down, in, off, on, out, over, under, up. Um único verbo pode
combinar com diversas partículas e uma só combinação pode ter diversos 5.2 Type 2: verb + particle (transitive)
Put out your cigarette. = extinguish São verbos seguidos por partículasou palavras que podem ser usadas
como preposições ou partículas adverbiais.
I felt quite put out. = annoyed
Come up the stairs. (preposition)
We put out a request for volunteers. = issued
Come up. (particle)
They’re putting the program out tomorrow. = broadcasting
As partículas podem ser separadas do verbo
This stuff will put you out in no time. = make you unconscious
Please turn every light in the house off. – Please turn off every light
Martha’s put out her hip again. = dislocated in the house.
Porém, quando se trata de pronome objeto, a separação é obrigatória:
5. Types of verb + preposition/particle Please turn them off.

5.1 Type 1: verb + preposition (transitive) 5.2.1 Non-phrasal verbs with obvious meanings
Os verbos nesse grupo podem ser usados em seu sentido literal.
Os verbos são seguidos de preposição antes de um objeto.
You’d better pull in that fishing line.
I’m looking for my glasses.
You’d better pull that fishing line in.
I’m looking for them.
A preposição não pode ser colocada após o objeto. 5.2.2 Particles that strengthen or extend the effect
Look at this picture! of the verb
Entretanto, a separação da preposição e o verbo é possível em uma call out, eat up, stick on, write down
relative clause ou em perguntas: Esses verbos possuem seu significado literal. Em alguns casos, a
The picture at which you are looking was bought at an auction. partícula pode ser omitida.
At which picture are you looking? Write their names.

48 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
False cognates and phrasal verbs INGLÊS
Unit 24

Ou a partícula pode ser usada para fortalecer o efeito do verbo. 5.4.2 Verbs with idiomatic meanings
Write down their names. – Write their names down. Esses verbos têm pouca ou nenhuma relação com seus significados
Em outras situações, a partícula pode estender a ideia do verbo. literais. Exemplos: put up with (tolerate), run out of (use up). Diferentemente
Give out these leaflets. (distribute) dos verbos de associação livre, não há escolha na preposição que vem
depois da partícula: cada verbo possui um único e indivisível significado.
5.2.3 Verbs with idiomatic meanings I’m not prepared to put up with these conditions any longer.
Essa é uma categoria muito extensa na qual o verbo + partícula tem We’re always running out of matches in our house.
pouca ou nenhuma relação com seu sentido literal. Por exemplo, make up
pode significar invent como em make up a story; take off pode significar
imitate como em take off the Prime Minister. Por isso, as combinações 6. Most common phrasal verb
podem ter diversos significados, dependendo da partícula usada.
phrasal verb meaning
bring up the children = train, educate
bring off a deal = complete successfully ask somebody out invite on a date
bring on an attack of asthma = cause ask around ask many people the same question
bring somebody round to our point of view = persuade add up to something equal
bring someone round = revive back something up reverse
bring down the house = receive enthusiastic applause back somebody up support
blow up explode
5.3 Type 3: verb + particle (intransitive)
blow something up add air
Os verbos são intransitivos, ou seja, não são seguidos por objetos
break down stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
We set off early this morning.
break down get upset
A mesma combinação pode ocorrer com Type 2, ou seja, com objeto
e com Type 3, sem objeto. break something down divide into smaller parts
We broke down the fence. → Type 2 break in force entry to a building
The car broke down. → Type 3 break into something enter forcibly
Podemos formar substantivos com os verbos desse tipo. wear something a few times so that
break something in
a climb-down, a dropout, an outbreak, an onlooker it doesn’t look/feel new
break in interrupt
5.3.1 Non-phrasal verbs with obvious meanings
(‘free association’) break up end a relationship
break up start laughing (informal)
Verbos desse tipo podem ser usados com seu sentido literal.
Combinações com verb to be são comuns, mas outros também podem break out escape
ocorrer, principalmente no imperativo. break out in something develop a skin condition
hurry along, go away, sit down, keep on, drive over
bring somebody down make unhappy
5.3.2 Verbs with idiomatic meanings bring somebody up raise a child
Esses verbos têm pouca ou nenhuma relação com seus significados bring something up start talking about a subject
literais. Exemplos: break down (collapse), die away (become quiet), pull bring something up vomit
up (stop when driving a car), turn up (appear unexpectedly).
call around phone many different places/people
Mrs. Sims broke down completely when she heard the news.
The echoes died away in the distance. call somebody back return a phone call

The bus pulled up sharply at the traffic light. call something off cancel
Harry turned up after the party when everyone had left. call on somebody ask for an answer or opinion
call on somebody visit somebody
5.4 Type 4: verb + particle + preposition call somebody up phone
Esses verbos possuem três partes. Eles são transitivos, pois terminam calm down relax after being angry
em preposição e por isso precisam de um objeto.
get to the same point as somebody
I don’t know how you put up with these conditions. catch up
5.4.1 Non-phrasal verbs with obvious meanings arrive and register at a hotel or
check in
(‘free associations’) airport
come down from, drive on to, hurry over to, run along to, stay away check out leave a hotel
from, walk up to, etc. check somebody/ something
look at carefully, investigate
After stopping briefly in Reading, we drove on to Oxford. out

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 49
Unit 24

phrasal verb meaning phrasal verb meaning

cheer up become happier fill something up fill to the top
cheer somebody up make happier find out discover
chip in help find something out discover
clean something up tidy, clean get something across/ over communicate, make understandable
come across something find unexpectedly get along/on like each other
come apart separate get around have mobility
come down with something become sick get away go on a vacation
volunteer for a task or to give get away with something do without being noticed or punished
come forward
evidence get back return
count on rely on get something back receive something you had before
cross something out draw a line through get back at somebody retaliate, take revenge
cut back on something consume less become interested in something
get back into something
cut something down make something fall to the ground again
cut in interrupt get on something step onto a vehicle
pull in too closely in front of another recover from an illness, loss,
cut in get over something
vehicle difficulty
start operating (of an engine or get over something overcome a problem
cut in
electrical device) finally find time to do (AmE: get
get round to something
cut something off remove with something sharp around to something)
cut something off stop providing get together meet (usually for social reasons)
cut somebody off take out of a will get up get out of bed
remove part of something (usually get up stand
cut something out
with scissors and paper) reveal hidden information about
give somebody away
do somebody/ something somebody
beat up, ransack (BrE, informal)
over give somebody away take the bride to the altar
do something over do again (AmE) give something away ruin a secret
do away with something discard give something away give something to somebody for free
do something up fasten, close give something back return a borrowed item
dress up wear nice clothing give in reluctantly stop fighting or arguing
drop back move back in a position/group give to many people (usually at no
give something out
drop in/ by/ over come without an appointment cost)
drop somebody/ something take somebody/ something give something up quit a habit
off somewhere and leave them there give up stop trying
drop out quit a class, school etc go after somebody follow somebody
eat out eat at a restaurant go after something try to achieve something
end up eventually reach/do/decide go against somebody compete, oppose
fall apart break into pieces go ahead start, proceed
fall down fall to the ground go back return to a place
fall out separate from an interior go out leave home to go on a social event
(of hair, teeth) become loose and go out with somebody date
fall out
go over something review
figure something out understand, find the answer
go over visit somebody nearby
to write information in blanks, as on
fill something in go without something suffer lack or deprivation
a form (BrE)
to write information in blanks, as on grow apart stop being friends over time
fill something out
a form (AmE) grow back regrow

50 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
False cognates and phrasal verbs INGLÊS
Unit 24

phrasal verb meaning phrasal verb meaning

grow into something grow big enough to fit pass something out give the same thing to many people
grow out of something get too big for pass something up decline (usually something good)
grow up become an adult pay somebody back return owed money
give something used to somebody pay for something be punished for doing something bad
hand something down
else pick something out choose
hand something in submit point somebody out indicate with your finger
hand something out to distribute to a group of people put what you are holding on a
put something down
hand something over give (usually unwillingly) surface or floor
hang in stay positive (informal) put somebody down insult, make somebody feel stupid
hang on wait a short time (informal) put something off postpone
hang out spend time relaxing (informal) put something out extinguish
hang up end a phone call put something together assemble
hold something back prevent from doing/going put up with somebody tolerate
hold something back hide an emotion put clothing/ accessories on your
put something on
hold on wait a short time body

hold onto something hold firmly using your hands or arms run into somebody/
meet unexpectedly
hold somebody/
rob run over somebody drive a vehicle over a person or thing
something up
keep on doing something continue doing run over/ through something rehearse, review

keep something from run away leave unexpectedly, escape

not tell
somebody run out have none left
keep somebody out stop from entering send something back return (usually by mail)
keep something up continue at the same rate set something up arrange, organize
let somebody down fail to support or help, disappoint set somebody up trick, trap
let somebody in allow to enter shop around compare prices
log in (or on) sign in (to a website, database etc) act extra special for people watching
show off
log out (or off) sign out (of a website, database etc) (usually boastfully)

look after somebody take care of stay somewhere for the night
sleep over
look down on somebody think less of, consider inferior
sort something out organize, resolve a problem
look for somebody/
try to find stick to something limit yourself to one particular thing
look forward to something be excited about the future switch something off stop the energy flow, turn off

look into something investigate switch something on start the energy flow, turn on

look out be careful, vigilant, and take notice take after somebody resemble a family member

look out for something be especially vigilant for take something apart purposely break into pieces

look something over check, examine take something back return an item

search and find information in a take off start to fly

look something up
reference book or database take something off remove something (usually clothing)
look up to somebody have a lot of respect for take something out remove from a place or thing
make something up invent, lie about something pay for somebody to go somewhere
take somebody out
make up forgive each other with you
make somebody up apply cosmetics to tear something up rip into pieces
mix something up confuse two or more things remember (often + to, sometimes
think back
+ on)
pass away die
think something over consider
pass out faint
throw something away dispose of

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 51
Unit 24

phrasal verb meaning

(A) ataque.
decrease the volume or strength (B) roubo.
turn something down
(heat, light etc) (C) assalto.
turn something down refuse (D) salto.
turn something off stop the energy flow, switch off
Solução: Letra A.
turn something on start the energy, switch on
A palavra assault é um falso cognato e ela significa ataque, agressão.
increase the volume or strength
turn something up
(heat, light etc) 02 As palavras abaixo são todas falso cognatos, exceto:
turn up appear suddenly
try something on sample clothing (A) deception.
(B) authentic.
try something out test
(C) eventually.
use something up finish the supply (D) parents.
wake up stop sleeping (E) professor.

warm somebody up increase the temperature

Solução: Letra B.
warm up prepare body for exercise Deception – fraude; eventually – finalmente; parents – pais; professor –
wear off fade away professor universitário (título)
work out exercise
03 A pergunta Do you already have your costume for the Carnival parade?
work out be successful quer saber:
work something out make a calculation
(A) Se eu já tenho o que fazer no desfile de Carnaval.
(B) Se eu já estou acostumada com o que fazer para o desfile de Carnaval.
(C) Se eu já parei com o meu costume de Carnaval.
BUILDING UP YOUR VOCABULARY (D) Se eu já tenho minha fantasia para quando o Carnaval parar.
Social problems (E) Se eu já tenho a minha fantasia para o desfile de Carnaval.

blocked failed held collapsed sustained

Solução: Letra E.
evacuated fired met spread sealed A palavra costume é falso cognato e ela significa fantasia. Já a expressão
Carnival parade significa desfile de carnaval.
1. The whole building ________________ but fortunately there were
no casualties. 04 O verbo turned down em He turned down my offer significa:
2. Throughout the flooded area, villages are being ________________
by helicopter. (A) ridicularizou.
(B) discutiu.
3. The terrorists threatened to kill their hostages if their demands (C) apresentou.
were not ________________. (D) rejeitou.
4. Several buildings ________________ damage from the earthquake. (E) aceitou.

5. Trees were uprooted, and many roads were ________________ . Solução: Letra D.
6. The two trains collided after one _____________ to stop at signals. O phrasal verb turn down significa rejeitar, recusar.

7. Rescue teams ________________ out little hope of finding other 05 The fees were so expensive that he had to call off his plans of entering
survivors. that school. A expressão call off na frase pode ser melhor traduzida como:
8. The blaze rapidly ________________ to neighboring buildings.
(A) refiticar.
9. Police _____________ tear-gas in an attempt to disperse the mob. (B) chamar.
(C) dispensar.
10. Police ________________ off the town-center for two hours while
(D) cancelar.
they searched for the bomb.
(E) utilizar.

Solução: Letra D.
O verbo call off tem a ideia de cancelar.

01 A palavra assault em The man was charged with assault significa:

52 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
False cognates and phrasal verbs INGLÊS
Unit 24

06 He took __________ his hat.

(A) off
01 The sentences below have false cognates (the words in italics). Rewrite (B) out
them substituting the false cognate for a word from the box. (C) in
(D) into
(E) on
bookstore subtitles polite nice sometimes
07 Choose the correct alternative which indicates the meaning of blow
lately answer foreigner private soap opera over in the following sentence:

a. Attend the telephone! They’re hoping that this crisis will blow over and be forgotten.
b. I haven’t been studying too much actually.
(A) happen suddenly and make you able to accept a pleasant experience.

c. Her new boyfriend is so educated!
(B) explode.

d. I eventually play soccer. Not more than twice a year.
(C) succeed in spite of difficulties.
e. I can’t believe you watch this novel every day.
(D) become stronger and cause trouble for other people.
f. I need to go to the library to buy three English books.
(E) pass without doing harm.
g. You must watch that movie with English legends, so you’ll practice
your English.
08 Split up in “After getting stores and various other commodities together
h. Maria goes to a particular school near her house.
in Mamfe, John and I decided to split up” means that:
i. My new girlfriend is a stranger. She was born in Italy and she came
to Brazil last month.
(A) they decided to separate.

j. She’s sympathetic... You’ll surely like her the minute you start talking
(B) they decided to end their relationship.
to her.
(C) they decided to stay together.

(D) they decided to talk over their plans.
02 What do the false cognates from the previous sentences mean in
(E) they decided to sleep together.
Portuguese? Choose the correct option from the box below.
09 The verb to go may be followed by many adverbial particles and
( ) assistir, frequentar ( ) especial
prepositions that add different meanings to it. Match the two columns and
( ) finalmente, por fim ( ) lendas
then mark the correct alternative.
( ) desconhecido ( ) na verdade
( ) biblioteca ( ) instruído
I. go up R. continue
( ) solidário ( ) romance
II. go on
 S. leave
III. go away T. rise

03 Translate the sentences below to Portuguese.
IV. go by U. move
V. pass
a. Actually, I’m going to assist a sensible boy.
b. He was a formidable colleague.
Mark the correct match:
c. He pretended to be a physician.
d. I have terrific parents.
(A) I – T; II – U; III – S; IV – R.
e. Comprehensive classified data.
(B) I – T; II – R; III – S; IV – V.
f. Her period is late.
(C) I – T; II – V; III – U; IV – R.
(D) I – U; II – R; III – S; IV – V.
04 Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a seguinte frase: I have run
(E) I – U; II – V; III – S; IV – R.
out of vinegar.
10 Choose the correct answer: The woman is taking care of her baby.
(A) Corri para buscar vinagre.

She is:
(B) Derramei o vinagre.

(C) Preciso sair para pegar vinagre.
(A) looking back on her baby.
(D) Meu vinagre acabou.
(B) looking for her baby.

(E) Joguei fora o vinagre.
(C) looking after her baby.

(D) looking down on her baby.
05 Choose the correct alternative. Indicate the meaning of catch on to in
(E) looking over her baby.
the following sentence:

We didn’t quite catch on to what the teacher said. 11 Qual alternativa possui os três verbos na ordem natural de seu uso?

(A) reach the same standard or level. (A) wake up/ sleep/ get up.
(B) hear.
 (B) sleep/ get up/ wake up.
(C) confirm.
 (C) get up/ wake up/ sleep.
(D) believe. (D) sleep/ wake up/ get up.
(E) understand.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 53
Unit 24

12 The only option in which make up has the same meaning as 18 You’d better give __________. This issue has no solution.
“Immigrants make up only 12% of today’s work force” is:
(A) out
(A) The committee is made up of representatives from all the university. (B) up

(B) You must make up what you owe before the end of the month. (C) over
(C) She never goes without making herself up first. (D) away
(D) I can make up a bed for you on the floor.
 (E) off
(E) He made up an incredible story about his holiday.
19 In:
13 “Is that my new TV in that package?’
“Did you buy a new bike?”

“Yes, just __________.” “Yes, I bought one two weeks ago.”
(A) open it up, take it out, plug it in and turn it on

Which phrasal verb can substitute the underlined word?
(B) open it up, take it off, plug it on and turn it on

(C) take it out, open it on, plug it off and turn it up

(A) ran into.
(D) take it in, plug it out, turn it down and open it up
(B) let down.
(E) open it out, take it up, turn it on and plug it on
(C) picked out.
(D) turned out.
14 Assinale a alternativa que traduz melhor a seguinte sentença:
(E) picked up.
I can’t tell one from the other.
20 Choose the correct alternative to complete the statements.
(A) Não distingo uma da outra.

(B) Não conto com nenhuma outra.

I. They __________ the search after three hours. It was hopeless.

(C) Não falo com nenhuma outra.

II. Somebody’s got to __________ those high principles.

(D) Não posso falar de uma para outra.
III. We shouldn’t __________ their arguments so easily.
(E) Não posso dizer para a outra.
IV. I’m trying to __________ my own work.

V. What a preposterous idea! Jane will never __________ with it!
15 A expressão break out em “During a poker match, an argument breaks
out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of
(A) gave up / stand up for / give in / catch up on / get away.

Spades, and the animals realize how they cannot tell the difference between
(B) carried out / stand up to / give over / catch up on / get ahead.

the pigs and the humans” significa:
(C) gave up/ stand up to/ give over/ catch up with/ get across.

(D) gave up/ stand up for/ give over/ catch up with/ get along.

(A) to make a sudden, quick advance.

(E) carried out / stand up to/ given in/ catch up on/ get through.
(B) to bring or come to an end.

(C) to develop suddenly.

(D) to force or make a way through.

(E) to cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently.
01 Complete the sentences using the words from the box.
16 The initials V.I.P. __________ Very Important Person.

(A) means passed away do without look forward to called off made up
(B) stand for carried away break out run out put up with keep up
(C) area bout

(D) describe
 a. Don’t smoke in the forest. Fires _________________ easily at this
(E) accounts for time of the year. 
b. I _________________ seeing my friends again.
17 Fill in the gaps in the sentences below meaningfully: c. I’m afraid; we have _________________ of apple juice. Will an orange
juice do?
I. __________ the computer __________ and let’s go.
 d. Your website has helped me a lot to _________________ the good
II Her new boyfriend __________ her __________ on their second work. 
date. e. A friend of mine has _________________ her wedding.
III. She__________ the flu after being sick for a week. f. His mother can’t _________________ his terrible behavior anymore.
g. As an excuse for being late, she _________________ a whole story. 
(A) I. Shut ...down – II. stood ...up – III got over.
 h. I got _________________ by his enthusiasm. 
(B) I. Shut ...down – II. stood ...down – III got down. i. I just cannot _________________ my mobile. I always keep it with
(C) I. Shut ...off – II. stood ...over– III got over.
(D) I. Shut ...off – II. stood ...down – 3 got down. j. She was very sad because her father _________________ last week. 
(E) I. Shut ...off – II. stood ...up – III got on.

54 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
False cognates and phrasal verbs INGLÊS
Unit 24

02 Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particles. 07 A opção que contém um falso cognato é:

away – down – for – in – off – on – up (A) enthusiasts.

(B) processes.
a. I don’t know where my book is. I must look ________ it. (C) outdoors.
b. Fill _______ the form, please. (D) spades.
c. The music is too loud. Could you turn _________ the volume, please?  (E) parts.
d. Quick, get ________ the bus or you’ll have to walk home. 
e. Turn ________ the lights when you go to bed.  08 Dadas as sentenças:
f. Do you mind if I switch _________ the TV? I’d like to watch the news. 
g. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it _______.  I. The boys __________ the game last night.
h. When you enter the house, take _________________your shoes and put ________ II. He gave a __________ of diamond to his mother.
your slippers. III. I didn’t like the film, it was__________.

i. If you don’t know this word, you can look it _______ a dictionary.  IV. They __________ finished the test.

03 Complete the phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaços em branco:

a. _______ your shoes. (remove)  (A) assisted / collar / terrific / eventually

b. Somebody has to ________ the baby. (take care of)  (B) assisted / necklace / terrific / eventually
c. She wants to ________ the truth. (discover)  (C) watched / necklace / terrible / finally

d. Where can I _______ the sweater? (see if it fits)  (D) watched / collar / terrific / finally

e. ______________. (be quick) (E) watched / necklace / terrific / eventually
f. Why don’t you ___________? (take a seat) 
g. I will _________ the train now. (enter)  09 Dadas as afirmações de que:
h. ___________ the word in a dictionary. (consult a dictionary) 
i. I want to _________ the form. (complete) I. Ingenious significa “hábil”, “engenhoso”.
j. The firemen __________ the fire. (extinguish) II. To resume significa “retomar”.

III. Syllabus pode significar “sílaba”.
04 Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da
frase nominal, entre aspas, a seguir: Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s):

Future generations may regard the scientific indictment of smoking as ‘a (A) Apenas a afirmação I.

major contribution’ to preventive medicine and the health of the western (B) Apenas a afirmação II.

world. (C) Apenas a afirmação no III.

(D) Apenas as afirmações I e II.
(A) Uma contribuição importante. (E) Todas as afirmações.
(B) Uma contribuição do major.

(C) A maior contribuição.
 10 Dadas as afirmações de que em português:
(D) Uma contribuição para o major.
(E) A importante contribuição. I. Scholar significa “letrado”.
II. Sensible significa “sensato”.
05 The meaning of exquisitely in the sentence “Their children were III. Fabric significa “tecido”.
exquisitely dressed” is:
Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s):
(A) strangely or unexpected.

(B) extremely beautiful in appearance.
 (A) Apenas a afirmação I.
(C) oddly with an unusual appearance.
 (B) Apenas a afirmação II.
(D) peculiarly with a special or unique quality. (C) Apenas a afirmação III.

(E) very unattractive and unpleasant to look at. (D) Apenas as afirmações I e II.
(E) Todas as afirmações.
06 The meaning of consistent in the sentence Mr. Brown’s behavior is
not consistent with his ideas is: 11 A alternativa que corretamente traduz, mantendo a ordem das palavras
em “Ele puxou ou empurrou a porta quando chegou lá?” é:
(A) coherent.

(B) contradictory. (A) Did he push or pull the door when he got there?

(C) right.
 (B) Did he pushed or pulled the door when he arrived there?
(D) persuasive.
 (C) Did he pull or push the door when he got there?

(E) strong. (D) Pushed or pulled he the door when he got there?

(E) Pushed or pulled him the door when he arrived there?

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 55
Unit 24

12 In “They suffered from the injuries sustained in the crash”, injuries 19 Em inglês, há algumas palavras que, ao serem pluralizadas, podem
means: mudar o sentido, tornando-se falsas cognatas. Como exemplo, o vocábulo
spirit: “espírito”, no singular, e “disposição”, no plural. Qual das opções
(A) ofensas.
 abaixo segue o mesmo padrão?
(B) ferimentos.
(C) injúrias.
 (A) Minute.
(D) calúnias. (B) Human.
(E) fraturas. (C) State.
(D) Fruit.

13 A synonym for the word actually as in “This is actually the decaying (E) Diplomat.
of the tooth” is:
20 Complete as sentenças a seguir coerentemente:
(A) now.
(B) today. I. Many __________ were killed during the battle.

(C) really.
 II. It’s a typical country __________ with a large house for the owner,
(D) normally.
 farm buildings and workers’ houses.

(E) theoretically. III. The secret to public speaking is to get the __________ on your side.

IV. Over two hundred people __________ the funeral.

14 What does the word estate mean? V. Some of his colleagues envy the enormous wealth that he has
(A) Estado.

(B) Estatal.
 (A) privates – state – listeners – answered – spread

(C) Propriedade. (B) privates – estate – audience – attended – amassed
(D) Fortuna.
 (C) privates – estate – audience – attended – spread

(E) Riqueza. (D) corporals – estate – listeners– answered – amassed
(E) corporals – state – audience – attended – amassed
15 Which of these words is not a false cognate?

(A) Apologize.
(B) Response. Texto para as questões de 01 a 10:
(C) Support. After firing his shot, Private Carter Druce reloaded his rifle and resumed
(D) Largest. his watch. Ten minutes had hardly passed when a Federal sergeant crept
(E) Resume. cautiously to him on hands and knees. Druce neither turned his head nor
looked at him, but lay without motion or sign of recognition.
16 I will __________ the __________ with his new security __________. “Did you fire?”, the sergeant whispered.
(A) assist – mayor – policy
(B) attend – major – police
 “At what?”
(C) support – official – politics “A horse. It was standing on yonder rock – pretty far out. You see it
(D) assist – mayor – politics no longer there. It went over the cliff.”
(E) attend – major – policy
The man’s face was white, but he showed no other sign of emotion.
The sergeant did not understand.
17 In “They pretended to be dead”, to pretend means:
“See here, Druce”, he said after a moment’s silence, “it’s no use
(A) entender. making a mystery. I ordered you to report. Was there anybody on the
(B) pretender. horse?”
(C) fingir.
(D) tender. “Who?”
“My father.”
18 The verb to attend is used in “The first semester I attended college, I
became friends with one of the American students in my class”. The sergeant rose and walked away.
– Check the only alternative in which the same verb can be used. “Goog God!”, he said.

(A) The receptionist’s job was to __________ the phone.
 01 Mark the item which contains the correct question for the following
(B) The doctor carefully __________ the patient.
 answer: “…on yonder rock pretty far out.”
(C) The professor __________ a convention to present his work.

(D) He __________ the radio to listen to the news.
 (A) When did Private Carter Druce shoot at a horse?
(E) The interviewer __________ questions from the public. (B) Why did Private Carter Druce shoot at a horse?
(C) How was Private Carter Druce shoot at a horse?
(D) Where was the horse that got shot?
(E) Who was shot by Private Carter Druce when he was firing?

56 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4
False cognates and phrasal verbs INGLÊS
Unit 24

02 When the author says that Druce resumed his watch, he means that 07 The opposite of whispered is:
(A) replied.
(A) kept standing guard. (B) murmured.
(B) set his watch up. (C) begged.
(C) looked at his watch. (D) called out.
(D) wound his watch. (E) ordered.
(E) summarized his report.
08 “crept cautiously to him on hands and knees” means:
03 In “after firing his shot”, after firing denotes an action which:
(A) came towards him carefully.
(A) is going on in the present. (B) looked after him carefully.
(B) took place in the past after another past one. (C) knelt down slowly in front of him.
(C) was going on in the past. (D) lay down cautiously beside him.
(D) began in the past and goes on in the present. (E) tied his hands and knees cautiously.
(E) was over in the past.
09 The sergeant didn’t understand what happened since:
04 The word said in “he said after a moment’s silence” can also be used
in: (A) Private Car ter Druce fired at the horse without asking him for
(A) Private Carter Druce ______ the sergeant the truth. (B) Private Carter Druce could see the horse was no longer there.
(B) Private Carter Druce ______ he had shot at a horse. (C) Private Carter Druce said he had only shot at a horse.
(C) The sergeant _______ Private Carter Druce to report. (D) the horse went over the cliff.
(D) Private Carter Druce _______ him what he did do. (E) the horse was standing on yonder rock pretty far out.
(E) Private Carter Druce _______ a lie.
10 In the beginning of the text, the author tells us that the private neither
05 The sentence “He showed no other sign of emotion” is in the active turned his head nor looked, but:
voice. If we put it into the passive voice, we’ll have:
(A) kept lying still.
(A) No other sign was shown of emotion. (B) lay down and didn’t come to.
(B) No other signs of emotion were shown. (C) laid his rifle down and without any sign of recognition.
(C) No other sign of emotion was shown. (D) made no sign of recognizing the victim.
(D) No other sign of emotion are shown. (E) turned his head and moved away.
(E) No other sign of emotion will be shown.

06 The Federal sergeant crept cautiously to the private because he wanted

to know:

(A) why Private Carted Druce had fired.

(B) whom had shot at him.
(C) which horse had he killed.
(D) whose father was on the horse Provate Carter Druce had killed.
(E) what had happened.

AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4 57
Unit 24





























58 AFA-EN-EFOMM – Vol. 4

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