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Portaria de Reorganização n.º 2351 de 19/02/82

Portaria de Unificação n.º 13012 de 19/10/85
Portaria de Alteração de denominação n.º 000157 de 07/06/00
Professora: Grace Marques
Past Simple (Passado Simples)

O Simple Past , também chamado de Past Simple (passado simples), é um dos tempos verbais do inglês. Ele é
equivalente ao passado simples na língua portuguesa.

O Simple Past é usado para indicar ações passadas já concluídas, ou seja, para falar de fatos que já aconteceram;
que começaram e terminaram no passado.

Expressões temporais usadas com o Simple Past

Para reforçar o uso do Simple Past, muitas expressões temporais são utilizadas nas frases.
Os exemplos mais usuais são: yesterday (ontem), the day before yesterday (anteontem), last night (ontem à noite),
last year (ano passado), last month (mês passado), last week (semana passada), ago (atrás), etc.

Veja algumas frases no Simple Past com as expressões acima:

● She studied Math last night. (Ela estudou matemática ontem à noite.)
● I traveled to Brazil last year. (Eu viajei para o Brasil ano passado.)
● They visited their uncle last month. (Eles visitaram o tio deles mês passado.)
● I called you three days ago. (Eu telefonei para você três dias atrás.)

Obs.: Notem que todos os verbos usados nestas frases são regulares, pois terminam com –ED.
Affirmative form (forma afirmativa) Regular verbs (verbos regulares)
Para usar os verbos regulares em frases afirmativas no Simple Past, basta mudar a terminação do verbo de acordo
com as
seguintes regras:

1. Aos verbos regulares terminados em –e, acrescenta-se somente o –d no final do verbo:

to love (amar) – loved to like (gostar) – liked
to lie (mentir) – lied to arrive (chegar) – arrived

2. Aos verbos regulares terminados em consoante+vogal+consoante (CVC), duplica-se a última consoante e

acrescenta-se o –ed:
to stop (parar) – stopped to plan (planejar) – planned
to control (controlar) – controlled to prefer (prefer) – preferred

3.Aos verbos terminados em –y precedido de consoante, retira-se o y e acrescenta-se o –ied:

to study (estudar) – studied to try (tentar) – tried
to worry (preocupar-se) – worried to cry (chorar) – cried

4. Aos verbos terminados em –y precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se somente o –ed:

to enjoy (aproveitar) – enjoyed to play(brincar; jogar) – played
to stay (ficar) – stayed

Irregular verbs (verbos irregulares)

Os verbos irregulares não possuem um padrão de formação. Eles não seguem as regras indicadas acima pois possuem
uma forma própria, portanto devemos consultar a lista de verbos irregulares.

Exercise 1:
Passe as sentenças abaixo do Presente Simples para o Passado Simples.
a. The baby cries.
b. You open the windows.
c. Sharon visits her aunt.
d. The scientists invent new machines.
e. I talk to the doctor.
Simple Past - irregular verbs
2. Complete the sentences using the verbs given:
drove won gave heard knew met paid read broke flew
1) The tutor group ______________a prize. (to win) 6) They _________________ the good news. (to hear)
2) Peter ____________for Emily´s ticket. (to pay) 7) Ben ____________his taxi through London. (to drive)
3) The bird _______________high in the sky. (to fly) 8) The friends ___________in front of the café. (to meet)
4) Jake___________his arm. (to break) 9) She_______________the newspaper. (to read)
5) The doctor ___________him some medicine. (to give) 10) The man_____________all the answers. (to know)

3. Fill in: irregular forms – Simple Past

begin- drive- be-

bring- know- do-
buy hear- feel-
drink forget- write-
give go - take-
find have- eat-

4. Qual é a forma correta do Passado Simples dos c) I can't believe that you __________ (forget) your book
verbos entre parênteses? at home.
a) Yesterday I __________ (eat) pizza. forgot forgoted forgeted
eated ate ated d) My day __________ (be) better than yesterday
went was were
b) Luiza _________ (understand) all the explanation. e) I never _________ (hear) anything about that person.
understanded understooded understood heard heared hearded

Negative Form (Forma Negativa)

Para a construção de frases negativas no Simple Past, o verbo did é empregado como verbo auxiliar.
O verbo principal não é conjugado no passado, uma vez que o auxiliar já indica o tempo verbal.
Sua estrutura frasal é feita da seguinte forma:
Sujeito + did + not + verbo principal + complemento
Exemplo: She did not like the Science teacher. (Ela não gostou da professora de Ciências.)
Obs.: a forma contraída de did not é didn’t.

Interrogative Form (Forma Interrogativa)

Da mesma maneira que acontece na forma negativa, o did é o verbo auxiliar utilizado para as frases interrogativas no
Simple Past .
Veja a estrutura abaixo:
Did + sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
Exemplo: Did she like the Science teacher? (Ela gostou da professora de Ciências?)
Obs.: somente o verbo auxiliar (did) é conjugado no Simple Past. Não é necessário conjugar o verbo principal.

The negative form of “He sold his car last week” is:
a) He doesn’t sells his car last week. c) He didn’t sell his car last week. e) He didn’t sold his car last week.
b) He doesn’t sold his car last week. d) He doesn’t sell his car last week

Assinale a alternativa correta para o Simple Past dos verbos irregulares: drive, forget e got.
a) drive; forgot; got c) drove; forget; get e) driven; forgotten; gotten
b) driven; forgotten; get d) drove; forgot; got
5. Forme verbos no passado com as letras dadas:

1) 5) 9)
2) 6) 10)
3) 7) 11)
4) 8) 12)
Past Continuous
O Past Continuous (Passado Contínuo), também conhecido como Past Progressive (Passado Progressivo), é um tempo
verbal utilizado para indicar ações contínuas que ocorreram no passado.
Regras de formação do Past Continuous
Forma Afirmativa (Affirmative Form)
Nas frases afirmativas no Past Continuous, a forma correta de construção frasal é:
Sujeito + Verbo to be no Simple Past + Verbo principal com –ing + Complemento
Exemplo: She was going to my house. (Ela estava indo para a minha casa.)

Forma Negativa (Negative Form)

Nas frases negativas, utiliza-se o not após o verbo to be. Observe a formação correta:
Sujeito + Verbo to be no Simple Past + not + Verbo principal com –ing + Complemento

Forma Interrogativa (Interrogative Form)

Na formação das frases interrogativas, a seguinte construção frasal é utilizada:
Verbo to be no Simple Past + Sujeito + Verbo principal com –ing + Complemento
Exemplo: Was she going to my house? (Ela estava indo para a minha casa?)


1) Qual das frases abaixo está no Past Continuous?

a) I was not at home when she arrived. d) We have been being lovers.
b) My father was worried about your job. e) I was being evil with my mom.
c) Melissa and Juan are happy.

2) Put The Verbs Into The Correct Form (Past Progressive).

1. When I phoned my friends, they____________________________ (play) monopoly.

2. Yesterday at six I __________________________(prepare) dinner.

3. The kids __________________________ (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.

4. I ______________________________ (practice) the guitar when he came home.

5. We __________________________________ (not / cycle) all day.

6. While Alan______________________________ (work) in his room, his friends (swim) in the pool.

7. I tried to tell them the truth but they__________________________________ (not / listen ) .

8. What _______________________________(you / do) yesterday?

9. Most of the time we ______________________________ (sit) in the park.

10. I (listen) __________________________ to the radio while my sister ___________________ (watch) TV.

11. When I arrived, They _____________________________ (play) cards.

12. We ________________________________ (study) English yesterday at 4:00 pm .

3) Yesterday at 6 pm your people were doing different things. Write positive sentences in the past continuous:

1. My mother / read / a novel ___________________________________________________________________

2. My father / watch / a movie ___________________________________________________________________

3. My elder sister / write / in her diary _____________________________________________________________

4. My two brothers / listen / to the radio____________________________________________________________

5. My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie ______________________________________________________

6. We / talk / about school ______________________________________________________________________

7. You / study / English. ________________________________________________________________________

8. My friends / not / play / soccer ________________________________________________________________

9. My teacher / teach / a new content _____________________________________________________________

10. My colleagues / pay / attention to the teacher ___________________________________________________

Vocabulary activity:
Text comprehension:

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