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Escola Estadual Interventor Jlio de Carvalho

Estudos Independentes de Lngua Inglesa

Nome: N.: Turma: Data:
Prof.: Hemerson Carvalho Valentim
Pronomes Demonstrativos

Pronomes Demonstrativos Singular

this & that &

*this: refere-se a coisa, animal ou pessoa que est prxima de quem fala.
*that:refere-se a coisa, animal ou pessoa que est distante de quem fala.
*This e that podem funcionar como adjetivos, antes do substantivo (this sandwich; that salad) ou como pronomes
substantivos (this is for you; that is for me).

1. Complete com that ou this:

a) _________ is an elephant.

b) _________ a mouse.

c) _________ is a magic hat.

d) _________ is a real bird.

Pronomes Demonstrativos

Plural: these && /those &&

*These refere-se a coisas, animais ou pessoas que esto

prximos de quem fala.
*Those refere-se a coisas, animais ou pessoas que esto
distantes de quem fala.
*These e those podem funcionar como adjetivos, antes
do substantivo (these cookies; those pies) ou como
pronomes substantivos (these are good; those are bad).

2. Passe as frases abaixo para o plural. S as palavras destacadas tm forma diferente no plural:

a) This bird is ugly.___________________________________ g) That exercise is difficult.___________________________

b) That cookie is delicious.____________________________ h) This hat is magic._________________________________
c) This mission is easy._______________________________ i) This pie is good._________________________________
d) This boat is small._________________________________ j) That car is bad._________________________________
e) That elepahant is big.______________________________ k) That bird is beautiful.______________________________
f) That actor is famous._______________________________l) This computer is new.______________________________
Everyday Activities
3. Enumere as atividades dirias de acordo com as ilustraes:

1 2 3

5 6 7 8

( ) He usually has lunch at a restaurant. ( ) After he gets up, he washes his face.
( ) He usually takes a shower before he goes to bed. ( ) He often comps his hair in the morning.
( ) He usually gets up early on Mondays. ( ) He arrives at school at 7:30.
( ) He does his homework in the evening. ( ) He has dinner with his family every day.

4. Observe os advrbios de frequncia:

Agora escreva com que frequncia voc realiza as atividades abaixo:

a) How often do you read books? (ler livros)
Exemplo: I always read books.

b) How often do you go to parties? (ir a festas)

c) How often do you read newspapers? (ler jornais)

d) How often do you use the internet? (usar a internet)

e) How often do you have vegetables? (comer verduras)

Simple Present Tense
Empregamos o Simple Present Tense para descrever uma ao habitual. Que ocorre frequentemente.
O Simple Present muitas vezes usado com:
Advrbios de tempo Locues adverbiais de tempo Exemplos
always X never on Sundays (Mondays, etc.)
usually every (day, year, month, etc)
Teenagers usually go to school.
sometimes once
We travel once a month.
often = frequently twice a week, a month, etc.
seldom = rarely three times
Simple Present: Forma Afirmativa

I buy clothes. 1. A afirmativa o simple present igual ao infinitivo sem to: to buy I buy.
You buy clothes.
She buys clothes. 2. Na 3. pessoa do singular acrescentamos s: to buy He buys.
We buy clothes.
You buy clothes.
They buy clothes.

5. Use o Simple Present Tense:

a) (to work) Tom _____works______ in a shopping mall.
b) (to buy) Teenagers _______________ a special type of clothes.
c) (to consider) I _______________ this point very significant.
d) (to have) We _______________ a spacial way to say hello.
e) (to break) That boy alwyas _______________ school system rules.
f) (to get) Mary _______________ dressed very quickly.

6. Use o Simple Present Tense:

Ateno! a) (to wash) She _______________ her clothes.
Os verbos terminados em ch, xh, x, o, s, z b) (to teach) Sarah _______________ English.
recebem es na 3. pessoa do singular: c) (to relax) Joe _______________ after lunch.
to dress She dresses well. d) (to go) He _______________ to school in the morning.
To do He does the work. e) (to buzz) A bee _______________ .

7. Use o Simple Present Tense:

Ateno! a) (to cry) She _______________ like a baby.
Se o verbo terminar em consoante + y, retiramos o y b) (to study) Paul _______________ Spanish.
e acrescentamos ies. c) (to fly) A jet plane _______________ long distances.
To try He tries to learn. d) (to play) He _______________ the guitar very well.
e) (to study) Mary _______________ English twice a week.

8. Use o Simple Present Tense:

a) (to say) He seldom _______________ hello to me.
b) (to have) That student _______________ tp develop his creativity.
c) (to protest) They always _______________ against corruption.
d) (to live) They _______________ on little money.
e) (to teach) He _______________ French.

Simple Present Modo Negativo e Interrogativo

Negativo Interrogativo
1. Na negativa usamos: auxiliar do + not + verbo
I do not dance. Do I dance?
You do not dance. Do you dance?
Apenas na 3. pessoa do singular usamos does.
He he dance?
2. Na interrogativa o auxiliar (do/ does) antecede o
She does not Does she dance?
dance. it dance?
3. Contraes: do + not = don't / does + not = doesn't
It Do we dance?
We do not dance. Do you dance? Exemplos: Old people do not dance.
You do not dance. Do they dance? Do old people dance?
They do not dance.
9. Mude para o negativo:
a) Certain ideas become a fashion hit.
Certain ideas don't become a fashion hit.______________________________________________________________
b) He studies at home every day.
c) The teacher explains every new word.
d) They mobilize only the middle classes.
e) My mother relaxes after lunch.

10. Mude para a forma negativa, ento complete.

a) I protest against high prices. (injustice)
I don't protest against high prices. I protest against injustice._____________________________________________
b) Jane goes to the theatre twice a month. (twice a week)
c) She washes the clothes on Tuesdays. (os Saturdays)
d) Bob meets many friends at the club. (at the disco)
e) I do my homework in the morning. (at night)

11. Mude para o interrogativo.

a) You have a rebellious trait in your personality.
Do you have a rebellious trait in your personality?____________________________________________________
b) Youngsters take to the streets to protest.
c) I develop my creativity.
d) Mary claims for justice.
e) Bob does all the work in the shop.
Present Continuous
O present continuous usado para contar algo que est acontecendo neste exato momento em que se fala, e
em algumas vezes para indicar que algo acontecer num futuro prximo. O present continuous equivalente ao
gerndio (no presente) em Portugus.
A formao do present continuous muito simples e possui poucas regras para recordar, geralmente s
adicionar o -ing no final da palavra. Mais detalhes ser explicado abaixo:
Para voc poder formar o present continuous voc dever saber as quatros regras bsicas:
* Vogal + consoante = repetir a ltima consoante e adicionar ing:
Exemplos: to run = running, to get = getting, to set up = setting up, to cut = cutting.

* Vogal + consoante + e = Substituir a letra E por ing :

Exemplos. To lose = losing; To come = coming, To take =taking

Final ie = Substituir ie por y adicionar -ing.

12. Complete as lacunas com o verbo no parnteses no presente contnuo:

a. Every Monday, Sally is driving________ (drive) her kids to football practice.

b. Usually, I ____________________(work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I ____________________(study)

French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.

c. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep)____________________ .

d. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It ____________________(rain) .

e. I hate living in Seattle because it ____________________(rain, always) .

f. I'm sorry I can't hear what you ____________________(say) because everybody ____________________(talk) so

g. Justin ____________________(write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good
publisher when he is finished.

h. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I ____________________(go) to a movie tonight with some friends.

i. The business cards ____________________(be, normally) printed by a company in New York. Their prices are
inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.

j. This delicious chocolate ____________________(be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

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