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Subject Pronouns

I – eu It – ele, ela (coisas e animais)

You – tu, você We – Nós

He – ele You – vós, vocês

She – ela They – eles, elas


1. Os subject pronouns têm a função do sujeito da oração.

2. I é sempre escrito com letra maiúscula. Quando o sujeito for composto, ele virá em último lugar:

You and I will finish the lesson together

Eu e você terminaremos a lição juntos

3. You é usado para singular (tu, você, o senhor, a senhora) e para o plural (vós, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras) quando nos
referimos à pessoa ou pessoas com quem estamos falando:

You are an intelligent boy.

Você é um garoto inteligente

You are excellent actresses.

Vocês são atrizes excelentes

4. He e she são geralmente usados para pessoas, mas podem também designar animais ou coisas quando se quer personificá-los ou
tratá-los com afeição:

My dog is a poodle. He is very small

Meu cachorro é um poodle. Ele é muito pequeno

She também é usado para substituir os substantivos ship (navio) e nation (nação):

That is a new ship. She is very modern.

England is a beautiful nation. She receives many tourists.

5. It é um pronome neutro usado para designar animais e coisas no singular. É ainda o sujeito de verbos que em português são
impessoais, em orações que expressam tempo, distância, condições meteorológicas etc.:

The liver is an internal organ. It is a large organ

O fígado é um órgão interno. Ele é um órgão grande

It is going to rain It was too far from here

Vai chover Era muito longe daqui

It is nine o‘clock It was cold

São nove horas Estava frio

It também pode ser usado para se referir às palavras child e baby, quando se desconhece o sexo da criança.

There’s a baby on the sofa. It is crying

Há um bebê no sofá. Ele está chorando

6. They corresponde ao plural de he, she e it:

My sisters are here and they want to see you

Minhas irmãs estão aqui e elas querem te ver.

These books are excellent, but they are in German.

Esses livros são excelentes, mas eles estão em alemão.

Object pronouns
Me – me, mim

You – te, ti, o, a, lhe

Him – o, lhe

Her – a, lhe

It – o, a

Us – nos

You – vos, os, as, lhes

Them – os, as, lhes

Obs: Os object pronouns têm a função de objeto direto ou indireto na oração. São sempre precedidos por um verbo ou uma

Tom is my boyfriend. I love him very much

Tom é meu namorado. Eu o amo muito

Look, Jane is coming! Tell her the news

Olhe, Jane está vindo! Conte-lhe a novidade

They never talk to us

Elas nunca conversam conosco

There are many differences between me and you

Há muitas diferenças entre mim e ti

Marcy and Lucy are sisters. I know them well

Marcy e Lucy são irmãs. Eu as conheço bem


Escreva o subject pronoun que substitui as palavras sublinhadas

1. Tom Cruise stars many good pictures ________________

2. Anne Boleyn was married to Henry VIII______________
3. Hamlet is a play written by Shakespeare______________
4. The weather is rainy_______________
5. The streets of my city are long______________
6. Big ships cross the oceans______________
7. My father and my mother are tall_________________
8. Brazil has many states and the states have a capital___________
9. All the people were anxious________________
10. Drugs are dangerous________________

Substitua as palavras entre parênteses por object pronouns.

1. Sheila loves_________(Jim), but he doesn’t love _____________ (Sheila)

2. Never leave home without ___________(your credit card)
3. The dogs are hungry. Feed ___________(the dogs), please
4. I am studying all the new words. I know _____________now (the new words)
5. There’s a marvelous opportunity for ____________(you and me)

Complete as traduções

1. Minhas filhas não estão aqui. Você pode me dizer onde eu posso encontrá-las?
My daughters are not here. Can you tell __________ where I can find ___________?

2. A fumaça dos seus cigarros nos faz mal. Vocês podem fumá-los em outro lugar?
The smoke of your cigarettes is bad for________. Can you smoke _______in another place?

3. Não há nada entre ele e ela.

There is nothing between ______________and_______________.

4. Será uma viagem inesquecível para vocês e para eles também.

It will be an unforgettable trip for ___________and for __________ too.

5. Quando seu pai chegar diga-lhe que sua mãe nos convidou para almoçar com ela.
When your father arrives tell ___________that his mother has invited _________ to have lunch with _____________.

6. O garoto ficará conosco. Quero dizer, comigo e contigo.

The boy will stay with __________. I mean, with ___________and with___________.

7. Este é um dos melhores vinhos que temos. Abra-o e sirva-o frio

This is one of the best wines we have. Open _____________and serve___________cool.

8. Esta é uma flor rara. Colham-na e levem-na para a escola.

This is a rare flower. Pick____________and take_________to school.

9. Tire uma foto dele perto dela.

Take a picture of_____________near______________

10. Ela olha para ele e lhe dá um sorriso.

She looks at____________and gives__________a smile

Verb to be – present tense

Complete the chart with the corresponding form of the verb to be in the present tense:

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form Short Answers

I’m I’m not Yes, You Are

You are You are not Are you? No, I´m Not

He’s He is not Is he? Yes, he is

She is She is not

It’s It isn’t Is it?

We are We are not

You’re You are not Are you?

They’re They aren’t No, they aren´t

1. Complete the sentences with the corresponding form of the simple present of the verb to be:

a) It …………………… necessary to be punctual.

b) The students ……………………… in the classroom.
c) I …………………… the new teacher.
d) My friend and I ………………………. in the same group.

2. Change the following sentences to negative form:

a) This research is about History.

b) These methods are new and interesting.
c) I am the new student.

3. Change the following sentences to interrogative form:

a) Your evaluations are correct.

b) George is in my group.
c) It is necessary to bring course materials to the class.

4. Answer the questions above with Short Answers.

There is / there are = há

Singular Plural

Affirmative form: there is (there’s) Affirmative form: there are

There is a new girl in our class. There are two new girls in our class.

singular plural
Negative form: there is not (there isn’t) Negative form: there are not (there aren’t)
There is not a new girl in our class. There are not two new girls in our class.

singular plural
Interrogative form: is there? Interrogative form: are there?
Is there a new girl in our class? Are there two new girls in our class?

singular plural

1. Complete with there is or there are:

a) ………………………………….. many projects about learning methods.

b) ………………………………….. big problems, but ………………………………… also many solutions.
c) ………………………………….. always something important to learn.
d) ………………………………….. a different way to do his homework.

2. Change first to negative and then to interrogative form:

a) There are other methods to analyse self-evaluation tests.

b) There is a deadline for the research.
c) There are difficult problems to solve.

Demonstrative pronouns

Quando nos referimos a coisas que estão perto da pessoa que fala, usamos this (plural=these):

This book is red.

These books are red.

Quando nos referimos a coisas que estão longe da pessoa que fala, usamos that (plural=those):

That book is red.

Those books are red.

1. Complete with this, that, these or those:

a) ……………………………… numbers on ………………………………. page here mean nothing.

b) Bring ………………………… old dictionaries that are on …………………………….room at the end of the corridor.
c) ……………………………… year I am going to visit ………………………………… beautiful places in Europe.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Pay attention to this dialogue:

-This is your backpack. Where is mine? (=my backpack)

-No, this is my backpack! Where is yours? (=your backpack)


Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

my 1st person sing. mine

your 2nd person sing. yours

his 3rd person sing. his

her 3rd person sing. hers

its 3rd person sing. its

our 1st person plural ours

your 2nd person plural yours

their 3rd person plural theirs


1. Usamos o possessive adjective antes de um substantive (noun) para indicar a quem esse substantive pertence:
I carry my backpack to school every day.

possessive noun

2. Usamos o possessive pronoun em vez do possessive adjective + noun quando o substantivo está subentendido:

I can carry my backpack. Can you carry yours? (=your backpack)

poss. adjective+noun possessive pronoun

3. Diferentemente do que acontece em português, tanto os possessive adjectives quanto os possessive pronouns concordam com o
“possuidor”, e não com o “objeto possuído”:

Eduardo lives with his brother and his sister.

“possuidor” 3rd person singular


Andrea lives with her brother and her sister.

“possuidor” 3rd person singular


I can carry my backpack. Can you carry yours?

possuidor 2nd person singular or plural

4. Há dois tipos de construção equivalentes que usam of + possessive:

Robby is a friend of mine. Robby is one of my friends.

noun + of + poss. Pron. one of + poss. Adj. + noun

1. Give the corresponding possessive adjectives of these words:

a) Helen: …………………………………………………
b) We: …………………………………………………….
c) The book: …………………………………………..
d) The boys: …………………………………………..
e) The girls: …………………………………………...
f) You and I: …………………………………………
g) The dog: …………………………………………...
h) My classmate and you: ……………………..

2. Fill in with the corresponding possessive adjective:

a) There are students that do ………………………… homework at school, and not at home, because they don’t want to carry
………………………… heavy backpacks.

b) We are now protesting, we are not Just talk about ……………………… needs any more.

c) It is the duty of the state to project ………………………… citizens.

d) Do you know ……………………… own limits?

e) People use the Internet to send messages to …………………………… distant friends.

3. Give the corresponding possessive pronouns of these words:

a) David: ………………………………………….. e) children: ………………………………..

b) People: ………………………… f) the teacher: ……………………………

c) Lucy and Fred: ……………………………… g) we: …………………………………………

d) Maria: ………………………………………….. h) you: ……………………………………….

4. Follow the example: one of my cars: cars of mine

a) one of my students: …………………………………………………………………………….

b) one of my problems: ………………………………………………………………………….

c) one of his suggestions: ………………………………………………………………………

d) one of your brilliant ideas: ………………………………………………………………...

e) one of her friends: ……………………………………………………………………………..

f) one of our backpacks: …………………………………………………………………………

g) one of their easy solutions: ………………………………………………………………..

h) one of her evening gowns: …………………………………………………………………

i) one of our e-mail messages: ………………………………………………………………

5. Use the possessive pronouns that correspond to the words in brackets:

a) This carnival costume is …………………………………


b) This backpack is not ………………..………. . It is ………………………….

(Lucas) (I)

c) Are these shoes ……………………………… ?


d) The skates near the door are ………………………………………….

(Douglas and I)

e) These cars are …………………………………………..

(the pilots)

6) Complete the sentences with either a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun:

a) As I told you, this backpack is not ………………………….; it is ………………………… It has your name written on it.

b) Why don’t you write a message to a friend of …………………………… on ………………………… own computer?

c) Children should wear …………………………… school bag correctly, by bending ……………………………… knees and lifting it with
…………………………… legs.

d) Paulinho is Guga’s fan. He imitates ……………………… hair style and wears tennis shoes like …………………………

e) We use ………………… creativity. Many projects of ......................... have been used in other communities.

Reflexive pronouns

Pay attention to these sentences:

Dreams may help clarify what we feel about ourselves.

You can learn a lot about yourself from your dreams.

Singular Plural
myself (1 person)
yourself (2nd person) yourselves
herself (3rd person) themselves


1. Reflexive use – o pronome indica que a ação se repete sobre quem a praticou:

Be careful with the knife! You may cut yourself!

Os verbos mais comumente usados com pronomes reflexivos são: to cut, to hurt, to burn, to introduce, to kill, etc…
Cuidado com os verbos que são acompanhados do pronome reflexivo em português, mas não em inglês: to remember (lembrar-se),
to feel (sentir-se), to become (tornar-se), to marry (casar-se), to care (importar-se), etc.

2. Emphatic use – o pronome enfatiza a pessoa ou a coisa que se refere. É traduzido comumente como mesmo, próprio:

I myself interpreted the dream.

Eu mesmo, eu próprio, interpretei o sonho.
I interpreted the dream myself.

3. Idiomatic use – a combinação by + reflexive pronoun significa o mesmo que alone (“sozinho”, “por conta própria):
Olívia wants to live by herself.

1. Complete with the appropriate reflexive pronouns:

a) Don´t be so pessimistic or you’ll haunt …………………………………………..

b) Our unconscious sends us important messages about ………………………………….

c) What does Paulo think of …………………………………………?

d) Nobody has taught Lola how to interpret dreams. She has learned it by ……………………………………….

e) Are you sure Mr Oven, …………………………………… prepared this delicious meal?

f) Nobody helped the two reporters collect information. They did it by ……………………………………….

g) Do you think an adult can really understand ………………………………………….. ?

2. Give emphasis to the words in bold type. Follow the example:

a) Professor Young answered our questions.

Professor Young himself answered our questions.

b) Carlos admitted his ignorance.


c) Prejudice can slow down progress.


d) I have written a poem.


e) Lucy was responsible for the illustration.


4. Use the reflexive pronoun with the meaning of alone.

a) Do you prefer to study alone or in a group?


b) Don’t worry; I will not go to the meeting alone.


c) In the United States many youngsters live alone.


d) Jane can never be left alone.


5. Choose the correct alternative:

a) Bill didn’t copy this article, he wrote it …. .

( ) itself ( ) himself ( ) to him ( ) by itself

b) I really cared …. about all the work I had to do …. .

( ) - - - - - / by myself ( ) myself / myself

( ) - - - - - / itself ( ) myself / itself

c) Who told you Prof. Young was the lecturer?

( ) Prof. Young himself told me.

( ) You told me yourselves.
( ) Alternatives a and b are correct.
( ) No alternatives are correct.

d) Rose doesn’t like to live …. .

( ) herself ( ) with ourselves ( ) by herself ( ) in themselves

Possessive Case or Genitive Case

“possuidor” + ‘s + “coisa possuída”

The ideas of professor Young

Professor Young’s ideas

Nota: O artigo the, que precede a “coisa possuída”, é omitido no possessive’s

1. Quando o “possuidor” estiver no singular ou no plural não terminado em s (woman, children), usa-se a
estrutura “possuidor” + ‘s + “coisa possuída”:

You should read about the expert’s analyses. Let’s organize our children’s holidays.

2. Quando o “possuidor” estiver no plural terminado em s. usa-se a estrutura “possuidor” + ‘ + “coisa


What are the students’ conclusions?


1. O possessive case (’s) expressa uma série de relações:

de posse Andrea’s dreams

de família Duda’s sisters
de lugares Brazil’s famous beaches.
de medida de tempo Five hour’s work

2. Usa-se ‘s quando o “possuidor” for pessoa ou animal:

This is my cat’s home.

3. Quando o “possuidor” for objeto ou coisa, usa-se a construção com of, exceto nas relações de lugar e de
medidas de tempo mencionadas acima. Veja:
I don’t know the meaning of this dream.

1. Use ‘s when possible. Follow the example:

a) the fears of people: people’s fears

b) the instincts of wild animals: ………………………………………………………………………………......

c) a feeling of depression: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

d) the hopes of Martine: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

e) the perspective of the design: ………………………………………………………………………………..

f) the anxieties of May Lou: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

g) the work of the volunteers: ……………………………………………………………………………………

h) the dreams of my best friend: ……………………………………………………………………………….

i) the cyber-homes of the future: ………………………………………………………………………………

j) the sound of this violin: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Complete the sentences. Link the words in brackets with the possessive‘s or the preposition of.

a) I feel asleep on the sofa, so I didn’t see ………………………………………...................................

(the end – the film)

b) The meeting will be at ……………………………………………………… at 8.

(home – Nando)

c) This article has to be published by …………………………………………………………………………..

(the end - the day)

d) Let’s forget …………………………………………………. about ………………………………………………….

(the preconceived ideas – Rony) (the nature – our dreams)

e) I wonder if …………………………………………………… is as big and beautiful as I imagine it to be.

(the house – the president)

f) Rhoda first met Abe at …………………………………………………………………
(the birthday party – Nat)

g) Do you think …………………………………………………… will agree with our plans?

(the families – our friends)

h) ………………………………………… is next to ……………………………………………………

(the car – Ken) (the car – Fred)

Indefinite article: a/an

a: antes de palavras iniciadas por um som consonantal: an: antes de palavras iniciadas por um som vocálico:
a car a university an agency an hour
a window an umbrella
a yacht (u com som de iú) an egg (h mudo, som de vogal)
a house an orchestra

Use a/an:
Antes de substantivos contáveis no singular:
This is a dating agency.
Bob is a teacher. (diante de ocupações)

Não use a/an:

1. Antes de substantivos incontáveis:
Are you in love?
2. Antes de substantivos no plural:
These are dating agencies.
They are biologists.
3. Antes de possessive adjectives (my, your, etc.) ou possessive pronouns (mine, yours, etc.):
This is my book.

1. Add the correct indefinite article:

a) ……………. idea e) …………….. action

b) ……………. uncomfortable sofa f) …………….. healthy diet
c) ……………. word g) …………….. honest man
d) ……………. uniform h) …………….. year

2. Insert a/an where necessary:

a) I ate …………. lot at lunch: ………… hamburger and ………... piece of pizza. I drank ………… big glass of …………. lemonade. For
dessert I ate ………….. apple and ………….. banana.

b) …………… nightmare usually reflects ……………. feeling of …………… depression or …………… sadness.

c) Yesterday we went to …………… zoo. We saw ……………. lot of wild animals: ……………. fat lion, ……………. old bear and …………….
tall giraffe.

d) Have you ever read ……………. poem written by ……………. homeless poet?

e) Is Norberto …………….. doctor or ………….... engineer?

f) Do they really have ……………. mushroom soup for ……………. breakfast?

g) …………… Dreams may also express …………….. personal conflicts.

h) …………… black cat is often considered …………….. symbol for ……………. bad luck.

i) According to …………….. famous psychiatrist, ……………… lack of love can lead to …………….. stress.

j) He is ……………… influential composer and ……………… his partner is ………………. charismatic interpreter.

Definite article: the

Use o artigo the:

1. antes de um substantivo comum para defini-lo, descrevê-lo ou especificá-lo:

Dateline is the name of the dating agency.

2. antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais e invenções:

Ivo doesn’t play the piano well. Who invented the computer?

3. ante de superlativos:

This is the best I can do.

4. antes de nomes de:

a) rios, oceanos, mares: the Atlantic, the Tocantins

b) desertos, grupos de ilhas, montanhas: the Sahara, the Maldives, the Alps.
c) hotéis, cinemas, museus, clubes, restaurantes: the Hilton, the Cinemax, the Metropolitan, the
Flamengo, the Fasano.

5. antes de adjetivos substantivados:

The good care about the sick.

the good individuals the sick individuals

Não use the:

1. antes da maioria dos nomes próprios (pessoas, cidades, estados, países, ruas):

Sayuri was born in Tokyo.

He lives on Copacabana Avenue.

Exceção: nomes de países no plural (the Philippines, the United States) ou que incluam termos políticos (the
United Kingdom).

2. diante de certas palavras indicativas de lugares, quando se quer dar ênfase à sua finalidade (hospital,
prison, school, church, home, bed):

She left school at 6, got home at 7 and went to bed at 10.

Compare estas frases:

This is the school I helped paint. (refere-se ao prédio da escola)

I go to school every Day. (refere-se à instituição de ensino)

3. antes de possessives (my, your, his...; mine, yours, his…).

My brother has borrowed some money from me.

4. antes de palavras usadas no sentido geral:

Cleide usually has sandwiches for lunch.

Sentido geral Sentido mais específico

I like eggs. Put the eggs on the table, please.

Life is adventure. This is the life I’d like to live.
I have dinner at home. The dinner you offered was delicious.

Look at this table about the use of the articles:

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Singular Plural Singular
a/an a book, an egg
the the book, the egg the books, the eggs the rice, the tea
no article [-] books, [+] eggs [-] rice, [+] tea

1. Insert the where necessary:

a) He couldn’t go to …........................ school yesterday because his grandpa had been taken to …………………. hospital.
b) ……………….. protestors were throwing ....................... stones when ………………… police arrived.
c) Albert Einstein formulated ....................... theory of ………………. relativity.
d) I fell asleep on ...................... sofa, so I didn’t see …………………. end of ……………….. film.
e) ..................... woman in ....................... picture is ………………….. my friend’s grandmother.
f) I love …...................... smell of ........................ coffee when it is being made.
g) Throw ....................... napkins, ........................ plastic cup, ........................ box and …………………wrapping into …....................
h) ........................ enthusiasm ......................... teacher showed in .......................... classroom influenced ………………….. students positively.
i) Are you interested in ………………….. quality of …………………. food you eat? What kind of ………………… food do you eat?
j) Have you ever been to ………………….. USA, ......................... Great Britain, .......................... Australia or any other country where
......................... English is the first language?

2. Insert a/an or the where necessary:

a) When I got sick with …………………. flu, my boyfriend’s plans to rent …………….. private yacht for one-year anniversary were
ruined. Instead, he took good care of me and prepared ………………… good meal for us: ………………… chicken soup and …………………..
some fruit. He also rented ….................... video films we had always wanted to see. I love him so much.
b) My girl and I used to call …..................... radio station to dedicate ……………….. song to each other. One night I was listening to
….................... radio and she dedicated ………………….. song to …………………… friend of ours. Then she sent me …........................ message
saying she didn’t love me any more. How sad…

3. Insert a/an or the where necessary:

a) Dorothy never misses …………………… episode of ……………………. 8 o’clock soap opera.

b) Marcelo plays ……………………. piano in …………………… bars.
c) …………………… images of ……………………… violence shown in …………………… newspapers can haunt us for …………………….. long
d) If ……………………. Gina had arrived on ……………………. time at …………………… cinema, she would have seen ……………………
beginning of …………………. magnificent European film.

e) I want to find .......................... site on .......................... Internet devoted to …………………… international medical schools.
f) During …………………… course of ......................... investigations about ....................... last elections, .......................... important
politician was accused of ………………….. corruption.
g) If you want to become ……………………. photographer, look at …………………… world through ……………………. crystal-clear lens.
h) When I think of .......................... blue color of …………… surface of …………………… ocean on …………………… sunny day , I relax
i) ………………… name of ………………… book he wants to write in ………………….. near future is ....................... Money and …………………..
power in …………………. world of ………………… business.
j) Dennis, who is ...................... best student in ....................... group of 36 intelligent teenagers, wants to study at ………………….
University in ………………….. São Paulo or ………………… Paraná.


table tables automobile automobiles

Student’s deduction:

De maneira geral, forma-se o plural de substantivos contáveis acrescentando-se ....... ao singular.

boy boys tray trays

lady ladies city cities

Student’s deduction

1. Se o substantivo termina em vogal + Y, acrescentamos ........ .

2. Se o substantivo termina em consoante + Y, cortamos o ....... final e acrescentamos ........ .

bus buses

kiss kisses

fox foxes

watch watches

flash flashes

topaz topazes

Student’s deduction

1. Quando o substantivo termina em S, .........., .........., ......... , .......... ou .........., acrescentamos ......... .
OBS: Os substantivos monarch, patriarch, stomach, com ch fazem o plural com –s, uma vez que o CH final tem som de K.
(monarch – monarchs)

cukoo cuckoos bamboo bamboos radio radios

Student’s deduction

1. Substantivos terminados em ....... precedido de vogal, fazem o plural com .......... .

Negro negroes hero heroes potato potatoes

2. Substantivos terminado em ....... precedido de consoante, fazem o plural com ........... .

OBS: EXCEÇÕES (palavras estrangeiras)

piano pianos photo photos

dynamo dynamos kilo kilos

bellief beliefs cliff cliffs

chief chiefs roof roofs

gulf gulfs handkerchief handkerchiefs

Student’s deduction

1. A regra geral é acrescentar ........... à forma singular dos substantivos terminados em F.

thief thieves leaf leaves

loaf loaves wolf wolves

half halves calf calves

elf elves shelf shelves

wife wives knife knives

life lives self selves

sheaf sheaves

Student’s deduction

1. Os substantivos acima (13), terminados em ....... ou ....... fazem o plural com ......... .

scarf scarfs/ scarves

dwarf dwarfs/ dwarves

hoof hoofs/ hooves

wharf wharfs/ wharves

staff staffs/ staves

Student’s deduction

1. Há substantivos, que aceitam ambas as formas de plural, podendo terminar tanto em ....... como em ...........

man men woman women person people louse lice

tooth teeth foot feet ox oxen

goose geese child children mouse mice

Student’s deduction

1. Certos substantivos, têm plurais ........................ .Os exemplos acima são mais comuns.

Latim Grego

axis axes basis bases

bacillus bacilli crisis crises

medium media thesis theses

bacterium bacteria phenomenon phenomena

datum data oasis oases

Student’s deduction

Certos substantivos, vindos do latim ou do grego, ainda conservam seus plurais originais:

1. Os que terminam em IS fazem o plural com ............ .

2. Os que terminam em US, fazem o plural com .......... .
3. Os que terminam em ON/UM, fazem o plural com .......... .

OBS: alguns substantivos já admitem duas formas de plural (uma, a original, e a outra a comum, +s)

formula formulae/ formulas

fungus fungi/ funguses

aquarium aquaria/ aquariums

curriculum curricula/ curriculums

memorandum memoranda/ memorandums

automaton automata/ automatons

sanatorium sanatoria/ sanatoriums

• plural dos substantivos compostos

armchair armchairs bookcase bookcases

housewife housewives boyfriend boyfriends

Student’s deduction

Na composição por ........... substantivos, só o ................ recebe plural.

manservant menservant

horseman horsemen

washerwoman washerwomen

Student’s deduction

Compostos de man/ woman fazem o plural com as formas ....................... e ....................... .

OBS: German – Germans – isso porque não é derivado da palavra man.

sister-in-law sisters-in-law father-in-law fathers-in-law

Student’s deduction

Nos compostos com –in-law, só o elemento inicial recebe ................. .

handful handfuls spoonful spoonfuls

Student’s deduction

Compostos com –ful recebem ......... para a formação do plural.

Singular plural regras

Sheep sheep alguns substantivos têm a mesma forma,

tanto para o singular, como para o
Deer deer

Trout trout

Fish fish

- trousers

- pants

- pyjamas alguns substantivos não apresentam

formas de singular.
- shorts

- drawers

- clothes

- scissors

- pliers instrumentos de 2 partes (um par)

(verbo no plural).
- spetacles

- glasses

Mumps - algumas doenças.

Measles -

Billiards - alguns jogos.

Cards -

Draughts -

Dominoes -

News - alguns substantivos não têm formas de

plural (os nomes de ciências terminados
Gallows - em –ICS).

Physics -

Phonetics -

Information - substantivos incontáveis não tem plural.

Knowledge - (por questão de ênfase, pode-se colocar

no plural:
Weather -
The snows and frosts of the Antartic./
Money -
The waters of Mississipi./ The sands of
the desert.
Coffee -

Milk -


• Formas divergentes:
Algumas formas de plural têm dois significados:

customs costumes/ alfândega

glasses óculos/ vidros

spetacles espetáculos/ óculos

spirits espíritos/ bebidas alcoólicas

effects efeitos/ bens (ativo)

movies filmes/ cinema

• Quantidades indefinidas têm plural na unidade de medida e no elemento medido e têm of.
• Quantidades definidas não têm plural na unidade de medida, não têm of e têm plural no elemento medido.

Dozens of eggs (dúzias de ovos) Three dozen eggs (três dúzias de ovos)

Hundreds of girls Five hundred girls

• Qualquer quantidade funcionando como adjetivo não tem plural.

This man is a 32 years old man. This is a 32 year-old-man.

This girl is five feet tall. This is a five-foot-tall girl.


1) Write the plural:

a) family g) safe m) thesis s) shampoo
b) roof h) monkey n) baby t) winner
c) box i) cliff o) process u) story
d) taxi j) monarch p) axis v) craftsman
e) phenomenon k) Negro q) leaf w) woman
f) potato l) matriarch r) stomach

2) Five ...... packages were sent to south America.

a) thousand b) thousands of c) thousand of d) thousands

3) O plural de sister-in-law, child e armchair é:

a) sister-in-law, children, armschairs

b) sister-in-law, children, armchair
c) sisters-in-law, childs, armchairs
d) sisters-in-law, children, armchairs

4) Their ........ are against their attitudes.

a) believe b) beliefs c) belief d) believes

5) The plural of louse and mouse is:

a) louses – mouses c) louses – mice
b) lice – mice d) lice – mouse

6) O plural de buzz, country e shelf é:

a) buzz, countries, shelfs

b) buzzes, countries, shelves
c) buzzes, countys, shelves
d) buzzs, countries, shelves

7) Choose the right alternative:

a) The mice were caught by the cook.

b) The mouse was caught by the cooker.
c) The mice was catched by the cook.
d) The mouse were catched by the cooker.

8) Qual a alternativa correta?

a) That is a five-storey building.

b) That is a building five storeys.
c) That is a five-storeys building.
d) That storey building is five.

9) All these words follow the same rule to form the plural, except:

a) Plural in “ies” – daisy, lady, baby, fly, city.

b) Plural in “es” - watch, church, negro, dish, brush.
c) Plural in “ves” – wife, half, calf, chief, leaf.
d) Plural in “s” – cowboy, valley, key, way, day.
e) Change of the internal vowel – goose, tooth, foot, louse, mouse.

10) She seems very mature for a ........ .

a) girl with fifteen years

b) girls who has fifteen years
c) fifteen-year-old girl
d) girl of fifteen year

11) Put into plural: “I saw a fox, a donkey, a sheep, a wolf and an ox in the zoo.”

a) I saw foxes, donkeys, sheeps, wolfs and oxes in the zoo.

b) I saw foxes, donkeys, sheeps, wolves and oxen in the zoo.
c) I saw foxs, donkeys, sheep, wolfs and oxes in the zoo.
d) I saw foxes, donkeys, sheep, wolves and oxen in the zoo.

12) What’s Philip’s revealed? Well, ............................ .

a) the data was correct, but the analyses wasn’t.

b) the data were correct, but the analysis wasn’t.
c) the data were correct, but the analysis weren’t.
d) the data was correct, but the analysis weren’t.

13) .......... names were published on that list.

a) Hundreds b) Hundreds of c) Hundred d) One hundred of

14) Put into the plural: “The hero’s name will be remembered.”

a) The hero’s names will be remembered.

b) The heroes’ s names will be remembered.
c) The heroes’ names will be remembered.
d) The names of the heroes’ will be remembered.

15) Will ............. be enough?

a) two dozens egg c) two dozen egg
b) two dozen of eggs d) two dozen eggs

16) She seems to be very smart for a ..... .

a) child with three years

b) child who has three years
c) child of three year
d) three-year-old child

Present continuous tense

Example: verb to study

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form Short Answers

I am studying I am not studying Am I studying? Yes, you are / No, you aren’t

You are studying You are not studying Are you studying? Yes, I am / No, I’m not

He is studying He is not studying Is he studying? Yes, he is / No, he isn’t

She is studying She is not studying Is she studying? Yes, she is / No, she isn’t

It is studying It is not studying Is it studying? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t

We are studying We are not studying Are we studying? Yes, we are / No, we aren’t

You are studying You are not studying Are you studying?
Yes, we are / No, we aren’t

They are studying They are not studying Are they studying?
Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

1. Affirmative form = to be + main verb
(present) (ing form)

You are studying.

Negative form = to be + not + main verb. Contractions

(present) (ing form) am not = ‘m not / is not = isn’t / are not = aren’t

You are not studying.

2. Interrogative form = to be + subject + main verb.

(present) (ing form)

Are you studying?

1. Regra geral: acrescentamos ing ao infinitivo do verbo principal:

to study studying to surf surfing

to sing singing to listen listening

2. Os verbos terminados em um só e perdem esse e ao acrescentarmos ing:

to make making to write writing

3. Nos verbos com uma só sílaba terminada em c-v-c (consoante, vogal, consoante), dobramos a consoante final:

to c h a t chatting to r u n running

cv c cv c
4. Nos verbos com duas sílabas, sendo a última tônica e com final em c-v-c, dobramos a consoante final:

sílaba sílaba
tônica tônica

to be g i n beginning to re s e t resetting

cv c cv c

5. Nos verbos terminados em ie, substituímos ie por y:

to lie lying to die dying

6. Nos verbos terminados em c, acrescentamos KING:

To pannic pannicking to mimmic mimmicking

7. Verbos terminados em X,Y e W, apenas acrescentamos ing.

To fix fixing To play playing To blow blowing

1. O present continuous é usado quando queremos expressar uma ação em progresso, que está acontecendo no momento em
que se fala:
I am reading the instructions now.
At this moment Ana is making a list of difficult words.

2. O present continuous é freqüentemente acompanhado de:

1. Advérbios de tempo 2. Frases no imperativo

now Look!
at present Wait!
at this moment Stop!

Fê is writing an e-mail now. Listen! Fê is speaking English.

1. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets:

a) The children ……………………………………………………. in the garden. (to play)

b) Shh! I ……………………………………….. to concentrate on my homework. (to try)

c) The teacher ……………………………………… for you in the classroom. (to wait)

d) David ……………………………………….. on the graph the areas where English is spoken. (to show)

e) I ……………………………………… to my favorite song. (to listen)

f) Paulo …………………………………. the recent announcements about the exams. (to read)

g) Attention! The teacher ………………………………… straight at you. (to look)

h) These exercises ………………………………….. what you know about grammar. (to test)

i) Maria and I ………………………………………… on a new project now. (to work)

j) Be quiet! I ……………………………………….. my homework. (to do)

2. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets:

a) Listen! Fernanda and Ronaldo ………………………………….. . (to chat)

b) Mum ……………………………………………. lunch at present. (to prepare)

c) Nobody …………………………………………. the traffic at the moment. (to control)

d) Now Fran and Bob ………………………………………… through the Internet. (to communicate)

e) I’m sure you ………………………………………….. . (to lie)

f) Be careful! You ………………………………………… on my CD player. (to sit)

g) I ………………………………………….. new contacts. (to make)

h) The world …………………………………………. Smaller. (to get)

i) The little boy ………………………………………. his shoes. (to tie)

j) It …………………………………………….. some gas. (to emit)

k) We ………………………………………….. everything in order. (to put)

l) We ………………………………………….. the books on the table. (to place)

m) Good! They …………………………………………… the prices! (to cut)

n) Your taxi ……………………………………………… . (to come)

o) Now the teacher …………………………………………... to a specific part of the text. (to refer)

3. Change these sentences to negative form:

a) Norberto is learning Chinese.


b) We are talking to our classmates.


c) I’m writing an e-mail in English.


d) They are considering your decision.


e) Mauro is working at home.


f) It is raining in Porto Alegre.


4. Change these sentences to interrogative forms:

a) The Brazilian economy is growing fast.


b) You are transferring Hugo to another school.


c) I am using the manual correctly.


d) All the TV channels are transmitting the same news.


e) Everybody is learning English.


5. Give short answers to these questions. Follow the example:

a) Is Norma still living in Minas Gerais?

Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

b) Are you listening to music at this moment?


c) Is this exercise focusing on grammar understanding?


d) Are the students in your class interested in learning a second language?


6. Complete the questions for these answers, according to the question words indicated:

a) Jonas is testing the new techniques in the laboratory.

Where …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) They are teaching Spanish in many schools nowadays.

What language …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

c) Everybody is studying English because it is a global language.

Why …………………………………………………………………………

Simple present tense

Attention to these sentences in the simple present:

People have the right to good medical care.

He helps at school.
They paint walls.

Example: verb to be help

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form Short Answers

I help I do not help Do I help? Yes, you do / No, you don’t

You help You do not help Do you help? Yes, I do / No, I don’t

He helps He does not help Does he help? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t

She helps She does not help Does she help? Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t

It helps It does not help Does it help? Yes, it does / No, it doesn’t

We help We do not help Do we help? Yes, we do / No, we don’t

You help You do not help Do you help? Yes, we do / No, we don’t

They help They do not help Do they help? Yes, they do / No, they don’t

1. Affirmative form Attention!

main verb 3rd person sing. = main verb + s:

(infinitive without to) (inf. without to)

I help at school. John helps at school.

2. Negative form

Subject + auxiliary + not + main verb Contractions

verb (inf. without to) do + not = don’t
does + not = doesn’t
We do not paint walls.
He does not paint walls.

3. Interrogative form

auxiliary + subject + main verb

verb (inf. without to)

Do you live in a good place?

Does she live in England?

1. Regra geral: o verbo principal (no infinitivo sem o to) recebe s na terceira pessoa do singular: to live
Sandra lives in Bahia.

2. Os verbos terminados em ss, sh, ch, x, z e o recebem es na terceira pessoa do singular:

to pass passes; to wash washes; to teach teaches; to box boxes; to fizz fizzes; to go goes

3. Verbos terminados em y

a) Se o verbo terminar em y precedido de vogal, basta acrescentar s:

to play plays

b) Se o verbo terminar em y precedido de consoante, transforma-se o y em i e acrescenta-se es:

study studies

4. O verbo to have, na 3ª pessoa do singular, transforma-se em has:

to have He has many friends.


1. O simple present é usado para descrever ações habituais e também para expressar verdades gerais ou universais:

They usually help at school; they repair the desks.

The sun rises every day.

2. O simple present é comumente acompanhado de:

1. Advérbios de tempo (freqüência) 2. Locuções adverbiais de tempo

always never on Sundays (Mondays, etc.)
often rarely every day (year, month, etc.)
frequently seldom once
sometimes twice a week, a year, etc.
usually three times

Márcia always goes to England I go shopping every month.

1. Complete the phrases with the verb in the simple present:

a) Tom always ……………………………………….. the bus to school. (to take)

b) They often …………………………………………… new people to work on the project. (to need)

c) She usually ..…………………………………………… her neighbour for help. (to ask)

d) My group and I really ……………………………………. about our community. (to think)

e) Their ideas ………………………………..... voluntary work by young people.(to involve)

2. Change these sentences to negative form:

1. Susan and Peter walk to school every day.


2. We like studying English alone.


3. She knows all her basic needs.


4. He studies English only because of his career.


5. People want false promises.


6. These groups simply talk about changes.


7. João has a good job.


8. These projects involve voluntary work only.


3. Change these sentences to interrogative form:

1. This dictionary uses British English.


2. Those groups protest against injustice.


3. She considers English necessary to understand her favourite songs.


4. Luma does voluntary work in an orphanage.


5. The students select the litter at school.


6. David writes his e-mails in English.


7. We understand scientific texts.


8. People in Ireland speak English.


4. Answer these personal questions. Give short answers. Follow the example:

1. Do you consult a dictionary when you study English?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2. Does the governor try to improve the quality of life in your city?


3. Do you and your classmates know any of these projects?


4. Do most people in your town have good medical care?


5. Does your neighbour help at your school?


Present continuous ≠ simple present

Look at these sentences. Both of them express a present action:

Look ! I am wearing my new winter outfit.

Do you usually wear these clothes on formal occasions?

Present continuous Simple present

Usado para expressar situações em andamento, Usado para expressar situações que se
em continuidade, q estão acontecendo no repetem com freqüência ou fatos
momento da fala. permanentes.

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or present continuous:

1. Sandra seldom ………………………….. , but I’m sure she ……………………………………. now. (to lie) , (to lie)

2. At this exact moment many people ……………………………………… through the Internet. (to chat)

3. It usually ………………………………………………. in São Paulo at this time of year. We are surprised that it …………… so hard today. (to
rain, neg.) , (to rain)

4. The woman who ………………………… to Denise ………………………… in our school laboratory. (to talk) , (to work)

Interrogative Pronouns (Question Words or WH – Questions)


Interrogativo Tradução Função Exemplos

WHO Quem Sujeito Who are You?

Objeto Who did You see? (Coloquial)

WHOM Quem Objeto Whom did you see? (mais gramatical)

To Whom were you talking?


Whom were you talking to? (desloc)

WHOSE De quem Identificação do possuidor Whose books are those?

This is my car; whose is that?

OBSERVAÇÃO: As formas auxiliares do / does / did não podem seguir who na função de sujeito

Who did see you? (errado)

Who saw you? (certo)


Interrogativo Tradução Função Exemplos

WHICH Qual, que, quais Apresentar uma escolha Which fruit do you like best?

Which of them is the singer?

WHAT Qual, o que, que Usos comuns

What is your name? (nome)

What do you do in the morning (ocupação)

What time is it? (hora)

What is the time? (hora)

What are you? (Profissão)

COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 3 Usos idiomáticos de WHAT

Modelos Exemplos

• What + be +.... like? What is your brother like?

(descrição) (Como é seu irmão?)

• What about.....? What about learning grammar?

(sugestão, opinião) (Que tal aprender gramática?)

• What do you call......? What do you call the place where food is cooked?

(identificação de elementos “Não pessoais”) (Como se chama o lugar onde se prepara a comida?)

COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 4 Os advérbios interrogativos WHEN, WHERE, WHY e HOW

Interrogativo Tradução Usos Exemplos

WHEN Quando Pergunta sobre o tempo (cronológico) When will your father arrive?

When is she leaving for Paris?

WHY Por que Pergunta sobre a causa, motivo Why are you complaining?

Why is she crying?

WHERE Onde Pergunta sobre qual localização Where are you going now?

HOW Como Uso comum

Pergunta sobre o modo:

How did you find it out?

(Como você descobriu isso?)

Formas compostas

HOW DEEP (Qual a Profundidade)

HOW FAR (Qual a Distância)
HOW LONG (Quanto Tempo)
HOW TALL (Qual a altura – pessoas)
HOW OLD (Qual a idade)
HOW MUCH (Quanto,Quanta)
HOW MANY (Quantos, Quantas)
HOW HIGH (Qual a altura – coisas)
HOW OFTEN (Com que freqüencia)
COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 5 Um caso especial
A interrogativa direta
• É uma frase afirmativa com valor de interrogativa:
I don’t know why you lied to me
(=Why did you lie to me?)

She doesn’t know where Mark lives

(=Where does Mark live?)
OBSERVE AINDA: Who’s who? (quem é quem)
Which’s which? (qual é qual, quem é quem?)

1- ____________________ are those girls over there?

2- _____________________ of them is your father?

3- _____________________ is it from here to New York?

4- _____________________ will it last? Forever?

5- “____________________car is this”
“It belongs to Evans”

a) Who
b) Which
c) What
d) Whose
e) Whom

6- _______________________ of them gave up studying?

a) Who
b) Whom
c) Which
d) Whose
e) What

7- “__________________________ is your brother like?”

“He is tall and slim”

a) How
b) Who
c) Whom
d) What
e) Why

8- I just want to know this: how ________________________do you go to the bank?

a) Much
b) Many
c) Long
d) Far
e) Often

9- “________________________such a silly remark?” – “I did”

a) Who did you make

b) Who makes
c) Who did
d) Who made
e) Who did made

10- Someone knocks at the door. On the inside you say:

a) Who is it?
b) Who is he?
c) Who is?
d) Who is she?
e) Who are?

11- ________________________ did you cry?

________________________ told you I was crying?
It doesn’t matter. Let’s have some juice. _____________ fruit do you like best?

a) Why; Who; Which

b) Who; What; Why
c) When; Which; What
d) Where; When; Who
e) What; Whom; When

12- _________________________ is Mr Brown? Is he a Teacher?

a) What
b) Whom
c) Which
d) Whose
e) Where

13- “John bought some candies” is an answer to

a) What John bought?

b) What did buy John?
c) What John did buy?
d) What did John bought?
e) What did John buy?

14- At the railway station:

Passenger: ___________________ is a single to London?
Clerk:__________________, sir.

a) How many – fifteen dollars

b) How long – fifteeen pounds
c) How much – fifteen pounds
d) How often – fifteen dollars
e) How soon – fifteen pence

15- Qual a frase correta?

a) How long are you married with her?

b) How long are you being married with her?
c) How long have you been married her?
d) How long have you been married to her?
e) How long are you married to her?

16- (FATEC) – He came to me and said: “______________________ do you think you are?”

a) Which
b) Who
c) Whose
d) How often
e) Why

17- (FATEC) - ____________do you treat your younger brother like that?

a) Why
b) Who
c) Whom
d) What
e) Whose

18- (UNIP) - __________________pencil is this, Mario’s or Pedro’s?

a) Who
b) When
c) Whose
d) How
e) Where

19- (FUVEST) – “He asked me two questions – one about my age and another one about my height.”
As perguntas devem ter sido:

a) What’s your age? / What’s your tall?

b) How old are you? / How height is yours?
c) How old are you? / What your height?
d) How old are you? / How tall are you?
e) How old is he? / How height are you?

20- (ITA) - ________________ for this shirt?
US$ 22,00

a) How many did you pay

b) How much did you pay
c) How long did you pay
d) How far did you pay
e) How wide did you pay

21- (UnB) – Assinale F (falso) ou V (verdadeiro):

a) How does he like his coffee? ( )

b) How does he pay his bills? ( )
c) Whom does he look like? ( )
d) What does he like? ( )

22- (UFBA) - ____________and_____________did you last see Mariana?

a) Why / whom
b) Who / where
c) What / whom
d) Who / why
e) Where / when



Casos Exemplos
• adjetivos de até duas sílabas • Tall taller than
notas de grafia: The tallest
1. Adjetivos terminados em –y precedido de vogal 1. Happy happier than
trocam o –y por –i, para o acréscimo das formas de grau The happiest
(shy – exceção)
2. Adjetivos monossílabos terminados em uma só 2. Big bigger than
consoante precedida de uma só vogal dobram a consoante The biggest
final para o acréscimo das formas de grau.
3. Adjetivos terminados em –E apenas acescentam –R 3. Fine finer than
THAN e –ST para as formas de grau The finest
• Advérbios monossílabos (inclui-se early, apesar de • Soon sooner than
dissílabo) The soonest

Casos Exemplos
• Adjetivos com mais de duas sílabas e advérbios com
mais de uma sílaba incluindo-se algumas exceções como right Moderate more moderate than
(certo), real (real), wrong (errado) The most moderate
• Qualquer adjetivo terminado em –ed, -ing, -re, -ful, Famous more famous than
e –ous The most famous
• Adjetivos de “função predicativa”, isto é, sempre que
vem precedidos do verbo to be:
Asleep (adormecido) Aware more aware than
Afraid (amedrontado) The most aware
Alone (sozinho)
Aware (ciente)

• Alguns adjetivos admitem, para as formas de grau de superioridade, ou –er than / the –est, ou more ... than / the most...

Pleasant pleasanter than ou more pleasant than

(agradável) the pleasantest ou the most pleasant

Handsome hadsomer than ou more handsome than

(bonito) the handsomest ou the most handsome
• Alguns adjetivos e advérbios têm, no grau de superioridade, formas irregulares:
Good (bom, boa) better than e the best
Well (bem)

Bad (ruim) worse than e the worst

Badly (mal)

Little (pouco) less than e the least

• Alguns adjetivos e advérbios apresentam mais de uma forma para o grau de superioridade:
Far (longe) farther than e the farthest (distância)
Further e the furthest (adicional)

Old (velho) older than e the oldest (qualquer elemento)

Elder e the eldest (elementos da mesma família)

Late (tarde) later than the latest (o mais recente) ou The last (útimo da série)

COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 4 Construções idiomáticas com comparativos

Paralell increase (crescimento paralelo) The sooner, the better (Quanto mais cedo, melhor)
the + comp. + the + comparativo The more I see you, the more I want you
(Quanto mais a vejo, mais a quero)

Gradual increase (crescimento gradual)


suj. + be + getting + adj The weather is getting/becoming cold

becoming (O tempo está ficando frio)

suj + be + getting + comp. The weather is getting/becoming colder

becoming (O tempo está ficando mais frio)

Suj + be + getting + comp./comp. The weather is getting/becoming colder and colder.

becoming (O tempo está ficando cada vez mais frio)

Suj + be + getting + more/more + adj. The weather is getting/becoming more and more unpredictable
becoming (O tempo está ficando cada vez mais imprevisível)

OBSERVAÇÃO FINAL: Helen’s eyes are rather blue than green (Os olhos de Helen são mais azuis do que verdes)

1. Escreva, ao lado de cada adjetivo abaixo, seu respectivo de superioridade

a) remarkable

b) good

c) joyous

d) low

2. Papyrus was used ________________________ than paper.

a) early

b) earlier

c) more early

d) earlyer

e) earliest

3. Our Next examination may be ______________________ the last one

a) more bad than

b) more worse than

c) much bad than

d) worse than

e) more badly than

4.The ‘’Herald” is ____________________________ newspaper

a) the importantest

b) the more important

c) the less important

d) the most important

e) the importanter

5. She’s surely the __________________________ girl in town

a) prettiest

b) most pretty

c) prettier

d) prettyest

e) prettyer

6. Riding a horse is not _____________________ riding a bicycle

a) so easy as

b) easyer than

c) more easy than

d) the least easy

e) so easy so

7.These objects are ___________________________ than those

a) so useful

b) as useful as

c) usefuller

d) most useful

e) more useful

8. George is _____________________ student in the class. His marks are low

a) better

b) the worst

c) worse

d) the most bad

e) the better

9. Brazil is the _______________________ country in South America.

a) larger

b) more large

c) most large

d) largest

e) least large

10. This tree is ___________________________ that one.

a) the most old

b) as old as

c) older

d) oldest

e) as old

11. Today Mary is _________________________ woman in the world

a) happier

b) the most happy

c) happyest

d) the less happy

e) the happiest

12. You must come ___________________________________ otherwise you’ll miss the lesson

a) the sooner

b) soonest

c) sooner

d) the soonest

e) a e c estão certas

13.Your coat is _______________________ than mine. It’s larger, too

a) less heavier

b) heavier

c) as heavy as

d) more heavy

e) heaviest

14. Dogs are ______________________ animals that I know

a) the more faithful

b) most faithful

c) the most faithful

d) more faithful

e) faithfulest

15. The first lesson in the book was certainly __________________ than the others; but it was _____________ in the book.

a) easy, the better

b) easiest, the best

c) easyer, the best

d) easy, good

e) easier, the best

16.You are surely ______________________ pilot here

a) the better

b) the best

c) the worse

d) worst

e) best

17.Passe para o inglês: “Ela está ficando cada vez mais rica”

a) She is becoming the most rich

b) She is becoming more rich

c) She is getting wealthier and wealthier

d) She is getting richer and richer

e) C e d estão certas

18. No one used to be __________________than John when he heard a lie

a) Angrier

b) Most angry

c) So angry

d) Angry

e) Angriest

19. (FUVEST) – Have you noticed that news is becoming__________?

a) worse and worst

b) worst and worse

c) worse and worse

d) the worst and worse

e) more and more worse

20. (UNESP) - ____________________ I examine your proposal, __________________ I like it

a) The more carefully / the more

b) The most careful / the more

c) The more careful / the most

d) The carefully / the most

e) The most carefully / the more

21. (UNESP) – The more she growns, _______________________

a) The smartest she gets

b) The smarter she gets

c) The most smart she gets

d) The least smart she gets

e) The smart she get

22. (UNIP) – The north winds are getting

a) strongest

b) the most strong

c) stronger and stronger

d) the strongest and strongest

e) the more stronger

23.(MACKENZIE) – It’s true that we’ve been studying ___________ we can pass the exam

a) Harder than

b) The hardest of

c) Not as hard as

d) As hard as

e) As harder than

24. (UFSE) – The ______________ you study, the _______________ you’ll Know about history

a) more / more

b) less / few

c) more / most

d) most / most

e) less / most

25. (UFPB) –It’s getting ____________________

a) smart and smarter

b) heavy and heavier

c) beautiful and beautiful

d) darker and darker

e) pretty and prettier

Simple Past Tense

Forma: sujeito + s. past do verbo I drove

She drove
• Com expressões como yesterday, last week, last year, last month e compostos com ago (a year ago, two
months ago etc...), para expressar ações completamente terminadas no passado (passado com tempo definido):

Myrian arrived yesterday She went to London last month

• Com as mesmas expressões e advérbios já citados no item (1) dos usos do Simple Present (always, never, on Mondays
Etc...), indicando a ocorrência habitual de ações no passado:

Jonathan came here every Sunday I always studied with Jane.

• Depois das expressões as if e as though (como se) e do verbo wish. No caso do verbo to be, todas as pessoas terão a
forma were (mesmo a 1ª e 3ª do singular)

She acts as though she owned the house

I wish I were you
Don’t treat me as if I had no reason

OBSERVAÇÃO: uso possível após if only (= se ao menos): If Only I Knew

Variações ortográficas na sufixação verbal

• Todas as regras de “dobra” de consoantes existentes para a adição de -ing aplicam-se igualmente à adição de –Ed
• Verbos terminados em –y perdem o –Y para o acréscimo de –ed somente se o –Y estiver precedido de uma
consoante; caso contrário, não haverá alterações na forma verbal:
Study ................ studied Play ....................... played


A terminação –ed, usada para formar o passado e o particípio passado dos verbos regulares, possui três tipos de pronúncia:

1. ed com som de /d/ - Verbos cuja pronúncia da sílaba final faz vibrar as cordas vocais:
belonged /d/ stayed /d/

involved /d/ opened /d/

2. ed com som de /t/ - Verbos cuja pronúncia da sílaba final não faz vibrar as cordas vocais:
helped /t/ walked /t/

kissed /t/

3. ed com som de /id/ - Verbos cuja pronúncia final seja t ou d:

interested /id/ waited /id/

pretended /id/ ended /id/


Marque a alternativa na qual a transcrição fonética da terminação –ed esteja correta.

1. Talked 5. Stopped 9. Succeeded 13. Controlled 17. Played

a) /d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/

b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/

c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/

2. Pulled 6. Planned 10. Barked 14. Answered 18. Touched

a) /d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/

b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/

c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/

3. Exported 7. Tried 11. Translated 15. Smoked 19. Inhabited

a) /d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/

b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/

c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/

4. Shifted 8. Liberated 12. Passed 16. Listened 20. Asked

a) /d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/ a)/d/

b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/ b) /t/

c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/ c) /id/

The past continuous tense

forma: s. past de be + v. –ing I was studying

They were working


“Ação interrompida” no passado:

I was having a bath when she called me up

Para indicar que uma ação ou acontecimento continuou por algum tempo no passado:

Zorro was coming down the mountain They were singing a song


1. Complete com o tempo verbal adequado as frases abaixo:

a) Francis ____________________________home yesterday. (to leave)

b) I_____________________________________to Guarujá last week. (to go)
c) She__________________________that house a year ago. (to buy)
d) Mark______________________________to you last month. (to write)
e) They____________________________a day there last year. (to spend)
f) She____________________________to school yesterday. (to come)
g) I________________________school three years ago. (to leave)
h) A Month ago she_________________________________happy. (to be)
i) Yesterday there________________________a show. (to be)
j) She___________________on TV the day before yesterday. (to sing)

2. Indique o passado dos seguintes verbos

a) To cross (cruzar)

b) To sing (cantar)

c) To clip (prender)

d) To study (estudar)

e) To sweep (varrer)

f) To hit (bater)

g) To wrap (embrulhar)

h) To cry (chorar)

i) To glue (colar)

j) To work (trabalhar)

3. The Brazilian football team _______________ to Venezuela.

a) flew b) fly c) flow
d) flying e) have flown

4. I wish tomorrow_______________________Easter.
a) has been b) is c) were
d) be e) will be

5. The little boy_____________the picture of a garden at school last Monday.
a) draw b) draws c) drawn
d) drew e) drawing

6. I__________________what he__________________but I could not understand it.

a) hear / said b) heard / says c) will understand
d) heard / said e) hearing / saying

7. My mother is not very patient. I wish she _________________our problems.

a) understood b) understands c) will understand
d) can understand e) may understand

8. Yesterday, while he __________down the street, he__________an old friend of him.

a) has walked, met b) walked, had met c) was walking, met
d) walked, was meeting e) walks, met

9. I wish I_______________more money; I would buy a new flat

a) earn b) earned c) earns
d) to earn e) am earning

10. Now I realize that I acted as if I ________________ a child.

a) was b) be c) were
d) is e) am

11. The British Ambassador to Paris ________________his first public speech yesterday
a) makes b) make c) is making
d) made e) to make

12. She feels as if her head____________________on fire.

a) is b) wasn’t c) were
e) will be e) was

13. (PUC) – Silvana wasn’t so suprised because she __________to see me again.
a) expects b) didn’t expected c) expected
d) was expect e) was not expect

14. Em inglês, a frase “Quem dera eu fosse um astro do rock-and-roll”, ficaria:

a) I wish I to be a rock-and-roll star.
b) I wish I were a rock-and-roll star.
c) Who wishes to be a rock-and-roll star.
d) I want be a rock-and-roll star.
e) I was wishing I was a rock-and-roll star.

15. (PUC) – He used to behave as though his teachers____________.

a) Didn’t exist b) didn’t existed c) didn’t existing
d) Not existed e) were not exist

16. Assinale F (falso) ou V (verdadeiro):

(UnB) – They____________to Russia and behaved as if they_______very rich.

a) Went / were ( )
b) Traveled / were ( )
c) Went / was ( )
d) Travel / was ( )

17. (UFPR) – If only it________Winter.
a)To be b) been c) being
d) was e) were

18. (UFRJ) – If only I_________then what I know today.

a) be know b) was know c) to know
d) knew e) know

19. Choose the correct form in brackets and write it in the blanks:

a) While I …………………………….. , I ……………………………… a terrible pain in my back.

(bent / was bending) (feel / felt)

b) This text …………………………….. people how to ……………………………….. their backpack properly.

(teach / teaches) (wear / use)

c) What ………………………………………………… now? I ……………………………………… to watch a car race on TV.

(do you do / are you doing) (try / am trying)

d) What …………………………………. yesterday? …………………………........... .to the Sports Centre?

(does Phil do / did Phil do) (Did he went / Did he go)

The present perfect tense

Forma: simple present de have + particípio passado do verbo principal I have driven

She has studied


• Em frases que expressem ações ou acontecimentos no passado, nas quais não conste o tempo da ocorrência (passado sem
tempo definido):
They have gone to the movies

Note a diferença para: They went to the movies yesterday

• Com expressões de tempo não definido, como lately (ultimamente), recently (recentemente), once (uma vez), twice (duas
vezes) etc..., several times (várias vezes), many times (muitas vezes):
Mimi has been there many times I have seen her once

• Com advérbios: just (acabar de), always (sempre), never (nunca), ever (já, alguma vez – usado geralmente em frases
interrogativas), yet (ainda – usado geralmente no final de frases negativas e interrogativas), already (já – usado em frases
afirmativas e interrogativas):

They have just left home. Manfred has always lived in a boat. Have you found a job yet?
I have never slept like this before. She has cleaned the floor already. Have you ever driven a truck?
She has already cleaned the floor. This is the worst book I have ever read. Have you bought the tickets already?
Have you already bought the tickets?

• Com as expressões since e for, indicando respectivamente um ponto e um período de tempo:

We haven´t seen her since March. It has rained for two weeks.

Contrastes verbais (simple past e present perfect)

Joanne has lived here for ten years. (ação que ainda acontece)

Joanne lived here for ten years. (ação já terminada)

The present perfect continuous tense

Forma: simple present de have + been + verbo + ing I have been studying

She has been working


• Basicamente, o present perfect continuous é utilizado para expressar uma ação ou acontecimento iniciado no passado e que
continue no presente. Neste sentido, ele em nada difere do present perfect; observe:

I have been living here since 1998.

I have lived here since 1998.

The baby has been crying for two hours.

The baby has cried for two hours.

• Preferencialmente, em frases em que apareça a expressão the whole (todo, toda, completo), embora, nestes casos, o Present
Perfect seja igualmente admissível:

The baby has been crying the whole morning

The baby has cried the whole morning.

The past perfect tense

Forma: simple past de have + particípio passado do verbo principal I had driven

She had studied


• Para expressar ações e acontecimentos que, na sucessão temporal, tenham ocorrido antes de outros. Estará sempre em
correlação com um simple past, apoiado nas expressões till, until, when, etc.


By the time we got there, they had left


1. Complete com o tempo verbal adequado do verbo entre parênteses:

a) ___________________________ caviar? (You,ever; to eat)
b) She _________________________ from France (just; to arrive)
c) They____________________________their suitcases yet (to unpack)
d) Martin__________________________ the wall. (already; to paint)
e) Jackie______________________in that office for ten years. (to work)
f) Anderson_____________________________for us since ten o’clock. (to wait)

2. Complete com o tempo verbal adequado do verbo entre parênteses:

a) When I came in, the teacher _________________________. (to leave)
b) By the time we arrived, the party __________________ to an end. (to come)
c) When he stopped the car, the thief _________________ away. (to run)

3. Paul____________half the work, when they _________________in.

a) Finished, came
b) Has finished, came
c) Had finished, had come
d) Has finished, had come
e) Had finished, came

4. Which is the correct form?

a) The Mr. Patrick is our professor since March
b) Mr. Patrick have been our professor since March
c) Mr. Patrick is our professor since March
d) Mr. Patrick has been our professor since March
e) Mr. Patrick has been our professor from March

5. Paul________________________ in Germany since 1998.

a) Lived
b) Has lived
c) Will live
d) Lives
e) Live

6. My brother __________________ to me for months.

a) Doesn’t write
b) Don’t write
c) Has not written
d) Has not being written
e) Have written

7. He’d been a businessman before he ________________ an actor.

a) becomes
b) has become
c) become
d) is becoming
e) became

8. _________________________ his watch yet?

a) Didn’t he found
b) Hasn’t he found
c) Doesn’t he find
d) Don’t he find
e) Do he finds
9. Which is the correct form?
a) Have ever you been in England?
b) Has you ever been in England?
c) Have you ever been to England?
d) Have you been ever in England?
e) Have you ever be to England?

10. (UNIP) – Things ____________________ a lot since October.

a) Changed has
b) Are changing
c) Has changed
d) Change
e) Have changed

11. (MACKENZIE) – A: Was that the 9 o’clock train?

B: Yes, you _________________________it.

a) Have just missed

b) Has just missed
c) Have just miss
d) Have just missing
e) Had just miss

12. (ITA) – A: Would you like some more whisky?

B: No, thanks. I_______________________ a lot.

a) Have already drunk

b) Have already drink
c) Already drink
d) Has already drunk
e) Have already drinking


Características e formas


• Não tem “to” na forma infinitiva: • Quando combinados com outros verbos, não são
CAN, MAY, MUST. seguidos de to:

• Não tem s nas 3ª pessoas do singular:

I must study.

I must go. They can write

She must go He can write She may cry.

Exceções: Exceções:

HAVE TO She has to lie. HAVE TO

BE TO He is to study BE TO Já possuem to na forma


OUGHT TO I have to go.

She used to drink a lot.

Quadro geral das formas e usos dos auxiliares modais (verbos anômalos)

Tradução Exemplos
Presente Passado Futuro p/ indicar

John can drive a car.

CAN COULD WILL BE ABLE TO Poder John could drive a car.

John will be able to drive a car.

Permissão May I come?

Will be
allowed/permitted to
Probabilidade It may snow next week

You must follow the Law.

You have to follow the Law.

BE TO WAS/WERE TO (obrigatório)
You are to follow the Law.

You will have to wait.

SHOULD You should/ought to study



Conclusão Joh lives in England, and so he

OUGHT TO lógica should/ought to speak English.

They would rather have tea.

WOULD Preferir ou
RATHER preferiria
(=They’d rather have tea.)

We had better go out.

HAD BETTER Conselho Seria melhor
(=We’d better go out.)


1. Translate into English the following sentences:

a) Ela está proibida de fumar aqui.

b) Devemos ajudar nosso país. (obrigação)
c) Você deveria escrever mais poesias.
d) Costumávamos jogar tênis
e) Ela deve ter dirigido este carro

2. Qual das orações abaixo indica obrigação?

a) I can learn how to speak English well.

b) I may learn how to speak English well.
c) I must learn how to speak English well.
d) I want to learn how to speak English well.
e) I will learn how to speak English well.

3. Peter________________________________stay with us tonight.

a) Can
b) May
c) Shouldn’t
d) Had better
e) Todas são corretas

4. You______________________________ all that money; now we’ve got nothing left.

a) Should spend
b) Mustn’t spend
c) Can not spend
d) Oughtn’t have spend
e) Shouldn’t have spent

5. Translate into English: “Costumava dormir cedo”.

a) I used to sleeping early.

b) I used to sleep early.
c) I was used to sleep early.
d) I was used slept early.
e) I get use to slept early.

6. Passe para o inglês: “Costumo dormir cedo”.

a) I use sleep early.

b) I used to sleep early.
c) I am used to sleeping early.
d) I get used to sleep early.
e) I got used to slept early.

7. I can’t see him here, he ___________________ home.

a) Must goes
b) Could have go
c) Should going
d) Must have gone
e) Could has gone

8. She _____________________________ a lot. She got the best mark in her class.

a) Can have studied

b) Must have studied
c) Would have studied
d) Should have studied
e) Must has study

9. He ____________________________ there regularly, but now he never does

a) Used to go
b) Goes
c) Was used to go
d) Used to going
e) Used to gone

10. Translate into English: “Não estamos acostumados a falar inglês”.

a) We’re not used to speaking English

b) We don’t use to speak English
c) We’re not used to speak English
d) We’re not accustomed speaking English
e) We are used not speaking English

11. You seem tired. You __________________________ to have a rest.

a) Ought
b) Might
c) Must
d) Should
e) Could

12. I____________________________ be a lazy student, but now I know I was just wasting my time.

a) Used to
b) Use to
c) To use
d) Using
e) Uses

13. You___________________________ decide at once – let me know tomorrow

a) Ought
b) Should to
c) Can
d) Must
e) Could

14. Due to the strike, trains _______________________ arrive some minutes late.

a) To can
b) Cans
c) Mays
d) May
e) To may

15. Our rooms are so close to each other that we ____________________ hear everything our neighbors say.

a) Must
b) Should
c) Ought to
d) Can
e) Need

16. Look at his eyes – he _________________________________all night.

a) Must drink
b) Should drink
c) Must have drunk
d) May drunk
e) Must has drunk

17. (ITA) – When I was younger, I _______________ overreact to situations but now I ________ doing it any longer.

a) Used to / am not used to

b) Used / am not used
c) Used to / not use to
d) Used / am not used to
e) Used to / used to

18. (ITA) – She __________________ up late in the morning.

a) Was used to get

b) Used to getting
c) Is used to getting
d) Is used to get
e) Used to got

19. (FUVEST) – Shall we go to the movies?

Sorry, ___________to the theater.

a) I’d rather to go
b) I’d rather go
c) I rather to go
d) I’d rather to get
e) I rather going

20. (FUVEST) – Listen, if you really want to get over your sickness you _____________ not sleep late.

a) ‘better
b) ‘d better to
c) ‘better to
d) ‘d better
e) Would better

21. (MACKENZIE) – Sorry, it was my only choice. I simply _________________ what I did.

a) Did done
b) Had to do
c) Must do
d) Ought do
e) Should doing

22. (UnB) – Assinale F (falso) ou V (verdadeiro)

a) She’ll can speak English. ( )

b) She’ll could speak Italian ( )
c) She’ll be able to speak German ( )
d) She’ll might to speak French ( )

23. (UFBA) – They _______________ leave earlier last night.

a) Has to
b) Have to
c) Had to
d) Had
e) Didn’t have


SOME (algum, alguma, alguns, algumas)

Indefinido Usos Exemplos

SOME • Em frases afirmativas, antes de substantivos Some boys entered the room.

He offered us some biscuits.

• Em frases interrogativas de “oferecimento”, Would you like some biscuits?

“pedido” ou “sugestão” (2)
Could you give me some pins?

• Antes de substantivos incontáveis no singular, Give me a coffee. (errado)

substituindo a ou an
Give me some coffee. (certo)

Indefinido Tradução Usos Exemplos

ANY Algum, alguma, alguns, algumas • Frases interrogativas, Do you have any Money?
à exceção das do uso
(2) de SOME, ou Did you eat any food?

afirmativas em que
If you have any doubt call me.
apareça IF (se)

Nenhum (a) • Frases negativas I don’t have any money.

Qualquer, quaisquer • Frases afirmativas Any book is good.

NOTE QUE: as traducões de any são dependentes do contexto em que ele apareça e que never, seldom, rarely, hardly e without

tornam as frases negativas:

We left without any Money.

He hardly has any time to study.

NO e NONE (nenhum, nenhuma)

Indefinidos Usos Exemplos

NO • Em frases afirmativas, antes de I have no Money at all.

substantivos (substituto de not any)
I see no reasons to return.

NONE • No fim de frases afirmativas, Do you have any Money?

referindo-se a um substantivo já
citado. - No, I have none.

• No modelo: None of them came late.
None + of + substantivo ou pron.
None of the prices was low

OBSERVAÇÕES: 1. Some e any podem também aparecer no modelo acima, mudando, evidentemente, sua tradução.

2. No pode aparecer antes de formas verbais de gerúndio (terminação –ing), com a tradução de “é Proibido...”

No smoking (É proibido fumar)

No parking (É proibido estacionar)

As formas compostas de SOME / ANY / NO

Indefinidos Formas compostas Tradução usos


De alguma forma
De acordo com as mesmas
regras de some

SOMEWHERE Em algum lugar

SOMETHING Algo, alguma coisa

SOMETIME Alguma vez

Alguém, ninguém e qualquer


De alguma forma e de
De acordo com as mesmas
ANY qualquer forma
ANYHOW regras de any

Em algum lugar, em nenhum

lugar e em qualquer lugar

ANYTHING Algo, nada e qualquer coisa

De acordo com as mesmas
regras de no

NOWHERE Em nenhum lugar

Observações finais:

Casos Exemplos

• Some pode aparecer antes de numerais, como tradução There were some twenty students out of classroom.
de “aproximadamente”, “ mais ou menos”
Some ten girls entered the parlor-shop.

• Some pode aparecer no modelo: Some like cats, others like dogs.
SOME + verbo + ... + OTHERS + verbo...
Some people cried, others fainted.


1. Passe para o inglês as frases que se seguem:

a) Ele precisa de algum dinheiro.
b) Ele precisa de algum dinheiro?
c) Alguém deve fazer este trabalho.
d) Ele não precisa de nenhum dinheiro.
e) Nenhum dos professores está presente.
f) Não há ninguém esperando por você

2. Qual é a alternativa que preenche corretamente todas as lacunas das sentenças abaixo?
a) There is ____________ at the door. Can you ask the maid to see who it is?
b) I lost my diamond ring ________________ in this room. Can you help me to find it?
c) I´m sorry but I can’t help you. There is _____________ we can do to help you.
a) no one nowhere nothing

b) not one nowhere no one

c) someone somewhere nothing

d) someone somewhere no one

3. Don´t tell ___________ lies to me; you cannot deceive me any longer.
a) Some
b) No
c) None
d) No one
e) Any

4. She didn’t have _________________ mistakes in her paper.

a) Some
b) Any
c) No
d) No one
e) None

5. Are there ______________________ books for me today? – No, there are not _____________ books for you today.
a) Any – any
b) Some – some
c) Any – some
d) Anyone – some
e) Something – no

6. “Have you seen my radio?”
“No, I haven’t seen it _________________.”

a) Where
b) Nowhere
c) Everywhere
d) Somewhere
e) Anywhere

7. He couldn’t find ___________ wrong with the food.

a) Some
b) Nothing
c) Anything
d) Every
e) No

8. The room is empty. There is __________ in it.

a) Anybody
b) Somebody
c) Nobody
d) Anything
e) Something

9. I never eat _______________ for breakfast.

a) Something
b) Whatever
c) Nothing
d) Anything
e) Many

10. I’m not telling you _______________ lies. I’ve got ____________ with me who can tell you exactly what happened.
a) No – someone
b) Some – anybody
c) Any – something
d) Any – somebody
e) Some – somebody

11. They did not say ______________ about that.

a) Sometimes
b) Anything
c) Nothing
d) Something
e) None

12. _______________________of them will pay attention to what she’s saying.

a) Nowhere
b) Nobody
c) Something
d) None
e) Somebody

13. _________________likes large stones on the roads because they are dangerous.
a) Anybody
b) Everybody
c) Somebody
d) Everyone
e) Nobody

14. Can’t you do ______________________ right?

a) Something
b) Anything
c) Nothing
d) Some
e) Anytime
15. Have you ____________________ book on Philosophy? – No, I have _________________.
a) Some – some
b) Some – no
c) Any – no
d) Any – none
e) Something – nothing

16. They couldn’t buy ______________ because they had _____________ money.
a) Something – any
b) Anything – no
c) Anything – none
d) Nothing – no
e) Nothing – any

17. ____________________ book will explain this subject.

a) None
b) Something
c) Any
d) Anything
e) Nothing

18. (FATEC) – He left without ___________________ money.

a) Some
b) No
c) No one
d) Any
e) None

19. (ITA) - _______________________ cures a headache faster than an aspirin.

a) Nothing
b) None
c) Nobody
d) Somebody
e) Anybody

20. (MACKENZIE) - _________________ of you can speak English well.

a) None
b) No one
c) Nobody
d) Anybody
e) Some one

MANY / MUCH/VERY (Quantifiers)

MUCH Tradução Aplicação Exemplos

Muito, muita • Antes de substantivos incontáveis, portanto, singulares She doesn’t drink much coffee.
• Antes de comparativos
(Ela não toma muito café.)

It’s much colder today.

(Está muito mais frio hoje.)

MANY Muitos, muitas • Antes de substantivos contáveis, no plural They have many cars.

(Eles têm muitos carros.)

I’ve bought many books.

(Comprei muitos livros)

OBSERVAÇÃO: VERY (= muito, (a)) – antes de adjetivos e advérbios

• Very good
• Very late


LITTLE Tradução Aplicação Exemplos

Pouco, pouca • Antes de substantivos incontáveis, portanto, singulares She drinks little tea.

(Ela toma pouco chá)

I have little time.

(Tenho pouco tempo)

FEW Poucos, poucas • Antes de substantivos contáveis, no plural. They have few cars.

(Eles têm poucos carros.)

I’ve bought few books.

(Comprei poucos livros.)

LESS = MENOS (antes de substantivos incontáveis no singular)

• Less air less milk

FEWER = MENOS (antes de substantivos contáveis no plural)

• Fewer books fewer tasks

Os sinônimos de MUCH e MANY

Lots of • Significam “muito (a), muitos (as), uma porção de, uma grande quantidade de”
Much tea = a lot of tea
A lot of
Plenty of tea
Plenty of
A great (good) deal of tea
A good deal of
Many books = lots of books
A great deal of
A lot of books

Plenty of books

A great (good) deal of books

1. A expressão a lot (sem of) não deve ser usada antes de substantivos.
John studies a lot. (John estuda muito.)

A lot was done by her. (Muito foi feito por ela.)

2. A expressão lots of (embora característica de plural) pode ser também usada antes de

incontáveis, no singular. (bastante informal)

There are lots of houses on this street.

(Há muitas casas nesta rua.)

She has lots of Money with her.

(Ela tem muito dinheiro com ela.)

A intensificação de quantificadores

Pode-se ampliar, enfatizar ou restringir o sentido das quantificadores se os procedermos de VERY, TOO, SO, EXTREMELY,



VERY Bastante, muito Muitos, muitas Muito poucos (as) Muito pouco (a)

TOO Demais (sing.) Demais (plural) Poucos (as) demais Pouco (a) demais

SO Tanto (a) Tantos (as) Tão poucos (as) Tão pouco (a)

EXTREMELY Extremamente muito Extremamente muitos Extremamente poucos Extremamente pouco

(a) (as) (as) (a)

Casos especiais com MANY

• Many tem concordância verbal de plural:

Many students are outside the classroom.

(Muitos estudantes estão fora da sala de aula.)

Pode-se, porém, substituir a forma MANY + PLURAL por MANY A + SINGULAR, com concordância verbal singular.

Many a students is outside the classroom.

(Muitos estudantes estão fora da sala de aula.)

• Many pode ser precedido de a good ou a great, para dar ênfase:

She has a great / a good many friends

(Ela tem muitas, muitas amigas.)

Problemas de concordância verbal

• Lots of e a lot of têm concordância verbal dependente do elemento que as seguir:

There is lots of Money here.

There are a lot of boys there

There is a lot of love to share

There are lots of buses out of order

Porém, se a forma of não aparecer, tanto lots of quanto a lot of são consideradas singulares:

There is a lot here. (Há muito aqui.)

There is lots here. (Há muitos aqui.)

A função pronominal dos quantificadores

Quando houver, numa mesma frase, mais de uma referência a um mesmo substantivo, não há necessidade de se repetir tal

substantivo a cada referência;

• She has many books, but I’ve got few.

(Ela tem muitos livros, mas eu tenho poucos.)

The car doesn’t spend much petrol: it spends little.

(O carro não gasta muita gasolina: gasta pouca.)


1. Supply with MANY or MUCH:

a) The woman said she had heard ____________ noise the night before.
b) He invited _____________ friends to have dinner with him.
c) Do you like to drink _____________ water during the meals?
d) _____________ people were waiting for the Queen at the station.

2. Supply with FEW or LITTLE:
a) Her test is excellent; she made _________ mistakes.
b) She has __________ hope of passing her examinations
c) ____________ books were sold last week
d) We have _________ money to spend on dresses

3. Supply with FEWER or LESS:

a) We have ___________ time to study than John.
b) There are ___________ factories in Santos than in São Paulo.
c) This car needs __________ petrol to run than that.
d) John has __________ chances to pass than Richard

4. Supply with VERY or MUCH:

a) I’m sure that the second book is _____________ better.
b) The boy was _____________ sick and was taken to hospital.
c) He got ___________ sad when she left
d) The train arrives _____________ late
e) It’s _____________ hotter today than it was last Sunday.
f) ________________ time would be saved if you didn’t travel abroad.

5. I bought ______________________ flowers and ___________ milk than yesterday.

a) Fewer – fewer
b) More – fewer
c) Fewer – less
d) Less – more
e) Less – less

6. He spend ___________________ money on clothes.

a) A lot
b) A few
c) Many
d) Few
e) A little

7. It is _________________ better to say nothing.

a) Very
b) Much
c) Many
d) Lots of
e) A lot of

8. She didn’t want to drink ______________________ water because she wasn’t _____________ thirsty.
a) Much / very
b) Less / more
c) Many / much
d) Few / very
e) Fewer / less

9. Ask the baker to bring _____________ bread since we are not hungry.
a) More
b) Many
c) Fewer
d) Less
e) Least

10. (ITA) – If you had studied harder you would have had ____________________ difficulty.
a) Many
b) Fewer
c) Very
d) Less
e) More

11. (UNESP) - _________________________ has been written on this subject.

a) Much
b) Fewer
c) Many
d) Few
e) Lots of
12. (UnB) - Assinale F (falso) ou V (verdadeiro):
a) Many more things. ( )
b) Much more intelligent. ( )
c) Fewer things to say. ( )
d) Less air to breathe. ( )

13. (UNBA) - _____________ stories were told to the children.

a) Less
b) A lot
c) Few
d) Lots
e) Much

The simple future

Forma: will I will study

sujeito + shall + infinitivo (-to) I shall study

(be) going to I am going to study


• O futuro com will expressa incerteza quanto à realização da ação:

She will study tomorrow. (incerto)

• O futuro com be going to indica certeza quanto à realização da ação:

She is going to study tomorrow. (certeza)

• A forma shall é geralmente usada nas frases interrogativas, com as formas I e We:
Shall we meet tomorrow? Where shall I put your hat?

• As formas will / shall e be going to são permutáveis entre si, uma vez que expressam ações ou acontecimentos futuros. Não
esquecer, porém, que o simple present e o present continuous podem também indicar ações no futuro.

The future continuous

will I will be studying

Forma: sujeito + shall + be + v. –ing I shall be studying


• Em frases indicativas de que uma ação ou acontecimento estará ocorrendo em determinado momento no futuro:
Tomorrow, by 6 p.m., I will be studying.

The future perfect

will I will have studied

Forma: sujeito + shall + have + p.p. I shall have studied

Usos: Em frases indicativas de que uma ação ou acontecimento já terá ocorrido num determinado momento do futuro:

Tomorrow, by 6 p.m., I will have studied

The simple conditional

Sujeito + would + infinitive (-to) I would study

She would study

The conditional continuous

Sujeito + would + be + v. –ing I would be studying

She would be studying

The conditional perfect

Sujeito + would + have + p.p. I would have studied

She would have studied

NOTAR QUE: as formas be e have, no continuous e no perfect são invariáveis.

Usos: Os tempos do conditional são comumente usados em correlação com outros tempos (conditional clauses). Os elementos que

possibilitam essa correlação são principalmente as expressões if e unless, dando origem à seguinte tabela:


If he studies they will study, too They won´t study unless he studies, too.


If he studied they would study, too They wouldn´t study unless he studied, too


If he had studied they would have studied, too. They wouldn´t have studied unless he had studied, too.

• O IF, elemento da correlação, pode ser omitido no simple past e no past perfect:
If you had gone she wouldn´t have cried

Had you gone she wouldn´t have cried

If they were smart they would win the race

Were they smart they would win the race

• Nas conditional clauses, a forma were é usada para todas as pessoas (inclusive as 3as do singular), caso utilizarmos o verbo
to be no passado:
If I were you, I would go. She would buy the house if she were you.


1. Complete com o tempo verbal adequado do verbo entre parênteses:

a) They´ll stop talking if you__________________them to. (to ask)

b) If you had told me, I _____________________you. (to help)
c) If you ___________________ smart, you would buy that house. (to be)
d) If you go now, they__________________________ (to cry)
e) If you had been there, it __________________________ (not to happen)
f) If I __________________________you, I´d go out now. (to be)

2. His flowers _________________ better if he _______________them more carefully.

a) would grow – waters

b) would have grow – had watered
c) would grow – watered
d) will grow – watered
e) will grew – will water

3. Those students _____________________ if they ____________ hard.

a) succeed – work
b) succeed – will work
c) succeeded – had worked
d) will succeed – work
e) would succeeded – worked

4. If ________________________, you´d have had a good time.

a) you go
b) you´d gone
c) you were gone
d) you was gone
e) you wen´t

5. I________________have gone if I____________________ received your letter.

a) could – have
b) would – had
c) would – have
d) would – did
e) could – did

6. You´d catch the train if you _____________________ earlier.

a) leave
b) had left
c) lived
d) will leave
e) left

7. If he ________________________ thirsty, he´d have drunk some water.

a) was
b) had been
c) were
d) would
e) is

8. If Ted __________________________ another sandwich, he´ll be sick

a) eat
b) will
c) ate
d) had eaten
e) eats

9. If she_________________________, I´d have known it

a) had arrived
b) would have arrived
c) would arrive
d) will arrive
e) has arrived

10. No one ________________ you if you´d not shouted

a) will hear
b) wouldn´t have heard
c) would hear
d) heard
e) would have heard

11. If by any chance you forget to set your alarm clock, you____________ the train.

a) will miss
b) would miss
c) miss
d) wouldn´t miss
e) missed

12. He said that if he came into a fortune, he ___________________ working.

a) would gave up
b) will give up
c) gives up
d) gave up
e) would give up

13. In my opinion, Lucy would succeed in changing her job if she ________ what she really wants to do.

a) knows
b) know
c) knew
d) would knew
e) had know
14. (UNESP) – Tell him that if he__________________ more polite he would join our group.

a) were
b) was
c) is
d) have
e) had

15. (UNESP) – I pointed out that we would have done anything to relieve the situation if we.

a) knew
b) will know
c) know
d) knows
e) had known


The Imperative

Forma: infinitivo (-to) Study! (com you subentendido)



• em frases que expressem ordens ou comandos (o sujeito da frase é sempre o pronome you):
Go away! Don´t let me down

• pode-se também enfatizar o imperativo:

Do study!

• Let´s (let us) estende a ordem ou comando também ao falante:

Let´s work! (we) Let´s not wait! (we)

The Infinitive

Forma: o próprio infinitivo (+to) to study

to work


• Após as expressões the first (o primeiro, a primeira), the last ( o último, a última), the only (o único, a única):
Myrian was the first to arrive.

• Em construções idiomáticas como:

a) Too/ Very + adj./ adv. + infinitivo She was too old to follow us.
b) What + adj. + subst. + infinitivo What a funny name to give you.
c) It is / It was + adj. + of + pron. Obliquo + infinitivo It was good of her to wait for them.

• Seguindo os verbos make e let sem a partícula to e o verbo help com ou sem a partícula to:
She makes me feel younger. Help me to carry this box

Let me do it alone Help me carry this box

• Depois das preposições but, except e than, sem a partícula to:

She has nothing to do but wait.

The Gerund

Forma: v. –ing Studying (estudar)

Working (trabalhar)


• Como sujeito de frases:

Smoking is harmful to your health.

• Após qualquer preposição:

She is tired of working Practice consists of doing things.

• Obrigatoriamente depois das expressões can’t help (não poder deixar de), can’t stand e can’t bear (não poder suportar), to
be worth (valer a pena), it’s no use e it’s useless (é inútil), look forward to (esperar ansiosamente) e be used to (estar
acostumado a).
I can’t help laughing at you. It’s useless waiting for her.

• Obrigatoriamente depois dos verbos abhor e detest (detestar), admit (admitir), avoid e prevent (evitar), enjoy (gostar de,
aproveitar), deny (negar), keep (continuar), mind (importar-se), miss (perder), resist (resistir), risk (arriscar), repent
(arrepender-se) e dislike (desgostar/não gostar de):
Keep going straight ahead Avoid staying near them

Verbos de regência optativa

• Verbos que podem ser seguidos ou de infinitivo ou de gerúndio, sem alteração do sentido da frase:
Begin e start (iniciar), allow e permit (permitir), advise (aconselhar), agree (concordar), attempt e try (tentar), cease

(cessar), continue (continuar), forget (esquecer), hate (odiar), intend (pretender), like (gostar de ), love (amar), mean

(significar), prefer (preferir), propose (propor), regret (lamentar-se), remember (lembrar-se) e refuse (recusar):

She refuses going there.

to go

• Verbos que podem se seguidos de gerúndio ou de infinitivo sem a partícula to, sem alteração do sentido da frase:
See (ver), hear (ouvir), feel (sentir), notice (perceber) e observe ou watch (observar).

We like to observe the ships docking


• O verbo stop (parar) pode ser seguido de gerúndio ou de infinitivo, mas haverá alteração no sentido da frase, dependendo
da forma escolhida:
They stopped smoking. (eles pararam de fumar.)

They stopped to smoke. (eles pararam para fumar.)


1. Passe para a forma negativa a frase abaixo:

“Stand up!”

2. Complete com o tempo correto dos verbos entre parênteses:

a) Matt was the only ___________________. (to return)

b) They are very old____________________. (to stay)
c) She’ll make you ______________________ happy. (to fell)
d) Canny let her _______________________. (to go)
e) Help John __________________________that box. (to carry)

3. Complete com o tempo correto do verbo entre parênteses:

a) I can’t help __________________________. (to laugh)

b) It’s useless __________________ for her. (to wait)
c) They keep _______________________they’re not guilty. (to say)
d) She avoided ____________________ at me (to look)

4. Complete com a forma verbal adequada.

a) _______________ with fire is dangerous. (to play)

b) I’m tired of ____________________. (to work)
c) She couldn’t help __________________. (to cry)
d) I’m looking forward to ___________________you. (to see)
e) It’s useless ____________________ for her. (to wait)
f) Are you used to _______________________ a lot? (to study)
g) Keep _______________ in pencil. (to write)
h) She enjoys _________________ lunch at midday. (to have)

5. She was so upset she couldn’t help _________________.

a) To complaining
b) Complaining
c) Complains
d) Complain
e) Complained

6. Would you mind ____________________ the door, please?

a) To open
b) Open
c) Opening
d) Opens
e) Openning

7. She couldn’t help ___________________ at you, honey!

a) Laugh
b) To laugh
c) Laughed
d) Was laughing
e) Laughing

8. The Prime Minister said he was looking forward to ________________ the President.

a) Seeing
b) See
c) Sees
d) To see
e) Saw

9. I gave up ____________________ soccer when I was 20.

a) To play
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Plays
e) Play

10. He avoided _________________________ the same mistakes again.

a) Makes
b) Making
c) To make
d) Made
e) Maked

11. I’m used to ____________________________ about odd things.

a) Hear
b) Heard
c) Hears
d) Hearing
e) am hearing

12. (UNESP) – There’s no hope of ______________ survivors.

a) To find
b) Finding
c) Founded
d) Finds
e) Find

13. (MACKENZIE) - ________ at pictures in art galleries is a good pastime.

a) Looking
b) Look
c) Looked
d) To look
e) To looking

14. (ITA) – I wish you wouldn’t keep _______________________ me what I already know.

a) Tell
b) Telling
c) To tell
d) Tells
e) Of telling


AT AT 4 o’clock = às 4 h.

AT 328, Paulista Avenue = na Avenida paulista, 328

AT night = de noite

AT home = em casa

AT work = no trabalho

AT the end = no final

AT a small village = num pequeno vilarejo

Laught AT = rir de

Look AT = olhar para

Angry AT = zangado com

Point AT = apontar para

AT first = a princípio

AT the table = à mesa

AT least = pelo menos

AT last = finalmente

AT Christmas = no Natal

OF Think OF = pensar em

Dream OF = sonhar com

Consist OF = consistir de

Die OF = morre de

OF silk = de seda

Remind OF = fazer lembrar

Approve OF = aprovar

Get rid OF = livrar-se de

IN IN Brazil = no Brasil

IN July = um julho

IN 1998 = em 1998

IN a minute = num minuto

IN English = em inglês

IN the pocket = dentro do bolso

Believe IN = acreditar em

Succeed IN = ter sucesso em

IN the morning = de manhã

IN write = de branco

IN time = a tempo

IN ink = à tinta

IN a hurry = com pressa

Confident IN = confiante em

ON ON the table = na mesa

ON foot = a pé

ON Sunday = no domingo

ON July, 21, 1998 = em 21/7/98

On Paulista Avenue = na Avenida Paulista

ON business = a negócios

ON TV = na TV

Call ON = visitar

Concentrate ON = concentrar-se em

Depend ON = depender de

Go (keep) ON = continuar

Insist ON = insistir em

Put ON = colocar (roupa)

Rely ON – confiar em

Spend ON books = gastar com livros

ON a diet = sob dieta

ON duty = de plantão

ON time = em cima da hora

ON purpose = de propósito

On a farm = numa fazenda

Congratulate ON = felicitar por

ON show = em cartaz

ON Christmas Eve = na véspera do Natal

On sale = em liquidação

On fire = em chamas

ON horseback = a cavalo

ON leave = de licença

Get ON = subir (em veículo)

ON strike = em greve

FOR FOR 2 hours = por 2 horas

Ask FOR = pedir

Look FOR = procurar

Leave FOR = partir para

Go FOR a walk = sair pra passear

Charge FOR = cobrar por

Vote FOR = votar em

Apologize FOR = desculpar-se por

FOR sale = à venda

Blame FOR = culpar por

Famous FOR = famoso por

FROM FROM London = de Londres

Differ FROM = diferir de

Suffer FROM = sofrer de

Borrow FROM = tomar emprestado de

Protect FROM = proteger de

Prevent FROM = impedir de

Save FROM = salvar de

Free FROM = livre de

Fall FROM = cair de

Hide FROM = esconder-se de

Separate FROM = separar de

OUT Find OUT = descobrir

Put OUT = apagar (fogo)

Get (go) OUT = sair

Pick OUT = escolher

OUT of order = quebrado

Wear OUT = desgastar

Break OUT = irromper

OFF Turn OFF = desligar

Put OFF = adiar

Call OFF = cancelar

Get OFF = descer (do veículo)

Take OFF = despir, decolar

See OFF = despedir-se de

TO TO London = a Londres

Due TO = devido a

Subject TO = sujeito a

Get married To = casar-se com

Speak TO = falar com

Superior TO = superior a

Object TO = opor-se a

Listen TO = escutar

Close TO = perto de

Move To = mudar para

Talk TO = falar com

According To = de acordo com


UNDER UNDER the table = sob a mesa

UP Call UP = telefonar

Give UP = desistir

Get UP – levantar-se

Stand UP – ficar de pé

Grow UP – crescer

Make UP = inventor

BY BY bus = de ônibus

BY 4 o’clock = por volta das 4 horas

BY myself = sozinho

BY heart = de cor

BY the way = a propósito

BY sight = de vista

BY birth = de nascimento

BY hand = à mão

OVER OVER the telephone = pelo telefone

Be OVER = estar terminado

Think OVER = refletir

AMONG AMONG many = entre muitos

ABOUT Worry ABOUT = preocupar-se com

Care ABOUT = importar-se com

Complain ABOUT = queixar-se de

Talk ABOUT = falar sobre


1. Coloque as preposições corretas

a) Every owner ____ a dog has ideas ____ this subject.
b) Early man needed protection ____ his enemies. So ____ the dawn ____ history he has his weapons.
c) What country do you come______? I heard you lived _____ America____ five years.

2. A mesma preposição serve para os três casos abaixo. Qual é ela?

a) We always go there _____ bus.
b) Let’s walk side ______ side
c) I sit and watch people going _______.

3. Qual a preposição que preenche as frases abaixo?

a) They were talking _____ Spanish.
b) Come here! I’ll talk to you _____ a minute.
c) My brother was sick _______ April.

4. They don’t like to depend __________ you.

5. I always travel! ______ bus
6. I put my money ____ a safe
7. He was interested ____ playing cards
8. Don’t insist ______ going there
9. She was away _____ home
10. I’ll protect you _____ him
11. They were all laughing _____ you
12. For the benefit _____ Mr. Kit, there will be a show tonight
13. She was walking ____and ______ the street
14. I’m here in order ____ tell you the truth
15. According _____ come authorities, the traffic in our city will be improved
16. It’s important ______ them to study
17. She deserves the prize; it’s due ______ her dedication
18. You’ll have to find ______ the answer for yourself.

19. During the week I get up early ___________ the morning and go to bed late ______ night. But normally _______ weekends I
sleep _____ midday.
a) In – at – on – until
b) On – at – at – even
c) In – in – at – till
d) On – in – in – as – as far as
e) In – at – in – until

20. It has been raining _______ yesterday.

a) Already
b) Since
c) For
d) From
e) Always

21. She depends ________ the letter of recommendation to be accepted for the job.
a) On get
b) Of getting
c) On getting
d) Of to get
e) Of get

22. John lives ________a farm; we live _____ São Paulo and my parents live _____ a small village near Campinas.
a) At – at – at
b) In – in – in
c) On – at – on
d) On – in – at
e) In – at – at

23. My brother goes ______ school _____ bus ________ Monday_______ Friday.
a) To – by – from – to
b) At – on – in – and
c) From – by – on – on
d) To – on – by – to
e) In – of – from – and

24. If you insist _________ going there, try at least to take some advantage ______ going there.
a) On – on
b) About – of
c) On – in
d) Of – of
e) In – in

25. (UNESP) – Fortunately, she is not ill anymore. She really got ________ her sickness.
a) Over
b) With
c) About
d) From
e) Above

26. (UNIP) – I was third in the contest; there were two _____ me.
a) Up
b) High
c) Above
d) Low
e) Down

27. (MACKENZIE) – “Let me describe my living – room: _______ one wall there are bookcases filled with books. The sofa is
_________ the opposite wall. Behind the sofa there is a large window ______ which we can have a nice view of the park, and in
front of the sofa there is a low table.
An ancient oil lamp hangs __________ the table. A record player is ________ another wall”.

Choose the correct item to complete the text with prepositions:

a) Throught, above, across, throught, in front of;

b) In front of, below, behind, over, near;
c) Across, near, throught, below, behind;
d) Along, against, throught, above, against;
e) Behind, in front of, along, beside, below.

28. (ITA) – Give me your address; I will call ___________ you ____________ calling you _________.
a) On – after – up
b) In – before – of
c) At – up – to
d) From – of – off
e) By – with – without


O Pronome Relativo se refere a um termo mencionado anteriormente o qual chamamos de antecedente. O pronome relativo recebe

este nome porque relaciona o antecedente aos termos que se seguem.

Vejamos alguns pronomes relativos:

• WHO (quem; que)

Pasteur was the chemist who invented the process of pasteurization.

Who tem como antecedente uma pessoa e funciona como sujeito do verbo seguinte.

• Whom (quem; que)

The boy whom Paul visited was his friend.

Whom tem como antecedente uma pessoa e funciona como objeto do verbo seguinte, o qual já tem o seu sujeito (Paul).

• Which (que; o qual; os quais)

The dog which is barking is mine.

The book which I am reading is good.

Which tem como antecedente coisas ou animais e pode ser usado como sujeito ou objeto do verbo seguinte.

• That (que)

The girl that called me is Tim´s daughter.

The man that we met yesterday is here.

The letter that is on the table is yours.

Where is the ring that you have bought?

That tem como antecedente coisas, animais ou pessoas e pode ser usado como sujeito ou objeto do verbo seguinte.

• Whose (cujo/cujos)

They are professionals whose work is involved with animals.

These are some of the species whose habitat is being destroyed.

Whose tem como antecedente coisas animais ou pessoas e vem sempre seguido de um substantivo. Whose indica que substantivo

pertence ou faz parte do termo antecedente.

Ø Pronoun (Zero pronoun)

Quando o pronome relativo for usado como objeto do verbo seguinte, ele poderá ser omitido.

The article Ø I have read is about chemistry.

The man Ø I saw at the bank was a chief.


1. Who e that não são usados após preposições. Usam-se, obrigatoriamente, whom (para pessoas) ou which (para coisas e


This is the man from whom I bought the dog.

It is surprising the proximity in which men and animals live.

2. That não é usado em orações explicativas (apositivas). A omissão também não acontece. Usa-se which (animais; coisas) ou

who (pessoas):

Head lice, which children sometimes catch at school, is not transmitted by dogs.

Pasteur, who created two important vaccines, was a French citizen.

3. What (o que) X Which (o que)

What refere-se à oração seguinte e não é precedido de vírgula:

I know what you mean.

Which refere-se à oração antecedente, geralmente separada por vírgula:

He tried to sing, which was a disaster.


1) Complete as sentenças com um pronome relativo. Se possível a omissão, assinale também com um Ø.

a) What is the name of the actor ______________________ starred this movie?

b) My brother Steve, __________________ is blind, plays the keyboard quite well.

c) Fever, _______________________ is a typical symptom of flu, needs to be controlled.

d) Children ______________________ have asthma should not do strong physical exercises.

e) Headache and earache, _______________________ are common in babies, give mothers a lot of trouble.

f) My uncle, _____________________ fought in two wars, had many scars all over his body.

g) The toothache ___________________________ I had was due to the altitude.

h) Some of the skin problems _______________________ adolescents have usually last for some years.

i) We don´t know with ___________________________ he was talking on the phone.

j) Do you have any idea from ______________________ you are receiving such messages?

k) Situations in _____________________ people face risks must be avoided.

l) The kid with _____________________ I was talking is my son.

m) Everybody tried to guess the name of the guy ____________________________ she was living with.

n) Teachers ____________________________ students succeed in life feel very happy.

o) Carl Smith is the person _______________________ the director trusts.

p) Some of the old houses ___________________________ doors and windows are dark blue must be preserved.

q) I have dandruff, _______________________ displeases me a great deal.

r) He really doesn´t know ________________________ to do in this circumstance.

s) She never stopped smoking, ______________________ provoked serious scars in her lungs.

t) He didn´t tell us ________________________ was going on over there.

2) The clergyman __________________ had a sore throat preached a fine sermon.

a) what
b) which
c) whose
d) whom
e) that

3) I know the girl ____________________ wrote you this letter.

a) whose
b) whom
c) which
d) who
e) what

4) Mary’s book___________is in_____________ place, was brought to _________by___________father.

a) which, its, she, is
b) that, his, her, his
c) who, its, her, her
d) that, his, she, her
e) which, its, her, her

5) Assinale a alternativa que completaria corretamente a lacuna com um pronome relativo:

My grandfather was a man to _____________ everyone came for advice.

a) who
b) whom
c) that
d) whose
e) which

6) Were those the physicans to ______ you introduced your brother?
a) which
b) who
c) whose
d) whom
e) when

7) That’s the businessman_________________ daughter suffered an accident this morning.

a) whose
b) that
c) whom
d) which
e) who

8) This gentleman to _____________ I have been talking is a mining expert.

a) that
b) whose
c) whom
d) who
e) which

9) The book _________________I was reading yesterday was a detective story.

a) whose
b) what
c) whom
d) who
e) which

10) Did you know _______________agoraphobia is a morbid fear of open places?

a) if
b) than
c) that
d) what
e) which

11) The shirt____________buttons are yellow belongs to me.

a) whose
b) which
c) whom
d) who
e) what

12) The lady _______________ was here a week ago went to London.
a) which
b) what
c) whom
d) who
e) whose

13) I don’t like people ______________laugh at me.
a) whose
b) which
c) who
d) what
e) whom

14) His father, ______________lives in Rio, will return soon.

a) whose
b) that
c) who
d) whom
e) “b” e “c” are correct

15) (ITA) – My English book, _____________ I was reading yesterday, is very good.
a) what
b) which
c) that
d) of which
e) whom

16) (UNESP) – My sister __________ lives in Italy _____________ Italian fluently.

a) which, speak
b) who, speak
c) who, speaks
d) whose, speaks
e) what, speaks

17) (MACKENZIE) – That is the autor _________ book is a great success.

a) that
b) who
c) which
d) whose
e) what

18) (UNIP) – My neighbour, _____________ name is Peter Ballantine, will arrive tomorrow.
a) whose
b) of whom
c) what
d) whom
e) when

Also and Too

Advérbios Traduções Aplicações Exemplos

Também • Antes dos verbos principais She also sings

ALSO She is also a singer

• Depois dos verbos auxiliares

TOO Também • Final de frases afirmativas e She sings, too.

interrogativas / afirmativas
Does she sing, too?

Demais • Antes de adjetivos e advérbios She is too old

She came too early

OBSERVAÇÃO: Só se pode usar too em frases negativas com a tradução de “demais” (antes de adjetivos e advérbios).

That house is not too far.

Your car is not too good, is it?


Advérbios Traduções Aplicações Exemplos

EITHER Qualquer um (a) (de 2) • Em frases afirmativas Here you have two books: take


Wear either coat.

Nenhum (a) (de 2) • Em frases negativas Here are two books: don’t take


Também • Em frases negativas I didn’t study and she didn’t

quando houver repetição study, either
da forma verbal inicial
NEITHER Nenhum (a) (de 2) • Em frases afirmativas Here are two books: take


Neither of them was intelligent

NOTE QUE: é fundamental a relação somente entre dois elementos, para a aplicação de either e neither.

EITHER....... OR.... e NEITHER...... NOR

Formas Traduções Aplicações Exemplos

EITHER..... Ou.... ou.... • Em frases afirmativas Either you or he is lying


Nem.... nem... • Em frases negativas We can’t either read or write

NEITHER... Nem... nem... • Em frases afirmativas Neither you nor he is lying


NOTE QUE: 1. Você pode substituir frases negativas com either... or... por afirmativas com neither... nor...

Don’t touch either the ashtray or the jar.

Touch neither the ashtray nor the jar.

2. Uma frase pode ser negativa quando aparecem as expressões never (nunca), hardly

(dificilmente), seldom e rarely (raramente) e without (sem).

She left without touching either the food or the drinks

I rarely go either to the movies or to the theatre

EACH (cada)

Aplicações Exemplos

(modelo 1) Each girl studied the lesson.

each + subst. Singular Each boy was reading a book

(modelo 2) Each of the girls smiled

each + of + the + subst. plural Each of the boys was reading

(modelo 3) Each of you is happy

each + of + pronome object Each of them was happy

COMVÉM LEMBRAR QUE each tem sempre sua concordância verbal em 3ª pessoa do singular.

ALL (tudo, todo, toda, todos, todas)

Aplicações Exemplos

(modelo 1)

all + verbo na 3ª pessoa do singular All was perfectly arranged

= everything

(modelo 2)

all + verbo na 3ª pessoa do plural All were expecting you to come

(todos, todas)

(modelo 3)

all + substantivo plural All girls were singing

ou Ou

all + the + subst plural All the girls were singing

ou Ou

all + of + the + subst plural All of the girls were singing

(modelo 4)

all + of + pronome object All of them worked a lot

OBSERVAÇÃO: Se o sujeito da frase for um pronome, all deve vir depois dele; se for um substantivo, a posição

de all é optativa.

They all want to see you.

All the students were outside ou

The students all were outside.


1. You may answer_________________this________________that letter.

a) either / or
b) neither / nor
c) either / nor
d) neither / or
e) “a” “b” corretas

2. ___________________________of our promises is false.

a) Each
b) All
c) Every
d) Either or
e) “a” “b” corretas

3. She _______________________ makes mistakes.

a) also
b) too
c) all
d) each
e) either

4. ________________________of them is nervous
a) All
b) Each
c) Every
d) Everybody
e) Also

5. ______________you______________ I am disturbing them.

a) Neither / nor
b) Neither / or
c) Or / or
d) Either / nor
e) Either / either

6. They may come with us, ____________________________.

a) also
b) too
c) either
d) “a” “b” corretas
e) Neither

7. _____________________________should learn how to drive a car.

a) Everybody
b) Every
c) Everything
d) Also
e) Too

8. We believe that___________they need now is some peace of mind.

a) everybody
b) every
c) also
d) each
e) all

9. The two parrots looked at _______________________.

a) each
b) every
c) either
d) each other
e) every other

10. _____________________ pen-pal sent me a Christmas card.

a) Also
b) Either
c) All
d) Each
e) Everyone

11. (MACKENZIE) - ___________________ of these theories attempts to explain group behavior.

a) Every
b) Each
c) Many
d) All
e) Some

12. (UNESP) – Which of the following sentences is the negative form of: “He walks to the University, too.”

a) Either he doesn’t walk to the University.

b) He either doesn’t walk to the University.
c) Either he does walk to the University, too.
d) He doesn’t walk to the University, either.
e) He doesn’t too walk to the University.

13. (ITA) – Qual a alternativa correta?

a) Neither John and I will be able to travel.

b) Neither John nor I will be able to travel
c) Neither John nor I won’t be able to travel
d) Neither John or I won’t be able to travel
e) Neither John not me won’t be able to travel.



active voice They speak English in Australia.

passive voice English is spoken in Australia.

active voice We wash the car every week.

passive voice The car is washed every week.

Student’s deduction

a) A voz passiva em inglês consiste do verbo _________________ + particípio passado do verbo principal.
b) O objeto da voz ativa torna-se o _________________ da voz passiva.
c) Se o verbo da voz ativa está no simple present, usamos o verbo ______________ também no simple present, isto é, usamos as
formas ______ , _______ ou ______.
d) O verbo principal da voz ativa vai para o _____________________________.
e) O _________________ da voz ativa normalmente desaparece na voz passiva.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) They don’t buy second-hand cars here.


b) We use solar energy.


c) We need a new secretary.


d) What time do they close the doors?



active voice They are taking away the books.

passive voice The books are being taken away.

active voice Someone is painting the walls.

passive voice The walls are being painted

Student’s deduction

a) Se o verbo da voz ativa está no present continuous, usamos o verbo ______________ também no ________________________, isto é,
usamos as formas _________ , _____________ ou ___________.
b) O verbo principal da voz ativa vai para o _______________________________.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) They are building a new bridge.


b) We are spending too much money.


c) Someone is opening the doors.


d) They are playing classical music.


e) We are introducing a new method.



active voice The principal announced the result last week.

passive voice The result was announced by the principal last week.

active voice Someone stole her jewels.

passive voice Her jewels were stolen.

Student’s deduction

a) Quando o verbo da voz ativa está no simple past , usamos o passado do verbo _____________, isto é, _________ ou __________ mais o
_______________ passado do verbo principal.
b) Quando o ________________ da voz ativa não é significativo (por exemplo: someone, people, they, we, ...), ele ________ é mencionado
na voz ____________.


1. Change the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) They helped us with our baggage.


b) Someone ate all the food.


c) They painted their house white.


d) Marconi invented the radio


e) A loud scream broke the silence.



active voice They were singing a song.

passive voice A song was being sung.

active voice Someone was closing the doors.

passive voice The doors were being closed.

Student’s deduction

Se o verbo da voz ativa está no past continuous, usamos o verbo ______________ também no ____________________, isto é, usamos as

formas _________________ ou ___________________ mais o ______________________________________ do verbo principal.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) At 10 o’clock the mailman was delivering the mail.


b) They were cleaning the carpets all day yesterday.


c) I thought they were redecorating their kitchen.


d) They were discussing the problem when Mr. Crosby arrived at the meeting.


e) I heard that they were building a new bridge over the Paraná River.



active voice They have found the boy.

passive voice The boy has been found.

active voice Someone has cleaned the windows.

passive voice The windows have been cleaned.

Student’s deduction

Se o verbo da voz ativa está no present perfect, usamos o present perfect do verbo ________, isto é, _________________ ou

__________________, mais o _____________________________ do verbo principal.

NOTA: O present perfect continuous não é usado na voz passiva.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) The teacher hasn’t corrected our exercises yet.


b) They have sent the letters by airmail.


c) Clare has prepared lunch today.


d) A robber has taken all the money.


e) Has the mailman delivered the mail?


f) Nobody has seen the thieves.


g) They have just finished it.


h) We’ve already bought the tickets for the show.


i) Have they cut the grass yet?


j) We’ve never used that room.


k) What have they decided?


l) We have already organized everything.


m) They haven’t done anything to solve the problem.



active voice He said they had painted the house.

passive voice He said the house had been painted.

active voice They admitted they had stolen the money.

passive voice They admitted the money had been stolen.

Student’s deduction

Se o verbo da voz ativa está no past perfect (_________+_________________________), usamos, na voz passiva,


NOTA: O past perfect continuous não é usado na voz passiva.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) They ran away after they had robbed the bank.


b) Somebody had already opened the safe before she arrived.


c) When we came in, they had already made the beds.


d) I said they hadn’t done it yet.


e) I asked why they had spent so much money on it.


f) He didn’t know that they had operated on her.


g) He said somebody had spilled the wine all over the carpet.


h) He asked why they had left the door open.


i) They stopped before they had completed the work.


j) We were sad because they had defeated our team.



active voice They will do it soon. No one will see them.

passive voice It will be done soon. They won’t be seen.

Student’s deduction

1. Quando o verbo da voz ativa está no simple future (will + _______________), o verbo to be na voz passiva é sempre _______________ (na

afirmativa) ou _______________ (na negativa).

2. O verbo principal da voz ativa fica sempre no _____________________________.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) The doctors will examine the patient now.


b) Nobody will ever know this secret.


c) When will they pull down the old cinema?


d) Mr. Howard himself will deliver the speech.


e) They will serve tea at five o’clock.



active voice We are going to show them how to do it.

passive voice They are going to be shown how to do it.

active voice They are going to give us a present.

passive voice We are going to be given a present.

Student’s deduction

1. Quando o verbo da voz ativa vem seguido de dois objetos (uma pessoa e uma coisa), usa-se, de preferência, a ______________ como

sujeito da voz passiva.

2. Se o verbo da voz ativa está no immediate future, usa-se am/is/are + ______________ be + _____________________________ na voz passiva.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) They are going to send him a telegram.


b) When are they going to show us the new laboratory?


c) Someone is going to teach the new students how to do it.


d) They are going to offer Miss Corcoran a very good salary.


e) Is anybody going to ask me any embarrassing questions?



active voice They are cutting the grass tomorrow.

passive voice The grass is being cut tomorrow.

active voice The teacher is marking our tests this evening.

passive voice Our tests are being marked this evening.

Student’s deduction

1. Se o verbo da voz ativa está no arranged future, o verbo to be na voz passiva será am/ ____ / _______ + __________.

2. O verbo principal, como sempre, deverá estar no _______________________________.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) They are cleaning the rooms this afternoon.


b) They are printing the books in New York from now on.


c) The lawyer is preparing the contract tomorrow morning.


d) No one is using this room tomorrow.


e) The secretary is typing the report this afternoon.



active voice You can do it now. No one could carry the box.

passive voice It can be done now. The box could not be carried.

Student’s deduction

1. Se na voz ativa aparece o modal verb can, devemos usar na voz passiva can +______ +________________________ do verbo principal.

2. Could transforma-se em ___________+_______+______________________________.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) No one could answer that question.


b) Careless driving can cause serious accidents.


c) What could we do?


d) We can’t stop it.


e) They could hear strange noises.


f) We couldn’t see anything.


g) We cannot visit patients after visiting hours.


h) We cannot accept your terms, sir.


i) I’m afraid nobody can help us now.



active voice You may use a calculator. They might win a medal.

passive voice A calculator may be used. A medal might be won.

Student’s deduction

1. Se na voz ativa aparece o modal verb may , devemos usar na voz passiva may + ______+_____________________________ do verbo


2. Might transforma-se em ____________ + ______ + ____________________________.


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) You might break the vase if you are not careful.


b) They might ask a mechanic to repair it.


c) They may give you the first prize.


d) Visitors may not take photos inside the museum.


e) They might send an astronaut to Mars in the near future.


f) Such bad news might upset the old woman.



active voice Someone must do it at once. We’ll have to type them again.

passive voice It must be done at once. They will have to be typed again.

active voice We should call a doctor. We needn’t copy the questions.

passive voice A doctor should be called. The questions needn’t be copied.

Student’s deduction

voz ativa voz passiva

Must Must }

Mustn’t _________________ }

Needn’t _________________ }

Should _________________ } + _________ + ______________________

Ought to _________________ }

Will have to _________________ }

Had to _________________ }


1. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.

a) You shouldn't treat her so badly.

___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

b) They will have to make a few concessions


c) The doctors had to operate on him urgently.


d) We must test the new medicine first.


e) We mustn't write our tests in pencil.


f) Governments ought to spend more money on education.


g) Where must we put this box?


h) Should we tell him?


i) You needn't fill in this form.


j) They will have to postpone the show.


k) You should check the details.


l) Someone must stop him!


m) They ought to call the police.


n) Do we have to do it all over again?


Passe para a voz passiva

a) She was carrying a wallet

b) Mary could answer your question
c) John was washing a car
d) Janet has head two books
e) All of us would drive that car

A voz passiva de “I’m reading the magazine” é:

a) The magazine is being read (by me)

b) The magazine was being read (by me)
c) The magazine has been read (by me)
d) Tha magazine had been read (by me)
e) The magazine were read (by me)

A voz passiva de “John is writing a letter” é:

a) A letter John writes

b) A letter is written
c) A letter is being written
d) A letter writes
e) A letter are being writing

Resumo: Mudanças dos tempos verbais

Exemplo: verbo to write

Se na voz ativa for: Na voz passiva será

Singular Plural

Writes (s. present) Is written Are witten

Is writing (p. continuous) Is being written Are being written

Wrote (s. past) Was written Were written

Was writing (past. cont) Was being written Were being written

Have / has written (p. perfect) Has been written Have been written

Had written (past. perf) Had been written Had been written

Would write (s. conditional) Would be written Would be written

Will write (s. future) Will be written Will be written


Apresentações e noções básicas

Direct speech • Repetem-se as mesmas palavras de quem fala ou falou

• Vem entre aspas

Exemplo: He said “They will travel”

Indirect speech • A mensagem é a mesma, mas com as palavras do narrador

• Há a mudaça de forma verbal do direct speech
• Não vem entre aspas, havendo ou não a inclusão de THAT

Exemplo: He said (that) they would travel.

direct speech reported speech direct speech reported speech

Simple Present Simple Past Go/Goes Went

Present Continuous Past Continuous Am/is/are + going Was/were + going

Present Perfect Past Perfect Have/has + taken Had + taken

Simple Past Past Perfect Saw Had + seen

Simple Future Simple Conditional Will + make Would + make

Simple Conditional Conditional Perfect Would + make Would + have + make

Can Could Can + play Could + play

May Might May + work Might + work

Must Had to Must + drink Had to + drink

Mudanças de algumas expressões no reported speech

Em direct speech Torna-se Em indirect speech

This Torna-se That

These Torna-se Those

Here Torna-se There

Now Torna-se Then

Ago Torna-se Before

Today Torna-se That day

Yesterday Torna-se The previous day/the day before

Tomorrow Torna-se The next day

Exemplos: She said: “I studied this yesterday”

She said (that) she had studied that the day before

John said: “I will be here today”

John said (that) he would be there that day

Casos especiais

Imperativo He said: “Go home and rest!” (direct)

Said – told He told me to go home and rest. (indirect)

(veja também o apêndice seguinte)

Pergunta He said: “Can you wait a minute?” (direct)

Said – asked He asked me whether I could wait a minute. (indirect)

NOTA: Embora mais “informal”, if pode tomar o lugar de whether.


Conforme já visto, um verbo no imperativo, em direct speech, ocasiona a mudança da forma said para told e outros verbos vão para o


She said: “Go home and rest”

She told me to go home and rest.

No entanto, além de told, a forma said pode, no imperativo, adquirir outras formas. Veja:

She said: “Go home and rest”


SHE Commanded me to go home and rest



OUTRA POSSIBILIDADE: O indirect speech passivo:

She said: “Go home and rest”

I was told to go home and rest

• Veja a frase 2, exercício anterior:


And then she Commanded me to stay away ou



And then I was told to stay away.


1. Put into reported speech.

a) "Dr. Miller can't see you at the moment, Mrs. Longfield," the assistant said.


b) "I'm afraid I won't be able to go to your birthday party," Graham said to Doris.


c) "You must do as I tell you," he said to his children.


d) "Jack sold his old car and bought a new one," Peter said.


e) "I haven't seen you for quite a long time," Betty said to Joe.


f) "My son doesn't often come to visit us," Mrs. Davies said to her neighbor.


g) "I'm reading a very good novel at the moment," said Mrs. Lovell.


h) "It may rain at any moment," said Charles.


i) "I met her at a party the other day," Jonathan said to me.


j) "My parents have moved to a smaller apartment, Mr. Jones," the lady said.


2. Put into direct speech.

a) She said that she hadn't told her father anything yet.

She Said, “_________________________________________________.”

b) He told them he would do it himself.

He said, “__________________________________________________.”

c) I said that it might be a great occasion.

I said, “___________________________________________________.”

d) He said he didn't know what to do.

He said, “__________________________________________________.”

e) You said she wasn't feeling very well.

You said, “_________________________________________________.”


3. Put into reported speech.

a) How much did you pay for this blouse?


b) When are they coming?


c) Why is she crying?


d) What did he tell you?


e) Where did you go last night?


f) Whose books are these?


g) What can I do for you?


h) What day is today?


i) Why haven't you finished it yet?


j) When will they arrive?


k) Have you done your homework?


l) May I come in?


m) Can you play the piano?


n) Did you meet them yesterday?


o) Do I know you ?


p) Will she phone me tomorrow?


q) Have you ever been to Paris, Janet?


r) Does your mother drive well?


4) He said: “Can you show me your passport?”

a) He asked me can you show your passaport?

b) He asked to show my passaport
c) He asked: show your passaport
d) He asked to me show passaport
e) He asked me whether I could show him my passaport

5) He said: “I am sweeping my floor”.

a) He said he sweeps his floor

b) He said he was sweeping his floor
c) He said that he was sweeping my floor
d) He said his floor sweeps
e) He said that floors are to be swept

6) She said to me: “Go”

She told me ____________________.

a) had
b) going
c) go
d) to go
e) has gone

7) They said to us: “Don’t go!”

They told us______________________.

a) go to not
b) no go
c) not going
d) not to go
e) going not

8) She said: “Put your clothes and leave”

a) She told me to put my clothes and leave

b) She told to me put my clothes and leave
c) She told me put my clothes and leave
d) She said me put your clothes and leave
e) She said me put my clothes and leave

9) She said to me: “I’m sick”

She told me that she ____________________ sick

a) is
b) were
c) ‘s been
d) was
e) ‘d been

10) She said: “I’m washing my car”

a) She said that she washes cars

b) She said that she was washing her car
c) She said to wash her car
d) She said to her car: wash!
e) She said she is washes cars

11) He said: “Stay here!”

a) He told me to stay there

b) He said: stay here
c) He said to me stay
d) He told me: stay here!
e) He stay to tell me here

12) Mary said to him: “What do you want?”

Mary asked him _________________.

a) if he didn’t want
b) if he wanted
c) what did he want
d) what he wanted
e) what he did want

13) He said “I have slept a lot”

a) He said: slept a lot, I have

b) He said: I have slept a lot
c) He told slept a lot
d) He told me to sleep a lot
e) He said he had slept a lot

14) (ITA) – Mary said “I read this book last month” What did Mary say?

a) Mary said she read this book last month

b) Mary said she woulld read that book next month
c) Mary said she has read book this month
d) Mary said she had read that book the month before
e) Mary said she did read that book the following month

15) (FATEC) – She said: I had to leave”. – She said (that) ______________.

a) she is leaving
b) she had leaving
c) she has to leave
d) she had to leave
e) she had to leaving

16) (UNESP) – Sue asked Barbara: “What movie do you want to see?

Sue asked her what movie _________________________.

a) did she want to see

b) does she want to see
c) to see
d) she wanted to see
e) see

17) (UNIP) – Mary asked John, “Will you lend me your class notes?” She asked him _______ lend her his class notes.

a) whether he will
b) whether he would
c) will he
d) would he
e) he will


Quadro geral das formas adverbiais

Tipo Advérbios e suas traduções

FREQUENCY Always Seldom Often Never Once

(Freqüência) (sempre) (raramente) (frequentemente) (nunca) (uma vez)

MANNER Quickly (fast) Slowly Well Badly Kindly

(Modo) (rapidamente) (lentamente) (bem) (mal) (gentilmente)

TIME Now Soon Still Then Tomorrow

(Tempo) (agora) (logo) (ainda) (então) (amanhã)

PLACE Here There Everywhere Around Beside

(lugar) (aqui) (lá) (em todo lugar) (ao redor) (ao lado de)

Very Too Hardly Rather Almost
(muito) (demais) (mal) (bastante) (quase)

DOUBT Maybe Perhaps Probably Possibly Doubtlessy

(Dúvida) (talvez) (talvez) (provavelmente) (possivelmente) (indubitavelmente)

Estudo de alguns advérbios

Advérbio Tradução Exemplos

HARDLY Mal, dificilmente I can hardly walk. My feet hurt

LATELY Ultimamente I’ve seen some good films lately

PRESENTLY Logo Wait, I’ll come back presently

He is a rather stupid man.

RATHER Bastante, razoavelmente

(rather é geralmente usado com conotação


He is a fairly clever man
FAIRLY Bastante, razoavelmente
(fairly transmite uma conotação “positiva”)

ENOUGH Suficiente, suficientemente He is strong enough to lift that heavy box

He still lives in the same house

(antes de verbos principais)

He is still sleeping.

(após verbos auxiliares)

Martin hasn’t studied yet.

YET Ainda
(em frases negativas)

EVEN Mesmo, até mesmo Even John came late to the lesson

Estudo de alguns advérbios II

Advérbio Tradução Exemplos

They don’t live here any more

Não mais any longer
(frases negativas)

ALMOST Quase I spent almost $ 100 on clothes

SHORTLY Logo I’ll arrive shortly after 5 p.m.

Who else wants to go

What else do you want

Where else does she want to go?

I’ve got something else for you

Já Have you ever been there before?

Alguma vez If you ever come to Spain, tell me.

He left a week ago, didn’t he?

- I think (hope) so.
Também I’m hungry and so is she

Então She wasn’t there, so I went away

OR SO Aproximadamente There are tem students here, or so

AND SO ON E assim por diante I like apples, oranges, and so on

Did your parents get lost?
NOT (que) não
- I think (hope) not

OR ELSE Ou então Come sooner, or else you won’t enter

AS WELL Também My friends speak German as well

Tal I’ve never read such (a) book

Tão He has such good luck!

Estudo de alguns advérbios III

Advérbio Tradução Exemplos

WHOEVER Quem quer que Whoever says that is a liar

WHATEVER O que quer que Eat whatever (whatsoever) you want

WHEREVER Onde quer que We are welcomed wherever we go

WHENEVER Quando quer que Call me whenever you nedd my help

WHICHEVER Qualquer que Learn whichever poem you like

ONLY Só, somente Only Mr. Smith came to visit me.

Mr. Smith only came to visit me.

Mr. Smith came only to visit me.

Mr Smith. Came to visit only me.

Mr. Smith came to visit me, only

(dependendo de sua posição, only muda

o sentido da frase)

A posição adverbial

Modelos Exemplos

Manner / Place / Time I’ll write the letter carefuly at home today

1 2 3 M P T

(com qualquer verbo) 1 2 3

Place / Manner / Time He went to Paris by plane in 1998

1 2 3 P M T

(com verbos de movimento) 1 2 3

NOTA: As expressões adverbiais mais específicas (de tempo) antecedem as mais gerais.

He was born at 6 o’clock on Christmas Eve, in 1998

1 2 3

da mais específica para a mais geral.

Via de regra os advérbios devem aparecer depois de verbos auxiliares e antes de verbos principais.

A inversão adverbial

Advérbio Frase em ordem direta Frase em ordem indireta

(advérbio + aux + sujeito)

OFTEN I am often thirsty Often na I thirst

HARDLY Peter hardly spoke Hardly did Peter speak

NEVER We have never been there Never have we been there

NOT ONLY He is not only a man Not only is he a man

RARELY They rarely eat much Rarely do they eat much

SELDOM You are seldom late Seldom are you late

NOTA: A inversão adverbial torna a frase enfática.


1. Forme ADVERBS OF MANNER a partir dos seguintes adjetivos e a seguir, traduza – os.
a) mother
b) logical
c) mathematical
d) oral
e) mental
f) brother
g) sexual
h) usual
i) probable
j) rare
k) exact
l) true
m) whole
n) quick
o) normal
p) complete
q) textual
r) confidential
s) wide
t) meaningful
u) awful
v) sad

w) musical
x) critical
y) ethical
z) final
1- father
2- habitual
3- kind
4- wise
5- slow
6- evident
7- extreme
8- immediate
9- deep
10- different
11- perfect
12- certain
13- systematic
14- economical
15- sweet
16- bright
17- beautiful
18- happy

2. Numa das sentenças abaixo o advérbio não está corretamente inserido:

a) He hasn’t met me yet
b) It was rather cold yesterday
c) Gary always is dreaming of you
d) We hardly work on Sundays
e) They’ll travel by car

3. This is a ________________________ good course for you to take.

a) enought
b) only
c) nearly
d) much
e) very

4. I noticed the students speak English__________________.

a) very fluent
b) fluent
c) more fluent
d) fluently
e) fluency

5. They ran very___________________in thee race but at the end they could_____________breathe.
a) fast, harder
b) fast, hardly
c) fast, hard
d) faster, hardly
e) fastly, hard

6. Complete o diálogo, usando os advérbios corretos:
- Hasn’t anyone caught the thief_________________?
- No, he hasn’t been caught______________. He will be caught ____________.
a) already, still, just now
b) yet, yet, soon
c) now, already, tomorrow
d) still, yet, immediately
e) yet, already, at the moment

7. You are a gentleman, and as _______________________you must be polite to wormen.

a) yet
b) thus
c) so
d) sure
e) such

8. Todas as alternativas abaixo trazem os advérbios de freqüência, exceto:

a) seldom
b) well
c) never
d) often
e) regularly

9. They state they’ve been there _____________________.

a) once
b) for the fun of it
c) on Sunday
d) in March
e) todas são corretas

10. They haven’t ______________________thought of it____________________

a) whetter / yet
b) even / yet
c) then / also
d) ever / always
e) even / only

11. The test was __________________no one passed

a) very hard that
b) too hard for that
c) too hard, so
d) so hardy so that
e) too hard

12. He told me he would come _________________.

a) soon
b) today
c) quickly
d) sometimes
e) todas são corretas

13. “What about having dinner out tonight?”
“Sorry. I’m ____________tired that I can hardly walk. I’m going straight to bed.”

a) so
b) too
c) very
d) also
e) seldom

14. The coffe was __________________ hot that I could not drink it.
a) too
b) enough
c) barely
d) so
e) much

15. I almost never go to the stadiums. I _________________attend soccer games.

a) nearly ever
b) hardly ever
c) hardly never
d) scarcely never
e) almost seldom

16. T0)ake it easy, John! You need not work so __________________.

a) hardly
b) harder
c) hard
d) hardest
e) hardy

17. We hardly ever see George; on the other hand, we meet Joseph_________________.
a) rathen often
b) almost never
c) rarely
d) thus
e) seldom

18. She has________________decided to leave.

a) yet
b) already
c) still
d) then
e) until

19. Argentinean tourists prefer Salvador to Rio or São Paulo___________________ it’s farther.
a) if
b) even though
c) even
d) therefore
e) but

20. A: Is Tom there?
B: No, he hasn’t arrived _______________

a) as far
b) yet
c) still
d) already
e) until

21. (MACKENZIE) – Dr. O’Brien was a single New Yorker______________.

a) always
b) rarely
c) than
d) tomorrow
e) never

22. (PUCC) – Dress up! Your guests will_______________be here.

a) soon
b) well
c) otherwise
d) lately
e) yet

23. (PUC) – I’ve ______________seen such a bealtiful bird.

a) tomorrow
b) yet
c) rarely
d) too
e) any time

24. (PUC) – Take this lever and move it________________.

a) slow
b) slowly
c) yet
d) yesterday
e) lately

25. (ITA) – They this lever and move it _________________.

a) ever
b) yet
c) never
d) once
e) otherwise

26. Assinale F (falso) ou V (verdadeiro):

(UnB) – I’ve studied lot_____________.

a) Lately ( )
b) Recently ( )
c) Actually ( )
d) Seldom ( )
27. (UFBA) – Have you __________seen a leopard before?
a) twice
b) often
c) seldom
d) enough
e) ever

abuse: 1. insultar, ofender. 2. abusar (de). 3. maltratar, tratar com violência.

accent: 1. sotaque. 2. acento (tônico/gráfico). 3. ênfase, realce ( assento (lugar para sentar): seat; (base) base; (traseiro, nádegas)

bottom, behind, backside, buttocks).

actual: verdadeiro, real ( atual: present).

actuality: realidade, fato ( atualidade: present, present time).

actually: na verdade, realmente ( atualmente: nowadays, at present, today).

addiction: dependência, vício ( adição, soma, acréscimo: addition).

advice: conselho(s) ( aviso (por escrito): notice; aviso (oral) announcement; advertência: warning).

ailment: doença; mal-estar; achaque ( alimento: food)

amass: acumular (dinheiro, informações, etc.) ( amassar (o carro – pouco): dent; (o carro – muito) wreck; (a roupa) crease; (o

pão) knead).

anthem: hino ( antena: aerial; antenna).

application: 1. aplicação 2. requerimento (application form: formalário de requerimento).

appoint: nomear, designar (  apontar para: point at/to).

appointment: 1. nomeação, escolha 2. compromisso (com hora marcada) ( apontamento: note)

apt: 1. habilidoso, inteligente 2. propenso, com tendência (a) ( apto: able; qualified, fit).

argue: discutir, brigar verbalmente ( argüir: question)

argument: 1. discussão, briga (verbal) 2. argumento, ponto de vista ( argumento (de filme): plot).

arrest: prender, deter ( arrastar: drag)

assume: 1. supor, presumir. 2. assumir

attend: 1. assistir, estar presente a, freqüentar. 2. atender, cuidar de ( atender (o telefone, a porta) : answer)

frequentar, comparecer, tratar (de doentes) -

avexe: 1. aconselhar, recomendar 2. avisar

beef: carne bovina ( bife: steak, beefsteak)

candid: franco, sincero, direto ( cândido: pure, innocent)

cigar: charuto (cigarro: cigarette)

collar: 1. colarinho 2. coleira ( colar (substantivo): necklace; passa cola em (verbo): paste, glue; copiar na escola (verbo)

college: faculdade ( colégio: high school)

compass: 1. bússola 2. compasso

comprehensive: completo, abrangente, não resumido ( compreensivo: understanding)

compromise: acordo (com concessões mútuas) ( compromisso, obrigação assumida: commitment; compromisso com hora marcada:

Convict: condenado (substantivo) - sure: convicto, certo

costume: roupa especial, como clown costume: roupa de palhaço; witch costume: fantasia de bruxa; national costume: traje nacional
( costume, hábito (coletivo) : custom; (individual) habit)

customs: 1. alfândega 2. imposto(s), alfandegário(s) ( costumes, hábitos (coletivos) : customs; (individuais) habits)

data: dados, informações - date: data

disgust: nojo, repugnância ( desgosto: grief)

educated: instruído, culto ( bem-educado, de boas maneiras: polite, well-bred)

education: educação, instrução, formação acadêmica ( educação, boas maneiras: politeness, good manners)

epidemic (substantivo e adjetivo): epidemia ( o substantivo "epidemy" não existe)

estate: propriedade, imóvel - state, estado

eventually: por fim, finalmente ( eventualmente: accidentally, occasionally)

excite: 1. animar; entusiasmar; empolgar 2. excitar

exit: saída ( êxito: success)

expert: perito, especialista ( esperto: smart, clever)

exquisite: 1. belo; perfeito 2. requintado; delicado ( esquisito: odd, strange)

exquisite: fino, bonito - strange: estranho, esquisito

fabric: tecido, fazenda, pano ( fábrica: factory, plant)

formidable: impressionante, respeitável, assustador ( formidável, fantástico: fantastic, awesome)

genial: 1. (pessoa) jovial, cordial, bem-disposto 2. (tempo, clima) ameno ( genial: brilliant)

hazard: risco, perigo ( azar: bad luck)

influenza: (abreviatura: flu) gripe ( influência: influence)

ingenious: engenhoso, inventivo, criativo ( ingênuo: naïve, ingenuous)

ingenuity: engenhosidade, inventiva, criatividade ( ingenuidade: naïvety, naïveté)

inhabit: habitar ( habit existe como substantivo (hábito), mas não como verbo (habitar)) ( ilha inabitada: desert island,
uninhabited island)

inhabitant: habitante ( o substantivo "habitant" não existe)

injure: machucar, ferir ( injuriar, insultar: insult)

injury: ferimento, lesão ( injúria, insulto: insult)

intend: pretender, tencionar ( entender: understand)

lamp: luminária ( lâmpada elétrica: light bulb)

large: grande ( largo: wide; broad)

lecture: conferência, palestra ( leitura: reading)

library: biblioteca ( livraria: bookstore, bookshop)

magazine: revista ( magazine, loja: store, shop, department store)

malice: mal, maldade, rancor ( malícia, brejeirice: mischief)

malicious: maldoso, mal-intencionado ( malicioso (brejeiro): mishievous; (picante) naughty)

mayor: prefeito ( maior: bigger; larger; greater)

miserable: 1. muito infeliz; muito triste 2. horrível, muito desagradável ( miserável, avaro, mesquinho: stingy, mean; seu
miserável! : you bastard!)

misery: 1. extrema infelicidade, grande sofrimento 2. miséria, extrema pobreza ( miséria, avareza: stinginess)

notice (substantivo): 1. atenção, observação 2. aviso (por escrito) ( notícia: news)

notice (verbo): notar, reparar, perceber ( noticiar : report, inform)

novel: romance - soap ópera: novela (telenovela)

operator: 1. telefonista 2. operador

ordinary: comum ( ordinário, grosseiro: vulgar, coarse)

ore: minério ( ouro : gold)

parents: pais (pai e mãe) - relatives: parentes

particular: 1. determinado, especifico 2. exigente; meticuloso ( particular: private; personal)

petrol: (GB) gasolina (= gas ou gasoline, nos EUA) ( petróleo: oil, petroleum)

physician: médico ( físico: physicist)

plant: 1. planta (botânica) 2. usina, fábrica ( planta (arquitetura): plan)

policy: política, linha de ação, norma de conduta ( polícia: police; política (ciência): politics)

prejudice: preconceito ( prejuízo: harm; damage; (financeiro) loss)

presently: 1. logo, daqui a pouco 2. (EUA) presentemente

pretend: fingir ( pretender, tencionar: intend)

principal: 1. (adjetivo) principal 2. (substantivo) diretor de escola

private: 1. (adjetivo) particular 2. (adjetivo) privado 3. (substantivo) soldado raso ( privada: toilet)

proper: adequado - own: próprio

prospect: perspectiva, possibilidade ( prospecto: leaflet, flyer/flier)

push: empurrar ( puxar: pull)

realize: 1. perceber, compreender, dar-se conta de ; accomplish: realizar, concretizar

record: registrar, gravar - remember: recordar, lembrar-se

relatives: parentes.

resume: recomeçar, retomar ( resumir: summarize, sum up)

retire: aposentar (-se) - take away: retirar

scholar: erudito, letrado; estudioso ( escolar (adjetivo): school; (substantivo) schoolboy/schoolgirl)

sensible: 1. sensato, ajuizado 2. sensível, perceptível ( sensível, delicado, melindroso : sensitive)

silicon: silício ( silicone: silicone)

sort: tipo, espécie ( sorte: good luck)

subject: 1. assunto, matéria 2. (gramática) sujeito ( sujeito, pessoa: fellow; (GB) chap, bloke)

succeed: 1. conseguir, ter sucesso 2. suceder (a), vir depois (de)

support: 1. (peso) suportar, sustentar 2. sustentar (financeiramente) 3. apoiar (uma pessoa); torcer (por um time) ( suportar,
agüentar, tolerar (uma pessoa): stand, bear

sympathetic: compreensivo, solidário ( simpático: pleasant, nice)

sympathies: pêsames, condolências

sympathize: estar do mesmo lado, solidarizar-se, ter pena de (alguém) ( simpatizar: like)

sympathy: pena, compaixão; apoio moral, solidariedade ( simpatia: liking)

temper: temperamento; controle emocional ( tempero: seasoning)

tenant: inquilino ( tenente: lieutenant)

terrific: 1. maravilhoso, muito “legal” 2. tremendo, poderoso 3. terrível, assustador

ultimately: basicamente, fundamentalmente ( ultimamente: lately, recently)

understand: entender - aswer: responder, atender (ao telefone, à porta)

Exercícios False Friends

1. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned.

a) What is the _____________________________ of her birthday?

b) Look, there are four horses to _____________________ that wagon.
c) ____________________ those plants from this room.
d) We need more ___________________ to make that exercise.
e) People _____________________ after 30 years of work.
f) It is very cold morning, so I have to ______________________ my car to start it.

2. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned.

a) The telephone is ringing. Are you going to ________________ it?

b) They ________________ to go to Europe next year.
c) I __________________ English classes at night.
d) Did you ___________________ the explanation?
e) She ___________________ that she is rich, but we know she is not.

3. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned.

a) Both her _____________________________ come from Italy. She is a daughter of Italians.

b) Alan is going to the ___________________ to buy a book.
c) I went to the teacher every week, but ______________ I don’t like it very much.
d) Jane has a big family and she always invites all her ________________ to her parties.
e) They are going to the ___________________ to read some books.
f) Anne speaks French very well ______________________ she was born in France.

4. Fill in the blanks with the false friends above

a) I’m really sorry, but I can’t ________________________ your last name.

b) Mary Lou says that she saw the ____________________ man who was wearing long hair and sun glasses.
c) Don’t make any noise now. We’re going to _________________ Jane’s voice on the tape.
d) Ronald Harris, the famous millionaire, bought an _______________ diamond for 2 million dollars.
e) After the trial the ___________________was taken to the State Penitentiary.
f) Are you_____________________________ you want to go downtown by yourself?

5. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned

a) Shaking hands is an ancient _________________ among western people.

b) The secretary has to _____________________ all the letters in the morning.
c) Christine is wearing a beautiful ________________________.
d) George is going to swin across that ___________________ river.
e) It was good ________________ to win the first prize on the lottery.
f) Tokyo is a very________________ Japanese city.

6. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned.

a) All the students were______________________ to George after his accident.

b) Alan is such a ______________________ boy that you must be careful when you talk to him.
c) Jackson is selling one of his ______________________ near the lake.
d) Come on. Be ___________________________ -and agree with us. Our idea is more practical.
e) We may find water in three __________________ : liquid, solid, and gaseous.
f) Martha is a _____________________ girl.

7. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned.

a) There was a beautiful scene at the ___________________ last night.

b) Jeans and sports shirt are not ___________________ for this ceremony.
c) She’s just finished reading another __________________________ by Hemingway.
d) The _____________________ of your shirt is little too big, isn’t it?
e) Joan always tells me not to watch ________________________
f) Can you tell me the ____________________ use of this word?
g) James bought an exquisite diamond __________________________ for his wife.
h) One of my dreams is to write a _____________ about life in the countryside.
i) Since your car is broken, you may use my ________________________ car.
j) Nobody likes the _________________ of your jacket.

8. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned.

a) We went to a _________________ about German theater.

b) After we arrived, we _______________________ that it was a birthday party.
c) Her _______________________ is much better now.
d) Jack was not able to ___________________ his plans.
e) I would like to go out. Where is the __________________________?
f) My mother is very proud of my brother’s ______________________in the business.

9. Fill in the blanks with the false friends just mentioned.

a) Martin Luther King fought against race ___________________.

b) Jane’s dress is made of a fine Chinese ___________________.
c) I had an accident and my car was a total ________________.
d) There wasn’t any worker at the __________________ yesterday. It was Sunday.
e) After a short rest the speaker ___________________ his lecture.
f) I read the story yesterday. Now I have to ________________ it and give it to the teacher.


Make: fazer - make out: compreender, entender, descobrir o significado

Make up one’s mind: decidir

Make up a story: inventar

Make off: fugir

1. Fill in teh blanks with the two-word verbs above.

a) A group of thieves entered the bank and __________________ with 100,000 dollars
b) Alice always ______________ a story when I ask her to help me
c) There are so many different hats that I can’t ______________ my mind
d) She speaks so fast that I can’t ______________ what she says
e) When the teacher asked Jim why he was late, he _______________ a long excuse
f) Silence, please. She’s trying to ____________________ what these signs mean
g) Hurry, James ____________________ your mind quickly; the bus is coming

Look: ver, parecer

Look at: olhar para

Look after: cuidar de

Look for: procurar

2. Fill in with look, look after, look at or look for.

a) We must travel. Who’s going to ___________________ the dogs?

b) The children are ___________________ a ball to play

c) She __________________ angry when she left the office
d) She ___________________ him and smiled
e) ____________________ me when you answer the questions.
f) Henry is _______________________ a new job now
g) They ______________________ happy with the present they received
h) Jennifer didn’t go to the party because she was ___________________ her baby

Run: correr

Run out of: faltar, acabar, ficar sem

Run away: fugir

Run over: atropelar, passar por cima

Run into: encontrar-se com

3. Fill in the blanks with the two-word verbs above

a) Sheila always ________________ when she sees a mouse

b) Mother goes to the supermarket when she ___________________ food
c) I always ______________________ one of my friends at the shopping center
d) Janet is in hospital. A bicycle ___________________ her yesterday
e) The police is looking for the man that ___________________ from prison last week
f) Our dog ____________________ last night
g) I have to stop at a gas station. My car ____________________________ gasoline
h) She was happy to _______________________ George because she likes him very much

Get: obter, conseguir

Get off: descer (do trem, do ônibus, etc)

Get away: fugir - get out: sair

Get away with: livrar-se, conseguir, escapar

Get over: recuperar-se (de doença, de um problema)

Get back: voltar - get to: chegar

Get down: descer, baixar

Get up: levantar, subir

4. Fill in the blanks with the two-word verbs above

a) The prisioners ______________________ last night.

b) Where did you ___________________________those flowers?
c) Mark will never ______________________________that stupid lie.
d) They must ___________________________ at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

e) Write me when you ___________________Rome.
f) She takes the morning train and _________________________ at Penn Station.
g) .
h) She had a pneumonia, but ____________________ after a week.
i) The teacher was angry and told me to __________________________ of the room.
j) He is going to the party, but he has to ___________________________ home before midnight.

Give: dar

Give out: acabar (suprimentos); distribuir

Give back: devolver

Give up: desistir

Give in: ceder

5. Fill in the blanks with the two-word verbs above:

a) To live well, everybody has to ___________________ a little.

b) She never ___________________ money to the poor.
c) We have to go the supermarket. Our beer is __________________.
d) _______________, you will never be able to play that song.
e) Don’t forget to ___________________ that book _________________________ to me when you finish reading it.
f) That restaurant __________________ food to the poor at the end of the day.
g) Michael _____________________ Sandra flowers last week.
h) Alice finally ___________________ and accepted the new conditions.
i) I’m going to _________________ this money____________________ to you in a week.
j) We will have to __________________________ the party. Our baby is sick.

Put: pôr, colocar

Put on: vestir

Put off: adiar

Put up with: aguentar, tolerar

Put out: apagar

6. Fill in the blanks with the two-world verbs above

a) Patrícia ______________________ her shoes under the bed.

b) We don’t like her. It is hard to ____________________ her the whole day.
c) Don’t forget to _________________ your coat ______________________ before you leave.
d) The meeting was __________________ to a later date.
e) Where did you ____________________ your glasses?
f) Terry must be crazy. She _________________________ a yellow shoe and a red one.
g) George had to __________________ hard work last weekend.
h) We’d better _______________________ the party until she comes back.

i) Sometimes it is comfortable to _______________ old clothes.
j) Did the firemen ___________________ the big fire?

Take: levar, tornar, pegar

Take off: tirar (roupas); decolar

Take down: escrever (geralmente um ditado)

Take back: pegar ou levar de volta

Take for: confundir

7. Fill in the blanks with the two-word verbs above

a) Our plane is going to ______________________ at 4 o’clock.

b) She usually ____________________ candies to her children.
c) I am going to _______________ my typewriter ____________________ to the office.
d) Don’t worry. They probably _________________ you _______________________ another person.
e) My mother told me to __________________ the wet socks.
f) Rose brought the dictionary last night, but she will ______________ it _______________ tomorrow.
g) I should _________________ an aspirin.
h) Mr. Brown asked his secretary to ___________________ the prices of the goods.
i) I am always ______________________ my brother __________________ my father on the telephone.
j) Here are the records ___________________________ anyone you want.

Call: chamar

Call up: telefonar

Call on: visitar

Call for: requerer, exigir

Call off: cancelar

8. Fill in the blanks with the two-word verbs above

a) Why don’t we _____________________ Jane tomorrow? It’s a holiday.

b) I tried to _________________________ your office, but the line was busy.
c) If you need any help, _____________________ me and I’ll help you.
d) The president of the company ___________________ the meeting he was going to have tomorrow.
e) Our last mathematics test _____________________ six hours of study.
f) Let’s _________________________ Bob and invite him to come to the game.
g) Since it was raining yesterday, we had to ___________________ our picnic to the mountain.
h) The doctor _____________________ his patients tonight.
i) His questions always ________________________ intelligent answers.
j) ________________________ the firemen. That house is on fire.

Bring: trazer

Bring forward: apresentar (uma opinião)

Bring up: educar

Bring out: revelar

Bring about: causar, fazer acontecer

9. Fill in the blanks with the two-world verbs above

a) Dr. Willians and his assaltants ______________________ their surprising plans next week.
b) Don’t forget to ______________________ your equipment tomorrow.
c) The young enginner _________________ the idea of building a new bridge last week.
d) Henry was ______________________ by his aunt Polly since he was 5.
e) Heavy rain and wind ______________________ great damage to agriculture last night.
f) I’m very thirsty ____________________ me some water, please.
g) The solution to the problem was _________________ by the workers in the factory.
h) The news ____________________________ excitement and hope.
i) That old school _______________ children under a rigid system.
j) They ___________________ the results of the competition in an hour.

Be: ser, estar

Be in: estar em casa, estar no local de trabalho

Be back: estar em casa

Be up to: estar pronto para

Be up to someone: depender de alguém

10. Fill in the blanks with the two-word verbs above

a) I have to go to the drugstore, but I ______________________ in 10 minutes.

b) Hurry up! The train _____________________ leave.
c) Are we going to the movies tonight? I don’t know. It __________________ you.
d) She knocked at the door, but nobody ___________________.
e) Where ______________________ Nancy when they came?
f) I helped you study for the test, but it _______________________ you.
g) We ___________________________ reading while they _______________________ playing.
h) Who______________________ answer to my questions?
i) He _______________________ when you arrive tomorrow. So you’ll have to knock first.
j) Janet left, but she said that she _________________________ soon.


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