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A importância do Inglês em nosso dia-a-dia.

O fenômeno da súbita globalização do mundo e da conseqüente necessidade de

uma linguagem eficiente de comunicação é um fato que não depende de nele acreditarmos
ou não. Sendo assim, aprender um idioma se tornou uma necessidade básica para
profissionais de diversas áreas e para aqueles que se preparam para ingressar em um
mercado de trabalho cada vez mais competitivo. O domínio de idiomas significa
crescimento, desenvolvimento e, acima de tudo, melhores condições de acompanhar as
rápidas mudanças que vêm ocorrendo nesse novo e tecnológico século.

Muitas pessoas se perguntam: “Por que e para que estudar inglês se sou brasileiro,
trabalho e vivo no Brasil?” A resposta é simples: no mundo globalizado em que vivemos,
quem não se preparar devidamente irá perder oportunidades incríveis no competitivo
mercado de trabalho.

A crescente internacionalização dos mercados levou as nações a adotarem o Inglês

como o idioma oficial do mundo dos negócios e considerando a importância econômica
do Brasil como país em desenvolvimento, dominar o Inglês se tornou sinônimo de
sobrevivência e integração global. O aprendizado do Inglês abre as portas para o
desenvolvimento pessoal, profissional e cultural. O mercado atualmente considera um
requisito básico no momento da contratação que o candidato domine o Inglês. Muitas
vezes o conhecimento do Inglês significa um salário até 70% maior.

Para ingressar nas universidades, os estudantes precisam se submeter a um teste de

língua estrangeira, onde deles será cobrado noções de gramática, vocabulário e
interpretação de texto. Ou seja, não só o profissional que já atua no mercado precisa ter
conhecimento da língua como também o jovem que deseja ingressar em um curso de
graduação. O Inglês deixou de ser luxo para integrar o perfil do profissional ou futuro
profissional por mais jovem que ele seja. A realidade é uma só; ou você domina um ou
mais idiomas - e o Inglês é primordial – ou suas chances de ter sucesso serão bem

O simples fato de você ter se matriculado neste curso de inglês mostra que você não
quer perder as excelentes oportunidades que certamente baterão à sua porta. Você verá
que o conhecimento do inglês irá lhe proporcionar grandes frutos, até mesmo em suas
horas de lazer, pois ao viajar para o exterior, você não será um turista que só tira fotos e
faz gestos para tentar conseguir o que quer. Sua primeira grande missão com o Inglês é
passar no vestibular, pois este é o seu passaporte para uma universidade, que
posteriormente irá lhe tornar apto a atuar no mercado de trabalho. Portanto, comece logo
a estudar, com vontade, interesse e determinação! Você poderá ver o seu nome aprovado
no vestibular, no curso que você tanto sonha muito em breve!Ao longo deste ano, iremos
estudar as estruturas gramaticais, muito vocabulário e também técnicas e estratégias de
leitura e interpretação de textos.


Profº Leonardo Monteiro

Pronomes pessoais são palavras que substituem substantivos. Eles se dividem em: subject
pronouns, object pronouns, possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns e reflexive

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
You You Your Yours Yourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

Subject pronouns são pronomes que substituem sujeitos nas frases e aparecem antes dos

Ex: Maria studies with me. She is my best friend.


Object pronouns são pronomes que substituem objetos (diretos ou indiretos) nas frases e
aparecem após os verbos.

Ex: Maria is my best friend. I like her very much.

Possessive adjectives são pronomes usados para fazer referência à posse. São usados antes
dos substantivos.

Ex: Maria is my best friend.

What’s your name?

Possessive pronouns são pronomes também usados para fazer referência à posse. Porém,
não são seguidos de um substantivo. Normalmente são usados para substituir um substantivo
previamente mencionado ou que, pelo contexto, está muito claro, evitando repetições.

Ex: This book is mine.

Is this yours? (Imagine uma pessoa segurando uma chave e perguntando a uma outra pessoa
se aquela chave é dela. Com a chave na mão, é desnecessário perguntar “Esta chave é sua?”,
podendo, simplesmente perguntar “Isto é seu?”

Reflexive pronouns são usados quando se quer enfatizar o sujeito ou para mostrar que a ação
se volta para o sujeito.

Ex: He painted the room himself. (Ênfase no sujeito.)
He cut himself. (Ação se volta para o sujeito.)



1. (Santa Casa – SP) Are you looking for Dr. Getwell? _______ office is on the 2 nd floor.

a) He’s
b) His
c) Hers
d) Ours
e) Your

2. (FUVEST) Substitua as palavras grifadas por pronomes pessoais.

Tom always waits for Mary and me after the lesson.
Mr. Brown tells stories to his children every evening.


3. (UPE) “Some air companies give small presents to their passengers. Most of them are
presents for children”.
In most of them, the personal pronoun them refers to:
a) the presents
b) the passengers
c) the air
d) the companies
e) the children

4. (BioS) Considere a frase “People fear technology might, some day, replace men”:
Na frase acima, “people”, “technology” e “men” poderiam ser substituídos, respectivamente,
a) they, it e they
b) they, it e him
c) he, it e them
d) they, it e them
e) they, she e them

5. (UFMS) Choose the correct alternative:

Beverly Hills has its own police force, Copacabana has ___________ too, and the rich
people from Barra da Tijuca have _________ as we have_________.

a) its – theirs – ours d) its – their – our

b) his – yours – ours e) its – theirs – ours
c) hers – theirs – ours

6. (BioS) Complete with the correct reflexive pronoun.

a) Mark fell down and hurt __________________.

b) I am very proud of _________________.
c) Why are you ashamed of ____________________? You’re an excellent player!
d) The book ______________ is interesting, but the film definitely is not.
e) Mary and Helen are always very sure of ___________________.

7. (UFV-MG) The word “themselves” is a(n):

a) personal pronoun
b) possessive pronoun
c) reflexive pronoun
d) objective pronoun
e) possessive adjective

8. (BioS) Find the correct form.
She often sees ________ on the bus, but ______ doesn’t talk to _______.
a) she/her/he
b) he/she’s/his
c) him/her/him
d) him/she/him
e) him/she/his

9. (Cefet) “You can pedal until you start to poop out, then with a flick of a switch you can
give your tired legs a boost from a battery-powered electric motor.” The pronoun “you” in
the sentence above refers to the:

a) reviser
b) writer
c) reader
d) buyer
e) seller

10. (BioS) Complete as frases adequadamente:

a) She’s talking to you. Pay attention to ____________.
b) I don’t like dogs. ________ bother me.
c) We’re going to the cinema. Come with ________.
d) Where’s Alice? I want to see ________.
e) That’s Mr. Steven. Do you know _________?
f) This sweater is very nice and ________ isn’t so expensive.

O Verbo To be (ser/estar) é um dos verbos mais usados na língua inglesa. A conjugação é feita
conforme a tabela abaixo:

Subject Verb TO BE Short form

I am I’m
You are You’re
He is He’s
She is She’s
It is It’s
We are We’re
You are You’re
They are They’re

Como se pode observar, o verbo pode ser utilizado em sua forma longa ou curta (contraída).

Ex: I am from Brazil ou I’m from Brazil.

Na sua forma negativa, acrescentamos not ao verbo.

I am not I’m not

You are not You aren’t
He is not He isn’t
She is not She isn’t
It is not It isn’t
We are not We aren’t
You are not You aren’t
They are not They aren’t

Ex: She isn’t a teacher. She’s a musician.

Na forma interrogativa, basta inverter o ordem do verbo. Assim, temos:

Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

Ex: How are you?

Is he Italian?



1. (BioS) Complete with the correct form of the verb to be:

a) I _____ from Brazil.

b) My English teacher ______ from Canada.
c) Kate ______ ten years old.
d) You ______ my best friend.
e) What ______ your name?
f) How _____ you?
g) _____ she Italian?
h) _____ they brothers?

2. (BioS) Change the sentences below into the negative form.

a) He is an excellent teacher.

b) They are doctors.

c) I am twenty years old.

d) You are a nice student.

e) It is a dangerous animal.

3. (UPE) According to the comics below:

SPEAK UP. Nº 229. ED. PEIXES. 2006. P. 49.






N.Y. 2000, P. 280.








The solution? A “lingua franca.” According to a 2001 Eurobarometer survey, 47 per cent
of EU citizens spoke English well enough to hold a casual conversation. More than 75 per cent of
european children learn English in school.
SPEAK UP. Nº 229. ED. PEIXES. 2006, P. 36












Annie: What’s the matter? You look worried! Why have you been
so quiet lately?
Brian: It’s my future. I don’t know what to do.
Annie: You don’t know what to do about what?
Brian: About my life, my studies, my career…
Annie: What do you mean?
Brian: I feel very confused. I do not know exactly what profession
I want to follow, what I
want to study… but that has nothing to do with my family’s
ideas about it.
Annie: How come?
Brian: Well, my parents want me to be either a doctor, an
engineer or a lawyer. They say
these are respectful professions… titles. But I don’t like
the idea of hospitals ,

courts or engineering offices. I’m not fit for that. I am feeling
very pressed… and
very depressed about that.
Annie: There must be a way out. Let’s think together… Imagine
yourself working in
various professions. Which of them would make you feel
happy? How fulfilled
would you be? Would you contribute as a human being if
you chose any of them?
There are so many career alternatives! Arts, languages,
music, psychology ,
computing, communication, propaganda, tourism…
Brian: Well, I’m not really so sure, but I think I would like to go in
for arts or propaganda.

I know it is difficult to be an artist. I know the money wouldn’t

come in easily, but
this is what I think I would be happy doing. This is how I feel.
Annie: Then, fight for it! It’s your life. Don’t give up!

FERRARI, Mariza & RUBIN, Sarah G. Inglês. São Paulo: Ed.

Scipione, 2001, p. 271.

9. (UPE) Why is Brian worried?

A) Because he is very quiet lately.

B) Because he wants to become a doctor, an engineer or a lawer.
C) Because he has decided about the profession he wants to follow.
D) Because his friend, Annie, can’t help him to decide about his future.
E) Because he is not sure about the career he wants to follow.

10. (UPE) What’s Annie’s advice?

A) Brian should listen to his parents’ advice.

B) Medicine, engineering and law are respectful professions.
C) Brian should fight for what he wants to do. He shouldn’t give up.
D) Brian thinks he would like to go in for arts or propaganda.
E) She said, there was not a way out for Brian.

Vocabulário: O que é saber uma palavra em Inglês?
Saber uma palavra é:

 reconhecê-la quando ela é escrita ou falada

 lembrar dela quando se precisa
 usá-la em seu sentido correto
 usá-la corretamente em uma frase
 pronunciá-la corretamente
 conhecer outras palavras que podem ser usadas com ela
 soletrá-la corretamente
 usá-la na situação certa
 saber se ela tem associações positivas ou negativas

Geralmente as pessoas aprendem mais rápido as palavras que tem mais importância para elas.
Por exemplo, uma pessoa que trabalha em um hotel lembra com mais facilidade das palavras
relacionadas à turismo.
Você mesmo pode testar seu conhecimento de vocabulário sem um professor. Alguns métodos:

 lendo ( esta é a maneira mais eficiente de adquirir palavras novas )

 Use a palavra que aprendeu!! Ao usar a palavra várias vezes você a memoriza
mais facilmente.
 Aprenda a usar o dicionário!
 Aprenda um certo número de palavras por dia ( 3 já é o suficiente ). Mas não se
esqueça de usá-las para facilitar a memorização.
 usando cartões ( escreva a palavra em Inglês em um lado e a palavra em Português
do outro )
 fazendo esquemas de palavras ( pense em uma palavra e tente se lembrar de outras
relacionadas a ela )

Cada pessoa tem o seu modo especial e particular de aprender palavras:

 Escrever a palavra para aprendê-la
 Ouvir fitas e repetir as palavras
 Traduzindo textos
 Copiando a palavra várias vezes
 Agrupando por tópicos ( palavras relacionadas a comida, roupas, etc. )

Algo muito importante é organizar o estudo de novas palavras. Algumas pessoas gravam as
palavras em fitas e ouvem o vocabulário sempre que for possível. Outras escrevem as palavras
em pedaços de papel e grudam pelo quarto. Outras ainda fazem listas de palavras.
Portanto, o conselho final é que você analise qual modo de aprender palavras funcionam!

Em se tratando de vestibular, a importância de saber vocabulário é o seguinte: Os vestibulares

estão cada vez mais explorando a interpretação de textos. Para ter uma boa compreensão do
texto, é necessário que você conheça o significado de boa parte das palavras, para entender o
texto que você leu e para que você possa acertar as questões que lhe serão perguntadas sobre
o texto.

Portanto, descubra o método que funciona melhor com você para aprender vocabulário. Este
vocabulário irá permitir que você faça uma boa compreensão do texto e possa responder as
questões sem problema. É bem desagradável quando o aluno não faz a menor idéia do que o
texto fala ou quando o vestibular pergunta algo que o aluno não consegue responder justamente
porque não conhece o significado de uma palavra-chave.

Nós usamos os artigos para generalizar ou particularizar um substantive. Há dois tipos de
artigos: os definidos e os indefinidos.

1. The indefinite article

O artigo indefinido (a, an = um, uma) é usado para generalizar um substantivo.

Ex: I would like to buy a car.

Como se pode constatar no exemplo acima, a pessoa gostaria de comprar um carro, ou seja, ela
está generalizando o substantivo carro.

O artigo indefinido também é usado antes de um substantivo que é mencionado pela primeira

Ex: I saw an interesting picture yesterday at school. The picture was painted by Pablo Picasso.

No exemplo acima, ao falar do quadro pela primeira vez, fez-se uso do artigo indefinido, enquanto
que ao menciona-lo pela segunda vez, fez-se uso do artigo definido.

O artigo indefinido a é usado antes de uma palavra que começa com som consonantal. Já o
artigo indefinido an é usado antes de uma palavra que começa com som vocálico.

Ex: a book; a chair; a desk, a uniform.

an egg; an airplane; an hour.

Obs: 1. Algumas palavras que começam com u, eu e ew têm som consonantal, já que tem o som
de /y/. Ex: a European animal, a university, a ewe.
2. Vocábulos que iniciam com a palavra one são precedidas de a: a one-dollar bill.
3. Palavras que começam com “h” não aspirado têm som vocálico. É o caso de hour e
honor; diferentemente de hotel e hamburger.

O artigo indefinido é usado antes dos substantives contáveis singulares. Eles não podem ser
usados com substantivos incontáveis. Substantivos contáveis são aqueles que têm plural. Já os
incontáveis não têm plural. Normalmente são materiais (leather, wood, gold, plastic, wool),
líquidos (water, juice, tea, coffee, beer), pós (flour, salt, pepper, sugar), alguns alimentos(rice,
cheese, meat, ham) e algumas palavras como advice, knowledge, information, time, etc.

Em geral, os substantivos incontáveis são usados com some ou sem artigo. Por exemplo, não
se diz an advice e sim some advice.
Quando o substantivo estiver no plural, não se usa os artigos indefinidos a ou an. Nesse caso, o
substantivo pode vir sem o artigo, ou acompanhado de um numeral, ou expressões como
some(alguns, algumas), a lot of(muitos, muitas), etc.

Ex: I don’t like dogs.

I have three sisters.
I’d like some biscuits.
You have a lot of friends!

2. The definite article

O artigo definido (the= o; a; os; as) é usado quando queremos particularizar o substantivo ou
quando fazemos referência a algo que já foi apresentado. Ou ainda, quando falamos de algo que
é único. Por exemplo:

Where is the book I gave you?

Nesse caso estamos especificando o substantive; não me refiro a qualquer livro e sim, ao livro
que eu lhe dei.

I met a nice girl last night. The girl is from Spain.

No exemplo acima, o sujeito usa o artigo indefinido quando menciona a garota pela primeira vez.
Ao se referir a ela novamente, esta passa a ser uma garota específica, usando, portanto, o artigo
definido the.

Look! The moon is really beautiful!

Aqui temos um exemplo de algo que é único, a lua. Portanto, deve ser usado o artigo definido.

Usamos the antes de:

a) Nomes de desertos (the Sahara)

b) Nomes de montanhas (the Rocky Mountains)
c) Nomes de rios (the Thames River), oceanos (the Atlantic ocean) e mares (the Dead
d) Nomes de famílias (the Culkins)
e) Nomes de países no plural (the Netherlands)
f) Nomes de cinemas, hotéis, teatros (the Hilton)
g) Nomes de instrumentos musicais (the piano)
h) Superlativos (the best)

Não usamos the antes de:

a) Nomes próprios (Michael, e não the Michael)

b) Adjetivos e pronomes possessivos (my house, e não the my house)
c) Plurais no sentido geral ( Dogs are animals e não The dogs are animals)
d) Cidades, estados, países no singular e continentes (Brazil, e não the Brazil; London e
não the London; Pernambuco e não the Pernambuco Asia e não the Asia)
e) Lagos no singular (Lake Michigan e não the Lake Michigan)
f) Planetas, disciplinas escolares, esportes, nomes de ruas e avenidas (Mars e não the
Mars; Portuguese e não the Portuguese; football e não the football; South street e não
the South street; Seventh Avenue e não the Seventh Avenue.)


1. (BioS) In which of the following sentences is the use of the article (the, a or an) or its
absence correct?

(01) _______ body movements are as important as ______ words in communication.

(02) The kenesic is the study of communication through body movement.
(03) In the Italy people gesture a lot when they speak.
(04) An Americans and an Englishmen act differently when they are listening to another
(05) A person who is truly bilingual is also bilingual in body language.
(06) ______ communication between _______ human beings is not only done with words.

2. (FUVEST) The monster in the dream

By Edson Joseph Colortheeyear

I saw a monster
in an awful dream.
The monster saw me
And that’s no lie!

He came after me.

I tried to run.
He said in a monster voice:
You’re gonna die!

The dream was bad.

The monster was bad.
He ate me up
And I ended up in his belly!

Next morning I woke up

all curled up in my blanket
promising I’d quit
watching horror movies on the telly!

Copie do texto um exemplo de:

a) Definite article + o susbstantivo a que se refere:


b) Indefinite article + o substantivo a que se refere:


3. (BioS) Complete as frases abaixo com os artigos a, an, the ou ---.

a) Fruit is good for _______ our health.

b) ______ Nile is ______ most famous river in ______ Egypt.
c) I bought _____ bike for ________ my son. _______ bike is red, his favorite color.
d) Please, give me _____ glass of water.
e) ______ Elizabeth is ______ queen of ______ England.
f) Today, ________ Hawaiian islands are ______ part of ______ United States.
g) In _____ Alaska, _____ weather is very cold.
h) ______ Plaza is ______ oldest hotel in ______ Salvador.
i) ______ blood is red.
j) ______ Recife is ______ capital of _______ Pernambuco.

k) I am studying ______ English and my brother is playing ______ piano.

4. (UFPB) Read this sentence:

“_______good idea is _______ good idea, whether it’s done in _______ one, ________ three
or 33 countries”

It is completed by the following sequence:

a) A – no article – the – the

b) No article – no article – a – a
c) The – the – no article – no article
d) A – a – no article – no article
e) The – no article – a – no article

5. (Puccamp – SP) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche

corretamente as lacunas das frases apresentadas.

Fred: I’ve been thinking of buying _________________.

Sam: Really? Which make are you considering?
Fred: That doesn’t matter as long as ____________ is economical.

a) a car – some car

b) a car – the car
c) some car – car
d) the car – a car
e) car – a car


MOJAVE, California (CNN) – The man who became the first person to pilot a
privately built craft into space called his flight “almost a religious experience” after his safe
landing Monday morning.
Test pilot Mike Melvill landed at Mojave Airport, about 80 miles north of Los Angeles,
California, after taking the rocket plane SpaceShipOne to an altitude of more than 100
kilometers (62.5 miles) – the internationally recognized boundary of space.
“Looking from the Earth up there, you know, it’s almost a religious experience. It’s
an awesome thing to see. You can see the curvature of the Earth.
SpaceShipOne lifted off early Monday morning in the Mojave Desert, carried by the
jet White Knight.
As the pair approached 50,000 feet, SpaceShipOne decoupled from the jet. After a
brief glide, Melvill ignited the spacecraft’s engines and ascended into space at Mach 3,
three times the speed of sound.
Melvill said once he reached weightlessness, he opened a bag of M&M’s in the
cockpit, and the candies floated for three minutes while the ship soared high above
The spacecraft returned safely, but control problems revealed after the flight forced
Melville to cut it short and use a backup system to keep SpaceShipOne under control.
Melville said trim surfaces on SpaceShipOne – movable surfaces on the craft’s wings
– jammed during supersonic flight. The craft rolled 90 degrees twice during its vertical
ascent and veered more than 20 miles off course in a few seconds.
The flight marks the pinnacle so far of Burt Rutan’s vision of affordable, safe, private
space travel.
Rutan’s company, Scaled Composites, built SpaceShipOne with financial backing
from Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft Corp., for a little more than $ 20 million. Rutan
said the flight, which went from a concept in 1995 to reality less than a decade later, was
the realization of a long dream.
“I’m so proud of that, it brings tears to my eyes,” he said.
“That’s why we are so good at what we do,” Melvill said. “We cover all the bases.”

Adapted from Michael Coren, CNN, Wednesday, July 14, 2004

6. (COVEST) According to the text, what’s SpaceShipOne?

a) It is a plane that flew over California.

b) It is the first aircraft piloted by a man.
c) It is a private plane which soared into space sent by NASA.
d) It is the first private rocket plane which soared into space.
e) It is a craft sent to space by NASA.

7. (COVEST) Who piloted the SpaceShipOne?

a) Pattie Grace Smith.

b) Mike Melvill.
c) Paul Allen.
d) Michael Coren.
e) Burt Rutan.

8. (COVEST) What’s the international recognized boundary of space?

a) 100 kilometers.
b) 50,000 feet.
c) 90 degrees.
d) 20 miles.
e) $20 million.

9. (BioS) Fill in the blanks with the definite article:

____ Brazil is _____ most industrial country in _____ South America, while _____ United
States holds ______ same position in ______ North America.

Choose the correct alternative:

a) the; the; the; the; the; the

b) X; the; the; X; the; X
c) X; the; X; the; the; X
d) X; the; the; the; the; X
e) The; X; X; X; the; the

10.(BioS) Complete with a, an, some or ---.

a) Sabrina received ______ good news.

b) We never drink ______ water at dinner.
c) It was _____ awful accident.
d) All of us saw ________ snow in Argentina.
e) Kevin is ______ intelligent boy.
f) Mum, can you bring me ______ milk?
g) Lúcia is _____ honest girl.
h) That is ______ useless thing.
i) Look at _____ moon! It’s really beautiful,isn’t it?
j) Micharl Jordan was _____ famous basketball player.
k) Pablo gave us ______ advice.

Aqui vão algumas dicas que poderão auxiliá-lo na leitura de textos em inglês.

1. Lembre-se que a leitura não é um processo de decodificação de palavra por palavra,

sendo assim, não se prenda a cada palavra do texto. Concentre-se no contexto.
2. Veja que a maioria das palavras, encontradas em um texto, são cognatas do português
(palavras cuja forma escrita e significado são parecidos nas duas línguas), o que
simplifica em muito a leitura de um texto.
3. Cuidado com os falsos cognatos (palavras que têm significado diferente nas duas
línguas). Exemplo: bond - significa ação, título, obrigação.
Os falsos cognatos têm que ser estudados e memorizados para que você não interprete
o texto erroneamente.
4. Procure o significado geral do texto, isto é, sobre o que o texto trata. Isto ajuda na
"filtragem" das informações mais relevantes.
5. Quando encontrar uma palavra desconhecida, você não deve se preocupar primeiro com
o seu significado. O primeiro passo é ver se a palavra é ou não importante para a
compreensão do texto.
6. Lembre-se que as palavras que aparecem diversas vezes no texto, ou estão em negrito
ou itálico são palavras importantes para a compreensão do texto.
7. Veja se a palavra está associada a um título, ilustração, etc., isto também é uma
indicação de sua relevância.
8. Procure entender a palavra usando o contexto onde ela se encontra.
9. Lembre-se que quando lemos, estamos constantemente predizendo o que virá a seguir,
tentando ver sentido no que foi lido, verificando hipóteses.
10. Quando estiver estudando, use o dicionário apenas para encontrar o significado de
palavras-chaves que você não conseguiu entender através do contexto. Certifique-se de
ter escolhido o melhor significado, verificando o contexto em que ela se encontra.

Ler não é um ato mecânico, e sim um processo ativo. A mente filtra as informações
recebidas, interpreta essas informações e seleciona aquelas que são consideradas
relevantes. O que se fixa em nossa mente é o significado geral do texto. Portanto, usar
o dicionário toda vez que não se conhece uma palavra se torna um processo improdutivo.

Algumas estratégias são bastante difundidas para desenvolver a habilidade de leitura. Dentre
elas podem ser citadas:

 Skimming - leitura rápida que tem por finalidade checar o sentido geral do texto, como
ele está estruturado, e qual a intenção e/ou estilo do autor.
 Scanning - técnica usada para extrair apenas informações específicas do texto. Não
requer uma leitura do texto como um todo.
 Inferência - técnica que permite a partir das informações do texto se chegar a conclusões
 Identificação de cognatos
 Identificação de falsos cognatos (não se esqueça de criar uma lista de palavras em inglês
e de seus correspondentes em português)
 Identificação de palavras de referência*
 Identificação dos conectivos ou marcadores lógicos ou textuais.
 Associação de palavras
 Organização das informações: idéia principal, detalhes e conclusão.

*Encontram-se nesta lista os pronomes do caso reto (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they), os
pronomes pessoais do caso oblíquo (me, you, him, her, its, us, you, them), os pronomes
demonstrativos (this, that, these, those), os pronomes relativos (who, which, whose, etc.), os
pronomes e artigos indefinidos (one, ones, such), entre outros. Essas palavras substituem um
substantivo ou o acompanham para tornar o significado claro.

Após algumas sessões de dicas de leitura e interpretação de textos, que tal um breve simulado?

I. Complete o texto abaixo com a palavra apropriada. Dentre as palavras apresentadas

entre parênteses três não serão utilizadas.

(wide, for, its, widely, complete, of, preserve, after, theirs, agree, false, prevent, by)

Iraqi Weapons Declaration

Last Saturday, the government of Iraq gave a declaration of ___ weapons programs to the United
Nations. A U-N Security Council resolution ordered Iraq to report on its nuclear, biological, and
chemical weapons programs ___ December eighth. The time limit was ___ considered Iraq's final
chance to ___ a military attack.

The Security Council also required Iraq to ___ to U-N weapons inspections. The first U-N
inspectors arrived in late November. U-N weapons inspections were started ___ Iraq's defeat in
the nineteen-ninety-one Gulf War. Four years ago, inspectors left the country because they were
not permitted to visit all the areas they wanted to examine.

The U-N resolution required Iraq to surrender any weapons ___ mass destruction. It called ___
serious measures if Iraq failed to do so. Iraq could be found in violation of the resolution if its
weapons declaration is believed to include ___ information or not ___.

(by Cynthia Kirk, VOA SPECIAL ENGLISH, In the News, December 14, 2002.)

II. Encontre a palavra (de referência) a qual o pronome em negrito se refere.

1. In the nineteen-nineties, Iraq admitted making three kinds of biological weapons, including
one that spreads the deadly anthrax bacteria.
2. Four years ago, inspectors left the country because they were not permitted to visit all the
areas they wanted to examine.

III. Complete as orações abaixo com o conectivo apropriado. Cuidado, pois três deles
não serão utilizados no exercício.
(if, and, however, that, or, so, therefore)

1. People came from all around the country ___ stood in very cold weather to take part in the
2. American officials have warned Saddam Hussein to disarm ___ face serious action.
3. Iraqi officials did not say ___ the declaration provides new evidence to support Iraq's claim
___ it has destroyed all its old biological and chemical weapons.

IV. Qual a melhor tradução para a palavra em negrito?

The first casualties of the war

a. causas
b. conseqüências
c. casualidades
d. baixas (mortes)
e. eventualidades

Read the text below and choose the correct alternative

On January first, many people in Europe will stop using the money they ________ (1) for a
lifetime. More than three-hundred million Europeans will start using the new single European
money, the euro. It will become the legal form of money in twelve European Union countries.

Fifteen nations belong to the E-U. Twelve countries will use new euro paper money and coins
starting next month. They are Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Three E-U members decided not to join the
single money system at this time. They are Britain, Denmark and Sweden.

E-U leaders agreed on the use of the single money in the Maastricht Treaty of Nineteen-Ninety-
One. They created the euro so that business deals among their nations would be easier and less
costly. The euro is not expected to change greatly in value. This will keep interest rates low.

European leaders also believe the euro will unite Europe politically by forcing the nations to
cooperate. For example, countries will have a reason to help another country if it becomes weak
economically. If no help is offered, the value of their shared money could become weak.

The European Central Bank was established in Nineteen-Ninety-Eight. Two major goals of the
Central Bank are to keep the euro strong and to control inflation. The Bank is responsible for
supervising the development and public acceptance of the euro.

Three years ago, eleven E-U nations started using the euro for stock market trading, banking and
business deals. However, most Europeans continued to use their national money. Since then,
money production centers have been busy producing euro paper money and coins. There will be
seven different euro banknotes and eight coins.

Some post offices, banks, and stores are now offering euro coin collections to the public. These
coin collections are designed to show Europeans what the new money will look like.

Both the euro and old national money ________ (2) in most countries for up to two months.
European officials expect that most business activity will be completed in euros by the middle of
January. The old money will stop being accepted at the end of February.

Europeans have talked about political and economic unity for fifty years. Until now, most of the
important developments have been technical.

Some observers say the launch of the euro will make a real difference in the lives of Europeans.
They say Europeans now will start to identify more with the E-U in ways they did not in the past.
They say the euro will be a real, physical sign of European union.

(George Grow, VOA Special English, In the News, December 22, 2001)

1. The missing word in (1) is

a. ( ) know

b. ( ) have known
c. ( ) had known

d. ( ) knew

e. ( ) could have known

2. The missing word in (2) is

a. ( ) will accept

b. ( ) will be accepting
c. ( ) would be accepting

d. ( ) will be accepted

e. ( ) would accept

3. "The euro is not expected to change greatly in value."

…is not expected to change… could be replaced by

a. ( ) is not likely to change

b. ( ) is not changing

c. ( ) may not change

d. ( ) must not change

e. ( ) might not change

4. Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

a. ( ) The E-U countries are about to change their currency to the new single European money,
the euro.

b. ( ) Britain, Denmark and Sweden are not expected to join the single money system.

c. ( ) According to E-U leaders, commercial transactions will be faster with the use of the new
European money.
d. ( ) The European countries are likely to cooperate so that they don’t become weak
e. ( ) The European Central Bank is responsible for keeping interest rates low and for controlling

5. Based on the article, we can conclude that

a. ( ) The Euro is a strong currency, so it will unite Europe economically and politically.

b. ( ) The countries’ old national money will lose value at the end of February.

c. ( ) The Euro coin collections are helping Europeans to accept the new money.

d. ( ) The new currency, the euro, is expected to become a symbol of European unity.

e. ( ) Inflation will decrease with the use of the euro.

Estratégias de
Quando lemos um texto original, seja em qual for a língua, contamos muitas
vezes com informações que não são somente lingüísticas. Somos capazes de
interpretar figuras e associá-las ao conteúdo do texto escrito. Podemos também
analisar gráficos, números e cifras que acompanham esses textos. E podemos
ainda encontrar alguns recursos de impressão que dão destaque ao texto escrito,
como, por exemplo, o uso de aspas, negrito ou letras maiúsculas.

Observe o texto abaixo e responda as questões que se seguem.

1. Trata-se de uma
a. ( ) história em quadrinhos. b. ( ) caricatura. c. ( ) charge.

2. Mesmo sem compreender qualquer palavra do texto em inglês, é possível

inferir que o texto aborda os seguintes assuntos:
a. ( ) computadores.
b. ( ) destruição.
c. ( ) sistemas de segurança.
d. ( ) baratas.

3. Você arriscaria uma interpretação para o texto? Discuta suas idéias com um
colega e escreva suas conclusões abaixo.

Analise a seguinte carta de um leitor do jornal Los Angeles Times em maio
de 2004 e faça as atividades abaixo.

Letters to The Times

Professors Should Spend More Time Teaching In “UC Cuts Freshman Class 7%
for Fall” (April 21), Susan Wilbur, the University of California’s director of
undergraduate admissions, claimed: “We don’t like turning away students.” If the
leaders of the UC system are genuinely concerned about providing higher
education to all eligible Californians there is a simple solution to this problem.
Require professors to teach more. Typically, professors teach two or three
classes per quarter, although it is not unheard of for them to teach less and
sometimes not at all. That is eight to 12 hours per week in the classroom. If a
university were to require each professor to teach four classes per quarter, the
system could accommodate more students, and professors would still spend only
16 hours per week teaching. That is far less classroom time than an elementary
or high school teacher.

1. Identifique na carta um exemplo de cada um dos seguintes elementos:

a. parênteses.
b. letras maiúsculas.
c. abreviação.
d. sublinhado.
e. aspas.

2. Agora faça a correspondência entre as colunas.

Na carta usa(m)-se:
1. letras maiúsculas
2. sublinhado
3. abreviação
4. aspas
5. parênteses
( ) especificar a data de uma reportagem previamente publicada.
( ) reproduzir a fala de alguém.
( ) remeter o leitor a um link relacionado.
( ) referir-se ao título de uma reportagem previamente publicada.
( ) referir-se ao nome da seção.
( ) referir-se a uma instituição específica.

Leia o texto abaixo e identifique em português a que se referem os seguintes
a. 190,000
b. 400
c. 32
d. 6,800
e. 98 million
f. 6.3
g. 322 million
h. 234

The New York Times, June 18, 2001

World Languages at a Glance
(By The Associated Press)

Some facts about the world’s 6,800 languages.

Eight countries account for more than half of all languages.
· Papua New Guinea, 832 languages.
· Indonesia, 731.
· Nigeria, 515.
· India, 400.
· Mexico, Cameroon and Australia, just under 300 each.
· Brazil, 234.

The island of New Guinea, which the nation of Papua New Guinea shares with
the Indonesian state of Irian Jaya, is home to just 0.1 percent of the world’s
population, yet its residents speak one-sixth of all languages, or some 1,100

More than 100 languages can be heard on the tiny archipelago of Vanuatu, in
the South Pacific Ocean near Australia. It is home to about 190,000 people.

India has 15 official languages, more than any other nation.

The 10 most common first languages, and number of speakers:

· Mandarin Chinese, 885 million.

· Spanish, 332 million.
· English, 322 million.
· Arabic, 220 million.
· Bengali, 189 million.
· Hindi, 182 million.
· Portuguese, 170 million.
· Russian, 170 million.
· Japanese, 125 million.
· German, 98 million.

Percentage of world’s languages of Asian origin: 32
Percentage of world’s languages of African origin: 30
Percentage of world’s languages of Pacific origin: 19
Percentage of world’s languages of American origin: 15
Percentage of world’s languages of European origin: 4
Percentage of world’s children raised as bilingual speakers: 66
Percentage of U.S. residents who are bilingual: 6.3
Sources: Worldwatch Institute, Summer Institute of Linguistics

1. Mark the correct choice.

a. ( ) A programmer in India earns 4 times less than a programmer in the USA.
b. ( ) The salary of a programmer in the USA is about $80,000 a month.
c. ( ) A programmer in Israel earns about 50% less than a programmer in the
d. ( ) Salaries for programmers are higher in Asia than in Europe.
e. ( ) A programmer in Canada earns a little more than a programmer in

2. Mark the correct choice.

a. ( ) A financial analyst and an accountant earn about the same wages in the
b. ( ) A legal assistant in India earns more than 10 dollars an hour.
c. ( ) A telephone operator and an accountant earn equivalent wages in India.
d. ( ) A financial analyst in the USA earns 3 times more than a financial analyst
in India.
e. ( ) A payroll clerk in the USA earns more than a legal assistant in India.


O Simple Present é um dos tempos verbais mais simples da língua inglesa; apesar do nome, não
tem seu emprego restrito aos acontecimentos do presente. Ele, assim como outros tempos
verbais, pode ser empregado em diversas situações. É bastante utilizado para narrar eventos ou
fatos do dia-a-dia. São os eventos habituais.

Ex: I go to school by bus. (Eu vou para a escola de ônibus.)

We do our homework in the evening. (Nós fazemos a nossa tarefa de casa à noite.)

Os eventos habituais caracterizam-se normalmente por um contexto que nos remete à uma idéia
de cotidiano e/ou rotina ou por apresentarem advérbios de freqüência. Alguns mais utilizados

 always = sempre
 usually/generally/normally = geralmente
 often/frequently = freqüentemente
 sometimes/occasionally/eventually = às vezes
 hardly ever/rarely = raramente
 never = nunca

Além desses advérbios, são muito comuns algumas expressões para indicar com que freqüência
realizamos alguma atividade. São elas:

 every = todo(a)
 once a= uma vez por
 twice a= duas vezes por
 three, four...times a= três, quatro...vezes por

Ex: I have English classes twice a week. (Eu tenho aulas de inglês duas vezes por semana.)
Mike goes to the cinema every Saturday. (Mike vai ao cinema todo sábado.)
I travel to Recife once a month. (Eu viajo para Recife uma vês por mês.)
Sarah has a shower three times a day. (Sarah toma banho três vezes por dia.)

day = dia
week= semana
weekend = fim de semana
month = mês
year= ano
morning = manhã
afternoon = tarde
evening; night= noite
century= século

Days of the week Dias da semana

Monday Segunda
Tuesday Terça
Wednesday Quarta
Thursday Quinta
Friday Sexta
Saturday Sábado
Sunday Domingo

Dica: Os dias da semana em inglês devem iniciar em letra maiúscula. Os finais se semana são
chamados de Weekend e os outros dias são Weekdays. O termo usado para traduzir dia útil é
Business day.

The months Os meses
January Janeiro
February Fevereiro
March Março
April Abril
May Maio
June Junho
July Julho
August Agosto
September Setembro
October Outubro
November Novembro
December Dezembro

Utilizamos ainda o Simple Present com frases que representam informações pessoais. Veja
abaixo alguns exemplos:

I live in an apartment. (Eu moro em um apartamento.)

They love Japanese food. (Eles amam comida japonesa.)
He has two children. (Ele tem dois filhos.)

A conjugação dos verbos

Em inglês os verbos são conjugados de maneira bem diferente da conjugação dos verbos na
língua portuguesa. Os verbos em inglês destacam-se pela presença da partícula TO antes de
seu infinitivo, equivalendo à terminação em r do português. Por exemplo, to study significa
estudar; to eat significa comer; to leave significa partir.

A forma afirmativa

Os verbos são conjugados da seguinte maneira na forma afirmativa ( Tomemos o verbo beber
em inglês (to drink):

I drink Observação: O s empregado no verbo em he, she e it indica a

You drink terceira pessoa do singular. Isso significa dizer que, no present
simples, a frase afirmativa cujo sujeito pertença à terceira
He drinks pessoa do singular, devemos adicionar um s ao verbo.
She drinks Ex: Robert works in a supermarket.
It drinks
We drink
You drink No entanto, é importante observer que em alguns casos, não
They drink podemos simplesmente acrescentar s ao verbo para formar a
3ª pessoa. Estudemos esses casos:

 Verbos terminados em SS, ZZ, CH, SH, X e O

É o caso de, por exemplo:
* to miss (perde; sentir falta)
* to buzz (zumbir)
* to watch (assistir)
* to wash (lavar)
* to fix (consertar)
* to go (ir)

Nesses casos, devemos acrescentar ES em vez de S.

I go
You go
He goes
She goes
It goes
We go
You go
They go

 Verbos terminados em Y
Os verbos terminados em Y possuem uma particularidade bem interessante: se o y
for precedido de uma vogal, acrescentamos apenas S ao vebo. Porém, se o y for
precedido de uma consoante, retiramos o y e acrescentamos IES. Veja os exemplos

To play To study
I play I study
You play You study
He plays He studies
She plays She studies
It plays It studies
We play We study
You play You study
They play They study

 O verbo TO HAVE
O verbo to have significa ter. Ele não se encaixa em nenhuma dessas regras,
constituindo uma nova particularidade. A conjugação para a terceira pessoal do
singular será HAS.
Ex: My teacher has a parrot. (Meu professor tem um papagaio)
She has a pretty daughter. (Ela tem uma Linda filha)

A forma negativa

Na forma negativa, precisamos fazer uso de um verbo auxiliar. Os verbos auxiliares do Present
Simple são do e does. O primeiro é usado quando o sujeito for I, You, We e They. O segundo é
empregado quando o sujeito for he, she ou it (terceira pessoa do singular). Como estamos
falando da forma negativa, acrescentaremos NOT a esses verbos auxiliares. Dessa forma,


Os verbos auxiliaries mencionados acima devem ser empregados antes dos verbos, nas frases.
Ex: I don’t work on Sundays (Eu não trabalho aos domingos.)
He doesn’t like classical music. (Ele não gosta de música clássica.)

Importante: Lembre-se que o acréscimo do S ao verbo para a 3ª pessoa do singular só se dá

nas frases afirmativas. Na forma negativa, será empregado o doesn’t + verbo normal.
Ex: She doesn’t study in the morning. She studies in the afternoon.

A forma interrogativa

Nas frases interrogatives usamos os verbos auxiliares são empregados sempre antes dos

Ex: Do you speak English? (Você fala ingles?)

Does he wear glasses? (Ele usa óculos?)

Algumas expressões poderão vir antes dos verbos auxiliares. É o caso das expressões:
quando, quem, por que, como, quantos, onde, etc.

 Where = Onde
 Why = Por que
 When = Quando
 What = O que / Qual; Quais
 How = Como
 Who = Quem
 Whose = De quem
 How many = Quantos(as)

Ex: Where do you live? (Onde você mora?)

Why do you want to be a doctor? (Por que você quer ser médico?)
What does he need? (O que ele precisa?)


São Paulo Midnight Metropolis

Your eyes snap open. My bag. Where’s my bag? The hour glows red on the nightstand: 11:16.
You jump out of bed and turn on the light. Where is it? Not in the closet. Not under the bed. Not
in the bathroom, either.
You sit on the floor, the blood pounding in your ear. Think. Everything is in that bag – your cash,
ID, credit cards. Everything. It must be at the restaurant. You throw on some clothes, pocket the
bills and loose change on the nightstand, and leave.
A light rain is falling when you hit the streets. Buses roar up Avenida Ipiranga. You keep your
head down, trying to look dangerous, and hurry past Praça da República. Edifício Itália, São
Paulo’s tallest building, stands on the opposite corner. You had dinner on the top floor earlier this
At the stoplight you watch as an enormous man in a silver suit leaves the building and opens the
rear door of an illegally parked car. The bag he throws onto the back seat looks exactly like yours.
There is a taxi across the avenue. The restaurant closes at midnight. It’s 11:38.
(From “São Paulo Midnight Metropolis,” SPEAK UP Anniversary Issue, Year XIX, Number 227,
April 2006, page 29.)

1. (COVEST) It is clear in the story that its protagonist:

A) knows for sure where he left his bag and goes there to fetch it.
B) is certain that the man in the silver suit stole his bag.
C) gets puzzled when he finds out that he lost his bag with everything in it.
D) can’t go up to the restaurant where he lost his bag because it is already closed.
E) follows the man who leaves the building with a bag exactly like his by taxi.

2. (COVEST) At the end of the story, the author

A) criticizes a medium-height man for parking irregularly at the stoplight.
B) persuades someone to give up looking for lost things.
C) invites you to have dinner at a very fine and costly restaurant.
D) tells what happened to someone in the largest Brazilian city.
E) leads the reader to think a solution to the story.

3. (Vunesp – SP) The sun ______________ rises in the west.

a) always;
b) never;
c) often;
d) sometimes;
e) usually.

4. (UPE) Choose the alternative which is in the simple present tense:

a) The children are watching the film.
b) The film was a great success.
c) We saw the movie yesterday.
d) You will never forget the film.
e) E.T learns about life on Earth.

5. (Bios) Complete the spaces with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in
the simple present tense:
a) Julia Roberts _____________________ (live) in Hollywood.
b) ________ you _________ (speak) French?
c) ________ your sister _________ (like) tea?
d) His teacher ____________ (wear) glasses.
e) Madonna ____________ (have) three children.
f) I _____________ (not work) on Sundays.
g) Rachel ________________ (not go) to the gym.
h) Michael ______________ (study) in the morning.
i) ______ Pete and Kevin _________ (play) tennis?
j) What time ______ she ______ (do) her homework?

6. (BioS) Choose the grammatically correct sentence:

a) Maria not like novels.
b) You smoke?
c) He never comes late.
d) I works all day.
e) They doesn’t pay attention.

7. (UFPR) In which of the following sentences is the verb used correctly?

(01)Does he enjoys working in films?
(02)A film star is a well-known cinema actor or actress.
(04)Television competes directly with the cinema.
(08)It don’t take a long time to make a film.
(16)Are you interested in the cinema?
(32)People sometimes become emotionally involved with movie

Total: ____________

8. (COVEST) Select the wrong sentence.

a) I usually get up very early.
b) He’s always happy.
c) His boss is really nice.
d) I’m hardly ever go to the theatre.
e) How often do you ride a bike?

9. (BioS) In the sentence “What do you do?”, the second do is a:

a)relative pronoun
b)auxiliary verb
c)main verb
d)modal verb
e)reflexive pronoun

10. (UNICAP) Choose the correct alternative.

a)Ethan plaies the piano very well.
b)Jude haves lunch in a Italian restaurant every day.
c)Noel gos to the beach on Sundays.
d)Her baby cries all night.
e)His daughter do

Como já vimos anteriormente, há substantivos contáveis e incontáveis. Somente os substantivos
contáveis podem ser flexionados, indo para o plural. Da mesma forma que na língua portuguesa,
a regra geral é acrescentar o s aos substantivos, para formar o plural.

Ex: Books

Entretanto, muitos substantivos têm terminações especiais. Vejamos:

1. Terminação em S, SS, ZZ, SH, X e O:

Nestes casos, acrescentamos ES e não S.
Ex: bus => buses
class => classes
tax => taxes
tomato => tomatoes

Obs: Algumas palavras terminadas em o não seguem essa regra, pois são de origem
estrangeira. É o caso de piano (pianos); dynamo (dynamos); photo (photos); kimono
(kimonos) and vídeo (videos).

2. Terminação em CH:
a) Quando as palavras terminadas em ch têm som de CH, nós acrescentamos ES e não
S. Dessa forma, temos:
watch => watches
church => churches
research => researches

b) Quando as palavras terminadas em ch têm som de K, nós acrescentamos S. Dessa

forma, temos:
stomach => stomachs
monarch => monarchs
deck => decks

3. Terminação em Y:
Se o y for precedido de uma vogal, nós acrescentamos S. Alguns exemplos:
day => days
key => keys

Se o y for precedido de uma consoante, nós retiramos o y e acrescentamos IES. Como

exemplos, temos:

party => parties

country => countries

4. Plurais irregulares
Alguns substantivos possuem plural irregular. Abaixo relacionamos os principais casos:

a) Há 11 substantivos terminados em F ou FE que têm seu plural trocando-se o F ou FE

por VES.

loaf (fôrma de pão) => loaves

calf (bezerro) => calves
half (metade) => halves
thief (ladrão) => thieves
leaf (folha de árvore) => leaves

life (vida) => lives
sheaf (gazela) => sheaves
knife (faca) => knives
wolf (lobo) => wolves
wife (esposa) => wives
shelf (prateleira) => shelves

Importante: São alguns casos e não todos. O plural de chief (chefe), por exemplo, é chiefs.

b) Alguns substantivos têm o seu plural formado através da substituição de algumas vogais.
São eles:

man (homem) => men

woman (mulher) => women
foot (pé) => feet
goose (ganso) => geese
tooth (dente) => teeth

c) Outros casos:

mouse (camundongo) => mice

child (criança) => children
person (pessoa) => people
louse (piolho) => lice
ox (boi) => oxen


1. (UPE) The _______ can see _______, _______ and _______ at the zoo.

A) children – oxs – sheep – foxs

B) children – oxen – sheep – foxes
C) childs – oxs – sheep – foxen
D) children – oxen – sheeps – foxes
E) children – oxes – sheeps – foxes

2. (FUVEST) A forma correta do singular de “Why do bees fuss about so much when they
fly” é:
a) Why does bee fuss about so much when it fly?
b) Why do an bee fusses about so much when it flies?
c) Why does a bee fuss about so much when it flies?
d) Why does the bee fuss about so much when it fly?
e) Why does a bee fusses about so much when it flies?

3. (UFPE) The plural of hero, solo, tomato, and zero are:

a) heroes, solos, tomatoes, zeroes.
b) heroes, soloes, tomatos, zeros.
c) heroes, soloes, tomatoes, zeros.
d) heros, solos, tomatos, zeros.
e) heroes, soloes, tomatos, zeros.

4. (BioS) Write the plural form os the following nouns:

a) goose: ____________________________
b) democracy: _________________________
c) mouse: ____________________________
d) enemy: ____________________________
e) fireman: ___________________________
f) fox: ______________________________
g) radio: ______________________________
h) bus: ________________________________
i) month: _____________________________
j) child: ______________________________

5. (Cesgranrio-RJ) Knives is the plural of knife. Which of the words below does not form its
plural in the same way?
a) Wife.
b) Life.
c) Leaf.
d) Chief.
e) Half.

6. (UFPE) The word that doesn’t have an irregular plural form like “tooth – teeth” is:
a) ox.
b) foot.
c) cloth.
d) goose.
e) mouse.

7. (UPE) Choose the correct group of words in the plural.

a) shelfs, calves, thieves.

b) Leafs, wolves, halves.
c) Dishes, chieves, proofs.
d) Lifes, knives, tomatoes.
e) Handkerchiefs, dwarfs, safes.

8. (PUC-PR) Match the columns below so that the words in the second column fit the sentences
provided in the first one:
1. Tom and Mary love their ________________.
2. Put the oranges inside those _____________.
3. I can’t walk. My ___________ are aching a lot.
4. The _______________ are flying south.
5. The cat is hunting the _____________.
6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her _____________.

( ) feet
( ) teeth
( ) children
( ) geese
( ) mice
( ) boxes

Choose the correct alternative:
a) 6 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
b) 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
c) 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1
d) 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 1
e) 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5

9. (UFAL) Mark the only word that does not form the plural irregularly:
a) pupil
b) teacher
c) house
d) chief
e) loaf

10. (BioS) Which alternative shows the correct plural form of the words given?
a) mouse- mice/ goose-geese/ phenomenon-phenomena/ deer-deer
b) mouse-mices/ chick-chicken/ person-persons/ child-children
c) mouse-mouses/ goose-geeses/ deer-deers/ news-news
d) mouse-mouses/ new-newses/ bus-buses/ person-people
e) mouse-mises/ child-children/ police-polices/ news-news


Read the text below and choose the correct alternatives:

Tiny Transistor

Scientists report they have created the smallest device to carry electrical current
ever made. The device _____ (1) a transistor. It is about one-million times smaller
than a grain of sand.

Transistors are used in many electronic devices to control the flow of electrical
current. True transistors can turn the flow of electricity on and off. They also have
the ability to increase electrical current.

Extremely small transistors are used in computers. They form part of what is
called an integrated circuit. Powerful integrated circuits have large numbers of
transistors. Scientists have developed smaller transistors year after year to
produce more powerful integrated circuits.

However, the new transistor may represent the smallest possible size for this
kind of device. The area that carries electrical current in the new transistor is
about _____ (2) of a single molecule.

Lucent Technologies’ Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, is developing the
extremely small transistor. In Nineteen-Forty-Seven, scientists at the same
laboratory invented the first transistor. William Shockley, John Bardeen and
Walter Brattain received the Nobel Prize for Physics in Nineteen-Fifty-Six for their

Scientists Hendrik Schon, Zhenan Bao and Hong Meng created the new
transistor. It is so small that it is put together chemically. The scientists used a
chemical process to attach carbon-based molecules to gold. The process creates
molecule-sized openings that carry electricity.

The molecules also chemically form a molecule-sized device that controls

electrical current. Releasing and stopping electrical current permits electronic
processors to move and store information. This simple ability to start and stop
electrical current forms the language used by most computers.

The new transistor is still being developed. However, researchers at Bell Labs
have already connected together several of the transistors into a circuit. They
also say the chemical process for creating the transistors appears to work well.

Yet, the new extremely small transistors may be too small. One scientist at
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories worries that connecting so many molecule-sized
devices together would prove to be almost impossible.

(Mario Ritter, VOA Special English Science Report, November 14, 2001)

1. The missing word in (1) is
a. ( ) calls
b. ( ) is called
c. ( ) is nominated
d. ( ) is calling
e. ( ) nominates

2. The missing word in (2) is

a. ( ) the width
b. ( ) the depth.
c. ( ) the height.
d. ( ) the length
e. ( ) the tilth

3. The underlined word in the text could be replaced by:

a. ( ) although
b. ( ) likewise
c. ( ) but
d. ( ) so that
e. ( ) despite

4. Select the alternative that does not correspond to the text.

a. ( ) Scientists have created a device which is about one million times smaller than a grain of
b. ( ) Tiny transistors are used in computers.
c. ( ) The first transistor was invented by scientists from Lucent Technologies’ Bell Labs in 1947.
d. ( ) Researchers are still working on the new transistor.
e. ( ) In 1956 the physicians William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain were awarded
the Nobel Prize for their discovery.

5. Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False:

a. ( ) True transistors are able to increase electrical current.
b. ( ) Extremely small transistors are part of an integrated circuit.
c. ( ) A large number of transistors are needed to integrate circuits.
d. ( ) The new transistor is put together chemically.
e. ( ) One scientist at Hewlett Packard Laboratories objects to the size of the transistors.

Read the text below and choose the correct alternative:

A group responsible for world food safety has agreed on the first international
rules to govern the safety of foods made with genetic engineering.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission approved the rules at a meeting in Geneva,

Switzerland earlier this month. Codex is a joint agency of the United Nations Food
and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization. One-hundred-
sixty-five nations belong to the organization.

Delegates to the Codex Commission meeting examined concerns about the

safety of foods made with genetic engineering. Many groups and individuals have
expressed concern that such foods could be harmful to human health and the

Genetic engineering is the technology of changing the genes of living things. The
changed gene directs the plant or other organism to do things it normally does
not do. For example, some crops are genetically engineered to resist harmful

insects. The technology has helped farmers increase crop production. It also
reduces the need to use chemicals to kill insects.

The Codex Commission agreed that food from genetically engineered organisms
should be tested and approved by governments before it can be sold. The
delegates said genetically engineered foods should be tested for anything that
could cause allergic reactions in humans. They said information about anything
known to cause such a reaction should be clearly shown on the product.
However, the delegates were not able to agree on a proposal to require the
identification of all foods made with genetic engineering.

(George Grow, VOA Special English Science Report, July 26, 2001)

1. The appropriate title for the report is

a. ( ) Genetically engineered foods theories.
b. ( ) Reasons for accepting engineered foods.
c. ( ) Rules for genetically engineered foods.
d. ( ) Genetically engineered foods apothegm.
e. ( ) Joint decision on engineered foods.

2. Genetically engineered foods

a. ( ) are only expected to be harmful to the environment.
b. ( ) ought not to be harmful to human health and the environment.
c. ( ) are likely to harm human health and the environment.
d. ( ) must be prohibited.
e. ( ) could be approved by governments anyhow.

3. The functions of the underlined words in the text are respectively:

a. ( ) noun / verb
b. ( ) verb / verb
c. ( ) verb / adjective
d. ( ) adjective / adjective
e. ( ) noun / adjective

4. Select the alternative that does not correspond to the text.

a. ( ) Governments ought to test food from genetically engineered organisms before allowing its
b. ( ) Crop production increased due to the help of technology.
c. ( ) Delegates were unable to come to consensus of having genetic engineering foods
d. ( ) Not all crops are genetically engineered to resist harmless insects.
e. ( ) The technology of altering the genes of living things is known as genetic engineering.

5. Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False

a. ( ) The United Nations Food and the World Health Organization are joint agencies which
constitute Codex.
b. ( ) Due to the help of this technology, less chemicals are needed to kill insects.
c. ( ) Rules to govern the safety of foods made with genetic engineering have been dictated by
the world food safety group.
d. ( ) Engineered foods are responsible for causing any allergic reactions in humans.
e. ( ) According to Codex Commission foods made with genetic engineering should be banned
before causing damage to the environment.
















O Present Continuous é empregado para falar sobre fatos que estão acontecendo no exato
momento da fala. A estrutura desse tempo verbal é formada pelo verbo to be, devidamente
conjugado no presente de acordo com o sujeito e um verbo principal acrescido de ing,
formando assim o gerúndio.

Ex: What are you doing? (O que você está fazendo?)

I am watching tv. (Eu estou assistindo tv.)
The kids are having lunch now. (As crianças estão almoçando agora.)
He isn’t sleeping. He’s studying in his bedroom.

Nós também usamos o Present Continuous para falar sobre acontecimentos que estão
ocorrendo na atualidade, mas não necessariamente no exato momento da fala. Veja o
exemplo abaixo:

I’m reading an excellent book at the moment. (Eu estou lendo um excelente livro no

Veja que o sujeito pode não estar lendo o livro naquele exato momento da fala, mas pode
estar fazendo referência a uma ação que ainda está em andamento na atualidade. Ou seja,
ele começou a ler um livro mas ainda não concluiu a leitura.

Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa

I am reading I’m not reading Am I reading?
You are reading You are not reading Are you reading?
He is reading He is not reading Is he reading?
She is reading She is not reading Is she reading?
It is reading It is not reading Is it reading?
We are reading We are not reading Are we reading?
You are reading You are not reading Are you reading?
They are reading They are not reading Are they reading?

Para a formação do gerúndio, que é uma das formas nominais do verbo (isto é, uma forma
não conjugada), é preciso adicionar ing ao verbo principal da frase. De um modo geral,


Essa é a forma geral. No entanto, existem alguns casos especiais. São eles:

Verbos terminados em E

Para os verbos terminados em e, retiramos o e e acrescentamos o ing.

Ex: love => loving

Dance => dancing

Exceções: Os verbo to be e os verbos terminados em ee, não irão perder letra alguma.
Apenas serão acrescidos de ing.

Ex: be => being

see => seeing
agree => agreeing

Verbos terminados em IE

Quando tivermos um verbo terminado em ie, trocaremos este ie por um y, acrescentando o

ing posteriormente.

Ex: lie => lying

die => dying

Verbos terminados em CONSOANTE – VOGAL – CONSOANTE

Quando estivermos diante desta terminação, temos que estar atentos, pois há casos
distintos, tais como:

Neste caso, repetimos a última consoante antes de acrescentarmos o ing.

Ex: get => getting

Stop => stopping

Obs: Verbos terminados em x serão exceção à essa regra.

Ex: fix => fixing

Verbos com duas ou mais sílabas:

Nesse caso, repetimos a última consoante antes de acrescentarmos o ing somente se o
verbo for oxítono.

Ex: forget => forgetting

prefer => preferring

Ex. de verbos que não se aplicam à regra:

enter => entering
transfer => transfering
listen => listening

Verbos terminados em L:

Caso o verbo termine em L, a repetição da última consoante será facultativa. Normalmente,

esta repetição ocorre no inglês britânico e não no americano.

Ex: travel => travelling (britânico) ou traveling (americano)

cancel => cancelling (britânico) ou canceling (americano)

Casos em que não usamos o tempo “Continuous”

Alguns verbos, apesar de possuírem as suas formas de gerúndio, não devem ser utilizados
em tempos “continuous”. Temos alguns deles a seguir:

 to love (amar)
 to taste (provar, experimentar o gosto)
 to know (saber, conhecer)
 to forget (esquecer)
 to understand (entender)
 to like (gostar)




BESLAN, Russia (CNN) – Russians are observing two days of national mourning
as anger mounts over the government´s handling of a school hostage siege that left more
than 330 people dead.
Nearly every family in the southern Russian town of Beslan was grieving Monday
as the grim task of burying the dead continued. About 120 funerals were planned in the
town cemetery and adjoining fields, following about 20 on Sunday.
Among the first to be buried were Zinaida Kudziyeva, 42, and her 10-year-old
daughter, Madina. The two had tried to flee when the first explosions went off and were
caught in the crossfire between militants and Russian forces, relatives said.
“They couldn’t run away. They didn’t have time,” The associated Press quoted Irakly
Khosulev, a relative from the nearby city of Vladikavkaz, as saying. “Someone should
answer for this.”

Meanwhile, residents, politicians and even Russian state television raised

questions about the massacre.
The Interfax news agency said two politicians – liberal Irina Khakamada and
nationalist Sergei Glazyev – have issued separate calls for an independent investigation
into the crisis.
Vladimir Ryzhkov, an independent member of the Duma, wrote in the Nezavisimaya
daily: “(Putin) won the contract (as president) to restore order in the country, to ensure
security for people. We see today that the contract has been violated.”
Officials appealed for calm in the volatile Caucasus region, which includes
Chechnya, Ingushetia and North Ossetia, where the attack took place. Chechen rebels
have been fighting Russia for independence for a decade.
The official death toll on Monday stood at 335, plus the 30 attackers; the regional
health ministry said 326 of the dead had been hostages, and the Emergency Situations
Ministry said 156 of the dead were children.
Many of the dead had not been identified, with some bodies charred beyond
recognition; the ITAR-Tass news agency said Monday that about 60 would need DNA
Putin, the president of Russia, visited the wounded in Beslan over the weekend and
made a surprising admission of Russian weakness in the face of terrorists.
“We couldn’t adequately react,” he told the nation in a weekend televised address.
“We showed weakness, and weak people are beaten.”
1. (COVEST) According to the text Russians are in mourning. When is a person in mourning?

A) When he or she wakes up and says good morning.

B) When he or she is in a good mood.
C) When he or she is a moody person.
D) When he or she is observing two days of national mourning.
E) When he or she feels or expresses deep sadness, especially because of someone’s death.

2. (COVEST) How many people died officially?

A) 156 of the dead were children.

B) 335, plus the 30 attackers.
D) Less than 330 people were dead.
C) 326 of the dead had been hostages.
E) 60 would need DNA analysis.

3. (COVEST) Is Russia ready to fight against the terrorists?

A) Yes, it is strong enough to fight against the terrorists.

B) Yes, it is ready to fight against the terrorists.
C) No, it is not ready to fight against the terrorists.
D) No, it is not weak in the face of terrorists.
E) Yes, Russia couldn’t adequately react against the terrorists.

4. (UFGO) Birds often ______________ the stars.

a) is following
b) are following
c) follows
d) follow
e) following

5. (UPE) He ______________ “The Times” now, but on Sundays he _______________ “The


a) is reading – reads
b) read – reads
c) to read – is reading
d) reads – is reading
e) reading – reads

6.(Cefet) Em ingles, “Você está esperando alguma carta?” seria:

i. Have you been waiting for a chart?

ii. Are you expecting a letter?
iii. Are you attending any lecture?
iv. Are you staying for the lecture?
v. Have you been hoping for a lecture?

7.(BioS) What sentence brings the correct form of the verb in the gerund:

a) danceing
b) runing
c) studing
d) being
e) listening

8.(PUC-RS) Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence:

“Today’s issues of The Inquirer _____________ that another couple wants to have their wedding
sponsored. It also ______________ a photo of them”.

a) says – runs
b) say – run
c) said – running
d) saying – ran
e) says – running

9.(Unesp-SP) Assinale a alternative que preenche corretamente cada lacuna da frase

I __________________ to the radio every day, but I __________________ listening to it now.

a) listen … am not
b) listened … had
c) listening … was not
d) was listening … not
e) not listen … was

10.(BioS) In which of the sentences below the use of the present continuous is not appropriate?

a) He is studying for his History exam.

b) Tom is having a shower.
c) I’m needing to talk to you.
d) They’re repairing the car.
e) She’s explaining the rules.


Usamos o caso possessivo (ou genitivo) em três casos destintos:

a. para indicar que uma coisa pertence a alguém:

e.g.: That is the girl's basket. (o cesto da rapariga)

b. para indicar a relação familiar entre pessoas:

e.g.: John is Mary's father. (pai da Maria)

c. para falar de lojas e de casas:

e.g.: I'm going to the fishmonger's. (à peixaria=à loja do peixeiro).

O caso possessivo forma-se de duas maneiras:

a. com apóstrofo + s ( 's) para falar de pessoas e animais:

e.g.: the girl's basket / the dog's snout (o focinho do cão)

b. com a preposição "of" para falar de coisas:

e.g.: the pages of the book (as páginas do livro)

c. ATENÇÃO: como já reparaste, a ordem das palavras, quando se usa o apóstrofo + s, é

ao contrário da ordem em português - primeiro vem quem possui e depois o que é
possuído. Por outro lado, quando se usa a preposição "of", a ordem é igual à do
português - primeiro o que é possuído e depois o que possui. Portanto, sempre que
leres ou disseres uma frase lembra-te da ordem das palavras!

Particularidades do caso possessivo:

a. com substantivos próprios (nomes de pessoas) terminados em -s usa-se normalmente


e.g.: James's house / Charles's wife (a casa do James / a mulher do


b. com substantivos comuns que fazem plural com -s usa-se apenas um apóstrofo no fim:

e.g.: the boys' bicycles / the girls' dolls (bicicletas dos rapazes / bonecas
das raparigas)

c. com substantivos comuns que fazem plural sem -s (irregulares), usa-se apóstrofo + s:

e.g.: the women's clothes / the children's toys (das mulheres / das

d. se uma coisa pertence a duas ou mais pessoas, usa-se o apóstrofo + s só na última:

e.g.: John and Mary's son (o filho do João e da Maria)

e. se duas ou mais coisas pertencem a duas ou mais pessoas, usa-se apóstrofo + s em

todas as pessoas:

e.g.: Frank's and Bill's cars. (os carros do Frank e do Bill=cada um tem o

f. o pronome interrogativo que se usa para perguntar de quem é uma coisa é whose:

e.g.: Whose cars are these? They are Frank's and Bill's cars.

Fill the gaps with the possessive case of nouns. Decide whether you have to use
's or an of phrase.


(BioS) Follow the example:

1. This dress belongs to Mary.….. It’s Mary’s dress………..

2. This skirt belongs to Betty……………………………………

3. This hat belongs to John……………………………………

4. This shirt belongs to Davis………………………………….

. (BioS) Rewrite the sentences.

1. Those are the toys of the children. Those are…………………………………….

2. This is the address of Carla. This is…………………………………..……………

3. Where are the shoes of the pilots? Where are……………………………..….. ?

4. Is that the wife of Mr. Spencer? Is that …………………………………………. ?

5. The pencils of the reporters are on the table. ……………..…………………..are on the table.

Complete with the correct alternative:

1. (BioS) Whose coat is this? It’s my _________________________________.

a) brother-in-law’s

b) brother’s-in law

c) brother-in’s-law

d) brother-in-law

e) todas são corretas

2. (BioS) She bought the ______________ food.

a) dog’s

b) dog

c) of dog’s

d) of the dog

e) dogs’s

3. (BioS) Have you seen those _________ dresses?

a) lady’s

b) ladies’

c) ladies’s

d) ladye’s

e) of ladies’

4. (BioS) I like _______ plays.

a) Sophocles’s

b) Sophocles’

c) Sophocles

d) of Sophocles

e) of Sophocles’

5. (BioS) Here you have _______ grades.

a) James’

b) of James’

c) James’s

d) James

e) of James

6. (BioS) There are my _______ toys.

a) children

b) children’s

c) child’s

d) of children

e) “b” and “c” are corrects

7. (BioS) The women’s room is here, and the _______ one is there.

a) mans’

b) men’

c) men’s

d) mens’s

e) of men’s

8. (UPE) _________________________________ mother takes very good care of them.

a) Brian’s and Andy

b) Brian and Andy’s

c) Theirs

d) Brian

e) Brian and Andy

9. (UPE) My ______________ school is near our house.

a) children’s

b) children

c) childrens’

d) childrens’s

e) children is

10. (COVEST) Choose the alternative which contains the possessive case.

a) She’s reading a very thick book.

b) He’s been very busy lately.

c) It’s a type of cancer.

d) Where’s Linda’s pen?

e) Who’s that boy over there?


Why Brazil loved him

To many Brazilians, Senna communicated a vulnerability that they appreciated all the
more because they knew he had to set his fears aside whenever he climbed into the cockpit.
What sealed the love aftair the country had with Senna was his willingness, or perhaps his need,
to share the glory: after every win he would reach for a Brazilian flag and hoist it high above his
head for the victory lap. His popularity was magnified by the contrast with his country's sense of
collective demise. As his career revvep up in the '80s, Brazil was headed the other way,
descending into economic and political disarray, frustation and selfdoubt. Senna, presidential
adviser Augusto Margazão said last week, "was the luminous flip side of the negative state in
which lay the Brazilian soul." In short, his success was seen as proof that despite a 45% a-month
inflation rate, growing poverty and never-endingcorruption scandals, Brazil could still come out a
For seven frustrating years, though, Senna's dream of a victory at home, in the Brazilian
Grand Prix, eluded him. He finally won the race in 1991, but only after a cliffhanger finish and
typical heroics. He was leading comfortably, with only a few kilometers to go, when the gearbox
of his car jammed. By the last lap only one gear was functioning, but Senna wrestled his McLaren-
Honda to the checkered flag. So exhausted he could barely lift
his arms, grimacing from the pain, he hoisted the trophy and the flag.
Senna won in Brazil again in 1993 in equally dramatic fashion - this time against his
archrival, the Frenchman Alain Prost. (Over the years, Senna's flat-out duels with Prost, including
several dangerous collisions, had fostered an enmity that Prost says did not ease until just before
Senna's death.) Prost and his teammate Damon Hill had been much faster in practice, and the
fans knew that only a race-day downpour would give Senna, the acknowledged master of wet-
track driving, a chance. Brazil prayed for rain. The next day, with Prost in the lead, the heavens
opened. The Frenchman promptly crashed; Senna catapulted into first place and stayed there.
As the race ended, the sun came out. Time International,
n° 20 (May 16, 1994), p. 36, 37.

* many: Muitos * dream: Sonho
* because: Porque * at home: em casa
* to know: saber, conhecer * elude: frustrar, iludir
* to set aside: por de lado * race: Corrida
* fears: receios, temores * only: Apenas
* whenever: sempre que * after: Depois
* to climb: subir, entrar * to lead: Liderar
* cockpit: Cabina * gearbox: caixa de câmbio
* to seal: Selar * to jam: emperrar

* love affair: caso de amor * to wrestle: lutar com
* country: país * checkered flag: Bandeira xadrez
* willingness: vontade, desejo * barely: Mal
* perhaps: Talvez * to lift: Erguer
* to share: Win * arms: braços
* to grimace from the
* to reach for: Pegar fazer cara de dor
* flag: Bandeira * again: novamente
* to hoist: erguer, levantar * equally: igualmente
* high above: bem acima * against: contra
* head: cabeça * archrival: arqui-rival
com o passar dos
* lap: volta, giro * over the years:
* sense: Sentido * several: Diversos
* demise: morte, falecimento * dangerous: Perigoso
* career: Carreira * to foster: fomentar
* to rev up: Deslanchar * enmity: inimizade
* in the '80s: na década de 80 * to ease: diminuir, minimizar
* to be headed: ser levado a * until: Até
* the other way: para o outro lado * death: morte
companheiro de
* disarray: Desordem * teammate:
* self-doubt: Descrença * much faster: muito mais veloz
* adviser: Conselheiro * downpour: aguaceiro
* to say: Dizer * to give: dar
* last week: semana passada * acknowledged: reconhecido
* flip side: Secundário * wet-track: pista molhada
* state: estado * to pray: Rezar
* to lie: encontrar-se, estar * rain: Chuva
* soul: Alma * in the lead: na liderança
* in short: em poucas palavras * the heavens opened: choveu demais
* to see: Ver * promptly: imediatamente
* proof: prova * to crash: Colidir
* despite: apesar de * to catapult into: projetar
* inflation rate: índice de inflação * first place: primeiro lugar
* growing poverty: probreza crescente * to stay: Ficar
* never-ending: sem fim * there: lá
* can, could: poder * as: quando
* still: ainda * to end: Terminar
* to come out: surgir * sun: Sol
* winner: Vencedor * trough: Contudo

01. De acordo com o texto:

a) Senna tinha mais necessidade do que desejo de compartilhar suas vitórias; por isso,
para selar o seu amor pelo Brasil, exibia a bandeira brasileira na hora da chegada.
b) O desejo de compartilhar a glória após cada vitória, quando Senna levantava uma
bandeira do Brasil na hora da chegada, selou o amor do seu país para com ele.
c) Senna conquistava o amor e a admiração de seus compatriotas pela maneira como
superava o medo na hora de entrar na cabina do carro.
d) Muitos brasileiros admiravam a coragem e a capacidade de Senna porque percebiam
a sua vulnerabilidade e achavam que ele transmitia muita esperança no futuro do país.

e) Senna sabia que o mais importante de tudo era exibir uma bandeira brasileira na hora
da chegada e da vitória, pois isso era tudo o que os brasileiros queriam ver.

02. De acordo com o texto:

a) Enquanto sua carreira ascendia, o país seguia o caminho oposto. Assim, o seu sucesso
era visto como prova de que, apesar da inflação, da pobreza e da corrupção, o Brasil tinha como
b) A ascensão de Senna na carreira automobilística deixava muitas pessoas perplexas
porque isso marcava um forte contraste com a triste realidade social e econômica que o Brasil
c) O sucesso de Senna na carreira automobilística convencia muitas pessoas de que a
realidade brasileira poderia ser mudada com pouco esforço e a vida dos brasileiros haveria de
d) A popularidade de Senna aumentava na medida em que o seu sucesso representava
possibilidades de progresso para o país como um todo e a realização do sonho individual dos
e) O sucesso de Senna era por muitos considerado como um mau exemplo para o povo
brasileiro, na maioria pobre, que deixava de lado as coisas mais importantes da vida para pensar
em corrida de automóvel.

03. Conforme o texto, assinale a alternativa correta:

a) Senna venceu o primeiro Grande Prêmio do Brasil em 1991 porque teve muita sorte, pois
já havia passado pela bandeira xadrez, quando o câmbio de seu carro enguiçou, apesar do
grande esforço feito para que isso não acontecesse.
b) A primeira corrida que Senna venceu no Brasil foi relativamente fácil, pois a vitória já estava
garantida, quando um pequeno contratempo ocorreu, exigindo um pouco de esforço do campeão
no final.
c) Senna venceu o primeiro Grande Prêmio do Brasil em 1991 depois de muito sacrifício.
Quando passou pela bandeira xadrez, estava tão exausto que mal conseguia levantar os braços
para erguer o troféu e a bandeira.
d) Ao conquistar sua primeira vitória em autódromo brasileiro, Senna comemorou com tanta
alegria e tanto orgulho que até se esqueceu das dores que sentia depois do grande esforço que
fez para ganhar a corrida.
e) A primeira vitória de Senna no Brasil serviu para acabar com seus pesadelos e frustrações
bem como para fazê-lo esquecer-se de todas as restrições feitas pelos organizadores das

04. De acordo com o texto, indique a alternativa correta:

a) Senna e Alain Prost fizeram as pazes pouco antes da morte do brasileiro, para não
empanar o brilho da corrida que se realizaria em São Paulo, pois já havia esclarecido vários mal-
entendidos ocorridos anteriormente.
b) A inimizade entre Senna e Prost fez com que o corredor brasileiro se empenhasse cada
vez mais para vencer a corrida no Brasil; um fracasso ou um fiasco aí poderia representar o fim
da carreira do nosso campeão.
c) Todas as corridas disputadas entre Prost e Senna eram muito perigosas em virtude do
drama criado em torno das rixas entre os dois campeões, que nunca se preocuparam com uma
possível reconciliação.
d) A última corrida que Senna venceu no Brasil foi a mais difícil de todas porque, embora o
brasileiro se desse bem em pista molhada, Alain Prost e Damon Hill eram os mais velozes em
qualquer tipo de pista.
e) Senna venceu outra vez no Brasil em condições igualmente dramáticas, num duelo com
seu grande rival, Alain Prost, que se tornara seu inimigo por causa de algumas colisões perigosas
em corridas antes disputadas.

05. De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa correta:

a) Não fosse a fé dos brasileiros, que inspirou a vitória de Senna e impressionou os

estrangeiros, a corrida de 1993 poderia ter acabado em fracasso ou tragédia.
b) Os brasileiros rezaram pedindo chuva, pois sabiam que, em pista molhada, Senna teria
mais condições de vencer Alain Prost e Damon Hill.
c) Quanto mais chovia, mais melhorava o desempenho de Senna, o que impressionou os
seus rivais a tal ponto que estes abandonaram a corrida.
d) Os corredores estrangeiros chegaram a pensar que o horário da corrida fora marcado em
função da chuva, para beneficiar o nosso campeão.
e) As orações dos brasileiros fizeram com que chovesse o tempo necessário para garantir a
vitória de Senna em 1993, pois, quando acabou a corrida, o sol voltou a brilhar

The arrest of Vladimir Meciar Bratislava

1. It was either a blow for justice and an important signal, to be noted across post
communist Central Europe, that nobody is above the law. Or it was a crude act of vengeance that
could polarise and destabilize Slovakian politics. In any event, the arrest on April 20 th of
independent Slovakia’s longest-serving prime minister, Vladimir Meciar, was one of the most
momentous events to have occurred since the country split from the Czech Republic seven years

2. In a dawn swoop, masked commandos from a special unit that is supposed to stamp
out organised crime dynamited Mr Meciar’s back door and took him away at gunpoint. Mr Meciar’s
enemies, who say he turned the Slovak state into a crime racket, applauded. Yet the former boxer,
who ran the country from 1993 until he was ousted in a general election in 1998, still had his old
swagger. “Don’t be afraid,” he shouted out to supporters. “I’m not afraid.”

3. The day after his arrest, several thousand of his disciples, noting that it was
appropriately Good Friday, descended on Bratislava, Slovakia’s capital, to hurl abuse at the
country’s reform-minded prime minister, Mikulas Dzurinda. He was variously castigated as “the
Pharisee”, “Judas”, “Pontius Pilate” and, less biblically, “you dirty little gipsy”. Mr Dzurinda will not
mind the names if the judges can fulfil the promise, which helped bond his four-party coalition
when it fought the election 18 months ago, to bring Mr Meciar to justice.

4. The architect of Slovakia’s independence was freed on bail after being charged with
paying illegal bonuses worth $ 350,000 to his cabinet ministers during his time in office. If found
guilty, he could get ten years behind bars. He may also be forced to give evidence in a case to
do with the kidnapping in 1995 of the son of Slovakia’s then president, Michal Kovac. Government
supporters say that Mr Kovac’s son was kidnapped by the Slovak secret service on Mr Meciar’s

5. Could Mr Meciar’s arrest increase his popularity? Probably not – even though
opinion polls have already been giving him more support than any other Slovak politician: a
quarter still says they would like him to be prime minister again. Last year he won 43% of the vote
in the presidential election, against a lacklustre ex-Communist, Rudolf Schuster, and the current
head of state.

6. But Mr Meciar is also, ironically, Slovakia’s most disliked public figure. Two-thirds,
according to the opinion polls, cheered his arrest. Even if his populist Movement for a Democratic
Slovakia does quite well in the general election due in 2002, it is unlikely to find coalition partners

to let him form a government. Only the far-right xenophobes of the Slovak Nationalist Party might
consider backing him.

7. Still, whatever Mr Meciar’s fate, Mr Dzurinda has been worried. His coalition is
dogged by infighting. He has failed to merge the five groups that make up his own bit of the
coalition. Jozef Migas, parliament’s speaker, hitherto a dose ally who heads one of the coalition’s
four parties, recently shook the government by casting a no-confidence vote against Mr Dzurinda
in parliament.

8. The continuing exodus of the country’s Gypsies is also darkening the mood.
Improving their lot is a prerequisite for Slovakia’s desired entry into the European Union. Belgium
recently followed the example of several other EU countries by imposing visas on Slovak visitors,
including even those who come regularly to Brussels to negotiate for Slovakia to join the club.

9. Still, despite the fragility of the government and the tensions heightened by Mr
Meciar’s arrest, Slovakia is moving ahead. Austerity measures have made the government
unpopular, but they are working. Unemployment, still 20%, is coming down. The economy is set
to grow by around 3% this year. Foreign investment is up, with US Steel recently agreeing to shell
out more than $ 400m to revamp the country’s biggest mill.

10. “The country is in better shape than Greece was when it joined the EU,” says
Grogorij Meseznikov, who runs a leading think tank in Bratislava. While a growing number of
Central Europeans outside Slovakia are having doubts about joining the EU, some 70% of
Slovaks now say they want to get in. And for the first time a slender majority, against Mr Meciar’s
fierce opposition, say that Slovakia should join NATO too.



* to arrest: prender

* either: tanto

* blow: sopro

* signal: sinal

* to be noted: ser percebido

* across: através

* above: acima

* crude: cruel

* vengeance: represália, vingança

* any: qualquer

* longest – serving prime minister: primeiro ministro há mais tempo no cargo

* to split from: separar-se de

* in a dawn swoop: numa investida no amanhecer

* to be supposed to: ter como finalidade

* to stamp out: acabar com, destruir

* to take away: arrancar, tirar

* at gunpoint: sob a mira de uma arma

* enemies: inimigos

* to turn into: transformar

* former: ex

* to be ousted: ser destituído, ser derrotado

* swagger: arrogância

* to be afraid: ter medo

* to shout: gritar

* supporters: seguidores

* several: vários, diversos

* Good Friday: Sexta-feira Santa

* to descend on: rumar para

* to hurl: atirar / arremessar

* reform-minded: mente reformadora

* gypsy: cigano

* to mind: importar-se

* judges: jurados

* to fulfil the promise: cumprir a promessa

* to bond: firmar o compromisso

* party: partido

* coalition: coligação

* to fight: competir

* to be freed on bail: ser libertado sob fiança

* to be charged with: ser acusado de

* worth: valor

* guilty: culpado

* behind bars: atrás das grades

* kidnapping: seqüestro

* then: então

* orders: ordens

* can (could): poder

* to increase: aumentar

* even though: apesar de

* polls: pesquisas

* already: já

* to support: apoiar

* still: ainda

* again: de novo, novamente

* to win: ganhar, vencer

* against: contra

* lacklustre: sem brilho, ofuscado

* current: atual

* head of state: chefe de estado

* also: também

* to dislike: não gostar de, rejeitar

* to cheer: comemorar

* to do quite well: ser bem sucedido

* to be unlikely to: ser improvável

* partners: companheiros

* to let: permitir

* far-right: extrema direita

* fate: destino

* to be worried: estar preocupado

* to dog: perseguir

* infighting: conflitos internos

* to merge: fundir

* to make up: compor

* bit: parte

* speaker: porta-voz

* hitherto: até agora

* a close ally: um aliado próximo

* to shake: balançar, melindrar

* to cast a vote: dar voto de Minerva

* to darken the mood: entristecer os ânimos

* lot: lote de terra

* entry: entrada

* to follow: seguir

* visas: vistos

* even: até mesmo

* to join the club: fazer parte do grupo

* despite: apesar de:

* heightened: exaltada

* to move ahead: ir em frente

* measures: medidas

* to work: funcionar

* unemployment: desemprego

* to come down: diminuir, baixar, reduzir

* to be set: estar prevista

* to grow: crescer

* foreign: estrangeiro

* to be up: estar em alta

* to agree: concordar

* to shell out: pagar

* to revamp: reconstruir, renovar

* mill: moinho

* shape: forma

* doubts: dúvidas

* to get in: entrar, fazer parte

* slender: pequena

* fierce: extremo, violento

* should: deveria

01. According to the information in the article with respect to Vladimir Meciar, which of the
following items is the only one not open to question?

a) The Slovak government, in a blow for justice, showed that even important criminals
could be arrested.

b) The Slovak government made an illegal arrest motivated by vengeance.

c) Slovakia’s prime minister was arrested on charges of corruption.

d) Vladimir Meciar’s arrest was one of the most important events in the history of the
Slovak people.

e) The arrest of Vladimir Meciar had been promised as part of a political campaign

02. You can infer from the information in Paragraph 2 that the phrase “Yet the former boxer…
still had his old swagger” most likely means that

a) even when arrested at gunpoint, Vladimir Meciar was belligerent and ready to fight.

b) Vladimir Meciar intended to bribe his captors and for that reason was unafraid.

c) even when arrested at gunpoint, Vladimir Meciar retained his habitual self-assurance
and price.

d) Unaware of any wrongdoing, Vladimir Meciar left his house convinced of his own

e) as usual, Vladimir Meciar used a public appearance for his own political benefit.

03. You can infer from information in Paragraph 3 that, with respect to Vladimir Meciar’s arrest,

a) Vladimir Meciar’s supporters found similarities between his situation and that of Jesus

b) Vladimir Meciar’s supporters believed that Mikulas Dzurinda was worse than a Jew or
a Gypsy.

c) Mikulas Dzurinda and his judges fulfilled their campaign promise.

d) Vladimir Meciar’s supporters claimed that Mikulas Dzurinda was just as corrupt a
Vladimir Meciar.

e) Mikulas Dzurinda was not at all bothered by the verbal abuse he received from
Vladimir Meciar’s supporters.

04. According to the information in the article, the Slovak government has made the formal
accusation that when Vladimir Meciar was prime minister, he

a) turned Slovakia into a criminal state.

b) made unlawful gifts of money to government officials.

c) ordered the kidnapping of the son of a Slovak president.

d) used corrupt and illegal means to keep Slovakia out of NATO.

e) illegally appropriated US$ 350,000 for his own use.

05. According to the information in the article, Slovakia owes, in large part, which of the following
to Vladimir Meciar?

a) Its high crime rate

b) Its high unemployment rate

c) Its instability

d) Its independence

e) Its attractiveness to foreign investors.

06. The last word in Paragraph 8, “club”, most likely refers to

a) the group of Slovak diplomats that regularly travel to Belgium.

b) the European nations that hope to join the European Union.

c) the European Union.

d) the European nations that don’t require visas.

e) NATO.

07. In paragraph 7, the sentence “His coalition is dogged by infighting” most likely means the
same as which of the following?

a) Mikulas Dzurinda’s political party recently suffered electoral problems.

b) The political organizations supporting Vladimir Meciar are fighting among themselves.

c) Mikulas Dzurinda’s government has been severely criticized by its opponents.

d) Enemy political factions have entered Mikulas Dzurinda’s government coalition in

order to break it down.

e) The political parties that make up Mikulas Dzurinda’s government have been unable
to resolve their differences peacefully.

08. With respect to Vladimir Meciar, which of the following is not stated or implied in the article?

a) Slovakia achieved its status as a separate and independent country with minimal
participation form Vladimir Meciar.

b) Vladimir Meciar acted like a gangster when he was the head of Slovakia.

c) A majority of Slovaks were pleased when Vladimir Meciar was arrested.

d) Despite his arrest, Vladimir Meciar could once again become the head of Slovakia.

e) Vladimir Meciar is a Slovak nationalist who wants to keep his country out of NATO.

09. You can infer from the information in the article that if present Slovak government falls, the
man likely to be the most immediately affected is

a) Vladimir Meciar

b) Josef Migas

c) Michal Kovac

d) Mikulas Dzurinda

e) Grigorij Meseznikov

10. You can infer from the information in the article that

a) Vladimir Meciar will spend many years in jail.

b) Slovak in general want to ally themselves with the West.

c) Slovak Gypsies are being unfairly treated in Belgium.

d) at moment, unemployment in Slovakia has reached acceptable levels.

e) with unemployment coming down, foreign investment should make the Slovak
economy grow by around 3% this year.

O Simple Past é basicamente usado para narrar eventos ou fatos do passado, ocorridos em
tempo determinado. Veja abaixo alguns dos advérbios e expressões de tempo utilizados com
este tempo verbal:

 yesterday = ontem
 last week/month/year etc = semana/mês/ano passado(a)…
 ….ago = …. atrás (Ex: two days ago = dois dias atrás)

A forma geral de conjugação dos verbos é a seguinte:

Sujeito + verbo no passado

Mas antes de conjugarmos o verbo, precisamos analisar se ele é um verbo regular ou irregular.


Verbos regulares têm a mesma terminação no passado. Basta acrescentar ED ao verbo para
formar o passado. Alguns verbos, porém, apresentam particularidades.

Veja algumas frases:

I watched tv last night. (Eu assisti tv noite passada.)

We visited our grandmother last Sunday. (Nós visitamos nossa avó domingo passado.)
They worked all day. (Eles trabalharam o dia todo.)


 Y precedido de consoante
Nesse caso, trocamos o “Y” por “I” e acrescentamos ED.

Ex: cry (chorar) => cried

study (estudar) => studied

 Y precedido de vogal
Apenas acrescentamos ED.

Ex: play (jogar, brincar, tocar) => played

Obey (obedecer) => obeyed

 Terminações em E ou EE
Só acrescentamos um D.

Ex: dance (dançar) => danced

Agree (concordar) => agreed

Neste caso, repetimos a última consoante antes de acrescentarmos o ED

Ex: stop => stopped

Verbos com duas ou mais sílabas:

Nesse caso, repetimos a última consoante antes de acrescentarmos o ED somente se o
verbo for oxítono.

Ex: prefer => preferred

Obs: os verbos paroxítonos não se aplicam à regra:
enter => entered
transfer => transfered

Verbos terminados em L:

Caso o verbo termine em L, a repetição da última consoante será facultativa. Normalmente,

esta repetição ocorre no inglês britânico e não no americano.

Ex: travel => travelled (britânico) ou traveled (americano)

cancel => cancelled (britânico) ou canceled (americano)


Tais verbos não seguem regras quanto à formação do passado, portanto, nesse caso, o melhor
a fazer é consultar uma tabela de verbos irregulares. Vejamos alguns exemplos:


Infinitive Past Past Prticiple Translation

(Infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio Passado) (Tradução)

arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se

awake awoke awoken despertar, acordar

be was, were been ser, estar

bear bore born, borne suportar, dar a luz

beat beat beaten bater, espancar

become became become tornar-se

befall befell befallen acontecer

beget begot begotten, begot procriar, gerar

begin began begun começar, iniciar

behold beheld beheld contemplar

bend bent bent curvar, dobrar

bet bet bet apostar

bid bid bid oferecer, concorrer

bind bound bound unir, encadernar

bite bit bitten morder, engolir a isca

bleed bled bled sangrar, ter hemorragia

blow blew blown (as)soprar, estourar

break broke broken quebrar, romper

breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir

bring brought brought trazer

broadcast broadcast broadcast irradiar, transmitir

build built built construir, edificar

buy bought bought comprar

cast cast cast arremessar, lançar

catch caught caught pegar, capturar

choose chose chosen escolher

cling clung clung aderir, segurar-se

come came come vir; atingir o orgasmo

cost cost cost custar

creep crept crept rastejar, gatinhar

cut cut cut cortar; reduzir

deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar

dig dug dug cavar, cavoucar

do did done fazer

draw drew drawn sacar, desenhar

drink drank drunk beber

drive drove driven dirigir, ir de carro

eat ate eaten comer

fall fell fallen cair

feed fed fed alimentar, nutrir

feel felt felt sentir, sentir-se

fight fought fought lutar; batalhar

find found found achar, encontrar

flee fled fled fugir, escapar

fling flung flung arremessar

fly flew flown voar, pilotar

forbid forbade forbidden proibir

forget forgot forgot, forgotten esquecer

forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

freeze froze frozen congelar, paralizar

get got gotten, got obter, conseguir

give gave given dar, conceder

go went gone ir

grind ground ground moer

grow grew grown crescer,


have had had ter, beber, comer

hear heard heard ouvir, escutar

hide hid hidden, hid esconder

hit hit hit bater, ferir

hold held held segurar

hurt hurt hurt machucar, ferir

keep kept kept guardar, manter

know knew known saber, conhecer

lay laid laid pôr (ovos)

lead led led liderar, guiar

leave left left deixar, partir

lend lent lent dar emprestado

let let let deixar, alugar

lie lay lain deitar(se)

lose lost lost perder, extraviar

make made made fazer, fabricar

mean meant meant significar

meet met met encontrar, conhecer

overcome overcame overcome superar

overtake overtook overtaken alcançar, surpreender

pay paid paid pagar

put put put colocar, pôr

quit quit quit abandonar, largar de...

read read read ler

ride rode ridden andar, cavalgar

ring rang rung tocar (campainha)

rise rose risen subir, erguer-se

run ran run correr, concorrer

saw sawed sawn serrar

say said said dizer

see saw seen ver; entender

seek sought sought procurar

sell sold sold vender

send sent sent mandar, enviar

set set set pôr, colocar, ajustar

shake shook shaken sacudir, tremer

shed shed shed derramar, deixar cair

shine shone shone brilhar, reluzir

shoot shot shot atirar, alvejar

show showed shown mostrar, exibir

shrink shrank shrunk encolher, contrair

shut shut shut fechar, cerrar

sing sang sung cantar

sink sank sunk afundar, submergir

sit sat sat sentar

slay slew slain matar, assassinar

sleep slept slept dormir

slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar

sling slung slung atirar, arremessar

speak spoke spoken falar

spend spent spent gastar, passar (tempo)

spin spun spun girar, rodopiar

spit spit, spat spit, spat cuspir

spread spread spread espalhar, difundir

spring sprang sprung saltar, pular

stand stood stood ficar de pé, agüentar

steal stole stolen roubar, furtar

stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar, enfiar

sting stung stung picar c/ ferrão(inseto)

stink stank stunk cheirar mal, feder

strike struck struck golpear, bater

string strung strung encordoar, amarrar

strive strove striven esforçar-se, lutar

swear swore sworn jurar, prometer

sweep swept swept varrer

swim swam swum nadar

swing swung swung balançar, alternar

take took taken tomar, pegar, aceitar

teach taught taught ensinar, dar aula

tear tore torn rasgar, despedaçar

tell told told contar (uma história)

think thought thought pensar

throw threw thrown atirar, arremessar

tread trod trodden pisar, trilhar, seguir

undergo underwent undergone submeter-se a, suportar

understand understood understood entender, compreender

uphold upheld upheld sustentar, apoiar

wear wore worn vestir, usar, desgastar

win won won vencer, ganhar

wind wound wound enrolar, dar corda

write wrote written escrever, redigir

A forma negativa é feita utilizando-se o verbo auxiliar did. A ele deve ser acrescido o not. Ou
seja, devemos utilizar did not ou simplesmente didn’t. Junto com este verbo auxiliar, usaremos
o verbo principal, mas não mais na forma do seu passado, e sim, no infinitivo. Veja alguns

Ex: I didn’t go to work yesterday. (Eu não fui para o trabalho ontem.)

Para a forma interrogativa, basta utilizar o verbo auxiliar did e o verbo principal, também no

Ex: Did you do your homework? (Você fez sua tarefa de casa?)




It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside

I’m not one of those, who can easily hide
I don’t have much money, but boy if I did
I’d buy a big house where we could both live
If I was a sculptor, but then again no,
Or a man who sells potions in a traveling
I know it’s not much, but that it’s be best I
can do
My gift is my song and this one’s for you

And you can tell everybody, this is your song

It may be quite simple but now that it’s done
I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you’re in the

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss

Well a few of these verses, and you know
they made me quite cross
But the sun’s been quite kind while I wrote
down this song
It’s for people like you, that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting, but these things

that I do
You see I’ve forgotten if they’re green or
they’re blue
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen
Elton John and Bernie Taupin

1. (UPE) What did the author do to show his love?

A) He bought a big house.
B) He wrote a song.
D) He sold potions in a traveling show.
C) He became a sculptor.
E) He sat on the roof and kicked off the moss.

2. (UPE) “It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside. I’m not one of those, who can easily hide.”
These two lines say:

A) His feelings are difficult for him to disguise.

B) His feelings are inside and he cannot show them.
D) His feelings are a little bit embarrassing.
C) His feelings are very funny.

E) His feelings are hidden.

3. (UPE) What does “put down in words” mean?

A) To speak.
B) To play.
C) To read.
D) To write.
E) To look for.

4. (BioS) “John bought some candies” is an answer to:

a) What John bought?

b) What did John buys?
c) What did John buy?
d) What did buy John?
e) What did John bought?

5. (UFRS) While he was in Europe he ___________ many postcards to his friends and relatives.

a) has written
b) wrote
c) is writing
d) writes
e) writing

6.(UPE) Did you _________ your book?

a) founding
b) finding
c) found
d) find
e) finds

7.(UFPB) A forma negativa de “He sold his car last week” é:

a) He didn’t sell his car last week.

b) He doesn’t sell his car last week.
c) He doesn’t sells his car last week,
d) He didn’t sold his car last week.
e) He not sell his car last week.

8.(UFC) Assinale a alternative que contém o passado simples dos seguintes verbos:

to spend – to think – to give – to sit

a) spended – thought – given – sat

b) spended – thinked – gave – sitted
c) spent – thinked – gave – sitted
d) spended – thought – gived – sat

e) spent – thought – gave – sat

9. (UFPE) Choose the only sentence which is incorrect:

a) We didn’t eat anything because we weren’t hungry.

b) He decided to go home on foot.
c) I made a delicious chocolate cake.
d) He didn’t do the exercise.
e) Those watches was very expensive.

10.(ITA-SP) They went for a walk in the park but I ____________ because I get tired very

a) doesn’t go
b) not go
c) not went
d) didn’t go
e) didn’t went

O Past Continuous é uma ação que teve uma duração em um passado estabelecido, ou uma
ação que foi interrompida.


A noiva já estava se dirigindo para o altar quando cheguei na Igreja.

Estrutura Sintática

Esse tempo é formado pelo passado do verbo to be (was/ were) e pelo sufixo –ing acrescido
ao verbo principal. A estrutura sintática das sentenças segue o modelo:

Sujeito + Verbo to be conjugado no passado (was, were) + Verbo principal acrescido do sufixo
–ing + Complemento

Situações de Uso

a) Ação que estava ocorrendo no momento em que uma outra a interrompeu. Neste caso, o
Past Continuous é geralmente utilizado com as conjunções: when, while e as.


When I arrived, Tom was talking on the phone.

b) Em ações simultâneas.


They were sleeping while I was reading.

Outros Exemplos:

I’m australian, but I was spending a few months over in Britain. (Eu sou australiano, mas estava
passando alguns meses na Inglaterra.)

I was watching TV when the phone rang. (Eu estava assistindo à TV quando o telefone tocou.)

The dress she was wearing was awful. (O vestido que ela estava usando era horrível.)

He was drawing when his mother arrived. (Ele estava desenhando quando sua mãe chegou.)

Forma Interrogativa

O sujeito e o verbo to be trocam de posição.

Ex: Was I singing a little song? = Eu estava cantando uma pequena canção?
Were They learning English? = Eles estavam aprendendo inglês?

Forma Negativa

Adiciona-se “not” após o verbo to be.

Ex: I wasn’t singing a little song. = Eu não estava cantando uma pequena canção.
They weren’t learning english. = Eles não estavam aprendendo inglês.

Mais exemplos, desta vez sem tradução, para você ir treinando seu vocabulário:

1) Interrupted action in the past (Ação interrompida no passado):

 I was watching TV when she called.

 When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
 While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
 What were you doing when the earthquake started?
 I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
 You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
 While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
 Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
 While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
 A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?
B: I was snowboarding.

2) Specific time (Tempo específico):

 Iwas watching TV when she called.

 When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
 While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
 What were you doing when the earthquake started?
 I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.

 You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
 While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
 Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
 While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
 A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?
B: I was snowboarding.


 Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner.

Eu comecei a jantar às 06:00 PM.
 Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
Eu comecei a jantar mais cedo; e às 06:00 PM eu estava jantando.

3) Paralel actions (Ações paralelas):

 I was studying while he was making dinner.

 While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.
 Were you listening while he was talking?
 I wasn't paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes.
 What were you doing while you were waiting?
 Thomas wasn't working, and I wasn't working either.
 They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.

O verbo There to be significa haver, existir. Da mesma forma que na língua portuguesa, é
impessoal, isto é, não é conjugado com sujeitos. Assim sendo, teremos apenas duas formas: a
singular e a plural. A estrutura desse verbo é formada pela palavra there acrescido das formas
do verbo to be no singular ou no plural (is ou are no presente e was ou were no passado.)
Ambas as formas no presente significam “há” e ambas as formas no passado significam “havia”.

Ex: There is a supermarket near my house. (Há um supermercado perto da minha casa.)
There are thirty-seven students in this class. (Há trinta e sete alunos neste sala.)
There was a Dj at the party! (Havia um Dj na festa!)
There were a lot of people at the restaurant. (Havia muitas pessoas no restaurante.)

Para fazer a forma negativa, basta acrescentar not ao verbo to be.

Ex: There isn’t a cinema in my city. (Não há um cinema na minha cidade.)

There aren’t any eggs in the fridge. (Não há ovos na geladeira.)
There wasn’t a park when I lived here. (Não havia um parquet quando eu morava aqui.)
There weren’t any giraffes in this zoo. (Não havia girafas neste zoológico.)

Na forma interrogativa, o verbo to be deverá vir antes do there:

Ex: Is there a computer in your bedroom? (Há um computador no seu quarto?)

Are there any plants in your house? (Há plantas em sua casa?)

Was there a sandwich on the table? (Havia um sanduíche em cima da mesa?)
Were there any students outside? (Havia alunos do lado de fora?)


Wasteful consumption of resources represents a barrier to sustainable development in
Brazil. This fact hit home in a big way in 1999 when blackouts and severe energy shortages
affected most areas of the country. The economy lost billions as industry almost ground to
a halt and Brazilian households – under the threat of heavy fines – had to cut back on
electricity use. This alarm signaled the end of the myth of endless energy resources.
Brazilians were forced to confront the reality of waste and conservation; local governments
were forced to launch extreme energy-use-reduction measures – and these measures and
the ensuing inconvenience and financial losses affected everybody, rich and poor alike.
Though dramatic, the energy crisis, plus the steady introduction of sustainable
consumption ideas, has made people think about their role in environmental protection.
According to the environmental Ministry, sustainable consumption means the rational use
of natural resources without compromising the needs and aspirations of future generations.
But still, how effectively can you start practicing sustainable consumption?
The number of contributors to selective rubbish disposal is increasing, but just a few
local administrations have made it an official program. But whether a city has such a
program or not, you can still do something. The NGO CEMPRE (Compromisso Empresarial
para Reciclagem) offers useful tips on how an apartment building or neighborhood can
implement selective rubbish disposal. It also provides a list of cooperatives that pick up
waste material at people’s houses. Check the website www.cempre.org.br. Even when you
can’t imagine how to get rid of something potentially harmful, there’s always a way. For
example, the Ibama page www.ibama.org.br presents an updated list of “collection points”
in most of Brazilian cities where you can safely dispose of household batteries, car
batteries, cellular phones and batteries, and industrial batteries.

It’s still difficult to find products from eco-friendy and socially aware sources; however,
they do exist and are entering the market more and more. When buying wooden furniture,
for example, require the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification stamp. Recognizes
worldwide, the FSC is a guarantee of proper forest management. Greenpeace’s “Cidade
Amiga da Amazônia” campaign encourages local councils to use FSC woods in public
construction. Moreover, the campaign encourages people every time they buy wood
products to mention the FSC. Even if a salesperson has never heard of the FSC, it’s our
responsibility to spread the word. For more information, check www.greenpeace.org.br,
and www.fsc.org.br. Another eminently recyclable item is the coconut, whose fibrous shell
can be transformed into place mats doormats, garden accessories, and fabrics that are
gaining wide acceptance in Brazil and abroad. Coconut fiber can even be made into flower
receptacles, thus sparing the trunks of endangered ferns. Learn more about the benefits
of using such sustainable products at www.bolsaamazonia.com. And what about the milk
you just finished? Well, used Tetra Pak containers, once a disposal problem, are now being
reborn as roofing tiles in a simple process of cleaning, heating, compacting, and cooling.
São Paulo state already boasts four companies working in this area, and products are
cheap and attractive, and provide good insulation. At www.tetrapak.com.br you’ll find more
information. Adapted from Speak Up nº 217 – p. 14-15. 2005

1. (COVEST) The text tells us about avoiding

A) selective rubbish disposal.

B) sustainable development.
D) buying sustainable products.
C) wasteful consumption of natural resources.
E) consuming products sold in Tetra Pak containers.

2. (COVEST) How did wasteful consumption damage Brazilian households in 1999?

A) Blackouts helped them to deal with wasteful consumption of electricity.

B) They didn’t have any damage because of blackouts.
C) They didn’t have to cut back on electricity use.
D) They didn’t waste a lot of electricity.
E) They had extreme energy-use reduction measures because of blackouts.

3. (COVEST) What kind of wooden furniture should we buy?

A) The one with the FSC certification stamp.

B) The one used in public construction in Amazônia.
C) It’s difficult to find this kind of wooden furniture.
D) FSC means Forest Stewardship Council.
E) It’s our responsibility to spread the word FSC.

4.(BioS) I _______________ to work when I _______ a horrible accident on the road.

A) drove – saw
B) was driving – saw
C) drove – was seeing
D) driving – seeing
E) drove – seed

5. (BioS) Complete with the correct form of the verb there to be.

a) ______________ any milk in the fridge?

b) ______________ some chairs in the kitchen.
c) How many students _________ in your class?
d) How many people ___________ at the party last night?
e) ________________ a watermelon on the table.
f) ________________ a television in my bedroom. We only watch tv in the leaving
g) ____________ a message on your answer phone yesterday?
h) ____________ a strange man in front of the house so I called the police.
i) ____________ two car accidents in India last weekend.
j) ____________ any interesting films at the cinema so I decided to go to the
theater and watch a play instead.

6.(UCSAL) Choose the correct alternative:

a)They were playing golf when it started to rain.

b)His mobile phone rang when he was driving.
c)I was having a coffee when I saw her.
d)He looked at the tower when someone was taking his bag.
e)When Alex arrived at JFK International airport she looked around but she didn’t see
anybody there to meet her.

7.(UPE) Select the sentence which is in the Past Continuous Tense.

a. I’m going to have dinner with some friends.

b. He was an excellent musician.
c. How long have you been living here?
d. She got up at half past five.
e. I was just trying to talk to her.

8.(BioS) Complete with the past continuous or past simple:

It was a cold dark night evening in November. It was six o’clock and people
_________________(go) home from work. Vanessa ______________ (drive) out of the
town. She ______ (be) in a hurry, but she wasn’t going home. She ______________ (stop)
to buy a bottle of wine, and then ___________ (get) back into the car and continued driving.

9.(URCA) Which sentence has an inappropriate use of the past continuous tense?

a) I was listening to the radio when I heard the news.

b) What were you doing two hours ago?
c) I was liking the book the very much.
d)She wasn’t sleeping. She was actually pretending! She always does that to avoid
going to school.
e)Who was following you?

10. (BioS) Complete as frases com a forma correta do

verbo there be: there is (not), there are (not).

a. ______a book on the table. Is it yours? No, it isn’t.

b._____some people in the room. Who are they?

c.______ a post office near here? Yes, _______ .

d.________any cheese in the fridge? No,_______ , but ______ some butter.

e.________ any chairs in the living room? No, _______ .

f. How many bedrooms _______ in your house?_______three bedrooms.

g.________ a lot of people in the market today.

h.______enough chairs. We need to borrow some more.

Punctual =>
Early =>
Full => Late =>
Empty => Rich =>
Violent => Poor =>
Quiet => Beautiful =>
Shy => Ugly =>
Mean => Pretty =>
Clean => Handsome =>
Dirty => Comfortable =>
High => Tight =>
Loud => Hard =>
Tall => Light =>
Short => Heavy =>
Long =>
Small =>
Big =>
Wet =>
Dry => Bad =>
Difficult => Bright =>
Easy => Fair =>
Worried => Dark =>
Hungry => Clumsy =>
Thirsty => Dizzy =>
Tired => Mad =>
Afraid => Crazy =>
Scared => Nasty =>
Polite => Dull =>
Lazy => Fat =>
Hard-working => Thin =>
Messy => Funny =>

Great => Hot =>
Kind => Cloudy =>
Poisonous => Friendly =>
Safe => Nasty =>
Dangerous => Nice =>
Noisy => Cheap =>
New => Expensive =>
Young => Rare =>
Old => Fast =>
Odd => Slow =>
Weird => Careful =>
Gorgeous => Quick =>
Happy => Silly =>
Ill => Yummy =>
Sick => Fancy =>
Cold =>

The colours:

Nós empregamos o adjetivo para dar uma qualidade ao substantivo.

Ex: That house is very big. (Aquela casa é muito grande.)

Duas regras devem ser observadas quanto ao uso dos adjetivos:

b. Os adjetivos devem ser empregados sempre antes dos substantivos;

c. Os adjetivos não poderão ser flexionados, ou seja, deverão permanecer sempre
no singular.

Ex: Robert is a responsible student. (e não student responsible)

Fortaleza and João Pessoal are beautiful cities. (e não beautiful cities)

Para comparer conceitos, coisas e pessoas, usamos as formas comparatives dos adjetivos. Os
comparativos são os seguintes:

Comparative of superiority

 Adjetivos com uma sílaba => Acrescentamos ER + than ao adjetivo:

Ex: I am taller than you.

 Adjetivos com uma ou mais sílabas, terminados com consoante + y =>

Substituímos o y por i e acrescentamos ER + than ao adjetivo:

Ex: Jim Carrey is funny. He is funnier than Eddie Murphy.

 Adjetivos com duas ou mais sílabas => usamos more antes do adjetivo, seguido
de than:

Ex: Julia Roberts is more famous than Demi Moore.

 Adjetivos com uma sílaba terminado em consoante + vogal + consoante =>

Dobramos a última consoante antes de acrescentar ER + than:

Ex: São Paulo is bigger than Salvador.

Comparative of equality

No comparativo de igualdade, utilizamos as + adjetivo + as:

Ex: History is as interesting as Geography.

He isn’t as fat as his brother.

Nas frases negativas, também é possível a estrutura not so + adjetivo + as:

Ex: Mark isn’t so young as Karl.

Comparative of inferiority

No comparative de inferioridade, usamos less antes do adjetivo, seguido de than:

Ex: A computer is less expensive than a laptop.


good => better than

bad => worse than
far => farther/further than


Nós usamos o comparativo para comparar dois elementos. Quando temos três ou mais
elementos e queremos destacar um deles em relação aos demais, nós empregamos o

 Adjetivo com uma sílaba => the + adj + EST

Ex: Kevin is the smartest student in our class.

 Adjetivo com uma ou duas sílabas terminado em consoante + y => the + adj(
sem o y) + IEST

Ex: English is the easiest language.

 Adjetivo com duas ou mais sílabas => the most + adj

Sushi is the most delicious food.

 Adjetivo com uma sílaba terminado em consoante + vogal + consoante => dobra
a última consoante e acrescenta EST

Ex: Brazil is the biggest country in South America.


good => the best

bad => the worst
far => the farthest/furthest

 Para formar o superlativo de inferioridade, usaremos the least antes dos


Paul is the least strong player in the team.


(BioS) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives.

1. When winter comes, the days get…………….(cold).

2. I have three dogs. Toby is the ………………(big).The other two are………..(small).

3. December, January, February, and March are the ……………..(hot) months of the year in our

4. Is the Bible the …………….(thick) book in the world?

5. Is the red shirt………………(cheap) than the blue shirt?

6. Nick is very handsome, but his brother is the …………….(ugly) boy I know.

7. Carol is ……………(happy) today because she is going out with Nick.

8. We are very late! Let’s take the ……………..(short) way to school.

9. Is your hair …………………(long) than Mary’s?

10. Gordon is the …………(strong) person on earth.

Choose the correct alternative.

01. (PUC) Papyrus was used ____________ than paper.

a) early

b) earlier

c) more early

d) earlyer

e) earliest

02. (OSEC) The more I study __________ I know.

a) less

b) the more

c) the least

d) more

e) the most

03. (PUC) The “Herald” is __________ newspaper in the town.

a) the importantest

b) the more important

c) the less important

d) the most important

e) the importanter

04. (FMU) That table is __________ than this one.

a) long

b) more long

c) longest

d) longer

e) most long

05. (MACK – HUM) This book is ______________ the last one we used.

a) worst than

b) more good than

c) worse than

d) gooder than

e) best than

06. (MACK – HUM) Have you heard about the _________ news?

a) latest

b) lasted

c) more last

d) most often

e) laterest

07. (PUC) She’s surely the ____________ girl in town.

a) prettiest

b) most pretty

c) prettier

d) prettiest

e) prettier

08. (PUC) Riding a horse is not ___________ riding a bicycle.

a) so easy as

b) easyer than

c) more easy than

d) the least easy

e) so easy so

09. (PUC) Today the weather is ______________ than yesterday.

a) more had

b) worse

c) baddest

d) bedest

e) the worst

10. (FMU) The ____________ we study, the __________.

a) most – best

b) more – worst

c) less – worst

d) less – worse

e) least – best



We all know we must get some sun to maintain good health, but if you stay on the beach for
hours without any protection you may be asking for trouble. Read the text and find out what you
should do to lower your risk of sunburn and skin cancer.

Fry now, pay later

Many people go to the beach to get “that nice tan”.They should be careful,recommends Dr.
Christopher Zachary,a professor of dermatology at the University of Michigan Medical Center.
Although some sun is beneficial and even necessary if you want to stay healthy,you should not
expose yourself to the sunlight without a protection for a long time. It may cause melanoma, a
particularly deadly form of skin cancer.

To avoid the ill effects of too much radiation from the sun,people ought to take it slow” increasing
the time gradually. “You must not stay out in the sun during the peak hours ( from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m.)”, Dr. Zachary warns emphatically.”That’s when the sun’s rays are most intense”.

If you want to maintain “that nice tan”, you should use a good sunscreen, one with SPF rating of
at least 15. Light-skinned people should protect themselves with an SPF rating of 30. Try to find
a sunscreen that contains Parsol 1789, a new ingredient that is very efficient against the harmful
ultraviolet rays. But you should never rely on sunscreen as your only protection. A good idea is
to wear a long-sleeve shirt to protect those vulnerable areas on the shoulders and back. Don’t
forget to wear a hat,and you can keep 70% of the sun’s rays off your face and neck.

( adapted and updated from USA Today, April 12, 1984, and Time, June 29, 1998.)


What’s it all about?

1. Que elemento da natureza é a “estrela”, a personagem principal de “Fry now, Pay later”? A
ênfase do texto está em que aspectos desse elemento da natureza - benéficos ou maléficos?
Qual é o tom usado pelo autor? Advertência e conselho ou proibição? Responda em inglês: o
que acontece se você “fry now…”?




2. O título do texto faz um jogo de palavras com “Fly now, Pay later“, comum em anúncios de
companhias de avião. Observe o título e descubra o produto anunciado neste caso. Que
relação esse produto tem com o verbo “fry”? Afinal, que advertência está implícita no título?




Encontre os substantivos que completam as locuções nominais:

a. people
b. effects
c. shirt
d. trouble
e. tan
f. cancer
g. form
h. rating

1. a long-sleeve ………….. (uma camisa de mangas compridas)

2. light-skinned ……………. (pessoas de pele clara)

3. that nice ……………….. ( aquele belo bronzeado)

4. ill ……………….. (maus efeitos)

5. a deadly …………….. ( uma forma mortal)

6. an SPF ………………… (classificação quanto ao fator de proteção solar)

7. serious …………………… (problema sério)

8. skin ……………………. (câncer de pele)

Complete as frases com palavras do texto.

1. ………… it was raining, the kids wanted to go to the beach.
a. But
b. However
c. Although
d. During
2. Are you for or ………… abortion?

a. again
b. without
c. never
d. against
3. Stress …………… your resistance to other diseases.
a. asks for
b. lowers
c. protects
d. avoids
4. I don’t know Michael’s adress , but I can ………….. .
a. rely on it
b. find it out
c. choose it
d. warn it
5. You should study ………….. one hour every day.
a. too much
b. even
c. at least
d. at last
6. John is in the kitchen ………………. bacon and eggs for breakfast.
a. paying
b. frying
c. increasing
d. wearning
Em que parágrafo do texto encontra-se cada uma das afirmações seguintes?
1. Filtro solar não é o bastante para nos protegermos dos perigosos raios solares.
2. É bom para a saúde apanharmos um pouco de sol.
3. Muito tempo de exposição ao sol pode vir a causar uma grave doença de pele.
4. Não se deve ficar exposto ao sol sem proteção nas horas em que ele está mais forte.
5. O tempo de exposição ao sol deve ser aumentado pouco a pouco.
6.Pessoas de pele clara devem usar filtro solar de fator mais alto.


Utilizamos o Simple Future para eventos que acontecerão no futuro, próximo ou distante. Com
esse tempo verbal, utilizamos os seguintes advérbios e expressões de tempo:

 tomorrow => amanhã

 the day after tomorrow => depois de amanhã
 soon => logo, em breve
 tonight => hoje à noite
 later => mais tarde
 within + 1,2,3… + minute(s), hous(s), day(s) etc => dentro de 1,2,3
…minuto(s), hora(s), dia(s) etc
 next ...week/month/year etc => próximo(a)...semana/mês/ano etc

O Simple Future é um tempo verbal muito simples de se conjugar. Para todas as pessoas a
conjugação do verbo é a mesma. Utilizaremos o verbo auxiliar will junto com um verbo principal
no infinitivo (sem to). O will poderá ser contraído para ‘ll.

Obs: nas primeiras pessoas, tanto do singular quanto do plural (I ou We), podemos utilizar
também shall no lugar do will.

Portanto, temos:

I will always love you. (Eu sempre vou te amar)

I’ll buy you a present. (Eu irei comprar um presente para você)

O futuro com will é muito empregado com: promessas, decisões tomadas no instante da fala,
previsões baseadas no que a gente acha ou acredita e quando nos oferecemos para ajudar ou
fazer algo por alguém.

Na forma negativa, teremos will not ou won’t:

I won’t disappoint you. (Não irei te decepcionar)

He won’t pass. He doesn’t study enough. (Ele não vai passer. Ele não estuda o suficiente.)

Para fazer perguntas, basta usar o will antes do sujeito na frase:

Will you remember to buy the bread? (Você vai lembrar de comprar o pão?)

Futuro com GOING TO

Além do futuro com will, nós também utilizamos o futuro com going to, que é mais empregado
com: decisões que foram tomadas antes do momento da fala, planos e previsões baseadas em
alguma prova ou evidência. A estrutura também é bastante simples. Observe:



Ex: I am going to travel next week. (Eu vou viajar próxima semana)
I’m not going to go out tonight. (Eu não vou sair hoje à noite)
We are going to get married in July. (Eles vão se casar em julho)
What are you going to do tomorrow? (O que você vai fazer amanhã?)

Obs: Em uma conversa bastante informal, é possível trocar o going to por gonna.

Ex: I’m gonna watch tv. (Eu vou assistir tv)


1. (Cesesp-PE) What will Jim do later?

a) He’s given a shower.

b) He’s taking a shower.
c) He took a shower.
d) He’s taken a shower.
e) He’ll take a shower.

2. (Cefet-PR) “… drugstores will soon carry a database program…”

O auxiliary destacado pode ser substituído, conservando-se o mesmo sentido, por:

a) is going to carry
b) will have to carry
c) should carry
d) have to carry
e) are going to carry

3. (Escola Naval – RN) Those containers ___________ all that liquid.

a) will not keep

b) won’t to keep
c) won’t keeps
d) will keep not
e) not will keep

4. (Furb-SC) What are you going to do?

a) I travel to Los Angeles.
b) I do my homework.
c) I’m going to call the police.
d) We’re going not to do that.
e) We’ll think about it last week.

5. (UFRN) Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da frase a seguir corretamente.

He will ______________ almost everything you ask him.

a) do
b) to do
c) doing
d) does

e) did

6. (UPE) _________________ more tonight?

a) He is going to study
b) Is he going to study
c) Is he go to study
d) Are he going to study
e) Is going he to study

7. (UNICAP) “I don’t think.” Coloque na forma positiva e no tempo futuro:

a) I do think.
b) I am thinking.
c) I think.
d) I won’t think.
e) I’ll think.

8. (UFBA) Select the propositions which indicate future tense:

(01) Paul and Mary are going to Africa in July.

(02) The children won’t be hungry anymore.
(04) David is going to study in a good school.
(08) Gregorie is working in Africa at the moment.
(16) David will be evelen years old next year.
(32) David and his family need help.
Total: ____________
9. (URCA) Select the right sentence:

a) He’s going to get married two days ago.

b) I’ll to see a film tonight.
c) We’re going to study Geography yesterday.
d) They went to the library next Tuesday.
e) My teacher and I are going to travel to Australia next year.

10. (Mauá-SP) Passe para o inglês.

Amanhã estarei aqui de novo.



Os Modal Verbs são especiais, pelo fato de seu infinitive não possuir to e
também por ter uma mesma conjugação para todos os sujeitos. Isso quer dizer
que não recebem –s na terceira pessoal do singular. Uma outra característica é
que eles não possuem gerúndio ou particípio. São também verbos auxiliares, ou
seja, precisam de um verbo principal para serem usados em frases. Isso também
quer dizer que eles não precisam dos auxiliares do/does (don’t/doesn’t) ou did
(didn’t) para formar as frases negativas e interrogativas. Descreveremos os
principais que são may, can, must, should e ought to.

Can - Could

Uso do verbo CAN

Can = habilidade
Eu sei como se faz isso.
Eu estou apto a fazer isso.

(positiva) I can speak English.
(negativa) I can't speak Portuguese.
(pergunta) Can you speak Japanese?

Can = possibilidade / oportunidade

Isto é possível.
Existe uma oportunidade para isso.

(positiva) The boss can see you next friday.
(negativa) I can't buy a house yet.
(pergunta) Can you buy a chocolate at the supermarket?

Can = permissao informal

Se você tem permissão pra fazer isso.

Tudo bem se eu fizer isso?

(positiva) You can have a sweet after lunch.
(negativa) You can't go to the movies today.
(pergunta) Can I go to the party?

Leia o texto abaixo, que aborda habilidade:

An afternoon at home

The Robinsons are spending the afternoon at home.

Father– Hey, Peter. I think your brother has some problems with his maths
exercises. Why don't you stop playing with the logs and the fireplace and go to
his room to help him?
Peter– Can't he solve his maths problems himself?
Father– No, he can't. I'd like to help him, but you know I can't, because I've
forgotten what I was taught when I was at school. And your mother could help
you when maths was easier. Now it is very complicated.
Peter– Mum, what are you doing?
Mother– I'm sewing the curtains.
Peter– When are you Going To teach me how to sew?
Mother – Very soon. If you help your brother, I'll teach you to sew. There are
not many boys of your age who can sew. And don't talk so loud. The baby can't
sleep, because you are making too much noise.
Peter– Dad, what are you doing?
Father– I'm very busy. Yesterday mum told me something about changing the
armchair and the sofa, and I'm just trying to convince her that they are still
comfortable. You know it's difficult to convince your mother. Please, go and help
your brother. You are the only one who can do it. Your mother and I don't
remember anything of what he is doing.
Peter– OK. I'll do it. Mum, don't forget to tell daddy that the TV and the video
cassette recorder don't work properly and that it would be a good idea to
change them too.

Could funciona como passado e como futuro do pretérito de can:

- passado: I couldn't speak English before Going To England. / I couldn't go. /

You couldn't smoke in the presence of your parents at that time.

(Eu não sabia falar inglês antes de ir para a Inglaterra. / Não pude ir. / Não se
podia fumar na presença dos pais, naquela época.)

- futuro do pretérito: You could have called me. Could you do me a favor?

(Você poderia ter me ligado. / Você poderia me fazer um favor?)


- significado de permission: May smoke here? - Posso fumar aqui?

- significado de possibility: It may rain today. - Pode ser que chova hoje.
- para expressar um desejo (to express a wish): May all your dreams come true.
- Que todos seus sonhos se realizem. (Esta última ocorrência é mais rara,
restrita a uma linguagem mais formal.)


- significado de remote possibility: It might rain this weekend. - É capaz de

chover no próximo fim de semana.

May Can
I may drive my father’s He can speak French.
Present tense car.

Mike might travel with I could play football

Past tense us last summer. better when I was
I may go to your party. You will be able to
Future tense speak fluently if you live
abroad for a while.


- significado de advice: You should study more. - Você deveria estudar mais.


- significado de suggestion (predominante no dialeto britânico): Shall we go to

the movies? - Que tal irmos ao cinema? / Que tal, vamos ao cinema?

- Shall ocorre unicamente no modo interrogativo e na primeira pessoa do

singular (I) ou do plural (we).


- significado de obligation: You must stop smoking. - Você tem que parar de
- significado de prohibition: You mustn't get out of bed. - Você não pode sair da

- significado de inference, logical deduction: He must be very rich. - Ele deve ser
muito rico.*

* Veja a ambivalência do verbo dever do português.

Há quem classifique o will, o would e o used to como verbos modais. Nós

preferimos deixar o will e o would como auxiliares do future e do conditional, e o
used to como habitual, equivalente ao pretérito imperfeito do português. Leia aqui
sobre o used to.

Também o verbo need pode ocorrer como modal, mas apenas nas formas
negativa e interrogativa. Esta, entretanto, é uma ocorrência muito rara,
principalmente em inglês norte-americano.



1. (BioS) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a


“Excuse me, sir. _________ you tell me the time?”

“Sure, it’s 5:20.”

a) May
b) Do
c) Can
d) Have
e) Shall

2. (UFRJ) In the sentence “ MAY I ask you why you do it?”, the word that best
replaces the capital word is:

b)ought to

3. (Puccamp-SP) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche

corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada.

Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!

Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?
Janet: Yes, but we won’t have to, there’s a life boat on board.

In the above dialogue, the verbs “can” and “have to” express respectively
_______________ and __________________.

a) ability – obligation
b) permission – prohibition

c) possibility – prohibition
d) permission – possibility
e) ability – necessity

4. (Fuvest-SP) Qual destas expressões corresponde a “Ele não deveria ter feito

a)He mustn’t have made it.

b)He shouldn’t have done that.
c)He could not have made it.
d)He might not have done that.
e)He cannot have done that.

5. (UFPE) “Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as hoped

at preventing sunburn.”

The word in bold expresses the idea of


6. (UFPB) In “You should start each day with a song in your heart”, “should” has
an idea of:


7. (UFMG) “Must” in the sentence “Why the monarchy must stay” is equivalent

c)has to
e)ought to

8. (UFC) Choose the alternative which makes sense.

a)I can drive my father’s car. He doesn’t give me permission.

b)You must wear a uniform here. It isn’t necessary.
c)You can’t get in if you are under 18.
d)You ought to study more. You don’t have to pass.

e)I may go to the party. It’s impossible because I will be traveling on Friday.

9. (UCSAL) Parents ____________ support their children.


10. (BioS) In which alternative there isn’t a modal verb?

a) might
b) should
c) have
d) could
e) must

Estratégias de
Leitura 2
Uma leitura eficiente em língua estrangeira pode ser realizada se algumas
estratégias de leitura forem desenvolvidas. Uma dessas estratégias é a predição
– em inglês, predicting. Antes de ler um texto, observar o título, o subtítulo, o
formato, figuras que acompanham o texto, a fonte e o seu autor pode influenciar
a leitura. O leitor elabora hipóteses e mentalmente faz inferências a respeito do
texto antes do processo de leitura.
Outra estratégia de leitura é ler o texto rapidamente para entender a finalidade
do texto ou o seu assunto principal. O objetivo desse tipo de leitura não é obter
informações específicas e sim informações mais gerais. Essa estratégia – em
inglês, skimming – pode ser ainda uma preparação para atividades que exijam
maior concentração do leitor.
Uma terceira estratégia de leitura consiste em procurar informações mais
específicas no texto. Exercícios para desenvolver esse tipo de estratégia
centram-se na busca de nomes, datas, números, definições, etc. Essa estratégia
– em inglês, scanning – é importante quando lidamos com manuais, formulários,
listas, programações, orçamentos, etc.

Antes de ler os textos abaixo, observe o título, o formato e a fonte de cada um

Texto 1

Texto 2

Barbados Does It Best: Places and Prices

All islanders love their homelands, but nobody is doing more to prepare for the
future than Bajans. With all their island has to offer, it's no wonder.

Every tropical island will be faced with defending its coastline from the multiple
effects of climate change, not just for ecological reasons but for economic ones:
Vacationers want beaches. To that end, several beach hotels are recommended
below, though there's plenty more to Barbados than its white strands.

In fact, many of its pleasures lie inland, in various parks and pre-serves, and more
than a few of its natural wonders are underwater.

(The country code for Barbados is 246.)

Lodging and Dining

In St. Peter Parish, on the northern part of the west coast, Little Good Harbour is
built on the remnants of a 17th-century fort that later became a storage site for
sugar. The hotel's restaurant, the Fish Pot, sits atop much of the original
foundation and incorporates a portion of the old fort walls into its own. The stretch
of beach here is much quieter than anything you'll find farther south on this coast.
Walk up the hill on a weekend night—or let the hotel have someone drive you—
and partake of the neighborhood fish fry (439-3000;
www.littlegoodharbourbarbados.com; doubles, $226–$302; entrées, $19-$40).

Texto 3

Agora discuta as seguintes questões com um colega.
1. Que tipos de textos (científico, literário, jornalístico, técnico etc.) você espera
2. Quais assuntos você espera encontrar nesses textos?
3. Que palavras você provavelmente encontrará nesses textos?

Leia os textos para confirmar ou rejeitar as suas hipóteses e decida qual é
o assunto principal de cada um deles.
Texto 1
a. ( ) Um caso raro de câncer sangüíneo.
b. ( ) Efeitos colaterais no tratamento de câncer.
c. ( ) Um novo medicamento usado no tratamento de câncer.
Texto 2
a. ( ) Efeitos das mudanças climáticas em ilhas tropicais.
b. ( ) Problemas ecológicos em praias tropicais.
c. ( ) Um lugar para se passar as férias.
Texto 3
a. ( ) Uma campanha a favor do Euro*.
b. ( ) O fracasso de uma campanha contra o Euro.
c. ( ) O fechamento de instituições bancárias que apoiavam o Euro.

Releia os textos e responda as questões abaixo.

1. Qual é a porcentagem de pacientes que sofriam de um caso raro de
leucemia e que melhoraram com o uso do medicamento? (texto 1)
2. Qual é o código telefônico de Barbados? (texto 2)
3. Qual é o endereço eletrônico de um hotel em Barbados? (texto 2)
4. Quanto custa uma diária de quarto duplo de um hotel em Barbados? (texto2)
5. Qual o número de pessoas que trabalhavam no movimento No Forces em
2002? (texto 3)

Agora releia a introdução deste capítulo e discuta com um colega quais as
estratégias de leitura que você utilizou para responder as questões de 1 a 4.

1. The text above is related to the field of

a. ( ) literature.
b. ( ) law.
c. ( ) sociology.
d. ( ) education.
e. ( ) history.

2. What is the text mainly about?

a. ( ) The contents of language programs.
b. ( ) The material teachers should use in language programs.

c. ( ) The advantages and disadvantages of language programs.
d. ( ) The role of textbooks in language programs.
e. ( ) The importance of teacher development in language programs.

3. According to the text, the use of textbooks

a. ( ) may not help inexperienced language teachers.
b. ( ) provides all the language input in language classes.
c. ( ) provides more balanced classes.
d. ( ) is not used all over the world nowadays.
e. ( ) may present some serious disadvantages.


When I was 25 years old, I decided to move to the United States. I had lived in
Brazil all my life, and had a nice job as a sales representative for a big company.
I thought it would be a nice thing to spend some time in the
US, since international experience is something that really
stands out on a resume. Also, my English wasn't so good,
and what better way to improve it than interacting with
Americans all day? I had an aunt who lived in California with
her husband and child, and they invited me to stay with them
for as long as I wanted.

I started researching English schools while I was still in Brazil - I was definitely
going to need one. The schools were very pricey and I began wondering how I
was going to afford an English course. Then my aunt told me she knew about a
school that had courses for immigrants, and mentioned that it wasn't expensive.
I felt relieved that I wasn't gonna need to spend big bucks to learn the language.

When I finally moved to my aunt's house in California, I went to that school right
away and enrolled in their English course for beginners. To be honest, I was a
little disappointed: there was too much emphasis on grammar and written
exercises, and very little oral practice. I carried on anyway since that was the
only option I had. I ended up learning good English, though not because of that
course. What made me learn was really interacting with native speakers every
day, watching TV, reading newspapers and all the stuff you do in your everyday


to stand out = se destacar

resume (ênfase em 'me') = currículo vitae
what better way... ? = que maneira melhor (existe)?
to improve = melhorar
all day = o dia inteiro
for as long as (I wanted) = por quanto tempo (eu quisesse)
pricey = caro(a)
to wonder = se perguntar, considerar
to afford = ter condição de pagar por
relieved = aliviada(o)
spend big bucks = (informal) gastar um dinheirão

right away = sem demora, logo
to carry on = continuar levando/fazendo al

Q.1) Qual é a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto?

A. Her English was good, but she wanted to move to the US anyway.

B. She thought international experience would look good on her resume.

C. Her aunt offered to pay for her English course.

D. She chose an expensive English school.

Q.2) Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa a sentença: She started

researching English schools...

A. and wasn't able to find any information.

B. after she arrived in the United States.

C. and found out that they were not cheap.

D. but later gave up on the idea of studying English.

Q.3) Escolha a alternativa falsa:

A. She was very impressed with the English course.

B. The school she attended was for immigrants.

C. The school for immigrants wasn't pricey.

D. Her aunt was the person who found out about the school for immigrants.

Q.4) Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa a sentença: She learned

good English...

A. because she studied very hard.

B. because of her daily interaction with Americans and life in the US.

C. because the English course was really effective.

D. all of the above.

Q.5) Qual é a alternativa falsa?

A. She didn't like the course, but she carried on.

B. She had a job in sales in Brazil.

C. She wasn't able to afford a pricey course.

D. Her aunt lived alone.

(Jake) So... How about we try that new Chinese restaurant


(Lynn) Sounds good... I'm so tired though. Do you have their

number? We could order in.

(Jake) We could. I don't think we have their number though.


(Lynn) Ugh, no. We had pizza for dinner every day last week. Let's order Thai...
from that place on Bleeker street. I'm sure we have their number.

(Jake) Great idea, I love that place. Wait, where are all the delivery menus? Didn't
we use to keep them in this drawer?

(Lynn) Oh, right. I cleared the drawer this morning - I'm gonna use it for the new
phone books. I put the menus right here... on my desk. Ok, here they are. Pizza,
no... Luke's Diner, no... Italian, Japanese, burgers... Where's the Thai menu?

(Jake) Right there, under the pizza menu.

(Lynn) Oh, right. Let's see... As always, I'm gonna go with the pad thai. What do
you want?

(Jake) Same for me, and a beer.

(Lynn) Ok, two pad thais and two beers... plus a delivery fee of two dollars...
That comes to seventeen dollars and eighty cents. I have a ten here.

(Jake) Don't forget the tip for the delivery guy.

(Lynn) Ok, how much for the tip?

(Jake) Let's round the total up to twenty. Here's another ten. That'll be a decent


How about we... = "E se a gente...", "O que você acha de a gente... (fazer
alguma coisa)?"
though = equivalente a "no entanto" ou "mas", e na maioria das vezes é usada
no fim da sentença.
order in = fazer um pedido, geralmente de comida, para entrega em casa
as always = como sempre
Thai = tailandês(a)
pad thai = prato típico da cozinha tailandesa
delivery fee = taxa de entrega
I have a ten = eu tenho (uma nota de) dez. É uma forma curta de "I have a ten
dollar bill".
tip = gorjeta
delivery guy = o "cara" que faz a entrega
round (something) up to = arredondar (algo) pra cima. Neste caso, o total da
conta deu 17.80 e foi arredondado para 20, para incluir a gorjeta.

Q.1) Qual é a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto?

A. Jake doesn't like Chinese food.

B. Jake and Lynn don't have the phone number of the new Chinese place.

C. Lynn doesn't eat pizza very often.

D. They used to keep all the delivery menus in a box.

Q.2) Qual é a alternativa falsa, de acordo com o texto?

A. They used to keep the phone books in the drawer.

B. Lynn is tired.

C. Lynn and Jake had a lot of pizza last week.

D. Both Jake and Lynn are going to have pad thai.

Q.3) Qual é a alternativa que melhor descreve Jake and Lynn?

A. They always order the same kind of food.

B. They don't drink alcohol.

C. They like to tip delivery guys.

D. They never go out.

Q.4) Complete a sentença com as palavras corretas: The ............. for Jake
and Lynn's order includes cost of the food, delivery ........ and a ........... for
the delivery person.

A. total, guy, money

B. total, fee, tip

C. money, tip, order

D. guy, total, order

Q.5) Qual é a alternativa falsa, de acordo com o texto?

A. There's a Thai restaurant on Bleeker street.

B. The delivery menus are on Lynn's desk.

C. Jake knows how much to tip.

D. Lynn is going to eat pad thai for the first time.

My daily schedule as a therapist isn't a simple one. Since I work for myself, I
have the liberty to schedule appointments when it's
convenient both to me and my patients. On the other hand,
I used to work crazy hours! Lately I have been trying to have
more of a routine, so now this is what my days are looking

On Mondays I don't go into the office, so I have time to spend

most of the day doing the laundry, shopping and running
errands. I also go to the gym in the evening to try and work
out a little.

On Tuesdays I have a very early start to a full day: I wake up at six a.m. My first
patient is scheduled for eight o'clock. After four sessions, I have a lunch break
from twelve thirty to one thirty. I finish up the last session at five p.m. and get
home at around six p.m.

Wednesday starts an hour later. I wake up at seven a.m., leave for work at eight
and see my first patient at nine a.m. I also finish early on Wednesday at twelve

Thursday is the same schedule as Tuesday, getting up at six a.m., leaving for
work at seven, and seeing my first patient at eight. However on Thursdays I'm
able to leave around four p.m. and stop by the gym for another workout session.

On Fridays I only go into the office in the afternoon, so I use the morning to
organize my finances, make payments and some phone calls. I see my first
patient at two p.m. and finish up my last patient at five o'clock.


therapist = terapeuta (tanto na área de psicologia/psiquiatria quanto, por

exemplo, a massage therapist)
schedule appointments = marcar consultas (appointment pode ser também
uma reunião, etc.)
on the other hand = por outro lado
work crazy hours = literal: trabalhar horas "loucas"; não ter horário fixo,
trabalhar até tarde, etc.
running errands = errand é uma palavra genérica para "coisas" que alguém tem
que fazer na rua: ir ao banco, pegar a roupa na lavanderia, passar na
papelaria, etc. run errands significa fazer estas coisas.
work out = se exercitar, fazer ginástica
a lunch break = uma pausa para almoço

Q.1) Escolha a alternativa que melhor descreve a rotina desta terapeuta:

A. She works from 9 to 5 every day.
B. Her schedule is different every day, but she has some routine now.
C. She usually gets to work at seven.
D. There's no routine in her life right now. Every week is different.

Q.2) Qual é a sentença verdadeira de acordo com o texto?

A. She usually goes to the gym only once a week.
B. She has a free morning on Tuesday.
C. She doesn't work for a corporation.
D. She doesn't have time to do the laundry.

Q.3) Qual é a sentença falsa, de acordo com o texto?
A. She goes to the gym every day.
B. She sees her first patient at 8 a.m. on Tuesdays.
C. She works Friday afternoons.
D. She's able to run some errands on Mondays.

Q.4) Que atividades ela consegue realizar durante a semana, além de

A. shopping and vacuuming
B. exercising and making phone calls
C. taking ballet classes and working out
D. making payments and walking the dog

Q.5) Qual é a sentença verdadeira de acordo com o texto?

A. She doesn't have time for lunch during the week.
B. She never has to wake up early.
C. She cooks every night.
D. She can control her work schedule.

(Rich) So, Angie, have you made up your mind about what kind of job you
(Angie) Nope. I’m still going through the employment pages in the newspapers,
but I haven’t seen anything interesting yet.

(Rich) Didn’t you want to work for a big company?

(Angie) Yes, but that was last month… I’ve talked to my cousin Tony - he
works for a large multinational. The perks are good, but I don’t want to be
stuck behind a desk all day!

(Rich) Really? Not even with a big salary and the job security?
(Angie) Well, of course a big salary is attractive!... But how safe can an
office job really be? You could be laid off any minute.

(Rich) That’s true. But still, a well-paid job with health and dental plan… The
opportunity to be promoted after a while… Think about it!
(Angie) I know… I’m just not sure that that’s what I want anymore. I’ve talked to
some of Tony’s friends who work for small startups... Their jobs sound so

(Rich) Why is that?

(Angie) Well, they have a lot more freedom to create and to implement their
ideas. You’re responsible for many different things and learn a lot. Tony’s
friends said that you usually have to wear many different hats when you work
for a startup.

(Rich) But on the other hand…
(Angie) On the other hand, startups can be unstable, pay is usually lower than
in a big company and the hours can be crazy. I don’t know what I’m gonna
do… I guess I’ll mull this over for a while and try to talk to a few more people
before I make a decision!


make up (your) mind = tomar uma decisão

perk = algum benefício “não oficial” de um trabalho (por exemplo, carro da
stuck behind a desk = preso atrás de uma mesa
be laid off = ser mandado embora
startup = uma empresa que foi formada / começou a funcionar há pouco tempo
wear different hats = (idiom, literalmente: “vestir chapeus diferentes”) exercer
várias funções, fazer várias coisas diferentes em uma situação
the hours = as horas da jornada de trabalho, o horário de expediente
mull (something) over = considerar, ponderar algo

Q.1) Qual é a sentença verdadeira?

A. Rich and Angie are talking about career possibilities.
B. Angie knows exactly what she wants for her career.
C. Rich is excited about working in a startup.
D. Rich thinks a job in a big company doesn't pay well.

Q.2) Qual é a alternativa falsa?

A. Angie thinks a job in a startup could be exciting.
B. Rich prefers the security of a job in a big company.
C. Angie has talked to her cousin's friends.
D. Rich and Angie have made up their minds about where they want to

Q.3) Assinale a alternativa que descreve as características de um

emprego em uma empresa grande, de acordo com o texto:
A. You get health and dental plans and have to wear many different hats.
B. You have job security and the freedom to create.
C. You get a big salary and the perks are good.
D. You get lower pay and the hours are crazy.

Q.4) Rich says that a job in a big company offers security, and Angie...
A. agrees with him.
B. decides to look for an office job.
C. thinks startups are safer than big companies.

D. thinks that there isn't any real security in an office job.

Q.5) Qual é a alternativa verdadeira?

A. Rich likes the idea of working for a big company but was convinced by
Angie that a startup job offers bigger rewards.
B. Angie is excited about the possibility of working in a startup but she'll
give it some more thought before she decides what to do.
C. Tony's friends talked to Angie about the experience of working for big
D. Angie has found a few interesting possibilities while reading newspapers.

A) Hey, Fred! How is it going?

(B) Great! Looking forward to the holidays.
(A) Are you going somewhere?
(B) Yeah, I’m planning a trip to Europe.
(A) Sounds great! Who’s going?
(B) Just me and a couple of friends from college, Nick and Tom. We’re
going to backpack around Europe for a month.
(A) Sounds fun! Have you been to Europe before or is this the first time?
(B) Nope, I went once when I was about 4 years old. I don’t remember much,
obviously. It’s gonna be different this time around! We’re planning on taking
thousands of pictures.
(A) Wow! So which countries are you visiting?
(B) We don’t have the itinerary all planned out yet, but one thing is for sure:
we’re gonna spend a few days in Paris and in London. I’m really looking forward
to visiting the museums, and I’ve heard the nightlife in both cities is amazing.
(A) I’m sure it is! So where are you and your friends going to stay? Have you
booked any hotels yet?
(B) Nope! Nick and Tom want to stay in nice hotels - they have been making
calls to try and book rooms in advance. I’m not so worried - we could stay in
youth hostels for all I care!
(A) Youth hostels… Are you sure? Are they nice?
(B) Well, it depends. I’ve heard great things about the hostel in Paris, for
example. Plus, the subway system is great over there - you can go to and from
anywhere just taking the subway.
(A) Well, sounds like you’re going to have fun… I hope it all works out and you
have a great time!
(B) Thanks!


looking forward to = esperando ansiosamente, aguardando com entusiasmo

to backpack = viajar de mochila nas costas

to book a hotel = fazer reserva em um hotel

in advance = com antecedência

youth hostel = albergue da juventude

for all I care = por mim

go to and from anywhere = ir e voltar de qualquer lugar

Q.1) De acordo com o texto, qual é a alternativa verdadeira?

A. Fred is going to Europe with his family.
B. This is going to be Fred's first time in Europe.
C. Fred is definitely going to visit Paris.
D. They're going to spend a week traveling.

Q.2) Nick and Tom are...

A. calling youth hostels in Europe.
B. trying to make reservations in good hotels.
C. visiting the hotels in advance.
D. taking thousands of pictures right now.

Q.3) De acordo com o texto, qual é a alternativa falsa?

A. Fred wants to stay in 5-star hotels.
B. Fred, Nick and Tom know each other from college.
C. They haven't planned out their itinerary yet.
D. Fred doesn't remember much from his first trip to Europe.

Q.4) What can be said about Fred?

A. He doesn't like museums.
B. He's interested in the nightlife of the places he's visiting.
C. He's going to videotape the trip.
D. Nick and Tom are his childhood friends.

Q.5) De acordo com o texto, qual é a alternativa verdadeira?

A. Fred remembers all about his first time in Europe.
B. Fred's friends want to stay in youth hostels.
C. Fred is very picky about hotels.
D. It's easy to move around Paris thanks to the subway system.


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