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Raio X da Banca ................................................................................................ 3

Assuntos da Rodada ....................................................................................... 5

a. Teoria ............................................................................................................. 6

b. Resumo da Rodada ................................................................................ 18

c. Revisão 01 ................................................................................................. 20

e. Revisão 03 ................................................................................................. 30

Gabarito .............................................................................................................. 35

f. Comentários às questões.................................................................... 36

Rodada #1 – Inglês

Professora Renata Gasparini

Raio X da Banca

Prezado aluno (a),

Para subsidiar nossa análise, segue levantamento estatístico

da Banca CEBRASPE. Para facilitar a visualização, ordenei os
assuntos do maior para o menor percentual de cobrança, levando
em consideração a necessidade da interpretação dos textos.


1. Tempos Verbais 28%

2. Preposições 17%

3. Advérbios 11%

4. Modais 10%

5. Prefixos e sufixos 7%

6. Artigos 7%

7. Conectivos (conjunções e marcadores de


8. Pronomes 5%

9. Falsos cognatos e cognatos 4%

10. Determinantes 2%

11. Comparativos e Superlativos 2%

Total 100%

O programa de inglês cobrado pelo CEBRASPE consiste em:
“1 Compreensão de texto escrito em língua inglesa. 2 Itens
gramaticais relevantes para a compreensão dos conteúdos

Para interpretar melhor e mais facilmente textos em inglês,

você precisa melhorar e ampliar a sua base gramatical e o seu
vocabulário. Dessa forma, estudaremos os conteúdos mais exigidos
sempre mantendo o foco na interpretação.

Temos 7 rodadas para abranger o edital, o que nos permite

abordar todos os conteúdos da tabela acima, dando mais ênfase
aos assuntos que são mais cobrados. Ao final do curso, teremos
uma rodada de revisão.

Bons estudos!!!

Assuntos da Rodada

INGLÊS: 1 Tempos Verbais. 1.1 Verbo to be. 1.2 Presente

(Simple Present). 1.3 Presente progressivo (Present
Continuous). 1.4 Pretérito (Simple Past). 1.5 Passado
progressivo (Past Continuous). 1.6 Gerúndio. 1.7 Present
Perfect. 1.8 Present Perfect Continuous. 1.9 Past Perfect. 1.10
Past Perfect Continuous. 1.11 Future Simple. 1.12 Future
Continuous. 1.13 Future Perfect Simple. 1.14 Future Perfect
Continuous. 1.15 Verbos Frasais. 2 Preposições. 3 Advérbios. 4
Verbos Modais. 5 Prefixos e Sufixos. 6 Artigos 7 Conectivos
(conjunções e marcadores de discurso). 8 Pronomes. 9 Falsos
cognatos e cognatos. 10 Determinantes. 11 Comparativos e

a. Teoria
Olá, pessoal!
Iniciaremos os nossos estudos sobre a Língua Inglesa tratando dos
Tempos Verbais.
Antes de adentrarmos na matéria em si, farei algumas observações
sobre como você pode tirar melhor proveito desse curso. É importante
ressaltar que para prestar provas de inglês em concurso público, você
precisa desenvolver ao máximo a sua habilidade em leitura. Para isso, é
importante que você leia textos mais técnicos na área, pode ser uma
matéria de jornal, uma revista, um livro. O importante é tentar ler pelo
menos um texto por dia. Isso fará com que você, aos poucos, perceba
como os textos são estruturados, aumentará o seu vocabulário em inglês
e principalmente, fará com que você se sinta mais confortável com a
língua. Na hora da prova, se você estiver acostumado às leituras,
certamente sairá na frente.
Não tente ler os textos palavra por palavra. Se você não entender
algo, continue a leitura – exatamente como você faz lendo textos em
português – e tente entender o significado pelo contexto. Também não
tente traduzir ao pé da letra. Mais a frente, aprofundaremos esses
aspectos. Bons estudos!

1.1 Verbo to be

O verbo to be significa ser ou estar e é muito importante na língua

inglesa porque além de possuir seu próprio significado, serve de base
para outros tempos verbais (como os progressivos). As formas contraídas
são muito utilizadas na língua inglesa, principalmente em contextos
informais. Observe sua forma no presente:

I am I’m I am not I’m not
You are You’re You are not You aren’t
He is He’s He is not He isn’t
She is She’s She is not She isn’t
It is It’s It is not It isn’t
We are We’re We are not We aren’t
You are You’re You are not You aren’t
They are They’re They are not They aren’t

Exemplos: I’m tired but I’m not hungry.

My husband is a lawyer. He’s tall.
Julia and I are very good friends.
Pedro and Giovanna aren’t American. They’re Brazilian.
How old is she? She’s 40.


Am I? Yes, I am. No, I am not (I’m not).
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you are not (you aren’t).
Is he? Yes, he is. No, he is not (he isn’t).
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she is not (she isn’t).
Is it? Yes, it is. No, it is not (it’s not).
Are we? Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t)
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you are not (you aren’t).
Are they? Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

Exemplos: Are you tired? No, I’m not.

Is he a policeman? Yes, he is.
Am I late? No, you aren’t.
Are they American? Yes, they are.

Agora vamos ver a sua forma no passado:
I was --- I was not I wasn’t Was I...?
You were You’re You were not You weren’t Were you...?
He was He’s He was not He wasn’t Was he…?
She was She’s She was not She wasn’t Was she…?
It was It’s It was not It wasn’t Was it…?
We were We’re We were not We weren’t Were we...?
You were You’re You were not You weren’t Were you...?
They were They’re They were not They weren’t Were they...?

Exemplos: I was a student. (Eu era estudante.) SER

I wasn’t at home (Eu não estava em casa) ESTAR
You were great teachers. (Vocês eram ótimos professors)
When I was a child, I was afraid of dogs. (Quando eu era
criança, eu tinha medo de cachorros.)
Why was he angry yesterday? (Por que ele estava bravo

1.2 Presente (Simple Present)

O Simple Present é um tempo verbal utilizado para expressar ações

habituais que ocorrem no presente. Além disso, também indica verdades
universais, eventos programados, opiniões, emoções ou desejos
Exemplos: I drink tea at breakfeast. (hábito)
She usually goes to work by car. (ação repetida)
Water freezes at zero degrees. (verdades universais)
My mom arrives tomorrow. (evento programado)
I like big cities. (opiniões)

ATENÇÃO!!! O Simple Present não é utilizado para indicar ações
que estejam acontecendo agora, no presente momento!!!
A conjugação do Simple Present varia de acordo com a pessoa
verbal, com a terminação do verbo e com o tipo de frase (afirmativa,
negativa e interrogativa.) Confira:


I work Do I work? I do not work
You work Do you work? You do not work
He works Does he work? He does not work
She works Does she work? She does not work
It works Does it work? It does not work
We work Do we work We do not work
You work Do you work? You do not work
They work Do they work They do not work

Regras específicas para a flexão da 3ª pessoa do singular (he/she/it):

- O verbo sempre termina em -s: works, wants, needs, thinks;
- As formas interrogativas e negativas utilizam o DOES (3ª pessoa do
auxiliar DO) + infinitivo do verbo.
- É preciso acrescentar o -es no final dos verbos terminados em: -o, -z,
-ss, -x, -sh, -ch. (He does, he kisses, it fixes, she pushes, he teaches).
- Em verbos terminados em -y, precedidos por consoantes, retira-se o -y
e coloca-se o -ies: to fry/he fries, to try/she tries, to fly/it flies.
- Em verbos terminados em -y, precedidos por vogais, acrescenta-se
somente o -s: to play/he plays, to say/she says.

Posição do verbo em frases afirmativas:

Sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
I live in Brazil.

She teaches English at the university. (Ela ensina inglês na universidade)

They prefer italian food. (Eles preferem comida italiana)
He watches TV every day. (Ele assiste TV todo dia)
The Earth goes roud the Sun. (A Terra gira em torno do Sol)
He’s very clever. He speaks four languages. (Ele é muito esperto. Ele fala
quatro línguas)

Posição do verbo em frases negativas:

Sujeito + (verbo auxiliar + not) + verbo principal + complemento
I (don’t) live in Brazil.

She does not teach English at university. (Ela não ensina inglês…)
They do not prefer italian food. (Eles não preferem)
He doesn’t watch TV every day. (Ele não assiste)

Posição do verbo em frases interrogativas:

Verbo auxiliar + sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
Does she teach English at university?

Do they prefer italian food?

Does he watch TV every day?
Do you smoke?
Does your sister live in London?

ATENÇÃO!!! O verbo to do significa fazer, entretanto, no Simple

Present ele é usado como verbo auxiliar que complementa a
formação de frases interrogativas e negativas. Enquanto
auxiliares, eles não possuem significado na frase.

1.3 Presente progressivo (Present Continuous)

O Present Continuous é um tempo verbal utilizado para indicar

ações que estão em progresso no presente, ou seja, que estão

acontecendo no agora, no momento da fala. Com isso, é comum
observarmos a utilização de advérbios de tempo nas frases
(aprofundaremos esse tópico futuramente), tais como: now (agora), at
the moment (no momento), at present (atualmente).

Formação: esse tempo verbal é composto pelo verbo to be no Simple

Present como auxiliar de um verbo principal acrescido do -ing, seguindo o
padrão abaixo:
Sujeito + verbo to be + (verbo principal+ ing)+ complemeto
I am watching TV.

Bruno is having a shower at the moment. (Bruno está tomando banho no

She is playing the guitar. (Ela está tocando a guitarra.)
You are eating a hamburguer. (Você está comendo hamburguer.)
We are cooking the meal now.(Nós estamos cozinhando a comida agora.)
They are cleaning the window. (Eles estão limpando a janela.)

Exceções: verbos que terminam em -e, eliminamos o -e e acrescentamos

o -ing. Exemplos:
He is dancing with his mom. (dance/dancing)
Ele está dançando com a mãe dele.
I am riding my bike. (ride/riding)
Eu estou andando na minha bicicleta.

Forma negativa
Usamos essa forma para expressar algo que não está acontecendo
no momento. Para isso, basta acrescentar o not e seguir o mesmo
padrão do Present Continuous:

Sujeito + verbo to be + not + verbo principal+ ing+ complemeto

I am not watching TV.

Exemplos: He is not dancing with his mom.
I am not riding my bike.
They’re not talking to each other.

Forma interrogativa
Para fazer uma pergunta no Present Continuous usamos a seguinte

Verbo auxiliar (to be) + sujeito + verbo principal + ing + complemento?

Am I watching TV?

Is he dancing with his mom? (Ele está dançando com a mãe dele?)
Are they talking to each other? (Eles estão falando um com o outro?)
Is she complaining again? (Ele está reclamando de novo?)

1.4 Pretérito (Simple Past)

O Simple Past é usado para indicar ações passadas já

concluídas, ou seja, para falar de fatos que já aconteceram; que
começaram e terminaram no passado.
Muitas expressões temporais são utilizadas para indicar o passado,
sendo muito comuns: yestarday (ontem), the day before yesterday
(anteontem), last night (ontem à noite), last year (ano passado), last
month (mês passado), last week (semana passada), years ago (anos
Forma: para a maioria do verbos regulares você só precisa acrescentar
o -ed. Observe os exemplos:
Work/worked – wait/waited – walk/walked
- Para verbos regulares terminados em e, acrescente o -d:
Arrive/arrived – like/liked – love/loved
- Para verbos terminados com consoantes+vogal+consoante, você deve
dobrar a última consoante e acrescentar o -ed:

stop/stopped – plan/planned – control/controlled
- Para verbos terminados em -y precedido de consoante, retira-se o -y e
acrescenta-se o –ied:
Study/studied – worry/worried – try/tried
- Por último, Aos verbos terminados em –y precedido de vogal,
acrescenta-se somente o –ed:
Enjoy/enjoyed – stay/stayed – play/played

Os verbos irregulares não seguem o mesmo padrão de formação dos

verbos regulares pois possuem uma formação própria. Confira abaixo
alguns verbos irregulares no passado simples:

Infinitive Simple Past Tradução

Abide Abode Obedecer/suportar
Become Became Tornar-se
Begin Began Começar
Bring Brought Trazer
Buy Bought Comprar
Catch Caught Pegar
Go Went Ir, partir
Drink Drank Beber
Fall Fell Cair
Find Found Encontrar
Fly Flew Voar
Forget Forgot Esquecer
Leave Left Sair, deixar
Make Made Fazer
Speak Spoke Falar
Take Took Pegar
Recomendo que vc expanda o seu vocabulário nesse conteúdo.

Forma negativa: Assim como na formação de frases negativas no
Simple Present, no Simple Past também iremos utilizar o verbo do como
auxiliar. Entretanto, utilizaremos o did, que representa a sua forma
irregular no pretérito. O verbo principal não será conjugado no passado,
uma vez que o auxiliar já indica o tempo verbal.
Dessa forma, temos:
Sujeito + did + not + verbo principal + complemento
She did not like the teacher.

Forma interrogativa: da mesma forma, utilizamos o did como


Did + sujeito + verbo principal + complemento

Did she like the teacher?
(Ela gostou da professora?)

1.5 Pretérito progressivo (past continuous)

Esse tempo verbal descreve ações ou eventos ocorridos em um

período anterior ao presente, os quais começaram no passado e que
ainda estão ocorrendo no momento da fala, ou seja, ele indica uma ação
incompleta ou não concluída no passado.
Esse tempo verbal é formado pelo sujeito + simple past do verbo to
be (was/were) + o gerúndio do verbo principal (-ing).

Sujeito + was/were + verbo principal + -ing

I was eating.

I was traveling alone yesterday. (Eu estava viajando sozinho ontem)

It was raining last night. (Estava chovendo ontem à noite)

I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang. (Eu estava
tendo um sonho lindo quando o alarme tocou)
I was dancing while she sang.(Eu estava dançando enquanto ela cantava)

Para fazer uma negativa ou uma interrogativa no Past

Continuous usamos a mesma regra do Present Continuous mas ao invés
de usarmos am/is/are temos que acrescentar o was/were. Lembra como?
Exemplos: I was not traveling alone yesterday.(Eu estava viajando
sozinho ontem)
It wasn’t raining last night. (Estava chovendo ontem à noite)
Was I sleeping when you got home? (Eu estava dormindo quando você
chegou em casa?
Were they listening music? (Eles estavam escutando música?)

1.6 Gerúndio

O gerúndio em inglês é caracterizado pelo acréscimo do -ing ao

verbo: running, making, doing, speaking, etc.
Atenção! O gerúndio em inglês não é usado da mesma forma
que o gerúndio em português. Não pense que eles são
equivalentes pois eles não são!
Seus usos mais comuns são:
A) Após preposições: Read more about this by clicking here.
She is good at swimming.
I am not interested in talking to you.
B) Após alguns verbos: I enjoy studying English.
She began learning English.
C) Como substantivo: Swimming is her favorite sport.
Flying makes me nervous.
Learning English is not as hard as you think.

D) Algumas atividades: geralmente escritas com o verbo go seguida pelo
gerúndio: I went swimming yestarday.
I don’t want to go fishing.
E) Como adjetivo: interesting (interessante), exciting (excitante),
amusing (divertido), tiring (cansativo), surprising (surpreendente),
annoying(irritante), entre outros.

1.7 Present Perfect

Esse tempo verbal costuma ser bem complicado para nós
pois não temos um tempo equivalente na Língua Portuguesa.
Porém, depois que você pegar o jeito, perceberá que é um tempo útil e
que nem é tão complicado assim!
Ele é formado pelo verbo auxiliar to have (have / has) conjugado
no simple present (presente simples) + o past participle (particípio
passado) do verbo principal.

Sujeito + have/has + past participle +complemento

Pode ser usado para:

1) Algo que começou no passado e ainda é verdade no presente: I have
worked at Petrobrás since 2010/Eu trabalho na Petrobrás desde 2010.
2) Algo que aconteceu no passado, mas não importa quando: I have
been to London. (Eu já estive em Londres). Se você quiser saber se
alguém já vivenciou uma experiência, pode perguntar: Have you seen
the new movie?

Forma Negativa: As frases negativas no present perfect incluem o “not”

após o verbo auxiliar, sendo estruturadas da seguinte forma:

S + have/has + not + past participle do verbo princ. + complemento

Exemplos: I haven’t been to Canada. (Eu não fui ao Canadá)

She has not read this book. (Ela não leu esse livro)

Forma Interrogativa: Para fazer perguntas é necessário inverter a

ordem do verbo auxiliar na frase. Sua estrutura é a seguinte:

Have/has + sujeito + past participle do verbo principal+ complemento

Exemplo: Have my parents been to Portugal three times? (Meus pais já

foram para Portugal três vezes?)
Have you ever ridden a horse? (Você já andou à cavalo?)

Confira abaixa uma pequena lista com alguns verbos no past

participle. Sugiro que vc aprofunde os seus conhecimentos nesse ponto.
É uma boa maneira de expandir o seu vocabulário.
Infinitive Simple Past Part Participle
Abide Abided/abode Abided/Abode
Become Became Become
Begin Began Begun
Bring Brought Brought
Buy Bought Bought
Go Went Gone
Drink Drank Drunk
Fall Fell Fallen
Find Found Found
Fly Flew Flown
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Leave Left Left
Make Made Made
Speak Spoke Spoken
Take Took Taken
Write Wrote Written

b. Resumo da Rodada
1) Verbo to be: significa ser ou estar. Importantíssimo na língua inglesa,
possui significado próprio e também serve de base para outros tempos
verbais (como os progressivos).

Present simple
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I am I’m not Am I…?
You are You aren’t Are you…?
He/she/it is He/she/it isn’t Is he/she/it…?
You/we/they are You/we/they aren’t Are you/we/they…?

Past simple
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I was I wasn’t Was I…?
You were You weren’t Were you…?
He/she/it was He/she/it wasn’t Was he/she/it…?
You/we/they were You/we/they weren’t Were you/we/they…?

2) Simple Present: utilizado para expressar ações habituais que ocorrem

no presente. Além disso, também indica verdades universais, eventos
programados, opiniões, emoções ou desejos permanentes.
I like big cities./I don’t like big cities./Do I like big cities?
She likes big cities/ She doesn’t like big cities./ Does she like big cities?

3) Present Continuous: utilizado para expressar uma ação que está

acontecendo no momento presente.
I am eating./I am not eating./Am I eating?
She is eating./She’s not eating./Is she eating?

4) Simple Past: expressa ações passadas, ou seja, refere-se a fatos que
começaram no passado e terminaram no passado. Nesse caso, as ações
que já foram concluídas. Utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar do no Simple Past
(did), somente nas formas negativa e interrogativa.
I worked yesterday. /I did not worked yesterday. /Did I worked

5) Past Continuous: expressa uma ação contínua que ocorreu no

passado. Diferentemente do Simple Past, ele é formado pelo verbo
auxilar to be conjugado no Simple Past (passado simples) + o gerúndio
(-ing) do verbo principal.
I was working. /I was not working. /Was I working?
You were working. /You weren’t working./Were you working?

6) Gerúndio: O gerúndio em inglês não é usado da mesma forma que o

gerúndio em português. Não tente traduzir literalmente!
É formado pelo acréscimo do -ing ao verbo e seus usos mais comuns
são após preposições (at, in...) e após alguns verbos como go/went.
Também podem transformar o verbo em substantivos (Listening to
music is my favorite hobby) ou em adjetivos (This is so exciting!).

7) Present Perfect: Esse tempo causa muita confusão pois não temos um
equivalente em português. Pode ser usado para algo que começou no
passado e ainda é verdade no presente; algo que ocorreu no passado
sem importar quando aconteceu.
I have been to Canada/ I have not been to Canada./ Have I been to
She has read this book. /She has not read this book./ Has she read this

c. Revisão 01

In the second type of physical check, the words chopping, burning,

thawing, cooking and baking are in ‘-ing’ form to show:
A) they are words formed with verbs acting as nouns.

B) these actions are taking place now.

C) these actions will take place in the future.

D) they are adjectives describing qualities.

E) they are present participles modifying the sentence’s verb tense.


Atenção: para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo:

What Causes a Super Blood Moon? By Daniel Victor, Sept, 25, 2015.

A rare astronomical phenomenon Sunday night will produce

a moon that will appear slightly bigger usual and have a reddish
hue, an event known as a super blood moon. It’s a combination of

curiosities that hasn’t since 1982, and won’t happen again

2033. (…)

Alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna II é:

A) happen

B) happening

C) will happen

D) happened

E) happens


Read the sentences below:
I. John study engineering at my university.
II. Pedro wishes he can read more this month.
III When I grew up, I want to be a jazz singer.
Choose the best alternative to replace the words underlined in the
sentences above:
A) Studies – could – grow up.
B) Studied – could – grow up.
C) Studies – could – grown up.
D) Is studying – cannot – grow up.
E) Studied – cannot – grown up.


Read text 2 and answer the question according to it.

Kenya’s attempt to stop people from watching a music video
celebrating gay couples is backfiring. Three weeks after trying to ban
a local rap artist’s remake of Same Love, (1)__________ Macklemore
and Ryan Lewis, Google Kenya has refused to pull the video from
YouTube, where it has now been viewed (2)____________ 140,000
times. Kenyan regulators banned the video in late February, claiming
that the content threatens to turn the country (3)___________
“Sodom and Gomorrah” and declaring that anyone caught distributing
it would be punished. But the agency that banned it also retweeted a
link to it—which ended up bringing more attention to Kenya’s nascent
gay rights campaign. (…)
Source: http://qz.com/638461/google-hasrefused-government-demands-to-take-
downa-gay-music-video-in-kenya (adapted). Access: March 22nd, 2016.

In the passage, the word backfiring is a synonym with

A) fighting.

B) working out.

C) appealing.

D) getting stronger

E) failing.


The sentence “For more than half a century, immigrants from the
Indian subcontinent and the West Indies have added variety and
diversity to the rich patchwork of accents and dialects spoken in the
UK” represents a sentence in the:
A) Past perfect tense.

B) Simple past tense.

C) Present perfect tense.

D) Present continuous tense.

E) Past continuous tense.

Communicative approach

The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning

language successfully comes through having to communicate real
meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their
natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will
allow them to learn to use the language.


Practising question forms by asking learners to find out personal

information about their colleagues is an example of the
communicative approach, as it involves meaningful communication.

In the classroom Classroom activities guided by the communicative

approach are characterised by trying to produce meaningful and real
communication, at all levels. As a result there may be more emphasis
on skills than systems, lessons are more learner-centred, and there
may be use of authentic materials.

The word having in bold in the first paragraph of the text

Communicative Approach is in:
A) Present continuous.
B) The Gerund.
C) Past continuous.
D) Perfect continuous.
E) Present perfect continuous.

Leia as frases a seguir e assinale a que estiver INCORRETA.
A) When I called my friends, they was playing chess.
B) The kids were running in the garden when it suddenly began to
C) I was practicing the guitar when he came home.
D) Yesterday at six I was preparing dinner.


Choose the alternative that presents a possible correct interrogative
form of the sentence below.

“In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable.”

A) Does the price of food products has been very unstable in

recent years?

B) Is the price of food products has been very unstable in recent


C) In recent years, did the price of food products has been very

D) In recent years, has the price of food products been very


E) Have the price of food, in recent years, been very unstable?

d. Revisão 02


Clues to How an Electric Treatment for Parkinson’s Work

In 1998, Dr. Philip A. Starr started putting electrodes in people’s

brains. A neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco,
Dr. Starr was treating people with Parkinson’s disease, which slowly
destroys essential bits of brain tissue, robbing people of control of
their bodies. At first, drugs had given his patients some relief, but
now they needed more help. After the surgery, Dr. Starr closed up his
patients’ skulls and switched on the electrodes, releasing a steady
buzz of electric pulses in their brains. For many patients, the effect
was immediate. “We have people who, when they’re not taking their
meds, can be frozen,” said Dr. Starr. “When we turn on the
stimulator, they start walking.” First developed in the early
1990s, deep brain stimulation, or D.B.S., was approved by the Food
and Drug Administration for treating Parkinson’s disease in 2002.
Since its invention, about 100,000 people have received implants.
While D.B.S. doesn’t halt Parkinson’s, it can turn back the clock a few
years for many patients. Yet despite its clear effectiveness, scientists
like Dr. Starr have struggled to understand what D.B.S. actually does
to the brain. “We do D.B.S. because it works,” said Dr. Starr, “but we
don’t really know how.” In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his
colleagues believe they found a clue. D.B.S. may counter Parkinson’s
disease by liberating the brain from a devastating electrical lock-
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/16/science/ (adapted)

The negative form of: “In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his
colleagues believe they found a clue.” is:

A) In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues don’t
believe they don’t found a clue.

B) Dr. Starr and his colleagues didn’t believe they didn’t find a
clue, in a recent experiment.

C) Dr. Starr and his colleagues don’t believe they didn’t found a
clue, in a recent experiment.

D) In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues don’t

believe they didn’t find a clue.


Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.

Harvard study: Men want powerful jobs more than women -By Justine
Hofherr, Boston.com Staff | 09.29.15

Let’s get one thing straight: Women believe they are as capable as
men to attain and perform high-level leadership positions at work.
Many just don’t want them as much, according to new research from
Harvard Business School.

The paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences (PNAS), includes nine studies conducted on high-achieving
groups. Professor Francesca Gino, doctoral student Caroline Wilmuth,
and associate professor Alison Wood Brooks (all of HBS) surveyed
over 4,000 male and female employees from different industries, and
found a big gap between the professional objectives of men and

While women reported having twice as many “life goals” as men -

desired achievements that ranged from having strong relationships,
marriage, a meaningful career, and family - fewer were focused on

professional power, which women were more likely to associate with
negative outcomes like stress and conflict.

“This is a snapshot of where our culture is right now", Brooks told

Boston.com. “If we these questions 50 years ago, or in another
50 years, we might see dramatically different results. Women are
pursuing careers on par with men, yet women are still a little more
responsible for things at home.”

(Adaptado de: http://www.boston.com/jobs/news/2015/09/29/harvard-study-men-want-powerful-jobs-

more-than-women/WQpgG8WdFZWs sfxm40plrL/story.html)

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna I é

A) asked

B) will ask

C) asking

D) ask

E) asks


Check the sentence that contains the PRESENT PERFECT verb tense:

A) What’s going on here?

B) I was so tired yesterday.

C) The boys are having lunch.

D) They have just arrived from New York.

E) Sarah woke up late today and missed her class.

The base form, past tense and past participle of the verb “fall” in “The
criticisms fall into three areas” are, respectively:

A) fall-fell-fell;

B) fall-fall-fallen;

C) fall-fell-fallen;

D) fall-falled-fell;

E) fall-felled-falling.


Choose the alternative that presents the correct interrogative form of
the sentence: “Disease and malnutrition are closely linked”.

A) Does disease and malnutrition are closely linked?

B) Are disease and malnutrition closely linked?

C) Did disease and malnutrition are closely linked?

D) Will disease and malnutrition are closely linked?

E) Don’t disease and malnutrition are closely linked?


Read the sentence below, taken from the text, to answer question. “A
malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal
things such as growing and resisting disease." Choose the alternative
that presents the correct past tense form of the sentence given above.
A) A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing
normal things such as growing and resisting disease.

B) Malnourished people find that their body haves difficulty doing
normals things such as growing and resisting diseases.
C) Does a malnourished person finds that their body haves difficulty
doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease?
D) Has a malnourished person found that their body have difficulty
doing normal things such as growing and resisting diseases?
E) A malnourished person found that their body had difficulty doing
normal things such as growing and resisting diseases.


Choose the alternative that presents the interrogative form of the
sentence below.
“[_] it affects many more people from the shanty towns [_]”.
A) Does it affect many more people from the shanty towns?
B) Is it affect many more people from the shanty towns?
C) Has they affect many more people from the shanty towns?
D) Are they affect many more people from the shanty towns?
E) Do they affect many more people from the shanty towns?


Choose the alternative that presents the present progressive form of the
sentence below.
“Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of land which
could be used for growing food.”
A) Deforestation by human hands accelerated the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.
B) Deforestation by human hands didn’t accelerate the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.
C) Deforestation by human hands is accelerating the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.
D) Deforestation by human hands has accelerated the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.

e. Revisão 03


Read the dialogues below:
I- Do you know I’m working at Macy’s now?
Oh, really? What do you do there?
I work part-time as a cashier.

II- Are you studying French this semester?

Yes, I am enjoying the course so much!
How often do you have classes?
Twice a week.

III- Where are you having lunch today?

At Laguna’s. Are you usually going there?
Yes, almost every day.

IV- What do you do in your free time?

I often go to the seaside.
Are you going there this weekend?
No, because I think it’s raining on Saturday.

Choose the only possible option, according to the correct use of simple
present and/or present continuous tense in the dialogues above:
A) All dialogues are correct.
B) All dialogues are incorrect.
C) Only Dialogue I and II are correct.
D) Only Dialogue I is correct.
E) Only Dialogue II is correct.


Saint Patrick's Day, also known as The Feast of Saint Patrick, is

a traditional holiday celebrated every year on March 17th, the day the
patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, died.

Patrick, who was born in the fourth century, lived in the

British Isles, a land that had been invaded and conquered first by
the Romans and then by Germanic tribes. At the age of 16, Patrick
was captured and taken as a slave from the British Isles to what is
now Ireland. He lived there for several years herding sheep. He was
a religious boy, and he prayed that he would someday return to his

Legend has it that one night while he was praying, a voice

told him to escape from the farm, and find a ship that was waiting
for him in a harbor two hundred miles aways. Patrick got to the
ship, sailed to Europe, and disembarked in what is now probably
France. He ---1--- several of the ship's crew through a dangerous
forest, praying all the time. Neither Patrick nor any member of his
crew was captured. When some of the men were about to die of
starvation, wild animals appeared to them to eat. Events such as
these appeared to be miracles and gave rise to later legends
surrounding Patrick.

Finally finding his way home, Patrick felt that he was called by
God to perform an important mission. He believed it was his duty to
go back to Ireland and convert the Celtic people to the Christian

Patrick arrived in England and became a missionary, traveling

from village to village and talking about his faith. Once, several
members of a tribe approached Patrick and told him that they found

it difficult to understand and believe in the Holy Trinity. Patrick thought
a moment, then stooped down and picked one of the plentiful shamrocks
growing wild around Ireland. “Here are three leaves", he said, “yet it
is one plant. Imagine the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as each
of these leaves. Here they are, yet they are one plant." The
tribesmen understood, because Patrick had used a familiar object to
explain. From that time on, the shamrock has been a revered symbol
of Ireland.

There are lots of stories about Patrick. One of them is about

him forcing snakes out of the entire country of Ireland. Even though
there are many different stories about how he accomplished such a
task, it is probably not true. Patrick died on March 17th, and the Irish
people set aside the day to mourn. He became the patron saint of
Ireland. Mourning turned to commemorating him and celebrating
his life.

Because of Saint Patrick, lots of cities around the world with a

large population of Irish have parades. Green is one of the national
colors of Ireland. Green stripes are painted on the streets where the
parade will travel. People wear green shirts, ties, hair ribbons, and
hats. There are even pubs which serve green beer on that day.

Saint Patrick's Day was made an official Christian holiday in the

early seventeenth century. It is now observed by the Catholic Church,
the Anglican Communion, the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran
Church. The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of
Christianity in Ireland. Not only that, but it also celebrates the
heritage and culture of the Irish in general.
Source: adapted from http://www.inglesnapontadalingua.com.br/2014/03

Na frase “From that time on, the shamrock has been a revered
symbol of Ireland”, é CORRETO afirmar que

A) o tempo verbal é o presente simples, usado para apresentar
uma ideia de uma ação que ocorre no momento da fala.

B) o tempo verbal usado é o passado perfeito simples, usado para

expor uma ação no passado anterior a outra ação no passado.

C) o tempo verbal usado é o presente perfeito simples usado para

indicar uma ação que começou no passado em um tempo

D) o tempo verbal usado é o presente perfeito simples usado para

indicar uma ação que começou no passado e se estende até o

E) o tempo verbal usado é o passado perfeito simples usado para

indicar uma ação que começou no passado em um tempo


The interrogative form of: “For many patients, the effect was
immediate.” is:
A) For many patients, has the effect be immediate?
B) The immediate was effective, for many patients?
C) Was the effect immediate, for many patients?
D) For many patients, have the effects being immediate?


Check the sequence that matches correctly the verb tenses with
the following sentences:

I. I am writing an essay about global warming.

II. His father likes to watch football games.

III. He was a lovely grandfather

A) Present Simple – Present Perfect – Present Continuous.

B) Present Continuous – Present Simple – Past Simple.

C) Present Continuous – Present Simple – Present Perfect.

D) Present Simple – Present Continuous – Present Perfect.

E) Present Perfect – Present Continuous – Past Simple.


The ING ending word is used as an adjective in the sentence

A) “learning English is important for your career.”

B) those students are good at making excuses.

C) “doctors say running is good for the heart.”

D) “Sarah’s always smoking during the break.”

E) “my weekend was relaxing, just perfect!”


Assinale a frase CORRETA.

A) Alex are not your friend.

B) John and Ane is not their sisters.

C) We am not doctors.

D) She is my girlfriend.


1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22

f. Comentários às questões
In the second type of physical check, the words chopping, burning,
thawing, cooking and baking are in ‘-ing’ form to show:
A) they are words formed with verbs acting as nouns.
B) these actions are taking place now.
C) these actions will take place in the future.
D) they are adjectives describing qualities.
E) they are present participles modifying the sentence’s verb

LETRA A Chopping, burning, thawing, cooking and baking são

exemplos de gerúndio em inglês, neste caso os verbos foram
transformados em substantivos com o acréscimo do -ing.


Atenção: para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo:

What Causes a Super Blood Moon? By Daniel Victor, Sept, 25, 2015.

A rare astronomical phenomenon Sunday night will produce a moon

that will appear slightly bigger usual and have a reddish hue, an
event known as a super blood moon. It’s a combination of curiosities

that hasn’t since 1982, and won’t happen again 2033. (…)

Alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna II é:

A) happen
B) happening
C) will happen
D) happened
E) happens

LETRA D Seguindo a estrutura:
[Sujeito + (have/has +not) + past participle +complemento],
teremos “that hasn’t happened since 1982.”


Read the sentences below:
I. John study engineering at my university.
II. Pedro wishes he can read more this month.
III When I grew up, I want to be a jazz singer.
Choose the best alternative to replace the words underlined in the
sentences above:
A) Studies – could – grow up.
B) Studied – could – grow up.
C) Studies – could – grown up.
D) Is studying – cannot – grow up.
E) Studied – cannot – grown up.

I. John studies engineering at my university.
II. Pedro wishes he could read more this month.
III When I grow up, I want to be a jazz singer.




Kenya’s attempt to stop people from watching a music video
celebrating gay couples is backfiring. “

In the passage, the word backfiring is a synonym with

A) fighting.
B) working out.

C) appealing.
D) getting stronger.
E) failing.

LETRA E. Backfiring significa “sair pela culatra”.

Pela conotação negativa, poderíamos eliminar b,c e d. Não faz

sentido dizer que a tentativa estava “lutando” - letra a. Logo,
podemos entender que a única opção possível é a letra E, failing


The sentence “For more than half a century, immigrants from the
Indian subcontinent and the West Indies have added variety and
diversity to the rich patchwork of accents and dialects spoken in the
UK” represents a sentence in the:
A) Past perfect tense.
B) Simple past tense.
C) Present perfect tense.
D) Present continuous tense.
E) Past continuous tense.

LETRA C. Vamos separar a oração:

... immigrants from the Indian subcontinent and the West Indies

have added - VERBO

variety and diversity ... - OBJETO

Perceba que o verbo é formado pelo auxiliar HAVE + verbo no

particípio (add - added). Quando temos: HAVE/HAS + verbo no
particípio temos o 'Present Perfect' que nesse caso indica que os
imigrantes até hoje adicionam uma variedade e diversidade no

Communicative approach

The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning

language successfully comes through having to communicate real
meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their
natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will
allow them to learn to use the language.

Practising question forms by asking learners to find out personal
information about their colleagues is an example of the
communicative approach, as it involves meaningful communication.

In the classroom Classroom activities guided by the communicative

approach are characterised by trying to produce meaningful and real
communication, at all levels. As a result there may be more emphasis
on skills than systems, lessons are more learner-centred, and there
may be use of authentic materials.

The word having in bold in the first paragraph of the text

Communicative Approach is in:
A) Present continuous.
B) The Gerund.
C) Past continuous.
D) Perfect continuous.P
E) Present perfect continuous.

LETRA B. A grande dica aqui é: como ambas as formas terminam em

ing, a chave para diferenciá-las é saber que no presente contínuo
aparece o verbo to be antes do verbo principal +ing. O gerúndio é
formado apenas pelo infinitivo + ing.

Leia as frases a seguir e assinale a que estiver INCORRETA.
A) When I called my friends, they was playing chess.
B) The kids were running in the garden when it suddenly began to
C) I was practicing the guitar when he came home.
D) Yesterday at six I was preparing dinner.

LETRA A.A correta redação da letra A seria: When I called my

friends, they were playing chess.

I/he/she/it-------- was.

You/we/they------ were.


Choose the alternative that presents a possible correct interrogative
form of the sentence below.

“In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable.”

A) Does the price of food products has been very unstable in

recent years?

B) Is the price of food products has been very unstable in recent


C) In recent years, did the price of food products has been very

D) In recent years, has the price of food products been very


E) Have the price of food, in recent years, been very unstable?

LETRA D. “In recent years, the price of food products has been very
Seguindo a estrutura da interrogativa no Present Perfect, teremos:
Have/has + sujeito + past participle do verbo principal+ complemento
Has + the price of food products + been + very unstable?


The negative form of: “In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his
colleagues believe they found a clue.” is:

A) In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues don’t

believe they don’t found a clue.

B) Dr. Starr and his colleagues didn’t believe they didn’t find a
clue, in a recent experiment.

C) Dr. Starr and his colleagues don’t believe they didn’t found a
clue, in a recent experiment.

D) In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues don’t

believe they didn’t find a clue.

LETRA D. In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues don’t

believe they didn’t find a clue.

O verbo believe está no presente, logo utiliza o auxiliar DO NOT

(don’t. O verbo found está no Simple Past, logo a sua forma na
negativa é o verbo auxiliar no passado – DID + o verbo principal no
infinitivo (find).


“This is a snapshot of where our culture is right now", Brooks told
Boston.com. “If we these questions 50 years ago, or in another
50 years, we might see dramatically different results. Women are

pursuing careers on par with men, yet women are still a little more
responsible for things at home.”

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna I é

A) asked

B) will ask

C) asking

D) ask

E) asks

LETRA A. Na frase temos referência ao passado através de "50 years

ago", logo, devemos utilizar o Simple Past.


Check the sentence that contains the PRESENT PERFECT verb tense:

A) What’s going on here?

B) I was so tired yesterday.

C) The boys are having lunch.

D) They have just arrived from New York.

E) Sarah woke up late today and missed her class.

LETRA D. Dica: Única alternativa com a presença do auxiliar have.

They have just arrived from New York.

Forma do Present Perfect - verbo auxiliar to have (have / has)

conjugado no simple present (presente simples) + o past participle
(particípio passado) do verbo principal.

The base form, past tense and past participle of the verb “fall” in “The
criticisms fall into three areas” are, respectively:

A) fall-fell-fell;

B) fall-fall-fallen;

C) fall-fell-fallen;

D) fall-falled-fell;

E) fall-felled-falling.

LETRA C. Fall é um verbo irregular, logo não utiliza a terminação -ed

para a conjugação no passado. Suas variações são fell (simple past)
e fallen (particípio/past participle).


Choose the alternative that presents the correct interrogative form of
the sentence: “Disease and malnutrition are closely linked”.

A) Does disease and malnutrition are closely linked?

B) Are disease and malnutrition closely linked?

C) Did disease and malnutrition are closely linked?

D) Will disease and malnutrition are closely linked?

E) Don’t disease and malnutrition are closely linked?

LETRA B. Disease and malnutrition(they) are closely linked.

Doença e desnutrição estão intimamente ligadas.

Forma interrogativa: auxiliar + sujeito + complemento

Logo: Are (they) disease and malnutrition closely linked?

Read the sentence below, taken from the text, to answer question. “A
malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal
things such as growing and resisting disease." Choose the alternative
that presents the correct past tense form of the sentence given above.
A) A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing
normal things such as growing and resisting disease.
B) Malnourished people find that their body haves difficulty doing
normals things such as growing and resisting diseases.
C) Does a malnourished person finds that their body haves difficulty
doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease?
D) Has a malnourished person found that their body have difficulty
doing normal things such as growing and resisting diseases?
E) A malnourished person found that their body had difficulty doing
normal things such as growing and resisting diseases.

LETRA E. Conjugação do verbo "to find": find (infinitive), found

(simple past), found (past participle).

Conjugação do verbo "to have": have (infinitive), had (simple past),

had (past participle).


Choose the alternative that presents the interrogative form of the
sentence below.
“[_] it affects many more people from the shanty towns [_]”.
A) Does it affect many more people from the shanty towns?
B) Is it affect many more people from the shanty towns?
C) Has they affect many more people from the shanty towns?
D) Are they affect many more people from the shanty towns?
E) Do they affect many more people from the shanty towns?

LETRA A. Ao formar frases interrogativas no simple present é
necessário colocar o auxiliar antes do sujeito da frase. No caso da
terceira pessoa do singular será utilizado o does.


Choose the alternative that presents the present progressive form of the
sentence below.
“Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of land which
could be used for growing food.”
A) Deforestation by human hands accelerated the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.
B) Deforestation by human hands didn’t accelerate the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.
C) Deforestation by human hands is accelerating the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.
D) Deforestation by human hands has accelerated the erosion of land
which could be used for growing food.

LETRA C. Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of

land which could be used for growing food.

Forma do present progressive/continuous = Sujeito + verbo to be +

verbo principal+ ing+ complemeto, logo: Deforestation by human
hands is accelerating the erosion of land which could be used for
growing food.


Read the dialogues below:
I- Do you know I’m working at Macy’s now?
Oh, really? What do you do there?
I work part-time as a cashier.

II- Are you studying French this semester?

Yes, I am enjoying the course so much!
How often do you have classes?

Twice a week.

III- Where are you having lunch today?

At Laguna’s. Are you usually going there?
Yes, almost every day.

IV- What do you do in your free time?

I often go to the seaside.
Are you going there this weekend?
No, because I think it’s raining on Saturday.

Choose the only possible option, according to the correct use of simple
present and/or present continuous tense in the dialogues above:
A) All dialogues are correct.
B) All dialogues are incorrect.
C) Only Dialogue I and II are correct.
D) Only Dialogue I is correct.
E) Only Dialogue II is correct.

LETRA C. III) O correto seria "Do you usually go there?". Observe a

presença do advérbio usually indicando uma ação frequente, que é
exatamente uma das opções em que o Simple Present é utilizado.

IV) No, because I think it’s raining on Saturday.

Utilizamos o presente continuous para indicar ações que estão

acontecendo no momento presente, o que não é o caso, já que indica
um dia futuro “Saturday”. A construção apropriada seria "No, because
I think it’s going to rain on Saturday".


Na frase “From that time on, the shamrock has been a revered
symbol of Ireland”, é CORRETO afirmar que

A) o tempo verbal é o presente simples, usado para apresentar
uma ideia de uma ação que ocorre no momento da fala.

B) o tempo verbal usado é o passado perfeito simples, usado para

expor uma ação no passado anterior a outra ação no passado.

C) o tempo verbal usado é o presente perfeito simples usado para

indicar uma ação que começou no passado em um tempo

D) o tempo verbal usado é o presente perfeito simples usado para

indicar uma ação que começou no passado e se estende até o

E) o tempo verbal usado é o passado perfeito simples usado para

indicar uma ação que começou no passado em um tempo

LETRA D. O PRESENT PERFECT pode indicar ações que ocorreram no

passado e que possam trazer algum tipo de consequência para o
presente; ações ou eventos ocorridos em algum momento passado
onde o interesse do interlocutor está no fato em si, não no tempo em
que a ação ocorreu e para ações ou situações que começaram no
passado e continuam no presente.


The interrogative form of: “For many patients, the effect was
immediate.” is:
A) For many patients, has the effect be immediate?
B) The immediate was effective, for many patients?
C) Was the effect immediate, for many patients?
D) For many patients, have the effects being immediate?

LETRA C. Interrogativa no simple past,

The effect was immediate
Was the effect immediate


Check the sequence that matches correctly the verb tenses with
the following sentences:

I. I am writing an essay about global warming.

II. His father likes to watch football games.

III. He was a lovely grandfather

A) Present Simple – Present Perfect – Present Continuous.

B) Present Continuous – Present Simple – Past Simple.

C) Present Continuous – Present Simple – Present Perfect.

D) Present Simple – Present Continuous – Present Perfect.

E) Present Perfect – Present Continuous – Past Simple.

I - I am writing. A ação está acontecendo no momento presente,
logo, se refere ao present continuos.
II- His father likes to watch football games. Indica uma preferência e
o verbo está na 2ª pessoa do singular do Simple Present.
III - He was, verbo to be conjugado no passado - past simple.

Interrogativa no simple past,

The effect was immediate
Was the effect immediate

The ING ending word is used as an adjective in the sentence

A) “learning English is important for your career.”

B) those students are good at making excuses.

C) “doctors say running is good for the heart.”

D) “Sarah’s always smoking during the break.”

E) “my weekend was relaxing, just perfect!”

LETRA E. My weekend was relaxing, just perfect!

Meu final de semana foi relaxante, simplesmente perfeito!
Relaxing é um exemplo de gerúndio do inglês, onde o verbo é
transformado em adjetivo com o acréscimo do -ing.


Assinale a frase CORRETA.

A) Alex are not your friend.

B) John and Ane is not their sisters.

C) We am not doctors.

D) She is my girlfriend.

LETRA D. Alex IS not…/John and Anne ARE.../We ARE...


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