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PRONOUNS I������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
SUBJECT PRONOUNS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
OBJECT PRONOUNS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
ATIVIDADES DE APRENDIZAGEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
EXERCÍCIOS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
GABARITO������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

Conheça e use os pronomes
Vamos aprender um pouco sobre os pronomes Subject e Object Pronouns, o que são e para
que servem.


Pronouns are short words and can do everything that nouns can do and they represent nouns
that are the subjects of sentences. For example, in the below sentences:
ͫ Stephanie is my wife = She is my wife.  The subject is “Stephanie”
ͫ Elie loves watching movies. He loves watching movies.  The subject is “Elie”
Obs: Os Subject pronouns veem antes dos verbos.
a. It (ele ou ela) refere-se a coisas, animais e fenômenos da natureza.
The cat sleeps. It is raining.
It sleeps.

b. It é usado quando o sexo não estiver definido ou não seja necessário especificá-lo.
Child = criança or Baby = bebê
The child is important for the family.
It is important for the family.
c. He e She podem aparecer para designar animais e coisas personificadas
ͫ Atenção!!

Ship in English: “She” =The Titanic

- I é sempre em letra maiúscula, até

mesmo quando não é a primeira letra da frase.
- You é usado para referir-se tanto a uma única pessoa quantos a muitas.
- It é usado com objetos e também é usado com animais se não soubermos o sexo. Se não
soubermos o sexo de um bebê, usamos it também.
- They é usado tanto para pessoas quanto objetos.
Obs.: Estudaremos nas próximas aula o Verbo to be que tem duas traduções básicas: ser ou
estar. E possui três formas em sua conjugação no presente: am/is/are


Os object pronouns possuem a função de complementar o verbo, substituindo algum objeto

em uma frase, evitando a repetição.

“I bought shoes and gave the shoes them to my girlfriend.”

Observe que them (object pronouns) está substituindo the shoes (object).

O verbo give (dar) que conjugado se transformou em gave (dei) exige um complemento como
em português:
“Eu comprei sapatos e dei os sapatos para minha namorada”. Estranho não é?
O ideal seria: “Eu comprei sapatos e os dei para minha namorada”.
Percebeu a diferença?

Obs: Os Object pronouns veem normalmente após os verbos ou preposições.

- That woman loves Tony = That woman loves him.
- I work with Miss Brown = I work with her.
Let’s try guys!

1. Complete with the correct pronoun:
a) It is easy for _____________ to find a job. (they/them)
b) John is going to London. ____________ is going there by plane. (He/Him)
c) ___________ are good friends of Dave. (Our/We)
d) Where are the other students? They didn’t wait for ____________. (we/us)
e) The inspector said: “Are you calling ____________ an old man?” (I/me)
2. Complete as frases substituindo as palavras sublinhadas por Subject ou Object pronou-
ns. Pamela does her projects on the computer.
__________ does them on __________.
a) Roger takes Lisa out to dance every Saturday.
__________ takes __________ out to dance every Saturday.
b) Steve and I help the children all the time.
__________ help __________ all the time.
c) Susan and Janet listen to music with Tom and me.
__________ listen to music with __________.
d) Jim takes Spanish lessons with Paul and Bob.
__________ takes Spanish lessons with __________.

Replace the bold word(s) with the correct pronoun in the questions 1 to 7.

1. My cousin and her friend were at the mall. _____ were at the mall.
a) He
b) Him
c) They
d) Them
e) She
2. Does your aunt know what happened? Does _____ know what happened?
a) she
b) he
c) they
d) them
e) him
3. The door is locked. _____ is locked.
a) Him
b) Her
c) We
d) They
e) It
4. My friend Linda and I are going on a trip. _____ are going on a trip.
a) We
b) Us
c) They
d) Them
e) You
5. My cats are hungry. _____ are hungry.
a) It
b) Them
c) They
d) She
e) We
6. I never go out with Ann and Marcy. I never go out with _____.
a) she

b) them
c) they
d) her
e) we
7. Is Swedish a difficult language. Yes, _____ is a difficult language.
a) she
b) he
c) her
d) him
e) It
Fill in the blank with the right Pronoun to complete the sentence in the questions 8 to 10.

8. The teacher explains things to _____ very well.

a) we
b) he
c) they
d) us
e) I
9. She loves _____ very much.
a) she
b) he
c) we
d) they
e) him
10. I met _____ at the party but _____ didn’t recognize _____.
a) she/I/he
b) him/he/me
c) her/I/she
d) him/I/he
e) him/he/I

1. C

2. A

3. E

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. E

8. D

9. E

10. B

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