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Resumo – Simple Tenses

Simple Present: é usado para expressar ações rotineiras ou habituais no presente. O auxiliar desse tempo verbal é
“do” ou “does (quando se usa a terceira pessoal do singular - He/She/It)” . Outro detalhe é que, na forma afirmativa,
os pronomes He/She/It exigem o acréscimo do “s” no fim dos verbos.

Trabalhar – to work

I work every day / I work at the bank / I work hard /

You work
He works (john, Josh, miachel, joseph, Mike, Daniel…)
She works (Mary, Suzie, Ana, Sofia…)
It works (the paper, the dog, the weather, the city…)
We work
You work
They work

3a pessoa do singular : HE/ SHE/ IT ... SOFIA (SHE) / JOHN (HE) / THE CAT (IT)

Regra Geral: acrescenta S no final do verbo

Work – works
Read – reads

Verbos terminados em “Ch, sh, x, ss, o”: acrescenta ES no final do verbo.

Watch – watches
Wash – washes
Fix – fixes
Kiss – kisses
Go – goes

Verbos terminados em “consoante+y”: retira o Y e acrescenta ies.

Study – studies
Cry – cries

pay – She pays her bills monthly

She works every day.
She doesn’t work every day. (does + not)
Does she work every day?

They work every day.

They don’t work every day (do+not)
Do they work every day? /
Daily Routine

I wake up (eu acordo)

I get up (eu levanto)
I take a shower / I have a bath (eu tomo um banho)
I brush my teeth (eu escovo os meus dentes)
I get dressed (eu me visto)
I have breakfast (eu tomo café da manhã)
I go to work (eu vou ao trabalho)
I go to school (eu vou a escola)
I work (eu trabalho)
I study (eu estudo)
I go back home (eu volto pra casa)
I rest (eu descanso)
I have a snack (eu como um lanche)
I have lunch (eu almoço)
I talk to my friends (eu converso com meus amigos)
I exercise / run / take a walk/ go to the gym (eu me exercito / eu corro / eu faco uma caminhada)
I have dinner (eu janto)
I watch TV (eu assisto TV)
I read a book (eu leio um livro)
I go to bed (eu vou pra cama)
I sleep (eu durmo)

Advérbios usados no Simple Present

Often – frequentemente
Ex. Eu vou ao Supermercado frequentemente . I often go to Supermaket.

Sometimes - às vezes
Ex. Eu às vezes assisto um filme à noite. I sometimes watch a movie at night.

Usually – normalmente/usualmente
Ex. Eu normalmente vou ao Shopping. I usually go to the Mall.

Always – sempre
Eu sempre escovo os dentes. I Always brush my teeth.

Never – nunca

Every day – todo dia

Eu tomo banho todos os dias – I take a shower every day.
Simple Past é usado para:

Ações que tiveram início no passado e foram concluídas no passado.

Ações que aconteceram em um ponto específico no tempo. (Past)

Ações repetidas no passado (indicador de frequência*)


Regular (ed) X Irregular


Work – Worked

Love – loved

Cry – Cried

Study – studied

CVC – Consoante – Vogal – Consoante

stop - stopped

permit - permitted

occur - occurred

rob - robbed

admit - admitted

prefer - preferred

omit - omitted

control - controlled

drop - dropped

plan - planned

shop - shopped

Ex.: I cleaned the house three times yesterday. (clean)

( - ) I didn’t clean the house three times yesterday.

( ?) Did you clean the house three times yesterday?

1. She _________ the windows because it was too hot in here. (open)

2. The class _________ at 8 a.m. (start)

3. He ____________ to be a doctor when he was a kid. (want)

4. We ___________ at a nice place in LA. (stay)


Ex.: He brought a towel and sunglasses to the beach. (bring)

( - ) He didn’t bring a towel and sunglasses to the beach.

( ?) Did he bring a towel and sunglasses to the beach?

1. They __________ to the gym every day last week.(go)

2. I ___________ to tell my boss about my schedule (forget)

3. I don’t think they __________ a reservation at the restaurant.(make)

4. We __________ junk food almost every day last month.(eat)

Na forma Afirmativa os verbos, quando regulares, recebem a terminação “ed”. “Did” é o auxiliar usado para as
formas Negativa e Interrogativa.

Eu trabalhei I worked (worked here)

Tu trabalhaste you worked

Ele/ela trabalhou he/she/it worked

Nós trabalhamos we worked

Vós trabalhastes you worked

Eles/elas trabalharam they worked

I worked at the Bank yesterday. Did you work at the bank? I didn’t work at the bank.

I studied English last week. Did you study English? I didn’t study English.

I lived in New York a year ago. Did you live in New York? I didn’t live in New York.

I moved to SP last year. Did you move to SP? I didn’t move to SP.

Advérbios usados no Simple Past

Yesterday – ontem
last night – noite passada
last week - semana passada
last month – mes passado
last year – ano passado
a year ago – há um ano atras
a few hours ago – ha algumas horas atras

Simple Future: é usado para falar de ações futuras e fazer previsões sem evidências. Nesse caso o verbo auxiliar
(will) é usado tanto nas formas negativas e interrogativa, quanto na forma afirmativa.

Advérbios usados no Simple Future

next month/week/year
in a few days
in a short time
in hours

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