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Para estruturar uma frase primeiro precisamos saber em qual tempo verbal ela está,
se é presente, passado, futuro, e os seus tipos (como o continuous que vimos até
então). Para cada um destes tempos será necessário utilizar verbos auxiliares como
DO/DOES/DID e VERB TO BE. Existem outros verbos auxiliares que formam outros
tempos verbais, mas veremos eles mais pra frente.

Para o Simple Presente usamos o verbo auxiliar DO. O Simple Present é utilizado
para ações habituais que ocorrem no presente, coisas que fazemos com frequência
ou que são um hábito. Para conjugar um verbo no Simple Present basta usá-lo no
infinitivo. Na pergunta usamos o DO e nas frases negativas utilizamos o DON’T.

EX.: Do you like apples?

I like apples.
I don’t like apples.

No caso do HE, SHE e IT, no Simple Present, devemos acrescentar o -S, -ES ou
IES no verbo principal em frases afirmativas. Já nas frases negativas usamos o
DOESN’T, e na pergunta usamos o DOES.

EX.: Does he like apples? Does she study English?

He likes apples. She studies English.
He doesn’t like apples. She doesn’t study English.

O Simple Past também utiliza o auxiliar do, mas agora na sua forma do passado, o
DID. É utilizado para indicar ações no passado que já foram concluídas. Nas frases
afirmativas nós NÃO UTILIZAMOS O DID, mas mudamos o verbo ao acrescentar
-D, -ED, IED. Para verbos irregulares (que não seguem essa regra) mudamos
completamente o verbo.

EX.: Did you love to go to the party? Did she study at home?
I loved to go to the party. She studied at home.
I didn’t love to go to the party. She didn’t study at home

Did you think about the picnic?

I thought about the picnic.
I didn’t think about the picnic.

O verbo to be significa “ser” ou “estar” e é modificado de acordo com o pronome ou
a pessoa. Utilizamos o AM, IS e ARE no presente. Neste caso o verbo auxiliar é o
próprio to be, por isso não precisamos utilizar o DO ou o DOES.

EX.: Are you blond? Is he a pilot?

I am blond. He’s a pilot.
I am not blond. He isn’t a pilot.

Para o passado o verbo to be também é modificado de acordo com o pronome ou
pessoa, mas agora utilizamos o WAS ou o WERE. O WAS é utilizado para uma
pessoa apenas, o WERE é utilizado para várias pessoas - sendo o pronome you a
única exceção à regra. Também não vamos utilizar os auxiliares DO ou DOES.

EX.: Were you at the mall last Saturday? Was he talking to her yesterday?
I was at the mall last Saturday. He was talking to her yesterday.
I wasn’t at the mall last Saturday. He was not talking to her yesterday.

Present Continuous
O Present Continuous é usado para indicar ações que estão em progresso no
presente, que estão acontecendo no momento da fala. Neste caso, o verbo auxiliar
é o TO BE e devemos acrescentar -ING no final do verbo principal. O -ING no inglês
representa o -NDO no português: walking / andando; eating / comendo.

EX.: Is he walking? Are you going to the park?

He is walking. I am going to the park.
He is not walking. I am not going to the park.

Past Continuous
O Past Continuous é usado para indicar ações que estavam em progresso no
passado. Neste caso, o verbo auxiliar também é o TO BE, mas agora no passado.
Acrescentamos -ING no verbo principal.

EX.: Was he walking? Were you sleeping?

He was walking. We were sleeping.
He was not walking. We weren’t sleeping.

1. Traduza as seguintes frases para o inglês:

a. Você gostou da festa ontem?
b. Ela se divertiu com vocês semana passada?
c. Nós esquecemos de trazer o livro.
d. Eu não fechei a porta ontem à noite.
e. Eles se encontraram no mercado hoje?
f. Nós não levamos muitas frutas para o picnic.
g. Ele contou para ela sobre o problema.
h. Vocês lavaram as suas mãos?
i. Ele não te emprestou o computador dele?

2. Selecione a opção correta de acordo com o passado de cada verbo.

a. He gave me a gift on Christmas
He gived me a gift on Christmas
He gives me a gift on Christmas

b. You weared a dress to her wedding.

You wore a dress to her wedding.
You wire a dress to her wedding.

c. My mother tryied to make a bird house.

My mother tried to make a bird house.
My mother try to make a bird house.
d. His friend bringed some snacks to my house.
His friend brang some snacks to my house.
His friend brought some snacks to my house.

e. She took her kids to school on Monday.

She taked her kids to school on Monday.
She toke her kids to school on Monday.

f. Lucas choosed the decoration for his birthday party.

Lucas choose the decoration for his birthday party.
Lucas chose the decoration for his birthday party.

g. I found the ring that I lost in the backyard.

I foud the ring that I lost in the backyard.
I finded the ring that I lost in the backyard.


1. Complete com a forma correta do verbo to be no Simple Past: was ou were.

a. I .............................. g. Jenifer ..............................

b. You .............................. h. David ..............................
c. He .............................. i. Jenifer and David..............................
d. She .............................. j. My mother and I ..............................
e. We .............................. k. The dog ..............................
f. They .............................. l. Our bikes ..............................

2. Complete com a forma correta do verbo to be no Simple Past: was ou were.

a. John ...... at home last week.

b. They ...... at the cinema yesterday.

c. Your parents ...... at the station at nine o ́clock.

d. Mary ...... in the street this morning.

e. My aunt ...... in the hospital yesterday morning.

f. I ...... at school this morning.

g. Jill and Kevin ...... at the zoo last Sunday.

3. Escreva as frases de forma negativa.

a. Mom was at home this morning.

b. Paul and Mary were in the shop.
c. His friends were very happy yesterday afternoon.
d. I was late for the movie.
e. We were at home to watch a film on TV.

4. Crie uma pergunta com as palavras indicadas.

a. Were / home:
b. Was / yesterday:
c. Were / you friends:
d. Was / your father:
e. Were / in class:

5. Leia o texto abaixo sobre este menino e responda TRUE ou FALSE.

Yesterday was a great day. I was on a trip with my family. We were at

the beach all day. My parents were happy because they weren’t at
work. My sister was in the sea all morning. The water was cold but I
wasn’t in it for long. It was hot and my brother wasn’t very smart – he
didn’t use sunscreen so he got burnt!

a. They were at the beach yesterday True False

b. His dad was happy True False

c. He went swimming for a long time True False

d. It was a cold day. True False

e. His brother used sunscreen True False


1. Complete as frases com o TO BE (presente) e a escrita correta do verbo.

a. We ___________ (not travel) to Japan).

b. I __________ (swim) on the beach.

c. She ___________ (not watch) TV.

d. My mom and dad ___________ (not fish) in the ocean.

e. Sue __________ (stay) at home today.

2. Escreva perguntas no Past Continuous com as palavras indicadas.

a. Your Dad / work: ______________________________________________

b. Travel / on holiday: _____________________________________________

c. Your mother / dinner: ___________________________________________

d. Play football / your friends: _______________________________________

e. My sister / go: _________________________________________________

3. Marque os verbos em português correspondentes com os verbos em inglês.

Depois, escolha seis verbos e crie 3 frases no Present e 3 no Past Continuous.

a. Bring Levar ...............

b. Take Ter ...............
c. Wash Querer ...............
d. Buy Saber ...............
e. Know Trazer ...............
f. Forget Comprar ...............
g. Speak Falar ...............
h. Go Esquecer ...............
i. Work Trabalhar ...............
j. Want Lavar ...............
k. Have Ir ...............
a. _________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________

e. _________________________________________________________


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