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1ª)Choose the alternative that contains a sentence in the Future:

a) You are late for the conference.

b) I meet my classmates every day.

c) I did my homework.

d) The African continent will be hardest hit by climate change.

2ª) Analise a sentença: “It will be raining tomorrow morning”. Essa

expressão marca o “tempo futuro”. É CORRETO afirmar que a estrutura
usada expressa:

a) Um plano no passado que não foi confirmado

b) Um plano futuro que foi confirmado

c) Uma intenção de fazer algo

d) Uma ação que estará em andamento em um determinado momento

no futuro

e) Uma previsão baseada em fatos ou ideias

3ª) Assinale a alternativa correta para completar com o Simple Present:

She doesn't anymore.

a) to work out

b) work out

c) working out

d) works out

e) worked out
4ª) De acordo com a formação das frases no Simple Present, a oração em
que as palavras aparecem na ordem correta é:

a) My girlfriend visits her parents on Sundays.

b) On Sundays my girlfriend her parents visits.

c) Visits her parents on Sundays my girlfriend.

d) My girlfriend parents her visits on Sundays.

e) Her parents my girlfriend visits on

Sundays. 5ª) Rewrite the sentences in the

negative form:

a) I will make lunch.

b) We will meet you at school.

c) She is going to spend her holidays in Paris.

d) They are going to travel soon.

6ª) Underline the correct alternative:

a) There is no coffee! (will / am going to) get some.

b) My birthday (will be / is going) next month.

c) I (will / am going to) by new clothes for my work.

d) She said she (is going to / will to) invite her friends.

7ª) (FRAMINAS – 2014) Levando em consideração as diferentes formas

de se referir a ações no futuro, analise os itens seguintes:

I. Claire is working at the library on Friday morning.

II. When I retire, I am going to go back to Liverpool to live.

III. The telephone is ringing, but I won’t answer it.

IV. James and Sarah are working two jobs to afford a private school
for their children.

O emprego dos termos em destaque está CORRETO apenas em

a) I.

b) III e IV.

c) I, II e III.

d) I, II, III e IV.

8ª) Questão:

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