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She does not play tennis. Ela no joga tnis. Does he play tennis? Ele joga tnis? The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. O trem parte toda manh s 8. The train does not leave at 9 AM. O trem no parte s 9 da manh. When does the train usually leave? Quando o trem geralmente parte? She always forgets her purse. Ela sempre esquece sua bolsa. He never forgets his wallet. Ele nunca esquece sua carteira. Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun. A cada 12 meses, a Terra gira em torno do Sol. Does the Sun circle the Earth? O Sol gira em torno da Terra?

Tempos Verbais
O Simple Present
Formas do Simple Present A maioria dos verbos conjugada como o verbo run, que aparece abaixo. Na forma afirmativa, note que uma terminao adicionada ao verbo nas terceiras pessoas (he, she e it). Nas formas negativa e interrogativa, usa-se o verbo auxiliar does para as terceiras pessoas, e o verbo auxiliar do para as demais. afirmao I run. You run. He runs. She runs. It runs. We run. They run. negao I do not run. You do not run. He does not run. She does not run. It does not run. We do not run. They do not run. interrogao Do I run? Do you run? Does he run? Does she run? Does it run? Do we run? Do they run?

Segundo uso - Fatos ou generalizaes O simple present pode ser usado para indicar que um fato era verdadeiro, verdadeiro ou ser verdadeiro. No importa se o falante no tem certeza sobre o fato. usado tambm para fazer generalizaes sobre pessoas ou coisas. Exemplos:
Cats like milk. Gatos gostam de leite. Birds do not like milk. Pssaros no gostam de leite. Do pigs like milk? Porcos gostam de leite? California is in America. California na Amrica. California is not in the United Kingdom. California no no Reino Unido. Windows are made of glass. Janelas so feitas de vidro. Windows are not made of wood. Janelas no so feitas de madeira. New York is a small city. (It is not important that this fact is untrue.) Nova York uma cidade pequena.

Conjugao do verbo to be O verbo be irregular.

afirmao I am. You are. He is. She is. It is. We are. They are.

negao I am not. You are not. He is not. She is not. It is not. We are not. They are not.

interrogao Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are they?

Uso do Simple Present Primeiro uso - Aes repetidas Usa-se o simple present para expressar a idia de que uma ao se repete ou comum. Essa ao pode ser um hbito, um hobby, um evento dirio, um evento marcado ou algo que costuma acontecer. Exemplos:
I play tennis. Eu jogo tnis.

Terceiro uso - Eventos marcados para um futuro prximo Geralmente usa-se o simple present para falar sobre eventos marcados para um futuro prximo. Exemplos:
The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. O trem parte hoje noite s 6 da tarde. The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM. O nibus no chega s 11 da manh, ele chega s 11 da noite. When do we board the plane?

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO Quando ns embarcamos no avio? The party starts at 8 o'clock. A festa comea s 8 horas. When does class begin tomorrow? A que horas a aula comea amanh? Quarto uso - O present (verbo no contnuo) Usa-se o simple present para falar que algo est acontecendo no momento da fala. Exemplos: I am here now. Eu estou aqui agora. She is not here now. Ela no est aqui agora. He needs help right now. Ele precisa de ajuda agora. He does not need help now. Ele no precisa de ajuda agora. He has his passport in his hand. Ele tem seu passaporte em sua mo. Do you have your passport with you? Voc tem o passaporte com voc?

He saw. She saw. It saw. We saw. They saw.

He did not see. She did not see. It did not see. We did not see. They did not see.

Did he see? Did she see? Did it see? Did we see? Did they see?

Conjugao do verbo "to be" no Simple Past

afirmao I was. You were. He was. She was. It was. We were. They were.

negao I was not. You were not. He was not. She was not. It was not. We were not. They were not.

interrogao Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were they?

O Simple Past
Formas do Simple Past Na forma afirmativa, o simple past tem a seguinte forma: VERBO + ED ou VERBO IRREGULAR. Nas outras formas, usa-se somente o auxiliar did para indicar o passado.

Uso do Simple Past Primeiro uso - Ao completada no passado Usa-se o simple past para expressar a idia de que uma ao comeou e terminou em algum momento do passado. Nesse caso, muitas vezes h uma indicao de tempo passado (yesterday, last year, etc.). Exemplos:
I saw a movie yesterday. Eu vi um filme ontem. I didn't see a play yesterday. Eu no vi um jogo ontem. Last year, I traveled to Japan. Ano passado, eu viajei para o Japo. Last year, I didn't travel to Korea. Ano passado, eu no viajei para a Coria. Did you have dinner last night? Voc jantou ontem noite? She washed her car. Ela lavou seu carro. He didn't wash his car. Ele no lavou seu carro.

afirmao I waited. You waited. He waited. She waited. It waited. We waited. They waited.

negao I did not wait. You did not wait. He did not wait. She did not wait. It did not wait. We did not wait. They did not wait.

interrogao Did I wait? Did you wait? Did he wait? Did she wait? Did it wait? Did we wait? Did they wait?

Existem verbos que se chamam irregulares. Suas formas no passado precisam ser memorizadas. O verbo see um exemplos desses verbos.

Segundo uso - Uma srie de aes completadas no passado Usa-se o simple past para falar sobre uma srie de aes completadas no passado. Elas so completadas sequencialmente. Exemplos:

afirmao I saw. You saw.

negao I did not see. You did not see.

interrogao Did I see? Did you see? I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO Eu terminei o trabalho, caminhei para a praia, e encontrei um timo lugar para nadar. He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00. Ele chegou do aeroporto s 8, registrou-se no hotel s 9, e encontrou os outros s 10. Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs? Voc adicionou farinha, despejou o leite, e ento adicionou os ovos? Terceiro uso - Durao de tempo no passado O simple past pode ser usado para expressar a durao de uma ao iniciada e terminada no passado. Exemplos:
I lived in Brazil for two years. Eu morei no Brasil por dois anos. Shauna studied Japanese for five years. Shauna estudou japons por cinco anos. They sat at the beach all day. Eles sentaram praia o dia todo. They did not stay at the party the entire time. Eles no ficaram/permaneceram na festa o tempo inteiro. We talked on the phone for thirty minutes. Nos conversamos pelo telefone por 30 minutos. A: How long did you wait for them? Quanto tempo voc esperou por eles? B: We waited for one hour. Ns esperamos por uma hora.

She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing. Ela era tmida quando criana, mas agora muito extrovertida. He didn't like tomatoes before. Ele no gostava de tomates antes. Did you live in Texas when you were a kid? Voce morou no Texas quando voc era uma criana? People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past. As pessoas pagavam muito mais para fazer chamadas de celular no passado.


1 - INTRODUO No perodo composto por subordinao h oraes subordinadas e principais. A principal aquela que possui outra orao (chamada subordinada) como um de seus termos. A orao subordinada pode ser clasificada como adverbial, adjetiva e substantiva. Exemplos:

He decided to go, although I begged him not to. These are principles which we all believe in. She said the story was true.

Quarto uso - Hbitos no passado O simple past pode ser usado para falar de hbitos que cessaram no passado. Exemplos:
I studied French when I was a child. Eu estudei francs quando eu era uma criana. He played the violin. Ele tocou o violino. He didn't play the piano. Ele no tocou o piano. Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid? Voc tocou um intrumento musical quando voc era uma criana? She worked at the movie theater after school. Ela trabalhou no cinema depois da escola. They never went to school, they always skipped class. Eles nunca foram escola, eles sempre mataram aula.

As oraes sublinhadas nos perodos acima classificam-se como subordinadas adverbial, adjetiva e substantiva, respectivamente. As outras so oraes principais. As oraes subordinadas adverbiais e substantivas so encabeadas por conjunes subordinativas. As conjunes subordinativas adverbiais classificam-se em causais, concessivas, condicionais, conformativas, finais, proporcionais, temporais, comparativas e consecutivas. As oraes subordinadas substantivas so encabeadas por conjunes integrantes. 2 - ORAES SUBORDINADAS ADVERBIAIS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES) Essas oraes possuem valor de advrbio e so encabeadas por conjunes subordinativas adverbiais. Essas conjunes classificam-se em: causais, finais, condicionais, concessivas, comparativas, temporais, conformativas, proporcionais e consecutivas. Na lngua inglesa h as oraes subordinadas adverbiais modais e locativas. A NGB no faz referncia a essas oraes. As oraes adverbiais classificam-se de acordo com suas respectivas conjunes. 3 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS CAUSAIS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF REASON) 3

Quinto uso - Fatos ou generalizaes passadas O simple past pode ser usado para falar sobre fatos ou generalizaes que no so mais verdadeiros. Exemplos:

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO Quando conjuno, significa although ou but. Quando advrbio, significa despite this. 7 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS COMPARATIVAS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF COMPARISON) Essas oraes exprimem uma comparao. So iniciadas pela conjuno as. Exemplo:

Essas oraes exprimem um relao de causa e efeito. So iniciadas pelas conjunes because, since, as e seeing that. Exemplos:

Just because I dont complain, people think Im satisfied. We thought that, since we were in the area, wed stop by and see them. As it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel. Seeing that hes been off sick all week hes unlikely to come.

It's not as good as it used to be.

4 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS FINAIS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PURPOSE) Exprimem uma relao de finalidade. So iniciadas pelas conjunes in order that e so that. Exemplos:

The firm reduced the number of staff in order that they might avoid bankruptcy. He fell awkwardly so that he broke his leg.

A construo as...as pode ser seguida por um pronome reto ou oblquo. No perodo 'He plays as well as she', que uma forma reduzida de ' He plays as well as she does', she um pronome reto. Na linguagem informal, o pronome reto s vezes pode ser substitudo pelo oblquo correspondente, como em 'He plays as well as her'. No perodo 'They hate their father as much as her ', her um objeto e o perodo significa 'They hate their father as much as they hate her '. No entanto, no perodo 'They hate their father as much as she ', she um sujeito e o perodo significa ' They hate their father as much as she does'. 8 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS TEMPORAIS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF TIME) Essas orao exprimem relao de tempo. So iniciadas pelas conjunes after, as, as soon as, before, once, since, the minute, the moment, till, until, when, whenever, while e whilst. Exemplos:

5 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS CONDICIONAIS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CONDITION) Essas oraes exprimem um relao de condio. So iniciadas pelas conjunes if, unless, as/so long as, providing (that), provided (that). Exemplos:

I'll pay you double if (=se) you get the work finished by Friday. You wont get paid for time off unless (= a menos que) you have a doctors note. Bring your friends by all means - just so long as (= contanto que) I know how many are coming. He's welcome to come along, provided/providing (that) (= contanto que) he behaves himself.

He left after the meal was over. She arrived as I was leaving. Once I recognized him I spoke to him. I recognized him the minute I saw him. We won't know until tomorrow. The thief ran away when he saw the police.

9 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS CONFORMATIVAS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF MANNER) Essas oraes indicam uma relao de conformidade. As conjunes que as encabeam significam in the same way that. Essas conjunes so like e as. Exemplos:

6 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS CONCESSIVAS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CONCESSION) Essas oraes exprimem uma concesso. So iniciadas pelas conjunes although, though, even though, while, whilst (= while) e albeit (= although). Exemplos:

Although the sun was shining it wasnt very warm. Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her. She hasn't phoned, even though she said she would. While I fully understand your point of view, I do also have some sympathy with Michael's.

He got divorced, (just) as his parents had done years before. As I was just saying, I think the proposal needs further consideration. He acted as he promised. It sounds to me like you ought to change jobs. It didnt turn out like I intended.

Observao: No perodo 'She acts like she's stupid!', like significa as if ou as though. Esse uso no considerado padro. 10 - ORAES ADVERBIAIS PROPORCIONAIS (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PROPORTION) Essas oraes so encabeadas por conjunes 4

Observao: although, albeit e even though classificam-se sempre como conjuno subordinativa adverbial concessiva e significam despite the fact that. A palavra though pode ser conjuno e advrbio.

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO subordinativas adverbiais proporcionais e nelas se menciona um fato realizado ou para realizar-se simultaneamente com o da orao principal. Na lngua portuguesa, as conjunes so proporo que, medida que, ao passo que. Na lngua inglesa, as conjunes so at the same time that, as, while. Exemplos:

It doesn't interest me whether you succeed or not. (subjetiva) It doesn't matter when you arrive - just come when you can. (subjetiva) The doctors say (that) it will take him a few weeks to recover. (objetiva direta) She didn't say whether she was coming. (objetiva direta) Did she say (= tell you) why she wasn't coming? (objetiva direta) She asked if he was sick. (objetiva direta) We don't know when he's arriving. (objetiva direta) I don't know (= understand) what all the fuss is about. (objetiva direta) I just knew (that) it was going to be a disaster. (objetiva direta) I don't know whether I should tell her or not. (objetiva direta) George made it clear that he disagreed. (objetiva direta) I think it important that we should keep calm. (objetiva direta) She was afraid (that) he might be upset if she told him. (completiva nominal) I'm afraid (that) we can't come this evening after all. (completiva nominal) I wasn't sure whether you'd like it. (completiva nominal) The news that he won surprised us all. (completiva nominal) We have reliable information that a strike is planned next month. (completiva nominal) I wasn't even aware that he was ill. (completiva nominal) My wishes are that you will succeed.

He gets more attractive as he gets older. I thought I heard him come in while we were having dinner. As she grew older she gained in confidence. Would you look after the children while I do the shopping?

Os elementos que expressam a proporo podem estar correlacionados entre as oraes: quanto mais...tanto mais, quanto mais...tanto menos, quanto menos...tanto mais, quanto menos...tanto menos. Exemplos:

The sooner I get this piece of work finished, the sooner I can go home.(= Quanto mais cedo eu terminar este trabalho, (tanto) mais cedo eu posso ir para casa.) The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. (= Quanto mais ela pensava, (tanto) mais deprimida ela se tornava.) The less it is said about the whole thing, the happier Ill be. (= Quanto menos se falar sobre tudo, (tanto) mais feliz eu estarei.)


Essas oraes so aquelas em que se indica a conseqncia do que foi declarado na orao principal. Elas so construdas com so...(that) (= to/tanto...que). Exemplos:

I'm so tired (that) I could sleep in this chair! It was so dark (that) I couldn't see anything.

12 - ORAES SUBORDINADAS SUBSTANTIVAS (NOUN CLAUSES) Essas oraes so introduzidas pelas palavras that, whether, when, why, what, how e if. Podem ser sujeito ou objeto direto do verbo principal, complemento nominal, objeto de uma preposio e predicativo. Exemplos:

It's probable that we'll be a little late. (subjetiva)

It was really astonishing that she refused to talk to you. (subjetiva)

It seems obvious that we can't go on like this. (subjetiva)


How do you feel about the fact that he won? (objeto de preposio) He asked her about whether he should go. (objeto de preposio) That depends on who else is going. (objeto de preposio)

H forma verbal em ingls que tem valor de substantivo, sendo objeto de preposio ou de verbo ou sujeito. Essa forma o gerund (bare-infinitive + -ing). forma de infinitivo, e no de gerndio. Portanto, incorreto traduzir gerund como gerndio. 1 - A REGRA DO GERUND Essa regra diz que verbos usados depois de preposio devem receber o sufixo -ing. Esse verbo traduzido em sua forma de infinitivo. Exemplos:

13 - ORAES SUBORDINADAS ADJETIVAS (RELATIVE CLAUSES) Essas oraes tm valor de adjetivo e classificam-se em restritivas (defining clauses) e explicativas (non-defining clauses). Elas so iniciadas por pronomes relativos e advrbios relativos. Os pronomes relativos so who, whom, which, that e whose. Os advrbios relativos so where (= [place] in which), when (= [time] in which), why (= [reason] for which) e whereby ([means or method) by which). Exemplos:

This was the place where we first met. He wasn't looking forward to the time when he would have to leave. There is no reason why we shouldn't succeed. The government is to end the system whereby farmers make more money from leaving land unplanted than from growing wheat.

Observaes: 1. Os pronomes who e whom so usados para pessoas. A rigor, who sujeito, e whom objeto. 2. O pronome which usado para coisas e animais. 3. O pronome relativo that pode se referir a coisas, pessoas e animais. Nessa funo, ele no pode vir depois de preposio nem de vgula. 4. Os pronomes relativos who, whom, which e that podem ser omitidos quando so objeto de verbo ou de preposio que aparece na orao adjetiva. Nunca so omitidos quando sujeito. 5. As oraes adjetivas explicativas sempre aparecem entre vgulas. 6. As preposies que aparecem nas oraes adjetivas podem se movimentar dentro delas. As trs frases a seguir tm o mesmo significado: The ladder I was standing on began to slip. The ladder that/which I was standing on began to slip. The ladder on which I was standing began to slip. As oraes sublinhadas so adjetivas restritivas. A ltima a que est escrita mais formalmente. 6

What can you do besides typing? I have no objection to hearing your story again. Touch your toes without bending your knees! He is good at diving. She is fond of climbing. Im not keen on gambling. Im too afraid of losing. He was fined for being drunk in charge of a car. Im against saying anything. Im for saying nothing. Im tired of arguing. Im fed up with waiting. This is a tool for opening tins. Do you feel like going out? After swimming I felt cold. She disapproves of jogging. What about leaving it here and collecting it later? He is thinking of emigrating. Im sorry for keeping you waiting. They escaped by sliding down a rope. We had difficulty in finding a parking place. You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving so badly. In spite of starting late he arrived in time. Arent you interested in making money? Theres no point in waiting.

2 - O GERUND COMO SUJEITO O gerund e o to-infinitive podem ser sujeito de verbo. Exemplos:

Drinking is very good. To drink is very good.

As duas frases acima tm o mesmo significado. A escolha entre usar o gerund e o to-infinitive s vezes depende de consideraes de estilo. 3 - VERBOS SEGUIDOS DE GERUND Alguns verbos Exemplos: pedem o gerund como objeto.


Avoid over-eating. Would you consider selling the property? He detests writing letters. She dreads getting old. Do you enjoy teaching? He narrowly escaped being run over. Fancy meeting you! Putting in a new window will involve cutting away part of the roof. He kept complaining. He didnt want to risk getting wet. If we buy plenty of food now it will save shopping later in the week. I cant understand his/him leaving his wife. I couldnt help laughing. [No posso/consigo deixar de sorrir.] Its no good/use arguing. Is there anything here worth buying?


I am sorry to tell you that you failed the test. We regret to inform you that no trains will run today.

A palavra regret pode ser substantivo, significando arrependimento ou lamento. Exemplos: I left school at 16, but I've had a great life and I have no regrets. The manager expressed deep regret at/for the number of staff reductions. We think, much to our regret (= and we regret this very much), that we will not be able to visit you next year. B - remember (= lembrar ou no esquecer)

4 - O GERUND E O TO-INFINITIVE COMO OBJETO DE VERBO Alguns verbos so usados com o gerund e o to-infinitive com pouca ou nenhuma mudana de significado (begin, start, cease, etc.). Alguns mudam de significado (regret, remember, forget, etc.). Outros pedem sempre o gerund (enjoy, dislike, mind, etc.). Os verbos regret, remember e forget pedem o gerund como objeto quando a ao dele anteceder a do verbo principal. Eles pedem o to-infinitive quando a ao do verbo principal anteceder a do to-infinitive. A - regret (= lamentar ou arrepender-se) regret + to-infinitive = lamentar. regret + gerund = arrepender-se de.

I don't remember signing a contract. Do you remember switching the lights off before we came out? I vaguely remember hearing him come in. Remember to call me when you arrive! Did you remember to do the shopping?

C - forget (= esquecer ou no lembrar)

She would never forget seeing the Himalayas for the first time. Don't forget to lock the door.

D - mind O verbo mind, significando object to, dislike ou be annoyed by, geralmente usado em sentenas negativas e interrogativas. As expresses Do you mind ...? e Would you mind ...? so freqentemente usadas para pedir permisso ou para pedir que algum faa algo. Esse verbo pode ser seguido pelo gerund ou por uma if-clause. Exemplos:

I have always regretted not having studied harder at school. He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it. I now regret leaving school so young. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. I regret to inform you that your contract will not be renewed.

A palavra regret muito formal quando usada em pedidos de desculpa. Exemplo:

I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. 'Do you mind the smell of tobacco?' - 'Not at all.' Would you mind opening the window? 'Do you mind if I smoke?' - 'No, go ahead.' I don't mind him (ou his) coming in late if he doesn't wake me up.

I deeply regret causing you offence.

A diferena entre him e his no ltimo exemplo uma questo de estilo.

Para isso, mais comum usar a palavra sorry. Exemplo:

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. para expressar

Conjunes concessivas e adversativas

A - though, although, even though, e albeit As conjunes concessivas iniciam oraes subordinadas adverbiais concessivas, e as 7

O verbo regret usado arrependimento. Exemplo:

Do you regret resigning from your job?

Usa-se regret to e be sorry to para dar ms notcias.

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO adversativas, oraes coordenadas adversativas. Algumas palavras que indicam oposio ou contraste, por poderem ocupar mais de uma posio dentro de uma orao, se confundem com advrbios. As conjunes although, even though, e albeit so sempre concessivas e podem ser substitudas por despite the fact that. Siginficam embora (= apesar do fato de que). A palavra though pode ser conjuno concessiva ou adversativa, ou advrbio. Quando adversativa, significa but; quando concessiva, although; e quando advrbio, despite this/that. Exemplos de uso:

He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money. Although he promised faithfully to come, I still didnt think he would. We searched everywhere but we still couldnt find it. The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time.

D - all the same e just the same As expresses all the same e just the same significam despite what has just been said . Exemplos:

Anne was fond of Tim, though he often annoyed her. (conjunction) His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality. (conjunction) Strange though it may sound, I was pleased it was over. (conjunction) Theyre very different, though they did seem to get on well when they met. (adverb) Our team lost. It was a good game though. (adverb)

It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the same. All the same, theres some truth in what she says.


1 - O presente perfeito (present perfect) um tempo composto formado por have/has mais particpio. usado para expressar um fato passado que tem alguma relao com o presente. Exemplos: AO H POUCO CONCLUDA, NUNCA CONCLUDA OU J CONCLUDA: I've just got home. [= Eu acabei de chegar em casa. (informal) / Eu cheguei em casa h pouco. (formal)]

Obs.: A palavra though, por exemplo, classifica-se como conjuno ou advrbio, dependendo de sua posio. Quando vem no comeo de orao, conjuno. No meio ou no fim, advrbio. No entanto, even though sempre conjuno concessiva, significando mesmo embora. B - nevertheless, nonetheless, however, e but As palavras nevertheless, nonetheless, e however so usadas quase indiferentemente. Significam despite this/that. Classificam-se como advrbio. Logo podem assumir mais de uma posio dentro de uma orao. There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. The old system had its flaws, but nevertheless it was preferable to the new one.

I've never seen such a thing. (AFIRMATIVA = nunca) Have you ever been (INTERROGATIVA = j) to Europe?

I haven't had dinner yet. (NEGATIVA = ainda) Has she visited the (INTERROGATIVA = j) museum yet?

A palavra but classifica-se como conjuno adversativa. Significa mas e vem sempre no comeo de orao coordenada. C - still e (and) yet A palavra still, quando encabea uma orao, advrbio e significa despite this/that. yet, quando encabea uma orao, conjuno e tambm significa despite this/that. Na expresso and yet (encabeando uma orao), yet advrbio. Uma boa traduo para essas expresses seria mesmo assim.

I've already talked to him about this matter. (AFIRMATIVA = j)


I've drunk too much lately. I've seldom seen this kind of bird in the park. I've often wondered where she gets her money.

Its a small car, yet its surprisingly spacious. 8


conjuno. A palavra since, quando conjuno, significa visto que ou desde que (indicando tempo, e no condio). Quando preposio, significa desde. Exemplos:

We've know each other for a long time. I've been working all day. Some fool has let the cat in.


The president has been assassinated. (The President is dead.) Utopia has declared war on Fantasia. (Utopia and Fantasia are at war.)

Since (= visto que) we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee. I've been very busy since (= desde que) I came back from holiday. It's been raining non-stop since (= desde) Tuesday.

A palavra for, quando conjuno, significa pois (conjuno explicativa). Quando preposio, pode significar durante. Exemplos:

2 - Observaes: A - Expresses de tempo que se referem ao presente, como this morning/week/month e today, podem ser usadas com o passado simples e com o presente perfeito. Se a expresso de tempo for considerada como um passado (um perodo de tempo concludo), usa-se o passado simples. Se ela for considerada como um presente, usa-se o presente perfeito. Exemplos:

She remained silent, for (= pois) her heart was heavy and her spirits low. I've been waiting for (= durante ou por) three quarters of an hour.

I didn't shave this morning. [A manh acabou e eu no fiz a barba.] I haven't shaved this morning. [A manh ainda no acabou e eu talvez faa a barba depois.]

2 - A preposio for, significando durante, e a palavra since, significando desde ou desde que, geralmente aparecem em frases com tempos perfeitos. Por exemplo, a frase 'I live in New York since 2000.' no est correta. Usa-se, em vez dela, a frase 'I have lived in New York since 2000.'. Explicao: No se usa o presente simples para indicar quanto tempo uma ao tem durado. Para essa indicao usa-se o presente perfeito. H construes especiais em que a palavra since, indicando tempo, usada com o presente simples. Exemplos:

B - Usa-se frequentemente o presente perfeito para dar notcias recentes. O passado simples ento usado depois da introduo. Exemplo:

'The US space shuttle Atlantis has returned to safely to earth. It landed in Florida this morning...'

It's a long time since I heard from Peter. (Faz muito tempo que eu ouvi falar de Peter.) It's ten years since Arabella left me. (Faz 10 anos que Arabella me deixou.)

C - O dilogo a seguir til para mostrar a diferena bsica entre o passado simples e o presente perfeito: Henry: Have you travelled a lot, Ted? Voc tem viajado muito, Ted? Ted: Yes, I've already visited several countries. Sim, j visitei vrios pases. Henry: Really? Have you ever been to Japan? mesmo? Voc j foi ao Japo? Ted Yes. As a matter of fact, I went to Japan last year. Sim. Na verdade, fui ao Japo ano passado.

Observao: A frase "It's a long time since you didn't come to see me." errada, pois no se usa negao depois dessa estrutura. A frase certa seria "It's a long time since you came to see me." (= Faz muito tempo que voc veio me ver.). 3 - A expresso It has been ... since ... pode ser usada para indicar h quanto tempo algo aconteceu. Exemplos:

It's been five months since the factory closed. (Faz cinco meses que a fbrica fechou.) Has it been five months since the factory closed? (Faz cinco meses que a fbrica fechou?)


1 - INTRODUO As palavras since e for podem ser preposio e 9

Para indicar-se h quanto tempo algo no acontece, usa-se construo com for e no com since.

I haven't slept well for tho whole weeks.

4 - A conjuno since, significando visto que, pode ser

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO usada com qualquer tempo verbal. Exemplos:

We thought that, since we were in the area, wed stop by and see them. Since you are unable to answer, perhaps we should ask someone else.

(e todos os outros metais), meat, sugar, English (e todas as outras lnguas), furniture, health, information, knowledge, luggage, maths (e todas as outras disciplinas), news, progress, research, rice (e todos os outros gros e cereais), salt (e todos os outros codimentos, como pepper), scenery, spaghetti, traffic, transport, travel, trouble, water (e todos os outros lquidos), weather, e work. Observao: Para especificar-se quantidade de comida, usa-se a/an/one/two/many/etc. slice/lump/piece. Exemplos:

Substantivos contveis e no-contveis

Introduo As quatro frases seguintes servem para introduzir os conceitos gerais de substantivos contveis e no-contveis.

Just one lump of sugar, please. I'll just have a small slice of cake. Would you like another piece of toast?

I eat a banana every day. I like bananas. I eat rice every day. I like rice.

Muitos substantivos podem ser contveis e no-contveis. Por exemplo, chicken, chocolate, egg, hair, iron, paper, e stone podem ser considerados como uma nica coisa ou como substncia. Os substantivos time, space, e room tambm podem ser contveis e no-contveis. Pronomes adjetivos quantificadores Pronomes adjetivos quantificadores so usados antes de substantivos e servem para quantific-los de maneira precisa ou no. Os imprecisos mais comuns so a lot of, lots of, some, no, enough (substantivos contveis no plural e no-contveis), a few, few, several, many (substantivos contveis no plural), a little, little, the little, a bit of, plenty of, much (substantivos no-contveis). Os pronomes adjetivos a little e a bit of significam at least some [= (pelo menos) algum]. Tm um sentido positivo. J o pronome little tem sentido negativo e significa almost no (= pouco). O pronome the little significa not enough. A diferena entre a few e few parecida com a de a little e little.

Os substantivos contveis, como banana, aceitam plural. E no podem aparecer sozinhos quando no singular. Ou seja, na primeira frase, banana deve ser precedido de artigo ou pronome adjetivo. No plural, eles podem aparecer sozinhos, como na segunda frase. Os substantivos no-contveis, como rice, no aceitam plural. E no podem ser precedidos dos artigos indefinidos (a ou an). Alguns subustantivos, como information, podem parecer contveis. Considere-se as seguintes frases:

Do you have any information about/on train times? I read an/one interesting piece of information in the newspaper.

Na primeira, information vem aconpanhado de um pronome adjetivo e poderia vir precedido de outros pronomes adjetivos. Quando se deseja especificar o nmero de informaes, usa-se, por exemplo, a construo a/an/one/two/many/etc. + adjetivo + piece(s) of information, como na segunda frase. Duas outras frases importantes so as seguintes:

I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for work.

1 - Na Lngua Inglesa, geralmente h concordncia entre ncleo de sujeito e verbo. Exemplos:

As duas frases acima tm o mesmo significado e mostram que os substantivos contveis, como job, devem receber ao menos um artigo. Os no-contveis, como work, podem vir sozinhos ou precedidos de pronome adjetivo ou artigo definido (the). Os substantivos no-contveis mais comuns so accommodation, advice, behaviour, bread, copper 10

Many leading members of the opposition party have criticised the delay. Among the people invited was the mayor.

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO A - Se o sujeito for uma orao, usa-se verbo no singular. Exemplos:

To keep these young people in prison is inhuman. Having overall responsibility for the course means that I have a lot of meetings. Whoever took them reamains a mistery. That Rangers won both matches was a great achievement.

neither of e none of seguidas de substantivo ou pronome plurais, usa-se verbo no singular ou no plural. Mais formalmente, usa-se o verbo no singular. Exemplos:

I don't think any of them knows where the money is hidden. Neither of the French athletes has won this year.

No entanto, se o sujeito for uma orao iniciada por what, o verbo concorda com o substantivo principal seguinte. Exemplos:

A palavra both pede verbo no plural, e half pede verbo no singular. 3 - Com as locues pronominais a/the majority of, a number of, a lot of, plenty of, all (of) e some (of) seguidas de substantivo ou pronome plurais, usa-se verbo no plural. A locuo the number of pede verbo no singular. Exemplos:

What worries us is the poor selection process. What is needed are additional resources.

B - Alguns substantivos no singular podem ser usados com verbo no singular ou no plural, caso eles possam fazer referncia a um grupo. Exemplo:

The council has (ou have) postponed a decision on the new road.

A number of refugees have been turned back at the border. The number of books in the library has risen to over five million.

Usa-se o verbo no singular quando o foco est sobre a instituio ou organizao consideradas como uma unidade. Quando se considera parte dos membros dessa instituio ou organizao, usa-se o verbo no plural. Freqentemente h pouca diferena de sentido. Em alguns contextos, usa-se verbo no plural para efeito de clareza. Exemplo:

Observao: Na Lngua Portuguesa, o sujeito 'a maioria dos carros', por exemplo, pede verbo no singular. J 'the majority of the cars' pede verbo no plural. 4 - Depois da locuo pronominal one of seguida de substantivo ou pronome plural usa-se verbo no singular. No entanto, depois da expresso one of + susbtantivo plural + who, usa-se verbo no singular ou no plural, sendo o verbo no plural mais gramaticalmente correto. Exemplos:

The committee usually rise their hands to vote 'Yes'.

[O uso do verbo no singular implicaria que todos os membros do comit (ou o comit em sua totalidade) votam da mesma forma.] E em alguns contextos, usa-se verbo no singular. Exemplo:

One of the reasons I took the job was that I could work from home. He's one of those teachers who insist on pupils sitting silently in class.

5 - Com as locues pronominais any of, none of, the majority of, a lot of, plenty of, all (of) e some (of) seguidas de substantivo no-contvel, usa-se verbo no singular. Exemplos:

The school is to close next year. All the furniture was destroyed in the fire. None of the equipment appears to damaged. be

[O uso do verbo no singular mais apropriado, pois a escola est sendo considerada como uma instituio.] C - Quando nomes e ttulos terminando em -s se referem a uma unidade, usa-se verbo no singular. Exemplos:

6 - Com every e each seguidos de substantivo singular ou coordenado (x and y), usa-se verbo no singular. Exemplos:

At this time of the year the Netherlands is one hour ahead of the UK. The Los Angeles Times lists Derek Jones as the fifth richest man in the world. The Machine Gunners was one of Robert Westall's most successful books. 'Daps' is the word used in the south west of the country for sports shoes.

Every room looks over the harbour. Every boy and girl takes part in the activity. Each child has drawn a picture. The children have each drawn a picture.

7 - Com everyone, everybody, everything e palavras similares (comeando com any-, some- e no-), usa-se verbo no singular. Exemplo:

2 - Com as locues pronominais any of, either of, 11

Practicaly everyone thinks that Phil should be

LNGUA INGLESA - PROF. LUS AUGUSTO given the job. 8 - Sujeitos compostos ligados por and geralmente pedem verbo no plural. No entanto, pode-se usar verbo no singular quando se consideram os componentes do sujeito como uma nica coisa. Exemplo:

The lorry, its cargo and passengers weighs around 35 tonnes.

9 - Quando o sujeito constitudo de dois ou mais componentes ligados por (either)...or... ou (neither)...nor..., o verbo concorda com o ltimo deles. Exemplos:

Either the station or the cinema is a good place to meet. The President or his representatives are to attend the meeting.

Most beer is quite cheap, but some is expensive. (A maioria das cervejas barata, mas algumas so caras.) Most of my friends are over thirty, but some are younger. (A maioria dos meus amigos tem mais de 30 anos, mas alguns so mais jovens.) Half my work is boring and half is too difficult. (Metade do meu trabalho chata, e metade muito difcil.) Half the lemons are unripe and half are bad. (Metade dos limes no est madura, e metade est ruim.) Which is your favourite composer? (Qual o seu compositor favorito?) Which are your favourite novelists? (Quais so os seus romancistas favoritos?)

Se o ltimo componente for singular e o primeiro plural, usa-se verbo no singular ou no plural. Exemplo:

Note-se a diferena entre a concordncia nas lnguas Inglesa e Portuguesa.

Either the teachers or the principal is (ou are) to blame for the accident.

EFOMM 2004/2005 Questions 01 to 05 will be based on part of the lyrics of a song by The Beatles: ** The long and winding road The Beatles** 1- The long and winding road 2- That leads to your door 3- Will never disappear 4- Ive seen that road before ...... 5- The wild and windy night 6- That the rain washed away, 7- Has left a pool of tears, 8- Crying for the day ....... 9- Dont let me standing here 10- Lead me to your door 01. In verse 5, it is clear that, in that specific night, the weather was ( a ) calm. ( b ) foggy. ( c ) windless. ( d ) stormy. ( e ) very good. 02. In verse 6, the verb tense attributed to the rain means ( a ) an action that was partially successful. ( b ) an action that was never fulfilled. ( c ) that the rain could not remove it completely. ( d ) an action that was a complete success. ( e ) that the rain was a light one. 03. In verse 5, the adjective windy means ( a ) full of water. ( b ) full of currents of air. ( c ) illuminated fully. ( d ) very hot. ( e ) very calm. 04. In verse 1 the adjective winding means ( a ) short and narrow. ( b ) abrupt and dirty. ( c ) with bends and turns. ( d ) full of wind.

10 - Alguns substantivos so usualmente escritos no plural e pedem verbo no plural. Os mais comuns so belongings (pertences), clothes (roupas), congratulations, earnings (ganhos em dinheiro), goods (mercadorias), outskirts (periferia), particulars (informaes), savings (poupana), stairs (escada), sorroudings (arredores) e thanks. O substantivo whereabouts (paradeiro) pode ser usado indiscriminadamente com verbo no singular ou no plural. Os substantivos police e people sempre pedem verbo no plural, e staff geralmente usado com verbo no plural. Exemplos:

The company's earnings have increased for the last five years. Police believe that Thomas is in Brazil, although his exact whereabouts is/are unknown. Staff say that the new computer system has led to greater levels of stress in their work.

11 - Alguns substantivos sempre terminam em -s e parecem plurais, mas quando so sujeito de verbo este fica no singular. Exemplo:

The news from the Middle East seems very encouraging.

Outros substantivos que seguem o mesmo padro de news so means (mtodo ou dinheiro), economics (e outras disciplinas acadmicas, como linguistics, mathematics, politics e statistics), athletics (e outros esportes, como gymnastics) e diabetes (e outras doenas, como measles e rabies). 12 - A concordncia verbal depende de o ncleo do sujeito ser contvel ou no-contvel. Exemplos: 12


( e ) wide and straight. 05. In verses 4 and 7 the verb tense is used to express an action that ( a ) happened at an indefinite point in the past. ( b ) will be a future reality very soon. ( c ) will be completed before a future time very soon. ( d ) was no doubt limited by two points in the time line, both in the present. ( e ) is continuous in the present. Questions from 06 to 10 will require that you choose the only option with the correct verb tense. 06. Oh gosh! Im fed up with ___________ on so many busy streets! ( a ) drive ( b ) drove ( c ) driving ( d ) has driving ( e ) has driven 07. Martha recommended that her son ____________ appropriately. ( a ) would have behaved ( b ) behaves ( c ) behave ( d ) had behaved ( e ) has behaved 08. Susie was watching TV when her husband _______________. ( a ) arrived ( b ) had arrived ( c ) was going to arrive ( d ) has arrived ( e ) would arrive 09. So far the President _____________. ( a ) has not been elected ( b ) will never be elected ( c ) would be elected soon ( d ) had been elected ( e ) would have been elected 10. If my boss had not phoned the police on the spot, the thief _____________. ( a ) would get away with it ( b ) got away with it ( c ) should got away with it ( d ) would have gotten away with it ( e ) has gotten away with it 11. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence . The widow shot_______________by accident. ( a ) yourself ( b ) himself ( c ) istself ( d ) herself ( e ) myself 12. Mark the sentence which must be completed with on and in , in the same sequence. ( a ) I was talking ______ the phone when I heard a knock ______ the door. ( b ) The boy got a bike ______ his birthday, and is now keeping it ______ his relatives garage. ( c ) The Smith family lives ______ the countryside, ______ a very cozy farm house. ( d ) Bob was invited to speak ______ the conference ______ behalf of the companys president. ( e ) Several workers decided to go ______ strike ______ the same day their boss announced his bankruptcy. 13. Remarking has to do with________________. ( a ) seeing ( b ) saying ( c ) thinking ( d ) singing ( e ) cheating 14. In the sentence: You may be wrong, but you may be right., may means: ( a ) permission ( b ) ability ( c ) deduction ( d ) obligation ( e ) possibility 15. Choose the only option with the correct preposition. What _______ earth are you doing here so early in the morning? ( a ) under ( b ) on ( c ) in ( d ) at ( e ) behind 16. All our words can be classified into different categories which we call parts of speech. Identify the parts of speech of the words in italics. 1) Thats no help at all. 2) The pot boiled over after a while. 3) No one but John left. 4) John suffers from pneumoconiosis. 5) The family moved to greener pastures. ( a ) noun adverb conjunction noun noun ( b ) noun adverb preposition noun - adjective ( c ) noun preposition preposition noun adjective ( d ) verb preposition conjunction- noun adjective ( e ) verb preposition conjunction adjective noun 17. Choose the only option with the correct preposition. Getting ____ early in the morning is good to health providing you sleep well. ( a ) up ( b ) on ( c ) in ( d ) under ( e ) away 18. Choose the only option with the correct preposition. Watch ____ for those loose bricks! ( a ) at ( b ) in ( c ) out ( d ) after ( e ) away 19. Choose the alternative that best completes the dialog below. Tom: Do you always get good marks on _________________ examinations ? John: Yes, I do. I guess its because I do __________________ homework assignments and study a little every day. Tom: How about Anne ? Are ___________ grades good too ? John: Yes, Shes very smart and enjoys studying hard. ( a ) your mine hers ( b ) your me yours ( c ) yours mine your ( d ) your my her ( e ) your my hers 20. ANULADA EFOMM 2005/2006 Choose the alternative that best replaces the underlined words. 01. We can't swim here; the water is too ____________. ( A ) mellow ( B ) shallow ( C ) sallow ( D ) callow



( E ) bellow 02. I've put up with Susan's nagging for two whole weeks. ( A ) foresaw ( B ) accepted ( C ) stood ( D ) scolded ( E ) admitted 03. Psychologists say kids are being robbed of time they need for connecting with their parents and siblings. ( A ) colleagues ( B ) partners ( C ) relatives ( D ) friends ( E ) brother or sister You are required to pick out the correct answers to complete the questions: 04. The housekeeper saw the birds ____________ eggs and then ____________ down. ( A ) lying/laying ( B ) lying/lieing ( C ) laying/lying ( D ) laying/laid ( E ) laying/lieing 05. The paint is wet because he ____________ the picture. ( A ) is just ending ( B ) just ended ( C ) have just ended ( D ) has just ending ( E ) has just ended 06. I dislike ____________ housework. I hate ____________ the cooking and shopping and cleaning and washing up. Let's get a maid ____________ all the uninteresting jobs. ( A ) making/doing/do ( B ) making/making/to do ( C ) doing/doing/doing ( D ) doing/doing/to do ( E ) doing/to do/doing Choose the best options to the questions: 07. Money you are paid for your work is money you ____________. ( A ) earn ( B ) win ( C ) gain ( D ) profit ( E ) benefit 08. Politicians often write their ____________ at the end of their careers. ( A ) memories ( B ) memoirs ( C ) remembrances ( D ) souvenirs ( E ) mementos 09. Philip: - She's got a place at college! Kate: - _____________________! ( A ) So have I ( B ) So I have ( C ) And I ( D ) I am too ( E ) So am I 10. People still smoke ____________ they know smoking is dangerous. ( A ) despite ( B ) in spite of ( C ) although ( D ) as soon as ( E ) instead of 11. There are quite a few islands off the west ____________of Scotland. ( A ) shore ( B ) seashore ( C ) coast ( D ) beach ( E ) seaside 12. You can't possibly invite guests to the reception and expect them to pay for food and drinks themselves. It's ____________. ( A ) a thing of the past. ( B ) a near thing. ( C ) sure thing. ( D ) not quite the thing. ( E ) just the thing. Choose the best answers to complete the blanks. 13. The man jumped ____________ the horse and went away. ( A ) of ( B ) under ( C ) out of ( D ) into ( E ) onto 14. We've had such a busy day! At least twelve people called. Oh, ____________ the way, there's a message here for you from your cousin. ( A ) over ( B ) in ( C ) by ( D ) on ( E ) into 15. I made seven different plans for my vacation, however ____________ the end I went to the Bahamas again. ( A ) to ( B ) by ( C ) with ( D ) in ( E ) at 16. There is nothing illegal about my business dealings. Everything is strictly ____________ board. ( A ) on ( B ) above ( C ) by the ( D ) over ( E ) onto 17. In: The invention of the automobile has changed American life in several ways, the passive voice is: ( A ) American life is being changed in several ways. ( B ) American life was being changed in several ways. ( C ) American life is changed in several ways. ( D ) American life has been changed in several ways. ( E ) American life would be changed in several ways. 18. We were very happy when we reached the ____________ of London. ( A ) outrun ( B ) outstanding ( C ) outsider ( D ) outskirts ( E ) outwit 19. The word since can be used to appropriately fill in the blank of which sentence below? ( A ) I am studying here ____________ 2004. ( B ) She has slept ____________ two hours. ( C ) They had been staying at the hotel ____________ many days before they decided to move to an apartment. ( D ) Bob has worked at that big company ____________ he moved to Washington. ( E ) Carol lives in Boston ____________ she was born. 20. Lucy: - Has Betty finished writing that letter? Tom: - No, and she ____________ three hours ago. ( A ) should had finished ( B ) should have finished



( C ) should to finished ( D ) should finished ( E ) should finish EFOMM 2006/2007 TEXT Holiday on the Titanic In July an expedition will leave St. John, Newfoundland on a voyage to the wreck of the Titanic. The voyage is organized by Deep Ocean Expeditions, which was founded by Australian adventurer Mike McDowell in 1998. The company owns several deep sea "submersibles" - underwater craft smaller than submarines. This expedition will use a special Russian-owned ship. Its crew has 15 years' experience in deep sea diving expeditions. The ship offers spacious cabins and a top-class chef prepares the meals. The 608-kilometre journey to the Titanic wreck takes two days. During the voyage experts give lectures on marine life and deep sea diving. Sad and beautiful At the site of the wreck, the team send radar devices to the bottom of the ocean so the submersibles can navigate around the wreck. The divers spend time in the submersibles to make sure no one suffers from claustrophobia. The dive lasts 10 hours: the submersibles descend 3,600 metres to the bottom of the ocean. Brigitte Saar made the trip in 2001. She explains what she saw: "Finally we see the old lady: Titanic's starboard side towers in front of the sub. She's sad and beautiful and much bigger than I imagined. After visiting the boat deck we visit the grand staircase. When the chandeliers are visible outside my porthole, I don't know what to feel: panic because the sub is literally stuck, or sadness because in my inner eye I can see elegant people enjoying themselves in their first-class luxury world." Reservations Are you a real adventurer? Check out the next scheduled trip with Deep Ocean Expeditions. The cost of a ticket? Around 37,000 US dollars! For further info: www.deepoceanexpeditions.com Matria Publicada na revista Speak Up edio 227 abril/2006. Questions from 01 to 03 are based on the text. Mark the correct alternative. 01. The word crew in the text means: (A) a group of tourists (B) a group of tourists guiders (C) people working on a ship, plane (D) family members (E) a group of friends 02. What we can NOT say about Brigitte Saar impressions of her trip: (A) Titanics wreck was beautiful, but also sad. (B) She could imagine graceful people having a great time on that ship. (C) Titanics wreck was not as big as she imagined. (D) Her feelings were confusing. (E) She was anxious to visit Titanicwreck. 03. According to this article, we can say that: (A) Submarines are used in this expedition. (B) The trip is long and the dive is short. (C) People do not have enough experience to a trip like this. (D) You learn about diving and marine life during the trip. (E) The ship and submersibles are not comfortable. Choose the correct answer to the questions below: 04. Please, clean the basement, _____________ mom will be furious. (A) even if (B) instead of (C) otherwise (D) despite (E) as well as 05. The loan______________back if they hadnt been held up last week. (A) would have paid (B) would pay (C) would have been paid (D) will have paid (E) will be paid 06. In, This expedition will use a special Russian-owned ship., the passive voice is: (A) A special Russian-owned ship will use by this expedition. (B) A special Russian-owned ship would use by this expedition. (C) A special Russian-owned ship will be used by this expedition. (D) A special Russian-owned ship would be used by this expedition. (E) A special Russian-owned ship would used by this expedition. 07. When the rain started, they waited for a while in the_________________of a large tree. (A) shadow (B) shelter (C) defence (D) shade (E) covert 08. We all enjoyed the performance very much, although________________. (A) it was really out of this world (B) the pianist himself was delighted with it (C) no one disagreed with our opinion (D) the pianist appeared rather nervous at first (E) the performance was terrific 09. Lucys brothers earn ____________ living working for the government while ____________ father earns ______________ as a dentist. (A) her / her / his (B) her / their / his (C) her / their / yours (D) their / their / yours (E) their / her / his 10. You can tell he drank too much by the way he is __________________. (A) striding (B) strolling (C) staggering (D) pacing (E) swaggering 11. David, _____________Mr. Willcox and Mr. Alex ___________________ the P&O Shipping Company in 1837? Thats right. That was the first year. (A) did / found (B) has / found (C) do / find (D) does / found (E) have / founded 12. Alan, ___________________ the lights when you leave the room. (A) you always to turn off (B) always turned off (C) you always turning off (D) always turn off (E) always you turn off 13. ___________ lemon originated in___________ China and spread south to ___________ Malaysian islands and west to ___________ India. (A) A / the / the / X (B) X / X / X / X



(C) The / the / the / the (D) A / the / X / X (E) The / X / the / X 14. These machines have ________________ idle since the factory closed. (A) laid (B) lied (C) lay (D) to lay (E) lain 15. The children were shipped off to a boarding school at an early age. The underlined verb means: (A) to travel by ship. (B) to be trained to do something. (C) to send somebody to a place where they will stay. (D) to persuade somebody to do something by making them feel ashamed not to do it. (E) to annoy or upset somebody by continuously asking them questions. 16. We should use ____________________ time we have available to discuss Johns proposal. (A) the much (B) the little (C) a few (D) a little (E) the little of 17. Crowded ____ a lifeboat, Ruth Becker stared ____ disbelief as the luxury liner Titanic slipped ____ the icy Atlantic Ocean. (A) in / in / in (B) in / in / into (C) on / on / onto (D) on / on / onto (E) on / in / into 18. The companies are expanding their business and they _______________ all the help they can get. So they ______________ several people. (A) need / are employing (B) are needing / are employing (C) needed / are employing (D) are to need / employed (E) needing / employ 19. In London there are lots of streets with the same name and its very _____________ if you are a tourist. Another problem is that its a huge place. We walked everywhere on our last trip and we were _____________________ at the end of each day. But its an ______________ city, with so much to do. (A) confused / exhaust / excited (B) confusing / exhausted / exciting (C) confuse / exhausting / exciting (D) confusing / exhaust / excited (E) confused / exhausted / excited 20. He goes to parties and other occasions without an invitation. He just walks in. Hes a _________. (A) chatterbox (B) jet-setter (C) wet-blanket (D) gate-crasher (E) life and soul of the party EFOMM 2007/2008 You are now required to carefully read the text below and then choose the unique CORRECT option that BEST completes the next questions (01-03) given. TEXT Australian Maritime College (Abstract) The ethnic and linguistic make-up of international seafarers has undergone some profound changes over the past half century or so. It is a fact that the learning of English as a second language comes easier to some than to others. There is clearly the factor of personal language learning aptitude, but other aspects play a role also. If the linguistic background of a person lies in the Teutonic language branch then he or she will generally have little difficulty in grasping English relatively fast. More challenging is the learning of the tongue for someone from one of the other five branches of the Indo-European languages such as Indian, Persic, Celtic, Graeco-Latin or Slavonic. Harder still is the acquisition of English for persons whose mother tongue belongs to the families of Altaic, Sino-Tibetan or Afro-Asiatic languages. Where the usage of a codified language as in the Standard Maritime Communication Phrases (SMCP) is concerned such fundamental differences may seem of little consequence as phrases are short and simple in terms of language structure. However, even here pronunciation remains a serious problem with some speakers from a NESB, non-English-speaking background. More importantly, miscommunication can occur due to the fact that language is not just a code. Communication is embedded within culture and therefore culturally orientated. This paper is trying to shed some light on the difficulties and problems some learners of English are confronted with and to what degree seafarers of different ranks should be competent in the four linguistic skills. (Text taken from the Internet) 01. The word embedded means: ( A ) dislodged ( B ) refused ( C ) rooted ( D ) remained ( E ) disturbed 02. The word therefore can be replaced by: ( A ) unless ( B ) even though ( C ) even if ( D ) hence ( E ) however 03. According to the text, we apprehend that the author: ( A ) has not considered time an important element in learning English. ( B ) believes that some aspects interfere the seafarers language learning process. ( C ) has defined language as just a code. ( D ) mentions that personal language learning aptitude is the only factor taken into account in learning English as a second language. ( E ) refers to SMCP as being a very complex system. Choose the correct answer from (04) to (11). 04. The invention of the elevator by Elinsha Gray transformed architecture. If Elinsha hadnt invented the elevator, skyscrapers ____________ have been built. ( A ) mustnt ( B ) might ( C ) should ( D ) can ( E ) wouldnt 05. The problem ____________ discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors. ( A ) had already ( B ) is already ( C ) had already been ( D ) has already ( E ) has already been 06. The lecture weve attended was not good. It was quite ____________, and the audience was ____________. ( A ) amusing / amused



( B ) bored / boring ( C ) amused / amusing ( D ) boring / bored ( E ) interesting / interested 07. At the cafeteria Susan offers Lucy something to drink. Susan: Would you like ____________tea? Lucy: Yes, please. ( A ) some ( B ) any ( C ) many ( D ) much ( E ) little 08. David had better ____________ his study habits if he hopes to be admitted to a good university. ( A ) change ( B ) to change ( C ) changing ( D ) have changed ( E ) changed 09. Caren has a strange look. She seems to live on ____________ frozen meals. ( A ) bad-prepare ( B ) recent-cooking ( C ) old-make ( D ) new-preparing ( E ) ready-made 10. How come Bob argued with the waiter? The food ____________ awful. (A) had better be (B) should have been (C) can be (D) must have been (E) ought to be 11. In : We were a bit worried about the new manager because we heard that she liked to run a tight ship., the expression in bold means: to be well ... ( A ) organized ( B ) disposed ( C ) received ( D ) placed ( E ) educated 12. The subordinator although can be used in which sentence? ( A ) ____________Haiti is a poor country, Canada is very rich. ( B ) Carol married Walter. ____________, she doesnt love him. ( C ) We understood her ____________ her accent. ( D ) ____________ the rain, my cousins went to the seashore yesterday. ( E ) ____________ you refuse to admit it, that economic policy is in ruins. 13. The word since can be used to appropriately fill in the blank of which sentence below? ( A ) She is living here ____________ 1997. ( B ) They have worked ____________ three hours. ( C ) I have been staying at this hotel ____________ many days before I decided to rent a house. ( D ) Frank has worked at this company ____________ he moved to San Francisco. ( E ) Edward lives in New York ____________ he was born. 14. In We not only missed our plane, we had to spend a night at the airport as well., the synonymous sentence to the following statement is: ( A ) Not only did we miss our plane, we had to spend a night at the airport too. ( B ) We did not miss our plane only, but we also spended a night at the airport. ( C ) We only did not missed our plane, we spent a night at the airport too. ( D ) We did not only missed our plane, but also we had to spend a night at the airport. ( E ) Only we did not miss our plane, we have to spend a night at the airport as well. Choose the best answer in questions (15) to (18) to complete the blanks in the text below: The (15) ____________convention regulating and preventing marine pollution (16) ____________ship is the IMO International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating (17)____________ (MARPOL 73/78). It (18)____________ accidental and operational oil pollution as well as pollution by chemicals, goods in packaged form, sewage, garbage and air pollution. 15. ( A ) so important as ( B ) important than ( C ) more important ( D ) as important as ( E ) most important 16. ( A ) to ( B ) by ( C ) in ( D ) on ( E ) at 17. ( A ) so as to ( B ) therefore ( C ) thereto ( D ) so that ( E ) in order to 18. ( A ) covers ( B ) may cover ( C ) should cover ( D ) might have covered ( E ) had covered 19. Choose the appropriate synonymous sentence to: She seldom goes to conferences now. ( A ) She almost goes to conferences now. ( B ) She often goes to conferences now. ( C ) She hardly ever goes to coferences now. ( D ) She regularly goes to conferences now. ( E ) She frequently goes to conferences now. 20. The alternative with the same meaning as She saw it was raining, so she took an umbrella. is: ( A ) Even though it was raining, she took an umbrella. ( B ) She took an umbrella then it was raining. ( C ) It was raining and she saw. ( D ) Seeing it was raining, she took an umbrella. ( E ) It was raining because she took an umbrella.

EXERCISES - 01 More than one alternative may be possible. 01. The land was bought quickly ______ delay the building work. (A) so as not to (B) so not to (C) not to (D) in order not to 02. ______ they slept soundly. (A) Hot though was the night air (B) Hot though the night air was (C) Hot as the night air was (D) Hot although the night air was 03. If the tecnology ______ available, we would be able to



expand the busisness. (A) would become (B) were become (C) were to become (D) became 04. ______ in my seventies and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash. (A) Were I not (B) Was I not (C) Weren't I (D) If I wasn't 05. They couldn't decide ______ it was worth re-sitting the exam. (A) if (B) whether or not (C) whether (D) if or not 06. It was midday. ______, I put on the light. (A) even so (B) although (C) Even (D) Even though 07. ______ Derek nowadays, he's so busy at the office. (A) We see hardly ever (B) We hardly see ever (C) We hardly ever see (D) Hardly we ever see 08. We ______ with the decision. (A) agree very much (B) much agree (C) agree much (D) very much agree 09. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate ______. (A) each other (B) with each other (C) themselves (D) with one another 10. We are confident that both sets of fans will ______ at the match. (A) behave itself (B) behave them (C) behave themselves (D) behave 11. The two children ______ for breaking the window. (A) each blamed other (B) blamed other (C) blamed each other (D) each blamed the other 12. They needed someone who was both an excellent admnistrator and manager. ______ was not easy to find. (A) Such person (B) A such person (C) Such (D) Such a person 13. 'They could have been delayed by the snow.' 'Yes, they ______.' (A) could have (B) could (C) could been (D) could have been 14. My mother ______ enjoys hill walking. (A) who is in her seventies (B) , that is in her seventies, (C) , which is in her seventies, (D) , who is in her seventies, 15. Do you know the date ______ we have to hand in the essay? (A) which (B) on which (C) by which (D) when 16. The valley ______ the town lies is heavily polluted. (A) in that (B) in which (C) in (D) which 17. There is ______ evidence to support his claim. (A) little of (B) few (C) a few (D) little 18. The ______ faulty. (A) equipments are (B) equipment was (C) equipments were (D) equipment were 19. The company ______ doing a lot of ______ in South America. (A) is...businesses (B) are...business (C) are...businesses (D) is...business 20. ______ thinks that Phil should be given the job. (A) Neither of us (B) The majority of my colleagues (C) practically everyone (D) A number of people 21. Police ______ that Thomas is in Brazil, although his exact whereabouts ______ unknown. (A) believes...are (B) believe...are (C) believes...is (D) believe...is 22. A new ______ is being built outside the town. (A) golf course (B) golfcourse (C) golf's course (D) golf-course 23. The government has introduced ______. (A) a children's clothes tax (B) a tax on children clothes (C) a children clothes tax (D) a tax on children's clothes 24. ______ has improved enormously. (A) David's guitar playing (B) David guitar playing (C) Davids' guitar playing (D) The guitar playing of David 25. She felt the mosquito ______ her. (A) bites (B) to bite (C) bite (D) biting 26. You don't object ______ late tonight, do you? (A) to working (B) to work (C) work (D) working 27. Martha ______ she should be late for the meeting. She ______ she was feeling ill. (A) told that...said that (B) told that...said me that (C) told me that...said that (D) told me that...said me that 28. 'I suppose you've heard the latest ______. (A) news,' said she (B) news.' she said (C) news', she said (D) news,' she said 29. He asked where he ______ put the box. (A) shall (B) ought to (C) will (D) should 30. She asked my advice ______ subject she should study at university. (A) on to what (B) as to what (C) on what (D) to what 31. They directed that the building ______. (A) be pulled down (B) to be pulled down (C) should be pulled down (D) should pull down EXERCISES - 02 More than one alternative may be possible. 01. You ______ hurry up. A) have better B) had better C) will better D) would better 02. You ______ wake me up when you come in. A) had not better B) have not better C) have better not D) had better not 03. She's gone to Hungary ______, Poland. A) and not B) or better C) or rather D) not 04. ______ you rather ______ here or go home? A) Would...stay B) Would...to stay C) Will...stay D) Will...to stay 05. It took us two hours to walk ______ the forest. A) between B) across C) through D) over 06. It took him six weeks to walk ______ the desert. A) over B) above C) across D) through 07. Can you see the helicopter ______ the palace? A) above B) over C) below D) under 08. ______ ages since my last meal, and I was very hungry. A) It was B) It had been C) It has been D) There are EXERCISES - 03 Make any necessary corrections to the underlined verbs. 01. Bill Clinton's politics was inspired by John Kennedy. 02. Phenomena such as sun spots have puzzled scientists for centuries. 03. Some 30 per cent of the milk drunk in the country are imported.



04. When the soldiers got lost in the jungle, their only means of survival were to eat berries. 05. Over the last decade the company's overheads has increased dramatically. 06. You don't need much sugar for this pudding; ten grams are enough. 07. Modern linguistics is often said to have begun at the start of the 20th century. 08. Congratulations goes to Richard Branch for his excelent exam results. 09. The coastal surroundings of the village is particularly attractive. 10. Nowadays politics seem to be more about saving money than changing society for the better. 11. I know people often have to wait for hospital treatment, but two years seems ridiculously wrong. 12. Measles have killed a large number of children in the Nagola region. 13. Further particulars about the house are available from the owner. 14. Ten kilometers are a long way to run if you're not fit. 15. If athletics are neglected in schools, this will have a big impact on future national teams. 16. People say the house is haunted. 17. Recent statistics provide firm evidence of a rapid increase in living standards in Asia. 18. About 60 per cent of the people questioned wants cars to be banned from the town centre. GABARITO EFOMM 2004/2005 01. D 04. C 07. C 10. D 13. B 16. B 19. D 02. A 05. D 08. A 11. D 14. E 17. A 20. -EFOMM 2005/2006 01. B 04. C 07. A 10. C 13. E 16. B 19. D 02. B 05. E 08. B 11. C 14. C 17. D 20. B EFOMM 2006/2007 01. C 04. C 07. B 02. C 05. C 08. D 03. D 06. C 09. E 03. E 06. D 09. A 12. A (?) 15. D 18. D 01. were 04. was 07. ok 10. seems 13. ok 16. say 01. B 04. A 07. A, B 03. B 06. C 09. A 12. E 15. B 18. C

10. C 13. E 16. B 19. B

11. A 14. E 17. B 20. D

12. D 15. C 18. A

EFOMM 2007/2008 01. C 04. E 07. A 10. E 13. D 16. B 19. C 02. D 05. C 08. A 11. A 14. A 17. C 20. D EXERCISES - 01 01. A, D 04. A, D 07. C 10. C, D 13. A, B, D 16. B 19. B, D 22. A, D 25. C, D 29. B, D 02. B, C 05. A, B, C 08. A, D 11. C, D 14. D 17. D 20. A, C 23. D 26. A 30. B, C 03. C, D 06. A 09. B, D 12. D 15. B, C, D 18. B 21. B, D 24. A 28. D 31. A, C 03. B 06. D 09. E 12. E 15. E 18. A

EXERCISES - 02 02. D 05. C 08. A EXERCISES - 03 02. ok 05. have 08. go 11. ok 14. is 17. ok 03. is 06. is 09. are 12. has 15. is 18. want 03. C 06. C






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