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Ao lermos um texto devemos utilizar as estratgias adequadas para que a nossa necessidade de informao
seja atendida sem o desperdcio de tempo. Se queremos um nmero de telefone no h razo de lermos toda a lista
telefnica. Do mesmo modo, se queremos respostas claras de um inqurito policial precisamos nos atentar aos
detalhes. por isso que precisamos nos decidir por qual tcnica utilizar para cada texto: skimming ou scanning?

Como regra geral devemos comear a ler um texto utilizando a tcnica do scanning, ou seja, devemos ler o
texto de forma mais superficial e rpida, procurando por palavras chaves ou idias. Na maioria das vezes temos uma
ideia do que est sendo procurado, sendo mais fcil a identificao da resposta. Com a tcnica do scanning no h a
necessidade de retorno ao texto lido, pois o que importa a ideia geral, que ser solidificada com a tcnica seguinte:
o skimming.


Leia o texto a seguir no menor espao de tempo possvel e sem recorrer ajuda do dicionrio. O seu objetivo
o de retirar a mensagem geral do texto, sem se preocupar com os detalhes. a necessidade inicial de saber o
assunto do texto e o tipo de informaes a serem coletadas posteriormente.

The sheer power of the Internet is its capacity to adapt. And since it has a lot of public pathways, the cost of
connection is very cheap. But this power and decentralized ownership have led to Wild West days. The challenges you
face as a network expert include security attacks, flooding, network load, and rising corporate costs. All challenges
except for the corporate costs are technical in nature. This means that you can typically address them with a technical
solution... well, most of the time.

The first challenge is a very serious threat to everyone on the Net: security attacks. The potential of taking an
entire corporation down is very realthis has never been a possibility until recently. One insurance company
estimated that if its network services were to fall to an attack, it would cost the company about $10 billion in lost
reputation and sales.
One of the difficulties in tracking any network perpetrator is due to the Internet Protocols message passing.
The Internet can handle routing of traffic quickly and dynamically. To do this, you have to ignore where the message
came from and focus merely on the destination.
This means that the message may be coming from a location non grata such as a cracker or a spamster. Sure,
some organizations (such as the United States FBI and CIA) actually track and record the messages for analysis, but
theyre less than inclined to make the logs widely available. Walton, Sean. Overcoming the Internet. In:
http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p= 22077&seqNum=3&rl=1Agora que voc leu o texto, pense por alguns
segundos sobre a mensagem principal a ser retirada. O que est sendo abordado neste texto?
unidade IIA depender do seu conhecimento de Ingls a mensagem principal a ser retirada poder ser mais ou menos
completa. Considerando-se um leitor de nvel bsico de ingls esperado que, com essa primeira leitura, consiga
retirar a seguinte mensagem: O texto fala das ameaas da Internet, de solues tcnicas para solucionar essas
ameaas e da importncia em se saber de onde vem as informaes vindas da Internet.

Varredura de textos skimming e scanning
Precisamos praticar mais a tcnica do skimming de modo que possamos entender os textos de forma mais
superficial, uma vez que nem sempre percebemos a necessidade da traduo de todas as palavras para o
entendimento do que est escrito.
A seguir tm-se dois pequenos textos. Leia-os superficialmente e retire a mensagem principal de cada um.

On the Web, navigation is rarely a life or death issue. However, getting lost in a large web site can be
confusing and frustrating. While a well-designed taxonomy may reduce the chances that users will become lost,
complementary navigation tools are often needed to provide context and to allow for greater flexibility. Structure and
organization are about building rooms. Navigation design is about adding doors and windows. Rosenfeld, Louis &
Morville, Perter. Information Architecture. pg. 106

Since the advent f the Web, people have struggled to create useful tools that enable users to navigate web
sites in a more visual way. First came the experimental, static sitemaps, which attempted to display web sites as
physical places. Then came the dynamic sitemaps that attempted to show relationships between pages on a web
site. Both looked very cool and stretched our imaginations. But neither proved to be very useful. Rosenfeld, Louis &
Morville, Perter. Information Architecture. pg. 132

Aps a leitura desses dois textos a mensagem principal a ser retirada sem a ajuda de um dicionrio seria:
Estar perdido em um site frustrante, mas ferramentas de navegao podem ajudar Sempre se pensou em
ferramentas para a navegao na net mais visuais, mas nem os mapas de sites estticos nem os dinmicos provaram
ser teis.


A ideia geral do texto muito importante para termos o conhecimento geral sobre o que est sendo tratado
ou para identificar uma informao pontual. Mas, na maioria das vezes precisamos nos aprofundar na leitura de modo
que concluses ou informaes especficas possam ser retiradas do texto. Para tal, utilizamos a tcnica do scanning,
atravs da qual, como um scanner, varremos o texto por inteiro.

Como varrer um texto?

Na varredura de um texto devemos nos ater s palavras que so importantes para o sentido do texto ou para
a informao que queremos buscar. Ao varrer o texto devemos antes analisar o que estamos procurando no texto.
Todas as palavras e frases importantes para a obteno da resposta devero ser entendidas. Caso sejam
desconhecidas, o uso do dicionrio se faz obrigatrio. No se deve traduzir todas as palavras de forma desconecta.
Lembre-se de analisar qual a classe gramatical daquela palavra e o contexto da mesma, de modo que a
correta traduo possa ser assegurada. Vamos tentar varrer o texto a seguir? Primeiramente, lembre-se dos passos
descritos anteriormente - eles no podem ser negligenciados!! No se pode varrer um texto sem antes l-lo na sua
superficialidade. Dessa forma, leia o texto rapidamente e reflita sobre a mensagem principal do mesmo.
Computers and How They Work Why is it important to know how a computer works? Easy, if you dont, it will
be hard to control. Computers were never built to control us even though that is how it appears. Their creation was
just another tool God gave man to use to benefit society. What can you do to learn more about computers? I have an
easy answer. Just read, and use computers more. They are not that hard and with time you too can become the
master over this tool.

Computers, the ones we know and love have not been around all that long. The first home personal
computer was not sold until 1977. We have come a long way since then. Did you know that in 1983 there were
approximately 2 million personal computers in use in the United States. However just 10 years later in 1993 the
number had jumped to more than 90 million.

Computers today are small, fast, reliable, and extremely useful. Back in 1977 that really was not the case.
However, they both operated in basically the same way. They both receive data, stored data, processed data, and
then output data similar the way our own brain functions. This article deals with those 4 functions: Memory,
Processing, Input, and Output.


Lets look at computer memory first. The function of storage in a computer comes in many different sizes, types and
shapes. However there are two basic categories: short-term and long-term. A typical computer contains numerous
types of memory including RAM, ROM, virtual, cache, and various long-term storage devices. Each type of computer
memory serves a specific function
and purpose.

Computer memory is measured in bytes. A single byte is made up of a series of 1s and 0s normally traveling
in pairs of eight. These eight 0s and 1s are the way the computer communicates and stores information. With each
keystroke or character a byte of memory is used. In another article you will learn more about bits and how the
computer thinks. Hames, Roderick. Computers and how they work. 1998. In http://www.crews.org/curriculum/ex/
Deu para captar a ideia geral do texto? Confira, se necessrio, a mensagem contida neste artigo, antes de
prosseguir para a fase de varredura.
O texto nos fala que para conhecer um computador devemos manuse-lo. Os computadores so hoje
pequenos, recebem vrios tipos de dados e de memria, explicando o modo pelo qual a mensurao da memria
Vamos varrer o texto? Leia-o novamente com ateno, procurando as palavras chaves, traduzindo as que julgar
necessrias e com o objetivo de responder as seguintes perguntas:

1. Qual a similaridade dos computadores antigos e os atuais?
2. Quais os tipos de memria mencionadas pelo texto?
3. De que modo se d a mensurao da memria?

Computers and How They Work

Why is it important to know how a computer works? Easy, if you dont, it will be hard to control. Computers
were never built to control us even though that is how it appears. Their creation was just another tool God gave man
to use to benefit society. What can you do to learn more about computers? I have an easy answer. Just read, and use
computers more. They are not that hard
and with time you too can become the master over this tool.

Computers, the ones we know and love have not been around all that long. The first home personal
computer was not sold until 1977. We have come a long way since then. Did you know that in 1983 there were
approximately 2 million personal computers in use in the United States. However just 10 years later in 1993 the
number had jumped to more than 90 million.

Computers today are small, fast, reliable, and extremely useful. Back in 1977 that really was not the case.
However, they both operated in basically the same way. They both receive data, stored data, processed data, and
then output data similar the way our own brain functions. This article deals with those 4 functions: Memory,
Processing, Input, and Output.


Lets look at computer memory first. The function of storage in a computer comes in many different sizes,
types and shapes. However there are two basic categories: short-term and long-term. A typical computer contains
numerous types of memory including RAM, ROM, virtual, cache, and various long-term storage devices. Each type of
computer memory serves a specific function
and purpose.
Computer memory is measured in bytes. A single byte is made up of a series of 1s and 0s normally traveling
in pairs of eight. These eight 0s and 1s are the way the computer communicates and stores information. With each
keystroke or character a byte of memory is used. In another article you will learn more about bits and how the
computer thinks. Hames, Roderick. Computers and how they work.1998. In

Utilizando as tcnicas descritas ficou mais fcil?

Confira as respostas. Caso no tenha tido sucesso, volte ao texto e, utilizando o dicionrio, traduza
novamente as frases que contm as informaes solicitadas:

1. Ambos funcionam de modo basicamente idntico, recebendo, armazenando e processando dados.
2. Existem basicamente duas categorias bsicas: de curta e de longa durao, incluindo as memrias RAM, ROM,
3. A mensurao da memria do computador se d em bits. Um bit composto de uma srie de 1s e 0s que se
agrupam de oito em oito. Estes oito 1s e 0s se constituem no modo pelo qual o computador comunica e armazena

1) Releia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa que contenha, respectivamente, 02 falsos cognatos e 03 true friends
(palavras que se assemelham ao portugus The sheer power of the Internet is its capacity to adapt. And since it has a
lot of public pathways, the cost of connection is very cheap. But this power and decentralized ownership have led to
Wild West days. The challenges you face as a network expert include security attacks, flooding, network load, and
rising corporate costs.

All challenges except for the corporate costs are technical in nature. This means that you can typically address them
with a technical solution...well, most of the time.The first challenge is a very serious threat to everyone on the Net:
security attacks. The potential of taking an entire corporation down is very realthis has never been a possibility until
recently. One insurance company estimated that if its network services were to fall to an attack, it would cost the
company about $10 billion in lost reputation and sales.

One of the difficulties in tracking any network perpetrator is due to the Internet Protocols message passing. The
Internet can handle routing of traffic quickly and dynamically. To do this, you have to ignore where the message came
from and focus merely on the destination. This means that the message may be coming from a location non grata such
as a cracker or a spamster. Sure, some organizations (such as the United States FBI and CIA) actually track and record
the messages for analysis, but theyre less than inclined to make the logs widely available. Walton, Sean. Overcoming
the Internet. In: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=22077&seqNum=3& rl=1

a) threat network public connection nature
b) recently merely focus messages cracker
c) actually record serious attacks connection
d) costs difficulties real organizations nature

Analise partes de um texto tcnico sobre problemas com computador e responda as perguntas 2, 3 e 4. Todos os
pargrafos foram retirados da seguinte fonte: Stewart, Cavyl. Tips For Getting Technical Support Help Online. In:

2. Leia o pargrafo abaixo e assinale a alternativa que faz a correta previso do que ser abordado a seguir:

Sometimes your PC will start acting strange for no apparent reason or a program which you use regularly will all of a
sudden stop working as it should. This can be a frustrating experience especially if you have no idea where to go for

a) places where to buy a computer.
b) ideas of things to do while the PC is broken.
c) things that can be done to calm you down.
d) Ideas of things to do to solve this problem.

3 Leia os pargrafos abaixo e assinale a alternativa que melhor sintetiza a ideia principal do texto.

Dont assume that your problem is unique. The chances are that someone else has had that problem and it has
already been solved. Google is a great place for getting technical support help believe it or not. You may have to
experiment with wording your problem and refining your search, but its worth a try. For example, my Outlook email
client stopped showing me the Subjectfield when I was composing new email. As a result all of my email was going
out without a subject. After a bit of experimenting with wording the problem I found the answer by searching on the
phrase Outlook subject field missing. Someone in an online discussion group had the same problem and the answer
was provided. When you find good discussions groups bookmark them for future use. I have a bookmark I call
Technical Support Help and its full of great web sites.

a) Seu problema no nico. Atravs do Google voc pode verificar a quantidade de pessoas que passam pelos
mesmos problemas que voc.
b) Seu problema no nico. Utilize o Google e talvez voc consiga encontrar uma soluo para o mesmo.
c) Use sempre o Google ao invs de procurar assistncia tcnica.
d) As salas de discusso online so melhores opes para encontrar respostas do que a utilizao do google.
4. Releia os pargrafos abaixo e assinale a alternativa contenha informaes corretas coletadas no texto.

Dont assume that your problem is unique. The chances are that someone else has had that problem and it has
already been solved. Google is a great place for getting technical support help believe it or not. You may have to
experiment with wording your problem and refining your search, but its worth a try. For example, my Outlook email
client stopped showing me the Subjectfield when I was composing new email. As a result all of my email was going
out without a subject. After a bit of experimenting with wording the problem I found the answer by searching on the
phrase Outlook subject field missing. Someone in an online discussion group had the same problem and the answer
was provided. When you find good discussions groups bookmark them for future use. I have a bookmark I call
Technical Support Help and its full of great web sites.

a) O autor no acredita que o Google possa fornecer ajuda de suporte tcnico.
b) Ao usar o Google, voc poder ter problemas ao achar uma palavra que possa refinar a pesquisa.
c) Por causa da utilizao indevida do Google, o autor teve um problema no seu Outlook.
d) O Google uma tima opo para se ter ajuda de suporte tcnico.
4. Utilizando todas as tcnicas vistas nesse curso, leia o texto abaixo e responda as questes que se
seguem. No se esquea de fazer dois tipos de leitura: skimming e sanning.


One of the best features of a computer is the ability to give the computer commands and feed it
information. Without an input device this would not be possible. Input devices can be built into the
computer, like the keyboard in a laptop, or it can be connected to the computer by a cable. The most
common input device is the keyboard. There are lots of others such as: mice, trackballs, touch pads, touch
screens, pens, joy sticks, scanners, bar code readers, video and digital cameras, and microphones. In
addition, storage devices such as disk drives can serve as input devices.


Input is important but equally important is the ability to read what the computer is doing. The computer
output devices are used to serve the user. The most common output device is the monitor, or screen.
However most computer come with speakers and a printer which are excellent output devices. Storage
devices such as disk drives and diskettes also serve as output devices when it is necessary to write new or
updated data files to disk or tape. Hames, Roderick. Computers and how they work. 1998. In

Analise as alternativas abaixo como verdadeiras ou falsas:

a - ( ) Input devices may be important but not essential for those who want to feed a computer with some
b - ( ) The keyboard may not be considered as an input device
c - ( ) Input and output are equally important
d - ( ) Speakers and printers are output devices since they can be used to feed

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