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Glossrio da Conscienciologia

Aqui esto listadas 300 denominaes, palavras compostas, expresses e seus equivalentes
tcnicos da Conscienciologia.

Abordagem extrafsica
Contato de uma conscincia com outra nas dimenses extrafsicas.
Acidente parapsquico Distrbio fsico ou psicolgico gerado por influncias energticas,
terconscienciais, doentias, em geral de origem extrafsica, ou multidimen-sional.
Acoplamento urico Interfuso das energias holochacrais entre duas ou mais conscincia
Agenda extrafsica Anotao por escrito da relao de alvos conscienciais extrafsicos, p
ritrios seres, locais ou idias
que o projetor projetado procura alcanar gradativame
nte, de maneira cronolgica, estabelecendo esquemas inteligentes ao seu desenvolvi
Alucinao (Latim: hallucinari, errar)
Percepo aparente de objeto externo no presente
o momento; erro mental na percepo dos sentidos, sem fundamento em uma realidade ob
Alvo mental projetivo
Meta predeterminada que a conscin objetiva alcanar, atravs d
a vontade, inteno, mentalizao e deciso, ao se ver lcida fora do soma.
Amncia consciencial Condio da conscincia incapaz de pensar com equilbrio mental razo
Consciex auxiliadora de uma conscin ou de vrias conscins; benfeitor ext
rafsico. Expresses equivalentes, arcaicas, desgastadas e envilecidas pelo emprego
continuado: anjo da guarda; anjo guardio; anjo de luz; guia; mentor.
Andaimes conscienciais Muletas psicolgicas ou fisiolgicas quando dispensveis.
Androchacra (andro + chacra)
O sexochacra do homem.
Andropensene (palavra composta: andro + pen + sen + ene)
Pensene especfi-co da co
nscin masculina primitiva ou o macho.
Androssoma (andro + soma)
O corpo humano masculino ou especfico do homem.
Animismo (Latim: animus, alma) Conjunto dos fenmenos intra e extracorp-reos produz
idos pela conscin, sem interferncias externas, como, por exemplo, o fe-nmeno da pr
ojeo consciente induzida pela prpria vontade.
Antipensene (anti + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene antagnico, comum nas refutaes,
nos omniquestionamentos e nos debates produtivos.
Apario intervivos
Ao do aparecimento da conscincia do projetor huma-no, projetado,
Arrasto extrafsico Ao de um grupo de consciexes energvoras, inclusive guias extrafs
s cegos, nas dimenses paratroposfricas, com o objetivo de vampirizar as conscins,
nos ambientes de comemoraes ou eventos intrafsicos, que renem pessoas predispostas c
ondio da vitimizao assediadora coletiva, atravs das energias conscienciais.
Intruso pensnica interconsciencial, doentia. Expresso equivalente, an
acrnica: obsesso; h numerosas conscins que se defendem contra esta palavra.
Assim (as + sim) Assimilao simptica de ECs, ou energias conscienciais, pela vontade
, no raro com a decodificao de um conjunto de pensenes de outra(s) consci-ncia(s).
Atacadismo consciencial
Sistema de comportamento individual caracterizado pela d
iretriz de se levar em conjunto, ou de eito, os atos conscienciais, sem deixar r
astros ou gaps evolutivos, negativos, para trs.
Aura (Latim: aura, sopro de ar) orgstica
Energia holochacral do facies sexualis d
o homem ou da mulher no momento exato do orgasmo ou do clmax do ato sexual.
Aura peniana Energia sexochacral em torno do pnis, notadamente quando em ereo, perc
eptvel por qualquer pessoa motivada, em especial pelo prprio homem excitado sexual
Autobilocao (Grego: autos, prprio; Latim: bis, dois; e locus, lugar) consciencial
to de o projetor (ou projetora) intrafsico encontrar e contemplar o prprio corpo h
umano (soma) frente a frente, estando a sua conscincia (conscin) fora dele, sedia
da noutro veculo de manifestao consciencial.
Qualidade do nvel de autoconhecimento por parte da prpria co

nscincia; megaconhecimento.
Autoconscientizao multidimensional (AM)
Condio da lucidez madura da conscin quanto
ida consciencial no estado evoludo de multidimensionalidade, alcanado atravs da PL,
ou projetabilidade lcida.
Auto-imperdoador Conscin
homem ou mulher
que no se perdoa, em suas autodisciplina
s, quanto aos prprios erros e omisses, a fim de eliminar as autocorrupes conscientes
. Esta condio sadia se antepe condio, tambm sadia, do heteroperdoador (ou heteroper
dora), perdoador universal, sincero, em relao a todos os seres, para sempre, um pr
incpio bsico da maxifraternidade.
Automimese existencial Imitao, por parte da conscin, das prprias vivncias ou experin
ias passadas, sejam do renascimento intrafsico atual ou de existncias anteriores.
Automimeticidade Qualidade consciencial da automimese existencial.
Autopensene (auto + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene da prpria conscincia.
Autoprojeo Sada da conscin para outra dimenso consciencial, atravs do mentalsoma, ou
do psicossoma, intencional ou provocada pela vontade.
Auto-revezamento consciencial
Condio avanada em que a conscincia evolui entrosando u
ma existncia intrafsica com outra, consecutivamente (proxis vinculadas), ao modo do
s elos de uma cadeia (serixis), dentro do seu ciclo multiexistencial (holobiograf

Base fsica Local seguro, escolhido pela conscin para deixar o seu soma, inanimado
ou repousando, enquanto se projeta conscientemente para outras dimenses conscien
ciais fora dele; dupldromo. Um holopensene projeciognico domiciliar. Apresenta rel
ao direta com: a alcova energeticamente blindada; a tenepes; o epicon; a ofiex; o
projetarium; o precognitarium; e o Retrocognitarium.
Binmio admirao-discordncia Postura da conscin, madura quanto evoluo consciencial,
j sabe viver em coexistncia pacfica com uma outra conscin, a quem ama e admira, e,
ao mesmo tempo, no concorda sempre ou 100% com ela quanto aos seus pontos de vist
a, opinies ou posicionamentos.
Binmio lucidez-rememorao
Conjunto das duas condies indispensveis conscin para que
sma obtenha uma projeo lcida (fora do soma) plenamente satisfatria.
Biopensene (bio + pen + sen + ene) O pensene especfico da conscincia humana ou i
Bitanatose Desativao e descarte do holochacra, depois da dessoma, incluindo a reti
rada dos resqucios das conexes energticas do holochacra no psicossoma; segunda mort
e; segunda dessoma.
Bradipensene (bradi + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene de fluxo vagaroso, prprio da con
scincia humana bradipsquica.

Cardiochacra (cardio + chacra) O quarto chacra bsico, agente influente na emotivi

dade da conscin, vitalizador do corao e dos pulmes.
Casal incompleto Par de homem e mulher que no chega a formar o casal ntimo (aquele
casal que pratica o ato sexual completo), contudo, mantm forte lao afetivo.
Catatonia extrafsica
Condio fixa da conscin, quando projetada, que mantm atos extraf
icos estereotipados, repetidos e, em geral, inteis ou dispensveis quanto sua evoluo.
Crebro abdominal (V. Subcrebro abdominal).
Chacra Ncleo ou campo limitador de energia consciencial, cujo conjunto constitui
basicamente o holochacra, paracorpo energtico dentro do soma, fazendo a juno co
m o psicossoma, atuando como ponto de conexo pelo qual a energia consciencial flu
i de um veculo consciencial para outro. A palavra chacra um dos nossos limites crt
icos neologsticos. Este autor no encontrou outro vocbulo internacional, uninominal,
mais adequado, ou ideal, para colocar em seu lugar e combater o preconceito fil
osfico existente a seu respeito (seus derivados e cognatos). O que importa, leito
r ou leitora, antes de tudo, neste contexto, o contedo idetico e no a forma lingstic
. Vivemos na deficienciolndia, mas a evoluo consciencial prossegue com a Holochacra

Ciclo mentalsomtico
O ciclo ou curso evolutivo da conscincia que se inicia na sua
condio de CL, ou Conscincia Livre, em que desativa definitivamente o seu psicossoma
(terceira dessoma) e vive to-s com o mentalsoma.
Ciclo multiexistencial Sistema ou condio de alternncia contnua, em nosso nvel evolut
vo mdio, de um perodo de renascimento intrafsico (serixis) com outro perodo ps-destiv
somtica, extrafsico, ou a intermisso.
Clima interconsciencial
Condio do multientendimento em um encontro interconscienci
al, estabelecida atravs de pensenes afinizados, especialmente carregados nas ECs,
ou energias conscienciais. H climas, climinhas e climes interconscienciais.
Co-epicon Amparador que trabalha com a conscin, epicon praticante veterano, em s
uas tarefas energticas pessoais, seja na condio de seu colega nas prticas dirias da t
enepes ou na assistncia constante s consciexes recolhidas em sua ofiex.
Compensao intraconsciencial
Tcnica conscienciomtrica fundamentada no emprego maior d
e um atributo consciencial, mais desenvolvido (trafor), sobre outro, ou outros a
tributos conscienciais menos desenvolvidos (trafares) no microuniverso da consci
Complxis (comple + exis) Condio da completude existencial da proxis da cons-cincia h
Comunicologia rea ou especialidade da Conscienciologia que estuda a comunicabilid
ade da conscincia de todas as naturezas e formas, inclusive a comunicao interconsci
encial entre as dimenses conscienciais, considerando a projetabilidade conscienci
al lcida e as abordagens da conscincia inteira (holossoma, holobiografia, holomemria)
Comunidade extrafsica Reunio e vida em comum de consciexes em uma dimenso extrafsica
Con Unidade hipottica de medida do nvel de lucidez da conscin ou da consciex.
Concentrao consciencial
Estado da focalizao direta, sem desvios, dos sentidos, atrib
utos conscienciais, vontade e inteno da conscincia sobre um s objeto.
Confor (con + for) Interao do contedo (idia, essncia) com a forma (apresentao, lin
m) nos processos da comunicao interconsciencial (comunicologia).
Conscincia (Latim: con + scientia, com conhecimento) livre (CL)
ou melh
or: consciex que se libertou definitivamente (desativao) do psicossoma ou paracorp
o emocional, e das fieiras das serixis, situada na hierarquia evolutiva depois do
Homo sapiens serenissimus.
Consciencis Idioma teleptico, no simblico, nativo nas dimenses conscienciais das Soc
exes muito evoludas.
Filosofia social que centraliza os seus objetivos na conscin
cia em si, e em sua evoluo, especialidade da Conscienciologia, sob o nome de Consc
ienciocentrologia, que estuda a criao e a manuteno da instituio conscienciocntrica a
odo de uma cooperativa consciencial, dentro da Socin Conscienciolgica, com base n
os vnculos empregatcio e consciencial.
Conscienciograma Planilha tcnica das medidas avaliativas do nvel de evoluo da consci
cia; megateste consciencial que tem por modelo o Homo sapiens serenissimus, resp
onsvel por uma conta corrente egocrmica positiva. Instrumento bsico empregado nos t
estes conscienciomtricos.
Conscienciologia Cincia que estuda a conscincia de modo integral, holossomtico, mul
tidimensional, multimilenar, multiexistencial e, sobretudo, conforme as suas reaes
perante as EIs e as ECs, bem como em seus mltiplos estados.
Consciencilogo (a)
Conscin empenhada no estudo permanente e na experimentao objetiv
a, dentro do campo de pesquisas da Conscienciologia, na qualidade de agente de r
enovaes evolutivas (agente retrocognitor), no trabalho libertrio das conscincias em
Conscienciometria Disciplina ou rea que estuda as medidas conscienciolgicas, ou da
conscincia, atravs dos recursos e mtodos oferecidos pela Conscienciologia, capazes
de assentar as bases possveis da matematizao da conscincia. Instrumento principal:
Consciencioterapia Especialidade que estuda o tratamento, alvio ou remisso de distr
bios da conscincia, executados atravs dos recursos e tcnicas derivados da Conscienc
Consciex (consci + ex)
Conscincia extrafsica; o paracidado ou paracidad da Sociex. S

innimo envilecido pelo uso: desencarnado.

Conscin (consci + in)
Conscincia intrafsica; a personalidade humana; o cidado ou ci
dad da Socin. Sinnimo envilecido pelo uso: encarnado.
Continusmo consciencial Condio da inteireza
sem brechas
na continuidade da vida co
sciencial atravs da previso providencial e do auto-revezamento evolutivo, ou seja:
a emenda desta vivncia do momento, s vivncias imediatamente anterior e posterior,
incessantemente, em um todo coeso e nico, sem soluo de continuidade nem experincias
conscienciais estanques.
O mesmo que holochacra, o veculo especfico da EC da conscin.
Contrapensene (contra + pen + sen + ene) Pensene intraconsciencial da conscin;
refutao mental muda; palavra mental; o pensene mudo; um tipo de intrapensene.
Copensene (co + pen + sen + ene) O pensene da coopo especfica do coro, dos re
zadores em grupo e das multides.
Amparador que trabalha conjuntamente com a conscin no desenvolviment
o das suas projees conscienciais, lcidas, assistidas.
Cordo de ouro Suposto elemento energtico
semelhana de um controle remoto
que man
mentalsoma ligado ao paracrebro do psicossoma.
Coronochacra (corono + chacra) O chacra da rea do sincipcio, coroa o holochacra.
Cosmoconscincia Condio ou percepo interior da conscincia do cosmo, da vida e da ord
do Universo, em uma exaltao intelectual e cosmotica impossvel de se descrever, quand
o a conscincia sente a presena viva do Universo e se torna una com ele, em uma uni
dade indivisvel. H comunicao interconsciencial nesta condio peculiar.
Cosmotica (cosmo + tica)
tica ou reflexo sobre a moral csmica, multidimensional, que
define a holomaturidade, situada alm da moral social, intrafsica, ou que se aprese
nta sob qualquer rtulo humano. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia.
Cosmoeticidade Qualidade cosmotica da conscincia.
Cosmopensene (cosmo + pen + sen + ene)
Pensene especfico do consciencis ou do esta
do da cosmoconscincia; forma de comunicao do consciencis.
Co-terapeuta Amparador que trabalha conjuntamente com a conscin consciencioterap
euta no desenvolvimento dos procedimentos tcnicos assistenciais da consciencioter
apia aos seus pacientes.
Curso grupocrmico
Conjunto dos estgios da conscincia dentro do grupo consciencial e
Curso intermissivo Conjunto de disciplinas e experincias teticas administradas con
sciex, depois de determinado nvel evolutivo, durante o perodo da intermisso conscie
ncial, dentro do seu ciclo de existncias pessoais, objetivando o completismo cons
ciencial (complxis) da prxima serixis.

Dermatologias da conscincia
Expresso composta atribuda s Cincias convencionais, fisi
alistas, subordinadas ao paradigma newtoniano-cartesiano, mecani-cista, que cent
ram as suas pesquisas to-somente no soma, porque no dispem da instrumentalidade nec
essria para as investigaes tcnicas, diretas, da conscincia em si; dermatologias da co
nscin; cincias peri-conscienciais.
Desassim (desas + sim) Desassimilao simptica de ECs exercida pela impulso da vontade
, normalmente atravs do EV.
Descoincidncia vgil
Condio parapsquica da conscin projetor ou projetora
em que a
a se percebe com o psicossoma fora do estado da coincidncia, em plena viglia fsica
ordinria, sem se sentir completamente integrada ao soma, gerando a intensificao de
parapercepes e fenmenos energticos e parapsquicos.
Desperticidade Qualidade consciencial do ser desperto.
Desperto (des + per + to)
Ser intrafsico, ou conscin, desassediado, perma-nente,
total, plenamente autoconsciente da sua qualidade de desperticidade.
Dessoma (des + soma)
Desativao somtica, prxima e inevitvel para todas as conscins;
rojeo final; primeira morte; morte biolgica; monotanatose. A dessoma (simplesmente)
ou primeira dessoma a desativao do corpo humano ou soma. A segunda dessoma a desa
tivao do holochacra. A terceira dessoma a desativao do psicossoma.
Dessomtica Estudo dos contextos fsicos da dessoma e dos contextos psicolgicos, soci
ais e mdico-legais relacionados com a desativao do soma. um especialidade da Consci

Enredo fantasioso criado pela imaginao durante o estado da viglia fsica ord
inria da conscincia humana.
Dimener (dime + ener)
Dimenso energtica das conscincias; dimenso holochacral; dimens
trs-e-meio. Dimenso natural do holochacra.
Dupla evolutiva Duas conscincias que interagem positivamente em evoluo conjunta; co
ndio existencial de evolutividade intercooperativa a dois.

Ectopia consciencial Execuo insatisfatria da proxis, de maneira excntrica, deslocada

fora do roteiro programtico escolhido para a prpria vida intrafsica.
Egocarma (ego + carma) Princpio de causa e efeito, atuante na evoluo da conscincia,
quando centrado exclusivamente no ego em si. Estado do livre-arbtrio preso ao ego
centrismo infantil. A palavra carma outro dos nossos limites crticos neologsticos.
Este autor no encontrou outro vocbulo internacional, uninominal, mais adequado, o
u ideal, para colocar em seu lugar e combater o preconceito cientfico existente a
seu respeito (seus derivados e cognatos).
O que importa, leitor ou leitora, antes de tudo, neste contexto, o contedo idetico
e no a forma lingstica. Vivemos na deficienciolndia, mas a evoluo consciencial pross
gue com a Holocarmalogia.
Egopensene (ego + pen + sen + ene)
O mesmo que autopensene; a unidade de medida
do egosmo consciencial, segundo a Conscienciologia, ou, mais apropriadamente, a C
Encapsulamento Parassanitrio
Isolamento assistencial e a anulao energtica, temporria
das manifestaes pensnicas notadamente energticas, intrusivas ou assediadoras
de um
ou mais conscincias, conscins e/ou consciexes, enfermas, ao modo dos isolamentos
sanitrios existentes nos hospitais de doenas infecto-contagiosas com internados q
ue apresentam alto poder de contaminao doentia, radiativa ou txica.
Energia consciencial (EC) A energia imanente que a conscincia emprega em suas man
ifestaes em geral; o ene do pensene.
Energia imanente (EI) Energia primria, vibratria, essencial, multiforme, impessoal
, difusa e dispersa em todos os objetos ou realidades do Universo, de modo onipo
tente, ainda indomada pela conscincia humana, e demasiadamente sutil para ser des
coberta e detectada pelos atuais instrumentos tecnolgicos.
Enumerologia Tcnica didtica de feitura e processamento de textos, centrada na auto
crtica informativa.
Epicon (epi + con)
Epicentro consciencial; conscin-chave do epicentrismo operaci
onal, que se torna um fulcro de lucidez, assistencialidade e construtividade int
erdimensional, atravs da ofiex. Tem relao direta com a tenepes ou a tarefa energtica
Era consciencial Aquela na qual a mdia das conscins encontrar-se- suficientemente
evoluda, atravs dos impactos, redefinies e revolues criadas pela vivncia da projetab
dade lcida (PL), implantando-se o primado da autoconsciencialidade.
Estado de animao suspensa
Aquele no qual a conscin tem suspensas, temporariamente,
as funes vitais essenciais do seu corpo celular, retornando, depois, s suas condies
fisiolgicas normais, em certos casos sem ocorrer quaisquer danos sua sade, sobrevi
vendo as clulas em metabolismo de hibernao humana.
Estado vibracional (EV) Condio tcnica de dinamizao mxima das energias do holochacra
travs da impulso da vontade.
Estigma assediador Um insucesso, sempre dramtico, em geral patolgico, ou uma derro
ta evolutiva, assentada, em geral, em uma auto-obcecao consciencial geradora da me
lin ou da melex. Muitas vezes, resulta em acidentes parapsquicos.
Euforex (eufor + ex) Condio de euforia extrafsica, aps a desativao somtica, gerada
cumprimento razovel da proxis; euforia post-mortem; para-euforia; euforia ps-somtic
Euforin (eufor + in) Condio da euforia intrafsica, antes da desativao somtica gerad
elo cumprimento razovel da proxis; euforia pr-mortem. Condio predisponente ideal mor
s positiva.
Eunuco de bases conscienciais
Conscin castrada e manipulada cons-ciencialmente p

elos sectrios, domesticadores dos robs satisfeitos, os escravos modernos da massa

Especialidade da Conscienciologia que estuda a evoluo da conscincia a
bordada de modo integral, em alto nvel, matria adstrita especificamente ao evolucil
ogo ou orientador evolutivo.
Evolucilogo Conscincia coadjutora da coordenao inteligente da proxis (progra-mao e
ncial) ou da evoluo consciencial de uma ou mais conscincias, do mesmo grupocarma. E
xpresso mais adequada do que orientador evolutivo.
Existncia holochacral
Vida intrafsica ou a serixis da conscincia humana.
Existncia trancada
Vivncia humana ou da serixis sem a produo de PCs; vida humana
troposfrica somente com projees inconscientes, vegetativas, caractersticas do estado
do paracoma evolutivo; serixis trancada.
Experincia da Quase-Morte (EQM) Ocorrncia projetiva, involuntria ou forada por circu
nstncias humanas, crticas, da conscincia humana, comum a doentes terminais, pacientes morituros e sobreviventes da morte clnica.
Relativo quilo que esteja fora, ou alm, do estado intrafsico ou humano; e
stado consciencial menos fsico do que o soma.

Fenmeno concomitante PC O que ocorre no continuum espao-tempo ou no, mas simultanea

mente com o desenvolvimento da experincia da projeo consciente, de modo espontneo e
Fenmeno projetivo Ocorrncia parapsquica especfica do mbito de pesquisa da Projeciolo
Fitopensene (fito + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene rudimentar da planta; a unidade lx
ica da planta, segundo a Conscienciologia.
Geoenergia (geo + energia) Energia imanente (EI) proveniente do solo ou da ter
ra e absorvida pela conscin atravs da pr-kundalini. Expresso arcaica: energia telric
Gestao consciencial
Produtividade evolutiva, til, da conscincia humana, dentro do qu
adro de obras pessoais da programtica da sua proxis.
Ginochacra (gino + chacra)
O sexochacra da mulher.
Ginopensene (gino + pen + sen + ene) O pensene especfico da linguagem e comunicabi
lidade feminina.
Ginossoma (gino + soma)
O corpo humano feminino ou especfico da mulher, especiali
zado na reproduo animal da vida intrafsica da conscin; o corpo afrodisaco.
Grafopensene (grafo + pen + sen + ene) A assinatura pensnica da conscincia humana
ou intrafsica.
Grecex (gr + rec + ex) Grupo de reciclantes existenciais; reunio e vivncia intrafsi
ca, conjunta, em grupo, objetivando a experincia das recxis planificadas. Plural:
Grinvex (gr + inve + ex) Grupo de inversores existenciais; reunio e vivncia intrafs
ica, conjunta, em grupo, objetivando a experincia das invxis planificadas. Plural:
Qualidade do grupo evolutivo da conscincia; condio da evolutividade em
Grupocarma (grupo + carma) Princpio de causa e efeito, atuante na evoluo da conscinc
ia, quando centrado no grupo evolutivo. Estado do livre-arbtrio individual, quand
o ligado ao grupo evolutivo.
Grupopensene (grupo + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene sectrio, corporativista e antipo
licrmico; mas o grupopensene pode ser tambm construtivo.
Guia-cego ou Guia-amaurtico Conscincia amoral ou inexperiente que ajuda outra cons
cincia, de modo anticosmotico, segundo os seus interesses egicos do momento, em det
rimento de outras.

Heteropensene (hetero + pen + sen + ene)

O pensene de outrem em relao a ns.
Qualidade da lucidez mxima da conscin alcanada pela recuperao
que lhe
possvel dos cons.
Hiperespaos conscienciais
Dimenses conscienciais extrafsicas.
Hiperpensene (hiper + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene heurstico; a idia original da des
coberta; o pensene neoflico; a unidade de medida da inveno, segundo a Conscienciome
Hipnagogia (Grego: hipnos, sono; e agogs, condutor)
Condio crepuscular de transio da
conscincia entre o estado da viglia fsica ordinria e o estado do sono natural. um es
tado alterado da conscincia.
Hipnopompia (Grego: hipnos, sono; e pompiks, procisso)
Condio de transio do sono na
al, introdutria ao despertamento fsico, no semi-sono que procede o ato de acordar,
caracterizada por imagens onricas com efeitos auditivos e vises alucinatrias que s
ubsistem aps o despertar. um estado alterado da conscincia.
Hipopensene (hipo + pen + sen + ene) O mesmo que protopensene ou fitopensene.
Holocarma (holo + carma) Reunio dos 3 tipos de aes e reaes conscienciais
upocarma e policarma dentro dos princpios de causa e efeito, atuantes na evoluo da
Holochacra (holo + chacra)
Paracorpo energtico da conscincia humana.
Holochacralidade Qualidade das manifestaes da conscin derivadas do holochacra ou c
orpo energtico.
Holomaturidade (holo + maturidade)
Condio da maturidade integrada
biolgica, psicolg
ca, holossomtica e multidimensional
da conscincia humana.
Holomemria (holo + memria) Memria causal, composta, multimilenar, multiexistencial
, implacvel, ininterrupta, pessoal, que retm todos os fatos relativos conscincia; m
ultimemria; polimemria.
Holopensene (holo + pen + sen + ene) Pensenes agregados ou consolidados. Sinnimo
envilecido pelo uso: egrgora. Esta palavra gera resistncia em larga faixa dos leit
ores srios das cincias.
Holopensene domiciliar Base fsica; alcova energeticamente blindada; ofiex.
Holorgasmo (holo + orgasmo)
Orgasmo holossomtico; xtase mximo gerado pelas energias
de todo o holossoma.
Holossoma (holo + soma) Conjunto dos veculos de manifestao da conscin: soma, holoch
acra, psicossoma e mentalsoma; e da consciex: psicossoma e mentalsoma.
Holossomtica Estudo especfico do holossoma. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia.
Homeostase holossomtica Estado integrado, hgido, de harmonia do holossoma.
Homo sapiens serenissimus
Conscincia quando na vivncia integral da condio do serenis
mo lcido. Sinnimo de emprego popular: Sereno.
Homopensene (homo + pen + sen + ene) O pensene da emisso e da recepo teleptica; a un
idade de medida na telepatia, segundo a Conscienciometria.

Incomplxis (in + comple + exis) Condio existencial da proxis incompleta da conscinci

Instituio conscienciocntrica
Aquela que centraliza seus objetivos na conscincia em s
i, e em sua evoluo, ao modo do Instituto Internacional de Projeciologia e Conscien
ciologia (IIPC), do Centro de Altos Estudos da Conscincia (CEAEC), da Internation
al Academy of Conscientiology (IAC) e da Associao Internacional para Evoluo da Consc
incia (ARAC); cooperativa consciencial, dentro da Socin Conscienciolgica, com base
nos vnculos empregatcio e consciencial.
Interfuso holossomtica Estado das assins mximas entre duas conscincias.
Perodo extrafsico da conscincia entre duas das suas serixis pessoais.
Intermisso ps-somtica Perodo extrafsico da conscincia imediato sua desativao so
Intermisso pr-somtica Perodo extrafsico da conscincia anterior ao seu renascimento
Intermissibilidade Qualidade do perodo de intermisso de uma conscincia.
Interpriso grupocrmica
Condio da inseparabilidade grupocrmica do princpio conscienc
evolutivo ou conscincia.

Qualidade das manifestaes especficas da intimidade da conscin
Condio da vida intrafsica, humana, ou da existncia da conscincia h
Intrapensene (intra + pen + sen + ene)
Pensene intraconsciencial da conscincia h
Intruso energtica Invaso de uma conscincia em outra atravs das ECs ou do holochacra.
Intruso espermtica Introduo do esperma de um homem no sexossoma da mulher, durante o
ato sexual.
Intruso holochacral Invaso de uma conscin em outra atravs do holochacra; intruso ene
Intruso holossomtica Invaso de uma conscincia em outra atravs de todo o holossoma.
Intruso interconsciencial
Ao exercida por uma conscincia sobre outra.
Intruso mnemnica Coliso da memria intrusiva de uma consciex assediadora sobre a memr
a cerebral ou biomemria de uma conscin assediada (paramnsia).
Intruso pensnica Invaso de uma conscincia em outra atravs do mentalsoma.
Intruso psicossomtica
Invaso de uma conscincia em outra atravs da emocionalidade, ou
pelo psicossoma.
Intruso volitiva Invaso da vontade de uma conscincia em outra atravs da hetero-suges
to ou heterohipnose.
Inversor existencial Conscin que se dispe a executar a invxis na vida intrafsica.
Invexibilidade Qualidade da execuo intrafsica da invxis.
Invxis (inve + exis)
Tcnica da inverso existencial executada pela conscincia humana
ou intrafsica.

Macro-PK destrutiva Psicocinesia ou PK (psychokinesis) nociva, capaz de acarreta

r prejuzos conscin, podendo estes, inclusive, serem fatais ao soma.
Macrossoma (macro + soma)
Soma fora-de-srie ou supermaceteado para a execuo de uma
proxis especfica.
Mandato pr-intrafsico Programao existencial para a vida humana planejada antes do re
nascimento intrafsico da conscincia; proxis.
Materpensene (mater + pen + sen + ene) Idia-me ou a matriz de todo um desenvolvime
nto de tese, teoria ou ensaio, o leitmotiv, o pilar mestre ou o pensene predomin
ante em um holopensene.
Maturidade integrada Estado da maturidade consciencial mais evoluda, alm da maturi
dade biolgica ou fsica, e da maturidade mental ou psicolgica; holomaturidade.
Maxifraternidade Condio interconsciencial, universalista, mais evoluda, fundamentad
a na fraternidade pura da conscincia auto-imperdoadora e heteroperdoadora, meta i
nevitvel na evoluo de todas as conscincias. Sinnimo: Megafraternidade.
Maximorxis (maxi + mor + exis)
Condio da morxis existencial
a maior
ou quando vem
ra a conscin completista, na qualidade de acrscimo ou adendo (base superavitria),
quanto ao complxis da sua proxis; portanto, a execuo de um extra sadio de um mandato
existencial concludo.
Maxipensene (maxi + pen + sen + ene) O pensene peculiar s CLs ou Conscincias Livre
Maxiprimener (maxi + prim + ener)
Condio da primavera energtica mxima ou prolongada.
Maxiproxis (maxi + pro + exis) Programao existencial mxima, por atacado, ou visando
execuo de tarefa na vivncia do universalismo e da maxifraternidade, com bases policr
Megameta O objetivo maior da auto-evoluo para a conscincia.
Megapensene (mega + pen + sen + ene)
O mesmo que ortopensene.
A condio evoluda de lucidez magna, cosmotica, da conscincia.
Megatrafar (mega + tra + far)
O trafar mximo da conscincia.
Megatrafor (mega + tra + for) O trafor mximo da conscincia.
Melex (mel + ex) Condio da melancolia extrafsica, ps-somtica ou post-mortem; par
Melin (mel + in) Condio da melancolia intrafsica ou pr-mortem.
Mentalsoma (mental + soma)
Corpo mental; o paracorpo do discernimento da conscinc

ia. Plural: mentaissomas.

Metassoma (meta + soma)
O mesmo que psicossoma, instrumento extrafsico de conscie
xes e conscins.
Microuniverso consciencial A conscincia considerada de per si, como um todo, engl
obando todos os seus atributos, pensenes e manifestaes no desenvolvimento da sua e
voluo. O microcosmo da conscincia em relao ao macrocosmo do Universo.
Mimese cosmotica
Impulso social produtivo de imitao dos antepassados evoludos da con
Minimorxis (mini + mor + exis)
Condio da moratria existencial
a menor
ou quando v
para a conscin incompletista ressarcir o seu deficit holocrmico (base deficitria)
ou concluir a condio do complxis quanto sua proxis; portanto, o acabamento de um man
dato existencial ainda inconcluso.
Minipensene (mini + pen + sen + ene) O pensene especfico da criana, s vezes e
m funo do crebro ainda em desenvolvimento.
Miniprimener (mini + prim + ener)
Condio da primavera energtica mnima ou efmera.
Miniproxis (mini + pro + exis) Programao existencial mnima, a varejo, ou objetivando
a execuo de uma tarefa mnima, ainda grupocrmica.
Mnemossoma (mnemo + soma) O soma considerado especificamente quanto memria da con
scincia, em todas as suas formas.
Monitoria extrafsica Condio da assistncia de consciexes sadias em favor da conscin e
quilibrada, quando esta desempenha tarefa da consolao ou do esclarecimento, tambm e
Monodotao consciencial Vida intrafsica sob a presso de assdios constantes de seres d
entios experienciada pela conscin medocre, de poucos talentos, sem versatilidade.
Monopensene (mono + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene repetitivo; o monoidesmo; a idia
fixa; o eco mental; repensene.
Monotanatose O mesmo que dessoma; primeira dessoma.
Morxis (mor + exis)
Condio da moratria existencial, ou um complemento de vida intraf
ica, facultado a determinadas conscins, conforme o seu mrito holocrmico. A morxis p
ode apresentar uma base deficitria
a menor
minimorxis; ou superavitria
a maior
morxis, quanto aos resultados da proxis.
Morfopensene (morfo + pen + sen + ene) O pensamento ou um conjunto de pensamento
s quando reunidos e se expressando, de algum modo, como uma forma. Expresso arcai
ca, agora em desuso: forma-pensamento. A acumulao de morfopensenes compe o holo
Multicomplxis (multi + compl + exis)
Multicompletismo existencial ou o complxis ob
tido atravs da execuo de vrias programaes existenciais (proxis) em diversas vidas in
fsicas (serixis) consecutivas.
Neofilia Adaptao fcil da conscin s situaes, coisas e acontecimentos no-vos. Oposto
Neopensene (neo + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene da conscin, quando se manifesta atr
avs de novas sinapses ou conexes interneuroniais, capaz de criar a recin ou a reci
clagem intraconsciencial; a unidade de medida da renovao consciencial, segundo a C
onscienciologia, ou, mais apropriadamente, a Conscienciometria.

Ofiex (ofi + ex) Oficina extrafsica do epicon intrafsico (praticante da tenepes).

Os recursos e instalaes extrafsicas da ofiex so mltiplos e surpreendentes. Um holopen
ene domiciliar.
Oniropensene (oniro + pen + sen + ene)
O mesmo que patopensene.
Orientador Evolutivo Conscincia coadjutora da coordenao inteligente da proxis, ou da
evoluo consciencial de uma ou mais conscincias, do mesmo grupocarma. Condio evolutiv
a entre o ser desperto e o Sereno. O mesmo que evolucilogo.
Ortopensene (orto + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene reto ou cosmotico, prprio da holoma
turidade consciencial; a unidade de medida da cosmotica prtica, segundo a Conscien

Escrita parapsquica multmoda, abrangente e sofisticada.
Para Prefixo que significa alm de, ao lado de, como em paracrebro. Significa, tambm
, extrafsico.
Crebro extrafsico do psicossoma da conscincia nos estados extrafsico (con
ciex), intrafsico (conscin) e projetado, quando atravs do psicossoma.
Paracomatose consciencial
Estado de coma extrafsico da conscin, quando projetada,
que permanece invariavelmente inconsciente e, portanto, sem rememoraes extrafsicas
Paradigma consciencial Teoria-lder da Conscienciologia fundamentada na prpria cons
Parafisiologia Fisiologia dos veculos de manifestao da conscincia, excludo o corpo h
mano ou soma. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia.
Paragentica A gentica adstrita s heranas da conscincia, atravs do psicossoma, da vi
anterior ao embrio humano. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia.
Para-homem Consciex com visual de homem ou conscin homem projetada. Expresso sinni
ma, desgastada e envilecida pelo uso: entidade espiritual masculina.
Paramulher Consciex com visual de mulher ou conscin mulher projetada. Expresso si
nnima, desgastada e envilecida pela uso: entidade espiritual feminina.
Patologia dos veculos de manifestao da conscincia, excludo o corpo hum
no ou soma. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia.
Parapensene (para + pen + sen + ene) O pensene especfico da consciex ou conscincia
Passes-para-o-escuro Expresso popular para significar a transmisso tcnica, diria, de
energias conscienciais, ou ECs, por uma conscin, diretamente a consciexes, cons
cins projetadas, ou no estado da viglia fsica ordinria, com assistncia permanente de
amparadores. Expresso tcnica: tenepes (tarefa energtica pessoal).
Patopensene (pato + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene patolgico ou da amncia consciencial
; o pecadilho mental; a vontade patolgica; a inteno doentia; a ruminao cerebral.
Pensen (pen + sen) Pensamento e sentimento.
Pensene (pen + sen + ene)
Unidade de manifestao prtica da conscincia, segundo a Cons
cienciologia, que considera o pensamento ou idia (concepo), o sentimento ou a emoo e
a EC (energia consciencial) em conjunto, de modo indissocivel.
Pensenedor Instrumento pelo qual a conscincia manifesta os seus pensamentos e ato
s. No caso especfico da conscin, o pensenedor fundamental o soma.
Qualidade da conscincia pensnica de algum.
Podossoma (podo + soma)
O soma considerado especificamente quanto aplicao dos ps ou
o trabalho com os ps, por exemplo, o do jogador de futebol.
Policarma (poli + carma) Princpio de causa e efeito, atuante na evoluo da conscincia
, quando centrado no senso e vivncia da maxifraternidade csmica, alm do egocarma
e do grupocarma.
Poro consciencial Fase de manifestao infantil e adolescente da conscin, at chegar ao
perodo da adultidade, caracterizada pelo predomnio dos trafares mais primitivos d
a conscincia multiveicular, multiexistencial e multimilenar.
Condio inicial, preliminar ou de tateios, da sexualidade humana prtica dent
ro da Socin.
Precognio (Latim: pre, antes; cognoscere, conhecer) extrafsica
Faculdade perceptiva
pela qual a conscincia, plenamente projetada para fora do corpo humano, fica con
hecendo fatos indeterminados vindouros, inclusive objetos, cenas e formas distan
tes, no tempo futuro.
Precognitarium Base fsica preparada tecnicamente para a produo de PCs pr-cognitivas.
Chacra secundrio plantar. H 2 plantochacras no holossoma da conscin. E
xpresso prpria da Conscienciologia.
Pr-sereno Conscin, ou consciex, que ainda no vive o serenismo lcido.
Pr-sereno intrafsico alternante Conscin capaz de viver consciente, ao mesmo tempo,
no estado da viglia fsica ordinria e projetada, de quando em quando, em dimenses ext
Primener (prim + ener) Primavera energtica; condio pessoal, mais ou menos duradoura

, de apogeu das ECs sadias e construtivas.

Primener a dois
Primavera energtica da dupla evolutiva, cujos parceiros se amam d
e fato e dominam as aplicaes das ECs sadias, com inteira lucidez, construindo as s
uas proxis atravs de gestaes conscienciais.
Primopensene (primo + pen + sen + ene) O mesmo que causa primria do Universo; o p
rimeiro pensamento que foi composto. Este vocbulo no tem plural.
Princpios pessoais
Conjunto de valores e iniciativas norteadores da vida conscien
cial, escolhido pela conscincia, a partir da holomaturidade, multidimensionalidad
e e cosmotica vivida.
Proxis (pro + exis) Programao existencial especfica de cada conscin em sua serixis,
o caso, a existncia intrafsica.
Proxis avanada Programao existencial da conscin, lder evolutiva, dentro de uma taref
libertria especfica do grupocarma, mais universalista e policrmica, onde minipea lc
da e atuante dentro do maximecanismo da equipe multidimensional.
Projeo consciente (PC)
Projeo da conscin para alm do soma; experincia extracorprea
Projeo consciente assistida
Aquela pela qual a conscin v-se assistida durante o exp
erimento, de modo direto, por um amparador, quase sempre perito em projetabilida
de lcida (PL).
Projeo semiconsciente (PSC) Experincia onrica em que a conscin projetada se reconhec
e lcida em parte, de modo desordenado. No uma projeo consciencial ideal; sonho lcido
Projeciocrtica Crtica projeciolgica. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia.
Projeciografia Estudo tcnico dos registros projeciolgicos. uma especialidade da Co
Projeciologia (Latim: projectio, projeo; grego: logos, tratado)
Cincia que estuda a
s projees da conscincia e seus efeitos, inclusive as projees das ECs para fora do hol
ossoma. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia.
Projecioterapia Cincia das profilaxias e terapias derivadas das pesquisas e tcnica
s da Projeciologia.
Projetabilidade lcida (PL)
Qualidade parafisiolgica, projetiva, lcida, da conscincia
, capaz de descoincidir-se ou tirar os seus veculos de manifestao da condio de alinha
mento do holossoma, inclusive atravs da impulso da prpria vontade.
Projetarium Base fsica preparada tecnicamente para a produo das PCs.
Protopensene (proto + pen + sen + ene) O pensene mais rudimentar; o mesmo que fi
topensene ou hipopensene.
Psicossoma (Grego: psyckh, alma; soma, corpo)
Paracorpo emocional da conscincia; o
corpo objetivo da conscin.
Quirossoma (quiro + soma)
ou o trabalho manual.

O soma considerado especificamente quanto aplicao das mos

Recesso projetivo Fase existencial da conscin caracterizada pela cessao espontnea t

emporria quase sempre das experincias projetivas lcidas, dentro de uma seqncia de ex
erimentos intensivos.
Recexibilidade Qualidade da execuo intrafsica da recxis.
Recxis (rec + exis)
Tcnica da reciclagem existencial executada pela conscincia huma
Reciclante existencial Conscin que se dispe a executar a recxis.
Recin (reci + in)
A reciclagem intrafsica, existencial, intraconsciencial ou a re
novao cerebral da conscin atravs da criao de novas sinapses ou conexes interneuroniai
capazes de permitir o ajuste da proxis, a execuo da recxis, a invxis, a aquisio de
s novas, os neopensenes, os hiperpensenes e outras conquistas neoflicas da conscin
cia humana automotivada.
Repensene (re + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene repetido. O mesmo que monopensene, i
dia fixa ou monoidesmo.
Repercusses parapsicofsicas Reaes entre 2 veculos de manifestao consciencial, dura
ato de entrarem em contato entre si, tanto entre veculos diferentes de uma consc

incia, ou entre veculos semelhantes de duas ou mais conscincias. Tais repercusses po

dem ser intrafsicas e extrafsicas.
Retrocognio (Latim: retro, atrs; cognoscere, conhecer)
Faculdade perceptiva pela qu
al a conscin fica conhecendo fatos, cenas, formas, objetos, sucessos e vivncias p
ertencentes ao tempo passado distante, comumente relacionados com a sua holomemri
Retrocognitarium Base fsica preparada tecnicamente para a produo de projees conscien
es (PCs) retrocognitivas.
Retropensene (retro + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene especfico das auto-retrocognies; o
mesmo que o engrama da Mnemotcnica; a unidade de medida das retrocognies, segundo
a Conscienciometria.
Robxis (rob + exis) Robotizao existencial; condio da conscin troposfrica, excessiva
te escravizada intrafisicalidade ou quadridimensionalidade.
Romance extrafsico
Conjunto dos atos pelos quais a conscin namora ou mantm um caso
afetivo sadio ou positivo, estando projetada fora do soma.

Seduo holochacral Ao energtica, com inteno dominadora mais ou menos consciente, de

conscincia sobre outra(s).
Sene (sen + ene) Sentimento e energia consciencial.
Nome popular do Homo sapiens serenissimus.
Qualidade da conscincia sujeita s serixis.
Serixis (seri + exis) 1. Seriao existencial evolutiva da conscincia; existn-cias suc
ssivas; renascimentos intrafsicos em srie. 2. Vida humana ou intrafsica. Sinnimo de
sgastado pelo uso excessivo para a primeira acepo: reencarnao; esta palavra arcaica
no mais atinge as pessoas srias dedicadas s pesquisas de ponta da conscincia.
Sexochacra (sexo + chacra)
O chacra radical ou sexual bsico da conscincia humana.
Expresso antiga relativa EC deste chacra: kundalini (o fogo serpentino).
Sexopensene (sexo + pen + sen + ene)
A fantasia sexual; a unidade de medida do a
dultrio mental, segundo a Conscienciometria.
Sexossoma (sexo + soma)
O soma considerado especificamente quanto ao seu sexo.
Sexossoma feminino afrodisaco O soma da mulher, considerado especificamente quant
o ao sexo, quando em condies plsticas capazes de atuar como afrodisaco. Veja Ginosso
Estudo especfico do soma quanto ao seu sexo, ou sexossoma, e suas rel
aes com a conscin, seja o homem ou a mulher. uma especialidade da Conscienciologia
Sinaltica parapsquica
Existncia, identificao e emprego autoconsciente dos sinais ene
gticos, anmicos, parapsquicos e personalssimos, ou que toda conscin possui.
Sociex (soci + ex) Sociedade Extrafsica ou das consciexes. Plural: Sociexes.
Socin (soci + in)
Sociedade Intrafsica ou das conscins; Sociedade Humana. Plural:
Soltura do holochacra
Condio de liberdade relativa de atuao do paracorpo energtico d
conscin, em relao ao psicossoma e ao soma.
Soma Corpo humano; o corpo do indivduo do reino Animal, filo Cordata, classe Mamfe
ros, ordem Primatas, famlia Homindia, gnero Homo, espcie Homo sapiens, o mais elevad
o nvel de animal sobre este Planeta; apesar do exposto, o veculo mais rstico do hol
ossoma da conscincia humana.
Estado consciencial natural intermedirio entre o estado da viglia fsica ordinr
ia e o sono natural, caracterizado por um conjunto de idias e imagens que se apre
sentam conscincia. O sonho aflitivo que tem como efeitos a agitao, a angstia e a opr
esso durante
o seu desenvolvimento, recebe os nomes de: pesadelo; terror noturno; alucinao pesa
Sono Estado natural de repouso no homem e nos animais superiores que se caracter
iza especialmente pela supresso normal e peridica da atividade perceptiva, da motr
icidade voluntria, e da vida de relao, pelo relaxamento dos sentidos e dos msculos,
pela diminuio das freqncias circulatria e respiratria, e ainda pela atividade onrica
urante o qual o organismo recupera-se da fadiga.

Subcrebro abdominal
O umbilicochacra (centro de energia consciencial acima do umb
igo), quando escolhido inconscientemente pela conscin, ainda de evoluo medocre, par
a sede de suas manifestaes. O crebro abdominal, pseudocrebro abdominal, ou subcrebro
abdominal a eminncia parda do crebro natural, enceflico (coronochacra e frontochacra
); um embarao indefensvel na auto-evoluo consciente.
Subpensene (sub + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene carregado pelas energias conscienci
ais adstritas ao subcrebro abdominal, notadamente do umbilicochacra; a unidade de
medida do subcrebro abdominal, segundo a Conscienciometria.
Tacon (ta + con) Tarefa da consolao, assistencial, pessoal ou grupal, primria.
Taquipensene (taqui + pen + sen + ene)
O pensene de fluxo rpido, prprio da conscin
Tares (tar + es) Tarefa do esclarecimento, assistencial, pessoal ou grupal, avana
da. Plural: tarefas do esclarecimento.
Tetica (te + tica)
Vivncia conjunta da teoria e da prtica por parte da conscin ou da
Telepensene (tele + pen + sen + ene)
O mesmo que homopensene.
Tenepes (t + ene + pes)
Tarefa energtica pessoal, diria, multidimensional, com ass
istncia permanente de amparadores, a longo prazo ou para o restante da vida intra
fsica. Expresso popular: passes-para-o-escuro.
Trafar (tra + far) Trao-fardo da personalidade da conscin; componente negativo da
estrutura do microuniverso consciencial que a conscincia ainda no consegue alijar d
e si ou desvencilhar-se at o momento.
Trafor (tra + for) Trao-fora da personalidade da conscin; componente positivo da e
strutura do microuniverso consciencial que impulsiona a evoluo da conscincia.
Tridotao consciencial
Qualidade dos 3 talentos conjugados mais teis ao consciencilog
o: a intelectualidade, o parapsiquismo e a comunicabilidade; tridotalidade consc
Tritanatose Desativao e descarte do psicossoma com a entrada da conscincia do Homo
sapiens serenissimus na condio de Conscincia Livre (CL); terceira dessoma.
Umbilicochacra (umbilico + chacra) O chacra umbilical (acima do umbigo) ou relat
ivo fisiologia e parafisiologia (abdominais) da conscincia humana.
Conjunto de idias derivadas da universalidade das leis bsicas da Nat
ureza e do Universo e que, atravs da evoluo natural da conscincia, torna-se inevitav
elmente, a sua filosofia dominante; cosmismo.

Varejismo consciencial Sistema primrio de comportamento individual caracterizado

pela ao atravs de atos conscienciais menores, isolados e de mnimo resultado produtiv
o ou efeito evolutivo magno.
Veculo da conscincia Instrumento ou corpo pelo qual a conscincia se manifesta na in
trafisicalidade (conscin) e nas dimenses extrafsicas (conscin projetada e consciex
Verbao (verb + ao) Interao prtica do verbo e da ao no comportamento coerente da
; resultado da palavra ratificada pelo exemplo atravs dos testemunhos vividos pel
a conscin.
Vnculo consciencial Ligao cosmotica, autolcida, voluntria e policrmica, entre o co
ador e uma instituio. O vnculo consciencial se situa alm do vnculo empregatcio.
Vrus da Socin Qualquer trafar social na vida intrafsica da conscincia humana.
Vivncia pessoal (VP)
Experimentao prtica, pessoal, direta, intransfervel, da conscin
em seu caminho evolutivo.

Xenofrenia (Grego: xenos, estranho; phrem, mente)

Estado da conscincia humana, fo
ra do padro normal da viglia fsica ordinria, induzido por agentes fsicos, fisiolgicos
psicolgicos, farmacolgicos ou parapsquicos.
Xenopensene (xeno + pen + sen + ene) O pensene intrusivo do assediador nas ocorrn
cias de intruso pensnica ou assedialidade; a cunha mental; a unidade de medida do
assdio interconsciencial, segundo a Conscienciometria.
Zoopensene (zoo + pen + sen + ene) O pensene do animal subumano, sem autoconscie
ncialidade; a unidade de medida do princpio consciencial do animal subumano, segu
ndo Conscienciometria.

The following is a listing of 340 conscientiological terms, compound words, expr

essions and their technical equivalents.
Abdominal brain
The umbilicochakra (center of consciential energy located above
the navel), when unconsciously selected by the intraphysical consciousness, who
is still fairly unevolved, as the basis of his/her manifestations. The belly-bra
in, gut brain, abdominal brain, abdominal pseudo-brain, or abdominal sub-brain,
is the gray eminence of the natural, encephalic brain (coronochakra and frontoch
akra); an indefensible obstacle to conscious self-evolution.
Admiration-disagreement binomial The posture of an intraphysical consciousness w
ho is mature in regard to consciential evolution, knows how to live in peaceful
coexistence with another intraphysical consciousness who he/she loves and admire
s, but with whose points of view, opinions and positions he/she is not always in
100% agreement.
Advanced existential program The existential program of the intraphysical consci
ousness who is an evolutionary leader, within a specific libertarian groupkarmic
task that is more universalistic and polykarmic in nature. This individual acts
as a lucid, minicog within a maximechanism of the multidimensional team.
Altered state of consciousness See xenophrenia.
Alternant intraphysical preserenissimus
The intraphysical consciousness who is c
apable, from time to time, of simultaneously living consciously in the ordinary,
physical waking state, as well as projected in extraphysical dimensions.
Androchakra (andro + chakra) A man s sexochakra.
Androsoma (andro + soma) The masculine human body, or the soma specific to a man
Androthosene (andro + tho + sen + e)
The thosene specific to the primitive male
intraphysical consciousness or the macho man. Compound word: andro + thosene.
Animism (Latin: animus, soul)
The set of intracorporeal and extracorporeal pheno
mena produced by the intraphysical consciousness without external interference.
For example, the phenomenon of lucid projection induced by one s own will.
Antithosene (anti + tho + sen + e) The antagonistic thosene, common in refutatio
ns, omniquestioning, and productive debates.
Artifacts of knowledge Intellectual tools; resources used by the consciousness t
o store, retrieve or process information, such as books, computers and the inter
Assistantial Related to or denoting assistance. An assistantial task is universa
listic, cosmoethical, fraternal and should ideally be clarifying (clarification
task) instead of consoling (consolation task). Nonstandard expression: assistent
Assisted lucid projection
The projection wherein the intraphysical consciousness
finds him/herself to be directly assisted, during the experiment, by a helper w
hich is almost always an expert in lucid projectability.
Auric coupling Interfusion of the holochakral energies between two or more consc
iousnesses; interfusion of energosomas. Synonym: energetic coupling.
Barathrosphere (Greek: brathron [abyss] + sphira [sphere])
Pathological extraphysi
cal dimensions on the Earth s paratroposphere, where communities of anticosmoethic

al, parapsychotic, and disturbed extraphysical consciousness are based. Synonyms

: barathrum, gehenna, umbrae, limbo, dismal dimension, netherworld, intrusionsph
See abdominal brain.
Biothosene (bio + tho + sen + e) The thosene specific to the human or intraphysi
cal consciousness.
Bithanatosis The deactivation and discarding of the energosoma after the first d
esoma, including removal of the remaining energetic connections of the holochakr
a in the psychosoma; second death; second desoma.
Blind guide
The amoral or inexperienced consciousness which helps another consci
ousness in an anticosmoethical manner, according to its momentary egotistic inte
rests to the detriment of others. Analogy: amaurotic guide; pseudo guide; wrong
guide; immature guide.
Bradythosene (brady + tho + sen + e) The thosene having a sluggish flow, pertain
ing to the bradypsychic human consciousness.
Cardiochakra (cardio + chakra) The fourth basic chakra, the influential agent in
the emotionality of the intraphysical consciousness which vitalizes the heart a
nd lungs. Also known as the heart chakra.
Chakra A vortex or defined field of consciential energy, the totality of which b
asically constitutes the holochakra or the energosoma (energetic parabody inside
the body). Note: the word chakra is one of our critical neologistic limits. We
have not encountered another single international word that is more adequate, or
apt, to put in its place and eliminate the philosophical preconception that exi
sts with respect to this term (as well as its derivations and cognates). What is
above all important, in this context, is conceptual content and not linguistic
Chirosoma (chiro + soma)
The soma considered specifically in terms of the use of
the hands or manual labor.
Clarification task The advanced assistantial task of elucidation or clarificatio
n which can be performed individually or in group. Plural: clarification tasks.
The state of alignment of the vehicles (holosoma) of manifestation o
f the consciousness.
Communicology The area or subdiscipline of conscientiology that studies all natu
res and forms of communicability of the consciousness, including interconscienti
al communication between consciential dimensions, considering lucid consciential
projectability and the entire consciousness (holosoma, holobiography, holomemory)
Con The hypothetical unit of measurement of the level of lucidity of the intraph
ysical or extraphysical consciousness.
Confor (con + for)
The interaction of content (idea, essence) with form (present
ation, language) in the processes of interconsciential communication (communicol
Conscientese The non-symbolic telepathic or mental idiom that is the native lang
uage of highly evolved communities within the extraphysical dimension, as well a
s the mental dimension.
Consciential amentia
The condition of the consciousness which is incapable of th
inking with reasonable mental balance.
Consciential basement
The phase of infantile and adolescent manifestation of the
intraphysical consciousness up to adulthood, characterized by a predominance of
more primitive strong traits of the multivehicular, multiexistential and multim
illenary consciousness.
Consciential bond The cosmoethical, self-lucid, voluntary and polykarmic link be
tween a volunteer and an institution. The consciential bond goes beyond the empl
oyment bond.
Consciential co-epicenter
The helper that works with an intraphysical consciousn
ess who is a veteran consciential epicenter in his/her personal energetic task (
penta). This helper can work as a colleague in the daily practices of penta as w
ell as in the assistance continuously provided to extraphysical consciousnesses
which are brought to the epicenter s extraphysical clinic.

Consciential concentration
The direct, unwavering, focusing of the consciousness
senses, consciential attributes, will and intention upon a singular object.
Consciential continuism The condition of wholeness without gaps
in the continuit
y of consciential life, through opportune foresight and evolutionary self-relay.
In other words, the incessant linking of the experience of the present moment t
o immediately prior and subsequent experiences, in a cohesive and unified whole,
with neither interruption in continuity nor staunched consciential experiences.
Consciential ectopia Unsatisfactory execution of one s existential program in an e
ccentric, dislocated manner, outside the programming chosen for one s own intraphy
sical life.
Consciential energy
The immanent energy that the consciousness employs in its ge
neral manifestations; the ene of thosene. Abbreviation: CE.
Consciential epicenter The key intraphysical consciousness of operational epicen
trism who becomes a fulcrum of interdimensional lucidity, assistantiality and co
nstructiveness through the extraphysical clinic. Directly related to penta or th
e personal energetic task.
Consciential era That era in which average intraphysical consciousnesses find th
emselves sufficiently evolved, through the impacts, redefinitions and revolution
s created through their experiences of lucid projectability, implanting self-con
scientiality first and foremost.
Consciential eunuch
The intraphysical consciousness who is conscientially castra
ted and manipulated by sectarians, domesticators of satisfied robots, the modern
slaves pertaining to the unthinking masses.
Consciential gestation Useful evolutionary productivity, on the part of the huma
n consciousness, within the framework of the personal works of his/her existenti
al program.
Consciential hyperspaces Extraphysical consciential dimensions.
Consciential laboratory
Building with harmonious planning of its intraphysical,
bioenergetic and extraphysical characteristics, designed to optimize comfort and
conditions that may facilitate parapsychic experiences. Besides the physical as
pects planned, in the non-physical dimension, an energetic-informational field (
holothosene) specific to the theme of each laboratory is installed. Thus, the mo
re the building is used, the stronger its holothosene and effects. This speciali
zed arrangement creates a multidimensional chamber, providing opportunity for de
ep self-research.
Consciential micro-universe
The consciousness when considered as a whole, includ
ing all of its attributes, thosenes and manifestations during its evolution. The
microcosm of the consciousness in relation to the macrocosm of the universe.
Consciential monoendowment Intraphysical life under the pressure of constant int
rusion by ill beings. This is experienced by mediocre intraphysical consciousnes
ses having few talents and no versatility.
Consciential paracoma
The state of extraphysical coma of a projected intraphysic
al consciousness who invariably remains unconscious, therefore having no recall
of extraphysical events.
Consciential paradigm Leading-theory of conscientiology, based upon the consciou
sness itself.
Consciential restriction Restriction of the consciousness due to the process of
manifestation in the physical state, in which one s natural level of awareness is
Consciential retailing The rudimentary system of individual behavior characteriz
ed by lesser, isolated consciential actions having a minimum of productive resul
ts or great evolutionary effects.
Consciential scaffolding Dispensable psychological or physiological crutches use
d by the consciousness.
Consciential self-bilocation (Latin: bis, two; and locus, place)
The act whereby
an intraphysical projector encounters and contemplates his/her own human body (
soma) face-to-face, when the consciousness is outside the soma, headquartered in
another vehicle of consciential manifestation.
Consciential self-relay
The advanced condition in which the consciousness evolve
s by consecutively interweaving one intraphysical existence with another (connec

ted existential programs), in the manner of the links of a chain (existential se

riation), within one s multiexistential cycle (holobiography).
Consciential tri-endowment Quality of the three conjugated talents most useful t
o a conscientiologist: intellectuality, parapsychism and communicability.
Consciential wholesaling The behavior of an individual characterized by a tenden
cy to approach consciential acts in a comprehensive or wholesale manner, not lea
ving negative evolutionary loose ends or gaps behind.
Conscientiocentric institution
The institution that centralizes its objectives o
n the consciousness and its evolution, based on consciential bond (standard cond
uct) and employment bond (exception conduct). Synonym: conscientiocentric organi
zation (CO).
Conscientiocentric organization
See conscientiocentric institution.
Conscientiocentrism The social philosophy that concentrates its objectives on th
e consciousness itself and its evolution. Conscientiocentrism is a subject cover
ed by conscientiocentrology, the subdiscipline of conscientiology that studies t
he creation and maintenance of the conscientiocentric institution based on consc
iential and employment bonds like a consciential cooperative
in conscientiologic
al intraphysical society.
The technical plan for measuring the evolutionary level of the c
onsciousness; the consciential megatest having Homo sapiens serenissimus as a mo
del serenissimus being responsible for a positive egokarmic account. The conscie
ntiogram is the basic instrument employed in conscientiometric tests.
The intraphysical consciousness who is engaged in the continue
d study and objective experimentation in the field of conscientiological researc
h. The conscientiologist operates as an agent of evolutionary renovation (retroc
ognitive agent), in the libertarian work of consciousnesses in general.
Conscientiology The science that studies the consciousness in an integral, holos
omatic, multidimensional, multimillenary, multiexistential manner and, above all
, according to its reactions in regard to immanent energy (IE), consciential ene
rgy (CE) and its multiple states.
Conscientiometry The discipline or area that studies conscientiological (of the
consciousness) measurements, using the resources and methods offered by conscien
tiology, that are capable of establishing the possible bases for the mathematici
zation of the consciousness. Main instrument: the conscientiogram.
Conscientiotherapy The subdiscipline that studies the treatment, relief or remis
sion of disturbances of the consciousness, executed through the resources and te
chniques derived from conscientiology.
Consciousness, the The individual essence or intelligent principle in constant e
volution. In conscientiology the word consciousness (as in the consciousness ) is c
onsidered to be synonymous with mind, ego, intelligent principle, and others, an
d is not being used to refer to a state of consciousness. Outworn synonyms: soul
, spirit.
Consolation task Elementary, personal or group, assistantial task of consolation
Contrathosene (contra + tho + sen + e)
The intraconsciential thosene of the intr
aphysical consciousness; mute mental refutation; mental word; mute thosene; a ty
pe of intrathosene.
Co-projector The helper who works with the intraphysical consciousness in the de
velopment of his/her lucid, assisted consciential projections.
Coronochakra (corono + chakra)
The chakra in the area of the sinciput, crowning
the holochakra; crown chakra.
Cosmoconscientiarium (Greek: cosmos [the universe] + Latin: conscientia [knowled
ge within oneself] and -arium [a place for])
Consciential laboratory dedicated t
o facilitate expansion of awareness, personal experiences of the cosmoconsciousn
ess phenomenon, and experiences of projection via the mentalsoma.
Cosmoconsciousness The consciousness inner perception of the cosmos, of life and
the order of the universe, in an indescribable intellectual and cosmoethical exa
ltation. In this condition, the consciousness senses the living presence of the
universe and becomes one with it, in an indivisible unit. Interconsciential comm
unication occurs in this singular condition.

Cosmoethical mimicry
The productive social impulse of imitating the evolved fore
bears of the intraphysical consciousness.
The cosmoethical quality of the consciousness.
Cosmoethics (cosmo + ethics) The ethics or reflection upon cosmic, multidimensio
nal morality, or the cosmic moral code, which defines holomaturity. Cosmoethics
surpasses social, intraphysical morals or those morals presented within any hum
an classification. It is a subdiscipline of conscientiology.
Cosmothosene (cosmo + tho + sen + e)
The thosene specific to conscientese or the
state of cosmoconsciousness; the form of communication of conscientese.
Co-therapist The helper that works together with the intraphysical consciousness
conscientiotherapist during the assistantial technical procedures of conscienti
otherapy that are applied to his/her patients.
Co-thosene (co + tho + sen + e)
The specific thosene of co-choice of the collectiv
e actions, for example, of those praying in a group and of crowds. A personal th
osene aligned to the thosenes of a group, without reflection, implying groupthin
k or complicity. Thosene characteristic to crowds and religious events.
Counterbody The same as the energosoma or holochakra, the specific vehicle of th
e intraphysical consciousness consciential energy.
Daydream The fanciful story created by the imagination during the ordinary, phys
ical waking state of the human consciousness.
Dermatologies of the consciousness
The compound expression attributed to the con
ventional, physicalist sciences that are subordinated to the Newtonian-Cartesian
, mechanistic paradigm and focus their research only upon the soma, because they
do not avail themselves of the instrumentation necessary for direct, technical
investigation of the consciousness itself; dermatologies of the intraphysical co
nsciousness; periconsciential sciences.
Desoma (de + soma) Somatic deactivation, impending and inevitable for all intrap
hysical consciousnesses; final projection; first death; biological death; monoth
anatosis. First desoma, or simply desoma, is the deactivation of the human body
or soma. Second desoma is the deactivation of the holochakra. Third desoma is th
e deactivation of the psychosoma.
Desomatics The study of the physical context of desoma and of the psychological,
social and medicolegal contexts related to deactivation of the soma. It is a su
bdiscipline of conscientiology.
Despertology Despertology is the area of conscientiology that studies the intrus
ionless condition or the evolutionary, consciential quality of the intrusion-fre
e consciousness, who no longer suffers from pathological interconsciential intru
sions and their harmful evolutionary consequences. It is a field of conscientiom
etry (holomaturology).
Destructive macro-PK
Harmful PK (psychokinesis) capable of causing injuries to t
he intraphysical consciousness. Destructive macro-PK can even prove fatal to the
Discoincidence The state of non-alignment of the vehicles of manifestation of th
e consciousness (holosoma).
Domiciliary holothosene
The holothosene specific to the intraphysical consciousn
ess physical base, energetically shielded bedroom and extraphysical clinic.
The natural consciential state which is intermediary between the ordinary,
physical waking state and natural sleep. Dreams are characterized by a set of i
deas and images that present themselves to the consciousness. The afflictive dre
am that has the effect of agitation, anguish and oppression is termed: nightmare
; night terror; nightmarish hallucination.
Egokarma (ego + karma) The principle of cause and effect active in the evolution
of the consciousness, when centered exclusively on the ego itself. The state wh
erein free will is restricted by infantile egocentrism.
Egothosene (ego + tho + sen + e)
The same as self-thosene; the unit of measureme
nt of consciential egotism according to conscientiology or, more precisely, acco
rding to conscientiometry.
Empraxis Acronym for energetic multidimensional praxis. A practical activity or
session that is administered to deliver a deep bioenergetic work and multidimens
ional experience. Empraxis provides an opportunity for a theory to become a firs

thand experience. In turn, the experience brought about by the empraxis grants t
o the individual the possibility of confirming, testing or furthering a given co
nsciential concept.
Energetic dimension
The energetic dimension of consciousnesses; the holochakral
dimension; the energosomatic dimension; the three-and-a-half dimension. The natu
ral dimension of the energosoma.
Energetic harassment see intrusion.
Energetic maxispringtime
The condition of a maximized or prolonged energetic spr
Energetic minispringtime The condition of a minimal or ephemeral energetic sprin
Energetic springtime The more-or-less long-lasting personal condition wherein on
e s consciential energies exhibit an optimal, healthy, constructive profile.
Energetic springtime by two
The energetic springtime of the evolutionary duo, th
e partners of which truly love each other and control the application of healthy
consciential energy with complete lucidity, building their existential programs
through consciential gestations.
Energivorous See energivorous consciousness.
Energivorous consciousness
Energy consuming or energy draining consciousness; in
reference to intruder(s).
Energosoma - The energetic parabody of the human consciousness. The energosoma f
orms a junction between the soma and the psychosoma, acting as a point of connec
tion through which consciential energy flows from one consciential vehicle to th
e other. Also referred to as holochakra.
Energosomatic coupling See auric coupling.
Energosomatic existence
Intraphysical life or the lifetime of the human consciou
sness. Also referred to as holochakral existence.
Energosomatic seduction The energetic action of one consciousness upon another (
or others) with a more or less conscious intention of domination. Also referred
to as holochakral seduction.
Enumerology The didactic technique of processing texts based on informative self
Evolutient The consciousness that is in the process of evolution and utilizing t
he services of a conscientiotherapist to further this process. Outworn synonym:
The consciousness which assists in the intelligent coordination o
f the existential program, or the consciential evolution of one or more consciou
snesses of the same karmic group. The evolutionary condition between the petifre
e consciousness and serenissimus. A more adequate expression than evolutionary o
Evolutiology The subdiscipline of conscientiology that studies the evolution of
the consciousness, which is addressed in a high-quality, integral manner. This s
ubject is specifically related to the evolutiologist or evolutionary orienter.
Evolutionary duo
Two consciousnesses that interact positively in joint evolution
; the existential condition of cooperative evolutivity of a male and female huma
n consciousness, who coexist in a close and intimate long-term relationship.
Evolutionary orienter
See evolutiologist.
Existential completism The condition wherein the existential program of the huma
n consciousness is complete.
Existential incompletism The condition wherein the existential program of the hu
man consciousness is incomplete.
Existential inversion
An advanced evolutionary technique consisting of inverting
sociocultural values and projects in human life. It is based upon the prioritiz
ation of and the full-time dedication to the execution of the existential progra
m, beginning at a young age.
Existential inverter The intraphysical consciousness who is inclined to execute
existential inversion in intraphysical life.
Existential invertibility
The quality of the intraphysical execution of existent
ial inversion.
Existential maximoratorium The condition of the greater existential moratorium w

hich is given to an existential completist. It is an addition to one s completed e

xistential program. It is therefore the execution of a healthy extension to an e
xistential mandate that has been concluded.
Existential maxiprogram The maximal existential program having a wholesale appro
ach, or targeting the execution of tasks of applied universalism and maxifratern
ity with polykarmic bases.
Existential minimoratorium The condition of the lesser existential moratorium or
one which happens to the incompletist intraphysical consciousness in order for
him/her to compensate for a holokarmic deficit (deficit-based) or to achieve the
condition of existential completism regarding his/her existential program. It i
s therefore the finishing of a still incomplete existential mandate.
Existential miniprogram
The minimum, retail-oriented, existential program target
ing the execution of a minimal, groupkarmic task.
Existential moratorium An extension of (a complement to) intraphysical life whic
h is provided to select intraphysical consciousnesses according to their holokar
mic merit. The existential moratorium can be either deficit-based (lesser), an e
xistential minimoratorium; or can be profit-based (greater), an existential maxi
moratorium, with regard to the results of the individual s existential program.
Existential moratoriumist One who receives an existential moratorium; moratorium
Existential multicompletism Existential completism obtained through the executio
n of various existential programs in diverse consecutive intraphysical lives (ex
istential seriation).
Existential program The plan of actions for the current intraphysical life that
an individual devises, prior to birth, supported by his/her evolutiologist, aime
d to achieve the greatest holokarmic and evolutionay outcome possible within his
/her lifetime.
Existential recyclability
The quality of the intraphysical execution of existent
ial recycling.
Existential recycler The intraphysical consciousness who is inclined to execute
existential recycling.
Existential recycling
The evolutionary technique in which the intraphysical cons
ciousness adopts a new set of values and priorities in his/her life, enabling th
e execution of the existential program.
Existential robotization The condition of a tropospheric intraphysical conscious
ness who is excessively enslaved by intraphysicality or four-dimensionality.
Existential self-mimicry Imitation on the part of the intraphysical consciousnes
s of his/her own experiences or past experiences, whether they pertain to his/he
r current intraphysical life or previous intraphysical lives.
Existential seriation
1. Evolutionary existential sequencing of the consciousnes
s; successive existences; intraphysical rebirths in series. 2. Human or intraphy
sical life. Synonym outworn and exhausted by excessive use: reincarnation; this
archaic word no longer serves those more serious individuals dedicated to leadin
g-edge consciousness research.
Extraphysical Relative to that which is outside, or beyond, the intraphysical or
human state; the consciential state less physical than the soma.
Extraphysical agenda A written list of high-priority extraphysical, consciential
targets beings, places or ideas
that the projected projector seeks to gradually
reach, in a chronological manner, establishing intelligent plans for its own de
Extraphysical approach The contacting of one consciousness by another consciousn
ess in the extraphysical dimensions.
Extraphysical catatonia
The fixed condition wherein a projected intraphysical co
nsciousness performs repeated stereotypical acts that are generally useless or d
ispensable in terms of its evolution.
Extraphysical clinic The extraphysical treatment center of the intraphysical epi
center (penta practitioner). The resources and extraphysical installations of th
e extraphysical clinic are numerous and remarkable. The extraphysical clinic is
a domiciliary holothosene.
Extraphysical community
A group of extraphysical consciousnesses living together

in an extraphysical dimension.
Extraphysical consciousness
The paracitizen of an extraphysical society; a consc
iousness which no longer has a soma. Outworn synonym: discarnate.
Extraphysical euphoria The condition of euphoria experienced after somatic deact
ivation, generated due to the reasonably satisfactory completion of the existent
ial program; post-mortem euphoria; para-euphoria; postsomatic euphoria.
Extraphysical gang raid
The action of a group of energivorous extraphysical cons
ciousnesses, including extraphysical blind-guides, in the paratropospheric dimen
sions, with the objective of vampirizing the intraphysical consciousnesses in th
e environments of intraphysical celebrations or events which gather persons who
are predisposed to the condition of collective victimization through conscientia
l energies.
Extraphysical melancholy The condition of extraphysical, postsomatic or post-mor
tem melancholy due to the unsatisfactory execution of the existential program; p
Extraphysical monitoring The condition wherein assistance is provided by healthy
extraphysical consciousnesses to a balanced intraphysical consciousness, while
that intraphysical consciousness is performing balanced tasks of consolation or
Extraphysical precognition (Latin: pre, before; cognoscere, to know)
The percept
ive faculty through which the consciousness, while fully projected outside the h
uman body, becomes aware of unknown upcoming facts, as well as objects, scenes a
nd distant forms in the future.
Extraphysical romance
The set of acts whereby an intraphysical consciousness dat
es or maintains a healthy or positive romantic relationship while projected outs
ide the body.
Extraphysical society Society of extraphysical consciousnesses.
Free consciousness (Latin: con + scientia, with knowledge) The consciousness
more precisely: the extraphysical consciousness which has definitively freed it
self (deactivation) from the psychosoma or emotional parabody and the series of
lifetimes. The free consciousness is situated in the evolutionary hierarchy abov
e Homo sapiens serenissimus. Abbreviation: FC.
Geoenergy (geo + energy) Immanent energy (IE) deriving from the soil or earth an
d absorbed by the intraphysical consciousness through the pre-kundalini. Archaic
expression: telluric energy.
Golden cord
The alleged energetic element
similar to a remote control
that maint
ains the mentalsoma connected to the parabrain of the psychosoma.
Graphothosene (grapho + tho + sen + e) The thosenic signature of the human or in
traphysical consciousness.
Group of existential inverters The intraphysical meeting and personal experience
of existential inverters with the aim of attaining the experience of planned ex
istential inversions.
Group of existential recyclers The intraphysical meeting and personal experience
of existential recyclers with the aim of attaining the experience of planned ex
istential recyclings.
Groupality The quality of the evolutionary group of the consciousness; the condi
tion of evolutivity in group.
Groupkarma (group + karma)
The principle of cause and effect active in the evolu
tion of the consciousness, when centered in the evolutionary group. The state of
individual free will, when connected to the evolutionary group.
Groupkarmic course The set of the consciousness levels within the evolutionary co
nsciential group.
Groupkarmic interprison
The [anti-evolutionary] condition of groupkarmic insepar
ability of the consciousness in relation to the whole or part of his/her evoluti
onary group. A condition brought about by the rise of dense karmic links with the
reminder of such group.
Groupthosene (group + tho + sen + e) The sectarian, corporatist and antipolykarm
ic thosene; however, the groupthosene can also be constructive.
Gynochakra (gyno + chakra) A woman s sexochakra.
Gynosoma (gyno + soma) The female human body, or that which is specific to a wom

an, specialized in the animal reproduction of the intraphysical life of the intr
aphysical consciousness.
Gynothosene (gyno + tho + sen + e) The thosene specific to feminine language and
Hallucination (Latin: hallucinari, to err)
The apparent perception of an externa
l object that is not present at the moment; mental error in the perception of th
e senses, which is baseless in an objective reality.
Helper The extraphysical consciousness which is auxiliary to one or more intraph
ysical consciousnesses; extraphysical benefactor; consciousness who lucidly exer
cise advanced multidimensional interconsciential assistance. Archaic equivalent
expressions that have been outworn through continued use: guardian angel; angel
of light; guide; mentor; spirit guide.
Negative thosenic influence of a consciousness upon another. See
Heterothosene (hetero + tho + sen + e) The thosene of another in relation to our
A mega-collection consisting of books, periodicals, multimedia, and
other artifacts of knowledge that support research and study. Also: holotheca.
Holobiography The multidimensional, multiexistential personal history of the con
Holochakra (holo + chakra) See energosoma.
Holochakral existence
See energosomatic existence.
Holochakral seduction See energosomatic seduction.
Holochakrality The quality of the manifestations of the intraphysical consciousn
ess deriving from the holochakra or energetic body.
Holokarma (holo + karma)
The grouping of the three types of consciential actions
and reactions egokarma, groupkarma and polykarma
within the principles of cause
and effect, that are active in the evolution of the consciousness.
Holomaturity (holo + maturity) The condition of integrated maturity
psychological, holosomatic and multidimensional of the human consciousness.
Holomemory (holo + memory) The causal, compound, multimillenary, multiexistentia
l, implacable, uninterrupted, personal memory that retains all facts relative to
the consciousness; multimemory; polymemory.
Holo-orgasm (holo + orgasm)
Holosomatic orgasm; maximum ecstasy generated by the
energies of the entire holosoma.
Holosoma (holo + soma) The set of vehicles of manifestation of the intraphysical
consciousness: soma, energosoma, psychosoma and mentalsoma; and of the extraphy
sical consciousness: psychosoma and mentalsoma.
Holosomatic homeostasis
The integrated, healthy state of the holosoma s harmony.
Holosomatic interfusion
The state of maximal sympathetic assimilation between tw
o consciousnesses.
Holosomatics The specific study of the holosoma. It is a subdiscipline of consci
A multidimedia collection of artifacts of knowledge; multiple theca.
See: holoarchive.
Holothosene (holo + tho + sen + e) Aggregated or consolidated thosenes.
Homo sapiens serenissimus
The consciousness which is integrally experiencing the
condition of lucid serenism. The Homo sapiens serenissimus is the most evolved
level of consciousness who still reborn, being, therefore, in its final evolutio
nary stages in the intraphysical dimension. Popular synonym: serenissimus.
Homothosene (homo + tho + sen + e) The thosene of telepathic transmission and re
ception; the unit of measurement in telepathy, according to conscientiometry.
The quality of maximum lucidity of the intraphysical consciousness,
achieved through the recuperation
to the maximum degree possible of cons.
Hyperthosene (hyper + tho + sen + e) Heuristic thosene; original idea of a disco
very; neophilic thosene; unit of measurement of invention, according to conscien
Hypnagogy (Greek: hipnos, sleep; and agogos, leader, bringer)
The transitional t
wilight condition of the consciousness between the ordinary, physical waking sta
te and the state of natural sleep. It is an altered state of consciousness.

Hypnopompy (Greek: hipnos, sleep; and pompiks, procession)

The transitional condi
tion of natural sleep, introductory to physical awakening, during the semi-sleep
state that precedes the act of awakening. This state is characterized by oneiri
c images with auditory effects and hallucinatory visions that continue after awa
kening. It is an altered state of consciousness.
Hypothosene (hypo + tho + sen + e) The same as protothosene or phytothosene.
Immanent energy
Energy that is primary, vibratory, essential, multiform, imperso
nal, diffuse and dispersed in all objects or realities of the universe, in an om
nipotent fashion. Immanent energy has still not been tamed by the human consciou
sness. It is too subtle to be discovered and detected by existing technological
equipment. Abbreviation: IE.
Immobilitarium (im [not, variant of in]; Latin: mobilis [mobile] and -arium [a p
lace for]) Consciential laboratory dedicated to carrying out of the waking physi
cal immobility technique.
Incomplete couple
The couple composed of a man and a woman who do not form an in
timate couple (a couple that practices the complete sex act), but who, neverthel
ess, maintain strong affectionate ties.
Integrated maturity The state of a more evolved consciential maturity, beyond bi
ological (physical) or mental (psychological) maturity; holomaturity.
Interconsciential climate
The condition of multi-understanding in an interconsci
ential encounter, established through similar thosenes, especially those with an
emphasis on consciential energies. There are interconsciential climates, mini-c
limates and maxi-climates.
Interdimensionality Interaction, interrelation or interconsciential communicatio
n between intraphysical and extraphysical dimensions.
Intermissibility The quality of the period of intermission between two intraphys
ical lives of a consciousness.
Intermission The extraphysical period of the consciousness between two of its ph
ysical lives; intermissive period.
Intermissive course
The set of disciplines and theoretical and practical experie
nces administered to an extraphysical consciousness during the period of conscie
ntial intermission. This course occurs when one has achieved a certain evolution
ary level within one s cycle of personal existences. The intermissive course objec
tifies consciential completism (existential completism) of the upcoming intraphy
sical life.
Inter-vivos apparition Appearance of the consciousness of the projected human pr
ojector to intraphysical consciousnesses.
Intraconsciential compensation
The conscientiometric technique based upon the gr
eater use of a consciential attribute that is more developed (strong trait) over
another, or other less developed consciential attributes (weak traits) in the m
icro-universe of the intraphysical consciousness.
Intraconsciential recycling
Intraphysical, existential, intraconsciential recycl
ing or the cerebral renovation of the intraphysical consciousness through the cr
eation of new synapses or interneuronal connections. The newly created synapses
are capable of allowing the adjustment of the existential program, execution of
existential recycling, existential inversion, the acquisition of new ideas, neot
hosenes, hyperthosenes and other neophilic conquests of the self-motivated human
Intraconscientiality The quality of the manifestations specific to the intimacy
of the consciousness.
Intraphysical assistant
The intraphysical guardian of the projector s inactive hum
an body that is emptied of the consciousness during lucid projection.
Intraphysical consciousness
Human personality; citizen of intraphysical society.
Outworn synonym: incarnate.
Intraphysical euphoria The condition of euphoria experienced before somatic deac
tivation that is generated by the reasonably satisfactory completion of the exis
tential program; pre-mortem euphoria. The ideal condition predisposing one to ha
ve a positive existential moratorium.
Intraphysical melancholy The condition of intraphysical or pre-mortem melancholy
generated by incompletion of the existential program.

Intraphysical society
The society of intraphysical consciousnesses; human societ
Intraphysicality The condition of human, intraphysical life, or of the existence
of the human consciousness.
Intrathosene (intra + tho + sen + e)
The intraconsciential thosene of the human
Intruder The perturbed, ill, needy, non-lucid, anticosmoethical consciousness; e
specially an extraphysical consciousness when performing a thosenic intrusion up
on an intraphysical consciousness.
Negative thosenic influence upon a consciousness. Heterointrusion or i
nterconsciential intrusion: invasion of a consciousness by another; this can be
through consciential energies or thosenes, via the energosoma, psychosoma and/or
mentalsoma. Synonyms: consciential intrusion, possession, psychic influence, ps
ychic attack, consciential harassment, extraphysical bullying. Self-intrusion or
intraconsciential intrusion: process of self-contamination or self-harm. Synony
ms: self-sabotage, negative self-hypnosis.
Intrusion-free consciousness See intrusionless consciousness.
Intrusionless consciousness
The consciousness who is permanently and totally fre
e of intrusion, and is completely self-aware of being in this condition, as well
as all aspects that derive from it. Synonym: intrusion-free consciousness.
Intrusionlessness The condition of being free of negative thosenic influence, or
free of any type of intrusive influence multidimensionally speaking.
Intrusive stigma An evolutionary failure or derailing that is always dramatic an
d generally pathological, generally stemming from consciential self-obcaecation.
This process generates either intraphysical or extraphysical melancholy and oft
en results in parapsychic accidents.
Ill, interconsciential thosenic intrusion. Archaic equivalent expr
ession: obsession; many intraphysical consciousnesses are defensive regarding th
is word.
Joint projection An experience outside the human body in which two or more proje
cted intraphysical consciousnesses participate.
Set of natural universal laws of cause and effect that guide the evolution
of the consciousness, operating as a basic evolutionary self-regulating mechani
sm of energetic and cosmoethical balance. Note: The word karma is another of our
critical neologistic limits. We have not encountered another single, internatio
nal, word that is more adequate, or appropriate, to put in its place and combat
the philosophical preconception that exists with respect to this term (as well a
s its derivations and cognates). What is above all important, in this context, i
s conceptual content and not linguistic form.
Karmic link
invisible, indissociable energetic connection established between a
consciousness with other consciousnesses, places, events, objects, and ideas.
Locked existence Human experience or lifetime without the production of lucid pr
ojections; tropospheric human life with only unconscious, vegetative projections
that are characteristic of the state of evolutionary paracoma; locked lifetime.
Looseness of the energosoma
The condition of relative freedom of action of the e
nergosoma (or holochakra) of the intraphysical consciousness, relative to the ps
ychosoma and soma.
Looseness of the holochakra See looseness of the energosoma.
Lucid projectability The lucid, projective paraphysiological quality of the cons
ciousness that is capable of provoking its discoincidence or taking its vehicles
of manifestation out from the alignment of its holosoma, even through the impul
sion of its willpower.
Lucid projection Projection of the intraphysical consciousness beyond the soma;
extracorporeal experience; out-of-body experience (OBE). Abbreviation: LP.
Lucidity-recall binomial
The set of the two conditions that are indispensable to
the intraphysical consciousness for his/her achievement of a fully satisfactory
lucid projection (outside the soma).
Macrosoma (macro + soma) The soma that is super-customized for the execution of
a specific existential program.
Materthosene (mater + tho + sen + e)
The mother-idea or matrix for the complete

development of a thesis, theory or analysis, the leitmotif, major pillar or pred

ominant thosene in a holothosene.
The most evolved, universalistic, interconsciential condition tha
t is based on pure fraternity on the part of a self-unforgiving and heteroforgiv
ing consciousness. Maxifraternity is an inevitable goal in the evolution of all
consciousnesses. Synonym: megafraternity.
Maxithosene (maxi + tho + sen + e)
The thosene specific to free consciousnesses.
Megagoal The consciousness greater self-evolutionary objective.
Megapower The evolved condition of great, cosmoethical lucidity of the conscious
The maximal strong trait of the consciousness.
Megathosene See orthothosene.
The maximal weak trait of the consciousness.
Mentalsoma (mental + soma) Mental body; parabody of discernment of the conscious
Mentalsomatic Cycle
The evolutionary course or cycle particular to consciousness
es who are in the free consciousness condition and manifest solely via the mentals
oma, having, therefore, permanently deactivated their psychosoma (3rd desoma).
Metasoma (meta + soma) The same as psychosoma, the extraphysical instrument of e
xtraphysical and intraphysical consciousnesses.
Minithosene (mini + tho + sen + e)
The thosene specific to the child, sometimes
due to his/her still developing brain.
Mnemonic intrusion The collision of the intrusive memory of an intrusive extraph
ysical consciousness upon the cerebral memory or biomemory of an intraphysical c
onsciousness who is suffering from intrusion (para-amnesia).
Mnemosoma (mnemo + soma)
The soma, when considered specifically in relation to t
he consciousness memory, in all of its forms.
Monothanatosis Same as desoma; first desoma.
Monothosene (mono + tho + sen + e)
Repetitive thosene; monoideism; fixed idea; m
ental echo; rethosene.
Morphothosene (morpho + tho + sen + e)
A thought or a set of thoughts when gathe
red and expressed, in some manner, as a form. Archaic expression now in disuse:
thought-form. The accumulation of morphothosenes composes the holothosene.
Multidimensional self-awareness
Condition where the intraphysical consciousness
manifests mature lucidity regarding advanced multidimensional life, being such a
condition reached through experiencing lucid projectability. Abbreviation: MA.
Multiexistential Cycle System or condition of continuous alternation from one pe
riod of resoma (birth) and intraphysical life with another period of desoma (pas
sing out, somatic deactivation) or intermission. Such a condition is characteris
tic to our evolutionary level.
Multi-existential cycle
The system or condition
at our current, average evolutio
nary level of continuous alternation of one period of intraphysical rebirth (lif
etime) with another extraphysical post-somatic deactivation period (intermission
Near-death experience (NDE)
Projective occurrences that are involuntary or force
d due to critical human circumstances of the human consciousness, common in case
s of patients with terminal illnesses and survivors of clinical death.
Neophilia The ready adaptation of the intraphysical consciousness to new situati
ons, things and occurrences. The opposite of neophobia.
Neothosene (neo + tho + sen + e) The thosene of the intraphysical consciousness
when manifesting using new synapses or interneuronal connections, capable of gen
erating intraconsciential recycling; unit of measurement of consciential renovat
ion, according to conscientiology or, more precisely, conscientiometry.
(oneiro + tho + sen + e) The same as pathothosene.
Orgastic aura (Latin: aura, wisp of air) The holochakral energy of facies sexual
is of the man or woman at the precise moment of sexual orgasm or the climax of t
he sex act.
Orthothosene (ortho + tho + sen + e) The correct or cosmoethical thosenes, typic
al of the consciential holomaturity; the measuring unity of the individual pract

ical cosmoethics as per conscientiometric studies. Also: megathosene.

Ample and sophisticated multimodal parapsychic writing.
Para The prefix that signifies beyond or beside, as in parabrain. It also signif
ies extraphysical.
The extraphysical brain of the psychosoma of the consciousness in the
extraphysical (extraphysical consciousness), intraphysical (intraphysical consci
ousness) and projected (when projected in the psychosoma) states.
Paragenetics The genetics restricted to the inheritance of the consciousness, re
ceived through the psychosoma, from the previous life to the human embryo. It is
a subdiscipline of conscientiology.
The extraphysical consciousness having the appearance of a man or a proj
ected male intraphysical consciousness. Synonymous expression outworn through us
e: male spiritual entity.
Pathology of the vehicles of manifestation of the consciousness, e
xcluding the human body or soma. It is a subdiscipline of conscientiology.
Paraphysiology Physiology of the vehicles of manifestation of the consciousness,
excluding the human body or soma. It is a subdiscipline of conscientiology.
That which is paranormal or multidimensional in nature.
Parapsychic accident Physical or psychological disturbance generated by sick ene
rgetic, interconsciential influences, generally of an extraphysical or multidime
nsional origin.
Parapsychic signage
The existence, identification and self-aware use of the ener
getic, animic, parapsychic and extremely personal signs (indicators) that every
intraphysical consciousness possesses.
Parapsychism Parapsychic capacities of the consciousness.
Parapsychophysical repercussions
Reactions between two vehicles of consciential
manifestation, when they come into contact with each other. This can occur betwe
en different vehicles of one consciousness or between similar vehicles of two or
more consciousnesses. These repercussions can be intraphysical and extraphysica
Parasanitary encapsulation Assistantial isolation and the temporary, energetic a
nnulment of thosenic manifestations
notably energetic or intrusive ones
from one
or more ill intraphysical and/or extraphysical consciousness, in the manner of
sanitary isolation (quarantine) wards in hospitals for infectious and contagious
illnesses with patients who present a high potential for disease, radioactive o
r toxic contamination.
Parathosene (para + tho + sen + e) The thosene specific to the extraphysical con
Paratroposhpere (Para + Greek: tropos [that which turns]; and sphira [sphere])
traphysical environment or sphere that coincides with the intraphysical environm
ent. Dimension adjacent to the Earth s crust, which has the attribute of reflectin
g morphothosenes (thought forms) imprinted on it. It is a plastic, and fluid non
-physical environment, apparently omnipresent. Synonyms: immediate extraphysical
environment, crustal dimension, cortical extraphysical layer, paracrust, extrap
hysical crust, paraterrestrial cortex, paratropospheric plane.
Parawoman The extraphysical consciousness having the appearance of a woman or a
projected female intraphysical consciousness. Synonymous expression outworn thro
ugh use: female spiritual entity.
Pathothosene (patho + tho + sen + e) The pathological thosene or the thosene of
consciential dementia; mental peccadillo; pathological will; sick intention; cer
ebral rumination.
Penile aura
The sexochakral energy around the penis, notably when in erection, p
erceivable by any motivated individual, especially by the sexually excited man.
Penta (p + ene + ta) The multidimensional, daily, personal energetic task that r
eceives continuous assistance from the helpers on a long-term basis or for the r
est of one s life. Outworn expression: passes-to-the-void.
Personal experience (PE) Practical, personal, direct, non-transferable experimen
tation of the intraphysical consciousness on his/her evolutionary way.

Personal principles
The set of guiding values and initiatives of consciential li
fe which are chosen by the consciousness based upon holomaturity, multidimension
ality and applied cosmoethics.
Petifree Acronym for permanent, total intrusionless consciousness. Nonstandard exp
ression. See intrusionless consciousness.
Petifreeness See intrusionlessness.
Phenomenon concomitant with LP
That which occurs either inside or outside of the
time-space continuum, but does so simultaneously with the experience of the luc
id projection, in a spontaneous and unexpected manner.
Physical base
The safe location, chosen by the intraphysical consciousness for l
eaving the soma stationary or resting while lucidly projecting to other, externa
l, consciential dimensions; duodrome. A domiciliary projectiogenic holothosene.
It is directly related to: the energetically shielded chamber; penta; conscienti
al epicenter; extraphysical clinic; projectarium; precognitarium; and retrocogni
Phytolab (Greek: phyton [plant] + lab [laboratory])
Consciential laboratory aime
d at facilitating individual s rapport with nature and identification of immanent
energies, namely phytoenergies. The lab is constructed elevated above the ground
, enveloped by the tree branches. Except for minimal and unavoidable presence of
metal (e.g., nails and screws), this lab utilizes only plant materials, such as
wood and cotton. The integrity of the tree is maintained and a photovoltaic pan
el is used so as to greatly reduce effects of electromagnetic fields, hence, all
owing for maximum immersion in nature s energies..
Phytothosene (phyto + tho + sen + e) The rudimentary thosene of a plant; the lex
ical unit of a plant, according to conscientiology.
Podosoma (podo + soma) The soma, when considered specifically in regard to the a
pplication of the feet or work performed with the feet, as in the case of a socc
er player.
Polykarma (poly + karma) The principle of cause and effect, active in the evolut
ion of the consciousness, when centered in the sense of and the experience of co
smic maxifraternity, beyond egokarma and groupkarma.
The quality of the polykarmic manifestations of the consciousness.
Postsomatic intermission The extraphysical period of the consciousness immediate
ly following somatic deactivation.
Precognitarium The physical base which is technically prepared for the productio
n of precognitive lucid projections.
Pre-couple The preliminary, initial or flirting stage of human sexuality, a prac
tice within intraphysical society.
Pre-intraphysical mandate
The existential program for human life, planned before
the intraphysical rebirth of the consciousness; existential program.
Prekundalini The secondary plantar (sole of the foot) chakra. There are two plan
tochakras in the holosoma of the intraphysical consciousness. This is an express
ion pertaining to conscientiology.
The intraphysical or extraphysical consciousness that does not
yet live a life of lucid serenism.
Presomatic intermission
The extraphysical period of the consciousness immediatel
y preceding its intraphysical rebirth.
Primothosene (primo + tho + sen + e) The same as the primary cause of the univer
se; the first compound thought. This term has no plural form.
Projectarium (Latin: projectum [throw forth] and -arium [a place for])
ial laboratory dedicated to facilitate personal experiences of conscious project
ions or out-of-body experiences. The physical base that is technically prepared
for the production of projections of the consciousness.
Critiquing performed with a projectiological perspective. It i
s a subdiscipline of conscientiology.
Projectiography The technical study of projectiological registers. It is a subdi
scipline of conscientiology.
Projectiology (Latin: projectio, projection; Greek: logos, treatise) The science

that studies projections of the consciousness and their effects, including proj
ections of consciential energies outward from the holosoma. It is a subdisciplin
e of conscientiology.
The science of the prophylaxes and therapies derived from the r
esearch and techniques of projectiology.
Projective mental target
The predetermined goal that an intraphysical consciousn
ess plans to reach using the will, intention, mental focus and decision, upon fi
nding itself lucid outside the body.
Projective phenomenon
The specific parapsychic occurrence within the scope of pr
ojectiology research.
Projective recess The existential phase of the intraphysical consciousness chara
cterized by the spontaneous cessation
almost always temporary
of lucid projectiv
e experiences, within a sequence of intensive experiences.
Protothosene (proto + tho + sen + e) The more rudimentary thosene; the same as p
hytothosene or hypothosene.
Psychosoma (Greek: psyche, soul; soma, body)
Vehicle of manifestation of the con
sciousness in the extraphysical dimensions. The emotional parabody of the consci
ousness; the extraphysical objective body of the intraphysical consciousness. Ou
tworn expression: astral body.
Rethosene (re + tho + sen + e) The repeated thosene. The same as monothosene, fi
xed idea, or monoideism.
Retrocognitarium (retrocognition + Latin: -arium [a place for])
The physical bas
e which is technically prepared for the production of retrocognitions or retroco
gnitive lucid projections.
Retrocognition (Latin: retro, back; cognoscere, to know) The perceptive faculty
through which the intraphysical consciousness becomes aware of facts, scenes, fo
rms, objects, successes and experiences that pertain to a time in the distant pa
st. These issues are commonly related to one s holomemory.
Retrothosene (retro + tho + sen + e) The thosene specific to self-retrocognition
s; the same as the engram of mnemotechnics; the unit of measurement of retrocogn
itions, according to conscientiometry.
Self-conscientiality The quality of the level of self-knowledge on the part of t
he consciousness; megaknowledge.
Self-intrusion Intraconsciential process whereby the consciousness intrudes upon i
tself (i.e., contaminates itself) through obsessive or pathological thosenes. Se
e also intrusion.
Self-mimeticity The consciential quality of existential self-mimicry.
Departure of the intraphysical consciousness to another conscien
tial dimension in the mentalsoma or the psychosoma, when intentional or provoked
by the will.
Self-thosene (self + tho + sen + e)
The thosene of the consciousness itself.
Self-unforgiver The intraphysical consciousness who, in the individual s self-disc
ipline, does not pardon his/her own errors or omissions, in order to eliminate c
onscious self-corruption. This healthy condition is contrary to the likewise hea
lthy condition of heteroforgiver, a sincere universal forgiver of all beings, fo
rever a basic principle of maxifraternity.
Semilucid projection (SLP) The oneiric experience in which the projected intraph
ysical consciousness finds itself to be partially lucid, in a disordered manner.
It is not an ideal consciential projection; lucid dream.
Sene (sen + e) Sentiment and consciential energy.
Serenissimus Popular name for Homo sapiens serenissimus.
The quality of the consciousness subjected to existential seriation (r
ebirth cycle).
Sexochakra (sex + o + chakra)
The root or basic sexual chakra of the human consc
iousness. An ancient expression related to the consciential energy of this chakr
a: kundalini (the serpentine fire).
Sexosoma (sex + o + soma) The soma when considered specifically in relation to i
ts sex.
Sexosomatics The specific study of the soma in regard to its sex, or sexosoma, a
nd its relations with the intraphysical consciousness, whether male or female. I

t is a subdiscipline of conscientiology.
Sexothosene (sex + o + tho + sen + e)
The sexual fantasy; the unit of measuremen
t of mental adultery, according to conscientiometry.
Shielded chamber The energetically defended and extraphysically aseptic private ro
om in a house or apartment, especially a bedroom; intrusion-proof bedroom.
Silver cord The energetic connection between the soma and the psychosoma which i
s present in a projection of the consciousness, resulting from the energosomatic
Sleep The natural state of rest in humans and superior animals that is especiall
y characterized by the normal and periodic suppression of perceptive activity, v
oluntary motor activity and daily interpersonal exchanges, through the relaxatio
n of the senses and muscles, a reduction in the heart and respiratory rates, as
well as by oneiric activity, during which the organism recuperates from fatigue.
Soma Human body; physical body. The body of the individual of the Animal kingdom
, Chordata phylum, Mammiferous class, Primate order, Hominidae family, Homo genu
s, and Homo sapiens species, being the most elevated level of animal on this pla
net; nonetheless, this is the most rudimentary vehicle of the holosoma of the hu
man consciousness.
Spermatic intrusion
The introduction of a man s sperm into a woman s sexosoma during
the sex act.
State of suspended animation That state in which the essential vital functions o
f the cellular body of the intraphysical consciousness are temporarily suspende
d, whereupon its normal physiological conditions later return. In certain cases,
this occurs without any damage being done to one s personal health, the cells sur
viving in a metabolism of human hibernation.
Strong trait The strong trait of the personality of the intraphysical consciousn
ess; the positive component of the structure of the consciential micro-universe
that impels the evolution of the consciousness.
Subthosene (sub + tho + sen + e)
The thosene having an emphasis on consciential
energy restricted to the abdominal brain, notably energy of the umbilicochakra;
the unit of measurement of the abdominal brain, according to conscientiometry.
Sympathetic assimilation The willful assimilation of consciential energies. This
condition is often accompanied by the decoding of a set of the thosenes of one
or more consciousness.
Sympathetic de-assimilation
Cessation of sympathetic assimilation of conscientia
l energies performed through the impulsion of one s will, normally by installing t
he vibrational state (VS).
Tachythosene (tachy + tho + sen + e) The rapid flowing thosene, pertaining to th
e tachypsychic (quick-thinking) intraphysical consciousness.
Telethosene (tele + tho + sen + e) The same as homothosene.
Theorice (theor + ice) The experience of combined theory and practice, on the pa
rt of the intraphysical or extraphysical consciousness.
Thosen (tho + sen) Thought and sentiment.
Thosene (tho + sen + e)
The practical unit of manifestation of the consciousness
, according to conscientiology, that considers thought or idea (concept), sentim
ent or emotion, and CE (consciential energy), as being three inseparable element
Thosener The instrument through which the consciousness manifests its thoughts a
nd acts. In the specific case of the intraphysical consciousness, the fundamenta
l thosener is the soma.
The quality of one s thosenic awareness.
Thosenization The process whereby the consciousness generates thosenes.
Total, permanent intrusionless consciousness. The intraphysical consciousness wh
o is permanently and totally free of intrusion, and is completely self-aware of
being in this condition as well as of all aspects that derive from it. Most used
expressions to refer to this condition: intrusionless individual; intrusion-fre
e consciousness. See intrusionlessness.
Trithanatosis The deactivation and discarding of the psychosoma with the subsequ
ent entrance of the consciousness of the Homo sapiens serenissimus into the cond
ition of free consciousness (FC); third desoma.

Umbilicochakra (umbilic + o + chakra)

The umbilical chakra (located above the n
avel) or that chakra related to the (abdominal) physiology and paraphysiology of
the human consciousness.
Universalism The set of ideas derived from the universality of the basic laws of
nature and the universe which, through the natural evolution of the consciousne
ss, inevitably becomes its dominant philosophy; cosmism.
Vehicle of the consciousness
The instrument or body through which the consciousn
ess manifests in intraphysicality (intraphysical consciousness) and in the extra
physical dimensions (projected intraphysical consciousness and extraphysical con
sciousness). Also: Vehicle of manifestation of the consciousness.
Verbaction (verb + action) The practical interaction of what is said and done in
the coherent behavior of the consciousness; a result of one s word being ratified
by example through the testimonies experienced by the intraphysical consciousne
Vibrational state The technical condition of the maximal dynamization of the ene
rgies of the energosoma, through the impulsion of the will. Abbreviation: VS.
Virus of intraphysical society Any social weak trait in the intraphysical life o
f the human consciousness.
Volitional intrusion Invasion of the will of one consciousness upon another by w
ay of heterosuggestion or heterohypnosis.
Waking discoincidence
The parapsychic condition of the intraphysical consciousne
ss projector in which one perceives that the psychosoma is outside the state of
coincidence, while in the full ordinary, physical waking state, without feeling
completely integrated in the soma. This generates the intensification of paraper
ceptions and energetic and parapsychic phenomena. Synonym: waking non-alignment.
Weak trait The weak trait of the personality of the intraphysical consciousness;
the negative component of the structure of the consciential micro-universe that
the consciousness has still not been able to discard or rid itself of.
Xenophrenia (Greek: xenos, strange; phrem, mind)
The state of the human consciou
sness outside the normal pattern of the ordinary, physical waking state, induced
by physical, physiological, psychological, pharmacological or parapsychic agent
s; altered state of consciousness.
Xenothosene (xeno + tho + sen + e) The intrusive thosene of the intruder in the
occurrences of thosenic intrusion or intrusiveness; mental wedge; unit of measur
ement of interconsciential intrusion, according to conscientiometry.
Zoothosene (zoo + tho + sen + e) The thosene of the sub-human animal lacking sel
f-conscientiality; unit of measurement of the consciential principle of the subhuman animal, according to conscientiometry.

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