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Dossier Tcnico Pedaggico

Projecto: 5742/2008/22
Aco: 5742/2008/22-341023-7-1
rea de Formao: 341. Comrcio
Itinerrio de Formao: 34101. Prticas Tcnico - Comerciais
Referencial de Formao: 341023 - Empregado/a Comercial
Nvel de Formao: 2
Modalidade de Formao: EFA NB
Local de Formao: Caldas da Rainha

Recurso Didctico
Formador[a] Ins Carreira
UFCD / UC Lngua Inglesa Atendimento
Data Novembro 2009
NIPC 503 807 141 | Correio Electrnico info@megaexpansao.pt | www.megaexpansao.pt | Telefone 262 836 204 | Telefax 262 844 223

Contextualizao / Consolidar o vocabulrio

Megaexpanso, Ensino e Formao Profssional em Novas Tecnologias, Lda. | Rua Praa de Touros, 26 | 2500-167 Caldas da Rainha

Objectivos relacionado com o

Orientao Pedaggica

You are going to write and then role play a dialogue taking place in a shop.

The dialogue will take place between a shop assistant and a customer and it
will have these stages:

- Greeting
- Offering help
- Describing product desired
- Showing product(s)
- Asking about price
- Answering about price
- Decision
- Asking about payment
- Answering about payment
- Saying thank you and goodbye

Be creative!

Your English Teacher

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