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Professora: Érica Victor

Turma :EEAR

Personal Pronouns

Os Personal Pronouns equivalem em português ao que chamamos de Pronomes Pessoais. Eles se dividem em:

SUBJECT PRONOUNS que são usados quando expressam o sujeito da oração ou quando estão completando o verbo TO BE (uso formal).
Equivalem em português aos Pronomes Pessoais do Caso Reto. Geralmente se posicionam antes do verbo.

I (Eu)

You (Tu/Você)

He (Ele)

She (Ela)

It (Ele ou Ela, usados para objetos e animais)

We (Nós)

You( Vós/Vocês)

They (Eles/Elas)

Ex.: Frederic and I go to school every day.

Usos Especiais para HE; SHE; IT

He: Animais de estimação

Ex.: My dog is named Tom. He is black.

She: Animais de estimação

Ex.: My mare (égua) eats a lot. She is getting fat.

Carro, avião, navio e locomotiva (Quando se quer demonstrar afeição.

Ex.:My car is parked in front of the church. She is out of order.

Cidades e países (Sentido formal)

Brazil has done what she promised to do.

Object Pronouns

São usados quando expressam a função de objeto de verbo (objeto direto ou indireto). Equivalem em português ao Pronomes Pessoais do
Caso Oblíquo. Geralmente se posicionam após o verbo.
Objective Pronouns (Pronome objeto) – É usado como objeto direto ou indireto.

Ex.: Fabiana loves him.

Também é usado como objeto de preposição.

Ex.: I talked to her .

Orações com dois objetos.

Daniel gave me flowers. –Enfatiza objeto direto.

Daniel gave flowers to me – Enfatiza o objeto indireto.

Me (me, mim)

You (lhe,o,a,te,ti,a você)

Him (o, lhe, a ele )

Her (a,lhe, a ela )

It (o, a, lhe)

Us (nos)

You (vos, lhes,a vocês)

Them (os, as, lhes, eles/ elas)

Usos especiais de HIM; HER; IT (seguem o mesmo raciocínio dos Subjective Pronouns)

Reflexive Pronouns

Os pronomes reflexivos são usados para indicar uma ação que recai sobre o próprio sujeito,neste caso o verbo antecede o o pronome e
concorda com o sujeito.

Ex.:They hurt themselves .

Como vemos o sujeito e o objeto são a(s) mesma(s) pessoa(s).

Precedidos da preposição BY, os reflexivos significam “sozinhos”, "sem ajuda".

I do the exercises by myself.

Quando junto ao sujeito ou ao final da oração, não como objeto, os pronomes são chamados de Enfáticos, e como o nome já diz, são usados
para dar ênfase.
I myself won the game.

Myself me,mesmo(a),próprio(a),(a)mim mesmo(a)


te,ti,mesmo(a),próprio(a),(a)ti mesmo(a),(a) você mesmo(a)


se,si,mesmo/próprio,(a)si/ele próprio


se,si mesma/própria,(a)si/ela própria

Itself se,si,mesmo(a)/próprio(a),(a)si/ele(a) próprio(a)

Ourselves nos,mesmos(as),próprios(as),(a) nós mesmos(as)

Yourselves vos,mesmos(as),próprios(as),(a)vós mesmos(as)

Themselves se,si,mesmos(as),próprios(as),a eles(as) mesmos(as)

Ex. I cut myself.

I myself kissed Brad Pitt.

We killed the monster ourselves.

Possessive Adjective e Possessive Pronouns

Os pronomes possessivos em português correspondem a duas classes de palavras diferentes em inglês - adjetivos possessivos (possessive
adjectives) e pronomes possessivos (possessive pronouns).

Os adjetivos possessivos são usados sempre antes e com substantivos, enquanto os pronomes possessivos são usados sem substantivos,
motivo pelo qual recebem um s.

Possessive Adjectives

Os adjetivos possessivos (ou possessive adjectives) servem para dizer que alguma pessoa tem posse (ou está com) alguma coisa. São
equivalentes aos “meus, seus, deles, ..." do português. Eles sempre virão antes do objeto possuído, e não tem distinção de gêneros ou

My house is big (Minha casa é grande)

Her house is big too (A casa dela é grande também)

His car is crashed (O carro dele está quebrado)

Possessive Pronouns

Pronomes possessivos: mine, yours, etc.

Evitam a repetição de um substantivo.

That car is mine!

Concordam com o possuidor e não com o objeto possuído.

She has a dog. Her dog is black.

Nunca são usados com artigo.

My dog = o meu cachorro; mine = o meu.

Os possessive pronouns vêm no lugar dos substantivos. Os possessive adjectives precedem os substantivos.

But my dog is white. Mine is white.

Possuidor Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

I  my car (s)  mine

You your ticket (s) yours

He his pen (s) his
She her book (s) hers
It its name (s) ----
We our friend (s) ours
You your pencil (s) yours
They their cat (s) theirs

• Os possessive pronouns podem ser usados em construções com of.

Sylvia and Claudia are good friends of ours. (A Sylvia e a Claudia são amigas nossas.)

Let me introduce you a friend of mine.(Deixe-me apresentar-lhe um amigo meu.)

I would like to read some poems of yours. Gostaria de ler uns poemas seus.

• O s no final de "yours", "hers", "its", "ours" e "theirs" não indica plural. Em inglês, os pronomes possessivos têm a mesma forma no
singular e no plural.

This is her car. - This car is hers.

These are her cars. - These cars are hers.

• Em inglês, nunca se usa artigo (the, a, an) na frente dos pronomes possessivos.

O carro do José e da Maria são parecidos, mas o dela é azul claro.João's and Maria's car are similar, but hers is light blue. (e não the
hers ou the her)

Meus poemas são bons, mas não como os dele.My poems are good, but not like his. (e não the his)



1. Fill in the blank with the correct answers.

a)Mr. Todd is a doctor.______ is a doctor.

b) That girl is French. ______ is French.

c) My sister and I are late._______ are late.

d)The dogs are under the car.______ are under the car.

2. ______ they at school?

2)Choose the correct alternative.

a)(We/our) live near (she/her).

b)(She/her) likes to walk with (I/me).

c)(I/me) seldom speak to (he/him).

d)(They/them) often see (we/us) at the bus stop.

e)(We/our) always bring (them /they) to school.

f)There are some letters for (him/he) on the table.

g)What do you think about (us/we)?

3)Supply the correct personal pronoun.

a)I see Mary and Jill in the park every morning.

I see _______in the park every morning.

b)Betty is talking to Bob now.

______ is talking to _______ now.

c)Don’t leave the door open.

Don’t leave _______ open

d)He and you were at the zoo yesterday, weren’t you?

_______ were at the zoo yesterday, weren’t you?

e)Shirley sits between Bob and Mary.

______ sits between ________.

4) Fill in the correct personal pronoun into the gaps. The words in brackets tell you which you should use.
Example: ___ often reads books. (Peter)

Answer: He often reads books.

a) ......................... is reading a book. (Willy)

b) .......................... is green. (The blackboard)
c)............................ are on the wall (The posters)
d) ............................ is running. (The dog)
e) ............................... are watching TV. (My mother and I)
f) ............................. are in the garden. (The flowers)
g) ............................... is riding his bike. (Tom)
h) ................................. are dirty. (Robin's shoes)
i) ................................. has got a brother. (Diana)
j) Have........................... got a computer, Mandy?

5)Complete the sentences with Possessive Adjective and Pronoun:

a) John is a very good student. _________ grades are excellent.

b)Tom and John live downtown. _______ house is very big.

c)Peter has ________ breakfast at 7 o'clock. But I have ______ at 8 o'clock.

d) Is this Mary's book? - Yes, it is ....................... .

e) Is this your brothers' house? - Yes it is..................... .

f) I left ...................... pen at home. May I' borrow ....................... for a moment?

g) My son was on time for his class, but my daughters were late for .........................

h) Barbara likes _________ teachers. Do you like ____________?

i) That is not Peter's car. ________ is yellow.

j) I have a beautiful house. ______ house is white but _______ windows are blue.

6) Fill in using the right reflexive pronoun.

a) She dressed ............................in five minutes.

b) )The old man was talking to.........................

c) We looked at................................in the mirror.

d) Did you hurt ..............................last night?

e) They used the newspaper to protect.................................from the rain.

f) Ienjoyed .........................................at the dance club last Saturday.

g) Children,behave...........................!

h) The king...........................received the diplomat.

7) Complete usando o pronome reflexivo com função idiomática.

a)I don´t like to have lunch..................................

b)Bob´s sister learned French...........................

8) The teacher always gives the pupils homework.

9) I read the book to my little sister.
10) The boys are riding their bikes.
11) My father is writing a letter to John.
12) I don't know the answer.

13) The boys are looking for the books.

a) They/it

b) They/them

c) Them/it

d) He/them

e) n.r.a

14) Paula,Camila,Jane and I are calling you and Mike.

a) They/us

b) We/them

c) We/you

d) We/us


15) Jack hurt _______________ in the accident.

a) herself
b) himself

c) myself

d) itself

e) n.r.a

16) The lions _________________ hurt the man.

a) themselves

b) itself

c) himself

d) yourselves

e) n.r.a

17) Paul and Jorge are looking at .

a) themselves

b) ourselves

c) yourselves

d) himself

e) n.r.a

18) (AFA). Jane took the book although she knew it was _____ and she left it an hour ago with a friend of ______.

a) mine / hers

b) my own / her

c) my / his own

d) me own’s / hers own

19) (AFA). They intended to keep all the money for _______ Jack ________ gave me this information. What is going to happen to ______
now ?

a) they / his own / ours

b) themselves / himself / us

c) theirselves / himself / we

d) they own / by him / ourselves

20) (AFA) A house-breaker could easily go into that building because of ________ windows were broken, but he might have hurt ________
The police could see blood on the ground. They are going to find out what has happened to _______.

a) his / itself / his

b) their / itself / it

c)my / myself / it

e) its / himself / him

21)(AFA) Mark the correct set of pronouns to complete the sentences below.

Duchess Sharon couldn’t find any jewels in the jewel case because _____ children had taken ____ to perform a play at school. ____ didn’t
tell it to _____ mother and ____ got very irritated with ____ because of ____.

a) your / him / They / them / your / her / them

b) her / them / They / their / she / them / it

c) their / they / Them / their / her / them / him

d) his / their / Their / they / he / they / its

22) (AFA)Choose the correct alternative.

The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a huge hole in _______ side.

a) its

b) his

c) her

d) their

23) (EsPCEx ) Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence below:

“Jim and I really like ____________ new apartment. It has lots of space. How do you like _______ ?”

“__________ is small, but it’s very comfortable.”

a)ours - yours - Ours

b)our - your - Ours

c)our - yours - Ours

d)our - your - Our

e)ours - your – Our

24) We drive................ cars to school and they drive________.

a) our/ours

b) your/ their

c) our/theirs

d) our/their
e) n.r.a

25) I resolved................... conflicts.How about................ ?

a) mine/your

b) my/yours

c) my/your

d) mine/yours

e) n.r.a

26)................. pen is on the table,.................... is on the chair.

a) My/yours

b) My/your

c) Mine/your

d) Mine/yours

e) n.r.a

27) Meg loves.................... boyfriend.Do you love..................... ?

a) hers/your

b) her/yours

c) his/yours

d) his/your

e) n.r.a


Text 1


When you need data fast, you’ll find there are plenty of resources on the Internet. You just need to know
where to look.

01. De acordo com a informação contida no texto, qual o meio para se obter informação de forma rápida?

1. Britânica.
2. Nasa.
3. Internet.
4. Mona.

(E ) The Britannic Gallery

Text 2

Exercise – Read the passage and label diagram.


The body of an insect consists of three main parts: the head, the thorax and the abdomen. The head contains
the insect’s brain, eyes and mouth. It also carries the antennae. The thorax is the central part of the body. It bears the
legs and wings. There are three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. The insect’s abdomen contains its digestive
and reproductive organs.
Text 3

Stay healthy, my friend, because the cost of health, which increases with the dawning of each day, is
enough to make you sick.

02. As palavras anteriormente, escritas em um cartaz espalhado por toda a cidade,

1. contêm uma critica às pessoas que só pensam em doença.

2. Informam que levantar bem cedo é ótimo para a saúde.
3. Advertem que cada vez se gasta mais quando se fica doente.
4. Advertem sobre a diminuição dos custos com a saúde.

03. The cartoon above, taken from Mad magazine, is a comment on:

1. Poor education.
2. School violence.
3. Traffic accidents.
4. Educational crisis.

Text 5

O texto a seguir refere-se à questão seguinte:

A priest phoned the Board of Health to have a dead mule removed from his lawn. Said the clerk: “I
thought priests took care of the dead.

The priest said, “we do, but we try to get in touch with the relatives first.”

04. De acordo com o texto, o padre ligou para a Vigilância Sanitária para:

1. responsabilizar os parentes do morto.

2. Solicitar a remoção da mula morta.
3. Relatar os primeiros acontecimentos.
4. Reclamar do serviço de remoção e atendimento.


1) Paul is waiting for .......................girlfriend.Is Pamela waiting for..................?

a) his/her

b) his/hers
c) your/her

d) his/mine

e) n.r.a

2) The girls said that they have..................... problems; actually,I have............... and you have...................... .

a) their/mine/yours

b) theirs/mine/your

c) theirs/my/yours

d) their/my/your

e) n.r.a

3) They saw men and women talking to ___________own hearts.

a) his

b) her

c) them

d) they

e) their

4) I know he'll tell________ a different story.

a) they

b) his

c) your

d) we

e) us

5) Substitua as palavras em maiúsculo por pronomes pessoais:

a) Tom always waits for MARY AND ME after the lesson.

b)Mr. Brown tells stories to HIS DAUGHTER every evening.

c) Please, give THIS BOOK TO HELEN.

d) THE DOG is going to bite YOU AND ME.

e) MY BROTHER always goes to school with BARBARA AND DAVE.

f)MRS. MILLER teaches JOHN on Fridays.

6) Choose the correct form:

a)She lives near (we, us)_______________________________________

b)He looks at (she, her) all during the lesson.

7) Supply the correct OBJECTIVE CASE:

a) I see MR. SMITH on the bus every morning._______________________________________

b) I sit near GRACE AND FRANCIS during the lesson._______________________________________

8) Complete the sentences with the Possessive Pronouns: my, mine, your, yours, her, his, our, ours, their, theirs.

a) The T-shirt Mary is wearing is not __________. It belongs to __________ brother.

b) My friend and I do __________ lessons at home. Where do you do __________ lessons?

c) Teenagers usually express __________ feelings. Do aunts express __________?

d) I think about __________ problems. We have to think about __________.

e) This magazine isn't __________. Is it __________?

9)Where in the world, Mauro, did you hurt __________?

a) himself

b) hers

c) yourself

d) yourselves

e) his

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