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PORTUGUÊS 5) Na oração, “Em presença de tal apelação, mais brabento
apareceu a peste.”, ao analisar seus termos, percebe-se

que, para obter um efeito expressivo, faz-se um desvio
Texto I em relação à norma padrão. Trata-se de um desvio de:
a) concordância
O Coronel e o Lobisomem

b) regência

c) acentuação
Num repente, relembrei estar em noite de lobisomem – era

sexta-feira... d) colocação pronominal

Já um estirão era andado quando, numa roça de mandioca,
adveio aquele figurão de cachorro, uma peça de vinte palmos 6) No trecho “chamei os santos de que sou devocioneiro”,

o termo em destaque exerce a função sintática de:

de pelo e raiva...
Dei um pulo de cabrito e preparado estava para a guerra do a) sujeito

lobisomem. Por descargo de consciência, do que nem carecia, b) predicativo

chamei os santos de que sou devocioneiro: c) objeto direto

- São Jorge, Santo Onofre, São José! d) complemento nominal

Em presença de tal apelação, mais brabento apareceu a
peste. Ciscava o chão de soltar terra e macega no longe de dez

7) No vocábulo “galhofista”, nota-se um sufixo que
braças ou mais. Em trabalho de gelar qualquer cristão que não cumpre o mesmo papel semântico que o que forma

levasse o nome de Ponciano de Azevedo Furtado. Dos olhos todos os vocábulos abaixo, exceto:
do lobisomem pingava labareda, em risco de contaminar de a) idealismo
fogo o verdejal adjacente. Tanta chispa largava o penitente que

um caçador de paca, estando em distância de bom respeito, b) corintiano

cuidou que o mato estivesse ardendo. Já nessa altura eu tinha c) jogador

pegado a segurança de uma figueira e lá de cima, do galho d) barbeiro

mais firme aguardava a deliberação do lobisomem. Garrucha
engatilhada, só pedia que o assombrado desse franquia de Texto II
tiro. Sabidão, cheio de voltas e negaças, deu ele de executar
macaquice que nunca cuidei que um lobisomem pudesse
fazer. Aquele par de brasas espiava aqui e lá na esperança O nome “cesariana” vem do imperador César
de que eu pensasse ser uma súcia deles e não uma pessoa
sozinha. O que o galhofista queria é que eu, coronel de ânimo O nome “cesariana”, que designa a operação de parto,
não tem absolutamente nada a ver com Júlio César. O nome

desenfreado, fosse para o barro denegrir a farda e deslustrar
a patente. Sujeito especial em lobisomem como eu não ia cair próprio “César”, aliás, que deu origem ao nome genérico
em armadilha de pouco pau. No alto da figueira estava, no alto dos imperadores alemães e russos (kaiser e czar ou tzar,
da figueira fiquei. respectivamente) é de origem etrusca, e não latina.
O nome “cesariana” relaciona-se com o verbo caedo, que
originou o substantivo tesoura em francês (ciseaux) e inglês

(CARVALHO, José Cândido de. In: O Coronel e o lobisomem.)
(scissors). Relaciona-se também com nomes como “cisão”,
1) No texto acima, o coronel descreve-se como um “circuncisão”, “incisão” e “rescisão”.
“Sujeito especial em lobisomem”, indicando sua O Dicionário Etimológico da Língua Portuguesa, de Antenor

Nascentes, confirma: antes de Júlio César, muita gente já havia

coragem e disposição para enfrentar o inimigo. Todos
os fragmentos abaixo podem confirmar essa ideia, nascido por meio de cesariana, inclusive Cipão, o Africano, que
exceto: viveu antes de César, quando essa operação já se chamava
a) “preparado estava para a guerra do lobisomem” assim.
(José Augusto Carvalho, adaptado)

b) “gelar qualquer cristão que não levasse o nome de
Ponciano de Azevedo Furtado.”

c) “Garrucha engatilhada, só pedia que o assombrado 8) O texto acima apresenta o predomínio da seguinte
função da linguagem:

desse franquia de tiro”

d) “No alto da figueira estava, no alto da figueira fiquei. “ a) fática

b) conativa

2) Todos os elementos listados abaixo reforçam a tipologia c) emotiva

narrativa do texto em análise. Assinale a opção que não d) metalinguística

traz um traço típico desse tipo de texto:
a) presença de personagens. 9) Em relação à oração “Relaciona-se também com nomes

como”, o único comentário correto é:

b) sequência de ações.

c) caráter argumentativo. a) ocorre sujeito composto.

d) localização espacial. b) o sujeito e indeterminado.

c) o verbo está na voz passiva.

3) Considerando tratar-se de uma ação do lobisomem, no d) o verbo está na voz reflexiva.

trecho “Aquele par de brasas espiava aqui e lá”, ocorre

a combinação de duas figuras de linguagem. São elas: 10) Uma ferramenta coesiva utilizada em “inclusive Cipão,
a) antítese e metáfora o Africano, que viveu antes de César” corresponde ao:

b) comparação e metonímia a) uso de uma conjunção integrante.

c) hipérbole e ironia b) emprego de pronomes de tratamento.

d) metáfora e metonímia c) uso de um pronome relativo.

d) emprego de verbos no infinitivo.

4) No trecho “Tanta chispa largava o penitente que um
caçador de paca”, o emprego do conectivo em destaque

introduz um valor:
a) conclusivo

b) consecutivo

c) explicativo

d) alternativo

IBFC_27 1
RACIOCÍNIO LÓGICO E MATEMÁTICO 18) Choose the correct pair of sentences.

I. I´ve been to Paris last year.

11) Marcos gastou 30% de 50% da quantia que possuía e II. I´ve been gone to Paris.

mais 20% do restante. A porcentagem que lhe sobrou III. I´ve been to Paris.

do valor que possuía é de: IV. I went to Paris last year.

a) 58%

b) 68% a) I and IV.

c) 65% b) I and II.

c) II and III.

d) 77,5%

d) III and IV.

12) Luis Gustavo gastou R$ 23,00 equivalente a terça parte 19) Choose the correct sequence of words.

I. I´ve _______ had breakfast.
de de sua mesada. Desse modo, a metade do valor

II. I´ll _______ finished my studies.

da mesada de Luis Gustavo é igual a: III. I arrived to Guarulhos after the plane ____ taken off.

a) R$ 57,50 IV. There ___ pasta in the fridge, if you want to eat.

b) R$ 115,00
a) Already-have-had-is.

c) R$ 172,50

b) Already-had-had-is.

d) R$ 68,50

c) Yet-had-had-is.

d) Just-had-have-are.
13) A soma entre os décimos termos das sequencias

lógicas A = 2, 6, 11, 17, ... e B = 0,1, 1,2,3,5,8,... é igual a:

a) 96 20) The new Italian restaurant has been ____________
recommended by the trip advisor.

b) 95

a) High.

c) 108

b) Higher.

d) 83

c) Highly.

d) Highest.
14) De acordo com o raciocínio lógico a negação da frase
“Se o jogo foi à noite, então o time faltou” é dada por:

a) o jogo foi à noite ou o time faltou 21) Don´t forget to check the answering machine when you
_________ home.

b) o jogo foi à noite e o time faltou
a) Would get.

c) o jogo não foi à noite ou o time faltou

b) Get.

d) o jogo foi à noite e o time não faltou

c) Will get.

d) Got.
15) Dentre as afirmações:

I. Se todo X é Y, então todo Y é X.
22) The thief ___________by the police.

II. O condicional é falso se o antecedente for verdade e o

consequente for falso. a) Was caught.

III. O bicondicional entre duas proposições é verdade b) Was catch.

somente se os valores lógicos das proposições forem c) Wascatched.

verdade. d) Catched.

Pode-se afirmar que são corretas:

a) somente uma delas 23) Choose the word or phrase which CANNOT complete

the sentence.

b) somente duas delas

c) todas I arrived late to work _________________rain.

d) nenhuma a) Because of the heavy.

b) Because of the.


d) Because.

16) Choose the correct pair of sentences.

I. The sun rise in the east. 24) Choose the correct phrase.

II. Raising a child demands a lot of time and effort. a) She runs fastly.

III. If he´s called you, you should return his call. b) He works hard.

IV. The information will sent tonight. c) My brother seems strangely.

d) You smell well tonight.

a) I and II.

b) I and III. 25) The sentence : “The droughts have affected the farmers

c) II and IV. over the past few days” means.

d) II and III. a) It´s been raining.

b) It´s been pouring with rain.

17) Choose the correct pair of sentences. c) It´s been snowing.

I. The present perfect is used to talk about experiences in d) It hasn´t been raining.

a certain period of time.

II. The present perfect is used to talk about unfinished time. 26) The sentence: “ I am a vegetarian” means.

III. The simple past is used to talk about unfinished time.

a) I didn´t eat meat.

IV. The simple past is used to talk about finished time.

b) I didn’t use to eat meat.

c) I don´t eat meat.
a) I and II.

d) I´m not eating meat.

b) I and III.

c) II and IV.

d) III and IV.

2 www.pciconcursos.com.br
27) The sentence “Thiago is always angry. He fought with are a compulsory for the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc),
his boss yesterday” means.

the performance measure Ofsted takes into account when
a) If he weren´t so angry, he wouldn´t fought with his boss. inspecting schools in England. In Wales, foreign languages will
not form part of the primary nor secondary curriculum.

b) If he weren´t so angry, he would fought with his boss.

c) If he were so angry, he wouldn´t have fought with his
boss. Baroness Jean Coussins chaired the meeting, hearing

d) If he weren´t so angry, he wouldn´t have fought with his statements from representatives from schools, higher education
boss. and business. The crossbench peer said that although being

a country of bilingual speakers, MFL provision is suffering in
Wales, where children have the lowest participation rate in
28) Report the sentence language learning compared to the rest of the UK.

Diana: I went to New York last year.
a) She said that she has been to New York last year. The meeting was called amid concerns that the U-turn on the
inclusion of languages as a compulsory component of the

b) She said that she had gone been to New York last year.
Welsh Baccalaureate is a “retrograde step for Wales”.

c) She said that she has gone to New York last year.

d) She said that she go to New York last year.
The decision to drop the language unit comes at a time when

the Welsh government announced a 75% funding cut to CILT
Choose the word with the different sound from the one Cymru, which encourages language learning for children, in
underline in the sentences 29, 30 and 31.


29) The Smithsonian is an institution that collects and “We’re at a crossroads,” Claire Gorrara, chair of the University
preserves the archives of the American history. Council of Modern Languages for Wales, said. “There’s

compelling evidence that multilingualism benefits the individual,
a) Orchard. the economy and the culture of a nation, but we’re at a time of

b) Anarchistic. increasing funding austerity and modern languages are not a

c) Orchid. priority for support.”

d) Architect.

Gorrara said a shrinking pipeline of secondary school students
30) The pizza that was invented in Naples could be found in able to go to a Welsh university and develop their language
many places of the world. skills is having an impact on the Welsh economy and culture.

a) Cheat. She also added that there is a “lack of interest from key bodies”.

b) Meat. In a letter to Huw Lewis, minister for education and skills, Gorrara

c) Beat. raised her concerns over the slashing of CILT Cymru’s funding.

d) Chip. Lewis responded by describing the decision as regrettable,

but necessary to “ensure that sufficient funding is available to
31) Neil Armstrong, the American astronaut, was the first support the Welsh government priorities of improving literacy
man to step on the moon. and numeracy skills, and reducing the impact of poverty on

a) Cook. attainment”.

b) Boot.
Sarah Grain, export sales manager for Caerphilly-based

c) Noon. company Eriez Magnetics Europe, said she struggles to recruit

d) Loop. young people because they lack the requisite combination of

language and business skills. “Young people are unaware of
Read the text to answer questions: 32, 33, 34 and 35. the importance of language skills for their career prospects,”
she said.

Welsh pupils disadvantaged by lack of foreign language Lord Aberdare described the plight of languages in Wales as a
options – Decision to scrap languages from Welsh “self-harm situation”.
Baccalaureate will disadvantage Welsh economy and
culture, ministers told.
Adaptado de: http://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/mar/15/social-
(An all-party parliamentary meeting has been told of the growing exclusion-language-provision-wales.
concern about foreign language provision in Wales.)
32) According to the text:
The decline in modern foreign languages in Wales is a social

a) Wales still invests more on foreign languages than other
exclusion issue, according to the director of the Welsh national countries in the UK.

centre for languages (CILT Cymru). b) The Welsh government is reducing the investment in
foreign languages.

“In 1995, 55% of pupils in Wales took a GCSE in a foreign c) Most people in Wales speak a foreign language.
language, now the figure stands at 22% and in areas of high

d) The majority of Welsh politicians think foreign languages
social deprivation, like Blaenau Gwent, it’s 11%,” Ceri James are unimportant.


James, speaking at an all-party parliamentary group meeting at 33) According to the text:

the House of Lords on Wednesday, expressed his concern at a) Ceri James maintains foreign languages have always
the Welsh government’s decision to remove a modern foreign been good in Wales but this may change as of 2014.

languages (MFL) unit in the Welsh Baccalaureate (Welsh Bacc). b) Baroness Jean Coussins claims Wales has a lower
participation rate in language learning because it is a

The Welsh Bacc is a qualification for 14-19-year-olds in Wales. bilingual country.
It is taken in addition to A-levels, and is equivalent to 120 Ucas c) Claire Gorrara thinks there should be more investment
points. in foreign languages.

d) Sarah Grain claims language skills are more important
James said that while the decision to remove languages from than business skills.

the Welsh Bacc was the trigger for the meeting, the challenges
to foreign languages in Wales “runs far deeper,” and that pupils
are disadvantaged compared to their English and Scottish

In England and Scotland foreign languages are to become

compulsory at primary level from September 2014 and they
IBFC_27 3
34) The following is false: French. Along one of the main roads leading into Paris loomed

a) Huw Lewis endeavors so that foreign languages can be a giant blue billboard boasting of the anniversary in French and,
fostered in Wales.

in smaller letters, in English.
b) Wales and England are going in opposite directions with
respect to the teaching of foreign languages.

Essec has also taken advantage of the increased revenue that
c) England and Scotland will invest on foreign languages at foreign students — English-speaking ones — can bring in. Its
a primary level as of September 2014. population of foreign students has leapt by 38 percent in four

d) Lord Aberdare disagrees with the new Welsh policy for years, to 909 today out of a student body of 3,700.
foreign languages.

The tuition for a two-year master’s degree in business
35) The best substitute for crossroads in “’We’re at a administration is 19,800 euros for European Union citizens, and
crossroads,’ Claire Gorrara, chair of the University 34,000 euros for non-EU citizens.

Council of Modern Languages for Wales, said.” is:
a) Agreement. “The French market for local students is not unlimited,” said
Christophe N. Bredillet, the associate dean for the Lille School of

b) Critical point.
Management’s M.B.A. and postgraduate programs. “Revenue is

c) Conclusion.
very important, and in order to provide good services, we need

d) Highway. to cover our expenses for the library and research journals. We

need to cover all these things with a bigger number of students
Read the following text for questions 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 so it’s quite important to attract international students.”

English as Language of Global Education With the jump in foreign students, Essec now offers 25 percent
of its 200 courses in English. Its ambition is to accelerate the
When economics students returned this winter to the elite École English offerings to 50 percent in the next three years.
Normale Supérieure here, copies of a simple one-page petition
were posted in the corridors demanding an unlikely privilege: Santiago Iñiguez de Ozoño, dean of the Instituto de Empresa,
French as a teaching language. argues that the trend is a natural consequence of globalization,
with English functioning as Latin did in the 13th century as the
“We understand that economics is a discipline, like most lingua franca most used by universities.
scientific fields, where the research is published in English,” the
petition read, in apologetic tones. But it declared that it was “English is being adapted as a working language, but it’s not Oxford
unacceptable for a native French professor to teach standard English,” he said. “It’s a language that most stakeholders speak.”
courses to French-speaking students in the adopted tongue of He carries out conversation on a blog, deanstalk.net, in English.

In the shifting universe of global academia, English is But getting students to feel comfortable speaking English in
becoming as commonplace as creeping ivy and mortarboards. the classroom is easier said than done. When younger French
In the last five years, the world’s top business schools and students at Essec start a required course in organizational
universities have been pushing to make English the teaching analysis, the atmosphere is marked by long, uncomfortable
tongue in a calculated strategy to raise revenues by attracting silences, said Alan Jenkins, a management professor and
more international students and as a way to respond to academic director of the executive M.B.A. program.
“They are very good on written tasks, but there’s a lot of
Business universities are driving the trend, partly because reticence on oral communication and talking with the teacher,”
changes in international accreditation standards in the late Dr. Jenkins said, adding that he used role-playing to encourage
1990s required them to include English-language components. students to speak. He also refuses to speak in French. “I have
But English is also spreading to the undergraduate level, with to force myself to say, ‘Can you give me that in English?’ ”
some South Korean universities offering up to 30 percent of
their courses in the language. The former president of Korea Officials at Ewha Womans University in Seoul are also aware
University in Seoul sought to raise that share to 60 percent, but that they face a difficult task at the first stage of their Global 2010
ultimately was not re-elected to his post in December. project, which will require new students to take four classes
in English, two under the tutelage of native English-speaking
In Madrid, business students can take their admissions test professors. The 120-year-old university has embarked on a
in English for the elite Instituto de Empresa and enroll in core hiring spree to attract 50 foreign professors.
courses for a master’s degree in business administration in the
same language. The Lille School of Management in France At the beginning, “teaching courses in English may have less
stopped considering English a foreign language in 1999, and efficiency or effectiveness in terms of knowledge transfer than
now half the postgraduate programs are taught in English to those courses taught in Korean,” said Anna Suh, program
accommodate a rising number of international students. manager for the university’s office of global affairs, who said
that students eventually see the benefits. “Our aim for this kind
Over the last three years, the number of master’s programs of program is to prepare and equip our students to be global
offered in English at universities with another host language has leaders in this new era of internationalization.”
more than doubled, to 3,300 programs at 1,700 universities,
according to David A. Wilson, chief executive of the Graduate The Lille management school is planning to open a satellite
Management Admission Council, an international organization business school program next fall in Abu Dhabi, United Arab
of leading business schools that is based in McLean, Va. Emirates, where the working language will also be in English.

“We are shifting to English. Why?” said Laurent Bibard, the “Internationally, the competition is everywhere,” Dr. Bredillet
dean of M.B.A. programs at Essec, a top French business said. “For a master’s in management, I’m competing with
school in a suburb of Paris that is a fertile breeding ground for George Washington University. I’m competing with some
chief executives. programs in Germany, Norway and the U.K. That’s why we’re
delivering the curriculum in English.”
“It’s the language for international teaching,” he said. “English
allows students to be able to come from anyplace in the world Adaptado de: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/11/education/11english.html
and for our students — the French ones — to go everywhere.”

This year the university is celebrating its 100th anniversary in

its adopted tongue. Its new publicity film debuted in English and
4 www.pciconcursos.com.br
36) According to the text: 39) According to the text:

a) Worldwide graduate courses in business envisage a a) The French language is considered a distinct privilege
stronger curriculum in their local languages as a struggle

in business administration because everyone already

against the supremacy of English. knows English.
b) Many universities are communicating with each other in b) No undergraduate courses out of the Anglophone world
English even if they belong to the same country.

are taught in English.

c) English has an increasing participation in graduate c) There has been no objection to English as an educational
courses in business as more and more classes are

language in economics and business administration.

taught in English. d) Anna Suh states the students at Ewha Womans
d) All foreign students demand business courses in English. University may find classes in English harder but they

know this will be good for them in the future.
37) The following is false:

a) Most French business courses are still reluctant to adopt 40) The best substitute for the word trend in ”Business
English as an educational language.

universities are driving the trend, partly because

b) According to Alan Jenkins French students at the Essec changes in international accreditation standards in the
perform better in written than spoken English. late 1990s required them to include English-language

c) Santiago Iñiguez de Ozoño claims international English components.” is:
is changing because of its usage in economic subjects. a) Policy.

d) Several business universities adopt English in courses b) Commerce.

as a strategy to attract international students.

c) Tendency.

d) Organization.

38) The following is false:

a) Hiring native English-speaking professors has been
adopted as a measure to improve the level of English of

some students.
b) International students often pay higher tuitions than local

c) Christophe N. Bredillet sustains that the knowledge of
international students can replace the knowledge from

libraries and scientific journals.
d) Nowadays the English language performs a task
analogue to that of Latin as the lingua franca amidst

universities in the 1200s.

IBFC_27 5

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