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Make Your Own Path!


Paulo Cesar Matheus da Silva

Secretário de Educação

Fernando Gomes de Moraes

Subsecretário de Educação

Solange Turgante Adamoli

Diretora do Departamento de Orientações
Educacionais e Pedagógicas

Vitor Souza
Secretário de Cultura

Emiliano Lopes Patarra

Diretor do Departamento do Conservatório
Municipal de Guarulhos

Elaine Martins; André Bonifácio; Esther Librelon; Gisele Ribeiro;
Priscila da Silva; Sérgio Corsini; Simone Seixas; Wiliana Santana.
Projeto Gráfico (criação, design e ilustrações): Anna Solano.


Alecsandra Nobrega, Anna Solano, Bárbara Bráz, Carla Maio,
Camila Rhodes, Danielle Andrade, Diego Alves, Eduardo Calabria,
Fábia Costa, Mateus Carvalho, Paulo César Marques e Rodrigo Medrado.

Rua Claudino Barbosa, 313 - Macedo - Guarulhos/SP
CEP 07113-040 - TEL.: 2475-7300
É com imensa satisfação que a Secretaria de Educação apresenta o volume de número
3 da Coleção Open Doors, material composto por quatro livros didáticos de língua
inglesa dos cursos oferecidos nos CEUs e no Cemear (Centro Municipal de Educação
e Artes).

Além de oportunizar à população um curso de inglês com excelente qualidade, a

coleção Open Doors atende à necessidade de democratização do ensino de línguas,
que nos faz alcançar, cada vez mais, as regiões mais periféricas da cidade.

Esse compromisso assumido por todos nós é parte de um conjunto de ações que visa
transformar o cotidiano e a vida das pessoas, abrindo-lhes novas oportunidades de
emprego e um conhecimento de mundo mais amplo, integrado e globalizado.

O referido material, elaborado com excelência e dedicação pela equipe de professores

de língua inglesa que atua na formação profissional de crianças, jovens e adultos do
município de Guarulhos, parte dessa concepção de valorização e transformação da
realidade dos alunos, o que garante, incisivamente, o sucesso do método de ensino.

Desejamos a todos um ótimo aprendizado!

Paulo Cesar Matheus da Silva

Secretário de Educação
Caríssimos alunos
É com muita alegria que chega até vocês o livro Open Doors 3, parte da coleção exclusiva de quatro
livros didáticos distribuídos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Guarulhos. Todo o material
foi escrito e desenvolvido por uma equipe de professores, da rede municipal de ensino de Guarulhos,
especialistas em Língua Inglesa para auxiliar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem desse idioma.
O nome Open Doors foi escolhido pelos professores e autores da coleção, pois a língua inglesa é
a porta de entrada para a realização profissional e pessoal daqueles que sonham em ultrapassar
Open Doors 3 é destinado às pessoas que estudaram inglês por dois anos, dando continuidade aos
conhecimentos e saberes básicos da língua inglesa, porém com um avanço progressivo e preparatório
para o nível avançado. Contém seis unidades divididas em diversas atividades que avançam
progressivamente, apresentando novos tópicos, textos, vocabulário e atividades que estimulam
as competências linguísticas comunicativas e o uso real da língua inglesa. Este livro contempla
os módulos 5 e 6, divididos por semestre, totalizando um ano para a preparação para um nível
avançado de comunicação da língua inglesa.
Em meio a um conjunto de ações que são promovidas pela Secretaria de Educação, este livro
também contribui diretamente para a melhoria da qualidade social da educação. Esperamos que
vocês aproveitem ao máximo o que este material oferece e aprendam Inglês se divertindo conosco.
Equipe Open Doors

Dear students
We are glad to bring to you Open Doors 3, which is part of an exclusive four coursebook
collection offered by Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Guarulhos. It was written and developed
by a team of well-experienced English teachers in order to support the teaching-learning process of
the English language.
The name “Open Doors” was chosen by the teachers and authors of this collection, because English
is the opening door to the professional and personal fulfillment for those who dream of thinking
beyond borders.
Open Doors 3 is aimed at people who have studied English for two years, in continuation of the
oral skills. It contains six units divided into several lessons that gradually introduce new topics,
texts, vocabulary and exercises that stimulate communicative language skills and the real use of
English. This book approaches the levels 5 and 6, divided into two semesters, in which consists the
preparation for an advanced level of the English language.
Along with a series of actions promoted by Secretaria de Educação, this book also contributes directly
to the improvement of the quality of education. We hope you get the most out of it and have a great
time learning English with us.
Team Open Doors
Level 5 .................................. 6

Review .................................. 9

Unit 1 ................................... 11

Unit 2 ................................... 19

Unit 3 ................................. 26

Level 6 .................................. 40

Review .................................. 42

Unit 4 .................................... 43

Unit 5 ................................... 50

Unit 6 ................................... 54

Extras .................................. 60
Level 5
Welcome back!
This is the A to Zen of Life, lessons from the Dalai Lama poster, they can serve as a great
guide and reminder to help you live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece. Let’s
start this brand new level working hard with positive attitudes to make the most of it!

Avoid negative sources, people, places and habits!

Believe in yourself!
Consider things from every angle!
Don’t give up and don’t give in!
Everything you’re looking for lies behind the mask you wear!
Family & friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches!
Give more than you planned to!
Hang on to your dreams!
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door!
Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it!
Keep trying no matter how hard it seems!
Love yourself!
Make it happen!
Never lie, steal or cheat!
Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values!
Practice makes perfect!
Quality not quantity in anything you do!
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer!
Stop procrastinating!
Take control of your own destiny!
Understand yourself in order to better understand others!
Visualize it! When you lose, don’t lose the lesson!
eXcellence in all your efforts!
You are unique, nothing can replace you!
Zero in on your target & go for it!
Disponível: <www.weresoinspired.com>

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 7

1 Look at the phonetic transcriptions 2 Look up the following words in the
below and find the respective word dictionary and transcribe the words into
in the text “A to Z”. phonetics:
a) /pleɪs/ __________ a) Avoid __________
b) /ˈæŋ.ɡəl/ __________ b) Source __________
c) /ˈtreʒ.ər/ __________ c) Behind __________
d) /dɔːr/ __________ d) Change __________
e) /dʒʌdʒ/ __________ e) Unique __________
f) /tʃiːt/ __________ f) Effort __________
g) /ˈvæl·juz/ __________ g) Nothing __________
h) /ˈpræk.tɪs/ __________ h) Lose __________
i) /ˈev.ri.θɪŋ/ __________ i) Excellence __________
j) /ˈvɪʒ.u.əl.aɪz/ __________ j) Knock __________

3 Write down the right vowel sound, is it long or short?

a) bad: ________________ f) Made: _______________ k) Wood: ______________

b) Bed: ________________ g) Cut: ________________ l) Would: ______________
c) Live: _______________ h) Cute: _______________ m) Book: _____________
d) Leave: ______________ i) Pale: ________________ n) Beach: _____________
e) Mad: ________________ j) Pal: _________________ o) Sheet:_______________

4 Look up the following words in the dictionary and find their meanings:

a) Avoid: _______________________________________________________________________
b) Give up: _____________________________________________________________________
c) Give in: _______________________________________________________________________
d) Hang on: ____________________________________________________________________
e) Procrastinate: ___________________________________________________________________
f) Seek: ___________________________________________________________________________
g) Target: __________________________________________________________________________
h) Hidden: _________________________________________________________________________
i) Seem: ___________________________________________________________________________
j) Cheat: ___________________________________________________________________________

Better learning in a modern world

We, more than ever, live in a connected world. Thanks to easier means of transportation
and the internet, we are way closer to other countries and cultures than we were in the past. Also,
learning a different language has never been so easy. Subtitled movies and TV shows, specialized
magazines, song lyrics, learning apps and Youtube videos. There is a myriad of options to learn a
new language, specially English. People used to pay a great amount of money to go to a language
school, but with so many ways to improve your knowledge, information belongs to everyone, usually
free of charge.
Even with so many easy ways to learn, there are still many people stuck in their old ways
of thinking, giving excuses that they don’t have time to learn or money to pay for a traditional
language course. Nowadays, with the options we have, that no longer is an excuse.
There are also at least four parts of learning a language: Speaking, listening, reading and
writing. Where to start? Which of these parts should I focus to better learn? All of them are
important and can’t be left out, but maybe what we should focus is the order in which we should
learn these abilities. We, as kids, learn to listen then to speak. Then, only later, we learn to read and
write. When learning a language, we can use the same order, specially if you’re learning a language
really early. If you are older though, you can be free to mix it up a bit more.
How to better learn a language? That, probably, is the most important question we need to
answer. However, each person is very different from one another. Each one has a different way of
taking new information in. You got to learn how you better learn, and then do it your way. There’s
no perfect way of learning something. The best way is the way that works better for you.

1 Read the text and answer the questions about it:

1. Why are we closer to other countries and cultures these days?

2. Write down four options we have now to learn languages according to the text.
3. What are the excuses people use not to learn?
4. What are the parts of learning a language? In what order we learn these abilities?
5 . What is the best way to learn a language?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 9

2 Read the text below and put the regular verbs in bold in the correct
pronunciation box.
Yesterday I cleaned the whole house. I don’t really like it, but I have to. It’s a necessary
task for the sake of my family. It’s very tiring, I really enjoy when the house is clean and
smelling good. First, I started sweeping the floor, then I dusted all the furniture, especially
the living room because there is where I spend most of the time with my family and friends.
After that I did the dishes, mopped the kitchen and cleaned and organized the be-
drooms. Since I have three small children, they are always a mess. At last, I cleaned the
bathrooms and the yard, washed the garage and watered the plants.
/d/ /t/ /Id/

cleaned washed started

mopped dusted

3 Read the sentences below and then classify them into:

Comparatives of equality , inferiority or superiority
Superlatives of superiority or inferiority

1. Bolt is the fastest runner of the world. ___________

2. Pizza is not as healthy as salad. ___________
3. Rugby is the least famous sport practiced in Brazil. ___________
4. A Ferrari car is more expensive than a Renault. ___________
5. Traveling by plane is less dangerous than traveling by car. ___________
6. Australia is hotter than Canada. ___________
7. Swimming is as good as running to keep your body fit.___________
8. Practicing is the best way to become fluent.___________

4 Choose the best option to the problems below:

1. You look really tired I think you ________ take some days off.
a. shouldn’t b. get c. should
2. It’s snowing. You _______ go outside without a winter coat.
a. shouldn’t b. get c. should
4. I have a job but I don’t like it. What should I do? You ______ look for another job.
a. shouldn’t b. get c. should
5. I can’t sleep at night. You ___________ take caffeine before going to bed.
a. shouldn’t b. get c. should

Unit 1

Ann: Hi there!
Greg: Good morning Ann. Come in! Make yourself at home. Thank you so much for
your help. My house is a mess.
Ann: Mary told me about it. Don’t worry. Cleaning for me is a hobby. What do you need?
Greg: My allergies stopped me from vacuuming the floor and cleaning the windows.
I can do the dishes and do the ironing, but that’s all.
Ann: What about the bed? Should I make the bed?
Greg: Could you? Thanks. I’ll take the trash out now and I’ll make dinner for us later.
Ann: Oh no! I can’t stay that long.
Greg: I won’t take no for an answer. You’re helping me so much with the chores.
You deserve at least some good food.

1 Look at the pictures and write the chores they are doing:

1. 4. 7.

2. 5. 8.

3. 6. 9.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path 11

2 Put the chores in the right category, then write sentences using the frequency that you
do /make them.

Chores Do Make 1.__________________________________________

The dishes 2.__________________________________________
The bed
The ironing
The lunch
The dinner 5.__________________________________________
The laundry 6.__________________________________________

3 Now ask your partner about his / her chores. Do the dishes
Make the bed

4 Complete with MAKE and DO

1. I need to _______ some research before I write my report.

2. I _______ an appointment to see my doctor next week.
3. Do your neighbors _______ much noise?
4. Excuse me, could you ______ me a favor?
5. I usually _______ the cleaning on Saturday mornings.
6. She _______ a really important decision last week.
7. Do you _______ your bed every morning?
8. Sue cooks but I _______ the dishes.
9. If you want to buy that car I am sure we can _______ a deal.
10. He always _______ suggestions.

5 Write five things you HAVE TO do or SHOULD DO

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________


Rick: Can we have a table for two, please? And could we sit over there by the window?
Waiter: Sure! This way, please!
Rick: May we have the menu? And would you bring me some water, please?
Waiter: Certainly, sir.
Carol: Can you give us the wine list, please?
Waiter: Yes, here you are … Can I take your order now?
Rick: Could you give us more time to think, we’re not quite sure yet.
Waiter: Ok, take your time!

1 Complete the sentences using CAN or COULD:

a) Julian’s an athlete. He ________ run for 20 miles.
b) When I was a kid, I ________ play with my toys all day long.
c) Amanda opened her dance school. She ________ dance very well.
d) Traveling to Europe ________ be very expensive.
e) There ________ be life on other planets.
f) You forgot the car door opened. Someone ________ have stolen it.
g) I ________ play volleyball very well.
h) I ________ watch the movie alone, but I’d like if you came with me.

2 Fill in with: CAN / CAN’T or BE ABLE TO:

a) Ask him, he _________

­­­­­ help you.
Modal verbs
b) I ­­­_________ hardly believe it. Abilities in the present we
c) I’m sorry I won’t __________
­­­ come. use CAN.
Abilitites in the past we use
d) She has everything money ­­­__________ buy.
e) Don’t shout, I __________
­­­ hear you very well. Abilities in the present,
f) How __________
­­­ you possibly imagine that? past and future we use
g) Will he __________
­­ continue his journey?

h) I’m locked in! I __________

­­­ get out!

i) Once I’ve passed my test I’ll __________

­­­ hire a car.

j) If you don’t practice, you won’t ______________ speak English fluently.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 13

3 Look at the text and complete the gaps with: could, couldn’t, was able to, wasn’t able to.

Julia finished college on June 12th and she ________________ to start work the next day.
She took a group of Japanese round in Ontario. Most of them ______________ speak English.
At the Niagara Falls one woman dropped her camera. She ________________ see the
camera, but she _______________ reach it. Fortunately, a man _________________ reach it
and the camera was water proof.

4 Complete the sentences with SHOULD or COULD.

1. I __________ study more for the test.
2. You __________ sleep at least 8 hours a night
3. When I was younger I __________ paint better.
4. Maybe I __________ go to the doctor.
5. I __________have repaired the TV yesterday, but I didn’t. I was tired.
6. You __________ be patient. He is a difficult kid.
7. __________ I use the restroom?
8. You __________ be nicer to your sister.

5 Pair work : First, answer the questions and then ask these questions to your classmate
and write down his/her answers

You Your partner

1. What could we do to keep our lives organized?

2. What should we do to recycle more?

3. What could we do to help change our country?

4. Should parents control how the children use

the internet?

5. What else could children do to have fun?

6. Should teens be allowed to drive at the age of 16?

7. How old should people start working?

8. What should we do to choose better

representatives to our country?

Driving in London. Advice for Brazilian drivers.

If you’re planning to drive while in London, make sure you’ve read our
quick guide to navigating the streets. First, it’s a good idea to avoid driving
in Central London, specially at rush hour. London has a well-developed
public transport system which often offers the quickest way to get around:

• You must drive on the left.

• All drivers must wear a seatbelt and passengers must wear them where fitted.

• Car seats are compulsory for children.

• Motorcyclist must wear a helmet.

• You must have an international driving license.

• You need to have valid insurance.

• You mustn’t overtake on the left on the road.

• You mustn’t drive with more than 0.45mg of alcohol in your blood.

1 Pairwork: Now talk to your partner and write some advice about driving in Brazil.

2 Match each sentence to another with the same meaning:

1. He must write a report tomorrow.

2. He couldn’t write it yesterday.
3. She can help him after tomorrow..
4. She has to help him, or the report won’t be finished on time.
5. Her boss says she may help Jack.

a. She needs to help him, or the report will not be finished on time.
b. Her boss says she is allowed to help Jack.
c. He will have to write a report tomorrow
d. She will be able to help him after tomorrow.
e. He wasn’t able to write it yesterday.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 15

3 Complete the sentences with one of the two choices.

1. You really ___________ watch TV this much. (couldn’t / shouldn’t)

2. She ___________ be at work, she always works at this time. (must / could)
3. Speak up, I ___________ hear you! (can’t / couldn’t)
4. I ___________ hear a word he said. (can’t / couldn’t)
5. Andrew ___________ call his wife urgently. (must / shouldn’t)
6. Thank you for calling our company, how ___________ I help you? (can’t / may)
7. It ___________ happen, but it is very unlikely. (may / could)
8. Emma ___________ go out tonight, her parents said no. (can’t / may)

4 Listen and check the right alternatives:

Jessica’s friend got a new job.

Jessica has to move.

Jessica calls her friend’s brother.

Steve lives downtown.

Jessica knows the city center very well.

Steve and Jessica don’t know each other at all.

Jessica wants a small and cheap place to rent.

Steve thinks Jessica should rent an old place.

In Steve’s opinion the neighborhood around the Millennium mall is

not good.

5 Rewrite each sentence using the word given, without changing the meaning:

1. It would be a good idea for you to see the dentist. (should)

2. Taylor has a Ferrari and he’s always wearing expensive clothes, I think he’s rich. (Must)
3. You should wear a warm coat today. (had better)
4. It’s possible that I’ll be late. (May)
5. It’s forbidden to leave your bike here. (Can’t)
6. Perhaps I’ll see you on Thursday evening. (Might)

6 Do the sentences have the same meaning? If they don’t, explain why.

1. a) You should study for your test. 3. a) It may rain today.

b) You must study for your test. b) It might rain today.

2. a) You mustn’t travel by yourself. 4. a) It may not rain today.

b) You don’t have to travel by yourself. b) It couldn’t rain today.

7 Read the sentences and analyze their meanings:

Polite request - deduction - advice – permission – possibility

1. Ross should call Rachel soon after their first date. ____________
2. Ross calls but she doesn’t pick up, she must be working. ________
3. May I borrow your new laptop? _____________
4. She says she may be available next Friday. __________
5. Would you mind moving your vehicle to the left, please? __________
6. Did you look at the sky this morning? It’s really cloudy and dark, I think It may rain
today. ___________

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 17

8 Match the problems with the best advice: Advice
1. You sat on a park bench and there was wet paint on it. You ruined your clothes. There
was no “wet paint’ sign on it.
2. You checked your bank account when you noticed that there was a deposit of $3,000
dollars. You’re sure it was a bank error.
3. You bought an iPhone on sale on the internet. When it arrived it wasn’t working properly.
4. You were not happy with the grade you got in your university course.
5. Your next door neighbor borrowed your mixer. When he returned it, you realized it was
6. Your best friend gave you a very expensive gift for your birthday, however you didn’t like it.

______ You should ask to repair it or ask your money back.
______ You must talk about it, ask them to pay for the damage.
______ You should tell the truth about it and ask him/her to exchange it for you.
______ You must make an appointment to see your tutor and talk about it.
______ You should wait until next month to see if they corrected their mistake.
______ You should call the city council ask them to pay for the damage

9 Pair Work: read the balloons and give some advice.

You’re getting on a bus.

You’re a passenger in a taxi. A person in the bus line
You think the driver is dri- is pushing in front of you.
ving too fast. What would What would you say
you say to the driver? to that person?

You’re going on vacation.

Your camera is broken. Your
You’re a tourist in England.
friend has an old camera she
You don’t like English food.
isn’t using. What would you
You’re very, very hungry.
say to your friend?
Ask somebody on the
street for help.

You’re buying a cell phone in

an store. You want to know It’s your first time on a
if you can pay by credit card. plane. You want to change
What would you say to the your seat. What would you
salesperson? say to the flight attendant?

Unit 2

Gabriela: Hey Mary. How are you doing?

Mary: I’m well. Hey, Gabriela, you won’t believe what I found out. Some people say the
airplane wasn’t invented by the Wright Brothers? That’s preposterous!
Gabriela: Well, actually, the airplane was created by Santos Dumont.

Mary: Oh no! Not you too!

Gabriela: What are you talking about? Everybody knows he invented it and was flying it in
Mary: But the Wright brothers were flying in 1900!
Gabriela: But those were gliders, not real airplanes!
Mary: They made it and it flew!
Giovanni: Hey guys. What were you discussing?
Gabriela: Who invented the airplane... obviously was Santos-Dumont.
Mary: The Wright Brothers!
Giovanni: Well, if you really think about it, Leonardo Da Vinci was creating airplanes way
before they were born!
Mary: Oh no! Not you too!

1 Read the sentences below and answer true (T) and false (F) according to the dialogue.

a) Gabriela says the Wright brothers created the airplane. ( )

b) Santos-Dumont was flying in 1906. ( )
c) Giovanni thinks Leonardo Da Vinci invented the airplane. ( )
d) The Wright Brothers were flying in 1906. ( )
e) Someone told Mary that the airplane wasn’t created by the Wright Brothers. ( )

Ask your partner the questions below Inventions

• Do you know any famous inventors? When was the automobile invented?
• What did he/she/they create? It was invented in 1885.
• What do you think is the most important When were the pyramids built?
modern creation? The pyramids were built about

• What do you think is the most important 2500 B.C.

creation of all time?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path 19

3 Make sentences with passive voice using the words from the box:

Invent - create - paint - develop - introduce

a) The Personal Computer/ in 1974 / Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS)

b) The cars/ in 1885 / Karl Benz.

c) The electric clothes dryer / in 1935 / Ross Moore.

d) The “Guernica” and “Les demoiselles d’Avignon” / in 1900’s / Pablo Picasso.

e) The Blinds / in 1824/ Pierre Le Fou.

4 Change to the passive voice:

a) Mary makes her clothes. _______________________________________________________

b) Josh washes his car. ___________________________________________________________

c) Clara cleans the windows. ______________________________________________________

d) Mark feeds the dog. ___________________________________________________________

e) Lucy and Kate take out the garbage ______________________________________________

5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

a) He amazed by the beautiful song. _______________________________________________

b) His cake was make by my mother. ______________________________________________

c) When did the airplane invented? ________________________________________________

d) Charles were bitten by a bee. ___________________________________________________

e) We were interview by a reporter. ________________________________________________

f) Pluto discovered in 1930. _______________________________________________________

LEONARDO DA VINCI - ahead of his time

Leonardo da Vinci was not simply an artist, he was also one

of the greatest inventor of all times. And believe it or not he
invented the first car 500 years ago.
Da Vinci drew sketches and diagrams of his inventions,
which he preserved in his notebooks, but either he lost interest
in building them or was never able to convince anyone to
finance construction of his designs. As a result, almost none
of da Vinci’s inventions were built during his lifetime. And,
because he never published his diagrams, nobody else knew
about them until his notebooks were discovered long after his
It’s no secret that da Vinci made several attempts in the last
century to build a vehicle, but without success. He designed
the car in 1478.
Da Vinci also designed a Flying machine, the Parachute, a Robot and the Scuba diving
among many others.
He designed many flying machines, including a helicopter. But only in 1903, Orville and
Wilbur Wright built and flew the first successful powered flying machine.
In 1485, da Vinci drew a design for a parachute, however, the first reported successful
parachute jump was made in 1797.
In 1495, he produced the first humanlike robot. Da Vinci designed it to wave, sit up,
move its head, and open and shut its mouth. John Brainerd created the first robot, Steam
Man, in 1865.
He designed an air chamber to allow a diver to swim underwater without connection to
the surface. And only in 1943, Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emilie Gagnon invented the

1 Read the text and answer the questions:

a) When did Leonardo da Vinci invent the first car?_________________________________

b) Did anyone finance da Vinci’s inventions? _______________________________________
c) What else did da Vinci design besides the first car?________________________________
d) Who built and flew the first successful powered flying machine?_____________________
e) When did he draw a design for a parachute? _____________________________________
f) When did da Vinci produce the first humanlike robot?______________________________
g) When did Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emilie Gagnon invent the Acqualung?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 21

2 Look at the pictures. Where were these people? What were these people doing yesterday?
Use the verbs in the box:

have a party do yoga visit a friend hang out take a nap

take care of have dinner make dinner get married

Past Continuous

Was / Were + VERB + ING

I was studying when the

telephone rang.

He was surfing on the net. She was talking on the phone.

1._____________________ 2._____________________ 3._____________________

4._____________________ 5._____________________ 6._____________________

7._____________________ 8._____________________ 9._____________________

3 What were you doing yesterday? Follow the example:
At 9:00 a.m., I was having breakfast at my Grandmother’s house.
At noon,________________________________________________________________________.
At 3:00 p.m.,_____________________________________________________________________.
Around 6:00 p.m., ________________________________________________________________.
At 9:00 p.m., ____________________________________________________________________.
At this time yesterday, _____________________________________________________________.

4 Listen what these people were doing yesterday:

having a date traveling eating out having friends going to

over college




Charlie and
Susan and

5 Pair work: Ask the questions below then write your partner’s answer:

What were you doing last night?

What were you doing yesterday afternoon?

What were you doing this morning at 6:00 a.m.?

Was it raining last Friday?

Were you studying English last Monday?

Were you going out with friends last week?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 23

Past Continuous
6 Complete the sentences with information about yourself:
Simple Past
a) During my childhood, I _________________________ I was working at a boring job
_________________________________________________ when a best friend offered me a
b) I met my best friend while _______________________ much better one.
_________________________________________________ While I was waiting in the line, a
c) Two years ago, _________________________________
reporter asked me a question
d) Last night, _____________________________________ Was / Were + VERB + ING
I was studying when the
e) I met my sweetheart while ______________________ telephone rang.

f) I got my first job when ___________________________


7 Make sentences with Past continuous and simple past if it was possible using WHEN /WHILE,
following the example:
Cook dinner – telephone ring.
I was cooking dinner when the telephone rang.
a) Take shower – light go out. _____________________________________________________
b) Clean the widows – boys play chess. _____________________________________________
c) Do the laundry – wash the dishes _______________________________________________
d) Do homework – doorbell ring ___________________________________________________
e) Use the internet – listen to music _______________________________________________
f) Ironing clothes – talk to my sister ________________________________________________

8 Listen what these people were doing yesterday:

a) Alex saw Tracy yesterday. ( ) d) Alex worked a lot yesterday. ( )
b) Tracy was very angry. ( ) e) Tracy was worried about Alex. ( )
c) Alex called Trace yesterday. ( )

Listen to the conversation again and complete the gaps.

Alex: Hi dear, is everything okay?
Tracy: Well, I don’t think so. Why didn’t you drop by yesterday?
Alex: Oh... well, because I ___________ have the time. I’m so sorry sweetie, but it ___________
such a busy day.
Tracy: Really? What ___________ you doing yesterday? You didn’t even call me.
Alex: My phone ______________________ and I had a lot of things to do in the company.
Tracy: I was really worried about you. What ___________ you ___________ at night? I
______________________ to see you.
Alex: Sorry again, but I thought you __________________ baby. Besides, it ___________ very late.
Tracy: I hope it will never happen again, otherwise I’ll be the busy one.


9 Complete the sentences: WHILE is always used

with past continuous

a) I ___________ ( was getting / got ) my first temporary
job while I _______________ (studied / was studying )

at the university.
b) My brother ___________ ( was skating/ skated) when he ___________ ( broke / was
breaking) his leg.
c) Seven years ago, when I was at high school, I ___________ (had / was having) trouble
with math, when my mom ____________ ( found / was finding) a private tutor to help me.
d) While I ______________ ( drove / was driving ) in SP downtown, I _______________
(realized / was realizing) that I was on the wrong side of the road.
e) I _______ ( was meeting / met ) a really nice guy while ____________(was running /
ran) in the park.

10 Use simple past or past continuous:

a) This morning, John _______ (see) an accident when he ____________ (drive) to work.
b) Last night, I ____________ (watch) TV when someone __________ (ring) the doorbell.
c) ____________ (you/see) many Indians while you ____________ (live) in Rondônia?
d) Peter ______ (fall) while he ____________ (skate) and (hurt) ____________ his knee.
e) We ___________ (not go) anywhere on the weekend because it ____________ (rain).

11 Form sentences with the word in brackets, using simple past or past progressive.

Example: (I / hurt / my leg / when I / play football)

I hurt my leg when I was playing football.

a) (lt / begin / to rain / while we drive / to the stadium.)

b) (Maggie / cut her finger / while she / slice tomatoes?)
c) (George / take a shower / when the electricity / go off.)
d) (Mr. Brown / make several phone calls / while the mechanic / repair his car.)
e) (You / be scared / when the plane / fly through the storm?)

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 25

Before reading the text, discuss these questions:

1. Is it difficult for you to make decisions? Do you often look for the opinions of other
people before you decide on something?

2. Are you the kind of person that looks for excuses when it comes to doing things that
need a lot of effort? (ex. giving up smoking, exercising regularly, learning a foreign
language on a daily basis etc.)

3. How do you understand the quote by Sun Tzu :

“Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?”


Nowadays, many people have issues with appreciating what they have. It is always the
matter of ‘If I were richer…’, ‘If I were younger…’, ‘If I were him…’ etc. There’s no
problem with the fact that we want more from our lives. What annoys me is the fact
that we keep saying what we would do ‘IF’. When I Was younger, I used to have many
‘ifs’, thinking how my life would be different if I could buy that thing, or if I could go
to that place. What I didn’t take into consideration back then was the fact that I didn’t
really want or need those things. In other words, I was jealous of the things that I didn’t
want in reality. Nowadays, I think differently, I wonder if I had more time, I would start
going to the gym; if I had more money, I would eat healthy etc. Result? I always find
myself complaining about how difficult life is. But the problem of ‘ifs’ doesn’t finish
here. We tend to overuse the 1st conditional in quite straightforward situations. ‘I’ll
visit you if I have time’ usually means ‘I won’t visit you, I’m busy’ or ‘I will lend you the
money if I can’ equals: ‘ I will not lend you the money, don’t put me in an uncomfortable
situation’. Why do we choose to send confusing messages when we can simply say what
we think?

Now discuss with a partner what you would do if you...

1 Complete the sentences below by making Second Conditional statements.
Example: If I had longer summer holidays, I would travel more.

a) If I won a million dollars, I ________________________.

b) If I were you, I ______________ (not buy) those pairs of jeans.
c) If The Richards spoke Chinese, ____________________.
d) If I were the President of Brazil, ______________________________.
e) If he _________________( be) taller, he could be a basketball
f) If I were younger, ______________________________________.
g) If you ___________ (stop) smoking, you ____________(feel) WOULD + VERB
much better. If I were you, I would
study more
2 Choose the best alternative:

1. If I _______ an F1 car, I ________ go very fast.

a. would drove - went b. drove - would c. drive - would
2. I ________ buy a better house, If I _________ more money.
a. would - had b. have – would c. had – would
3. The train __________be more comfortable, if there _______ more seats for all the passengers.
a. was – would b. Would – are c. would – were
4. If the weather __________ better, we _________ go to the beach.
a. was - would b. would – were c. were – would
5. If I ___________ in a good shape, I _________run a marathon.
a. was - would b. would - were c. were – would
6. If I _______ better qualifications, I ________ get a better job.
a. Have - would b. would - have c. had - would

3 Pairwork: What would you do if ...?

a) you could travel back in time

b) you saw a ghost
c) you were the richest person in the world
d) the animals could talk
e) a robber asked for all your money
f) you were the leader of your country
g) you could change something about your body
h) you were a scientist
i) you had a space ship

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 27

Unit 3

Luke: Hey, Charlie! Are you ok?

Charlie: I’m a little sad… Do you remember that travel to Montreal?

Luke: Yes, sure! Is it this weekend?

Charlie: No, actually, it was last weekend.

Luke: Was it good?

Charlie: Well… let me explain: First, I set my alarm clock to 7 a.m., but I don’t know
what happened. It didn’t go off! Lucky me a cat was passing on the street
otherwise my dog wouldn’t have barked. I woke up with their noise. When I
looked at the time … I was late, so I got dressed as fast as I could. While I was
brushing my teeth, the telephone rang. It was Patrick. He said that the bus was
leaving, so I rushed to the station, but in the end the bus wasn’t there anymore,
so I missed it.
Luke: I’m so sorry.

Charlie: Me too.

1 Pair work: Tell your friend about your last vacation.

Use the linking words on the right to make your story more complete. Don’t forget
to mention:
• Where you went.
• How long you stayed there.
• What happened there.
• How your vacation ended.
• If it was a good experience.   

2 Organize the linking words according to the right category:

*First of all *Finally *Then *in the end *First *Next *After
*this/that *To start with *Secondly *Before that *So
*In summary *Lastly *After all *Suddenly *Last but not least

Beginning Continuation Conclusion

28 Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path

3 Look and number the pictures, then listen and check.

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

4 Write a short story about something that happened to you.

Add two false sentences.

5 Work in pairs. Tell your partner your story and let him/her guess the false sentences.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 29

6 Link the sentences using the conjunctions.

a) He checked the weather forecast. He decided to go to the beach.


b) It was extremely dark. The lights were switched off.


c) I love watching series based on books. I sometimes get upset at it.


d) The girls were shopping at the mall. They spent lots of money.

7 Rewrite the sentences substituting the underlined conjunctions for another one of the
same group, DO NOT change the meaning!

a) They didn’t go to the beach because it was raining.


b) I have no interest in soccer, so I don’t know much about it.


c) My mattress is comfortable, but it’s not soft.


d) Charles bought several shirts and a pair of trousers.


e) They failed the test because they didn’t study.


f) My armchair isn’t very soft, but it’s comfortable.


g) Charles and Anna went to Ireland to study.


i) They were grounded because they failed the test.


by Hans Christian Andersen
Once upon a time there was once a Prince who wished to marry
a real princess. He traveled all over the world in hopes of finding
such a lady, however there was always something wrong. There were
princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were
real ones. Every time there was something wrong about the ladies. At
last he returned to his palace quite cast down, because he wished so
much to have a real Princess for his wife.
One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thundered and lightened,
and the rain poured down from the sky in torrents. Besides, it was as
dark as pitch. All at once they heard a violent knocking at the door,
and the old King, the Prince’s father, went out to open it. It was a
Princess who was standing outside the door.
She was in a sad condition due to the rain and the wind. The water trickled down from her hair,
and her clothes clung to her body. She said she was a real Princess.
‘Ah! we shall soon see that!’ thought the old Queen Mother. However, she said not a word of what
she was going to do.
She went quietly into the bedroom, took all the bedclothes, and put three little peas on the bedstead.
She then laid twenty mattresses one upon another over the three peas, and put twenty feather
beds over the mattresses.
That was the bed the princess was going to spend the night.
The next morning she was asked how she had slept. ‘Oh, very badly indeed!’ she replied. ‘I have
scarcely closed my eyes the whole night. I do not know what was in my bed, but I had something
hard under me, and I am all over black and blue. It has hurt me so much!’
Now it was plain that the lady must be a real Princess, since she had been able to feel three little
peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. None but a real Princess could have
had been so sensitive.
The Prince married her undoubtedly and was convinced to have found a real Princess.

1 Read the text again and find the synonyms for the underlined words.
1. Adhered closely ________________________________________________________________
2. With difficulty / hardly / barely / with no sources ____________________________________
3. A black substance _______________________________________________________________
4. Delicate / soft __________________________________________________________________
5. Flowing in drops ________________________________________________________________
6. Finally ________________________________________________________________________
7. Depressed / Sad ________________________________________________________________
8. A terrible storm ________________________________________________________________
9. A wooden or metal frame ______________________________________________________
10. Put __________________________________________________________________________
11. To have bruises all over the body _________________________________________________

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 31


Raphael: Hello Pam. Have you seen that new thriller book called “Annihilation”?

Pam: Yes, I have. But I’ve also seen that there’s an adaptation on Netflix. I think I’m
gonna watch that instead.
Raphael: Why? The book is always better! The characters are deeper and the storytelling
is more interesting.

Pam: Maybe, but I can’t stand reading long books. It just takes so long. After a hard day
of work I enjoy just sitting on the couch and watching a nice TV show. I can relax
and have fun. Books are too serious.
Raphael: You’re just lazy! Read the book! I’ll lend you if you want.

Pam: Ok, maybe I’ll read it, then.

1 Pairwork: Read the sentences then give your opinion about it.

a) Voting shouldn’t be compulsory in our country.

b) Football is the best sport ever.
c) Nowadays, people watch too much TV.
Do you agree
d) Money makes people happier. or disagree?
e) The education will be better in the future.
f) Women are better drivers.
g) The drugs should be legalized in our country.

2 Listen to the conversation and mark true or false:

True False
a) Jessica and Zuri are at a soccer stadium. ( ) ( )
b) Jessica likes the girl painting. ( ) ( )
c) They both like the mountain art. ( ) ( )
d) Zuri really hates the clown. ( ) ( )
e) The clown painting makes Jessica feel very ( ) ( )
well about herself.
f) Zuri didn’t like any paintings. ( ) ( )
g) Jessica regretted coming to the museum. ( ) ( )

Two people are on a flight from Brazil to the USA.

Aria: It’s a bit bumpy, isn’t it? Is it always like this over Panama?

Brian: Yes, I’m afraid so, but don’t worry we’ll be there soon.
Aria: I hope so. American time isn’t the same as Brazilian time, is it?
Brian: No, I don’t think so. I think they’re two hours behind.

Aria: That means it’s half past seven in Miami now.

Brian: Yes, I think so.

Aria: In Florida the weather’s usually good, isn’t it?

Brian: I believe so.

Aria: It’ll be nice and warm just like Brazil.

Brian: Yes, I expect so. I don’t think it’ll be cold or rainy there.

Aria: I hope not. Do you have a street map of Miami?

Brian: No, I’m afraid not

Aria: Do you think I’ll be able to get one at the airport?

Brian: I imagine so.

Aria: Do the airport shops close at dawn?

Brian: I don’t suppose so.

Aria: The problem is though, they won’t accept Brazilian money, will they?

Brian: No, I suppose not.

1 Read the expressions below and complete what is missing:

Positive Negative

I’m afraid so I’m afraid not

I hope so c) ___________________
a) ___________________ I don’t think so
I believe so d) ___________________
I expect so e) ___________________
b) ___________________ I don’t suppose so
I imagine so I don’t imagine so

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 33


This is not a movie I’d recommend. The special effects are OK, and some of the acting
is quite good, but the plot is really hard to follow and by the end, I lost interest.

The last airbender

The first time I watched it I’m afraid I was bored. The visuals are quite nice, the sound
is OK (though the characters’ voices are really annoying!) and the action got really
repetitive really quickly. Overall this movie is a waste of money. Don’t watch it.

Star Wars: the force awakens

To my mind, this is easily the best movie out right now. There’s fighting, shooting, a
great storyline, great special effects and the overall look is really cool. What else could
you ask?

The Babadook
I think this is one of the best horror movies I’ve ever seen. The photography is amazing
and the sound is simple but effective. It’s a very tense film and it will scare you but not
enough to keep you awake at night.

1 Read the text about movie reviews and write down the positive words and phrases and also
the negative ones:
Positive Negative

2 Now, in groups express your opinion.


Hanna: Gosh, this smells so good. I’m starving.

Taylor: So am I. Could you pass the salt?
Hanna: Sure… Whoops! Oh no, you spilled salt on the table, it’s unlucky to spill salt.
Taylor: Is It? I didn’t know that. I’ve never heard such a thing!
Hanna: Neither have I, until I read it on the internet.
Taylor: Actually, I don’t believe in all that superstitious stuff.
Hanna: Oh, I do. Now, every time I spill salt I throw a pinch of it over my shoulder. And I never put
shoes on the table.
Taylor: Well, neither do I. But that’s because it’s gross putting shoes on the table, they’re dirty.
Hanna: And I never pass under a ladder I always walk around it.
Taylor: Oh so do I, but that’s because I’m afraid it can fall over my head!

1 Complete the sentences with the word given:

-I love milk shakes.
-So do I.

a) I’m not into exercises. _______________________ (Neither)

b) I want to go home._______________________ (too)
c) I don’t want to watch that movie._______________________ (either)
d) I’m so tired._______________________ (So)
e) He is so well dressed._______________________ (So)
f) I can lift 50kg._______________________ (too)
g) I wouldn’t like to be in her shoes._______________________ (either)
h) I’m not a doctor._______________________ (neither)

(Positive Sentences) (Negative Sentences)

My brother likes pop music, My brother doesn’t like pop music,
And me too, or And me neither or
And so do I, or And neither do I, or
And I do, too. And I don’t, either.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 35

2 Listen to the conversation and complete the gaps!

Emily: We’re also going to Orlando. It’s a city, not far from Miami.
Isabelle: _________________, that’s so cool!. We haven’t been to Orlando before.
Emily: __________________.
Isabelle: The trouble is they eat a lot of junky food there, and I don’t like it.
Emily: _____________ my husband. I hope there are other things to eat at the hotel.
Isabelle: Yes, ________________.
Emily: I’ve been learning Spanish, too.
Isabelle: So have I. I bought a little phrase book.
Emily: ___________. I can say a few words in Spanish now.
Isabelle: Yes, _________. But I don’t like speaking latin languages.
Emily: ___________. It’s too difficult, isn’t it?
Isabelle: Oops! It’s a bumpy flight. I’ll be glad when we get there.
Emily: _______________!

3 Agree with sentences using SO or NEITHER:

a) I’m not superstitious at all! ______________________________________________________
b) I don’t know many superstitions. _________________________________________________
c) I was superstitious when I was a child. ____________________________________________
d) I am a very lucky person. ________________________________________________________
e) I didn’t know the superstitions about putting shoes on a table. ________________________
f) I never pass under a ladder. ______________________________________________________
g) My mom never leaves her purse on the floor. _______________________________________

4 Agree with sentences using TOO or EITHER:

a) I’m happy. I’m happy too.

b) I’m not hungry. I’m not hungry __________.
c) I’m going out. I’m going out ____________.
d) It rained on Saturday. It rained on Sunday_________.
e) Jenny can’t drive a car. She can’t ride a bicycle_________.
f) I don’t like shopping. I don’t like shopping___________.
g) Jane’s mother is as teacher Her father is a teacher__________.

5 Agree using SO, TOO, EITHER or NEITHER
1. I’m thirsty. ____________________________________________________________________

2. I’ve just had dinner. ____________________________________________________________

3. I need a holiday. _______________________________________________________________

4. I can’t go to the party. __________________________________________________________

5. I didn’t phone Alex last night. ___________________________________________________

6. I don’t have any money. ________________________________________________________

Erick Dave Monica Yuki


6 Listen and mark true (T) or false (F). Then, correct the false statements.

1. Eric is a kind of vegetarian who is against animal related products

2. Monica should stop smoking.
3. Dave couldn’t live without bacon.
4. Yuki loves her cellphone, she is using instagram now.
5. Yuki is pregnant.
6. Eric believes in love.
7. Monica can’t live without eating fish.
8. Eric is shy and he prefers meeting people online.
9. Yuki’s opinion is that her life is going to change a lot. She will have more bills to pay, a
baby, a house…
10. Dave thinks people have different ideas and goals in life and we have to respect them.

7 Do you agree with them?

Talk to your partner and give your opinion using the expressions you’ve learned.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 37

Are you superstitious?

People in Spain believe that Tuesday the 13th and

SPAIN not Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Tuesday, which
is “Martes” in Spanish, is derived from mars, which
in the Middle Ages was called “little evil”.

The number four is considered incredibly unlucky

CHINA because it sounds very close to the word for “death.”
Some buildings even refuse to have a fourth floor.

EGYPT Owls are said to be unlucky in Egypt, as they bring bad

news for the one who happens to see or hear the bird.


In Rwanda, women are taught not to eat the meat of goats
PARTS OF AFRICA because eating it will cause them to grow facial hair.

FINLAND In Finland (and some other parts of the world), killing a

spider means it will rain the next day.

In Senegal, they say to keep your travel plans to yourself.

SENEGAL If anyone learns about your upcoming vacation or move,
they say it is destined to be ruined.

FRANCE It’s believed to be good luck to step in dog poop with your
left foot, but bad luck to step in it with your right.

BRAZIL It is bad luck to let your wallet or purse touch the floor. If
it happens, the belief is that you will become a poor man.

Stepping on a crack is said to be bad luck in parts of North

THE USA AND CANADA America. Some even say it might break your mother’s

It is bad luck to walk backwards because it teaches the

PORTUGAL devil your path.

BULGARIA, RUSSIA AND It’s actually good luck to have a bird poop on you!
It is said to be bad luck to wash or cut your hair on Thur-
INDIA sday or Saturday, and even worse to clip your nails on
Tuesday, Saturday, or at night.

Disponível em: < http://x-culture.org/25-strange-superstitions-from-around-the-world/>

Are you superstitious? Can you name any superstitious in Brazil?
Tell them and explain to your partner.

Test Yourself
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple and past continuous.

a) I _________ (sit) in a cafe when you _________ (call).

b) When you _________ (arrive) at the party, who _________ (be) there?
c) Susie _________ (watch) a film when she _________ (hear) the noise.
d) We _________ (play) tennis when John _________ (hurt) his ankle.
e) He _________ (live) in Russia when the Revolution _________ (start).
f) When I _________ (leave) the house, it _________ (snow).
g) He _________ (work) in a bank when he _________ (meet) his wife.
h) What _________ (you/do) when I _________ (call) you last night?

2 Complete the sentences with a modal verb.

a. Don’t drink and drive, or you _________ have an accident.

b. Yes, I _________ see your house from here.

c. _________ you please repeat that?

d. We _________ leave now if we want to make it on time.

e. You _________ call your mom. She’s worried about you.

f. You _________ walk there, but you should probably drive instead.

g. I’m not sure if I’m going to the party. I _________ see you there.

h. _________ they hear us?

i. Do you still smoke? I really think you _________ quit.

j. Bring a warm jacket, it _________ get cold later on

3 Pair work. Ask your friend to give you some opinion and advice about a
problem you have

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 39

Level 6
Test Yourself
Just a few hundred years ago, life was far different than it is today. When people wanted
to travel or communicate, they had to go on foot or horseback. A journey of this kind could be a
long, arduous process. Whatever people owned - from clothing to tools - had to be handmade. Work
was manual, laborious, and often tedious. Illness was a constant threat; diseases rapidly spread
through unsanitary conditions and were difficult to treat with the rudimentary medicines available.
Life has been transformed over the years because of the struggles of men and women
who had the talent and creativity to come up with new and better ways of doing things. Alexander
Graham Bell’s fascination with the idea of sending sound down a wire from the speaker to the
listener gave birth to the telephone, which ultimately led to the cell phone, fax machine, modem,
and a communication system that now links the entire globe.
These inventions, like many others, have clearly improved life by keeping people healthier,
helping them to communicate and work more efficiently, and allowing them to travel farther.
X-rays allowed doctors to look inside the human body to treat disease and injury. The electric
light illuminated the darkness so people could work at night. Braille made it possible for blind
people to read. Other inventions were controversial because of their potential for destruction.
Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, was described by one scientist as being one of the
“most thoughtful men of science.” However, another scientist referred to Teller as “a danger to
all that’s important,” and claimed that the world would have been better off without him.
Even the most groundbreaking and world-changing inventions were not always recognized
as such when they were introduced to the public. When Rutherford B. Hayes saw a demonstration
of Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone in 1876, the president’s response was less than enthusiastic.
“That’s an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?”.
Sometimes it was the inventor’s own necessity that gave birth to invention. The old saying,
“Necessity is the mother of invention,” couldn’t be more true.

Curley, Robert. The 100 most influential inventors of all time, [pg 9-11], 2010, adapted.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 41


1. Give a title to the text.

2. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) What other inventions do you consider important for your modern life?

b) Write the name of three inventions that you wouldn’t live without.

c) What other inventions do you expect to see in the future?

d) Why are some inventions controversial?

3. Read the text and match the words in bold with their definition.

a) An act of traveling from one place to another. _____________

b) A vigorous or determined attempt. _____________
c) Requiring considerable effort and time. _____________
d) Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. _____________
e) The fact of being injured; harm or damage. _____________
f) Breaking new ground; innovative; pioneering. _____________
g) Relating to an immature, undeveloped, or basic form. _____________
h) Showing careful consideration or attention. _____________

Unit 4
Mike: You look miserable. What’s the matter? Have you lost your job?
Jean: No, I haven’t.

Mike: Well then, what’s happened?

Jean: I’ve lost the last episode of my favorite soap opera.

Mike: Is that all? You can’t be serious!

Jean: You have no idea, I have watched this soap opera since the first chapter, I
haven’t lost any episode so far, and now I’ve missed the last one, I’m so upset!


What’s happening?

What’s happened?


1 Complete using Have + verb past participle: live - be - clean – finish – buy - practice - work

a) They _______________ in this company for a long time.

b) She ______________ her homework. Presente Perfect
c) We _________________ the room.
d) He _________________ a new pair of shoes. PARTICIPLE VERB
e) My parents __________________ to Canada.
I have seen this soap opera.
f) I _________________ the guitar.
g) We _________________ in this city very long. I have lost the last episode.

2 Circle the mistakes then rewrite the sentences:

a) We has just met Helen. _____________________________________________________

b) She have already been to China. _____________________________________________
c) Josh has saw that movie several times. ________________________________________
d) Has you ever been to San Francisco? _________________________________________
e) We has already went to Rio for the week. ______________________________________

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path 43

3 Fill in with Been to or Gone to:

1. I have _________________ to USA twice.

2. All tourists have ______________ to Universal Studios, the hotel is empty.
3. I have _________________ to São Paulo downtown for several times.
4. She has _______________ to Australia. She is going to live there from now on.
5. Have you ever _________________ to Rio de Janeiro City?
6. My father has ______________to the Hospital. He’s really sick.

Look the dialogue and underline the present perfect:

Julia: Hi, Carol. How are you? Have you found a job yet?
Carol: No, not yet. I’ve applied for a job for many companies so far, but I haven’t had
any replies yet. I’ve already sent five applications this week. I’ve been sending them
since the beginning of the year.
Julia: Wow, you’ve been looking for a job for so long?... It just reminded me something!
I’ve just seen an advertisement here in this mall. They’re looking for a shop assistant.
Carol: That’s right, I have just sent them my résumé. They’ll call me soon for an
Julia: That’s great! I hope you get it.
Carol: Thanks. Oh Julia, I’ve gotta go now.
Julia: Bye! Good luck!

4 Complete with since, for or just:

a) I have been here _______two days.

b) He has _______ arrived here.
Since / For / Just /
c) You haven’t seen her _____ Wednesday.
How long...?
d) Peter has been waiting for you____ thirty minutes.
How long have you lived in this city?
e) I have not seen you____ 1995.
I have lived here since 1992.
f) I’ve waited them _____hours. I have lived here for 20 years.
g) They have_____ read this book. I have just moved in...

h) Hanna has worked here _____August 23rd .


5 Rewrite the sentences conjugating the verbs in the Present Perfect:

a) She/ do her homework/ already. __________________________

b) I /take out the garbage/ not/ yet.___________________________
c) You/ have lunch/ yet? ____________________________________
d) Luke/ meet Tom/ not/ yet. ________________________________
e) They/read a new book/already _____________________________

6 Write sentences to the questions to complete the dialogue:

a) Where’s the sales report? I need it for the meeting.

___________________________________________________________ (our boss / already / take / it)

b) Don’t forget to call your mom.

_______________________________________________________________ (I / phone / her / already)

c) Have you read the chapter for tomorrow’s class?

_________________________________________________________________ (I / not / read / it / yet)

d) Have you heard about the earthquake in Chile?

__________________________________________________ (I / read /already / the news on the net)

e) Has the math teacher already given us the homework?

________________________________________________________________ (yet / she / not / arrive)

f) What’s the matter with you? Why are you so sad?

_______________________________________________________ (my girlfriend / dump / me / just)

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 45

7 Listen to the conversation and check what the characters have done:

Go to Las Vegas Travel by plane Go camping Go fishing



8 Pair work. Ask your partner about his/her life experience:

Have you ever fallen in love?

Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t

9 Listen to the conversation and fill the blanks:

Sally: Hey Sam what’s up?

Sam: Hi Sally, you can’t imagine what I did.

Sally: Wow Sam you’re scaring me, tell me everything.

Sam: Last week, on Saturday morning I ___________ to Boituva, São Paulo, in Brazil._________
you ever _______ there?
Sally: No, I ___________. Actually I’_____ never ________ abroad, so tell me, what _______ you
______ there?
Sam: I ________, I __________ there and I ___________ some lessons, they ___________ me
how to use a parachute, the positions to jump and so on. After that we took an airplane, when
we ___________ high enough I ____________ a strong wind, I _________ everything small and we
___________, as I ________________ down I got chills, it was awesome. You can’t imagine how
skydived ____________________ my life. I feel so powerful and brave.
Sally: Wow, you were so courageous. I’_________________________ anything like this before. I
bet it was a great experience. I’m really afraid of extreme sports. Once I ___________________,
but it was so frightening.

10 Read and complete the correct extreme sport:

a) It is a Urban Sport. It was developed and practiced in the trees and Forests of France as well as
in the cities. It consists of overcoming obstacles.
b) It is a popular growing sport that involves the participant balancing on a tensioned piece of
nylon webbing.
c) It is a popular sport. The boats are made up of groups of people with a guide inside it, everyone
is seated along the sides of the boat and there are foot straps in the bottom of it to help to keep the
d) It is an extreme sport involving jumping or leaping from a bridge, building or other high structure,
usually to a river or harbor. Participants are securely attached to an elastic rope and they enjoy the
thrill of their fall down.
e) It is the sport of sailing while standing on a sailboat.

11 Pair work.
• Which sport do you think is the most dangerous?
• In your opinion, why would people want to do these sports?
• Which extreme sport is more common in your country?
• Have you ever tried any extreme sport? If so, which one?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 47

12 Listen to the conversations and write true (T) or false (F).

1. Suzan has been to New Zealand before. ( )

2. Allan went to New Zealand twelve years ago. ( )
3. Allan went to New Zealand with his mother and his father. ( )
4. He didn’t have a good time there. ( )
5. Allan has tried some extreme sports. ( )
6. Allan only enjoyed diving. ( )
7. Allan spent two weeks there. ( )
8. Suzan is vegetarian, so she wouldn’t like to go there. ( )

13 Complete this e-mail to a friend. Use simple past or present perfect.

Dear John,
Many things _______________________ (happen) since I ___________ (see)you last Sum-
mer. Julie _________(go) to England in September. She __________________( not / write) to me
since then. Mike is working in a coffee shop near here. He _________________ ( be) quite busy
lately. He __________(be) studying in the evening and I _______________ ( not / see ) him much
these last few days. Sorry I __________________ (not / be) in touch before. I ________________
(not / have ) much free time recently. What about you? ______________ you ___________ (do)
anything interesting these days?
Send me news. We all miss you here!

14 Fill in the gaps with the simple past tense or present perfect of the verbs in parentheses:

a) Peter _______________ football yesterday.(PLAY)

b) They _____________ the car. It looks new again.(CLEAN)
c) Last year, we ____________ to Italy. (GO)
d) John and Peggy ___________ the book. Now they can watch the film. (READ)
e) I __________ my friend two days ago. (MEET)
f) We _____________ any other country before. (NOT/VISIT)
g) She _____________ a new car in 2005.(BUY)
h) I’m sorry, but I ______________my homework. (FORGET)

• What do you do?
• Doctor, I’m very nervous. This is the first time I’ve
• I’m a sailor.
ever needed an operation.
• Have you ever worked on a submarine?
• Don’t worry, I feel the same. This is the first opera-
• No. I can’t sleep with the windows closed
tion I’ve ever performed.

• Have you ever suffered from a really bad headache?

• Have you ever swum in the hot sun? • Yes, quite often.
• Don’t be stupid. I only swim in the sea • What do you do about them?
• I stick my head through a window and the pane

• It was my husband’s birthday yesterday and he

said: “Take me somewhere I’ve never been before.”
• So where did you take him? • Dr. Rajdish was passing one of his patients on the
• Into the kitchen! street.
• Hello, Mrs. Merton. You haven’t visited me for ages.
• I know, doctor. I’ve been sick

• This is a very good coat. It is made from the best

• Can I wear it in wet weather? • Doctor, my son has swallowed a bullet.
• Of course, madam. Have you ever come across a • Well, don’t point him at me!
sheep with an umbrella?

• Waiter! What is this?

• It’s bean soup.
• Dad, I have decided to become a train driver. • I don’t care what it has been. I want to
• Well, son, I certainly won’t stand in your way. know what it is now.

• You know, British scientists have invented

• Have you been to America before? a robot doctor.
• No. This is my first time. • Really? What does it operate on?
• Did you know that Christopher Columbus found • Batteries, I think
• Really? I never knew it was lost!

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 49

Unit 5

Interviewer: So, I can see here that you’ve been

working as a secretary for quite a while. What makes you want to stay in this profession?
Interviewee: Probably it’s because I enjoy the challenge of doing many things at the
same time. I am a multitasker.
Interviewer: That is really necessary here, I can assure you that. How do you usually
handle the stress of having so many things to do at the same time?
Interviewee: I have been working hard for that, I believe that being organized is the
most important quality to have. I assign the things that need to be done first versus the
things that can wait for a short amount of time. I keep my desk and my computer quite
orderly. It has been working right for me.
Interviewer: Have you ever had to deal with a difficult manager? If so, how did you
handle it?
Interviewee: Not that I can remember, definitely no, I have never had anyone who has
been too difficult. Although, once I had a manager who was moody. Everybody was aware
of his mood that day, but I have a good sense of humor, so there was no problem to deal
with him.
Interviewer: What have you been planning for your career in five years from now?
Interviewee: I have been hoping to be the secretary of the C.E.O one day.
Interviewer: How much do you expect to earn?
Interviewee: I understand that the average salary for someone with my skills and
experience is over $50,000 a year. I would like something like that.
Interviewer: How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
Interviewee: I am an ambitious, energetic and pragmatic person.
Interviewer: Hmm, it looks like you have the
best of both worlds. Can you tell me why you are leaving your present position?
Interviewee: I am a person who welcomes changes, I am ready for a new challenge. I
have been working at my present job for five years, and unfortunately there are no more
possibilities to thrive. From what I’ve heard about your company, I believe I’ll have more
opportunities, more challenges to excel my abilities. I am positive that I can be of great
value for the company.
Interviewer: I hope so. Thank you so much for coming in and we will get in touch by
next week.

50 Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path

1 Check the topics according to their importance at a job interview:

1= not important 2= interesting 3= very important 4= must have

[ ] expectations [ ] last jobs

[ ] love life; family [ ] hobbies
[ ] professional qualities [ ] abilities
[ ] professional flaws [ ] former bosses
[ ] wage [ ] dreams

2 Pair work, interview your partner:

• How long have you been working in this company?

• Why do you want to leave your current job?
• Why did you quit your last job?
• What are your responsibilities in your job?
• Describe a typical work day in your current job?
• How many hours a day do you normally work in your present job?
• Have you ever worked over time?

3 Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:

a) Where has Chris lived previously?

b) Why has Chris moved to Paulista Avenue?
c) Has she ever worked in part-time jobs?
d) Has Chris ever worked in offices?
e) Has Chris ever worked in a restaurant?
f) Has Chris ever lived abroad?
g) Why Is Chris fluent in English?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 51

4 Look at the uses of the Present Perfect Continuous in the box, and number them according to
the sentences:

1. to talk about new habits or temporary activities.

2. to complain about an unfinished action or an action that finishes at the moment of speaking.
3. to talk about an action that started in the past and has continued up to the present.
4. to talk about health problems.
5. to express desires, hopes and plans.
6. to talk about an unfinished action, to emphasize the duration of the action.

a) I have been looking forward to seeing the Avengers, it’ll be

epic. Present Perfect
b) I am soaking. It has been raining all day. SUBJECT + HAVE /
c) She has been having the migraines the whole week. HAS BEEN + VERB + ING
d) Go talk to her! She has been waiting for you for hours. I have been working at my
e) He has been playing soccer professionally for two years.
present job for five years.
f) A: Sorry, we can’t deliver the goods today.

B: You’re kidding. I have been waiting for them the whole day!

5 What has your partner been doing lately?

Have you been... My guess My classmate’s answers

1. ...seeing any good movies lately? YES / NO YES / NO

2. …playing any good games lately? YES / NO YES / NO

3. ...learning to drive? YES / NO YES / NO

4. ...playing soccer? YES / NO YES / NO

5. ...taking Spanish lessons? YES / NO YES / NO

6. …looking for a job? YES / NO YES / NO

7. ...sleeping a lot? YES / NO YES / NO

8. ...hanging out with friends? YES / NO YES / NO

9. ...saving money? YES / NO YES / NO

10. ...to the mall this weekend? YES / NO YES / NO

11. ...to a birthday party this week? YES / NO YES / NO

12. ...studying English this week? YES / NO YES / NO

6 Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answer:

1. Diane: What kinds of movie /kind of movies have you been watching lately?
Jonh: Well, mostly I have watched /have been watching action movies.
I usually watch /watched three or four action movies a month.
Actually, I watched /watch a great action movie last night.

2. Lana: Have you ever lived /live in another country?

Josh: Yes, I have / I’ve lived in two other countries.
I lived /I’ve lived / I have been lived in Canada for three years after I left college and I
lived in Kenya until last June.

3. Claire: You look Great. What’s your secret?

Joey: Thanks. I’ve been eating /I am eating a lot of vegetable and whole grains lately.
And I always eat/eats six small meals a day. I just ate/had a salad for lunch.

4. George: How long have you been writing /been write poetry?
Liza: Um... I guess I have been writing/ I’ve writing poetry for about four years.
I write /I have written almost every day if I can.
Yesterday, I wrote/ I write for almost three hours nonstop!

7 Complete using the correct form

a) She ___________________ (believe) in ghost since she was a child.

b) How long _______ you _________________ (save) for a car.
c) I ______________ (look) for my keys all morning.
d) He’s a famous writer. He ___________________ (write) five novels.
e) Carol ________________________ (phone) me four times today!

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 53

Tom: Hey Sam, have you heard the last news about Sarah?

Unit 6 Sam: No, I haven’t.

Tom: Did you have a meeting with her last week?
Sam: No, I didn’t.
Tom: What is going on? Would you like to talk?
Dialogue Sam: No, I wouldn’t.
Tom: You are in a bad mood today, aren’t you?
Sam: Yes. I am.

1 Write a short answer for each question.

a) Is David studying French? Yes, __________________________________________

b) Did it rain yesterday? No, _______________________________________________
c) Do you like Indian food? Yes, ____________________________________________
d) Are you having a good time? No, _________________________________________
e) Does Mary work here? Yes, _____________________________________________
f) Was Tom bothering you? No, _____________________________________________
g) Were they having fun at the party? Yes, ___________________________________

2 Listen to the game show and write true or false.

a) The host name is Mr. Finn. ( )

b) Jane is a Chemistry teacher. ( )
c) The Sea of Tranquility is in Europe. ( )
d) The Amazon River is the longest river in the world. ( )
e) Meryl Streep is the actress that has won the most Oscars. ( )

54 Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path


Ashley: You´re pretty sunburned.

Bethany: Yes, I am, aren’t I? I spent most of the time on the beach.
Ashley: But white people don’t get brown very easily, do they?
Bethany: No, mostly we get red, so we have to wear hats and T-shirts and lots of sunscreen.
Ashley: Yes. Everybody should be worried about skin cancer, shouldn’t they?
Bethany: Yes. It seems so. You went to Recife, didn’t you?
Ashley: Yes, I did, it’s a wonderful place!
Bethany: But tell me, you didn’t see any sharks, did you?
Ashley: No, no sharks. Good riddance!
Bethany: The beaches are pretty clean, aren’t they?
Ashley: Yes. They are, and the water is so crystal clear!
Bethany: Yes, I’ve heard about it. But it is a very expensive place to go, isn’t it?
Ashley: Yes, pretty much, yet it’s worth the trouble!
Bethany: I guess so! Look, it’s late! You have to leave any minute now, don’t you?
Ashley: Dear Lord, that’s true, time flies, I’d better go now!
Question-tags with imperative
Bethany: Let’s catch up any other time, shall we?
Ashley: Sure, let’s call it a date, bye! Call me, will you? Say everything, will you?
Bethany: Yes, of course, bye, see you soon! Don’t say that, will you?
Let me see, will you?
Let’s go now, shall we?

1 Match the sentences to the right tag: Gram

a) Don’t leave me alone, ( ) shall we?
b) That’s not all, folks, ( ) didn’t you?
c) There were tourists everywhere, ( ) will you?
d) All the nations will be free someday, ( ) aren’t I?
e) Everybody is a bit crazy ( ) isn’t it?
f) Let’s see what happened, ( ) has she?
g) You haven’t eaten raw fish, ­­­­­­­­­­ ( ) won’t they?
h) She has never been abroad, ( ) weren’t there?
i) I am screwed, ( ) have you?
j) You went to the USA last year, ( ) aren’t they?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 55

Special cases

2 Complete with the correct question-tag: I am wrong, aren’t I?

That’s amazing, isn’t it?
a) It doesn’t rain very often in Mexico, __________________?
There’s something else, isn’t there?
b) People don’t like to be criticized, _____________________?
c) The students didn’t like my position, _________________? Everybody believes in horoscopes,
d) Your car is blue, ____________________? don’t they?

e) Your CDs were new, ____________________?
f) Your parents like traveling, ____________________?

g) All the players played well, ____________________?
h) I am not right, ____________________?
i) I’m doing my job regularly, ____________________?
j) Shut the windows for us, ____________________?

3 Listen to the sentences and write the correct question tags.

a) That’s your favorite movie, _____________ ?

b) You don’t have any children, _____________ ?
c) Your brother went to England last year, _____________ ?
d) Your parents will buy a new house, _____________ ?
e) Oh my! You’re so sick. You’re not going to school today, _____________ ?
f) Emily didn’t come to work yesterday, _____________ ?
g) Your mother can’t drive, _____________ ?
h) She doesn’t have a car, _____________ ?
i) You haven’t broken your cellphone again, _____________ ?
j) He’s very good at sports, _____________ ?
k) You’ve been working out, _____________ ?
l) It’s been raining for days, _____________ ?
m) You wouldn’t mind taking me home, _____________ ?
n) Let’s go to the mall, _____________ ?

4 Complete the conversation with tag questions.

A: You’ve heard of Harry Styles, _______________?
B: I think so. He sings with One Direction, ___________?
A: Yeah. He’s their lead singer.
B: Right. They’re not American, ____________________?
A: No, they’re British. I love their music. They’re a great band, ________________?
B: Oh, yeah. They’ve raised a lot of money for charity, too, _____________? I mean, they do a lot
of charity concerts and stuff, ______________________?
A: Yeah. I went to one. It was amazing.

An ordinary day

I spent the morning analyzing some résumés. At noon I had lunch in the cafeteria,
after that I attended a meeting with the union representatives. We were anticipating
a difficult issue. The discussion was very comprehensive. We read the agenda, it was
covering topics like ordinary hours of work, overtime, parental leave, retirement, etc.
Both sides were interested in an agreement and willing to compromise. I recorded
everything in the notes. Eventually, we realized there were some matters partially
against the company policy, so we set another meeting to discuss those matters and sign
the final draft of the agreement more carefully. Actually, I didn’t want to discuss those
things at that particular moment because there were some strangers in the office, so I
pretended to be late for an appointment. I assume that was the best thing to do, next
meeting we resume from where we stopped.
Later on I attended a lecture about tax legislation, it was given by the mayor, who
is a very sensible man and also an expert in this subject. He has a graduate degree
in economics, I was very interested because I’m undergraduate in economics. In the
evening, after the lecture I headed to college, there I spent some time in the library
studying for my finals. Before going home, there was a reunion in a pub nearby, I spent
some time talking and relaxing, after all it was a very busy day. After that, I came home,
took a shower, and went to bed to get some rest and prepare myself for the next day.

1 Read the text again and underline all the false friends you find and translate them.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 57

Test yourself
1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or the simple past tense of
the verbs.
a) I _________ (see) him last night.
b) They _________ (go) to England in 1984.
c) I can’t find my keys. I _________ (lose) them.
d) Annette _________ (write) many books and she is writing another one now.
e) We don’t know where he _________ (go). No-one can find him.
f) They _________ (visit) their friends in New Zealand two years ago.
g) I _________ (visit) him in hospital three times this month.
h) We _________ (have) bad weather last week.
i) We _________ (have) great weather this week.
j) I _________ (not/be) to Spain yet.

2 Complete the blanks using the present perfect or the present perfect progressive.
1. That movie is pretty good. I ________________ it a few times. (see)
2. I don’t think your friend is coming. We ________________ for 45 minutes. (wait)
3. He ________________ at that company for 10 years. (work)
4. I ________________ that grammar point three times and I still don’t understand it. (read)
5. I don’t have any energy left. We ________________ for two hours. (jog)
6. Sally is studying for a test. She ________________ for two hours. (study)
7. My ear is too sore to keep talking. We ________________ the phone for three hours! (use)
8. I ________________ to my parents three times but they still haven’t replied. (text)
9. I ________________ my contact lenses for very long today, but they’re already starting to
bother me. (wear)
10. Mr. Smith ________________ many countries. (visit)

3 Write down the sentences in the box according to their correct function.
So do I - However - Exactly - How do you feel about that? - In my view - I don’t agree with you –
I think so too - What’s your opinion? - That’s true - In my opinion - I’m not so sure about that –
Of course - What do you think? - I think that – Neither do I – Yes, but don’t you think

Giving your opinion Asking someone’s Agreeing with an Disagreeing with an

neutrally opinion opinion. opinion.

4 Complete the conversation. Use the simple or continuous form of the verb in the
present, present perfect or past. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1. - What _____ you _________ (do) for fun lately?

- Well, I _______________ (take) kickboxing classes for the past few months. It’s a lot of fun,
and I ___________________ (get) in pretty good shape.

2. - Who’s the most interesting person you know?

- Well, I _______ (think) my best friend is interesting.
She _________ (live) in Europe for three years when
She ______________ (grow up)

3. - Did you like the movie “Star Wars”?

- I don’t know. I (see, never) __________________________ that movie.

4. - Sam (arrived) _____________________ in San Diego a week ago.

5. - My best friend and I (know) __________________ each other for over fifteen years. We still
get together once a week.

6. - How sad! George (dream) _________ of going to California before he died, but he didn’t
make it. He (see, never) ____________________ the ocean.

7. - What _______ you _____________ for a living?

- Actually, I ______________(not work) right now. I _________ (look) for a job for six month,
but I _________________ (not find) anything yet.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct tag question.

a. He wanted to dance, ______ he?

b. Barbara and Lisa were very patient, ______ they?
c. You’re tired, ______ you?
d. Jim cannot speak Italian, ______ he?
e. The architect went to Chicago, ______ he?
f. David was sick yesterday, ______ he?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 59

Dictionary Tips..................................... 61
Phrasal Verbs Around the House......... 64
Make and Do........................................ 66
Make Expressions................................ 67
Do Expressions.................................... 69
Modal Verbs......................................... 70
Inventions............................................ 73
Verbs.................................................... 74
Passive Voice........................................ 78
Past Progressive................................... 79
Infinitive: To x Ing............................... 80
Second Conditional............................. 81
Conjunctions....................................... 83
Giving opinion...................................... 85
So / Too x Either / Neither................... 85
Extreme Sports................................... 86
Present Perfect.................................... 87
Present Perfect x Simple Past.............. 88
Present Perfect Simple Past x Present
Perfect Continuous.............................. 89
Interview.............................................. 91
What is Most Important?..................... 92
Tag questions?..................................... 94
Short Answers...................................... 95
False Friends....................................... 96
Word List............................................. 101
More Than Words................................ 102
Whataya want from me....................... 103
Love Story............................................ 104
If I were a boy....................................... 105
Wherever you will go........................... 106
Tears in Heaven................................... 107
Have you ever seen the rain?.............. 108
Counting Stars.................................... 109
Last Kiss.............................................. 110
Dictionary Tips
book tea
t d

f v
four very
thin that

m n
man no
h hat

i I ᶷ u Iᵊear
ᵊᶷ ᵊ
so air

aᶷ aI
see his put too

e ᵊ З ᴐ
ten ago her saw
boy now buy

æ ᴧ ɑ ᶛ vowels long short

sounds sounds diphthongs
hat but car hot voiced unvoiced
consonants consonants consonants

Discover the dictionary !

A dictionary is our major source of information about words.
To discover the world of words, let’s learn how to explore the dictionary.
(1) dis·course / (2)´diskors –/ (3)n
1.[C;U] FORMAL a long and serious speech or piece of writing on a particular subject:
discourse on: a powerful discourse on art
1a. [uncount] FORMAL serious spoken or written discussion of a particular subject
2 [uncount] LINGUISTICS written or spoken language, especially when it is studied in order to un-
derstand how people use language:
discourse analysis
dis·cov·er / di´skʌvǝr / v [T] ***
1. To find out something that you did not know before:
The two men decided to discover the truth for themselves.
discover (that): He became very friendly when he discovered that she was my sister.
discover whether: Checks are made to discover whether applicants have a criminal record.
1a. to find a place, fact, or substance that no one knew about before:
William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.
New antimalarial drugs have been discovered.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 61

1b. to find out about a place or activity that is new to you:

Why not spend a week discovering the beauty of Sri Lanka?

I have only recently discovered the benefits of meditation.

2. to find someone or something that was missing or hidden:

Police discovered his body on wasteland yesterday.

I finally discovered the letter at the back of the drawer.

dis·cov·er·y / di´skʌvǝri / (4)n - ies***

1.[count or uncount] the process of learning something that was not known before, or of finding some-
one or something that was missing or hidden:

The award recognizes distinction in exploration, discovery, and research.

Our country continues to lead the world in scientific discoveries.

discovery of: Police announced the discovery of the body late last night.
discovery that: the discovery that the universe is expanding
make a discovery: We made some interesting discoveries about our own family.

2. [count] something that is found or something new that is learned:

This is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the century.

3. [count] someone whose ability is recognized by another person who helps them to become famous:

Gisela is one of Lagerfeld’s latest discoveries.

4. [uncount] LEGAL the process of making evidence and other documents available to the people
involved in a legal case

Dictionary tips
This unit is an introduction to the course you’re starting today. One of the aims of this course is
to help you become a more effective learner of English.
The definitions below are related to the words given on the previous page.

Entry words – Words divided into syllables and arranged in alphabetical order. A definition is listed
for each meaning of an entry word.

Pronunciation – The phonetic respelling of the entry word is usually written between two bars. Use
it with a pronunciation key.

Part of speech – Indicates how the entry word can be used in a sentence, and lists syntactic usage.
Here you can get to know whether the word you’re looking for is a noun, an adjective, a verb, etc.

Word endings – Various word endings including plural form, past and past participle tenses of an
entry word.

Definition – A clear, concise statement of the meaning of the entry word. For words having multiple
meanings, definitions are given for each meaning. Illustrations may be used to provide more examples.

You can also find in a dictionary synonyms and antonyms, there are lots of information in a
dictionary, you can learn a lot and you will improve your vocabulary.

Now use a monolingual dictionary to answer the following questions:
1. What is the plural of “ox”?
2. What is the pronunciation for “decisive”?
3. Is the word “gas” countable or uncountable?
4. What is the opposite of “sensitive”?
5. How many syllables are there in “thought”?
6. What part of speech does “late” belong to?

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 63

Phrasal Verbs Around
the House
to take out the trash to throw [something] away
to remove trash from the house to put something into the trash
can / to discard

to pick (something) up to hang up your clothes

to remove something (toys, clothes, to put your clothes on a hanger
other objects) from the floor to put to hang in the closet
into their proper place

to put away your clothes (things)

to put items into their proper place (a drawer, cabinet, etc.)

to clean up/to tidy up to build on

to remove the dirt, stains, & unwanted material to construct an
to mop (something) up additional part of
to use a mop (towel or sponge) to remove liquid the house, to add
from the floor more space/rooms/
to sweep (something) up
to use a broom to remove small pieces of things/
dirt from the floor
to turn on the lamp/TV to put up (a picture)
to give (lamp/TV) power, to stop to attach (a picture, or other
to turn off the lamp/TV object) to the wall to hang
to cause the power of (lamp/TV) to stop to take down (a picture)
to remove (a picture or object)
to stock up on (something) from the wall
to buy a lot of something (food, drink,
etc.) to fill the refrigerator or pantry clothes ...music
to get to turn on the radio
to put on...
dressed or some music
... the pot/kettle/coffee to put out
to put (the pot/kettle/etc.) on the stove to extinguish
to make a fire stop working


Take out the trash.

Mop up the floor / Mop the floor up.
Clean up the house / tidy up.
Hang up the clothes.
Put away the clothes / the toys.
Pick (something) up.
Sweep up the yard.
Turn on / turn off the TV, etc.
Put out things that don’t work anymore.

do the laundry iron vacuum sweep mop

rake mow the lawn water the gar- take out the wash the car
den trash

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 65

Make and Do
Basic Difference Between DO and MAKE

Use DO for actions, obligations and repetitive tasks.

Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do.

DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. For
example, if you “MAKE BREAKFAST”, the result is an omelet! If you “MAKE a
suggestion”, you have created a recommendation.

Common English Collocations with DO


Do the housework – After I got home, I was too tired to do the housework.
Exception: Make the bed = putting blankets, sheets and pillows in the correct place
so that the bed looks nice and not messy.
DO Homework – I can’t go out this weekend – I have to do some work on an extra
DO exercises – I do at least half an hour of exercise every day.
DO anything / something / everything / nothing – Are you doing anything special
for your birthday?

Common English Collocations with MAKE

MAKE a cup of tea – Would you like me to make you a cup of coffee?
MAKE money – I enjoy my job, but I don’t make very much money.
MAKE friends – It’s hard to make friends when you move to a big city.
MAKE a joke – He made a joke, but it wasn’t very funny and no one laughed.
EXCEPTION: Don’t say “make a question”. The correct phrase is “ask a question”
MAKE plans – We’re making plans to travel to Australia next year.

•make an agreement - fazer um acordo
•make an announcement (to) - fazer uma comunicação oficial
•make an appointment (with) - marcar uma hora
•make arrangements (for) - tomar providência
•make an attempt (to) - fazer uma tentativa
•make the bed - arrumar a cama
•make believe - fazer de conta
•make breakfast (dinner, a sandwich) - preparar o café da manhã (a janta, um sanduíche)
•make a clean copy - passar a limpo
•make it clear (to) - deixar claro
•make a complaint (about) - apresentar queixa, reclamar
•make a date (with) - marcar um encontro
•make a deal (with) - fazer um negócio, negociar
•make a decision (about) - decidir, tomar uma decisão
•make a (any, no) difference (to) - fazer diferença
•make a down payment - dar de entrada, dar um sinal
•make an effort (to) - fazer um esforço
•make an excuse (for) - arranjar uma desculpa
•make a face (at) - fazer careta
•make a fool of someone - fazer alguém de bobo
•make for - dirigir-se a
•make friends (with) - fazer amizade
•make fun of - ridicularizar
•make a fuss (over someone) - dar atenção afetuosa, mimar
•make good - cumprir com o prometido
•make a good/bad impression (on) - causar boa/má impressão

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•make someone happy - fazer alguém feliz
•make an investment - investir, fazer um investimento
•make a list (of ) - fazer uma lista
•make a living - ganhar a vida
•make mistakes (in) - cometer erros
•make money - ganhar dinheiro
•make someone nervous - deixar alguém nervoso
•make noise - fazer barulho
•make an offer - fazer uma oferta
•make a payment - fazer um pagamento, pagar uma conta
•make a phone call (to) - telefonar, dar um telefonema
•make plans - fazer planos
•make a point - fazer uma observação, apresentar um ponto de vista
•make a presentation - fazer uma apresentação
•make a profit - lucrar, ter lucromake progress (in) - progredir
•make a promise (to) - fazer uma promessa, prometer
•make public - divulgar
•make a reservation (for) - fazer uma reserva
•make a resolution - fazer uma promessa, tomar uma decisão importante
•make a scene - fazer uma cena, agir histericamente
•make sense (to) - fazer sentido
•make a speech (to) - fazer um discurso
•make sure (about) - certificar-se
•make trouble - criar problemas ou confusão
•make use of - utilizar
•make war - guerrear, entrar em guerra
•make way - abrir caminho, dar passagem, progredir
•make yourself at home - sinta-se à vontade

•do the (my, your, ...) best (to) - fazer o melhor possível
•do business (with) - trabalhar em negócios (com)
•do the cleaning (for) - fazer limpeza
•do damage/harm (to) - prejudicar, ferir
•do a deal (predominantly in the expression “it’s a done deal”) - negócio fechado
•do some dictation - fazer um ditado
•do the dishes - lavar a louça
•do drugs - usar drogas
•do your duty - cumprir com suas tarefas
•do an exercise - fazer um exercício
•do an experiment - fazer uma experiência
•do a favor (for) - fazer um favor
•do good - fazer bem
•do a good/bad job - fazer um bom trabalho
•do your homework - fazer sua lição de casa
•do the housework - fazer os trabalhos domésticos
•do the laundry - lavar a roupa
•do an operation (on) - operar
•do (something) over again - fazer de novo
•do overtime - fazer hora extra
•do a poll - fazer uma pesquisa (de opinião)
•do a problem/a puzzle - resolver um problema (em matemática, por exemplo),
um quebra-cabeça
•do a project - fazer (desenvolver) um projeto
•do research (on) - pesquisar, fazer uma pesquisa (investigação científica)
•do the right thing - ter uma atitude correta
•do the shopping - fazer compras

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Modal Verbs
She can speak Spanish very well. Ability in the present
Smoking can cause cancer. Possibility
You can go to the party after doing the homework. Permission
Can he come to class with me? Asking for permission
Can you turn down the tv? Informal requests
Those calculations can’t be easy. Deduction
They can’t have bought a new car. Deduction
* In everyday speech, can is more common than be able to
in the present

The doctor may be able to see you tomorrow. Present possibility
It may rain later. Future possibility
I may have met her before. Possibility
May I talk to you? Asking for permission
* May is a little more formal than can and could.

She might be at home right now. Possibility
They might have left already – I don’t know. Possibility
You might want to use another computer. Suggestion
It might get cold. Future possibility
Might I borrow a company car tonight? Permission
She might have at least thanked me. Criticizing

You should visit her. She likes to talk to you very much. Suggestion
He should be at work. Maybe the traffic is too heavy. Expectation
You should have written your name full. Criticizing
You shouldn’t have said that. Criticizing

You must take vestibular before entering a university. Obligation
You must be on time in future! Orders
He must be her father. They look alike. Deduction
It must have rained a lot last week. Deduction
You must try these chocolates – they’re delicious! Suggestion
* It’s used in writing (forms, signs, notices)
* It’s used in spoken English, when the speaker is in a
position of power, or there’s urgent necessity.

Would you help me do the dishes? Polite request
Would you type these reports? Informal requests
We would talk on the phone for hours when we were teens. Past habitual action
It would be great to spend the weekend at the beach. Hypothetical situation
He would be perfect for the job. Possibility
Would you like to lie down for a while? Offer

She could swim very well as a child. Ability in the past
Could you get that notebook for me? Informal requests
Could I use your dictionary? Asking for permission
He could be your Prince Charming. Possibility
You could visit me on Saturday. Future possibility/Suggestion
We could have been killed in the crash! Possibility
You could have invited me to your party. Criticizing
He couldn’t have done it. He wasn’t there. Deduction
Could you please close the door? * Use please to make the request. Note
Could you close the door, please? the word order
Could I borrow this pencil? * Use may or can in answers.
- Yes, of course you can. Do not use could.
Why don’t you ask John for a ride? * Use couldn’t to say that something is
- I couldn’t do that. He’s too busy. impossible


You’d better turn that music down.
You’d better not be late. Urgent advice
* We usually use the contraction for had better.
* We do not usually use had better for questions.

Some people are able to walk on their hands. Ability in the present
I was able to speak Italian some years ago. Ability in the past
By June, she will be able to complete her course. Ability in the future

People ought not to drive like that. Obligation
I really ought to phone my mother. Obligation
Sara, maybe you ought to apply for this job. Advice
* We do not usually use the negative of ought to in * When we give unasked-for advice, we
American English. We use shouldn’t instead often soften it with maybe, perhaps, or
* We do not usually use ought to for questions. I think

I have to travel on business tomorrow. Necessity
*this is the most common expression in everyday use.

I’ve got to get up early tomorrow. Necessity
*It often expresses strong feelings in speaking and
informal writing.
Could I close the window?
Sure We often use polite expressions instead
Go ahead of modals to answer requests for
No, please don’t. It’s hot in here permission

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Modal Verbs
You have to stop at the stop sign Similar meaning
You must stop at the stop sign
Not necessary
You don’t have to drive. I can do it Prohibited, not allowed or agains the law
You must not drive without a license *In spoken English, we do not usually use
must not when talking to or about another
We can’t park here. It’s a tow-away zone
adult. We use can’t instead
Jessica, you mustn’t take off your seat belt while *Sometimes people use must not to tell a
the car is moving child that there is no choice in a situation
When will it start snowing?
It might start around lunch time *Questions about possibility usually are not for-
Are you going to drive to work? med with may, might or could. Instead, they
I might take the bus instead are formed with the future (will, be going to, the
When are you leaving? present progressive). It is the answer to these
I may leave now questions that often have may, might or could.
Is your train arriving late?
It might be


100% certain

0% certain

We could have a They must be having I may/might visit Can (informal)/could

pizza. (suggestion) a good time. Rome. (it is possible (polite) you take me to
(supposition) that I visit Rome) the club? (favor)

• THE TELEPHONE is one of the most important inventions of the past two hun-
dred years.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell

• WHEELS - the wheels were invented by Mesopotamians around 3500 B.C., to be

used in the creation of pottery.

• CARS - They were invented in their modern form in the late 19th century by a
number of individuals, with special credit going to the German Karl Benz for creating
what’s considered the first practical motorcar in 1885.

• PERSONAL COMPUTER was invented in the 1970s, one of the earliest PCs
was introduced in 1974 by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS)
via a mail-order computer kit called the Altair. From there, companies like Apple,
Microsoft, and IBM have redefined personal computing.
• THE INTERNET - while the worldwide network of computers has been in
development since the 1960s, when it took the shape of U.S. Defense Department’s
ARPANET, the Internet as we know it today is an even more modern invention
1990s. The World Wide Web was invented by England’s Tim Berners-Lee.

• THE ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER was invented in 1935 by a man named J.

• THE ELECTRIC FAN was invented in 1882 by Dr Schuyler Wheeler.

• THE FIRST ELECTRIC TOASTER was invented in Britain in 1893 by

Crompton and Co. The pop up toaster was patented in 1919 by Charles Strite.

• TELEVISION was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird. The BBC began
broadcasting in 1936

• THE VACUUM CLEANER was invented in 1901 by Hubert Booth.

• THE ELECTRIC LIGHT BULB was invented by Joseph Swan in 1878.

The incandescent lamp was invented by Thomaz Edison in 1879.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 73


be was / were been

beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
bet bet bet
bite bit bitten
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
burn burned burned
burst burst burst
buy bought bought
can could could
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
deal dealt dealt
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed dreamed
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
freeze froze frozen
get got got / gotten
give gave given


go went gone
grow grew grown
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
kneel knelt knelt
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
learn learned learned
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lied lied
lie lay lain
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 75


shoot shot shot

show showed shown
shrink shrank shrunk
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
smell smelled smelled
speak spoke spoken
spell spelled spelled
spend spent spent
spin span spun
spit spit spit
split split split
spread spread spread
spring sprang sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
strike struck struck
swear swore sworn
swim swam swum
swing swang swung
sweep swept swept
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
weep wept wept
win won won
write wrote written


Cleaned Cooked dinner Did homework

Drew a picture Had dessert Went shopping

Came to school Listened to music Made a Snowman

Played the piano Played video games Read a book

Took a test Used a computer Watched TV

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 77

Passive Voice
Someone cleans the streets every day

The streets are cleaned every day


(same verbal tense of the active sentence)

Columbus discovered America in 1492

America was discovered by Columbus in 1492

Active Voice Passive Voice

Subject Action Object Object Action Subject

Sally drove her car off the road. The car was driven off the road by Sally.

Subject Action Object Object Action Subject

The dog bit Timmy on the arm. Timmy was bitten on the arm by the dog.

Past Progressive
Use the past progressive to describe an action
that was in progress at a specific time in the past.

I was having coffee.

She was having ice cream.

10 a.m. now
past future
was having

Stative Verbs are NOT used in Continuous Tenses

Feelings Thoughts, Senses Possession Measure, cost,

opinions others



• But some of them can sometimes be “Dynamic/ action” verbs and go in a Continuous Tense:
• She’s having a great time in London. X She has a dog.
• She’s tasting the soup right now. X The soup tastes good.
• I’m feeling sick. X I feel fine.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 79

Infinitive: To x Ing
Verbs followed by a gerund ING
Admit Detest Imagine Resent
Advise Dislike Mind Resist
Appreciate Enjoy Miss Resume
Avoid Escape Permit Risk
Can’t help Excuse Postpone Spend (time)
Complete Finish Practice Suggest
Consider Forbid Quit Tolerate
Delay Get through Recall Waste (time)
Deny Have Report

Verbs followed by a preposition and a gerund ING

Admit to Concentrate on Feel like Talk about
Approve of Confess to Forget about Think about
Argue about Depend on Insist on Worry about
Believe in Disapprove of Object to Succeed in
Care about Discourage from Plan on
Complain about Dream about Prevent from

Verbs followed by infinitive TO

Agree Decide Leave Remember
Aim Deserve Like Say
Appear Detest Long Shoot
Arrange Dislike Love Start
Ask Expect Mean Stop
Attempt Fail Neglect Strive
Be able Forget Offer Swear
Beg Get Ought Threaten
Begin Happen Plan Try
Care Have Prefer Use
Choose Hesitate Prepare Wait
Condescend Hope Proceed Want
Consent Hurry Promise Wish
Continue Intend Propose
Dare Leap Refuse

Verbs followed by an object and an infinitive TO

Advise Dare Lead Prepare
Allow Direct Leave Promise
Ask Encourage Let Remind
Beg Expect Like Require
Bring Forbid Love Send
Build Force Motivate Teach
Buy Have Order Tell
Challenge Hire Pay Urge
Choose Instruct Permit Want
Command Invite Persuade Warn

Second Conditional

Past simple Would + base form

IF Impossible
I had the time I would study more I don’t have the time,
so I don’t study

IF There’s a very small
I won the lottery I would travel around chance of winning the
the world lottery, so the trip is

When we are thinking about a situation in the present or future that is hypothetical, unlikely
or impossible, we use:

If + Past Simple, ...Would + Verb

We use a past verb though are imagining the present or the future to be different.
The second clause of subject + would + verb (conditional verb) is conditional to the first clause
happening (or will only happen if the first part/clause happens).

Example: If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.

* = It is unlikely that I will win the lottery, but I’m going to hypothetically imagine that I did win. In
that situation I would travel around the world. So in order for me to travel around the world, I would
need the first clause (the condition or situation) to happen, that is, for me to win the lottery first.

• If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. (Though I am unlikely to win the lottery)
• If I knew his name, I would tell you.
• If I didn’t have a headache, I would go to the party.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 81

• If I became President, I would reduce the salaries of all politicians. (Though it is unlikely I
will become President)

Notice how we use a comma after the past tense clause We can also reverse the order and use:

Conditional verb (would + verb) + If + Past Simple

• I would be happy if I had more free time.

• I would tell you the answer if I knew what it was.
• There would be fewer accidents if everyone drove more carefully.
• We would have a lot of money if we sold our house.
• Would she come if I paid for her flight?
• Would you accept the job if they offered it to you?
• What would you do if you won the lottery?
• What would you do if you saw a U.F.O.?

Notice how the comma is not necessary with this word order.

If I were ...

Note that with the verb To Be we use IF + I / HE / SHE / IT + WERE

The reason we use WERE instead of WAS is because the sentence is in the Subjunctive mood.

• If I were not in debt, I would quit my job.

• If he were taller, he’d be accepted into the team.
• She would still be correcting my grammar if she were still alive.

Though in informal English, you will hear some people say If I was... If he was... etc. This usage
doesn’t sound good though unfortunately is common.

And Fisrt, second, third… For example Because
Also Finally Such as So
As well as Next For instance Therefore
Moreover Meanwhile In the case of Thus
Too After As revealed by… Consenquently
Furthermore Then Illustrated by Hence
additionally subsequently


Similarly But Whereas Above all
Likewise However Instead of In particular
As with Although Alternatively Especially
Like Unless Otherwise Significantly
Equally Except Unlike Indeed
In the same way Apart from On the other hand… notably
As long as conversely


Besides However On account of Therefore

Moreover Although / Even In order to Thus


As well as Whereas That’s why Hence

Also / as well Yet / Still So that Consequently

In a addition to Despite the fact As / Since Then

Furthermore In spite of Due to / Owing to That’s why

Not only…but also Nevertheless / None- From / For


Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 83


When Tom went to the bookstore, he bought a notebook and several pens.
When Tom went to the bookstore, he bought a notebook; he bought several pens as well.
When Tom went to the bookstore, he bought a notebook as well as several pens.
When Tom went to the bookstore, he bought a notebook; he also bought several pens.
Not only did Tom buy a notebook, he also bought several pens.
Besides buying a notebook, Tom bought several pens.
In addition to buying a notebook, Tom bought several pens.


Our players did their best but they lost the game.
Our players did their best; yet, they lost the game.
Our players did their best; however they lost the game.
Although / Even though our players did their best, they lost the game.
Despite the fact / In spite of the fact that our players did their best, they lost the game.
Our players did their best; still, they lost the game.
Our players did their best, nevertheless / nonetheless, they lost the game.


He was late because he missed the bus.

He missed the bus, that’s why he was late.
I put on my coat, for it was cold.
As / Since I wasn’t thirsty, I didn’t drink anything.
We cancelled our trip on account of the rain.
The patient was saved due to the doctor’s prompt action.
He failed the test owing to his lack of interest.
Millions of people have died from aids.
He only said that to / in order to fool me.
I put on a heavy woolen sweater so that I wouldn’t feel cold.


Mary felt tired and sleepy, so she went to bed.

Mary felt tired and sleepy, that’s why she went to bed.
A definitive cure for cancer hasn’t been found yet; therefore, research work will go on.
The company profits have fallen; thus, it cannot raise the salaries of its employees.
I have no interest in astrology; consequently / hence, I don’t know much about it.

Giving opinion
We often need to give our opinions to friends and colleagues. Here are ten ways of giving
your opinion about a choice between options
Ten Expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing

In my opinion, this one would be better. To my mind this one’s better.

If you ask me, this one’s better. In my view, this one is best.
To my way of thinking, this one’s fine. Know what I think? That one’s best.
I’d say that one’s better. What I think is that one’s better.
I tell you what I think, that one’s best. For me, that one’s better.

How To Use These Phrases In Your English

• ‘In my opinion’ is the classic expression - but it’s not the only one. Use moderately.
• ‘To my mind’ is a common spoken form - and you can use it in writing, too.
• ‘If you ask me’ is very, very common in spoken English, and can come first or last in a sentence.
• ‘To my way of thinking’ is often used with emphasis on ‘my’ to give a strong opinion.
• ‘In my view’ is common in spoken and written English.
• The abbreviated question ‘(Do you) know what I think?’ is very popular and is not rude.
• The conditional structure I’d say is rarely taught as a conditional, but this is one of the most
common ways of giving an opinion in English

So / Too x Either / Neither

- I like Japanese food a lot. - I don’t like greasy food.
- So do I. / I do, too. - Neither do I. / I don’t either.

- I’m crazy about dessert. - I’m not in the mood for Indian food.
- So am I. / I am, too. - Neither am I. / I’m not either.

- I can eat spicy food. - I can’t stand fast food.

- So can I. / I can, too. - Neither can I. / I can’t either.

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Extreme Sports

Skateboarding Mountainbiking Slacklining

Climbing Parkour Windsurfing

Scuba diving Stand up paddle boarding Water rafting

Snowboarding Bungee Jumping Parachuting

Present Perfect
When is it used?
once, twice...
1. ACTIONS THAT STARTED IN THE PAST AND HAVE several times, many times
The first, the second time ...Re-
I have lived in S.P. for 6 years. cently
I have worked here since 1998.
Lately never
She has written five invitations so far. Ever Already
She has studied English for ten years. Yet since
For before
so far, up to now, until now

She has already seen “Gone with the wind”. superlative adjectives
(the most, the best, etc)
I have read “Sophie’s world”, it’s amazing!

They have bought a new car.


She has just arrived.

I have just cut myself.
The plane has just taken off.
They have passed the exam.



He hasn’t driven a car before.

It’s the first time he has ever driven a car.
She has seen “Titanic” ten times.
It’s the second time I have told you that.


This is the best movie I have ever seen.

This is the worst song I have heard.
This is the most beautiful place I have ever been.

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Present Perfect x Simple Past
[VERB + ed] or
[has/have + past participle] yesterday, one year
irregular verbs
ago, last week,
when I was five,
that day, when we
action happened lived in Milan, etc. action started
at an unspecified & finished at a
specified time
time before now
vs before now

• I have seen that unspecific time • I saw a movie last night.

movie before. expressions:
• Las year, he travelled to
ever, never, already,
• He has travelled to yet, just, once, many China.
China many times. times, before,
several times, so far,

I Read the Book I Have Read the Book

Present Perfect Simple
Present Perfect Continuous
We use the present perfect tense to talk about things where there is a connection between the
past and the present.

• He’s written 16 books.

He started writing books at some time in the past. So far, he has written 16 books. He may write
more books.

As well as the present perfect simple, we can use the present perfect continuous tense
to talk about events with a connection to the present.

1. Look at these 2 sentences:

• I’ve been decorating the house this summer. The focus is on the action – decorating – and the
action is unfinished.
• I’ve painted the living room blue. The focus is on the finished result. The activity is finished
but we can see the result now.

We use the present perfect continuous when the focus is on an activity that is unfinished.

2. Look at these 2 sentences.

I’ve read that book you lent me. I finished it yesterday.
I’ve been reading that book you lent me. I’ve got another 50 pages to read.

The present perfect simple (I’ve read) gives the idea of completion while the present perfect
continuous (I’ve been reading) suggests that something is unfinished.

3. Look at these 2 sentences.

She’s been writing emails for 3 hours.
She’s written 10 messages.

The present perfect continuous (has been writing) talks about how long something has been
happening. The present perfect simple (has written) talks about how much/how many have
been completed

4. Look at these two sentences.

I’ve worked here for thirty years.
I usually work in London but I’ve been working in Birmingham for the last 3 weeks.

We can use the present perfect simple to talk about how long when we view something as per-
manent. But the present perfect continuous is often used to show that something is temporary.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 89


Use the present perfect continuous for an Use the present perfect to show the results of
ongoing or repeated activity that started before an activity or how many times it has happened.
now and continues into the present.
What things have you made so far?
What have you been doing lately? I’ve made eight vases and bowls.
I’ve been going to a pottery class. How many times have they gone out together?
Who has she been seeing? They’ve been out three or four times.
She’s been seeing a guy from work.



Have done... have been...

but we don’t know WHEN



Duration from past until now.

Example: She has been jugging

for 10 minutes.

Taking a job interview in English can be a challenging task. It’s important to use the correct
tense to state when and how often you perform duties at your present and past jobs. The first step
was writing your resume and cover letter. Learn to use these tenses in these situations and you’ll
be sure to make as good an impression in your job interview as you have with your resume.
There are some very important game rules to consider when taking a job interview.
The job interview in English requires a very specific kind of vocabulary. It also re-
quires good tense usage as you need to make a clear distinction between past and present
responsibilities. Here is a quick overview of the appropriate tenses to use:

• Tense - Present Simple

I collect data from all of our branches and analyze the information on a weekly basis.

Use the present simple to describe your daily responsibilities. This is the most common tense to
use when speaking about your current position.

• Tense - Past Simple

I developed an in-house database for the personnel department.

Use the past simple to describe your daily responsibilities in a former position. This is the most
common tense to use when speaking about past jobs.

• Tense - Present Continuous

Currently, we are expanding our sales division to include South America.

Use the present continuous to speak about current projects that are happening at that moment
in time. These projects are limited in time and should not be confused with daily responsibilities.
Currently, I am designing a new layout for our local branch. I am usually responsible for staff
organization, but they asked me to help out with design this time.

• Tense - Present Perfect

I’ve researched over 300 cases until now.
Use the present perfect to generally describe projects or accomplishments that you have made

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 91

up to the present moment in time. Remember not to include specific past time references which
should be used with the past simple.
I’ve developed a number of databases using Microsoft Access. Just last week I finished a database
for our warehouse.

• Tense - Future Simple

I will be the manager of a medium sized retail outlet.

Use the future simple to discuss your plans for the future. This tense is only used when the inter-
viewer asks you what you plan to do in the future.
There are a number of other tenses that you can use to speak about experience that you have had.
However, if you do not feel comfortable using more advanced tenses, these tenses should serve
you well in the interview.

What is Most Important?

General Guidelines
Work Experience
Work experience is by far the most important part of any job interview in an English speaking
country. It is true that education is also important, however, most employers are more impressed
by extensive work experience than by university degrees. Employers want to know exactly what
you did and how well you accomplished your tasks. This is the part of the interview during which
you can make the best impression. It’s important to give full, detailed answers. Be confident, and
emphasize your accomplishments in past positions.

Qualifications include any education from high school through university, as well as any special
training you may have had (such as computer courses). Make sure to mention your English
studies. This is very important as English is not your first language and the employer may be
concerned about this fact. Assure the employer that you are continuing to improve your English
skills by any courses you may be taking, or by saying that you study a certain number of hours a
week to improve your skills.

Talking about Responsibilities

Most importantly, you will need to demonstrate your qualifications and skills which are directly
applicable to the job you are applying for. If past job skills were not exactly the same as what you
will need on the new job, make sure to detail how they are similar to job skills you will need for the
new position.

Common Interview Questions

First Impressions
The first impression you make on the interviewer can decide the rest of the interview. It is import-
ant that you introduce yourself, shake hands, and be friendly and polite. The first question is often
a “breaking the ice” (establish a rapport) type of question. Don’t be surprised if the interviewer
asks you something like:

How are you today?

Did you have any trouble finding us?
The weather is great today, isn’t it?

This type of question is common because the interviewer wants to put you at ease (help you re-
lax). The best way to respond is in a short, friendly manner without going into too much detail.

Job Interview Practice – Worksheet

Use the following cues to write out full questions for a job interview.
How long / work / present?
How many / languages / speak?
Past job?
Current responsibilities?
Specific examples of responsibility at past job?
Which position / want - like to have / new job?
Future goals?

Use the following cues to write out full responses for a job interview.
Current job / school
Last job / school
Languages / skills
How long / work / current job
Three specific examples from past job
Current responsibilities
Strengths / weaknesses (two for each)
Why are you interested in this job?
What are your future goals?
Disponível em: < http://esl.about.com/od/jobinterviewing/a/Practicing-Job-Interviews.htm>
  - Access the link below to create your own resume: https://www.resume-now.com

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 93

Tag questions?


You are student, aren’t you? You aren’t a teacher, are you?

He is very busy, Isn’t he? He isn’t busy right now, Is he?

He was happy, wasn’t he? He wasn’t working, was he?

They were surprised, weren’t they? They weren’t surprised, were they?

You speak English, don’t you? You don’t speak English, do you?

He works with you, doesn’t he? He doesn’t work with you, does he?

You studied for the test, didn’t you? You didn’t study for the did you?
You have studied all haven’t you?
week, You haven’t studied all have you?
You will pass the exam, won’t you?
You won’t travel this will you?
You can speak two can’t you?
You can’t speak Spanish, can you?
You could do it for me, couldn’t you?
You couldn’t do it for could you?
We must be patient, mustn’t we?
You shouldn’t do it, should you?
You should go now, shouldn’t you?
You wouldn’t like to would you?
You would like a new job, wouldn’t you? change,

Short Answers
Yes / No questions

Present simple Do you like swimming? Yes, I do.

Present continuous Are you reading this? Yes, I am.
Past simple Did you post my letter? Sorry, I didn’t.
Past continuous Were you working? Yes, I was.
will Will it rain tomorrow? I think it won’t.
going to Are you going to pay me? Yes, I am.
be (present) Are they American? Yes, They are.
be (past) Was that your money? No, It wasn’t.
Present Perfect Have you ever been abroad? Yes, I have.

Did I pass the test?

Yes, you did.
No, you didn’t.

Are you waiting?

Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.

Does Jim like swimming?

Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.

Is Maria reading this?

Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.

Was it working?
Yes, it was.
No, it wasn’t.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 95

False Friends
Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato é que ...
Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para discussões
Amass (v) - acumular, juntar
Anticipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa
Application (n) - inscrição, registro, uso
Appointment (n) - hora marcada, compromisso profissional
Appreciation (n) - gratidão, reconhecimento
Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca
Assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte
Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro
Attend (v) - assistir, participar de
Audience (n) - platéia, público
Balcony (n) - sacada
Baton (n) - batuta (música), cacetete
Beef (n) - carne de gado
Cafeteria (n) - refeitório tipo universitário ou industrial
Camera (n) - máquina fotográfica
Carton (n) - caixa de papelão, pacote de cigarros (200)
Casualty (n) - baixas (mortes ocorridas em acidente ou guerra)
Cigar (n) - charuto
Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira
College (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3º grau
Commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria
Competition (n) - concorrência
Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo, extenso
Compromise (v) - entrar em acordo, fazer concessão
Contest (n) - competição, concurso
Convenient (adj) - prático
Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa)
Data (n) - dados (números, informações)
Deception (n) - logro, fraude, o ato de enganar
Defendant (n) - réu, acusado
Design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo
Editor (n) - redator
Educated (adj) - instruído, com alto grau de escolaridade
Emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.)
Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se
Eventually (adv) - finalmente, conseqüentemente
Exciting (adj) - empolgante
Exit (n, v) - saída, sair
Expert (n) - especialista, perito
Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado

False Friends
Fabric (n) - tecido
Genial (adj) - afável, aprazível
Graduate program (n) - Curso de pós-graduação
Gratuity (n) - gratificação, gorjeta
Grip (v) - agarrar firme
Hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar
Idiom (n) - expressão idiomática, linguajar
Income tax return (n) - declaração de imposto de renda
Ingenuity (n) - engenhosidade
Injury (n) - ferimento
Inscription (n) - gravação em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, etc.)
Intend (v) - pretender, ter intenção
Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de drogas
Jar (n) - pote
Journal (n) - periódico, revista especializada
Lamp (n) - luminária
Large (adj) - grande, espaçoso
Lecture (n) - palestra, aula
Legend (n) - lenda
Library (n) - biblioteca
Location (n) - localização
Lunch (n) - almoço
Magazine (n) - revista
Mayor (n) - prefeito
Medicine (n) - remédio, medicina
Moisture (n) - umidade
Motel (n) - hotel de beira de estrada
Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso, comunicação
Novel (n) - romance
Office (n) - escritório
Parents (n) - pais
Particular (adj) - específico, exato
Pasta (n) - massa (alimento)
Policy (n) - política (diretrizes)
Port (n) - porto
Prejudice (n) - preconceito
Prescribe (v) - receitar
Preservative (n) - conservante
Pretend (v) - fingir
Private (adj) - particular
Procure (v) - conseguir, adquirir
Propaganda (n) - divulgação de idéias/fatos com intuito de manipular
Pull (v) - puxar

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 97

False Friends
Push (v) - empurrar
Range (v) - variar, cobrir
Realize (v) - notar, perceber, dar-se conta, conceber uma idéia
Recipient (n) - recebedor, agraciado
Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravação, registro
Refrigerant (n) - substância refrigerante usada em aparelhos
Requirement (n) - requisito
Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar
Résumé (n) - curriculum vitae, currículo
Retired (adj) - aposentado
Senior (n) - idoso
Service (n) - atendimento
Stranger (n) - desconhecido
Stupid (adj) - burro
Support (v) - apoiar
Tax (n) - imposto
Trainer (n) - preparador físico
Turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar
Vegetables (n) - verduras, legumes

Atualmente - nowadays, today

Agenda - appointment book; agenda
Amassar - crush
Antecipar - to bring forward, to move forward
Aplicação (financeira) - investment
Apontamento - note
Apreciação - judgement
Argumento - reasoning, point
Assistir - to attend, to watch
Assumir - to take over
Atender - to help; to answer; to see, to examine
Audiência - court appearance; interview
Balcão - counter
Batom - lipstick
Bife - steak
Cafeteria - coffee shop, snack bar
Câmara - tube (de pneu) chamber (grupo de pessoas)
Cartão - card
Casualidade - chance
Cigarro - cigarette
Colar - necklace

False Friends
Colégio (2º grau) - high school
Comodidade - comfort
Competição - contest
Compreensivo - understanding
Compromisso - appointment; date
Contexto - context
Conveniente - appropriate
Costume - custom, habit
Data - date
Decepção - disappointment
Advogado de defesa - defense attorney
Designar - to appoint
Editor - publisher
Educado - with a good upbringing, well-mannered, polite
Emissão - issuing (of a document, etc.)
Enrolar - to roll; to wind; to curl
Eventualmente - occasionally
Excitante - thrilling
Êxito - success
Esperto - smart, clever
Esquisito - strange, odd
Fábrica - plant, factory
Genial - brilliant
Curso de graduação - undergraduate program
Gratuidade - the quality of being free of charge
Gripe - cold, flu, influenza
Azar - bad luck
Idioma - language
Devolução de imposto de renda - income tax refund
Ingenuidade - naiveté / naivety
Injúria - insult
Inscrição - registration, application
Entender - understand
Intoxicação - poisoning
Jarra - pitcher
Jornal - newspaper
Lâmpada - light bulb
Largo - wide
Leitura - reading
Legenda - subtitle
Livraria - book shop
Locação - rental

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 99

False Friends
Lanche - snack
Magazine - department store
Maior - bigger
Medicina - medicine
Mistura - mix, mixture, blend
Motel - love motel, hot-pillow joint
Notícia - news
Novela - soap opera
Oficial - official
Parentes - relatives
Particular - personal, private
Pasta - paste; folder; briefcase
Polícia - police
Porta - door
Prejuízo - damage, loss
Prescrever - expire
Preservativo - condom
Pretender - to intend, to plan
Privado - private
Procurar - to look for
Propaganda - advertisement, commercial
Pular - to jump
Puxar - to pull
Ranger - to creak, to grind
Realizar - to carry out, make come true, to accomplish
Recipiente - container
Recordar - to remember, to recall
Refrigerante - soft drink, soda, pop, coke
Requerimento - request, petition
Resumir - summarize
Resumo - summary
Retirado - removed, secluded
Senhor - gentleman, sir
Serviço - job
Estrangeiro - foreigner
Estúpido - impolite, rude (Rio Grande do Sul)
Suportar (tolerar) - can stand
Taxa - rate; fee
Treinador - coach
Turno - shift; round
Vegetais - plants

Word List
Put here the new words you have learned


Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 101

More Than Words

Saying I_____________ /lʌv/ you

Is not the _________ /wɝːds/ I want to __________ /hɪr/ from you
It’s not _________ /ðæt/ I want you
Not to say, but if you only __________ /nuː/
________ /haʊ/ easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me
Cos I’d already know
What __________ /wəd/ you do if my_________ /hɑːrt/
was__________/tɔːrn/ in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love ________ /fɔːr/ me is real
What would you say if I ________ /tʊk/ those __________ /wɝːds/ away
____________ /ðen/ you couldn’t make things new
Just by ________ /ˈseɪ.ɪŋ/ I love you
More than words
Now I’ve tried to _________ /tɑːk/ to you and make you understand
All you have to do is _________ /kloʊz/ your eyes
And just reach out your hands and ________ /tʌtʃ/ me
Hold me _________/kloʊs/ don’t ever let me go
More _________/ðæn/ words is all I ever needed you to show
____________ /ðen/ you wouldn’t have to say that you love me
Cos I’d already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More _________/ðæn/ words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took _________ /ðoʊz/ words away
__________ /ðen/ you couldn’t make ________ /θɪŋs/ new
Just by saying I love you
More than words

Whataya want from me
Adam Lambert
Hey, slow it down Whataya want from me
Yeah, I’m afraid Whataya want from me

There _________________have been a time

When I ______________give myself away
(Ooh) Once upon a time I didn’t give a damn
But now _____________we are
So whataya want from me, Whataya want from me

Just don’t give _____________

I’m workin’ it _______________
Please don’t give in, I _____________let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me

Yeah, it’s plain to see

That baby you’re beautiful
And there’s nothing __________with you
It’s me, I’m a freak
But thanks for lovin’ me
Cause you’re doing it perfectly

There might have been a time

When I would let you slip away
I ______________ even try but I think
You _____________save my life

Just don’t give _____________

I’m workin’ it ____________
Please don’t give _____________
I won’t let you down
It messed me up, need a ____________to breathe
Just keep coming _____________
Hey, whataya want from me, Whataya want from me
Just don’t ___________on me, I won’t let you ____________
No, I won’t let you down

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 103

Love story
Taylor Swift
Listen to the song and put the boxes in the correct order:

That you were Romeo, you were throwing I got tired of waiting Wondering if you
pebbles, And my daddy said, “Stay away were ever coming around. My faith in
from Juliet”And I was crying on the stair- you was fading
case Begging you, “Please don’t go”And I When I met you on the outskirts of town.
said... And I said...

‘Cause you were Romeo - I was a scarlet We were both young when I first saw you.
letter, And my daddy said, “Stay away from I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
Juliet” But you were everything to me, I I’m standing there on a balcony in sum-
was begging you, “Please don’t go”And I mer air.
Romeo, save me, I’ve been feeling so alone.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.We I keep waiting for you but you never come.
keep quiet ‘cause we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes... escape this town for Is this in my head? I don’t know what to
a little while. think. He knelt to the ground and pulled out
a ring and said...
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be
alone. I’ll be waiting; all that’s left to do is Romeo, save me, they’re trying to tell me
run. You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess, how to feel. This love is difficult but it’s real.
It’s a love story, baby, just say, “Yes”. Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess.
It’s a love story, baby, just say, “Yes”.
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be
alone.I’ll be waiting; all that’s left to do is ‘Cause we were both young when I first
run.You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess. saw you
It’s a love story, baby, just say, “Yes”.

Marry me, Juliet, you’ll never have to be

alone. I love you, and that’s all I really know.
I talked to your dad - go pick out a white
dressIt’s a love story, baby, just say, “Yes”.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.

See you make your way through the crowd
And say, “Hello, “Little did I know...

If I were a boy
Complete with could, ’d ou would + one of the verbs below:

listen – turn – kick – think – understand – put – forgive – wait – roll – get – be

If I were a boy even just for a day I ________ ________ myself first
I ________ ______ out of bed in the morning and make the rules as I go
and throw on what I wanted and go ‘Cause I know that she’d be faithful,
waiting for me to come home (to come home)
Drink beer with the guys
and chase after girls If I were a boy…(chorus)
I ________ ______ it with who I wanted
and I ________ never _____ confronted for it It’s a little too late for you to come back
‘cause they stick up for me Say it’s just a mistake,
think I__________ ________ you like that
CHORUS: If you thought I _________ __________ for you
If I were a boy you thought wrong
I think I _________ ___________
How it feels to love a girl But you’re just a boy
I swear I ________ ________ a better man You don’t understand (Yeah, you don’t under-
I ________ ________ to her stand)
‘Cause I know how it hurts How it feels to love a girl someday
When you lose the one you wanted You wish you were a better man
‘Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
If I were a boy Until you lose the one you wanted
I _______ ______ off my phone ‘Cause you’re taking her for granted
Tell everyone it’s broken And everything you had got destroyed
so they ________ ________ that But you’re just a boy
I was sleeping alone

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 105

Wherever you will go
The calling
Listen to the song and find the 7 mistakes.

So lately, been wondering Run away with my heart

Who will be there to take my place Run away with my hope
When I’m gone you’ll need more Run away with my tool
To light the shadows on your face
I know now, just quite how
If a greater wave shall fall My life and love might still go on
And fall upon us all In your heart, in your light
Then between the sand and love
Could you make it on your own? I’ll stay with you for all of time

If I could, then I would If I could, then I would

I’ll go wherever you will go I’ll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low Way up high or down low
I’ll go wherever you will go I’ll go wherever you will go

And maybe I’ll find out If I could burn back time

A way to make it back one day I’ll go wherever you will go
To watch you, to guide you If I could make you wild
Through the darkest of your days I’ll go wherever you will go (2x)

If a greater wave shall fall

And fall upon us all
Well then I hope there’s someone out there
Who can bring me back to you

If I could, then I would

I’ll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I’ll go wherever you will go

Tears in Heaven
Eric Clapton
Complete the blanks using the words from the box:

Would you _______ my name Would you know my name

If I ______ you in Heaven? If I saw you in _________?
_________ it be the same Would you _________ the same
If I saw you in Heaven? ____ I saw you in Heaven?
I must be strong
I _________ be strong And carry on
And ________ ______,’ ’Cause I know I don’t belong
Cause I know I don’t ________ Here in Heaven (2x)
Here in Heaven.

_________ you ________ my hand – must - bend – break - saw (2x) –

If I saw you in Heaven? stand - heaven - – be – know - hold
Would you help me _______ - tears - belong – carry on - would (2x)
_______ I _______ you in Heaven? – If (2x)

I’ll find my way

Through night and day
‘Cause I know I just can’t stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down,

Time can _________ your knees
Time can ________ your heart,
Have you begging please. Begging please.

Beyond the door

There’s peace, I’m sure,
And I know there’ll be no more
__________ in Heaven.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 107

Have you ever seen the rain?
Creedence Clearwater Revival

1-Write the missing words: 5- Find the mistakes and correct them:
Someone told me _______ ago ‘Till never, on it goes
There’s a calm _________ the storm Throught the ball, fast and slow
I know, it’s been _________ for some time I knew
It can’t stop, I see
2- Unscrumble the words:
When it’s ______ (RVOE), so they say 6- Put it in correct order
It will rain a _______ (NSYUN) day _____ Have you ever seen the rain?
I know, shinin’ down like _______ (TRAWE) _____ Comin’ down on a sunny day?
_____ I wanna know
3- Put the lines in correct order: _____ I wanna know
____ Have you ever seen the rain? _____ Have you ever seen the rain?
____ Comin’ down on a sunny day?
____ I wanna know
____ I wanna know
____ Have you ever seen the rain

4- Complete the sentences:

_____________and days before
Sun is cold and rain is ________
I know
Been that way for all my _______

Counting Stars
One Republic
1. Listen and correct the Mistakes in each sentence.
Early, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep________________
Thinking about the things that we could be_________________
But baby, I’ve be, I’ve be praying hard,_________________
Said, no more chasing dollars________________
We’ll be hunting stars, yeah we’ll be hunting stars_______________

2. Cross out the extra words

I see in this life like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line fine
And my face now is flashing signs
Seek it out and you shall find me

3. Complete the spaces with the words beside

_________, but I’m not that _________
Young, but I’m not that _________
I don’t think the world is ______ Told
I’m just doing what we’re _______ Bold
I feel something so right Wrong(x2)
Doing the ________ thing Sold
I feel something so _________ Old(x2)
Doing the right thing
I could lie, couldn’t I, could lie
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Number 1 (2x)

4. Order the lines

_____ I feel the love and
_____ Hope is a four-letter word
_____ Down this river, every turn
_____ I feel it burn
_____ Make that money
_____ watch it burn
Number 3 + Number 1 (2x)

Take that money and watch it burn, Sink in the river the lessons I learned…
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.

Open Doors 3 | Make Your Own Path! 109

Last Kiss
Listen to the song and fill the blanks: Pearl Jam
Oh where, oh where, can my baby be?
The lord __________ her away from me
She’__________ to heaven so I __________ to be good
So I __________ my baby when I __________ this world

We __________ out on a date in my daddy’s car

We hadn’t driven very far
There in the road up straight ahead
A car __________, the engine was dead

I __________, so I swerved to the right

__________ never __________ the sound that night
The screaming tires, the busting glass
The painful scream that I __________ last

Oh where, oh where, can my baby be?

The lord __________ her away from me
She’__________ to heaven so I’__________ to be good
So I __________ my baby when I __________ this world

When I __________ up, the rain was pourin’ down

__________ people standing all around
Something warm rolling through my eyes
But somehow I __________ my baby that night
I __________ her head, she __________ at me and __________
Hold me darlin’ just a little while
I __________ her close I __________ her - our last kiss
I __________ the love that I __________ I had missed
Well now she’__________ even though I __________ her tight
I __________ my love, my life that night

Oh where, oh where, can my baby be?

The lord __________ her away from me
She’__________ to heaven so I’__________ to be good
So I __________ my baby when I __________ this world


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